An Old Sok Ml I Tae. Wl868ne " Ai spring spprosches Ants and Roache From their nols eomo out, And Mice and Rata, ' ' In spite of cats. "s (Jelly "kip about." "lSvears established In N. Y. City," "Outy infnlliblo remedies known." "Kreo from Poisons," "Not dangerous to the Human Family." Rats cubic out of their holes to die." Costar's Bat, Roach, &o., Extorminntor, In a riaste nurd for It at, Mice. Koaebos, Black and Ked Ant, lis., Ac., Ac. Costar's Bed-Bug Exterminator. Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-Bugs, Ac. Costar's Eloctrlo Powder for Insects is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas. Bed tugs, insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. - J ! ! Bswark ! ! ! of all worthless Imitations. .Sue Hint -'Costar's" name is on each Bos, Bottle, and Flank, before you buy Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, 4S2 Broadway, New York iy Sold In Sunbury, Pa. By Fkii.inu A Son. and all Druggists and Retailers 1SGC INCREASE OF RATS Tho Farmer's (iaictto (English) assert and proves by thtnre that one pair Ruts will have a progeny and descendant no less than 6M ,050 in threo yours Now. unless this im mense fituiily onn be kept down, they would eon sumo wore food than would sustain oi,UU0 human beings. " Sec "Costak's'1 advertisement above. JSGt RATS versus BIRDS. Whoever engages in shoo, ing small birds is a eruel man ; whoever aids in ex terminating nits is a bencfiiotor. We should like some nno to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out these pests. We need something besides dogs, cuts, nnd trap for this busmen. Scientific American, N. 1". See 'Costaii V advertisement above. 1S156 COSTAR'S BAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, safo, and sure the most perfect RAT-ification meet ing we have ever attended. Every Rat that can got it, properly prepared, will eat it, and every one that eats it will die. generally at somo pluco as distant as possible from whero it was taken. Laic Shore Mich Mirror. Seo "Costar's" advertisement above. 1S6G. Housekeepers troublo with vermin necj be so no longer, if they use '-Coster ' Exterminator. Wo havo used it to our satisfaction ; and if a bos cost 5, we would have it. We have tried poisons, but thoy effected nothing; but "Costar's article knocks tho breath out of B ats, Mice, Roaches, Ants and Bed bugs, quicker than wo can write it. It is in great demand all over the country Molina, Ohio. Ga zette. . . Bee "Costar's" advertisement above. I860. A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST.-Speaking of "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ant, Ac., Exterminator "moro grain aud provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than wuuld'pay lor tons of this Rat nnd Insect Killer. ' Lancaster H'u. Herald. Seo "Costar's" advertisement above. 18CC. Farm Kits and Hoi-sekeei-eh should rocollcot that hundreds of dollars worth of (J ruin, Provisions Ac, are annually destroy by Ruts, Mice, Ants, nnd other insect and vermin all of which can be pre vented by a few dollars' worth of "Costar's" Rat, n.uacu, am, ., exterminator, bought and used freely. See "Costar's" advertisement above. Sold iu Sunbury, Pa., by J. W. Fiiling t Sou, and all Druggists and Dealers. April 7, 18G6 6m CONSTITUTION WATER. The astonishing results which has attended this invuluablo uiedi.oue pioves it to be tho most perfect remedy ever discovered. No language can convey u ad. qimtc idea of the immediate and almost mi raculous change which it occasions to the debilitated nnd shattered system. Ju lnct it stands unrivalled as a remedy for the permanent cure of Diabetes, Impotent--, Loss of Muscular Kncrp-y, Physical Pros tration, Indigestion. Non-retention or Incontinence of Lnne, Irritation. Inflainaiion or Ulceration of the .Bladder and Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate (Hand. None in Ihe Bladder, Calculus. Uravcl, or Brickdust Deposit, und all discuses or affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, and Dropsical tfwclliugs existing iu Men, omen, or Children. S l-'or llioaie li-ux iici-uliur lo I'c mulra, ConHliiuiIun Witter 1 a WoToi-t'lK ii ltnuedy. These Irregularities are the cause of frequently re curring disoase, and through neglect the seeds of moro grave and dangerous maladies are the result : and as month after month passes without an cflort being miido to assist nature, the difficulty becomes chronio, the patient gradually loses her appctito, tho iowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and cons,tm),t,un hm.lly ends her career. lor sale by all Drugpists. Price $1. W. II. UKEUQ, A CO. Proprietors. General Agents. No. 48 Cliff street, New York, i cbruary 3, IbSo buio. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES Mrs. BAAAH A. SIMPSON, Wfiorthbcrri .Street, ettnl of the JV. C. It. Ji bunbuiiy, pa., 17 Esf E-TFULLY inlormi her friends and the L l 1 ublic generally, that she has just opened a lar 'e aorliuont of FUE.S11 4ro-'ii, uch as " TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS SES, FISH, SALT, &C. Pure Cijor Vinegar. Fruit Jars, (ilassware, and a variety of Ladies' Trimmings. Fans, Thread Neck lies, HunJkeiThi.fs. An., to which she invites all to examine before purchasing elsew here. friilibury.JYb. 0, lMtitt (iiu WANTED, AENTS.