stV4-t LliiiLtM rt(rJrJ'We3ew' pllR solisorlber begs loaf to announce to (he ' cltirons of Sunbury uj it viomlty, that tbey iit. opened 1 ' ' Ncxtf. c.anoatmv, j Tito dtiori west of J. II. Eagle Sloit, in "" Matitt &qunre,yi . f y .t. her they are prepared iy hralib every variety of j-rocerios. and will keep constantly on hand tbu ihoieest vnrieti of FLOUR & FEED, Fh. Coffee, Tea, flugar. Molasses, Cheese. Salt Spices of all diserlptinn, fonps of every variety. Candle. Smoking and Chewing tobacco. Segir's, llama. i"limilder Bacon, Butler, and Eggs. Also Dried Imitsof nil kinds, Cauail Peaches and Toma toes. Pickels, Ketchup. Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lcmous. Ac., of best quality, and In fuel every ttylo nf nrliclet kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of country produoe taken in ex"hnrge. The patronage of tlx public I re spectfully solicited. . v GEORGE . BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 18(15 . , ' tVH Vnprr and Border in great variety new ttylee just received at the Mnmtuoth 8tre nf J. W.FRILINO A 0N. Sunbury. Oct. 14 19'15. " HATS! HATS!! .A FILL ASSOR'blENT J .- - ... , .... ..SAMUEL FAUST, Two door I west of.F ux'her's Drug Store, Market it 8UNBURY, PENN' A. CALL' and examine the. lnrgo asMTtment of tho lutcst.NoW York and Fbilsdulphia stylet of :u b y' a vb em n ; at the abort ohibllelirr:nt, which for beauty and du rability eiiniiol be cxoellcd.t Being it practical Nut ter, he flatten) himself tbut bit (tuck has beeu select, ed with more care than any ever before brought to tbii plaoe. r- ', lie -also manufactures to order all kinis of toft Fur Hats, nil of which nili bo Bold at wholesale and ret. ill, at leasunablo rnles. Dyeing done at short notice an J at the lowest rates. Siltiblily. Sept. HO. ISni ' cheap ron cash. The Inrgcsl Stock of well-made Tin Wore in the Stale constantly kept on baud. Mcrehnntsand lea lors arc invited to give ua a call betoro purchasing elsewhere. MKLLOY A SMITH. 724 Market street, between 7th abd Sib, Philadelphia Marco SI, lartg . Im VALUABLE TOWN LOTS I'oit nam:. EtUTIT (R) Toluable town lota are OfTered for I salo cheap, on Dewberry street, opposite Fri luijj'a addition, in the Borough of Hunbury. Ir quire of J. li. A1ASSKP Siinbury. Febrnirr 3. Tftn, UNITED STATES HOTEL, Op;.osit the N. Y. 1 NEW HAVEN ft WESTERN R. K. DereT BEACH 8TEEBT, BOSTON. By F. M. PJ5ATT, Formerly of the Amorican House. May 13. ISni ly JEWELREWELRY! JOSEPH KES8LEH, X tVntclnuiikrr mid Jeweler, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa... RESPECTFCLLY ielnrma bis friends and the public, that he has just received a large assort ment of Watebos. Clocks and Jewelry, Spectacles, 'Silver and plated spoons. Porks. Ac. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted Sunbury. Jan. 13. ISGfl. ly rO.NM ITUlIi.N WA'I KIf. Tbo nstonishine; results which has attended ll is inviiluHbln mediuine pioves it to bo the uinst ptifeel reuiely ever Uisooterod. A'o laneuago can convey an adequalo iuua ot the iuimediaic and almost mi raculous change which it occasions to the automated and fhattorcd systeiu. In fact i' stands nniivalled as a remedy for the permanent Cure of Diabetes, Jninoteney. Loss of Muscular Knergy. Physical Pros tration. Indigestion. Non-reteniiou 'or Iiicouniienco of V rine. Irritation. Itifiimafion or L'lceralioii ol tho Hiadderni.d Kidneys. Diseimwnf the Prostrate tj land, Ktonein the Uladiier. Calculus. Oruvel. or Urlukdm-t D-posit. mid all diseases or atteutions of the tlladder end Kidneys, and Uropsieul Swellings eiistitg in Men, umeii, or Childrcu. , l-'or I ! kiMi-aHi-B. prt'ii"ar lo I'c "tales, 4'vrittiiulion IValfr isj it Xovctvijjii IC-iii :y. These Trtcjul.iritics are tho rain-cof frcoucnlly re curring difca.-e. and through nc(;!ect the of more grave and duiijrcroiis maladies arc the remit ; and as month Uter u:oritli pas-es without nn effort b-tnj in .do to nkl nature, the (Pdiculty l.ccoircs Clitonic. tho patient praduallv loses her appetite, tho bowels are eotupuied, ,,i.t sweats cuiuu on, aud con ii m pi i mi finally ends her career. For aula by nil DrusKisK. Price $1. W Jl Ulil.'UtJ, 4 CO. Proprietor. ioi:ja & , General A?ents. No. 4il Cliff street. New York. .. February 3, isiid Guio. AMBROTYPE AND FHOTOGHAPH Over J. Kowen's Store, corner Market 4 lawn gts stxisriixjja -. ., O BYEKLY. informs bis friends and the publio K?, gruerally. thai be is takinjr Portrait in tbo best style and manner at liu Uallery iu iba ubove fluee. .AMCUOTYPES AND l'I10T0(i lUPHS, ere taken in every style ol the Art. that ennr.ot be (urpansel iu th-i .State, llaiing seveial year's expe rience. be n ill gi ve eatislaclioii or no rliarge. I'opies will be tikcn Irom all ftylcs of Pic:ures. tine hiu) a call. Kemcuiber, u'ver Duweu t etoio. iunbu'.y, Juue 17, 1Mb. Mrs. SARAH A. SIMPSON, V.ortJthc. nj Street, emit of the .V. C. It. 1! SL'NBURY, pa,..., RESPECTFULLY inform! her friends and the ublio (.eneraily. that she hns just opened alar 'e awmuicnt of Flttbll aVi ot s i such us TEA?,CulKliE, SUOAK, MULAS- ES, 1'lMM, SALT. 40. Pure Cider Vlnejrar. Fruit J,. (llJsare, and a Tartctyof Ladn j' Tritun.ioBf.. f Thread Neck. iiswiswriai'i", e., 10 winch she invito! all to examine betoro purchasing olfcwbcre. Sunbury. Feb. 10, fun i T AN! .b. AUEXT .-$75 tu tM per moMbTii If Uuiilleuien uud tM to if7i lor every, where, to introduce the Common teiisu Family Sew ln Miubine. improved ami perfected. Jt will bew, felt, much, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beauti fully. Price mly 2 making the elastic lock e:ich. fully warranted for throe year. We pay the waaa. or a eommiion, from which twice that amount can be luado. Addrtu-s or cull on ('. HtJVV. J-rto 4 CO.. '. No. 2;.38. Fifth;., Philadelphia, 1'a. Ljr"AII letters answered promptly, with eircu jannttidjcii. mar. 81.1m. AGEN'IS WANTED. 1175 PEE JUONTU. fcosiiTiusq :nart.v New. 'Jl)c Photograph Caaeand Funiily Heeorj. 