Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 14, 1866, Image 3

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mtoUHY, PA
a ii
tST IfiTtoAtioit Theboallng season Isaselreedy
eoma led, the water having fceea let, Into tbe
uUmml days alnee. .. The number of boats
paodnc thil place hM awa eellaesaall, awlag 0 flij
unfavJIUble state of the weather. .aa.-
ltjrRrTi!o. QuIU ft
numeer ot reus .pare
Msed this place finee the lets raltU,i
a eastern markets.1',
i-thetyfay to
ty Ws no by the Danville papers thai. JIbm'."
poller and Frlok have established ft n ayrreta
freight lino bet now Philadelphia and Uiat plaoa.
Mr, Weiser Isjiroprletor of a freight lint' which rani
between Siinbury and Philadelphia. ,". ' '
I76itl or Horsei. A Government sale of
thirty-two draft, team a4 saddle horses, will take
: plasa at Uarrisburg, on Tharsday, tbt 20th mat. -
t3T The new ateam ferry and tow boat, which waa
built by IraT. Clemont laat fall, baa commenced
roDnfp, "towing boat and tarrying passengers to the
oppoMte aide of the river. ."
l3Rcv. Mr. Wadlsigh. who hat bean Rector
of tit. J amc' Church, in Money, haa accepted call
at Williamrport. II 4 officiated for the laat Urn as
pastor of the church on aha LH tast., and removed to
the lirfcr place during tit put watk, and entered
upon hit du' let there. - i .Xfr zz'r.f M
. t3"Fitcv Gooni ARt' MiLLiKBBV.HTVe call
- attention to the advertisement ol Mia Louisa Suits
'ler, who has juit returned from Philadelphia and
opened a new stock of faahionable Millinery Ooodt
at her old stand, in Market square; . .
17 Anew and handsome paieenger ear, construc
ted at the new shops at Rooova, was placed on the
Northern Contral road, on Wednesday last, a .
'l i " in " ' '
ty Cyr lady friends will, no doubt, be delighted
to hear that Miss M. L. 0 ussier is opening her soring
took of Millinery Goads. " Just call and tee those
,ovely bonnets and bats. See advertisement iu
-another aoliimn. v . i iirS. fc:caa. ; ;: j
Tin SeSBunr Classical Institute, a' day
and boarding school for young ladies' and gentlemen,
whioh has lately been established hi this place, ' will
be opened next Monday, under the instruction of
Ksts. 8.6. Miller and Y. C. Cramer. .r,
We paid a visit, a fow days since, to the
monumental works of Messrs. Disslnger ft Taylor,
who have lately opened an establishment in Ibis
place. Wa were much pleased with the beautiful
work done by this firm. They are now executing a
very elegant design for the Into wife of Joseph
.Bird, EJl., Who seta a good example by discrimi
nating in favor of home industry, especially when
work ean be so well exoouted, and at less than city
prices. v
(3f Rimoveo. Jorem'flh'Sovidge bos taken pos
session of tho butcher shop above the Jail, formerly
occupied by Henry Neucr, nhcro he Will carry on
the butchering business on an extensive scale. It is
his determination to servo his customers with the
host meats that can be procured in market, at the
lowest rates. His numerous friends v ill pleuse take
notice of bis removal to his new place of business.
13?' Another Accident o tu P. A K. Bail
koad. An accident occurred on Wednesday morn
Inj of last week f near Lock Haven, caused by the
passenger train from the North running into a moss
of earth which hnd fallen on the track, produced by
a land-slide. The locomotive was thrown down an
embankment, and the baggage and passenger cars
from tUs track. . .The engineer fell into a tree topi
' down the embankmont, and sustained serious inju
ries. ' The fireman was severely scalded hy steam
escaping from the boiler, and it is said the un'ui lu
nate rjn has sinco died.
. (Jd' Li roe Firc is Lock Ha van.- A fire broke
ent in Queen's hotel, in Bald Eagle street, in Lock
Haven, on lost Friday night, whioh destroyed all
the property back of the hotel, as. far as the rail
road. The loss is estimated at (16,000.
fjy Tna Gave Laws. Sportsmen should bear
in mind that it is against the law to kill blue-birds,
swallows, rtbbins, or any other insectivious birds at
any season. The penalty for violating thiis law it
five dollars for evory offence
ty A Citiiin or Northumberland Robbed
IX U.ytRiSBiRO John U. Robinson, a merobant,
of Northumberland, had his pocket picked of up
wards of three hundred dollar, at the depot in liar-
risburg, on Thursday niorning week. No clue has
bee.eicbtained of tho light-fingered gentleman who
relieved him of bis wallet. - , .
The Harnsburc depot has become notorious as a
rendezvous for thieves and pickpockets, and scarcely
a day passes that some one is not fieeoed. Thil dons'
not speak well for the police regulations of that oity.
. Wa would advise persons who may have oooasion to
change carl at Uarrisburg, to be on the lookout for
, these sharpers. ,.-.
I ,. t , 1 m i ,
CiV A Base Ball Clcb in Si-nbcrt Some of
our young gentlemen have been actively engaged for
some days part iq getting up sv Base Ball Club, in
4 Lis place, and we are pleased to learn that theln
efforts have met with sucoess, large number of
persons having already Joined. Snnbury has been
greatlrj)ebind some of our neighboring towns in the
way of healthful amusements, although possessing
superior material and facilities, and we hope the
proposed club will prove a suocess. It will afford
anjuontily of fun and exerciao to our oitiaens.
Should the weather prove favorable, the first game
will he played this (A-iday) - afternoon, on the
grounds near the Augusta Hotel. ! -
A great many persons art at a loss to koow
how to dispose of the ragged and mutilated ourrency
that accumulates on their hands. It is the easiest
thing in the world, ana without any eipense 1
When you get three dollars' worth oa hand, put it
in small packages, pin 'a paper band around with
your name, post-office address and the amount; tben-j
put ill an envelope and address it to the ' Treasurer
of the United States, Washington, D. 0.' -It goes
and returns free of postage. You will get sew
eurreufy in about ono week from the time yea
send it. " ' ' 1 ' ::'
-in 8 l imi
Pbocsedikos or .roa Boaocoa founciL.
Countil met in their room, n Tuesday evening last,
ati o'clock, agreeably to adjownment at last itated
nicht of moctiog.
Chief Burgest, K. X. Bright, ia the chair.
Members present SI eeers. Bruner, Clement.Orten
ough, Bonn, HcoJrick!,vl;rlce, ngel, Zottlemoyer,
J FriMPfir PUM nd Bastlan. , i f T J I I ' I
i pJf. ii raj appeared before the Council, 'asking
that he 'be ereJitoJ on bis aeoount ae former Trea
surer, with two rceeipu, amounting ia all to So 7. 50.
On motion, referred to Finaaoe ComuiiUee, : I
Wm. Brindle "appeared before the Council and
oked that a road might be made to bis reMldance on
Deer street; now ooatntotod ia auoh a manner by the
P., A. E. B, R. that ht ear not have aoal or paving
material hauled to bisdwefiuig.
