ravcM : I t t ' 9, 1 .-j old Sons t l t ftsr Tane. 1 S O Q - ' As spring approaehee Ants ud Reaches- -From thelf hoist eomt tot, And Miot and Rets, In spite of oati. Dully Alp about." "18 Tears established In N. Y. Citv," "Only infallible remedies known.1' "Free from Poisons," "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "HhU oouio out of their holes to die. '' .Coatar'i Rat, Roaoh, Ac, Exterminator, In a paste used for Hats, Mioe, Roaches, Black and Ked Ants, 4c., Ac, Ac. Costar'a Bed-Bug Exterminator. Is a liquid or wash used to deetroy, and also as a prevemivo fur Bed-Btigs, io. Costar'a Electrio Powder for Insects it fur Moths. Mosquitoes, F'leas. lied tugs, insects on Plants, Poult, Animals, Ac. ViT ! ! ! Beware ! ! ! of nil worthless Ituitatiuus, See that "Cottar V name is on each Box, Bottle, anl Flask, before you buy AddretS, riENItV R. COSTAR. 4S2 Broadway, New York figold in uubury, Pa. By Frilixo i So.i. and all Druggists and Retailers 1SG(). INCREASE OF RATS The Farmer's (Jaiette (English) assert aud proves by figures that one pair Rats will have a progeny and descendants no less than OM .OoO in three years Now. iiulcs this im mense family can bo kept down, they would con sumo more food than would sustain lii,000 humau beings. See "CostahV advertisement above. J86( HATS versus BIRDS Whoever engages In shoot, ing smnll birds is a cruel uinn ; whoever aids in ex terminating rati it a benefactor. We should like some ono to (five us the benefit of their experience in driving out these pests. We need something besides dogs, cute, nnd trap for this business. Scientific American, N. J. See "CosrAn V advertisement above. 1SG6 COSTARS HAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe, and sure the most perfect HAT-itication meet ing wc have ever attended. Kvcry Rut that can get it, pmpcrly prepared, will eat it, and every one that vats it will die, generally at somo place es distant as pn-siblc from where it was taken. Late Xhorc Mich Mi rror. 'co "Costor's" advertisement above. 1S6G. Housekeepers trouble with vermin neel be so no longer, it" they use ''Costar'a Exterminator. We have used it to our satisfaction ; uud if a box cost $5, wo would have it. We have tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but -Cottar's article knocks tho breath out of Ruts, Mice, Roaches, Ants and Bed bugs, quicker than wo can write it. It is in great demand all ovor the country Medina, Ohio, Ga zelle. ' Seo "Cottar's'' advertisement above. 18GG. A VOICE FROM THE FIR WEST.-Speakiug of -Cottar's" Rat, Roach, Ant, Ac, Exterminator "more grain and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat uud Imcot killer." Lancaster H'u. Herald. See "Coetar't" advertisement above. 18G6. Farmers Ann Housekeeper should recollect that hundreds of dollars worth or Orain, Provisions Ac, aro annually destroy by Rats, Mice, Ann, and other insects and vermin all of which can bo pre vented by a few dollars' worth of "Costar'a" Rat, Roach, Aut, Ac, Exterminator, bought and UBcd freely. Sco "CostarV nJvertiseniciit above. Sold in Sunbury. Pa., by J. W. Friling A Son, and uil Jrupist and Iealors. Apiil 7, IKtfC 6m CONSTITUTION WATER. The astonishing results which has attended this invaluable medicine proves it to bo the most perfect remedy ever discovered. No language can convey an adequate idea of the limned, uto and almost ini rucuious change which it occasions to the debilitated and shattered system. lu fact it stands unrivalled ns a remedy for the permanent cure of Diabetes, luiputtiiey, Loss of Muscular Euorgy. Physical Pros tration. Indigestion, Non-retention or Incontinence of I' line, Irritation, Inflainution or Ulceration of tho Bladder and Kidneys, Diseases of tbo Prostrate Ulund. Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, tiravel, or Briekdust Deposit, and all diseases or ntfuctious of the iiliulder nud Kidneys, and Dropsical iSneiliiigs existing in Mou, Women, or Children. I'or those lj-M- iiei-itllur Io S-'e mulesi, I'onMlltutiou Mnler i II Kwvei'clu'ii Uriut-dy. Tbvse Irregularities tire the cause of frequently re curring diseaso, anl through neglect tho seeds of uiuro grave and dnngerous uiiiladies aro the result ; and as mouth after month passes without an ttiort being made to assi.t nature, the difficulty becomes nronic. the patient gradually loses her appetite, tho bowels are constipated, night sweats nine on, and euiiitmjiiini finally ends her career. ior tale by nil liruggisls. Price Jl. W II liRKUU.ACO. Proprietors. -tlOIitJA-N V I.M'., Oeneral Agents. No. 4il Cliff street, New York. l'cbruury 3, IaoG Guio. (HiocEiii i:s i (aiocEiYi es Mrs. SAIIA1I A. BIMPtiON, Whorttilcrry Street, tmt cf the -V. C. if. if SL'XIJUKY', p. ri KSPECTl'ULLV intorms her friends and the Vi I ublio goneraliy, that shoLns just opened a large usoriuicut of t'KESll Uro';ri4', iucb as TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS bES, FISH, SALT, kC. Pure Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jars. Glassware, and a variety of Ladies' Trimmings, Fans, Thread Neck. Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites all to examiue before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, FeblO, 181)0 8m "ly ANTED, AGENTS 875 to $20f) per month for Ocntleuien. and Sis to 75 for Lii'lies. every where, to Introduce the Common tiensa Fuuiilv dew ing Machine, improved and perfected. It will hem, felt, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beauti fully. Price only ?20 making the elastic lock stitch, fully warranted for three years. We pay the wages, or a commission, from wbieh twice that amount can bo made. Address or call on C. BOW. Elttj & CO., Office, No. 2i6h. Fifth St., Philadelphia, J- t-iAll letters answered promptly, with circu lars and terms, mar. 31,1m. Moll Puprrsnd Border in great variety Uciv stylos just received at tho SlummulU Store of J. W.I RILING t kOS. Sunbury, Oct. II. 1305. REMEMBER TIIEDEAI)7 MESSRS. D. C. Pissingcr and John A. Taylor, would respectfully announce lo the citiiens of hunbuiy, and surrounding eouutry, that having formed a co-partnership, they aro now prepared lo fiiinish ornameuted and plain (irinr.tunrs, 'I'ombs .V Monuments), of tho bc.