-"WW, yawwww WW I I Ml MM PRICES REDUCED! JO.IKPH EYSTEH,' (.VurWWMor fo Jf'A Boite.) Corner of Market and Fawn Alreot, SUXBUHY, tENN'A. Invites the publio loYitl and examine lill elegant assortment of WINTER GOO S! t, which ho will sell nt grcutly reduced, prlocs. His took colislslj in pari of OASSIMERBS, CLOTHS. &C m v Silks, Dclnliie. Lnwns, 0 indiums, Calicoes. Muslins, f-'hcctlng. Tickinni, Jcnnt, biiiI a lull assortment of Cutton und Woolen goods generally. Itoficry, Olovc, Uoop Skirts. ALo Handkerchiefs, Brurhcs, Combs. Unix nittl Cup, ISootsi una Slioc, His assortment of goods will not, ho is are sure, fail tu please I ho fancy and suit the wnuts of any tic sirous of purchasing. Ills stuck of HARDWARE AND UVKLNSWARE,', and llroccrio.Os largo In quantity mill choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household cither lor uso or ornuuuul. He Is always ready end glad to see bis friends and takes pleaturo in showing th'-ni his good, even though no mien are made, Ho only asks a cnll, and is dire that the (link Kill compare favorably in 1 rice and quality ttilh the cheapo?!. 1 JOSEPH LYSTLR. Iyer's 1 A compound remedy, designed to be the most t-tfectual Alterative that ran be made. It is n concentrated cxtrmt of Tura SarsRpnrilin, so combined with other substances of still pveater nltorntivo power ns to nfl'ord on t-ffec-live nntidota for the diseases Knrstipurilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy i9 wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, nnd that one which w ill accomplish their cure must prove of immense, service to this largo claw of our alllieted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has ucc-nsproven by experiment on many of the worst cases to bu found of the following tomplaints : SciioFiL Axn Scnort't.ors CoMrr.UNT3, I'llVPTlONS AND Eutll'TIVH DlsnASF.S, ULCEUS, 1'l.MrLES, lll.OTCHES, Tl'MCHU, S.LT K-HEUM, ht'ALU Uc.U), SYPHILIS ANI1 Svt'llIMTlO Af rEcno.vs, Mliiimiuial DistAsn, Ditovsv, Kbu UALoiA ou Tiu Doi'LoiniKrx, 1)i;uii.icv, T)ts ieisia AKn iNDiur.sriox, Kiiysipkms, Rosn oil Sr. Axtiiomy's I'uir, and indeed tho whob class of complaints mi-dug Bom Iuri'itux or the Hr.oon. This compound w ilr bo found n great pro moter of lienUli, when taken in the spring, to expel tho foul humors which fjstur in tho blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders tiro nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of tliis remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous eoroi, through whtelijgjio system will strive to lid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do tliis through the natural channels of the body by an nlu-rative medicine. Cleanso out tho vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimplea, eruptions, or 6ores; cleanse it when you lind it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins j cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your fueling? will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep tha blood healthy, nnd ell is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilliv has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. Hut the world has been cgregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because tho drug alone has not nil the virtue that is claimed for it, but more becnii'! many preparation"!, pretending to be concentrated extract! of it, contain but little u tlio virtue of Sursaparllla, or any thing else. During late yearn thu public have been mis led by large bottles pretending to give u quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon tho sick, for they not only contain little, if nny, Sursupa lilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the vnrioiAoxtrnxts of Sarsaparilla which Hood tho murker, until tha name itself is justly despised, nnd has become synonymous with imposition nnd cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply suc h o rmiedy as shall rescue tho name from tho load of oldoijuy which rests upon. it. And w o think we have ground for believing it has virtue -i which are