Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 07, 1866, Image 3

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    ffijc 5unturj) American.
. B.WILVERT. l r "T
M,B,tiNOLE! J Publishers. , , ,
i i.n a it v r.f A:c rio.v
The Rojiubiicnn Union Voters of Noi tb
umbcrlarrd County arc requested to meet
in tlio different Boroughs and Townships,
M Satlkday, tlio 14th of July, next, to
elect Delegates to a County Convention
which will meet in Snnhury, on Monday,
July lGth, 1808, to nominate candidates Tor
the County offices, to be elected in October
Chairman of Stamlimj Committee.
'Sibchy, Juno 7th, 1800,
Jlocal Affairs.
CJob lrlnllnfj-. Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYrE, T varioua now
utiles, Fosters, Handbills, Circular, Card;, Letter
lleads, 1)111 lleads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in
lie latest and best styles, and on short notice.
'Orders by mail promptly attended to.
'Up Good I.xtekt Fiiib CoMrAxv. A meeting
of Ibo Good Intent Firo Company will bo held next
Monday evening Tho members aro requested to
attend. E. Wilvkiit, President.
QChebries. We ara indebted to Mrs. Win. X,
Oroenough for somo specimens of tbo finest cherries
wo have soon fir yoara. Somo of them measured
over three inches in circumference. In no species
of fruit has thcro koca so much improvement as in
cherries, of lato years.
tjf Soldiers' Ori'OAXs. A car Tilled with orphan
boys, sons of soldiers who died in scrvicp, passed
through this place on tho 3d inst., on thoir way to
"Philadelphia, to witness the great celebration of the
4th. These boys were from the school at Ornngovillo,
Columbia county. A number of tho lads were from
this plnco and vicinity, and were aa hnppy as only
children can bo, when greeted by their friends and
relations at tho station. ,
fjyQfACK Doctors. People should bo cautious
iu dealing with traveling Doctors who profits to per
form wonderful cures. Many, indeed nearly nil of
these, aro impostors and humbug. Homo of tlicm
nro quite illiterate. We have heard of a number of per
sous who have been victimized, by paying them in
advance, as they are not often willing to wait for pay
until the cure is performed.
OTuk Court llutKK IIki.l. A Gno now
bell, iuteudcS ToT'flio new Court Huuso, has just been
received. Its weight is about ono thousand pouuds.
It was cast at tho well-known foundry ot E. A. and
li. It. Slencoly, of West Troy, N'. Y., and bears tho
following inscription :
'Presented by tho lion. Simon Cumerou to tho
citizens of Sunbury, June. 1S06."
tirTbo Empire Line, on Monday list, commenced
running its freight over tho Shauiukin Valley road,
by the new route through Mt. I'uruiel, tjutikake, Ac.,
to New York. Tho first train consisted of 411 cars,
each containing about i00 bushels of wheat and corn.
t?ArroiNTjiE!T. Dr. E. Franuiscus, of Milton,
bus been appointed a ticket agcut on tho Pennsyl
vania railroad, to bo stationed at llurrisburg.
Of Pavements. We observo that in tho loca
tion of pavements, many of them lire nearly level.
Tho full, or pitch, should bo a half-inch to tho foot.
This, weare informed by Mr. Arms, is the establish
ed rulo. So that a favemcut, ten feet wide, should
bo tho inches lower at tho curb than aguiust tho wall.
uuic few of our citizens havo put down composition
pavements of coal tur, gravel, te.
-Promoted. We learn by a Lebanon paper
that Col. J. P. S. UoBi.i, formerly of this place, b it
now a resident of Lebanon, has been brovctted a
lirigudicr General for meritorious services in tho
field during tho lute war.
Tho Colonel entered tho service as Captain of
t'-ni:pany '-C," of this place, which was attached to
i!io 17th Pcnn'a. Vet. Vols., and was subsequently
promoted to tho Colonelcy of tho regiment.
3? Benjamin GritTcy and William Bruuibach be
came the purchasers of tho Whito Deer Woolen Fae.
lory, in L;niuo county, for tho sum of ?3S:000, at tho
late public sale of the property.
l& Tub New Bask Tho brick work
1 1 this fiuo structure is completed. As tho whole
building is to bo painted and sanded, the brick arc
laid Hush without regard to joints, and aro rubbed
tiuooth. Tho stylo of architecture is uuiquo. and
when tho building is completed it will be ono of the
most imposing, us well as tho must convenient, in
Northern Pennsylvania. Tho stabling, also, is well
designed, and in good tasto, and might pass oil for a
handtoine dwolling, with wings uttached, and u cupu
lo on the centre.
Of Improvements im North L'm her l an o Wo
:ro pleased to learn that a ruliublo company design
.recting a largo rolling mill iu Northumberland. It
ill bo located above the bridge, on tho West Branch,
ind within the borough limits, the necessary ground
1. 1 ing already been secured for that purpose. We
Uo learn that it is proposed to establish a nuil lac
ory in that place, but do not know iu what port ot
ho town it will lie built. We are glad to bo able to
otice this spirit of improvement manifested by our
eighbors, and hope that the contemplated improvo
tents will bo speedily erected, as tiicy will greatly
Id to the growth and business iuiportuneo of the
Urtuern Central Uailwat. Tho Wil
uinsport HhIcIih, in speaking of this road, suys
iat the Company designs extending iU lino uf I
inning to Itochestor, passenger cars being attached
the N. Y. Central trains between Elmira and
inundaigua. One train v. ill leave Washington nt
'A.m., reach Elmira at U.S., and will arrive iu
ichester to that the passengers can be in Buffalo, or
the Suspension bridge, at 8 a. it. the next morning,
turning, it arrives in Elmira at the usual hour, ii
M , and tbenee oontiuues on to Baltimore and
ahUigtaa- The second train will arrive at Elmira
tho same hour as now, about Hi A. M., and then
to Itochestor without change of cars. Trains be
eoa Kochester and Cauandaigua will be drawn by
jinesof the N. Y. Central road. By tho above
-angemeut the Northern Central hope to increase
ally their through passengor business between the
it and Baltimore and Washington. Judging
in their experience during the short time they
o been running the Northern branch to Cauan
gua, their expectatioa as lo increased business
. profit will be abundantly realised.
.l( ioe.nt. On Wednesday last a man, whoso
ic we could not learn, was severely injured while
'uiptiug to get on the rear car of tho 10.40 train,
n going over the crossing of the Northern Central
Miuuiokin Valley roads, in Third street, bis bead
king agaiust a lamp post. lie was severely cut
bruised about the bead and shoulders. It bav-
tecn reported that the inaa was killed, a iurgo
d was soon collected at the place.
if Death raox OvERUEAnwfl. Two workmen
.loved in the Pennsylvania iron works, at Dan
s, were aeiiod with cramp on Tuesday week
. caused bv beooiuiuc overheated, and one of
u, John Quiulaa, an Irishman, died after a few
rs illness. The other man suffered severely, but
alive at last accounts.
Democratic Nomimatiosis i 8r Co.
1 ie in oc ratio delegatus assembled in convention
Coart House in Middleburg, on Monday, the
i ult., and nominated the following ticket :
undress Thus. Bower, of Franklin tp.
t-sciuUy Ilulta B. Holrick, of Alonroe tp.
Lioria' Jacob Ureenhoe, of West Beuver tp.
ouimUsiouer fcaae Lougacre, of Chapman tp.
uditor J. A. Smith, of Middlocroek tp., and
&BAM0K1N Items. The llorald,'.' of lost woek
says that the sale of lota advertised by Mr. Thomas
Baumgarduor, oome off on Saturday last. Thcro was
a spirited competition) and the bidding was very
lively. Fifty lota were sold, notting 13000, leaviug
10S lots Jctt be sold. '
Through the cSbrts of- the postmaster at Shamo'
kin, that place onoyi two through mails, a day to
and from rhllodolphia. The Grst mail arrives at
12 o'clock M., and departs at 2 o'clock P. M. The
second arrives at 6 o'clock 1 M., and loaves next
morning at eight o'clock.
Messrs V. Fagoly and Isaao Scott liavo com
menced work on tho foundation of handsome brick
Improvements, In tho burnt distriot. Mr. Fagcly
intends erecting a two-story brick store-room, 234
foet front by 80 foot deep. Mr. Soott's will bo tho
same sited front, and 49 feet deep. Mr. Isaae May
is engaged in building a fino brick dwolling on Sba
mokin streot; as is likowiso Mr. Ilnnry, on tho same
stroct. Mr. Win. II. Douty is putting the slate roof
on a new brick flour and feed ttorohouso, in tho
rear of the Brown Stone Front.
A cricket chtb -has Wu organised in tho plnco.
