gHjc Sunftutg American. N. B. DJSQIiE, Publishers. : . , NUIMIH BiY, 1A. SATURDAY, JUMK P, 1800. Tbo Republican ioj.Yolurtjof North umberland County nro requested to meet In tlio difft'itnt Boroughs atu Townships, on Saturday, tlio 1 1th of :Jn.T,; next', to elect Delegates to . ft County Convention which will mret Jn"'Stinbury,.on Monday, July 10th, 1800, to nominate candidates' for the Conntj offices, to be elected in October next. . " ': ., " EM'L. WJXVERT, i Chairman of Standing Cmnmittee. Schbcry, June 7th, 18G0... , . Eocal d affairs. jT.Iol Irinllns-..Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of Various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Cireulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, o., can b printed ia the latest and best styles, and on short notice 1 Order by mail promptly attended to. " , Of ItnLIGiocs Notice. V.Tlini sallh the Lord : Let the nicked forsokohis tray, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let hjin return unto the Lord and lie will hare mercy upon him,' and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah, S5 ; 7. , The Young Men's United Prayer Mooting is bold "every Sabbath ercning at 61 o'olock, in the lecture room of the Presbyterian Church, in this place. t3r Strawberry Festival. The ladies of St. .'Matthew's Church will hold a strawberry festival in the old Court House, in this place,' commencing on' 'Wednesday evening, 13th Inst., and Continue it until the following Saturday ovenlnj. tWm. II. Williams, A. M., of Philadelphia, has taken charge of the Milton Academy, as Princi pal. The school was opened on Monday, '28th ult., with an avorage attendance of scholars. . (3P The new route to New York from this placo, ty way of Mt. C ami el and the Loblgh Valley road, will bo opened shortly. Trains leaving hero at 6 o'clock in the morning will arrive in New York nt 4 P, M., of the same day . jy The recent rains have greatly revivified the crop; and all kinds of vegetation. fj FRflr. Strawberries are now ripe and will soon be abundant. Two weeks since tlicy were sold In this place at one dollar per quart. Cherries are also ripening. The peach crop in this town and vicinity never was more promising. This may be said also of pears and apples, and indeed all kinds f fruit. Iu Delaware Biid Now Jersey tho peach crop was severely injured by early fiost. Conr.ECTtos. We need hardly say that the riic of tin hail stone, referred t J in our last, magnified by uing the word ''diameter" for "cir cumference." EOfR Umbrella. Wo neglected to mention last week that wo recovered our lost umbrella. Wonderful to relate, it caiue to light the day after cur notice of its log ! The oircunuitaiice id not much .f itfclf, except to illustrate the great efficacy of advertising, when even an umbrella, to which the oncr is supposed to havo only an imaginary title, con be recovered. V.'e observe some very fine paving flag, brought from some of the quarries near town, fur the l ew Court House pavement. We presume they will be handsomely squared before being tail, as all ti' o-l ai'ucMiK should be. A new, and we think mcllent lightning rod, has also been put up. tjp" Frsi.tys. Sume seventy or eighty men, r.-iiai!S. on their way to the Canadian frontier, left li i? place cu Monday la;t in the afternoon train 'orth. They were all. or nearly so. from the coal rcgicn. Tl:y came to town in the forenoon, aud having c ire hours of leisure and nobody to fight, a number of them ihdulgel too freely in lager and whiskey the result was several fights among them selves. One poor fellow entreated, with tears in his eyes, to bo released, but was told that bo was regu larly enlisted ar.d eould not back out. Cs-'MVe understand that our neighbor, Jacob Youngmun. of the Gazette office, intends establishing nn iron foundry iu this place, for stove and other cuttings. Mr. Younguian has considerable inventive and mechanical genius, and will, no doubt, do well iu this new onlerpriie. ,'The Borough Scuool Hoard. The school directors of this borough met on Tuesday evening last, and organized the new board for the ensuing year. The fallowing are the officers : President E. Wilvert. Secretory L. T. Itohrbacb. Treasurer J. Ii. Ltiikcr. O. W. Ifaupt, Esq , one of the directors, having received his commission a County Superintendent, tendered bis resignation. The board, having au thority, will appoint some ono to fill the vacancy. "Down it Comes. Butter fresh "grass butter," ean now be had in any quantity, in our market, at twenty-five cents per pound. Mean roast beef, li to 20 eents per pound ; corned beef, 10 to 14 cu; ; rump steaks, 15tol8cts. ; sirloin steaks, 17 to 20 ts. Mutton fore quarter, 12 to 18 ots. ; hind quar ter, 15 to 20 cts. ; chops, 17 to 20 ots." We quota the above from the Harrisburg TW frraph of Saturday last. What a commentary on tho war prices kept up ia this place, where butter U still selling at 44 cents per pound. Vs should re member that extravagant rents and high price of provisions are calculated "to retard the progress of our place, come people soeut to forget that the war is over, and imagine that the bigb prices which resulted from it must continue forever. At Carlisle butter is selling at 13. cents, at Lancaster 20 cents, pd at other places about tho same. -JThe U. 8. District and Cirouit Court will bo iield at Williamsport, commencing on Monday, Jith instant. : ' y The Hail Stobm at Lewisbufo. The Lew. isburg Chmniclt gives the particulars of the hail .storm which passed over thatplaeaon Sunday week. Hail as large as bulled walnuts full, and considera ble damage was done to grain fields, fruit and vege 1 all us. There was also a great destruction of window glass, the University buildings alona loalrig about four hundred panes, and several churches lost from ruttnty-Ove to one hundred panes, to say nothing of private dwellings. .... ' At tlio meeting of the soldiers, of Bnyder county, last week, Dr. II. F. Wegeneeller, Capt. El'r, Ir. J. Y. Shindle, Daniel Crousa and Col. A. C. Simpson were selected a dolegates to the Soldiers' Convention, which met at PitusLurg on 'ju. lav A committee, consisting of one per il, u liom each election d'striot in the county, wai i,l,., ip pointed to form a permanent soldiers' organl z-it i n . fl 'DiKOBACErt l. ArrAia.-rOn Monday after i.ion ln-l a scene occurred, at the depot, in this' place, whi.-li was rathrr novel and exciting. It ,.., , ii,iu a notorious a bite prostitute bad won the i.Il..i:ii..i. or the husband of a "lady ef olor," who ,,,, (10 was a respectable woaian, and threatened t., 'mh. ' tb! frail "whin aitr"a tba platform -of the di j ot, xhure Uo aUouudmg eoupla bad mat tor the pm "I (loiu Iruut tba wrath of the batter half ni' Hie UmiiiiI lmbaed, Tba aolored lady oom. iiiiiil a war ot wuiria up tba f faUea aciel," aceuKing Ul abasia- piiaii aoalupeaieut, there by ii.