Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 05, 1866, Image 3

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HT Noticb to ocn PaThons. Ai a
'change irai rffrcfitf rt thn firft of April last,
in the publication ot the AsiisftteArT, weliave
opened a new sett of bonics.' The publishers
arc shout making additions to tbe (iflico and
further improvements in tlio Am bmcan, bs
-well ss in the Jobbing depart merit, 4J means
of a power press. This will necessarily Sm
jjose a heavy expense upon the present pub
lwhero, who therefore request 11 who sro la
arrears t this office tft aid them in their ef.
forts, by settling up all Accounts Immediate
ly. Tiiose living at a distance can forward
to us by mail at our risk, if remittances are
shown to the Tost Mnstcr where mailed.
SLocal Affairs.
(7 Job Prlnllntj:. Hsving received a
targe tupply of NEW JOB TYPE, of vartoui new
stylos, Posten, Handbills, Clroulan, Card, Letter
Heads, Dill Heads, Labels, 0., can be printed ia
tho ntet and beet ttylot, and on short notloe.
Orderi by mail promptly atiendod to..
iyFnoiT. The fruit erop never was mors pro
Biting than now. Tbe rcoent froiti bave not injured
the buds In the lead, In this quarter. reaches, pears,
0herrict, Ac, are in full bloom.
m ' -
13? Tanskv vs. DonsRt. Several yean sines
we noticed tbe faot that tansoy, planted at the bate
of a tree, would protect it against worms. A few
dnys since s friend called our attention to a large
ad thrifty penoh tree, among a number of others in
the samo lot. , Tho has of the tree was surrounded
with tantay, a few stalks having been planted three
years since. Upon examination not a tingle worm
had been found at the roots einoo the tansoy was
lnntcd, while all the others wero literally swarming
with this destructive enemy of tbe peach tree.
This is a simple and safe remedy, and would, no
doubt, prove a protection to many plants as well as
trees against the ravages of worms.
Tjp'GooD Intent I'irb Company. A meeting
of tbe Uuod Intent Fire Company will be held in tbe
Court House, on Tuoaday evening next. All the
members aro requested to attend, at business ef im
portance to tbe company will be transacted.
By order of the President,
J. 0. Welkeb, Secretary.
& 1 "
ty DnicK and Potatoes. B. F. Hursh A Co.
have opened a new grocery in Fawn stroet, abovo
Market, and will constantly keep on band a regular
assortment of groceries. Fresh butter, procured
direct from tho farmors. will be received twioe a
week. Tbcy have also a large lot of potatoes on
hand, which bavo just arrivod. Advcrtisomont next
tine, and bas about thirty members, and it daily
receiving new memWt to its renkt , U uvoomposed
Of young men who are all testdenuVof toe town
Tbe "Susquehanna ; was organised about two weeks
agt. Jts members .are all oonoeciea wiw we rail
road interest, end has already quits sespseuble
oumbor of members.- On Saturday last, a natch
game was played between these two olubs, on the
grounds of the former, near the Aegesta Hotel. The
game was quits spirited - and exhibited some pretty
good playing on both tides. The "8lra" were vic
torious, tf will he Men by tho following seort t.!.
',: STA. I ' i DS0OfAlNA. ;
.'. Run. J. t .. .. Runt.
L. I)ewart. s. 6 1 J. VanDaniKer, a. 2
J. Malono, p.
P. Jlower, 1. 1. .
A. Weaver, 1 b.
A. F. Clupp, i b.
N V. Fisher, 3 b.
II. Bourne, ). f.
D. Irvin, 0. t.
B. Hodrigue, r. f.
f. Hambrigbt, p.
u. onrvit, t. s.
J. Pool 1 b.
Q. W. Seiler. Jb.
F.llousor 8 b.
J Kapp, s. f. i
J. II. Lore, r. f. '
' 21
CyTuE New Court Ifocse and Ctoca. The
work on tho new Court House it progressing, and
we are assured by Mr. Kissel, who represents bit
late father, t lie original contractor, that the building
will bo certainly completed by tbe middle of June.
In regard to tbe dock to be placed iu the tower, we
were ensured by Uen. Cameron, whon in town, last
week, that he intonded to comply with hit generou,
proposition made before the building wne commenced,
tbut he would furnish fire hundred dollars for the
urchaeof a clock, if a good building was eroated.
jr Northumberland. The steam sawmill of
Chamberliu. Frick A McClure, at Northumberland,
was put into operation on Monday last, Tbe new
planing mill, Ac, will be completed at toon as pos
sible. Northumberland it admirably located for
manufacturing purposes, and we are pleased to lee
the spirit of improvement manifested in this enter
prise, and in a number of new buildings lately
' ' i
Up" Cateri'illars. These destructive wormt
or insects have already made their appearance, and
small colonics may be detected In the crotchet of
many young und old trees. Now is the time to
destroy tliein, while in their nestt. When they can
be reached, perhaps tho best plan is to pull down
the nest or web and crush them under jour feet. If
left to multiply, tbe small colony which at first
might be crushed in your band, will, in a few weeks,
cover aud destroy the foliage of a large tree A
bandage or strip of muslin, an inch wide, well satu
rated with lard, and tied around the limb above and
below the nest, will confir.o them within those
limits, to that they will die for want of food, but it
is. perhaps, better to destroy them at onoe, and-let
that be done without delay.
3TnE Good Intent Exoiaa TJovsa It will
be teen by an announcement in another column, that
the Uood Intent Fire Company, of this ptaoe, invites
proposals for tbe building of their engine house.
Bids will bo received by the President of the Com
pany until Wednesday next, Oth intt., when the
contract will bo allotted. Tbe house will be built
on the tho rear corner of the lot formerly belonging
to the estate of tbo late Hugh Bellas, deo'd., a part
of whiob, (30 by CO feet,; was recently purobued by
tho company, for $500. The building it to be 30 by
30, two stories in boight, to be built of brick, and
will, no doubt, be a handsome and durable structure.
Tbe tile it an excellent one, and the most convenient
point fur a building of that character in this place
Tbe work will bs commenced immediately after tbe
letting. We hope the "Goodies" will receive the
aid and encouragement which their energy and per-
aeverance deserve.
iy Dedication or A Soldiers' Monuhsit.