It is called the "Shamokin Cricket Club." Its cm
oers nro, David Hodgo, President; Jamos Booth,
Treasurer ; and D. W. Coder, Secretary. A Commit
loo has been appointed to procure bats, Ac, (Hid they
will soon bo ready to practice
The sale.s at the "brown atone front" store of
Win. II. Douty, on Monday, 2J inst., amounted to
over aixteon hundred dollars. During tho months of
May and Juno tho avcrago sales wero ten thousand
dollars per month. This is certainly doing a good
IjEF'Tiie Celebration of tub Fourth. The
day was unusually dull in this place, there being no
celebration of any kind whatovcr. The (tores were
all closed, which gave it tbo appearance of Sunday.
A largo number of our citizens went to Danville,
Shnuiekin, Milton, and other neighboring towns,
whero tbo day was generally celebrated. Quito a
lurgo number wont to Philadelphia to witness tho
presentation or tho Stato Flags, and tho grand paiado
of our roturued volunteers.
Tho I. O of O. F., of this place, as also tho lodges
from Lowisburg and Northumberland, went to Sha
inokin, in an excursion train which left here at 8
o'clock, to participate in a par ado of thoordor at that
place. Tho lodgo from Northumberland wosao
coiupanicd by tho excellent cornet band from that
place, undur the leadership of Mr. John UIp. Whilo
hero they enlivened our streets by sumo of their ex
cellent music. This band was but recently orga
nized, and their rapid improvement was generally
Tho parade- nt Shamokin was a success, a large
number of Odd Fullowa participating. An excel
lent dinner was gotten up by Fie ladies of tho
German Kcfuruicd Church, for tho benefit of tho
church, which was very successful.
A delegation of tho Good Intent Firo Company
went to Danville, to join tho firemen oi that plaoo
'u a grand parade, which was a splendid affair. Tho
"Goodies" return thanks fur tho kind treatment they
received from their brother firemen of tho latter
place. A triumphal car, in which wero seated 36
young ladies, representing the various States of tho
t'nion, Gudddess of Liberty, Ac, attracted much
attention. A match game of baso bail between the
Scronton Club and tho Alert Club, of Danville, was
played during the afternoon, tho Scrantonboys com
ing oil victorious.
grovo Vutl Bays that tho project to build a railroad
from that pluco to Lcwistown, by way of Middlcburg,
Benvcrtown and Crossgrovo Hull, is being revived.
Tho commissioners held a meeting nt Sclinsgrovo on
Monday, tho 25th ult., nud appointed tho following
committees to obtain subscriptions of stock, Ac. :
From Northumberland to Seliusgrovo Wm. F.
Wngeusellcr, L. It. Hummel and AmosE. Kapp.
From .Selinsgrovo to J. A. 6'mith's hotel A. C.
Vimpson, Geo. &chnurenud II. C. Eycr.
From .Smith's Hotel to Middlcburg A. K. Gift
and Thomas Bower.
From Middlcburg to tho western county lino
J. M. Walter and Moses Spccht.
From tho county lino to Lcwistown II. G. Tug
gart, J. A. Stcrrit and Gcorgo Sailor.
From Selingrovo to Port Trcvorton Jeremiah
Bogar and Daniel Witmcr.
l-fiiiAL Lint for August Term, 180U. Fiust
Week commencing on Wednesday.
1 Adam J. Fuhnrelock vs S. B. Boycr et al
2 Ira T. Clement vs Susan Longcncckcr,
;t Georgu Hums vs Geo. C. Wclker,
4 Israel P. Witmer vs Jacob liingaman,
5 Daniel P. Caul, adui'rs vs Ann Divers ct al
0 David Fagely, vs A. M. Eustwiek,
7 Wm L. Dcwart vs Jacob B. Musscr,
H Commonwealth of l'enu'a. vs .lames VauDyko,
0 John llafir for uso vs Jacob F. Muench ti c.
10 Clonics Beck vs Charles Garingcr, et al
11 Andrew Klingcr vs Wm. Fagcly et al
12 Solomon Stroh ct al vs 11 cor go Shull ct al
1.1 Commonweal lb of Pcuu'u vs Philip Hilgcrt, Ac.
I I Win. A Chrisliiin Fox vs Joseph Bird, 4c.
15 Philip Kcrstetter vs Ditniul Z. Uukcr.
Second Week.
It! Isaac T. Brown vs Lorenzo Munsell,
17 J omit bun Hoover vs Josiuh lteed ct al
IS John A Dodgoct al vsJaculiy llartinan,
10 Hubert D. Cummiugs vs John Witleinoyer,
20 Same vs Wm. A. Fursiuun,
21 Kreciuan Thomas vs Andrew lleckel,
2i Chus. Hoy, vs Duuicl W. Smith,
'2 t Daniel II err vs John F. Cowan et ul
21 LcviHccht vs Peter K. Fisher,
25 llenevillo Shaffer vs David Eshbach
20 Wm. G. Hobinsctal vs JohnS. Snyder,
27 Freeman Thomas V3 Andrew lleckel,
2S A . W . Creamer, vs John Lciscr,
20 William Smells vs Juuathan P. Sbultz,
30 John Hancock vs John Huns, 4o.
;il Casper Schall et ul vs Julin K. Erdman
32 John Duukelbcrger vs Andrew M. Eastwick,
33 Elias Stcpp, vs Samuel H Kothcrmul
34 samo vs Adam Loukcr
35 Michael Hughes et al vs Cutharino Wulluco,
Catharine Currun et ul vs suino
37 Wm L. Lauuo vs Freeman Thomas,
3H Wm McCloery vs Scth McCormick,
39 John 11. Foreman vs Uco C McKco,
40 Anthony Buddiugcr vs Peter Parzyk et ul
41 Goorgo F. Lee, ex'r vs Rachel McCarty ex'r.
42 William Aunkst vs Win Allen,
43 Augustus Schnell vs Freeman Thomas,
41 Jolin Haasotal vs Locust Gap Imp. Co.
15 Margaret lount vs Jucob Alille..
toA new lotof Spcor'sGrapo Wines, Perfumery,
Congress Water, Ac., just received and opened at
W. A. Bennett's Drug Sturo, Market square.
IjfA. Flouence Sewino Maciiinb is offered
for sale at two-Uiirds its value a great bargain.
Call at the millinery store of Miss Mary L. Lazarus,
on Market street.
I3" Found. On tho morning of tho 3d inst., in
tbo cars of the Northern Control Railway, between
Sunbury and llarri.-burg. a package containing a cor
taiu liquid, marked G. W. and J. Y. The owners
ore supposed to have gone to Gettysburg to celebrate
the 4tli. The package can be reclaimed by applying
at the Depot or at the D. 8. Keveuue Collector 'a of
fice, aud by paying for this notice.
ty"ViY, Mother, where are you going?" "I
aui going to the cheapest store iu town." "Well,
where is it !" "Why, at Wu. II. Miller Exoelsior
Boot and Shoe Store, Market street, Sunbury, where
I can buy goods cheaper than anywhere vUo."
tylfyou cannot be buppy one way, be happy
in another ; aud this faeility of disposition wants but
little aid from philosophy, tor health and good hu
mor are almost the wholo affair. Many may run
about after felicity, like an absent-minded suau look
ing for his hat while it is on his head or in his band.
This accounts for not baying your goods at the right
place. Uo to Slayniaker' Continental Clothing
Bazaar, Market square, wtiore all are made happy
bo buy the cheap and fashionable roudy-auado
clothing sold at his establishment.
tyNoTica. Persona not knowing where to buy
cheap, should not fail to call at the real cheap
tailoring establishment of Mr. Jucob O. Bock, on
Fourth street, between Market and Cbosuut. All
the latest summer stylea just received at bis store.
Persons desiring cheap aud fashionable suits, cannot
do better than by giving Bock a cull.
fir J, 11. i:uct'l has just received a large and
handsome assortment of Wall-Pal er and Border, at
tV;Noatand fashlonablo summer lulls, of tho
latest styles, are now manufactured at tho tailoring
establishment of J. E. Bmlek, in Fourth elroct, be
low Market.' ll's goods enmpriso every variety of
eassimores and linens to suit tho tastes of all who may
call on him.
13 PuoTooRAra. When wo look back only a
fow yours and sco what has been dono in that tinio
to advanco tho scicnoo of taking correct and lifo
liko pictures, wo aro astonishod. Bycrly, in Simp
son's building, Market street, is acknowledged to
have no superior in tho State. His pictures aro
artistically finished. We aiivlso nil who want nn
honest, truthful, faithful likeness of themselves or
friends, to go to Byorly'a Gallery.
jtrlMMEkss Excitement. Our citizens will bo
thrown into great exoitotnont by tho newa that S.
