i f 1 ; V L PRICES REDUCED I JOSEPH BYSTER, ' M " (Swxeot to John Vmetn.) , Corner of Market and Fawn Street, - .,. SUNBURY, PENN'A. btUcs the nubile to call and examlaa hit elegant assortment of VTXNTSIl GOO Si w hich he will tell at greatly reduced prioee. Bit stock consists part of. .. . i ; CLOTHS. StC .s Bilks. Ie1s1net, Lawns, Olnchaml, Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting, Tlokings, Jeans, end rail assortment of Cotton and Wooloa 'goods generally!." Hotlory, Gloves, Uoop EklrU. Alio Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Comlie. Elntsj aad Cap, Hoots and Shoes, ' His assortment ef goods will not, ha ia are ture, Ml to lenee the fancy and suit the wants of any de airous of purchasing. His stook of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries Is largo in quantity and olioloe In quality, comprising generally everything needed in flip household cither for uso or ornnmcnt. lie Is always ready anil glad to see hit friends and takes pleasure in thoning them his goods even though no sales are made Ho only asks a call, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. JOSEPH EY8TER. -Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It is concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, ao combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaint, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints': Scrofula akd ScnoruLOvs Complaints, EtlUPTIONS AND EutlPTIVa DlBHASt.l, ULCEUS, Pimples. Blotches, Tcnous, Salt IIheuji, Scald Head, Stpuilis ani Syphilitic Ar- SECTIONS, MbuCUIUAL DlSIiASB, DltOPST, Neb- raloia on Tio DouLounni'.t, Driiilitt, Dys pepsia and Ikdiobstiox, Euysipblas, Rosb or St. AHTiio.vT'srniE, and indeed tho whole doss of complaints orbing from Inri'uiTY ok tub Blood. This compound will be found a creat nro. moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at thnt season of the year. Uy tho time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders ' are nipped in tha bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions nnd ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if tiot assisted to do this through tho natural channels of the body by on alterative medicine. Cleanse out tho vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities ' bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish iu tho veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and j our feelings will tell ; tou when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, nnd lira longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, nnd all is well ; but with this pabulum of lifo disordered, thcro can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery ol life is disordered or overthrown. . Sarsaparilla has, nnd deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. Hut tho world has been egregiously deceived by . preparations of it, partly because the drug . alone has not all the hluo that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, . pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contoin but little of the virtue of Sorsnparilla, or any thing else. During late years tho public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon tho sick, for . they not only contain little, if any, Sarsopa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed tho use of the various extracts of : Sarsaparilla which floorj tho market, tintil tho name itself is justiy despised, nnd 1ms become synonymous with imposition nr.rl ilipnt. r.;n we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy tin shall rescue the name from the. load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wo think wo have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intead cd to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should bo judiciously taken according to directions on the bottlo. PREPARED DY DO. J. C. A YE It A CO. LOWKLL, mass. Price, 9 1 per Dottle Six Ltottlea for A3. 1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hits won for Itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that It is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever It has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever hag boon, and that it mny bo relied on to . ao for their relief all it has ever beeu found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB THS CUBE 09 Costiitnese, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, liiysipelas. Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruption and Utin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Drops;, Tetter, Tumor and Salt Itheum, Worm, Gout, Kturaljia, at a Dintur PiU, tmdfur Rat ifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient is the world for all the purposes of a family physic Frio 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $1.00. Crcat numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the " insertion of them. The Agents below named fur uish gratis our American Aluanac in which they are given; with alto full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their eure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with ether preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayer's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there it for them, and they should have it, . . AU our remedies are for salt by , . 