"Alipring approach.. Ants and Roechet From llieir holes eome oat, . And Mice end Rata, In spite of eat. Oelly klpibout.' "lflyears established In-N. Y. City." .1. '-Only infallible remedies known 1 "fraa Iron Foironv "Not dangerous lo the Human Family." uRnts come out of Iheir holes lo die. '' Costar'a Bat, Roach, Slo., Exterminator, In a past used for Rats. Mtoe. Roaches, HI lick and Red Ants, Ac, Ac Ao. Costar'a Bert-Bug Exterminator. Is n liquid or wash used to destroy, and also as a preventive fur Bed-Dugs Jlo. Costar'a Electric Powdor for Infect is fur Moths. Mciaqnltnci, Fleas. Bed iugs, insiolK on Plants, Fowls, Animals, lo. I 'sr" ! ! ! DKn'AitK ! ! ! of all worthl imitalinns. See that "Costar'a" name is on each Box, Dottle, an I K.a.-k, before you buv Adircts, HENRY R. COSTA It, 4b2 Broadway, New York Uf-'old in 5unbury, i'n. ii. i HiLiKO A Sun, and nil Druggist and Retailer INVRFASE OF RATS The Farmers Gaictte (J-.ngl sh asserts and proves by figures that one pair rUt will have a progeny and descendants no leas tli'iii o.jl.O.il) in three years Now, unless this im. tnense family enn be kept down, they would con. fume mora food thuu would sustaiu oi.OUU buuian being. Bee -Costar a"' advertisement above. S. RATS versus BIRDS W'hnover engages in shoot, ing small birds Is a cruel man ; whoever aids in ex terminating rats is a benefactor. We should like fumo one to give us the benefit of their experience in driving nut these peats. We need something besides dogs, cats, and rap for this business.--Scieiitijic Ani'.riran. N. Y. Boo "Custak's" advertisement nbovo. JMH) COSTARS RAT EXTERMINATOR ii simple, safe, and sure the most perfect KAT-ificattnii meet ing we have ever attended. Every Rat that can gut It, properly prepared, will eat it, and every one that eats it will die. generally at some place as distant as posib'e from where it was uikcn. JWe Shore MtcA Mirror. Sou "Cottar's" advertisement above. 1S6(J. Housekeepers trouble un vermin nee 1 he so no longer, if they use .-Costar'a ' Exterminator. We have u.-.e.l it to our satisfaction ; and if a box cost S.i. we would hnve it. We have tried poNons. but they Hooted nothing ; but "Costar'a articlo knoc ks the breath out uf lt.its. .Mice, Hoajhts. Ants anil Bed bug', quicker limn ire can write it. It is in g.oal d. umud all over the country Mc.lina, Uiiu.'Ga se.'te. ' Bee "Costar'a" advertisement above. 18GG. A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST.-Ppeaking of OustarV' Rat, Roach, Ant, Ac. Exterminator more grain and provisions are destroyed annually in tliant County by vermin than would pay f,,r ton's ol thU Rut and Insect Killer." Lancaster Wis. IJjr.il.l. See -Costar'a" advertisement above. I860, Farmers Axn HorsBk-KFirun should recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions Ac , nt-o annually des'roy by Uau. Vice, Ants, and other insects and vermin all of which can he pre vented by a few dollare' wonh of "Costar's" Rnt. Roach, Ant, Ac, Exterminator, bought and used freely. Bold In Sunbury, Pa., by J. W. Filling A Son, and Apii. 7 .NH. Km m , iv. The rs'oniliing results which has attended this iuvalu iMo medicine ptoves it to be the most perfect remedy ever discovered. No language can convey nn a lequato idea of the immediate and almost mi raculous ehatigu which it occasions lo the debililato i nnd shattre I Kystein. Jri fact i' stands unrivalled as a remedy for the permanent cure of Diabetes. Itupotcucy, Loss of Muscular Energy. Physical 1'ros tiiiiiou. indigestion, ion-reteniiou or iucontinencc of IMiih. I :Hiinn. Inibutriiiop tir Ulceration ol the Bladder and Kidneys, Disoasesof the l'rostr.itetiland, B.onoin the Bladder, Calculus, Uravrl. or Briekdust Hi-tkmI', and all diseases or afl'eclions of the Uladder and Kidneys, and Dropsical dwellings existing in Men, Wjuitn, or Children. k-'of .s ii'i"i!ar t l'c males, Contstlf nlion Water la it mlHi eiii kkVtlil'U) . Tnese Irregularities are the cause of frequently re curring disease, .tud tl.rounh neglect Ibe seeds of more grave and dangerous maladies are the result ; and as month after month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the dilliuulty beoomcs chrouic, the patieut gradually loses ber appetilo, the bowels are eouatipated, uiglit sweats coiue un, and tunsiimptiuit rioaily ends l,or career. For sale by all Di uggista. Price $1. V 1( HKEHU. A CO. I'roprictoi. MUItj Ac Al.l.l, Oeneral Agents. No. W Cliff street, New York. February 3, Itidll 6mo. ISA I) I K R A a iFli A Iti K SS M A NUF ACT U ItElt, jft.. J, STHOH, Deer street, opposite the Central Hotel, S L' N 15 U liY. l'KNN' A. INFORMS his friends and the public that having . removed to bis new establishment, and extended bis line of business, is now prepared lo manufacture more extensively, and invites all to call and exuiuim bis lare assortment of Bailies, Harness. Collars, U his. Common and Fancy Kly-Nelts, Blankets, BuAaloe and Fancy Robes, Horse Combs. gleigh-Bells, Handle, Harness and Coawh Trimmings for manufacturers. MVEItY! MVEIIV!! LIVEUV!!! In connection with the above he has also a I.iverv Stable. g(al and safe llorsn. Buguies. and Cuuvey utces, which are hired at reasonable rate. AUCTlONEElt! He is also a Licensed Auctioneer, and will attend to all business entrusted lohis care. unbury. March .1. Irtfirt. rtui vm. noovEa Itailroiid Mlrtf, nltove .llni-Kt-l, SEAR TIIK CENTRAL HOTEL, 6UNBl'KV, PA. REt-PECTFl-'Ll.V invites his friends and the public generally, lo call and examine his large as .ortuienu ot bxfore puiubusiiig elsewhere. list lo'U r t ! lli'issKiit'M, VVIiii.