irresistible, by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete) eradication from the aystein, the remedy should be judiciously taken according lo directions on the bottle. rfiu'Aiu:rj bv DR. J. C. AVE It A CO. LOW12L.L, MASS. I'rlcc, $1 perUottlei SU Bottle for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lias won for UntAt such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and hung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount tho I'Vlence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in coiutaut uso throughout this section, we need not do moro than ussure the peo.lo its quality in kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has over been fuubd to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, fob tee cons or Costirenets, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indtgettion, liysi'ittrftf, font Stomach, l'rystpclu, UctuUiche, 1'iUa, UheumntUiH, IZnqitinin ami S'.in Uiscafca, I.iur Compluint, Drapuj, TilUr, Tumor t and Halt Uhtiun, ll'onit, O'.iii', Natrnltjia, nj a Dinner I'M, anil fur I'uriiing the lilood. ' They are augar-conli d, so that tho mokt sensi tive can take them pi. us.mily, and they are the best aperient in the world fur all the purposes of a family physic. Frisa 25 cents per Eos ; rivu boxes for 1.03. Croat mnulxra of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalle led use fulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit Ilia insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish KtatUour AMUUtcAN Almanac in which thry arc given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed fur their cure. Do not be put oil" by. unprincipled dealers with other prepaiutions lin y make muru profit on. Demand A yi.u'h, uiid take no others, i'ha sick want the beat aid liteie is fur tUeiu, and they should have it. All our remedies are for salt, by riUUSei J SON, Huiibur-, Va. K. 15. McCay, Noribuu.Vrh't'J. and all I)ru"gii-ii M iii'aiora everywhere. At wtiotc.-'ulo fcy J. M. MOKiUSA CO.. Philadelphia. I'uccuibiTiil. ISOj. ly The .IliiMou & Hamlin 4'tiliur Orprnnis, forty ilifl'crontstylos. adapted to aaprod an i secular Oiusu, lor till to iHHr eucU. tun O.NJ! (JOLD or r'.JLVEll M DUALS, or otbor Crst premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Al lies. M ASON A HAMLIN, L'oston, or ww liituiMi.us. .ow iork, tSepteluber Inlialy FANCY DRY GOOD STOKE. MISS KATH BLACK, "I JLSPtCH lhLY inforuisbcr friei.dsln Hunbury XV ami vicinity, mat the bus jnsl o;ienca Her i'ALi'i, AUD WIN'fKn UOOI3. ol Notions and FuncyDry Clouds, , Iliukot street, four duurd west of Win. II. Miller's Uuotuud thuB store, riUNLlKi, i'a. a1 is k eonsislsuf Trimmings, notions, ruibroi riu. Z.:4' and CbilJrcus' Jlais, silk au4 o'.bor ( 1 lftvw,,?3,kun. Crap and Lms Veils, Jiels: Twill ho,, b'tl', jotlurs, and eorseis, 4 o. . mural hkiru. Cusies, itidintt Hood?, Uul nil ChiiUreu . llo1,5.VAv."'luu Uaiters, Ladies Pudle,'.. new l'aleut bu.aT' liu,- ' Si.riuit.-K1M "leuWo T (iitiU Uliridkeri llieb. t:l HVwt, KkiiT-"'.. J.rs: l:it,t,.u... i.f ull kiinU. Featuere. V?,?":0- Inauy other ai ticlce too uuuierous tu uieutioo . " l'eifuiuxry. Toilet osps, Hair l'.iuhu, CouVir, T"VS. aud a peneral vaiietyut NoJ'ION.V. i Alt l'l.KINU dona Lu Lvuicly aud ul hert KAIL" BLACK ii.., i'S.-, Sarsapanlla 5 -.Q-iffllls fa " if Sl'lUNU & WINTEU AURANGEMEST. GS3 lOS 37 MKMOYED TO io joii wTit:rr. Ilnvinjr supplied ourselvos with a new and superior ,.c il., lntrft si vies and patterns, and I having: secured Irmn mo importers mnuy unicien oi ' Rrent beautv ana value, we nro now prrpnreu w I inako for tlioVprin? anil Winter bettor urrangcmonui, nud present greater inuuccincnu io parenasvrg, iuiui i,vb rver beforo ottered. Wo have 60.000 valu- nMo and beautiful articles of Goods, comprising Pianos, W'atchc-, liainond, plain and ornnnientnl Jewelry, nu l Fancy (Soods of ovcry dcscrlptinn, that wo will sell at eucn regnniicss oi vaiuo or cosi, How wo S;ioxe Tour diuods. Wa bar 50.1101) Oil (JUorcd Photographs, com. prising every suhjort Kelitfinus, Sentimental, Uomio