1 ' ntlLIXO A SON, Sunbury, Pa. Pi McCay, Northumberland, and all Druggists and dealers everywhere. At wholesale bv J M WORR13 CO.. Philadelphia.. ' December 23,1305, lj . The Jlason Jk. Hamlin Cabinet Ortrana, forty dlfferentstyles, adapted to stored and seeular aiusio, for $30 to WOO each. FIFTY. ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, MASON . HAMLIN, Bosto.?, or MASON BROTH KRSi New York. ' feeptembcr , lb64-ly FANCY DRY GOOD STORE. MIS3 KATE BLACK, RWPKCTKULLY Uifbrms her friondsin Sunbury ' and vicinity, that ths has just opened her , - TALL AND WINTMB OOOD8. ,. t Netioni and FansyDry Uoodv, llarliet street, four- dt-ort west of Win. II. Miller's . . Boot and bhoe swre, Bl'NBURY, I'a. -Her stock euaaisU of Trimminga, noUons. smbroU dvries, Ladies and Childrent' Huts, silk aad other linings, UoopkirU, Craps and Lace Veils, Mats. Gloves, tioekmgs, eollara, and eoreols, to. ' IwiliihU Brenkfatt Cosies, Riding Ue4t, Bal. 5.?Vi 75":' V;a:afu'' Galtere,. Ladies dreu half Hiiea, , a new PateU Duplet KUiptlo (or double Gents' Spring SKIRTS. m!lirl'Snr Neckties, Buspen aianj other axiwktjjd.,. Valval, Yud Perfumery, T.jilet njroos to mentioo. KA Punbury, Owl JK, ' dONSTlTUTlON LIFE SYRUP. A positive and tpeelfle remedy for all diseases or! J'lnating from an Impure Slate of the Bleod, and or all (hereditary) Diseases transmitted frem parent toohlld. '4 - : : - '.cV :. l if .1 ; I j'i I BOKOFTJLA 1 . f GLANDULAR 8WELLI1S03' ETRtMA lll.i:KKATT.Vf. KING'S EVIL. ' ERYSIPELAS, - SALT RHEUM. This taint (horeditsry and acquired.) filling lift wllb untold misery, It by all ntual medioal remedies insurable. ' RHEUMATISM. If there ia any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a soveroign.lt is in rboumatism and its kindred affections. The most Intense pains are almost inslantlv alleviated enormons twellings are roduood. Cases, chrome or vooariout, of twenty or thirty yestt standing have been eured. NERVOUSNESS. Nerrout Debility, ' Shattered Nerves, Bt. Vitus' Dance, Loss of Power, ' Confusion of Thoughts, Epilepsy, Thousands who have suffered for years will blest the day on which they read these lines. Particular ly to woak. suffering women will this medicine provo an inestimable blessing directing their footsteps to a Hope which fulfills more than in promises. MERCURIAL DISEASES. Salivation, Rotting of ljones, . Bad Complexion, Aches in Bones, f; Feeling of Wcarlnoss.. . Depression of Spirits IT Constitution Life Syrup purges the system entirely from all the evil effects of Mercury, 'removing the Bod Brenth, curing the Weak Joints and Khcuinatio Pnins which the use of Calnmnl in an, a fainmi1n.a It hardens spongy Gums and secures the Teeth at at firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, of tho skin like . . , . ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and fomules, often making them a disgusting objoot to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Cures all Swulling of the Glands. shouMbf.'u9 F''0 Neck' "Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected Wmf.ed!Sting U"'ir b'K"S, and producing Uo oft? h"rgm?ra'whil!n disfigure so many yDger portion-of the oommiuity. from sik JS2 of Voung children are ve"J uJoTa. i"8" frm lhe " bib depend' upon a scrofulous constitution. These cases eoon recover by taking a few dos of the Uhgnf s: All scrofulous persons suffering from rencral De binty. Dvsnen a an.l Iimr r S. ' stitulbn Life Kvr; tC- "'7 Bu" ""- or dwelled Nh ,t. , Z "J""' "?w0 Utre Urely. Th.rem'edy-.hou.dCTe IrTvZ and wiMt " "0,e?i"Ky Tronic and stubbora' and will not be removed wittout extra effort 1 ',r"r".w l "vanes, Tumors of the Br.,t welliug of other glands of the body, pletoly reduced without resorting to will be coin. the knife, or ' ., "... i case and ft" M2T?? (persons suflerin from '""nl OTaa ot the heart), will he " '.u l" rc'?,on tion Life Svrun. " ' ""n "J t-onstitu HadTou" 'Uli ALL Vnnua nw SfeHATIVE DISEASES, tartC-Lv&wt In the dieeaset of the Liver, givine rise to t . guor,Diin,, Indigestion. WtKhor i. ulcerated or cancerous eondilionof tha t oan J'i'ni11":""" " unpr.aur.ym: Si ConstuS SvT,;.gn?a,,,B!,00 Pu'uVmg Agent tha Life tt orld! ""rivalled by any reparaUoa in the PURE BLOOD produces bealiby men and women TlTT i stitutionis nelini i I "?men. "d If ths eon- stitution is noitlected aearn la ine result 'u, uisest and early Price, l ii per botUe j ont half doian f0, 17. yvjuz. h. fBsao,M. u.. ' .., BOLE PROPRIETOR, NEW YORK. ;1 ' . MORGAN A ALLEN , . Wbolessls Druggists, Agents. GEO. C. GOODWIN C( J. H. REED, A CO., Chicago. - - -FULLER, FINCH A FI LLER, Chicsgo, COLLINS BROTHERS. Bt. Louis. J. D. PARK. Cincinnati. