Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 23, 1866, Image 3

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    &f)c Sunbun American.
N. S.ENOLH, ) PublUhMsi. 'M
i' -W ,i a, k 4s-
SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1808.
rRIW inY EIJiCTlO.X. :
Tho Republican Unin Voters, of North
umbcrland County" fcre reverted to meet
in tf; different , Borotiglii and Townships,
on Saturday, tlio 14th of July, next, to
fleet Delegate to "a" County Convention
'.Ich will meet In' Siinbury, on Monday,
July 10th, 1800, to nominate candidates for
"he County offices, to be" elected In October
xt. . 1
Chairman of Standing Committee.
Si'KBPitY, June 7th, 1800. - - '
. i,.. - i. i- a
2Loral &ffa(is.
CP3 Job Prlnllnsr. Having received a
largo supply of NEW JOB TYPE, .of various now
stylei, Posters, HandbillsCirculars, Card, Letter
llea-bj. Hill Heads, Labels, o., can be printed In
tho lutost and best styles, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
ly IK akd Blacking. We are indebted to
Messrs. Hodgkins A Apsley, wholesale and re
tail boot and (hoe dealers, for a speolmon of the
fine Racking now manufactured by them at this
piaco. Alt. Hodgkins possesses the recipe of Day ft
Martin, of London, who are famous for their black
ing. We are also in the reoeipt of a bottle of Tery
superior black Ink, made by thcin:
ty Tna new steam saw mill at Watsontown, this
tieunty, will eontain, when finished, three gangs of
saws, three mulays, one large eirculnr saw, sash
mill, Ao. It will be as largo if not larger than tho
largest mill at Williamsport.. .
fy Hps new passenger dopot of the Philadelphia
A Erie Railroad at Cameronia, (Lowisburg station,)
has been finished and is now used for the purposo
Mr which it was erected. It is a fine improvement
on the old one.
Tub enterprising proprietors of the Milton
nr works intend erecting an additional building, as
heir present one is too small for their increasing
Ty(BAS Bami-A, atatoh gam between the
Susauehannk Club." of this claoe. and thk Tyrolean
Club, of HsrrUburf., cine off at the Jatter clace on
Bator day lait.i tj a kixotEsi qftpsiderable in
terest, and was witness by a large number of
ladles and gerfOoaen.' AOtQ.1 be ien y the fol
lowing seere the -Tyrolean were v!otorien- The
latter Is a" much 'oldef tSIub Uian the Susquelianna,
whioh was but recently orgahlted,'lhis being It first
matoh game, The Tyroleans have the reputation of
being on of. U best kldbi outside, of .the cities.
The flarrisburg Telegraph, in speaking of the game,
nya that it.waa not M well contested a was expeo
ted, jth Tyroleans taking the lead at the start, and
maintaining It, with their nsual skill to the end.
Some fine playing on the part of the Susquohnnnas
was frequently applaadod, the Tyroleans joining
heartily In It. - The following it thwseors i
Kunkel, a. '
Zinn, r. f. ,
Orose, I. f.
Cox, o. f. ' 1
Ilurkholdcr, 3d b.
Montgomery, 2d b.
Patterson, s. s.
llrllwh, 1st b.
McPherson, p.
O. Hi
Hambright, t; 4 1
Boiler, e. , , : 3 2
Mrlght, 3d b. 4 0
Weaver. In a. 8 2
arvis, 2d b. 8 2
walker, s. a. 2
Krone, c. f. 8 1
(Jlower, r. f. 2 0
MeUansland, I. f. I
27 11
8. 9.
10 6 B8
0 4-11
I. 2. 8. 4.
ft 13 9 8
10 10
Timo 3 hours, 30 minutes. ;
Umpire M. Cooper. Maryland B. B. Club.
Scorers Gilbert and Ellenger.
Fly Catches Tyrolean, 7 ; Susquehanna, 10.
Tho matoh game between the 2d and 3d nine of
the Burqnchanna Club did not come off on Monday
lust, as was announced, owing to the absence of some
of the parties. Two ninos were seloctod from the
elub, in their pi aeo, who did some very good play
ing, exhibiting a marked Improvement of their skill
in our national game. Quite a number of ladies
wore In attendance, who seomod much pleased with
the alertness of the boys in tbeir runs, batting, catch
cs, Ao. Annexed is tho tool 0 :
O. K
Rright, p.
McConkey, c.
Seiler, I jit b.
Zicglor, 2d b.
Torrington, 3d b.
Dewart. s, s. ; .
Welkcr, If I
Smith, e. f.
Knpp, r. f.
CP Capt. D. A. Irwin, of Union eounty, has been
Ppointcd Deputy Collector or the XJ. 8. Internal
tcvenuc for Dauphin county, with headquarters at
y The ordination and installation of Rev. T. M.
lawson, pastor elect of tho Presbyterian church, of
ewi;'irg, took place on Tuesday afternoon Inst.
'ho exercises were conducted by Rcvds. Messrs.
lawn, ofShamokin, Dr. Comlit, of Auburn Thco
igical Seminary, Watson, of Milton, and Stevens, of
crsoy Shore.
O. II.
Newbury, p. : : 3 6
Hamilton, o. 1 4
Weavor, lstb. ,. 4 3
Belford, 2d b. 4 4
Bucher, 3d b. 3 6
Magber, 8. y 1 6
Pool, 1. f.t ; 6 2
Heard, c. f. 3.4
Krvin, r. f. 3 4
Ti.rringtnn s side,
Newbury's side,
1. 2. 8. 4
0 0 2 3
8 2 6 2
27 35
I. 9.
I 884
I 36
ty T" strawberry festival, which was held in
10 old Court House on Wednesday, Thursday. Fri
ay and Saturday evenings of last wock, by the
xlios of the Episcopal Church, was very successful,
ho nett receipts amounted to about $140, which will
added to the building fund of the church, to bo
cd in erecting a parsonage.
jy Locusts This is said to be the year for tho
titntion of locusts.
jyOua Labors Appreciated. Tho best evi
nce we have, asido from letters received from
flcrcnt influential persons, that our paper Is ajtprc
itcd 7 the people, is the constant and steady in
iue of our subscription list. Our friends have our
inks for their earnestness, and we shall endeavor to
siprocate by giving them a good papor, and devote
r attention still more closely to improve tho
iiii.ICAN,"so as to make it the best family paper
the county.
tr A Fiw lot of Bpjof 'j, Perfumery,:
Congreal Wateti Aoy jaa- reoeit4 and lpoed at
W ..A. Aenaatt'k Drag Store, Market sqarn. !
' y A Ft0Bc fcia6 .MAcnUttT iTpff'Jrea
for sal at two-thirds its alui- gr Wgaio.
Call at the millinery store of Miss Mary L. Laura)
on Market street.