-$7S to j?2tlil per month Oentlcmtn. and S.I5 to 7.i for Ladies. cv for vvnere, to introduce the Common Sense Family Sew ery- ZuT 1 1V' Infected. It will bem, fi V. tM;y 'd embroider beautU atitch, fully warranted for three year. We av U.b wages or a commission, from which twi'e that y?J"LlZn bc Dlaie- A(l'lr-'M "r call on C. B(iV. v. t No 2i5fj- '"ifhat., Philadclhi.i, X a. I jAll loiters HIIKU'Kro .n.,.,..ll.. . : .. . mar. S 1.1 in. VuII Paper and Border in great variety new atyles just received at the Mammoth Store of , J. W.FKJLINti A .'SON. Suukury, Oot. li. 18fia. HATS! HATS!! .A FILL ASSORTMENT Jisr oiexku by SAMUEI, FAUST, Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Murket st STJrTBTJR-y, PENN'A, CALL and examine the large assortment of the latest New York aud Pluludelphia styles or at tho above eslablishment, which for beauty and du rabi Uy cannot b. excelled Being . practical Mt. U-r, he flatters hiiuselt thai bis sl-A his been select id with mora ears than any eicr before brought to Fur II... .1. 71".. " "n' "f "U . wnl oia el Wholesui' Je aud T ' rale. .!, TRUSSES. 'CtEELEY'fl HARD hUllliKH TRl KS'i h Rupture, free, thaord from all p,uf never rift, break, limber, chafe, or neeou,, aia." (the fine steel spring being eoaled with hard rouWr sjirlng roada any power requirad; ued in baibinJ' titled to (orui; reauirsc me strappiug ; eleaaeat, ligtu est, eaeiest, aad beat Truss known. Send for plm, pl"'t - r ' I. B. SEELEY, Bote Proprieler. 1 s -. , ,0 1.37 cl'"luu, s-i Phil'., P. ij.rd T, ISjU Jm ooo T7 S TO RE , AV. A. 13E1NNET, Harbrt Hqnarr, WUIII UV, Wn. HAVINd reoontly purchased the Drug Store formerly eonducted by R. A Fiahor, I beg leave to inform the eitiiene of Sunbury and vi cinity, that I hare entirely replenished my stock of :m mm. hcj" ca- ms . AMD i FANCY ARTICLES ! such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Books, Posps, Per fumory, Hair-Oil, Knives, 6'cissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, . laintn, Oiln, Mine, Ulnsm, I'ntly. Vnrnistlieis, l'ntcut Icdlolsifsi Ac. All nt Tinnlurea. .vrnns Ointments. CerateSl and other preparations aio manufactured by myself, and rroui tne best material 1 can procure in mnmoi. Having had quite a number of years' experience in the Jnir mid Precrij'tion BuuncM, both in Philadelphia and tho country, and also tho advantage of the College of Pharniaoy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and public may favor mo with. All my p eparations as I have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert; they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand tho very best WINES, BK AN DIES AND. LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nov IS, 18C5. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CARPETINGS. FIRST CLASS GOODS AND oai: ivAetiiti.r; cash ii:ici:. AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kinds and Styles OK AMERICAN & EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Prices On account of tho decline in Gold. J. F. & E. I). ORNE, 004, Chestnut Street) PHILADELPHIA, Now offer their CHEAT SPKIXO STOCK Imported and Domestic CARPETING, French and Englb-h Axminster, English Royal Wilton, 6-1 and 9-4 Velvots. Fine English Brussels CroSsley's Tapestries. Imperial Three-Ply Carpet Fine Ingrain Carpet. AND KOVA1. WllfOX CAKPiri'S, FOR STAIRS AKD HALLS, WITH BORDERS. 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 White, lied-Chocked aud Fancy Mulling. (orn illattiiiKS, ENGLISH OIL CLOTIIB.AC. March 21, .1m TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER, RKSPECTFVLLV informs the citizens of SUN BCUV aud vicinity, that be has opened a 'I'ailurin tiiliop, the room over Farnsworth's Grocery, npposito tho Ceutul Hotel, Sunbury, where he is ready to make up garments of all kinds in the latest style aud best workmanlike manner. Having hud experience in the business for a num bcr of years he hopes to render general aatiifaclion Custom work is respectfully solicited. J. F. cCUAFFER. Sunbury, May 13, 1805. 1y PHOTOGRAPH A L bIFm S BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slates. Bot.ks, Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum Bokl, Diurics, Pocke. Books. Ink Stands, Pens, Perrils. a fine bvoriinout of Paper. Ink, Ac. jrsaloby ANNA PAINTER. Iiir- I.I1ery While I.cud. Preferred by all practical Painters ! Try it ! aud you will havo no other. Manufantured only by ZlEtiLER A SMITH, YVlit I Mu ps Drug. Paint A Ulms Dealors. No. 1.17 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 166Iy. Tins .Illinois V lluiuliu 4'uliii-t Orc.illlH, forty diffcront yles. adapted to sacred and secular musio, for $30 to $ot)t each. FIFTY- UMi UULU or blLVKH MKDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address. MASON A HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. Sontembcr tf, JB65 ly N E W GROCER Y riuih subscribers begs leave to announce to the X citizens oi fcunbury aud its vicinity, that they NEW GROCEIl'Sr. Tiro tloort vest of J. If. Enrjh't Store, Jfarhi Sfjunre, where they uro prepared to fun.Uh every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on baud the tuoicesi varieties 01 FLOUIl & FEED, Hh, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt Spices of all discription, Noaps of every variety. Camlies. iiiokhig aud Chewing tobacco, iSegars. Hams. Miouldcis, Bucon, Butter, and Eggs. Also lined Iruits ot till kinds, Caued Peaches and Toma toes. I'ickels, Kctehup, Pepper .Sauce, Ruisius, Lcuious, Ac, of hcBtuulity, and in fact every ityle of article kept in a well slocked Grocery. Also CiJer Vinegar. All kinds of country produoe taken iu exchange. Tho patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited, tiEORUE E. BEARD i CO. .uuhury, Nov. 31, 1865. V N 1TED STATES HOTEL, opposite the N. Y. i NEW HAVEN A WESTERN R. K. Depot BEACH BTHEBT, BOSTON. By F. M. PRATT, Formerly of the American IIouo May 13, ' ' JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JOSEPH KEBSLEB, lViili-liinukrr tind JMelpr, Market Street, Puabury, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he hits just received a large assort ment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, spectacles, Silver and plated spoons. Forks. Ao. