"J H. B. MA8SEB, jBdltofc Fropriotor, SATURDAY, MAY B, 1868. FOR GOVERNOR, G. JOM W. OEART, Of Cumberland County. fejflT isiPokTAXT Rkport. The Report of tht Joint Committee of Congress on recon traction, published in toother column it, perhaps, the roott lmporttnt document that has vet emtntted from tbtt body. The re. port tu adopted in committe by the larpt rote of IS to 8. Tbow Toting in tbe crj-itire ire talA to bt Reterdy Johnson cf lie Senate, and jticasra. G rider and Rod gencf tkellocar: Tht first Sectki embodies the potrtO' teeiw tm city Kitrlits Law ted secures protection to til American citizen. Tbe Second Section confine the basis of rorrefwDUtinn in tU the State to rotera, tnd until tbe South enfrancliiMts her negroes the sriil be represented in Cong-rest tnJ the elec toral college only according to ber white voting papulation. Thit provision retches tbe North as well u the South, but tbe ef fect upon the late S'ave States will be to Ifniv them with greatly diminished powtr in Congress cnless they give suffrage to oil lhuir .people. The Third Section deprives the rebels nnd their aiders tnd abettors of the right to vote for President tnd Congress till the year 1870. The Fourth Section prohibits the payment of tbe rebel debt, cither by tbe United States ct State governments. The bill is a just and fair one, and of which no true friend of the Union should complain. fS?I.N the Senate of tbe United Slated are two member whose record, daring the war, will give them an unenviable notoriety. We refer to Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, and Garret Davis, of Kentucky. Both sym pathisers with treason, without the courage to avow it openly, they have both made themselves ridiculous in their attempts to justify their actions. There is, however, a difference in the calibre of the two men. Johnson is an able lawyer, but a reckless political renegade, without a particle of political honesty. .Several months since be made an able argument on the subject of the citizenship of emancipated slaves under the amended Constitution. ' A few days since be controverted all be bad said, when Senator Trumbull put a quietus on him, by asking the clerk to read Mr. Johnson's former speech. Davis, with tuoro venom and less brains, befogs himself in his icmarks, and when re buked, geta mad, and plunges deeper into tee mire and blurts out his treason so as to shock even his political associates, and then suppresses the publication of bis treason able language. fcr-uur neighbors of tbe Qaztttt and Democrat are having a free fight. The for rncr having published several columns of extracts from the Democrat, expressive of its opinions of President Johncon, about a year since, is not viewed in a friendly light by the latter. These opinions were neither cu- logistic or complimentary and yet the editor of tbe Democrat says, "ho never saw two columns of more readable matter in the Ga. utte." Still, he evidently thinks their publica tion out of season at this time, and endea vors to reconcile the seeming inconsistency of his pu9t and present views on this subject, upon the hypothesis that the President, like the Tycoon of Japan, represents two distinct characters, in one person. That he is a dem ocrat when sober, and a Republican when not. Now we beg leave to differ from this opinion of the Democrat, as experience has shown just the reverse. It is only when tbe President is excited that eopperith symptoms are developed and a disordered imagination is manifested. His speech of the 22d of Feb ruary is a case in point. E3?"Potatoe8. A, correspondent of tbe Germantown Telegraph, discussing the me rits of several artificial manures for potatoes, says: "I have found lime and common coarse salt to have a surprising effect upon tbe growth and yield of potatoes ; in one case in addition to the usual dressing of ma nure, I applied the lime and salt mixture at the rate of a good handful to every three feet of the row, and tbe rows so treated yielded fully double the amount obtained from similar rows not an top-dressed." tSlTnB Importations at New York du ring the first eight months of the current fiscal year reached the value of 1203,533,754, a little less than double the amount for the corresponding period of the preceding year. Does not that ignore the democratic decla ration that the duties ate so high as to pre clude importation t "Will our neighbor of the American in form the public bow be stands in reference to tbe President and Congress? Which does be endorse I" Democrat. Vo cheerfully comply with the request of our neighbor of tha Democrat. We endorse both the President and Congress w hen right, and neither when wrong. That, be must admit, is honesty, even if it is not modern democracy. fayGcic. Lkk. Tbe Mobile RegitUr puts at the bead of ita columns tbe name of Ro bert E. Lee, as a candidate for President oi tbe United States in 1868, and declares there is a concerted organisation now in progress to elect "the model hero of tbe Confedera cy" as "the State Rigbta democratic candi date." , What say you Beigbbor Purdy, "will you . i . in-urm turn puouc now you stand" in refer ence to this democratic nomination I Do you or do you not endorse Gen. Lee I Vandalism. The monument erected to commemorate the aurrender of Vicksburg, and which marks tbe spot where Grant and Pemberton held tbeir memorable conference, baa been sadly mutilated. Tbt railing sur rounding it baa been torn down, tbe marble alab chipped off, and General Grant's name defaced. The destruction of monuments in- , tended to mark the locality of great events, is the silliest business io which men can be engaged. .They will be rebuilt and retorted , to by tua children of the very men who tear tbem down, because of the historic interest .