I Sun&urjj Slmr rican". .wu!yj.i..M..K-.. . O. Uli, J .yviy. . r SATURDAY, MAri2ri80O. 1F" Notice to oun , Patkonb. As, hanjwai effected onjbe.first "pf Awj1 rs"f' In tlio publication of Ibe Ambricak, -we have ortened a hew snU of bwnltt, Tbii pnblishera admit making additions to tlie offloo nnd jrtbrr Improvementa In the 'Amkiucak, ell us in the Jobbing department, by means .'a power press. This will tccewarily Im pose a heavy expense upon tbo present pub 'libers, who thcreforo request all who are In arrears at Ibis offico to aid tlicni in their ef forts, by settling tip all accounts iaimtrtliale It. Those living at a distance can forward to us by mail at our risk, if remittances are shown to the Post Master where ruiulcd. Eoral ft (fairs. . OP Job Prlsilltirj;. Having noeivtd a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of virions new stylos, Posters, Handbills, Ciroulars, Card, Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Labeli, Aa., oan be printed in tbe lbst and bet styles, ind on short notioi. Orders by mail promptly attended to. CP RBPAinmo tub STncBTS. We observe that Street Commissioner Bowen Is busily engaged In repairing the streets This is a good move, as they have been bsdly neglected for some time past. tJTna Naw Gnocanr SToaa Weoall atten. tlon to the advertisement of Messrs. Hurth A Brown, In another column, who have recently opened a wholesale and retail Grocery and Provision Store, in the 90m formerly occupied by Furman's store, where they -have just received a large stock of grooeries, Ac, to whioh they invite the attention of (he public UpidASi Ball. Another match gam was played by the Star and Susquehanna Base Ball Clubs, on Sntur Jay Inst, on the grounds of the latter, near the machine bhops of the N. C. R. R., resulting in a viotory for the Susquehanna. The game was more exoiting and warmly contested than the pre vious one, and showed some improvement, especially in "fielding." At a meeting of the Star Club, hold on Friday evening last, ths following officers wore elooted :- President, H. B. Rodrigue; Vioe President, J. B. Erskina; Sooretary, C. 11. Faust; Treasurer, 0. W. Haupt ; Directors of the Ground, J. Mnlono, J. A. WeaAr and L. Dewart. tp-DAM Rice's Great Memaoebie a.nd Cincvs will be in this place on next Friday, and exhibit in tb afternoon and evening- It comprises the greatest variety of rare animals and trained horses ever col lected under one oanvass. Dan himself will appear in the double character of lecturer on toology, and humorist, in thi rine. 'The exhibition will take place near the Augusta Hotel, in the upper part of the town Soe adverlissment. EpTna Soldiers' Moiccjiest. Tbe ceremonies if dedicating a monument, in honor of the brave men of Co. '-C," 47ib Penna. Vetorun Volunteers who sacrifice J their lives in defence of their country, will take placo on Wednesday next. Tbe Masonic fraternity of this place, is well as from neighboring town, will iwi.-t in the ceremonies. A cordial Invi tation is extended to all surviving soldiers of the wnrir 1S12, returned volunteers of tho lute war, the various civic societies, and the citizons to be pre sent. The following is ihe programme for the occasion: Tbe parade will form at 11 o'islook, A. M., cn Mokel stroet, the right rosting 011 Second street, in tbo following order : Returned Soldiers, hiving in t'liurge the erecti m of the Monument ; .Sildius of tbe War of 1812 ; Masonic Ordur, (this ancient order will tlcdicuto tho Monument) ; Knights Templars ; CLief Curaess nnd Town Council: Tl.o Kevcrcud Clergy ; Independent Order of Odd Fellows ; En campments ; Good Templars; Fire Companies! Civic Societies. Fahrer's Silver Cornet Band of Sclinrgroia will precede the column All tif."o'-i.iti iris and societies joining in tbe pro cestui are respectfully requested to appoint Mar shals :'or their respective bodios, ho will rcpi.rt to lien. Jno. Kuy Clement, Chief Marshal, and Capt. (". J. Itruner and Adjt. A. F. Clipp, as Assistant Marshals. 'Hie column will move punctually at 11 o'clock and 40 minutes. Tbe oruliin will be delivered by tbe Rev. JI, Rhodes. (j(i-Tei:i:i.h.e Wimd Storm Destruction or a Cntucn. On last Suturday evening dark and threa leuing clouds aproarod in . the West, followed hy a rain of a few moment), duration, after which a Geroe find aroto, and nontinuud to increase in violence till Sabbath morning. Between two and throe o'clock It blew with almost hurrffliie forco, shaking house" 10 their very foundations. Tbo only serious damage that occurred was lo tbe Triuity Episcopal Church. This buildiug was rapidly approncbing completion, but not fully enolosej, and standing iu a very ex posed position lo tho wiuds, was hurled from its indution and dashed to the ground a total wreck, hi crat-h was so great as to be keurd in many parts f Ihe town, alove the roar of tbe winds. The oongregation, nothing daunted by Ihe disaster, bave resolved to rebuild tba church, but this time of stone, which will be more handsome and durable than the other would have been. They bave tba . .. . . . srmpalby of tne cou.mur.11y wun mem on account of their loss, and some generous aid has already been extended.' The rector of the church, Rev. G. W. thirn, intends delivering a lecture on tbo evening of tho 15th inst., to aid in rebuilding. Thi subject will be -'Popular Superstitions." Tickets ari al ready being sold. - In a few months It 1 expected the Episcopalians will have recovered from this disaster, and have a comfortable church. Shamotiu Herald. , lyFEKiAH MaiTiao.A Feniaa meeting was ;,old in the Court House, on Monday Isveaing last' George Hill, Esq., Presided, assisted by Dr. R. H. Awl and M E. Bucher, Vice Presidents, and J. C. Welker and James Mulune, jr., fjccrctarics. Thi meeting Has addresicd by Dr. Donnelly, of Pil la burg, who U Plate Centre of the organisation, and a Mr. Mc Williams, of Renova, who recently emigrated 1 from Ireland to this oouutry. . The doctor briefly elated the objects of the brotherhood, and also gave a very interesting history of the order, from its infaney to the present time. . He said that it was not their intention to embroil the United States in a war with England, as tbey were strong enough toaonqucr tbe freedom of Ireland without any assistance from Ihe Government. The speakers both concurred la stating that some exciting news from tbe Canadian border may bo expected in a short time, astbeyara now ready to strike a Mow, and have an army o 0 000 men thoroughly disciplined, and ready lo move at a moment's warning. At the conclusion Of Ihe meeting a subscription paper was passed around, -t to obtain funds to aid in the purchase of aims and ammunition fur thi army. , Uf Lawisauae En. T. M. Dawsen. of Auburn, N. Y., has accepted a oall of thi Presbyterian . . . . . . VI. l.Vv Churcb, of Lewisnurg, ana win uommeu.e on Sunday nexU 1 Rav. tit. Diokson wm formerly rector of this Church. : .1 '.' 