John Bourne presented a bill of $12 for labor and
materia! farauhed in repairing the iWaaaliigtoa lira
engine. On mouoa, Aa order tu gr anted tar taa
Tb committee on ahanglpg ihe aamas of straots,
lrr.ii and alleys,' was, on. motion, continued suttil
'" et meeting of CoaaeiJ.'.;' ( , , ', i ... ', ,
On motion of Mr. Brioe, it was Rtflvod, That
the Borougn regulators be isatruoted te survey stut
stake off what is kuowa as KMerWry street, sod
- I .the alley rauuuig tiortb ,af tha tame, beiweea
Eldor berry and WbofUeeerry ftrtwta, and that the
liigh Constable be aotiaed lebeotusted te be rest wed
all fences, potU or outbuUdings, not areoied wltaia
h proper Ho it. ;'fi a
Ca asotlcn, ailourne4." ' fa T
bftamtffla Itastda last
party t a seaea Ml this pleoe, boaad ea a
ashing acpeditioa, ahloh was beaded by aur Mends
Col. Wateoaeller, Adit Clasn aad Cept Suhloy.
they prweeded dowa 1st river as far so Otorge
towa, trtrvrs they vara Joined by Messrs. flltty,
IT aid and Teagar, af thai pi see. After providing
ihamselres with all the aiiistsarlsB lor a trigonal
aasapalga aatst (any tribe, hy Breaeeded
to the Matt lfcprkJorgUwi. ler4 they
pitched their Unt. Messrs. A. 1. Clapp and A.
Wald were appointed ommissaries of subsisteaeei
when the balance of the party Immediately made
preparations for a grand raid on the Ish. They
suooeeded la capturing a vary large number, whieh
were wending their way northward. The party
returned on Wednesday highly- nleasod .with their
sdoeaf ahd the kind andllOkprtabltnanMrtn' whW
they were entertained by eur George towa friends.
The party have placed us under obligations for
good share of the proceeds of the expedition, in the
shape of the Ineet mess of Bsh we have seen for ft
great while, and as to the quality, when we say they
were delicious we do hot exaggerate, as printers are
generally considered very competent judges of the
good things of this life,
A rare opportunity It now offered tor an un
limited number of the lontler sex to ena-aie in a bu
siness that it highly honorable and lucrative ; thou
sands should be engaged where hundred are, in dis
pensing Dieasmgs on tno human family, and while
doing so reap as the reward of their labor pecuniary
benefit. Full informatioa given on receipt of .fifty
cents and red sump. JOHN WEBBER,
April 7, '69. It , . - ... unbury, Pa.
ITS We copy the above from the Pottsvlllo Jour
nal or last week.' For the benefit of the publlo we
Insert it, Wsxiulloa them agaW Imposition, as no
such individual resides In this pleov The adver
tisement is, naaoaot, intense to victimize -the ere-
(talent. " "."
pRErARa roa ma Ciiolera-Ws copy the
following excellent advice from llall'i Journal of
Health, ni commend its oontentt to the readers of
the AaaaicAn: : ,'...! . . ,
' 1st. Every hontcholder owes It to himself, to his
family, to his neighbors, to the community in which
he resides, to have his bouse, from cellar to garret,
from the slroot curb to the rear line of his lot, most
scrupulously cleansed,- by swooping, washing and
whitewashing, f i , . t r , . t t
2d. Every man wo has any authority in city or
town poreramtnt.houU onstdel bimsairbduad by
the oath of office, and by every oonsidoratioh df hu
manity, to live himself Do rest until every strret.
alley, close, gutter IUmI aewer It paoed in astata Vjf
as perlect clenuliuess at poitiole, and kept to until
the frortsof'next season come. -" '
Id . These cleanings should be done now , becanse,
if pnt oft until warm weather, the verv effort neons-
sary for the removal of filth wilt only send, in the
.essential -nature of things, to hasten the appearance
oi me aiseaso, to increase its malignity, ana to ex
tend the time of its devaiuligut: bacauts the suns
of spring and summer the sooner warm kite tile and
inteiHy viperic axt malianaBt latiueaet, which in
its rmrolMtreosl, .WTieeksa& human hap
piness and desolates so many htaj thjumas. ::
t Li?" .Wasuinqto Eire Coxf any. A meeting of
thsteosapany was held on Thursday evening, March
29lh, at which it waa decided that the evening bf
the tooond Tuesday of each - month shall be tho
rogular night of meeting.' ; A permanent orgRnizh
tion was effected bj the election of,,the .following
oSiocrs:- . T'V V.v'.:;.',-"t
President Martin JSftioher!...;,, : - -,..-(
Vice President r. M. Shindel.
Sepretarj Levi SaoiholU. M.i r
Treasurer Valenlius Iliols. .
J Chief Ehci ne'er Sofoiuon Slroh."
Assis'.ant Engineers Clio'rlcs SorVis ind Oharlos
S. Bell. , r .,. r ....
Piprmen Wm, BMartlit.'-John I. Fuher, B.C.
Eisoly and Wellington Hum in el. ' '
- Ulrtctors aeorgt M. AftifA. N.'Driee, Jin
Bourne, Wrt.'H. -Miller and II. Ti Fnling. --q ti. t
Axemen John H Seogrist, Vtm'. Mackert,' Bilos
niles, bamucl Hocy fltid John Mackort
.Torchmen Thorn at Malune,Philip Mackert, Peter
uieiter aua camuoi rytiu.. , . . T ,aij , ,t
' Cxr" Suamokin lTEMt We learn by the lltraJ
that John" Melvin, miner, Wos'iisngerbusiy Injured
at the' BifllounUlir oolfiery ,' Tn"Tuitaay Tail. - Jl is
head waa injured,, the left "hip dtrlocated and his
ribs broken. A -. '
Tobias Copenhaffer, ' a. brakesmasi ea one 6f the
freight tiains, whila attempting '10 Jump on the
passenger eur; fell, and the wheels tf tho ear passed
over hit loft leg, crushing the bones "between the
kneoandankle . ,. ...
An explosion took place iu the grinding room of
the powder mill of Bi Kline A Co , on Saturday last.
The building was entirely destroyed. ' No one Was
seriously injured - ' : - . ' : 1 : .1 ;
In Philadelphia, on Friday morninc, April 4 h,
ISAAC C. YOCt'M, In the 7tb year ol his age Also,
on Wednesday morning, April 4th, bALLIE L.,
wire ot wm. A. Mnitn, ana aaugnter or Isaac v.
and Susannah U. Voeum, in the22d year of her age.
SUIIIHV llAltM.i;i W.
Oorreeted Weekly for the V American."'
Wheat Flour, extra fa hitly, per barrel,
112 00
h 00
: : 6 00
do do ao . - Xto per esrt. : -
1 Rye Flour, 1 - ir pr bbt , .e
A ao - -per ews.,,
Buckwheat Flour ,-c r, .&) ...
Wheat, prime while . '.," ''. pcrhuehul, ,'
, 00
1 ft n
ao do ' do ao
1 10
Rye, 1 do
T Si
1 1
. 8 7
Oat. ;"1T
' ' , do T
' " ' do
per round
1 4 1
'Potatoes, -
Dried reacnes, parea
ao ae - aoperea -
uriea Apples,
lined Cherries, (unsigned,) per bu.