The members of company ' C," 47tb Penna. Veteran
Volunteers, which was the first three years' eompany
that left this plaoe to aid io crushing the rebellion,
and which was recruited by Col. Oobin io August,
1801, will dedioate a monument, to be ereoted in
tbe cemetery, below town, on Wednesday, 16th intt.,
in honor of their brave comrades who taorifieed their
lives in defence of their country.'' All volunteers
from tbit plaoe and vicinity are rotpeotfully invited
to attend and participate in the oeremonies. The
monument, which is sow completed, is beautiful
Specimen of art, and is now on exhibition at the
monumental works of Mestn. Ditsinger A Taylor, in
this plaoe. Twenty-six ef the original members
of this eompany perished on the battle field, or died
of disease contracted while in tbe service.
lit. id. 3d. 4th.
Star, 8 11 10 ' 6
6utquthanna, 3 S 11 6
At a meeting of the "Star" olub, held on Tuesday
evening lost, it was doeided to send a ohallengo to
the Alert Base Ball Club, of Danville, to play a
friendly game. Should the challenge be aocepted
the game will be played on Thursday afternoon,
10th Inst., which will, no doubt, he very exoiting.
Regular games are played every Saturday after
noon, at 3 o'olock, by the Star club.
ty School Directors' Convention. The school
director! of Northumberland county, assembled In
the court house, on Tuesday afternoon, and organised
by eleoting John Porter, Esq., of Milton, President
of the Convention, and Messrs. Dr. Newbaker, of
Trevorton, and 3. J. John, of Shainokin, Secretaries.
The business of tbe Convention being the eleotion
of a County Superintendent oi tchools for the next
three yean, three ballot! wore had. The candidates
were Mr. Jacob Ulp, the present incumbent, O. W
Haupt, Esq., of Sunbury, Mr. Wm. A. Sober, of
Shainokin township, and Robert M. Cummingt, Esq.,
of Chilisquaqne township. The result was as fol
lows :
lit ballot. 2d ballot. 3d ballot.
O. W. Haupt, 25 34 42
Jacob Ulp, ' 5kt - 38 ' 39
R. M. Cummingt, 8 3 1
Wm. A. Sober, 10 4
The salary was reduoei from 81100 to $800 par
Though the three first named were all democrata,
Mr. Ulp wat the only one consiJered and supported
si tho candidate of tbe party.
O. W. Haupt, of Sunbury, having, on the third
ballot, received a majority ot all tbe votes salt, was
declared elected Superintendent.
Mr. Ulp retirei from the position of Superintend
ent, after having faithfully performed the duties of
the office for a period of eix yean. During that
time Mr. Ulp made aohool matters hit constant ttudy,
and tho cause of eduoation had in him one of its
most ardent supporters. Ws trust his successor may
prove equally efficient.
15?" RcLiaiot-s Notice. In the absonce of Bishop
Stevene, in Europe, Bishop Vail, of Kansas, it ex
pected to visit this portion of the Diocese next week
and administer the rite of confirmation. Hit ap
pointments in tbit neighborhood aro as follows:
Thursday evening, 10th inst., at Danville.
Friday morning, 11th inst , at Sbamokin.
Friday evening, 11th inst., at Sunbury.
tjr5 The Wilmington Journal, published in Los
Angeles county, California, of March 10th, a copy
of which we lately received, contains a long and
interesting history of the 1st U. S. Cavalry, written
by Cuptuin I. R. Dunkleberger, late of this place,
now one of the officers of the regiment. It appeara
that this regiment had among its officers tbe patriot
Uen. Sumner, and th arch-traitor Jeff. Davit.
CP Lancaster Beer. Those who relish a glass
of this dclioioul beverage," should give Messrs.
Furnsworth MaUaw a call, at their grocery, oppo
site tho Central Hotel. They have just received a
new supply of this celebrated boer, direct from tbe
brewery in Lancaster, which is pronounced by good
judges to be a No. 1 article.
f-zr Bass ftttt. We here), M pretest, two
Sail Class in in p.., ""- ... n. RnnA.. 1.L Jiv E WilvL-rr.
as--. Tb - orln-,W a ronflSr"-.
i l A it-I-t- Km ansl Id Hail I -"!" t M'iivy. a... -
M sa Liuni BwTrsrrrrirll'Of tbialasw.F
Correoted Weekly fo the Atasoan
Wheat i'lou, extra family, per barrel, j ; $12 00
do do
do do
' Rye Flour,
Buokwhoot Flour
Wheat, prime white '
' do do do
, Rye,
Dried Peaohes, psrsd
do do .unpared
Dried Appi
per ewt.
per ttbi.
per cwt.
per bushel,
v do
a-1 2,
per round
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,)' per bu.
Cheese, '
Lard, .
Beef, hind quarter,
" front "
Veal, ,
Chickens, ;
Fresh Salmon, ..
do Shad,
per pound,
per aoten, .
per pound,
do .
per pair
per pound
per pair
a no
2 40
2 10
1 00
8 73
: i8
... I
'- 80
Market street, four doors went efWm. II, Miller's
Hoot and Shoe store-, St'NBUHY, Pa.
RKSPKOTPtJLLY Informs her Mends i a Snnbury
aud vicinity, that tbe hat jntt opened her - ;,i
ol Motions and Fancy Dry Goods,
' ' Her stock eontltt of All-Wool Delaines. Chambrat,
Ginghams, fimbroiderlea, Laos Collars, Fan. UATd,
Mutlioa, Drillings, Uaribaldi Muslim, Bird-Eye
Linens, Linen Lawns Crape and Laoe Veils, Ao.
Mine. Demoreet's Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and
Curlt, Oloves, 8tockings, Collars, Cerseu. it.
Uents' Collars, Neokties, half Hose, Handker
ohieft sod Suspenders.
Bradley's Dew Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double
Spring SKIRTS) i
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs,
Toys, and a general variety of NOTIONS.
UAUFFERINU dons handsomely and at short
notioe. KATE BLACK.
- Sunbury, April 28, 1866.
Shntnokln Conl Trade.
Sbamokin, April HO, 1866,
Bent for week ending Apfil 13,
Per last report,
To tame time last year,
Tom. Cvl.
10.534 09
126.669 ( 8
137.203 17
7,7M 13
6S.4S9 04
JJrprciat NoticfS.'
-i'SuK a Woman, ia another column
picking Siimburg grapes for Bpeer'a Win.