Krononborg sells hit Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at
15 per cent, uudor cost, llo is determined by all
means to acouro oustoiu. . Lot everybody coiuo and
cxnmino, nt 8. KHONENBERG'
Two doors aoovo Geo. Vrigfal's Drug Store.
On Thursday, the 28th ult., by tlio Key.
8. W. Keisnrt, Mr. Ciiaui.ks W. Mt'soliovE,
of Northumberland, mid Miss C'liciu I'eai.e,
of this plaep.
mm; i lev jiakuicxs.
Corroetod Weekly for tho "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do Uo perewt.
llye Flour, pcrbbl.
do perewt.
Wheat, prime red per bu.hel ,
Bye, do
Corn, do
Oats, do
Potatoos, do
Dried Peaches, pared per rouiul
do do unpared uo
Dried Annies. do
?I5 00
7 0
10 00
b All
2 50
Dried Cherries, (uuatoued,) per bu.
per liouud,
per dozen,
per pound,
Beef, hind quarter,
" front '
per pair
Miaiitokin 4'out Trudr.
Suamokix, July .1, ISfiO.
Tow. Vifl-
Fcnt for week ending July U0,
1'or lust report,
1S,7:!4 00
2ib,Wl 10
254.644 05
101,574 12
03,000 13
To same time last year,
Special Notices.
Jif"As fast us the barriers of free trade
with the South are removed, riialon's
".Night Blooming Cereus" takes its legiti
mate place iu the Southern, as it has long
since done in the Northern market, as the
purest, most enduring and richest pel f unic
ever eliminated from the floral kingdom.
Sold everywhere.
Scrofulous affections arc the curse, the
blight, the potato rot of mankind. They
tiro vile and filthy us well as fatal. They
arise from contaiiiinuticu ttnd impurity of
the blood, uud are to be seen ull mound us
everywhere. One quarter of ull we meet are
tainted with them, and one quarter of these
die of them : die foolishly too, because they
are curable. Ayku's SAUSArAUiM.A cleanses
out tho Scrofulous corruption from the
blocd, renders it jiuro nud healthy, and
effectually expurgates the foul contamination
from the system. No longer groau under
your Scrofulous disorders, since the irresisti
ble Av mi has provided his masterly com
bination of curative virtues that he calls
For TnitoAT Diseases and Affections of
the chest, "JJivtrn't Drum-hial 7'Wac," or
Cough Lozenges, are of great value. In
Coughs, Irrituliou of the Throat caused by
cold, or Unusual Kxertiott of the vocal
organs, in speaking in public, or tinging,
they produce the most bcneficiul results.
Si'KEtt'is Sam Knit; Pout Wine. We have
been too long palled by the villanous trash
sold as pure wine. Our Urns tlcauU will be
pieased with the rich taste, agtecabie flavor,
and fragrant bouquet of Speer's New Jersey
Samburg. It is especially reeonnncded to
weak tuid sickly ladies, by physicians, for
its purity, nou intoxicating qualities and
tonic aud restorative properties. A w ine
glassful of this wine, with a fresh raw eg
or new milk, taken first thing iu tho morn
ing, is said to prove highly beneficial iu
cases of Pulmonary Consumption. Tito his
tory of the wine is quite simple. W. A.
Bcuuett sells it.
"DON'T 15K FOOLISH." You ran intiUe
Six Dollurs from Fifty Cunts. Cull und cx
ntnine uu invention urgently ueeilcil ly evcry
boily. Or a suniple sent 1'ruu by mail for r0
cents that retails easily for $(J, by It. L.
W U' 'l T, 170 Chathaiu Square, N V.
Sept. 10, 1S65. ly.
W li7l:riY W 'liaNkcrtt ! !
Dr. L. O. MoSTEz' Corrotiu. tho greatest stiuiu
lutor in the world, will force Whiskers ur Mustaches
to grow on the smoothest face or chiu ; never known
to luil , samplo fur trial sent tree to any ono desirous
of testing ita merits. Address, Rkevkb A Co., 73
Nassau St., N. Y. je.'iO 3m
Ladice and gentlemen, if you wish to marry, ad
dress the undersigned, who will send you, without
money and without price, valuable information, that
will cnablo you to marry happily ana apeediiy, tr
respective of ago, wealth, or beauty. This informa
tion will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry,
I will rheorfullv assist vou. All letters strictly con
fidential. Tho desired information scut by returu
mail, and no reward asked. Address
Greenpoiat, Kings Co., New York.
Juuc !, lSlio. 3m
lTt-lli l'l'll TlTC'Il !
Will lint I lie lull in 1 llonrw.
Price iO cents. For sale by Iho ilrnngUls. By send'
inir Ktl iil Iu WKtlvS A POTTER. Solo Aitcnts
ITU Washington street, Boston, it will bo forwarded
by mail, Irco of postage, to any part of the Cnitcd
Slates. jo S3 '118 -y
To 4'onniiiiiiIve.
The advertiser, having been restored to health iu
a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having
suffered for aeverul years with a aevcre lung alfocliou
and that dread disease, Consumption la anxious to
muke known to his fellow sufferers tho means ot
To ull who desiro if, he will aend a copy of tho
prescription used (free of charge), with tho dirce
lions for preparing and using tho same, which they
will find a auna Ccbis for Co.nbmi-tio!i, Asthma
DBOKCUiTia, Couuus, Colds, and all Throat and
Lung Affections. The only object ol the advertisoa
in tendinis the prescription is to benefit tho afflicted
and spread information which he conceive to bo la
valuable, and ho boron every sufferer will try bi4
remedy, a it will cost them nothing, aud may prove
a blcssiuc-
Partic wishing the prescription, VBEii, by return
mail, please addrcdt ..,.....,
Willianibburgh, Kinga Co , New York
January 13, 1K66 ly.
fTUic t'oiifVHsiou ii ml r.xpericiM'c
Published for the benefit nnd ns a caution fo young
mon ami others, who suffer from Kcrvoiis Debility,
Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying; at tbo
samo timo Ibo means of self-euro. By ono who naa
cured himself after undergoing considerable quack
ery. By cnolosing a post-paid addressed envelope,
single copies, treo of charge may bo bad of tho au
thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, E;q , Brooklyn, Kings
Co, N. Y. '
January 27, lsf.flty.
IenliicN, ICIiatiliiewN nitl 'nlnri-li,
Treated with the ntntojl success by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Lojden, Holland,)
No. BIU l'lno street. Philadelphia. Testimonials
from the most reliable "ource in tho City and Coun
try can bo seen nt his c.ltico. The inodioni faculty aro
invitod to accompany their palients, as ho has uo se
orcts in his practice. Arlilieial Eyes, inserted with
out pn In. No charge made for examination.
July 22, 116. ly
' AM. Ili;i., l'rol l loi-.
In Cako's Addillin lo KUNDVllY, ncor tho Pcnn'a.
ltullroad Company's Shops.
I AG Ell BEEH, Porter and Alo of the very best
J brands, excellent German Wines, Schweitzer
Chew, Tripe, Ac, always on hard.
kept who will find ampla accommodations. Good
cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy tbo quiet, coin
lbrls of homo with faro equal to tho bust holds.
Eunbury, May 2ij, IWi.
rwn out
!Vdw anl Ifoauli: til Work,
Heroic, Patriotic, Political, l'uuiiuitic, Humorous
and Tragical,
SjihiuliUi Illiict rated with over "00 Portraits
and Jieauiiul Enyratimj.
rpiIIS WOltK, for genial humor, fonder pathos,
X startling interest, and attractive beauty, stands
peerless and alono among all itn competitors. The
Valiant mid Bravo Hearted, the l'ieturofquo and
Dramatic, tho Witly mid Marvellous, tlio Tender
and Pathetic. Tlio Boll of Fame and .Story, Cauip,
Picket, .Spy, .Scout, Bivouac, and .'ieo iMurtliiijf,
Surprises, Wonderful Escapes, Famous Words aud
Xiccas ot vt oinan, nud tne wnolo rnnorauia ul tlio
Wiir aro here thrillinly and star!lins!y porlrnyed in
mastorlv manner, ntonee historical imd runmntio,
rciiderinir it the most amnio, brilliant mid readable
onk that the war has called forth.
Disabled ollicers and soldiers, teachers, energetic
3'oung men, and nil In want ot profitable employ
ment, will una tin MHO bc'.t cuuncw to iniiKo money
ever yet ollcrcd. Send for circulars and sco our
terms. Address,
No. ou7 Minor Street,
Juno 2, 1SoO.---Jt . Philadelphia, l'a.
mill: fuWihcr having opined In SI NUVIlVj
X Pn., a new larjre. and well assorted slock ofaP
kinds ot II A KDW A U 10. C L Tl.KK V, OOACJ I W A li E
laid in nt lowest New York nud Kiislurn prices
which they will bo pleaded to sell for CiuU ut tho
lowest r.n.-iern puces.