" Si
: . : 25
per doseo, '
per pound, 1
. do ' --
do t , r
CUeese, ' ' -
Lard, .
llama, 1 :. .
fieef, hind quarter,
! 1.1
"i-J IS
v- , 20
Muttoa, E-'T.'.TC
? t: a0 ' -r:
r ! do I
1 I ' dO.'i T
l, per pair -per
Pork, . . 1.'.. .
Veal, . ' . 1 : .J n
Chickens. - -..... .
:f .-.-lial
Fresh aluion,
do btiad,
per. pair
HUtanaoLila Costl Xratd-.
Shamoxui, AprU 7,
... .. ,.,.,r ,.... , r,-,-,r fj- .otu.m.
6ent for week endinc Anril J. .81111
Per laat report, .-'a'" 2,Vl0
101,724 19
To tame time laat year, j ,
-r Increase. ' '' t . j".- 45,084 H
FJf" Jacob Bhtpman publishes liis.Jard
in another column as. Insurance agent. Be
lair a matter of interest 1o every one it 1
not Decetaary to tay mora- tuaa mat air,
ShiDUiarl will wait upon all who are dispos
ed to attend to the
of themselves
Spring and Bummer Clothing bas just been opened
at 11 echt's Continental Clothing Baiaar. Bargain
ean be made by buying at this establishment
Ujr Tbit ran Bctr is rue Casarcsr, is as brae
in buying Clothing as anything else, and if you
would realise the benefit of this old and familiar
adage, why, of oonrae, you will buy your elotblng at
the eelcbrated establishment of John . Biniek, ia
Fawn street, opposite Weaver's Hotel, wnere evory
variety of spring and summer goods ean be obtains
at eity prises. All tbst it necessary ts to examine
the splendid new stool of goods wmon no reoivea
this week, and whioh 00111101 help but pleas the
most fastidious.
ly Aa Pin, tii i'atB BTi.-It te lataria.
bly tru that wbea a aaaoufaeturer ia any branch of
trad doer aot make any Interior goods, his manu
factures are preferred te all others. This is espeol
ally tru with respeet to the cheap and fashionable
garments that eur friend, Jacob O. Back, is con
stantly making apat his fashionable tailor iag
tablishment oa Fawa street, between Market and
BUekberry.- Book ha just received new stock
from the olties, of the latest spring and summer
styles, which will enable him to please all who msy
a nlesaod to natiasua ala-
Fbtam Bimmn AirtT WxvntBmwn.
-rWith All our. cutoaeea, wt aro anauallv
wiodlecf by foreign hurnbOjf whs) palm
ihotnsotvet pt tit m . medical met) and nnU
vrrsit y gradiisrtel, Mr.-J JL Spoer,. ho waver,
cornea nut flat-looted a6d tef at bo is no
doctor lilt pfaln practical- nian with t
gooa property in-rtew Jorsy vvtncn ne-uas
turned 'to 'account In rnakin2!"8timburg
Port wine, 'V.Jiey hedaea not.itish the
publio to regard tt a potest -tueuicino, tmt
aioiplj to give it credit for whatever tncdi
clnal vfrtue cientlDtf tntii afflrrrt it possess
tt. gonne jy fj..;tt. '"'"S"""
.0Roc:au.t WiLHojr, Brown Stone Clotli
iogfilali, M3 and Oalis-JtliwtfnJteelV.!,0;!:-.
R. & Y. Gentlemen's Suits, tunj
R &;Wt .Borarciothing.,, . ri f7f
R. t. Vh 1 '1 Clothing; pf AlJ.gfaitJcs.
R. & W io lieady-nade Suit's.
H & W, . Clothing Rcady-inade.
. Rockhill i'VlUon, TJrown-sAobc Clothing
Hall. 60S and COS Chestnut street. 1Vt; : a -
;"15T'PWB'A WomaM, in another column
picking Baniburg grarjes fqf' Sptef's "VVin.
It is nn admirable article, used io the hospi
tals and by ihe first class families In TatUf
London ani New York; in preference to old
Port. Wine. It Is worth a trial, as it gives
grcot MtUfactlon. Tor sal ly W. A. Bon.
1 I . .
1 ..Pcrfvuk on tub Wires. As fust as the
telegraph is extended South, lightning mcs-
snges for supplies of Thnlon's 'Night Bloomj
Ing CVrcus''-'como flying' over tho wiros.
Never were a people more unanimous ahout
anything than ''Americans of ll sections ia
approving .this staple pcrfume.of, the New
World.. Sold everywhere. :
CuiLDRENr An acquaintance ho lias three
children, informs us that since he com
menced Lnjing tippsd shoes (one year ago,)
be lias sated the price; of nov toots for him1
keif. Vommtreial 'Aulhtin. ' J xJ 1 ' '
Brown's BRoRoniAL TRocnKs.A depot
is opened In London for 'the sale of these
Lozenges, vi hicli have been so long in nsein
America for relieving Asthma, Bronchitis,
Coughs, Throat Disorders and Affections of
the Lungs. - ,..; i .. . ... ,' ,
"DON'T BE roOLIStl." You can make
Six Dollars from Fifty Cents, r Cull und ex
amine an invention urgently needed by every
body. Or a sample sent free by muil fr 60
cents that retails easily for $ 0,' liy R. L.
WOLCOTT.noChathum Square, NY.
Sopt. 10, l65.-rly. v ! - . ,
DrafticsN, tlUndncMa and Cntatnli,
Treated with the utmost success hy I)r. J. 13 A ACS
Oculist and Aurist, (fonnerly of Lejdcn, Holland.)
No. 519 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials
from tbe most reliable souraes in the City and Coun
try ean be seen at his efSoe. ' Tbe medical faculty are
idvlted to accompany their patients, as be bat no se
crots In his practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with
out pain. IV o ohorgo maUS for examination
July 22, 1865. ly. ; ,, . . . - a
rphe ConfrsMfouis nnd Kxporf eure
or s uiiLro, . . r r
Published for the benefit an 1 at a oaution to yenng
men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility,
Premature Decay of Munhood, Ao., supplying allho
same timo' the means of Self-cure. By one who nas
cured himsolf aftsf andergolng considerable qtaack
ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope,
single copies, free of charge may be had of the au
thor. . '"''", f " -''
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq , Brooklyn, Kings
Co, N. Y. . I
. January 27, 18C6 1y. ., v';-;;' -
A Couffti, Cold, or Wore Throat,
Requires immediate attention, and should be check
ed.' If allowed to continue,""'" ' :
Irritation of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat
AmcnoN, on as IxccnaiLa Luia uuiasa
ts often the result.
Haying a direct influence to the parts, give imraedi.
ate relief. V. .
For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump-
, . tive and Throat Diseases,
Troehe$ art vted with alwayt gvtd txteeeu.
Hltitrent ami Public Speaker '-
ill Ind Tboches useful ia clearing the Voioe when
taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving 'he
broat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs.