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY A CO., PM.a4tli)k'a. BARNES, WAKD A CO .lfew OtleanT 1 BARNES, HENRY A CO., MontreaTcaaada HObIKPTKR. UMITH A DK A N.Sao Franeio.Ci .ixuary 1, HXH m ' , .. M :-y i '? ri r ! o J a : it jjjj i in h a P E R U V I AN 18 A PROTECTED SOLUTION OP TIIB Protoxide ol Iron, a new disoovery Inmediolne which BTBIKES AT THE BOOT OF DISEASE, bv supplying the Blood with lu vital lcirL, oa Lira Ktsasnt IRON. Thlsis ths secret of the wonderful sncoess of this remedy la earing : Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronlo Diar-j rbots. Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers. Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, , ..' ', .;.',' Female Complaints, -and all diseases originating in a , BAD 8TATE OP THE BLOOD or aooompaniod by debility or a LOW If ATI or THE STSTEV. Being free from Alcohol tn any form, its energi-. sing effects are sot followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, Infusing stbrnoth, viooa and Kw Lira into all parts of the system, and build ing up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. . , From the Vrnerable Arehdeaeon SCOTT, D. D Durban, Canada East, March 24, 1865. "I am an Inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 25 years standing." "I have been so wonderfully benefitted In ths three short weeks duFing which 1 have nsed the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known me are astonished at the change. I am widely known, and can but recommend to others that which hat done so much for me " One of the most Distinguished Jurists in New England Writes to a Friend as follows: "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and tha result fully sustains yonr prediction. It bss made a new man of me ; infused into my system new vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last five yoart." . An Eminent Divine of Boston, tat): 'I have been using tho PERUVIAN BYRCP for tome time past; it gives me mw viaoa, dotahct or SPIRITS, BLAST1CIT or MIISULI.". Thousands have been changed by the ate of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering oreatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 82 pages, containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will be sent free to any address. IjSce that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey Street, New York. AMD IT ALL DB00S1ITS. SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is the Best Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disease ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a Pure Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Isa Pure Solution of Iodine, Without a Solvent!! Containing a full grain to each ounceof water. A most Powerful Vitalising Agent and Restorative. It has cured and will cure SCROFULA In all its manl- told torms. Ivlcera, Cancer, Myplaill, Malt Itlifisin and it has been nsed with astonishing success in cases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Female Complaints Heart, Liver, and Kidney Discnses, Ao. Circulars will be sent free toanvnnn unH; J v.B Price $1 M a bottle, or for $5 00. Prepared by Dr. H. ANDERS, Physioian and Che mist. For sale by J . P. DINtiJaORE, 36 Dey Street, New York. ' - And by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam WILD CHERS, has been used for nearly , Half a century, with the most astonishing suooess ia oaring Coughs Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Inflneesa, W booping Cout'h, Croup, Liver Complaint, Broohitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth ma and every aflection of . The Throat, Lnngt, and Cheat. COXSUMPTIOX, i whloh carries off more victims shan other disease, and which baffles the skill of the Phvsioiaat to a greater extent than any other malady, often TIILDS TO THIS aSMEPY I when all others prove ineffectual. '' AS A MEDICINE, " : rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe In id opera tion, it ft unsurpassed r and it entitled merits, and receives the general confidence of the public 'SEYMOUR THATCHER. M. D.. of Herman, N. Y., writes as fullowt :-r .. , '!, " Wistar's Balsam of Wild Chnrrv .w.. -t 1 satisfaction. It seoms to eure a Cough by looseninc and cleansing thelunss. and allavinv rriV.i.nn .v...- rsnioving tho cause, instead of drying up the eoueh and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Bal sam as good ,, ,DJ) jf no, (h, best Cough medicine " "uivutBUI swiMUaVlUUHI. From Hon. Judge 6PR AKER, of Canajoharie, N. Y Gentlemen. This ia tn irtir ih. ,r j family have used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherv. for several years, and that I take i....... 1. recommending it in preference to anything of the kind for the purposes for which it is intended. In easrtof Asthma, Pbthisie, or affections of the Throat. auarnuevcrmeiwiinanylnlngequnl to It, Very resueotfullv. ' - ' DAVID SPRAKER. Ths Rev. JACOB SECHLER. nf I f it rats V ae Pa Well known and inuoh respected among the German .......jmitj country makes the following tutement for the benefit of the afflicted. " Dear Sirs : Uavlnv rni;.aj : n ' . tantaeneflt. from US . ', '""7 ""P0' aflords eiiht voar . T01"1 pub'ie l . ... 1 ,j luo uuoilO. Mini e.ghtyc.r. ago on. of uiy daughters seemed to be ,U0iaVa .'""ehopeef her recovery wi.rt?o, h?".""1 boWe of your exoellenl Some in Balsam. art lf.S. .