It is an admirable article, used in the hospi
tals and ly the first class families in Paris,
London and New York, in preference to old
Port Wine. It is worth trial, as it gives
great satisfaction. For sale by W. A, Ben
nett. We have heard a great deal of the superior
excellence of Bpeer's Saraburg Port wine,
and of its being adopted in European hospi
tals in preference to their own production.
The nmst scientific men of this country and
liquor-a-savers appointed by government,
pronounce it a valuable article. We cannot
write more on this subject now, but cheer
fully publish the following card, 'which
speaks for itself: '
Portland, Feb. 1, 1862.
The undersigned, having become practi
cally acquainted with the tiuinburg Port wine
manufactured by Alfred Speer, of New Jer
sey, would say that he considers it a superior
article, and fur preferable to the quality of
Port wine furbished in this market at the
same price.
II. T. Ccmmikgs, M. D.
Assayer to the State of Maine.
We have heard persons who have used
tbe above wine express their astonishment
that so rich and mild a wine is produced in
this country, and is now Jeing bought up by
the wealthier classes. Our druggists can
scarcely supply the demand. W. A. Uennctt
hus it.
iy Death or Henbt W. Snvdee. We regret
to state that Henry W. Snyder, late of 8elinsgrovo,
died suddenly at Leavenworth City, Kanias, on tho
I'Jlb ult. Hit remains were brought home on Sat
urday last, accompanied by his wife and cbildreo
Hit funeral took plaoe on Sunday last, at Selint
grote, and was one of the largest ever witnessed at
that place. The deceased, who was a ton of tbe late
Gov. Snyder, wat one of the inott promiuent eitiaens
of Snyder county, and highly esteemed as a man
and citison. A year or two since he wat appointed
paymaster in the army, and was in the exercise of
hit duty at tbe time of bit death. Tbe cause of his
death wet disease of the heart. He lea the bouse in
apparent good health, and iu five minutes afterward!
,V waI brought back a corpse . He was prominent
' member of the Matonio fraternity, and bit funeral
aa larcelv attended by that order'. 'On Sunday, at
2 o'clock, about fifty of the brethren of the lodge at
thi. ituca. matched in proccation 10 take tue Belint-
grove Meant ferry boat, which earns op near the
dam, to oouvey them to Belinsgrove. Unfortunate,
ly, when the boat was about starting, it wat found
.hat the iniecUir would not work, and no water could
ha forced into tbe boiler. After wailing until the
laat momeut tbey were obliged to return boms'
greatly disappointed, j Fortunately, among the pes.
- tenters were several SMohiniaU from this piece, whe
soooeeded in repairing the machinery, so that the
boat got off before plght Thb) mWap waaaSouroe
. . ' it - aA aj.
. of regret to all, ana W ooe snore e r w
Jteits, the proline tfct V' -
v '"
fjjf Sewing Machines. Several valuable Lock
stitch Sewing Machines, new ttvlos, for tale.
Enquire at this office.
lyCn.NOES. Our town hat never before been
to fortunate at at present Business men, several
years ago, were compelled to wait patiently on the
slow transit of their merchandise to this place-
Merchants would purchase tleir stock of goods'
place them in boats, return home and wait for the
boatman to "wind bit born" when crossing tbe
river, before any preparation! were made to receive
them fur their customers . This usually took from
ten to fifteen days. Now ull this it accomplished by
Mr. J. E. Smick, Merchant Tailor, in three dayt.
Hit magnificent ttock of Summer goods, whioh bave
jutt oeen opened, is surprising to everybody, and as
be tellt on the principle of "small profiu and quick
sales," it li an advantage to call and examine hii
ly A Tale Is hat lately been remarked that
the gentlemen of this place all teem to fashionably
dresaod Tbit it always the ease when gentlemen
buy whole suits at onoe, and shows that they are
prospering, and have an eye to oomfort. All who '
have negleoted to replenish their wardrobes can j
readily be sooommodatod at the CoxtinentalClo
thino Basaas, corner of Market and Railroad
ttreett, where our friend Slaymaker tell whole suits
at a very low figure.
lyBrEBLT's ii the place to get a good like-nest.
Byerly takes the beet pictures.
Byerly 't it the place to get Melainotypet.
A! Byerly'syoa can get beautiful Photographs.
At Byerly 's yon can get splendid Ambrotypet.
At Byerly 't you ear. get the best andeheapest.
Byerly 't Gallery it in Battler's building, up slairt,
corner of Market and Fawn streets, y. (
iirr.ti i,i -' ' '
SraiNO-LtEE Indications. The advent of
the feathery songsters, the budding of trees, tbs
increased warmth of the tun's rays, snd the salubrity
of tbe atmosphere, would teem to indicate that tbe
coquettish Mi:s Spring it about to desert her uncom
fortable teat iu tbe lap or grim old winter, and mat
not many moons will wane ere oomfort and economy
ill both demand that mortal man should array
himself in tbe handsome habiliments wbiob Jacob
Beck it manufacturing at hit fashionable Tailor
ing Establishment, on Fawn ttreet, between Market
and Blackberry, where. .be is conitanlly reueivjpg
large addition to hit eery large stock f Spring and
Summer Goods, and continues giving everybody
"fits." Beck bas just received a splendid Hock of
French Cassimerea, direct trom New Vork, compri
sing lummer goods of all colors. ttyUs, As., which
be will tell at greatly reduoed prices.
, i iii .
- p Presentation or tbi'Btati Flam.
Philadelphia hat been selected as tbe plaoe where
the tauered and torn flairs of the Pennsylvania regi
ments shall b formally returned to the keeping of
the Commonwealth. Tbe Committee of the Lgls
leture having the matter in charge bate mad ar
rangamentt for the ceremony, whiob is to take pUce
in Independence Square on the 4th of -JalT nest.
Ol th Jtl Slats flags sjsrried. during the par, but
four vert lost In battle. This to a proud record for
the Feontylvaaia soldiers. Mules, of the Excel
slot Boot aad Bbotj otore, in Market square, fcas
made f proud record for this plaoe, la the way of
reduotng tbe high price of Boots and Sheet, whioh
be to selling very cheap. Be certainly deserves tho
thanks of tha aommsnlty for putting dows to high
priaes ef tch a ittdupnsU arttele. QtokJm
lm-i ;: .... . ... . -2
Any of our readers afflicted with Scrofula
or Scrofulous complaints, will do well to
read tho remarks in oflr advertising columns
respecting it. But little of the uuturo of
this disorder has been known by the people,
and tho clear exposition of it there given,
will prove acceptable and useful. We have
lor.g admired the searching and able manner
in which Du. Ateh treats every subject, he
touches : whatever has his attention at nil,
has a great deal of it ; he masters what he
undertakes, and no one who has a particle
of feeling fbr his afflicted fellow man, can
look with indittvrcnce upon Ins labors tor tue
sick. Head what he says of Scrofula, and
see in how few words and how clearly he
tells us more than we all have known of this
insidious and fatal malady. Sun, Philadel
phia, Pa.