'THIS u a great opportunity lor enterprising per aons oi nergy lo make money. It is hu article of wbiub ih 4inliu liava felt tbo ned ll retails at a low price, aud its buiuly and nudity u universally ackuowledjfe.t. The sucoew wbicu bu attended it alnwarwutsthcawuraiicalbateuecaa be old to aiuioM eery lamuy. Hour prepared lo show that we bateagents who are clearing 17J every uiomli. AdifrcM lor Circolars and 'f crn.s. . BA VilOND 4 CO., Munul tU Cbesaut at., PbUa. Marcli.H, I "tilt lui ... OLD EYES MADE KW '" AiiiVP.U T;E'' dir"li how to tpaedily restore J iuii.KiVP "t"'". ""tout aid of FebrurV4. 18S.W TB, U. D. Jf you rant good Tin-Ware. o "jmiTTir OK.V1 UK SNewr-hop ' 19 M"H TOWN LOIS FOR SALE 1st (lie tloroujili eftinnbury, fJUli undenlgoedoflen at prlrataial TOW1I.OTS, Wry UXmtvl F,WB ' ,trt Ul'o IPkortU t terms, t4 , tall on ' I 11 I 'l l r.TlSY'..-S: D IB Iff (B &' B 31 3 Q tl B ii IL r STO U E . I W." A.' 1 JENNET,' Mnrltol H(iinrej Hl WIII. ItV, Pa. - H AViNO reoentty piirctiasej the llru( .ltiir formerly oonducltvl ),,, U. A Fisher, t bea; leavo to inform lb eititena of Sunbnry and vi cinity, that I bare- entirely replcnubed toy stock of JSJ HBL tCJ fANCV AUTICLT3S! such al Cotnhs. llmshea, Pocket-Bonks, Soaps, Ter foniety, Hair-Oil, Knives, Sciasors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco an J Cigars, 111 in I m, Uil-sCiliic, Olnssi, Inlly, Vtiriilolirai, INilfiit 91(lic-lnrfi, Ate. All my Tinctures. Syrups. Ointment!. Cerate, and other preparations nt.i inanufuctured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. . Having had quite a number of yean' experience In the ...... Dniff ami Prerrijition Diminens, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage nf the College of Pharmacy, I teel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PllhrJUitl PI IONS that the Physician and publio may favor me witb. All my preparations a A Imve above usserlcd, are mado from the best material, ami upon honor I ustsert, they are of officinal strength. For uiouictnat purposes,! keep on band the very bet WINES. BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procuro. t Ucforo purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. ,Sunhory, Nov 13, 1305. . : . r. .I.MPOHTED AND DOMESTIC CARPETINGS- " FIRST CLASS GOODS , AND oi: lAr.iniMi.t: 0.411 iitiri?. AX IMMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kinds and Styles : OK AMERICAN. & EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Prices On account of the decline in Gold. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904r Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Now offer their GREAT SPRING STOCK .Imported n n tl Domostic CARPETING, French and English Axminster, English Koyal Wilton, C-4 aud 9-4 Velvets, Fiuo English Brussels Crosslcy' Tapestries, Imperial Three-Ply Carpet Fine Iugruin Carpet. xu KOY U, aVII.XO MlSSri)t FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, W I T 11 1) O li D E It S . 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 0-4 White, Eod-Oieikorl nirl Fancy Ulatiing. ( ' 1 11 11 u ( I 1 in m , ENtlLISU OIL CLOTllS.AC. March 21. 3iu SPRING ARRANGEMENTS. PHIZES. 1860 PRIZES. ',T.'"f ft '-r-rf xy SILVER 1800 GOLD ! ! bUCII CHANCES NEVER BEFORE OF FERED. , to xii r. ri.isi.ic. Thcwarbaing beeu brought to a succes-ful ter mination, and Ijold in coticciienco having becom.1 much cheaper, we have been enabled to jurcl.ioe. on very adviintarous teru.s, home (d the finest and lniat elegant jewel i v, etc . ever niaiiufuetiired ill this or any other country ; and v.e therefore have deter mined to oiler such bargains to tho public that they never have had before ! Xo effect this, wo have determined upon a t.'RANl) GIFT DISTRIBUTION by which any and every one will take Iheir chance of ha ing one of tbo very beautiful und costly arti otes euumeruled below. 9 liEMEMUEU All itii.l Itliinl.! THE MODE OF orEUATKJN Is ttmploiuid fair. The ailiclcsare numbered from 1 opto loll. lino i".iiM-tii,i- of Plains, Mloileoni', .Sew ing Machines. Uold nnd Silver Wiitehcs, etc , ln. Ollll notices nuu. betel Irom 1 lo Intuitu' am )n iutcd u 1 put iuto sealeil envelopes and well mixed, and i no (d'tlii'i'v is laiieii out i;n.l sent to the terf"n sen.tin' . to us 25 cents, and the article or goods corresponding I with the nnmber on tho notice will be sent to (be lii'lder of the amu luimediately (if be desires to pur. j chase the article.) un tho receipt of One Dollar and Fitly Cents, l or iuMauce : if the iiutnbcr on the i oliceseut to ou should be 5(a). and Piano, or Dia. J mondSetor (iold Waleb should be numbered 50U it will oo cul to you for H .50. uud to on for cverv nr. tide ou i ar list ot liio.iiiio articles. i'5 cents inu-t be sent to pay expense of postage, oire.-pundence, etc on each nrtice. ' Tiik Aiiticlks Consist or Pianos, Mulndouns, Mu.-io Boxes, liold und Silver Watches. Chains. lioM Waich Keys, lent s llreasl Pins, L.iuie' tl.dd and hiker Sotu. Watches. Ac, ilold Cro.-.,es. Piiioil Cases, (iold Pen. Necklaces, Eur Kings. Sleeve liutlous. Plain and Chased liiiiL-s. Mus4inio Pins. Diamond bets, hels Tea aud Table hpouns, Miniaturo Lockets. Pl.ooraphie Albums, ISialioi ery. Books, and a lliousaud other articles, too numerous to menlion. i Fur Jl we will send A Notices, ' 5 o i. 4U i, "111 " " I5U and a lolid Silrer Watch, per return of mail. Agcun Viiui-l lAiTyulieri', Send tor circular, n larL'e cntiimissinn iitlitu-ed In igi-nis. by hicli from V3H lo $J5 per week may bo culigud. ;eiils. I. reu Address COLEMAN 4 CO. Bo VOX P.wt Oilice. N Y. Feb 10, ' SalcsruoUiS. 113 Nassau bt., TAH.CP.TNG J. F. SCHAFFEB. l?Epr!;vTKT,,Yinf,'rrth ' si's- IV LLlli aud vicinity, that he ha opcueda 'I'uilorln fwhup, the room over Farnsworih'i tiroeory, opraad,. the Leulal Hotel, huubury, whole be is ready tu make up garments of all kinds iu the latent ttyie and but woi kuiaulike manner. Having bad experience iu the business for a Bum ber of years he bopee lo render gcueral aati:fuoUuo Custom woik Is reapeoltully so'iciied. J. F. BCHAFFER. Bunbury, May 13, liC5 ly PHOTOGRAPH A"T BU MS books ab::i btationehy, . Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slate. Bock. Hymn Books B ink Books, Meuiorandom fctMl Uiariee. Pocke. Books. Ink tStands. 1'eua, l ords, a tine aaaorilueot of Paper. Ink. Ac. 'ale ,r 5.N' A PA 1 N"1 B UM. I.llk. IVI.I.d . - - - - - - j ww ajv-u.,. Preferred by all praclieal Painters! Try It ! and Ml Will ham uonthi.a Al un.r.nt..n.J A..l u . . uu wtu ssts no nine. Manutaotured oly 1 I VH W AVUlesalo Dnig. J'ainTi Ulas Dealer. .. m. iniiti .i UK, m aim m uias l'eaieri, o. IW North 'f II (KB fctiMet, Philadelphia. Jnury 27. IHrtll , - aiujui a nuiuri i fur,lin''renl,ty!es adanUd to ncrd ! VMS GOLD orSlLVLH ikbiTjiTL" . nremiuo.. .-... .,.. ?LII, or otfuf first free. Addi wsT W ASyN A HAMllT MASON BK0THtKs; l.J l-ifc U' W Kaoluubar a. laa& l . Confectionery, Toy and i FJRTJXT STORE, Alui-ket (aili-fcel, Kunkury, ltt. CONFltCTIONERY OF All VIND9, " TOYS OF EVERY DliSCRlPTION FRUIT, &b., &c., CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment al wholesale and tctail, at reuan. able prices. He i manofnctiirlnj all kinds of Con feel ionarie. to keep up a full assortment which ar old at low rati. l ohaeeo, Scprars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, anrl a variety of other articles, all of wlnoh ar oflsied wholcsaln and rotnil. La Bememhcr the name and place M. P. UEAKUART, Market street, S doors west of E. Y. Bright 4 Sun', tore. Sunhnry. Sept. JO, 1863. tf iNErESimrsliIlENT ! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND Ar-:. JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, STJtTBTOY. PSITIT'A HAH constantly on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES), CLOCKS uhd JEWELItY, Spec tacles, Sily T aud Plated Spoon uud Folks, 4o. VTiik-Iium, Clot'ka und .It-M 'lrj , ro :iir-l iin.t V.IICA. l'i:i. Sunbnry, Sept. 30, ISoS. Gr.o W SatTL Chai. B. Sektbef SMIT-i & GE1TTE2LR. starkct street, one door east of Mrs. Bonltnn's Hot sxjsra3XJi,-r ip. Have opened A NEW TIN-WARE, li''t Iron und Slov.' Slorr, and intend keeping eon.itantlv on hand, and nianu factoring to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IHON-WAKE of nil descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovcsof the following Brands P . IT IT o YLTA1TI ., UNION GOOSC, and on the following two Brand we dofy competi tion, namely t'wmbiiisitiou (sns lliimer, Conk, dioT.'riioi IN-nii Cook, unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining chenpiuws and durability, and each stove wamtuted to pcrlorni what they are re presented ALSO. PARLOK and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all the best manufactures, aud must ladiintiuhle designs Also, The celebrated (JEM for heating up and down stairs. Also the celebrated Vl'LCAN HEATER. Coitl Oil, I'oal Oil 1 . in pis, Minl4-N, CliiiiinioM. mill nil nrltclcH unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. We arcnlso prepared todoall kinds ol Spouting. Hoofing, Range and Furnace Work. Una Kitting. Ac Repair ing cheaply aud neatly executed. Country produce taken in exchange at market price. SMITH & GENTHER, Have the Azeney for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for tho Counties of Northumber land. Snyder, Union nnd Montour. Ardnio also agents for tho Piphcr 4 M'illower Xine of Transportation. Suu. uiv.Srpt. .'!0, 1861. - KINGS ' " iok r.n:i.i: i.i:3o.iii! Is the only prepirtiuu of the kind made from tho fsuif As an article of economy, purity, nnd deli-sncii.o.-s it cannot oe sui passed, und Is recommend ed by physicians lor iuva'ids andfamily me It will ke.'p tor yc irs in any elini.itc, while its condensed loim enlcrs it ecialiy convenient for travelers All who uo lemons are reitieti-d lo givo it Entertainments at home, ptirli', and picnics trial panics, mm niciitrs stiou I I t lie without it. For sale bv all Drui;e:ists und fii.-l-class ttrocers. Mauulaei ore, I only l.v LOl'ISJ. MtTK'iER No. IV) Pearl Street, NewYork. 16, ISoj. ly Sci.t. To i LI.T An.. A:u. 1: SOAPS, Toolh-Biushes, Hair Brushes or sale by ANNA PAINTER. ' i'UMPS! PUMPS!! liie snhsci iber hiving purcbaseil the right of NORTH L'MBE ULAN D COUNTY, lor putting in 11 1 '.Va'.;.i4 I Tl 1-1EO Vli.M i. VV os Boiti;n WtLus ami Watkb Fot'.vTS, (vi!) furnish them to nil pel inns in the county who may desire these cheap nnd convenient pumps. They can be sunk to a proper depth iu two hours time, cost but one third the price of nn ordinary pump, and for uheapncil aud convenience cannot bo equalltd. S B. BOYFR. A F. CLAPP'. Suubury, .September 23, 1S05. PACIFIC HOTEL " 170, 173, 174 & 170 Giti.t.wvicii Sr.., 'One Sijoafe west of Broadway.) Between Courtlandt mid Dcy Streets, New York. JOHN PATTEN. Jr., Propretor. The Pai ii'ic Hoti l is well and widely known to the traveling public. Tbo location is especially suitable to iiioieliniit. and business men , it is in close Ilroximily lo Ibe busiuess part of Ibe Cily is ou tiu iigliiv of Southern nnd Western travel aud adja c.m to all the priucipul Railroad and Steamboat depots. The 1 'aciflc has liberal aceommodation fur nver 800 gnosis; it is well furnished and possesses every modern improvement lor the eou.turt and ei u rlnin uieni nf us inmates. The riK.ius are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas uud water! the attendance is prompt uud respectful ; and tbo table is generously provided with every delicacy of tho season. 'Hie subscriber, who, for lie past few years, has been the lessee, ir now sole pmp-iitor. aud intends to indent ily himself thoroughly with the intereetaot nut uouse. h it Ii long experience as a hotel-keeper, bo irul. by ini.iier.itu ubarges nnd a liberal poli;y. to mamiaiu the lavuruLIc reputation of the Pacilio UuJtl- , JOHN P.UTLN, Jr. fepiemberP, ISo5 ly FLOUR & WllOl.r.VAm iAJj It E TAIL. ritHE subscriber respecifully inform, the publio ir. i. t'i. . t,' """""'O.v hi band at his i AUElilll !