-they aj? akvn and the associations tbey mar shui irjVJ life. Cincinnati Qfi. ' .' IBOPOSITIONS AGREED UPON BY THD BKOONSTBUOTION COMMITTEE- & WAHtnjioTOS, April 28. The Joiryl Com mittee en Reconstruction, after a session of tome four hours to flay, at which all tbo members of the committee were present, agreed to report on Monday Beat the follow ing proposition : ' A joint resolution proposing an amend ment to tbe Constitution of the Uuited State ; Be it resolved by tbe Senate and House of Representatives of tbe United State of Ame rica in Congress assembled two thirds of both Houses concurring. That the follow ing article be proposed to the Legislatures ol the several States as aa amendment to the Constitution, which, whea fatilied by three fourths of the tsid Legislatures, shall be valid as a part of tbe Constitution, namely : Article Section 1. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridgo the privilege or immunities of citisens of tue United State: nor shall any State deprive aav person of life, liberty or property with out due process of law. nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. . , , Section 8. Representatives shall be appor tioned among the several States, which may be included within this Union, according to tbeir respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But whenever in any State tbe elective franchise Bhnll be denied to any portion of its male citizens not less than 21 years of age, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation in such State shall be reduced in the proportion which the numler of such male citizens shall bear to tbe whole number of male citizens not less than twenty one years of age. Section 8. Until the 4th day of July, 1870, all persons who voluntaty adhered to tbe lute insurrection, giving it aid and comfort, shall be excluded from the right to vote for electors lor President and Vice-President of the United States. Section 4. Neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation already incurred or which may hereafter be incurred in aid of insurrection or war against the United States, or any claim for compensation fur loss of involun tary service or labor. Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. A bill to provide for the restoration of the ; mates lutely in Insurrection to tneir lull politicul rights. Whereas, It is expedient that the States lately in insurrection should, at the earliest day consistent with the future peace and safety of the Union, be restored to full par ticipation in nil political rights; And whereas, The Congress did by joint resolution propose for ratiticntion to the Legislatures of the several States, as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States an article in the following words, to nit: The constitutional article reciud above is here inserted. Now, therefore, be it enacted. That when ever the above recited amendment shall have become a part of the Constitution, and any State lately in insurrection shall have ratified the same, and shall have modified its consti tution and laws in conformity therewith, the Senators and Representatives from such State, if found duly elected and qualified, may, after having taken the required oatha of office, be admitted into Congress as such. And be it further enacted, That when any State lately in insurrection shall have ratified the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution any part of the direct tax under the act of August Stli, 181)1, which may re main duu and unpaid in such Stnto, may be assumed and paid by such State, and the payment thereof, upon proper assurances from such State to be given to the Secretary of tbo Treasury of the United States, may be pnstpnnod for a period not exceeding ten years from nnd after the passage of this net. A bill di-clnring certain persons ineligible to office under the government of tbo United States. Be it enacted, etc.. That no person shall be eligible to any office under the govern ment of the United States who is included iu auy of the following classes, namely : First. The Prc-tiileiit and Vico President of the confederate States of America (o call ed) and the heads of departments thereof. Second. Those who into her countries acted as agents of the confederate States of America so culled. Third. Heads cf Departments of the United States, officers of the army and navy of the United States, and all persons educa ted at the military or naval academy of the United States, Judges of the Courts of the United States and members of either house of tho Thirty-sixth Congress of the United States, who gavo uid or comfort to the lute rebellion. Fourth. Those who acted as officers of the confederated States of America, so called, above the grade of colonel in army or mas. ter in the uavy, and any one who, as Govern or of either of the so-called confederate States, gave aid or comfort to the late rebel lion. Fifth. Thoseho have treated officers or soldiers or sailors of the army of the United States, captured during the late war, other wise than as prisoners of war. The Committee removed the injunction of secrecy so far as the above propositions are concerned, and permitted copies to be furn ished to the press. It is understood that the vo'e upon them was 13 against 3 As it is known t but Sen ator Johnson and representatives Grider and Rogers only voted in the negative, the af firmative must be Senators Fessenden, Harris Grimes, Howard and Williams, and Rrpie sentatives Stevens, Walilurii of Illinois, Morrill, Bingham, Conkling, Boutuell aud Blow. IHMIY HOHIIEUY. Wheeling, April 20. About 8 o'clock this morning, six burglars entered the resi dence of the Cashier ol the Harrison National Hunk of Cadiz, Ohio, bucked and gagged the Cashier, and compelled his wife to deliver t yie aeys or the hank and the aate. Pro ceding thence to the bank, thev effected an entrance without much opposition, and rob bed the safe uf t:,00,000 in Unite I States bonds and about ,50,000 in depoeite, lock- el.nV JMape n Und cnn tho tht K tZl". ,n .tW' W ndoned the hand car at a station nea; AelBndrltt on hePitt.burg. Cleveland and CineinnaU Railrrad. and took to tbe woods. T .i ""' rounding country baa been ouxI'aI larg. trce is in pursuit. A reward or 20! 