Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 21, 1866, Image 2

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    Cftc Stmftuti) American.
H. B.MAisiilB,Bdltof
(Sen. .f Oil W. C.KAItV,
Of Cumberland County.
ggfThe Muncy Luminary says, in regard
to the proposed new railroad, that "the En
gineer are still engaged on tho surveys of
the Susquehanna route, the final location
from "Williamsport to tho Muncy Dam hav
ing already been completed, and tho ground
taken possession of by the Catawissa. com
pany, along tho rocks near the dam, is still
held, and the workmen placed there several
weeks ago are still going on with their
work.. Not ranch importance is attached
to the statement going the rounds of the
papers, from the Philadelphia ledger, in re
gard to the compromise between the Atlan
tic and Great Western, and the Pennsylva
nia Railroad companies."
We should not be surprised, however,
if the company finally adopted the route
from this place, through Mt. Cnrniel and
Quakake Junction to Maucli Chunk, and
from thence to New York, by the Lehigh
"Fred. Douglass, after nn interview with
President Lincoln, remarked that "Mr. Liu
coin was the first white man he ever passed an
Lour with, who failed to remind him, in
fom way, before the interview terminated,
that he was a 'negro !' "
tiT" We think Fred, draws largely ou Ida
imagination for some of his facts. Presi
dent Lirjcolu was a generous-hearted man,
but no true gentleman would be guilty of
the rudeness of the above charge, and Fred,
would hardly undertake to say that Mr.
Lincoln was tho only man he ever met who
treated him like a gcntlemnn.
EE?" The Auditou's Report. Our read
ers will Gud in our columns, this week, the
report of tho Auditors on the receipts and
expenditures of the county, always an in
teresting document, but especially so at the
present time.
EEifTue oil fever seems to have subsided
very much within the last three months,
and oil, like coal, is experiencing tho inevi
table result which is sure to follow expan
sion and inflation of prices. Petroleum is
now almost as low as it has ever been. A
correspondent of one of the eastern papers,
from the oil region, humorously describes
in verse the effects of the oil fever, when it
was at its height :
WHh pen dipped in oil we Uie distant ones greet
"Dear friends 1 uin well about one thousand
Tbcj hear of our labors. "Poor fclloir" they say,
"lie's throwing the best years of his life away."
''Poor'' fellow ! How strangely such epithets sound,
When one owns two-thirds of a hole in the ground !
You meet un old friend fur the first time in years ;
lie prospers, you think, by the way he appears;
"Is your l'niuily well!" when the first greetings o'cr
ile bears the last word, but he hears nothing more
"0 yes!" you're astonished to hear the mnn say,
"&ho's flowing twelve hundred odd barrols a day!"
You pity tbe man; his mind wanders, 'tis plain;
You soon learn the cause he has nil on the braiu.
tif" Paper from Wood Pulp. At
t'liUadclphiu on Thursday, tho 12th inst., a
large number of capitalists, journalists, and
gentlemen of scientific renown were gather
ed to witness the process of making paper
out of wood. The compauy owning this
process have established large works on the
bcbuylkill near Philadelphia, nnd are ma
king 20 tons of wood-pulp paper daily. The
mills are owned by capitalists from all parts
of the country. A poplar tree taken fiom
ihe hill side was converted into clear, white,
toft paper, in the space of five hours. In
the evening a banquet was given by Messrs.
Jessupjifc Moore, at the Continental Hotel.
The pulp worts are very extensive buildings,
and with the machinery, cost $500,000. The
greut feature of the woiks is the economy til
the use of chemicals, which disintegrate the
wood and bleach the pulp, the refuse being
carried to tho evaporating house, where the
chemicals are rendered fit for using again
only 20 per cet. of fresh stock being addeil
to make it equal to its former strength.
Bank Failures. The following ore
tho names of the Bunks in the oil region
which recently suspended, on account of the
failure of Culver, Pcun & Co., numcly :
Petroleum Bank, Oil City Bank, Bank of
Crawford County, and Venango Rank.
The notes of the Petroleum Bank nnd
Venango Bank uro quoted at 10 per cent,
discount. Oil City and Crawford Couuty
are marked with a star, which signifies no
certain value, but we understand some bro
kers pay 03 per cent, for them.
The rumors in regard to tho unsoundness
oftlie Pittston Bank, Cbarfield Bank, Bank
of Lawrence County, Wyoming Bank, Tioga
Bank, Lebanon Valley Bunk and Kittanning
Bank, ue unfounded. These Banks tire
quoted as sound iu New Yoik and Phila
delphia, and are received in the Bauk tit
this place.
Hill Kigucd,
The President has approved and signed
the deficiency appropriation bill. Among
the items are the following;
To euablo tbe Light-house Board to re-es-ablish
lights and other aids to navigation,
discontinued by the enemy on the Southern
coast, fl0Q,000.
For rufuruUhiug and repairing to tins
Present's house, (18,000 (ia addition to
$8, OOJ for repaiutiug it inside and out).
For defraying the expenses incidental to
the death and burial of Abraham Liucoln.
Fur the purchase of Ford's theatre, tho
scene of the assassination, $100,000,
The act nives the Secretary of the Trea
sury authority to sell the property known
as the Pennsylvania bank building, provid
ed it shall not be for a sum less than f 110,-oo.
house alluded to. lie stated that his ac
complice got from the premises of Mr.
Hearing tho sum of three or four hundred
dollars, which b had w ith him in a small
valiso, with other articles taken from the
same house. On Thursday this man parted
with him for the purpose of visiting Ken
sington, .with the understanding that he
would meet him at Front and Noble streets
yesterday , morning, to which place no
would have gone if he had not boon cap
tured by the officers In question.
The prisoner was very calm at the hear
ing before Chief Franklin, and at times ap
peared rather desirous of revealing tho par
ticulars of his bloody acts. -
After ths questions at this place had been
closed, he was removed to a cell on the same
floor, where Coroner Taylor had an Inter
view with him, in the presence of a few
gentlemen, who had a more especial inter
est in the important matters connected with
the examination.