-t Italiun anl American marble, at prices that eaunot fail to give em ire satisfaction, and re spectful'y solicit the public putronugo. DISSINGLR i TAYLOR. funburr, March 31. lS6u. Ij . jljife Luclilcf House.) IIARRISiaiW, PEXN'A. Till 3 well known hotel has not only been extend ed but has been greatly altered and newly fit up Ly the present proprietor, and Is now one of the most couifortuLJt mid convenient hotels in Harris burg. Mareu 10, 1360. ly Pure l.ibrrfy White aLeud. The Wn'icst, the most durable and the most oca ui.mcJ.1 Try it! jManufaolured onl by Z1EULER A bil l 111, Wholeaale Drug, paint A U!a- Dealers, No. 137 Nojih TUIRD bureet, I'hiladulphis. Jauuary 27, lboO ly. i INt M'.tU JPuuistuiu. U the Faney Sior ""(' AJ'NM PAlXTftt ' S T ORE. W.-A. BEN NET, Uarket Square, NUIH KV, Pa. H AVISO recently puroncd the Drug 5tore formerly oonduoled by R. A Fisher, I beg leave to inform the citiiens of 5unbury and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock . xd hk. "vlt era FANCY ARTICLES ! such as Combs, Eruhcs, Pocket-Books, Soar. Per fiimory, llair-Oil, Knives, Scissort, Coal-Oil Lamps. Tobacco and Cigars, luiui, Oil!, Uluc, alllM, l'llllj, Vnrnlhc, l'ntcnl Mcdioliirv, Ar. All my Tinctures. tSyruus, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations ato manufaotured by myself, and from tho best material I can procure in Market. Having bad qui'o a number of years' experience in the Vnijf ami Prcerifliim Pitmnm, both in Philadelphia and the country, and alt) the advantago of the College of Pharmacy. 1 feel com reteut to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Phvsiciar.s and pulilio may favor mo with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, aro made from tho best material, and upon honor I assert, they arc of officinal strength. . For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand tho very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. lieforo purchasing elsewhere, call and convinco your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nov 13, 1805. 1M POUTED AN DD0MESTI0 CARPETING 5 FIRST CLASS GOODS AMI i: i.rAKiM: cakh nt m i:. AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kinds and Stvles 01' AMERICAN & EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Prices On account of tho decline in Gold, J. F. & B. ORNE, Chestnut Street, HIILADELHIIA, -A'o' offer their GREAT SPUING STOCK Imported and Domestic CARPETING, French nnd English Axminster, Englhjb Royal Wilton, 6-4 and 9-1 Velvets. Fino English Brussels Crotsley't Tnpetries, Imperial Threc-Ply Carpet l ino Ingrain Carpet. i;.; i.iseb ii:nisi:i.s 4SU ROYAL AVIIIO. CMKPKTS, FOU ST A1US AND HALLS, WITH BORDERS. 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 White, Rod-Checked and Fancy Malting. Cot'li .11 st t t i II B' h , ENGLISH OIL C L 0 T H S , .1 C . March 24, 3tn " TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER, tESPECTFI LLV informs the citiiens of St'N BCRV und vicinity, that he has opened a Tailoring Sli, the room over Farnswortb's tlrocery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sunbiirv, where ho is rcudv to uinko up garments of all kinds iu the latest style and best ! tvorkmanlikn manner. i lluving had experience in the business for a nam ber of yours he hopes to render general satisfaction Custom work is respectfully solicited. J. V. SCHAFFER. Banbury, May IS, lSCS. y PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AITO STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books nud Slates. Bocks. Hymn Books Bimk Books. Memorandum L Dinncs, l'ocke: Books, Ink Stutids, Puns. I 'eicls. a fine iissor.au-ut of Paper, Ink. Ac. I'or tale by ANNA PAINTER. titrc I.iheify U laiie I-ca.t. Preferred by ull practical Painters! Try it ! and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEOLER & .SMITH, M'hrlesale I'rujr, Paint A Olass lialerJ. No. 187 North TUIUU Street, Philudcli hia. Jauuary 27, 18110 y. The .Ttiikon .V llumliu 'aliu( OrtilillH, forty different styles, adapted to tncred and secular music for $S0 to $00 each. 1'IF'I V ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address. MASON' i HAMLIN, Bosro, or MASON BROTHERS. New York. Sonlember 1). U'lij ly NEW G H 0 C E It Y ("lUlE tubscribers begs leave lo announco to the X cilir.ons of Sunbury and iu vicinity, that they haus) opened a NEW GROCERY. lcu Joori iceet cj J. II. Luglc't Mure, in Muriel &Mi7, where they are prepared to furuith every vnrioty of groceries, and will keep eonsluntly on hand the choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, I'Ml, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Enlt Spices of all discripliou, .von,s of every variety, Candles. Suiokins; and Chewing tobacco, .Scgar, Hums. Miouldcrs, Bacon, Butler, and Y.gffi. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper .Sauce, Ruisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact every tlyle of articles kept in a well stocked Uroecry. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange. The patrouago of tho public is re spectfully solicited . GEORUE E. BEARD 4 CO. .Sunbury, Nov. 11, IbOi. UN HE DST ATEsTlOIT "C Opisite the N. Y. 4 NEW HAVEN & WESTERN R. R. Deit BE1ACII BTHEE'f, BOBTON. By F. M. PRATT, Formerly of the American House, May 13, IbGS. ly JEWELRY! JEWELRyT JOSEPH KESSLEH, Watt'liuiaker tintt Jewrler, Market Street, Suuhury, Pa. RESPECTKl LLY informs his friends and the public, that he has just received a lurge assort ment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, spectacles, ent er ana piateu soons, corks. t. