Nirjll'ltV, PA, -rr ' n i:r SATURDAY, MAY Sfl, 18fifl. tS.NoTrcR. .to CPU .PAT1OTKH. Ai a chnngo wwtni'Ctcd ha tlidtlrwt of April last, In the pliMicntlon of the AmkMCak, wehsVe opcnrd no sett of bnnlts. Totf pullisher are about Making addition t tbe office and further ImproTcmentt In the Amshtcak, ns ynll m In the JubMng department, Ly moans of a power press. Tliis will necirily im pose a henvy expense upon the present pub lishers, who therefore request all who are in arrears nt thm office tn aid them in their ef forts, hy Bottling up all accounts Immediate ly. Those living at a distance can forward to us by tnnil at our risk, if remittances are shown to the Post Master where mailed. iLoral . -affairs. LifJoh Pi-lnllsir. naving received a largo Supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Pesters, Ilnmlbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Hill lleadi, Labels, Jo., oan be printed in tho latest and best styles, and on short notice. "Orders by mail promptly attonded to. Snow We understand that several inches of snow fell in some plnocs on tho route of the Erie Ttallroad, this week. Monday. Tuesday and Wed ncs'lnywcre cold enough for November. Okm. L'A'MsrtoH offers to subscribe 10,000 towards building a bridge over tho r-asqnehanna at tbis plnee, if the adjoining townships if Snyder ootmty shall determine to , attach thomsolves to this county. niio " Gfl- O. or O. F. S. B. Boyor, Esq., of this .plaoe, hns been re-elected Worthy District Deputy Orand Maator for Northumberland county, by the Order. TaMPcaANCB Lictcre ik NoaTBCHBKR tAND. Wo bave been requested to announoe that a lecture on '-Temperance" will be delivered in tho Methodist Church, in Northumberland, on Wednes day evening next, by Wra. Van Gexer, Esq., of Lewisburg. iy TiBLiGiovs. The RijhtRev. Bishop Vail, of Kansas, officiating for Bishop Stevens, who is absent in Europe, during his recent visit, to this Diocese, confirmed thirty-one perrons in Chrint (Episcopal) Church, in Danville; seventeen in St. Paul's Church, Bloomnburg ; seventeen in St. Stephen's Church, Wilkcsbarre ; eleven in St. James' Church, Pittston . and fifteen in Trinity Church, Shamokin. The lat ter is a new parish, and wns but recently organised. tjflnn new building for the National Bark, at this place, the foundation walls of which were laid latt summer, is now going op rapidly under the (upcrintendenee of Mr. Stillwoll, tbe architect. It will bo, when finished, one of the best and most olegunt structures of tbe kind in northern Pennsylvania. CP Tin Cmccs. Dan'i Circus and Me nagerte, whlcn exhibited hero on iridaylnst, was well patronized. In the evening we presume from 1.100 to 2000 persons were present. Dan, himselfi was not well, and the performance was somewhat curtailed in consequence. the Alert Base Bell Club; of that plaoe, during ft recent flflt W6utoffi m4"rtio jra present aad trlineesed'the'oonteet between Die Alerts". and 'Slant" gives ajtilte aa mtemded noltoeof the game,; and his ImprrtSione of bar town and Citlsena, aad also pays high eomplloient to the 'Stars" for the fansprtattt treatment they teeelred fro them while bare. Tbe editor says V ' Enjejlng-tle luxury of a tree pats, we ooooludol to see the fun, and aooordingly when the conductor on the Lackawanna train called out. "all aboard," we' were snugly seated limo'ng the Alerts.' We umdo the Connection ut Northumberland and arrived at the Central Hotel, 'fa SirnWyV dh time. After a hasty glance at the men and things of that goodly borough, wa partook of a splendid diuncr, gottoa np by our host or tho ''Central. ' Wero wo not la a hurry we would spoulfof Mr. Uaaa in tbe terms his excellent establishment deserves, lut trs Can only say that ar boys felt perfectly at boms at the 'Central' and were highly ploasod with their quarters. We, that Is the Alerts and ourself, were the guests of the Star elub, and never was one club more handsomely treated by another, thun were the Alerts by the Stars on that occasion. " At ISio'elnck, P.M., the ball wasopenod. The Umpire was Mr. Thompson, of Baltimore ; tbe See rcrs, Mr. Kickcrson, of Danville, and Mr. Billman, el Sunbury. ' The Star olub, at the sixth inning, , was ahead some ten runs; at that point confidence was strong In their ulliruato success ; but, the Alerts, older and more experienced, cow exhibited their best poiots and began to throw themselves round liko torpedoes. The rosult was that they made 21 runs on tbe eighth inning, and kept ahead to the close of the game, whon the score was, Star, 32, Alcr,U, 47. As toon as the victory was deulareJ lu fuvor of Danville, tho 'ball'' was presented by tbe Star,, and all well pleased with the exercises of the day, repaired to the depot, and the Alerts, cheered by the Stars, left forborne. ' It may bo proper to say that the Star club has only bocn organized some six weeks, and wo only repeat the universal judgment wben we say thit they did nobly for a young organization. They have among them several who wiU become first-class players, and who, after a little more practice, may reverse the soore of Thursday." The Alert club, appreciating the numerous hospi talities extended to them by the Stars, while here, published tbe following card in the Danvillo Ameri ca, of lust wouii : A Cahd We, the undersigned members of the Alert Base Ball Club, who visued Sunbury, on tbe occasion of tbe late match, take tbis opportunity of expressing to eur friends of the Star, our grateful appreciation of their kind hospitality and generous treatment during our visit. We hope that they will find it eonveuionl to visit Danville at an early data.' when wo will use our utmost endeavors to return their many kindnesses : Louis iiyeriy, Joseph A. Clurk, II m. Lewis. sjfTrlsttrtra CniwtAtniirTf a -Pota-vaa.