Tho accused appeared desirous, during
tho examination, to hide from the view of
the gentlemen present his right, band, the
thumb belonging to which had been almost
entirely taken off, thus confirming the Mate
ments published in The Inquirer in reference
to the deficient member of his bony
At the close of the hearing before the
Coroner, tho accused was taken to the
Mayor's Office, in the upper part of the
building, when a hearing took placo before
las Honor.
j The private examination before tho Mayor
! elicited tho fact that the murder was com
j mined in tho following manner:
I On Friday last Ganther'e accomplice in
I the terrible tragedy came over to Mr. Bear
ing's, and proposed to the prisoner that
I they should murder the family and rob the
! house. Uanthcr consented to the plan pro
I posed by his accomplice, and it was sr
I ranged that tho prisoner should murder the
j boy, while the other man despatched the
: rest of Mr. Dearing's family.
About ten o'clock on Saturday morning
tlin ncrnmnlirn miratindnri Mrs. Dearinrr to
, o -
I come to the barn, a short distance from the
I house, and getting her there, struck her in the
! head with an axe, nnd then cut her threat
with the edge of that instrument. lie
then pitched her body into the corn-crib
I adjoining the barn, nnd then proceed
; iug to the house, took the children one by
one to the barn, when their lieaus were
knocked in with tho Hutt end of the axe
and their throats cut. As last as one was
dealt with in this manner its body was
thrown into the corn crib, nnd the process
A Iwnlly of Klffht lcrm Mr.
tiered In Ptalladelphliu
Arrest of ths Murderer.
PniLADEi.niiA, April 11, 1800.
A terrible crimo in the lower section of
the city was discovered this afternoon. A
A family of eight persons, consisting of Mr.
Christopher Deenng, his wife, niece and
five children, were found brutally murdered,
on Mr. Deering's farm, in Jones's lane, about
half a mile from tho Old Point House road,
in the First Ward. Tho crime was discov
ered this afternoon, by finding the bodies
of Dcering and his wife in tho barn. One
of the victims was a baby fourteen months
old. Plunder seems to have been the
object, as the house exhibited evidences of
having been thoroughly ransacked. The
horses and cattle in tho stable wcro found
in a famishing condition.
Tho names of tho persons murdered nr
as follows :
Mr. Christopher Deenng, nged 87 years.
Mrs. Julia Decring, aged 44 years.
Cornelius Dcering, aged 17 years.
John Dci-rins. sued 8 years.
Thomas Deering, nged 0 years.
Annie Decring, aged 4 years.
Emma Decring. aged 14 months. j
Miss Elizabeth Keating, aged 40 years. :
The bodies of Deering nnd his nieco were I
discovered in a barn, covered with hay, and j
the others in a corn crib, similarly covered. ;
It is supposed that the murders were com
mitted last Saturday, by a man and boy,
who had been hired by Mr. Decring, nnd
who lived with his family (or two months
past. They have been missing since the
murder. Deering and hi nieco were from
home on Saturday morning, and it is sup
posed his wife and children were murdered
during his absence, nnd that he and his
nicro were killed on their return. The
bodies presented a horrible appearance,
having been fearfully mutilated with a
knife nnd axe. Only one of the family is
saved, a child aged ten years, who is on a
vist to a distant relative.
Dcering was a cattle dealer, doing busi
ness for Mr. Mitchell, the owner of the
property. At times Mr. Deering had large
sums of money in his possession, the pro
cceds of sales of cattle, &c, and which he
he'd but temporary possession t. At the
time of the murder it is thought that ho
hud very little money in his possession, al
though the terrible deed was undoubtedly
committed with the expectation of pecuniary
His residence is located in the suburbs, ; continued until the wholo family was dis-
about a mile nnd a half below the Xsavy , poscu oi.
A post-mortem examination of the bodies
of the deceased was held on Thursday.
Miss Elizabeth Dolun was tho first acted
upon. The doctor discovered blood on the
right hand, and a bruised wound, one and
half inches long, over the left eye. The
frontul bone was fractured. There was also
a wound on the left side of the head and
her throat cut.
Emma Deariug, aged fourteen mouths,
was then removed from the ice box and
placed on the table. Her forehead, ini,
mediately over the left eye, was mashed in,
and a deep cut inflicted on the left side of
the neck. Her left arm was broken at the
joint and another wound was discovered on
the shoulder.
The wounds of Mrs. Julia Dearing were
next examined. First, the frontal bono
was fractured, apparently having been
struck twice with the butt end of the axo.
The wound in the neck was similar to the
wounds inflicted on the others, but it ap
pears thut a second blow had been dealt
her close up to the jaw, but with not so
much force as the others. The victim Lad
a ring on one of her right hand fingers.
John Dearing. nged eight years, was
horribly mangled. The head was nlmost
severed from the body, and the frontal bono
completely mashed in, as though caused by
several blows in succession. Annie Dear
ing, aged four years, was no doubt defend
ing herself, as her wounds indicate. First,
her urm was nil battered, nnd one of her
right fingers chopped off, and another bro
ken. There was also a wound directly
thiough the head of the shoulder bone.
Her throne was cut in tho same manner us
the others.
The wounds of Thomas Dearing, nged
six years, were discovered as follows: The
skull was fractured by a terrible blow on
the head; another wound, about ttvo inches
and a half long, behind the right ear; the
right side of tho neck severed, aud pari of
the jaw chopped off.
Christopher Dearing received a blow on
the right side of the head, bnuking in the
skull, and a gath in the left side of the
neck, inflicted by the axe, as iu the other
Antoiue Gauther, allius Probst, tho al
leged murderer of the Dearing family, was
noticed on Thursday evening on Market
street, near tho Permanent Bridge, iu the
neighborhood of Twenty-third street. He
was suspected by officer Dorscy, who was
in company with officers Weldon and
Atkinson, through the long strides he made
in walking. Officer Dorsey, stepping up to
him, said "You arc a German," to which
the accused replied, ''I am not I am a
Gunther, alias Probst, was then arrester'
and taken to the Station House, where ho
was detained. Yesterday morning he was
taken into the private room of the Lictitcn-
While tho accomplice was thus engaged,
I Ganther proceeded to murder the boy
! Cornelius. He overtook him ut the liny
: stuck, and struck him on the back of the
head with nn oxe, after which he cut his
! throat, and then hid his body under the
I hay.