Intending lo do business in the honest principles
of small prolitsund quick sale for Cash.
j. ii. uUtMibi .WU.
Sunbury, Juno 10, lSi'.ll.
ntAUPEXTEKA', Saddler!', BlucL'iuiths, Carriage
Makers, LhocuiaLcrs, MuroluuiLi, Miners, 1'ur-
luers and the citizens icnerally.
Look to your interest and buy at the new Hnrd
iro More of J. 11. CONLEY & CO.
Sunbury, Juno 1(1, ISM.
VLL i;oods bought for Cash mid Eold at lowest
prices for at tbo
HardH are Store nf
J. 11. CONLEY & CO.
Sunbury. Juno l(i, 1S00.
AXTE would invito tho nttcntion of Carpenters to
1 1 our luro unit well selccte'.l n.'sortniciit oi
Tioles, comprisiu,'; ChisuU of nil kinds, Augurs,
jqune.-. tuws, Iron uul Oleei square, uuu in inci
every tiling wanted lo complete a full nullit. at the
Hardware store of J. H. CONLEY & CO.
ill Ifc.ilJ.ii. I'm I iiiiii ivun i.i ine iii in iiiii. .tut
1 Grain Scythes, iMaiiuro, Hay and Straw Forks,
rain Cradles, (.radio ! infers, iracc, l.og, l inn,
mj;ue an 1 Halter Chains; Scytho Stones, t.nnd-
tooesund liMures. and evervUnui; to make liarvc.-t-
2 nlciuJiit and urccablo at tbo new Hardware
lure ..f J . 11. COfc LI. V CO.
it-iitiii, IEui!:-o.-l.
J11110 lltk, 180U.
iRKAT TRUaK LINE from tho Juutli nna
I North-West for l'liilii.k'li.hiu. New Vorli, Koid
iiijj, Pottitville, Tainmiua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allcu-
town, E:Vton, ic.
Train U-nve U:irri.i1urj; for Acw-inrk, na r .1-
lo : 3.00, S 10 and ti.lli A. M. uud 2.10 nud 'J.Ij
P. Al, cuiiui'diiiu with aiiuilnr Ii'uiiu on Iho l'enn-
tylvuniu Ruilioiid, and urris inj" ut i oi k ut tl (t)
una lu.uu A. .i. ana 4-iu, uuu io. u i . .o.,
Sleeping fill's ucioiiinuiiviiig thco.Ut) A. M. and 'J.Ij
. nl- Iruiiiii, Hilhoul cliHite.
Lvava HiiiTi.-liiirjr for Reioiine, PotLsvilli-, Tamil-
qua, MiuiTsvilW'. A.-lilund, Pino tirovo. Alli ulown
uud 1 tiiluacniuia ui o.iu a. iuiu.:u mm
Al., auippiug al l.cUHiion una j i nn ipui si.un ijj ,
tho 4.10 1) Ul. Train DiiikiliS t-uuni-ctiyliK for i ull -
iidoli'hia nnd Coluiubin only lor loU.-villo.
Schuylkill lluvcu uud Auburn, via .'chuylkill and
tiuPiueh:iiinaKiiilru:id. leuvu HarrUI-uri? ut 3.211 i. iu.
lloturuiiij; : uiiroAtw iwaiu i. i
., 12. 11(1 N'oouuiid 8.0(1 p. in ; Philodulhia ut t.l.i
iu. und .1.30 i. in. Way PuwvuKur 'train leaven
Philadclihiuut7.30 . in., returning from Ueudioj;
ul 11.30 p. in. MUipiii nt all .Stulions ; I'ott villo ut
all Station; Pollsvillout ri.4j u. in. und 2. li . In.;
A.-lilund 0.00 mid 11.30 a. ui. nnd l.Oi p.m.; Taiuu-
0.1 i a.m. und 1U0 aud ri oo p. in.
iiua at SI. 15 u ui. and 1 M0 and ri.ii p. in.
Lcuve Pult-'N ille for llnnisliui j; via tfehujlUIU imd
Su.ioueliuuiin Railroad ut 7 00 a. m.
ii . I...;... l..,.i.i l'K.i.liiiit nt
XkelHiiu; iiueoiiiuioiiiiiii'ii i,uii......i.., ...
00 A. Al. returning from Philadelphia ut j.uO
. M.
t'oluuihin Railroiid Traiix leave Sending nt
. Al. and P. M. for Li hruta, Litii, Lmiesuler
Coliuubia, Ao.
On Kuudiivs: Lcavo Km 1 orK at o uupin., i uiia-
eli.hittS.110 A. Jl., and 3.15 P M. tlio O.lHIu. w.
train running only tuRcaJuijr. l'ottsviilo sou u in.,
Tauuiqua 7 30 a ui, for Jlurriburjr, II 05 n iu, mid
Roudinsat 1 33 a in, for llarrhurt; 7.3(1 a. Ul. for
New York, mid i 2i in. tor Philadelphia
Coniuiutation, .Mileuo, Deason, nun r..eui.-iou
Th-ktu, at redueed rules to und from nil pouiij.
RasiriiKO eheeked turouiiu : bO i'uuuds L(s:0 ui-
luwtd uach PuSiitUijer.
General riupuriuluudenl'
Market street, lour doora wct of Mm. 11. Aliller a
Hoot uud .Slue alure, bU.Niil 111, i'a.
1ESPEC'ri'l'LLV informs her frieudsin Sunbury
V and vicinity, that rlio hiui just upeiied her
ot Notions uud Faney Kry Uouds,
Her stock enntits of AH-Wool Delutni". Chainbr :,
inulinina, P.inhruidcriea, Liuto t'ullura. I'iuih. HA'lc,
Aluslina, lliilllns, IJaribaldi .Muslin-", Hud l.yu
Linens, Lilian Lawim 1 rape aim tiiiro v ens, ao.
Aluio. ieuioret'a lluir Uurlurs, Hair Cuila und
Curia, Cilovua, htockiuKa, Collars, t'oisetii, .Vu.
liBiita' Collura, eoktlea1 hall Jlose, jimi-iuci-
chiefs and t?UKiendera.
Uradlov'a now Patent Duplex LUiptio (ur deuute
ti.. LL'IllTU I
Perfumery, Toilet Koapa, Hair l!ruhoa, CoUibj,
'r..a uu il h l.-iiitilI nrieltfof NOIl(-'N.
A At Ki'ElilNU t'oue handsomely nnd nt short
notice. ixAitu iu..n.
Sunbury, April 2-, IN(.
New Spring Styles!
iiiiM a a i:k,
Two tloors West i( the l'ost Ollieo,
li ESHKCTFULLY Invltea fho sttuntiun of tho
I L public tu her luruo anil varied aourtuieut ot
Spring & Summer Millinery Goods
which ihe has Jut reeeivcil niul oiicncil . llcrslock
tirneci FANCY HHKSS lillub.-i, Uiuhruiileriea,
(Ilniiv Luec. Luce C'ollura. Liiicu Oullur Urosj
t'onla, Zephyrs, liuttuui, de.
A linn tt.Mtt, rtuicut uf l.iilics' anil ccnta' Hosiery
flluva, Fau, 1'uruaiila, liuflo 'J'riuiiuinuA HihlKHia,
Lull UibLoiiii, Velvet Kihlwus, liruii, Lailiea' Nock-
tiei!, rauey lret toiulm, lleaa urcBseK, o.
lrviu'a l'uteut lluir Criuipera, Hair Cuila, Cortot
anil n Urgo tourtuieut uf other urliclcs, too uuuio'
I have uleo iust rcecivt.4 u flno lot of l'erfuuiory,
Xuitel ui. i'ouih u.a Hair Li u-""'.,.
It ull l'M'l-ami UorUtr iu groat vanoiy-
Eew aiyk. jitat teceivtj at the .Muuimmu sioro vi
i'uul nry, Oct. 11. liui
Spring & Summer Goods!
(SttceofiCMkir lo John Itoircn.")
Corner of Market and Pawn Street,
SUN IIUK'Y, 1'liffN'A,
Invites the public tji eali and examine bis clrgant
assortment of
which ho will cell nt greatly reduced prices. His
stock consists in part of
Sjllis Delaines, Lawn, tlinglianu, Calicoes, Muslins.
.Iiooting, Tlnhlngs, Jenin, and a full asiortuiont of
Cotton and Woolen goods generally.