Neglected Coughs and Colds. Few
are aware of the importance of checking a
Cough or "Common Cold, in its tirst stage;
that which, in tho beoining, would yield to
a mild remedy, if ncglcctedsoon preys upon
the Lungs, ''hrown'i Bronchial Troche," or
Cough Lozenges, anord instant relief.
3?Fuir and fashionable Young America
has installed -Phalon's "Ni'dit Bloomlng
Cereus" as a specialty in all its drawing
rooms and boudoirs. It is well. Beuuly
should lirmtlic a fragrant atmosphere, nntl
Nature, in all her bowers, has no richer per
fume than this. Sold everywhere.
"DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can make
Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call und ex
amine un invention urgently needed by every
body. Or a sample sent free by mail for SO
rents thut retails easily for $0. by It. L.
WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham Square, N Y.
Sept. 14, 1865. ly.
New Spring Styles I
Two doors Wc9t of the Post Oflice,
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of tbo
publio to her large and varied assortment of
Spring Si Summer Millinery Goods
which ihe hns just reoeived and opened. Her stock
embraces FANCY DKESS GOODS, Embroideries,
Cluny Lace, Laoe Collars, Linen Collars, Dross
Cords, Zephyrs, Buttons, Ao.
A fine assortment of ladies' snd gents' Hosiery,
Gloves, Fane, Parasols, Bugle Trimming, Ribbons,
licit nionons, velvet Kibbont, llraid. Ladies Neck
ties, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dresses, Ao.
Irvin's Patent Hair Crimpers. Hair Coils, Cortett,
and a large assortment of other artioles, too nume
rous to mention
I have also Just received a fine lot of Perfumery,
Toilet Soapt. Tooth and Hair Brushes, Ac.
Aft ci A I'AINTKK.
SunVury, April 28, 1869.
Tlic Nil lent Ijr. Under the patronage of
the United Slates Government. Moduli of this
superior leg may be teen at the Agency of tbe
SALEM LEG COMPANY, No. 33 South Seventh
Street, Philadelphia
Call and tee them, or send for a circular containins
full information. 1 apl. 28, '66. lma.
Millinery Goods,
Just opening at the Millinery Store of
. Miss M. Ii. GU8SLER.
Fawn Street, below the Railroad, SUNBURY, PA.,
Such as
1MQB1 US', OA93a
SHAKERS, Dreet-Trimmingt, Head-Dreraes, Glorca,
Hosiery, Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker
chiefs, Ac., Ac,
which have been carefully selected.
The attention of the Ladies is solicited tojier larza
assortment of the latest styles of BONNETS, which
give satisfaction to all.
unit ana ezumiue tor yourselves. Mo trouble to
thow goods
Bunoury, April 14, ma.
J j ihuifiiieilimil County, inmi the artt See nf Jm,rv IbM, t.. the last., 0( irtmbw U u,, Uiw
year, beib days iiKlaMVe; t , ,
- -r
A.I ntra f . Tt.liMi., mnA WUH...l . i.
W1,W'I 117
I Ollerl
3 do
IO do
6i do
48 do
a d
I do
1 do
83 do
3 do
4 . do
4 ' do
9 . do
67 dn
4 0
1 do
P do
13 do
9 do
44 dn
I ' dn
tfi do
4 do
41 &
9 do
' 2-.ifsfein renttentmry,
Fuel, , ,
' V"S Scalps, ,.''
CimtWer payr
County Auilitort,
J. fatitturiirth, Auditor
Court Crier, "
County Printing,
Pnaoii Kxpenset, .
Jurors' Pay,
Sheriff Fees,
Itisuue Asylum,
Kmd l.itiMes,
Ditnict AHonwy,.
Commi nwealili costs,
Altiirney for County,
Virwnts; Roods and Bridget,
I'uhlic Duildiugt,
Commissioiiera aud Clerk, '
Store Uitis,
Aaaeaaora' Pay,
Court Hoase,
To Treasurer's Commission on CHS. 148 63.
To deprccia'ed m'Uiey,
To amount nf uutttnndiog County orders for
1HI3 iii'l previous yetns,
To amount of outstanding Bounty oidera,
61 SM
133 Ull
1,9.11 St
653 (7
.Ii 17
104 no
' iff no
474 3.1
74 I 30
138 40
34 44
446 00
7U4 i
117 03
6 00
lt) M
81 :I0
I IS 311
1,110 46
a is 3s
1,873 4.1
16 43
73,731 80
ttnt,H63 09
1,648 71
43 455 17
tll'J.etO 47
By cash rreeived from Cullectott for 18J aud .
previous years, il,P43 48
By cash ree'd from Collectots of Bounty T, 43!l 37
" " for rent of P'rtiHe IJiiildinjrs, 7150
By County Tux received from sundry persona, 143 73
By man received from 1rtver Augusta twp.,
for keepiiin Hannah Ssvi'lgi", , 131 SA
By Mililut Tax mi'dlor Igfll and previonayeart, 1,176 8S
Uy c tsh ree'd from sundry persons ns a loan, 3,343 Ot)
" " " V. E.'ltwin, former Trea
surer, " S67 07
By rash received aalnrv fund, 4 (ill
" " for Commonwealth eottt, Vn iH
" " Court fines, S67 IKI
'- " umterials a iU, 6 33
By excess of F.xpendiiutrt nbove Beceipta, (1,(30 49
1 l 19,880 47
WILLIAM F. IRWIN, former Treasurer, in account
with Nortrmmherliwd Couutr.
To balance dne County as per Auditors' Report
of is1,
To lialnnce nf Militia funds in hand at audited
by military brd to January 1st, 1S6I,
By F.tror iu audit of 161.