-j.mui 4 btr of tbo Bwoiwtjr ot box husband. 'i'uls m amiabla ' ayuidi of the pave" jtoully da- nied,: and al '"! " vary Imullirie; laogusga to the eoj.ct lady, h-n tbo latter, almost eraiad with n.'er and jealou.y, "ml for bar" In regular pu il.uiyle lb Portias ware ea) ly aeparatad, Iba dy ..f aolor" rceUimlug her lovln and 'aPatSBt bubaiid t ; . , ...,..'' j If Tun Fire at WiixiAusr-oaT. Tba lata tra at Williamsport, whloh oocured on Saturday night, 20th ult., was the most dcstruotlve one that has visi ted that plaoo for several years past. Nine build ings were consumed. Tbo fire first broke out in the Ice-oream saloon of A. Allen, on the south side of Third street, between Pine and WllllamssU-ects, and spread from there east to Fine Alley and west to WllHams slreot, burning seven buildings on that side, and oroasjng Third street, burned the County Prison 11 the residence pi !th Sheriff. The flames spread very rrpidly and ragod with great fury. In removing s, largo iron safe. from tho office of Mr. John Dubois it broke through the sidewalk beneath which was an excavation, and jiistaufly killed Mrs. Elita htoons, who tad her residence in the basement i of tba office, and was under the pavement securing some dishes, i The unfortunate woman was tba widow of William Koons, who was killed on tba Williams- port A Elmira Eailroad about five years ago. She was about thirty years of age and leaves a child. The total loft by the fire amounts to About (50,000. .. ' in ...ii 1 1 in m m m tFMimnitn Trial, m Skvder Courtt. The trial of Peter 'So?.- charged wtthnurdoring his wife on'the night of the Bth of January last, near Middle burg, In Snyder oounty, took place at thelaijlfSeasion of the Snyder oounty oourt, : which Was held at Middleburg last week. The murder excited the most intense Interest, and during tba progress of the trial .Middleburg was crowded with persona from different parts of the eounty. 1 ; It was provon at the trial that Eby was in tho immediate vicinity of the murder at the time it took place, and that he had a gun with whioh the deed was supposed to have been committed. The evidence was purely circumstantial. The Common wealth failed to prove any motive for the commission of the erime, and he Was accordingly acquitted. Tho counsel for the defence wcro J. C. Buchcr, Esq., ot Lcwisburg. A. J. Cronemiller, Esq., of Middle burg, and J. C. Kunkel, Esq., of Harrisburg; for the Commonwealth, A. O. Simpson, Esq! of Sclins- grovo, Samuel Weirick. Esq., District Attorney of Snyder county, and A. J. Horr, Esq., of Harrisburg. ty Base Ball. The Sorquohanna Base Ball Club, of this place, having been challenged by the Tyrolean Club, of Harrisburg, will leave to-day (Saturday) tn tho 6 o'elook train, for the purpose of contesting the honors of the game with that club. jti have no doubt they will be handsomely antcr taiuerf by our Harrisburg friends; 'Tba following niua will play on the part of the Susquehanna: Oco. W. Hambrigbt, 6. W. Seilcr, A. Weaver, Chas. Sarvis, B. P. Bright, B. Rodrigue, A. McCausland, P. Uowor and II. Krone. We learn that the Susquehanna has also been challenged by a Williamsport clubt and that they contemplate playing them at an early day. Tho Star Club, of this place, has been merged into the Susquohanna Club. This was occasioned by several of the most experienced members of that organization leaving town. The Susquehanna has the material to make a first-cluss club, the majority of the members are experienced players, baring previously been uttuched to clubs in various portions of the State. Tho celebrated Athletics, of Philadelphia, proba bly the beet base ball players in this country, intend playing at Wilkeabarre on next Thursday. Somo half dozen clubs are expected to be present on the occasion,' umong them tho "Alerts," of Danville, who played d match game with tho "Star?," in this' place, several weeks since. i. - . J3P TnE RTiltoman eiys that tho new bridgo at that place is fairly under wny, with a fiue prospect of being ready for crossing by next fall. Jt is ex. pected that the bridge will be entirely finished by tho early part of next spring. r,S?Tiiii Crops. Though trie wheat crop is a partial failure in some States, in others it will bo a full average. A friend, just arrived from California, says the wheat and other crops never were so abun dant in that State. Flour was selling at about frt per barrel, and all kinds of provisions were from 0 to 1C0 per cent, lower than here. tj?NEW Counterfeits. Tbo following list of new counterfeits, from Peterson's Detector for June, will be found of interest to our readers, and should be preserved for reference : Iron City Bank, Pittsburg, Ta. i s spurious vig.. steamboat; portrait of Washington on right end ; Clay on left end. National Bank, Pottsville, Pa. Xs spurious v'g.. carpenter at work. Bunk issues no 3V Merchants' National Bank. Washiusrton, D. C. The suspension of this bank will not afiect the notes, as all National Bauk notes are secured by Govern ment bonds. Counterfeit Postal Currency, new issue. Fifty Cent Notes, now issue. On the top of the bill tho words 'i,'urnjbDC(t only by the Assistant Treasurer and Designated Depositaries of tho I'nitcd Slates," observe the two words ''0f the;'' on the genuine thoro is a little spaco between them, nut so on the imitation. Fifty Cent Notes ; the engraving Is good, but tho gilt frame around the head is very bad. The paper has. however, tho appearance of common priuting paper, and is very whitish, lhe wholo of it is a liule smaller than the genuine, biz barrels on right of Washington are very indistinct. Twenty-Five Cent Notes, new issue ; very dark, and poorly engraved. Twenty-Five Cent Notes, poorly engraved, on poor paper, aud the gilt frame around the bead don't show any gilt. Ten Cent Notes, very coarsely done, and tbo green ink vory pale. United States Compound Interest Notes. Fifties, imitation, vig., (on left end,) feuialo erect, holding sword in ber loll bund, her right band resting on Bible male bust, 60 on die above, on right end. Well done and likely to deceive good judgus. One Hundred Dollar counterfeits are in circula tion a fao simile of the genuine bill, but tba engra ving is not so line. Tbey are datod May lath, lo5 : letter B. The green ink on the back of the counter feit is paler than that in tba genuine. Be oareful and examine well all before taking them, as tbey have deceived somo of our belt juiUjus. United Stales Legal Tender, Greenbacks. f)'s, a new issue and very well done. The only prominent defeot is heavier shading around the words "United Suites," in the title, 'l he counterfeit ia about one eighth of an ineh shorter than the genuine. First N ational Bank Notes. 