N. 8. KNULE, ( Publishers, r Biwisxitv, fa. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1808. Crt NoTICB TO ODD PaTBORS. AS dinnga was eflucted on tbo first of April last, in the publication of tba AnitnrcAK, we bare opened a now sett of bonks. T!ie publishers re About making additions to tbe offico and further improvements In tbo American, as well at in the Jobbing department, by means of a power press. This will necessarily im pose a heavy expense upon the present pub lishers, who tliercfrtro request nil who aro in arrears at this oflico to aid them in their ef forts, by settling up all accounts immediate ly. Those living nt a distance can forward to us by mail at our risk, if remittances are shown to the Post Master whero mailed. ftoral Affairs. tyjob JPVIntlnf;. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYTJ5, of various now (tries, Postora, Hnndbills, Circulars, Card, Lcttor Heads, Dill Heed, Labels, Ac, tan hi printed in tho latent and host styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Up' STiiAKBcnnr Festival. The ladies of St. -llatthew's Church will bold a strawberry festival in tbe old Court llou'e, in this place, eomuiencing on Wednesday evening, 13th inst., and continuing it until the following Saturday evening. 5" Conviction op A BiiROLAn. At the last sossion of the Union county court, held in Lewisburg last week, a young man named James Mackey was cenvictod of robbing the drug store of 8. G. Iiennett, of that placo, (n notice of which appeared in onr last week's pnpor.) and was sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the Eastern Ponitentiary. ty I"! recent rains, commencing on Sunday la.it. have greatly revived vegetation, which was suffering by tho drouth. From Sunday to Thursday the weather was quite oool, and fires were necessary. t3? Street Sprinkler. Mr. Peter Smellier is making ai rangemcnta to sprinkle some of the princi pal streets of thin place, during tho summer. He has, we believe, nearly secured the necessary sub scriptions for this enterprise. Accidents in LnwzsBrno. On Friday week last a man named llonry Gets, of East Buffalo town ship, I'nion county, had the first and fourth fingers of his right hand cut off, and the third rendered 'useless, by a circular saw at tho Central Foundry, in Lewisburg. On Saturday, 19th ult., Chester Phillips, of that place, had an arm broken and his head considerably bruised by a heavy piece of timber, which he was assisting in unloading, falling on him. ly Large Fina in Wili.iamsport. Afire broke out on Third street, in Williameport, on Saturday night last, which was very destructive in its charao ter. The County Jail, the Sheriff's office, and a whole block of buildings on the opposite side of the street, were burned. The saddest feature of the Sre was the doath of Mrs. Elisabeth Smith, who was killed by a safe fulling upon her during the confla gration. tjjf SoLinr-ns' Meeting. A meiting of returned soldiers of this county, who ivcro cpgaged in sup pressing the rebolliou, was held at the Central Hotel, in this place, on Friday last. Gen. C. C. McCor mick, of Milton, presided. The object ol tbe meet, iug was for the purpose of electing delegates to the Soldiers' Convention, which is to assemble in Pitts burg on Tuesday next. Capt. Sehreyer, cf Milton, Lient. A. X. Urico, of Sunbury, and Cnpt. A. Culd vroll, of Shuuiokin, were elected delegates. Ijf The Foe urn op July. Tho glorious fc rth is approaching, and in many places extensive ar rangements are being made for a proper celebration of the day. We learn that tho Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of tliis place, intend having a grand parade here ou thut d.iy, and will celcbrato it in a becoming mtinncr. The F-ncempiucnts nre alto ex pected to turn out in full regalia. All the neigh boring lodges will be invitcol to bo present and par ticipate iu the celebration. t.y Improvements. In every part of our town the progress of improvement is apparent. In almost , every street we see new bouses springing up, and old ones repaired. Quito a number of our citizens are remodeling their dwellings, and some'of the oldest rosidouees qow presont a more modern appear nneo. The borough authorities are active' in having pavements laid in nearly all the streets, which is certainly a great improvement and highly commen dable. Street Commissioner Bowon is actively en. gaged in repairing the streets, and wherever he goej a marked improvement is presented. It is evident that the right man is in the right place, as our streets are beginning to look better than they have for tho post ten years. 37 Siiauukin Itkhs. Ikv Herald, ol last week, says that John Oagin, a young. man who fod tbo rolls at Smith's new breaker, at Locust Gap, was on Saturday Inst cuught in the machinery and carried through with tbe coal. Ho was cotnplotoly mashed nnd torn to pieces. From what we can learn it -ectr.s no one was near bim at the time, and that uo dot intimation his follow workmen bad of tho .orrible event was in seeing tbe parts of bis body coming out with tbe coal. lie was of Irish descent, ind about 16 years of age. At tho semi-annual ueoting of tbe Miners' Saving Fund Association, held on Monday evening, 21st ult., W. P. Wilhington, Daniel Weaver, Henry Bach and Alexander Caldwell were elected Directors of that institution, to fill tho places of the four retiring Directors. The semi-annual report published shows a degree of success not anticipated by the most sanguine friends of the association at iu organiia tion. Tbe nett earnings from October to April bars b?on $2,510.43, making tho shares worth considerably more than eost. Redemption of Postage Cobrekcy. It is a fact not generally known that old and mutilated V. S. postage currency is redeemed at the Custom Jloue in Philadelphia, in any amount, from a single Ihree cent stomp upward. ; Our readers visiting ths city should take oecasion to have the old and muti Juted currency in tboir possession exchanged for tba pew L-i.ua. Those who cannot go themselves should send with thoir friends. The postal currency re demption office Is in tbe second story of the Custom House. Entrance on Library streot. UP7ax Collectors fob Kobtbcxberlasb Coi" ntt. The Board of Commissioners of this county have appointed the following persons as tax oolite tors for their respective boroughs and townships : Sunbury Charles F. Martin. McEweusville llonry Rcedsr. Point Henry Morgan. TurbuU- John J. Hitter. Lewis John (1. Albright. . Chilisquoque Jonathan IUebel. Turbulvillo E. Artman. Delaware