By rush paid K. H. Awl, Treasurer, at per
By Hfite Treasured receipt, dated July 10th,
Balance due ennoty in hands of W. E. Irwin,
former Treasurer,
711 61
1.W 74
S9GI 33
Tlte Cvut'cMSklonis nutl Experience
Published for the benefit and at a eaution to young
men and othen, who suffer from Nervous Debility,
Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at tho
same time tbe meant uf aelf-cure. By oue who nat
cured himself atur undergoing considerable quack
ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope,
tingle copies, tree of charge may be bad of the au
thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings
CO, H. X. -
January 27, 1S68 ly. j
Iscafneaie, llliitlnetjti nntl 4Uatarrh,
Treated with the utmost suceees by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist end Auritt, (foimcrly of Lejden, Holland.)
No. 619 Pine ttreet. Pbiladelpbim. - Testimonials
from the moat reliable aouroet in tbe City and Coun
try ean be teen at hit offioe The medical faculty are
invited to acoompany their patients, at he hat no se
crets in hit praotice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with
out pain. No charge made for examination.
July 22,1804.-1
iMieiit I.OI IKA SMISSL,-,
.villliuery Uoodt and lrck 'I'rim
inlnffN, I lend lretitcai,
South side of Market Square. SUNBURY, Penn'a.
lint just returned Irom tbs cities with a choice
selection of seasonable goods to which the attention
of tbe Ladies ia respectfully tolicited.
Vilh Head. Dresses, Gloves,
Hosiery, Ribbons,
bat boer earefolly selected and will give satisfaction.
Mist Shissler has bad an experience in the busi
ness that enables hor to select goods with an eye to
tbe taste and wishes of ber customers, and she begs a
continuance of furors in Iho future which she tukc-s
Eloasttre in acknowledging during the past year.
iRdies will find a choice ttock of every thing in her
line of busineas.
Sunbury, April 14, 1855.
S3 THE 5.
Union Business (ollrcic
Eighth and Spring Garden Streets.
President snd Consulting Acoountant,
Novel A Permanent Arrangement of Business Col
lege Terms,
From April 1 to October 1, 1866,,
snd succeeding years.
LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, including Bookkeeping
Business Correspondence, Forms and Customs
Commercial Arithmetic, liusiucsa Penmanship
Detecting Counterfeit Money, A Commercial Law
Scholarships, including tho wine tubjecta as above.
Xime Limned io in roe aiontut,
Penmanship. Three Months, $7
Penmanship and Arithmetic Three Months, $10
The saving of coal and gat in the summer mouths
it an advantage of such importance at enables the
management of this College to make a considerable
reduotion iu tbe summer ratea
From October 1, 1866, to April 1, 1867.
A nd succeeding years, at before.
Life Scholarships, f?i
Scholarships, 3 months, 2a
Penmanship, 3 months, 1(1
Penmanship aud Arithmetic, 3 months 12
Speciul let uit for Clubs, Soldiers, and for tbe Son
ol Ministers and Teachers.
Day and livening Instruction for both Stxct
and alt Ages,
In Bankine. Storekeopins, Bookkeeping, Penman
ship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arithmetic, Men
suration, Algebra, ueoinolry, Analytical ueometry,
The Calculus, Navigation, Purveying, Engineering,
Uuaging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commercial
Law, (ierruun, Telegraphing, and the English
Branches, at moderate prices.
Endorsed by the public at the most successful Bu
siness College of tbe country, at it evidenced by the
fact, that
have entered in the first six months of its Existence.
84 04
S67 07
170 60
80 50 j
8901 33
R. n. AW1 Ktri., Ticnsurer, in account with Hie
County of ,orltuinSerliHl. from iho first day of Janu
ary, A- I) , I'W'S. to tli liislilavof December of theannie
year, both days inclusive, nspecting County Tux, Ac.
To balance, na per last Auditors1 report, 61,653 71
To niti'iutit of outstanding County lax for 1861
and previous years, 7 304 73
To amount of County duplicates for 1865 , 80,701 09
'I'o cash ree'd for rent ol public buildings, 71 50
To C unity tux ree'd from sundry persons, 143 43
To c-ish reeeived from Irfiwer Augusta twp.,
for kcepina Hatiniib Sividge, 138 40
Toenail received from sundry persons as loan to
County. 3,525 00
To cash received from W.E. Irwin, former
Treaiurer, 567 97
To riuli received us Jury fines, 4 Oil
" i Commonwealth eosts, 105 44
' Court fines, 40' tH
for materials Sold, 0-4 33
Amount dueCounly Treasurer to balance, 6,317 6r
8103,161 4
By arn-aiutof County tux outstanding; on the 1st
day of January, ls'iMS, foi is65 aud pirviuua
years, 83.4.'3 07
By um'i of exonerations allowed collectors, 2 tt t6
- pel centnpe allowed collectors, fctil 74
By errors in duplicates, 4 00
By amount overpaid by collector, 30 54
By depreciated money, 0 00
Uy amount of CiHiuty orders paid. 65,14s 01
By Treasurer's commission on 65, US 63, 1,048 71
103,161 C4
R II. AWL, Ksq , Treasurer of Northumberland County,
In account with the same for State Tax.
To balance due by Trensurei as per Auditors'
report lor leei,
Br State Treasurer'! receipt dated March I, '65,
-'r,i i,
,7! 16
1,101 ft
Ry Connty Treasurer'
.iluHee Sue Ovuutr, X.
- inly ?,. -4J1I4SW
..r.. '"'MS, Itwso
't Commitaion at I per et.
too so
,134 00
Ml. AWL, Ran., maewflint wllrf the Cnmmrniwealth
ror Llee-ieet (rom Ihe Hrat day .if January, 1005, to the
Ustday of the snme year, tmth days incluaive.
' 'DR.' - i . . i
T"r n?0"rt':elvtl fur Lieenste for Taveiet
To amount received for Liqnor Btoroe for 1803.
" . " , , " Restanrania 1 "
j. , " ' Hetailer. of Mnehan
. di, Ten-pin Allevt, Patent Mcdlelnra, Uoal
ih1 Lumber yerde, Biewertet eiai Billiard
Kooms, at per Mercantile Appraitui't list
for leBS,
, ca.
