Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 16, 1866, Image 2
Kftg Stmbutg American. H. B. MA8SBK, Editor Proprietor. sinfiii rtY, pa. SATURDAY, JUNE, 10, 180B. FOR GOVEltNOn, '" " Oen. JOlW W. OEAttT. , , Of . Cumlierland County, ., THE GAZETTE AND THE DEMOCRAT. It is no old. Baying, that extremes oftuo bertj and It' should not," therefore; be", aor- plfaiiig to find our neighbors of tlie Gatette and the Democrat, both occupying a position on the nme plauk of aoine nodetincd? pint form. The Gatette takes exception .to our remarks in reply to the Democrat denying the charge that Gen. Oeary "endorsed Tliart lens Stevens In everything and opposed Johnson in everything," and asserts thut the editor of the Dtmocrat is right. ,Tiii, vre contend is not only not in accordance with the facts, hut if true tho endorsement of itch a charge, would be exceccJicgly impoli tic, in any friend of Gen. Geary, if not un just. Unfortunotely, the Gatette nud the Democrat, both look at things through the same narrow vision of party, end like all other extremists, both ute frequently found wanderiygon the verge of truth, iu order to appear consistent with purty tactics. Thad deus Stevens of the House of representa tives, nnd Mr. Sumner of the Senate, are both men of talent, but both entertain 'ex tremely radical views, which the Union par ty in Congress have not only refused to en dorse, tut have ignored by a decided vote on several occasions. Mr. Stevens is aware that his party does not sustain him in his Ultra opinions, and frankly acknowledged that they did not endorse him, and should not be held responsible for his vie, vs. During the last campaign, Judge Black, In a speech at WTllianisnnrt. 1 to create the impression that the extreme views of Thaddcus Stcveus constituted the platform of the Union party. All the pa pers of his party re iterated the charge, though every intelligent man knew it to be tintrue. The late vote in Congress, on Mr Steven's amendment, giving the right of suffrage to negroes, should be conclusive on this subject. Out of nearly 130 Union votes only 30 voted to sustain his amendment. Intelligent men no longer believe in the in fallibility of individuals or of party, wheth er secular or fii. t. Gazette undertakes to criticise our com ments, it should be careful not to get into a muddle itself. Had the Gaictte stated that Gen. Oeary endorsed, generally, the recon struction policy of Congrets, which is not the policy of ThadUeus Stevens, but of his party Who over-ruled him, we should not complain, but when it asserts thut Thaddcus Stevens is Congress, which it virtually does, nnd that Gen. Geary endorses Thaddcus Stevens in all his views, and thus play into thehandsof the opponents of Gen. Geary, we beg leave, with the great body of the Uuion party, to dissent from doctrines so repugnant to the intelligence and patriotism of all good Union men and Republicans. Removals from Officii. Hon Tliomas Williams, of Pittsburgh re ported a bill in to prevent re movals from office, by t! e President, during tue recess ot Congress, lecanse the incum bents do not tierce with him on his Policy ' of Reconstruction. 37MonE Paper CrititE.vcY. Comp. trollcr Clarke recently proposed to increase the cunency by adding $100,000,000 to present issue of National Bank Notes the The Finance Committee of the Senate are inclined to report favorably on the proposi. tion. TnE Bill Disfranchising Dksek TEits. This Act passed at the last session cf tho Legislature, has become a law, Gov: Curtin having Mgned it on Monday last. At tha election polls nest October full lists of deserters from tho army will be in tfie hands of the officers, and every deserter who attempts to vote will lie arrested and punished under the law. The action of the Governor iu this matter gives gitat satis faction to loyai men throughout the Stale. tTherenretwo licened dogs in Cincinnuii. Newport News, on the Jumcs river, twelve miles from Fortress Mouroe, which during the rebellion was a military post of consider able importance and the scene of the en gagement between the rebel iron clad Merri moc and the United States frigates Cumber land and Congress, promises to become a fashionable summer resoit, Northern capi talists having made arrangements for the construction of five hundred neat dwellings on tho beautiful elevation of land formerly occupied bj United States troops ns a mili tary encampment. Siuce Mr. Charles A. Dana left the Chi cago ullicaii, the propiietors of that Journal have received so many applications lor the post of editor that they have pub- iii-iicu i no iniiuv. iiiir ounce in lliut unni.r: "All persons applying for the pobitimi . of editor of the Uqiuhlicun will be required to subscribe for the daily for one year: price 10 in advance. By the adoption of this rule we expect to give our paper the Urgent circulation of any journal in tho West." General Lee says be does not make much progress in his history of the wur, because an many of his papers are lost. WWn to this affliction is added the failure of his memory, so distressingly exhibited in his . examination by tue congressional commit tee. there would u-i-m to lm lnH bum. ht ' " 'J'" " " an accurate history even ol the Conlederute sulo can be expected from General Lee. Governor Hamilton, of Texas, spoke the literal truth when lie told the people at Austin that they were not friends of the President, and that, they only supported Dim in me nope mat iy their flattery he would be induced to give them the means of regaining tho power they forfeited by the reoeuion. It Is reported that Mr. August Belmont, of New York, has at his disposal large turns of foreign capital, to be used in dividing the parly. . Mist Bailie U. Polk, dtughter of the late Right Kev. Leouidss Polk, (General C. S. A .) was married on the first instant to Captain F. P. LUke, ot Charleston, 8. a . . Judge Btory'i ton, William W. 8tory, now hi Rnmr, is one of tlie most promising of the American tculptort. An English uoble man lately ciTt.