000 is offered for the arrest of the robbers. Excitiko News j-uom Utah if trck The Omaha (Neb.) Republican, of April 0 in a double-leaded editorial, savs ' JVe learn to dav bv teleirranh tk.t ti.. greatest excitement prevails eraouir l m. J mons, and a fixed determination on ih. r... e qui or exterminate all Gentiles. ight men have recently been assassinated four on jwterdav, while tbe editor of the VtJette,- with all other Gentiles, have been notified to quit tbe country or fare worse. Placards are posted up in Bait Lake City notifying a'l Gentiles to leave immediately We predict exciting newt from Mormon dum, and apprehend that the millitarv will find ere long that tbe teat of wtr baa been transferred, from tbe South to the Land of Prophets. TbeFreeMaaonaofRronkl.- t.i.i , , --j", jaiauu 0PB ",e erc,ion of WUul UUja tUt ytj co cost tSOO.OOq,.;:- I-ltO.U F.1KUPI1. ARRIVAL OF THE "HERMANN" I fcsvf Yobk,A yn 2f. T he steamer Her mknn, from! Hamburg via Southampton, April 18th, arrived t quarantine last nighfc' She lias o licknes board, but. will be fumigated, r- I j ) ;, , Vienna iiltclligence : iays the affair, continue, very .erious. The Middle States are preparing a declaration In the Federal Diet, refusing to tske the Prussian motion for a rerorm ot me w " sideration before the great German Powers ri.n..iiiilisertk Wurtemburif, Baden and Bavaria have forbidden the exportation of horses. The Independent Beige states confiden tially that pacific overtures which are being made will have tho effect of settling the question of armaments. In the event of wsr volunteer corps will be formed in Vienna, Gratz and Perth. ' Austria, Bavaria and Sax ony have agreed to carry out the reform of the Constitution. A rumor of Bismark s re signation was current at Hamburg, but was not credited. The Coburg Gazette states that Austria energetically reiterates her pre viut denials of the Prussian assertions respec ting Austrian armaments, and insists npor. tho demobilization of the Prussian troops to confirm tbe pacific declaration of Prussia. In Hungary the left and centre of the Up per House have resolved to vote for the adoption of the second address of tho Lower House without modification. Another attempt has been made to assas sinate the Czar of Russia, but the bullet missed his person. SUMMARY OF NEWS; President Johnson is a Free Mason. General Thomas and family are rusticating at Lookout Mountain. A son of Patrick Henry died in destitu tion in Floyd county, Virginia. Ex Gov. Johnson, it is said, has been ap pointed Collector of Internal Revenue at Pittsburgh. .-.., A correspondent of the Londou Time had an interview with President Johnson on the 12th. Captain Winder, keeper of the Richmond prison, has been unconditionally released by the President. Elezer Carver, tho widely known im prover of cotton ginning machinery, died at Bridgcwater, Mass., on the Cth lost., at nn age of 81 years. Mrs. Ellen Judd, residing near Indian apolis, Iud., walks two miles and cuts a cord of wood every day, by which means she supports a large fumily of children. A one-armed soldier in Iowa cuts and cords two and a half cords of wood per day. He offers a wnger of fifty dollars Unit he can split one hundred aud fifty mils a day. A negro named White, who was for many years the body servant of Robert Toombs, is delivering a lecture in Ohio on "The Com petency ot the Colored Man for Equality Before the Law."' : The Provost Marshal General reports that 280,730 officers and men had lost their lives in the service duriug the war. Letters not properly stamped are trans mittl to the Dead Letter Office, from which they are returned not to the person ad dressed but to the writer. At lute auction sale of Government hos pital stores, sherry wine sold at 30 to 40c. Cer quart, and whisky 60c. to 70c. perquurt . ottled, and warranted pure. Io the United States Senate, Mr. Sprague has introduced a resolution directing the Secretary of War to change the name of the forts called after prominent rebels. Some experiments made nt the Experi mental Grounds at Washington, seem to show that a slight covering, a mure board, over grape vines, prevents mildew. It is reported that the President will soon issue a proclamation setting apart the 17th proximo as a day of fasting aud prayer, in view of the anticipated visit to this country of the cholera. An agricu-lturul writer says of the child ren s luvoritu pop corn, that it abounds in phosphate of lime, j list the thing to furnish material for their growing bones aud bruins. It is very eusily digested. There are on the file at the War Depart ment between seven and eight thousand ap plications from officers of the volunteer ser vice lor positions in the new regiments, to be raised under the aJiny bill cow pending ill vougress, Among the reports from the capital is ono that Congress will not adjouru, but bold in session until the new session commences on me nrsi xtiomiuy nt .uccemlier, to prevent any -oven act" oy me rresiitent in the va cation. The report of Detective Baker io reference to bounty jumping frauds, shows that of the live hundred thousand men called out aud sworn in by the Government, only one hun cirea and sixty-eiglit tbousaud reached the field as soldiers, although thousunds of others received their bounties. Bouser and Houser, the murderers of Mrs. Paul und Miss Munday in Cambria county, were uung upon tue iiutli Ult. A servant girl at Halifax, N. 8., bns re cently fallen heir to t fortune of thirty iiiousauu pounds sterling. O. W. Hurdcnbrook, of Independence, iowa, win soon oecouie heir to fl,UU0,U00, being a small proportion of an old furtn of one hundred acres, right in the heart of New ions t.;iiy,just Delow Central Park. The Petersburg (Va.) Hxpret has info! ma tion direct from Toronto, Canuda, that John C. Breckinridge is risiding there. "Care is making its mark ou hia face. His hair, which lour years ago was as black as jet, i now hoary. He is very weary of exile, and is anxious to return to home and friends." The lower branch of the Massachusetts LegilHture