Mr. William Hancock, of Danville, is now
a proprietor of the Rough anil Ready Rolling
Us, at that plucc, he having bought the interest oi
. Foley.
y TiiB Markets. The fina growing weather
; been favorable for vegeUble products, and our
rkcts are well supplied.' New potatoes havo do
led, and are culling from 75 to 80 ets. per peck,
I will be down to $2 per bushel, In a week or two.
is andbenns are plenty, and aro now selling at CO
prf peck. Strawbi tries orcrnthorscnrco, and are
ing at 20 to 35 ots. per quart. Cberues are coui
infreoly , and are quoted at prices from 8 to 1 0
per quart. Butter docs not come in so freely
! the reduction in price to 25 cu. This is a lair
c, even rer this place. In Carlisle it is selling
7 ots., at Lancaster 20, and at HarrUburg from
0 2 cents
nrMr. E. M. Hall, of Auburn, California, is on a
visit to his friends and relatives in this and other
placos in Pennsylvania. . This is Mr. Hall's third
visit sinoe ho located in California, in 1849, when
quite a youth. For several years be was the finnn
cial agent of tho Adams' Express Company, at Au
burn, in banking and I lie purchase of gold dust
After the brenk-down thcro, he commenced business
on his own hook, and, like many others, his industry
and enterprise have not been without thoir reward
Culifurnia, he snys, is not as it was. The wild ex
citcnient of gold discoveries is over. Things have
found their truo lovel. Living is cheaper there
now than in Pennsylvania. Gold only is tho circu
lating medium. Greenbacks are good for taxes, Ac,
and are bought and sold at thoir value In San
Francisco hoarding is less than in New York or
Philadelphia. The prospects for poor men, he
thinks, are not as favorable there, at present, as in
Pennsylvania. He contemplates returning with his
family, to this State, in a year or two hence.
tyTHE New Court Room. Tho elegant and
commodious room intended for the Court room, in
the seoond story of the new Court House, is nearly
completed. There is, however, a defect in the
light, caused by the rcflootion of the daizling white
walls and ceiling.. An intelligent gentleman, from
tho upper end of the county, pointed out to us this
defect, a few days sinco, which we had also previous
ly observed. He suggested that the walls and ceil
ing should be frescoed at once. We think so also,
and that it will ye', be found necessary.
tjr"A friend at our elbow describes the latest style
bonnet in this wise, which Is a pretty good description
of the article. It consists of two straws tied together.
with a bluo rib'jon on the top of the bead, and red
tassels suspended at each of the four ends of tho
straw. Price $19.
ty Some unknown person, in the absence of Mr.
James K. Davis, who has iruno to West Virginia, en
tered his residence on Monday night and considera
bly frightened the family. Mrs. DavU was awake
about throe o'clock when lie 'first eame up stairs.
Supposing it to be her son, who slept in an adjoining
room, she twice called him, upon which the burglar
took alarm and made his esoape. He had rummaged
the house below, but wo believe took nothing
Stfliutsrovt Times.
2 OlLV .The Philadelphia have been eon
rably excited, the past few weeks, with a slight
ck of tho oil fever. Two wells on the Wissa
ion, noar the city, are going down. Onoof them
ck oil, it is suid, at a depth of 242 feet,
bo oil company recently organised in this place
)peratmg on Klase's farm, about six miles east
unbury, and are hopeful at to the results.
r New Recipes. Uur readers will find a rum
of new and valuable recipes in to-day's paper.
k we published a number of recipes for the
..lion and use of strawberries ia various ways
cck we publish some useful recipes on the
of making wines, beer, to.
g' liioHT O'clock, P. M It will be seen by an
ertisement in another column, that all our prm
I business places will be closed on and after
iday, the 25th inst., at 8 P. M. This will give
ikeepers and their employees some time in the
ling for recreation, after the labors of the day
over, while those who have purchases to make
have auiplu time to do so, from six to eight in
ovening. There is no reason why merchants and
- hands should labor longer than mechanics,
gh it may be necessary to keep open a few hours
nr, for the oonvenience of those who cannot
e thoir purchases during the day. ' :
-IxsunmcE Association. A gentleman, a
ji since, suggested to us the propriety of form
in assoeiatioa for th 'nsuranea of cows against
y accidents, caused by railroads. There are a
bor of valuable cows in this plaoe, liable to in
or destruction every day. To a man of mode,
jicarn the loss of a cow if a serious one, against
1 be could guard by paying, perhaps, less than
ollar per annum. We understand such associa
have been in "existence for some time in some
1 on the line of railroads." Lot ene be formed
speedily. The project is a good one.
Railroad Companv. A meeting of this company
was hold at Aaronsburg, Centre eounty, on the Uth
inst. The following Board was elected for the
ensuing year :
President Hon. Geo. F. Miller.
Managers-Col. Eli Slifcr, Hon. John Walls, W. C.
Duncan, A. H. Dill, Hon. Goo. K. Barrett, William
Young, Murk Halfpenny, James P. Coburn, R. II.
Dunean, Peter Wilson, Edward Blanchard and John
On motion, John Walls was eloetcd Treasurer, and
J. P. Coburn, Secretary.
Several resolutions were passed, looking to tlie
building of the road, when, 00 motion, the meeting
adjourned to re-assemble at the call of the President
"y Artbhus Ward utters sealhing ntalediotlon
on a Wisoonsin town, where he loctared. His agcht
took $2 87 at the dewrr- while Artemus took thk
measels, Insido. This is one of Artomus' "goaks,"
but we can assure the public that w are not "goak
ing" when we say that Miller, of tho Excelsior Boot
and Shoo Store, in Market square, constantly keeps
on hand the best and cheapest assortment of boots
and shoes that can be found anywhere. Cal and see
his goods. . , ., , . :
., . ! 1 jmi : ,11 '
t7APSLET'a Wholesale and Retail' Boot
And Shob STOB.-lt Is generally supposed that a
wholesale business in country towns cannot bs well
Sustained, but if any of our readers havfe had occa
sion to visit the large wholesale and .retail boot and
shoe storoof W. W. Apsley, in this plaoe, they oould
not help but observe tho largo and successful whole
sale business that gentleman is doing, as is evidenced
by the huge piles of boxes of his goods, ready fur
shipment to various portions of the State, a trade
which he has succeeded in establishing by his indom- j
itable energy and entorprlte. Mr. Apsley procures
bis stock direct from tho largest Eastern manufac
turers, and is thus enabled to coin po to successfully
with New York and Philadelphia prices. It is ad
vantageous to merchants residing in this part of the
State to purchase of him, on account of being nearer 1
to their places of business, thereby saving the ex-
ponee of going to the cities, the high rates of froight,
Ac His retail business bos aUo assumed huge di
mensions, and is extensively patronised by all good
judges of that indispensable article '' Wo advise
every one to call ana icarn nis mooe 01 aoing dusi
ncss, as w aro sure they will not regret tho timo
lost in an examination of bis stocks
..- m 1 ' ' i " 1 1 1
iyAM I Interested? Why, of courso you
are, for although you may not at present bo paying
much attention to the various changes that are taking
place, not only in this oountry, but throughout the
world, nevertheless yoa are deeply interested in the
largo stock of cheap and lnshionnlilo roady-niade
clothing which Slaymaker, of fho Continental Clo
thing Bazaar, Market square, offers for sale. He
contemplates changing his line of business, and in
order to reduce his stock, will sell at ton per cent,
less than first cost. Persons desiring good and oheap
clothing should call nt his store immediately.
tyWHY Sal Refused to Marry Bill. "Bill,"
said a fellow one day to his chum, "I came awful
near getting married last week." "How was that ?"