-trd Ua (0,000 fox oa of Lit THE EXECUTION OF PBOIWT. Ho it the Condemned Man Behaved HIS FIN All LETTER TO HIS PABENTS. PnrLADELrniA, June 8, 1808. The dread sentence of the law was. exe cuted upon Anton Probst, at Philadelphia, to day tor the murder of the Dealing fami ly in April last. At half past 9 o'clock, the Sheriff, a few of ids' special deputies, bi3 Jury, his legal ad iscrs,' and seven representatives of the newspaper press, met by previous private arrangement, at the Assembly Building, and takiug a special car, at 9.43 o'clock,, ou tin Tenth street railway, tile entire purl j was. soon within the walls of Moyameusing pri son. ' ' : " - . ; ' T tub sheriff lit tna rmsokl. I I .? AHdile after 10 o'clock the Sheriff anil his party reached the piison, and they were admitted into the Debtor's apartment ; from thence they proceeded to the prison iu regu lar order. ,, , , ,, The roll nf the jury was called, and nil havini' answered to their name?, Charles Gilpin' Esq., the Solicitor of the Sheriff, pro ceeiled to rend the warrant for the execu tion of the prisrner. These preliminaries having been disixised of, the Sheriff sent word to the attending clergymen that he was in attendance for the purpose of performing his duty, and would await their pleasure and the convenience of the prisoner within thu limits of his instruc tions from the Governor. The response wat that they were quite ready, and the Sheriff, accompanied by Mr. Perkins, the Superintendent of tire prism, and a representative of the press, proceeded to the cell. Prorist was alone with his clerical advi sors, and he had evidently been ennnyvd in earnest devotion, lie held a crucifix iu his hands. The Sheriff addressing the culprit said in substance. "Anton, I nm Icre for tlie nur .. i. ..r.. . l . r If I C ' , r I tAC-uitiij; pvi.i.o ..... has imposed for tho offense of which you have been convicted." 1 our excellent reu- gioiis advisers inform' ine that vou nie quitc rcdy." I To this Probst replied briefly : "That is j so." ! The Sheriff then motioned the party from ; the cell, and, preceded by Messrs. Howell nnd Perkins, and followed by fathers Grund- j ner und Carbon, Projbst proceeded toward , the place of execution. He seemed perfectly resigned and evinced i much firmness, when an incident that oc curred just outside the cell door excited an emotion he had not before exhibited any j evidence of. i The keeper who had had charge of him. ' since ids arrest, put out his hand, and siid i -Good bye!" -Good bye!" responded Probst, With a voice choked with emotion, I and tears came into his eyes. Thu march to i the scaffold was then resumed. ! T prisoner wore no clothing except n j coarse muslin shirt, a pair of coarse, grey j prison pants, and a pair of brogans. Ho 1 had neither coat, vest, lint, nor suspenders. The clergymen had requested thut, as ,-1. n-. .!.,.. i.,...i.i -,tlt llt:llV14 111J1 & I1JI1-.W CIIVlllll 1.U114 U ; i.: i.,i ,i, ..o-..i.i .,.! nf i.iMn.i,;.,,, ..,. i i,u cell should le dispersed with 1 . As the Sheriff had already determined to adopt thc'Tnilitary mode of handcuffing tho condemned behind his back, his request was complied with, and he was not thus manacled until after ho had reuched thu gallows. J he march to the gniiow was then takon During tho march from one x(rcmitv up. ot the prison ynrd to tho other, the gallows I being tully in view meanwhile, the clergy men were constantly exhorting the doomed man, and whispering words of religions comfort in his ears. 1 Probst meautime repeatedly clasped tho crucifix to his breast and pressed it to his lips, and gavo every evidence of religious fervor. " OK THE SCAFFOLD. Upon reaching the scaffold, Probs-t ns cended the steps with cutire firmness. There was no sign of defiance or bravado about his demeanor, but an appearance of tfltiic resig nation und earnest coi.tritioii. The culprit wus accompanied by bis icli gious advisers, by the Sheriff, nud by Mr. Perkins. Probst, pliant a.-" a child, took his place upon thu drop, und kuelt with the uttuuduut priest ; together they rec ited tlie acts of Fuith, Hope, , Charity, mid Coiitii lioii ; the Lord's Prayer, thc'lfail Mary, the Apostles' Cited, in the German language; the condemned man repeatedly kissiug the crucifix w hich he held iu his hands. Tho trio theu arose to their fVet, and the Sheriff btcppciLrvard und, having clipped on the handcuff's, proceeded to 'uujiiat the rope about the neck of the Wivtehed iu.ov Jlis Hps moved constantly, apparently i.i prayer, nud ids suU'uted ccs were lunitd to heaven. A curious livideTicj of Hie German phlegm was afforded 'in 'the fact that, while in the midst of his religious fervor, he settled his head and neck to suit the fatal noose. There wus nothing but the placing of thu white cap needed lu complete the wmk of material preparation, and while this was be ing clone the revereud gentlemen ere whis peiing short prayers iu the ears of thu wretched man. Wis watched the culprit closely nt this dreadful moment. His shrouded "face was turned heavenward, his limbs were planted firmly on the hollow floor, and hut for tlie heaving of his chest there were no signs of agitation. But the breast did heave, and it told of the terriblo struggle going on within. Father Grundner stood upon the steps of the scaffold when all others hud left the wretched man, and he continued to encour age him until the last moment. At fifteen minutes before eleven, all the preliminaries having been arranged. Mr. Griiniuier gave the signal, nnd, the Sheiiffl pulling the,, cord uttached to the prop, An- I ton rroiist uung uud earth. dangling bet mt heaven The condemned man had a full of about three feet, uud his ucck was probably bio ken on thu instant. There was a convuUivo twitching of the hands and legs for a minute or two, und then ail wus over. The murder of eight inuoceut mortals had bceu avenged and thu law had been justified. ' After hanging until the death of the con demned man was clearly ascertained, the body was cut down and hooded vver to tho medical faculty. t, , ' , rilOBKT t LAfcT LETTER TO lilt PARENTS. On Thursday afternoon the murderer asked for writing materials, so that he might write a farewell letter to his family in Ger many. They were furnished to him, unci he wrote, in quite good German, a letter of which the following is a. translation. It wat addressed on tlie envelope at follows: 'Mr. Martin Probst, Uehlingen Amt, , Bondorf, Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany." Philadelphia, 7th of June. 1868. Dear Pur4uti, Brother mid hitter: tin not know whither or not you received my last letter. 