Hoficry, fllovcs, Hoop Skirts. Al.vo Handkcrchicfi,
lirushes, Combs.
Ilsit nail V:t k", IIooim anl SIioch,
1 Ma assortment of (;nnds will not, bo Is nro suro
fail to plousc tho fancy and suit tho wants of any de,
siruus ol purchosinj;. His stock of
and (Irocerloa ia larpo in riianlily and choice in
iiualily, coingirising generally everything needed iu
the household cither for lite or ornament.
Ho is always ready null glad to seo his friend.;
iil.d tskes pleucuro in showin;; them hi? gnflls even
though no sales nro mado. lie only asks call, nml
is auro that tho stock will coniparo favorably in
plico and (luality with tho choupci-t.
Sunbury, April 21, Hlirt.
NEW SPII Ii(r(T00i)Sir
Confiding of tr-ss 4afods. in great variety,
such a Delainos, Chullios, Ginghams, Crapes,
Lawns, Lrilliiints, &c.
Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goods,
in variety.
Dress Trimmings. Laces and Embroideries. VEILS
of ull descriptions, Olovcs. Hosiery, Corsets, .rjihyrs.
l'atcrit Hair Crimpers, Neek-TieJ. and Notions of
all kinds usually kept in a Eancy iSlore.
Lockwood's Paper Collars and Culls.
Stumping and machine stitching dono to order.
Two doors west of Win. II. Miller's Khoc Store
Sunbury, April 2S, i.-iiifi.
Ti io lex ii iTv BMii:Mri'i v7
North East Corner Second & Walnut Streets.,
EST in receiptor a Pne seleeti d flock of cheap
and fancy EiSlllNll TACKLE, of nil descrip
tions, suitable for Iho rivers and brooks of this Male,
lo which wo invito llie attention of ull tturckeepers.
M.ireb 17, I.Srttt .Im
HENKY UAltt'liit, "
.vzo aim ii suci:i:i',
Fine tiuld JEWELRY,
and Superior SILVER PLATED WARE, at Ki:
nrrKn l'lltl KS !
March ill. ISWi. 3in.
UAS ju.t reinrncd from New York unl MhImJlI
pUiu, utii fc nuff receiving u ivw fc?lou; of
Spring & Summer Goods,
ut u :
rent reduction in pricei;.
4i!.'ullcaiii'u 1Vr:ir.
Pino Llack Clolh nt SI .OO that used to sell nt ?S (III.
f' meres, Satinett. Ciisliinerelts, Kentuelty .leans,
t'uttonadu and Linen Panting, at reduced price;.
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Silk, WH.) Delaine!-, Alohuir. ,ilk Stripe. Paul
l'e Chain, Alpaaea, l'oidett, lviie;li.-h im.l Heotch
(tiiiirlitini. Cliullins, lelatncs, Lawn, Calico and
.Muslin., very ehenp.
White Goods.
Linen lrcfs tloo,l., Linen Skirlim'. While Toilet
l.Hiilts, Ilri'limits, 8wiss Stripo, Jsivibs Cumbrie, due- i
coiictt, Iri.-h Linen, rbirt l'ronl.f. Ae.
La lied' Cloth tuid l'laniicl ackin, and oilier j
lUnnel ut low I rlre?. il kite Shetland WimiI, Mian Is,
Lnluior il Skirli'. Ac bkirtiu and the l.itc-t style
of Hoop Skirts, very hand, oine im I cheap.
Yankco Notions in Great Varicly
llo.-iirry, tilove., Poclti t 7an.lkerchieiV, Susjicii
Jers, Neckties. Paper Collurs, I uilirellas, u Kood
u.ortmciit uf Spectacles, Cents, Spool Cotton, fancy
Luitous, Ti'iiiMoin?. Ac.
Caipcts, floor and T'ablo Oil Cloths, brown nnd
(rrcen Oil Cloths for windows, liilt Shades, 1'ixtui o.i
lor Window Llmd.
Hals, Cuis uud Ladies' Shaker, Hardware, Nail:',
Forks, tliuvdj, Spader, irou-to-jlh Ijardcu Raiii.-.
GuccKsware, Glassware, Eocts and Shoes,
Faints, Oils, Glass and Futty.
Pchool Hooks, and n nuw supply of WALL PA
TEK, will bo sulil very cheap.
All persons desirousof ottinj good poods ut low
piiceH, for ciuh ur country iroduce, will i-leafo i?,ivo
lueaeall. J. 11. KNUIiL.
Suiibui v, J jiril 7th, LSCtf.
riUK umltTsinc 1 taken Icustivo iu itiimmncin l'j
1 tho public ol Miuuury, una wuiuiy
, that he htu
with ft well selected titock uf
i:.vrM rric:iMiii"4ii uooits.
1 will Sell at iMMiiMiing low priccJ.
1 have al.:u cttll un hand a larc dtock uf
BQots & Shoes,
fir l.iulii.i, U( nls an.l C'hildrcii'a wear, which 1 niu
sullinuli', iu 1 intend tu rjivo up that branch wt bu.-i
It will he to tho aJvuntao to Cash llcvicusto
rjiiu uo u call.
8. (ji'.oss' old staud, Market JS'nuarc.
uubury, April 7, Ifttiu.
-Id io:iu j;.i
Provision Store
FOIl CHF.Al (lOtiDS!
Thoir Pluck if eoiuiduto, isuiirUtini; in jmrt of
'1'ubaeoo, Cigars, l'luur, Fued, i'i.-h, bull,
llaui, Miouldcra, t'heeic, l'ruif,
. Ula?a, Lauipi, Ac , Ae.
Cuuutry l'loduce lakeu iu cxchuDgo fur tluudj.
f-Cull and uuiluc uur tf tuck, aud aatUfy your
tfuubury, May 13, Ibuo.
Tbo two heroes before Iheir tent ilauiiiii a battle
iirunt smoking. A beautiful steel tiiruvin;; by
Wui. buJUiin. AKenls wauted everywhere. pMUiple
sent by mail fur li ceuta. Aleuts uoiku till per teat.
Addrcsa, UAKTLli.SDN A CO.,
uiyl2 2ui 011 Chesuut a., 1'hil.i.
LHEAKl'AST bllAWLfi, for sale at Ihe Fancy
bloroif A.n.tiai.Mi.n.
UENTs" CALF BOOTS 1'liR fllO, i!
W. W. Aiuliy'a
LAlHli' FINE LLATIU 11 t.V ivIlff.S .1
V V A4. '..
ruuui), Mauh Jl, Irs"";.
tutitilccmiiiiiuniLy, by w" lo,1,
) K. J. 1! . PCIIKNCK,
No. ati NiKtsau St., New York, Juno , 15.
Dit. J. H,!i iiRsK-)enr!ir: For nvnr liftmi yr.ub
I liuvo lauu tmtihlctl with n(nt vere f..(i, tnul in imlly twn
or llir!o liiiius )fnr w ill imru ir IckK licii...ri!nry,
wlih h tirj;i;thrr, li-r ihc Uft low yemf, l. m kitpt im Lllin
Hi iltsli ;i.itl luil wtmk Id do hiiKiucfm ( uny wiihoiit
KuirvruiK. In Aiimihi ltirl I liaJn v- r ncvt-re liuitit.rrhfic
nml, nn -ml in;; in lie jud;;uu nt if 11 yn tl New Yrk iih
viciuii, wns cl ihL'd us lieyniul the fvficli tf iiicilniiift
tind wan inlvinrtl ti lie ireiuifd, mi far uu propui'iy nnl-t'-rs
wt'fo eM(iui in'd, ti Il-hvc tliib worlil ul Mi.iit ii 'iu-u.
Tin- hliyiiiciini (:iy my gmul liirntlh) v,iu tltu liri
CId I ik imiNt prove ttU. J'.uily iti Jumiaiv I tkn
anvcrt ft'M. n id f Miiii:itcly vib iwinipy tin; ro ins nt Ni
:W IIO.NI STIlKliT, dirnrily nvt-r I'lli.-o. 1
nit? mi t the 1 0i Ii ul' Jaimnry 1 pnnnrt.fl n Uittlo of yonr
I'liftn 'iiic f nip mnt uiiti.tiienctil lnkin; ii iructy. My
ivvl mt-1 limiis were very tnut-li bwuUiii, nil tin- Nytiip
tortmof;. rt''Hdi::iili ! inctl ti nrconipuny n.y fcld. I
sent for my former physician, mid rlairtl tu hiin that I was
tiikinji your iiHthcuifs, nml alter tsliuwit'fi tlu-m to turn,
nml having tm-tf I of liu-m, Ae , In; rrpheil : "Yon can
tnkrt ttit-m if ynj Ilk, ihry v.'iil do you 110 Inrm.'' IK:
Kiid : "Yon know whul 1 told vu last suinnicr, tind I s.ty
lltu Kime now, if ym hove any InmiiU'S ti rlto npi ('
irt put il oil." He baid to piIk r ir it -ihIk lliat lie '(:ii!d
Sri nt 1kh: f r lilt ," and my friends mid rd:ili"nn e in-lit
(! d my tun Imd cMiic. At thus time I w-ik Inking lr cly
tn your mtMlicnir, bin Imd not m i-n yni. 'rhn d h l.trni'l- d
n ft'W hiiiin. and fon tnl nit (mttf'li to htr Hiirstif t't lie uiid.)
iiHr.Whi(r, nnd lie C'tuld n't iiiidrrrUuid why. Mv laiih
w.'iH iiiiTi-atii in your niuluMiic, und 1 lrd n vih1i l
lrtvj you fXyiniiii! my hw, and bi t: wliul you Imd to k:iv.