20 s, a close imita tion of the cenuine notes, and well caloulalud to deceive. The baok of the bill is rather coarse. The plate is liable to ba altered to any of tba Natioual Banks. BUSINESS NOTICES, r? Seviss) Macdikes. Sevoral valuable Lock' Stitch Sewing Moebines, new styles, Enquire at this office. for sole. JET THE CONTINENTAL1 CLOTIIIXG BAZAAR, CORNER OF MARKET AND THIRD STREETS, 6UNBTJHV, WILL SELL READY-MADE CLOTHING 'AT TEN PER CENT. LESS THAN FIRST COST. tp A Floreci Sewing Machixe is offered for sals at two-thirds its value-a groat bargain. Call at the millinery store of Miss Mary L. Lazarus, on Market street. mlic- ryTas) entorpr'uing proprietor of tba Costi- kemtAL Clotuiho JJazaab contemplates changing bis line of business, and in order to reduce bis stock of Heady-Made Clothing, will sell goods at ten pr etHt. lets than first tost ! Purchasers will do well to oall and examine for themselves. Den't forget tba place 8. W. corner of Market and Third streets, Sunbury, Fa. y Tee Wat to Mam Moket. If yon want to make money, go to J. E. Sutcc's Tailoring Estab lishment, on Fourth street, opposite Weaver's hotel, and procure yens garments. Jiis lust 'Invoice of Hammer goods 'go oil like '"hot eakee."' Sohn sells cheap, and makes up good suits. His great aim in giving satifaolien to all, is one reason wby he sells so sasny goods. . All who deal with biiu oooa are sure to go the second time, aa no place Is to be found which exoels John s eetubluhnient Moan IaraovEaaxTS. Mr. a. Young has taken oharge of tba saloon' formerly kept by M. K. Sucber, in Simpson's Building, Market street, and has refitted Use establishment. As Mr. Young is an old hand at the business, we predict tbst he will svs plenty of customers tyTHS Ekd or TBI World At the last meet ing of the Aoadcmy rif Sciennes, M. Dalaunay proved that th earth's motion is gradually slackening, and that tba days are thereby insensibly lengthening to tho extent of a second in 100,000 years 1 At this rate, in eight thousand alt hundred and forty mil lions of years the earth will srop altogether, If it docs not otherwise boTore: that period. ' Wrf find thus that tha world is bound to eome to an end some time or other. Seienoe and revelation both point in the same direction that Is to Mr. Jacob O. Bock's tailoring establishment) n Fourth street, between Market and Chesnut, where the best of gentlemen's garments are made up Id the latest style, and at the most reasonable rates. , ty Removal S. Byorly, the popular artist, having purchme9 the Photograph Gallery formerly conducted by Mr. J. B. Erskine, in Simpson's build ing, Market street, has transferred his own Gal lory, which was lately in Basal or a building, to that quar tet, where he will have increased facilities fof pro ducing those beautiful and. life-like pictures for which be is celebrated H to new room is fitted up in tba 'best and handsomest manner. Thoso wbo want pictures, bf any slxe, style and quality, will of course, patronise him, as bo, is acknowledged the best artist in this section of the State. . t . Ij"New Ice Cream Saloon. We observe that our young friend, David Fry proprietor of the bakery, bas openod an ice cream saloon, at his resi dence, in Spruoe street, wbcro bo will keep on band an excellent artlolo of this delicious summer luxury. Ho has employed ono of the best manufac turers of les cream, and will servo upevcry afternoon and evening, vanilla, lemon, orango, chocolot0i peach, pino-npple and strawberry cream. His sa" loon ia titled up in tlio most comfortable manner) and he will spare no pains to accommbdato all who may be pleased to patronize him. Families, parties, 4o,, supplied at reasonable rates. v . ... 15 Mcch is Little. The married are longer lived than tho einglo ; and above all, thoso who ob serve a sober and industrious comluot. Tali men live longer than short ones. Women have more chances of life previous to the ngo of fifty years than men. but fewer after. Tho number of marriages is in proportion of 75 to 100. Marriages are n.ore fie. quent after tho equinoxes that i.', during the months of Juno aud December. There is no differ ence in tho "longevity i of tho Boots and Shoes sold at Win. H. Miller's Excelsior Boot A Shoe i'tore, Market street, .S'unbury, as both "Jong" and "short" articles ic that lino sold at his establishment nro warranted to outlive any sold in this vicinity Miller kcops a well selected stock for men, womon and children. . ' tJ LiiiK, Sahd asd Stone. Wo printed bills this week for Scasholtt A Bnwcn, who annnunco to the publie that they are dealing in Lime, Sand and Stone. . Those in want of a cood article eon rrocure it from tho above firm. ;., . -.. ... N. F. LiaiiT.NEit announces bis second arrival of new goods. Ife now keeps a regular assortment, and thoso who want articles in his branch of business will not go amiss by giving him a call. I'j Immense Excitemkxt. Our citizens will be thrown into great excitement by the news that S. Kronenbcrg sella hi? Clothing, Boots and Show, nt IS per cent, under Cost.' lie is determined by nil means to secure custom. Let everybody como and examine, ot S. KUONENBEHU'S Two doors aoove Oco. Bright's Drug Store DEATHS. In this place, on Thursday, the 7th inst.. FREDERICK. LAZARUS, Esci., aged about 70 viurs. The duccnseJ was ono of our oldest citi zens, and was, ut the time of'his. death, one of the Justices ol the Pcitcts of this Rorough iu which capacity he hud acted for tunny ycurs. In early life ho took much interest in military alluirs, and was an ollicer of the army in the war of 1812. lie suffered from declining health for more than a year. In Rush township, on Monday of ln.-t week, of consumption, MARIS ARET ANN, duughter of RoLieit Campbell, deceased, uged 19 yeurs. Kigali KV itl.lltatiyrs. Corrected Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, f 15 00 7 60 10 00 6 0 S 00 1 00 hi (li 2 1)0 40 30 10 3 &0 S3 18 25 25 25 20 IS 15 18 20 12a 14 7 do do do do perowt. per bbl. per cwt. per bushel, do do do do par pound Ilyo Flour, do Wheat, prime red Bye, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do unparcd Dried Apples, do do lined Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do do do Egg", Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Boef, bind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Pork, Veal, Chickens, per puir hbaiiiolViit Conl 'I'l'ude. SnAUOKin, June 4, IRAS. Ton. Cwt. Sent for week ending June 4, 14 .581 08 Per loit report, 182 851 J3 197.7H0 01 121,570 10 To same time last year, Increase, 73,105 Jl Serial Notices. IjTNsws fob the ArrLtcTEo. Dr. S. J. Dab. Bis, who has been practising in eranton, Wilkes. Barre, Danville, and now at Bloomsburg, has conclu ded to stop in Sunbury, at Wearer's Hotel,, from Juno 10th to 17th. Then to Milton, at United States Hotel from June ,17th to 23d. We read of many wonderful cures performed by him, since his sojourn in Danville and from men we have no reason to doubtv His treatment is pleasant, sa be gives no medicine, nor performs surgieal operations. For circular address Dr. S. J. Darrin, Sunbury, Pa., itb stamp. His charges are reasonable The wealthy only requested to pay a fee. Read the fol lowing certificates and lose no time In vititing thi8 renowned physician : Danville. Mav 25. 