-!'.. near th" SI.l,l,.L in V ,.ll.... If 1 1 1 Depot, iu SUN IU' RY, Float by the barrel aud suck ' a" kinds ofl'eed by the tuu sue aoove is all imiimtaotured at his own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest cssh price. . , . J M. CADUALLADER. Sunbury. June 4, '6d I. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. .1. II. I'ltSlilM:. would respectfully in. form ibe omen, uf SLNBLRV. aud tbo public tl,ul l.A l.uu .1 - V o .. . w upvueu m uew, FliOTOOBAFH GALLERY. In Siuitin s Building. SoulU side of Market Square, where be is prepared to taie in the best style of the art , PICTURES TO FRAME. I'K.'Tl RES IN CASES, CARD PllO'ltxiRAPHS, Also Pictures made for Rings, Lreastpins, Lockets, Ac. Persons wishing in our line will do well to call and examine specimens ul tb Gallery. W o I o v lo merit a liberal share of publio patron ago. Or ii Motto is tu 1'leasx. Sunbury, July 15, Irtiii. G28 II fl O P SKIRTS. C28 HOPKIN'S "Own Make." MASrr-Ai.Ti.MtD and Soto Wuoi.eali i RarxiL, - - - No. 621 AHCH Street, Philadelphia. B",1"tu"'plot asortmnt of Ladies' Mise! and Children a Huopskiru. iu this City; gotten up exiirtawlv to mi,..! Ihm ..r IS!. r..' a . . r embracing the newest and most deeirobU styles ami sisosut ' U jr, Irails," of every length fri, Ui to 4 vds round lui.. iA Kri..-. j. FTTX. '. v . - m , rini uiass iraae fckirt, all ieiigihs.lruio 'ij to 3 yards round tha but. torn, at VI 40 to g: i. n . . "l Our line uf Misses' aud Children's skirt, ara nro- veroui.iy ueyoua all euwpetitiea, for variety off m 'i i"r uuiso anu (luraoilily : salving from rl to33inubrs in leiglh. t to ii Snrinir. t.wn.iu ,. aii oairi. oi OurlVsin IULU n . are Warranted Ul give satistaeliuii I b t Hue o.n.. '.ml Mb.' tJlilest Ihoy bav. Ibi.kMVa liuan likin i,.a. . luclory , ,o, rZ Arb Street, ' Stampel uu each Tab 1 1 Also, culiSlaul i uu lured ia New York. at . .. , 7 ', vl -' w. if- sjiuiuo , Aerk.aud lh biwterp Male wbtcfc" w sen at very low 1 'rices A lot uf obsap. hkir'l 15 spring;: t5 eetiuj 20 spiiugs. (1 ou "55 springs, 1 1 J--30 spring., 1 25 and 4tl spring. 1 fjj, l Skins, mad to Order and Repaired. Marc 1, loot) ia ' . i '''.M.jji f if iff TAftM: BALTIMIIB T' , LOOK H03 PIT, A X,. :j Established as a kcfuue from quack- ' .. i. attl. .j i . . Iv ,,, THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CVRE CAN BE OBTAINED. v. . , Dft. JOHNSTON has discovered the moat Certain, flpeody and only Effectual Remedy in tho Vorld for all Private Disease, Weakness of the Book r Limbs, Strictures, A flections of the Kidney and Bladdor. Involuntary Discharge, Impntency, Ueno ral llobility, Nervonstiesa, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideaa. Palpitation of the llenrt, riinidity.Tremblinga.liimnesaol Sight or Uiddineaa, disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or akin. Affection f the Liver, Lungs,' Stomnch or Bowels those Terri de Disorders arising from the Solitary Habit! of ,'oulh those accrot and solitary practioe more fatal o their victims than the song or Syrens Ki the Ma Iners of I lysses,blig1iting their most brilliant hope r anticipations, rendering niarring6, 4s., impossl- ipecially, who hare become Hie victlitis of S-ilitari ice, that dreadful, and destructive habit, which .nnuullv swoens to art tintirhelT ffraVe thonsandsnf Voung Men of the most exulted tnlente and brilliant Intollcct, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked o ecstaty tha living lyre, may call with full ton lidonee. ' t ' 91 Jt Itltl. J 13.1?. -A Married Persona, or Young Men contemplating umrringo, being of physios I wcaknes, organio debility, deforuiitien, Ac., spetslily cured. He w ho place himself under tho ear ofDr.J. may roligiously confide iu his honor a a gentleman, and confidently rely upon hiskill us a Physieian. OlMilAMtJ vi:.ia.i:!. nimediatcly Curcdt and Full Vigor Restorer!. ' -This Distressing Allcction which render! Life miserable and marriage impossiblu is the penalty paid by the rlclimsol improper indulgence. Young Cersons are too apt to commit cxccagcs from not eing aware of the dreadful ciiiisefpienccs In'nt may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper babltf than by the prudent ' Besides being deprived the pleasure! ol healthy olfspTing the most serious and destructive svinptoios to laith body and mind aviso. . The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Menial Func tions Weakened, Loss of Froorc.iuiv Power, .Ijiervou! Irritability. Dyspepssa. Palpitation ol the Heart, Indigestiou, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cougb, Consumption, Decay and Death, Oilier, . 7 Nonlli l'r''i-lcli Sln-cl Left hand sido going from Bnllitnor street, a few doors from the corner. , Fail not to observe nam and number. r Letters musl ne paid and Contain a itamp. Tha Doctor's Diplomnj bung in bit oflice. A CI' It 12 HAKU-WTUn I TXVO 11 IAVM.. , A'e ATtrevry or IVmiMoiii Drugt. y ia:. .voiiMTOr. Member of the Royal Collego of Snrgcons. London, Mradunfo from onu of the most eminent Colleges in he Cnitcd Slates, and the greater part of whose life othcen apont in tho hospitals of Loudon, Paris, niladelphia an.l elsewhere, has cMacted some of I i inot astonishing cures that were over known ; ,-tai.y troubled with ringing in the head and earl when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at Hidden sounds, bashfulnrss, with frequent blushing, llter.ded sometimes with derangement of mind, were ;ured immediately. lAlil! PlitTHVMK fOTlCK. Dr. J. n 1 1tccs all those who have inpirtd them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which riiin both body nnd mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or marriage. TiiEsr are some of the s'ld and melancholy efTeola produced by early haWts of youth, via: Weakness of lie Hack and Limbs. Pnins in the Head, llimnces of