W I ich y-m tit t t aiic Lo iu ro'iu and mtul the i xauuii-t-lion,
V'-ii t;:ivc tilt? hut little rucoiinii't'im id, hut on the
ci.ittuiiy, fspnvim-a i:u ilonhts f my rvt;r hi-iii" lu-lpt d
'Mil ot my ihfu iip.-iuoi: (hili-ultiro. The m-n.iinl tune
that you cillctl, tituhug im cill 'Miniiify, you pave nt rit
connf; iin'nU v aj nit'.,'" my nvniiai-ina MTre miprovinc ;
' ' vnip, . a-w.-til T.mic nnd JMandiukc I'lils
hadurhd hk is u cliaiiu ' Mv 'iicu..o..Mi, my foui;h. my
iinpi hti-, nd hi;;aii lo improve, und 1 rould walk n limit
my r-tomalitilc. . .. Visd- m.- i :lrly t'V'iy 'I'tieHday.
and found im- unpioviiif. and t,., ,,. ,,.,t ),, r.,,t,t of my
i. 111 milil tin: hist da td May. 1 to ,k ii.i'eold wi-ilr
utitk-r your tn-aitnnit, tn iipp.-uiu tu Taint : liut-iiilcf and
you l.'ld me lo eat rvt-rvlhn i; I wish, dm' !( uinIious
nature, mm to e.M'iriiie ui l inr n- in n uuu ,
I followd your advii-o, nn ! to ui priM! of my nlo
pliynii-uiii runt 1 1 lemtt,, 1 Ki-i itt itiui'ti i t Hi r ti.iin 1
hri'd li'l F'Vt!lii: i-.U:-, II IXI liHillfii- Li'Mt'T li tit J
ptTii'tl a porwin i'mii!( with oiif Imii, tin- It u ..
r t x-
pk'tdy ilrn'tl up. I iffl very er;itt;inl l jmi, itn 1 1--jj."iivr
your kIvil-i: rnnl ntL-'liciiifK iiivtiln'.Mo.
Vumn, liuly, T. S. feili:i-!JUN.
Ik. PriniNrK IVir Sir; Alunt two yr;.rr :i w:m
titkcn witii a vnry IntiiMuMne cttfli nnd a p.-uu in my
IllrilKt; hi'V II ' liijltt IllopiliS pillfd ilVVJiy Wlll.tMlt ,y
iWuig unytliinu fur tuvt-rlf. Tli'.'ii I iipjiliLtl ( :i plixt-i-I'i.m,
wlni iiitt-rn'f il me fot nti mt tlni'e iH'miliR wtlli-Hil
t ffi(-r i in; me nny mtvu'c I Jilut ditiiiiittt I In: ii'U ictsiinl
tfuiilMii-nt nt ti pliFM-Hii in uc of riir iii-fptiiilK, iintlitlM)
liiiil llic ihIvk'u ami ti cfitinnit if Uv i!ln:r phvuH'hinK,
Imt ull lii im pur) nit"'. I Jilting tins loti'j p;ix' ui tunc I
w.s Hourly livnil ; sr-vt-nl tutifa my titcmlM i;nij tu sou
ii iu Nnd wiiiit-s-4 my rxit into the siirt-vnrlt . I wns cm
tiiM 't i my bi'il tvvi iiKnitlis nt "iiu tunc. My liuvitlitii!;
w.'iB exccttliHcly rimrt. I t.tvc up M'Vlt.iI ttni'H li-ipu
ol ri'llili? t:lti:r uud :m i cyault d ik'IIim;' wr!t, tind Wiis
t-iihrt'ly oiil (if Uu' itut'ttKii. And ( i tlmik t)iisI;ty I mil
Well :niil licuty ! I wtie :mU ircd Uy e-mut ct my I tit in!;: ti
try Mr. SniK.CK'j Mciiriiit ft. 1 iH'nudiii'My b uil'IiI Jh 1 -
tli-;tltl'l li ilLli-. until I rc:icli, i1 ill.: niiilh: t!l( ;i I lulni.l I
I dicuN tl i'!i:ui;ti' m my jont;li inr t!ic ImHit. 1 tulurt J
hfvuii'ly Ipim pilpilrili ti m' the Ii.uit, .inl two wv k
uthT I ccimiiaicfd tiVnig yur iiic-I.Lit.c lln.i itiiliculty
W In ii lirst Wild, to Dr. S'-lirilck'u cllifi: It W.l:f Willi
t'lliu iilly tliiil 1 mulil m I up into in.i l rt'pt i.n itifiu, I
wuh j"wc:i!( nnd i nt tllnl ; my kui v.m us ndl v ;t.,
ttl-u ;ll 1 ll;.d tl..- j-mmiifC ; ItVltilnll, In' r.-y r.ntl Llfi'1'l' t.s.
Ul. i-linti'li. .'liter 'X:iNllinil;: ll)' S.tld i -llt it' Iiih-m
Wt'fr itiiri-ti'.l, iiit c:if nitt tut tittle li"p' ; l"it (im uiciIi
r!iit., in ;i'i 'Ut twu wct-Ks, 1".L n-.-ht In-ltl il" im-: il
f i-iin tl to i;o ri'.'iil tliii'iit!li ii y u li'-lc t.i(i:n. Tin Tnl
Ml hic Spitip, Srri-Wiled 1'ontf :unl Mjudtnk' I'lli-s all t-Mk
li"ht 1m1.I in l!n' r'"l.l .lii-''. 1 in; I j s l-s br. 'Hi-lit :n;iy
meat qM;intilH'i' tif Itilf :hid Iniic ; !:m! Sj nip K'u.;. in-d lliu
i',it!i r 111 m I'm;'.!, W!ili-ll c:ii!i: very t H i' ; tlio Si ;i-Wi-ed
-l'.tito -t:iv'c iiiC a I uppclilu, unci ever; tin n-; (i-.t'.mnl
t- l:...!f ..;.d.
'("'w Ii it n"it povir tlio nicilifiiic. hivr in puri-t'-.
ut:; my syyU ui. nud tn fchw Ihw b-ul I v n iluv.-in-tl,
m'Mi!' ;t! the bile p-iMsed Itl I tWels, iliet'teiil
tpliliMiln'fi ff L.ti'LiMH !ltid lirillei' 1 e.;n el'l;itedf 1 brtiki
tn;l ri!l t.vt'l' 111 l:ilf!i'b il:', tliat Wt.utd I'nulimiC tt ::il liJl
;nu run kr bi WirliS, :md 1 leu! al oir Uu'.c fcr
t vttil -Uvt- bittiH 1 I.;.v ii"i liiti", ft' the ktnd ii i w, mitt
Vt-i li'w :iiiitiuT prrriMt jiltni'i thor, 1 c: n tttelvRiy
I iiavc ii-t riijnjt-d fin ii hf.ilili f'r liuyeanas I d-'ii -w.
nuil 4-:mmi t V"ii ami youi iiin!it-iht.-i en-'iifh ,M;iy
li-l aluii'l.tnlly I 'less and pn-.-u'rve you! lius ftiin-n;
ibvuo ui' imiu who hu bffii bo wondfiftd'y ii-'n-ved
tin ii::li y'ur au'n'y ; and u any ilinn n to Um-w
wnli lepinl to iti tiHil.Ttdiii.';-.; oi" ilii ivpun, ti" tlu-v will
i'iiII upon jiiiv oi mv Iru'iidH, or upon mo. No. I lr.i a
I'lacc, near Thompson ftrret, below I'ail walatli r, I'liila
delplua, llicy will lie pfih etly sati:(i' tl wiih the valid ly ol
(lie e;ue. ours, with imuli lepf-t,
Tin- -ib vr as Hi RTll'Cit, ia ,:ii'.;!!v coriet-t. I
Kiiowittobc true. Yomt, 'i'. U. .MlU.I'R,
l'a 41 or of JJanc i-k M. i). CIiukIi.