1 In which I tent yon the tad intelligence of , Dt'fat. - I desire to -writ to vou once -. 1 desire to "write to you once inform you bow I bare tuent my a-ain, to time here in pnsoa. I Lave now spent tight weeki in tbit cell, and have endeavor ed to prepare for my death at well at I possibly coo. Id. The clergyman bat Visited me every . day, and . bat instructed tue well. I have noruV. 'ii.t cocfuMl cod reoeiwd holy communion. Besides this, many pray ers are offered lip for me throughout the en tire citv, and therefore I am now so cheer ful and consoled that 1 can gladly offer my Jife as an atonement for my fearful crime, 1 trust that you also will be consoled and cheerful aa I am. 1 j '.... - -The clergymen will send ymt all the par ticulars or my death. I only entreat you all pray for in J. Have the holy acriQce ot Mass offered up frequently for the repose of my poor soul. ' .MifiJ.iih Wicehter lias, also vidted me several times during my imprisonment, lie will send you my picture and a lock of my hair. I jf'Tba eighth of June has been appointed as tlie' clay of my death, and to-morrow will be the eighth of June ; ou which I am ready to offer up my lite with greatest joy for ny sins. ... , , . "I trust to meet you nil ill eternity, in a happier and better place,' and this hope makes me rejoice with, my whole heart. "I will now close my letter with , many thousand greetings to all of you. " "I send u most heartfelt farewell I ' May w3 meet aguin in a better world. ANTON PROBST."' Joseph Wiechter, who is alitiiled to in the above letter, is the only pcivson known to be connected with the Promt's family in America. Him sister u married to a brother of Probst iu Germany. Final Collupac ol the ('eisSaii ?lore . incut. New YoIik June 10. Special despatches, dated at St. All ans, Vermont, yesterday, lliu final col lapse of their nrmy retreated from Pigeon Hill to St. Albans, and the men nru prepar ing to go home. The denioralizatioa of the whole army is complete, aud.noth officers and men have refu.-ed further duty. Deser tions occurred by tho wholesale, and alter a council of war General Soear ordered a relieat to S?t. Albnus. Kuinforcements, arms uuu to uuu w aa uuii leu 141 ii eiiiiimt. unu i barn near the Hq, W here it -A ill doubtless, bo seized by tiio L ulled titntcH troops who are inarching to tho border. Considerable plunder wus carried off by the Fenians. General Spear said lie would lather be shot than to leave Canada ia the maimer he has. Ceueral Median Wept bit terly. Any Fenians who have hot the means to go homo will be furnished trutia portatiou Jjy the United States Government, and many ill avail themselves to this op portunity to leave to-night. At Cornwall, on baturuay. morn in si, ' active movements were uoing on amongst lliu Canadian troops wiili a view ! to a move ou the Feniana. Some 4UU0 regu-' ! lata and nearly tfUUO volunteers were under ' htotnl to be moving from Montreal to con : centrate near bt. Armiiud. At Present t strict watch was muinlaiued by 4U00 troops there. The cxcitemmeiit at Ogdcnsburg ; hail died away. Cieiierul OJSeill wa pre i vented from leaving 1 ot-.ii.un junction lor , .St. Albans by Liuiticnaut-Ciiloncl Jackson ol the First United Slates Artillery. General ; Meade arriveil ut St. Albans on Saturday i hifjlit. and was serenaded by the baud of j thu Third regulars, and made a brief speecli I to the effect that tlie settlement of this dif- ' i , , . ,. : iculty would prove satislactory tc our own I "d other Coverniiients, and would show to : 1 lm .v.-iirltl tliuf tin. 1 'ii.1-f.fl S,lnti.a mitu-llh standing thu past, were determined to do unto others as they would be done by. A train left St. Albaus last night, with nearly UlOu l emails iimnc home. General Sijeur and htaff surrendered to Col. Livingston, of the United States armv It, is reported that some of the Feuiaus in- I aiivd iU Uuuca Slttlc8 t,Uil:t's bt frt-Al" bans. Spcciul Buffalo despatches state that the retreat has commenced there. Two com panies lrom Chicago has gone homo. It was thought thu eiuiro army would be fly ing before Mouday morning, notwithstand ing the boats of tho un 11 who arrived on Friday that they would not L'uvo without a round with the old enemy. A tpecial Ogdmsburg despatch says the Aiueiicuii sloop Creole was lired on by some drunken Canadian volunteers, who thought she was loaded with Fenians. The schooner HiUo;e was ordered to heave to or be tifc-d on, but tlie captain reluscd, und on announc ing his nationality nnd suggesting the risk of tiring on an unarmed American vessel, was allowed to proceed. Boston, June. 10 A special train from St. Albans arrived late last night, aud an other to-day, bringing altogether about tif t:c:i hundred Fcnhms, bound home from the border, all who crossed the Canadian line, except a few stragglers are included in these arrivals. Transportation was furnished by the United Stuli'i Government. Tho Fe iiia u war is ended in that quarter for the present. T Arrest f I'l-nwiiai in I'enluua In ew York. TTr.w YoitK, Junn 73.15 r. M. Col. Roberts was arrested ln-duv under di rection of M irhal Murrav. Tlie ivarrair wan is-ued by United Stales Commissioner Ectre, and was served by deputy marshals at the Fenian hendijimrters. Boberfs l avip;; de clined a rerint-t t i mine to Munay's office, h was brought before tho United States Commissioner, and declined to givo bail for his appearand) fir trial, refusing to accept the bail that wins tendered. lie hIso declined to give his personal parole to appear, or his parolo not to violate the neutrality laws. Tile c ommissioner proposed to release him on ifSO.OOO He was remanded to the custody of the marshal and quartered at the A.