Sight, Lose of M oscular Power, Palpitation of the :heart. Dysjaipsy. Nervous Irritability. Derangement of tlie Digestive Functions, Ueiiernl Debility, Symp toms of Consumption. tc. M knta li.t . Tho fearful effocts on the mind are mncb to ho dreaded ls-s of Memory, Confusion of Ideas. Depression of Spirit. Evil-Forebodings, Aver lion to Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac are snineol the evils produced. Tiioi'aARna of persons of all age can now judge what is the eausoof their declining health, losing t'icir vigor, becoming weak, palo, uorvoit and e nociated. having a singular appearance about lb eyes, cough and svinptoins of consuinptiou. : . ioii.a nv. A ho have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in (rlienalune,ii babil fremicntly learned rmni evil riiiiinanions. or ul School, tho effects of j w hich arc niiiMly felt, even when asleep, and if no cured rcndeis ninrrmge imposaioiu, ana destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a yoiin man, the hope of bis country, (he darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospeot nnd enioyuient of life, by the ooiiseqoeiioe of duvintf: g tii:n (lie path of nature and indulgiiigin a eertuiu secret habit Suc'a person m.'ST, before contctui. lining reflect "that a sound nih'.d nnd body are tho tnot necessary requisites to promotr connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the J'n.rney through life be James a weary pilgrimage ; ibe prospect hourly darkens to tho view; the mind becomes shadowed with d'palr and filled with tho melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blghted with our own iiki:.!i; or nui:i irx i:. Vi hen tho misguided and iinpriidcnt votary ol pleasure finds ti nt he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often hapnen thai au ill-timed ense of shame, or dread of diJovery, delcis biin from applying to those who, from education and respectnbility. can ahme befriund hiin, dcluying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated (ore throat, disca-ed no.-, nocturnal, pains in the bond and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the thin bones and anus, blotches on the bead, face und extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of tho mouth or the bone of the nose lull in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid oljcoluf commiseration, till dcatb puts a period to bis dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that tuuiscovered Country from whence no traveller return." It is a mrlniirholii fitet that thousands fall victim to Ibis serribludiftcase, .owing to the uuskillfiilncss of iaiHiraut .protouderii, whu, by the use of that J)ary i'oi.ui,. Mi-j-iwry, ruin tho constitution and make the luaidueef life miserable. rVl.tA.'M.KItS Trust not your lives, or health, to tb ere of the Biaiiy l.nlearucd and Worthies Prvlui.dois, destitute I knnwlodge. name iw' character, who copy Dr. J.diuston'i advertisements, or style themselves, ill the newspapers, regularly Educated Phyaiciaus, incapable ol Curing, they keep you trilling month ftur month taking their tilth' and poison us com pounds, or ns long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in dcepiur. leavo you with ruined health to nigh over yotirgoltiugdiepoiuliuent. Dr Johnston is the. only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang inhiaoUiee. His rcmidies or treateuicut are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals ot Europe, the first In the country and a mora extensive Private Praniet than auy other Physician in the world. 1 iMioKsiiH i:vr or 'i m: iii The many thousand cured ut this institution year after year, and the numerous impoiunt Surgical Operations pel formed by Lr. Johnston, witnessed by Hie reporters of tho 'Sun,' Clipper," and many ,,lh. i.iu.ri iu.ll..,.s .,1 ,.4.t 1, I,.,., .,,n,..d ....In and Ugtua lb puldii, biiilea bis sliuidlng as la gciiilemttu f character-and rcspobslbility, u a Huuicient guarantee tu Uiu atruelod. twin iuisi:,Wf..r-i Nfi:i:ilL,' , 41 ici:i. Persons writing should be particular in directing their letter to hi Institution. u ihelullowiug ruaane . JOIl.X 91. JUinMO.-t, 91. 1. Ol the lialtiinur Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 21 lii ly. lAilNeilOUSE! 91HM. 91.4 It I . 4 'H14.Ulli.-f (Formerly of the ''Lawrence Houe.") SUNBURY, PENS'A, INFORMS her friend ami tha publio' generally that she has rabllod the house fonmirlv oncuoixd by lir. J.,V. Peale. on Blackberry street, near lb NorUiera Central . Railway Depot, ami oswied a Hoarding Ilouso. where ibe is prepared to keep PERMANENT ;AND TRAXSIaVf BOARDERa. Milh good cookaand waiters, boarder ean enjoy the quiet corpfurU of J)ow W(th fare equal to tha best hotel. - - . l "Patronage from t'hoso who may sojourn in Sunbnry UrespoeUuliy aolieitl. , Wis. MARIA THOMPSON. Banbury. Nov. II.1SH5. ':..-.,.- JUJt.14 OA' .i4 lilt .HUIICI.AAU. WHEREAS lb Auditor General a required by the llili ekotiou of the Act. outitled An Act enabling the Bank ot ibis CouiusoiHtiwUli t beoome Assuuiaiion tor tbo purpow ol banking uuder tha laws of tb L itel bualea.' ' passed oil ill H2d day of August A D. InM, baa aerlilied to ma thai (b "Bank ot Noribumberla,d,'' Wuaiedisi u Borough of punbevy. Nordiumberlui't county. ia furuasaed satisfactory rtideno Iu biiatbalaU lb reouirausanu i of aaid Aet bava.beun aimnlied i wub L. Lh s,.i.i Uu. I....I .l.i ii I,m. l,uu.. .n J ... ... nuuna of UUi,bn, u...i,.rih .1.. i Etata .., jv. ... , ' " 1 du there sofa, raus tbe"noUc llerof lo ba nub. w.. .ssusuv piim inx pro ee'0e. 04 Ui tud I lib see tun of the said Aoi.smd de alra .tbal lb Lbarter ul lb a)J. iU,ier(L uj aid Aot, U deemed and taku to be leruupoo tutKrtdered sub ject to tb provisions of the Br, teetmo af au4 itot. , A. t. CI it 1LN, UeTarsHir. Fxeeutlv f bkmber, Uarrulurg, Aug. 15, 180,. J 4U. LIFJ3 SYRUP. A polttTand fpeeiflo remedy for all disease ori glaating lrom as impure State of tb Bleod, and for all (hereditary; lu trans aiilted frau parent to omia. ' I ' '( v ( ( t ) i ; .... i j li t j ' l i .'ciieq ! - - r r .. . ; ... ., . SOBOFut'Al fcTRt'MA, m ULA DULAR SWELLINGS' 'ULCERATION. K1NUSEVIL. ,. ., I H LKVSU'ELAS,- : SALT 11UKUM. ' , this taint (hereditary and acquired.) filling life with untold misery, is by all usuui medical remedie incurable. ' RHEUMATISM., tJ id there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in rheumatism and it kindred affections. The most intense pain ar almost instantly alleviated enormous swellings are reduced. Case, chronic or voearious, ol twenty or thirty year standing bay been cured. ' - .t . , ' ' - '' u : ' r I ;. : .