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted feuubury, Jan. 13, lKo. ly , OLD EYES MADE NEW. r AMPHLET directing how to speedily restore A uueU sight aud give op sueotaeles, wiU.out aid of tor or snedioine. iSanl i by uuul, uh, on receipt oi IU cents. Address, February 4, lSfii Gui K. B.FOyX,M.p. VALUABLE TOWN-LOTS I on nali;, - ., ., . XMUHT ift) yaluable town loU ate offered' br tATWSS.' STr atsecl, opnosito Jri quireo? ' " mSSk0 AoLbury, FeWuar j i, I6. 3 ' B' MAi'6tK- in. c. i:ahiiaut's Confectionery, Toy and FUXJIT store, MorkftSlrtrl, Bimbry, Pn. CONFECTIONERY OP AI t KIND8, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, Ac, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sate at the above establishment atwholosale and retail, at reason able prices. lie Is manufacturing all kinds of ConfcMionarica to keep op a full assortment which are sold at low rate. Tobacco, Pegars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh art ofleied wholesale and retail. (jsRemeHibor the name and plane .jrt M. C. HEARHART. Market slroct, 3 doors west of . Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunhurycpt.,19, 1883. tf NEW ESML1SHMENT ! A. E. SAVAGE, mm HivilllllAl&vl inn JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, STJ1TETJE.Y. PEITIT'A. Tl AS constantly on hand a lino assortment of IT WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELJIY, Spec tacles, .Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ac. M uf(-hc, (lochs und .lowclry, ro In I !! and V Alt UA.'VriCO. Sunbury, Sept. 30 1865. Oko. W. Bvitu. Cba. B. QESTniF SMITH & GE1TTEEPL, Market street, one door east of Mrs. Boulton's Hote Have opened ANEW TIN-WARE, JOioef Iron nntl Ktove Ktorc, and intond keening constnnlly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notioo, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stoves of tho following Brands PE1T1TSTLTA1TIA, G00K, and on tho following two Brands we defy competi tion, namely 4'oiitMunliou (ilas Ilnrncr, Cook. (jiOTCl'llOI IN-iiii 'ook. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each stove warrnnted to pcrlorm what they are re presented. ALSO, PARLOR nnd OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all the best manufactures, and most fashionable designs. Also, The celebrated CEJI for heating up and down stairs. Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER. Coal Oil, t'oul Oil ImipH, MiadcN, !iiiiinl'H, nnd all nrtic-leN unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. We are also prenured todoall kinds of Spouting. Roofing, Range and Furnnce Work, Uas Fitting, ic. Repair ing cheaply and nently executed. Country produco tuken in exchange at market price. SMITH & GENTIIER, nave the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOV1-.S, for the Countios of Northumber land, Snyder, Uniou and Montour. Ai d aro also agents for the Pipher A Willowcr Lino of Transportation. Sun ury,Sept. utl, 1804. KING S iktaiiii: i.i:I4aii: Is the only prepartion of tho kind inado from the fruit. As nn articlo of economy, purity, nnd deli tmciness, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommend ed by physicians for invalids andfamily use. It will keep for years in any clfinato, whilo its condensed form enders it especially convenient for travelers AH who use lemons are requested to give it a trinl Eutertaiumcnts at home, parties, and picnics should not bo without it. For sale by all Druggists and first-class Uroocre. Manufactured only by LOUS J. METZiiF.R, No. 513 Peurl Street, NcwVoik. Sept. IB, 18C5. ly TOILET (SOAPS. Tooth-Biusbes, Hair Brushes &e For sale by ANNA PAINTER. PUiMPS! PUMPS!! The subscriber having purchased the right of NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTV, for putting in ii i vri:irs i n vtto vu.n i:.t ox Boitan Wells Axn Watrr Foi'xts, will furnish them to all persons in the county who may desiro these cheap and convenient pumps. They can be sunk to a proper depth in two hours time, cost but ono third the price of an ordinary pump, and for cheapness and convenience cannot be equalled. 8. B. BOVER. A F- (-LAPP. Sunbury, ,eptcmber 23, IS64. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172, 174 tfc 170 Greenwich St., 'One Square west of Broadway,) Between Courtlandt and Dcy Streets, Now York. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Propretor. Tho P.w-iric Hotkl is well and widely known to the traveling public The locution is especially . ....ulu ,u mm,,,, n,iU uusiuecs men, ii is inclose proximity to the business part of the City is on the highway orSoutbein uud Western travel nnd adja cent to all the nrincinul Railroad am! Kr,.,t.t deiHits. Ihe Pacino has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests ; It is well furnished aud possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water ; the attendance is prompt and respeotful ; nnd the table is generously provided with every delicacv til the season. The Subscriber. Who. fitp . li a naa, r.. - 1 been the lessee, i now sole proprietor, and intends toiudeutify hiinsell'thoroughly with the interests oi his house. ith long experience as a hotel-keeper, he trust?, by moderate charges and a liberal poluy, to maiutuiu the favorable reputation of the Paeilio 1J"!C- , JOHN PATTEN, Jr. September 9. 