The Taocaas are recommended and prescribed by
Physicians, and have had testimonials Irom eminent
men throughout the oountry. Being an artiolo of
true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test
of man years, each year finds them in new localities
in various parts of the wo'ld, and the Troches are
universally pronounced better than other arUoles. -
Obtain only "Browk's Booxchial Taocais,'1
and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that
may be offered.- r "-y .r -- - .-
Sold everywhere In ' the United Statos,-snd in
oreign Countries, at ii tents per box. " '-' -
October 28, lBOo-T-lim i, - - ' VJ -
To Costaustaptlrea.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weekt by a very simple remedy, after having
suffered for several years with a severe lung anection(
and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means of
cure. '
To all who desire it, ha will send a eopy of the
prescription used (free of charge), vith the direo
tions for preparing and using the same, which they
will find a ansa Cess for Co-iicarTiO!', Asthma,
Baoacaivis, Covaas, Cous, and all throat and
Lung Affeotiom. The only object oi the advertises
In tending the prescription it to bensnt tue amioted
and spread informatioa which he conoeires to be ia
valuable, add he hopes every sufferer will try bis
remedy, as it win cost them nothing, 'and may prove
a blessing
F arbits writhing the prescription, rasa, by return
mail, please add rets
.. nsr, x.urfAlV4 niMvn, -
' ' Williamsburgh, Kinp Co , New York: .
January 1J, I860 ly. '
AttorsK'7 autd ' si Uor sat sLsvw
Office ea south tide of Mark at street, four doort west'
of shyster's Btort '
!.j 1 ; RTJNBURT. yA.. ' '
Will attend promptly to all professional hotiness
entrusted to bis eare, ui eouecttoa 01 eiaim to
Northumberland and the adjoining ooanties.
' Banbury, April T. 186. - : ' "
nifaaslssMsd; bow sVal, Itow UeattarcU,
Just miblished. a new editioa of Da.- Cvivxa-
wsLL't Cclkbratcd Etta oa th radical our
(without medioine) ofi Sperms terr hoe, or seminal
Weakness. Involuntary ficmintl Leteet, Imt otency.
M41UI and J'hysioal Incapacity, Impodimebta to.
Marriaze, etc.; also, Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits
induoed by aelf-indulgence or sexual extravagaooe,
1 jsFrioc, in a sealed envelope, only 0 oenu. '
The eelebrated author in this admirable ei
elearlv demonstrates, from a thiitv years' suooessful
praotioe, that tbe alarming oonsequenoee of self abus
may ba radioall v cured without the daocerous use
ot internal medicine or tbe application of lb knife
oointiDX out a mods of cure at one sim pie. certain,
and effectual, by means at which every, sufferer, no
matter what bis condition may ba, may oar himself
heeply, privately, and radical: j
tVarTbu Leoture tbould be to tb bands of every
youth and every man la the land. ,'
Bent, under teal, in a stain envelope, to an ad-
dress, post-paid, on receipt ef six seal, or two pest
r. xE?rzuz co..
' 1 V Bowery, New York, Pest OtSo box 4,&eA.
MaroklT, liit-ly i . , ;
" Attorney At CouHor art "Uatw,
" att7-UIJRy, P4.
y Dlatrlct Attorsvey for ISortirai
berlaad CaostT. t , -. j
aahary, atatek , ISM '. : fi
ME88RB, D. O. DMnger and John A. Taylor,
Would reepMtftiliy annoaaoe to the eitlseos of
JTi-atd aarrwiHlias: oosmrryr that having
formed a o-parUiermhln, the, are now prepared to
furnish ornamented and plain, . ,
C?fT5"l"'" 'Iw"l' fviossHrsimtsi,
or the aW Italia and Amerloaa. marble, at Brio at
that Cannot In it to give eaUre-aeAisfMUonesid re
spectfully tojloit the publlo mtrooacet OTT
! ;6ubtrry, Blafoh St, l88:-fy: A 'V"'..
A - , , ; w.w. AHoy'a.
' i .7 T . i Y. W.Aptley'a.'.
ALt, K15D8 OF, TRUMKSat 1 1
5 1 t 1 . t v I It I ! Apsler. '
OENBJtAb AB8f(lTMtMT ft. Jt llAQStt .
-i..l .-. ....--. ,; j. .W.W.Apalry'a.',.,
- , . W. V. Apsley't.
LADIK8' t-ASTlNQ O AlTtRa for l,VS,'.t ,
' ' 1 ' 1 ' --W.iv. Apslej, -
; , - rf rr - . - - W.W Apaley'a.
' : W. W. Aptley't.
OEWTS'OAtF BOOtS Ptftl-! ,09,t5 t'rn )'"
y .a ..., ., , 1V,W.,Anjfey'a.,.
LADIES' GUM SHOES for I, 00. at , .1
sCUILDREN,at TV. V, Apsiev's.
iiiibury, March 31, 1SB9. ' .' " " . ', ' ; '
?lomctophtl)ic ;3f)!js(dan. ,
Uraduate of tbt itotntanpathie Uedleal College of
- " ' Pennsylvania ,
Orrira', Market Square opposite the Cotirt Mouse
etlN'BURY, PA.' I"- : - 1 '
March 81, 1X68. - -
STORE. ... .
RESPECTFULLY infornmlraeitisens of Sanbury
and vicinity that he bas taken the room iu
I'ieamnt's Building, iu MaVketf gquare, two doort
eatt of the Exprnas OfBoo, for tbe purpose of carrying
en the llont stttst Nhor Business, in all its va
rious branches, would reapeelfully inform Ihecitisens
of this vioinity, that he haa purchased an entire now
stock of ttoods which be intends to dispose of at tho
very lowest prices.
1 Ilia stork Comprise flont's i'lne Pegged arid
HtUched Boots, Men's Walking Boots and Boy 's Boots.
" T.Rrlies' Fantv Ifnckle Oalitrt! f And. Pine ghoes.
Misses' O niters,' Balmorals and Children's Shoes of
every description. 'r. ' . .., ;,
.v Halo; niitl Cap.
IIo has also iu hii"enipl.oy superior workmen, and
is prepared to do the Finest Of Customer Work
Gent's FirroI)rs Boots, Ladies' Oailers Child
ren's Shoes.: . I 1 f j I f , , . : J
' LyALL 1Y0IIK tVAUIt'ANTED ! Call and cx
anilue my stock, even tryou do not wish 16 hiiy. I
am determined to sell at the most liberal rates.
' " . . OliO. S. SASiiEKS;
Sunbilry, JTarch SO, l8o"5.
WANTED, AGENTS. $76 "toT$2o6 per month for
Uentlcmon. and $-15 lo 7 for Ladies, every
where, to introduce tho Common Bcnse Family Bow
ing .uneuiue, improved and perfected. Jt will hem.
felt, stitch, quilt, hind, braid and embroider beauti
fully. Price, .only $20. making the.elastio lock
ttitch.-fully warranted fnr Three years.' We pay tho
wanes, or a commission,' from whtehr'twice that
amount oan be mado. Address dr call on ('. B')W
KltS A CO.. Office, No. 255S. Kifihst.. I'liilmlclphia,
Pa. ttyAll lottoi answered promptly, with cirou
lars and terms. mar. iil.lin.