-Jfrasttis M, Fjrmen, late postmaster at Anh Ian4,$onlkillooniy,'ha l i hearing before U. 8. CommMetierSsnluY tat Philadelphia, ba tho 16th' Bhowm's IlitoNciilM, Troche are offered with tli fallen oonfldet'ttW in tlit ir tll'ciicy ;j crekaii they have .ieii ; tlnriMiulil 'tested, urn!.' A ;!? '!!: .,.,.,.,,.,,U . ,,U K,,'i rcpuriilion lutj iiu juiti.v iicqinaM. for a huso who ofl.n over- Inst., of embeesllng the fund, of the C I..Z who (it,n over- IWI-J '. ik. ambnnt of the 86fMlea.l,,n, as 4 trtX.' '!' T' . ,' ""l.f"1 . HeVthK A. J Frick, llobert Adams, R. V. Mngill, Uenrge Miles, C. W. Keknian, W. W. 1'inneo, W. J. Arms, Joseph C. tioyd, WiUon (iearlieart, Chus. V. Aiukerson, C. 1) Biddle, C. W. Forrester, E. O. llidgway, Frank C. Ierr, J. B. Oner. J h. Kiehl, S. C. Vansuut. Oovernment. '' The ambant of the BefMleation, aa Wiaed to, is 3lVtl. Mr, Furmaq waa held In ttOOO bail, for his appearance at the session of Ms V. S. Distriot Court, which waa eoinmenood in Philadelphia on Monday Inst. Tne Raw Cocar Hocsk la r.,idly approaching oomplotion. The toweris nearly finished, and is only awaiting tbe blrhds sVd tha clock dials to give it a propor and finished appearance. We regret tho omission of a ventilator in the eoalro of the csilicj of the courtroom. I t o rr ."' Ijy Tbb LowUburgers are busily engaged can vassing for subscriptions to the s'.ook of the new bridge to be ereeted at that plaoe. .. . (jItev Joshua Kvnnt, of Haierstown, Md., haa become pastor of tho Lutheran Cburob at Lewisburg. BUSINESS NOTICES. Lost A blue gingham umbrella, cane handle, on which was printed the name of II. B. Masscr, in red ink. Tho under is requested to restore it to its proper owner. Uf Macmme. Several valuablo Lock Sliioh Sewing Machines, new styles, for sale. Enquire at this office. tyN. F. LiQHTJER, at his Book Storo iu Pleasants' Building, Market street, has just received a largo assortment of Chinn Vases, Lava and Willow Hanging Baskets, Sandal Wood Fana, Fino Fuucy Canes, Meerschaean Pipes, Toilet U hisses, Caned Brackets, Fine Perfumeries, Musioul Instruments, to., to which he invites the attention of the public. l-Joan BiLLi.sos says that a good way for a man to train up a child in the way it should go, was lo travel that way occasionally himself, aud one of tho examples ho should place before his children is to buy his Boots and Shoes where money will bo saved in making the purchaM-s ; such a pluee, for instance, as Wu. H. Millku's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Storo, iu Market square, Sunbury, where there is an elegant assortment of all the latent styles and of tho very best material, at low prices. UgMEit or Tasts. It is a subject of general remark that the gentlemen and boys of tlrs place wear tho best fitting and hail-omest clothing that can he found In any town in this section of Stiuo. This is, no doubt, owing to the fact that Mr. Jacob 0. Beck, at hit Merchant Tailoring Establishment in Fourth street, bestows bis personal euro and atten tion in pleasing his numerous customers. He is re ceiving, every few days large additions to his stock of fashionable goods, and is thus onibled to plcaso all. Call and examine his stock. tjt'iLLAits A friend whoso gooseberry ' Lushes suffered from the depredations of these worms, -informs vs that aftor removing and destroying them fcveral limes, they again made thoir appearance, and that he finally kept them t (T the bushes by adopt ing the remedy wo suggested, namely, wrapping a strip of tmiFlin, saturated with lard, around the stem ol tho bush. t'jr Fish. Some of the Micrmen have been very siu'ccsaful in taking a li rge nun ber of fi-h below the dam, l y means of ihs dip not. Over a ton of thefe fisli, principally suckers end chubs, wrre dipped up by a p:irty with one ret, in the space of twenty. four hours. They wero retailed at 7 cts. per lb , but are principally taken into tho country. Chasuk op Tim a. Another chango took place on Monday Inst in the iime table of the Northern C .'n'ral and 1'hila. i Eric P.ailiouJ.s. Persons going to Philadelphia can breakfast at home and dine in the city, by tuking tho 6 o'clock train. TJie follow ing is the new schedule for tho arrival and departure of trains at this place : SUPT3. lFnoccEDi:ias or jtnc Bonouun Council. Ccunoil met on Tuesday evening last, agreeably to adjournment on tho ljth list. Chief Burgess, Bright, iu tho chair. Members present Messrs. Iteun, Bourne, Bastian, Brice, Zcltlcwoycr, Slay maker, Uaaa and Engel. The committee on streets, lanes and alleys, re commend to tbe Chief Burgesa that the borough engineers eross-seetion the road coiumencsnz at John Shissler's, and running south as far aa Mrs. Fry's house, and have the work done hy the yard, or direct the Supervisors to employ teams and do tho work by the day. Proposals for repairing the embankment, between the widow Fr3''s stone house and John Hopper s. in the borough of hunburv, wero received from Charles Unrinjer and M. A. Koeler 4 Co., and nlso from John Shissler, for repairing tbe load from bis hcueo to Welker's line. On motion, ticiotved. That a tax of one-half cent on the dollar be levied and collected fir borough purposes, the same to be assessed according to the valuation assessed for county purposes, on all pro- rty. omjcsrotcssions, anil persons made taxable , .... I rni... . , ... nn irruniuu i imuu, aim win render articu lation easy. To tiiem esposed to sudtleti clntnucs- in the wcuther they will uivo prompt relief in Cottfilia and CoMm, nod can lie carried . in tile packet to be taken aa oc cuiioti rcijuiics. "DON'T BE Fll0USil." You enn aiaku Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call mid ex- untitle an invention urgently needed liy every- I'od.Vi Or stutiplo sent tree hy mini hr fil) cents Hint retails caaily for i)(l. Iitr U. L. WOLCOTT. 170 Clmtlinin Square, N Y. Pept. 15, 1805. 