has rejected the eight hour labor oiii iy a vote oi tuu to 03. It la stated that the Morgan horses of Vermont stood the campaigning of the late war better ihun any other. By tho tumbling down of the walls of an old building in Boston on tue22d ult., three children were killed and one young woman badly hurt. The Massachusetts State constables, in executing the temperance laws have pro hibited the eating-house keeper !:oui sell ing ale, cider or wiue with their dinners. David Pellet, a farmer of Chenango county, New York, was recently robted of $7,000 iu -money and Government notes. The robbers severely assaulted a son of Mr. Pellet. A tire in Genesee, N. Y., on Thursday of last week destroyed five new blocks, of the value or 150,000. Cause holding a lamp close to the faucet of a kerosence barrel, while drawing oil. U New York City cholera hospital, ara to be eatablished immediately at the Bat Ury, the Five Pointa, and at a building in Tbirty.ninib street. Th. Board of Health basbeen requested to establish public o.Ir.h 'dlord. Lav. UWK, ., oince ma movioiz Ap" tber? ,w for ren, buu uw utBars. f our Hundred bonaea am ooiea oy Rent." one newspaper u labeled "For Tbe Boston Journal remarks tbtt few per tout except tbe victimt know to what mx. . I . -. i. ; i . i-T. ''"A " ""' uaa ueccnie a regular breach or tuiB"- lrsoos depend w it j for .their living. -- V- "JWmJJ From present appearances ther la lik.w to be a lair apple crop In Massachusetts this year, outside of the line' of ravage by-the canker worm invader. Jfie pent erti will not probably be as large aa Usfyeaf, which, waa one of unusual profusion. j XJ?V :: " They tell of a lady speculator tV jiew York who made 300 in gold, and lrmn that netted $3,000, and finally a successful "ln-ar'' operations increased the sum to $100,0007 She has a uussion for diamonds and invest her winnings in them. She la now watch iug tho market, ready , to tail in wbeu the times comes; ' v ; , " Tbe originator of the next explosive com pound "Nitro-Glycerine, comes out in a card in the N. Y. Tribune, in which he claims that substance is less dangerous to handje and store than gunpowder; and asks a 'bus pension of public opinion, until some ex periments he proposes to make, shall prove t ne iruui or latsity oi what lie asserts. Two boys in New York recently stole a tin box containing nearly $2,000. They bad been reading the papers and probably intended to "coinprnmise" with the owner or the detectives for half tho money. They made one mistake, they did not. steal enough. Had they tuken half a' million dollars, or even one hundred thousand, there would have been hope for them. As it wns they went to juil.: A young New Yorker got up in his sleep, on a Mississippi steamer, tho other night. walked overooard ana whs drowned. . Tho question of the admission of Colored occupied tho attention of the Senate ou Tuesday. The case was not decided. - There is a great flood in the Mississippi and other Western rivers. The former rose six feet al St. Louis between Saturday and Monday. Ono hundred and seventy Indians, who have been held under sentence of death for participation in the Minnesota massacre were recently liberated, having received an unconditional pardon from the President, The corner stone of the Douglas monu ment is to be laid in Chicago in May or June. Secretary Seward has accepted the invitation to deliver the address, if the state of his health and his official dutus will per mit. . . The Chicago Pott declares, contrary to all previous reports, that there is no demand lor lu:or in the west. Hundreds ot poor laborers have been sent on wild goose chasts to the Lppnr Missouri from St. Louis and Chicago. The intelligence offices are at the bottom ot the knavery. Daniel S. Dickenson, only five days before his death, composed n pleasant poem ot a flee tion to his wife, recounting their Song union and its pleasures. Mrs. Gen. Grant is President nnd Mrs. Grn. Sherman Vice President of a National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan home Associa tion just organized in Washington. The report of the death of Ole Bull, at Quebec, is now said to be canard, ns he baa not been in that city for many years. A scamp recently married a widow lady in Pekin, 111., nnd the same night ran away, taking with him $110 in gold and ber first husband's clothes. A Nevada paper says: "Folks in this region feel safe on the cholera score, as Devil's Gate has to be passed before getting here, and we live on the inside." A man in Chicago got Very drnnk on Saturday last, and hung himself to the out side of tbe saloon where he had been drink ing, thus making himself at once a tign and a warning. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LASH'S S W A Nil I N MACHINE, IS now oflereil fur title the cheapest. Him pi est anil most efficient WAM1INU .MACHINE before the public. Tbe low price oi this maobine places it within tho reach of every family. All we auk is to give it a mul, nnd we are confident it will giv you satisfaction. Also, AMIDON-'S IMPROVED ENDLESS CHAIN CLOTHES AVBINGER, the best wringer in the world, kept constantly on hand, at our wholesale and retail House Furnishing Eitiiblixliuicnt, and country merchants are particu larly requested to call uti'l see the Machines in ope ration. A very liberal di-eoont will be made to dealers. JOHN S. LA811 & CO., No. 727 Market St., I'biladeluhia. May 5th. 18C3. It Kotire to liuildrrM. PROPOSALS will be received by the President ofthe-'Uood Intent Fire Company," at the ottiee of I he Sunbury American, for the building of an ENUI.NE HOUSE, until Wednesday, May 9ib, 1 8ot). Plans and tfpeeiBoationt ean be reen br apply, '"b'to, K. W1LVEKT, Prts't. eunbury, May 5, 1800. Wanted minellntoly, VOOOD (ilKL, who is aeeuatnmed to kitchen work One who enn enme well rMnm . nrl,.1 eau obtain a (rood situation by apntving immediately at Apuley ' Boot and Shoe Store, Market street Kunbury, April 2a, loAS. "NEW"" SPHNGG00DS ! ! NOW OPEN, A FCLL STOCK OF NEW BPBINQ GOODS, Consisting of ISr-euM 4Joo1h, ia groat variety, uch aa Delaine, Challiee, liiughami, Crapes, Lawna, Urillianta, Ac Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goods, in variety. Lire 1 rimming. Lacetand Embroideries. VEILS of all descriptions, (lloren. Hueiery, Comets. Zephyr, Patent Hair Crimper, Neck-Tiee. and Notion of all kinda uaually kept in a Fancy Store. , Lock wood' Paper Collar and Cuffs. 