1 : ! .' 1 ' - Ti.i.dieaof LewUburc have organised a Wo - tnan s freeamea wiiih v which is to assist U tae reliif of deatitait colored people of ibi BcuUs.wbo ava aeca aaisnoipa-eu y tie war. Bev. Pitif.UanalMoas,oC tha University, delivered a lacturt a Saturday avaniag saaa, on tba Coadiaoai and Prospects of tba Friedine," the proeaeds of whioh ware given to this worthy causa, ! . A I jrB-foTn Wm, Mover,, the County SUurinsandaat of seheokaia ODTdar OOUBtT, IS. .J': for a Urm mf lna veers. o ib Vat las. . Jh HTDtllTftVCrma Fra a Sa-aawara.-Os frt. day MSfptaf tmmt, 'etoek. the eltiseoi Sbamoala, were arwmed by the ary of re, followed by an aspMea- Sba ilmld ays, s'tha Bamee wer discovered proaaedlng tran User of the store it V. Fagely, and they epread with iuoh rapidity this In twenty minutes they (taf sloped Isaae Soott'i Souse, laalrrlrnjUie wroras af, fHrecb f Rewberger, and John Connelly ; also tlio . salona and, ten-pla alley of Israel Henulngorand the dwelling of Jaoob Hill; thi last two wart the property of Geo. Miller, of Shamokln township. On the ethef Side, were the Railroad offices, which . wori also destroyed. The explosion iras supposed to le aaoaalonod by thi eoal , Oil thi esllar V Ftly ' itore, and iorved to spread the flataaairUh gratatapldlty4 It was only throngh the remarkable ealmness of the wind at that hour and the exertion of many of onr eitisena, that tha lira was prevented from spreading to thi Bird prof i'ty, Bittenbender's maohine shops, and other surrounding buildings. If the wind bad been high or If tbe fire had gotten beyond tha limits la which It was confined, there is no teUing thi fearful rava ges it would have made.' The Railroad office lost .all their, furniture, and many of their most Valuable papers ; the property was owned by V. Fagely ; Mr. Fagely 's loss is very heavy ; be had just received a stock of new goods ; tha wholt valued at $1(1,000, very little of which was saved. The buildings were estimated at $3,000. II is insuranoes, which wert in thi Lycoming, Glrard, and Columbia, amounted to $8,000. Mr. S cott and his family barely tseaped with tbeir lives, and saved scarcely any ol their clothes and furniture. His loss Is over $2,500 ; insured In thi Cumberland Valley Co., for $1,400. Uirioh V Nswberger's loss between $4,000 and $5,000, insured in thi Lycoming Co., for $1,000. , John Connelly's loss Is estimated at $5,000 . no insurance. Kone of thi other parties wero in. sured, and we could cot learn with any oertainty what their losses wVre, but presume thafthi entire damage by the fire was about $30,000 ; with $13,400 of an Inturanci. ' ' , ; UF'Tbi Xkw Nombsclatcri The proceedings f the Borough Council, last woek, in whioh was em bodied thi new nomenclature of the streets, was not furnished us in time fur our last issue. Tbo change of the names of thi streets will moet with general ap proval, although, perhaps, there is soma difference of opinion in regard to some of the names substituted. We think the substitution of "Front Street" forthe original name of Broadway, is no improvement, un less it Is en the ground that "Front" may be eon sidcred in thi light of Ihe tmtnericnl, First. Thi streets paralell, and north of Market, aro to be called Aroh, Race and Vine, instead of Dewberry, Cran. berry, and Canal. South of Market, they are to be oalled Chestnut, Penn, Walnut, Sprueo and Pine. The oommittoe have adopted the name and ordor 0 ths streets in Philadelphia, except Penn street. This is, perhaps, only objeotlonablo, as wanting In originality. Canal street we think preferable to Vine, and has some signiScation. Canal strcot in New York Is one of the loading business streets of thateity. . try An Exo'Tixo Game or Base Ball The Aleut Bn?e Ball Club of IDanvillo, having accepted the chnllengoof the Srsn Club, of this place, played a match game with thi latter, on their grounds above town, near the Augusta Hotel, on Thursdny last Tbe Danvillo boys arrived in tbe morning train, ac companied by a number of eititens of that placo, and while here were tht guests of tbe "Stars " The game was commenced at half-pnat twelve and tcrminuted about half-past 3 P.M. As will bo seen by the following score, the Alert Club was victorious by fifteen points. When taken into consideration that tbe Stab Club was but recently organised, we think tl.ey done romarkably well The Danvillo Club is an old organisation, and, of course, lad tbe advantages of practice and experience. A large number of persons from this placo, male and fcmule, were present during the progress of ike game. Tbe Alert boys left for homo on the 4.20 train, nnd seemed highly pleased with their visit here. The following is tbe sooti : 0. R. 2 6 I Rodrigue, e. 4 4 M alone, p. 3 b Dewart, 3 '7 Weaver, 1 b. 4 3 Bright, 2 b. . 3 b Fisher, 3 b. 3 (I Hower. 1. f. 3 6 Soeshulls, 0. f. 2 6 Irvin, r. f. 27 47 Total, 1MMINOS. 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 4 2 3 3 8 5 21 2 2 6 8 5 5 0. R. 2 4 1 5 5 3 4 4 3 4 2 S 2 4 2 3 6 2 27 32 I Diddle, 0. Adams, p. Clark, S. s. Trick. 