-tor House. It is reported that he will be sent to Fort Lafayette. It ia rumored that Colonel Kerrignn was also arrested,' but was subsequently released, and ia now keeping out of tifjht. It is also' said that warrants have beeu iveeived for Colonels McKcnna urd Murray, recruiters of troops ut Tammany Hull. The Fenian were sll very despondent. The lenders any they can do little more for the army in Canada Nokwamc, Conn., Juno 7. Theje was a frUHt ,'","f demonstration ;dny. Major ii.M.,,1, i,i i,r.y inri, aiiU l.letH. Jolio It. Huberts, raised righty-tlm o recruits for tbe Fenian army, all of whom are very enthusi astic, and are ready to go to the front as soon as transportation is furnished them. They paraded the streets with thu green and American flags Hying, but their proceedings were suddenly brought to a close by the marshal here, who threatened to arrest the leaders, under tho President's proclamation. St. Lot-is, June 7. Daniel O'Madigan, Win. Henry, M. A. Morrill, J. P. Cowan Frank Murphy, I. J. Duly and M. W.IIagan, prominent Feuians of this city, were arrested to day by the United 6taUt marshal and hroimht before the United States District Court, Judge Trent presiding. Dr. The mas OTteily was also arrested, hut not belonging to the Fenian Brotherhood he was released on hail.' ... , . j , . District Attorney Grover called up the case of M. W. Hagan aa a test case, which was proceeded with, but nothing ol a crimi nal character wat elicited. Some Chinese forcibly abducted a hoy from the American Consulate at Hong Kong in April last. The next dav tli Cmmi ,,u P8'1 f me forty pertont, pulled down ih Chiuauieu s housee and killed urce c 'oem. Henry Shaw, of Bt; touis, hat r-rripoaed topreaent that city with nearly two hun dred acrtt of land, for a publio park, on the condition that the city tpenil $30,000 or $30,000 a year on improving and adore ice it Tlio l.nit lm u.'.lul - - 1 1 f t1fs It. Anicricnn Moll Invaded 1y tho Malosb, N. Y., June 11. The homeward bound movement of the Fenians continues from this place. Up to the present time be tween six hundred nnd seven hundred have been sent borne, aud the cry is, ttill they come. Major Stewart of the Fourth Artillery, who commands here, informs me that there are over sixteen hundred Fenians in this vicinity, and they are pretty weli dishearten ed. . . ' ' . . , . 1 . . t , ; .! The Fenian camp or. the fair ground, at the outskirts of the town, presents a com paratively deserted appearance, A few Fe iiinns. are mattered around in groap) and small squads of them tro perambulating tho streets. The Fcninn General O'NeHl.Ts- here and leaves for St. Albans this afternoon. ' ' ' General Murphy and the other Fenian officers arrested here will have a hearing this morning before tho United States Commis sioner. .1 Dt-spntches from St. Albans state that the Fenian orcani.nticn there is rapidly breaking up, and the men afe returning home iu largo numbers. General Spesr't command has nil returned to this side of the Canada line. The vigilance of the United States troops will prevent any future serious Feniun demonstra tions, nnd Gencral Sweeney has telegraphed to President itooerts to prevent any mora Fenians from leaving New York. Malone is the great Fenian Centre, nnd if any further movement takes place it will be from here. But such un event is extremely doubtful. Stautmno Kcjion. ' A report has just renched hero from St. .Vlbans that the British troops followed Gen. S:enr's command across the Canada line and shot five Fenians and three American soldiers niid took three Fenians over the Canada line nnd hung them forthwith. Tho report, al though unconfirmed, is believed. A Fenian Siccuss. , . j St. Albans, June 11. My lato despatch, dated Malone, couveyed the intelligence thut the Fenians recaptured twelve wagon loads of arms and ammunition taken from them at Brasher Falls on Sunday morning. General Meade, who Is still ulthis place, has received authentic information to tho above effect. and this afternoon at two o'clock Companies I and G, of thu fourth United States Jnliin try, from Fort Warren, were despatched to Potsdain Junction to retake them. The w ii eon train is reported ou its way to the Canadian, border, guarded by a body of arm' td Fenians. Dkpartixo. St. Albans is being rapidly cleared of Fc nians, aud in a short time not one w ill be left. It is thought that Genera! Meade will return uome in a ciay or two. Tbe C'ne 41" Jefferson ItuviM. Wasiiisuton, June 11 Mr. Shea, one of the counsel of Jefferson Davis, to-day made a motion before Judge Underwood, in Chambers in order to test tho jurisdiction of thu Courts in Virginia, involving the power to hold the prisoner to bail, it being a judicial question, with w hich the President lias nothing to do. It is stated that Judge Underwood ex pressed the opinion, which hits alwavt been insisted upon by Chief Justice Chase, that so long us martial law or military surveillance was inforccd in Virginia, the courts were a mere adjunct and used iu aid ot the uulltury power, Mr. O'Connor, tho senior counsel of Mr. Davis was present with Attorney General Speed, nnd Lx-Govcraor Prutt was among the auditor, Judge Underwood declined to exercise his power to issue a writ of habeas corpus to bring tho prisoner before his Court until he had received from tlie President a relinquish. ment of the accun-d to the power of the civil authorities. Mr. Davis being now a prisoner ot war. Judge Underwood reduced his opinions to writing, which, having been given to thu counsel, was taken to the Pres ident by Mr. O'Connor. All further