Dr. SCII i'.XCK will bo ,rfi sniouately al hi principal
I'lhco, I Nnurn Sixrn SrKKKr, o-'iiier of l'oMMKt; K,
l'Hit.nM.piii,i-vcrvSjtuidav,iioui o ,. M mini I'M ;
Ni :i !ou,t st i eel, Nt-w "orU, i-v-iy Tufl:iy, from i to
i; No. 'ir Summer r'tert Hoton. Mam., evcrv Wfdm.
il iy, from lMo J, and evcrv l!irr Kiulay tit hH li.illiituim
sir.-el. Halt n Mil. AH advicr l.iv, butlt.r a tlh l 'Ht'.li
examination of the lim;s Willi Ins ftespimua-tur, Hit;
eii'iriri' is timv dollar
rru-t' of Hie IViliuonif! S rupand S:-'inl Tonir,MHli
PI :.o ner lotiif, or --7 00 p' t ball' ilieii. Mjiulrakc
I'llln, J.i routs pi'l b: x.
tor SAt.i: nv ah. iMircGisrs and iii'i.r.i;.-5
Dit'i tuVer l-
.IEA.A,ii: ' ix:mt
riAUK uu.KT.i'-ncd rc.-'lcel fully infoiiiii I
JL im.l t l.o public that In) lias
iiadiii' Freight in I'liibul. lpliia 1'ri.ui
:d his lilace of
l'reta, Wura
i 1'iccl, Nu. ;.li Market Street, lo
(I'l.'iuui-iioii Merchant, dealer iu Flour, Urain
.. lOi.a .M:ti-n-t Si., B'liihuit ll.i:i.
where all frrbrhl will be ..ade.l on ears of Iho un-der.-iHi'd.
lor D.iupliiii, Hunbury, .Shr.uioKin, and all
intervening puinl.i.
All freight will beeariiid ai low on any oilier
line linli'i'. I c.iriy ln i;;lit re.-pectfully Loliciled.
which will receive prompt uUcntioti.
J. li. WKH'Ut.
Sunbury, Jan. L'i, ISuJ. .'ir.i.
i Ic
Dool, Shoe and Trunk
WM W. AI-SLUV has jirt ope::el a NEW
KfOU E in tho well-liiiuttu l,oii-e of Mrs. Loul
(ton. ill Mai kct sin ct. and oL'ers to llie cilivicus ot
tui.bury aiid neililvrinj; luiij, J!H0TS.V Mii.iLb
uf tho ucl iiialiiy uu I woi lua.iiir liij . llo having
mado arrangement:) with tin t cla-i iiianufacluicio
lo .-upply the lie--! quality of Hoods.
fu the ! Wholesulo Department be ealla iho utten
' linn oi Ciiuntiy Sinrekeepi'is to hU Hue lock, which
! will be sold at lie u Imlo'alo prices. ltll- ena-
blin" Letail llcucr to rave expense ol li,lin0' the
ciiiut to rcpUtiish their stock.
Jn the Uclail lii'piii'liiicut onn ho found liOUi'S,
Slu'l'.S, Till NUS, VALIfES, Ac., which, in price,
ut Ihcse times, uru williouta parallel.
I Tho stock uf Ladies' U car is s-u) crior in slylo and
worknoiihip than U usually found in c umrv tuwiir,
I eiubrueiuK ireum of Daliuorals, ipleiidid Cuiircu
tiailers. and fancy allocs uf every kind.
I V. V. A. al.-o calls atleuliuu lu hi.s larottock of
Men'awear, uf lale.t ttylcs, that will 111 uny 1ml
with caso aud couifurt.
4'oiuu Ouc ! Cuiiic All!
!r'ui.bui'y, March lUlh, ltiii.
I.OJ'BS.t !tlaSS!.J:K,
.lliltiiit-r.V iiootli mill Ir'(! 'I i-ini.
iiiiii", llo:il IrrensOH,
South .-ide of Market Piiare. SVN lH'ItY, renn'a,
lli- iui returned Inun tho titi. swith u choice
I... lu.ii .,!' ..eaioiiablo L'ouds to wlocll the UllCllIluU
ut iho Ladies is rifpccllully solicited.
M1LL1.NE1U liOUOs ANDDllbBJ iltiajllitis
il'.l Ueud-Dieie, Uluvca,
Hosiery, lhbbons,
hu hcencarerully lccled and will give satisfaction.
Mbs flossier lias nu. i an experience ui too lum
that eiialilcs her lo aelcct pKab wilh an lyelo
I,,, iju,te aud wishes ul her cu-louicr.-, mi I rhebi'a u
couliuu on e uf favort in Iho futuro which she takes
pleusuru in iol,noivleil,;in iliiriu llie past year.
Ladies will find u chuieo Block uf every tbinj in her
lino uf huMlIC!.
Sunbury, April 11, lSuil.
.Ilsiailiootl; how I.omI Iiom' ISt'olort'tl.
Jut publithcd, u new cdiiiou of Dh. Ci LVtu
w ki.i.'s Cfci.miu vTti) Essay un the radical euro
(without uicdicine) uf Kpcruiutorrho-a, ur eeiuiual
Weakness, Iuvoluutury Peiiiinal Lowes, Iiuotency,
Mental and l'hvsical lncaiacily, luipediiueuls to
MarriuKO, etc ; also, Consumption. Epilepsy, aud rita
iiuluceil by i.olt'iuuul);euco or sexual cxtiavaganuo.
I if-1'rlou, in a scaled envelope, only 0 cents.
Tho celebrated uulhor in ibis udioiiablu i:-ay
clearly demon tratcs, fioin u Ihiily y ars' succes.-lul
piaelicc. that llie ulal min;4 e iliseiplclices uf sell ubusu
inny be radically cured without thu d iucrous uso
ul internal inediciiio ur tho applicutiou ut Iho kuilo
poiiiling out a ui'ide uf cure at unco siuiplu, cerlaiu,
lUid erTectual. by nivalis uf which every suttcrcr, no
iiiailcr what Im oundition inny bo, uiuy euro hluiself
thcaply. privately, and radically
( j 'ibis Lecluru shwubl bo in the bandiuf every
iu ana every in an in ino inmi
Hint, under seal, iu a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, post paid, uu receipt uf i eoUU, ur to 1"
slauii'S. Addie. tnc paiih.t.. r,
CiiAn. J C KI.INL .v CO
IZ1 Loony. New Vuik, W Otttto lex t.iia
Man.h IT, lsbii ly
ALL l'.l.D6 or TUl'NliS al
W W Ai'.k .'
"I Kiri-X'TKLLLY iD;oiin the ciii.t lior.-
idnu y
I V nnd
hut iin Ii:m tnkcii lLo io-tn lii
i'lciiciiiii rj liuiUliiij. in Murkct Kiitmro, tv.o tlo"i
ciwtol iin; KxjtrcariOUitio. for the purpose I ri'ii vin,
on tho Moo ;tti1 fKhoo Kut mv: in '11 ii- v..
rb.uF brmif In f, woubj rwcuU'ully itilonu tht citi::-'
of lliii. vbtin-iy.tbnt hohaf puvehiircl nn uniiio n w
Mock oKifH.tinwl.iui, he iuttmls to H to.-, tl ut lh)
very luwcit i.iiecei.
? ?l"M c:,,nrrHni (k-nffl Fino T-:; ! :r,nt
.-UU:boaLwitfl. Men's Wlkii.K l)uoi nmi l. y c Kooi
Ididics' Fancy IhiMa Oalwrn! 1 An.l riae SK-.c,-.
Mww Uailvw, UuluumiU and ChiMrun-tf luv. oi
every Uuiui(jIimi.
llo liunl-o In li'ia cm Toy biiprnor wrirVnmr nt il
is itKjjmrca to do tho Viui i.f CuMm,,, r k
(lent'fi Film iJrtiu Hoot, Lmlies' ltiiil;rit t Ci tll
reti 6 Slmc.-f.
i v "I.!, WtillK WAUIIAMFD! iUW nt. l
iiiiiiiii' iav stctk, even if joii lo not wi-li to buy. 1
inn (ktcvniiiK. ij ) bell ui thu inu.-i libeial rn't
tiLU. y. liAMiJ.::;-'
Viuilniry, Man h VA), ISiio,
I'OU ut'N I.A!)Ii;S AM) VH N.i M ,
UKVV:- i1- i'M irriueiial
llr.v. W. t . Ciifmku, A. M. ) '
Jli..S. 1J. i'ott i:iis, lant Teiehci-
lllli llrl, fiu.ii liT ut Ihe nlvivo in. tilnl i ui
oYicn MOMMY, Al'HIlL liith, Imh, at
l'or f urther imrticulars, nrj lj fm-r u l'l
- Mm
S'unbui y, Mnrcli 10. ISi'.fi. Hm
CU'f nml WIS t'UL.SJM'T STltlitT,
Xi:V :'1IICK at Iho L0V1'T I'KICKS-! Having
hiM i ui uur new rlnok uf Clolhitur. tt tleuMciucii
ami ll'ijv, carrie 1 uvcr from the lulu lire, uur enlini
rfliiek uf l'j hiunalilu Itciuly-Muilu Cluthiu i- l!i'
Newt.-I, a. i,ur i. rices arc the .iivc;;t.