1 b Magill. i b. ' Mile-, 3 b. I;yerly, 1. f. Lewis, 0. f. Eokmun, r. f. Total, Total 47 32 i AhTt, blur, I tnplre W. F. Thompson. Scorers James W. Billuian and J. A. Nickerson Proceedings or Coc.ncil Tho Council met on Tuesday May 1, at 8 o'clock, P. M., it being the regular stated night of meeting. E. Y. Brigh Chief Burgess, in tho chair. Members present, Renn, Bruner, Bns'.ian, Friling. Hendrioks, Brlce, Rocke feller, Zettlcuioyer, Slaymaker, Haas and Engel. Minutes of last regular stated night, April 3d, and Of adjourned meeting, April 10th, road and approved. Un motion, Mr. Friling was appointed on eominit tco nf finance in place of Mr. Greenougb. Committee on changing the names of streets and alleys, submitted the following report which was read nnd and adopted, vlt : We. your committee, would submit tba following report. Wa recommend that what is now known us Dmadway be changed to Front street; and each street thereafter, running from North to South, par allel with Front street, be respectively named beo end, Third, Kourtb and Fifth streets ; and we reoom mend that Market erShamokin street, shall be called Market street ; and what is now known as Dewberry, be called Aroh street, running parallel with Market, and North of the same ; Cranberry street to be called Race street, and street recently opened on tbe eaual 1 hunk, ha ealled Vine street, blackberrv street, run , . ilK . .f M.rk - h. e.,lad Che-mi', street Pokeberrv street to be oalled . Penn sroot ; V norlleberry street to be call 00 n aioaisu-iei; Elderberry street to be called bpruee street ; and street in liendriek's addition, to be oalled Pine street. We also recommend that the original names of the alleys be not efcanged for tba prvseat, and that the Chiof Burgoas be instructed to procure a certified copy 01 tee plan 01 mi corougu n ptu me uonu cuoe. i A.N. BRICK, , CHAS. J. BRUNER, WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. I. The following bills wert. presented and orders granted, vi : . ' . . - V John Bourns for lOT JOj. WmV JI. Weaver for $3 20 ; Smith & Geulher for (3 60 ; E, T. Bright' Borough saal and press, f 8 60. P. B. Masser tendered his resignation as Borough HaaiilaMr. hinh waa on motion accented. Ou motion of Mr. Uaaa, Resolved, That thi Chief Burgeta procure a Ledger lu whtcn 10 aeep an ac muni, of all bills and orders drawn from tbe time thi present ouuuoil took tbeir acata. so that a regular eoouut may be kept with the uorougn. On muiiun. four orders were arwited to B. F Bright to pay Borough bond of (200, Including debt and interest. ; 1 - 1 Ob motion of Mi. Haas. Resolved, That the com- mittee on streets, lanes and alleys bo requested to aali upon Cbasles .Uanngw ana ouiers, 10 rwuvs Y propusiuoM tut repairing and making so snuca at wis road trom onn ounwier w vuviot hmiusci w low tba dam, washed out by the B004 ol loo , (in mii. if Mr. Ruokcleller. Keaolved. Thai Mr. v f Arms ha Ki noiuted as one of the boroukb Re- J gulators for the ensuing year, iu plaoe of P. if. Mat- j resigned. ..'. i.,. of M. Brief. ReeolreJ. That thi Chief Burgess be inslruoloU lo put up naua noarur, wiui ,k..n.. f mitnk an eat DtubMlv lettered theraoa. a as iilaeed on thi corner of aaob street in tht bo- 11. ..iinfMr. Brioe. Resolved. Tbottbioonv mil tee on grave yai a baiusu actod to lay or have laid a substantial erica or siuue iirasw, mtm - ; "ST-,r, ,h. . Hrd tb, wwt side, t(j ryB (n)m (h, j Spruo and Third to grave jtpl (aie Tba said paaanaat to he- laid dating J Ua wain summer. i . 1 - On Dutlusl,o( jasper majuiaaor, lumiim, three axilSeemeB bappeto4 aadariplyd to pi krol the strMla of thi Borough ui bunbury, from ca o'clock, P. M., until 3 0'oU.ok, A.M.. for tbi, our. pom oi enforcing good order and behavior upon tba ooruers and streets of Ibi town, and that tbe said po licemn be upioiuted by tbe Chief Burgees, at a sa lary net exceeding U0 oa per eighus .i ' Oa lootioa of Mr. U au, iteealved. That the Ckief k. 4IHvu4 lu aonii-aea with souse oilisea to build good and auheuatial Looa iuvt tbe purpose of latpruvming all criminals arresl n.,Uua. aM olhar nropsjt u.bur. iM : 1. ' I! Oa iUoxx adjowawl la ihisBiantuwiweJis, U"wr Mend Mnjr Blltaaa,of ibiMaiioaal Salooa, feat fitted ;ap a ..alca department, la aonncetlon With his popular restaurant, where all the delioaoles f tbe season ail) constantly be kept an feaad. XI t is also nt'lag up soda fountain, and will aeon b tble to supply (he publlo with this delicious summor keverag.- ; -fhe Major deSorvei a liberal patraaaga for his energy .and enterprise. Ij," , .' f , '( ; Row. Quite a row oeeurrid at Mount Cartnol on Monday night. As far as we ear learn a superlnten dent of ana of the mines In that vicinity Inourred thi enmity of soma of thi miners, and they attacked Ills house, firing somt thirty shots at and into it. They wori finally dispersed without any ona being seriously Injured. We oould not loarn any of thi names ef the parlies. Slmmot-in Herald. Fiaa on rna MotJliTAiKS. For tha past week ths mountains all , around uS have been on fire.' The soene at night was grand to look upon ; still we dis. like tone these fires ; they destroy thi undergrowth of tha woods, take away tbeir bright green hue, and do no one any good. Those who wilfully set firs to our mountains should be puninhed, as thi law I, severe on such offenders. Shamottn Herald. , ; ''" ' BTJSINESS'IIOTICISS. I76awma Machisrs. Several valuable Lock stitch Sewing Machines, new styles, for sale. Enquire at this office. Up How PnovoKiNO. An exchange says : Did you aver read what you supposed to be a very inter esting paragraph in a newspaper, and found when you were "gist" of the joke, that you suddenly ran against tbo announcement that somebody had just received so and so in great profusion, and was pro' pared to undersoil everybody else this side of the Attuntio? Wo have been caught In that "snap" many a timo, and hoi we ever learned the art of profana swearing, we doubt not we should have "went in" on Ihe Billingagalo with a gusto. But to talk thus ti profitless what we want to get at is, to Inform thi public that Jacos O. Beck, at bis fath' ionable Tailoring Establishment, on Fawn street, between Markit and Blackberry, is. manufacturing the handsomost, best-fitting, and most durable Sum', mer Suits, that oan be procarod.iu this section 0' oounlry. -:-r lyCmHOES. Our town hiis never before been so fortunate as at present Business men, so vera' years ago, were compelled to wait patiently on the slow transit of their merchandise to this place -Merchants would purchase tteir stock of goods' place them in boats, return home and wnit for tho boatman to "wind his born" when crossing the river, before any preparations wcro mado to receive them for their customers. This usually took from ten to fifteen days Now nil tb is is accomplished by Mr. J. K. Smick, Merchant Tailor, In throe days. His magnificent stock of Summer goods, which hnve just been opened, is surprising to everybody, and as be sells on tbo prinoiple of "small profits and quick sales," it is an advantage to call and examine his stook. A Talk. Is has lately been remarked that thi gentlemen of this plaoe all seem so fashionably dressed This is always the case when gentlemen buy whole suits at onoe, and shows that they are prospering, and have an eye to comfort. All who have neglected to replenish tbeir wardrobes can readily be accommodated at the Continental Ct.o. tuino Basaar, corner of Msrket and Railroad streets, where our friend Slaymaker sell whole suits at a very low figure. 