(,, .,. . -y . : NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility,-" " Shattered Nerve, St. Vitus' lianee,. Los of Power, Confusion of Thought. Epilepsy, Thousands who have mffered for year will blc the day on which thevread these line. Particular ly townnk. tuQ'ering women w ill this medicine prove n inestimable blessing diiccting their footstep! to a nope wnicn tot nits more man in promise. . .-..'! MERCURIAL DISEASES. . Salivation, Rotting of Bone, Bad Complexion, Aches in Bone, Fading of Wearincsl. Depreesien of Spirit! 3J" Constitution T,i(e Syrup purge tliesyifem entirely from all the evil effects of Mercury. 'removing the Bad Breath, curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Painswhioh the use of Calomel is suie to produce. It hardens spongy Uums nnd secures the leetb at as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicate, root and branch, all . Eruptive Diseases, , of the skin like ULCERS. PIMPLES. BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of tb kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often mnking them a disgustiug object to themselves aud their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Cures all Swelling; of the 0 lauds. . Either of tho Face, Nock, or Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected, thus preventing their breaking, ami prudueiug trou blesome dieohurging sores, which disfigure so many of the youugw portion of the community, from six to twenty years of age. Voting children ere very subject to discharges from the oars, which depends upou a scrofulous constitution.' These cases soon recover by tuking a few doses of the Life Syiup. 8 '""JAll ecrofulous person suffering frum general De bi.ity, Dyspepia and Dropsey ol Ibe limbs, abdomen" and in Ibe female, Dropsey of the ovaries aud womb generally accompanied with Influmatiou and L'lcer. ationnt the Uterus, are permanently cured by Con Itilution Life Syrup. The disease known as tloitr or Swelled Nook, the Life Syrup will remove vu tirely. The remedy should be taken for some lime, as the diseaso i exceedingly chronio and stubborn, and will not be removed w ill out extra effort Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and welling of other glands of the body, will be com pletely reduced without resorting to the kuife, or tperatious of any kiud. Y Epileptic fits, sympathetic or organic disease of (be heart, as palpituiion, diseases ul ibe valves, pru dueiug a grating or tiling sound. droy of the heart mm an me aneoiioti ot Uiu ImiKiriaiil organ (person so tiering from any acute pain iu ibe regiou of the heart), will be greatly relieved b, Couslitu tion Lite Ayrup. ' Brokcn-Down and Delicate Constitutions suffering . 10 tjeitlon. fain- in the Baok l.OSSol Mriuiir. Nnr.l..h,. 11 . ., , , ,.. ' -. "ri-. ioi,or oi .aiumiTr ""' uisease, Aiimneas of ision, Dry, Hot Skin and Lxtreiuitie. Waul of Sleep, Reslleasueas, Pule . ns,- Uuu,euuc,auu A.uasiiude ot the Muscu lar ey.tem, all reiiuire tbo aid ot lue Constitution -FOR ALL FORMS ' Si OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose. Throat, Tongue. Spine. Forehead or aculp, no remedy has ever nrovrd it eaual. Moth Patches upon the female face depending uikwu aouoa oi me liver are very uu pleasant lo the young wife and mother. , A few but tlesul Constitution Life Syrup, will correct these crciioii and remove tho deposit which is directly iiml. O,. I r Mi. .j. - . . la ibe disease, of tb Liver, giving risete Lsn u.uiucis, tuuigeuion. nut Momacn or an ulcerated or cancerous condition ol that organ, ao- sii.u uuruiug or otner unpleasant syni 10.,u."'" b "eiieved by tb us of Cuuatilalion s.u oiuy. TJ Dr As a general Bbsod Purlfjlng Agent the !dfe Byrup stands unrivalled by any preparation la tb .THEBIOK AND 3POdFt are liable to the same disease.. Nature and Science has made tb Constitution Life Syrup for tb benefit ' PURE PLOOd" : ' produces healthy men and women ; and it tb eon. sttlauooti gleoted ia youth, disease and early dealt) il Ibsreault. Price, f 1 25 per bottl ; on half dot en for $7. . r..-.i-a .v:;ii(j -iii. :!: r-i ,( r-A-,--i t -f WM. H.ORBOO, lei. r., tOLK PROFRIETORNEW V011K. --J:..&t , J. U REED, CO., Ohioago. 'si v'i flfi FI LLER. FINCH k FULLDR. CkscM.J v- a COLLINS BHOIflEltS. ai. Louia! 1 J. It. PARK, Uiaeianati, ( - 'i ,v'ji JOHNSON, HOLLO WAJ 00., PUU4a1uilk. BARNES. WARD A CO N.. 0,fT,WPW ' BARNES. HENRY A CO., Montreal, dtiadk." ' tlT f ,T7. l. (uoO) Ctl. ' i oi ,." t t ,-is.; i t i r.i nnti ijt ' 1W5,' lCOV Mi r ( SILVEE L i ,1, I lto 750001! TWO DOLLARS. MsxnaiuKMarcr' AgeMn t Our New, Mode- One or nf CiOLU or SILI'Cll tVari'HeHi, or Kih cr Ten te for f)3, a below Muted. On of oar tea sett or on piece of onr Gold ot Silverwar is worth a, bushel ol tha cheap dollar jewelry 1! ; ,,. ,. .) . , ., .', ..'., . VTsJ bavi AdopUd tha following mod of '., : D I S T R 1 B U,T I O N by sal of 74,000 article of valu ! Our i'cw . 9I1r ! The att idea of good are numbered from 1 to 75. OflU !. 