Simon Lants. Milton John Snyder. Upper Augusta John Haoghawout Rush William Johnson. Mt. C'armol borough Simon Light. Mt. Carmel twp. Michael MoDonald. . Cameron Elias Long. Washington William Cherrsy. Upper Mahanoy Henry Malick. Little Mahanoy Daniel Wagner. Jackson Simon Buhner. , . SLamok'.u twp. Isaac Sober. Northumberland Joseph Johnson. - fckamokin borough and Coal twp. Jos. Litchfield. Lower Augusta William Raker. t l-iwer MahBOoyiTohs Boiler. . ;i'r.e--'"irlcU-ji Iff tar tjT eWra Baits: Notis Corwldersble wneesl nets Is exhibited by business men and others about ths note famed by But banks, particularly slnos the failure of several back la ths oil region. Ths IJarrisburg Telegraph, speaking on this subject, says that after looking over Several laws la relation to It, tbat after ths Brat da Of Jul lbs banks will be required to pa a certain tax upon all Stats bank notes the ma pay ettt In the oourss of business. There Is no tax upon receiving ths notes. Ths banks will, therefore, continue to take them on de posit or in payment of debts, as heretofore, but in. stead of putting them in cirealation again will send them borne for redemption. Upon this process no tax will bs leviod, and as ths existing banks In Pennsylvania are obliged to redeem their old issues nobody wilt loss anything. Ths effect of this regu lation will bs to withdraw the old bank notes gradually from circulation. Persons who hold these notes need be in no hurry to get rid of them, as, there is no danger of loss by not sending them horns at ones. A sudden rush of such currency to the banks will only produce inconrenlence, without being of the least advantage to ths holders or anybody else. . UTTo-Day's Advertisements. Ws call at. tcntion to ths card of Mr. Wm. L. Room, bricklayer snd builder, which appears in another oolumn. Mr. Room bears the reputation of being a first-class meahanio, and our friends who contemplate building will, no doubt, find it advantageous to employ him. ' The card ol Messrs. Bownn ft Seesholts appears in our paper to-day. Theso gentlemen having recently entered Into co-partnership, now offer a superior artioleof Anthraoite Coal, wholesalo and retail, at J. Haas 4 Co.'S lower wharf, at tho lowest rates, and respectfully solicit a shore oi the public patronage. JohnWilver, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, Mur- kot street, continnes to make to order boots and shoes of the best quality and workmanship. John is in dustrious and entorpriziiig, and deserves to be well patronised. See his advertisement. W. A. Bonnctt, the popular Druggist, on Markot street, has on hand an excellent article of the Solu tion of Citrate of Magnesia, or Purgative Mineral Water, of his own manufacture, which Is highly rccommeuded as a substitute for Epsom Salts and Beidlits Powders. Friling & Son, of the Mammoth Store, Market street, havo Just received and are now opening a large and splendid assortment of Summer Uoods. It is astonishing to see the amount of goods disposed of daily at their establishment. By strict attention to business, aided by long experience, they hove established a trade second to none In this portion of the State. See their announcement elsewhere. tjp Burglarious. On Saturday night last an a'tempt was made by burglars to enter the tailoring establishment of Mr. J. E.Smick, on Fourth street. The thieves forced the door, breaking tho locks, but when about ready to commence operations they wero confronted by a large and savage watch-dog, when, thinking discretion the better part of valor, they fled. Too much care cannot be taken by our citizens in securing their doors and windows, as there is no doubt that our town is infested by thioves. ty Tbe WEATncn. A violent storm of hail and rain visited this section of country last Sunday. In this place we had several heavy showers of rain, but not much hail. In Lewisburg the hail did conside rable damage. In some buildings from SO to 100 panes of glass were broken, and in places fruit trees wero considerably injured. Hail stones from four to six inches In diameter wero picked up in the streets. Pensions. There is a bill ponding in Con gross to grant pensions to the soldiers of the' war of 1S12, but it has not become a law, and probably will not. Wo make this atatcment for the benefit of those interested, and who sre annoyed by pension agents from a distance. Wheat has advanced in this section beyond iu value Some, we learn, has been sold at 53. Flour is now selling at from $15 to SIS. 50 per barrel. At theso prices, and less, it can be imported, and several cargoes bave already arrived from Europe. EyTnE outstanding State circulation of tho Northumberland County National Bank, of Sharno kin, is only 13,920 at tbe present time. Editor's Tablo. tjp-Tnx Lady's Friend, for Jine. lhis supe rior magazine leads off with a suggestive steel plate e.illed. '-The Mother's Blessing." illustrating a ro mantic story. Tbe fashions are distinguished as usual lor elegance and appropriateness. Airily graceful and delicately gay, they befit tho month of roses, of summer skies and solt south winds. "Tho Music MistreBS," a good wood-cut, also illustrates a story. Then follow some well chosen designs which tbo la dies will find useful, a Gored Drew, an Oriental Braiding Pattern. Tbe .Spanish Fichu. Greoian Coif fure, fashionable caps and bonnets. "The Old Fam ily Clock." occupies the musical pages. The read ing matter is of tbe choicest literature. In conclu sion nre some picturesque bnthing dresses, the usual attractive varioty in the work-table department, Editorial, Receipts and Fashions. Price $2.50 a year ; 2 copies (4.00. Address Dea con & Peterson, 31u Walnut St., Philadelphia. lyGoDLY's Lady's Book, for June, has been rcocived. A fine tteol plate engraving "Christ and the Sitters of Bethany,'' illustrates this num ber; the group and execution is beautiful. There is also tho usual colored fashion plato; a fine wood engraving, "Oi l Whitey," which is very pretty , a large varioty of patterns, ta. The literary matter is from such contributors as Marion Uarland, Mary W. Janvrin, S. Annie Frost, and others of equal merit, and is of the highest order. ly Tub Atlantic Monthly. The June noth ber of this valuable magazine is received, with an unusual variety of contents. "Quicksands," the first nrticlo. is an excellent story of the war. "in the Hemlocks," a charming moral sketch by a geniul naturalist. "The Last Days of Waller Savage Lan dor" and "Dr. Johns" are eonoluded, while Keade's "Griffith Uiuul" is