M.u:.xinoi;.xT vryixa stock,
N'uw rcajy, toi-uit cveryWIy.
Our newly filled ujiOu tuiii l'i I'.iiliiient iuw i-mi
l.iius tin; Iai;'er t lu'M-rluieut nl' u!l the t'aliiou.ilile
New l;al.rics. Inr our fatriu;:; tu -elect from.
Bl'l'l'S, I'ivll an. I Miliiaiv. iiimlu ui lu onh r
miiiiitly, lu tho hiheal flyle, uwl at i
jn iecj.
I ii tlii.i iK i;n tuHiit uur it.icl. i.; al.-. umivallil
t!io in thu city, at the luHujt l'liec: ' l'i;kr
cmcuIiu at iiimI nonce.
IN' 1'iilLADELrillA.
KoCKlltr.l. l
Lruwn t.'t'Iio Clothin.; lli'.'.l,
i'O I and i'li' Ciu. inut Sli'Lit
A j.l. lii! .-on l'lllLAl'l'Ll'IHA
fc'iti-4' B.itM-rfy Willie U.-JtJ,
Will d) ini.rcaiid bcllcr work at a given t'o.1,1!. ,n
uuvuthcrl Try it ! M.inuiacnired only by
Zl F.O LEU A r-M IT 11 ,
Wholivalo Drill.' l-ailil .V lilass Deal. I.'..
No. Noith TlilKD strict, rinla.Ulphi.i.
.lanuary -7. Is.ii. -ly.
cnctC A .tlKk.'l'lll ! AiiEN'TS waMc.l foi
fp"-J,,w-' ;.ix riilirolv new i.rti. Its, just out Ad
ilr.-s 0. T. IJA1;EY, City Luiblio. Lnhh-fuid.
Maine. dec:i ly
Sunbury, 1'eun'a.
W . 11. M 1'T. Kf . having takim; out licrn.c
X. under Iho I mled Males Laws, as 1.. at
Estate AjjeiitohiH fortalc t!;e follow in J jirujieily.
to wit :
s'ixty (I'll' I good buildin" lots and Ore (a) dirullii.
hoii-iv. in the;rli of r-ui.l uiy.
Afaiin in I per Auiuta toii.-hip, e ii!.iii:ii..;
lull acre, more or lr.-'s.
A small farm eonlainiiv; ail acres, more or I.
ubeut une mile from l'asin..s, Sbainokiu town .hip
A small larr.i contaiiiiiic; 62 acres, inure ur 1.-; in
lii-h Valley, .jiui.iol'.iii township. '1 here uie j;. o I
buildings uu llie. c tl.rce faiiiu.
Sui.bury, March 10, ImiO. if.
htrc l.Hirrly i Isilc l.i-jiii.
Tbo V hite t. tho mu -t dur able and l!ic mole,
noinier-l. Try it ! .M.ini.i.t.-tuved ..nlv l.v
ZIEiJLEli A SMITH. ale ln.. I'aiut A iln i'. .Ur
Nu 1:7 ...ith 'l'lllKU Mrect, riul..,lc!pbij
January 27. ls.ii - ly.
V W Aj'ik
rdftms t'K r.'.'F.!:v di:sc:
ill' I II IN.
ll7.;.AVyJ.v ,1.V7 llF.TAll..
rpill" tal.' re-pccil'ully inl'-ni s the pu' lic
1 tio.t he keeps eunslaio ly on band at Lis n. u
WA1! Ellol 1 1'., near .-':aia..kin Valley ll'.ili- :. t
ficpot, in SI A'bl liY. Flour by thu band r.i.d i.K'l.
of all kiud.-iuf Feed by the ton
Tlio above is all' ure.l r.t his uwnMi"
und will be sold ul ii.e bnv...'t c Ii 1 ri.-.'-'.
Suiibiiry. April I, 1 ;i.V
Support Heine Industry !
I J it t of iivei-y !i f I 5 1 I i4 !
A FILL ASrHiimirN'T Jiiir i i by
!iA MUiJIj i'AUOT. uf L'cnuttl a Drug Stole, M.nket.1
(1.L and exmniiie tho lar'.-o a ..rtinenl . f t!
j late t New York aud l'liiladclpl.ia s'jle-i ul
hiik, Cassimeie. l'ctto Derby, Wiu liiim. . .1! Fur
ira and il..y s Jiut'. wliUh for benny und .lu cm. li .1 be excelled. Ucinjt a practical Hat
tor. I c tlailcrs himself that hi slock has-been n-leei
ed with inure eaio lhaii uny ever beluio bivuLbl to
Jlc also ninnui i. -lures iu urucr uu mii'ia .i m .i.
l'ur lialn. all of which will bu suld ut wholesale a:: I
rclail. at rca unable rales.
iv iu d -tic at short notice and nt ihe boi tjl rates
Sunbury. May 12, l.-a'.;.
F you vnnt Rood Tin-W ire,
I liEVI II'.H'.S New Wiup.
b'J lo
ilr 3
lutii-iililioiisil Elolt-I,
115 antl iiu7 liiviitfr'tti, Cufiti f i-'niuJit Sit ;
NEW YuiiK.
f 111 LS fir.-t class House Iho most quiet, hnmoliko
X and pleasant Hotel in thu city ullirs superior
iuduceincnii to llvw vrsliin Kew VorU tur busaicss
or pleusiire. Il is central in ils location, and Li pt on
tho Ei noi kan 1'lam, iu connection Willi T v loii'i
r-.ti.ouN, where retre-hinciil.; cim bo had all hoiir
ui- served iu their own ro.mis. Tho ehaigeo aro mo-.
derate, the rooms nnd ill tendance of ihe fn .it orlir -b
ith-', and all tho uudern i...iivenieiiecs allaebed
Juii.N 'TAYLOH, I'reprieior
Nov Llsi'.j. ... .
"L BOO 1I5AIS! We wan
'-s-5 " agents every where toselliuriM
ruoiLli S'-i' feeing Muel.ii. s. Three new kinds
I ppcr and upper feed. Warranted live j-iuu
Alvesalary ur large eeuiiaiious paid. 'The im. sold iu lulled !talen for hvs tl an Mu.
which are fully licenced l y lbovo, W uecb r A V. il
sun, Iin. i er A'lJ-ikcr, Moer A Co , und li.ichcM. I
All ulhcr cheap ma- bincj uro infi'ingeiiienis and ti-
selUr ul usir aro liable lo arrest, tine, an I itupiiso
lociit. Circulars Ire -. Address, ur call upuii Mi., -a
A Clark. Ili.bleford. Maine, or Chicago. III. .1... "::
i, at
V. Ai.tle, ...
AV. XV AnslcyV
(. llll.Dltl N, ul x!v' Al v'i
SDN HI H Y F()li UliY.
.!'.. ICO!IHtl5. 11 N,
li E now carrying on bu-inc. s at this ubl
t .
lidiloent with renewed vigor.
Castings ut' every description, promptly fu.'lii In I
lu order.
The SIjvoj manufactured lit this Fouudiy b.iv c
atouired tho highrst reputation
Canicular utieiitiou paid lu MILL CAS'I INliS
Farmers should not lurg. I Hint tlio FLOWS m .1
ul the :uubuiy Fuuudry Luc bo, u e..iii'l..
Agi ii u It ui ..1 i a pU nu 1 1 p-.iic.f at .1.. .to "
liialt cuiinv... UKli. lnig (.' ti. ir.. uui.-ib, , i ,0 ,
1UO..I llllploVed al. l I1U...I u.-etul plllOlli...
'iho bu,lue.-.i Will bu . .i.luctvd Oil .11 IU l
-.CdlO. Obi tU.-loiUeis w ill I c aclOiiuoodaUl ".. j.
jnd n w uuev urc ri. i-iiiiol! . li i'c I
.-.a-u.v. m.. u i .
.9 Wetiel, of Bearer tp.
reduced prices.