6'tuuiping and machine fiitcbing don to order. MAKI L. LAZAIU'S, Two door weal of Win. H. Sunbury, April 2a, 1809. Miller' Sao Stor. WBiilXl. AgcntM. Male and Female, at t7& to $150 per inonih, to (ell tbe celebrated COMMON fcKNSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Paira, $18 00. Thia machine will do all kinda or work equal to the high priced machine, and ia th only praetieal and reliable Cheep Sewiug Macbin IB tbe world. Send fur descriptire Cireulara. Ad drew, bECOMli i CO.. Chicago. Ill , April 28, 1S66 Ima or Cleveland, Ohio. BARGAINS IN FINE CLOTHING. ROCK II ILL & WILSON, BB0WN STONE CL0THIHO HALL, 03 and Mi CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW STOCK at tbe LOWEST PRICES! Having sold out our new itock of Clothing tot Gentlemen and Boy, carried over from th let fir, our entir (look of Faabionabl Ready-Mad Clothing i the Newest, a oar prioee are the lowed. MAGNIFICENT SPRING STOCK, ' Now ready, to lull Trybody . ' ; ' . CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Our awly Btud up CuUia Department now con tain th largeat aaaorlment of all tbe Faabionabl New Fabric, for out patron to teleot from. (SUITS, Civil and Military, mad ap U order promptly, la th highest atyle, and at aaodwat prices. . BOYS' CLOTHING. Ia tbi department our atoek ia alio anrivalled th best ia the city, at th lowest prioea! Orders executed at short notio. TUE CHOICEST STOCK ' ' ' ' - f . or - , ...:! " READY-MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA. KOCKUILL WILSON, - Brow Btoo ClolbtBg Hall, , " ' SOS ad 60S CheetDwt trt, Apt. M, -M fca - I'HllArrtPsUA. - ' ' - j tm TFMarii ! Heal KatsM. A LIST of Unseated Lands adrertlaej for Bat by Jobak'axnwortii, Xreasuret of Northum berland oountyt agreOab y fef aa Al of he Oeneral Assembly of las JommotmealSa of Psnnsytvanlsf nassed die I3ih da of atAroh. A. D. IttlS. and Ihe supplement thenai entitled-an Aet dlreelieg lb mod or selling uaea( i.aridi Per taxes ana bthe parposea, will DtKexpoeed' o ftblie Vale, M tbe Court Hons, in jaiie Bornagh of Bunbury, aa th Beoond MondajtikJune, taWboug tbe tllliifay of the month, at HI o'olook,A. M., tho following de scribed Tract of Land, for arrearage ot Tales da ana in oosu aooorumc on eaaa tract reaneouvolr. to wit: If not sold lb above dsr mentioned, to pe Bdjauraoa inn 07 ey anui mid or auposM ?f! I'd mtntUit. ltS acaat. 1674 waaaASTTia'a. Tim, Aatas Henry, 1 Lass, Adam Thomas I 1'ark Jenkins Jamoa land iAdama Hobert Ueckert. Auto Jeremiah Foster Thomas , Boyd John , Urosiou Peter v Brady John Brady Joba . Brady Jnha Brady Wm F., 11,755 70 71, SO , J14J" lAfft 45 2.8, 4M j 809 . 179 17a U9 87 V47 3K3 KI3 240 271 100 100 800 ' 100 221 i 413 lout !i4i 327 1U7J 10 80 108 . 206 309 7 457 203 107 1V71 227 304 110 3061 297 208 564 32 3I 73 183 93 261 45 84 90 270 60 433 14 , 268 53 10 29 Adam wm. Hogelnnd L. . , liogelandJ. Adams Thomas sV other . Autos Henry . s Brady John Carbon Run Imp Com. Kramer Frederiok llubbley B. Fagely Wm. A Eol'm, Qray Kobert Grunt Thorns Gardner Aioha, 8r. do. do. do. do. Ilimelriob Henry Hepburn James Kroll Miobael , Lurkin Abeigail Lukins Smith Lake Richard Marshall Wm. It. Meaner Jaeob B. . lteei Sarah llces Daniel . . Roes Thomas bnareokin Val. A P. R. R. Co. , do. do. - Fitaworth Joha do. do. TaggartJohn Tyson Joseph 1 bit John Wilson Wm. A W. L. Dewart Zimmerman Mathiaa Furnace Run Imp. Co. Konsbue A Johasoa MOUNT CARMEL TOWNSHIP. 245 70 293 13 " 133 06 994 52 381 15 258 86 14 50 381 65 103 74 It 26 43 25 A 25 432 32 260 25 , 201 80 142 95 16 65 21 61 10 12 4 40 216 40 216 48 162 21 , - 21 21 384 78 ' ' 9 50 96 10 29 35 78 320 38 11 35 3H5 17 735 00 436 00 Jenkins James Antis Frederick Adams Robert Foster Thomas fcuiluion Richard Manning Richard Uufl Edmund Oreen James ' Ureun Thomas Champlain Robert Cbamplain Tho Morris William Stephenson Jaa. Conserl J ante ' NefTIsnao 1744 1 935 79 S67 1 493 81 21 HI 314 3I4J ;oo 400 45 44 147 I49t 14K8 308 453 300 V0 330 200 203 sir mi 8tf I27 231 2114 207 223 333 403 171 12 318 12 160 84 90 Ilillington Thomas Ucliaa Hugh Bower Christian Brautigara Daniel Bauuigardner Thomas ISrcoke Jesse, Sr. Cbamplaia R. ... 46 IS 66 40 75 30 66 60 42 20 360 to 72 64 tl 114 20 23 94 . 122 62 402 33 399 70 A9 73 293 04 65 00 20 49 69 36 21 07 98 89 14 18 .25 72 23 39 29 83 26 82 201 00 21 79 19 04 33 30 105 88 Davidson Mary 1, . Elliot William . . ; kriaus Jess Kiislwrick A Co. Fngcly Reuben Gilbert Wm. Mr. Hepburn Jamas Jackson Jeremiah . ; r Morgan Samuel Myers Mary Rees Sarah Kuiton Tbomat Huston Mary Roynoliis John Ruston Charlott Rees Dauiel bbannon William Stead man William ooU Abraham Scboll Ueorjre Walker Lewi .Sclioll (leorge Uause A Biddl Jed, Irith A Thompson Wm. Marshall A other ZERBK. Daily John N. Bubee George W. Camden John GrnnlTbomai liublcy Barnard lliiuelriok Henry Jacob Holler Kroll Michael Mnwery Peter Martin John Q. Miller Julia Prince Ueorg Pelrey Peter 4awerman Petor . . Scott Abraham Wilson Wm. Yoxtbeimer Henry Zeigler Isaao . CAMERON Batton Samuel Derr John Did John Darr Mary File Luke Grant Thomas . Harrison William Hmlth Luke Bmith Abigail , SHAMOKIN. r Bradford E.G. heller ton Benjamia Hunter Alexauder .. Lake Richard Fiisworth John Taggart Robert Youug $amuel 1 Bachman Joseph Bird Joseph Dewart A Ms user John H. Hough Hoffman Michael Jacob B Master Mailer A Dewart 6'iuith A Higgin Sweitsora Heirs LITTLE MAHANOr. Brown Nathaniel Latsha David Reits Joseph -' ! Gardner Arcbbsld Gardner Wm. P. Hooter James Hall Charles Lake Richard Lynn Joseph half of Roe Tboma 4 Trickle Charles O. UPPER MAHANOT. DarrPetor Darr Luk : Did Joha Derr Mary Derr Peter r , Dn Luke 1 - f Irwein Robert ' " .' Jackson." LakaRlohard " '' Re Tboma ' ' JORDAN. ; Israel Oeis 38 25 277 60 92 95 98 60 248 62 74 6 484 89 160 03 96 03 1M8 79 92 70 81 62 269 67 48 81 17 29 189 19 14 72 311 08 7 22 180 35 62 75 160 40 38 29 34 65 66 02 34 06 44 73 18 39 32 33 5 61 13 83 1 33 9 96 6 00 12 72 23 II 18 69 6 76 ( 41 06 19 20 28 80 67 60 3 84 24 00 36 40 9 60 4 0 8 64 3 65 159 145 302 29 , 104 293 60 . 