1803 Mr. Eoitor Dear Sir I wish to suv to the Dublie. that Dr. Darrin cured me of pain in the breajt and sides, shortness ... . .....I. . . I OI tiroalll, ao., Wliu one ireaiuieuh. a nas auuvivu about three ycurs, so bad at times that I eould scarcely walk. I would recommend nun to my him to lrienas. uusii. xuuia, MAK1IN DAILY. DiNviLLB. Pa.. May 2olh, 1H06 Mr. Editor, Dear Sir : Dr. Darriu has cured me ot rheumatism. Was taken about six months ago. . Jluve not been able to work only a part of the time since. 1 cheer' fully recommauu niy friends to visit him. liospoctfully Yours, THOMAS WILLIAMS. Rrn Twr.. NoRTuuuaehLAKD Co.. Mav 27 1366. Dr. Darrin Dear Sir : My daughter, aged i 'i ears, has been afflicted with deafneas for a pe riod of six years, but after having received treatmeat 1 frAm vnu mo inMin ui us DcritwiiT ournj. I'U" hnr diitinotlv evervthinz I verv low tone of voice. Can be referred to at any time. Kcsp. Youss, UAUMAN SNYDER The Editor of the Canfield, Ohio, JUrald, says : ' Wubatos's Itch OistmhsV . It has been said that to 'to get the Itch is no disgrace, but it is dis craceful to keep it.' No one need 'aave the itoh forty-eight hours if they will use 'Wheaton's Oint ment,' fur it is a sure eure ! We saw it tried on the porsous of several children and adulu a few weeks u.,.i in tirhinir at onee ceased, and in two days 'not aa eruption was visible. It is effectual in ... .in nimDiua. blotches, aud especially old suras. We used the Ointment on one of our children, aud 1 1, .Hmai magical. The itch, which bas beaa so prevalent about here, has Dot yielded te the usual remedies for this oom plaint, and we are clad that a remedy has been Ojiaoovere uiat is se enciue4 ana jelsecBeap. raaa toe avverusesa ewe. fcSF8E A Woman, !o another column, picking Hamburg grapes for Bpocr's Wino. It is an admirable) article, used in tho hospi tals and by tho first cla9s families in Puris, London and New York, in preference to old Port AVine. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. For sale by W. A. llen nclt. ' . ' "DON'T tik FOOMsii'." Yon can tnnke Six ' Dollars from Fifty Cents. Cull and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample edit free by mail for fit) cents that retails easily for $0, by R. L. WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham 8iuare,N V. ' ' Sept. 10, 1865. 1y. :, i.ori: ai matrimony. ' Ladles and gentlemen, if you with to marry, sd dress tho undersigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable Information that will enable you to marry happily and speedily, ir respective of age, wealth, or beauty. This informa tion will eostyou nothing, and If Vnu wish fo marry, I will choorfully assist you. All letters strictly con fidential. Tho desired information scot by return mail, and no reward asked. Address SARAH II. LAMBERT Groenpoiul, Kings Co.,' Kew York. June fl, 1805. 3m , . T,, SJotilV'smloux iiikI I'x poriom'o OK AN INVALID. Published for tho benefit and as a caution to young men and others, who suiter from Korruus Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ao., supplying at tho same timo the nieans of soil-cure. By one who nos ourod himself after undorgoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addrensod envelope, single copies, tree of charge may be bad of the au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq . Brooklyn, Kingi Co, N. Y. January 27, 1800 ly. To 4.'onuiitiv'x. . The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for scvoral ycurs with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Cousumpou is anxious to make known to Iim fclloiv niffi-rcrs tho means of euro. To all who desiro it, ho will send a copy of tho prescription used (free of charge), with the dirco tions for pri'parin?' and using tho same, which they will find a sure Ct nu for Co.vsc mption, Asthma, Biiom iiitih, Coeuiis, Colds, and all .Throat ami Lung Affections. Tbo only ohjeet of the advertises in sending tho prescription is to benefit tho afflicted and spread information which be conceives to be in valuable, and bo hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, ami muy prove a blessing. Parties wishing tha prescription, pree, by return mail, please address Rev. EDWARD WII.SOX. Willinnulmrgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13, lotiO ly. Laboratory of Jas. H. Chilton .t Co., ) New York, March 11, 1801. i We have n ccntly made a caicfhl analysis ' of the iiAMUt iu I'onx wink prepared by Mr. Alfred Speer, and do not hesitate in pro nouncing it pure ; it contains nil properties of the Hamburg or Port jjrtipc, and therefore, for medicinal titeF, it is superior to other wines. Its principal f fleet upon the system nro mildly stimulating, diuretic, sudorific and tonic. It will prove beneficial in Affections of the Kidneys, nncl Chronic diseases, with general debility of the constitution. Physicians may safely recommend it to their patients, it: place of tho many doubtful mixtures too oftiu sold as pure wines. Jas. H. Cliillon & Co., Analytical Chemists. This wine can be had of 'W. A. liennett. It is a most excellent article for weakly per sons, especially females. I RnowN's liitoNcim vl TttofiiKs, when al lowed to dissolve, in the mouth, have a direct influence on the affected partn; tlio soothing ( effect to the mucous lining of the windpipe I ttllays Pulmonary irritation and gives relief I in Coughs, Colds, and the various Throat affections to which public speakers and j singers arc liable. I Mrsm:ooM PKiti'tuus. Or' the swarm of' inferior perfumes (ot up to conipcto with I I'liulott's 'Cip'lit Moaniing Cereua," seareely even the m. inorv retiiuitis. Thev are literally !, while the sales of that ne jdan ultra of all frat'ranco constantly increases. Sold everywhere. NOTICE! Orrice or tiiu and Maiianoy ) 1'iAll.llOAU CuMlANV, No. 308 Wulnut St., Philadelphia. J rilliK Stockholders of The Lehigh and Mahonoy I Hailroail Company, aru herahy notified, that under aud by virtuo of