CAN V A S8ER ts Wsnred ;' at ftOO per month. We
. wanted reliutlokents (none other,) male and
fuuiala to take tbe exclusive agency In every county
nnd township in the U.. ii. to sell the l'lioloj;mph
Family liefurd, a work.which every fiirnily Kill buy
It is bound like an album bufhnt a printed blank
pace opnrwite each fehototraph,' for a comhli-le re
cord of the husband, wife and eaehchild of a family,
alsoeontainin. mnrrisce eeHificote, and' passes for
the family -'-'ot!Hng like Ustrr published and no
work that agent ean sell so readily. Old civnvaseers
and others should send you circulars and forms. It
is nece sary tohave eopies of anvns
with f prioQ by express $2 60, Xft nnd $7 OU (3
styles; money may be sent by mail. Kama of tho
townships wanteds Addrew
juar31 lm 11 Cbestuut . Philadelphia.
' - ' (T.ntcBacltilfouse.) - ,
THIS well-known hotel hss not only been extend
ed bat hnsbeon Krsutly -altered tridjnewly fit ap
by the present proprietor, 'and' is now one of the
most comlurtaue and convenient hotels in Harris-
burg. : . - i.i.:.- 1 . : :
Alarch 10, 1306. ly - . .t.
"7ARMKRS who desire to cultivate Barley,' ean
L procure the seed of the undersigned, at tho Cold
Spring Brewery, in Upper Augusta township, near
SUnbury. Tbe highest market price will be paid for
all Barley raised in Ibis vicinity.
' Sunbury, Murch H, 1860.
- And Dealer in
I'avii street, aoutla oftVearrr's
. ' BV -JST U BTf , I A.. '
March 31, 1866. ' - -
(171 PER MOXTU. . SoifETniso Einnttr Niw.
'' 'Tho Photograph Case and Family Record.
THISTs a eroat opportunity Cor enterprising per
sons of energy to make money. It is an article of
wbicb tne public nave mil ine neea 11 retain at a
low mice, and its beautv and utility la universally
acknowledged. The sueoees wbiob baa attended ila
tales warrants tne assurance mai one one oe 101a 10
lmost every family. . We are prepared to shew thai
we bave agents who are cloaring Ha every monin.
Addresa Tur Circulars aud Turms. ,
RAYMOND A CO., Manuf s liU Ubesnutst., mill.
MarubJI, 1H00- lm ,
- ' - PHILADELPHIA. - -iris
N TP It I ti ii H A 1: s-
Novelties in DUK.SSOUOUS. '
Xew Stylos BPKI.Nti (ill AWLS.
1 New Travelling DRESS HOODS. :
Pine Stock of N K W OOODS.
Mas;nit)oent FOULARDHJ ' ' '.
i n Bplendid BLACK BILKS, As. '
E. A L. have their -usual assortment of STAPLE
TI Vll.S Aa.. Ao.
P. o.-. Our prices are' now arranged to meet me
vitwsol uuvehs :
Marob 24, 180iW6t ,. ,
milt undeniened woaild reseeotallv Infursa the
I . eititeiis ui tmnban and vimuity. that they have
bought the Sunbury Steam Mi If, formerly owned by 1
J. C. Morgan, arid wrn taae rosramn on 1110 nrse
day of AprB.- When they will be prepared to fur
nun Uieir customerwiin ine Desioi uour iuu ieou
at the shortest notice." We will be thankful to our
old customers for a continuance of their patro
nage and also ask tbe patronaireofnew oaea.
Sunbury, March 10, lout. at ,
; 7, . iikNitif .iiAapia,! . . T
690 ARCH writliKX,
' " pmLADELFliiA.', ":t "
WATCHES, ' . 1
. FinettoW JEWELRT, .
and Superior SILVER PLAtED WARE, at Rk-
pucan Pnicaa !
March M, I boo. 3m.
;, ,, , waorraa foaaaia ,,
Moirik A Eaaax Railroad I per cent. Bonds.
Ceafral Pactie R. R. T'l la tar est payable U Oold la
New Tork.
t. 8. M yaars lateraat la eurrency issued to the
. . PaoUlo Railroad pompany. (
these bonds are all far tale vary low.
Blocks soazht aad sold aa OoaaiVaarti TT. 0
taavoitiea at all klada atajffataad H
If your bowels aieeoetive,
If y'oabtrtworWr,' '
If yout breath Is bad, ' ' " v ' c
If you feeldrovvey,
K you are low kpflfted,' " " ' ' " 7
- .. try them.
If To have a lick headache," "' ' .' ,':,'.
. I i
"yon have taken a dmp too maeli, , si'
They only ett U eenu a bns, -!.!
,-. . ;.. '. '. TRY THEIf. " ' ; '
Blue Mast, and .lher preparation. r MCury, aclually
prialuee mine iulTenu and dii. ,1.... IL "jr." '' " J"f
they prof- to eute. 'And Vet U.Tr"ui tnhi.Vai .
are eompoerd entirely ii Moll and herba, obtained from
tlie ureut sUifelmuaeof Nature, and their aalntary elTet'ia
Will appear as samu as Ihe medicine te tnonrht In Ihe leal
orafairexnrtimeiit. r?CHRNCK'8M ANHHAKK PIIA.8
di nt pnidoeeauy nausea nr eieltneea of the atonoh
but when given lor 1)) spepm, II msy lm proper k use
them in eutweetinn with SCIlt:CK'S HKAWKKO
ToNlU: Hy this judicious treatment the ilitaeiive iscul
tiea alt tlieedily reauirwd m their full vigor, and the worst
cases of ludigestiiiii irwy be cured.
When we lenVet ifmt the liver Is the hrtctt internal
organ of the body, that to it is eswgncd the impnraiMt
duly of filtcrine the blond and nrenanna the bile, ilmt it
is aulijeet to many diaordors, and that when it is diseased
or Inactive the whole binlv euflers sympathetically, it is
nnt surprising tbut a medicine which enn resti'te the
beallhy operntinns of the Liver shiiuld nrnduce wonderful
chmfgfes in the general health, and rfleet eares which muy
appeal be afniott miraculous, tfeadacaenf Iting-ciiii.
tinunnee, severe paint in the aide, breast and shoakiem,
arliine: of tlie limbs, a feehns; of genetal weakness ami
WfeU:iiednc-se, and other alarming and distressing symp
tnms, indicative of lmperfH irr disordered aeimi of the
lirrr, are snoedily leiuovoil by the use of SCIIENCK'S
M ANUHAKK I'll.l.S. i
Ciistiveiicss, piles, bitter nr snur ernctions, and that
Indesrf ihabla feding of oppression, menial anxiety,-languor,
hrtharsy, and depression tf sptrita tvhic'i until a
mnn fw the itMiiagetneiit of buameaa nnd the rni'ineid
nf life, are ell rlivfd iiv theuaeof SCUt.NCK'S.M AN-UltAKEI'lLLS-'
;., . .. ,.;.,..