1y. Trtnanrcr's Knlo of Real l:lnte. tY to the prnvlsions nf lite Act nf Aiaem- Ini Ail Aet to Heitnee the tuate llelii. Aa.. pnweil ihr !h itav of Aurtl, 1814, fur hnn-rMTineM of ( Taxes, and its euiuileintiit Mieiet', the TreaawiM ,f Nor lliuiuberlaiid 0'iente hrreby ivr notice lo sll persnita . eoiteernril therein, thai ualesi the Cimmjr. State, Hoed, I Peliiiol and U. Tuxes, eto , due on the d.lh.wnn Kenl i Kstatem Ilia CiHiiiiy of NrllniuilferlNail, we ipa iwiiil ' before the daf of sale, the whnle or siteh parts of eaeh aa will ear the rharprea and ei'Slat hmcrahte there"n. will be ulclt the Otirl H"iie, 111 the Uonnifh of Punhuiy. tJimnty of NorlhumherVMid, the second Mmulay of June. I '86, hein; Die llih Hay of Hie mmllh, anil Hie sale will I coirth'neil liv siH'Mirimwnt fmrn ilay I" iff for nrieainrrt of I'axee due the s-iid County, and the cosit occurring 011 each respectively. MT. CA'.tMIili BOROt OII. Tl owaaaa. RantiwnliiFr, Thoe. Blelmrd, v,, Cirirr, Patrice, ratrly, M. llillmh , Wm. Jonea, Th n. Kiler. Michael Ml. Caimrl Co. Morris, Wharinn M't?aikey. David Moreaii, Tkirnias J. , ainrphv, tlnuerl Moiann, W. J. Mnri(aM, Jnmes, ! IVrRiiisr. Wm iivin, 1 nomas llMh-r. Wm. Wa' kiiis, Messiah ft,, do aiklna. Sheileriek Zeiirllnl. llavid J-ines, Henj Jiaies. ft leliard, Quoin Th' mas, Doiiohoe, Tatriek Ed. llelfensteiii's estate, I Ecri y 1 bos. and tbe Chief Burgess is hereby directed to issue 1 bis warrant for Ihe collection ol said tux. as directed by the Act of Assembly, in such cose made aud provided On motion, orders were granted to John Murklv to tho amount of 20(1 for borough bond transferred tc him hy W. 11. Uohrbaeh. u motion. titaltiil. That the Chief Burgess nf thu burnusih nf Sunbury have authoiity 'o employ Joshua W. CiinJy, Esq., in connection with some otlier counsel, to couiiaen'e proceedings at law a-'ainst ihe Northern Central aud the Philadelphia A l.ric Companies, or their lessees, for the eieotiou anil maintaining of any nuisanco or uuisan- ; ces wiibiu tho limns of said borough iy Rem kmberiko Fbiemds. We have fre quently heard persons wishing, after the decease of f iends, for something to reinombcr tnein by. In these timet tbo best we can recommend is n Coo A mbrotype or Photograph, which every ono should procure, while the prioe U so small, ut S. Bycrly's Onllcry, in Bussler's building, corner of Market and Fourth streets. Mr. B.'s pictures are rich in tono and true to lifo. Cull and sec the Sue groups and singlo pictures at his Gallery. . ISrA hkw Restaurant and Boarding House has recently been erected and opened by Mr. Charles Itzle, in Cuke's addition, near the'. 4 E.U It. Co.'s works. Tbe house is fitted up with a great deal cf care and taste, aud every effort is made to make guests comfortable. The sen ices of Mr John Mur phy have been engnged by Mr. Iulo, as clerk, and all know that whero John holds forth things are dono up in the best stjle. "Nkw Ice Ciikam Saloox. Wo obs.-rvo that our young friend, David Fry proprietor of the bakery, has opened an ico eream saloon, nt his reti. dence, in Spruco street, where ho will keep on 1 hand an excellent articlo of this delicious summer luxury. He has employed one of tho best manufac turers of io cream, and will servo up every afternoon nnd evening, vanilla., lemon, orange, chocolate, peach, pine-apple and strawberry cream. His sa loon is filttd up in tbe most comfortable manner, and he will spare no pains to accommodate all who may bo pleased to patronize him. Families, parties, Ac, supplied nt reasonable rates. a printer, tho Mail Train, Erie Express, Jilmira ' Erio Mail, Eiiuiru " Lrie Express, 10.10 A. M. 6.00 II. SO P. M. 4 CO A. M. 4 40 P. M. 6.45 " l-A Yousa Laov explaiued to other day, the distinction between printing aud pub lishing, und at the conclusion of her remarks, hy way of illustratin, sho said: '-You may ;it a kisi a p p........ a m k.11 ..r emo rnv rendered in adjusting quotas. c, for tho borough ' on my cheek, but you must not )WiAit." Ye of Sunbury, during tliu rebellion, and a ouuiinuui- j people! hear tho fact we pttlUxh John E. Smick, cation was also reoeiied from him iu reference to tho I Jlerchant Tailor, Fourth Street, opposite Weaver's same Referred to Commitlee on Finance. , . , ,. ..-. ., 1. t Mr. Bi ice presented a petition citizens, ask- ! ",cl. JUft received another cxtc.sivo stock of ing that an ordinance bo passed prohibiting young ' Summer Goods, from New Wk ami 1'hilaJel m n and boys from playing ball ou the Court House j pU-,H which embraces all the very latest styles and g'.n:i.",A.i".rk',.!3:!r.i n.; 7... fashions, and wl u". he Is enabled to sell cheaper TriK Markets. Wheat has gradually advanced and i scarce at 82.80. in this place. Tbo unpnuii ting state of the crops, no doubt, has caused the rise. At suoh prices foreign wheat is already com in; in. Potatort aro scarce and command $2 per bushel. Provisioni of all kinds continue high. Intro is nothing to justify u lung continuance of these prices. tyTur. Weatueb. the oold and changeable weather has greatly retarded tbo growing ciops, and unless we soon have rain and warm weather, wheat, I and other oerenl crops, will suffer seriously. Several weeks since tho prospects wero bright, but the con tinued cold aud dry weather render these lets promising. Up Tbe Quarterly Conference ot the Susquehan na District of Good Templars will be held at Lykensi Dauphin county, commencing on Monday, 2Slh inst. Tbo distriot embraces Dauphin, Frauklin, Cumberland. Schuylkill, Lebanon, Northumberland, Spydcr and Union counties in which there are tome thirty Lodges, each of which it entitled to tond five delegates. j Buuglaiiy in Leyusbi'KQ. On Tuesday night of lust week, tbe drug and variety store Of S G. Bennett, in Lewbburg, was burglariously en tered and robbed of perfumery, satchels, soaps, 4c, tj the amount of f 'MO. Tbe shutters were foroed .opou, and two large panel of glass in the Dow window hrokon. A young man, a resident of that place and very respectably connected, has been arrealed as the perpetrator of tbe crime, aud tbe stolen property was