continued, and the other charac ter! tie features of tbe Monthly are preserved. The ioetry is good, especially the "Dead chip of Uarps woll.'1 BUSINESS NOTICES. Up Sewing Machines. Several valuable Lock stitch Sewing Machines, new styles, for sale. Enquire at this office. . Z3T THE CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAAR, CORNER OP MARKET AND THIRD BTREETS, 6U5HJURY, WILL BELL READY-HADE ; CLOTHING AT TEN PER CENT. LESS TH AN FIRST COST. C7A Florence Sewixo Machine is offered for sals st two-thirds its value a great bargain -Call at ths millinery store of Miss Mary L. Lazarus, on Market street. CyTas enterprising proprietor of ths Conti nental Clotbino Bazaar contemplates changing bis line f business, and In order to reduce bis stock of Ready-Made Clothing, will sell goods at ten per tent, let iAan firtt coil ! Purchasers will do well to sail and examins for themselves. Don't forget ths place S. W. corner of Market and Third streets. Suubury, Pa. , min.i f3T Removal B. Byerly, ths popular artist, baving purchased ths Photograph Gallery formerly oonduotod by Mr. J. B. Erskine, In Simpson s build iog.aMarket street, has transferred bis own Gallery t which wm lately in Bassler's building, to tuat quar tor, where bs will bavs increased facilities for pro ducing those beautiful and life-like pictures for which bs Is celebrated. His new room is fitted up In the beat and handsomest manner. Those who want pictures,' of an size, stylo and quality, will of course patroniso him, as be is acknowledged tbe best srlist in this section of the Stato. ' Si-ecui Notice. Dr. S. Rogers, of Philadelphia, ean be consulted at lbs Washington House, Sunbury Pa., on all diseases of mala and female, bs some) wall recommended, aod is ths same Doctor who as tonished so msoy persons by bis onderful eure performed in men of our cities and towns ia th( oouutry. OiBoe hours fromO to 1 J A. J to 6 r. ., od f to tml0 Nacbary fcr advha f taMsrsr of TAtrsjjIt la asnbjoot of gonerst remark that ths gontlorjea and boys of this plaoe wtn tho bast fitting and badsnmest olotbing that con be found In any town In this section of iState. This Is, oo doubt, owing to tbe foot that Mr. Jacob 0. Book, at bis Merchant Tailoring Establishment In Fourth streot, bestows hit personal care and atten tion In pleasing his numerons ouslooiers. He Is re ceiving, every few days, large additions to his stook of faahionablo goods, and Is thus enabled to please all. Call and examine his stock. lNaw Icb Cream Saloon. We observe that our young friend, David Fry proprietor of lh bakery, has opened an Ice cream saloon, at his resi dence, in Sprues street, where he will keep on hand an excellent article of this delicious sutnmor luxury. lie has employed one of the best manufac turers of ios cream, and will sorve up every afternoon and evening, vanilla, lemon, orange, chocolate peach, pine-apple and strawberry cream. His sa. loon is fitted up in ths most ooinfortabls manner and he will spare no pains to accommodato alFwho may be pleased to patronize him. Familios, parties, Ac, supplied at reasonable rates. 11? Tn Way to Make Monet If you want to make money, go to J. E. Smick's Tniloring Estab lishment, on Fourth street, opposite Weaver's hotel, nnd procure your garments. His last invoice of Summer goods gooff like "hot cakes." John sells cheap, nnd makes up good suits. His great aim, in giving satifaetlon to all, is one reason why ho sells so many goods. All who deal with him onco are sure to go the second time, ns no place is to be found which excels John's establishment. tifWBLKEB &, Son, the popular Insurance Agents, of this placo, besides insuring property and lives, also insuro Horses and Mules against loss by theft, in the Montour County Horse Thief Detecting Company. fjyJoSH Billings says that a good way for a man to train up a child in the way it should go, was to travel that way occasionally himself, and one of the examples he should place before his children is to buy his Boots and Shoes where money will be saved in making the purebnsos; such a place, for instance, as Wm. II Millkii'x Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, in Market squnre, Sunbury, where there is an elegant assortment of all the latest styles nnd of tbo very best material, at low prices. NI'.IU ISV iHAKKiUT.N. Corrected Weekly fop tho "American." Wheal Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. Rye Flour, . per bbl. do per owt. Wheat, prime red per bushel, Rye, do Corn, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do . unnared do $15 00 7 50 10 00 S 50 3 00 1 (10 hi 65 2 Oil 40 so 20 3 50 45 1H 25 25 25 20 10 15 H 20 12mU 7 j Dried Apples, do auu ri T uu Dried Cherries, (unstoncd,) per bu Butter, ner nound. per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do do do Cliccso, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Pork, Voal. Chickens, per pair Kliasmokf ss Coal Trade, Suamokin, May 20, 10. Ton'. Ctrl Sent for week ending June 2(1, Per last report, I2.7;.0 ti5 170,112 08 1S2.P52 13 105,142 10 77,710 03 To same time last year, Increase, Ctyccial 2Coticra. ?fcH A Woman, in another column, picking Samburg grapes for Specr's Winn. It is an ndmiruble article, uscil in the hospi tals nnd by the first class t'utnilirs in Pari?, London and Xew York, in preference to old Port Wine. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction! For sale by W. A. Den nett. S Alt sap An ill a. This tropical root has a reputation wide as the world, lor ctiringline c'.uss of disorders that nfllict mankind a reputation too which it deserves us the best antidote we possess for scrofulous complaints. Hut to be brought into use, its virtues must be concentrated and combined with other medicines that increase its power. Some reliable compound xf this character is much needed in the community. Iicad the adver tisement of Dit. Avkii's Sarsnpuiillii in our columns, aud we know it needs no encomium from us to give our citiens conthlcncc in whut he oilers. Organ, Syracuse, N. Y. J2r" Like universal suffrage, Thalon's "Night-Blooming Cereus" is a National in stitution. To use it is as much a matter of custom na to vote. ' And because it has sup planted, by the foice of inherent excellence, till other perfumes, the American people aro proud of jr. Sold everywhere. Curb fob Cough or Cold. As soon ns there is the slightest uneasiness of the Chest, with dillicttlty of breathing, or indications ol n Cough, take during tho day a lew -Broun' BroneJiiil Troche." Containing demulcent ingredients, they allay