87.SUU eonsistlng of Piauns Melodcon. Oold A Silver Watches. Sewing Machines, Tea A Table Setts, feilid Silver lea and table Spoon and Forks; etc., etc., and the other 37.400. article of vain Jewelry,-Work Toilet Cases), Photograph Albums, Opcnl'aoe Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 75.UIM) notices bumbered from 1 to 75.000 are printed and put into sealed envelopes and well mixed and one of then. 1 taken out and tent to the person tending to ul iia oeut to cover expense of puatage, correspondence etc., anu me arucie oi gooos corresponding witb the number on the notice wilrbo tent to the holder of the same immediately (il he desires to purchase the nrt4ole on the receipt of two dollar. For instance ; If the number on the notice Bent to yeu should t'" i00, nnd a piano or diamond tvtt or gold watcbshouid be numbered 60u; it will bo sent to you should be otlO, and a' piano or diamond settor gold watch should be numbered 00. it will be sent to you fur $2. and so ou for every article In our list or73,liUU articles. ' L-After receiving the article, if it docs not pleas you, you can return it, and your uuuey ahull ue ra undeJ. . . 25 cents must be sent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence etc, on one notice. i . ' Remember : that whatever arliole corresponds with tb number on your notice, you cun have it by paying Two Dollars lor it, whether it be worth $1U0 or '$i0U. And it is fur our interest to deal fairly, and tend out our fine articles, as il give eonlldeuoe to the public, und thereby iucreuses our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 2S ots., which pay for correspon dence, postage etc., wesendone notice. Upon reoeiptof (I, which pay fur correspond unoe, postage, etc., we send six notices. Upon receipt of So which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 40 notices, and a fine fire tent valued at nut lest than $15, as a sample of our goods Upon receipt of $1S which pays for correspondence, postage, etc.. we will send 150 notices, and a solid kdlvcr Wateb. ly return mail. AUENTS WANTED. Seud for a circular ! Agents Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make $25 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom 31 Liberty street Sept. 23, loJ. ly REED & BROTHER, Box 51.18, New York City, N. Y. s PEER'S SAMBURCl PORT GRAPE WINE. I'tti-c and 1'oiir Yearn Old. FOR TllE COMMUNION TABLE 4 FAMILYUSE Prescribed by Physicians for Females, weekly persona and INVALIDS ! if:s.i-T:iv: ... si."-Nv EXCELLENT YINE FOR FEMA1.LS Every funiilr ftf lliis be anon, hnuM uo SPEERS WINE, celebrated In Europe for its medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent phisieiam, used in Europeau and American Hospitals, aud by tome of tbo first families iu Europe unJ America. AS ATONIC it hns no equal, causing an appetite and building np the system, being entirely a pure wintof a most valuable grape. :i ASA DIURETIC it imparts a healthy action of the Ulands, Kidneys, nod Uriuary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, tioul, aud Rheumatic Affections. SPEEU'S WINE is n pur article from thr Juice of the Port Orape, possessing' medicinal properties superior to any oilier wine in uso, and an exeMent article for all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and intirm, im proving the appetite, end benefitting ladies and children. -.-,, ' Try it oiiff. ami jsom trill nut It ittcirtd. i if Ue sure the signature of ALrnto SriER la over the cork ofeach bottle. Sold by W. A. Bennett Sunbury, and all first class dealers, who also sell the 4.'.ts'l'll.l,,. OUT IIIU.tlM.t cboioo old article, im ported only by Mr. S:er, direct from the valley of ; v'porio. tVTrado snprilied by Wholesale Druggists. . I fDy A. SPEER. nt his viueyard in New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 20ti BROADWAY, N. Y. Sunbury, Jan. 16. 16. ly. ICSTEY'3 COTTAGE ARE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument in noeouniry. VMUicned einreaalv for Churches and Schools, they ar found lo Oe eqaally well adapted u uia juiiur anu urawiug room, ror sale only by E. M. BRUCE, ' - No. 18 North Seventh street. Philaduli.hia. r-Also Bradbury1 Piano, and a eomnlata as. suiuueui oi ine rerieel Alx.lVDtvU. oept. ua, lto5. lyw SnCGQUD TCTJxl DEED 3 PhKSO.Na having uureoorded Deeds are reminded that they must be recorded, according to tha Act of Assembly which require that 'All deed and conrovauafM foe rul nst.ts in this Commonwealth, shall b recorded in tb otic for Recordiug Deed in the Couniv where iha Luirii lie within mi x moutu after the execution of such deeds and conveyance ; and Ovary sueb need and ooovey. a no not reoorded a atoreeaid, sluUI b judged FRAUDULENTAN'D VOID against any subsequent nurobaser for a valuable Aoitaot..f-.iUn ihIm ...l deeds be ecorded before tb reoordiug of the deed or eoaweyaaoe under which sock tuUeqaent purvbaavr or mortgage iball claim.". , Ausruai zlt. 1MAA " ' ''a,.. . . . S) - i - BREAD & FANCY CAKES. DAVID PRYv - o Twb dbort west of the Poet Offleo, EUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTrCLLY Infortn Ik ellttena of un bary And viciuity. Isvtt ha will haka la ssnlsv ail biiwUof . . , - , . ltkra fur Hull. ParUe. Ar. FaaUiat ar sapplied with FUESH BREAD, Tw'itt kolls. Rusk. Taa Bun, ia.. and alsakera on Anj rstbafao'urad out of the beet material. ' ..,, . All order srUI oseat oith pratupi auatjilo). , ,,, iiaeiag had laraa aiueria I anna to Aw. Sanaral aafJaftktUoa. to aU wba xsty favor me wU ir pairoaage. DAVID JAY. GOLD'. r !?' f V' li'i i 1 1 , v ry :v,K-v.r w i j..'-i4sn; jt . , H' rit, Ill j Cottagg Organ. 1; 2S rrr f6S t ' - - -ti ' - 'T i-7 1 t : - ' . " ; 4 .'HAFllOTBCTroBOLCTIOSOFTlIH -vi Prlotlde Iron, ,., anew disoovery in medioine which STRIKES AT THE BOOT OT DISEASE, by lupplvlng the Blood with It vitAb ptHitctrtt, 7 . o Ll t,T-IR0.N. , Thisiith secret of the wonderful aucccts of this remedy in curing Dvspeptia.tWef Complaint, Dropsy, Chronio piar 1 rbota. Boils, Nervous Affeotlons, Chills nnd Fe vers, llumon. Lost of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tb Kldnoys and Bladder, : Female Complaints, . - and all diseases originating in a BAD STATU OF TllE BLOOD or accompanied by fusmuTr of a tow itatb of tb srsTrw. , ' Being free from Aloohol in any form, Its energi sing effect aro not followed by corresponding reac tin, , but are nermanent, Infusing itmxsoth. rtooR and bxw Lira into til parts of the system, aud build ing up an IRON CONSTITUTION. . LYSPEPbIA AND DEBILITY. Fivm tkt VtHtmble ArthiUaeon SCOTT, D. D Durban, Canada East, March 24, 1305. "I m an inveterate Dyspeptic of moro than 25yearsstanding." 