ami l'aney that wo will sell at Thirty Conts each, or four for Ouu Dollar: and with eaoh Photograidi we invo two Buuiooreil uolieas. ino notices nro numbered from 1 to uO.000. Bnd nut into envelopes, scaled un. and thoronchlv mixed : and when 1'hoto- c ran is are oureHa.cU. io lor cacn i-uoiozrapn nru taken out and sent with it. Tho articles of Hoods ar iiumboied from 1 to iU,U00, and any ariiclo. no matter what the value may be, corresponding with tho number on tho nolieo. v. ill be sent f i r Two Dol lar,), free of cost, except when tout by express then at the exoense of tho receiver. Wo do luwuroyou that should tho nolioeoorreapond- Irttli a fiauo or other vaiuumv amciaoi goons, u will be sent to the purchaser lor iwo lA'Hars I,it oi" (Sowtl nt r-v5,Ot eac li. Seven Octavo Pianos. He scwoid Mi'lodeons. (jold Hunting (Juse Lever Watches. Silver Watches, Diamond Sol?, Silver Chafing Dishes, 8ets Milver Tcaspooous, 2II.OU0 Coral, Opal and Kincrald Krooulics, jilosaiu. .let, Lava and l'lorcntiho ScU, (i.d I Hints, . . Gold Pencils. TooHmieks, .to. Coin rising a list of ondlcss variety and tho choicest cjuulily ol gondii. Vo warrant cur goods superior to any establishment in tho country, aud hope you will irive us one trial nt lea. 1. mid if tho nrtielo is not as represented, and does not give satisfaction, return it aud wo will send your money back. How lo order Joo1k. Send u? Thirty Cents for ono Photograph, or Ono l'ollar for five tho extra ono nnd two extra notices to the Agent. When an agent has sent us 10.00 for (foods and Photographs, we will give one notico and tho iirliclu it calls tor tree oi charge; tor K. no three notices flee ; for if 'in. U0 lour notices free ; for S-ltl. OU a splendid Photographic Alhuui, ur six frco notices ; or lor i' jOjOO a good Silver Watch, warranted a good timo-koepor. We koep un account of all money sent, and au agent can order his commission at any time. llo particular and write your address full and plain, as we sviiuctiuios have orders in our ofiico for mouths Unit wo cannot an.wer for tho want oi proper directions. Addrcsj BAMTHKW, CO., liox 6210 New York. January 1", lSliS. "m tl. V. ZIKtil.KIt. I.. II. CASIi ZIFiGLE?. & CASE," ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BVXUITRY, PKXSSYLVAMA. Collections and all Professional busiuess promptly attended to in tho Courts of Northumberland and adi.jiinn j t'oumics. tiAlco, jjHiiiiil nt ton lion paid to Iho Collection oi l ensious. Ji .unties ana linen ray lor vi Mow, frpunns anil .xUliirs fjunbury, March 18, ISoft BREAD & FANCY CAKES ID-AVIID PRY, Two ihsirs west of the Post Offico, SUXBUKY, Ta f KHPlX'Tl'l I.I.Y informs tho citiiens of .Sun JV bury atid vicinity, that ho will bako to orde all kinds ol t'uki a lor Ilallsi. I'arllojs, A.o. rmnilies aro ruiipllod with FUEKIl llltEAI), Twist iiolls, flunks, Tea Duns, ic, and also kept on baud uiuljitlactured out ol the bcsliuulurials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having lnil largo espcrienco f linpo to givo ircncral satl.-faction to all who uiny tavor ino with their patrnnago. DAVID f?unburv. Dee. 9. Into. iiiiii Jul STORE. Vf. A. 1JENNKT, JSarKi-l Nciunrr, Mi'.Mtl ItV, In HAVISli recently purehnsed tho Drug More formerly conducted by K. A Fisher, I beg Ii i.vb to intorm the citizens of unbnrv aud ciuity, that I inwo oiiiuoiy repicui-ncu my siuca of JIB QC tXJ r?s P&NCS ARTICLES ! uch as Climbs, Brushes, Pockot-Diaika, eoapa, I OT fumcry, ll.iir-Uit. Knives, ,cicsors, Luul-oil L,auips, Tobacco mid Cigars, I:-. I ii fx. Oils, iluo, ilas, Piillj l':ii itilic(., latc-itl ."li-dii-iui's, AiC. All mv 1 iiu turw, .Syrutw, Ointinenls. Cerates, an tliL-r iMi i aratiiiiiS uio uniui.f.ctured b myself, and frtnii the bust niiiterial lean proeuro ill Market. Having had uui'.e a number ol years experience in tho ); and l'rerrijitiun. llumntts, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also tho advantage of the College of Pbarinauv; I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL I'BKSCUIPTIONJ that the Phv--i"iJ"s and publlo may favor mo with. All my pre para lions as I havo uuove asserted, are madu llolu too uesl liiuieriui, unei upon iiouor & assert, they me of olliclniil ftrcnyth. For uieiticiuiil puriKises, I aoep ou uauu luuivry best WINES, liK.UMJlfcij AJJ J.ltL,UiiS, that I cjii proeuro. . Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your ouu mind. ,1. A. V1..I Sunbury, Nov l(t, 1SC3. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opposite the N. Y. A NKW HAYES & WE.STEUN K. R. Dtii'OT BEACU STIXtllT, BOSTON. By F. M. PRATT, Formerly of tho Aaiorican Houso. May i:i, Irti'.ij--ly - ini. k. i. i.i .mi.i:v, rilYSICIAN AND BURGEON NOKTUUMBEBLAND, PA ' PR. Ll'MLKY basopoiictl an olfica In Northum berland, and oilers hi. services to tho people of that place and tho adjoining townships. OlUce uext door to Mr. coU' fchuO ttoro, where he can found at all hours. Nurthamkorluad August 10,lHf.5. FANCY DRESS .GOODS, Minn AiA.IA.VI'I:H, Two doors West of tltc Post Oliice, E INIX3 PBNN'A.i T I AS just rocoived and opened a large arsortwen 1 oi l'uucv lrts Cloa'ds. suuh us li loves, Jouviaa Kil-gloves, Silk and lMe thread Uluvcs; Fleecy Liucd lloso, Children's Merino Uoo, Ladies' Zephyr iluuds, IHmt Cotds and Tassels, Chenille, Soutiigs, Ladies au4 Ueutlcuien lluudkurehiefs, Coraols. Bin brnidurad Slippers, lvibbt.ua, FANCY DBES.1 BUT TUNS, Bu($loC-iiups, Trimwuigi, Buttons, Bolt Kill boa Volvul llibboos, Bruid, Bell Cloi-iis, Ladies' Neck-tics, CUAI'LIUBBON aud TRIMM1NU ; tin broiderinuBiidils. Jaeouet aud Swuw Ldilium nd hi'ertioiu; AlaUiMse Laue Cullars, Laeos, drenadiue Uluvk V wis. i auey Diuss CumU, Jttoud Bros. Xiv'1""' variety of c.lhcr articles. LMiui"1 i'ui'or Udlars of auperiur sualil " ' n 1 s. , a:-.va i'aimxh TUB PERUVIAN SYRUP IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF TUB rrotoxlde Irost, a now discovery In modiotno which STRIKES AT THE KOOT OF DISEASE, by supplying the Blood with ItavtTAt, rHlNcit'Li, OB L1SB ELEMENT IRON. Thills tho socret of tho wonderful buccoss of this rcmoay in cunug Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronia liar rhoca. Doils, Norvous Affections, Chills and Fe vers, Humors, Loss of ConBtitutionui tyor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Dladdcr, Female Complaints, v and all disoasos originating In a BAD STATE OF T II E BLOOD or accompanied by PEmi.iTr or a low stati or T11C SYSTEM. Bclnt? free from Alcohol In any form, Its encrat- tinir eficcts are not followed by corresponding reao- tinn, but are permanent, infusing hthenoth. vigoh and sew life into all parts of the system, ana uuuu DYSPEPSIA AND DEBIIITY. Jtrmn the Vt ueraMc ArclultacaH SCOTT, V. D DrsHAM, Canada East, March 21, lftoi. "lam an inveterate Dyspeptic of more thnn 2." years standing." ww nave occn ao wonueri nny "eneioeeu n tha three short weeltj durina which 1 havo used the Peruvian Syrup, that J can scarcely persuado myself of tho reality. PcfU who have known me urn nstoniMhed at tho cliamio. I am widely known, and can but remmincnd to othors that which has douo so much for mo ' One of tlio most Distinguished Jurists in Kcw Englnnd AV rites to a i rieiut ns follows: 'I have tried the PERUVIAN SYBl'l', and thu result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has made ains yonr prediction. It has made I ) ; infused into my system new Igor I m no longer tremulous and debilita- I I last saw mo. but stronger, heartier, I a now man ot mo ; and encrjry ; I nm 1. Bi. w hen von I np.l with lari'er ennncitv lor lahor, menial ana ihvsieal. than ut any time dunna tho last uvo veau. An Eminent Divine of 'Buxton, Jry ' Ihnvobeen uFlnctho PERUVIAN SYKl'P for somo timo past; it kivw mo nkw viuoB, luorANCi OK arlltlT.H, KLAKTll TV OP Ml SCI.H." Thousands havo been changed hy the use of th'u remedy; lrom wuR, sicKiy, suuuring oreaiurus, io stronj;, healthy, and luippy men ana wuuicu ; ana invalids cannot reasonably ncsiiata tu givu it a trial A pumphlct of 32 paxes, containing cerlillc utes of cures nnd rociiiiiuiemtuUons lrom somo ot mo most eminent plivsiuian, oleiirvlnea, und others, will bo sent free to tinv address. I V too that each bnttlo has l LRUv IAN Slitl l' blown in tho (jlais. For salo by J. P. DINSMOliK, Proprietor, Sli Dey Street, New Vork. Asn ur aix nitiaoisrs. SC RO FULA. All Medical Men aerco that IODINE is Iho Best Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disease ever iliscovorod. iho diluculty has been to obtaui a f ure botution ot it. Dr. II. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. IsaPure Solution of lodino, Without a Solvent! Contaiuinga full grain to each omieo of water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative. 11 has cured and will cure M'jiui' l LA in all He mam- fold lorms. t Icc-rx, famers, Syphilis, Salt, Jitltfuiii ; audit has been used with astonishing sucooss in ca.es ot ivnetimat'sm, 1'yspopsia, Consumption, female Complaints Heart, l.iver, anil Kiduey th.fioies. Ac. Circulars will be sent free to any ono sending their address. Price SI 00 a bottle, or T f, .r $3 00. Prepared by Dr. II. ANDhlliS, Physician and Che mist. t'orsiiiot.y J . P. 11 NSMOUE, Hfl Dey .Street, New Yolk And by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam WILD CHERY, has been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with tho most nstonishin;; success in curing Coughs, C.dds, Hoarseness, Soro Throat Inlluonza, VI hooping lough, Croup. Liver Complaint, Brochitis, Ditliculiyof Breathing, Asth ma aud every allectiun ot '1'he 'I'll r out, l.unaud CItvt. CONSUMPTION, which carries off moro victims shun other diseaso, and which hutllca the skill of the l'liysiciaus to a greuter extent than any other malady, often VIEI.PS TO THIS IlFMEDr! when all others prove ineffectual. A A MEDICINE. rapid in relict, soothing in ellect, salo in Its opera tion.lt is unsurpassed! and is entitled merits, and rcculrcs tlio general oonildouoo nl tho public. SEYMOUR THATCHEll, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows : " Wi8tur's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. Jtsocms tu euro a Cough by loosonins and cleani-ing tho lungs, and allaying irritation, thus removing tho causo, instead ut drying up tho uongU and leaving tho causo behind. ' I consider tho Pal sum as good as auy, if not tho best Cough medicine witu wiiicniaui acquainted." I'roin Hon. Judge SPR AKEK, of Canajobario, . Y ticntlcmon. This is to certify that luvfelf nud family bavouscd Dr. Wislar's Balsam of Wild Chory, for several years, and that I take great pleasure in recommending tt in prulerenoo to anything of tho kind for thu nurnoses for which it is intcmleil. In eiurcsof Asthma, Pbtbisio, or Hil'eetions of tho Throat, i nava novormui wiui anyining eiuai to it, oiy wcl'uoi I u iiy , DAVli SPBAKER Tho Rev. JACOB EECHLLB, of Hanovor, P., Well known and much respected among the Herman population in tins oountry, makes tho pillowing staicuioni lorme ocnem oi tuo amiutcd. Dear Sirs: Having rcaliicd inmvfamilv imnor taut bemflts from tho use of your valuable nrciiiira- liuu Mistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry it aflords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Soma eight years ago ono of my daughters soeuied to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were enter tained. I then procured a bnttlo of your excellent Balsam, and before sho bad tuken tho whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. 1 have, In my individual case made frcciuont use of your valuable modicino, aud have always uoea ucueuueu ur ii. JACOB SECHLER, PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by J. P. DIN.SMORK, Jto Dev Street, New York. SLTU V FOtt LB & SON, Proprietors, Boston And by all Druggists. GRACE'S CELE11RATK1) SALVE Cures Cuts, Burns, Scalds. U RACE'S CELEBRATED EALVB Cures Wounds, Bruises Sprains. 