Pulmonary Irritation. From the New York Times. Fifth Arenac, New Y'ork, does notappour to suffer much from accession influences. Receptions and parties are as numerous as ever, and the increased demand from that class for Mr. Bpeer'a Bum burg Port wine is Astonishing. When tbe true analysis of its properties was flrst published by James R. Chilton & Co., -those who could afford in immediatly adopted ita use in preference to foreign wines. Prof. Chilton usea it in bis own family, and has written to tho public a card recommending it. W. A. Iiennett keeps it "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call nnd ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample tent free by mail for SO cents that retaila easily for s-8, bv R. L. WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham Square, N Y. Bopt. io, 1809. ly. Tbe Coni'i-aiMioua und Kiperleu.ee Or AM I.1VAL1D. Rublishcd for the benefit aud as a caution to young men and others, whe surfer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the lame tiuio the means of self-cure. By one who nus cured himself after undergoing considerable quuek ry. By enclosing a post-paid addressod envelope, single copies, trtw of obarge may be had of the au thor. NATnASIEb UATFAIR, Esq.; Brooklyn, Kings Jaunary 37, 18661. - " " Xo ConaunsptlveB. The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consuinp'ion Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of euro. To all who desire It, ho will send a copy of tho prescription used (free of sharje), with ths direo tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find asqas Cpbb for Cohsomptiojt, Astbma, Bbobcbitis, Couobs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. Tho only object of tbe advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit ths afflicted aad spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try bit remedy, as it will eost them nothing, and ma prove a blessing. ... . " Parties wishing ths prescription, fuse, by return ,, , -jarMi I Ret. EDWARD WILSON,,' j Willlsmstrorgb, Kings Oo , New York uses li, 1896-1. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'NOTICBl Ornca or trb LrnioH and Mahanoy ) RAiLnoAD Company, No. 3C8 Walnut St., Philadelphia. J mini Stockholders of The Lehleh and Mabnnnv L Railroad Company, are hereby notitiod, that unnor ana ry virtue ot an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act relating to Kaiiroad uompnnies," panned the lfith day of May, A. D. 18ft I, the Directors of The fichigh and Mahanoy Railroad ttmnpnry, and the Directors of The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company bave en. tored Into a Joint ngroement under tho eorporalo seal of each of said Companies for tho consolidation of said Companies, and mercer of the said The Le high nnd Alahnnov Kntlroad Company, prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, nnd tho manner ol' Converting the Capital Stock of the snid Lehigh nnd Mahonoy Railroad Company into the stock of tho said Lehigh Valley Railroad Company ; and eon laining all snch other provisions as havo been deem iil'tiefcesiiary to perfect tho said consolidation and merger, and that the said agreement will be submit ted to the Stockholders of the said Lehigh and Mah' ancy Railroad Compiny for the purpose of consider ing and voting by ballot, in person or by rroxy, for tho adoption or rejection of the same, eacli share en titling the holder thorcof to one vote, at a meeting of the said Stockholders, io bs held on the 12th day of June, A. D. IKIirt. nt the otliec of tbo said The Le high and Mahonoy Railroad Company at Number 3CS Walnut street, in tho City of 1'liilndolplnn. at IU o'clock A. M , of said day, at which time and E lace, and for tho object aforesaid. All the rloek olders of The Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad Com panv are notified to attend. This notice being given in oompliaeco with the provisionsoT tho sucond section of tho Act of Assem bly aforesaid. CHAS. HARTS IIOHNE, President. Philadelphia, May 22d. 1800. at NEW GROCERY! CALL AT FURMAVS OLD STAND. WHOLESALE i, RETAIL a"sc.osHZx3jL:Eici.-sr AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS 1 Their Stnek Is complete, consisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glass. Lamps, Ac, Ac. Country Froduce taken in exeknngo for Goods 13-C;ill and oxamineour Stock, aud satisfy your selves. Sunbury, May 12. 1S(W. Kouictltiiie; n ml ov'I for Agent, Pcdlers, Country Stores, Drugpists. and all seeking an honorable nnd profitable hutinc. Free by mail for Bj els ; wholesale t?'J per dox. Canvassers realize J", to $1 2 per (lav profit. AlillOTT it DOWD, Manufaclnrers. myl9 lm l'.'O Water St., X. Y. Support Home Industry ! llul of livery l cr i 1 1 o n I A FULL ASSORT3IKXT Jfi T oep.nnD by SAMUEL FAUST, Two doors west ofllemictts Drugstore, Market st SUDBURY, a?E1M2T'A.- (AliL arid examine the lertro nsortmciit of tho j late.-t Xew York nnd Philnilelrhin styles of Silk, Cassim ere. Petto X'erhy, Wiro ltritn, Snt'i Fur, Plraw and Hoy's Hats which. tor beauty and du rability cannot be evellcd. BeinR a practical Mat ter, lie flatters himself that his stock ha been select ed with more care than any ever before brought to this place. Ho nleo manufactures to order nil kinds of soft Fur Hais. all of which will be sold at wholesale nnd retail, at reasonable rates. Dyeing dodo nt short notice and at the lowest rates. huiibiiry. .May VI. lsi'.ll. VI 3 AVlJaToF JJKI'OT. flVI B undersigned respectfully informs bis friends X ajiil tbe publiu that hu has changed his plnce of loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Wurd & Freed, Xo. bll Mai ket ISiieet, to jfK. 3D. ACHESON (Commission .Merchant, deuloriu Flour Grain, Seeds, Ac.) .to. 1U1S .U:irl4-t St.. I'iiiludflpiiin, where nil freiirht will lie loaded on ears of tho un- dorsujriH'd, for Dauphin, Sunbury, Shiunokiii, ud all i intervening points. I All freiuiil will be carried as low as on nnv other line. Or. tors tj carry freight respectfully solicited, which will receive prompt attention. J. B. WEISER. Sunbury, Jan 11. Isfil). :iin. FLOUR & FEUD STORE. WUOLKHALK AXJ) kktml. THE sabscriber respectfully informs tho public that he keeps constantly on hand at his new AKl.HOI Ft., near th fihauiokin Vulley Railroad Depot, in SUN itl'KY, Flour by tho barrel tuU sacks of all kinds of Feed by the tsw The aoovo is all manufactured at his own Mills, and w ill bo sold lit the lowest cr-h prices. J -M.LALMlALLAUl.lt. Sunburv, April 1, IsCfl. SUNBURY FOUNDRY."" ARK nuw carrying