I Da Pcnaaca. OeorSii : I take pleasure in sending yoa
a certificate in addition tn many na have alreiidy re
ceived from sufPtring humanity.' I cuu aenrcely fiinl lan
giiiigesntricicntly ftnntg to express my licHitt'cIt gratifica
tion of the wimdeiful euies yodf MANOHAItl', PILLS
end fEAVi:KI) TUNIC have tfleclcd in the euiuecure
of one nf the most stubborn enses of .the nfTcclion of the
liver. For three ynra I suffered beyond description;
all my friends, ns well aa myself, came to die conchfsinn
thai my time in this life was short. Sueh.MKie the terrible
oondilitm to wur;a I wua reduced that lite to. ne had be
come a burthen ; my whole aveiem waa iii n stale of ui
flntntnatioii ; t could nt eat, I could not eteenj iny'wholu
li.Kly was filled with nam ; swelling would arise Iu my
torintt and aid lea, render ing them tiUilly useless Oh aeve
lal ocenaiiMln I was atlacked with a rush trf blncd to the
head, which would fell me to the Kaniud, end i wuuld be
eirneii awny for dead. I applied to several eminent
pbyairians of our city, who administered all the medicines
tluil tiiey thiHigbt would reach my cnef but tif no avail. .
tine of tliemsnid he could do no more for me, und ad
vised nie, nan lusl resort, -to drink cud liver oil. Not
relishing tlie hmrid Iraah 1 declined to take it. Accidfiit
pnt your adveitisemcnt iu my bands.' 1 cnlltd on you;
you exnrnincd meand told me the imtuie of my disease.
Vou I lien ordered me the Tills and Tonic with an obseiv
ance of diet, pledging vour word lliil in one week I
would find myet-lf anoth'-l man. 1 followed youradviee,
and, us yuu prnl:c:i-,l, nil nstoiiishius -nre tvns rfT.-clt-d 1
e.nttinued your Pills and Tonic foi some time, and now
tha:k liod tor his goodness, and your valuable mi'dit-iue,
I am once more restored to perfws health. I most
eurnestly recnmini:nd those who nre suffering from ntfec
thui of the liver to aive your Pills and Tonic a fair trial,
and a euie will be eflVrtrd 1 have sent many peimms to
you, and they have all lieen cured. Any information my
fellow rilizetis may require will be -freely given by tlie
subscriber, et his lemdeuee, ,V. Bid Federal street, be
tween bth street aud riisHdnk rrrnd
Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer
, Da. 8CHKNCK will la pinfesainnally nt his principal
oince. No. 1.5 N'-rth Sixth street, corner of Commerce,
i'HU.AIEI,rfllA,vry Unturdat from 9 a. tn until 4
p. m Nu. 'hi Un:d rvl New- York, every Taeeday,
i Wednesday, from V to 3, and ev7 other Friday at KM
ballinvu'e street. I'aitnnore, Aid. All advice rree, but
for a thoiougli examinntiiui of tlie lu'u-s with his Ktspi
rometer the charge is three dollnra
I'tice of the Pulmonic Svrup and Seaweed Tonie, each
aiiftO per ltle, or 7,50 per kaif dozen.- ftlandiake
Pilla, 25 rents ter box.
. F'or sale by nil Drusgista ami Dealers.
: Man-hill, leoo. If. .
Invs-ss torn OilU-cai.
Civil Emuineebs and Patent iSulicitoii.
. - ' Ko. 3i Watnnt ttreet, i'biladelpiiia.
Patentt tolicited consultations on Engineering,
Draughting and Sketches, Model and Mauhinory of
all kinds made and skilfully attended to. Special
attention given to rejected cases and interferences.
Authentic copies of all Documents from J?atont Of
fice procured. N. B. Save yourselves usolecs tronblo
and .travelling expenses, aa there is no actual need
for personal interview with; we,-' All business witti
these uinces oan ue trnnsactea in writing. or lur
ther information direct asahovo, with stamp enclosed,
fur Circular with references.
February 3, ISCd ly.
North East Corner Second A Walnut Streets.,
JUST in receipt of a fine selected stock of cheap
and fancy F I MI I Ml TACKLE, of all descrip
tions, suitable lor tne rivers sou brooks ot tnis state,
to which we invite the attention of ail ttorekcepcrs.
March 17, lSutt. 3m
THE undersigned reapeelfully informs hit friends
and the public that he bns changed his place of
loading Freight in Philadelphia rroiu creed, nurd
A Freed, No. 811 Market Street, to
(Cotuinhuion Merchant, dealor in Flour. Grain, Seeds',
o. 1015 Market St., Iltlladelhln,
where all freight will be loaded on oars of the un
dersigned, for Daupbln, Sunbury, Sbamokin, and all
intervening poinis.
All freight will be carried as low as on any other
line. Orders to carry freight respotfully solicited,
which will receive prompt attention.
. ..' j. a. nsuwii.
Sunbury, Jan. 13. 180pv-r3m. .
EmbraciEg all Kinds and Styles
At Reduced Prices
On account of tbe decline in
-J. F. & E. B. 0RNE,
Chestnut S tree tf
Now offer their . ' . 1
Inipofted "nd ''Domestic
Preocb and English Axniiniter,
English Royal Wilton,
u-t ana .
Hue English Brussels
Crostley't Tspcstries, , ..; ,
. i'we lograia Carpet.
3-4, 4-4, C5-4, 0-4
Whita, Red-Checked and Fanoy MatUnr.
Coed Vltattlataxa,
Mareh U, lot
Ci-iptloB wefully compounded of taa
Jl beat DIC0G8 a at Mammoth fcwreo?
ataamean suit. u.
J80 J AltLKO o.
?yyPUttY' PEN'A.
k' : u i- - Inatraotors. ' r '
Bar. 8.8. MiLtaa, A.M. t,. , ,.;
Rav. W. O. CaBMBa, A. M. J "Ino'pMs.
J' Hiss 8. B. Powans, Aarlitut Teacher.
rTTJIK first quarter of the above Institution will
X opn MONDAY, APKIIL 16th, 1866, at 8t
A. M.
For further particulars, apply to or address the
Sunbury, March 10, i860. 3m
Sunbury, Penn'a. ;
GW. HACPT, Esq., having taking out llcerse,
, nnder tbe United Stales excise Laws, as Real
Estate Agent, offers for tale the following property,
to wit : ' 1 ' :, . .
Sixty (60) good bollding lots and five (5) dwelling
homes, in the borough of Sunbury.
A farm in t'pper Augusta township, containing
100 acres, more or lese.
A small farm containing 30 aores. more or leas,
about one mile from Pnxinos, 6bamokin township.
A small farm oonlnlbihg 62 acres, more or leu, in
Irish Valley, Sbamokin township. There are good
buildings on thefie three farmt.
8unbury, March 10, 1800. If. '
Tbe bublia r' hh'fhe hXtiflaii nht to take ub. or
in any way iutorferewitb saw lgs found aSoaton I lis
Mustiuchanna ltiver below Williamsporl, In the en
suing spring freshet, or at any time during? the pre-
sent year, as all the logs in tbo river below that point
are iiuenucu to be driven to llavrc-De Oraco, Md.
I). W.. .SMITH,
, . Commiltte'
Yi illiamsport, Feb. 21, 18C6. 2ia.
Itnllrond Street, uhove .llarlaivt j
' ' '. '' '' SCSCURT, PA. '
1T ESPECTFL'LLY invites his friends and the
X publio goneraliy, to oall and examiuehis large
aworiments ot liiv lDiore purcnastrg clsewnore
III (stock co : tf-tn of ltrnndica,
tv lilKki'.v, iioiiiistu im;
hce Ifiiiitr. .lloiionciiliclit nnd
Itoitt-bois ot'tli- l-t i(inli
ly. tt iiicn, t.'islor, t liio
pif, Ac, Ac.