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1806. ly OLD EYES HADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how lo speedily restore sight ayid give up spectacles, without aid of tliotor or mcaieine. etui ty mail, iree, on receipt vf IV ceubj. Address, E. B.fOOTE.U. D. February 4, 18oi.m YALUXBriTlWNLOTS I OK h IMtlHT (8) valuable town kite are offered for J sale cheip, on liewberry street, opposite Kri liuK'i additiou, in the Beruuih of Sunburr. In (,uir. of J.t M.UU, .Suuhury, February X, 14o6 Itl. V. l'.AIIIUKT'ft Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, Market Street, Manbnry, CONFECTIONEIIY OFAI1. KINDS, TOYS OF EVEUY DRfSCUlPTION FRUIT, Ac, ic, ' "CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above VV estahlisnmeni aiwnolotote ana reisui, av reason- , able prices. He is mnnufncturing all klnda of ConfHllonnrlc to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco. Pt-jrnrs, Stationery. Xuts of all kind", anrt avarielvof other articles, all of wlitou art o fined wholesale and retail. t-Rcmembcr the name and place ,JT M. C. OEARI1AKT. Market streof, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright X Sct.'i store. Sunbury. Scpt.jlO, 1SC.L ff mVESTAHDEm A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND JEWELEB. In Simpsou'r Building, Market Square, STT1TBTJP.T. PEITIT'A- HAS constnntly on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spoo tuclcc, .Silver und Plated Spoons and Forks. Ac. WiiU Iiom, 'loi-lH and , rc inii-i und VAiJi:Ari:g. Sunbury, Sept. SO, ISttj. Oko W.6niTii. Chas. B. Qi nthef SMITH & GE1TTZEP., Market street, one door east of Mrs. BOullon's Hole Have opened A NEW TIN-WARE, Slioet Iron nnd Move Store, and intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. A Largo Stock of Cook Stovcsof the following Brands PE1T1TGYLTA1TIA, UNION GOOIC, and on the following two Brands we defy competi tion, namely Comltiiiiilioii aum Itni-iior, Cook, diovi'i-nor IVim 'ooI. unsurpassed for benuly of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each stove warranted to perform what they are re presented ALSO. PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all tho best manufactures, and most fashionable designs Also, Tho celebrated (JEM for heating up and down sti.irs. Also tho celebrated Vl'LCAN HEATHR. Coal Oil, Coul Oil Lump. Shadow, Cliininl-M, ntid nil Iirli-IH unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. M'o are also prepared todoall kinds of Spouting, Hoofing, Range uud Furnnco Work. Uas Fitting, 4c. Repair ing cheaply nnd neatly executed. Country produce taken in exchange at market price. SMITH e'e Ci-EXTIIEIt, Have the Agency fr BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for tho Counties of Northumber land, Snyder, Union nud .Montour. Ard are nlsj agents for the Plphcr 4 Wil'.ower Line ol Transportation. Sun. Iiry, Sept. 30, 1851. kino s ieoiM'.itsi.a: i.i:m aie: Is lh only prcpsrtion or tho kind made from tho fruU. A;? hu arliclu of economy, purity, and deli snciuess, it cannot bo surpassed, and is recommend ed by physicians for invalids aiiif'amily use. It will keep for years in any climate, while its condensed form coders it especially convenient for travelers All who uso Icinouaaro requested to givo it u trial Eutertainmcnts at home, parties, and picnics should not be without it. For snlo by all Druggists and tirst-clurs Orocers. Manufactured onlv bv I.OIISJ. METZUril No. 541) Pearl Street, NcwVoik. Sept. Id, 1S63 ly TOILET SO A PS, Tooth-ih u.-!icm, Hair Unifies" 4c, 4c. Fur sale by ANNA PAINTER. If U M P ST P U M P S ! ! lae subscriber hiving purchase! tho ri 'lit of NORTH I'M BERLAND COUNTY, for putting in tn ri:i:-.s iinit i:.iii:- r ox BmtEn Vi'ki.ls ano W.vTtn Fotxis, will furnkh them to ull persons in the county who may desiro these cheap and convenient pumps. They can bo sunk lo a proper depth in two hours time, cost but ono third the price of on ordinary pump, and fur cheapness nud convenience caunrit be ecjuullcil. P. B. BUYER. A V. CLA1T. Vui.bury, September 2j, l?dj. PACIFIC HOTEL 10, 172, 171 A; 17(5 UnKij.Nwicii 'OuoSiiuaro west of Broadway.) Between Cnurtlandt und Dry Streets, New York. JOHN PATTEN, dr.. Proprctor. The Pac ific Hotel is well and widely known to the traveling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and biisiuoss men , it is in close tiroiimity to the busiuces part of tho City is on tho highway of Southern and Western travel and adj eeut to ull tho principal Ruilroud and Sleambotit depots. The Pacifia has liberal accommodation for over 1)1)0 guests; it it well fuiiiihhcd ami possesses every uiodcin improvemeiit for the comfort and eitertaiu ment of its inmates. The roonis are spoi-ious and well ventilated : provided with gas and water; the ultcndhuco is prompt und rcpectl'ul ; and the table is eiurouly provided with every delicacy ot the season. The subscriber, who, for tho past few years, has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to indeutify himself thoroughly with tho interests ol bis house. W ith long experience as a hotel. keeper, he trust, by moderate charges and a liberul policy, to maintuiu tho favorable reputation of tho Pacini) I'"1! JOHN PATTEN, Jr. Kplember9. l?o5. ly FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL. rTMIK subscriber respectfully informs tho public X that he keeps constantly on hand ut his new WAREHOUSE, near th Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel aud sacks of all kinds of teed by the ton The above is all manufactured at his own Mills, aud (till be sold at the lowest cash prices. t . J M. CADW ALLADER. Ponr.ury. June 4. HMI. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. .1. II. l:itE(lM", would respectfully in form the citizens of SINBURY, aad tho public generally, that be has opened a new, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. In Simpson's Building, South side of Market Square, where he is prcpurcd to take in the best style of the art PICTURES TO FRAME, PICTURES IN CASES, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, Ala Pictures made for Rings, Breastpins, Lockets, Ac Persons wishing iu our line w ill do well to call and examine specimens at the Uallcry. We hope to merit a liberal shore of public patron age. OUB MoTTO IS TO 1'LIiSa. Sunbury. July 15, 105. 028 HOOP SKIKTS, 028 HOPKIN'3 "Own Make " MiHi fiCTiuto and Sold Wholesale & Rtriit, No. 62o ARCH Street, Philadelphia. The most complete assortment of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Hoop Skirt, in this City; gotten up enpressly to meet the wants of First Class Trudo j embracing the newest and most desiroblo styles and sues of "Gore Trails," uf every length from 2i to t yds rouud, 20 to id Spriugt, at t to ti 00. Plain ekirts, all lengths, from 2j to 3 yards round the bot tom, al$l 40 to (J 16. Our line rf Misses' and Children's kirU, are pro verbtally beyond all competition, for variety of mm wull mm ir nmso ton aurubuity aryiug from s to 33 inches in letgth. to ti Siiriniss atlfaoenlslo$2 24. All Skirls of "OurOwnMake1 I ara WarrantAxt t friv-A m.i..w:n L. . i, 1 such, uuloselhey have. "Uopkia'i Hoop i-kirt Msou factory, No. 6iJ Arch Struet," bguupej on each Tab 1 AUo, oousUiitly on baud, good bkirui, Aianufuo lured in New York, and the .Eastern biatsi hi,.h sell at very low Prices. A lot of cheap Skins 14 y-l ikHs Cash . Oue J'fke OlW ! area , iixt m BALTIMORE lOttK'HOSPITAt. ' ESTABLISHED A3 A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURB CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON hu discovered the most Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy In the World fur all Private Diseases, Weakness of'theBaek r Limbs, Strioturea, Affections of the Kidneys and Uladder. Involuntary Discharges, Impotenoy, Oene al Debility, Nervousness, Dyspnpsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Henrt, ritnidity, Tremblings. Dimness of Bight or Uiddinesa, Jiseae of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin, Affections f the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those Terri ile Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of 'onth those socret and solitary practicei more fatal o their victims than the song of Syrens to the Ma inert of Ulysnos, blighting their most brilliant hopes r anticipations, rendering marriage, As., impossi- specially, who have become the victims of Solitary ice, that dreadful and destructive habit which .nnually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of tho most exalted talents anil brilliant lutcllect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senntcs with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstaty the living lyre, may call with full con fidence. MAltltlAC.'E. Married Persons, or Young Mon eontemplating inarriago, being aware of physical weakness, organio ueututy, deformities, ao., spoemty cured. He who iilnccs himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide iu his honor as a gentleman, ana continently rely upon nis skill as a riiysician. OllUA.IC i:AIt.M;!iS finmrdiatelv Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of impropor indulgences. Young persons aro too apl to commit czocssc trom not being nwnrc of the drendful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands tho subject will pretend lo deny that the power of procreation is Inst sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent ' Besides being deprived the pleasures of honlthy offspring, the most sorions and destructive symptoms to Doth body and mind arise. Tho system becomes Deranged, tho Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervous Irritability. Pvspcpssa, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay ana Death, Oilier, '. 7 Noulli I'rtMiVrick Sired Left hand side goiug from Bnltl lore street, a few doors from tho coruer. Fuil . to observe name and number. Letters must be. paid and contr n a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. A CI nil YVAKKA.VrEI MTWO DAYS. No Ulerevry or Nauseoui Drvgt. iEi..insrn.. Member of tho Royr.l College of Surgeons. London, Sraduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in ho United States, n.id thk greater psrt of whoso life phheen spent in tho hospitals of London, Paris, liiludelphi.i nnd elsewhere, has effected some of 1 1 most astonishing cures that were ever known ; .i.'iny troubled with ringing in tho head and cars alien asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at mdden sounds, biishfulness, with frequent blushing, ittcndod sometimes with derangement of mind, wore sured immediately. rAItB? P.lUTM'I'I,.in ((TICU. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, w hich ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. Ttir.KK nre some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by enrly habits of youth, vis: Weakness of 11 e Uncle and Limbs. Pains in the Head. Diinnees of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the '.hciiit. Dyspcpsy. Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Digestive Functions, Ueueral Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ac. Mr.STAt.LY. The fearful effects on the mind aro much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ileus, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodings. Aver sion to Society, Sell-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac arc sonic o( the evils produced. Tnoi "sAsns of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing tucir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and e uaeiuted, having a singular appcaruncc about tho eyes, cough nnd symptoms uf consumption. A'ho have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a hubit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effect of which are nightly felt, even whin asleep, and if no cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both lniud and body, should opply immediately. What a pity that a young mon, the hope of his country, tho darling of bis parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviattng from the path of nature ind iniliilgiiigin a certain secret habit Such persons MUST, before contemplating .UAieitiA.i:. reflect that a sJSnJ mind and body aro the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, tho joi.ruey through life be 3omcs a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to tbo' view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of unother becomes blghtcd w ith our own msr. isi: oi' mrm ii'..ci:. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this paiuful disease, it loo often happons that an ill-timed eiise of sbamo, or dread of discovery, dotcrs him fioui applying to those who, from education and respectability, can ulone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid diseaso make their appearance, such as ulcerated Fore throat, diseased noeo, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodus on the shin bones uud arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progresMng with frightful rapidity, till ai lait the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose full iu, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is amrlaiirholy'fact that thousands fall viotims to this terrible disease, owing to the uuskillfulness of ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that ileudty Votaon, Mercury, ruin the coustitutiou and make ti e residue of life uiisoruble. HTU..yiiitlUti Trust not your lives, or health, to the eareofthe many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute ol knowledge, name or character, who copy Hr. lohuston't advertisements, or style themselves, in the newspupers, regularly Educated Physicians, Incapablo of Curing, they keep you tritliug luouih alter month taking their filthy and puisonus com pounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your gulliugdisappointment. Dr Johnston is the only Phyaiciun advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang in his office. His reuiidics or trcutement are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the great bos pituls of Europe, the first in the country and a more extensive J'rivati l'raetic thou any other Physician iu the world. lKutsiir.xr or Tin: i it ess The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the "Sun." "Clipper," and many other pupcrs, notices ofwuich have appeared agaiu aud again before the public, besides his standing as a ajentleman of character and responsibility, u sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. siai. iiisi:asi:s mii?I':iii,y i ki:i. Persons writingshould be particular in direoting their letters to his Institution, in the following manna JOICM 91. J41I.AS10., 91. I. Of the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 24 lboi ly. BiOARbTNOUSE! 91 ICS. 9IAUIA 'l-I4.tlIS4.X, (Formerly of the "Lawrence Houie.") SUNBUKY, PEXN'A. NFORMSher friends and the nublie raneratle I X that she has refitted the house ibrmerly occupied by Dr. J. W. Pcule, on Blackberry street, near the Northern Central Railway Dopot, and opened a Buarding House, where she is prepared to keep PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS ith KOod Cooks and waiters, hoitrilera mn sinwtw the quiet comforts of homo with fare equal to the best hotels. Patronage fromthoso who may sojourn to Sunbury is respectfully solicited. , Mrs. MARIA THOMPSON. 8ui,hury,.Nov. II. 18S. ILfA.K OP XOIM III MIIi:itI,Al. WHEREAS the Auditor General as required by the Uth Section ol'the Act, entitled '-An Aflt enabling the Bonks of this Commonwealth to become Assouialious for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States." pawed on the 22d dey of August AD. 1864. has certified to me that the "Lank of Northumberland," located in the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, baa furnished salUtlautitrv vi,li,iu to l,i.n !.. -n ,i : of said Act have been complied with by the said Bauk, and that It hat Ixwouie an association for the rHatea' derthe Lawtof the U idled ii d..u''efor. se the notice thereof be pub. lished in accord ano. with tb provujions at the said 1 th teetion of the said Act, .Ld io dj. u" Charier ol the said Buik by the terms ol said Act. ie jeet w tltttt utiyeCba-r f1.' , Ilmuburi, Aeg IMA I . CONSTITUTION : LIFE SYRUP. ; ' A posttir and rpeelfio remedy for all diseases or!- J;inatinsr from aa Impure Slat of the Bleod, anil or all (hereditary) Diseases transmitted frem parent to ehild. SCROFULA 1 STRUMA. ULANDULAR SWELLINGS. ULCERATION. KINO .s EVIL. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. This taint (hereditary and aeoulrcd.) filling lifo with untold misery, Is by all usual medical remedies Incurable. RHEUMATISM. If there is any disease in which the Constitution ... : i. : . : i 1.110 eyrup is a sovereign, 11. is iu rueuiuaiiBiu uu its kindred affections. The most intense pains nre almost instantly alleviated enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronio or vocarious, of twenty or thirty yens standing have been cured. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility, Shattered Nerves, St. Vitus' Dance, LossofPowor, Confusion of Thoughts, Epilepsy, Thousands who have suffered for years will bles tho day on which tbeyrcad thee lines. Particular ly towoak. suffering women w ill this medicine prove an inestimable blessing directing their footsteps to a Hope which fulfills more thou in promises, MERCURIAL DISEASES. Salvation, Rotting of Bones, Bad Complexion, Aches in Bones, Feeling of Weariness. Depression of Spirits Constitution Life Syrup purges the system entirely from all the evil effects of Mercury, 'removing tho Bad Breath, curing the Weak Joints and Rheuuintic Pains which the use of Calomel Issuie to produce. It hardens spongy Uums and secures tho Teeth as as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION- LIFE SVKUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptivo Diseases, of the skin liko ULCEUS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of th'S kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both mules and females, often making tbcm ft disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Cures all Swelling of the Glands. Either of tho Face, Neck, or Fciualo Breast, nnd should he taken as soon as the swelling is detected, thus preventing their breaking, and producing trou blesome discharging sores, which disfigure so many of tho younger portion of the community, from six to twenty years of age. Young children are very subject lo discharges from the ears, which depends "foil scroiuious consiirution. ilicso cases soon i recover by taking a few doses of tho Life .S'y rup. s All scrofulous persons sufTering from general De biiity. Dyspepia nnd Dropscy of the liiulis. abdoinen and in the female. Dropscy of the ovaries and womb generally aceompauied with Inhumation and Ulcer, ationof tho Uterus, aro permanently ciycd by Con stitution Life Syrup. Tho diseaso known as tioitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove en tirely. The remedy should Le taken for some lime, as the disease is exceedingly el.rouic nnd stubborn, and will uot be removed w ill out extru eflort Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of tho Breast, and welling of other glands of the bod v. will l,a com pletely reduced without resorting to the knife, or speratiuns of any kind. Epileptic fits, sympathetic or orgunio diseases of the heart, as palpitation, diseases of the valves, pro ducing a grating or nlinir sound, dronsv of ilm bn!iri case und all the affections of this iiuporluut organ (persons suffering frum any aouto pain iu the region of the heart), will be greatly relieved by Constitu tion Life Svrup. Broken-Down and Delicate Constitutions suffering from ludispositiou lo Exertion, Paiu in the Back Loss of ui .ueuiory, roreoouings. Horror of Calamity, r of Disease, Dimness of Viiiun, Dry, Hot Skiu Extremities, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pule Fear and Haggard Countenuiiee,and Lasai'ludo uf the Muscu lar System, all require the aid of the Coustitutiou Life Syrup. R FOR ALL FORMS OK ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose. Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved lis equal. Moth Patches upon the female face depending upon the diseased action of the liver are very un pleasant to the young wife and mother. A few Lot ties ot Constitution Life Syrup, will correct the se cretion and remove the deposit which is directly under the skin. In the diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Lan guor, Diuincss, Indigestion. Weak Stomach or an nlcarald nr pa n. . . a . , n.i t ; , . t ,i,, ., cowpauied with burning or other unpleasant syui toms, will be relieved by the use uf Coustitutiou Life Syrup. XJ fi? As a general Blood Purifying Agent the Life Syrup stands unrivalled by any preparation in the World. THE RICH AND POOR, are liable to the same diseases. Nature and Science hat made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit Ul M. PURE 33 LOO 3D produces healthy men aud women ; and if the con stitution is neglected In yontb, disease and early death is the result. Prioe, f 1 25 per bottle ; one half doion for 17. W2VT. H. QREQO, Jvl. ID., ' BOLE PROPRIETOR, NEW YORK. MORGAN ALLEN, j Wholesale Druggists, V ' " ' v Vo- 49 O'bT-tt., Now York. EQ. C O0QDWnrC0.,IloeU. H. BKliD, CO , Chicago. - Vlll.l.kU riven 1 mil Tea mi . COLLINS BROTHERS, St. Louis. ' - i. u. rAKst, umetunati. - i .. ; , JOHNSON. HOLLOW AY CO., Philadelphia. - - I ' mm j , M WW VJ I tUis). BARNES. BBN it Y A 00 ,iloBtxU, Canada ' UOSTI.TTER. BMIIU A l'AX , SeaVraiieisee, t. Ftbiusry i, Mi 1 GOLD. r 1805, 1860, 1807. SILVER 1 to 75000 !! $2 I ' $2 II S2111 T"WO DOLIjARS. Manufticlurera' Ageuta t Our New Mode- one of our UOLU mr SII.VKK . Watches, or Sllrcr Tea fict I'or $tl, m below sttated. One of our tea setts or one piece of our O old or Silverware is worth bushel of the cheap dollar jewciry : i We have adopted the following mode of - DISTUIBUTION by sale of 75,600 articles of value ! Ostr IMew 9Iolc ! The articles of goods are numbered from 1 to IS.' OOU .' 37.600 eonsisting of Pianos Molodeons, Gold A Silver Watches, Sowing Machines, Tea & Table setts. Bolut stivor tea and table cpoons nn.i forks; etc., etc., and the other 37,000 articles ol value Jew. elrr. Work A Toilet Cases, Photogrnph Albums, Openface Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 70.UU0 notices numbered trom i to lO.uou are printed and put into scaled envelopes and well mixed and oneot tnese is taken out ana sent to mo person tending to us 23 cents to cover expense of postage, correspondence etc., and the article of goods corresponding with the number on the notice w ill be sent to tho holder of the same immediately (if he desires to purchase the article) on the receipt of two dollars. For instance; If the number on the notice sent to yon should be 600, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 500; it will be sent to you should be 500, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should bo niimbcred 500.it will be sent to you fur $2, and so on for every article in our list of7.i,l'00 nrticlcs. jfr"Afler receiving the article, ifit does not please you, you can return it, and your money shall be ro uiule-t. 25 cents must be sent to pay expenso of postage, Correspondence etc, on ono notion. Remember : that whatever article corresponds with the number on your notice, you cun have it by paying Toe Ljllnrs for it, whether it be worth $100 or JtiOO. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidunoe to the public, and thereby increases our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 cts., which pays for correspon dence, postage etc., we send one notice. Upon receipt of $1. which pays for correspondence, postage, etc.. we send six notices. Upon receipt of $5 which pays fur correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 40 notices, aud a line pre sent valued at not less than $15, as a sample of our goods Upon receipt of 518 which pays for correspondenc", postage, etc, we will send 150 notices, and a solid iilver Watch, bv return mail. AGENTS V ANTED. Send for a circular ! Agents Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make $25 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom 31 Libertv street Sept. 23, l!s65.-ly REED A BROTHER, Box 51. IS. New York City, N. Y. gl'EER'S SAMliUUU PORT GRAPE WINE. Pure ud I 'on i- Yrnrs Old. FOR THE COM J; UNION TABLE A FAMILY USE Prescribed by Physicians for Females, weekly pvrsons and INVALIDS ! ;'1r:T''-':v EXCELLENT WINE l'OU KEMAl.Ks Kverv family nt this season, should use SPEER'S WINE, celebrated in Europe for its medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent phisiciuns, used in European nnd American Hospitals, and by tome of tho firkt families in Europe and America. AS A TOXIC it has no equal, enusing an appetite and building up the system, being entirely a pure wine of a most vuluublo grape. AS A DIURETIC It impsrts a healthy action of tho Olnnds. Kidneys, nnd Urinary Organs, very beneficial iu Dropy, (iout, and Rheumatic Affections. Kl'EER'S WINE is a p'ire article from thr Juice r,f the Port Grape, possessing medicinal properties superior to uny other wine in use. nnd an exel'.ent article for all weak aud debilitated persons, and the aged and inliiru, im prming tho uppetito, aud benefitting Indies and children. Try it once, oud you will not bt deceived. I j Be sure the signature of Alfukd Smeu is over the cork ol'e:ich bottle. Sold by W. A. Bennett Sunbury, nnd all Brst class dealers, who nlro sell tho ',4 N'I'1 1 .1 , 1 lOlt ' till IM . a choiee eld article, im. ported only by Mr. Spocr, direct from tho valley of Oporto. l'irTrade tuprilied bv Wholesale Priiirzisls. ItTlty A. SPKER. athis vinevard in New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 20 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sunbury, Jan. 10,160. ly. E3T7'3 COTTAGE ORGANS. A BE uot only unequalled, but they ere absolutely XI. unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument in t me country, uesignea expressly lor Churches and Schools, tbey are found to n equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by E. M. BRUCE, No. 18 North Seventh ttreet, Philadelphia. t3" Also Bradbury's Pianne, and a complete at tortinent of the Perfect MELODEON. Sept. 23, lo6& ly w RECORD YCTJPw DEEDS- 1)ERSON3 having unrecorded Deeds are reminded . that they must be recorded, according to the Act of Assembly which requires that "All deeds and conveyuuocs fur real estate in thii Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Reeording Deeds in the County where the lands lie tentin i months after the execution of such deeds and conveyance ; and every such deed and convey, ance not recorded as aforesaid, shall be judged FRAUDULENT AND YOID against aayiubsequont purchaser for a valuable consideration, anless such deeds be ecorded before the recording of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgage shall claim." August 2, loo J BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two doort woat of the Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa. Rj tSl'ECTs I LLY informs the eitisenc of Suu- bury aud ticinitv. that ha will bake la order au aiuua oi Cukes fur Italia, lurlHs, Ac. Families are aunnlied with FRESH BREAD. Twist rTi v:. i " - - Bolls, Rusks, Tea Banc, Ac:, and also kept en baud aaaaafccMired oat cf tbe baeUsuUceieJa. ., , All prolan will sueefcwiih proo.pl attention. JUat inn had larae rxwu.net I hope to five general satisfaction to til who BlJ favor me -with their Datrosaae. DAVID FRY.- I. Vir.?;'i !. t: ,5l J .1! ..!. I- I; i i tm ' "-'I --. V - ' P . Ill U V .' fVVA r. ,'-!,l'.m,- - ' ' ;; 'e trj.tw J Buu Miry, vec v, lois . . . . . THE P E 11 U V I A N SYRTJP 13 A PROTECTED SOLUTION Off TUB Protoxide of Iron, a new diaoorcry In medicine which STItlKUB AT THE BOOT OF DISEASE, by supplying the Blood with Its vita I, FRIKCIPLE, Ost Lin ItRMENT IRON. This le the Secret of the wonderfnl success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronle Diar rbuea. Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fa yen. Humors, Los of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all disease originating In a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by debility or a low stats or TUB 8YSTKM. Being freo from Alcohol In any form, its energi sing effects are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but nre permanent, infusing btiiength. vmoit and Ktw Ltt i Into nil parte of the system, and build ing up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From the Yrnerallt Archdeacon ffCUTT, D. 1) Dl nuaii, Canada East, March 24, IS65. "I am an invetcralo Dyspeptic of more than 25 years standing. 