'p'Oucn, Bkttlb, Best. ; CHEAP. CHEAPER, CHEAPEST, Wit. II. Miller, has again returned from tbe city with a new and splendid stock of Boots and Shoes' which can beseon nt the Exielslor Boot and Shoe Store They sun be bought at a sacrifice. Men's Cutf Coots at $4 7j. Lady's Gaiters at $1 60 and upwards Don't all come at once. ISi-pport II on a iNDCSTiir. Those who are fitting themselves out lor the Summer season, should recollect that a neat tile is neccstnry to complete the dress of a gentleman. We would suggest to the gentlemen of bunbury end vicinity, that the best and cheapest place to buy Ibis articlo, and at the same time encourage borne manufactures, is at tbe fashionable hat store of Samuel Faust, two doors west of Bennett's drug store. f-CArnonATiiD Vanvaar, for the preserve, lion of furs, cashmeres, and woolen goods from the ravages of moths and other insects, has just been re. eeived and can now bo obtained at the Drug Store of W. A. Bennett, Market street. IjjK Issirasci Welker and son of SuLburyi are prepared to insure either your property or your life. They represent a eapitul. of over (14.000,000 in the moet substantial companies In the land. You will End them pleasant and reliable men to do luti. ness with. UBvehlt's is the placo to get a good like- ess. Eycrly takes tbe best pictures. Byerly's is the placo to get Melalnotypes. At Byerly's you can get beautiful Photographs. At Byerly's you can get splendid Ambrotypes. At Byerly's yon oan get the best and eheapeat. Byerly's Gallery lain Bastler's building, upstairs, corner of Market and Fawn streets. DEATHS. In this nlaoe7on the 28ih ult., AMELIA ELLEN. daugbterof Levi and Ellen A. Seesbolta, aged 4 years, i mos. and 4 days. HlUlKY JUKKETM. Corrected Weekly for the ,Amerioan.,, Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. Ryt Flour, per bbl. do ; perewt. Buckwheat Flour ' , do Wheat, prime whita - per bushel, Rye, do Corn, , . , , .do Oats, ' ' do , Potatbes,' ! ' ''')" do ' J 1. Dried Peaches, pared i per round ' do . do unpared do Dried Anolea. do 113 00 6 60 9 bo a 50 ft 60, 2 60 1 100 bO 60 ; 1 00 i 35 . 25 16 I 75 . 60 18 28 . Dried Cherries, (una toned,) per ba. Butler, , per pound, per down, per pound, do do do do do da de do per pair per pound per pair Hggs. .neeea, . Lard, ... Hams, Shoulders, Beef, bind quarter, front " Mutton, Pork, 1 Veal, ' Chickens, Fresh Salmon, do Shad, 26 20 15 IB 20 12al4 7 20 04 Jtytrial Notitte. It-Sbb A Woman, in another column picking Sum burg grapes for Speer's Wine. It h an adorable artiole, used in the hospi tal! and by tba Bra class faniiliaa ip .Paris, London ant! New York, in prefurenea to old Port Wine. It la worth a trial, as It, gives great satisfaction. For sale by W. A. Ben- Dtt ..; . ' ;. , ; EFrcTB or Wihon DrsttMB. Dr. Gala observes, in treatiea on disease,' that tha great uia of wine In France la supposed to lisvs aliatod the Drevalence of tha eravel. In tha FreDcu coloniee, where pure wine ia more used than in the English, aa well aa in Tnrkev. where Satnbura Port wine la the principal beverage, not only the gout, hot tbd gravel are ecarcely known. Dr. La Pole relates, as an . eitraordiaary Instance of tha effuets of the Bainburg Port wine on gout, tk aaa of Dr. Daveran. who waa attacked a with the orous at the axe of SB, and bad it eeverely till be waa upwards of BO, with rh.lk-atonoa in the loiat of hit band nnd feet, but for four yeurt preceding the time w hen his case bad been given to Dr.LaPote to laf tx-fore the public, -be tod by ndnce cse-1 5aiburg Port wtne, d fcatj 0 ttW0 '- A fiurjQrjBT riv a fliNoLM Drop or Fi.trro. An armliil of roses mljjlit exhale a mora nvcrpo waring -rxlor than alngla drop of rimlnn' "Nlffht Blooming 1 Ccrena,'' but in freshness, delicacy auu pnr, Jiealililul Irnx ranee, the droi) would far tranaci-iul tiia fluwera.1 bolU every a Hero. L ( To 0na)sinipilrris " Tha advertiser, having been restored to health ln a few weeks by a vary simple remedy, after bavirg Suffered for Several years with a snvere lung affection, arid that dread diseaso. Consump'iun-ls anxious to' make known 'to bit follow sufferers the wears of oura.:'-.; :;. -, 1,1.... ., 1 ' .. ' ', To nil Who desire it, ha will send a oopy of tha prescription used (free of char je), with the rllreo trons fur preparing and using tho same, which they will find a suns Ctaa for C'oKHiiuriio.v, Asthva, BroMchitis, Coi.'ona, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. - The only object' of the advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit Iho afflicted and tprenij Information whioh hi conceives to b in valunbto, and he bnpoe every snfferer will try his remedy, as it will oust thorn nothing, and may prove a Messing? ' Parties wishing thi prescription, rnBE, by return mail, please address Rev. EDWARD WILSOX, , Willinmsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13,1WS6 ly. ' Asthma oh Phthisic. A spasmodic af fection of tlte Bronchial Tillies, wliteh are covered with a dry, tenacious phlegm, 'Brown's Urnnoliiiil Troches' will in some cases give immediate rclii-f. . - NEW A I) V E RTI S EMJNTS. ; ,' '. HENKY HAKPEH, rnr'' ' AHCH 'hTIIHET, PHILADliLPHlA. WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, Solid SILVER WARE, and Superior SILVER PLATED WARE, at Rs nccEB Pau RB ! ' March 24, 1BGG. 3m. JjJ W. VS.A It It Jfc ., JLIA'KEH. NO. 35 SOUTH 3D STREET, PHILADELPHIA. f i orrun Fon sale Morris A E?sex Railroad 7 per cent. Itnds Central Paeifio R. R. 7 s interest payable iu Gold in New York. U. S. 30 years 6's int.'rest in currency issued to the 11 Paoiiio Railroad Company. These bonds are all for sale very low. Stocks bought und sold on Coinmiasion. V. S. Securities of nil kind bought und sold. - March 17. 