nearly all lound on bis premises. Mr. Bennett, the gentleman robbed, is a brother of W. A. Bennett, druggist, of ibis plaoe. t"i"WmTSi'TiB," or in Gorman '-Pfingslen," occurred on Sunday lust. Whit Monday, which follows, was duly celebrated by our German friends at Port Trevorton. The day was pleasant, snd everything pasted off satisfactorily. lu tbe evening a grand ball was given at tbe 'Charles Hotel," in Ibis plaoe, by tbe proprietor, Mr. Julius Arbiter, which wat gotten up iu good ttylo. . Tbe parly was com posed principally of Ger man residents of tbe town, who teemed to enjoy the music and dancing very much, had whioh, ne doubt, reminded tbem of tho many happy oelebraliont of tho oouastoa which tkey had enjoyed io the 'faderland" and Eugcl. as a committee to wait uHn John G. Aftirklo In returenco to opening Chestnut ttroct, through his land, to the "Gut." (In motion of Mr. Brice, Xitiolvcd. That a commit tee of three bo appointed to examine a list of exone rations reported by Mr. Weiser. collector. . Mcasrs. Brice. Bastian and Henn, were appointed said committee, with instructions to report at next tiated meeting. On motion, udjourned. Jacob Shifhan, Clerk. The Ohatios delivered by Rev. M. Rhodes, on the ocoasion of the dedieation nf the Soldiers' Monu ment, on tbe IStb inst., will appear in our next issue. A Lecture will be delivered in Ihe old Court House, on Monday evoning next, by Mr. Detweiler. oi liiirrieburg, on tbetubjectof "Temperance." All interested in behalf of the cause are respectfully invited to attend. IV House amd Bcoor Stolex. On Tuesday night, IStb inst., a fine bay burse and a good top ' buggy were stolen from John Iloffa, In Turbut town ship, this county. Tbe thief, who it supposed to be a resident of the neighborhood, wat followed at far at Limeslooeville, after which all traces of the rascal were lost. jKiuLKn ar a Uobse. On Monday, 7th inst., man named Matthew Riley, aged about SO years, while intoxioaled, entered the stable of Mr. Kremer, hotelkeeper, in I'niontown, Union county, and wat to terribly injured by the kicks of a bone that he died a few moments after. Ij- lMoa Vtcroar ix Williamspobt. At tho charter election held in Williaoisport, on Wednes day of last week, Maj. James Woods, the Union candidate for Mayor, wat elected by a majority of about one hundred and fifty a Union gain of nearly three hundred. Tbe Republicans alto elected eighteen out of tbe twenty-four members of the city council. Heretofore the copperheads had a majority of the offieers, and entire oontrol of the affairs of tbe town. than any other establishment in this section of coun- ry. (jp L. H. Kase, Esq., is duly authorized agent fur tbe collections of Pensions and Bounties, and is also authorized and prepared to collect olaimi from the State, due soldiers 01' the war of 1812, in necessi tous circumstances, or their widows, agroeubly to un Act to provide for the payment cf gratuities and an nuities to the soldiers of the waroflS12, and to their widow s, approved March 30, 1303. 13-'I am glad this coffee don't owe me anything," said a book-keepor to bis wife tho other mornii g at breakfast. '-Why?" was the response. "Because I don't bclievo it would ever settle." This loving husband n.llit also have added, with great propriety that people generally bave bceomo "settled" in the conviction that Slay rnftker, of the Continental Cloth ing Bazaar, corner of Market and Third streets, soils the cheapest and most fashionable Ready-Mado Clothioz that can be procured in tbe country. He is now telling whole suits of splendid material for mere song. HIJ.-MJIISV JlAIIUEi'N, Corrected Weekly for the "Amerioan." i-s-v.w Wabeiiolsk Wears pleated to ob- t m - - ... . . , , , . . terve that our friona wr. . -completed Lit large and exteotive warohoute, on Third street, below the trotting cf tbe Shamokin Valley and Northern Centf al roads, sad has already Bioved into it. The sew building, which is much larger than the one formerly occupied, was rendered necessary to aooommodate bis large and inoreailiig trade m grain, flour, feed, ., and we are glad to ee that bit tuergy oud entorpsiie ! booig rewarded with success. The building was eantraeud for nd put up by M; C Wilder, arroerM4 Wlier, e( S) j plao. . r ' Vl IV- ArpoiaTMsat. Jot. J. R. Orwtg, Esq., of the Mifllinburg Tl'g"pk, has been removed from tbe office of Assistant Assessor of Union county, sad Mr. C. E. Uuus appointed in bis stead. Uf I Snyder county there are sixty venders of merchandize. ' 15-Tk Stobii m Dasvili-ss. Tbs storm whioh visited tbis nlaoe 00 Sunday week last, wat very eevere in Danville. Tbe Amtritm, of that plaoe, ' aayt that the tall tleeple of the South Ward Luthe ran Church wat blown down, thattering tbe roof and the front well. A portion of tbe roof was also blown from the North Ward Lutheran Churob, wbioh lit on (be house of Mr. 12. Moody, erushing it down and doing considerable damage. Tbe vane and top of tbe steeple on tbe South Ward Presbyterian Cbarch also yielded to the blast, and houses were partially dismantled and trees were skivered, whose broken limbs were strewed through every street in tbe town. Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do per ewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do Buckwheat Flour Wheat, prime white Ry. Corn, . Outs, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do unpartd Dried Annies. Driad Cherries, (unstoned.) per bu. Butter, per pound, tggs. Cheese, Lard, Hams. Sh nl lert, Beif, hind quarter, ' front . " -' Mutton, Pork, Veal. Chickens, Freab Salmon, do Shad, per ewt. oo per bushel , do do do do per round do per doten, per pound, do do do do do do do do per pau per pound per pair $13 60 6 60 9 bu 5 60 6 60 i ell 100 lie CoulfewNioiiM tint! IC&pcrlciice ill AX In VA LID. Published for the benefit nnd as a caution to young men and others, who sailor from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, 4c, supplying at the aame time the means of self-cure. By one who nas cured himself a'ter undergoing considerable quuek rv. ttv n.lniiinir tMiat-tiaiti addressed unvelune. single copies, Iree of charge may bo had of the uu- j Htrhardsnii. Wm, llior. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co, N. V. January 27, 1800 ly. ' Imii"m', Itlitidiit-NM nnd Cut nri-Ii, Treated with the utmost success by l)r. J. ISAACS Oculist and Aurist. (luiuierlv of I.eden, Holland. 1 No. 619 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most retiablu sources in the City and Conn- Helfiaisleiii, Clias. P. try can be seen at his office The medical faculty arc invited to accompany their patients, ns he lias no se crets in his praolioo. Artificial Eyes, inserted with out pnin. No charge luudu lor examination. July 22, liJOi. ly New Jehsicv 1'okt Wise. This new article of American Winn is meeting with uncommon favor in European circlt a, nnd highly esteemed hy tho heat itliysiei-ins in this country. The following is testimontil we stivv liom the Jftw York Ilnspi'.ul. We tiulilisli it lor thu information ol'unr readers: New Y irk. Nov. 14. I nm using Specr'u "Suinljurg Fort Wine," I nnd find it to lie nn excellent tnnio and "en- t'e Ktimulunl, nnd ns cueli 1 believe it pro feruhlu to the commercial port, und all other wine, 11s it possesses their tonic properties without the dultterious elutct caused hy their impurities. It is itlso very pumtuulc, ami tliis) is a leconiuieiulution to many es peciullv females. S. S. M inis, 51. D.. N. Y. Hospital. This is tin excellent nrticlc for liitiiily use. ntid for female0. W, A. Bennett has it lor sale. 'J'O ('OtlSlilll(tt i VfN. Tho advertiser, having been restored to health in (few weeks by a very tiuiple remedy, nfter having suffered for several years with a severe lung aflectiont aniLiat dread disease. Consump'ion Is unxious to mako known to his fellow sufferers tho moans of euro. To all who desiro it, ho will tend a copy of the - prescription used (free of char, e), Kilii tho d'.rco lions fur preparing nnd nsing the same, which they will End a settE C111E for Coxshjiptiox. Asthma, BnoNcliiTia, Couulis, CoLPS, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object ol tho advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted aud spread information which he conceives to bt' in valuable, aud he hopes every sufferer will try his remody, as it will cost them nothing, and muy prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, rnEE, by return mail, please address Rr.v. EDWARD WILSON, Willinmsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13, 1S60 ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i NEW 0 V if N I N 6 Ol' 'lo!ltiai, ;i-nlN I'ui-tiisililnsi; (aOUlU, ttoUlh At SIlOS'H. riAHE undersigned takes pleasure inanneunciug to 1 the publij of Sunbury, and vicinity, that ho hat opened his CLOTIIIUG-STO'RE, witn a well selected stock of l'r.i I'l KeSIIIU (.OUUK. I will sell at astonishing low prices. I have also still on hjiud a large stock of Boots & Shoes, for Ladies. Gents nn 1 Children's wear, which I am selling oil, us I intend to give up that brunch ei bust ness. It will he to the advantage lo Cash Burcnsto givo mo a call. S. KRONENBERG. f. Gnoas' old stand, Market Squaro. Sunbury, April 7, laOd. AXP NOW OP'EN, a largo and complclo stock of WALr.-l'AI'KIJ AM) BOKDEU. Win-low Curtains, School, lUar.k, Juvonile and ether UOtilvS. ' js. I .'! or, :'ol mid Itiilrt I'aper, ENVELOPES all kinds and sijes. Arnold's tVriting Fluid in large and small bottles Rosewood, Gilt aud other Picture Frames. ALIiUilS- FIsHINCJ TACKLES Balls, L'ats, Marbloj, Toys for Pprin" and Siyimcr. Choice Cittars. Smoking and Chewing Tobaecf , Pipes of all kinds Pipe Stems. Ioi-i;iu'i-y, I'ot'kct XEoolkfci, 4'omtn. Law Books furnished at publishers rates, Musiu orders promptly filled. All books not ou hand promptly ordered, .llosiltily iiskI Ws's-Kly v.itii's l:iel'. Daily Press und Inquirer, hanX TICKETS for Liverpool, QueeDstowu und the West Drafts ou Europe. Thankful for past fuvora and tolioiting aconlinu. ancc of the same. N. FERREE LltJHTNER. Sunbury, April 7.1SS6. WILLIAM W. APSLEY'S M lioleaulo Boot, Shoe and Trunk WAREHOUSE, MI'MIl BCY, IA, TTTM. W. APSI.EY haa just opened a if tort. no. 1 :j 1 m a 14,15,6?, 1 18 t II 13,13. 1 ' . 3 1 a IJ.ia, t 1 .. I 1 I 1 l 1 14 I II tl 85, J5, ' 1 Mi 10 ZERDK. 3 12 tl, ' 4,7i I IS 3 3,4 ii, 3 4 5.8, 3 t,.3, V 1.4, 3 1 2 3, l,tt.3.t.5,fl, J II, II, i 0.7, 4 3.4,5.0, Id II, 3 ,0J, 9 acres, iocs:. 61 OS 43 St 61 ei 41 121 a; 31 4 30 sa 60 as 65 SI 44 4 16 It 3d 87 84 31 i)i 35 63 41 M . 60 61 1Y a 6,7,?, i4o 1 acre, 1-47 00 ucres, 13 " 40 I 1,3 3,1,5,0, 41 I are, 3 IU lots, 3 4 3,4.5,0,7 S 5 to 13 0 5 to, 10 6 1,9,3.4,5.6, II 5 0 to 11 13 7 1 to 7 31 4 6 to 13 14 13 31 7 3 to 8 !M 13 Si 5 3 to 7 V0 IU 3 S 1 to 3 31 7 1 to 7 30 7 7 to 13 34 13 94 13 37 13 40 il 3 to II 41 7 I to 7 41 3 10,11, 45 7 41 8 to 13 .47 13 it 7 7 to 13 S3 5 6 to 13 St 5 7 lo 1 1 55 6 6 In 13 IS iu I 10 10 67 i 13,13, 57 6 I to 0 50 4 8 to 1 1 6U 7 1 to 7 til 0 B7 6 7lifl ftsj 1 70 6 1 to 6 (-3 3 6,7,9, 76 a 3.5, 77 a 7,8, h 1 e t-o 1 5 sa 1 5 M I 4 b9 5 1 to 3 00 3 ' 13,13 VI 13 H.3 3 89, lot II 1,3, 10 j 1 3 lOJ I 4 105 t 5 105 3 t.d, 106 3 3.4,13. 100 5 1 lo 5 110 1 4 116 3 1,3 3 110 3 1,3,3, 11 1 7 1 U B llo 1)5 1 O U0 4 4 to 13 137 4 lu to 13 13s 3 3.5.H, UU 4 of4 tos, l.'l) a acres, 1 i i a u a it a 17 a 31 a 33 a 3 I 38 1 31 1 33 1 35 t 43 t 44 1 47 t 61 I S3 I 57 I 6tj I 70 I 78 I t4 I 7 1 01 I 01 1 lift I lot I I IO a 1 -it) II IM , a t-i'.i a tin 3 1-13 a m it 1.55 a 1-0 1 lf.7 t llii 1 Ka li fl 133 6 t'1 I tl 20 acres, I ae-c, . 0 133 a 3,4, 01 3 !