11 "I linve been so wonderfully benefitted in the three short woeks during which 1 have lined tiio Peruvian Syrup, that 1 can scurcely persuado myself of the reality. People w bo have known mo are astonished at tho change. I am widely known, nnd can but recommend to others that which has done so much for me " Oue of tlio most Distinguished Jurists iu. New Englaud Writes to a Friend as follows : "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and (ho result fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new man of me ; inf used into my system new vigur and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as when you last saw me. but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for lubor, mentul and physicnl, tbnu ut any lime during the last five years." An Eminent Divine of Boston, Mit: 'I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past ; it gives Die new viuor, biovaxct or Sl'IlllTS, llastictv or mi sci.k." Thousand have been changed by tho use of this remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong healthy, and happy men aud women ; nnd invalids caunul reasonably hesitatj to givo it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificates of cures and recomniendutions from some of the most eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will be Scut free to any address. ySei thut each bottlo has PERUVIAN SV UUP blown in the glass. Fur sale by J. T. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 26 Dey Street, New York AMD BT ALL niU'OOlSTS. SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that tODTNE is Ibo Be Remedy for Scrofula nnd ull kindred disease ever discovered. Tho difficulty has been toobtuiu a Pure Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent!! Cnntuiniuga full griiiu to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative. It bos cured and will cure SCROFULA in ull its mani fold forms. I'IfCi-K, OnuM'rsi. vjkliili... Suit (tlirtiiu ; nnd it has been ued w"ith ustonihii,g success in eases of Rheumatism, Dys,i:.3i.t, t'ousutnption. l'eiuiilu Complaints Heart. Liver, and Kidney Diseases. ,tc. Circulars will he sent freo to any .He sending their address. Price id. OCahotiie. nr t' for f.'i mi. Prepared by Dr. II. ANDERS, Phyiician ami flu. n.ist. For sale bv J P. DI.NS.MORi:.::il Dey Street. New York. And by all Drugg'sts. "Wistar's Ealsam or WILD C II X2 XI 3T. 1 -j ben u-eil f,.r nearly HALF A CENTURY, n ilh the Most iistonipliiiigsiiccess iu curing Coughs. C -l is, l.'oarsene-s, Sore Throat Intlueniii, W hooping Cough, ( roup. Liver Coinph.iut, Biochitis, D.tti. ulty ol Breathing. Asth ma and every uGcclioii ot 'I'iiC- 'I'lll'iKII, I.llllN, llttd i'lU'Ht. CONSLMI'TIOX, which carries off more victims shan other disensc, and which b:ifHc the skill of tho l'hvsieians to a gr. utcr ixteut than any other malady, often viKi.ti.t to this i.i:mliv ; when till others prove ineffectual. A.S A MEDICINE, rnpi'l in relief, soothing in effect, safe in its opera tion, it is unsurpassed ! and is entitled merits, aud receives the general confidence of the public. .SEVMOl'R THATCHER, M. D., 'f Herman, N. Y., writes us follow.-:; Wislar't Hilsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction, it seems to cure a Coiigli bv lonseniu" and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irritation, thus removing the came, instead of drying up the eougti and leaving Ihc cnusn behind. I consider the Bal snm as gwal as any, if not the best Cough madicine with which I am acquainted." From Hon. Judge Sl'R AKEIVof Cunnjoharic. N. Y Ucntlemrn This is to cerTll'y that mvself and family have used Dr. Wislnr's llu'lsaniof lid Cbery for several years, and that I take great pleasure in rocommending it in preference to anything of the kind for the purposes for which it is "intended. In cases of Asthma, Phthisic, or affections of tho Throat, I have never met with anything equal to it, Very respectfully, DAVID oPIUKER. The Rev. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover, Pa., Well known aud much respected nmong the tiermau population in this country, mukes tho following statement for the benefit of t!:e afflicted. Dear Sin: Having reulired in u;v family Impor taut benefits from tho use of your valuable'propara tiou Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry it atihrds me pleasure to recommend it to the public. K.mie tight years ago one of my daughter! seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were enter tained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whulo of tbe contents or the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual case niadu frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have always been beiitfutcd by it. JACOB SECHLER. TRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by J. P DINSMORE, SS Dey Street, New York 6ETU W FOWLK A fW, Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. GRACE'S CEI.EBn.VTED SALVE Cures Cuts, Burns, Scalds. ORACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Wounds, BruUet Sprains. GRACE S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancers. U RACE'S CELEBRATED .SALVE Cures Suit Rheum, Erysipelas. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Chapped Hands, Chilblains. GRACE'S CELEARATED SALVE Heals Old Soros, Flesh Wounds, Ac. It is piouipt iu action, rvincvt-s paiu al once, and reduces Ibe most ingry-looking swellings and inrls uiatiuus, as if by magie,-thus affording relief and a complete cure. Ouly U cents a b!. (Sent by mail for ii oeotj ) for bale by J. P. DINsilORE. H ly Street, Nee; York- B. W. FoWLK A SON. ProprieUise, Boston, aad by all Druggists, Oroeers, and Countwf Stores. January J7, 8IIy.