18rt. :im THE VERY LATEST AR1UVAL1I Spring & Summer Goods! JOSEril LY5TER, (Suixomessor to Juhn Voiren.) Cosjicr of Market and I'uun .Slreet, SUSBURY, P K NN'A, Invites the public to call and examine Lis elegant astoriinrnioi STJI&XrIXail GOODS! which he will eell hI rcatlj rcduoci price. His ttock cousiats iu jmrt of CASSIMERES, CLOTHS sSiC-. Silks. Delaines. I.nwn'. (Jinshnins, Ch' loots, Muslii.s, Sheeting, Tickings, Jenns, luid a lull assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hojiery. Gloves, Uonp skirts. Alao Handkerchiefs, Brushiis, Combs. II:ttM and 4'ni, lool.s nnd SIiooh, His ns.irtnient of goods ill rot, lie is are sure fail to please the fancy and jniit the wants of any de, sirous of purchasing, ills lo"k nf HARDWARE AXD QUEENSWARE, and Groceries is largo in quantity anil choice in quulity, comprising generally everything needed in tbe household either lor use or oruoment. lie is elwnvs rendu and clud to see his frici.Js and takes pleasure lu shotting iheiu his pood. even Ihough no sules ur made, llu only asks a call, and is sure that the stock will compitre favorably in price and quality with the cher.prst. JWPII EYSTER. Sanbury, April 21, liOrl. FANCY I)KY coons Ymti) . MISS KATE 23 LACII, Market street, four doors west ofWm. It. Millor's Boot nnd t hoe store. SCKBl RY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs her fiieudsiu Sunbury and vicinity, thui he La jujt opened her spam a a.ki tuidMEE cooua, , of Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, ' Her stock eor.sits f All-Wool Peluincs. Chaiubrns, Ginghams, F.niliroidcrirs. l.aco Clliirs. Funs. If ATS. Mmlins, Drillings, Garibaldi MuJins. Uird-Kyt Linens, Linen Lawns. Cr.ipe and Lace Veils, .to. Mme. Demnrest's iliiir Curlers. Hair Coils and Curls, Gloves. Stockings, Collars, CnrsuU. io. Grr.td' Collars. Neckties,, half Hose, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's now Patent Duple;: Elliptic (or dcuble . Spring bKllll'S ) Perfumery. Toilet Soaps, Iluir Bru.ibea, Combs, Tovs, and a general variety of NOTIONS. GAI'FFEHING douo hnndsomelv and at short notice. KATE BLACK fiuubury. April 28. IMS. I iMaill Qnritin C t XI dC lllvVV iJUl UllJ WIJIUJ i .tit a.wv iai. ri:, Two tlixira West nf the Post Office, STJ.NBTVR.Tr, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of thi publio to her large and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods which ihe has just received nnd opened. Her stock embraces FANCY DKKS3 GOODS, Embroideries, Cluny Lace. Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Dross Cords, Zephyrs, Buttons, Ac. A fine assortment of l.ulies' and gents Hosiery, Glovos, Fans, Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Ribbons, Bolt Ritibons, Velvet Ribbons, Druid. Ladies' Neck ties, Fancy JJrers Combs, Head Dresses, io. Irviu's Patent Hair Ciin.crs, Iluir Coils, Corsets, and a large assortment of other articles, too nume rous to mention I have also just received a fine lot of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps. Tooth and Hair Brushes, Aa. funbury, April 25. 1808. . 6PBINQ AM) BUMMEB illinery Good s, Justopening at the Millinery Siort of Miss Hi. I QUSSLEU. "awn Street, below tbe Railroad, SUSBURY, PA., Such as 6HAKKR3, Dress. Trimmings, Hoad-Bresacs, tiloves, Uosiery, Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Ilandker- chiefs, it., Ac, - which bave been earafullv selected.' Tbe attention of tbe Ladies is solicited lo.her large assortment of the latest stylos of ltONKETd, which givt sausiaeiion 10 an. Call and examine lor yourselves. No trouble to show goods ' ."-.. bunbury, April It, laoo.- Miss LO ISA WllSsLlUU, Mills cry Uoode uud raa 'l'riiu IuIdsh, llettd Ureases), GLOVES. PARA-SOLS. &c. Ac, Poult side of Market Square. SUNBCRY, Penn'a , Has just returned from the oiliat with a ehdloi aelaeiion of seasonable goods to which tba atttution of tht Ladies is respeotfully soliolted. . MILLINERY GOOOSAKDDiUSS TRiMMLN'OS, With -eed-Dresses, . , Clovea, Hoaitry, : ' , Ribbons, has been carefully selected and will give satisfaction. Moss ohisalur bus baa aa experience in toe con nect that enables bar 10 salaot goods with an eye to Iht Uait and wishes of bar eusiomtrs, and the begs a eonlinuanotof favors in the future which she takes pleasure in acknowledging during; tba past year. Ladles will find a aboioe ewok of every t-)g li hr line of buiinees, . , . , ;SnbT. ApraM,:S6e." " ' ''.'. ' Prewrrlnf iosaa trefully aaeapeandasl af lavs W DRlUIJ at Mamaiotb Sum af , . JHO. fKlLUWAaWftf. ' woxHry. 5Iy !). e tssaiiaroris sl er Itenl F?lstt. 1 A LIST of Unseated Lands advertise for Hal j( a. y lo rarnaworUi, Xrwiaarar of Roritauin Dfirranu eounn tv, azrenb'v to an Aut iif th flan,ml AaseinbK of ire UominenwitaltU or Pmnl.lnnl passed the l.lirs day of Maroh, A.D. 1H , and the 1 sunnlcinenl tberitu' entitled ma Ant diiMtn., mofje ui Miunji uiihihu innas irr tnxea and other nurposrw, will bi exprwd o Publlo Hale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Kui.bury, en the Scoond Monday In June. Ht)i, being Ihe lithdaV of the moulh, nt II) o'elnck, A. M , ihe following de- ! scribed Trnote of Land, h arraaraaas ol Taxea rfna I and -he cos,, accordiug on each tract respective.,, I to will Ifnot sold on the above day mentioned, to 1 bo adjourned from day to day until sold or disposed i COALTO.WNSAIP. . - WAitaAHTse'i. TAZat. Aulei Ilcnry, 1 Lino, AdauiTbotnaa Park I' JenklnsJainos snd Adams Robert liecktrt, Autn Jeremiuh : Foster Thomas 11,754 70 Unyd John M4 32 Iirusious l'ntor 631 7.1 Urndy John 1s t V J ACRga 1071 71 31) 214 1681 4.S 2:.PJ 40S 3n'J 178 3t9 b7 . I7 3ii:t 81.1 2H0 2l.7i 100 101) 3()i) 1UI) 221 4l;t) 100 315 :7 107 10 til) nn 309 VI 457 2:i ior IHT 227 Sot 110 300 297 'Mi , t'riuiy John . , Drady Jnhn Brady Wm P. Adams Wm. llogolnnd L. ' . lloelavil J.i Adams Thomas A others Aules Henry Rrndy John Carbon Run Imp Com. Kramer Frederick lluhblov B. KaJuly'Wm. A Sol'm, Uray Robert Urunt Thomas Uardner Aicha, St'. .. da. do. do. do. Ilhnelrich Henry Hupburn Jumes Kroll Michael Lurk in Abeigail Ltikins Smith Lftko P.iohsrd . .. Marshall Win. II. iliisser Jaoob B. . Roes .Sarah Hees Daniel Rces 'J hnmnS r Shainokin Val. A P. R. R. Co. do. do. Fitjvrortli John do do. Tajfgnrt John Tyson Joseph VibituJuhii V ilson Wm. 4 W. L. Dewart Ziiumi.-rman Matbias Pumaoe Run Imp. Co. Kenshuo & Johnson MOUNT CAR.MEL TOWKSUIP 2G1 45 i 81 V'J !7J 61) 4M 14 2 iS 6:1 10 29 1 245 70 i'93 13 .01 HO 142 05 lfl j 21 61 10 II 4 40 213 40 213 43 1H2 21 21 21 384 7d 9 60 VI) 10 29 I fi 1A I c . 