"Woll, I axed Sal Jones to hare mo." "What did
she say ?" "She said she'd see me blowed first ; if
sho'd only said yes, we'd been splioed, sure." The
public should know why it was that Sal didn't say
yes. Her lover bad neglected to purchnse one of
those fashionable suits of clothing manufactured by
Mr. Jacob O. Deck, at bis merchant tailoring estab
lishment on Fourth street, between Market and
Clicsnut. Every young .candidate for matrimonial
honors should, before popping the question to his
"Sal," cngngo one of Beck's fashionablo suits.
lyTiiE Feman War. The all-absorbing topic
of interest at the present time seems to be the move
ments of the invadors of Canada. The Until result
of this daring enterprise 011 the part of the Irish
population of America is not only looked for by the
Fenian Brotherhood with great interest, but by the
American peoplo generally. No one at the present
time seems to be able to understand what the object
of the recent invasion was. and therefore we are
forced to wait for the development of the Fenian
plan. But, how different tho object of Mr. John E.
Smick, whose tailoring establishment is on Fourth
strcot, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Ho has no desire
to deceive, nor to keep from the. eyes of the publio
the knowledge that ho is daily receiving large sup
plies of cheap and fashionable goods, direct from the
ilius, and rapidly converts it into those fushionablo
suits for which his establishment is celebrated. Ho
sells them at exceedingly low prices.
iy Nature and Art. Nature has within itself
numerous artful curiosities, and only can the iinagi
nation and optieal vision comprehend tbe beauty she
displays by frequenting the garden, field and grove,
and perceiving in reality the wonder of her works,
Next to nature is the Photographic art, whioh dis
plays a power of effect upon the miud and sight not
superior to naturo. Yet at Bycrly 's Photograph Gal
sory, in Simpson's building. Market street, pictures
are made which bear so marked a resemblance to the
persons from whom they aro taken as to leave them
conscious of no better lubor performed.
lylMMExsK Excitement. Our citizens will be
thrown iuto great exoltonicnt by the news that S.
Kronenberg sells hii Clothing, Boots and Shoos, at
15 per cunt, under cost. He is determined by all
means to securo custom. Let everybody come and
examine, at S. KRONENBERG '8
Two doors aoove Goo. Bright's Drug Store.
A RRcirc ron CousTBKFBiTiKa Fonttioit
Pbrpcmbs. Take ircreral prow of apurioua
Iftbola a, qilantltw of tmrl anirtta kA ..,.r.o
-Mrillhl oila j mix and bottle the lattcf artl-
ZZl' u ,. Kve .mn on the vinls.
Ihbn Mell the stuff (and the public) if tou
can. Hut you can't rln Touch in that wry
l,".Pj!Bon, "Night-Hloominp; Cereu'
Has the corftrnand of every domestic market
Bold everywhere.
L (Sons Thiioat. Three affliolnrl will.
Coach, Hoarseness, Irritation and Soreness
Of the Throat, will find nothing so elllcacloHs
as a Throat Remedy, as Brown's Bronchial
Troches. , Bold by all Druggists.
Ladies and gentlemen, if yon wish to marry, ad
dress the undersigned, who will send you, without
monoy and without price, valuable information tha'
will enable you to marry happily and spoedily, ir
respective of age, wealth, or beauty. This Informa
tion will cost yon nothing, and if yon wish to marry,
I will cheerfully assist you. All fetters slriotly ooh.
tldcntial. The desired information sent by return
mail, and no reward askod. Addxajs
- Wrecnpoinl, Kings Co., Now York.
June 9, 1800.-Sm
iTcTiTTi-ciirTiNiJii i
Will Cure alio I loli 1st 4 lloiirn.
Also nnres SALT KnEFM. ITI.fTRHa rirrr.
Price 50 cents. For sale bv tho dmirirists. fl nn,l-
Ing 60 eents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agcntsi
170 Washington street. Boston. It will he tnrnnrrli,l
by mail, free of postage, to any part of tho Vnited
oiatcs. jo 2;j '68-v
rpiic t'onfcanioim nual 1'xpt-rionco
a. OF AN invalid.
Published for the benefit and as a caution to vouni
men ana others, wno sutler trom Kcrvous Helnlity,
Premature Decay of Manhood, 4c, supplying at the
same timo the means of self-euro. Bv ona who nns
cured himself after undergoing considerable nuack
cry. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envolnpo,
singio copies, tree 01 ohargo may bo bad ot tho au
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esa.. Brooklyn. Kines
Co. NTY.
Jauuory 27, 180 ly. , .
To 'oniimi)tirc.
The advertisor, having been restored to health in
few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having
uttered for several years with a sovero lung affection.
and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means of
To all who desiro it, he will send a copy of tho
prescription used (l'roe of charge), with tho dirco
tions for preparing and using the same, w hich they
will Dnd a surh Curb for Consumption, Asthma
BnoNcniTis, Couons, Coi.ns, and nil Throat und
Lung Affections. The only object of the advertises
in sending the proscription is to benefit the afilictcd
and spread information which ho conceives to be
valuable, and bo hopos every sufferer will try his
remedy, as it will cost them uothiug, and may provo
a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, prke, by return
mail, please address
Williauisburgh, Kings Co , New York.
January 13. 18(30 ly.
j Northumberland. The citizens of Nor
bcrlund aro engaged in surveying tbeir streets
e purpose of paving the sidewalks and impro
Iho street. This is a commendable improve
. The engineering is done by Dr. R. B. McCay,
it place. The bouses on one of the principal
s are found to be nearly all about two feet
1 of the tree line. A number of the most enter
ig citizen have been making efforts, but thus
thout success, to hare the old town ball and
e house, hi the public square, removed. AS t M o Kew york .
structures, sow dilapidated, are ia the pobtie
ay without authority ot law, there can be no
difficulty In the way of removing theas.
ry Bi-rned to Death by Coal Oil. Oa Mon
day, 11th inst., about noon, a girl named Christiana
Uartzcl, aged about fourteen years, residing in
Blooucsburg, was so horribly burned by fire as to
cause her death before night. This sad aeoident was
occasioned by tho bursting of a coal oil can, from
which the girl was pouring oil into a stove for the
purpose of heating water. Tho flames quickly set
fire to her slothes and almott entirely burned them
from hor parson before assistance eould be rendered-
lyTiiKTaa i eh Cent. TAx.-Thcre art so ma
ny incorrect statements made about the tax that will
be imposed oa the lasac! jf banks orgnpi sod undor
State laws, paid out by books on and after the 1st of
July, 1866, that tt is important fur every business
man to nndenland the law. The Act of Congrcs?,
of March 3d, 1H65, reads thus : ,
Sac. t. And be it further enacted. That everv Na
tional Backing Association, State Bank, or State
Banking Association, shall pay a tax of ten dot cent.
on the amount of notes of any State Bank or State
Banking Association paid out by them, after the
nrsiaay ei tfuiy, loo.