an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled ''An Act relating In Railroad Companies," passed the loth day of May, A. D. ISSI. tlio Directors of Tho Lohigh and Mahonov Railroad Company, and the Directors of Tho Lehigh Valley Hnilroad Company have en tered into a joint agreement under the corporate seal of each of said Companies for tho consolidation of said Companies, aud merger of the said The Le high and Mahonoy Kail road Company, prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, nnd the muiinur of converting the Capital iS'tock of tho said Lehigh and Mahonoy Kailroad Company into the stock of the said Lciiigh Ya.ley Kaiiroad Company ; and cun taining all sueh othur provisions an have been doom ed necessary to pcrtcot tue saia cousuintatiou una merger, and that the said u -reeuu nt w ill bo submit ted to the Stockholders of the said Lehigh and .M ah um y Railroad Company for the purpose ot oomidor ing and voting by ballot, in person or by proxy, for the adoption or rejection of tbo same, each share en titling the bolder thereof to one vote, at a meeting of the said (stockholders, to be held ou tho l-l'll day of June, A. D. laud, at Ibe otlice of the said The Le high aud Mahonoy Ruilroa l Company at Aumiier at'd Walnut street, iu tho City of Philadelphia, at 111 o clock A. M., ot said day, at wlnon time ana place, and for tho object liloreso: I. All the Stock holders of The Lehigh ami Mahonoy Railroad Com pany aro notified to attend. j This notice being given in compliance with the j provisions ot the socoud section of the Actol Assem bly al'urusuid. tit as. UAUiMiuiiAJb, rresiuoui. Philadelphia, May Tiii. lMiu. 3t NEW GROCERY! CALL AI TUBMAN'S OLD STAND. WI10LF.5ALJ i RiiTAlL . . - AND s Provision Store FOU CHEAP COOPS ! Tbeir Stock is complete, consisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, .SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Suit, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, (Jlass, Lamps, to., ia. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. ' 5Cull and examine our Stock, and satisfy your Selves." Hanbury, May 11, 18og, " SUNBUUY FOUaNDRY.-'. ' i:0. RUIlItll.44'11 Ac, , ' ABE now carrying ou business at this old estah lishment with ruuewed viitor. Cauiugs of every description, promptly furnished The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry havo nuired the highest reputation, articular attention naid to MILL CARTIK03 Farmers should not forget that the PLOWS made at the Hunbury rouuary nave never oeen euaiieu A friculiural imolemmts repaired at abort notice '. Small eastings, iuoluding Cooking utunslls, Of the most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be conducted on an enlarged scale. Old customers will be accommodated as usual and new onas are respectfully solloitwt. busbar y, May 12, i&eS Intrrnalionnl Hold, 305 and 307 JJroatfieay, Corner Franllin Sirtut s . KEW YOKK. rrUIIS firstaloM House the most quiet, homelike X and ploasant Hotel In the city oftVrs superior indiieoinents to these visiting New York for business or pleasure. It is central In its location, and kept on theKuROf'EAN Plan, in connection with Taylor's Saloon, whore refreshments oan be bail all hours, or served in their own moms. Tho charges are mo derate, the rooms and attendance of the first order baths, and all tbo modern conveniences attached JOH.M TAYLOK, Proprietor. ' Nov 4, ih:' $l.BOO 1KU Vf'AIl! We want agents everywhere to sell our im. IwZl ? 5owi" Machines. Throe now kinds. aCI.?i "TV to Warranted five years. 7,' lnH commissions paid. Tho only Xeh. refill States for lew thsn 40, m Bmii i . '""need br Howe, Wheeler Will YE' "c!0.'.. jiHkor.. Singer A Co . and llaoheldel- ZnZV?Z??"Zi ?" V nn-i"-.nd tr. mcnt. Circular, frae." AddTT?'." AJBiddeford.AIah,e,, 4-ii,xi: tiv ii,io rT r s iiir, unaersigiica respeoiinuy informs his friends X and the public that ho has changed his plco loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed V 4 Freed, No. 811 MaiketSlroct, to . of ard A. D. ACHE80M (Commuuion Merchant, dealer in Flour Grain, Secd- Ac.) " I01S llnrlfel fit., Iliila1clpliin, whore alt freight, will bo loaded on cars of the un dersigned, for Dauphin, Sunbury, Shamokin, ami all lliierveiiiiiK poillls. All freight will be carried as low as on any other lihe. Orders to carry freight respectfully aulicited, which will receive prompt atlcntioi. J , II. WEISER. Sunliury, Jan. 13, IStiO. 3m. WILLI AM 7. APBLETS Boot, Shoe and Trunk WAREHOUSE, si;:m'itv, bm. WM. VT. APPLEY has just opened a NEW STOHK in tho well-known !ioum of Mrs. Unul ton. in Murket slreot, und oilers to the citizen of Sunliury and neighboring towns, HOOTS A. SHOES of tho best quality and workmanship, lio having made arrangements v,ith first-elas lunnufaclureis to supply the best qualify of good. In tho Wholesale Department he calls the atten tion of Country Storekeepers to his fine stock, which will be sold at the lowest wholesalo prices, thus ena bling Retail Deslors to save oxpeusu of visiting tlio cities to replenish their stock. In the Retail Department eon bp f..ind BOOTS, S1IOF.S, TRUNKS. VALHhS. Ac. which, in price, nt these times, are without a parallel. The stock of Lalics1 Wuir is superior in style and workiu!Ui?hip than is usually found in country tonnr, ernliraeing ecius of ijaluiurals, splendid Congress Uaiters. and fancy hoos of every kind. W. W. A. also call" attention to his large stock of Men's wear, of Intcst styles, that will tit any foot with case and comfort. t'oiui- Oiic ! Como .111 ! Sunbury, March lillli. lM'lt. I.ADlKri' I.AS' l.NG U.UTKKS fur pt.r.. at W. W. AjiSr's. UI.OVi: KID BOOTS, at W. XV An:c's l-l)ii: HOOTS AM) SUOBS, FOR MKN. WOMIIS AND Cllll.llKi;., ut V. W. Apslev's. GIIAXT ic SIIEnSIAN ! Tito two heroes before their tent pl.inning a battlo Onmt smoking. A beauti!ul steel engraving by Win. Sartain. Aonts wanted everywhere. Saia;)lo ser.1 by mail fur fill cents. Agents make 50 per cent. Address. BAUTI.KaO.V A CO., my 1 2 2m CI 1 Chesnut St., l'hiln. imoitTi:i &. ?! iisT'fic. FISHING TACKLE! JOHN KRIDKS. North Kast Corner ccond A Walnut Streets., PHILADKLI'IIIA. Tl'ST in reeeidof a fine selected stock of cheap and fancy KI'IIIXt TACK LK, of all descrip tions, suitable for the rivers and brooks of tlii. tate, to which we invite tho attention of all storekeepers. March 17, ISM. :!ni HENKY IIAltl'Ert, f'jo ak:ii M iti:i:r, PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, Fine Cold JEWELRY, Solid S1LVKR WARE, mi l Superior SILVER PLATED WARE, ut Rk- DI'I'Kn l'llII'KS ! March lit, 1SH6. 3m. N E AV GOODS!! J- II- ENGEL HAS just relumed from New York and Philadel phia, and is now receiving a Now Stock of Spring & Summer Goods, at a great reduction in prices. 