1 00 11 Mb Hr. 17 7;i 00 4 01) Jenkins Jntnes Antis prcderick '' Admin Robert Poster Thomas Salmon Richard Al aiming Hicbord lluC Kdinund Urecn James Ureen Thomas Chnnipluin Robert Chuiupluin Thos Morris William 171 1 1 834 7 967 I 493 Bl Stephenson Jas. (.'uii-i i t Junius j llilliugtun Thomas Rellas Hiih Rower Christian Rriiutignin ltuntel Raum.irdner Thomas llrcoke Jets", Sr. Champlain R. 2 14) Mi .1141 100 4t0 45 11 147 14ii lt 4i:J S;iO 91) . ::;o 2ov i .u:t .Mi li'jj 'j 127 2-ili 2111 ir,i s ol:;J 111:1 171 12 SIS 12 lilO 43 13 6it 40 74 30 63 60 42 20 SoO f0 72 61 t in 20 23 91 Davidson Mary Klliut William Krians Jesse Dasiwrick A Co l'agely Reuben . ' Gilbert Win. Sr. Hepburn JiuueJ Jnckson Jcremuh M irgan Samuel Myers Mary ltces Sarah irtuatnn Thomas Kiitton Mary Koynold-4 Johu Huston Chin lotto ltees Daniel Shannon Williuru Steuduinit William Scott Abraham S'.'holl tjeorgo Walker Lev. is .Selioll licorgo lfauso & liiil.ile Jed. liieh & lhoaon Wm. Marshull A minis ZEni.E. Baity Jhu S. lichee tieorge W. tnnid'-n John Orant lhiiuua llnhlcy Uaruurd lfiii.ili;ik Ifenry Jneob Heller Kroll Miehnel Mowery Peter Alarliu John G. M.ller Johu Prince troorge l'elrcy Peter Susseruian Peter Scott Ahruhum Wilson Wm. Yoxtbeiiner Henry Zeiler Isaac CAMERON' Button Samuel 1 Durr John Did John Darr Mary 1 File Lu ko Urunt 'ihouias Harrison William Smith Luke Suiitb Abigail SHAMOKIN. Bradford li. U. Ifetteilon Benjamin Hunter Alexander Lake Richard t'itsworth John Ta-gart Robert Youug Samuel Bacbman Joseph ' Bint Joseph Dewart & Masser John II. Hough IloDinnn Miehuul Jacob 11 Mit;er Masser A Dewurt uiitb A Uiggius Swcitiers Hens LITTLE MAIIAN'OY. Brown Nathaniel , Latsha David ' ltoiti Jrel.h , Uardner Arcbhnld tiiirdncr Wm. P. Hunter J nines Hull Charles Luke Richard Lynn Joseph half of . Reua Thomas Trickle Charles O. i UPPER MAUAXOY. Parr Peter Ijarr Luki Did John Derr Mary Durr Peter Dorr Luka Irwein Robert 122 4ll2 3.1 3iitf 70 d'J 78 w4 65(iil 2i) JO li'J 36 j 21 07 1 VS fc'J II H 25 72 2.) 3'J 29 hn 23 h2 2'.i) nu 21 Til ID 111 h i t .i M 2i 277 io 1)2 'JO 218 K2 71 0'i !-'J 150 0.1 93 (i(J 1N 7s V2 7 81 62 SO t.7 j vu i 151 ; 145 I .Wi i 2iJ I'Ml ! T)i ! iiti f,n 14 I 21' I 4-t 81 17 2J 14 72 311 M 7 22 IHO 3o li 7i 10a 10 .13 2i dl 6i 6d 02 :;i (hi 4tf 78 16 .19 Hi M 6d Ct U b3 1 33 9 95 S 00 12 72 23 II 18 69 4 79 41 OS 19 2v 2-t hO 57 DO 3 Kt 24 09 3d 40 9 0 4 0 g 64 3 15 3 55 11 20 II (Irt 3d 22 11 09 21 30 2 bl III 94 23 02 36 04 12 24 1 62 24 40 SU 90 32 42 61 20 1411 114 145 mJ 70 2IH 61 1IU S4i :m 2iit 2.10 170 120 220 107 H 425 l.HI 21ii SOU lt'7 60 23 " 125 J"U 600 20 250 400 !0 120 6ft trt ' 200 i 17i 42i 21 ii ?A)0 B0 2oi 3M 60 80 UO . 100 16 161 300 JACKSON. 10SJ Lake Richard H'O llees Tbomaa JORDAN. 9 Israel Geist y . 21 Beneville Williams LOWER MAUAXOT 6 Michaol Dockey LOWER AL'Ol'STA. 100 Hall Charles (t Jordan Jamea 07 Dewart John ;;i F0IN1. 3 to 1 94 3 04 20 40 7 40 13 911 9 62 100 140 31 , 107 ' 114 . 354 3U Bartram Alexander 1 Darron John Branham Lbenesor , Barnbam Krwint Epley Andicm 6 00 6 22 13 45 6 15 T 11 15 8 12 77 Iiwiue Hubert Hudooot Joiacs CHILLISQCAQUE. Caul Jo i C. Caul Daniel . Caul filer, aetata Sokerljaeob .. lTordsmut Was. m UPPE AUQC5IA I 10 3 04 1 14 . I 20 to M 60 100 AO IQllar ChrisUaa f M J. TiiXSWO-TH, Trcj irar Oszoa, (tuibury, May 6, 14. Ti at . f S' m aasiS rood Tin. War a, fa IUUTB 4k dr 1 e fmm imw Soop. A NO'I II12K URKAr C.-Illili. IV Tun1 rlTV rw uirur I -- w . v& lino j un. Ki9oeinie euiara, wi known to (be Mer ..iimeoirniwiiniiT, my PH. 1. n.acuF. NCR, TH E O R E AT l.L N O DOCTOR O P 1'H t L ADKl.t' lit A Ornct N . Y. Ann OALaaa I aid Co . N', S Nasaia Newr Vo, Jnne I, itsj. 13a I. If eHKX UearSli : Fot over -firiwii veins ."hr?J!. Tv,r" oml't ""I ""; '"' , ."" .??? "' n."'.?;.":. IZnlZX Z' 1 eilfmnij In AiI1Uh last I haila rry severe lieinnrrlmge,n "" aeoonluig m iht Jiulgment of a goial New Yorkpiiy. sieian. I wus elasswi as l.erimd Ihe rrsohof nwliemr, ioiru, mi mi ns prnj.ony fnril. tere were e.aiiemiieil, ti leave hia wnrld at ahoit notice The nlivsiciaii (nnv my Ri.d frieinls) said thol the Hrsl colli I t ult muai prove latalt .ily in Jmiiimf 4 tmk a severe e.il.aiHl ItKtuiialely wns oceupiiig looms ot No, 8-1 UUXl) S'l'HKli r, lin-etly iver your nilive. I think nti'iat the IU1I1 if. January f pr'tcurcl a Imlt'e nf ymir Pulmonic Sy rup and con.insimnl taking it freely. .Viy leet aiirt limbs were very mueli swollen, and nil tl.o synip. tirnisnfa sperrlydenth seemed lo aecimipsiif try cold. I sera lor my former phywciimiurl stated K Imn that I wus tnkliiu your initlicines. ami afttr sli win them lu him, Riiihovnir 'Ktfi of them, if, he rennet) 1 Vua own "'em 11 yon in. e, iney win 00 ou iioitanri. ' lio ... ntin it . t.i K, m nt. iiiiii. . UIIU iy ttie santoiiow. if you ha."e a imsiiiesH to rk.se op. d'i iioi nut it .iff." H siul 1 1 itl'er fuen.le lht he coiikl see no dotie f-iT me." id m- friends and rr'm...n e inHn- ! d-d my tnu lia,1 c.tiii.. At th e time I vos tMkiner tr,elv of y.iur medieiiie. but hwl iml seen y. u. The rc.iUit a few times, and fuuiul me (much to Mssnrpiisc, he ad.l.) improving, nnd he cnu'd ii' t nniNTstiuid why. Illy faiili 183 08 ' 'vae increasing 111 yonr medicine, end I hid wisli tn fiQl &2 I nnvc 5ni et 'iniiie mr wise, I sec whit you hud to env. uj, , - 1 VVhen yiu first enme lo inv riKim and made the ejainitiH. o-i i' ! T"u vve hl" lull'" eneoumieiiient, l.ut nn the 20IJ BU coi traiv, eiprerucd end il .uMs i.f mv evei being hrliied 14 60 iiut of my llien t.emmg dilTwulliea. 'The aroiii.d lime 331 fi ' Hint you culled, Bulling u,e still gaining, y.ui gnve me en 103 74 j c iurrtnemenl. sayinc, "my symptoms were improvine ; 13 21 I Puimonie Pyrup. Sea-weed Tonic and MandinkePill 41 25 I hailoi-ted Uke a charm My eirculuiimi, my cough, my on I ti'petite, nil begun lo improve, ami I coul I w.iik al'oul J, I my rnoni a littla Von viiitrvl me unity rvrty Tuesday, o S i f"U1"' me hnpinving. and t. Id me not togoxut of my o0 2 J I t. 1 nutil tho first ilu. of .M iv. I I ik no 00H while uuitor yi ur treiitnint, mj appetite becmne fiist-retc, and you t.. Id me In e.it evervlhiir? I wished of a nuti iiltius nature, and ti exercise aliotit Ilia ro;tm as much as possi ble. I fi.tl'twcd your mlvice, and M the surprise of my old pliricinii anil frieniN, 1 reFtn ranch butter iliuii I have bien for several yefi'S, onrlhreaihe hatle.r thsa I ever ex pprted a person eon',1 with one luna. the left lieing c .111 i-leiety dried up. I f-el very arutcfui to you, aud con'iJtr your advice and medicines iuvuluiibl? Vi.iiis, truly, . T. S. SIIF.I.DON'. Da. Schxcx Denr Sir: Abat twoycaraago I w;is liken with a very troublesome cmrh and 0 poni In my b'ctiKt; seven ! t-ilii mouths pniwd awnv with-iul my doing miMhinj f.,r iriysctf. Then 1 applied t iapl.jji- . ei.in, wun titteiM'ed mn for atv ut tnit-e months wrh'.nt 'eiHiering me any si-r.