-'" 1 e,o,i, ihi 13 I 0 I acre, NEW STOKE iu the well-known house of Mrs. lioul- tou. in Market street, and oilers to ll.e citiaeii.i or Sunbury nnd neighboring towns, 1)00X5 SliUES of the best ouali'v and workmanship, llo bavinir 60 t made arraneemeuts with first-class manufacturers 1 90 I to supply the best iiuulity of goods. I Iu the Wholesale Department he calls the alien 25 . lion of Couolrj Sturukecpera lo bit flue stock, wbiub 15 will be told at the lowest wbolusule prices, thus era- 3 75 ' bliug Retail Dealers to save txpeuie of vuiting the 59 cities to replenish their stock. IS 1 In tbe hetail Department oan be found BOOTS, 24 SHOES, '1 HUNKS, VALISES, to., which, in price, 25 : at these timet, are without a parallel. 25 . '1 he stock of Ladies' W-ar is superior in tlyle and 20 1 workmanship thau it usually found incoiiutry towm, It I embraoiug gemt of Uuluiorals, splendid Congress 15 (Jailers, aud fancv shoes of every kind. IU I W. W. A. also calls alteutioo to bu large stock of Heu't wear, of latest stylus, that will fit any foot with ease and comfort. a Come Oue I Come All ! Sunbury, March 10th. I860. 11 11.13, 10,11, 4 10 7 TAX. IM37 7m IU V) 1 ns 4 81 16 60 1 65 476 35 6 40 10l I 65 345 3 45 1 30 4 IU 4 vn 3 65 4 en 3 75 75 65 4 4U 6 07 4 40 4vn , 16 50 8 40 143 44 1 31 1 V8 1 34 en 1 31 9 5 . t6 1 Wl ta M 4 30 1 73 1 73 139 43 en 39 10 HI 19 111 tu sss 1 47 a 14 M) 3 0(1 3 14 3 00 eo 566 3 no 600 3 0) s:J I '0 3 00 ar.7 1130 7tr4 7 64 WIU 3 oil H 43 8 51 6 IS 5 50 JS 4 3D 3 HI 7 75 13 till 1 33 1 31 1-0 0 33 4 13 OU if 5S I 73 I 4 3U 4 3U IU 74 3 '.Ml 6 69 a" 315 14 h II 4'i loot ! 644 6 96 671 7 33 13 44 13 141 13 Ml 6 09 0 43 17 1)1 0 15 4 30 tf 30 3 ri 1707 J 73 ; IS :. a -v so J. - ,10, ,,, ;03 - . ; , 1 71 - . 0 77 ... 0 7V t ' 7 U7 . . . .714 - 100 9 04 0 103 ' n 111 s lit) 0 120 4 123 Flcckcrt, Ceo A 8 3 MeCHrtj.Joe 8 4,5 83 L'liiistiiitin. P 1 1 47 AT Bliiiminn & Kreiger !i In pnrt of 20 lie t ween lot 2U ami ltannmn Gracy, John Kase, S Rl V Evans & Mrs Loiigeuecker 2 4UU,410 20 12aU To 20 SO Special Noticra. fcr'b;K a Woman, in another column picking Sam burg grapes for Speer's Wine. It is an admirable article, used in the hospi tals nnd by tbe first class families in Paris, London ud Now Yyrk, in preference to old Port .Wine. It.ltv worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. For sale by W. A. Bennett. j Kejser, Joas 1, lie, James K. , I.I-VVIS, .1 .t i:a : 1.7111 ' iMaurrr, Fthx t(. 1 Our, Claoiir ; Mnmhatl, Win. ng't. j 11ual11011. JoIim I'liiTiirtr-y, James j Slaotoa, V11t. I Watnn ha. Inseph , Villi-im, Will. I Kearfoes, Juliu Selinell, Julia I Ajisley. Cl'tulian 5 Aluuiler, Wul. to 1 lleirsiirrr. Jonas 13 liuik, I-:,!. 11. oi l 8 flurgi-r, Iv.ia- 6 j Itjtieriu'in, Tlios. arut, II . ('aiiipliell, J"!m l-'u. 4 I Caioi i.i-ll Win 7 , DuiiklelH-rcer, I. bvirs, a 6,7, 1 Donley. Mailin 5 Daiiiililier-ir. J. S 11, Deellliaell. DuvhI 3 1,3, ltatly, 1 itni-K 8 l-'ptini:, Iteii.-eea 6 l-'iautz. 1 itt.i 7 Farm '. Th"mi 1 (narl.iiil, lien.ietnia (iMllk-r, .'nt. Hrim ft l.u'. 7 arret, Motaivl, Tie un:ie 6 " While, Mo liael 7 " 1UiiiiiK-iiiiiMr, Thus. 4 " tlri-t'iien. Jotiu o llurk, I'aliiek . t i'k. I.'li'i fiav, M rhael rinrk. John Pewiii. Joan Oillesiite. Thomas 6IIAMOKIN BOROUGH. Ehamokin Town Lot Assosiation 150 lots Win. H. M. Oram 3 23 118 111 In A6 01 134 110 1U7 fe5 55 7 ll'S 133 60 137 103 Pit 131 CO 107 131 !tlusilool Uovv sLiOMt Iiovv ICelr-l. Just published, a new editioa of Da. Ci'Lveb- wp.ll's CitKBHAisn Ebsav on lli s radical cure 1 (without medicine) or Sperma torrbeea, or seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, liniotency. Mental and 1'hysioal Inoapaoity, Impediments to Marriage, eto ; alto, Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits InduoeJ by telf-indulgeuoe or sexual extravagance. IgT Price, in a sealed envelope, only t eente. lUe celebrated author in thit admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from thiity years' luooeosful praetioe, that the alarming consequences of self abuts may be radically eured without tbe dangerout use 01 internal uedieine or the appliaaiion of tbe knife Dointiuf out a mode of oore at onoe simple, oertain. and effeotaal. by meant of wbioh every sufferer, no 17 The aouiraeter far tbe erection of the Milton Bridge, Mf . Orifey, ts fuhbf log Wk t"8traietit to tbe teoitb of tbe flrma matter what hueonditioo may be, may cure blmself ment of Fashion even at a atar migbt go- : eheaply, privately, aad radical uu row the horiwm to the meridian- IdT This Lecture should t fi , the bands of every Phalon'a "Mgbt Blooming C.reo," has as- . S.dTsLTu Mvelepe. to ar ad etriiled in ibreu ebort years, leaving beliind ' &ttm, post-paid, oareeeiptofsis eeoie,or twa post it ail the lesser llgbis. foreigu and inietic, suioue. Address tha, puolWiers, , and atai.liahinir its preeiubnence over all - Jili' J tin pwmM ct tb. fitv 8oid mjrhere. 5raV - V - 4 4 S 3 8 S 6 3 8 8 W II Marshall ethers 3 1 S WUManlielintra'tU 83 43 43 61 GO 61 ei 03 68 9 71 81 45 19 fil 63 eo 70 83 108 120 133 3 37 99 Vastine Cecelia Lunetider Culh Graham Hen i v Hull Charles M Koeler Christian Snaveley, Bunj Uiclinrd, Charles Sloan, Philip I I 2 3 2 I I 8 U 11 i,a 84 3 3 4 8 8 6,8 2 8.0 4,5 1,0 G 8,0 6 6 8 4 12 6 11 1 0 1 0 4 2 4 8 13 71 2 8 1 1 11 12 13 5 1 12 Hill, Joseph Kusemuti, Mrs F M F heirs Mart., Benj l'trsiug, Muthiug Xotter, Albert LcUvnring, G Y Lcfkr, Jos Hunt, Jolin llesitlee & Gttssler Weaver, Murtin Duelierty, John I Aljult, Leonidis I liniscr, Daniel I Cutiipton, John I Gilinger, Joliu lieirs 2 J June?, Evmis HollniiHi, Martin ICoskey, Widow Kani.iir, Jos A I Li! ley & Sinter 3 I. liens, James 3 Martin, Win II I Sykes. I.idiu I Mewtitd, Clark I Sulivati, Tlioiiiaa I Thompson, J iir's I Tharp, JiinotLun S 1 Yost, Barbara I Zunibrnller, Michael Ut-rk, I f 11 nit iv liorlt'l, Mn liiiel iiisli, Kli7.alM.