4-utl'int'iiM Wear. Fine Black Cloth at f 1.00 that used to sell at $ 3 00. Cassimores, Satinctt, Cashinerutts, Kentucky Jeans, ColUiuaJo aud Linen Panting, at reduced prices Ladies' Dress Goods Silk, Wool Delaines, Mohair, ."ilk Stripe, Paul De Chain, Alpacca, 1'oplett, English ami Scotch tlinghams, Challiea, Delaines, Lawn, Calico and Miulins, very ohcap. White Goods. Linen Dress floods. Linen Skirting. White Toilet Quilts, Rriiliunts, Swiss Stripe, SwibS Cuiubriu. Jac oouctt. Irish Linen, Shirt Fronts, ic. La lies' Cloth aud Flauuel Sucking, and other flannel at low prices. White Shetland Wool,ShawU, Balmoial Skins, Ac Skirting and tho latest style of lioop Skirts, very handsome and cheap. Yankee Notions in -Great Variety Hosiery, Cloves, Pocket umlkcrcbicls, Suspen ders, Ntoktieg. Paper Collars, L'mbrtllr.s, a good assortment of Spectacles, Coats, Spool Cotton, laucy Buttons, Trimmings, Ao. Carpets. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, brown and green Oil Cloths for windows, Oilt Shades, Fixtures lor Window Blinds. Huts, Cua and Ladies' Shakers, Hardware, Nuils, Fol ks, Shot its, Spudus, iron-tuotb Rakes. GROCERIES, SALT FISH. Cucenswaro, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Taints, Oils, Glass and Putty. School Books, and a new supply ol WALL PA PLK, will be sold very ohcap. All ersons desirout of geltins good goods at low prices, lor cash or' country produce, will irivo me a call. J. il.ENOLL. Sunliury, ypril 7th, 1SV Tew "opi:nTno Ol' t'lotlilncr, 4. . si ! uriiUliius iloeits, Ilttolrt Mioei.. nHE uiuleisined tuk pleasure in announcing to I tho miblio ol ' Sunbury, aud vic'.uily, that he bas opened bis CLOTHING STORE, with a well solccfpd stock of 1 will sell at ai-tonishing low prices. I have also still on bund a large stock of Bools & Sho s, for Ladles. Uents and Children's wear, which 1 am selling oil, as I iuleud to give up that branch f busi ucss. itwill be to tha advantage to Cash jit-Tttiis to give mo a call. ,,..,,., a. aao.sii.iiii ft. Ohosh' old stand, Market Square. Sunbury, April 7, 18o8. Jluuhoodt bow (ustt. bow If Vktortttl. Just published,. a uow edition of Du. Ci i.vcr- WB1.L S VBIKSHATKU ou iuv ruuicut cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or sciuinal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Ilnloteucy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Consumption, F.pilcpy,and Fits induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravugance. t y Price, in a sealed envelope, only o cents. '" The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demoutlratea, from a thiity years' successful practice, that the alarming coueciucncea of self abuse may be radically oured without the daugcrous use ot internal uiedtciue or the application of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at onoe simple, certain, .n.l affetiiual. bv means of which every Sufferer, no matter what bu condition may be, may oure himself Cheaply, privately, ana radical y . Vjf This Lectuie should be Iu the hands of every youTu and every man iu the laud. Sent, under suul, in a plain euvelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, ' CilAS. J. C. KLINE CO., 12T Bowery, New York, Post Onlce bos 4,4b. . March IT, lied -ly QOSU.MlTITKf!, j BEAD WnAT DR. 6CHEXCK IS DOIXU. U.J. ILSCHENCK, Dear Sm ! TJVol it duty I owe te you, and to all who strfl snfh.ring under the diseases known as Consumption ami Diver Complaint, to lot them know what great bentBts I have reoeived from your Pul monic Syrup aud Seaweed Ionic in so short a timo. By the Blessing of Uod It has cured mo thus far. Dr. Schonck, I will now make my statement to you, ns follows : About eighteen months ago I was attacked with a severe ootlh, and it settled on my lungs I eould not retain anything I ate, and suf fered with orening fevers and night sweats. I was very much reduced. Tho whites of mv eves were It very yellow; likewise my skin; my appetite all gone, niKl unnuio v uigero wiih X uiu tiiil, buvcia Bvrouan, irregular and onsiive. I was very low spirited, and bad such violent spells of Fooughiug when I laid down at night and when I arose ia the morning that they would lost one or two hours. I then would bo nearly cxhaustet, and was entire ly unable to lie on my left side. I cannot describe my wretched suffering as I would wish to do. livery organ in my body was diseased or durunged. Such was mv situation at this timo, and I was confined to my bod from the last of February, ltti2, not able to sit up. I had tho bet of medical attendance the whole of the time. My couRh was so very bad that ft racked me very much. I at this lime rai-cd a Inrgo quantity of thick, yellow, offensive matter, sometimes with biood, and it was generally accompa nied by nausea and a furred and t hick coated tongue. At tho lime of coughing an bidly I would have tharp, shooting pains in my left fide and heart, night sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; had much umurd fever, pain in my back and under my shonldi r Mmlcs and in the siuall of my back, anil at times so suvero thut it would throw mo into ipnsins. Nuw ,11V physieian gave nio up to die. Jtlir-n I had. nml il,u best of ti.eui, but they oould do nothing forme, and at that time I was nothing but skin nnd bone. I tKn , in ,he y,vnvla prl of Missouri. In .Inno tun no ,.t ,l(.ro fr tho Kast, and in August Inst we cume u .New York, and I was so reduced that 1 eould only n liul0 wjm niy hiifh.nii's help. After I had hem hi-ru a s-lmrl timo the salt water hrccc made mo tei.l nun h belter for a time and then I had ntrnin to rail n rl, ,'FtPtn for aid. Wo had four of the best phy.-:i.;iii'ti.t ,.w yor' on tho disoHcs'f the lungs, ntid d otors ni n'.t hind a init of no avail. They s:tH I wits past emu. uo.l that my luniks ivoro too fur goucor any ono to euro mo. But at this lime I was on luy feet ubnut Hie house, not aide to do much of anything. Jn November last I grew Wulr'e, and the consumption diarrhea set in anil liutcd about elht wcoks. We hud tried all und e cry thing that 1 could grasp at liken dying person for in y dii' a.scs consumption and liver coin nlaint but of no avuil. Jn January, ism. 1 wns nrouguv down again on Si., i i i i .. :i i ...i. .m(v ijiisumiiu nuituu ui in run, umi umi-t 1111-11113, ami tney an inve mo up 10 die. .