I The fiendish plot being accomplished, the
I two murderers proceeded to the house nnd
; lay in wait for Mr. Dearing and Miss Eliza-
beth Dolun. They arrived home about 12
j o'clock, nnd as soon as Mr. Deuring had
deposited his carriage in the wagon house,
the accomplice (according to the prisoner's
statement,) attacked them both, knocking
them in the head nnd cutting their throats,
after which the bodies wcro carried to tho
barn, nnd placed where they were discover
I ed. The precious pair then proceeded to
j tho house, and nfter collecting together all
! the valuables they could gather, deliberate-
ly eut down and eat their dinner, when they
lelt and came to the city.
The Frlnce of Wales is getting fat. lie
weighs 178 pounds.
The navy of Denmark consists of thirty-
six vessels, two of which are iron cads.
There nro twelve establishments In Paris
where false eyes are manufactured, about
fuiir hundred being turned out per week.
It is proposed to have a miniature New
England cotton mill in operation at tho Paris
exhibition, worked by genuine Lowell fac
tory girls.
Tho stock of the American Telegraph
Compnny has nil been subscribed for. Tho
cable is being manufactured at the rate of IB
nautical miles per day.
There is now in St. Mary's Workhouse, in
Heading, England, an old woman, nearly 1)0
years of age, who is able to repent the whole
of the second book of Milton's Paradise
Provisional Governor Hamilton is reported
on his way to Washington to consult as to
the best method of coutroling tho rebels of
Tho Journal, of Clearfield, reports the sui
cide of Beed Bigler, eldest son of ex Gov
ernor Bigler. He is supposed to have been
insane when he shot himself.
Gen. Williams, tho second husband of
Mrs. Douglas, was a staunch Douglasite in
1800. Having supported the husband, it is
quite naturul that ho should wish tosuppott
the widow.
A writer in tho Western Kceordtr says :
''In a Southern State, I learn that there is
one preacher who has charge of four church
es, edits a newspaper, is President of a Fe
mule College, runs several peddler wagons,
keeps up a furm, and owns several patent
rights which he farms out."
Noted and successful riders at the English
races arc well paid. The Marquis of Hast
ings pays Grimshaw, his jockey, a retaining
tee of 500 per year, besides 5 for every
ruce ho wins and 3 for every one ho losis.
An English married lady has consulted
her lawyer on tho question whether having
married her husband for his money, and that
money being ull spent, she is not at liberty
to marry nga:n. Decision reserved.
The Pall Mall Gazette says that there are
three hundred thousand gvpsies in the
Danubian Principalities, those countries
having been the first and main European
camping-ground from which tho wanderers
were altcrwards diffused ull over the West.
Reports from Florida represent that emi
grants arc pouring into that State from every
direction, and tho papers say that they are
welcome, especially it they bring money
Oborss Him., " Br P. WotvssTos. 1
Attorney nnd t'ounst'lors nt l.nw.
WILL attend to tho tillition of all kinds of
elalinl, Including Back l'J, Bounty and pen
sions. apl. 1, '08. .
To MllllnerM & Country Ntoro
Ueepera, r
You enn purchase Cut Length of Millinery Goods
cheaper than down town jolliers, sell wholo pioooss
STRAW (J00P3, lUbbonn, Bilks, Flowers, Milll-
nery laces, sto., roamed dally from Anotion.
309, oil, 311 i Urand at., 04 and 6(1 Allen it.,
3Tifih Block Kast from the Bowery.
April 21, 1861). 2m
CoiJuo in w hich lumber is fouud in
flour ui1tuty four saw mills, and ten
few years. .' up within the past
at nvV. susiia iu i"9 oiuhj
costing $10,000,000. T.unJred and fift)'
uro counted
o,uu,U00 per Vear vf. ul
$3 per day Mr l LI? i rule at
mill st b. cLTA11"1- The
i o rw...r "r""" weaver
City, nnd
Indiana has purchased, for $8,!500, the
lieautitul establishment known as Knimits-
town Spring?, and will locate there the Sol
diers Home.
The Bank of California is nbout to in
crease its capital five millions of dollars. Its
present capital is two millions.
The six Euglisli iron clads which nre not
a success, cost John Hull more than eight
nnd a half millions of dollars.
General Grierson. the great-cavalry raider,
has been nominated by the Secretary of War
for ci lonel of cavalry in tho regular army.
This was dune on recommendation of (Jen.
Last year tho people of Knnkakee, III.,
put up a flax mill, which has proved a suc
cess, and the flax company are now about to
erect two more this season.
Tho Urimsley brothers, who have been
estonisbing San Francisco people ,y per
forming nil the usual acrobatic feats on a
hori.ontul bar attached to a balloon 1000
feet in mid air, uie coming east.
The Georgia Legislature has passed a luw
to punish horse stealing aud burglary by
night with death.
Dr. 'Winship, of Boston, now weighs one
hundred and sixty pounds, is thirty-two
years of age, and can lilt a ton and u quarter.
Mr. Perrin. of Woodstock, Ct., with
nice eye for the fitn
sell in his slaughte
The criminul records of England show
that only one actor was ever hanged there.
This was in the seventeenth century, for
highway robbery.
A scheme bus been started in Italy for
paying the national debt of that country by
a popular subscription.
Horse and mule stealing is carried on to a
ants at the Central Station, where a lengthy j la0 ctent ia Mississippi by negroes and
Spring & Summer Goods!
(SucresxeMor to John lloiren.)
Corner of Murkct and Fawn iS'lreet,'
Invites tho public to call and cxamino lis elegant
assortment or
which he will fell at greatly reduced prices,
lock consists in part of
Kilki. Delaine, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins,
.'"'heeling, 'l ickings, Jeans, aud a full assortment of
Cotton and woolen goods generally.
Hosiery, (llorca, Uoop Skirts. Abo Handkerchiefs
Brushes, Combs.
Ilntx nnd Cap, IIootM nnd Miocm,
His assortment of goods will not, lie is are sure
fail to plcaro the fancy and suit the w ants of any dc,
sirous of purchasing. Hit stock of
nnd Uroccrics is largo in quantity and choice In
quality, comprising generally everything needed in
Ihe household cither for use or ornament.
lie is always ready and glad to see his friends
nnd takes plcuuro iu shoving them his goods even
though no sales are made, llu only nsks a call, ami
is sure that tho stock will compare favorably in
price and quality with the cheapest.