-t U Woods, Jolin W 12 10 V 4 1 1 0 3 2U 3 5 4 7 2,37 73 123 63 1,2 1,2,3 10,10 190 0 118 83 4 C3 13 43 83 87 88 00 W3 103 104 113 113 114 113 117 113 120 123 128 120 103 103 103 U'J 61 ea 110 ltil) 78 14 124 24 21 10 84 67 78 7(1 111 113 U9 1 63 70 41 49 41 00 12S 130 51 83 110 1U0 73 89 108 00 143 104 137 1 100 00 8 82 2 88 3 24 8 47 8 03 3 03 3 03 IS TIIe'cITV Ot SEW YORK, ' ' Of atiiRhlfrepeitiil.ieilisi1ellkniwii to the Mer-caulitecu'niniiini)-, by ' " 11 It. j.,n. acu KMC It, THli GREAT Llf'NO UOCTOK Ol' PIIILADKLI HI A, Orrice N , Y. asuOalssa Uul' i No. H" N'asju 81, New Vork, iime I, Irfla. l'a I u tnusl)THr8it : For over fifteen en a I tiuve ueun Iruuliteil tvilh a Mvere couah.amt nillall)' IWH ortaioa 11. ii 1(Mr w .1, lu,va ut la lieiwnihaae, wloeli tinrtUer.l-r ihe km rw )!, has kept me Hull M Beh aim Ul l Wraa u, a,, buMHaa of ell) liiuil wiihoul sulluriiig I,, AiiKUitlati I haiia veri severe hein arliege, and.aeeoKliiin u ihe Jatgilm,t ia .w w V.,rk pli) ieiaii.1 Wm clui.ou M,,nMl ,h; fMr, f ami was wlvwnl In I pie.iarM. ., far Bftpeity mut ters wre enieeuietl, In lave 'Ins world t thou noli. e. Ihe iitiisieian (any mr Hid trieml.) n,i, that tho lir.l eolu 1 t.ak tnn.l pr.iv. iui,- iri, iH jMI,v severe eobl.aiHl fittoiallely Was oueun,hi loin.s at No. itkVitit lb Ittth f Jmiuaty fincarM ht .11143 4 y :Ur I'tilHttuMc rtrtip mid eiju.iiteitroil iaknit it tit-fty ,uy let't mill liiiitr wertj very murh wnllnt, hi.iI nit tt n ytn,i. tumtnl ei pwty dt-Qtti ivrmtsil ut Hrciittpnny i ci. t lent t(7T my forniet phyticimi, hiiiI rtateil m ttjH Mmi wms tukiiikf )ur iitriticiiirft. ntKl Mttv-r h .wing ttirm to inm, mvi huviiig tiittrtl ui llttjtn, tlo. tm rfplittl; Vm r:iu iHko Mm like, lit1)' will li t you i.e hunt). 0 it id : "Y"ti knw wlml 1 t"IJ o hint tuiniucr, nml 1 1,1 y tho mme lew, if yrti hie nny biiBiiKM tti Ht.tM up. di hot put itort.11 H BHid ti sttlicr iiittiiit ih'il ti c..n'i ; tee no lior me," itd my iiitii(tanil re1tiiniii c-i-Wu-1d my tnn-hud eome. At this time I wn inking frvnv nf yimr medicine, mummim wvti u. 1 neuiH iornrit-M n frw tunes, nml fuml tne (much t liiturprip ). avil ) impMvin, niirl liectiM ir"t uiidetkimirl why. My iuvit vn hicrenit'sT ii your meJirtti ml I It trt n wuh (a Imve you cX'ttttine my wrnt, and tee wlmt you in Ktv. When ytu firm came to iuv To.m nd mwd'.' the ex:to4m ti.m. v'w puve me but little vm "urnReniv-t. hut on il.ts C'Mitrar, expirwl Kid l"iit't "f my evrr Im uu h-l; m! out of'mv then cemnift difi'-oltirn. Ihe cmr iim thiit you called. finiiig me wid tzninnff, y.m in.- n. oourHgement. Mying, ' ' y"ll "Vl"" 'W .k- tir.......f. tfvrini. Sen. weed Ionic and .Mumliak-, I ;li hMdrted lika a ch.irm My cinuhtion, mpu thf mm 1 v"s. 1 " 29 1 1 1 71 10 17 70 8 O'i mi. r.tnn, a lillla ml ii.unrl me imnioviii, aed tulil me no' I" manlil the Gi'tt ilav of May. I t'H you In r.alure. aopetire. all negmio improve.! '"; - 1 I'll villcu iitw ,1. -.' ' - ' 111 1 .1 riy !.l wili.e under your ir-amvut. mv iM.eiite 'J ,, " ' Id me 10 eal i-verviniin ! - - and to exernse ali'.ut tne ni -m h muui hie I f.illowedyour advire. aim m uie i"ii""c phvsician sad fneiiJa, I seen, mueh lK.tterih.iw I have ga lm seveial ye..., and urea! he lamer ihaa I ever ex necietl a ncr.o.i eou!.l with one Innr, the lfl liema en,. nletely dried up. 1 f-l vcrv erateful to you, and ejusider yoursdvieeeiijicine. tavaluaM. g 8HEU)o:t- Pbncx Dear !ii :-At'iut two years aco I vas 6 SO 1 63 Dr. taken with a very Iroul.leaume cman " " " .' Ineasti seven ni eieht uiontlis paw"! away without my doing anviliiiit for'niysetl. Then 1 liitled ''" ''. V . i cian, who aucai'edme for al. .ut lluee mmilm iwi.hi.ut ,....!.....- ..... I nlMi oliLlineil Ihearvireand 8 0 3 2 1,2. 10,14 8,0 6 803 8 13 103 3 03 03 79 41 U 100 108 00 101 173 77 11 13 1G 13 72 8 53 0 50 27 16 1 25 7 00 2 78 1 22 15 22 00 3 50 9 10 7 !. I -l i u a 15 .1 II IU 44 S M 7 61 lie ft 4 01 8 30 8 17 1 ! SI 1 IU II 7H a I e.l 11 M 4 40 3 IS net 1 1 ft 26 !)6U 9 HI 14 ItS 4 fl I l 7 78 3 34 4 118 8 74 11) 18 VI tit 5 f4 71 I SO 4 uu So 611 SOU 0 7S S4 47 61 ri-.unlirrliu. Bamael tiilleliiilr, J tui.livirs, tiilteseii-, An:l ony, .Mrl'Z, W. II Krehs. Jacob fiiufite. Williitni lluiikleliei'eer. J.'ha . l-'iuney, 'I h-inias llUnid, 'rtioiiias llulni . J In. Iluuil le, Ttiomaa Kline, Kentieii, agent, linker, hayres, Ira, farm, Neeer, ll;ilit NajeisA- l-'nrsytb, l.yneh. J hu i'oy, JuLu I I I I ZI'.RUK i a I acre, 1 I 1 t 6 a 3 i 1 8 V aeies, 10 1 6.0, 4.i, a 6 10 ,iu, 8 1 S I 13 4 1 , 14.16, I.Mtl, t lo I I l,i..i, !.., i. a, 1,2, 3,4. C. P. Ilclfeustein, 8 toll a I to a 13 ' 3.H, 4 t" 1 9,10, lo II u l,t. 7B, 6.1u, 7,n, 10 l,7.. II 6 10 to 13 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 Exeesa ol Dloek 50, UI'l'Eft ALOl'SfA. 10 5,1, 107 lift 0 I3'J ISO 437 57 71 103 191 1'JI Wl 6J li-J 40 31 76 41 e-4 111 loj 40 70 71 77 7i t Vi lull lo haj Id 113 IJI lis lao 133 134 IM I '17 lis 134 I4U lHU 1711 174 174 178 I'l lt-i 133 38 88 28 50 07 78 40 60 78 75 47 62 40 63 10 50 21 81 1 10 0 60 1 43 ireBttwutnr e pinsieian in one ol our niima.", had the adviee and treatment of two plnsiciann, butatl loini puriKise. burin thit long .pace of lime 1 was nearly dead ; aeveral limes niv frio .its '-aiiie lose me and witn- niv exit into ihe spir.l-woild. 1 wa con fineil to iuv lied two nionllis at one time. My Ircnil.iiiK wa. rxcerdiiialy I g ive ui several tiui all li"io of fretting tielter ; and ns regarded gflttuir well, that w. etitnely out ol the question. And to think tins i'ay I Bin well aad heaity ! I wa. advised hy s nne ft inv fi tend, t try Dr. SRHaxca's Medicine.. 1 iiceiirdinfriv lnwvin lt itM.,f., h,niM until I ri.iir-h.-il ihi- itinth : then I f -trid u decided chanije in niv eouali for the better. I suifarc.l S'Veiely from paliiitillion o'l the heait, ui d tV" weeks sfier 1 cmmenceil inking your meiiieino this diii.euny ceased Warn I Hrsl went to Dr. Seta-nek's nice it was won ililTli ully thai I could pel up iino llis lee. p l II mian, I waa so weu and so j my skm wm a rail nv aa th -ush I hrtd tnr; 1 letl dull, aenty ..n,l r!eu..les&. Dr. Seheack ulter ex.uiiu.uig me naid Icah my lunps werenfleeieil.aii.l gave m hut hole h.