66 156 29 140 114 145 IsS 70 218! 01 110 348 3V9 264 250 170 120 220 4S 107 8 425 100 215 303 197 60 .i 428 125 300 600 ' 20 260 400 10 t . 120 50 50 200 176 426 219 300 80 239 339 50 80 130 100 159 -181 -300 ' 108 H'O . T 5 3 66d 14 20 II OA 30 23 15 09 II 30 3 84 16 94 23 03 36 04 13 24 ; 26 62 20 40 36 90 32 42 61 20 4 10 T 80 a o 1 94 I Oi Benev.il William ' lOvTZlt MAHANOT Michael Dockey - - i . 1 LOWER AUGC6TA. 1111 Cberle . ' Jordan James Dewart Joba -' , v . .poii.:,ai. ' . ; Hartram Alsaaadar Uarronjoka Bran ham Kbanaaer j Barukam A Krwia Kpley Aadiem IrwiueKoUrt - - Nodwot Jans -i . ' CUILLISQDAQTJI. Caal Joha U J, 41 'r. . j Caul Daniel 20 100 ., 6T T 40 13 90 t 62 I 00 22 11 46 15 f II 16 88 It 17 10 ' 160 ' 314 107 -11 -854 ' 311 4. "J I 48 s M J . 100 I 10 I 04 Caul Peter, estat t.r I v - - l U KokartJaoob . j . Ji 1 t i Fordwtaa Wat. , 6 UPPER AV0TJBTA Millar Chrlallaa , T U M J. f ARN8W0RTH, r IVeaaisr. Trsasnrer' Office, Sua bury, May 3, 1666, I F you - vac I good Tin-Wajra, m M IMITH e) 'sTl4sef. - - " "- 4r L vlkMihJl ANOTIIIijl Ult EAT CtUICE, lit THK CITY OP NEW YORK, pf lgtly ri.ot. etTl;niiM kau lolli Me 1 " 'DR. 9. II J ICIE N?C K J ( S.UNQ DOCTUSH'r PlllfcADKLI'lllA. j i 'f urticari. Y.khal OMSlt Ull Co Vera. Jnae l. lets. tW. JjB44.CWBftftl)M4rMi .tLfn! r. . . 4 tavo been truuWs)-wiih aeavare euugh, aaU kaually two Which tiwatlirr. in flesh u tov weak la Ou basiaes of angr kiml wiUmdu Mteruig. la August leal 1 eaaa very serere hefoorrliese, anst, acaordiag to the judgment of a food New ivk pn wan, I waa olaesed f JmvimmI Uie reach. o( medieinr, ud waa advierd to ud peurti au far aa pruiit eat. ter were cweetned, tie Inive s warU as saint nutic. 1'ne physieian (any my md friends) said that Ihe first ld I balk must prove latal. Karly ill Junuai, I kNik a severe ekl and fottnnalely was occupying rmims at No. 3 BOND STKEKT, dircetly over your office. I think annul the Itih of Jdaiafy 1 proouhd Sot lie nf ynar Pulmonic Syrup and eoa.meiired taking It freely. My teat and Inline were very much swollen, and all th symp toms of a speedy death seemed to apoompany my cold. I sent tor my farmer physician, and stated to hun that I wa taking jnmr medicines, and alter showing them to him, end having tasted of them, e , he replied 1 -'You ean take them if yon like, -rtiryiwill dr. you no harm." He and : "You know what 1 told ton last summer, and 1 say the same now, if you have any business to close op, do not put tod." He eaid to-itlie fiiends that he ' coo Id are no hiie for me," and my friends and relatione oaictu d d my tune had come. At Ihie tune I was taking freely of your medicine, hut had iHit eeeu yoa. The docior called a few times, and found me (much to his surpiiae, he snid,) iiiiprnving, aad he cvuld not uaderstaial why. My faiih was iiKrcasing in your medicine, and 1 hud wish to have you examine my case, and see what you had to say. When yon first came to my room and made the examina tion, you gave me but little eiicourHemeiit, but on the coutnify, extewed sad doe his of my ever being hel)ied out ot my then seeming difficulties. Th second time that you called, finding me si ill gaining, you gave me en couragement, eaying, "my symptoms were improving f the Pulmonic Syrup. r?ea-weed Tan ic and Alanririike 1'illa had acted like a charm " My circulaiion, my cough, my anpetile. all began to improve, and 1 could wnlk about my room a little You visited, me nearly every Tuesday, and found me improving, And loaf me wot to to nut of my roomnntil the first ia of May. I took ni erad vile under your ireslment, m appetite became first-rate, and you told me to eat evervthiig I wished of a nut'itinus nature, and t exercise bIkhii the ro. m as much as possi ble. I followed your advice, and to the surprise of my old physician and friends, I seem ranch better than I have been foi, several years, and breathe bailor thue I ever ex peeled a perami could with one luna, Ike left lieing com pletely dried up. I feel very grateful to you, and oonsider your advice and medicines invaluable m Youia, truly, T.V SHELDON., Da. fcB!nt Dear Sir: Ab-int two years ago I was taken with a very trouble jne ooujrh und a pain in my bienett seven nt elaht aionlhs nasaed awav witliiiul mv doing auylhing for myself. Then I applied to a physi eian, who atieaded me fuf about tliree months willmut rendering me any service. 1 also obtained the adviceand treatment id e pliyaician in one uf our hospitals, and also bad the advice and treatment of two oilier phyiiciaua, but all to 110 purpose During this lung space of time I was nearly deud j several times my fne.ids oame to see me and witness my exit into ihe spir.t-woilcl. I waa con fined to my bed two months at one lime. My breathing wns exceedingly short. I gjve up several timee all hope of getting heller j nd as regarded getting well, that was entirely nut ot ibe mieatuai. And to Hunk ibis nay lam well and hvaity ! 