action in the premises is, therefore, fuspeudtd until tlie future determination nt tlic-cjovermiieut. It is B'.ated, on the authority of one of the counsel, that no application was made by them to Chief Justice Chase with reference to bail. Within the last two days Mr. Davis' friends, professional and otherwise, have had free access to him at Fortiess Monroe. The passage of tho resolution of the House, to-duy, decluring that in its opinion Davis should be kept in confinement until tried according to thu laws of tho land, was super induced by an apprehension that he would ho bailed, as many members of Congress hr.d been led to believe from previous represen tations. ! Horrible M i'.iit-i- near II.atti.uorc. 15.t.TiMonT June 11. A shocking mtir- cUr wus cnmtiiiticd It'.fct nitrht nt l:ik Hidgo l.ridBt. llultituoio county, uhout tklit rnUes from Eiiltiiiiori!. DhvuI W bito, nxly flvc years (it ngc, wus at'.uckuc 111 lus houae hy t o men unci beutcn t" death. I1U daujili tc r, lio was nrcuseel by liU criua wus also fatully betitrn, nudliur son, a boy of fourteen, sc-rioiitily inju red. Tlio murdered twin w as loliU'il of Li watch and a nmuli sum of money, and liis cluuuliter also rolibud of for ty dollars. No arrest have yet been made. Hai.timoke, Juno 1 1 Kvenirrif. Mrs. Mooncy, the dantrblrr of Davil White, the L'tite-kwpcr nt Elk Ifidgc bridce, on the XViihliintUm road, whu was murdered at his hotiso lust ni;ht, an already reported, will, it is now thought, recover ; but her son, a boy of fourteen, who was also lieiiten by the murderers of his grandfather, has suffered a relupsu, nnd it is thought will die. Suspicion rests on several notoiioui par ties, but at lust accounts no arrests hud been mudu. Thu murderers are supposed to Lave come 10 uaiiiuiore. Auolher Iti-ulul .llm-der. TiTi'svn.LK, June 10. About noon to-day a young uiuo named John Dalo, left huine in a wagon, to be married lo a Miss Ifattie .Muttliie.011, living! about six miles from here. VV hen about two miles on tho road he re ceived a rifle bull through his body. lie fell from the wagon and turned tbe. horse thinking by that means to call assistance. Two fctutleuitn passing at the time car ried him to a houbu. ia the vicinity; but he died bel'oru medical aid could be procured. Tlio lifin wus found near where he was shot. A rival fur the band of tho young woman hud threatened to shoot him and is suppose ed to be the guilty party. lie bus not yet been arrested, but piobably will be before morning. News from Idaho states that the Indiana attacked tll'ty chinamen near Owzbee river, killing forty-nine of tLeni, and stealing several trains of horses and mules, and sixty head of cattle right in sight of the fort. In a few days Santa Anna will issue i manifesto defining his position and policy,, declaring himself ia favor of tbe Republican party iu Mexico, aud his fuith in the early and complete triumph of the Liberal cause. A cargo of 400 sacks of corn shipped to Huntsville for tbe destitute poor of North Alabama has been lying in tbe depot at (hat pluce for a week, without distribution tq the needy. Being consigned to nobody in particular, noriocty in particular has felt callud ou to act in tbe premises. . . r . ,'. Not long since Elkan Hcrtmann, Rabid, of s. Jewibb Synagogue In Brooklyn, was V'cketl but of hit church by a portion of his congregation who objected! to bis ministra tion on sectional ground. He brought ao action agthsst them, and reooiwl ftlOO damages. The C'onl Trndc. The quantity tent .by nt!lrniul this "week Is 80,144 18 uy Canal,- 40,170 15 for this week, 120, (115 07 tons nghinst 2.1, 7t0 tons for the corresponding week last year, The demand for coal continues good, anil t priti are firm. Some flizfes havo advanced Si cents a ton this month for sinull quanti ties, but we doubt w hether it will continue after tlie first of July, wbcu nearly all the present contracts for coaf cease. The price of -coal ought to be higher, but we doubt whether there will' be any further advance for the pa 'tit.' It It however understood, that tolls will advance on the ltt of July. ifiricri' Journal, Junt B, 1800. " ' " !i") " (, J There is a project on foot amonff .tlie Is raelites of thu United States to build a mug niliccrt college, for the purpose of educa ting young' mefl 'professing that failh'in all the scientific and classical branches, but particularly in Jew ish theology.. . John C. Breckinritige, oii'e of the guiltiest of the traitors, was indicted on Wednesday last, by a Richmond Grand Jury, lor treason.- The indictment is identical with that of Jeff Davis, even to the fixing of thu day lor tlie commission ot tlie olleuce. He will probably be tried by the same that w ill try the arch traitor. , The Sugar Crop, it is officially stated, in some of the West India islands, will be DO percent, more th,n the crop of 1803 and fully double thai of tho preceding year. The editor of the Albany KuicleiMcr has received the first trophy of the Fenian war, iu tlie suapu ot a hear skin cap that was cap tureil irom one ot the tiritish regulars dur ing the recent fight in Canada. It is ex hibited, nnd "largo crowds as easily ga.e upon the cap as it it was n British General in regalia that had been captured and stood lielore them. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. notice: ALX Ihose knowing Ibcnisolvcs indebted to C. A 11. F. Unas, by note or book account, mutt niHke nnvment before the first dnv of Auenst ntxt. Alter tbai date tlie nosounta will ba left in the bands ol Juan tarnino.tb, for collection. u. a ii. jr. HAAS. Upper Austuta, June 1, 1806. PENSIONS INCBEAS ED . : . Tho late Act of Congrefli gives uddilionul pay to the following Pensions, vii : i?t. Ti thoe who have lot the iiidit of both evee. or both hnrn-Kor totally Uisnhb'd no as to require eon. Btnnt attendance, ihe'Fnmnf f25 00 per month. 2J To lho.o who have lost both feet, or ere totally aiiuuiuu id ine innio no as to require eunatant attend anoo, the sum of jjtl 00. 