-pej lull In, medi cines, in ah.llt two weeks, t'dt r.glH In.UI i.l lue; it seemed to go riRhl ttiroujrll y wh le il The l u; ni nucSpiup, rea-Whed Viaiieaml ,M-ui.iniae I'llls, allto.-k r.ght hold in Ihe right plaeo. The l'l'l rir-.uphi away great NUaatilies if line and slime ; t'.e Syfiip Imueued tha matier m my lung., which eamn i fl' very tree; the Sea Weed Tonic gave me nn apfielile, and everything secu.i.U to tnste go. at T. show whit grent power the medicinrs have in puri. fying mv system, and to show how bad I wa. difeitfetl, beside all the lalethal in.-ed mv liowrl., airfl ihe emit riiiiinulles of ph.ei;wi end rentier I rxpret--ruled, I out all over in larjie Ivnls, that w.uld eutiMUe tognlhtr and run for about six weeks, and I bad alone louc over twenty-live boll.. I l.a. ii'.lliing of Ihe kind in.w, and rei likeanollier perium atiojielher. 1 can wilelv s.iy th'.i. I have not eujoed aileh tieallb lor five years as 1 do n-.w. aud cai t praise you and your medioine. enmiuh .May Gial ahundanllv bleas and preserve you 1 n Ihe sinee.a desiro of one who has been so wonderrul'y relieved thptuch your aeeiicy; and if any one dtmres to kii"v wnh regard to the truthfulness of this repmi. if thev will call uponanv of my friend., or upon me. No 4 Drvden Place, near Th.mpai streel, bel..w Ca.'wa!nd-r, Phra 'dctphia, IheejAVill be perfectly satisfied Willi tlie vallduy of the case. our., Willi mueh lespect. MARY SCHXAIDT. The above ease, as described, is perleciiv correct. 1 know il to be true. Yotns, T. B. .MII.I.KH, Pallor of Hancock M. K. Church. w Dr. SCtlF.NCK will lie ,ir..frs.i.aiatcly at his principal office, No. 15 Niwith Sixth Stubxt, comer of Commsrck, PuiLADKLrHiA.eveel'<urdnv.l'rom ft A. Al until 4PM; No. ."W lloii'l street, New 'ork, evety Tuesilay, fri.ui 0 lo 3: No.tW Summer street Btntton. Mass., every Werlne day, from 00. 3, und every . ther Prtday at IU9 Bultnnore street, lialliin-'re, Mil. hut fore thorough examiaati n of Ihe lungs witU his, tue charge is lluee dollars Piiee of the Pulmonic Syrup anil Pea-Weed T"nie. eaeh 81 SO per b utts, or 7 SO per ball" dozeu. . ilandrakn Pille, 85 cents per box. FOR SALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, December 4, lt-0"!. ly Iiili-ruational Hotel, 365 aud 3J7 Broaiiviy, Vnmer FiuhIUh rrsnt NEW VOllK. TIIHIS first class Home the most quiet, homelike X anil pleasant Hotel in the eity offers superior iuducoiuvuts to thtwe vesting Xew York for business or pleasure. It is oeutral in its location, anjl kept on the bfRoPKAM t in eonuecnon wnn iavlor a Saloon, where refreshments can be had all hours, or served in their own rooms. Tbe charges are mo derate, tho rooms und attendance of the 8rat order- Laths, and all the modern ennveinenccs attached JOHN TAYLOH, Proprietor. Nov 4. Ittfii., John luwb:ieh, Rush Ganel, Wm MeCa'mel. Joel Mutsou h, Baber, Quin i, Prtef, Whiling, I. P. W'cavel & Tyson, 9 4 11 11 4 4 4 14.1),, I ',13, 10 to I I ltil'2, 9i lo 124 III in 13 3 to id 10 to IS i a, Lytic, Isaiah, or J. B. Weiser, ooe-hatf. i Treasurer's Office. I Sunbary, Way 12, 1848. 13 13 IS 14 II 14 11 B4 13 13 251 74 4 5li t4 Wl 4 01 on 144 7i 41 00 4 :o I tu A 10 450 ii i-.1 tia lao jt) 7i 36 li.i 74 74 74 141 I 411 IM 44 44 7 40 I UU 5 on 4 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 14 41 I 40 00 6 (HI S 40 sue 4 on 500 4 on 7 49 4 00 04 I 31 I (rj Illn I 00 I 00 1 00 Uu I U0 500 lltl 15 30 1105 l 10 130 8 53 aa is II 30 45 15 ftm 44 15 40 75 47 7 70 gl 500 B'K Vr.ll! Wo want " Siionts everywhere to tell our IV. movLD $2f Sowing Machines. Threo new kinds. Upper and upper lewd. Warranted five years. Above silnrv or lurire comniissioiie paid. Tho oni.V machines sold in I'cite.i .States for less than Sit). which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler & Wil son, (1 rover A linker. Singer A Co , ami Buebelilcl All other cheap machines aro iufringcuionts ami tr. seller or user are liable lo arrest, 6ne, and impriso. niont. Circulars free. Address, or cull upon Shaw It Clark, Iliddclord. Maine, or Chicago, IU. ui c-j FAKNSWORTH, Treasurer. 18 45 34 00 SARATOGA TRUNKS at ALL KINDS OF TRUNKS at W. W. Aptley't. W. W. Apeley't. LADIES' JUM 6I10ES fo, I.OO. at y w For Sale. SS Aeree oi uanu I MU.MS y, aloug I others. :'. -Til ka auld on reasouaoie seriue. F furfb par'acular. Inquire of B B. Bojer, tuo... Arm n. iw -4t miib kikr nfTers for sale liiup.T-----,.n .NU mjii Di.u ii,.iifr. anioioiuM set Ml PKRCVIAX GUANO SUUSTITUTK. 1'KKUVIAN GUANO rsUHSTITLTE. l'EltUVIAK GUANO SUBSTITUTE. BACOtl'S HAW EOXE .TPEK-PHOSPFTATE. BAIiiHS RAW BOXE ffl'HICIt-l'HOSPII ATE. UAUOU'S It AW UONU iLi'LU-PUOoi-JiAfi;. FOB. ALL CB0P3. Quick Id its action, an J of more lasting effect than either Peruvian Guano tr any Super-Phofphate made from a hard Mineral Uuono. This it proves by twelve years of constant use. BAUOn fi 80SS, Sole Manufacturers and Proprietor!, Office No. 20 S. Delaware Aveuue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUOH BROTHERS Jj CO., Qtneral WholaaU Agent i, So. Ul Pearl street. Corner ot Cttlar, NEW YORK. e GEOIiOE DUGDALE, WhulttaU Agent fur Maryland anJ Virginia, So. 105 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE. prjl23,180o-4t LAUIfcS' LASTl.NO GAITERS for 4H.7J. M LADIES' GLOVE KID BOOTS, at J BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR MEN. WoMKN AND CHlU)Kfc,N', at W. W. Aptlev't YirOKTEIs Jk DOiii.srit. FISHING TACKLEI JOHN KRIDEH. North East Corner Second A Walnut Streets., PHILADELPHIA. Jl'tJT In receiptor e One selected stock of cheap aad fancy FlSUINul TACKLE, of all deaerip. lions, suitable for the rivert and brooks of this State, to whioh we invite ibe alteuliuu of all storekeepers. March 17, lo6c 3 in HEN BY HAHPEB, S90 AKCII WXItEET, PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, FloewoU JEWELRT, Solid SILVER WAR5, and Superior 6ILVXS FLATXS WAJLI, at &r putao Paicsst Urea , la. tm -.