It will be noticed that the tax is Imposed only on
banks paying out other notes than those of National
Banks, or United States legal tenders, and tbat in no
case can the tx be imposed on individuals, mor
ohaets, brckara, or agents, (ether than Banks,) pay
ing them out, or using them in their bus inees,
- j
jyANoTuaa Lottery Doiioe. One of our butl
ness men, in this place, received the following epis.
tie from one of the lottery swindlers of New York
It is oroper to say the gentleman referred to nevor
ordered any tickets, but a package was sent him
week previous to the reception of the following letter
It is hardly necessary to say that Mr. J. D. Miller
is a swindler, and has no offioe at the place designs-
Straw berries. We are indebted to Mr.
uius, of Turbutville, in this county, for a box
ning specimens of some very fine strawberries,
by hlin. The. "Brooklya Scarlet" are a fine
with loss avid, perhaps, than desirable. 'The
Ellsworth" and "Monitor" varieties are also
and superior berries. Wilson's "Albany Seed'
are a well known variety, and still maintain a
imputation for productiveness and size, though
A bv many as having too saucn acyi
New York, June Dth, lH'tfl.
Corrected Weekly for tho "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
per ewi.
per cwt.
per bushel ,
do .
do '
per round
do do do do
Rye Flour,
Wheat, prime red
Dried Peaches, pared
do do unpared
Dried Apples,
Dried Chorrics, (unstonsd,) per bu
Cheese, '
Hams. I r
Beef, bind quarter,
" front "
per pound,
per dozen,
per pound,
' do
' do
' do
per pair
$15 00
7 60
10 00
6 50
2 60
1 00
2 00
3 50
! !S
' 20
1 10
DrafncKM, HliudnHM nnl Catarrh,
Treatod with the utmost suoccss bv Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Lcydcn. Holland.)
No. 519 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials
trom the most reliable sources in the City unit Coun
try can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are
invited to accompany their patients, as he has no se
crets in his practice Artificial Eyes, inserted with
out pain, No charge mado for examination.
July 22, 1805. ly
SpfinfftS Summer Goods!
r .T " v v-r
.ipsErn ErsTE& ;
(SiiccfitteMor lo John Iioxccn.)
Corner of Market and Fawn Street,
Invites the public to all and examine his elegant
assortment of , .
suxvxnxisxt GOO OS!
Which be Will Soil at irrnall riwlnneil tii-lnna. Ilia
stock consists in part of .
e n CLOTHS. &C .
Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins,
hceting, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of
Cotton and oolen goods generally.
"r,ri;?lTb.:,"7 (Auun.drui0&
Ilntst nnd Caps Ilootn nurt SXincn,
His assortment of goods will not, lie Is are sure
rail to lit ease tho fnncy and suit tho wants of any dc
sirous of purchasing. , His itbck of .
and (Iroccries Is largo in quantity nnd ohoice in
qunlity, comprising generally everything needed in
the household cithor for use or ornament.
llo Is always ready nnd glnd to see his friends
and takes pleasure in showing them Ms goods even
though no sales are mado. Ho only asks a call, and
is sure that the stock will oompnre favorably in
prico and quality with tho cheapest.
Sunhnry, April 21, 1WH. - ; -
. , A FULL STOCK OF .. . .
Consisting of ISre aMlN. in great variety,
. such nt Delaines, Chollioa, Ginghams,' Crapes,
Lawns, Brilliants, Ac.
. Hoop Skirts,. Fino White Goods,
in variety. ' I r
Drem Trimmings, Luces and Kmliroideries. VEILS
of nil descriptions, (J loves. Hosiery, Corsets, eiiliyrs,
patent Hair Crimpers, Neck-Ties, and Notions of
all kinds usually kept in a l aney Storo.
Loekwood's Puper Collars nnd Cuffs.
Stamping and machine stitching done to order.
Two doors west of Wm. II. Miller's Shoe Store.
Sunliury, April 23, 100.7
North East Corner Walnut Streets., '
JUST in receipt of a fine eelooted stock of cheap
nnd limey FISHINU TACKLE, of all descrip
tions, suitable lor the rivers nnd brooks of this State,
to whii-h we invite the attcntiou of nil storekeepers.
Miireh 17 ljSOO. :tm
soo Aiu'ii HTKt:irr,
'' Fine tlolJ JEWELRY.
' ' s,,;,! SILVER WARE,
nnd Superior SILVER FLATED WARE, nt Re-
UtirKD I'lllCER !
March 24. lH(ii). Sin.
Aiuriii:is uitGiT cum:,
i. n 1R.TIKCITY.0I NEW Ytmt, , If j
Of a hiahlr retpftetanle eilicen, wollkiiowa to the Mcr
cantileeommututyi hy . I,
D h. J. M . ICH F.N CK',
, 1 . , OmosN.T. aas Oalin litAD Co.,
, , No. 98 Nassau St., New York, June I, IMW. '.
"Da. I. H. Scumx DearBlr'! For over ftfteeh yearl
I have been troubled with B(scvere Co'ieh, and usually two
Or three times a vmr w th- nnira na Inaa limiMilinf.
which together, far the last few yrara, hna kefit me ihin
m flmh and too weak to do business of any kind wilhout
sutTcring. In Aukiih Inat I had a very severe hemorrhage,
end, aeenriling to lire judgment nfa good New York phy
sician, I whs cktaatxl as beyniid the reach of medicine,
nnd was advised Vi be prenaird, so far properly mat
tera wt-re coneeiiied, to leave i hia wiirld at ahoit iioliee.
1'hc phrsicinii (miy uir good fnendi) miJ Unit tho first
coldl SioK raciat (irov laial. JCirljr bi Janum I Imka
severe told, nnd I illllnnlrly nut ocenpying r-mnis nt No.
3-1 HOND fl'KKKT, direetly over your office. I think
ahoat the loth of January I procured bottle of yoor
Pulmonic flyrnp and con.ineiieed Inking It freely. My
feet alldliniba were very much swollen, and all Hie. symii
totns of a appefly denth seemed to nrennipnny my Cold. I
sent fur my foriner ph-steian,nnd atnted i' hnn that I vvna
taking your medicines, and alter .showing tliuu to him,
and having tasted of them, Ac., he replied: "Yon enu
take themif you like, thry will do yon no harm." Ha
snitl : "You know what I told von hirt summer, nnd I say
the enme now, if yoa have any bnsineas to eloae up, do
lint put it off.' lie suid to oilier I'lieinla Ihnt lie could
see no hoie for ine," and my l'itend and rehiiinnR eoneln
d d my tune Imd come. At lhialimel wns Inking freely
of your medicine, hut had not seen yon. The doctor enUed
a few times, and found me (much to his surprise, he aiiil.)
improving, and he could not uiiderstmid why. Mr Iniill
wna incrtjMsiiig m your medicine, and I lioil a wish to
vyi ou cx,lm,1,e my ease, nnd see wlwt ynn lunl to s-iv.