By S per cent, commission on DlDOO and 1 tet
cent mi S-.MI3,
Bv perrent. eommitsionon (Jt00
By S per cent ooiomiision on ffOtO,
By exntieratrons,
By 9 per cent, commission on 81,000 and 1 ftt
cent mi ejl.74H,
By T. H Purdy't receipt for publishing Mer
cantile Appraiser's list of 493 iianict in
By T. H Purdy't receipt for publishing tame
in German,
ByT H I'urdy't receipt for blanks for Notices,
By Treasurer's iec"iptnf April I4lh. IHC3,
Bv Slate Treasuter'tieeelpt of July 7th. Ie8.'i.
By State Treasurer's receipt of Jan. 411b, lt66,
1 405 00
100 00
640 00
4,885 eo
SI ,940 00
69 fS
94 00
67 40
S8 30
36 30
4 00
855 no
Mo.', (1.5
t,9H9 IKI
4,840 UV
R. H AWL. F.sq , Treasurer, In acenmt with tbe
County nf Northumberland respecting Militia fiuea for
1601 and previous years.
To amount of Militia fines,
By amount of outstanding. Militia fines,
By amount of per ceutni-e allowed to CollecUrs,
By amount nf exonerations allowed Collectors,
By Militia orders paid.
By c immission on SW-M 50,
By amount due County, .
1,421 44
4.441 44
65-1 46
70 II
351 50
8 7
810 00
. i , . . 84,44144
R. H. AWL, Ttq., Treasurer. In account wllh the
County rif Northumberlan-4, fiom the 1st day of Janu
nry, IH65, to the laat day its December of the same
year, both days inclusive, respecting Bounty Tax,
To amount In Treasurer's handa at per last
Auditor's report,
To am 'unt of outstanding Bounty Tax,
8,197 61
too 40
3,1168 90
511 01
117 78
3,439 18
By amount of outstanding Bounty Tax,
By per centairc allowed tt Collectors,
By amount due County,
83,000 U0
R. H AWL. Esn.. Treasurer, in account wi h the
Treasurers of School Boards and Supervisors of Roads
for Taxes ou Seated and Unseated Lan s for 1864 and
To nmonnl of Roarl Tax in Trenturei's hands
ns per lapt Auditor'a report.
To amount of School Tax in Treosurei'aliaudt
as per last Auditor's report,
3,071 31
3,781 16
5,853 40
By amount paid Supervisors of Roeds, 3.071 34
By ain't paid Treasure!'! of School Boards, ' 3,761 i6
85,853 40
R. II. AWL, Esq , former Treasurer, in account with
Northumberland County.
To amount due on State Tax,
To amount due on Militia Kines,
To amount doe on Bounty Tax,
.. 0-Yes I 0 Yes I
at Reduced Prices, kt the .
of ' ' ' .
J- W, I'ltll.S-Vf a. asn-et
i Market Sqnare, near tbe New Court House
Clotht, Cattimeret, Cottonades, Linen Panting, Ao.
Silk, Dolaines, Allapaceat, English and Rnntnt,
Oinghamt. Challies, Lawn, Calicoes. Murttn. Ac
Sheetings, Hoop Skirts Hosiery and gloves.
Olaatware, Quecnswaro, Crockery, Hardware and
Oriigw, Oils, Pulnm, Cool Oil nnd
Fish, Pork, Conrje and Fine Salt, Coffee, Toa, Su
gar, Molaesca Syrup, Spices, Ac,
ttroocrios. Tohacoo. 6egnrt and Enuft", loejethei with
a large varioty of miscellaneous goods at prices that
cannot fuil to satisfy pureharcrs.
Sunbury, April 7, 1866.
n e w o iTnrnT
Or Clothlittr, ent'i rnrnihlne
Uoods, Hoof n &. 8lio.
HE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to
the public of Sunbury, and vicinity, that ho bas
opened bit
with A well teleoted Block of
GFrs rtJUMsiiisAO goods.
I will tell at astonishing low prices.
I bave also still on hand a large ttock or
Boots & Shoes,
Lfor Ladies, Gents and Children's woar, whioh I am
Btonug ou, u i lutenti io give up toaiorancnoi oust-no-.
It will be to tbo advantage to Cash Bctbrs to
give me a call.
8. Gross' old stand, Market Square.
Sunbury, April 7, 1806.
IO Rupture, frees the cord from all pressure; will
never rust, break, limber, chafe, or become filthy,
(the fine stoel spring being coated with hard, rubber);
spring made any power rerun red; used in balhing,
fitted to form; requires no strapping; cleanest, light
est, easiest, and best Trust known. Send for pam
phlet. I. B. BEELET, Sole Proprietor
1347 Chestnut St., Tbilad'a., Pa.
April 7. 1860 lm
An OII Kong t to a Sew Tune.
csr 1868 -xiva
"As spring approaches
Ants and Roaches
From their holes come out,
And Mice and Rats,
In spite of cats.
Gaily tkip about."
To am iuut of outFtantliiig State tax for l&tit
and previous years,
To amount of State lax duulicatea for 1HI5,
4,750 75
3 75S40
1S,6II6 59
847,181 71
Bv amount dne on County Tax,
By balance due the County,
By amount nf Stale Tax i utstandiuK on the 1st .
day ol' Juuuury, 1M"6, for IsOjand previous
years, S.7S4 .50
By amount of exonerations allowed Collectors. 404 41
' irr ceiiuige ' ' b73 40
By nUtameui, 4
By iu duniicates, 40 00
5,385 76
6,317 07
6 11
5,31 7t
with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for lr65.
To amount fixed by Board of Revenue Com
mission, 14.417 88
Ti i Mill Tax, 4.700 00
817,117 89
Bv f. r-'T e nl'owed collectors on I7,1 17 89, 855 f 9
By Treasurer's vominiwiou on 16.464 1 0, 104 04
Bv State Trent, receipt, dated Aiiril 14th, IMS, 1,IC4 14
Bv Slate Treat, receipt, doled July 7lh. Irtl.V 4.514 90 '
By Stale Treus. receipt, dated July Iclli, Ie65, 1U,464 36
$17,117 9
land County, ou the fiist day oi" Jtiuuary, A D. 1C60.
To Binnunt of oiitstondiii-i County orders for
IMij and previous veers," 45,455 47
To am'l ol" ontalai.dilitt Usunty orders. 745 IS)
To exceas of Couuty ussts above indebtedness, 6 .473 76
31,454 43
"18years established jnN. Y. City,"
"Only infallible remedies known.'
"Free from Poirons,"
"Not dangerous to the Human Family.'
"Ilata oome out of their holes to die."