on busincxs at this old ctab liahment with renewed vigor. l&sltnirs ot every description, promptly furuitbed to order. The Ktnves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired tbe highest rcputatiou. I'articular attention paid to J1I1.L, t'ASI I.MiS Farmers should uot toriret that tho PLOWS mado at the Sunbury Foundry havo never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at giiori notice Small eastings, including Cooking utensils, of tho most improved ami most useful patterns. The business will he conducted on an enlnrge l scale. Old customers will beaccoinmodatcd is usual, aud new ones are respectfully eulicitod. Sunbury, May 13. iwwi. OKNLHAL ASSUUTMta f H. K BAU! ill W. W Arsley's. .ADIT.S' FINE LF.ATHFH SATCHKI.! at VV. W. Apsley'a. Buuhury, March 31, IK. WILLIAM W. APSLEY'S . tVlsoletiiile Boot, Shoe and Trunk w A It Ell uu SIS', sr.Mii icv, p.t. WM. W. APSLEY has just opened a NEW STOKE iu the well-known house of Mrs. lioul ton, iu Market street, and offers to the citizens of Sunburv aud neighboring: towns, ROUTS & HOK.S of the bast quality and workmanship. Ho having made arrangements witn nna-ciajs mauuiaoiurors to supply the best quality of goods. In the Wholesale Department he culls the atten tion of Coantrj blorekeepera to his fine stock, wbioh witl oe sold at the lowest wnolesaie prices, tnus ena bling Rutoil Dealers to save expanse of vUitiug the citios to replenish their stook. In the Retail Department ean bo found ROOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac, wbioh, in price, at these times, are without a parallel. The stock of Ladies' Wear is superior in style end workmanship than is usually fouud in country towm, embracing gems of Ralmorals, splendid Congress Gaiters, and fancvVioes of every kind. W. W. A. also culls attention to his lurgestock of Men's wear, of latest stylos, that will lit any toet with ease and comfort. Couie One t Coiue All I Sunbury, Maroh 10th. 1866. Manhood; Iiotv I.ott how ltlorl. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Ci-lvkb- I well's CELESHATEn Essay on the ladical cure (without medicine) of Hpermstorrhoea, or seminal Weakness. Involuntary Seniluul Losses, Iaioleocy. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also, Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fiu induoed by self-indulgcuue or sexual extravagance. I Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. lie oelehrated author in this admirable essay learly deipousuratee, from a thiity years' successful preotioe, llt U alarming ooosequeuece of self abuse way be radically oured vilboul the dangerous use 01 internal luodioine or tbe application of the knife puintiug out a mode of euro ut onoe simple, certain, and etfeoiual. by maans of whioh every sufferer, no matter w hat hu condition may be, may cure himself oheaply. privately, and radical y Ltf This Lecture should be in tbs hands of every youth and every man in the land. beat, under seal, in a plain envelope, ta any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six oents, or two poet stamps. Address the publishers, CHAS. J. ( KLINE OO , 12T Bowery, New York, Fast Umoe Ik ,tU6 Hssoa 11, id0ei ltitt-nnilontBl Hotel, 80S and 307 VronJirit, Vomer I'VanitiH Street NKWVORK. THIS first class House ths most quiet, homelike and pleasant Hotel In the city offers superior inducements to thiee visiting New York for business or pleasure. IHs central in its location, and kept on the KfRoi'EAN Plan, in connection with Taylor's Saloon, where refreshments can be had all hours, or sorved in their own rooms. Ths charges are mo derate, tho rooms nnd attendance of the first order baths, and all tbe modern conveniences attached JOHN TAILOR, Proprietor. Nov 4, 1835. . . $1,500 IKK Vli.ll!! We want agents everywhero to sell our IM Pnovan S2C Hewing Machines. Three new kinds. Ipper nnd upper feed. Warranted five years. Abovesalary or large commissions paid. The ONLY umchtnossola In United States for less than fid, whicli i aro fully Hnensed bT Howe, Wheeler A Wil TU' Vr,Tor Hnker, Singer 4 Co , aud Bachcldol A I other cheap machines aro infringements and tr. seller or user are liable to arrest, tino. and Impriso 5 A l. iTj",l"J'' ,.ro"- Address, or call upon Shaw u"rlt- Biddoford. Maine, or Chicago, III. dec2J PERUVIAN OUAXO PUUSTITUTE PERUVIAN GUANO SUIISTITUTE PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE. RAUGII'S RAW RONE SUPER-rHOSPHATE RA roil -a RAW IIOMi iu'KK-piiospiiak: RAllUlS RAW HOXE SUPER-PHOSPHATE. F0 ALL CROPS. Quick in its action, nnd of nioro lasting effect than either Peruvian Guuno cr any Super-Phosphato mado from a hard Mineral Guano. This is proven by twelve years of constant use. BAUGH C BOX, Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors, Office Xo. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. B AUG II BltOTIIERS Jj CO., General Jt7ifcife Agentt, Xo. 181 Pearl street, Corner of Cedar, NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, Whohtah Agent for Maryland und Virginia, Xo. 105 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE. April 28, lbftS 4t LADIES' LASTING GAlTliRS for 81,7'., at W. W. Apiley's. LADIKS' UI.OVU KID DOOTS.at W. XV AuilevV noOTCAND fllOKS, FOll MHN. WO.MKN AND CiilLDKt.N, ul W. W. Apslev'a. GRANT & SHERMAN 1 The two heroes before their tout planning a battle Grunt smoking. A beautiful steel engraving by Win. Sartain. Amenta wanted everywhere. Sutnplo ser.t bv mail for .'iu centi". Agents mnko fill per cent. Ad'ircss, BAKTLESOX .V CO.. my 12 2m till Chesnut st., Pliila. iMi'oi: i v ix.;ii:vm'. FISHING TACKLE! JOIIN KRIDKK. North East Comer Second A Walnut Streets., PHILADKLP1UA. 1UST in receipt of n fine and funny F1.MI1.M T selected stock of cheap ACKLF. "f all descrii- lions, suitable for tho rivers and brooks of this State., to wnich wo invito the attention of all storekeepers. March 17, IW.tS. .'im HE Nit Y llAItf EH, PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, Fine Cold JEVFl.RY. Solid SILVER WARE, nnd Superior SILVER PLATED WARE, at Its-nn-RD Prices ! March 21. loiio. 3ni. N E W G OUD Si! J H- ENGEL II AS just relumed from New York ond Philadel phia, and is now receiving a cw Mock ot Spring & Summer Goods, nt a great reduction in prices. 