Sunbury, April 21, 1S68.
"triennial" CONVENTION.
To tho School Directors of Northumberland County
Uentlemen: In purnunnoeof the forty-third Sec
tion of the Act of the 8th of.Mny, are here
by notified to meet in Convention, at the Court ll"U.e,
in Sunbury, on tho first Tuesday in May, A. D. I Mill,
being the 1st day of the mouth, at half-pui-t one
o'clock, in the afternoon, and select, viva vore. by
u majority ot the whole number of directors prcsont,
one person of Litcrnry and cioutifio acquirements,
and of skill and experience in the art of Teaching,
as County Superintendent, for the three succeeding
years; determine the amount of compensation tor
Ihe same ; and ecrtity the result to the State Super
intendent, at liarrisburg, as required by the thirty
ninth and fortieth sections of said Act.
I". S. The time for holding the Convention was
changed from Monday to Tuesday, by Act passed at
the session of Ib6i).
JACOB I'LP, Co. fupt., North 'd co.
Northumberland, April 21, 1866. 2t
Millinery Goods,
Jul opening at tbe junnncry .Moro or
Fawn Street, below the Railroad, SUNBUllY, PA.,
uch as
SIIAKKKS, Drcss.Tritnmings, Ilead-Drcsscs. (lloves,
Hosiery, ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker
chiefs, ic, ic,
which hare been carefully selected.
nl. allnnllnn nf ft, I. ta.l in ia ifJIfittA.I In hr 1
assortment of the latest styles of BONN Els, which
give satisfaction to all .
t all ana examine iur yourselves, o trouoie 10
show goods
Sunbury, April 11, 1S8B.
.uimn i.oMs.i iiis.i.i:ie,
.Millinery tiood mid lro Ti-iiii
liiiiig'N, Head Dri'MfM-B,
Soui side of Market Square. SUNBURY, Pcnu'a
Has ist returned from tho cities with a choice
selection of seasonable goods lo which the attention
of the Ladies is respectfully solicited.
With Hcad-Dresscs, ti loves,
Hosiery, Ribbons,
Las been carefully selected and will give satisfaction.
Miss Shissler has had an experience in the busi
ness that enables her to select goods wi h an eye to
the taste and wishes of her customers, and she begs a
continuanco of favors in the future "which she takes
plcasuro in acknowledging during the past year.
Ladies will Dnd a choice stock of every thing iu her
line of business.
tfunbury, April 14, 1S00.
$85 ' THE $25.
Onion Business (College
Eighth and Spring Garden Streets.
President aud Consulting Accountant,
Novel 3l 1'crmuncnt Arrangement of Business Col
lege Terms,
From Afcril 1 to October 1, 1803,
and succeeding years.
LIKE SCHOLARSHIPS, including Bookkeeping
Business Correspondence, Forms and Cunloiu
Commercial Arithmetic, Business l'eiiiiiunship
Detecting Counterfeit Money, A Commerciul Law
Schnlnrsliips, including the same subjects as above.
Time Limited to Three Months,
Penmanship. Three Months, $7
Penmanship and Arithmetic, Three Months, $10
Tho saving of coal and gas in the summer months
is au advautage of such unportanco as enables the
management of this Collego to make a considerable
reduction in tho summer rates
From October 1, 1800, to April 1, 1807. .
And succeeding years, as before.
Life Scholarships,
Scholarships, 3 months, 2j
Penmanship, 3 months, 111
Penmanship and Arithmetic. 3 months 12
Special Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, and for the Sou
ol Ministers and Teachers.
Day and livening Instruction fur bath Sexes
and all Age,
In Banking, Storekecping, Bookkeeping, Penman
ship. Pen Drawing, Phe-nogrnphy, Arithmetic, Men
suration, Algebra, Ueoiuetry, Analytical Ucoiuetry,
The Calculus, Navigation, Purveying. Engineering.
(Juaging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commercial
Luw, Uermun, Telegraphing, und tho English
Branches, at moderate prices.
Endorsed by the public us the most successful Bu
siness College of the country, as is evidenced by the
fact, thut
have entered iu Ihe first six months of its Existence
A tbumbeiliind Cuaitty, Irom the first dsy of January,
A. D. to the last day uf December of the same
year, both days lntlus n- '
34 Orders.f building end RernurhifBildgcsj, tl,B04 07
I Older for Kaatcjii I'mituniMiy, 6:1 3'J
a . do Koet, J:i3ii
10 do : Fox Mcalpa, W t4
W do F.ledimn, 131 8
AS dn Constables' pay, 03 17
A do Refundlttr;, 17
I d'i County Auditors, 101 no
1 do J. Famsworth, Auditor, 16 OB
0 do Court Crirr, loo 00
6 do County Printing;, 1174 33
du Prison F,xpenss, 49 00
W do' Jurors' Pay, 8 4"d 47
3 do rMienff Fers, 741 DG
4 do Insane Asylum, - i;jg 20
4 do Itoad Damages, 1214
5 do District Aiibiney, 'J45 00
S? dn Commonwealth costs, 7rt( 01
II do Attorney for County, 1 7 03
do ViewimT Roads and Cringes, 170 60
I do Kxonerations, 5IHI
8 dn Stationery, flo 3A
13 do Puhlie llnildinca. HI :10
0 do Inquisitions, I IS 3')
41 do incirlcntal, 1,110 46
1 do Pinthnnotary, 2M 38
03 do. Commissioners and Clerk, 1,873 ill
4 d Store Rills, 16 43
41 ill Asnessors1 Pay, .171 Ml
Oil do Court Hoase, 73,731 00
4.711 19
1,104 If
4,614 90
1U.4M3 3
808 30
By flats Treasure's tsreipt dated March 1, 'OS,
" " " " April 14, "
M ' ' July 7, 11
u l ri ii July 18, "
fly Cimnty Treasaier's Commission at 1 per et.
on ), S4, -Balance
due County,
J7,Ut 74
R tl. AWL, Esq , In account with trie Cummonwvdth
for ises from Ihe first dsy of January, IBi, to the
last day of Ihe sums year, b ith days inclusive.