1S65 ly FLOUR & PEED STORE miOLKSALS AAD RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the puhlie ... . '!".,. ne kccl cona,''ly on hand at his new ARLHOl SK. near th Sham,, kin uTl,. li.n,.,j Dejiot, iu SUN BLR V, Flour by the barrel and sucks ui mi Kinusoirocu oy tne ton The above is ail mannfactured at his own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest cssh prices. , ' M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, June 4, IWil. KEW PHOTOGRAPH GALlEKY."" .1. II. i:itKIil.i:, would respectfully in. form the citizeus of SUNBURY, and the public generally, that he has opened a Dew, PHOTOOBAPH OA.LI.EHY. Iu Simpson's Building, South side of Market Square, where he is prepared te take in the best style of the art PICTURES TO FRAME, PICTURES IN CARES, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Alse Pictures made fur Rings, Breastpins, Lockets, te. Persons wishing: in our line will do well ... ii and exumine specimens at the Uallery. We hope to merit a liberal share of publio patron age, Ouu Motto is to Plkask. Minbury, July IS, 18o. 028 HOOP SKIRTS, 628 HOF-KIN'S "Own Make." M AM' FAcrr nun and .Sold Wholesalb A Retail, No. 628 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. The inott eomtilete assortment of Ladies' Mimes' and Children's Hoop Skirls, in tLta City; gotten up expressly to meet die wants nf Firat t'U- T,... embracing the newest and most desiroble styles and uaeaol '-Uore Trails," of every length from t to 4 yds round, 20 to t Surlnrs. at m s nn li.i Skirts, all : UugUit, from, j to yards round the but- VW m f i mi spa i Our ltn f MiaM nA fY.:iA .... . verbiellT beyond rtlZZZl' V"r,J' wuh, uulusithey have, Hoi.ktoVllooBiiki?t u baud, gdod Sklru, Auu!e and the Eastern State whioh uuNiaai A era A ltIvlJsl tutd ml asai urol I -ia . . w varying from it to 33 inches in lemrlb to 45 l!i!!y i at 35 cento to $1 25. All Skirt.?25, " are H arrantoa la - - ,'. - - - wwp 011111.11. r r i I VSkiru: TUSH, OrJlS!SpTt 1 'W.tW''' - IvlTtit'JUJ"1' U ' - pwullve Chamber, -,-?''P''y' Waroa . lS6.-4 lfari.burg, Aug. ii, 18J. j, . BALTIMORE 1 LOOK nOBPITAL, ESTABLISHED AS A REFTJOE FROM QUACK ' ' ERY. ,i . . THE ONLY PLACE IMERB A CURB CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Oertalw, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy in the World for all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back yr Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Disohargea, Impotonoy, Gene ral Debility, Norvousness, Dysprpsy, Languor, Low Spirit, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of tne Heart, timidity, Tremblings, Dimnessof Sight or Uiddineas, disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or skin, Affections if the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those Terri ile Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of 'outh those secret and solitary praoticcs more fatal e their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mar iners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes r anticipations, rendering marriago, Ac, impossl- spcolally, who have beoome the vlotlms of Solitary ice, that droadful nnd destructive habit which .nnually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intelloct, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecataty the living lyre, may call with full con fidence. Ill A It RI AG 12. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating tnarriago, being aware of physical weakness, orgasio debility, deformities, Ac , speedily eured. He who plnoes himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely npon his skill as a Physician. ORUAIC UKtU.i:!s! Immediately Cured, and Fnll Vigor Restored. This Distressing Afibotion which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims oi improper indulgences. Young Eersona aro too apt to commit excesses from not cing aware of the dreadful consequenocs that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent ? Besides being deprived the pleasures of hoalthy offspring, tho most serious and destructive symptoms to Doth body ami mind arise. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mentnl Func tions Weakened, Los of Prooreative Power, Nervous Irritability. Dvsuervssa, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frnmc, Cough, Consumption, ueoay ana Death, Ofllcc, Io. 7 Month Frederick Nlreet Left hand sido goiug from Baltimore street, a few doors from tho corner. Fail not to observe name and numbor. a Letters must bo paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. A Cl'ItK WAKRAVaVKW IX TWO DAYM. No Merevry or Nanseoni Drugt. IIC. .TOMXSTOX . Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 'Jraduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in he United States, and the greater part of whose life asbcen spent in tho hospitals of London, Paris, nilndclphia and elscwhore. has effected some of Inmost astonishing cures that were ever known; iiany troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at mdden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, iltendcd sometimes with derangemont of mind, were :ured immediately. I'AIti: I'AKTI'! I.Alt NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who havo injured them, selves by improper indulgence aud solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or marriage. TitKsK are some of the sad and melassrholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of 11 e Back and Limbs. Pains in tiie Head, Dimnees of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of tho Ibcnrt, Dyspepsy. Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, Ucncrel Debility, Symp toms of Consumption. Ac. Mrxtallv. The fearful effects on tho mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodings. Aver rion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac -tire someol the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now iudge what is tho cause of their dcolining health, losing tuoir vigor, bocouiing weak, pale, nervous and e naciatcd, having a singular appcaranoo about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. vol .' m:m iVho havo injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a hnbit frequently learned ... ... . j. from evil companions, or at school, the encot of which arc nightly felt, even when asleep, and if no ourcd renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. ( What a pity that a young man, the hope of his i couutry, tne mining ot nis parents, should no snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life, by the consequonco of doviattng frum the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons MC8T, before contemplating itl A (., I?. re Dec t that a socd mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promoti connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life be somes a weary pilgrimago ; tho prospect hourly darkens to tho view; tho mind becomes shadowed with despair aad filled with Ihe melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another become blghted with our own AVhcn the misguided nnd imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed tho seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed wnsc of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alono befriend him, delaying tiH the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearanco, such as ulcerated lore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the ihin bone and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in. anil the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending hiui to "lhat Undiscovered Country from whence no travoller returns." It is Lmclanchoty fart that thousands fall victims to this terrible discuro, owing to the unskillfulnesB of ignorant prcteuders, w ho, by the use of that Deadly 1'uimn, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue ot lllo miserable. WllCAXUICIlN . Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the ninny Unlearned aud Worthless Pretenders, destitute ol knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisement, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they koep yon trilling month after month taking their filthy and poison u com pounds, or as long a the smallest feeean be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health lo igh over your gatliugdisappoiutniont. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising ' His credential or diplomas always hang In his office. His rcmidiesor treatcment are unknown to all other, prepared from a life spent in the great ho- piuuaot turope, tne nrst in the country and a more extensive 1'ri t ale Practice than any other Physician in tne woriti. niHntsi:iii:r of tiii: iiii:nm The many thousands eured at this institution year auer year, ana me numerous important Burgles! Operations pertormed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by Ihe reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again beforo the publio, beside his standing as a gentleman of charncter and responsibility, i a (ulhcient guarantee to the afflicted. Miin mwi:AMi:M kii:i:iily 1 Itl'ls. " Person writingshould be pureieulur in directing iuvm ivtwiB .u ma Aueutuuou, ... me .oiiowmg manuo jii yt. jou.-vsto, JII.ID. Ot the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. ' June 24 (Soft ly. . . BOARDINGHOUSE! MltS. ?lAItIA TUO.Ul'feO.V - (Formerly of the. 'Lawrenoe House.") SUNBURY, PENN'A. INFORMS her friends and the publio generally that she has refitted the house formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. Peale, on Blackberry street, near the Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened a Boarding House, where the is prepared to keep PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDEKlf W ith good oooks and waiter, boarder ean enjoy the quiet comfort of home with fare equal to the Patronage from those who may sojourn In Sunbury is respectfully solicited. , Mrs. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury, Noy. n.lHni. . . . Tkl OI' om" I7TIEBEAS the Auditor General a required. by TV the Utb Section of the Aot, entitled An Act enabling the Bank orthia Commonwealth, to become Aaaoriatiuns for the -purpose of banking ander the laws of the I uited State. ' ' passed on Um iid dnV of 4iuwt f v. uss ceriiueu io nie !! tne "Dank of Northumberland, " located in toe Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, ha furnished satisfactory evidence to hi in that all th requirement of tald Act have bceu complied with by the said Bsuk, and that it ha beoome an association for the PuriK of Backing under the Law of th foiled bniM - ' i ',,eni notice Oiereof tf bVnuW lUhed in aeevrdaiw with the vro visions of th isaid jiiM,muua utikMii Aet,nd d deelarw that ta t V ttM 4l.o au .1 U 1- l,i . CONSTITUTION ' LIFE SYRUP; '. . . A positive and ipeoifl remedy for all disease ori ginating Irom an Impure State of the Bleod, and lot all (hereditary) Diseases transmitted from parent lo-ehlld. ' - -i . . :.. i.,c' 7 ' ' ' 1 A:l "1 ? f, j,, ' i .'! "ft j.Tia V. r -u,ti"i j J ': .' -"oil si f x ! ...I i 'V .1' . f , ,( 'booit ' !'.' i ( '' ' f-a" eOROJPTJ'T-.-rV I GLANDULAR SWELLINGS. STRUMA ULCERATION. KING EVIL. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. This taint (hereditary and acqnirod.) filling life with untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies incurable. RHEUMATISM. , If thore is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated enormous swellings are reduced. Casus, chronio or yocarious, of twenty or hirty years standing have been eured. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility, Shattered Nerves, St. Vitus' Dance, Loss of Power, Confusion of Thoughts, Epilepsy, Thousands who nave suffered for yean will bles the day on which they read these lines. Particular ly to weak, suffering women will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing directing their footsteps to a Hope which fulfills more than in promisoj. MERCURIAL DISEASE.?. Salvation, Rotting of Bones, Bad Complexion, Aches in Bones, Feeling of Weariness. Depression of Spirits TP Constitution Life Syrup purges the system entirely from all the evil effects of Moroury, removing the Bad Breath, euring the Weak Joint and Rheumatic I'uins which the use of Calomel is suie to produce. It hardens spongy Gums and secure the Teeth us as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, alt Eruptivo Diseases, of the skin like ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, nnd all other difficulties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both male and females, often making thorn a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUr Cures all Swelling of tho (Hands. Either, of the Face, Neck, or Fennilo Brcant, and should be taken as Boon as the swolling is detected, thus preventing their breaking, and producing trou blesome discharging sores, which disfigure so many or the younger portion of the community, from six to twenty years of age. Young children are very snbjeot to discharges from the ears, which depend ' ......... u i ,,.u . iutnq unses . recover by taking a few doses of the Lifo vrun ' upon a scrofulous constitution. These oases soon 8 ' All scrofulous persons suffering from general De bi.ity, Dyspepia andDropsey of ihe limbs, abdomen" and iu the female, Dropscy uf the ovaries and womb generally accompanied with Iuflnmation and Ulcer, atton of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Con stitulion Life Syrup. Tho disea.-o known as Uuitre or Swelled Neck, the Lil'o Syrup will remove en tirely. The remedy should be taken for some time, as the disease is exceedingly chrouic and stubborn, aud will not be removed w ill out extra effort Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and welling of other gland of the body, will bo com pletely reduced without resorting to tho knife, ur iterations of any kind. Y Enilejitic lit, ympathctie or organio diseases of tlie Heart, a palpitotion, diseases of the valves, pro- iXZHA gn".'!"g i-flli-U ,ouu1' druu"y ot' tl" bart oase and all the affections of this iuijiorfaul organ ttS;"bl neatly relieved by Constltu- rJZT and Do" Constitutions suffering vZ?r Mamory. Hli'K'. Horror ol Calamity J ear of Disease. Diinnna .,r v.'i... i. i. . ... '' l.,S.t.i"", W,n' of S,P. Kestliasnees, Palo f.. V . w?,",a:l irfwntude of Ihe Museu nr r ' ,U '""l"1" "iJ 01 lbe Constitution - '.-.'! FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, orS0lP no re"Jy ha ever proved ft equal. -Moth Patches upon the female fnoe depending upon the diseased action of the liver are very un pleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bot tles ot Constitution Life bvrun. will nnrrant w. jsirutioo i and remove the deposit which is direotly In the disease of the Liver, giving rise to Lan guor, Diwineas, Indigestion, Weak Stomach r an ulcerated or cancerous condition of that organ ao oompanied with burning or other unpleasant sviu toms, will be relieved by the use of Constitution ti re hjrrup. XJ C3" A a ceneral Blond I.irirln ik forld"nd untivUe(i preoarattoB n the TKE RICH AND PnnR re liable to the same disease. Nature and Seiescs ha made the Constitution Life S vrun fur iht h An fit of all. ' ' PTTIiS BLOOD produce healthy men and women ; and if the con stitution Is ncgleetcdjnyouth. disease and early death is th result. . . T, . - Price, f j, 2i per bottle ; one half doten for V- ' t v u.jq ru ' . " i. , t I ri a. ,. i . . !.' v ( I j h-.r. c OLB PROPRIETOR, NEW YORK. ; ., MORGAN ALLEN, ,. ' Wholes! Druggist, J " .... AgeoW. ' fEa O ftOQD WLK s CM.. Rmtua. JixiicSi'i ulR, chle.a.', J,''i,', ' i COLLIN BROT1IEKB, St. toni.' . 1 - J: D. PAKK, Oioownali. . ii-j tlnj, JOHMSON, HOLLOW AY t CO., P-lW.lvVia. . ' JAKNEIUWAKD VO-, N Orlaau. BARNES, HENRY CO, , Montreal, Canada.' HOfcTKlTtK BMI1H A DEAN, Ban FrauUce, Ca) . !t "'fa-.y j'li- T ' Ti. T' 'I !,!""! T - ! , " S ' G0I1). y 185,b186C' 18e7..' SILYXB ii ' '" i'tttvlP ' : f,MlrK.,l. . $2 S2 II $2 Ml " TWO :DOIjIjA.H.S.' , MaauAictarera' Agent i Ova New Mode- One ' of ' oar ' UOtAt " or Bllt EK 'Wtitche, or Hllrer Ta HetsJ for ' ' fui, nt below Mated, -i One of our tea sett or one piece of eur Ueld or Silverware i worth a bushel ot .the cheap dollar jewelry ! J , W havo adopted tho following mode ef ' DISTRIBUTION by salo of 75,000 article of value ! ' 1 Our Ne-r fllode t ' The articles of goods are numbered from I to 75, 00V! (7,600 consisting of Piano Mclodcons, Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea Table Sett. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons and Forks; etc., etc., and the other X7.600 articles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph .Albums, Open face Silvor Watches, and fancy article in great variety. 75,000 notioes numbered from 1 to 75,000 are printed and put into sealed envelope and well mixed and one of those i taken out ami ent to the person sending to u 25 oent to cover expense of postage, correspondence etc., and the article of goods corresponding with the number on the notice will be sent to the holder of the same immediately (if he desires to purohase the article) on the receipt of two dollars. For instance ; If the number en the notice sent to you should bo 500, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 500; it will be sent to you should bo 500, and a piano or diamond sottorgold watch should be numbered 500, it will be sent to you for $2, and so on for every articlo in our list of75,000 articles. 