1 "I have been so wonderfully benefitted in the three tborweekl during which 1 have usea the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known mo ar astonished at the change. I am widely known, and can but recommend to other that which baa done so much for m " Oue nf tlio moat I)iatin:iiis'iio. JuiUls its ... Nuw Englutul Write to a Friciul as follows : t'i hare tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the result fully sustain! yonr prediction. It bus made a new man of ine ; infused into my system now vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremulous mid debilita ted, aa when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, i and wilb larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during tho lust live years." ' jl Eminrnt Divine of Boston, try : 'I have been using tb PERUVIAN 8V UUP for some lima past; it gives nie new vigor, biovascv or sriuiTS, ulastictt or mcsclk." Thousands hove been changed by the uso of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering crenturee, to ttrong healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificate! of cores and recommendation from some of the most eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will be leut free to any address. tr See that eacb bottl has PERUVIAN S UL'P blown in the glass. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE. Proprietor, Sit Dey Street, Nuw Vork. AUD r ALL DRCeOItTt. SC R0 FULA. All Medical Men agre that IODINE is (he Best Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disenso ever discovered. The difficulty Las been toubtuin a Pure Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent!! Comnining a full grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalising Agent nnd Restorative. It has cured aud will cure SCROFULA in all its mnni fold forms. I'lccra, CaT'V". Svpliilio, Salt , ICbenm and It has been used with astonishing successin eases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption. Female Complaints Heart, Liver, aud Kidney Diseases, Ao. Circulars will besent free to any one sending their address. Price $1 OP a bottle, or 8 for JS (10. Prepared by Ur. II. ANDEK.S, Physician and Che mist. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, S6 Dey Street, New York. And by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam or 1 WILD CHER7. bas been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with the most astouishing success in curing Coughs. Ctdds. Hoarseness, Sore Throat Influenza, W biMiping Cough, Croup. Liver Complaiut, Biocbitis, Difficulty ul Bieailiing. Asth ma and every (Section of . The Throat, l.uugs, uud Clts-wl. CONSUMPTION, which earriej off more victim! shan other disrate, and which baffles the tkill of Ibe Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, oiiea TIBLSS TO TUU REMEDY '.' when all others prove inefl't ctual . . AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe in its opera tion, it is unsurpassed! and I? entitled merit., auj receives the general confidence of the public 5EYM0UR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows " Wistar'l Balsam of Wild Cherry gives unitrrsal satisfaction, ll seems to euro a Coiigh bv liHisemng aud uloauting the lungs, and allaying in itatuui, thus rmuoving the cause, instead uf ilinu,; up tl.e emigb and leaving the cause behind. 1 consider the Bal sam as good as any, if not the best Con 'h medicine witn which i am aeqiiaimeu." From Hon. Judge SPRAKER.of Can.ijoharie, N. Y. Gentlemen Thil is to eertifv that mvself ami family have used Dr. Wistar I 11 ilsain of Wild Cberv. for several years, and that 1 take great pleasure in recommending it in preference to anything of the kind for the purpiwes for which il is intended. In caeesof Asthma. Phthisic, or affections of the Threat, I have nrrmt with anything eqnal to it, Vary respectfully, . DAYll) SPRAKER. The Rev. JAC0U SECHLER, of Hanover. Pa., Well known and much respected among the tierman population in this country makes ll,e fulloniu statement for (he benelt of the aiHicteel. ' Dear Sirs: llaring realised in my family Impor tent benefit from the use of vonr valuable prepara tion Winter' Balsam of W'ild Cherry it aiurdii me pleasure to reeomincnd it to the public. Smno eight years ago one of niv dauglilers seemed to b ) in a decline, and little hopes' of ber recovery were enter tained. I then procured a botllo of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual case made treqnent use of your Valuable medicine, and buvo always been benefitted by it. JACOB SECHLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For tale by - i Y DINSMORK. u Pey Street, New York 6ETU W FOWLK A 60 N, PrieTor" Boston. And by all Dra4jai.11. GRACE'S CELEDRATED SALVE ,:-; Cures Cult, Burns, Scalds. ORAclTS CELEBRATED SALVE : . Cure Wounds, Bruise Spraini. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE . Cure Boil. Ulcers c tifiACB'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Salt Rheum, Erysipelu. ORACE'8 CELEBRATED SALVK Cure Chapped Hands, Cbllblaio. ' ORACE'S CELEARATED BALVE Heals Old So-, Flesh Wound, do " It il Dromnt In notion, r.., .1.. . . . . ' . . - - ,-WM M VUV., .UH reduoettne must ingryouking swelling aud tuga. aationa, aa if by tuaio, thus asWii.g teii.f aud a omplel euro- , uiuy N cent a boar (S,at by mail fcr i oeult.) Torble by J. P blNaMjRE. 33 Dey Sl.eet, tark' . WT 0WLM A HON, proprleiors oao. t4 bj ail 'SMa timers, aW Uiuul JtAHtawylT.lMa-ly. V, ,WSi Wj xmxwj, Deo. f t loo.