2il. To those who hove !o?t one hand or ono foot, or ai e en disabled as to render them uuablo toper- form mitnunl labor $14 bO Per month, and other ohfos in proportion. lliu sutuoriucr is duly prepared for tbe hnmediuto procurement ol ihefe olinuis. M. U. HOIEK, Alt y at Law. Sunbury, Jnne 16, ltiiWJ. SJ ICI.WAitO W ill be given to any pereon who may give sufficient proof to the School Diioutursof Upper Augusta Town ship, Northumberland County, to ciiuso tho urro.-t and eonvicliun of any perwin'or femms ttiHt huve been breaking the glues nn I siish, and otherwise in juring the Publio .Sch.Hil Houses, in said Township, agroeuble to a Ucsululioa rust by said board, June 4.1SW5- WM. REED, Secret; ary. vjijicr Augunu june 10. CAUTION TO THE PUDLIO. f"UIE publio are hereby notified not to purchase X any of the fixtures belonging lo tho Xiitional Sa. loon, ini-iinbury. nne-hulf owned by Tlios. Tunis, and Ihe other hall by myself. Ihe leaso of said establish ment is owned by me, and all persons are hereby no tified not to purebui-e any thing belonging to saloon, cither in iho basement or above, as Mr. Tunis in uot pi ruiitled to fell any articles belonging to said estiili-lb-buient without my consent. Any pisnn wishing to purehiiso nne baif of tbe saloon, would do well by colling 011 me. c, V. ItlLL.MAN. Sunbury, Juno 18, 1806. .'it Dissolution oi" I'nrUiorhliip. ' The pnrlner'hip herctnfnro existing between (he undorsigned in the business of Ii aeksiiiitliing. in tho borougb of Norlhumlierland. was dissolved by mu tual consent, on tho !iit i.l' .May hint. The business w ill be continued by Alex. Cult, who will also settel all Iho accouuta of tho lute firm. ALEX. COLT. , JNO. T.COLT. Northumberland. June 16. 1 Sod ,:i Aotif 10 4'i-liloi-M. ALL persons indebted to the lute firm of Roiirbach Cooper. 011 note, book acco jut or oihcrwite, aru hereby notified to make iiumediiilo payment if Jbcy wiu to rave costa, an they will be plucvd iu tlio bauds of au ofJicer for collectiun. . D. C ROIIRBACH, ' , T. . COOPER. Sunbury, June 16, 1666. AND IRON STORE. THE subscriber having opened in SUNBURY Pu., n new liirrn. and well assorted iuck ut nl Kiixts ol II Altll W ARE. I' l"1 1.1.11 Y. COACH WARE &ADiLI-.lli, mioe r fXDINtiS. IRON. NAM Ac., hud iu ut li.wist New Yo. k nud Essturn prices ! wiiiuu uiey wm 1,0 pleased tu sell fur Cua ut tue lowest Ejteru prices. of V, and 1SZi,tXC J. H. CJ.VLE iincii.iii g 10 no uusines m the honest i.r ihmhIms LEY A CO. iSuubury, June 16, 136). 10,000 LBS Nails and Siiikes at J7 25 i,-r keg, at tbe nuw ll.irdwure .Store of J. 11. COM.kY A. t:n fiunbury, June 10, 18J8. 85,000 Ibx. assorted Charcoul Iron at 5 els. lb. - J. 11. CON LEX 4 CO. Sunbury, June 16, 103. 1 Aflfl -U!,,"ul,, wanted to buy Hardware, Ac., lvVv at the Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of Ji CON LEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 15C3. , C1ARPEXTERS, Saddlers, Rlacksmi'hs, Carriage J Makers,, Shoemakers Merchants, Miuera, Fur Oisrs and the ol Uteris generally.. Look lo your interest and buy at tbe new Hard, ware Siore of J. li. CON LEY' A CO. Buubury, June 16, 1S6A. ALL goods bought for Cuttt and sold at lowest prieus lor eulial lb , Hardware Store of J. 11. CONLEV A CO. Sunbnry, June lit, 1866. Puiitlk, liluss, Putty, uhitoLcad, Viirnishej, Ao. EveryihinK thai Painters uso at uuueaid ol prices at tbe Hardware Store of J. 11. CON LEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, ldu6. " Ciifcii ! ! ! 'iisIi ! ! ' (120,003 wanted iu exchange for ull kinds ol Hardware, Irons, Nails, Ac, at the new Hardware Btoreof J. U. CON LEY & CO.- Sunbury, June 16, JbCi. , ALL kiudsof Hardware, Iiou.' it., uul in store will be eeut fur and delivered at the luwest nice by j. u. con Lev a co. buubury, June 16, 1866. QHOE Fmdings. Sole Leather aud all goods be- KJ Kugiug to suoe Uialteis husiuets lur sale hy ...... J.U. CONLEi" i CO. rpi'RPENTINE, CoU Oil, Fish Oil, Linseed Oil, J. for sale low tm Cash by . j. , , . . ,, J. II. CONLEY CO. A' NVIL8, Vioes, Bulws Stocks, aud Dies, and all goods belonging to the Rlackiuiiluiug busi. Hues fur sal lew fur Cub br . ... 5. II. CON LEY A CO. WE would Invite the attention of Carpenters to our large aud well seleoled asMiruuent of Toules, o'inpiui4 Chisels of all kinds, Aajura. Planes, Saws, Irou aud tsieel Square, aud iu luot every Ibing wanted to complete a full outst, at lbs Hardware store ft ., J. II. CONLEV A CO. 11ARMCR3 oall and look at the stock qrOrass aud " Orain Soythes, Manure, Hay and tjtr iw Forks, Gisiu Cradles. Cradle Fingeis, Trace. Log. Kit fa, Tongwe and Uallev Cbtins ; he) the Slooee, Grind, stones and Bsiures, snd everyibuig touiake harvest, ing pleasant and agreeable at the new Hardware auaa of , - . J. U. CONLEY A CO. , BUILDEE3 and those (ontemplaliug ballding, would do well U eall and aoe tbe lurge assort, luent of- Lt.eks, LsMbes. Lulu, fiutU and Soruws, Straps anoVTJ U in jee,' Window Springs, end ovary thing wanted leoois piste a home, ei'tae aet Hard ware stoieof ,. . . J. U. OONLtl AOU. OALL and seo tbcee beautlfnl Bird Cages atis ftw Uudvaretvovnuf J H OOKiEY A 00 Admtnltrnor'n H'oUce. "VTOTK'E Is horohy jireo hnt IqUsts of a.tmlnl IN tn.tion, with tliiJ will nnnox-i.hnvsbocngmn.ta l t io uiHur-inmM od I he moi'd OF Fiolurick l-.iz.i-ru. lulu ol thu-UiR'uajh of (iuutpury, Nurllnimlior. iu vouiiiy. i-a , ujei''i'a. au pei-wim unique ittoar n-qusteu to make iuiaicJiaie pny- us it nixL lliu billing olaiiui to preuot tkain uuly mu.h.3uUiloJ for tutttumont. - JARED0 irww, J. Ii. MA&Ut. Banbury, June 18, G8. 