Wlipii you firtl cnine to my room nod limde the rxiiminii.
ll"ll. you gnve. me bill little encouragement. Luton Ihe
expressed and d"nlita ,f my ever being helped
I he second time
m gnve me en-
nlll ill . I T V My 'talhiti. n.y cough, my
nriTCt(te. nil linn to Improve, ami I cml I iiulk nL.ut
foin.fl meimpiovi.l(r, ami lM me n ,n
roomnnt.l the firpt day nf M-,y. t-wk ? J
under y-mr lrtiilment, m nppetitc wmn tUn-rutr nml
imture, mi to excroifa the ro- m s mmicIi tm wifmi
Wis I frtUnwed yntit otlvicn, ami v il.n turpnnonr mv olH
pliyninnn nnrl fiifinln, 1 rvem inncli Ik-Hit nhl(, j '
been for neveinl yeitrs, nnd hri-iiihu heller ill in l ,.v, r
ptTitn! n fM i ii cciiUl wiili one lunr, he kfi h-iu c -,,
ph'ti-Iy (Irird up. I IW'I very Gnttffu! ti ynu, nnJ j uisitlcr
your atlvicc nnd mitliciiiPB invaluiilik
Yum, irniw T stii.'tnriv
Dr. PriiENrit Dcnr Sir: Abmt two yvnrn nct I vna
ttikt'ii willi very IriHiblcfniti ctinuli ntuiaptnn iit my
In mist; tcvpn of eight monltis prr-l invnv witlionl my
ilniiiR an vi run tr fir mywlf. Tlu-ii I nppln-tt In n phyi
ciiin, wIk uitftt'eil me for nhitut llm-e month wiirmut
rendfriiig me nny servipi. 1 n!' nlitnined the ml v in-nml
trratmru t nf a pliyKinmu inctie'f n:t li'tppiinls, oinlalw
Imd .!. advice and IrtMiineiit uf tw .ilhrr phyiicmiiP,
tint nil to mi p'irpiisu. During thin lnpff epnt-e of time I
w:is uenrlv (KmI ; aevt'rnl timt fity fricmli f-ntnt! to nee
me iiikI witnt r my exit into Hit- 8pir,t-vurll. I vfa f'Mi
finwl h my bt two rn ml ha nt one time. My hrrutliing
m tew1iiiflv f hort.' I bwm aovvTrtl tiuirrjt all. hope
of BeUiiig better j nml ai rtranletl pctling well, tlmt wm
entirely ont of the qiirntion, Ai:d to thiiik this rlny I am
well und hemty ! I wainiU iwd y nnu of my thi-ii'li to
try Dr. tkriiE.Ncit Mrtlicin:. 1 itoconlmgiy bonpht hot
tle niter h title, mini I reriftifd the i.nilh; then I fun id n
derided chance in iriy,coui!h for the better. 1 MiiTerrd
Bt-vertly from pifpiti'li'U t the henrt. nrd twd.wrek
nl'teV I cunnenced taking your medicine Una rlitfifulty
When I ht went to Or. SrhenK's f fi'ce it wns with
difficulty th:it 1 coiitfl get up into his lecvp'i-m room I
wua s weuk iul ao swelled ; '")' to vis n w us
though I hwl I? jnuitdire; I felt dull, heavy mid htjpt'M,
romrn.y, expTPttw mid &.nhH f niy PVt.
out of my thr-n amin? diffimltiea. The
thnt you cUrd, f,M,l,8 me iti Kaminnt yor
Tu'ClU iymsr' "my yi"Pt"ii wei
UK5PKCTFULI.Y iulormsUiecitisensnfSiinburjr
and rielnlty thnt he has takcrt the room iu
l'leasant's lluildinn.. Ill Works tqoare, two dnors
oast nf the Kxprom Offioa, for the fiurpon'e eT enrrjing
on the Hoot nnd INIiop UnsiiH-ss, hi alllla -'"
nous branches, would rcpectfuH Mua Ifce flitjfar.s
of this vicinity that' he has purchased an efillro new
stock of tloods which lis Intends to dispose of ot the
very loweit tiriues. . -
His strk eoinprlses Oent't ?ln Pegged and
Stitehcd Uoolx, Men's Walking Bows and lloj s Cools.
Ladies' Fancy llueklo Oaliers! I And Fine Sl.oc?,
Missos' (Initem, Balmorals and Children's Shoes of
every description.
lln nnd i'lipm;
Ito hasalso In his emplo superior workmen, nnd
Is prepared to do the Finest of fin-tomcr Work
Gent's Fine Dress Boots, Ladies' Uaiters A Child
ren's Shoes.
t.-AIJ, WORK WARRANTED! Cull and ex
amine inyntoek, even If you do not wish to buy. 1
am determined to S'dl St the mo't libera! rule.
6'mibury, ilarch 30, lSefl.
instruct or.!.
,?lr'Vw n ,A,I"LKI.,' i H j rrlnclfals
ltKV. W. C. CllEMKIl, A. SI. ( 1
Miss K. roW EHS, Awiitnnl Tenclier
IHE first rjiiartcr ot tlio nhoVe iinliluhnn will
rnen iUUKVAi, arnuij loin, moo, hi n
A. M
l'or further particulars, an; ly trior nddrera th
.Sunbuty, Jliiruli 10. SWifl. 3m
Or. cMiini-k. niter exuoiiniiiR ine. said both my liinea execuled nt ."holt notion.
NEW STOCK nt tho LOWKST PRIC1W ! Haviiig
Md out our new stock if Clothing for Oentli.meii
und Uoys, curried over from the lute lire, our ontirn
stock of Faaliionalde Ready-Mado CKthing is tho
Newest, ss our price? arc the lowest.
M.-iaxiFicHxr sritTxa stock,
Xow ready, to suit everybody.
cvstom depart:.; Est.
Our newly lilted ui Custom Ik-p n Iment now run
tiiins I ho large, t ustui lintnt -of nil 1, I'.isliiuimlilo
New Fnliriuii. for uur .ntroi!s to soli et lioin.
Sl'lTS, Civil end Military, made np to order
promptly, in the highest sti,'y, und ill moderate
lioYa' CLOTHINtl.
u this depnrtmeiit our st.,ck is ni.-o iiririvnll..
tho best iu tho city, nt tlio lowest prices ' Onion
Mahtmoy, Karthvmherhmd County, 7Vfi'rt
Office in Jackson township. Engagements can
be mado by letter, directed to the above address.
a i , - ... . .. . ton
ah ousmes. omrimea lo nis care, -win ue promptly i Mu, in, ery choBp
nttrnrlPfl tn. i ' J 1
n AS just returned from New Y'ork and Philadel
phia, and is now receiving a New Stock of
Spring & Summer Goods,
grciit reduction in prices.
aiii!iiiii Henr.
Fino niaek (.'loth nt $1 00 Hint used to sell at $S 00.
Ctissiineres. Hatinelt, Cnshmerctts, Kentucky Jeans,
Cottonado and Linen Panting, at reduced prices.
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Silk, Wool Delaines, Mohair, Silk Stripe. Paul
Do Chain, Alpnccn, Poplett, English and Scotch
Uinghnms, ChnUies, Deluincs, Lawn, Calico and
April 22, 1866. ly
Store ( f
for snla at the Fancy
Market street, four doors west ofWrn.-H. Miller's
Boot und Shoe, SUNBURY', Pa.