-.v. llo:i utl Xn. itt lice Itusii, .loiioicali;is mill CsOUl-ISOIt Ol'llit ttl'kl qilillia l. iurm, t'idt'i', i P'trTT'T !T.te! Keeper ani oth'-r are Invited tn call, I. it itwk is genuine, and will render gmeia! satisfaction. bunbury, February 3, Isfld. Inveiiliira' Oflis ret. D'EPINUEIL A EVANS, ClTIL EilOINRtKI AMD PATIMT SoLltlTORI. o. 4.ii Walnut street, i'biladelphiu. IMnts solicited consul tat ions on r.nirineerlpg Draughting ejid Sketches. Models and Maobinery of all kinue made aud akilfully atteuded lo. (special atluuiioa given to rejected uaaes aud iiilerfereucw. AuibenliuHipiea,r all DoeuiuenU I rum talent 01 nceprocured. Ji. B -sjava yourselves useless trouble and travelling expenses, there ia no a-tu.l need for personal intwview wiib ua. All buaiuesa wi;U tbeae i Oflaica eaa be UanaacUHt iu writing. For fur ther intorojaliim direct as above, with stamp enoloeed. lor Circular wtlb references. ' February 8, Ibod ly. 1rt'i-lo(ia trefully compounded of Lb a beat Dittos at bj Mammoth biore of at. x, JNW' t'tt'LWtt SON. oUury, May 20, laoi. w O Dmid & (BiBBiniiYi. STORE. W. A. BENNET. Market Kqnnrr, SwlJNUlRV In. HAVING recently purchased the Drag Store formerly onnriuoted by K. A Fisher, 1 beg leave to inform the eitlsen. of Sunbury and vi cinity, that 1 cava entirely repientsnea my ttocK ef tb Mm. tct a- FANCY ARTICLES! tnch im Combs, Brushes, rooket-Booki, Poaps, Per fumery, llair-OII, Knives, &'ciurs, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, aaiiil, lli, (itlne, Ulnnn, Putty, Tiirnlialieis, ntent .neillclm-n, &. All iny Thiourea. Pyrupf, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations ni.i nianufaclurod by myself, and from the best material I can procuro tu Market. Having bad quite a number of years' experience in the Drug ntid rrerrijtion Btttme, both In Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of Iho College of f'barmauy, I feel colli" petcnt to COMPOUND ALL. TKKtSCRll'llONS that the Physicians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of ofiicinnl strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep un band the very best WINES. BRANDIES AND LtQUOKS, that I can procure. Itrt'orn riri'husing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbnry, Nov 18, 1865. 1MPOK I I D AND DOMESTIC CARPETING S FIRST CLASS GOODS AND o.m-: iwariiim: cash piiici:. AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kinds and Stvles ok AMERICAN & EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Prices On account of the decline in Gold. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904r Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Xom offer their GREAT SPUING STOCK I in p o r t v i a n tl Domestic CARPETING, French and English Axminster, English Uoyul Wilton, 6-4 aud 9-4 Velvets, in..' English Brussels Crosslcv's Tapestries. Imperial Tbroe-riy Carpet Fine Ingrain Carpet. i:m;i,:mi iijtii:i,N &XD royai. wiiro' ikii:xs, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, V I T II 1)0 11 D E 11 S. 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, G-4 White, hcd-Checked und Fancy Matting. (' ii Mnlliiitrs, ENHLISU OIL CLOTHS, AC, March 24. ,1m PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AVTi STATIONERY, Monthly Time Bocks Trawing Books and Slates. Bocks. Hymn Books B ink Books, Memorandum kc.iiti Diaries, I'ocke. Books. Ink 6tands. Pens, Feit :ls. a fine assor:ment of Paper. Ink. Ac Forsai, by ANNA PAINTER. urc Iilcrly Wbile ,rnd. Preferred by all practical Painters! Try it ! and you will have no other. Manufactured only by iIEUI,EK A SMITH, Vh(leale Drug, Paiut A Ulass Dealers, No. '.:17 North TilIllD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, lhfirt ly. 'I' lie .Wiisosi A: lliisuliu 4'tiliu'l (irgana, forty different styles, adapted to scored and secular music, for ipso to $(lflll each. FIFTY ONE HOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums award od them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Addtesa. MASON A HAMLIN, Boaros, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. Sentcruber tf. 1 0ri6 ly ft E W GROCERY 'HUE subsciibers begs leave to aiitinunce to the L citir.ens id feuubury and its vioiuily, that they have opened a NEW GROCERY. Tiro Joort treat of J. II. Engh't Store, in Maritt Square, where Ihey are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and wi'l keep couiluully on baud the ihoiuest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, rish, Coflee, Teas, Sugar, Molassrs. -Cheese, Salt. Spices of all description, Soaps of every variety. Ctindles. iSmoking and Chewing tobacco, iSegara. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Piekeis, - Ketchup, Pcppes .s'auce, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact every stylo y( articles kept in a well stocked Urocery. Also Ciller Vinegar. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange. The patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited. GE0RUE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. II, lbrii JEWELRY ! JEWELRYT JOSEPH KESSLER, lYuK'liiiiakcr iiikI Ji-wrler, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the public, tbat be has just received a large aasorl uioutof Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Spectacles, Sliver and pbtted spoons. Forks. Ac. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted Suubury, Jun. 13, 186ft. ly OLD EYES MADE HkW A PAMPHLET directing bow to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, without aid of docior or medicine. Sunt by mail, free, on receipt of 10 eeuts. Address, r , E. B. F00TE, M. D. February i, l&oj Am VALUAlU.ETmLOTS I'OB NAI.h. EIUIIT (8) valuable town loU are offered for sale cheap, on Dewberry street, opposite Fri hi.. ! s addition, m the UorJu ofSunCy Ir Anbury. February,,,.. (Lata Buebler House.) IIARRISRURQ. PENN'A. rpiIIS well-kuown hotel has not only been eitcnd X ed but has been greatly altered and newly fit up by the present proprietor, and ia now one of the most oouilortablo aud convenient hotels in Harris- burg. Mareb 10. 