1 was advised by eonic of my liieuds t-i try Dr. Sflion'i Medicines. I uccordingly bought bot tle after b title, until 1 reached the ninth ; then I found a decided clwuge nt my couxli for the better. I suffered S'-vciely from palpitation ol lite heait, and two weeks after I eorameiK-eU taking your uiediciu this diraculty ceused When I first went to Ur. Schenck's office it waa with difficulty that I could get up into his reception room, I waa a., weak and eo swelled ; my skin was aa sallnw as though I had the jauialice ; 1 felt dull, heavy and sleepless. Dr. Ncheuck. after eXHuuuiug me said boih my lungs were affected, ami gave me but little h- pe ; hut hla medi cines, iu iib"ui two weeks, took right bold of me; t seemed to g(, right thrnugh , y whole system The I'ul inulcpiup, feu-Whed I'onicand.Maadriike fills, all look right hold in ihe right place. The l'iai brought away Iteat uuuulliies ..f bile ainl alone j the by-run kuMHrned the nattei in my tunga, wmeb came i-ff very free; the 8eu Weed Touic gave me an appetite, und everything aceiiicd to tasle go.al T,i sliow wb d great p twer the medicines have iu puri fying my system, and to ahow how bad I was rtucateil, beside alt the bile that pasted my bowels, and the great quantities of phlegm aud matter I expectorated, I broke out all over nt large bils, that would contiaue to gather and run for shout six weeks, and I had atone tune over twenty-five bode. 1 Lave IV thing of the kind now, aud 'eel likenitotlier person altogether. I cun ait'ely any tliAt I have not enjo, ed sneh healilt for five years as 1 dnnnw. aiid ctiuuot praise you and your luedicmee eif-ugh May Ood abuitiLintly bless nnd preserve yon ! is the sincere desiro of one who has been wf woi derfully relieved thr.aigh your agency; and if any one desires to kuow with legnrd to the truthfulness of this repoit. if thev will cnll upon any of my friends, or upon me. No 4 Dryd a Place, uear Thompni slreel, below Cadwalader. Phila delphia, they will be perfectly salisfied with the validity of tne case. ours, with much i spect. at MAItY SriINAIDT. The above eese, as Heaeribed, is pertectJv correct. I know it to be true. Y-urs, T B. Mll.l.KR, Pallor of Hsnciek M K Chuics). Dr. sarHKNCK will lie .trofessionately at his principal nflice, No. II XoatM Sixth fTSstr, coiner of CnMxnttri. I'ntLinxLrau, every Siturday, trom S A. 51 umil 4 P.M.; No llitnrf street. New ork, every Tuesday, fr.im 11 to 3: No. 3d Summer sliest Huston. Mnss., every Weilue dny, from Bto 3, and every ther Friday at 10- Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. A rtailvM-ef.ee, hut for a tbnprngh exainioati n of the lungs with his Hcipirome.er, the chnrre is Ihiee dollars I'nee of the I'ulin mie Syrup and Sea-Weed T-'nie. earh 81 SO per bottle, or 7 S'l per half dozen Mandrake I'i ls, :U cents per b- x. FOR SALE UY AM. DRUGGISTS AND DK.Vl.KRS. December i, thfii. ly littcruntionnl Hotel, 366 nii 267 liroeJway. Corntr Frauilin Strtet NKW YOKK. THIS first class House th most quiet, homelike nnd pleasant liotol in the city offers superior inducements to these visiting New York for business or pleasure. It it central in ita location, and kept on the Kt'ROfEAN Pun. in connection with Tatlc'! Saloon, where refreshments can be had all hour, or served in their owu rooiut. . Tbo charges are mo derate, the rooms and attendance of the first order baths, and all tbe modern conveniences attached JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Not 4.18SJ. SX.BOO Wit YEAR ! Wa want FHOvan $2T Sewing Macbinea. Three new kinda. ijpiter anu upper teed. Warranted Bv year A oove salary or lurge commissions paid. The oLT mscuineeeuia in l n,ed Stales for less than H0. which are fully licensed hy Howe, Wheeler A Wil on, Urover A llaker. Kin tree Jk I'n nn,l rtui.h.I.Ul All other cheap machines are infringements and tr. seller or user are liable to arrest, fine, and impriso- o. u,nr. iree. Aaureas. or can unon bhaw A Clark, lliddeford. Maine. dcc23 PERUVIAN GUANO 8UB3TITUTE. PERUVIAN GUAKO SUBSTITUTE. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE. BAUOH'8 RAW BOXE SCPER-PIIOSPHATE. BAUUH8 RAW BONK SUPER-PHOSPHATE. BAUUU H RAW BONE St'PER-PUOSPHAf E. F 0 A ALL CB0FS. Quick In ita action, and of more lasting effect than either Peruvian Ouano tr any Super-Phorpbat made from a hard Mineral Guano. This is proven by twelve years of constaut use. "BAUGUldi SONS, Sola Manufacturers and Proprietors, Office No. Hi S. Delaware Avsnus, PHILADELPHIA. '' BAUQII BROTHERS Jf CO., Central Wholesale Agent, IT. 181 Pearl atreet, Corner of Cedar, NEW YORK, GEORGE DUGDALE, WholetaU Agent for Maryland and Virginia, Ho. 10J Smith' Wharf, ,' ' - ! . ! t BALTIMORE. : M ' j Apr'l W, 1866-4t 1 " 1 RKMEMBKH THK UK AD. MBS8KS. D. 0. Duaiagar and Joba A. Taylor, would rospeotfully atiaouooo to tho eitiaea of Sunbury, and surrounding country, that having formed a on-partnership, they ar now prepared to uruieo ornamanteiB una piutn . tBsnsTestlosiM, Tstt V Iiaisiatta, of th beat Italian and America marble, at prioe that cannot fail to giv entire satisfaction, and re peolfully aolioit th publie patronage. DISa'lNOElt 4 TAYLOR., Sunbury, March 31. I860 ly. LADIES1 CL'M EI10E3 for H.OO. at . W.W.AHley For "Sale. rpHI tubseriber ofTers for sals 33 Acre of Land X 00 taming th ft All AND BUILDlHtt 5T0M OCARRIJuS, about lour sill above Sua bury, along the river, bjoicUig lands of Juha Smith and other. Th property will b aold oa reasonable tensa. For fartoor aartloalar Inqulr of 8. B. Boyor, ksq.. 6unbarT,or of th ubonbr at Phamokin. v.0lN.WHEm. THE VEET LATEST. AERlVAL.1t Spring & Summer Goods! JOSEPH KY8TKH, , r 1 r 'it (Strr-oraseviaoT to John Doictn.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street, R n T n n n T . u:p R N N' A . ' . Invite tli publl to Sail aailTkamln bis elegant asuQrunanioi - SUMMEIl GOOOSJ which h will sell al rrsatly reduced prices. II i took eonsiata in part of - - OASSTMEEES, CLOTHS ScC-. Silks, Delaine, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting, Ticking, Joan, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Glove, Hoop 6kirt. Abo Handkerchief, Bruihes, Comb. lints) tsd Cape, Uootw nnd miiocw. Ilia assortment of goods will not, h ia are sure fail to pleas th fanoy ind nit the want of any de, airoua of pnrohaitng. His stock of HARDWARE AND Ql'EESSWARE, and Grocerie Is targe in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed ia toe household either for use or ornament. He is always ready and glad to tee hit friends and take pleasure in showing them hit goods even though no sal os ara made. ' He only nrka a call, and is sure that th stock will eompare favorably ia prioe and quality with th cheapen!. ' JOSEPH ErSTER. Suobnry, April 