0 RACE'S CELEBRATED 8ALVE Cures Bolls, Ulotrs, Cancers. UllACE'S CELBBUATED SAL YE Cures Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. UBACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Chapped Hands, Chilblains. UUACFd CELEAUATBD SALVE Heals Old Euros, I'lc-h Wounds, 4 o. It u prompt io action, removci pain at once, and reduces tho most mgry-luokiug swelliugs aud lull. mations, us if by maio, thus uCvtdiuj; relief nud a eouipiuie euro- Only 25 ocnU a box ! (Sent by mall for 35 cents.) For Sale by J. P. DINSMORK, 3s Dey (Street, now twit, ti. vv. iUIVLb . bON, 1'iopriutura, lio.-tou, and by all Druuu, Orvcers, aii-I Country ciorn. . January 27, lbo6-l Oo w. Bbitb. Can. B. Qehtbev DIBITS fct, OE1TTEEP., Market street, one door east of Mrs. Boulton's Hot SXJNBTJBY J?J... Have opened ' , A NEW. TIN - WAKE, Wlicrt Iron nnd More Hlorct and Intend keeping oonstantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WAIU2 of alt descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovciofthe following Brandt PJZITITSYLTAITIA,! UNION G00K, and on tho following two Brands 'wo dofy Compcll- lion, namely. Combination Uns tlnrncr, Cook. Uorcrnor I'enn-Coolc, nnsurnassed for beautv of flnbh. simnllcll of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and eactj stove warranted to periorui what they are re- croscntod. ALSO, PARLOR, and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing nil tue Deal manuiaoturcs, anil most tasnionabi designs. Also, The colobrated UEM. for boating up and down fctairs. Also the colobrated VULCAN HEATER. Coal Oil. Conl Oil I.iimim, Kliadrsi, Cliiiunicwi ti nil nil nrlt !' unusually kept in an stiiblishmcnt of this kind. We araaiso proparod tounail Kind." nt rpoutmg, iiMUng. Ronco and Fnrnpoo Work, Was Fitting, Au. Repair lnirohoflply and neatly executed. Country produco taken in exenange at market price. SMITH & GENT HER, Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Northumber land, Snyder, Union and Montour. And aro also agents for the l'iphcr & lllowcr litno ot transportation. n S." V'. JX iiiin. ury, fcept. 30, ISO. INOH'iS Patent Pockot Lanterns for Bala at the Book aud Mutioncry storo of N. F. LWIITXER. CLOTHING FOR ALL!! AT CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAAR. Corner olHInrhet Siiuiire .V liail, Kond Mrccl, S U N 1) U H Y , 1' E N N A. ' JUST OPENED, FALL .1 WINTER STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, Of tho newest styles, eut by the best Artists, trimmed and made equal to custom work, aud Sold at tho lowosl prices. Hlielc Suit for ftl.t. Cavalry Pants for $0. BLANKETS, BEAVER- CLOTH 1 W'JHLil.HC.aXCa.iTn,. 'SL'ffW Varying from $25 to $.10. n and lSoy'tt !11iin of the bet ma terial consisting of Dross Coats, Frock Coats, Sack Coats, i'uuts, and csts ot various colors aud quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S Fl'BNL-HINtJ 000DS, such as Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts. Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Haailkerchiefs.Stoekiiiirs u loves, ao. IlalM and Caps of all Kinds. HOOTS AND SHOES. Hum Shoes, TtHWKS, VA LISES, L'MISKKLLAH. TOBACCO V MX1A11H Watches, Jewelry, ivnives, llovolvers, and NU- TlUNiS of ull kinds, u.id numerous other urtielos. Tho publio aro invited to call and examine his Stock. Bemciulier the place, Continental Clothing Store,' Comer oi Market Square aud tho N C. It. R... LLU infill. LARGE STOCK! N E V A It H I V A I, OF GOODS NO. 1 STORE OF WEAVER St FAGELVj CONSISTINa OF DRY GOODS! FOltl-lON AND DOMESTIC. such as Cloths, Ciu4- mer'--.. Muslins, Mieetings, licking, Calicoes, Jie laincs. Flannels, and all kinds of Jlol RN INli Hoods, Alpacas, Black Silks, (iingbaius, Balmoral and Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flannels, Nuukeens, Cur peliug of all kinds. HATS &c CAPS. CARPETS. Comprising, Hosiery, Uluvcs, Thread. Buttons, Sus penders. :eeK-Ues, dollars. llundRerclnets, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Hum Rib bon and Cord, tape, orotchot brunt, worked collars, fancy bead dresses, tidy cotton, carpet binding, eomus, laney soups, carpet hax. Trunks, Vnlisos, Uuibrullus, Blank Books, Paper, tnvelopcs, Ac. vet yjTOt:n''Q.'W'.0eL:H7: Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws, Door Latches and Knobs, Locks, and CliLMll ot every description. Also, Dyes. Drugs, I