6t Ailnilniiu-atort. lflflA Crrlg Makers Wauled to buy Felloes, lUUv Spoke, llube, Ax:e,8priuRi, bunds, Ball aud everything pertaining to tbe eiuioM at, the Cheap littrdwat end kutrBtoreof i. 11. COXLET ft CO, CniLDR.EN'8 Carriages of the aeweit aud moid fashionable atylea at the Clioap UaHware dure i, -. J. it. wui a. AIM XI HM'KURK iUIIPAri REDUCTION OF RATES OH PRODUCE, OYS TERS, AO. THE rates o Frenh Ftsh, Oynten In the Shell, and Truck of all kitidi,.to plnooa In Ibis Division, where the rate is 75 eents per 100 lbs or over, bna been reduced 25 cents per 100 lbs. At plnrrn whore lbs Mlri Is between 60 and ' 75 cents per 100 lbs, the rate will be bO eents per 100 11m. Barrels of truck weighing ten thin 100 lbs will lie charged aa 100 lbi in wuiht. ..! l''reli l'iah will require to be packed in tiht bar rels or lii'Xes. Frompt attention to tbe collection of Billn, Draft, Ac. . , " ' 1 ' n. FERREE LIGHTNElt, Agent ' Snnhnry, June 16. 1868. BOOKS 1' BOOKS!!? rpHK rul seriber ber luave to cnll tbe attention of L hiAUUftouAers. nnd the community in generul, to the fuut that ho hiw now recoired his sooond lot of 1 NEW GOODS, consinting, In part, of a complete line of PAl'Kli AND ENVELOPES, Rlnnk, Sufioul and Jnrcnile Ronks, Fnnoy Toi'ut Simps. Perfumes, Pioture Frames, Lara ana Willow ll.'ining Iiuekots, Bird Cage, Hand unci Mtniitl Cwlastsies), Fine Vnses, Hnndsome Olove Jewelry and Work Buxca. TraTolinfi and other Portfolios, Curved Brackets, Feather Dust Brusbos, Bulls, Bntfl, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all dosorlptlons, a large stouk of WALL-PAPER AND BORDER, Window-Blinds, Pnpor Shfules, Coal Oil Lamps and Fixtures, Ac. Thankful for pnet patronage, nnd hope, 'by strict attention to business, to continue tlie same. Jf. F. LIGHTS Ell. Punbnry, June 9. 18A6. IP YOU WANT A PLEASANT AND EFFECTIVE CATHARTIC, USE ItEIVUTT Solution of Citrate of Maqnesia. Or PURGATIVE MINERAL WATER. This Preparation is particularly recommended as a substitute for Epsom Salts and Scidlilt Powders, being both more agrecahlo to tbe tasto and uioie pleasant in its operations. Itija cooling catbartio, und operates mildly. For an activo purge, tho contents of the bottle to betaken at once: 11s a laxative, half a bottle. For ahildren tbe dose should be reduced iu proportion to their age. The bottle should be kept well corked and lying on its side. Prepared by W. A. Reunctt, Druggist. i?unburv, June 2, Itititf. Procure one of BYERLY'S Fine Photograph Pic tures ut bis Rooms in Simpson's Building. JOII!C BOWE, LEVI PKESIIOLTJ. Eowen & Seesholtz, WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DEALERS in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, J. Hans d Co's Lower Wharf, esnnbiiry, Sn. Older solicited and filled with promptness acd despat'h. Suniiurv, Juno 2 IS69. To rii-uro a family group Photograph, go to EYEKLY'S K .om in Simpson's Building up stairs. New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT THE HAIvIEIOTH STORE of J. XV. i Kii.ix.' & so:. Market Square, near tbe New Court House JUST OPENED large and new assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cae&imeres, Cottocades, Linen Panting, a. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Silk, Delaines, Alupacas, English ar.d Scoloh Oingluitus. Cballies, Luwns, Anuurcs, RrillianL", White tlno Is. Calicoes, Muslins, and every u.iicr iirliclu bilonjing to the above brunch of business. I WHITE AKD COLORED FLANjMEiS SLcciings, Hoop Skirts Hosiery and gloves. CARPET & OILCLOTHS, tilastware, Quecnrwcre, Crockery, Hardware tai Cutlery. Ilruss, Oils, IiiiilK, C'onl Oil c::tl Lsiiiipti. Fish. Turk, Coarse and Fine Suit, CoCce, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup, Spices, 4c, Groeeries. Tobacco. Pciirs and Snuff. toj;etbef with large variety of miscellaneous goods at prices thut canuol fuil lo satisfy purchasers. J. W FRILIXa 4 SON. Sunbury, June 2, 1R06. Bricklayer and Builder, Market Street, 4 doors East of Third St., 8 U N B IT H , PENN'A. 1!. AU Jobbing: promptly al Ic-ti.l 10. . Suubury, June 2, 1864. AGENTS WANTED . roa oea ; Meiv niul Itc-iiulilul tVoi-U, THE PICTORIAL BOOR OF ANECDOTES AITD INCIDENTS OF THE REBELLION. Heroic, Patriutic, Political, Romantic, Humorous and Tragical, Splendidly Illustrated vith orer 300 Portrait arid Beautiful Engvatiugt. rpflfS WORK, for genial humor, tender pathos, J. stunting interest, aud attractive beauty, stands peei less aud al. ue among all its onmpetitora. The Valiant and Rrave Hearted, the and Dramatic', the Witty and ' Marvellous, the Tender and Pathetic The Roll of Fame and Story. Camp, Picket, Spy: 5'uout, Bivouac, and Siege Startling Surprises, Wonderlul Escapee, Fsmnus Words and Deeds of Woman, and tho whule Panorama of the W ar are here (biilliugly and startlingly portrayed in s masterly manner, at ono bistnrieal aud romamio, rendering it tbe most ample, brilliant and readable book that Ihe war has called forth. Disabled officers and soldiers, teachers, energetio young men. and all in want or profitable employ, went, will find this the b;i chance to aiake money ever yet ollered. Bead for circulars aud see our terms. Address, - .1. NAdiONAL PUBLISHING CO, No. 4u7 Miner Street, June , 1866 At Philadelphia, Pa. ' ; UEAItY! dJJUV.nirltl 1 .Wshare PbotogT.iphs, larga and small, of Oeary and Clymer. Agents wantwi lo tell them. Eeud T5 cents for specimen epiee br mail, postage paid. Addrea, RAR'lLEsuN A CO , 611 1'btu.ul st. , Pbiladelphia, May 13, '66 2u , To'MlIluvraisfc Country tstoro slot-pt-ra. AT GRAND ST CHEAP bTORE, ' ' .1TEW7CRECXT7, You eau purebais Cut Lengths or Milliuery Goods iiwpr tbjia duwu town jobbers sell whole ptecess bllUW GOODS; Arbtons, SUkai. Fkiwer; MilU. oiy Laoas, As , received daily trom Auouon. . EDWD. R1DLET,- . ' 509. :l, Jill Grand s,,MaidB4AUs-w.; ' (jWiftb. Elook Eaat root IU Jcw-ry April3i,1566-8a, . , NEW SPRING GOODS!! NOW OPEN, . -' A FCt.t STOCK O? ISTI3W B XJ li I ii O aOODO Consisting of lr "JmI, In great variety, suoh an Delaine, Cballies, Uingbaiiu, Crapes, Luwne, BiillinuU, 4e. Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goods, "iJrelefTirimmlngt. tacte awl Embrolilerlee. VEtM of ill desorlptione, Uloree. llKicry, Corsets, Zephyrs, Patent Hair Crimpers, Nock-Ties, and 0Uoua of all kiuds usually kept in a Fanoy (Store. Lock wood' Paper Cellar and Cuds. Stamping and machine ititohing done to order. . . - i , . A1AHV L. LAZAKl'8, Two door west of Wm. 11. ililler's Sbot Slot. Sunbury, April 2i, 1809. ' . ' ' ' THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL 11 Spring & Summer Goods! "JOSEPH EYSTER, (SuccMAessor to Jvhn Bowen.) , Corner of Hurket aud Fuwn Street, . 