RESPECTFULLY lnformshor friends in Sutibury
and vicinity, that she has just opened her
ot Notions and Fancy Dry Uoods,
Her stock eonsitsof All-Wool Delaines. Chnmbras.
flinghams, Embroideries, Lace Collars, Fan HATS.
Muslins, Drillings, Uaribaldi Muslins, Und-Eyo
1 : T t f ' ii i;t. .
liiiiKiv, liiiivii unvriis. irnim unu Am:u i ens. Ac,
White Goods.
Linen Dress floods. Linen Skirting. White Toilet
Quills, r.n'liiitils, Swiss Stripe, SwiM Cambric, Juc
conett. Irish Linen, Shirt Fronts, Ac.
La lies' Cloth and Flannel Snekinj, nnd other
flannel at low prices. i bite Slivllnnil Wo'J. Shnwls,
Bnliuo.'al Skirts, Ao bkirtiiig and the litest sty
nf Hoop Skirts, very handsome nnd cheap.
Yankee Notions in Great Variety
Hosiery, Gloves, Pocket 7undkcrehicf3, Suspen
ders, Neckties, Paper Collars, Uiubrvllr.. a good
assortment of Spectacles, Coats, Spool Cotton, fiiu. y
Buttons, Trimmingv, Ac.
Carpets, Moor and Table Oil Cloths, brown and
green Oil Cloths for windows, Uilt Shades, Fixtures
for Window Rlinds.
Hats, Caps and Ladies' Shakers, Hardware, Nails,
Forks, Shovels, Spades, iron-tooth Gnrdea Rakes.
Mme. Demorost's Hair Cnrlcrs. Hair Coils and f: l)f)f PTJ,'' ,? 4 T C. SV C Tl
Curls, Uloves, Stockings. Collars, Corsets. Ac. w W
Gents' Collars, Neckties, half Hose. Handker
chiefs and Suspenders.
Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic, (or double
Snrinir SKIRTS I
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs,
Toys, and a general variety of NOTIONS.
UAUFFKHING done handsomely and at short
notice. KATE LLACK.
Sunbury, April 23, 186.
mhamokia CoulTrndc,
Suamokin, June 18, 18(16.
Tohm. Cvi.
Sent for week euding June 16, , 16.884 U9
Per last report, 2i5,68& 09
To same time last year,
222.470 18
137,787 14
84,683 01
Special jNoticcs.
Sunbury, Nortbumborland oo., T. ; j,j
Dr. Bir : In 'oomplianca with yoor requent" v
fa-warded yoa package of tickets. - You neglected to
sond money fur same. ' "
. One ol the numbers has drawn a prise valued at
One hundred and sixty-ure dollars, (litis 00.) r
please remit iwlba amount for the tkkeU, l CO,
and inform us by what express tbe prist shall' be
sent , .t J ours Kespectfullv,
;,. i . . j v sfiLLEU, President.
I - l-'l perJ. H. F: ,
...i : . J
lTu Alert Bsm Ball Club, of Danville,
played a gava with "taa celebrated Alhleljcs at
an inu.ll.geiu and eatorprwln mackaaio. 1 Wilkeakarra, .a. Thursday, Uth in. Tb. score
es Boqcb interest in fruit culture
j tod r Alhlatk, 91 ; Alerty 3 .
lfSna a Woman, Id another, column,
picking Bumburg grapes for Speer'a Wine.
It is -u atlmirablu article, uactl in tbe hospi
tals and by the first class families in Paris,
London and New York, in preference to old
rort Wine. It is worth a trial, as it gives
great satisfaction. For sale by W. A. Den
nett. "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can aiake
Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and ex
amine an invention urgently needed by every
body. Or a sample aunt free by mail for 50
cents that retails easily for 0, by R. L.
WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham Square, N Y.
Sept. 16, 186S. ly. . . .
1 r.uii'Ka Mr. Soecrhavinp-gomc properly
in New Jersey, turned his attention to the
rnltivstion of the Samburct vice imported
from Portueal. It bears a grape whose
annnrinr fiualitv. iuiciness sod richness in
saccharine matter is unexcelled by tbat of
the Catawba. After numerous experiments
in fermentation, Mr. Spccr has produced a
wine which will immortali4 bis name and
prove a new honor to America, i -. , .
- - The wine can b found at W.A. Bennett's
New Spring Styles I
Mists! A.A IAITi:it,
Two doors West of the Post Oflicc,
RESPKCTFL'LLY invites the attontion of the
publio to hor largo aud varied assortment of
Spring & Summer Millinery Goods
which ihe has Inst received nnd opened. Her stock
embraces FANCY DUESS GOODS, Embroideries,
Cluny Lace, Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Dress
Cords, Zephyrs, Buttons, Ae.
A fine assortment of ladies' and gents' Hosiery,
Gloves, Forts, Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, ltihbons,
Bolt Uibbons, Velvet Kibbons, llraid. Ladies' Neck
tics, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dresses, Ac.
Trvin's Patent Hair Crimpers, Hair Coils, Corsets,
and a large assortment of other articles, too nume
rous to mention. ' '.""
I hare also just received a fine lot of Perfumery,
Toilet Soaps. Tooth and Hair Brushes, Ac.
FunVury, April 2S, 18G6.
Millinery Goods,
Jut opening at the Millinory .Store of
. Miss M. L. GUSSLEB
fawn Street, below tbe Railroad, SUNBUUY, PA.,
Such as
SHAKERS, Drees-Trimmings, Jlsnd-Dresscs. Gloves,
Hosiery, Uibbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker
chiefs, Ao., Ac,
which have been earefullv selected.
Tha m tonli,n nrit.M lnliiwiiii ftnlinlleil lo bar liirira
assortment of the latest stylos or UUWMiiS, whicb
irivs satisfaction to all.
Vail ana examine lor yourselves, no irouoio to
show goods
Sunbury, April 11, 1866.
Queensware, Glassware, Boots and Shoes,
Faints, Oils, Glass and Putty.
' School Books, and a new supply of WALL PA
PKlt, will bo sold vert cheap.
All persons desirousof getting good goods at low
prices, lor onsu. or country produce, will iitenso gin
nieaciill. J. U. KNtiEL.
Suuburv, 'April 7th, 1SG0;
n i w o p en Tn g
Of tiolliiuu-, a'iit I'uriiNliliiK'
ouIh, ltoolsi A, WIkm-k
rPHE undersigned takes pleasure iu announcing to
L the public of Suubury, and viciuity, that ho has
opentd his
wita a well sclcotcd stock of
1 will sell at astonishing low prices.
I have also still on baud a largo stuck of
Boots & Shoes,-
for Ladies. Ueuts aud Children's wear, which 1 am
selling oil', as I intund to give up that branch wt bust
ness. . . t
It will bo In the advantage to Cash Buyers lo
give we a cull.
Allans I.OMSA llllSMI.i:itt
Millinery Uoods nud lreaiat 'l'i-liit.