-5 uo " ou.r U'". r. it". J27i. " . Wi'U-l c. mad. 1 , iur vmuaiiio medicine, and have always been benefitted by U.i T ( " JACOB SECHLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by J- ?ij UI-NSMORE. S nnRMi v. v-u 8ETU W '"."tt SON. Pronr otnrs. B.ln aad by all Drsggitit. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE ' Cures Cuts, Burnt, Scalds. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE cures n oncds, Bruises Sprains. GRACES, CELEBRATED SALVE " " ' "Cures Boils. Liners Panaara " ' - GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE 1 1 Qtnt Btesm, Erysipelas. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE 'JU" CuPPd Hands, Chilblains. GRACE'S CEiKARAtED BALI'S , Tt I. ' ?W "' r aJaiOT It 7.5. - -A P jBtorea. roare, aaa Country January 27, lbei ly. CLOTHING v t'OE ALL' I f '" ' ' f''-5 ' " ;" At ' i-e'i. ; r, , ; . at-' 3am3ta3X3EVttSr'9nat ' ''' ' CONTINENTAL , C L D T II 12? U Co rater ofMarket Sqttttro Jk Xlall. Road Btrcct BUKPURY, PE'NN'A,"' just opened, Tall a winter stock ot READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest styles, ont by the nest Artists, trluned and made equal to custom work, and sold at the loweei prices. ... i , , Whole Salt Tor 18. Cavalry Panto for $6. BLANKETS, BEATER CLOTH ; .. , . . Varying from $25 tb $40. ' ' Iflen and Iloy's Clolhlntr of the Vast Ma terial consisting of Dress Coats. Frock Coata. Sack Coats, rants, and Vests of various solars and aaU- ' GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Hsndkerohiefs, Stockings moves, as.;, ' " : . llala aid Cap of all Linda. . BOOTS AND SHOES; Gnm Shoes. TRUNKS. VA LISES, UMBRELLAS, TOBACCO A fiEGARS, Watches, Jewelry. Knives, Revolvers, and NO TIONS of all kinds, and numerous other articles, The publle are Invited to sail and examine his Stock. Remember the place, "Continental Clothing Store," corner otjuarael square and tne v. it. n. - - - - LEVIHECUT. LARGE STOCK! NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODB -A.T NO 1 HTORE OP WEAVER & FAGEL1T CONSISTING OP DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such as Clotbs, Cats! meres, Muslins, Cheetiogs, Tioking. Calicoes, D iamm,xianneis, ana an Kinds ol WUnMtlU Uoods, Alpacas, Black Silks, Uinghamt, Balmoral and eniciaiua oKins, vanion riaanels. I ankeens. Lar peting of all kinds. HAT3 Sc CAPS. CARPETS- NOTIONS & VARTRTTFS ComprisingHoslery, Gloves, Thread, Buttont, Sut- rc.,UUic , owis-uct, vonart, iianaKerchiefs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Gum Rib bon and Cord, tape, erotohet-braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses, tidy cotton, earpet binding, combs, fancy BOATM. Aarlint k... Trunkt, Valiset, Umbrellas, Blauk Bookt, Paaei Envelopes, Ao. r Mjo-nAB-sTr! Of all kinds, tucb at Nailt, Uingea and Screwt, Door .wu auu (UWI-, ajw a,! aou wuxJLJtiiX ot every dMnnntinn Also, Dyes. Drucrs. Paints. VarrialiM Pi.n Flaxseed and Benzine Oils. Gl Pmt x. ((iiceniware undGlawware oi' nli aaanaa. STONE AND EARTHENWARE An Extensive Stook of G ROO V, R IP, R Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Rloe, Cora-starch', -.., ...jr, xiaaiug-powoer. molasses, soaps, candles, tobaeoo and segars, Salt, Fish, Meat, Cheese, Ao., Ao, ... , Also, a large variety of WMPW fUW'aa) S & SSOHS. for Men. Women ami nkiM. - Ly"All kinds of U rain aad Country Produce taken in exobange for Goods. i c" M'in yB purchase elsewhere, we mvmmv. w .011 M iuw as any ene else. Storo-room in Ira T. Clement's building at th souin-wcst corner ofMarket So, uare, near the Court Sunburji Oct 28,' 1865.: : : , PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY in Simpson's Buildings, MARKET SQUARE, Sunbury, Ta., J. II. EKNUI.M-, Proprietor. Sunbury, July l 1885. lure IJberty W hite Iead. J reierrea by all practtoal Painters ! Try it ! and j 1,1 1 uu.c uo ouicr. iuanutacturrd oulv by 2IEGLER A SMITH, W hrlesalo Drug, Paint A Glass Dealers. .o. 137 North THIRD Stroot, Philadelphia, January 27, ldafi ly. r O. w. ZtEOLEH. L. It. CASE - ZIEGLEB. &. GABS- ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA. ' ..ll.-tl 1 s vn. . tt.jLi . . .? rr,,e"ionRl promptly i?.iB. C,"u ot Korthumberllandana ofSl!:,Pr!0ii.,t,,B,on Pai, ,0 Collection oJi tV"? tor Widow. bunbury, Alarob 18, 186i , , , BREAD & FANCY CAKES. -t--A-I3D PRY. Two doors west of the Pest Office, SUNBURY, Pa. iiftsrituuLLr informs the eitisent of San -a. v bury and vicinitv. that ha will bake to order all kinds of ' Cakes for Hall. Parties. Ao. Famlllet are tupplicd with FRESH BREAD, Twist Hr.1l. W . I. . T II . . . . . . ..Mr.,, OB uuni. AO . , n . I u-i v.n, An k-H.I ....... wlal, v, ii. urn. uiBtfjriais. ah orders will meet with prompt attention. uaving had lartre exnerianaa I hnn. 1.. .1.. ...,.1WIWU n, au woo may tavor me with Sunbury, Dee. 9. I8M, '. 