3P"After receiving the article, if it does not please you, you can return it, and your money shall be re undod. 25 cents must bc seat to pay expense of postage, Correspondence eto., on one notice. - Remember : that whatever article corresponds with the number on your notice, you cen have it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth $100 or $800. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and sand out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to the public, and thereby increases our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon rcoeipt of 25 cts., which pays for correspon dence, postago etc., we sund one notice. Upon receipt of $1, which pays for correspondence, postage, ctc.j wo send six notices. Upon recoipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, postage, eto., we will send 4U notices, and a fine pre sent valued at not less than 15, as a sample of our goods. Upon receipt of flft which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 150 notices, and a solid iilver Watch, by return mail. AOENTS WANTED. Send for a oircular ! Agents Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make 925 Weekly. Address plainly REED A BROTHER, Salesroom Box 513ft, 34 LibeVty street New York City, N. Y. Sept. 23, lh05. ly gPEER'S SAMBUKU PORT GRAPE WINE. Pure and I'eiir Vrar Old. FOR THE COMMUNION TABLE A FAMILYUSE Prescribed by Physicians for Females, weekly persons and INVALIDS ! r--SV ryTvi. Til' ?L u' fit - KXCELLEST WISE YOU FE.M.VLLS ; Every family at this season, should ufe SPEEll'S WINE, : celebrated in Europe for its medicinal and beneficial i qualities, highly esteemed by eminent pbisicians, i usca in i-.urMiun una American Hospitals, and by some of the first fuuiilie iu Europe and America. AS A TONIC it has no equal, causing an appetite and building up i the system, being entirely a pure wine of a moot1 valuable grnpo. AS A DIURETIC it imparts a hoalthy action of the lilands. Kidneys, and Urinary tlrgans, very beneficial in Dropsy, Gout, aud Rheumatic Affections. SPEEll'S WINE i a pure article from thn Juice of the Port Grape, possessing medicinal properties superior to any other wine in use, and an ezellent artiolo fur all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, ira proving th uppetito, and benefitting ladies and children. Tig it oner, anil yon will not U deceived. I V Be sure the iiiruuluie of Almikd Si eeh Li over the eork ofeueh bottle. Sold by W. A. Bennett. Sunbury, and all first cla& dealers, who also sell the CANTl!.!,.! IOlt-r IIItA.MkY eboiee old article, im ported only by Mr. gpeer, direct from the valley of Oporto. Ut" Trade supplied by Wholesale Druggists. I fT"By A. SPEER. atbis vineyard in New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 2u BROADWAY, N. t. tawbury, Jan. Id, Ihoo. ly. E3TS7'3 COTT2.G33 ORGANS. ARE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely nneaualled. by any othur Had Innnmui in uivvuumrr. ueeltrnort Hinrnylw r.u. rhMkM .n,l Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by is. M. BRUCK, o. 18 North Seventh street, Philadelphia. tyAlo Bradbury' Pianos, and a eoinnlete as. (ortiuent of the Perfect MELODEON. . 6ept. 23, 186i.lyW , HEGOUD 7CTJE. DEEDS- T)ERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are reminded I that they must be reeorded, according to th Ast of Assembly which require that "AH deeds and eonveyauoe fur real estate m this Cemmonweaith, shell be recorded ia the office for Recording Deeds in the County where the laud lie aniAiN si mtutht after th ezeoution of uch deeds ad conveyance ; and every wen Ueed and ooovey. anoe no reeorded as aforesaid,' shall be iudxed FRAUDULENT AND Vol 1 1 .7,1.21!....!.. Surohaser for a valuable consideration, unless each eed be eeorded before the recording of tne deed or eonyeyancs under whioh seek subsequent purchaser ortuertgaoeaball elalau..'' 7z. . "Angus lit, lboa .,:,...,;,. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. PRY,:.,, Two door westef U Pest Ofloa, SUNBURY, V T) ESPECTFULLY Inform the eltii.n of Sum t bury and vicinity, that b will bake to order pkia4r' , , , . - - Ctikwlur HtUld Parties, : J faaiUies are supplied wila SXhBU sUU-AJA, Twist ell, Kaaka. Xaa Sana, -, aul ea aud la.. T.a ml ot the t maAssiaJsK. , j . . , 1 I All wlw wUI inset with praaapl alias tax . Having- aad Ujrga xuerleao .1 ttopa to arm c eneswt satissasiioa to ail wao may atw ma witn tbeir MHrenaf. Buabury, De 1 , 1IJ. pAVID T&X. - f Cottage Organ, (j ' J TITS PE RUVIAN ' 18 A PROTECTED SOLUTION 69 TUB Protoxide Of Iron,' "i' a new discovery in medicine which t atnnfrwwn .HI ftftTSl Tjnnrp OTP T1TPA1T. A flit?. . by supply log the Blood with IU vital rm.icii- . on urm ilimkiit IRON. This ith Secret of the wonderful success of this remedy In ouring ; Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, DropBy, Chronio Diar rhoea. Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills nnd Fe vers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, , . Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, . . , Female Complaints, ' and all disoase originating in a : BAD BTATE OF THE BLOOD THB TSTM. Being free from Alcohol in any form, It energi sing effects are not followed by corresponding reuo- . tien, bat are permanent, infusing stbksuth, viiior and ax w Lira into all parts of the system, and build ing np an IRON CONSTITUTIONS . DY8PEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From tin Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT, D. D Dc-NBAM , Canada East, March 24, 1805. "I am an Inveterate Dyspeptic of more , than 25 years standing." . "I have been so wonderfully bccSttcd in the three short weeks during which 1 havo used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known mo are astonished at the change. I am widely known, andean but recommend to others tliat which ha. done so mnch for m " One of the most Distinguished Jurists fi New England Writes to a Friend as follows: "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and Iho result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has made a now man of me ; infused into my system now vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger oapacity for labor, mei.flil and physical, than at any tfino during Hie last five years." - . An Eminent Divine of Boston, eays: 'I have been using tho PERUVIAN BY HUP for some time pest; it gives me new vioon, dl.VAxcv or spirits, ELASTicTr or MUSCLE. " Thousands havo been changed by the use of this remedy; from weak, siokly, suffering croaturcs, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; ami invalids cannot reasonably hesttata to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 paos, containing certificates of cures and recommendation from some of the uiosl eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will bo sent free to any address. 'tf-See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SVitUP blown in the glass. For sale by J. P. DIN6MORE, Proprietor. 36 Dey Street, New York. AND BT ALL DRUGGISTS. ( SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is the lies Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disease ever discovered. The difficulty has been toobtaiu a Pure Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE.WATER. Is a Puro Solution of Iodine, Without a Solvent!! Continuing a full grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful .Vitalising Agent and Restorative. It has cured and w ill cure SCROFULA in all its muni, bld forms. l'Ior, CunrerN, MypliiiiM, Malt IttlCHIII x i audit has been used with astonishing success in discs uf Itheumalhui, Dyspepsia, Consumption, l'einnlo Complaints Heart, Liver, and Kidney Disease. Ac. Circulars will be seut free to any ouu seudiug thiii address. Price f 1 .1)0 a bottle, or 8 for $5 00. Prepared by Dr. II. ANDEUN, Physicinn ami Che. mist. For sale by J. P. I'INS.MORE. : Dey Street, New Votk. And by all Drujgicts. Wistar s Balsam or i WILD CHER IT. has been used for neurly HALF A CENTURY. , w ith the most attonishing success in curin? r..rl.a n-.l.l. II l. rw., . - - nriiesB, oore niroiii iiitlucna, H h.Kjping Cough, Croup. Liver Cumpluiut, Brochitis, Difficulty of Ilrealliing. Asth ma and every aflection of The 'I'll rom, I.unKH, und li.-l. CONSUMPTION, which carries off more victims shan other disease and which bullies the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any oilier nialudy, often VIEI.IIS 10 THIS HEMEUV ! wheu all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safo in its opera tion, it is unsurpassed ! and is entitled merits, and receives the general confldeuce of the public. SEVMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., write a follow : " istar' Bulam of Wild Cherry gives univer. satisfiictiun. It seems to oure a Cough by looscnii and cleansing the lungs, and allaving irritation, thu r.ninvlug the cause, iustead of drying up the eous-li sud leaving the cause behind, i consider tho Bal sam as goo! as auy, if not the best Cough medicine w ith which I am acquaiiitca." From Hon. Judge SPRAKER.of Canajoharie. X. V Uentlemcn. This is to certify that mvsHf mil family have used Dr. Wistar Bubmui of Wild Clary . forevcral year, aud that I tuko great pleasure io reoommcuding it in preference to anything of the kind for the purposes for which it is intended. In eases of Asthma, Phlhisie, or affections of the Throat I hav never met with anything equal to it, , Very respectfully. DAVID SPRAKER. The Rev. JACOB SECIILER, of Hanover, Pa., Well known and much respected among the tierman population in this country, makes the following statementfor the beuefil of the atllieted. Dear Blrs: Having realiied in my family imr-f tout benefit from the use of your valuable'prcpi.ra-tion-M istar' Balaam of Wild Cherry-it a&M me pleasure to recommend it to tho public. Some eight year ago one of my daughters seemed to bo in- dclme,snd little hopes of her recovery w ere enter tained. I then procured a bottle of your excelled Balsam, and before sbo bad taken the whole of llic contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual cut uisd.. frequent us of your valuable iLeiiciue, aud hao alwayi been benefitted by it. JACOB SECIILER. TRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by J. P. DIN'.SMORK, 58 Dey Street, New York SETU W FOWLE A SO.V. Proprietors Boston. And by all Druggi.t. GRACE'S CELEBIUTED SALVE Cure Cuts, Burns, Scalds. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE . Care Wounds, Bruise Sprain. UHACE ' CELEBRATED SALVE ' ' i. Cure Buils, Ulcer, Cancers. U RACE'S CELEBRATED SM.XU : : Cure Salt Rheum, Erysipela. -GRACK I CELLBRAIKD SALVE ' ' Core Chapped Hand, Chilblains. . URACK'fl CELEARATEDALVE Heal Old Bo:, Flech Wounds. Aa. , - It Is as aotiisa, eiay naia i, aud rewaee lb aot n;ry.toukun swelliniisajid niatlon. a if br tnajrio. thus afford ilia ralit'f ill tea iuii wuuijiium ear. 4. S1 ttut fYKeTnTymair for limn.) For Sale by J. V TlTiiii(K- t Tl lork. - W. fOWtk bONi -hwrMn..' Baoa,aslkjUl Vrngtul ana .uouatswf JUiuryJf-.HM-lr.