By amount nf outstanding County Tax for 1665
and previaua years,
By amount ol' outstanding Bounty Tax,
By amount of outstanding M i 111 ia Tax for ISO I
and previous yeuis,
By amount due from Fiancts Bucher, former
" per Amlttora1 report of l?-64,
Bv am't due from W. F.. Ii win, former Trea'r,
Uy am'l due from R. II. Awl, former Trcna'r,
33,153 07
511 VI
W0 35
50 0:i
HI 56
6s II
31,454 43
Cottar's Hat, Boncb, 4.O., Exterminator,
In a paste used for Hats, Mice, Roaubea,
Black aud Red Ante, Ac, Ac, Ac
Costnr's Bed-BuB Exterminator.
Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and
also as a preventive for liud-Iiugs Ac
Costor's Electric Powder for Insects
is for Moths. Mosquitoes, Fleas. Bed lugs.
Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac
I B' ! ! '. Beware! ! ! of all worthless imitations,
bee that -'Costnr's" name is on each Box, Bottle,
snd Flask, before you buy
4B2 Broadwuy, New Vork.
J'Sold in Sunbury, Ta.
By Fkilixg ASos, and all Druggisti and Retailors
OiitNiundiiia: '1' lor 1MC5 and lrevIou Venra.
To CoMantnptivea.
The sdvertiter, having been restored to health in
a few weekt by a very limple remedy, after having
suffered for several years with a severe lung alfeotioni
and thai dread diteass, ContnmpMon s anxious to
make known to bis fellow sufferers tbe means of
To all who desire it, be will tend a copy of tbe
prescription used (free of charge), with tbe direo
lions for preparing and utlng the tame, which they
will find a mil Ct'HS for Consumption, Astbma,
Bronchitis, Couohs, Culds, and all Throat and
Lung Affections. Tbe only object ol the advertises
is tending the prescription is to benefit tbe afflieted
and spread information whiob be eonoeivet to be in
valuable, and b bopet every 'sufferer will try bit
remedy, si it will sost them nothing, and may prove
a bleating.
Parties wishing the prescription, nil, by return
mail, please address ' !' . ,
- . - , WilliAmsburgb, Kings Co , KewTork.
January 13, 1868 ly.
Irlni-Inla or Oepnrltncnta.
Oeorge B. Snyder, R. S. Barnes,
O. N.Farr, Jr , J, T. Reynolds,
Henry Keim, A. E Rogorson, a.m., 0.1.
Supported by anableCorpt of Assistants.
Cull or tend for a Catalogue, College Currency,
and Pieroe't Praotical Educator.
Okficb 5DI North Eighth St., PuiUdeiy
April 14, lfs6.-2m .
Washington House.
.pHIS popular end comfortable Hotel has been
X. fitted up in superior order lor tbe accommoda
tion of Strangers, Travellers, and the publio gener
ally. No effort will be spared by tbe Proprietor to
make it a favorite resort and a ploatant noma for
every guest Hit table, kit bar, and the long ex
perience of tbe proprietor, warrant him in anticipa
ting a liberal tbare of-pufcllo patronage.
Extensive ttablus,. and every desirable convenience.
Sunbury, April 7, 1866 ly
do '
To MUUssero fc CotiBtrw Bioro
. r. "Z , : Keepers, j -c .Z-.L". .r
Yoa eea purobate Cut Lengths of Millinery Goods
ebeapcr that ! Iowa jobbers sell whole eleoets
STRAW GOODS, Ribbons, Silks, rieworsl Milll.
W, U4-4, .-. r-iv-4 itTDARIDLiY,
104, JI1, tlli Qrand it., 61 and M Aile St.,
nmrik Block last front the Bevrery. ' .
IprUll, Itt-as , - - i ' . i - I lik .
.Ji.:. . - I - .-.1 . . :t
Boot, Shoe and Trunk
Y A K E II U U S E ,
WM. VT. AP8LEY baa jutt opened a NEW
STORE in tbe well-known house of Mrs. Boul-
ton. in Market street, and offert to theeititene of
bunburv and neighboring towns, BUUTa A bllOKB
of the beat aualitv and workmanshir. Ue bavins;
made arrangements with first-class manufacturers
to supply the beat quality of goods.
- In tbe Wboleeale Department he calls the atten
tion of Country Storekeepers te bit fine slock, whioh
will be sold at tbe lowest wholesale erieee, tbut ena
bling Retail Deal art to save expense of visiting the
aiUaa to renlenith thair atoek. 1
In tbe Retail Department ean be found BOOTS,
6H0KS, TRUNKS, VALDbUS, Ac, whioh, io price,
' at these timet, are without s parallel. -
The stack of Ladies' Wear it super tor ia style and
workmantbln tbaa is utuallv found in country tewnt.
embracing geue of Balmorals, splendid Congress
Gaitws. and fancv shoes ef everv kind.
W, W. A. also calls Vttontioa te hit large stock ef
If en's wear, of latest styles, the will it say foot
with esse sad eoxnfurt.
' Com One I Cna All t
Bsnhury, MajMk I0ih, ISAd. . . '. ,
Collectors Kumcs.
A. J. Conrml
J. 13. Wnsser
G. Zimmerman
Jiicub Miller
Junius Unks
II. It. Culp
II. It. Culp
S. Sliitifllo
J. Snyder
8. lilnir
M. Keu.lcr
J. Snyder
J. Weaver
II. Wiinner
O. 1 Martin
J. Snyder
M. Slmdo
II. Bloom
J. H. Cnwley
II. jNcihtHif
J. G. Briglit
l- McCurty
I). Hum
T. Snyder
. II. Keeder
M. Slmdo
W. Hoover
'' J. llungliawaut
W. Hnover
II. D. Hoirmnn
W. Luke
W. Lnko
J. II. McCoroiick
J. Jdhnson
II. lUedcr
. E. Artiimn
W. Coonur
J. MePurlund
Q. Uillmitu
J. Kisliet
Henry Slack
Isuuc Ilile
T. Snyder
I. Solier
S. Light
P. Hester
F. btiwer
C. It. Weikel
II. LiiUha
E. Slmflur
J. Seller
E. Hmvertcr
J. liuktr
Since paid.
Towmhipt. State. County.