'aUNBL'KY, PESK'A, Invftn fhs publio to oall and exmuiue his olfgout assortment of . , . S U VOL 1V2 s a GOODS! which be wilt fell nt greatly reduocd price. Hi ttock eona;.'ts In part nt . .1 ' CASQIMERE G GT.OTHS- ScC Klllo. Dninincs. I.nirna. Uiiiirlinms. Calicoes. Mu1in. Shectiug. iiokings, Jeana. and a full assorlmeutof Collon and Woolen g xjjj gouoritlly. , Hosiery, Cloves, Uoop tkirt. AIjo Hundkerohle, Brushes, Combj. Iltitsi and Cap", Hoot and Kliwcs Uis assortment of good will not. lie is are sure fail to plcnre tho fancy nnd guit the wants of any de, siroui of parobnsing. Uis Hook of HAUDWAl'E AND QtEENSWARE, nnd Groceries is hirzo iu ouiintily and oholeo in quility, comprising generally everything neoded in, Ihe houseitnld either lor use or nrimmcnt. He is always ready and glad to see his friend and take pleasure in shonin? them Ms goo Is i-jren though no snles are made. He only asks a cull, mid la sure that the stock will compare fnrorably in prioo aud quality with the eheipeit. JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunbury, April 21, ISfll. IF you wnnt a good Likeness for your friemi.fgo to S. BYEHLY'SUnllery in Simpson's Building. Wnntivl. .ft;nf $75 to $200 PER MONTH for gentlemen, and $15 to $7.7 fir ladies, evorywhoro, lo introduce tho Celebrated Common Sense Family dewing Machine, improve 1 and perfected. It will hem, fell, stiteh, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Prieo only S-'u, mukiug the elas'ie lock stitch, und tully warranted for three years. We pay the nbnvo wages, or a com mifsion. from whioh lwii.'.L- that amount enn lm m.-i-lo. Address, with slaiop, or cull on C. ll'iWKlt.S A C , Salesrooms-. No. 21-A Sou'h Fitlh Street, Philad., Pa. All loiters answered prompily, with eircul ri and terms. ' May 2 i. 41. v;nof wfl6?wiio? OCR NEXT GOVERNOR ! We have correct nnd striking p!ioogra h of tlio next Uovernur of PcnnMvlvanin. which ivo will send by mail for 2j cents. If wo mistake tlie man. tlio money will be refunded immediately ofier ele.,:i next October. Is it Oeary or t'lvmi r? Write und see. Address BAUTLESON A CO., mylm fit Cbnut Street, Philadelphia. DAXKKIiS, NO. 55 SOUTH 3D STREET, PHILADELPHIA WE UI'FEIt Full SALE Morris 4 Essex Railroad 7 per cent. Bonds. Central pacific R. R. 7's interest puyublc ia Oi'.l in New York. U. 6. 30 yours 6's interest in currency issue 1 to tb Pacific Railroad Company. These bonds are ull formic very low. j b ocks iiiugbt ana toiit on (.ouiuuetion tv. i Securities of ail kinds bouijLtnnd s M I Mnreb 17. lSefl. ilm ,7. a. nnTvs AND ; of tu:: p::ac:. ; TIC 3f.!?ior.c', S-rt't (''.(. '.:. r. . gel;l.;)H .'uveu l ir be J CJii ; ofl ftioe in Jacksun town-hip. a'ug: be made bv letter, diroi-ted to the : All busiucss entrusted to I. is earo, will attended 10. April J, IS'ii!. ly , EREARFAcT bilAWLS, f r sale nl the T , Storocf ANNA PAINTKR FANCY 1)1. Y GOODS ST01? I-IISS KATE BLACK, Market street. f,,ir do. rs wet of Win. II !.fi!i Root .mil Shoo store, St'MHJRV, l'a. X ESl'ECTFt'I.l.Y fiien I in Sum. i and vicinity, that she !m.jju.t opened !ur BlUUKG AT V SOMMEIt OOOra, 0: N' nr.d Feney Erf 'foods, Ilersto.-li cjii-ii- "f Aii-V.'ovl D lain-5, rbatn Oiuirliiitus. e nt..-i''ti ne... I.j:,-o '.'uil-ui.. Fat,. If Musiiae. Driilii.-.s. l:J.iti' Mu'.liif, Slri Likens, Liiiui! i.-.!, ,.':d Luco.Veii-. A Mine l'f.u:(,ri . .." JI ,ir nr.t'S. I. air Coil-' Cir!. Gloves. S.Ov'i-.ns. t.'oltars. Cori'tt'-. A1- Uellts' CoKai.-1, NtcUwf, b iif iio-iC, Ilu. ohicl's Slid Supeililei.1. Eiadley's new Pnlrnt I).ir.px Eilif tic ( -r u Sprim; ,-KH. j'.S ) rorfMn-.ery, T..!ift !i:iii- I'm !-,,- (. Toys. i'U'i a rfi-!i"i hi in iel of V T I' SM. G Al't i'Li.INii Joiie ImiiiMii-'-l an -I nl notice. RATE LL.'it Sunbury, April li. l.vlrt. Hew bpnng 1liA A.VV1 I'.H.'i'i t'.i: T'.vo ol'tlio r.-,t ( STTX-TBTJI-V -jPEUTTnT 1"E5Pi:CTFL'LLY iuvitu tl.c nttei li. .. .V publio to her largo and Tariid as.-r.nn: Spring & Bummer Killinciy which she hn juf received find oper.c I. II embraces l'A.St'V l'l-KSS nO'UiS. hu:u.-"i Clunj Lace, L i':e Cidiurs, Liueu Collai.-. Cords. Zeph- rs. Ruttor. A lino usurimeiil .it Initios' and pei:l I1 Gloves. Fau, Par.isuls, hn-;l T rimn.;: . li Ilelt Ribbiins, Wlvel itib'.urs, ilraid. Ln. lie ties. Fancy Drey C.uiibs. Head D.-cs-es. v Irvin'S Patent flair Criiupeis. Hair Ci i!-. and a large assortment cf other articles, loo rous to mention I have also post received a fine lot of 1 r Toilot Soups. 1 jotb and Hair Rrn-hes. .t . ANNA P.UN Sunbtty, Aptll 2b, li-50. - BP1UA Or ' AN D Bl'sTilV '. Millinery Goo Jutope::iui ut the Millinery Stui .-. . JUiss M-1 GUSoLBLv Fawn Street, bcluw tbe Railroad, Sl'NlU'l 'uch in a 0 b'd 1 ji a'9 a a SUAKtHS, Dis-Triftimiugs, llead-lrJ, Hosiery, Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, ll.i . ebicfs, Ae., lo., which hats'beea sbrafullr s-leetoil. The atttniiou of ibe Ladies is snlieii.-d 1. awortmentof iba lutut styles of LoNNL give eatirfHcikiiito alt. Call and cxuuiiiic lor yourselves. No show goods , , buBbarjr, April 11, Jy66. Sllaa 1.(1(1.41 HIIIiVE.! MllUut-i-y Ooudq nud lr- i , iiu llt-utl lrt'csi, GLOVES, PAIUSOLS. iv , South side of Market Scjuaro SL'XiJL K lias just returucj lioui tLe ci'ies seleution i f sesaonuble gwrl in whieii t! of tbe Ladies it respectfully solicite-l. MILLUEltV GOOOi AND DREai Tit With Hehd-DresMs ii;, lloaiery,- J - has been earefjlty selected and will give M!ts Shissltr has had an U ik-e 1 Bess that taanbleeber te sol out 1, m the Umiit aiid aitUrs of ber ouioi: : s. 1:: Souiiiaaugt.lJvw iu thu future al.i. ttuaaar iu Un.led,jiuj dunu lb adiue will find a obolce sums, of uwiy Uoa of biuiuMa. -Stuibiuy, April U, 1S66. 6 EN IV CALF toons TUS 9 .t, st