1 dib id. mijuiiiiniL ST ORE . W. A. I3ENNET, MarUct Sqaare, SITHOtY, Pa, - vj a. A risner, 1 beg leave to inform the eititem of Suubury and vi oimty, that I have entirely replenished mv stock of ycj mst em. r A NO V, ARTICLES ! tucb St Combs, Brushes, Pooket-Books, Soaps, Par fuinery, Ilair.Oil, Knives, i'uissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobaeoo and Cigars, -. -- v . . . alutm, Oil. Cslao, Olaaa. Pnltv Varnishes, Patent Medicine, VC. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations aio manufactured by myself, and from the test material I oan procure li Market Having bad qui! a number ot years' eiperianct in Jrug and rreerijtiotk Btttineu, both in Philadelphia and the eountry, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy I ?. .,!" PkL'pu1,0 ALL PRESCRIPTIONS an no poono may favor me with. All my preparation, as I have above asserted" are made from the best material, and 'iW hoWi assert, they are of officinal strength. beFor medicinal purposes, I keep oa head the very WISES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. '' : Bunbury, Nov ig, igay : W. A. BENNETT. UNITED STATES HOTEL,1 ' , Opposite the K. Y. ANEW HAVEN A WESTERN B..i)ro BEACH BTBIBT, BOSTON. ' 1 : . . By V. It. PRATT, :'. - Formerly ef the Anerisaa liooas May I?, Ui. ly ; - . iK. li. i, txmM&x, - - PHY 81 CI AIT AND rJTJRQBON nobthumbebland, V. " ' - DR. LPMLWT has poed aa efflce ta Northunv berlaaa, aad afWr Lis services to ioa peeptaafthat KMru'.rt8 W-jsUps, .SaWtdoor hoiVm.' ' wor h und 'u Nertanabwlaaa August 1, IfAi S1XYJ3T 'n "t .I . a.i-Ui1 ,;;i.76ooo,u: '3 Jhfll TWO lDdlL.JB.B. ., WatsnXkctssrera A Kent ! j 1! Oiiflfow Ilode-, On of oar GOLU or SlsUYtlt M'atcheo, or Hllrcr Tea Sett) lor 9, as below Mated. " One of our tea setts or one piece olf ear Geld or Silverware Is worth bushel of ths -aheap dollar Jewelry!! (-n .,.- .7,'.',;: We have adopted tbt following mode of '- H DIBTBIBUTIOK ' by tale of 75,000 articles of value ! Oar New Mode I The articles of goods are numbered from 1 to TS, 000 ! 37,600 consisting ef Pianos Melodious, Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea A Table Setts. Solid Silver tee end table Spoons and Forks; etc., etc, and the other 87,600 articles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph Albnmt, Openfaee Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 76,000 notioea numbered from 1 to 76,Q00 are printed and put into sealed envelopes and well mixed and one of these is taken out and sent to the person sending to us 26 cents to cover eipentt of pottage, eorrapendonoe etc., and the article of goods corresponding with the number on the notice will be tent to the holder of the tarns immediately (if he desires to purchase the article) on the receipt ef two dollars. . For Instance; If the number on the notice tent to yon should be W0, and a piano or diamond tottor gold watch should be numbered 600; It will be sent to you should be 600, and a piano or diamond tcttor gold watch should be numbered 600, It will be sent to you for S2, and so on for every article ia our list of 75.000 articles. fjy After receiving the article, If it does not ploase you, you oan reurn 11, ana your money snail ne re unded. 25 ecntt mutt be tent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence etc, on one notioe. Remember : that whatever article corresponds With the Dumber oa your notice, you cyn have H by paying 10 Pollart tor It, r!:r,hor K b wr'D f ' or ftSOO. And it It for onr Interest to deal fairly, and send out our tint artiolet, as It gives confidence to the public, and thereby increases our sales. TRY OUJl NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 ots., which pays for correspon dence, postage etc., we send one aolice. Upon receipt of SI, which pays for correspondence, postage, eto., we send six notices. Upon receipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc, we will send 40 notiocs, and a Ene pre sent valued at Dot less than 115, as a sample of our gOOdl. ' :, ; . Upon receipt of $18 which payt for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 150 notiocs, and a solid Silver Watch, by return mail. AGENTS WANTED. Send Tor a eireular ! Agents Allowed a Large Cash, Commission by whloh they make 025 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom 31 Liberty street Sept. 23, 1605. ly REED A BROTHER, Box 5138, New York City, N. V. NEW ESTABLISHMENT ! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker AXD JEWELER. In Simpson '1 Building, Market Square, SUITBTTE,?. PE1T1PA HA8 constantly on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Speo taolee, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ae. M atches, Clocks and Jewelry, rv paired tutd WARRAATEI), Sunbury, Bept. 30, 1865. ' TAix.OP.lKG J. F. SCHAFFER. t ... RESPECTFULLY informs the eitisent of SUN BURX and vicinity, that he hat opened a , . , . Tailoring fsiltop, the room ovet Farntworlh't Grocery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sunbury, where he it rcudy to make np gnrmenta of all kinds in the latest style and best workmanlike manner. Having had experience in tha bnsinen for nnn. her of yeart he hopes to render general satisfaction vuswm work is respeotfully solicited. Sunbury, May 13, 18(15. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS Aira STATIONERY, Monthly Tims Books, Drawing Books and Slates. Books, Hymn Books. Blank Book. Memorandum uiartes, 1'ookat Books, Ink Stands. Pent, Peitils, a fins assortment of Paper. Ink, Ac. Foraale by ANNA PAINTER. VlU. M. RoCKXrELLEB. ' LloTdT. ROBRBACB. ROCKEFELLER & EOHRBACH. vt r m t tii OFFICE the same that has been heretofore occu pied by Win. M. Rockefeller. Era.. n..rl nn. posits the residence of Judge Jordan. cunoury, jaiy t, ie ,y ., . , UBS W.QVITH. Csil. HDn.. Harket ttreet, one door east of Mrt. Boullou's Hole . 'i. Have opened i ANEW TIN - W A HE, Klterg Iron and Store Store. , and Intend keening constantly on hand, and manu- ...u..uK w viuvr vn Buonost notice, l IX AA l) EHEKT IRONWARE of all descriptions. A Large Stock of-Cook Stovetof the following Brandt P2!1TXT371,7-A1TIA,I UNION G00K. ... 1 . and on the followinz two Brands dr .mUi:. tion, namely Combination 13 aa Burner, Cook. Uovrrnor Pean-Cook, ' ' unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining oheapnest and durability, and each stova warranted to perform what they are re presented. . , , ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all the best manufactures, aad most fashionable designs. Also. Tha celebrated (1VI f K..il.' .; ..j downstairs. ... Also Ue selalirated, VCLCAN BEATER,' ' ! Coal Oil.' Conf OH LAtnpa, Shades, , CbUnnlea, nnd all art tele unusually kept In an attahtlnlifn.ni nr mi. n j nr. areal1rer,.i to do ell kinds ot Spouting, Hoofing, Range and i urnaos Work, Uat Fitting, Ao" Repair Ingeheaply and aaatly exeouted. r countr, produce takaa in auhanira at m.rv. price. " SMITH & GENTHER. ' ? ' lua, onTTJer, Union knd Montour RECORD TOTJR' DEEDS! T)EK80N8 having unrecorded Deeds are remladed A that they mutt be recorded, aeeordlac to the Aet of Assembly which requires tbas - " "All deeds and conveyances for real estate la this Commonwealth, shall be recorded la the office for Reoordlng Deeds In the County where the lands lie Mi months after the exeeutloa of such deed and eonveyenee ; and every such deed and convey, anoe not reoorded as aforesaid, shall be iudtred FRAUDOtEMTAND VOID arainrt any h,ot uurehaser thr a valuable conaideraUon, unleessuek deeds be eeorded before tho reoording of the deed or eooveyanoe under which such subsequent c arenas r mortgage aball elala," - ..fwu" ' August Jo, ltioi , ' " " " ; B, p. aOBIN, ' A(termp sued Csaataetlertt B00YIW-E COOPBR 00 , MIB80CBI. - WILL pay taxes aa lands la aay part of tha . Biate. Buy and sell real Estate, and ail other ttatters Mtruted to hltn wm rKeivepWpT atto? July , i8M.r-aet Ik, 'U. ''. , -, A New and tne lot of PERPUMSS, Ae , IWltha Hoitdaya. at UaaiyBii B. VZl" 1 1"1. at... .. , iv, M m raaey Bletl ANNA rtrvrrs DOLD.,!(53, 1SC0, a (.0 lU'd ,.'; -ls l,l fliu., 4 l v'l sbuahl tuj ip I I:1 1 -J i!t.il ,'iij'l -(t i ti.it .fho.d ;qaV Loa e,fnfJ ,ii'fua)i-,'r7 .;. -V tO n ' .s jjvrt aril o'i it uvc-j V. it i' .-jt,H 4 Bn'.. "tr v."'-" So:? ivti j r.1" iailt "1 ,rj'oY h.ia I U . anil. ' a 1 1 etriiMSVieea il t!!.i ': ua-1 I . h,.: HELMBOLD'S 2 u'.t t I.:, 1 . -..I. A fins ',.,i).'t .1 .s is.ti .!iut 1. i'jft;i..---fi,t "i.i r iKr i!i'ui:.a l aii.ii pji 1 Iral 'iia.l . mi i t. i.t t,it V, i-,t,i :, f.'.r .j u 1 . I uvi I tii'ia a 1 I rii ' r. 11 t'.. ti tT ,T y IT ml f.j- ,a -ter 7, '. i't'-Tt 11 i 1 . ' j r I 't-ti'H e-'.T .l1n;l!! .1 inn -. .ij ':,,!' Htttti 'I EXTRACT SUCIfUl ti-ttvi- Aft. )-v;i09'J titj 1 t f 'i .'I'-h.-J ; - , ti. n j sto'.i),it!j i;.ti.-: 5. I. :n'l .' e-fi ill nnii, ,!;,( odl '11 lto-. in tii Vi -.it : ; : a -i..i ptuk wtii p X nil ( "w """ tin ;-.;.:.'. 1 ... ,i-tl 'lo wtr ril c.K 'i - it I 1!. f'"i T.I i FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU lfot Non-Retentloa er Incontinence ef Crlne, tnaatssaa. Uoa or UlceraUon of the Bladder or Kidneys, Diseases ef the Prostrate Oland, flravsl. Brick tr1 P0"1"' Dr0,,W eal Bwelllap, Orraolo Weaknett, fraty,'rsale Coat BUlnta,o, HELMBOLD'S j, FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU . , ,,, . aaa Improved. Rofse Wash Will radically exterminate from the aystsm Diseases aris ing frea Rabks ef Dissipation, ol lUtU empen, little er tut change f tut, n ineonvendenct or tmpoewre; tesaplately superaeaing these unpUatantand danger remedi, Copabta sad Merourf, la enrlag Ihete alseatea. USE HELMBOLD'S , aUtD EXTRACT BUCHU , ; In all Disease! ef the Urinary Organs, whether existing la Hals er muu, from nhatever taue ortfftnaUng, and ne matUr of hote long standing. It It pleasaat In Its taste and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthenlnf than any ef the preparations ef Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken Doisn or Dtticats OotutU tutions, procure the Bemedy at one. The Header must bt aware that however ilifht may be the attack of tha above diseases, it Is certain to affect hit Bodily UsaltK, Mental Power and Bapptneee. If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption er Insanity nay tntut. All the abere diseases require the aid er a dlorsUe. HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCHU Ia the Great Diuretic HELMBOLD'S