18.. ly rnit Hh l-iii .Under the patronage of 4. me I'uiteii states oovemmeiit, Miulels ot Ibis superior leg may be seen at the Agency ot Uie SALEM LEU COMPANY, No. 33 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia Call aud see tbeio, at send for ehreular aontaiaing full iulWeualiou. apt. 88, '6. lata. BOLK LEATHER TRUNKS) at W, W Afsley's DIARIES for 18C0. Aa asaorttaent Diaries, Urge und aoiall, fur Salts l B , ANNA PAINTER. Buuburjr, Jun. , 186U. of M. C. OKAIIIIAKT'S ' ' 1 Confectionery, Toy. and FHTJIT STOBB 9Irk( Street, Pltmbatry, fa. CONFECTIONERY OF AI I WINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac.. CONSTANTLY on hand and for. sal at tna abova J establishment at alaWcsale and tatau, at rsaaan. able prices. Hals tnanntacturlrtg all Mnda of Confettionaries to keep up a full ansortuicnt which ar sold at low "l obaoco, Pegars, Stationery, Nuta of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of vihioh ars ofluied wholesale and retail. Iftncmcinber Uie name and place .yri M. 0. UEARI1ART, Market street, S doors west efE. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunhury. Sept. T9, IfW.t. tf WWTSTABLISHMENT ! A. . SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Squaro, 1 GTJilBTJPeT. PSIUT'A. I I AS constantly on hand a fine assortment of 1 1 WATCIlEtf, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spec tacles, .Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks. Ac. WtiK-liesi, 4'1o'IVm nnd J;vlry, pnirfd iml M AI(l(Ari:i, , Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1305. Uio W. Bairh Cha. B. GliaTaiF SILITE & GEMTHEP.. Jarket street, one door east of Mrs. Bnulton'a Hole STTITIBTJIVSr F-rt.. Have opened A NEW TIN-WAKE, Khetf Iron nnd Wiots-ailore1, and intend keeping constantly on hand, anil manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WAKE of all descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovc'of the following Brands UNION and nn the following two Brands wa defy competi tion, namely s CumUiiial ton ttiinw Ilurner, I'ook, (iisvri-nwr I'rnai-l'ook. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness ami durability, and each stove warruntod to perform what they are re presented ALSO. PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all the best manufactures, and most fasliionuble designs Also, The celebrated GEM for healing up and down stairs. Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER i on! Oil, Cwul Oil I.iiiiih, SIi;i1on, 4 'liiutni, iiiisl nil iirltW'li'M uniimallv kept in an establishment of this kind. M'e aretilso proi.arcd lodoall kinds of Spoulir g. lioofing. Lunge and Furnace Work. Oas Fitting. Ao. Repair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country produce tukeu in exchange at market price. SMITH A OENTIIER, Have IbrAgency for JSI1IH-S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Nortliuinber l.ni l. :'i.i-ji, Uui'jnunJ .Vol. tour. Ard are also agents for the I'iphcr A Willowor Line of Tnin'portuiion. Sun. ury.Sept. .'iU, 1834. GROIIEKIES ! GHOCERlES Mrs. SARAH A. SIMPSON, WlturtlUrry Street, fist of the X U. Jt. II SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the ublic generally, that she has just opened a large assortment of FRESli tjirvt's-rioi, such as TEAiS, COFFEE, SUGAH, MOLAS bES, FISH, SALT. iC. Pure Cider Vinegar. Fruit Jars, Glassware, and a variety of Ladies' Trimmings, Fans. Thread Neok lics. Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites all to examine before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, Feb. It), 1806 Mm KING'S 1ST A It 1.1 : 1 .1 :.m A I H Is the only prepartion of the kind made from the fruit. As an article of economy, purity, and deli snciness it caunot be surpasses, and is recommend ed by physioians for invalids andfaimly use. It will kuop for yjftrs in any c'im Uo. whila its condensed form emlors it especially uouvtniunl. for travelers nn wnouso leinonsare lequesteu lo gio it a trial Enterlaininents at homo, parties, and picnics should not be without It. For sale by all Druggii sts and nrsi-ctass urueers. Munuliioturod only hv LOLISJ. METZGER. No. 549 Pearl Street, NewYoik. Sept. 16, 1865.ly TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Bius!ies. Hair Brushes Au., Ac. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. l'UMPS! P U MPS!! The suhfx-riber having mirehased the right uf NORTH UMBER LAND COUNTY, for putting in III .Vri:it'K MllMtOVKMKVr on Bored Wells and YVatkr FomTa, will furnish tbeiu to ull persons iuthecouuty who may desire these ehuap and convenient pumps, Tbey can be sunk to a ptoper depth in two hours time, coal but one third the price of nn ordinary pump, and for cheapness aud convenience cannot be equalled. S. B. BOYER. A F. CLAPP. uubury, September 23, 1B6V REM EM B E R TIIED E A D. "I,TESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor, 11 would respect fully announce to the citiiens of Sunbury, and surrounding country, tbat having formed a co-partnership, they are now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain (rnaf Ntonrat, '1'oiuIim A 9lonuin'iila, of the best Italian and American marble, at prices that cannot fail tn give entire satisfaction, and re spectfully solicit the publia patronage. DISs'l.VUHU A TAYLOR. Sunbury, Mareh 81. IStttl ly. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172. 174 & 170 Uhkknwich 8t., 'One Square west of Broadway,) Between Courtlandt and Dey Streets, New York. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Propretor. The PAririu Hotel is well and widely known to the traveling public. The location ia especially suitable to merchants and busiuess men , it is in close proximity lo Ibe busiuess part of tbe City ia on tbe uighwav ol Southern and est.'tn travel aud wijn. eent lo all Ibe principal KuilrM-i aud Steamboat depots. The Pscifio has liberal accommodation for over 3(10 guests; it is well furnished and poetesses every modern improvement tor the comfort aud elU-rtaiu-luent of ita inmates. Tbe rooms are spacious and well veutilaled ; provided with gas aud water; the attendance is prompt aud respectful ; and the table is generously provided with every delicacy ot the eas,)u. The subscriber, who, for the past few years, has been the lessee, is now sola proprietor, aud intends to itideutily himself thoroughly with the iutorcsls ol nis nouse, be trust. to maintain Hotel. September 9, 1865 ly G23 HOOP SKIRTS, 028 IIOPKIN'S "Own Make." MANt rACTiBKD and Sold Wuolxsalu A Retail, Ko. C2 AP.C'Il Slreet, Philadelphia. The most complete assortment of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Hoop Skirts, iu Ibis City ; gottun up expressly lo meet tha wants or rlrst Vlaaa trade; i embracing tbe newest aud most dcsirohlo styles and siiesof "Uore Trails." of every length from 23 to yds round to to 5 Springs, at 2 lo $5 00. Plain ' SkirU. all lengths, from Ii to 3 yards round the but- , torn, at $1 40 to $4 14. Our Hue of Misses' and Children's Mirts, ara pro Verbiully beyond all couipetillen, for variety of styles and sues as well as t..r fiuisb aud durability ; eaiyiug tiom H to 33 inches in lei.gUi. 6 lu 45 Springs at D5ceulsloi 25. All Skirts of-OurOau Make," ara Warranted to give satisfaction ; hi I Buy none as such, unless tbey hare, 'Xlopkib's Hoop Skirt Manu factory, No. fiie) Arob Street," Sianiped on each Tab ! ' Alan, eonstaut'y ua baud, good Skirts, Xanufae. tetrad Ui fcew i'ork. and lbs Easiera cuius whieh we Sell at very low prices. A lot oi cheap Skips la spring, bti eeuu; Wi aprlaga, l 0u M apnngi, (1 14 3d springs, tl 25 aud 40 springs $1 bit. lV'Bkiris. suede to Order and Repwred, I V Tbins Cash 0b Prio Oidy ! March 3, lb6d. Im VMin iengexncrieuee as 1 1 note -Keeper, tfr!h(rn Cenlra, Hailway Depot, and opened a by u..alerat.uharge..nda l.bci.l fM:y, ,.cr,Mnt i,ouw. wll,.r, J, ,, "" re4 ? kp u the ia.orable repuutioo ef the P-jo.tlo J'KH M ANENT AND THAN'SIeM BOARDERS. LOOK HOSPITAL. EtrTABUBUKD AS A REFUUE FROM QUACSst TUB Olftr PLAUS WHERE A CVSS , VAN BR OBTAINED. , JOHNSTON has discovered the most Rartaln. Speedy and only Effectnal Remade In tha World orld for all Private Diseases. Weakness nf the Rank it Limbs, Strieturca. AfTectlons of the Kidneys and Uladdor. Involuntary Discharges. Impotency, Gene ral Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepay, Languor, Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas. Palpitation of ibe Heart, riinidity.Tremhlinga, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin, Affections if the Liver, Lungs. Stomach nr Bowels those Terri ile Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of 'oi'th those secret and solitary practices more fatal o their victims than tbe song or Syrens to tha Ma lner of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant bopea r anticipations, rendering marriage, Ao., impossi- vorojiF specially, who havo become tha victims of Solitary ica, that dreadful and destructive habit which jinually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exulted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranoed listen ing Senates with the thundors of eloquence or waked to eestaty tha living lyro, may call with full con lidenue. MA It Kl AG 13. Married Persons, nr Young Men contemplating marriage, boing aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities. Ac, speedily eared. He who places himself under tbe ears of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. OK4JAIC WI!AK.l;N!) Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit exoeases from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Improper hnbils than by the prr.clenl ' Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring the most serious and destructive svmntnins to Doth body and mind arise. The system becomes Deranged. 'lite Physical and Mental Funo- tions Weakened. Loss of Procreutivo Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepssa. Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a M asting of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Office, o. 7 fwoulli I'rcderirk Ntreet Left hand sido going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the owner. Fail not to observe nam nnd number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. Tha Doctor's Diplomas hang In his office. a ci ni: wAiticA:vri:i mtivo AVN. JV Mtrevry or Nauseoni Drugt. im. JotisTO. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, 'Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in he rolled States, and the greater part of whose life in been spent in Iho hospitnls of Inndon, Paris, nila.lclpbia and elsewhere, has effected some of 1 i most astonishing cores that were over known ; .lany troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at udden sounds, bashfulness, wiih frequent blushing, itten led sometimes with derangement of mind, were ;urcd immediately. I-Alii; I'AICTICI'l.Att OTIOE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage TitESR arc sonic of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early huhits of youth. Tit: Weakness of II c Buck and Limb. Pain.' In llie Head. Dininocs of Sight, Loss of Muscular Poner, P Ipitution of tbe ibeart, Hvspujisy. Ner ou Irritability. Derangement of the Digestive' Functions. General Debility, Symp toms of Cousiimptinn. Ac. Mentally. Thr fearful effect on the mind ara mucn to be dreaded Low of .Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Dcpreiuion of Spirits. Kv'1-Fnrebniings, Aver lion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity. Ae arc someiS the evils produced. TitofsAtina of persons of all ages can now judge what is tha cause of their declining health, li t'leir vtL'or. becoming weak, pale nervous nnd e naciated, having a singuUr appearance about the eyes, cougu and symptoms ot consumption. A'ho have iuiored themselves by a eertain practice ln.l,ilrv1 in wUn .liuiA . hut, it. frtui iinntt v larn.! I from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if no cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity tbat a young man. tho hope of bis country, tbe darling of bis parents, should bo snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by tba couscquenou of .deviating from the path of nature ind indulgiugin a certain secret habit. Such persons Mi'ST, before contemplating .M.Vai !.''?. reflect that a sound mind and body ara tha most ueceiwary rc.nisiles to proinott connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the joLrney through life be somes a weary ilerimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melancholy reflec tion that tbe happiness of another becomes blghtcd wuli our own .ar. or ii:.ci:. When tbe misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed tho seeds of this painful disease it too often happen? thai an ill-timed ' ,et"") 'huuio, or dread of discovery, deters him liom aptuying 10 uioae wo, iroui otiuuauun ana rospectab'lity, otin alone befiiend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make tbctr appoaranco, such as ulcerated sore Hi rout, diseased uose, nocturnal pains in tbe bead und Inula, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on tha shin bones aud arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at lar'tlhe palate of the nioutb oi the hones of the nose fall in, and tbe victim of this awful disease bocouies a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him t "that Undiscovered fouutry from whence so traveller returns." it is mrlanrlioly furl that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the uuskillfulness of ignorant pretenders, who. by the use of that Deadly I'oimi, JUcicitry, ruin the constitution and make tbe residue of life miserable. s k it A.4ai:itM Trust not your lives, or health, to the ea-eofthe aiauy Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, institute ol kuowledge, name or cbaraotor. who ' opy Dr. Iinnstou's advertisements, 'or style themselves, In the newspapers, regularly Educated Physioians, incapable uf Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking Iheir filthy and poisonus com pounds, or as lung as the smallest, fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health lo sigh ot or your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is tho only Physiuian advertising. His credenliul or diplomas always bang in his office. His rewidies or treuteu.ent aie unknown to all ot hers, prepared from alii spout in the great hos pitals of Europe, the first in the country and a more etteusno7' t a( Practice than any other Physician pi the world, i sooasa::tir:vi' oi- the presn The many thousands cured at this institution year lifter year, and the numerous important Surgical I'peralioiui performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by Ibe reporters of the "Sun,'1 "Clipper," and many other papers, notices uf which have appeared again and again before tba public, besides his standing as a geiiileuiau of character and responsibility, is a sulLcient guuranlee to the afflicted. Me. a. tkii:ASI.as NlT-Elf II.Y 'l Itl.lk. Persons writing should be particular in directing their letters to his Institutiou, in tbe following inanue JOM .11. JOins'lO.'M, M.l. Ol the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 21 Itxlo ly. BOARDING HOUSE! MUM. .n.lHI.. 'l'U4.niM., (Formerly of tbe "Luwrenoe House.") 6UNBU11Y., PENN'A. INFORMS her friends and tha puhlle generally that she has refined tbe bouse formerly occupied cool eouks ami waiters boarders can enjoy the quiet cuuiicris of fcume with fare equal to the best hotels. Patronage from those who may sojourn In Suubury is respectfully solicited. Mis. MAUIA THOMPSON. Sunbury. Nov. II. 1SB5. II U. OF xihtiii Mfii:ui,A.l. WHEREAS Ibe Auditor Geueral as required by tbe lllh Section of the Aet. entitled 'An Act enabling the Banks ol this Commonwealth to become Associations lor the purpose of banking Busier tbe laws of tba Uuited butes." passed uu the itfd day of August A D. I8u4, baa oor tided to tne that tba Bauk of Nortbuaibrrlaiid." luoattaliu Ibe Buruugb Of Sunbury, N'orlbumberlaud eounty. has furuLhed satisfactory r videncalo bim ibat all tha requireiuenU faidAel have beea complied with by the aaid Bank, and thai ii bus beuou.e au aaMwiatiuu tor the purpose of Buuking uoder the Laws ol the Uuited etuius I do therefore, eauaelhe notice thereof to be pub. lunea in aoeoriianee wiin (be provwons of the said iita aeeueo of tneaaia Act. and uo declare that the Charter ot U.e aaid Bai.k by Iho term, of said Aol to dee wad and taken to be hereunon surrendered auk. I jcot to the provision, at the .fir-tiou of said a.u. cijtufl.uovenior. Executive Chamber. I Uanisburg, Aug. ii, 1946. . I.v Dr. J. . Paula, nn UIrukbirrv uLrftet. uu tha I mm CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. A tnaitty ami ipaolAa remedy for all diseases ori rlbailnf trotn an Impure State of tha Bleod, and t all (hereditary) Diseases transmUtasl frem psreat toaiM. : 1 BaiiOFTJtiA I STRUMA, ULA vDCLAR 8WELLINGS, VLCEKATIjN. KINU'M EVIL. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. This taint (hereditary and acquired.) filling Ufa with untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies Incurable. ; , IU1EUMAT13M. If there b any disease in which tha Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in rheumatism and its kindred affections. Tha most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated enormous swellings ara reduced. Cases, ebronie or tovarious, of twenty or thirty years standing have been cured. NERVOUSNESS. Netrous Debility, (Shattered Nerves, St. Vitus' Dance, Loss uf Power, Confusion of Thoughts, Epilepsy, ' Thousands who have suffered for years will bles Iho day on which they read these lines. Purlieu! ir ly to woak. eufforlng women will this medieino prove an inestimable blessing liiectit g their lisdsteps to a Hope which fulfills more than in promises. MERCURIAL DISEASF.S. Salvation, Rotting of Bones. Bad Complexion, Aches lu Bones, Feeling of Weariness. Depressivn of Spirits Constitution Life Syrup purges the system entirely from all the evil effects of Mercury. 'removing the Bad Breath, curing tbe Weak Joints and Ubunnaiio Pains wbich the u.-e of Calomel issuie to produce. It hardens spongy Gums and secures tbe Teeth as as tiiuily as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYHUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, of the skin like ULCEUS, PIMPLES. BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making tbeiu a disgusting olijeot tu themselves aud their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Cures all Swelling of the (Hands. Either of the raoe, Neck, or Female Breast, and ! Should he l,vM ... ....... .1.. i... . ;, ,7 " . 71 -"8 ueiceien, ,...vU,.Ug U4ir urcaamg, aim producing trou blesome discharging sores, w hicli dictigure so many ot the youngei portion of the community, from six tolweuty years of age. Young children are very subject to dischargee from tbe ears, which depends upon a scrofulous constitution. These cases soon recover by tuking a few doses of ibe Life Syrup. s All scrofulous persons suffering from general Da biiity, Dyspepia and Dropsey of the limbs, abdomen and in the leiuale. Dropsey of the ovaries and womb generally accompanied with inflauiatiou a utl Uloer. atiou of tho Uterus, are permanently cured by Con. stilulion Life Syrup. Thu disease known as Uoitre or Swelled Ntek. the Life Syrup will remove en. tiruly. The remedy should be taken for sotno time, as the disease is exceedingly chronic aud stubborn, and n ill not be removed will out extra etloit Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumoia of tbe Breast, and welling of other glands of the body, will be com pletely reduced without resorting to the ku.fu, or sperutions ol any kind. Y cpueptio nts, sympathetic or organic diseases of . as. .'"" paipiumon, uiseases ot the valves, pro ducing a grating or tiliug sound, dro of the heart ease aud all the affections of this important orgau iporsoiis suOering from any aoute pain iu the region ot the heart), will be greatly relieved by Coostim tiun Litu byrup. Broken-Down and Delicate Constitutions sudormg rroui ludtsposiUon to Exw lion, Pain in the Back Loss of Memory, Forebodings, Horror oi Calamity, ear of Disease, Dimue of Vision, Dry, Hot ektu and Extremities, aut of Sleep. Restlessness, Pale Haggard Countenance, aud Lassitude uf tbe Muscu lar System, alt require tba aid uf tbe Constitution Life byrup. R L FO FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, K'lS.ert f iioi' T,',",,' TonSn- Spina. For. i.ead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its iqu moin fetches upon the female face oepending upon the diseased action of the liver ure very un pleasant to the youug wife aud mother A few bot tles ot Constitution Life Syrup, will correct tho se cretion and remove the deposit whieu is directly under tha skiu. Iu the diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Lan guor, Ditiiness, Indigeeliou. t uk Siomacu or au uleeraied or cancerous condition ol tl irg in. au. eouipauied wiih buri.lng or other unploaa tit svm. loins, will bs relieved by tbe use of Constitution Life Syrup. IT H7 As a general Bliaid Purifying Agent the Life rvrup stands unrivalled by any preparation in aba norm. THE HICH AND POOR are liable to the same diseases. Nature and Science has made the Constitution Life Syrup for the beueflt of all. BLOOD produces healthy men and women ; and if Ike eon si i i u ion is neglected in youth, disease and earl death i tb rult. ' Price, 1 5 per bottle ; one half dosen fur 7. WM 31. OREGG, Jtd. ID.. HOLE PROPRIET0U, NEW YORK. MOuUA.V A ALLEN, W bolasole Druggists, ' ' Ageats. Nu. 4 Cliff., N.w Vork. 0 GOODWIN A CO . Boston. OEO. J. H. nr. to. vo., ctihiago. I FULLER FINCH A H 1.1 KB rhi..M nil I i Kit minruiuj J. i 1 ' J D , P A R KC i uonat'i inuvcim imiT!,,7. . BARNES, w AKD4 CO 5 ihirvu ininuvira GOLD. 1865, 1800, 1807, BIXYES itooott $2 I S2 M S2M! TWO DOLLARS. 91smauftlvtarer, Aseatet t . Our New Ilode- One of Mr GOLD or NltVTEH WistrheB, or fwllTe-r ! Rela for ft, as below slated. On of oar tea setts or on piece of onr Gold or Silverware is worth a bushel ol tha oheap dollar jewelry 1 ! We have adopted the following mode of , DISTRIBUTION by sals ot 7&,(KI0 artiolei of Talus ! Onr iew Mod I The articles of goods ara numbered from 1 to 73. (MO! ,17 500 consisting of pianos Melodeons. Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea A Tabls) Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons and Forks; etc., ate, and the other 37.