units, arr.lslics, tisli. Flaxbeeil aud lienino Oils, Ulusg, l'littv.A'c. 4iii'vaiaiM arc nnd tjllussnure of ull I. IIKIN. STONE AND EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stock of G R O C E R 1 E S, Comosod of Sugar, Coflee, Teas, Rico, Corn-starch, Maccaruui. Barley, Baking-powder, uiolasses. soaps. euudles, tobacco aud segars, Salt, Fish, Meat, Cheese, Ac, AO. Also, a largo variety of BOOTS & SHOES, for Men. Women and Children. I V'All kinds of liraiu aud Couutry Produee taken in exchange for Uoods. Uive us a cull neinro yon purcnase eisownero, wo aro bound to sell as low as any one else. bloro-room in Ira T. Clements building at the south-west oornor of Market Square, near the Court iiouso. bunbury, Out i, 1SC5. A New and flno lot of rER FUMES, Ac , forMho Holidays, at LlHlll'NER'B. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY in Simpsou's Buildings, MARKET SIJUARB, Bunbury, Pa., .1. II. I'.ICXilili:, Proprietor. Suuhury, July 15, 18oi. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, tor salo at the Fancv Store cf ANNA PAINTER. RECORD YCTJR DEEDS. 1)ERSONS having unrecorded Deoels are reminded thut they must be recorded, aoeordiug to the Aot of Assembly which requires that aii doaas ana eoavevances lor real estate in thu Commonwealth, shall be recorded in tho office for Reoording Deeds in tho County where tbo lands lie within sm tnuulhs after the execution of suob deeds and eonvoyauce ; and every such deed and eonvey. ance not rewarded as aforesaid, shall be iudirvd FRAUDULENT AND VOID against anTiubsoauuut Surchascr tor a valuable eousidoration, uuless suob cods be coord cd before the recording of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgage snnn oiaiin. August S8, ibO . T Wiuilecl IiuiuecUulcly. A white barber Is wanted immediately to whom steady employment will be given. Apply to v ji. rvnocx., ' Market Streel, Sunbury, Pa Sunbury, Jan. 13, IbtW. E. CQOBUST, Attorney und C'ounellor,al Ijiw, BOONVILLE, COOPBU CO , MISSOURI. WILL pay taxes on lauds in any part of the Statu. Buy and soil real Estate, aud all other mutters entrusted W hint will receive prompt atten tion. Ju!y 8, W.Z. oct lSjJ) v I'ureLlbrrly Hhile la ud. Prel'orrod by all practical Painters! Try it ! and you will have uo otUer. Manutaelureu ouly by ZlEtiLKR A SMITH, Wbcloealo Drug, Paiut A lilase Dealers, N'j 1 .17 North Til 1KB ttrett, 1'hiladelpbis Jituiuy 27, Uoo It GOLD. 18M, 1800, 18G7...BILVB ; . I to 76000! I 3IanllibclIIrorl, Akxh1 t , Our New Mode- One ol' ' ear JOI.I or MI-VI'.U AVnlcheii, or MUrer Ten ei for (t'i. an below atatcd. Ono of our tea setts or one piece of our (laid or Silverware is worth a bushel of the cheap dollar Jowoiry ! ! We havo adopted the following mode of ' DISTRIBUTION by sale of 75,900 artiolci of value! - Oar Nw Mode t Tho articles of goods are numbered from 1 to 75. 000 ; 37,,'iiK) consisting of Pianos Mclodeons, Oold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea A Table Setts, bolid silver tea and table tpoona and lories; etc., etc., and tho other 7,6(J0 articlos of valuo Jow elry, Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph Albums, Opcnface Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 75,000 notices numbered from 1 to 76,000 are printed and put into sealed envelopes and well mixed and ono of these is tuken out and sent to tho person sending to us 25 eonts to eovor expense of postage, correspondence etc, and the article of goods corresponding with tho number on the notice will be sent to the holder of tbo sumo immediately (if be desires to purchase the article) on tho receipt of two dollars. For instance ; If the number on the notice tent to ynu should bo 600, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should bo numbered 500; it will bo rent to you should be 500, and a piano or diamond cttorgold watch should be numbered 500, it will bo sent to you for 2, and to on for every article in our list of 75,000 articles. j'After receiving the article, if it dues not please you, you can return it, and your money shall bo re unded. 