DU. .
Ti amount received fut Licensee f' Tsveini
for le5, . 1, 80S 00
To anwunt received fot Liquor Stores for 1603, l"0 00
t, ,1 ii Kesumrants " 610 00
1 " ltelailrrs of Merchan
dise, Ten-pin Allevs, Patent Medicines, Coal
ana Liimner yarns, meweries aim niiiwm
Rooms, as per Mercantile Appraisoi'a list
or ituj.
T Treasurer's Commission on 965,148 C3,
10 ucprecta'ed money,
T amount of outstanding County orders for
IH65 and previous yenis,
To amount of outstanding Bounty orders,
IfiM 71
By 5 per cent, ejintnission on $1000 und I per
cent on 8405,
Bv 6 per cent, commission on 8100,
By 5 per cent commission 011 80 10,
Hy exonerations,
By S per cent, commission on 831 ,000 aud 1 per
cut. 011 41,710,
By T. II Punly's receipt for publishing Met.
eantile Appiaiaor's list uf J names in
ByT. H. Purdy'i receipt for publishing same
iu German,
ByT II Pordy's receipt for blanks for Notices,
Hv Treannrer's rec-intsof Annl liih. IMS,
By Slate Treasurer's receipt of July 7lh, 1?6.1,
By Stale Treasurer's receipt uf Jan. tilth, lali:l,
8,&fio 80
83,4.15 17
745 00
110,0 27
lly rash received from Collectors fot IS6o and
previous yeors, 01,02146
By cusli ree'd from Collectors of Bounty T-ix, 47
" " for rent of Public Buildings, 7160
By County Tax received from sundry persons, 113 7J
Uy cash received from Iiwcr Augusta twp.,
for krrpine llmmnh Saviile, I3S Stl
By Militia Tax ree'il fur IS1I ami previous years', 1,176 84
By c-istt rre'd from sun-try persons 11s a loan, 3,545 00
" " " W.K. liwin, former Trea
surer, 667 07
By ensti received ns Jury fund, 4 00
" " for 0 inm mwenlth costs, x 1"5 04
" " " Court lines, 267 Ml
" ' " matermls s ilil, OS 3'i
By excess of Expenditures above Receipts, OI.O'iO 40
For Sale
r sale 3
ness of Hi'iuks, liunJ him- i CARKIE.S, about four miles above Sunbury, along
, 1.. .. 0 ' the river, abjoiniug lands of John Smith and others.
r iiuusi,. T(l0 propurty wj, bo eo,j on reilf,,niiu0 (rlns.
fPIIE subscriber oners for sale 33 Acres of J.nnd
0 j X containing the FLAU AND Bl ILD1NU STONE
t4 th. town, ot CenT.W
ig through Golden Cit pl!' .PM-
lurniininrs & . . -
nroh.i llu
closHj questioned hy Out;!' Detective Frank
lin, in reference to tlm charges which had
been preferred n'uiiist him.
liulore tho prisoner hud this heniing Mrs.
Dolun, mother of 0110 of the murdered vic
tims, wits taken into his presence, and im
mediately recognized him as the mnn who
had Been employed on tho farm of Mr.
On Ining ruestioiiod lie Muted that lie
lmd killed the buy at twelve o'clock, on
Suturdny, by chopping him with a new te,
as he was on his way to the hny-stnrk,
where the mutilated body was subsequently
The prisoner, at tho atHgc of the proceed
ings, in response to questions put to him by
Chief Franklin, stuted that he had nn ac
complice with him, unuiod Jacob Younger,
who is thirty-eight or thirty-nine years of
age. llu belonged to tho Eleventh Penn
sylvania Cavalry. He also stated that he
had on a black frock coat, belonging to Mr.
Dearing, and also the boots which had buen
worn by him. Tho prisoner stated that ho
had seen his accomplice on Saturday after
noon, at three o'clock, at New Market and
Callowhill streets; that he had on at that
time a felt hat. lie is (.bout five feet three
or four inches high; has dark brown hair,
large white or pale (co, aud larga shoul
ders. Tho accused slated that he came to the
city alter tho murder aud put up at a house
at Moore and Front streets on Sunday
night, and at Front and lirown streets on
Wednesday night. He also stated thus) his
accomplice came to the meadow and there
arranged with bim to commit the murder.
This man, ho said, staid at Hoover's, Front
and Brown streets, on Buuday.
Ganther, alias Probst, stated, also, that
Mr. Dearing paid him, on Friday, the sum
01 tiglit dollars, for services rendered uy
turn, tie uurchaued wuu some OI tins
ou iuuiauay, at. m (,c6. hfcer SftloOD. at
In New Orleans, recently, two men en
gaged in currying down a corpse, had each
a l-g broken by the stairs giving way.
A negro is said to have been kiilcd at
Spotsylvania Court House, by the explosion
ot an old shell.
Thirty-one fishing vessels arrived at Glou
cester, Mass., from the Georges lust week.
They brought over 1,000,000 pounds of fish.
The Sandusky liry'utcr says twenty acres
of vineyard was sold or. Friday, w ithia ouo
mile of Sandusky, for f 10,000.
There were in China in 1805, 187 mis
sionaries, including ladies. Uf these 02 are
Americans, 77 English and 18 are Ger
man. A bill before Congress proposes tho coin
age of five cent pieces, composed of copper
and nickel, to take the place of the five cent
A party of eighteen lumberers, in Mich
igan, were lately poisoned and all died from
eating a batch of biscuit iu prepariug which
strychnine had been accidentally used in
stead of salcrutus.
The Wisconsin Senate has adopted a re
solution striking out tho word "white" from
the section in regard to quuliOcatious of
electors by a vote of 17 to 11.
Sixty hogs died from suffocation in a car
of an eastern bound freight train, at Fair
port, New York, last Wednesday. There
were over 200 hogs in the car.
A 'boiler insurance company'" has been
formed in New York, the object of which is
to ensure against all losses from the explo
sion of boilcis under the inspection of the
The Government Is about to commence
the rebuilding of Fort Suuiptor.
Thirteen Massachusetts sportsmen recent
ly caught 80,01)2 pounds of fish in eight
A single transportation company in St.