&O0 articles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cases. Photourauh Albums, Open Trice Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 75.0110 notices nuuibered from 1 to 75,000 are printed and put into sealed envelopes and well mixed and one of these Is taken out and sent to tha person sending to ua Si cents to cover expense of postage, oorrespc ndenoe etc.. ana me arttote or goods corresponding with the number on t le notice will bs sent to the holder of tbe same m aediately (if he desires to purchase tha artiolc) on the reoeipt of two dollars. For instance; If tha number on tbe notice sout to you should be KM), and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 600; it will be sent to you should ba 600, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 400, it will be sent tn you for $2. and so on for every article in our list of fi.ootl articles. 1 (jfAftrr receiving the article, if It doesnoi please I you. you can return it, and your money snail oe re . Ul.de4. 25 ceiilt must be sent to pay expense of postage, CniresHndcnoe etc., on one notice. Remember : that whatever article corresponds with the number on your uotioe. you cvn have it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth $100 or $M00. And It is for our Interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine artioles. as it gives confidence to tne puouo, and tnoroby increases our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 ots., which pays for correspond drnce. postaite etc., we send one notice. Upon receipt of (1, which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we send six notices. Upon receipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc.. we will send 40 notices, and a fine pre sent valued at not less than $lt, as a sample of our goods Upon receipt of $18 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc.. we will send 150 notices, aud a solid diver Watch, by return mail. AUEN1S WANTED. Send for a circular Agenta Aliowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make $25 Weekly. Addrotm plainly Salesroom 34 Liberty street Sept. 2.1, lt85. ly REED A BROTHER, Box 5IS8. New York City, N. Y. gjPEER'S SAMBURU P0RT.GRAPEW1NE. Pure anil I'onr Years Old. ' FOR THE COMMUNION TABLE A FAMILY USE Prescribed by Physioians for Females, weekly persons and INVALIDS ! IV- Qe ffi&t&-j Qit -ii EXCELLENT WIXE FOR FEMALES Every family at this season, should use SPEER'S WINE, celebrated in Europe for its medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent phisiciaus, used in European and American Hospitals, and by soma of the first families in Europe and Amorica. AS ATONIC it has no equal, causing an appetito and building up the system, being entirely a pure wine of a moat valuable grape. AS A DIURETIC it Imparts a healthy action of tha Ulands, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, ti nut, aud Rheumatic Affections. SPEER'S WINE is a pure article from thr Juice of the Port Grape, possessing medicinal properties superior to any other wine in use, aud an cxcHonl article for all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, im proting the appetite, and benefitting ladies and children. Try it once, atut yon will not be deceived. k Be sure tbe signature of Alfred Sricx is over the cork of each bottle. AM by W. A. Bennett Sunbury, and all first elass dealers, who also sell the 47i'l'l(,lA IMlt I' Mil a choice old artiole, im ported only by Mr. Speer, direct from the valley of Oporto. Trade supplied by Wholesale Druggists. v- By A. SPEER. at his vineyard in New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 208 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sunbury. Jan. Id, 1S89. ly. COTTAGE .MS 0B rt ARE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument in the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to tba parlor and drawlug room. For sale only by B. M. BRUCE, No. 18 North Seventh street. Philadelphia. I. if J Also Bradbury's Pianos, aud a oosoplata as sortment of the Perfect MEL0DE0N. Sept. 23, mi lyw PERSONS having unrecorded Deads are reminded that tbey must be recorded, according to tbe Act f Assembly which requires that "All deeds aud conveyances for real estate in this Commonwealth, .hall be recorded in the office for Recording Deeds in tbe County where the lands lie mtkiH uznontlu alter the execution of such deeds and oonveyanee ; and every such oeed and eouver. ance not recorded aa aforesaid, shall be indued FRAUDULENT AND VOID .gi'Mrny subaCVnt Darehaser tur a valuable i ? . deeds be aeorded before lbs reowdiugof the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent Burekaaer or mortgage shall elaiiu." 1 August 2n, ltk5 m)&L FANCY CAKES. X5A."VIID PRY, Two doors west of Ibe Post OfSoe, SUNBURY, Pa, RESPECTFULLY Informs the eltlsen. of fun bury aud noiuity, that he will hake te order all kinds of I'ukeej lor Dalle, artless, Vc. Families are supplied with BREAD, Twist Hulls, Rusks, Tea Buns, Ao.. and also kept oe hand WanafaoUired out of tha beat materials-. All orders will meet with prompt attentioa. ' Uaviug had large eapeneace I hope to give Sanerul aaliafaeUosi to all who may favor ssa writ .air patronage. FRY. Smilury, Dm 9, IM .v m i Uti-iiJ ft' ia.; I ft .Ita' . L. . , ft 1 ry cu..Te.'A! k j. I'. PERUVIAN' li A rftOTICTID S0LCTI05 OF THE . Vraloitde ol Iron, a new discovery la medicine which 8TBIKE8.AT THE BOOT OF DISEASE, by supplying tha Blood with its vital raActrLt, ' CR tt LMt!!IT IKON. This I tha seoret ef tha wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint.,' Drop:. Chronic, h rhosa. Bc41 Nervous Afactions, Chills and Fe vers. Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or aecompanied by crbilitt or Low btatc or TIIB STSTEM. Being free from Alcohol in any form, its energl ing effects ara aet followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing 8TKKNOTH, VlfJOB and mw Lira into all parts of the system, aud build ing up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From the Venerable Areuteacon SCOTT, D. D Du.idAX, Canada East, March 21.4M5.. "I am an Inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 25 yearsstanding." "I have been so wonderfully benefitted, in the three short weeks during which I havo used tba Peruvian Syrup, that I can soaroely persuade myself of the reality. People w no have known mo are astonished at the change. Iain vri.leU J""wn, and oan but recommend to others that wbtcb has done so much for me " One of the most Iihliitxgashjef1' JhiusIs it New England Writes tti a Ft'woi us follows: "I hare tried tha PERUVIAN SYRUP, and tht result fully sustains your prediction. It bus nuidi a new man of me; infused Into iny system new vigo) and energy ', I am no lunger tremulous and delmiia ted, as when you last saw me, but sironger, heartier and with larger capacity for l ibor, tuental an. physical, than ut any time duriug the lust fiv years." " An Eminent Divine of Boiton, . t. I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP fo some time past ; it gives me .taw vioon, auor ahc er spirits, elastic rr or muscle." Thousands have been changed by the use of thi remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering cr'jfturcs, t strong, healthy, and happy men aud women ; an iuvalids onnuot reasonably hesitate to givo it a in i A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificates oures and recommendations from some of tbe ino eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will I sent free to any address. V See that each battle bat PERU VIA SYRUP blown in tbe glue. Fur salo by J, P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 3d Dey Street, New York. An ST ALL PHLOUISTI, SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is lite I Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disease e discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a Pi Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is a Pur Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvetr Containing a full grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorati Ilbss cured and will cut e !C KUl U LA in all its tut' fold foruis. I.'la-erN, Cnneera, .vpliilis, .iu IC Ileum audit has been used with astonishing success in oi of Kheumatistu, Dyspepsia. Coiisuuipttun, Feu Complaints Heart, Liver, and Kidney Dishes, Circulars will be sent free to any one seu ling II address. Price SI OP a bottle, or 1 f..r f j 00. Prepared by Dr. II. ANDERS, Physician and C mist Forsaiehy i . P. DINSMORE. 36 1 toy Street, New tfori And by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam WILD CHE RY has been used for nearly a hale a century. with the most astonishing success in curing Coughs, C?l Is, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Influ' Whooping Cnugh, Croup. Liver Complaint, Broehitis, Difficulty of Breiithing. Aslh-' ma and every aflcction of TheTlirvat, l.uiiga.und ('lit-wi CONJ?U?iPTIO, which carries off more victims shao other JL and which baffles tbe skill of the Physicians greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS BEUKUT ! when all others prove ineftictual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid In relief, soothing in effect, safe In its o tion.it ia unsurpassed ! aud is entitled merits receives the general confidence of the publio. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D , of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows: " Wiirtar's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives uni satisfaction. It seems to cure a Cough by' and cleansing tbe lungs, and allaying in iu rsmoving the cause, instead of dryiug up tl and leaving the cause behind. I consider sam as good as any, if mil the best Cough with which I am acquainted." From Hon . J ud ge S P RAKER, of Can jobs ri e . : Uentlemen. This ia to certify that mvselt family have used Dr. Wistar s Balsam of Wild C for several years, and that 1 take great rle.isi recommending it in preference to anything o kind for tba purposes for which ie is intended eases of Asthma. Phthisic, or affections of the T I bay. nevermct with anything equal to it, Very respectfully. DAVID KPRAK! The Row. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover. Well known and much respeuted among the population in this country makes the foil statement for the benefit of the aftlictcd. Dear Sirs : tlaving realised in my fuuiily i tant benefits from the use of your valuable' pr tinn Winter's Balsam of W'il, Cherry it i me pleasure to recommend It tn iho pul1i eight years ago one of uiy daughters seemel h a deeliue, and little hones of her recovery were taiued. I then procured a bottle of your ex. Balsam, and before she had taken the whole contents of the bottle there was a great improv in her health. I have, in my individual cjt'v frequent uie of your valuable medicine, auil always bean benefitted by it. JACOB SECHl PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sal by J. P. DINSMORE. .16 Dey Street, New Yoi SETU W FOWLK A SON. Proprietors, B And by all Druggisti. GIUCE'B CELEBRATED SALY Coras Cuts, Burns. Scalds. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Wounds, Bruiseatttprain.. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Boils, Uloer. Cancers. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cure. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Chapped Hands, Chilblain.. GRACE'S CELEARATED SALVE Heels Old Sores, Flesh Wounds. Ao I! is presBnt ia action, removes pain at a reduce. Uie aaost tagry-luokuig swellings ai metioas, aa U by tuagic, thus auurdiug relit complete cure, OUy 35 sent, a box ! (Sent by mail for S For Bale by J. F. DINSMORK. Dey Ke'York. . W. FOWL. A a-JN, Pro Bo.aoa. auAl by aU Druggi Wroeetti. ad Dior.. January ZT,W-if-