, lulugrai. Head Ir ,
South side of Market Snuare Sl'NliURY, Penn'a,
Has just returned trom tbe cities with a choioe
ssleution of seasonable goods to which tbe attention
of the Ladies is respectfully solloilea.
With Hoad-Dreasos, , , Gloves,
Hosiery, , , - Ribbons,
baa been carefully selcotod and will gtre satUfaetion
Jlias Sbwaler baa had aa eiperienoe in the bust
ness thai enables her to seleet goods with an eye lo
the taste and wishes of her customers, and she begs a
continuance of favors in the future whioh she takes
nleasura in aeknowledmng during the past year,
Ladies will find a ehoice stock ef every thing in her
line of business.
Sunbury, April H, 1866.
V. W. ApfleyY
W. W. Apiley's
IV, W. A rle) s
Sunbury, Maick Jl, IP. . '
Ar.M. w.
'- S. flnnss' old stand," Mitrkct I
Sunbury, April 7, 1860.
B&oa Hsaa.TBaT
Provision Store
Thoir Stock is conipleto, consisting In part of
Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt,
Hams, .Shoulders, Checso, Fruit,
Glass, Lamps, Ao., Ao.
Country Produce taken in exchange for floods.
ty-Call aud exarnino our Stock, and satUy jour
.Vunbury, May 12, loOO.
. UUO. UO II It HA I'll V NO.
ARE now carrying on business at this old estab
lishment with renewed vigor.
Castings of every description, promptly furnished
to order.
The Stove manufactured at this Foundry have
aoqaired the highest reputation.
Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINUfl
Farmers should nut forget that the PLOWS mado
at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled.
Agricultural implements repaired at short nolioe.
Small eastings, including Cooking utoasils, uf tho
most improved and most tueful puUcias.
Tbe Iwsinos will be conducted on an enlarged
scale. Mid Cttstomei swill bekocomtnodated ak usual,
and new enea arc respectfully solicited. .
Sunbury. Nay 12.. IhM. "
were elleett-d. anil irnvu mo but little hone; hut lits uieoi
tines, in iiliiut two wrcka, look nclit h.-ldol' tot'; it
seemed lo 1:0 richl through iy whole avsiein, 'I'lie I'ul
innineplup, Sea-W lied J'.iiiic nil'l Msn-lnke Tills, nil look
ri;lit hold in liie n;Hit plucit. The Pitts l?r iifihr nvv:iy
pie:it quantities of lule find slime; tlte Synip I.m,,.,o ,1 the
inntler In mv Inoffs. wliieli c.iino rf very freer the Sen-
Weeil Tome' gave me an upuelile, and evertliiiig seemed
to l.'iste cooil.
To show whul gi'it p-iwer the nietlieines h'.ive in pnri
fvinir mv avsiem. unit m show how biid I v:i tlikeuseil, I
besnle nil l lie lule lliul t.iseil luy bowls, unit llieirrent
quantities of phlegm mul matter I expectorated, i hroke
out nil over iu turpe b ils, that wnuKI continue tng.-ithcr
nnd rim for about six weeks, nift I had tit one tinio over
twenty-five boils. 1 l.uve nothiof; of the kind now, anil
rcel hkeuiioltier peisou nlloeellier. I tan s-ilely s:iy thsl
I (rive not enjoetl stieli IkmIiIi for five years ns 1 itjiioei.
nml cannot prnise von uml your meilieitiea enough. .Mny
fiod nhtindaotlv I'less nnd preserve you! is the siuceie
desiro of one who has been so wonderfully relieved
Ihrousli your n?eney; nud if nny one dt sires to kit nv
Willi "leearit to liie Irlitlit'ulness of tins repoii. if tlir-y will
call upon hiiv of my Irieuds, or upon ine, Nn.4 Jrdeu
l'luee, near Tliompsoli street, telow Cailwalader, I'hilu
dc'plna, lltey will be perfectly sulisfied with the vtilidily of
the ease. Yours, willi much it-sped.
Thealsve ense, as described, IS perfeellv einreet. 1
know it to be Hue. Yimis, T. H. Al 1 1 .1.1. It .
Tuilor of Uauc lek Al. h. CUureh.
Dr. SCIir.NCK will lie .irofeasionntely nt his prioeipul
ntliee, No. 15 North Sixrn i'tbi'kt, eoiner of Co.mmhii k,
l'niLnKl.eHi.everySatiirday,lrom A. ,M unlit 4 P.M ;
No. 32 llolicl street, New Vork, every 'I'uesduv, from to
3: No. ;w Suinuier street. Hoston. Muss., every edoe;
day, from tl to 3, unit every other Friday nt l(K Baltiuit,re
street, U iltimore, Md. but for a lliorounh
examination of the lungs with his Ueiniromeer, lite
ehartfe is three dollars
I'nee of Ihe I'ulinonir Svrnpnnd Si-Vced Tome, each
91 oO per bottle, or a? 0U per half dozen. Mandrake
Pills, 125 cents pel In t.
December a, fW. ly
4 ' 1 1 .V ' 1-2 O !' Bi:i '.
rilHE undcrsisned respeclfully informs his friends
J. nnd the publio that he hns chnnged bis place of
loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward
A Freed, No. 811 Market Street, lo
(Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour tirain, Seeds,
. lOlA.iaai-Uel Si., I'liilalt-Itii:i,
where nil freight will bo loaded on curs of tho un
dersigned, for Daupliiif, Sunbury, Sbaniokin, and all
intervening points.
All freight will be enrried as low as on any other
line. Orders Ui carry freight respectfully solicited,
which will receive prompt attention.
Sunbury, Jan. 13,lSCfl. Sin.
II liol-sal
Boot, Shoeand,Trurik
si Mm itv, ia.
APSLEY has just opened a NEW
TURK in the woll-kuown house nt Mrs. Doul-
ton. in .Murkel street, and oilers lo UiecitKens ol
Sunbury and neighboring towns, DOOTS A SHOES
of the bast uunlilv and workmanship. Ho linving
mado ariangemeuts witli first-class manufacturers
to supply the best quality ol goods.
In Ine Wholesale Department he calls the atten
tion of Country MorcKecpcrs lo nis lino sioca, wnieu
will be sold at the lowest wnoicsnie prices, inns cna
bliui! Kctail Dealers to savo expense of vUiting tho
eilies to rentenish their stock.
In the Retail ieimrtinent can be found BflOTS,
SHOES, TRtiNKS, VALISES, Ac, which, in price,
at these times, lire without a parallel.
Tho stock of Ladies' W?ar is superior in stylo nnd
workmanship than is usually found in country towns
embracing gems of JJitliuurals, splendid Congre
linilers. and finev shoes of every kind.
W. W. A. also culls attention lo his largestock of
Mfii'i weir, of latest styles, that will lit any loot
wun ease ana coition. )i
' funic Olio "oihe All
Sunbury, Murch 101b. 13fiti.
The two heroes before thcirttut planning a baitlo
Urant smoking. A beautiful steel engraving by
ui. Sartuin. Agents wanted everywhere, sample
sett by luuil for ill ceuts. Axenls muke M per cent.