Louis has made engagements for b, 000,000
pounds of freight to ilootina Territory.
Fur further particulars inquire of S. B. Dover. Eta ..
Sunbury, or of the subscriber at Sbamokin.
April 21. 1836. -
.t'otlce to tlte t'ilizi'UN ol' Munburj-;
fllllK following lloport and Resolution, which
X were adopted at a meeting of the Borough
Council, on Tuesday, April 3d, 18U6, are hereby
published for tbe information and guidance of all
concerned :
BrNDt BY, April 3, 18S6.
We tho undersigned Cemmittcc au 6'idewalks besr
leave to submit tbe follow iug :
We recommend that eood substantial ravementa
of stone or brick be laid iu tbo following streets, vis :
Broadway, on the eastern side from Elderbcrrv
to Cranberry street. Kiver street on both sides from
Blackberry to Cranberry. Deer street on the west
ern side from Elderberry to Blackberry aud from
Blackberry ou both sides of strcot to Cranberry,
t'awu ilrevt from Elderberry ou both sides ut street
to Cunal. Dewberry street on both sides troui Broad
way to Fawn. Market street on both sides from
Broadway to Canal. Blackberry street on both sides
from Broadway to Fawn, aud V bortlcbcrrv on both
sides from Broadway to Fawn. Cranberry street ou
tne soutn siae, commencing at the corner of Kiver
street to Fawn, Pukeberry street from theN. C. 11. 11.
to Fawn street, on tbe south side Elderberry street,
commencing at Broadway to Fawn street, on tbe
north side, and also the south side of Li der berry
from Broadway to Deer street
We also recommend that the gutters in tbe above
speciiiud aireelx be paved with stone or brick, and
that a regular grade be established for the sidewalks
or pavements in tbe above streets, and that all pave
ments be laid iu acoordanoe therewith, and all pave
ments now laid that are eithor abore or below the
grade that may be established, shall be torn up and
laid to the regular grade.
We also recommend that Uie laying of the pave
menu in tbe aforesaid streets be commenced by tbe
first day of May, I860, and finished by the brat day
of August, I860.
All ol wbicb 11 reineotfully submitted.
U. M. KiXK. j
J. U. EauEL, Committer.
J. Slaysussb. J
iVjoiW, That tbe committee en pavements,
sidewalks, Ae., shall have full power aud authority to
require and direct tbe grading, eurbiug, paving and
guttering, the aide and foot walks by the owner or
ewners of lots of ground fronting on any of the streets
or highways of said Borough, as reported by the said
committee, and to causa uie sains to be done, and
on failure uf the owner or owners thereof to complete
the same within the time specified ia the report of the
said committee, tho committee (0 proceed immedi
ately with the work and lurnish all the materials and
labor required to warrant them in completing the
paving, Ac, ia good season, and charge the owns
or owners of tbe properly, with all the expense or
costs, with twenty per oontum advance usarcoa;
and the same shall have the entire regu
lation and jurisdiction that are given ia the Ordinan
ces and on this subject
. r. BKIUIIT, Chief Burceu.
Jiroa otrwir, Towa Clerk.
fcunbury, April It, loot
WILLIAM 15. litWIN, former Trensurer, in account
with Northumberland County.
To balance due Couuty ns per Auditors' Report
of 1S8I, 41 01
To Imlanre of Militia funds in hand ns audited
hy military b iard to J.-ininry 1st, I'll, ISA 71
8.K1I 35
Ity Kirnr in audit of 1-81. 81 08
ll- ciuh paid ft. H. Awl, Treasurer, as per
rereipts. CG7 07
By Suite Treasurer's receipt, duted July 18th,
ISfll, 170 SO due county ill hands of W.K.Irwin,
I'.irmerTieuFiirer, 80 50
R. tt. AWL, Esq., Tiensiirer, in account with the
C'liiuty of ,Vrlbtiuerhinl, hunt the first duy of Jiiint- !
ary, A. D . IMi). to Oik lust itty of Deceintier ni theanne ',
year, Uuh duys inclusive, rispecting County Tux, Ac. J
88 8
ft CO
D-2 Oil
1-13 UU
07 40
29 31
as 30
8 l
Ml 00
Htlj OS
8,5'JD no
8-1,9-20 00
with the
It. H AWL. . Treasurer, iu accunt
County of Northumberland respecting Militia lines for
1801 and previous years.
To amount of Militia fines,
By aiainnt of outstanding Miiith fines,
By am tuiitof per ceiims;ea:!ive(! to CutlPctora,
Hy ain iuut of ex mentions allowed Collectors,
Ity Militia miters mid.
By commission on 8l.l 50,
Hy amount due County,
3.-2-21 41
82.WI 41
7!l II
315 77
as I SU
h 7
610 UU '
6i,t! H
R. II. AWL, r'B'i., Treasurer, in aec tntit with the
Cmiulv of Northumberland, from the 1st ctuy of Janu
ary, 1805, to the lnl day lit December of Die same
yeur, both days inclusive, respecting Bounty Tax.
To amount in Treasurer's hands as per last
Auditor's report, - 8,1071
To am unt of outstanding Bounty Tax, bti ill
83,IU0 Ml
Sll 01
117 7H
8,4)0 1H
By am unit of outstanding Bounty Tux,
Hy per eeutnire allowed t Collectors,
By amount due County,
8VJ 000 00
R. II AWL, Treasurer, in account wi h lha
Treasurers of School Honrds nuil Supurvisius of Rouiln
for Tuxes 011 Seated and Uus utetl Liu s for lsOj an J
To amount nf Road Tux iu Treasurer's leuuU
as per las'. Auditor's report.
To amount of School Tax iu Tranrurei's hands
as per lust Auditor's report,
3,071 31
3,7S1 (-0
By nmouat paid Supervisors ot RoriIs,
Hy ain't paid Treasurers of School Uouids,
To balance, as per last Auditors1 report, SI,03 71
To uuioiint ot outstanding County tux lor ItCl
and previous years, 7 ot4 7.1 :
To 11111 unit of County duplicates for 1MJ3, (0,704 WI j
To ensh ree'd for rent id public buildings, 71 60 !