-u tin timo every one wlni sow nieiiil nut think I would leavo my bt i a liviiig Woman. Ttio liist nichl I was attacked with ffpasins, uii'l was iterance 1 ino-'t of the timo. A triend,' Mrs. Harris, camo to seo me theiiu-l of tno week, und brought Iho Sun 1 ly Mercury, in it w:ls an acc'jtitlt of a treat euro pcrt'orine-l by Ir. .s'ehem'k. Mo read it to inc. end it was so much like my own thut f n-lce I my hurlkui'i to go iuv! soii him f.jr. luo. At this time. I had given up nil hopes of ever gelling well a.raiii, and made my peace with tfod, to bo ready when Ho called for mo. ' - On the 271b, of Jatiaary, loCS, my hu--U.n.J called , on Jir. Sjb'.'iu k. Ilond street. New lork, and ! linte l to turn rty case, ei'.ii a request t'-ii' him to call titi'l see itiC. M lii'.h he di 1 cxamini d iuo witii ; the ri',.uo(i'r. A'hcn he w:is to go 1 asked him ii lie cmlil euro too ! iii reply nu-: "1 can j ii"t tell, hol'i lur ks are iliseasoil. the I ronchiul aro it, jt'' 1 on both siils. ' A'.'d yet ho 1 S'H'iiied to think tloTe weru luns enoiigli left to ef lo"t a oure if tho diarrhea could be stopped. Ho said in onlor to do this, ho woul I have to give Man drake Pills in small doses at curry o.i Ihu morbid matter, and then, with astringents, he hoped to check it, which he did. but thoeunstaiitcougbiiic;, night sweats, and diarrhea had prostrated mosothnt he was afraid my vital powurs were too much pros trated ever to riilly. am! yet ho seemed to think if I could livo to get "enough Pulmonic Syrup through my systoin to cause expectoration, there wcro lungs enough left tor me to recover, ifo wished mo to try the l'uluiunic Syrup und Seaweed Tonic ut once, saying it would do mc no harm, if itdid mono good. Tho first week it seemed to give iuo strength, so that on Sunday nftor 1 sat up in bed und ale hearty for a sick woman; but tho next week I lost nil hopo nnd wished my husband not to give mo tiny more medicine. But the tloctor lnol warned bitu of this, and when the medicine was clearing out tho system it inuile them foil somewhat restless, and to perse vuro; and ho insisted nn mv taking ii; and 1 new feet the benefit nt it. For after eight days 1 began to gain strength, nnd, with tho. exception of a cold that put mo bock some, I have been trnining strength o: body, inj cou;;h is going away, und nil my pains aro gi'ne; no soreiie.-'S of Iho body, my bowels are regular, aud my biualli is sweet, and i tlnit.k (.to I il.i-i 1 uui now going about. and sew und read asuel! as I evor could. 1 fiae taken sixteen I utiles ol the medicine, eight of each. 1 now havo a good appe tilu and rest well at night; my cough docs not trouble ino in getting up or lyin don. 1 would here say to the ntllrbled with consumption or liver complaint, that Dr Sehcuok is no hiiinbu:- You eau rely on what ho says- Delay not; it is dangor ous to trifle with these diseases, if you would be curud, go at once, und any ouu uighing to know tho facts as herein stated can call at my resideuco, 117 West Houston street, New York oity. MKS. MAKYF. FARLOW. Wo, the undersigned, resident of New York, nro acquainted with Mrs. Farlow, ami know her state ment to bo true. We also know that she used Dr Sehenck's Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tunic, and have reason to believe that to thii mcdicino she owes her preservation from a premature grave. S. FA11LOW, 117 Ve,t Houston st. KCULNii I'NliiaUULL, liid Urcenwich st. Mrs. KVliKXE I .V DKK1I1LL. 07ii Ore. nwioh St. Al'til'ST.A I'.Nl'KRH I l.L. 07t$ tlrceuwich st A. F. 1IAHUH. 117 Wc;t Houston st. FMII.V tU.O Kit, 117 West Houston St. .1 L. t'f'LK. : Cottage place. M A. l.KIHHTON". 4-..I liioadway. Mrs. UKNJAMIN CLAP P. IV Amity pla.-e. I am well anuaintwi with Mrs' Jlary Fallow, and with her husband, Mr. II. Farlow, ihey having for u few moiiihs past, attcuded ut my church, and I aiuioonvineed any stitlemeut which they might make might bu relied on as true. JOHN DOWLIXO, D. D., Pastor of Bedford St. Baptist Church, N. Y. De. Schenok will be professionally at his. principle office No. 15 .Yorth Sixth streut, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from 'J A.M. unlil 4 I. M., No. ;i2Uon'd street , Now York, every Tues day, from 'J to No !tft .Summer street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from S) to 3. und every other Friday at 111 Baltimore street, Baltimore. Md. All advice tree, but for a ihorouyh examination of the lungs with the Uespirouiotor, tho ohar;;o U three dollars. Price of tho Pulmonic Syrup aud Seaweed Tonic, each I -Id per bottle, or $7 it) per half doren. Man drake Pills, 25 oeul per box. Fur sale by all Drugi-rs aud Dealers. December 2. lsii I y. ISeudiug; Kiiilrontl. SUMLIER AUEASGEMEWT April 2Jd, 180(i. t"i P.KAT TUI NK LINE from tho Nuith ana J Norlh-West for Philnilelphiii. New Yolk, Head ing, 1' illo. T umtuiua, Astilaint, Lcbanou, Allen, tow u, fv.ston, Ac. '1 rains leave llurrifburc for New-Yoik, as fol Ions : :l.L'i), 7 4u and tia A. M. and :!.) and V.'il P. M., arriving ut New York at 5.40 and 10.00 A. M. and it 4j und ItiJio P. M , connecting nitu similar Tiuinson the Peuusylvauiu Kailroad ; Skepiug Curs tuvouipaiiviug thou.uV A. M. und t.'M P. M. 1 rains, without eiiiint). Loavo Harrisburg fitr Heading, Pottsvilto. Tauia qua, Miuersville, A-hiand, Puia tirove. Alleutuwn or. I Philadelphia, at 7 It) A.M. aud 2 00 aud U.20 P. M., stopping at l.ebauuu and principal ol , lions ; the U au p iu. li.uu lua'k ns: uo close euiuiuciiuiit for I'otistille. niT Pmladcipliia. For Potuville. Schuylkill lloveiiand Auburn, via .Schiiyll.ill and Sii-iucl.uniiall.ii!ro:i I. leave llarrisliurg atl lj p. m. iletuiuin : Loato New Yotk at U (1) n. m., li.DO NiMjual b.oO p. ui.; PbiUitlelphia at 8.011 a. m. i.nd 8 30 p. iu. PottsMllo ut S ot) a.m. au'l. lop m ; Ashland ti.Ou aud 11.15 u.,1.1. aud l.Uj p. ui ; lama qua at 0 4 a n ami 1 ') and et.D5 p. u. Leuve Pottsville fur llairistiurg tiu Schuylkill and Sus,uel'.anna Lailroudat 7 00 a. ui. licoliuir Accoiiini'Kluiii u Train leaves Heading at 6 (Ml A. M. returning from Philadelphia ut 6 00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at 8.20 A.M. and 0.1 j P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster Columbia, Au. On Sundavs : Leave New York at S 30 p in., Phila delphia bOO" A. M., and P M. the .0t) a. 10. train ruuniug only toKealiug. Pottsville 8 00 a m.. Taniuqua T 30 am, lor Harrisburg, l 05 a m, and Huadiug at 1 30 a in, for Uurrisburg 10.52 a. as. tor New York, aud 2a p ui. lur t'tiilauoipnia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Lxeunuon Tiokeia, at reduced rates to and from all points. Bandage cheeked through : oO Pounds lirggage al lowed each IWeuger. ( y ';' General Superliiteuduut' nA:irsJilt-ss V:if .-Vuuer the patronage of I the United Slates Government, Models ut this superior les; mav he soon at the Agency of the SALEM LLO COMPANY, No. 33 South Seventh buet't, Philadelphia Call and see them, or send for a circular containing full iufurmation. Apl. 28, '. lma. bOlJJ l.KATHER Tnb'Nh.8at W. W. Apsley's. DIARIES for 1800, An assortuieut of Diuriee, larue and siuall, for Bute by ANNA PAINTER. Funbury, Jan. 6. 