biobly oocsjrraTi Compound Fluid Extraot Saraaparilla, for purifying the blood, removlag all diseases arising frem eseen aad Imprudence la life, chronlo constitutional dis eases arising from an Impure state ef the blood, and ta e only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Bcrofula, Scald Bead, Salt Rheum, Paint and Swelling ef the Bones. Ulcerations ef the Throat and Legs, Bletchss, Pimples oa the Face, Tttter, Erysipelas, and all scaly trap, lions ef tbt akin, aad beautifying the eour-uxiox. . NOT A. FEW Or ths wont disorders that affile! mankind arlst from the oorruptloa that accumulates In ths Blood. Of all the dis coveries that have been made to purge It cut, eoae eaa equal la effect nZLUBOLD'S COMPOUND SJTXAC1 OT HA MSA rA RIL LA. It cleanses and renovates the Bloed, Instills the vigor or health late the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions er the body, and txptlt the disorders thit grow and rankle la the Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied en, hat long been soaghl for, and new, for ths first time, the public have ens ea which they eaa de pend. Our space hers does not admit er certificates te show lu effects, but the trial or a ttntle bottle will show to the tick that It hat virtues surpassing anything Ihty hsvt ever taken. ' Two labletpooatfol ef the Extract ef Sarsaparilla, added te a pint ef water, Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, aad ene battle Is equal to a gallea ef the Symp ef Sanaparilla, er the decoction at usually made. The abere straett are prepared ea purely stleaUfio principles In Poetic and embody the roll strength et the ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will be a comparison or their proper ties with those tct forth la the V. 8. Dispensatory, HOW TO , USE THE JVEMEDIES. In Diseases of the Blood, Humors ea the lace, or any and every part of the body, use Extract Sarsaparilla, ap plying to Pimples and all external Humors er Eruptions ue improved 11 os train. : I'm the Extraot Ooa tor all dissaats rtqukiai ths aU er a Diuretic, except those or the Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrhoea and Gleet: la these use the Extract luche. i ana inject wim the Improved Bote Wash. ptr- TilESB EXTRACTS HATE BEEN ADMITTED TO C31 1 THE UNITED STATES ARMY, aad also are la very general use la all the STATE HOSPITALS AND PUBLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the ltnd, at well at la private practice, and are eoailUersd aa Invaluable remsdies. i . MEDICI K E ' . ttzmBEO TO AST ADDBfSS. Direct tetters to ' -' HELMBOLD'S BRUO A CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadwsy, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, ea vo ' .1 ... HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phils. Duoribs Symptom in att Communications, SOLO BT AU DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits! 1'1U -IIELAlBOLB'a il -r.l- r ii ud liuu , i e ' i-. : . ,: ...;.t .i e . I ..1 ll , Fluid . Extract 9rsapariUa! WA3K POH HeLKBOLQ'8. J 1 Ts Taka : no oilier, yj '"P .'' '..,..,'.''', '- ' ;..:. j .J,j. ,.. .4 ' i oJ i .!.. .. . ... ; ' " ' " I '. rj ... .). . .. is f. ...... v. fa ..;..". Jv, Js "'' ''. - . , :v U ' a:.-;:..: t , i. .. : . j . ,j;a ..'l- .v-. U ,., t ;j j... ' ' '"SIJI a $a. ..; . v ! 1 :- v....aeo a.;.;; . . ... . M , i u . ;... u.. j U i. - v.sa I,:, .' ,'; t i ' I i JJ -i - ... j a lj. -J . o AtrU U, !-!, Confectloneryii Toy ; aid. i ;. -. Mau-lcct Btroot. gnnbsary, Pfs. qONICrnQNERYJPli' AM. KHTDS, TOYS OF EVERY DBCRIPTIOIC ! iTRttT,&c.;&c.r-' CONSTANTLY oa hand and foe salt at tie above , establishment at wholesale and retail, at reasea- able prices. , , ' lie is minufkoturing all kinds of Conretlonarie te keep tp a full assoKmtt which are sold at sow Tobacco, Began, Stationery, Nuts of all kinos, aafl a variety or other articles, all of whloh are offered wholesale and retail. . v rsf'Remenbwr tha name aad place. .Tf M. C. OEARHART, Market street, S doors weeVf E. Y. Bright A Son's store. . ' , . . Sunbury. Sept. U, HWS.tf ' T "' 0 tones Hill, ' '" -' Bwoir P. Woltkbto). " 'HlLt & WOI.YEBTOW, Attorneyaa-nd Cooneelora nt 1-W. Office, Market street, eor. Centre Alley, , BXJISrjBTJIfV. PA. 1 ILL attend promptley to the collection of claims YY ' and all other professional business intrusted to their ear in Northumberland andadjoinin g counties. Sunbury, January 23, 1862. r SOLOMON MALICK, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Fa. OFFICE in But and of Weaver's Tavern, Market etrset. All busiaon entrusted to him will be careful y and punctually attended to. Consultation tn the Eng lish and Oar man languages . taunbury, April 8. 1865.- t bBk OF noktiilmmsra.i. . WHEREAS the Auditor General as required by the Uth Section of the Aat, entitled "An Act enabling; the Banks of this Commonwealth to become Aasoolationt for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States." passed on the 22d OVjio:,. August AD.1864, .hat certified tome that tfie 'liana 01 Aoruiumrimuu, unuv ,n me uoroasrn of sunbury, Northumberland county, has furnished latisraotoryevideneetobim that all the requirements. ?!.nW .'