'iillesnt'ii,i Vnr. Fine Uluck Cloth at SI l that used to sell at $3 00. CnssimiTos. Satinctt, Cuhuierclls, Kentucky Jeans, CottouuJo.und Linen Panting, nt reduced prices. Ladies' Dress Goods. Silk, Wool Delaines. Mohair, .Silk Stripe. Paul lie Chain, Alpacea, Popleit, English and Scotch (1 inghaiiis. Cliallios, Delaines, Luwu, Calico and Muslins, very cheap. White Goods. Linen Dr-. s? Uoods. Linen Skirting, M'hito Toilet Quilts, ltrilliaiits, Swiss Stripe. Swiss Cambrio, Juc oonett. Irish Linen, fchirt Fronts, Ae. Laiies' Cloth and Flannel Sucking, and other flannel nt low prices. N bite Shetland Wool, Shawls, Ralino.ul Skiru-. Ao Skirting nnd tho latest stylo "f Hoop Skirts, very handsome aud cheap. Yankeo Kotions in Great Variety Jlo.-i ry, (lloves, Pocket fundkerchiefsSuspon dors, Neckties. Paper Collars, I'uihrcllr.s, a good assortment of Spectacles, Coats, Spool Cotton, fancy Ruttons, Trimming?. Ac. Carpets, Motif and Tablo Oil Cloths, brown and green nil Cloths for windows, liilt Sbudes, Fixtures for Window Blinds. Hats, Caps anil Ladies' R bakers, Hardware, Xuils, Folks, Shovels, Spades, iron-tooth Garden Hakes. GROCERIES, SALT FISH, Qut-ensware, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. Pchool Rooks, nnd a new supply ot WALL PA PER, will be sold very cheap. All poraons desirousof getting good goods at low prices, for ciuh or country produce, will please give meacall. J.H.E.NULL. Suubury, April 7th, 1S6. NEW OPENING Ol Clothing;, ieut' I'm-uUlilny 4ood, IIooIm Miocm. nllK undersigned takes pkasuro in announcing to X the public ol Sunbury, and vicinity, that bo has opened Ins CLOTHING STORE, with a well selected stock of ll.M-S I't UM'tm'NC; UOOUN. 1 will sell at astonishing low prices. 1 have also still on hand a large stock of Boots & Sho s, fur Ladies, Gents and Children's wear, which 1 am selling off, us I intend to give up that branch of busi neas. It will bo to the advantage to Casu RcrEnsto give me a call. S. KRONEXREUO. S. Cross' old stand, Muiket Square. Sunbury, April 7, lStifl. AND NOW OPEN, a large and complete stock of WALL-PAPEH AND liORDER. Window Curtaius, School, Blank, Juvenilo snd tthcr Hi in i.' s t'tip, I.PIti r. ote nnd Itlllet I'npt-r, t.N VLLUl'hS all kinds una sues. Arnold's Writing Fluid in large and small bottles Rosewood, (iilt and other Picture Frames. ALBUMS. FISHINa TACKLES Balls, Bats, Marbles, Toys for Spring am', Summer Choice Cigars. Pm"kingand Chewing lobceo, Pipes of all kinds Pipe Stems. Perl ussier I'ocket Hooks, Coiuba. Law Rooks furnished at publishers rates, Musio ordars promptly tilled. All books not on hand promptly ordered. !?loulht)r itiil Weekly itlu(cuilnes l'iiiicrs, Daily Frees and Inquirer, always on hana. TICKETS for Liverpool, Queennown and tbo Test Drafts on Europe. Thankful for past favors and soliciting aeo'ntlna. sxec of ths same. . ' 2L TTRZT LIOHTXEB. faatury, Aprfl T,1W ojsumptitiis, BEAD WHAT DR. BcntUCK 13 DOINO. R. J. H. 6CHKNCK, DxAn Sib : I feel Ita duty I ows Io you, and to all who aro suffering under the diseases known as Consumption and Liver Complaint, to lot them know what great beni fits I have received from your Pul monic Syrup and Seaweed Tonie in so short a time. liy the blessing of Uod it hasoured me thus fur. Dr. Schenok, I will now mnko my statement to you, as follows: About eighteen months sgo I was attacked with a severe cough, and it settled on my lungs 1 oould not retain anything I ate, and suf fered with evening fevers aud night sweats. I was very much reduced. The whites of my eyes were very yellow; likewise my skin; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest what I did eat; bowels swollen, irregular nnd onetive. I was vory low spirited, and had such violent spells of (coughing when I laid down at night and when 1 arose in the morning that they would last one or two hours. 1 then would be nearly cxboustol, and was entire ly unable to lie on my lift side. I c.tnnot describe my wretched suffering as I would wlh tndo. Every organ in my body was diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at this timo, and 1 wu confined to my bid from the last of February, lAb2, not able to sit up. Iliad the best of medical attendance the whole of tho lime. My cough was so very bad that it racked mo very much. 1 nt this time rai-ed a lurgo quantity of thick, yellow, oflciiivo juntttr, sometimes with biood, and it wasgonornllyHeeompa nied by nausea and a furred and thick coated touguo. At the time of couching m bully 1 would have sharp, shooting pains in nij lef . ride and heart, night swe its. and soreiicss all through my wholo chest; had niu'ih inward fever, pain in my back nnd nnder my shoulder blndt s and in tho small of my back, and at times so severe that it would throw mo into ipnsms. Now my physician gave lue up to dlo. Others I bad. and tho best of them, but they could do nothing for mc, nnd at that tiuw I was nothing but skiu mid bouus. I then was in the western part of Missouri. In June lust we left there for the East, and in August la.ct we came to New York, and I was ho reduced that 1 could only walk a little with my husbuna's holp. After I had been here a short time the salt water breeze made me feel much bolter for a time and then 1 had again to call a physician for aid. We had four of tbe best physicians of New York on the diseases of the lungs, and doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. They said I was pustuurc. unit llut my lungs wero too far gone for any one to cure me. Rut at this time I was on my feel about tho house, not able to do much of anything, in November last I grew worse, and the consumption diarrhea set in and lasted about eight weeks. Wo had tried all and overy tiling that I couhl grasp at like n dj ing person for my diseases consumption and liver com plaint but of no avail. In January, 1B6.1. 1 was brought down again on my bed, and was nut expected to live tbe iii;;ht out. My husband stayed at iny side, and other friends, and they nil give mo up ,o die. At this time every ono who saw medid not think 1 would leave my bed a living woman. The first night I was attacked with spasms, and was deranged most of tho lime. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to seo ino the last of too week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In it was an nccount of a great cure performed by Dr. Schenck. ti bo road it to me, mid it was so much like iny own disease that I asked my husbund to go and see him fur lue. At this tiiuo X had given up all hopes of ever getting well again, and made my pcuco with Unit, to bo ready when He called for inc. On the 271h of January, Hil.1. my husband called on Dr. Schenck, 32 Rood street, New Yoi k, and stated to him my case, with a request for him to call nnd sec me, which he did, nu I examined mo with j the rcspirotnetor. When be was nbotit to go I asked hitu it he could euro me ? Hisrcpiv was: 1 can not tell, both lungs aro diffused, and the bronchial : tubes nro ntlected on bolh siuis. ' And yet ho seemed to think thero wore lunP;? er.ouh left to ef- i lc! u euro it' the diarrhea could bo stopped. Ho said in order to do this, he would t...v? to ivo Man drake Pills in small doses ut lirst, to carry t. li" the j morbid matter, and then, with asttii gcnts. ue hoped i to check it. whii li he did. but the constant coughing, night snouts, and diarrhea had prostiated me so that , ho w: s afraid my vital towcrs wore too much pru- ! trated ever to ra'tly. nud yet ho seemed to think if I j could live to gel enough Pulmonic Syi 'dp through j my system to cause expectorulion. there were lungs , cnou'.rh It'll ior me to rciTOv-r. lie wished me to liy j the 1'nlmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at once, siu ing it would do me no burnt, if itdid loc no good. 't he lirst week it sectned to give mo strength, so i that on Sunday nQcr I sat up iu bed and nte hearty for a sick woman; but thu next week 1 lost all hope and wishel iny husband not to givo uic any more medicine, but tho d'H'tur bad warned hiln of this, nnd when the nieilicino was clearing out the system it made theia feel soincnhul restless, and to perse vere; and be insi-ted im niy taking it; and I new I feel the benellt ot it. For alter eight days I Dcgnn : to gain strength, and. with tho exception of a cold I thai put mo bauk some, i havobecu gaining strength o.' body, my cough is going away, and all my pains , aro gone; no soreness of iho body, my bowels are 1 regular, and iny breaih is sweet, and I thank Ood lluil 1 am now going about, and srtv and read nswcll I us 1 ever could. 1 liuve takeu sixleeu bottles ot the i medicine, eight of each. 1 liuw havo u good appe- i titu and rest well at night ; my cough does not trouble mo in getting up or lying down. 1 would i hero say to Iho ulllicted with consumption or liver complaint, that Dr Schenck is nu humbug. Vuu cau rely on what lie says- Delay uot; it is danger ous to trifle with these diseases. If you would be cured, go ut onco, und any one ishing to know the facts as herein stated call call ut my residence, 117 West Houston streot, New York citv. MRS. MAR VT. FARLOW. We, the undersigned, residents of New York, ore ac'juaiolL'd w ith Mrs Farluw, und kuow her state ment to be true. We also know that she used Dr' Si'heuck's Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, and bavu reason to believe that to this tuediciuu sho owes ln-r preservation from n premature grave. S. FA It LOW, K7 Wul Houston st. Kl'UKXH i:DKKIIILL. i!7ii Greenwich st Mrs. El tiEXK I NDEltlilLL, 070 Uruouwich st. AL'ti!TA LXDElUilLL, 071! Urcenwich St. A.F. HARRIS. 117 West Houston si. EMILY ULOVEIt. 117 West Houston St. .1 L. l ill.i;. ::.'( Collage placo. M A. LKl'jliTON, 4vt Itroudwsv. Mrs. ilhN.IAMIN CLAIM". I!) Amity r!ucv 1 uni well acquainted with Mis' Mai y Furlow, and nith her husband, Mr. 11. Furlow, they having for a few mouths past, attended at my church, unit I uinicomini-ed tt at any statement which they migUt make might bo relied on true. JOHN HOWLING, D. D.. Pastor of Bedford St. liaptist Church, N. V. Do. Schenck w ill be professionally at bis principle office No. I j jortb Sixth street, corner ot Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from 9 A.M. until 4 P. M., No. H2Uoud streot. New Yolk, every Tues day, from V to 3; No lie Summer street, Ronton, Muss., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3. and every other Friday at llll Haiti more street, Dakiinore, Md. All advice tree, but for a ihorough examination of tho lungs with the Kespiruinoter, the cbargo is threo dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup aud Seaweed Tonic, each $1 411 pur bottle, or tl 6U per half doicu. Man drnko Pills, 2j cents per box. For sale by all Druggisrs aud Deulers. December 2, lfMti 1 y. Itenslins; Kaili-outl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. April 23d, I860. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North ana North-West for Philadelphia. New Y'ork. Read ing, l'ottsvillo, Tuiuaiinu, Ashlaml, Lebauou, Allen town, Kaalon, Ac. Trains leave Harrishurg for New-York, as fol lows : 3 0.1, 7 HI and U.Vj A. M. aud 2.UU and M M P. M., arriving at New York at 6.411 and 10 00 A. M. and SAO and W.ui P. M. , connecting with similar 'J rains on thu Pennsylvania Ruilroad ; Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 9 20 P. M. luius, without cnuuge. Leave Harrisburg for Roading, rottsville, Tama qua, Miiiersville, Ashland, Piuu Grove, Alleutown und Philadelphia at 710 A.M. aud 2 00 and V.2U P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal stations ; the V 20 p m. Train making no close connections for PottiUllo. rior Philadelphia. For Poitaville. Schuylkill Haven aud Auburu. via .Vchuylkitl aud Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg aU U p. m. Retumiug : Leave New York at 0.00 a. m., 12.00 Noon at 8.30 p. in.; Philadelphia at S OU a. m. and 3. SO p. m. Potlsville at S.30 a.m. and 2 45 p m.; Ashland 0.00 and ll.la a..iu. and 1.05 p. m.; Tama qua at 0.4o a m. and 100 uud 6.65 p. ui. Leave Potlsville for llnrri-burg via Schuylkill and Siisiiuchauna Railroad at 7.00 a. in. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at 0(10 A. M. roturuing from Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6.20 A. M. and 6 li P. M. for Fpbruta, Litis, Lancaster Columbia, Ac. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 30 pm., Phila delphia b in." A. M., and 3.15 P M. the H.nu.a. ui. train running only Io Kea ling, PoBsvillo bOOani., Tamuqua 7 30 am, for Hurriaburg, 9 05 a ui, and Reading ut 1 ."0 a ui, for Harrisburg 10.52 a. In. for New Yolk, nnd i 25 p ui. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, ami excursion Tickvu, ut reduced rates to and fioin all points. Raggago checked through : t0 Pouuds Rrggoeje al lowed oath Passinger. O. A. SIC0LI.S, Genoral Superintendent mile Stlei:s !.. Under the patronage of tbe United otat'-s Guvurnment, Mo-lels of this auperior leg may bs oeen at tho Agency of the fc A L LM LF.U COMPANV, No. 3 SuulU bevenlh Street, Philadelphia . ' ,.:;. Coll and see them, or send for a eireulor containing full information. apl. 23, tto.