-ice. I ) t'!tani- lh ndvicvjati'J treatment i f nlni'Cian hi t ff f.nr hisamimia. tni'l!-t ! ind the ltd vi re uiul trrHiiT.'r.t '( two .thtr p!i ot4-iHn. lint all to ifu frjriMft.. iinc tSii I i:g spnes of Uittt I W iBiifurly deu I ; levera! tiinen rnv fne itii i.tuii u rfe tie rtml wiUitrt4 my exit him ;ir.t-wuiUl. 1 ru C"ii fmeii to my be;l tvvt ui inllia nl ino time. My breutl.tntz wm txcec.ini"!y th"rt. 1 ciive up seven.! tinit-t all h'-ne of getting .ur ; ami n rearlHl Rrtting well, ttmt whb J entirely out m t;.e rjueatinn. And t- tiiii.lt thisrii.jr I mn well tnid h-Aity ! I was nd vised ly iiiie nf n.v liientta t try i)r. liib.cii' Medtcnics. 1 iiccordm'j'v b iiKf.t I"1! lie lifter b stdf , until I nyulvil the mutt) ; then 1 found a deciiltd chiunvf in iny eimph for l!ie hotter. I tutfrre'l ver!y from paliiitnti'tn nf the hfart, ui J two week. aiVr 1 c iniintfiiL'-d inking your medicine lb it difficulty ecu Btd , When I first went to Dr. Sclienck'e fTice it waa with difTti'uIty thtt I could pet up into hi recfplioii rnom, I Wite su w-utk uud s i iweileri; my rkin waa aa bqIIw ub lli"uuh I iitid the jaundice ; J felt tlul), heitvy und l.erle?, ir. Sc-linu k. nfK-r exHinminp me. raid bmti my lupg WtJie niTt.vu d, and e.ive iiij hut Ititte h'-pe ; but lim inedi- cit.ea, in oh-it two weeks, tn(k right htid of rue; it seeiueJ t.i an rirhl tlirouu'li n y vlr!e s)tem The fui. ni uiict'iiiuji, Sia-U heil lonic 1 Mandrake I'illa. all tonic j right h.iid in the riclit place. The Hiils I t.mil'Iu avj ' pre:ii jujoline. i f hile nnd slime j the Syrup Ixucned ilie iimtter In my lunps, wlneti ciiinc i ll" very I'ree ; the t?ei'- Weeil Tunic cave rne nil n;i;ieiile, ami everything seeimd j '''iWhSwIvlut resi l,r'wer the meftiein-s have in puri- fyinir my system, and lo sh.nv h'-w bail I was li.ciie I, ' besids all the hile that pntheit my trnwels, anil the greul ' quaniitiesof phii pm anrl maiter 'l rxpeet'atril, I liroko I ..nl nil ver in liirpebii!, ttml w.'Uld continue tuifaltier i mn! run lor hImui six ve-ks, nnd I liml atone time over I iweiiiy-hve Imls. I I uve ir'tinne; ol the kin.l now, unit I r,.ri like ilnitther pefs.'-ll ultoic'-lher. I eait aili lv sav tht I I I have not enjoeil surli lienl'.li lor five yenrs ns 1 do ivu-.. aiiit e.iiiaot praise von and yjur Medicine eihui;li. May I tod abundiintly hless and pienerve you! is tue aineeie ' dein of one wlm litis lieen so w i.iderful'y relievril tlironch your aaency ; nnd if any ene dt-k,rvs to know call iipoiiimv of my friends, or tip-m mc. No 4 Drvdiai Wlaac, unir Tliiimpstiti street, below radwaladrr, I'liiln- lie I tna. they will Ue perleelly mitiWifil Willi tlie vulldlty i.r ' the case. Yours, Willi niuej irsneet, MAHV SfllVAIDT. i The iiliovu case, na described, is pcrtectlv entrel. I ' kit iw it ti he true. Voii., T. H. M'lM.HK, i P.iilut rf Ilanc .ek .M. E. Ciincli. Dr .CWr.V'U will he ,-rorrKioiiutely nt Lis priueijiiil oTie-, No. I., Xobtii Sixth STHe'jr. p.iiner nf Commkkck, I'ltiLAiiKi.PHiA.everv.nturtrav, front II A. M until 4 l M.J No. JtU IS. -ii.J tlrt:i.t, Ne.v ol el-ly 'i'u.'sday, I'nun tl to J. No. :l!r Sutiii'Kr Ktre't llonton. Mass., ev.'rv We.lne !.y, I'roi,: i) to aii.lv.'n i'1i-r I'ritlayat I0i Kultiniore F'rerr. iia'i'inor, rtiu. u niivii.'e I .e.e, nil i tor a limiting!! ea ininaii. il of the lungs with lua Rc&piroine.er, the enarne is th'e-r!r,l:ars I'nee of the Pulio'iine 8i rwpaiid Sta-Weeil Tonic-e-u h I 81 51) rer h 'e, or 7 0") per half dozen. Mandiake I l'i,;3. 'J5 i-enta per h 'X. Ft'R S.M.KIIV AM. rniTGOlt-TS AND DEA1.KS3. j Ceeen.her S, IW.-ly lnlri-Rsiiioiuil liolcl, I 365 arf S67 Broadinu. Comer t'rauilin Strut NF.W VOltK. riIIIS first clnss llouo the niot fjulet, homelike 1 and plensant lintel in the oily offers superior inducements to these visiting New York fur business ! or pleasure. It is eentrnl in its. location, and kept on the l.t itoi'F.is n.AN.in connection wun jailor, s Saloon, whore ret're'-hir.eiitj can bo had all hours, or served in their oan moms. Thu chnree are mo dernto, tho rooms and atleu.lnncc of the f..st or ler hatha, und all thu liioJern cunveniiinees attached JOHX TAVLOIl. Proprietor. Nov 4. lbilo. .t51.GOO ' i;St 11.411! We want a.-ui; i . '"' where to soil our im- rit jVED 821" fiewii.g JLiuhinor. Three new knids. l iiper and upper feed. Warranted live yenrs. Above salary or large comuihuioi.s paid. 'J'ho oxi.Y maehinessnld in linilod btales fer lew than $10, which are fully lioeaacol by Hnwe, Wheeler A Wil son, ii rover A jiuker, bin iter 4 Co , and liacheldel All other cheap miicLiues aro infiiacuients und tr. seller or user uro liable to ai rect, tine, uud imprisu. nient. Circulars free. Address, or call upon E'haw It Clark, Bildefor.i. Maine. d2.'i PEKUVIAN GLi.VKO SUBSTITUTE. PERUVIAN (.iUASO feUUSTl TIJTE. PERUVIAN OUANO BUUsTirt'TE. BAUGH'S RAW HONE 't"PER-PIlOS I'll ATE. BALUH'S HAW 110XE MPLlt-PIIU.SI'II Al li. BAL'tiU'S It A W UONli MPLH-PU'ol'AlK. FOR ALL CEOPS. Quick la Its action, and of wore lasting effect than either Peruvian Ouano tr any Super-Phophala made fiuru a hard Mineral Uuuno. This is pruvm by twelve years of constant use. BAUU1I soys, Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors, OCco Ko. 20 S. Uelaware Avenue, j PHILADELPHIA. BAUGII BROTIIERS CO.. Central ,hohsal Agent), So. 181 Pearl streot, Corner of Cedar, NEW YORK. at'oBGll DUG VALE, Wholitale Ajtut for Maryland an J Virginia, Ko. 105 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE. April 2S, 1SC6-H RKiMEM BKIt TllE 1)1) A I). MESSRS. D. C. Diiwinger and John A. Taylor, would respoo tlullv aunounoe to tbe cl'.laeus ol aaiuhury, and surrounding country, that having formed a oo par Inership, they are now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain (raveklvuesitTwiubatV.,vlousisiscula of tbi best Italian aud American warble, at prices that oaunut tail to givi enlue satisfaction, and re spectfully solicit the publio patronage. . V 11H UljlV . SASWAk. 8unbury, March 31, 1064. ly. rrrf rt 1 1. uia Ituiilktur lluuiUI.) ' "lUHUlsnVHO, rESS'A. . , f 1HIS well-known holol has aol oul.v been extend I . mA 1..., ktn rrnallv altered and nealv lit uu by tbi present proprietor, and ia now one of at oosntur ua ants aoavenieni novuis iu ria burg. Maroh 10, IbM -ly . USTlfcO OAlTEtM tfAfUi.rt LAWES-GLOVE KID BOOT.- w" w boot, and mot, rc men. J" I, Cai-Pt-'-".1 . W.W.ApsJii. 