Farmers, Hotel Koepers, and others are invited to
1 1 ,. ... , Ml 1 -1
can. as ma aioca 19 genuine, aim "in ivuuur g una.
Sunbury, February 3, ISod.
028 II O O l8K iirFsT
HOPICIN'S "Own Make."
M.iM'rACTrrtED and Sold Wrolesalb A Uctail,
Xo. 628 ARCH Street, Phila.lelphia.
The most complete assortment of La. lies' Misses
and Children's iioop Skirts, in this City; gotten up
exprewty lo meet toe wants ot rirsitiaM irarte ;
embracing tbe newest and mofct desiroble styles and
siresoP'Uure Trails," of every IchRth from 2 to
4 yds round, 20 (u o Springs, at 2 lo f 5 09. Plain
Skirts, nil leuglhs. from 2J toil yards round tho bot-
lorn, hi 1 yiw 90 10. i '
Our lino of Misses' and CKildren't &kirls. are pro
verhiully beyond all cotnpotillen, fr raricty of
styles and sums ns wnll ns for linish nnd durability
varying from it to 33 inches in length, 8 to 45 Springs
at Ho cents lo 52 23. All SKirts of'-L'or Own Make,'
are Warrantod to irive satisfaction : bit JUuynonoas
sueb, unU-ss they liave. liopkin: Hoop Kirt Mnnu
factory, 7o. ti28 Are.h Street," Stamped ou each Tab !
Also, constantly on band, good Skirts, JuanOfao
tnred in New York, and the Kastorn Status which we
sell at very low Prices. A lot of cheap Skirts 15
springs, ii cetite J 1!0 springs, $1 0025 springs,
1 1530 springs, $1 25 aud 40 springs $1 60.
(j'Skirte, made to Order and Kepuircd.
I B TthUs Cash Ono Price Only !
Maroh 3, 18. 4iu . - :
A 1'cw SloTihs ."orllt Affile Ifcpol,
, hX.lil UV, PA,
Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1806. '
WhortUlerry Street, mtt of the X C. Ii. U
RESPECTFULLY inlortna her friends and the
1 ublio generally, that the bas just opened a large
assortment of itLSJl lirocencs, tucn as
Pure Cider Vmeear, Fruit Jars', ClamwaT, and
a variety of Ladies' Trimmings, Funs, Thread Neck
Ties, Ilandkorcbiefs,- to., to whieh she invites all to
examine before purchasing elsewhere.
tunbury, et. 10, i(tso. om
R1 500 l'KU Vi:AK! We want
t""" TT agents everywhere to sell our iu.
pbovkd $2P Sewing Mauhines. Three new kinds,
t'pper and upper feed. Warranted five years'.
Abovesalary or lurge commissions puid. IbeONLT
machine soil in Vnited States for less than $10,
which re fully licensed by llowo, Wheeler A Wil
son, Orover A linker, Singer A Co., and Baohalder.
All other cheap machines are infringements and the
seller or user fo liable to arrest, fine, and imprison
ment. , irrculurs tree. Address, or call upon puasi-
A Clark. Uiddcford. Maine dco23 ly
imo. y i.
Phlladelplslit Sc. I-.rte Itnlirond.
f t'HIS street line traverses lbs Northern and North-
X. west counties of Pennsylvania to the cily of Erie
on Lake trio. ...
It haa been loased and u operated by the Pcnnivl-
vnnia Kuilroad Compauy.
Xime ot 1 asscngor traius at csqnoury ,
Leave iliutward.
Erie Mail Train,
Erie Etfpress Train,
btinira Mail Train,
Leave Westward.
Crie Mail Train,
Erie Exprous Train,
Elmira Mail Train.
11.40 p. m.
4.15 am.
10.40 am.
7.05 pm.
4.25 p. tn.
Paesencer ears run through on tbe Erie Mail and
Express Trains without uhange both ways between
I'U'.iaueipoia ana crie.
,rw Vork Coiinrtiion.
leave New York at tf .OO a m, arrive at Erie 9 15 a.
m. Leave Erie at 1.55 p ui., arrive at New York
3.40 p. m.
For informatiun refpocting Passenger business
apply at Cor. 30th and Market St., Philadelphia.
And for Freight business of the Company's Agents,
S. Ii. Kingstcat, Jr., Cor. 13tb ad Market St.,
J. W. P.eynolds, Erie.
WrMrtfc Drown, Agent N. C. R. It., Daltimore.
H. II. Houhtos, .
(len I freight Agt. Philada.
Oen'l Ticket Ag't., Philada.
I- A. L. TYLEst.
, Wen't Manager, Wflliamsport.
Maroh 14, 186'. .
, ICeuOiUiT Itailrottd: i
Nov. a7thJ1805. .
GREAT TRUNK LIN B front the North and
North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read
ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allantown, Laston, Ac.
Trains leave Uarrisburg for N6-Yoik, as fol.
lows: 3 OH, T 2a and W 05 A. M. and 1.45 and 0 00
p. M., arriving at New York at 5.40 aud 10 00 A. M.
nn.t S 40 mid 10.35 P. M. . connecting with similar
Trains on the Pennsylvania Kailroud ; Sleeping Cars
accompanying the 3.40 aad 9.05 A. M. Irutns, with
out change.
Leave lor Reading. Pottaville, Tatnaqua, Miners
villa, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentuwn rd Philadel
phia at 7.25 A. M. audi. 44 and v.UO P. M , atoppiug
at Lebanon and principal stations ; the 9 00 p m.
Train tuaking no clone connections for Pottaville,
nor Philadelphia. I'm Potbville, bohuylkill ilaven
aud Auburn, via Schuylkill and SusiuvUuiiuu Kail-
road, leave jiarnsourg at ou p. m.
Returning ; Leave New York at 11.00
a. to., 12:00
Nuoa at 8.00 p. m ; Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and
J.30 p. m. PotUvilU at 8.30 a m. and 2 45 p m.;
Ashland 6.00 and IT. 44 a. m. and 1.15 p. m ; Tama-
.. .1. 7 35 in. krtrl 1 40 rj. m.
7 r t ..!. Q..U..vll.lll .nrt
L,eave roiwnie lur vuui g . u.u.j . ...
Susquehauna Railroad at 8 45 a. in.
Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at
6 30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4.30
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Seeding at 8.10
A.M. and 615 P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lanoaster
Columbia, Ae. ,,
Onrfftiodayt : Reeve Kew York at 8 P. M, Phila
delphia S.I5 P M. Pottaville b.OO A. M., iTamauua 8
A M, Uarrisburg J.Oi A M and Reading at 1 A. at.
. u .i... . ...1 in &t a. tu. tW Kaw xork.
ni, .ia., " - - - ,
CommuLaliun. Mileaae, beaaun, and Exeursloa
Tickets, at toduoed rates to and from sdl points.
Baggags checked through : B0 Pounds Baggagti al
Jo.aIWar. , 6.A.KICoLLS,
fleaeral Superiutaudunt-
Pea. t, 1866.
w ..... .wl Tta.Wara. o te atrill A
I OilUl'sTNewbliof, ' .