-lura. 80LK LEATUER TRUNKS at W W Arsley's DIARIES for 180(5. Ao assortment of Diane,, large aad " finnhurv. Jan. (J, I860. ut aood Tln-Ware, SMITH dr I IKt1BIl'Nw Stop c a'D317 iBDD9 & 8iD2 STORE. CS-. S. SANDflllS RESPFCTFl.LLY iiitorun the citie'is ol Sunbury and vicinity that he tai taken the room in Pleosant's RnilJ'ng. In Market Square, two noma east of the Express Oflico, for the pin -e of enriv nig on the Stool unci siiiiie liusiuers, in all Hila rious branches, would respectfully inform Ihecitijer of this vicinity, that hehas puruhesed un entire new stock of Goods which ho intends to diposo of nt tbo very lowest pricps. His sto-;k comprise fieiit'S Fine' Pegged nnd Btitohed Boots, Men's Walking lioois and Roy e Hoots. Ladles' Fancy Uliokle (Jailors! I And FintfShoos. Misses' (Jailers, lbiliuoials au 1 Children's Shoes of every description. HaM iiikI 'iivi. He hasalso in his employ superior workmen, nnd is prepared Io do the l inejt of Custom! r V. oilt Gent's Fir.o Dress Boots, Ladies' (Jailers & Child ren e Shoes. I t'Al.L WORK WARRANTED! Cnll end ex siniuu my stock, even if you do not wi.di to buv. I am determined Io sell at the n.ol uncial r - i - GEO. H. S.Nij-t'..? Sunbury, JMarch SO, lSdO. SUNBURY CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. A DAY AND LOA11DINU SCHOOL FOR YOU.NO LAIlIl'.S AND YOUNG MK!s. SUNBURV. PF.NM'A. Instructor. tRET,,? " rn' J ?J ! Principals Rev. W. C. Cremkk.A. M. J Miss S. E. PowEnn, Assistant Tu.icL.or. THE Sat quarter ol tbo a:x ve institoti jn will open Monday, apuiil nub, im, at f? For further particulars, apply to or add ress t he Sunbury, March 10, !8o0. 3in BARGAIN S IN PINK CLOTUIJNCt. ROCKHILL WILSON, BE0WN STONE CLOTHING KALL, 03 and 005 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW STOCK nt the LOWEST TRICES ! Having sold out our now stock of Clothing for GentKintu and Roys, carried over from the Into flro, our entire, stock of Fushionablo Reody-Mudo Clothing ia tho Newest, as our prices aro tho lowest. NAQXIFICEKT SPUING STOCK, Now ready, to suit cvorybody. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Our newly filled up Custom Department now con tains tbe largest assortment of all tbe Fashionable New Fabrics, for our patrons to s-eleot from. SUITS, Civil and Military, mmlo up to ordor promptly, in tho highest siyle, and at moderate prices. ROY'S' CLOTHING. In this deportment our stock is iiIfo unrivalled tho best in tho city, at the lowest prices! Orders executed at short notice. THE CHOICEST STOCK of READY-MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA. ROCRIULL. if WILSON, ' Rtonn Slono Clothing Hall, COS and 005 Chestnut Slroot. Apl. 25. f3. 3tn PHILADELPHIA- I'lire I.Hx'rtj- Wliito IcniJ, Will do more and bettor work nt a given Cost, than ! anv other! 'fry it! Manufactured only by J Z1EOLER A SMITH, I Wholesale Drug. Paint A Gloss Dealer?, No. 1.(7 North THIRD Sttcot, Philadelphia, j January 27,26fi0 ly. ' cl( , JBOVl'al I AGENTS wanted for s ' six entirely new articles, just out. Ad Id ress 0. T. UARE'Y, City Luilding. Rnldcford I Maine. dcc23 ly SADLKK AND HARNESS iM A N U FACT U It E U . .A.. J", STKOH,. Deer Street, opposilo the Centrul Hotel, S V N 15 L" li Y , 1 E N N A. INFORMS his friends aud tho public that having removed to his uew establishment, and extended his line of business, is now prepared to manufacture more extensively, and invitesull to call and oxutuino his large ainortuient of Sadies, Haruess, Collars. Whips, Common uni Fancy Fly-Nctts, Blankets, Rullaloc and Faiicy Uobcs. Horse Combs, Sleigh-llells, Sa Idle, Harness and Coach Trimmings for manufacturers. UVEUYl EIVEHY ! 1 LIVERY!!! In connection with the above ho has alsoa Livery Stublu, g ud and sale Horse. Iluggies, nud Convey ances, which are hired ut rcitsocablo rates AUCTIONEER ! Ho is also a LicQtisod Auctioneer, and will attend to all business entrusted lotus care Suubury, March tf, lMiii. Ibu NEW LKilOIt STORE! WM. nOOVEK, C."niIi'o;il Slr i't, nlxivo Mttrhet, NEAH Til K rrNTUAI. noTEL, SUNBURY", PA. r FSIT.CTFULLY invites his friends and t'u j public gcneruliy, to cull and examine his largu usuitmenls ol li. bulore purchasing elsowhore. IEIh Mtot-li t iss)B) ot (Criisitliet,, "t lilL,'j, Holland iss, tan-lo-i' Btism, .tBosioscKalieliS and Ioui-tutt !' 1 1st- l,t'st nil ly. 1 isie. tl'isler, Visio p.:ir, A-., Ar. Farmers, lintel Koeperx, and others are invited to call, ns his slock is genuine, and will render gtcerul satisfaction. Sunbury, February 3, ISo'V In veil toi-s OlilceM. D'EPINUlilL & EVANS, Civn, KsGiMtns if a Patlkt Solicitous No. 4"5 Waluut street, y'hiladelphia Patents solicited consultations on Engineering Draughting und Sketches, Models and .Machinery of all kinds made and skilfully attended to. Special attention given to rej.-cted uu&cg and interferences. Authentic copies of all Duouiucnu from i'atent Of fice procured. N. P. Suvcyourselvcs useless troublo and travelling expenses, as thero is no actual need I for personal interview with us. All business with these Otlici cau be transacted in writing. For fur ther information direct as above, with stump enclosed, for Circular with references. February 3, IttW- ly. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, Sunbury, Penn'a. GW. HAUPT, Esq., having taking out license, , uudor tbe United States excise Laws, as Real Ksuie Agent, offers for sale the following property, to wit : Sixty iCO) good building lots and five (5) dwelling houses, in the borough of Sunbury. A farm in Upper Augusta township, containing 100 acres, more or less. A small farm containing 70 acres, mora or lew, about one mile from Paxinos. SliaraoSiu toirn'liip. A small farm containing 52 acres, more or leu, in Irish Valley. Shaiuokin township. There aro good buildings ou these three forms. Suubury, March 10, ls60 tf. Willi l)'r and Border In great variety new stvlcs just received ut the Mammoth Store of J. W.FKILING It SOS. funbiiry, Oct. II. l"f.5. Pure "Liberty "Vliito Iead, Tbe Whitest, the most durable and tbe mosteoo nomivrl. Trvil! Manufacture I only by ' L Z1EGLIR t SMITH, Wholesale Drug. Paint A Glas Dealers, No. 137 Nojth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, IM ly. Washington House. SAMUEL SMYDEH, OProSlTK TOE SEW COUBT UOC8E, BUN BURY", PA." ,"piiS popular and eomfort&ble Ilotul baa been 1 filled up in superior order lor the accommoda. tion of Strangers, Travellers, and the public gener ally. No effort will ho spared by the Pionrletor to make it a favorite resort and a pleasant home for every guost His table, his bar, and the long ex perience of the proprietor, warrant him in antiuipe. ting a liberal share of public patronage. Extensive stublea, and every desirable ooave nienos. Sunbury, April 7, 1&18. ly SARATOGA TRUNKS at ALL KINEI OF TBVNK t ' VT W Aps .y t