1800. Jt you vent good Tin-Ware, go OtXtlEH a New Ship. SMITH dr S . H D2V IB DDI? STOKE a. S. SAWDERS T ESPE(."I I't LLY iniOTrr'thocitiici 'ofi-oi.i.uiy ti and vicinity thut bu has taken tho room i.-i Pleasant's Building, in Market frquaro, l'o iloorr, east of theLxpitisOlfloi", for tho purpose sfrmij!. on the Hoot anil r!ic Busir.'..-!-. in e'l itsta rious branches, would rf-spectfully Inform the s of this vicinity, that be has purohused nn rr'ir" w stock ofUoods which he intends to dUpoco of at tho very lowest pric;9. His Stock comprises dent's Fine P!?!cd and Stitched Boots, Men's Walking Boots and BoyViioo s. Ladies' Fancy BuV.le Gaiters ! I And Floe Shots, Misses' Gaiters, Balmorals and Childrou's Shoes ot every description. Hats) isnsl Chi. He has also In bis employ superior workmen, and is prepared to do tbo Finest of Customer Ocnt's Fine Dress Boots, Ladies' Gait. rs Child ren's Shoos. tS'ALL WORK WARRANTED! Call and tx amine my stock, even if you do not wirh to boy. I am determined to sell at tho nt"t lihotrl rni s. UEO. P. SANDERS. Sunbury, ilarch 30, 1S63. UN BURY CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. A DAY AND BOAUDIXU SCHOOL ron toun'o la Dins and vot;so mj:x, SUKIiUHY. PENN'A. Instructors. Hkv. S. S. Mibi.i;n, A. M. 1 Prfnclpals Rkv. W. C. Cremku.A. M. Miss S. E. FoWebs, Arsistaut Teecbor. THE first quarter Of the shnvo fns'ifntton wilt open MO.VDAY, APRIIL l'ith, l, at Hi A. M For further particulars, apply to or ad 1ms tho PlllXCIPALd. Sunbury, March 10, ISiitl. 3in BARGAINS IN FINE CLOTHING. R0CKIIILL & WILSON, BE0WN STONE CL0THIKG HALL, e03and00.1 CHESTS L'T STiuLET, PHILADELPHIA. NLWSTOCK at the LOWEST PRICCS ! Havu g sold out our new stock of Clothing for Goullouien j. and Boys, carried over from tbo lato fire. our entiiu stock f l'a-liiouulilo lteadv-Made Clothing is the Newest, as our prices are tho lowest. MAGXmciiA T Si'ltlNG STOCK. Now ready, to suit everybody. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Our newly fitted upCusumi Department now con tains the larg.41 a.-sortineut of ail the Fushiouable Now Fabrics, for our patrons to select from. SI IIS, Civil Military, miolu up to order promptly, in tho highest style, and ut moderate prices. BOYS' CLOTIIINH. In thio depnrlinr-Tit our rtock is tils., unrivaPeJ tho best in the city, ut tbo lov, es:t p. ic s! Ortl .rs executed at short notice. TtlE CHOICEST STOCK or READ Y-MAD E CLOTHING IS PHILADELPHIA. UOCKllILL ie WILSON, . Brown Stone Clothing Hall, 60.1 and 605 Chestnut Street, Apl. 23. '63. Siu rUILADKLPHIA I'urc I.llsci-ly l hit' I.-ici, Will do rooieand be'tcr work at a given Cost, than any other ! Try it ! Manufaorured only hv ZiLttLLIl A SMITH, Wbolesnlo Drug i uint A ti!: " Dealers. No. 1.17 North TlUItD Street, Philadelphia January 27, l?ou ly. iQO A .IStflTH !-.U!KNT.3 wanted for 0. Maiuo. OAKliY, City Building. Btdlcford. d.c23 lv tSADJiEil AiNl) ilAUNESS JI A X U P A C T U li E It . J", GTROH, Doer Street, opposito tho Central Hotel, s i: N IJ u it y , P E X X ' A. INFOKM5 his fri. mis and the public that having removed to his now esialili-lunotit, aud extended bis line of Lusmess, is now prepared to manufacture more extensively, and invites all to call and examine his large aasurluicntof Sadies, Harness, Collars, Whips, Common and fancy rly-Netts, Blankets, EtiHiloe and I'lik-v holies. Horse Combs. Fleigh-Bolis, Saddle, Harness anl Couch Trimmings for manufacturers. LiYF.UY ! I.lVF.TtY ! ! LI VE1? Y ! ! '. In connection with Iho aluvu bo has also a Livery Stablo, pood and sat'o Horms. buggies, aud Couvcy auces, which aru hired at rcuujbLo rates. AUCTIOMiKIl! He U'i.i a Licsnscd Auctioneer, and will attend to alt business entrusted to his care. ivuuburv. March o, ISofl. 6m "NEW MQi:0irST0RE7 VM HOOVER tC aiili-otiil S.rt't'l, ubote JlurUct, SKAH tllK CtMKAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. 1" ESPECTFULLY invites bis friends and tho V public generally, to cull and examine his large aas'ortiuunts ufli i . tuforo purchasing elsewhere. Hit sliK'k con ittt nt' ltrunUc-ai, t liiiskfy, ll.illi.sid Jln, lau K-i IIiiiii, ,viiiinlis.:a iinU ISuisrHuii ot'lln' iM'sit ni:!l. ly. V luca, 4'il-i-, in- Farinvrs, Hotel Keepers, and others are invited to call, as bis slock is genuine, uud will louder gtneral sulisltu-tion. Sur.bury, Folu nary .t, ISt'aV lrm'iti'r' Officios. D'EPINUICIL 4 EVANS, Civil Esui.nk.hks .d Patunt oLinrons. No. 4.15 Walnut street, "hila lolphia. P.. '.cuts solicited consultations on r.nineerinr Draiirflitiug und Sketebes. Models und Machinery of all kinds nitiile and skilfully attcniled to. Special attention fciven to nj. did cases and interferences Authentic Copies ef u.i llocunielits. flulu iteut 0(- ttce procured. N. B. Save yf,urselves useless trouhlo nu I travelling expenses, u.i thero is no actual need for personal interview tilth us. All business with these t'ilivcs e;tn l.e iiiuisacled in writing. For fur tljcr itifirniainii dii,'t asabove, with stamp cuclosed, for Circular with references. February 3, InOO lv. llEAL rATKl A(.KNCV. OFFICE, MARKET STHEET, Sunbury, Ponn'a. G- W. HAL'PT, Ks.i , hating taking out liiciii, . under tho United Slates excise Lans, aa Keal Estate Agent, offers for sale the fallowing propurly, to wit : Sixty i0) gi-jil building lots and five (5) dwelling housis. iu thu borough of Sunbury. A farm iu Upper Augusta tuituship, Containing loo ucrea. more or less. A small farm containing SO acres, more or less, about one mile from 1'oxiuos, fhauiokin township. A small fauu containing 62 acres, more or loss, in TrU-h Valley. Sliau.okiu tottuship. lucre are good huildtr.'s ou thcu three faruis. Sunbury, March 10, ts ui tf. W:tll B"a,r un I Border in great vsriety new stt les just recoiled at tho Mainnmih Store of 1 J. W.I1UL1NU 4 funbury, Oct. 14. 1)5. uro I.Ibei ly Wblte Iad, The Whitest, tho must durable and the most eoo nouiiutl. Try it! Manufaelnred onlv by a, o.miii, Wholesale Drug. Paint A Ulan Dealer. No. 1.17 Nojth i tilKD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, i860 ly. Washington House. SAUUInL BNYDER, OPP03ITB TUK KRW CorRT HOUSE, SUSBIRY, PA. ,1"1HI!4 popular and comfortablo Hotel has been fitted up in superior order lor the accommoda tion of Strangers, Traveller, and the publio gener ally. No effort will be spaitd by Urn rrourloutr to make it a favorite resort and a plcusaul some for very guest His tublo, his bar, aud the lutig ex perience 01 lue proprietur, asirsui uiu. iu eiAuuipe tiug a liberal share of publie patronaice. Exteusive siablus, and every desirable oouve uience. Sunbury, April 7, lbod ly SARATOGA TRUNKS at ' ALL KIND OF I'fttSKSst W W. Apsley s. W V Ap 'v