OHANT se brother;
Milppera A ttVholrwnle A-ltlnll
, aictue-ra 1st , lt .
In evory variety..
Role Aa-eSjfa. SetWnrd. fr lb TiilabrataA Tlnnr
3layCoJ; ' " -
- towa'a Wntur, Ecxavar, Pi. ..
Bunbury, Jan. 13. IWi6.
Tbe:estonaihlne veauli. ki.,u v.. ... j. ,1
Invaluable medioine proves it to be the most perfect
remedy ever discovered. No language can ioovey
an adequate idea of tbe immediate and almrm mi
raeuloua obange which It occasions to the debilitated
abd Silsltoted system. In faot it stabas unrivalled
as a remedy for the permanent, cure of Diabetes
Imrmtenfty, Loss of Muscular Hnwpjy, Physical Pros!
tmilOn, Indigestion, jNoh-retention or Incoutineoco
of trine, Initation, lnflamatlon or L'lccration ol tbo
Bladder and Kidneys, Diseases of tbe Prostrate Uland,
Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Qravel, or Brickdust
ueposii. ana ail aiseasca or aiiectious ot the Hladder
and Kidneys, and Dropsioal Swellings existing iu
Men, Women, or Children.'
Vor tliOKe Ilent prctsHnr to Wo
males, I'onntltatloia Wntr la
, 4 h Sovereign Remedy,
These Irfeffularilioa are tlie cause oi" freouenllv r.
curring disease, and through neglect the seeds of
more grave and dangerous maladies are the remit,
and as month after month passes witbont an effort
being made to assist nnture, the difficulty becomos
cnroiua, ine paucni grauuniiy loses Bur nppotlte, tbo
bovrels are. eonttipaied, night sweats come ou, and
consumption finally ends her career.
For salt) by all Druggists. Price Jl.
W. H GUEOa.ACO. Proprietors.
General Agents, No. 48 Cliff ttreet, New York.
February 8, I8oft Omo.
S1LYER1866G0LD ! !
Tho war having been brought to a tuccossful ter
mination, and Gold in cunsequonco having become
much cheaper, wo have been onablcd to purchase,
on very advantageous terms, some of tbe Boost end
most elegant jewelry, eto , over manufactured in this
ot any other country ; and we therefore have deter
mined to offer such bargains to the publio that they
never have had before !
To cS'ect ihie. we hare determined upon a
by which any and every one will take their chane
of having one of the very beautiful and costly arti
cles enumerated below.
. REMJiMltER! ...
All Prize and o Itlankn!
Is simple mid fair. The articles are numbered from
I up to 100,000 consisting of Pianos, Melodeons, Sew
ing Machines, Gold and Silver Watches, etc, ln0,000
notices numbered from 1 to 100,000 are printed and
put lalo rented envelopes and well mixed, and one
of these is taken out and sent to the person tendlhg
to ui 2"i cents, and the afttclo or goods corresponding
with the number On the notice will be tent to the
holder of tho same immediatufy (if be desires to pur
chase tho article.) on the receipt of Oue Dollar and
Fifty Cents. For instance: If tbe number on the
notice tout to vta should be 5u0, and Piano, or Dia
mtrhd Set or tlold Watch should bo numbered 500 it
Will oe sent to you for SI, 50, and so on for every ar
ticle on our list ol 100.000 artiolea.
'25 cents must be sent to pay expense of postage
oorrespondeDOQ, etc, on each notioe.
Tea Abticlks Consist or
Plauos, Melodeons, Music Boxes, Gold and Silver
Welches, Chains, Gold Watch Keys, Gent's Breast
Pins, Ludioa' Gold and Silver Sotts. Watobes, 4o ,
Gold Crosses, i'tnuil Casos, Gold Pens, Neoklaoes,
Ear Rings. Sleeve Buttons,, Plain ac'tLChased Kintrs,
Masonic Pins, Dinmond Sets. Seta Tea and Table
Spoons, Miniature Lockets, rhotugraphia Albums, .
Statior.ery, Books, and a thousand other articles, too
numerous to iuent'rm. .
For ft wo trill tciil A Notices,
, j i ii 41) u
" 19. . '' 150 and a solid
fjiivef Watch, per return of mail.
Aereista Wtanlcfl I J very wlicre.
Bend for oircular. a large commission allowed to'
Agents, by which from S30 to $35 per week may be
Address . COLEMAN A CO.'
Salesrooms, Box 4947 Post Office, N T.
113 Namu fit; Feb 10, '. Sm
The largest Stock of well-made Tin Ware in the
State constantly kept oh hand. Merchants and Dea
lers are invitod to give us a call before purchasing
elsewhere. MELLOY A SMITH,
723 Market street, between 7th add 8th, Philadelphia
Marcti ai, lsti'l lm
. IHIt gAIA:. '
EIGHT (S) valuable town lots are offered for
sale Cheap', ou Dewberry street, opposite Fri
ling's addition, in tlie Borough of Sunbury. Ii '
quire of ,. . J. B. MASaEH.
tfunbirry, Fehruary 3, 1S66.
One door East of Friling't Store, Market Square
RESPECTFULLY informs Ihecitisens of Sunbury
aud vicinity, that having safely returned from
tbe aruiy, will agaiu resume bis business, and manu
facture, to order, Boots and Shoes, of all kluds, ol
tbe tieH material, and at the lowest rates for oash.
He hopes to receive a full share of patronage.
Sunburv, Deo. 10, It5. .
TtVaK'tisiiiiker and Jeweler,
Market Street, Sunbary, Pa.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the
publio, that be has Just received a Urge assort
ment of Watohea, Clocks and Jewelry, ueotacles,
Cil , I -r. A r.-t... L -
Ufl,VI KUfJk IU.V V A.. 1V.
Wktcbcs, Clocks aid Jewelry repaired and war
ranted Sii n bury , Jan. 1.1, leTjff. ly
Seer Street, opposite the Central Hotel,
INFORMS hit friends and the publio that having
removed to his new ment, and extended
hit line of business, is now prepared to manufacture
more extensively, and invites all to call aud examine
his large assortment of
Sadies, Harness, Collars,
Whips, Common and Fancy Fly-Netts,
Blankets, ' Buffalo aud l'aucy Robes,
Bora Combs, Sleigh-Uells, Saddle, Harness and
Coach Trimmingi fur luanufaolurera.
In connection with the above ba has also a Livery
Stable, good and safe Horses, Bufrgict, aud Convey.
auues, uwn are uirej at reasoseuie isw.
lie Is also a Licensed Auctioneer, auj will attend
to all business entrusted to but care
Suuuu ry, a, imp. em
BUNBURY, I H J .a. .
Masonry, Urlclc atnd Carpemaer
Uork, lixcavutlsatt atnd Heouirlmsr.
of all description done in the most modern stylet and
substantial manner as suun awuee, ana at priee iv
suit the times
- Suubury, 1TK IT, 1866.
1st tb Uorottgla of Mum bit 1-7.
fl'UlE andenigned olfers at private sale
tttaat beiwssalawnA Desrrtrsets below Waortle '
aur terms, avs., eaii oa
Sunbury. Jaa r. 1WM