Address, BAhTLESON i. CO..
myl2 2ui till Clicsnut st., l'hila.
.Tluitliooil; liow l.os.t Iiom lt'lrrtl.
Just published, a new edition of Da. Cixvkii-
wki.l's Uklkbhatku Essav on the radical cure
(without modicinu) of Speruiatonhua, or seminal
U'auknu&a. luvoluntarv Sumiunl Losses, Iuiiotency,
Menial and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to
Marriage, etc.; also. Consumption. Epilepsy, und Fits
induced by sell-imiulgenee or sexual extravagance.
I if Price in a sealed envelope, only tt cents.
The celebrated author iu this admirable, essay
eleailv demniisirstes: from a thlitv years' successful
practice, that the thiriiing eonsequences of self abuse
inav be radicjiHv cured without tho dnngerous uso
ol intornnl medicine or the applicatio n of the knife
uuiuliujr out a mode oWeure at once simple, certeiu
aud eSeotual. bv means of which every sufferer, nn
matter what bn condition may be, may cuie himself
eiieapty. privately, unci nnncai y
( Hii Lecture should be in the bunds uf every
youth aud every man in Ihe land.
Sent, uuder seal, iu a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cculs, ir two post
stumps. Address the publishers.
1S7 Boworv. Now York, Post Office box
March 17, 1S81I. ly
One door East of Friling s Store, Market Square
I ESPECTKULLY informs theeititensof Knnbiiry
V aud vioinilv, that be is prepared la manufac
ture to order all kinds of HOOTS 4 SHOES, at tho
shortest notice and in the beat workmanlike manner,
of the beat material aud at the lowest Ciuh priuits.
He hopes lo recoive a full share of paUouage.
Sunbury, June 2, 1888
-. - W. V Ap'.a)'s
nocKun.L fr Try;,
Blown Stone Clothing Hull
l!l3 and Pf'j Chcdnut Si reel.
Kin-- B.31-i-iy ITblio f.fml.
Will do more and belter work ntn given Cost, than
any other! Try it' Jlaiiufaernied only by
Wholesale Dni!. Pninl A Ulass Dealers,
No. 1.17 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
January 27, lSotily.
cqri A .lKI'I'li ! AliENTS wanted for
P1---' six entirely now nrtieles. just out Ad
dress 0. T. OAlltY, City Building. HnMi-riud.
Maine. doe2;l ly
llEAi; i;STATE"A(ii:NCy."
Sunbury, Tenn'u.
"I W.HAl'PT. Ei
VJT. under Ihe
I . r.sq., Having tiikuvr out license,
Vnited States excise Laws, as Real
Estato Agent, offers lor salo tbe following property,
lo wit :
Sixty fi0) goo;! buildin; lots and five (5) dwelling
houses, in the berousb of Sunbury.
A fitrui in I I per Augusta townsUip, conlaiiiing
100 aores, moro or loss.
A small fnrin containing ."! ncrcs. more or less,
about one mile from Puxiuos, Shamokin township.
A small farm nontiiiiiiug 52 tiered, more or less, in
Irish Valley. Shuuiokiu township. There aro good
buildings on these three farms.
Sunbury, .March IU, 1360. If.
Pin t' I.itM i ly Wliilo I,.-iil.
Tho Whitest, Ihe most durable nnd tho most tco
nomicfcl. Try it ! Manufactured only by
Wholestile Drug, Pnint A Glass Ilealcrs,
No. 1.17 Noath THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
J miliary 27, 1800 ly.
Washington House.
."PHIS populnr and comfortable lloiel litis t.ocn
L titled up in superior order for thu neeouiiuuda.
tioii of Strangers, Travellers, and the public gener
ally. No effort will be-(.pared by the Proprietor lo
make It a favorite resort and pleasant boiua for
every guost His tnblo, his bar. and tho long ex
pori'jneo of the proprietor, warrant him iu anticipa
ting a lilierul 9bnre of public patronnge.
Kxttnsivo stables, nnd every dcsiiablo couvo
nienco. Sunbury, April 7, ItWd. ly
V XV. ArIeT'.
FLO U & Y K E D SlOllE.
rTM IE sulsvriber rcspecu-ully Informs the publio
1 that he keeps constantly in hand nt his How
WAREUOLSE. near th Shsmoltiu Yulley Railroad
Depot, in SI N lit It Y, Flour by tho barrel and saeks
uf all kinds of Feed by tho ton
The iibove is all manufactured at bis own Mills,
and will bo sold ul the lowest ensli prices.
Suubury, April 1, '.''
Support Home Industry !
IIiiIm of : ry liiairintlcul
A FULL ASSORTMENT Jt-sr opened by
Two doors west of Ileiiuctl s Drug Store, Market t.
C't AI.L and exniuine tho Inrgo iissortinent nf tho
) latest New York and Philadelphia styles ol
Si)k, L'ussiniere, Petto Derby. Wire Itrim, Soft Eur,
.-ii. nv ana lioy s llats wuun lor Duality ami du
rability cannol be exeelled. Being a practical Hut-
ter. be Hatters himself that Ins sto.-k has been select
ed with moro care than any ever before brought to
this (dace.
Hii also mniiufii-tarei to order nil kinds ol soft
Fur Hats, nil of whioh will bo sold nt aholcbilu tin I
retail, at reasonable rale.
Dyeing done at short notice and at the lowest rates.
Sunbury, Mny 12. IStiB.
IF vou vnnt giod Tiu-W
U'ENl IKR'S New Shop.
go lo
f.llllll A,
dr 3.
Inlt'i-unliuiiiil Io!r!,
;!(io and Stl7 Biojdirny, I'oruer t'rauiliH Street
rplIIS final elass House the most quiet, homelike
J and pleasant Hotel iu the eity otters superior
iuduciuienls to lhj visiting New York for busiuiaa
or pleasure. It is central iu iu localiiui, and kepi on
the ErnoPKAN Put v. in connection with Tay i.ob's
Saloo.i, where relrcshiueuts can be had all hours,
or nerved iu their owu rooms. Tho charges are uio
deriito, the riM'in und altendanee of the hist order
baths aud ail the modern conveniences attached
' JulI.N TAYLOR, Proprietor.
Nov 4, '' ' .
$1-500 HKB
ir..tlt! We want
irenld evorvwhero Iu sell our Ii..
I'liovcn f-r Hexing Machines, three now kiuds.
Upper and upper feed. Warrantesl five years.
Abovesalary or (urge conimissimis paid. Thttnu.v
matdiinessotd in I ultcd States for less than HI.
which arc fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler A Wil
son, 11 rover A linker. Singer A Co , and Bavbeidel
All olhur cheap machines are Infringements an t tr
seller or user are liable tn arrest, boo. and iuiprtsu-
mont. Circulars (ro-. Add res, or call upon Shnw
A Clark. UiddetH-d. Maine, or Chicago, 111. dec-1
LADI1 A' LASTING U Al I l.iiri m at
W W Aplr
BOOTS AND SilOl.ts, I OR Ml.N, W (H.. !l
rtilLPHKN, 41 V W Apiv .