21, 1966. PAVEMENTS. TVotlce to the Cltlacitaj ot Sinnbiirw. nIIK following Report and Resolution, which I wera adopted at a meeting of the Borough Council, on Tuesday, April 3d, 1800, ara hereby published for th information and guidance of all conoerned : - ScMacttr, April 3, 1866. W th undersigned Committee on Sidewalks beg leave to submit the following : W recommend that good substantial pavoments of atone or briok be laid in tho following streets, via : Broadway, on th eastern tide from Elderberry to Cranberry itreet. River ttreot on both sides from Blackberry to Cranberry. Deer street on the west ern tide from Elderberry to Blackberry and from Blackberry on both sides of street to Cranberry. rawn Hreci irom fciaerncrry on ootn sides el rtreet to Canal. Dewberry street on both aides trom Brond way to Fawn. Market street on both sides from Broadway to Canal. Blackberry street on both aidea from Broadway to Fawn, and Whortleberry on both aides froai Broadway to Fawn. Cranberry street on the south aide, ontnmencing at the eorner of River street to Fawn, Pokcberry .trcct f n tn theX. C. R. R. to Fuwn atreet, on th south side Elderberry street, commencing at Broadway to Fawn street, on th north tide, and also the south side of Kldeibcrry from Broadway to Deer street We also recommend that the gutters in tho above specified street be pived with stone or brick, and that a regular grade be established for the sidewalk or pavements io the above streets, and that all pave ments be laid inacoordanco therewith, nnd all p.ive nientt now laid that are either above or below the grade that may be established, shall be torn up and laid to the regular grade. W also recommend that the laying of the pavo ments in tbe aforesaid streets be 0 muienced by tho first day of May, 1866, nnd 6-i.isbed by tbe lirai day of August, 18t6. All of which 1 respectfully submitted. Bkkj 'Iknoiucxs, I J. W. Fhiliso, 'Committee. Joa.t Haas. ) Rttnlrtii, That the committee on pavement, tidowulkt, Ac. .shall have full power and authority to require and direct the grading, curbing, paving and guttering, tho side and footwnlks by the owner or owners of lots of ground fronting on any ot Ibe streets or highways of laid Borough, as reported by ibe sttid committee, and to cause the tame to be done, nnd on failure of the owntr orowncrt thereof to cotnpleto the tame within tbe time specified in the report ol the laid eomuiittee, the committee to proceed immedi ately with tbe work and turui.-b ull the materials und labor required to warrant tliciu in completing the paving. c, in good teuton, und charge the owner or owners of the property, with all the expenses or oosts, with twenty per centum advance thereon; and tbe iam oouimittee tball have the entire regu lation aud jurisdiction that are given in the Ordinan ces and By-Law on Ibis lubjcct E. V. BK1UI1T, Chief Burgess. Jacob SairuA, Town Clerk. Suubury, April 14, 18GS. . SARATOGA TRUNKS at V -V. Apsley'. Al.l. KINDS OF TRUNKS at W. V. Apiley's. GENI'.RAt. ASSOIIT.MKNT R. R B AU nt W. V. Apiley's. LADIES' FINE LEATHER SATCIIKI, nt W. V. Apslej't. LADIES' LASTING GAITKRS for Sl.ri. nt W. XV. Apsley's. LADIES' GLOVE KID BOOTS, at . V V Atolev's. BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR MEN. WO.MKN AND CHILDREN, at W V. Apslev s. Puiihary, March 31, IfWI. HENHY HARDER, B9o Aitcii s i itr.irr, PHILADELPHIA. WATCHES, Fin Oold JEWELRY, Snlid SILVER WARE, and Superior SILVER PLATED WARE, at Re-ei-ran Thics ! March 34, 1856. 3m. J W. CI.AKU St CO., BASKERS, NO. 35 SOUTH SD STHEET, PHILADELPHIA. wa orrta rua sal Morrta A Essex Railroad 7 per cent. Bonds. Central Pacifio R. R. 7'a interest payable io Gold in New York. U. S. 3D year 6'a interest In eurrenoy iaauej to t' Paciflo Railroad Company. The bonds ar all for sals very low. -S:ocks bought and sold oa Commission. V S. Securities of all kind bought and sold. March 17, 1866 3m (Late Buehler House.) IIAimiSRURa. PENN'A. TniS well-known hotel hat not only been extend ed but hat been greatly altcrod and newly fit up by th present proprietor, and is now one of the most comfortable and convenient hotels in Ham burg. - - . .- - . Mareh 10, 186S.-.Iy . CIIA!.f? OP DEPOT, mHE undersigned respectfully Informs his friends L and lb publie that he has changed bis place of loading Freight in Philadelphia from Fre. J, Ward 4t Freed, No. 811 Market Street, to A.- Ti. AOHESON, ' (Commission Marohant, dealer ia Flour Grain. Seeds, to ) .,.1., 101S Market tit., I'biludelphin, wher all freight will be loaded on can of the un derlined, for Dauphia, 6uubury, Shaiaokin, and . intervening pointt. All freight will be carried a low a on any other U- u 0r ta. ""7 'K1" roapoetfullw adlicited, whwh will reoeive prompt aitention. Sunbury, Jan. 13, l866.-3m. J" B" WEISER- SHOES Of EVERY DESCRIPTION. .1 ' W. V. Apalei'i. GENTS' CALP BOOTS FOR S3, 00, at .i.'. I . . . . ' ; V. W. Apsley's. lanhoostt bosr Itat liov lt-iorrI Juat publnbed, a kew odiiioa of Da 1-.,. wau, a Clbuato Easav on th radical eun (without medio in.) of Spermatorrhea, or Icmi Weaknea.. Involuntary rJeminal Losees, lintniener Mcnul and Physical' Incapacity. ImrJd.iw," J Marriage, etc : also. Cmumi. ,ii...; p...!..1.. , 1 Induoedbyaelf-indulgenc. oV sexual 7rVv.J sr-rri, 11 a sealed nvo,, , eeBI; low Mlebrated aulhor.in il.l- ..i'i.!.? " . olearly deBouMaato), from a thin, .ear.' sucLTr. praeti, thai the alarming ocequl0 of uitm may be radicall. cured wiihoui .1.. a... ... m 01 intvnal tnadiom. o, th. aj.plioa.ion T of lb, k .dtt-,"':bT t "Sioh every P.ri.r. , matter what hu eoaduioa asay be. may cure hluW oheaply. privalaly, and radical y . LJf "J "u" hol a in lb hands of ever 7 aet every mM u, Ui, land. beat, ander aeal, la a pl.i .nv.lono. to anv a. drass, poet-paid, oa roaaipt of ,u oT two stanps. Addrees th puWUh, ' r two BRKAKVAIT KlIAWTa ' .1 . ' m. " w, ur an a tne rant ,UfSf ASNA PAINTKR P ""'.. arorolly eeaipoaadl of u awatOallacl hi MammoU SZ.ot acbearf, May , MO. , "-- - . -- a .- A ,akJteUl ew fiu ai. lean et i -- - r - ,