Mt. Carmcl 18 77
Up. Augusta
Poiut 1 00 '
Delaware ill)
do - I 24
Cameron 10
Sunbury 118 61
Lower Augusta
Coal 63 43
Up. Augusta 120 83
Mt. Cttrmel 4 i 81
Low. Mahnuny
Low. Augusta
M Ewensvillo 22 05
Ui. Augusta 77 41
Sunbury 44 04 1738 12
Washington 25 63 138 04
Conl 139 00 068 20
Sl.nmokin 09 73. 2330 14
Milton 145 41 8030 09
NortU'd lit 03 1302 30
M Ewensville 27 75 658 69
Turbutvillo 8'3 07 714 21
Dilawure 107 64 8070 80
Lewis 178 67 719 10
Turbut 129 81 8729 74
Cliillisqusquo 184 71 2549 3
Point CG5 79
Kush 242 43
Ltiw. Augusta 00 85 1154 80
Shiimokiti 79 13 2135 00
Mt. Curuiel bo. 58 07 508 18
Mt. Carnibl tp. 203 08 1003 38
Zerbe 223 25 1003 73
CuintroQ 84 00 100 77
Jut-ksim 20 00 3U0 85
Jordun 90 03 C67 00
Low. Malianoy 123 77 1070 43
Up. Mslmniiy 03 89 713 2ti
.Lit. Mubuaoy 57 31 27 90
13,782,50 83,452,07
19 42
29 65
8 30
21 00
70 JJ)
61 00
13 00
18 00
33 00
INCREASE OF RATS The Formor'i Gatette
(Unglitdi) nsserts and proves by figures that one pair
ltats will have a progeny and descendants no less
thru. 1 ,000 in three years Now, unless this im
mense family can be kept diwu, they would con
sume more food than ould sustain 06,000 human
Eeo "CotTin's" advertisement abovo.
25 30 i
1 11
184 37 20 90
133 78 08 SO
200 90
20 28 40 75
09 00
4 00
0 00 i
lt 00 !
SO 00 !
403 is ;
RATS versus BIRDS Whoever engages in shoot,
ing small birds is a cruel man; whoever aids in ex
terminating rats it n benefactor. We should like
some one to give us the benefit of their experience in
driving out these pests. We need something betides
dogs, cat?, and trap for. this business. Scientific
American, N. V.
bee "CofcTiit's" advertisement above.
safe, and sure tbe most perfect RAT-ification meet
ing we bave ever attended. Every Rat that ean get
it nronrlv nrenared. will eat it. and every nna that
27 05 ' eats it will die, generally at toinu plaoe as distant as
33 00 I P0"'0'8 fruu whero it was taken. JLaie Hhori Mich
&ee "Collar '" advertisement above.
Housekeepers trouble with vermin nee I be to no
longer, if they use "Costnr's ' Exterminator. We
have td it to our satisfaction ; and if a box cost j,
we wwiid bave it. We bave tried poisons, but tbey
effected nothing ; but "Coetar't aniele knocks tho
breath out of Ruts, Alice, Reaches, Ants and Bed
bugs, quicker thau we cau write it. It it in great
demand all over the country. Maiina, Ohio, Ga
tette. dee "Cottar V advertisement above.
of "Costar't" Hat, Koacb, Ant, Ac, Exterminator
"more grain atid provisions aic destroyed annually
in Oram County by vermin than would pay for tout
of this Rat aud Iutect Killer. ' Lancaster Wis.
bee "CostarV advertisement above.
Outkluudlutf Huuiuy Tax fur ls'J.
jamcs Beard, M'Ewensville, 15 00 ; Joseph Snyder, Coal, 04 ; Jonas Stiue, Mt. Carm
townaliip, 438 98 ; E. Sliafler, Jnrdun, 37 92. Total, 51 1,94.
Wa, tin. undersigned Auditor of Nortnumlierland county, Stc.ttj r Pennsylvania, no
certify tuat in pursuanco of the 4lh section of an Act regiilutiiig Ci.uutios and 0D'"I'
p,tM.-a the 15tfT d'ty of April, 1834, we met at the Commissioners offleo, in the B. roug
of Sunburv. on the 15th d.iv of J.m.niry. 18, aud adinured from time to t me, and aud ed
and settled the several account, ue required of us, agrccu ly n t aa a a . oi -'" ''
.w------ ' " . . " I n l 1 1 1 ...a Anrl we
and supplements thereto, according to the best ol our juiigemeuia . '"'''" " ", ,
do further certify, that upon due examination of the
debtedoea. of tne county in unpaid county order. U 125 435 4f A hm. hii in. amou
m . . . i n ... : mtOK In nv it nPHia
w ouiaiaQtung uouuty t-ruer... Tunll.r. A. n. i886
band and seals at tbe ottice aioresam, io Z , f a u R CULP IL. 8 1
. . q, y. LITTLE, L. 8. P. W. GRAY, L- o-I l1 -l
A INOR'S Patent Pocket Daoterne for aele at the
OX Book end fflaatuswry teore oi
w. ". LiauTOHa
A New end tne lot of PERFUMES, At , fc the
Uotidaye, M LIuiUTMER'w-
Farukri sxn Hoi'SEKErpsii should recollect
that bundreda of dollars worth of Grain, Provisions
Ac, are annually destroy by Rata, Mice, Ants, and
other inteoit and vermin all of which oan be pre
vented by a few dollars' worth of "Coetar't" Rat,
Roach, Ant, Ac, Exterminator, bought and used
bee 'Costar't'' advertisement above.
Sold in Sunbury, Pa., by J. W. Friling A Son, and
all Druggists and Dealers. m
April 1, 18o6. 6m
my mnm
ASD NOW OPEN, a large and complete ttock of
Window Curtaint, School, Blank, Juvenile and ether
Cttp, letter, Note and Itlllet Paper.
EN VELOPES all klndt and sites.
Arnold ! Writing Fluid in large and small bottles
Rosewood, (Jilt and other Picture Frames.
Balls, Bats, Marbles, Toys for Spring and Summer.
Choice Ciirars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Pipes
of all kinda Pipe Stems.
Perlumery, Pocket Hooka, Csmbt,
Law Books furnished at publishers rates, Music
orderi promptly filled.
All books not on hand promptly ordered.
Monukly nasi Weekly Iflutfaalaea
'alters, vuj rrras and isijnirer, always on
TICKETS for Liverpool, Queeutown aad the Went.
Drafts os Europe.
Thankful for past rkvori and soliciting aconite a
snee of the tame. . , , , . . .
Beabwry, April T,18d.