To County tax recM from siintliy persons, 1 1 1 -J'J
To easb reeeivcd from lwer Augusta twp.,
fur keeping llaniudi Saviilge, 135 3'1 j
To cash rec-uived from nuiutry pers ins i loan 10
Couuty, 3,321 00 I
To cash received from W. K. Irwin, former
I renruirer, 507 ii
To cash received as Jury fines, 4 tMl
.' Coininonweultli c sts, lo. 42
" " " Court Ones, 2fl tw
" ' for inruermls s .til, K
Amount due County Treasurer to balance, .1,317 07
R. II. A WL, Km , former Tr nurer. iu ue
Norlliuni!ier!uui.l County.
To amount due on Slate Tax,
To amount due on Militia Fines,
To amount due ou Bounty Tax,
a.'rrt 31
S,7tM OS
8.1 "53 20
e unt with
1.IM 9I
Fia mi
8,437 14
8113.101 Si
By amount of County tax outstanding 01, the IhI
day of January, letiii, for ir-0. aud nievtous
years, 33 1.3 07
By nin'l of exonerations ullowrtl collect rs, 2 111 tal
' pl ceuluye allowcil eolitcloi , tail 72
By errors 1,1 duplicates, 4 li'.i
Hy ninomit i.v.-lpaiil ly collector, 30 ol
lly depreciated money, H oj
Hy Hinoiint of County orders pui.l. 61,1 IH 01
By Treasurer's commission ou 0j,llb 03, l,t2B 71
lric-i:ilM l' Ds'iNU-tint'sitM.
tlcorgc B. Snyder, It. S. names,
C.N. Fnrr, Jr , .1 . T. lley nolJs,
Henry Kciiu, A. E Kogereou. A lt., C.B.
Supported by an able Corps of Auirtunts.
Cull or send for a Catalogue, College Currency,
nnd l'icice's Practical Educator.
Office 331 Korth Eighth St., Pliiliidcl'u.
April 14, IMS. 2ui
Washington House.
ei'NBl'ItY, PA.
.lllllS populnr and comfortable Hotel has been
X fitted up in superior order for tbe accommoda
tion of Strangers, Travellers, and tho publio gener
ally. No effort will be spared by tbe Proprietor lo
make it a favorite resort and a pleasant boina for
every guest Uis table, bis bar, und the long ex
perience of the proprietor, warrant him in anticipa
ting a liberal share of publio patronage.
Extensive stables, nnd every deairuble conve
nience. Sunbury, April 7, IBflB. ly
Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., York Pa.,
Cumberland Valley Mutual l'roteation Co.,
New York Mutual Life, (lirard Life of l'bil 'a. A Hart
ford Conn, (ienernl Accidents.
Vuubury, April 7, ly.
Boot, Shoe and Trunk
Kl'.MII ItY, 1M.
WM. W. APSLEY has just opened a NEW
bTOKE in the well-known house of Mrs. Boul-
ton, iu Market street, and offers to thecitiiens of
Huubury aud neighboring towns, liUOXS A M10F.S
of the best quality and workmanship, lie having
made arrangements with first-class manufacturers
to supply the best quality of goods.
In toe Wholesale Department he calls the atten
tion of Country Storekeeper to bis fine stock, which
will be sold at tbe lowest wholesale prioos, thus ena
bling Retail Dealers to save expense of visiting the
cities to replenish their stock.
In the Retail Department can be found ROOTS,
EUOES, TUUXlkS, VALISKS, Ac, wbicb, in price,
at these times, ale without a parallel.
The stock of Ladles' Wear is superior in style and
'workmanship than is usually found in oountry towns,
embracing- gem 01 Daimorais, spieuaia congress
(jailers, and fancy shoes of every kind.
W. W. A. also oalla attention to his large stock of
Men'i wear, of latest styles, that will fit any foot
with ease and comfort.
Come One ! Come AU (
Suubury, Maroh 10th, 1608.
1U3.I0I M
R II. AWL, Kr , Treasurer of .Northumberland County,
iu account with the same for Slate Tax.
To balance dil by Tleasurei us per Auditors'
renoi 1 1 r 4Mil , 4 7 i 71
To uin uot fiiti-L-iuiliiig SlHte tax for 1-01
Hiul itri-viouK vearn, !l 7 40
To am mill ol fute lax duplicates for 1f-0i, Is.fl.iO 50
By amount due on Couuty Tax,
By balance due the County,
5,3;5 7d
69 II
SM,3?5 7
COt'NTV OK NORTH CM IH'.lll.aM). in nrr unit
with the Commonwealth of I'eunjylvaiiia for Itiii.
To nmnnt fixed by Uwrd of Revenue C0111-
T 1 Mill Tax, 2.7IIII no
SI7.I1? no
By 5 per eent allowed collectors mi $17.1 17 F3,
Hy Treasurer's I'omnii.siou on $10 202 0,
Ity Stale Tren. receipt, il-itt-tl April 121 h. 10.1,
lly Stale Treas. li-celpt, tUlrd July Till. IKvl,
By Suite Trees, receipt, dated July lSih, leOj,
S17.I17 i'J
land County, oil the lit at duy of Jaltuury, A 1). lfOlj.
To amount of nu!staudin County orders for
lt-01 mul previous vears, 2j,4r'j 47
Toum'l ol'.'Uls'aiitlimr B-uuty onlers. 72-1 ll
Tj excess ol Couuty ussttsabove llu'.ebtediiei'S, 8.273 70
1112 02
I llll 12
4. .11 2 On
IU,4-.2 30
8 )1 . I U -.'!
t:7,l 'l 71
By amount ot' State Tux ulvlntidon; nn the Ut
day uf January, lCO, f r leda and previ u
eurs, 2.72 '0
By amount nf exonerations allowed Collect. nt. i.0- 21
per ventage M K-l 2'l
Uy nluiteinei.r, 2- I'U
Hy error iu ilapiicates, vo 11
By ainiuut of luiistaiklnit; County Tax for 1G1
ami previous vetira,
Ity niiii, unt of outstanding Bounty Tnx.
By n iioaul ot outstanding .Miblia Tax for 1?G1
ami previous yeais.
By inn uut due't'rom, former
Treiiniri-r. as per Auditors" lep 'it of WV,
, Byiuu't cine from W. K. Lwin. foruu-r Treai'r,
By ain'iducfiom It . II. Awl, former Treas'r,
33.133 "7
511 tl
50 ,T
80 it
lit 11
Ml, 47.1 2.