.w!. 5M """Pi'""! "ith by the said liank, and that It has beeome an association for the ItauST m und,rtn" Lwof Vy United lliiti,'r?'' noUce thereof to be pub lisbed in acoordaneo with the provisions of the sn 11th teotion of the said Act, and do declare that the Charter of Oie said Bank by the terms of said Aet, is deemed end taken to be hereupon surrenJiwed sub ject to the provisions of the first section of said act E,y.ChUr,AG-,CrRTIN,00VerDOT: Harritburg, Aug. 26, 1845. I KIRQS rOBTAllLE a.E?103IAim Is the only preparUon of the kind made from the rruit. At an article of economy, purity, and doli tnolnets, It cannot be surpassed, and is recommend ed by physicians for invalids andfamily use. It will keep for years in any climate.while its condensed form enders it especially convenient for travelers am who use lemons are requested to give it a trial tntertainments at home, parties, and picnics should not be without It. For tale by all Drucaista and nrrt-clase Urocers. Manufactured only by LOUIS J. MF.TZUER, c . , Ko. 5i9 Pearl Street, NcwVork. Sept. 16, 18C5 ly , J. R. HZLBUSH' County tiiirreyor, leateyaarer AND JUSTICE OF THE PEA CE. Nahonoy, Xorthumlerland Count;, Penn'a Offioo In Jackson township. Engagements cau be made by letter, directed to the above address. All business entrusted to his care, will ha nrnmntl. attended to. April 22. IBM. -ly IATUST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. T TAB- ' POUNDR ' ' of Pt.OHB.BACH & COCEP., 8UNBUBY, IElvIIsrA. Gel the Deft Get the Cbeapets (lot the most Eco nomical, which can bt had at the Rohrbach Foundry Having a large assortment of the most approved STOVES, such as Cooking, Parlor, Office and Shop Stoves, which will be told at the lowest rates. Also Kettles of all sixct, Pans, Skillets, Ao. They are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Repairing all kinds of A grioultnral Implements I done in a good workmanlike manner and at the : shortest notice. I All articles shinned aa ordered. Or.l.r. r.r,,t. fully solicited and psbmptly attended to. R011RBACU A COOPER- CS'Old Iron, and all kindl of Produce taken ' Exchange for work. Hunlmry, June 18, 1864. tf ... II. II. M.ISMKU, Attorney at 81XBURV, PA. Collections attended to in the eountiet 'of Nor thumberland, Union," Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. , BBt'IHKXCSS. ITon. John M. Reed, rhiladelphia, A. O. Oattell A Co., " Hon. Wm. A. Porter, '. Morton Me Michael, Km., K. Ketcham A Co., m Tearl Street, New York John tv . Ashmead, Attorney at Law, Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, Sunbury, March 29, 1862. TOILET SOAPS'," Tootii-BinsW, Hair Brashes ae.. Ae. Hot sajejiy ANXA PAINTER. ?UMPS! PUMPS!"! ihitfr'm iMiiiovi;in;r o Borkd Wills aho Watsb I-ob!ts, will furnisl them to all persons intheoounty who may desire these cheap and oonvenient pumps. They cau be sunk to a proper depth in twohourt time, cost but one third the price of tug ordinary pump, and for cheapness snd eonvenioncevannot bt equalled. . - 1 " - 8. B. B0YER. Sunbury, September 23, 1845. a PACiriC HOTEL 170, 172, 174 fe 17$ Greenwich St., 'One Square west of Broadway ,) Between Ooartlandt and Bey Streets, Kew Vork ' JOHN P ATTEN, Jr., Propretor. The Pacific Hotel it well and widely known to the traveling Dublio. Tha l..i.. i. - suitable te merchanU and business men , k is in ckae preximiiy to tne business part of tho City is on the highway of Southern and Western innL..j cent to all the principal Railroad and 6tcainooa depots. Jh Pclfl? hM ,ibr1 eeeommedation for over 300 guests I it it well furnish! anH ....; modern Improvement for the eomfortand ectcrtaiu ment of Its lonistes. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gae and Wer; the attendance ia nromnt and nn,ir.,i . Ti - .. uHnm" ' Prodded -with every delicacy ol the The subscriber, who, for the past few yeass, baa been the leasee, ia now aola Mit.. i , indenufy bimtelf thoroughly with the intrfcalt ei hU house, n ith long experience as a hotcl-Wecper. be trusts, by moderau charges and a liberal polny to maintain the favorable reputation ef the f'acifio Hotel, JOHN PATTKN, Jr. Bepumber, 6U. ly FLOUR (Sc : FEED STORE n , .WHOLESALE XYZ) RETAIL. TH? i";lLrlbw '"P'fully informs the publis tAviilivK2S Uatiy hand at his new w ABf.HOLhK, near lh Bhamokin Vallev Railrna.i if US tiack. ' of all kinds of Feed by the too -.' I'-.?'?' "tsmfaetared at his own Mills, ad wiU, told at the lowest otsh prices. ' 1 t . J M. CADWALLADER. Bunbury, June , IMt. v HW PHOTOGRAPH GALLSHV. ; J.U.KHKaAlK would respectfully i. form the cititens of SLKBIIRV ..iT .'.u" generalljthathehMepenedaBT" ' vloll ' PHOTOOBAPH OAIiUBT InfcBlmpsoo'. Building, Booth side of Market Square where he J preparelto take la the beat ttvle ofI i.PlCTCRK8TOFR.AMB, I , , .., PICTURES IN CASES, ' II. taaa. . . V WBA J Ija ad eiMQUit tveaimans at the Uallorv r"r uerai snare of publio patron Hi On Morra n to Plbasi. 'Banbury, July , laftj. MINOR'S Patsot Poeket Luteins for sale at tka Bmi s4 Stttlouert sure of F r.UOHTXER