0 Yes I 0 Yesl THIS W A. IF VOC WANT TO D U Y CHEil'i THEY IIAVE COME! NEW BPRINQ t BUMMKn GOOD!), at Reduetd Prioes, al tbt MAMMOTH STOIiE e( I. V. l'ltll.lXj &. oi, M111 kit Square, near the-New Court Ho-.ue GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. ClotLs, CassimercS, LV.Unnadet, Liutn Panting, Ae LATjIES' DKES3U0UIIS. Silk, Dctainos, Allupnocas, Enz.lsh and Scoich Oinhams, Challiot, Luwu, Calicoes, Mucins. Ac. WHITE AND COLOrtKD ,.1KI.'E,8 Eheetings, Hoop Eklrta Hosiery and gloves. CA RPET : OIL CL 0 TIIS, Glnsswara, Qoeemwam, Crookory, Bsxjwar and Coilery. rus, OII, fuluis, Conl OU mot I.ump. 19n- rorK, hoarse and r ne Salt, CulTec, Toa, Su- Si.i, .aoiiunes syrup, rtpics, 0.9., Uroocrlos, Tobacoo. rtei irs and Snuff, togethoi wi.lr a large variety of nii:cl!anevui goods at prices that ismiol fail to satisfy purchasers. J. W FRILISfl i BON Suubury, April 7, 1315. NEW OPENING Ol' .'lolli!i7, ':it""i Furitlhi; Uooslrs, I loo lx Ac Nltoca. ri'HK undersigned takes J leisure in Announcing b X the public ef Sunbury, and vioinlly, that ha has opened his CLOTHING STORE, wltn a well selected stock of I Kill sell at astonishing low prices. I bava also still on band a largo slock of Boots & Shoes, for Ladies, Qents and Children's wear, which 1 am selling off, as I intend to give up that branch of busi ness. It will be to tlio advantage to Cash Bvtkks ta (live me a coil. 8. -.ROSENBERG. S. Gauss' old stand, Market Square. Sunbury, April 7, 1S8. D NOW OPEN, ft Urge Rnd complete gtook of r t t t , DrM vi rt,vt, ' ALL-l A 1K AIM) BOUDEu. Winilow Cartain, School Oltuuk, Juvenile sod ether Ci, loiter, iVote uim! KUlot Paper. KNVLLOPES all kinds nnd site. Arnold WrUing Fluid in lurge und .uiall b-Jttlee Rosewood, 'Jilt and other Picture Framca. ALBUMS. FISHING TACKLES Hulls, flats, Marbles, Toys for Spring and Summer Choice Cigars. Smoking unj Chewing Tobacco, Pifiee ot ull kn.ils. 1'ipe Sterns. lerl Ullierr, l'ockl IS00L.H, Colulia. ' Law Books furnished at lubllshcrs rates, Musio order iromptly tilled. All books not ou hand promptly ordered. JJmM-Iy aiil H'rchly lasizlooss lnirn, Uaily I'rcss and Inijuirer, always on han'l. TICKETS fur Liverpool, Quoenstown and the West- T p traits on hurop. 1 Thnnkl'ul for rstt favors and folicitine acontina nnvc ci the sjtno. N. FKP.HEE LIQIITNEB Sunbury, April 7, IStit. $83 THH $25. ! it I tllflll 1 ! 11 11 Pff ffillf ITP i - 1 1 u ' WtirftlUiJi V-WH.VJV iiAXDix a:;d iiaydx hall, Eighth and Spring Oardcn Streets. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M., President nnd Consulting; Acoountant, exthaoudi:: ary ikltjcements : Novel i, Permanent Arrangement of Business Col lege Terms, . From Apt it 1 to OU.be ? 1, 1800, and succeeding years. LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, inolinlicg B .okkecpinif liunincea Corropunuence, Forms and Customs Commercial Arithmetic, business Penmanship Detecting Ciniiitcrt'eit Muuey, k Commercial Law TWITY.FIVE L0LLAU3. Scholarships, including the same subjects as above. Time Limited to Throu Months, TWENTY LOLLARS. Pentuanship. Threa Mniiths, w f7 i eiiiuauDip ana Ariiuiiieiio, iiiree .tioiuns, civ Ibe saviui; of coal nr. igas in the summer months is an advantage of such importunce as enables the management of this College Hi uiake a Culi.-ilerablo reduction in the summer rates rrom October a, 13(30, to April 1, 1007. And snccucdiug years, as before. Life Scholarships, 83S Scholarships, 1! months, Hi I'euiuiir.shin. i! moutlu. iu ' I'tnuiunMiip and Arithuietia. 3 niuntbs 12 apeei.il lerms for LluUa, CoMicrs, antt lor tne eon ot Ministers im l Teachers. Day and livening Instruction fr bath Sexet and ail Ag", In Bankirrr, Sioriki epinj. Bookkeeping. Penmen, hip, Pec tlrawing, Phauunraphy, Aritbinatio, Meu tniatii.n, Algebra, Uaoiaetrv. Analytical (leomctry, The Ouleiilus, avii;utioii, purveying, Lnginoering, (iuaging, Mining, Meehuuical Ilrawing, Cumtnercial l.nw, lierman, Telegraphing, and tbo English liniuebes, at moderate prices. Endorsed by Ihe publio as the wont succesful Eu sinets Cullegu cf tlm country, as is vvidiDCt-J by tbo fi.ct, thtit l-Ol'II nt'SOnED AND TWO STUDENTS hate entered iu the first six months of its Existence. Kriiiciu l stf Uetarlnienl, THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M. ileorgn II. Snyder, R. 8. Barnes, V: S . I'arr, Jr , J. T. Reyuolds, Mebry Keiui, A. E Rogursnn, A.M., c.B. rJiipimrtcd l.y nn able Corps of Assistants. Call or send tur a Caialoue. College Currency, and Pierce's Practical Educator. Oi fj.cs 531 North Eighth St., Pbilatlel'a THOMAS M. PE1RCE. April 14, lbW.-2m WILLIAM W. APSLEYS Wliolcnale Boot, Shoe and Trunk w ah k no USE, MaV.tUI.'RY, P. AlfM. W. APSLEY has just opened a NEW V IsTOitE iu the well-known house of Mrs. Rout ton, iu Market street, and offers to the citisens of Sunbury and neighboring tonus. BOOTS A SIIOLS of the best quality and workmanship. Ho having wade arranuuieul with first-class manufacturers to supply the best quality of goods. Iu the Wholesale Iiepariui tut be oa'.ls the atten tion of Couutr; Siurckeepers to his line stuck, which will be sold at the lowest vbolee prices, thus ena bling Keluil Iicalurs lo save expense of vicituig the citieii to replenish their sleek. In thu Retail l'epartwcut can bs found BOOTS, SHOES, THI NKS, VAL1.SES. Ac. which, la price, it theti times, are without a parallel. The stoek uf Ladies' W ar is su potior in style and workuiutiekip than is usually found in country towui, j embracing ireine of liulinorals, splendid ColigreM ! tialirrs. and fausy shoes of every kiud. . W. . A. also' calls attention to his livestock of Men's wear, of latest styles, that will at any toot . with ease and comfort. Costs) Oal Come All! I Suubury, March 10th. UtM. Washington House. ' SAMUL BNYDEE, j OPPOSITB THK SKW COCRT BOUSK, J SUXBURY, PA. ' .lUIS popular and cofortabl Hotel has Icon 1 L fitted up iu superior order lor thi acooniaioda I doe ol Stranger, Tienellers, and tha publio gear r ' ally. No effort will be spared by the Proprintsr to i make it a tavorite leanrt aud a pleasant kerne for ' ..rv truest His table, his b ', and tbt long tx- periiuee ol ILC proprietor, warrant Dim auiicipa. the tin a liberal share of jmblis natxaniige Extensive stables, and every dlrabla socv- 1 nienes. I bunbury April T, Hit -ly ! UKNIT-VL AaKK.l L;rt Ii. B B t3? at VV.W sLjrjrfle IJtUlB' FINK LEATHER TCH St t WW- 4if'i na''-, 'afh SJ, t6o, j My l,4a- , . f J .nis-sua. i 01 lur jjimv H"i j j j ; a i i i 1 : ; JjtrVr. v. . t-