On! MlsiiMiiiij";- 'I'si cm for INU.t und ! 1 -:5i-.
oiiii:r or male.
BY virtu of an order of sale, issued out of tbe
Court of Common 1'leaa of Northumberland
Couuty, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, at tbe Court House, in the Boruiigh of bun
burv, on Thursday, May id, A D. 1806, at 1 o'clock
P. 11., the following real estate, to wit :
All that certain Tract of Land, situate ia Kerb
town-hip, (formerly Little Mabanoy tawnsbip,) in
said county, surveyed upen 1 warrant in tbe-name of
Renjainin F. Young, dated tbe lblh day of Novem
ber, A. D. 17U3, adioiaHVg land surveyed for Jere
miah Jaokacn, William Ursy, William Wilson, John
W. Daily, William bhartell and thert, ooutaiuing
by Survey mad by the Inquisition tight Hundred
did thirteen ore and thirty-sis perches, slriot
measure. Kxolusiva of on buudred and fifty acres,
paieuled to Frederick lisu 00 tbe I7lb of May, 1808.
To be (old as lb property of Wm. Lav so, with
notice to lb Mabonoy and Shanioitn Improvement
Company. Tbe Trevortod and busquehann Kail,
road CompaoT, and tb Trevorson Coal and Railroad
Company and other terre-tenant
WM. M. WE kVEH, bheriff.
tbarirs Offiee, Buubury, April 1, 1866 it
Years. . Cvlkctort Xamcs. Townships. State. County. Mili'.vi
1855 A.J. Conrad Zerbo 19 42
1S.13 .1. 15. Wasstr Mt. Carmul 13 77 2l-C.
tin i. Zi n murniau Up. Augusta 'JO
fin .liitioli Jlilli-r 1'iiint 1 00
185'J .liiincs Oaks Deluwnru Ull
tl il. It. Cu!j M'Kwt'iisviilo "J-Sii
18t'i0 II. 11. Cuiii tin 1 SI
tin S. Sliimliu Sntiliury 2T O'J
lrJCl J. SnviU-r ('(ml 70 00
dn K Bluir Milton - 01 SO
1802 JI. lIoMdi r 'J'urtmtville 13' 0.
do J. Snyder C'iml 1(4 00
tin J. Wt-avcr Zerl-c 8 ( 50
18UJ JI. Whriilt Cuinernn 10
do C. V. Martin Stiiibuiy 118 51 27 5,1
do Snyder Cnnl a HO
do M. Slindo Lewis ' 23 50
do II. IjIuoiu J.uwt-r Augusta 1 11
1804 J. II. Cuwlty L'liilliMiuaquc 181 i;7 20 HO,,
do II. Nfilmof C011I 53 42 13S 78 58 J0
do Uiij?ht I'p. Angusla 120 83 2C0 HO '
do F. McCarty Mt. Carmel 43 81 20 23 40 75
do I). Huiu Low. Miiliuuoy UU CO
do T. Soydor Low. Annstn a4 00
do II. litcder M'Ewenavillo 22 C5 (J 00
do M. Shuclo Lewis 11 00
do W. Hoover Sunbury 50 00
1305 .1. llaugliawatit Ul). Augusta 77 41 405 15
W. Hoover Suubury 44 54 17S58 13
II. I. Hoffmau Wosliington 25 58 138 04
W. Lnko Coal 130 63 0U8 20
W. Lake Slmmokin 60 72 2oo0 14
J. II. MeCormick Milton 145 41 80U0 O'J
J. Johnson NorthVl 11103 1302 80
II. Heeilcr M'Ewcinivillo 27 75 C58 00
E. Artniuu Tuibutvillu 32 07 714 21
W. Conner UehiHiiro 107 04 8070 00
J. McFurland Lewis 176 07 719 10
0. Billman Turbut 129 81 8720 74
.1. Itishel CliiUisqmiqilo 181 71 2540 9J
Henry SI tck Point 005 79
Isaac Ililo Kutlt - 243 43
T. Bnydcr Low. Augusta 00 85 1154 80
1. Sober Sliamokia 79 12 2135 00
8. Light Mt. Carmel bo. 53 07 003 18
P. Hester Mt. Carmel 1 1. 203 53 1003 88
F. Bower Zerbo 223 25 1003 75
C. H. Wcikel Camtr m 34 50 150 77
H. Latsha Jackson 29 00 390 85
E. Shaffer Jordan 00 05 C07 50
J. Seil?r Low. Mulianoy 123 77 1070 43
E. Howerter Up. Maliunoy 53 89 713 20
J. Uuker Lit, Muhaaoy 57 81 27 00
Since paid.
Oiifataudlisg lluuuly Tux for 1m04.
38,452,07 653,48
James Beard, M'Ewensville, 15 00; Joseph Snyder, Coal, 04 ; Jonas Stino, Mt. Carmel
township, 458 08 j E. Shaffer, Jordan, 87 02. Total, $511,04.
We, the undersigned Auditor of Nortnumbcrland county, State of Pennsylvania, do
certify that in pursuance oftlie 4th tection of an Act regulating Counties and Townships
passed the 15th day of April, 1831, we met at the Commissioners office, in the borough
of Suubury, ou the 15th duy of January, 1800, and adjoured from t'uneta timo, and audited
and settled the aevcral accounts si rtquired of us, ngncabiy to the aaid Act of Assembly
and supplements thereto, according to the best of our judgtmcuts end abilities. And we
do further certify, that upon duo examination of the expense boyfcof tae county, the in-dubtedness-of
the county in unpaid county orders is $25,455,4T.' Also, that the amount
of outstanding Bounty Orders ia 725. In witness Wof we bave hereunto set our
bands and teals at the office aforesaid, this 15th day Jl January, A. D. 1803.
C. F. LITTLE, L. 8. P. W. GRAY, 8. II. U. CULP, L. &.
INOR'S Patent rocket LanUru fot sal at tb
itook and Stationery store of
K. E.liaUTSFtt
sat In lot of PES FLUES, le . sur th.
UoUiays. at LJiiUlNER'6.