26 cents roust be sent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence etc., on ono notico. . . Kcincnilier : that whatever aruVlo corresponds with tbo number on your notice, you oan havo it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it bo worth SlOU or Vsuu. And it Is lor our interest to deal fairly, and seud out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to the publio, aud thereby increases our sales. , TRY OUR NEW MODE f ! Upon receipt of 25 cts., which pays for corrosiiu. denco, ostiige etc., wo send one notice. Upon receipt of SI , which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., wo send bix notices. -' ' ' L hid receipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, nostHirn, ote., wo will send -10 notices, and a fino pre- ecut valued at not less than $15. as a sample of our i goods. Upon receipt of SI which pays for correspondence, ' postage, etc., we will send K0 notices, and a solid i Silver Watch, by return mail. A (JEM'S WANTED. Send for a circular ! Agents Allowed a Lar go Cash Commission by which they make 25 Weekly. I Address plainly Salesroom 34 Liberty streot Sept. 23, li06. ly REED A BROTHER, Box 6i:!i$. . New York City, K. Y. NEW ESTABLISHMENT A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker '" JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, " STJ1TBTJRY. PEITIT'A- T I A constantly on hand a line assortment of XX WATCHES, CLOCKS and J KWBI.lt Y, Spce taules, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ac. j Wntc'ki'-i, CIocKn iiikI Jcuilrj', ! pnii-vcl unci VAi:.l'l'i:i. - j Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1805. . j TAILORING 7 : J. F. SCHAFFER, . RESPECTFULLY infiimis tho citizens of SUN- . BCRY and vicinity, thai he has opened a j 'I'ailoriii" Shop, the room over I'lirnswortb's Urooery, opposite the I Cental Hotel, Sunbury, whore bo is ready to make ap garments of all kinds io tho latest stylo and best workmauliko manner. . Having had experience in the business for a nam ber of years he hopes tu render general satisfaction Custom work is respeutlulty solicited. J. F. SCHAFFER. j Sunbury, May 13, laC5. ly ' PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172, 171 cV- 170 tiitKKNWicil St., 1 'One Square wert of Broadway,) j Between Cuurtlandl and Dey Streets, New York. . JOHN PATTEN. Jr., Proprotor. Tho Pacific JIotki, is well and widely known to the traveling publio. Tho locution is especially : suitable to merchants and business men , it is in close , proximity to Iho business part of the City is on tho iiighway of Southern and Western travel and adja- cent to all tho priucipul Railroad and Steamboat ; dopois. ; i'he Pacific has liberal accommodation for over ' 300 guests; it is well furnished and possesses crery : modem improvement for the comfort aud entertain ment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with cus and water: the I attendance is prompt und respectful ; and the table is generously provided with every delicacy oi tbo season. The suliseribcr. who. for the past few venrs. has been Hie lessvo, is now solo proprietor, aud intends 1 lo iudeutily himsull'thorougbly with tho interests ot 1 bis bouse With long experience as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal polity. lo niuiutaui tho luvoranie reputation the 1'aclUo Hotel. JOHN FATTEN, Jr. tSopuruber 9, 1806. ly PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOR WORKS. BKR7Y White Lkau ! . Libkuty Whits La THY IT I TRY IT ! Wahuantkd to cover more surface, for snmo weight, than auy other. Buy the best, it is the ueapest : THY IT! THY IT! Liberty Load is whiter than any other. Lilx-rtv Lead covers belter than anv other. Liberty Lead wears lunger than any other. Liberty Lead is more economical than any other. Liberty Lead la luoro frco from impurity and is ti ABit.c.NTEO to uo moro ana belter work, at a given cost lhau auy other. lhnj the BKST it it the CHEAPEST. Manufactured aud warranted by ZIEOLER A f MIT U. Wholesale Drus. Paint. A illas Dealers, t'17 North Third Street, Philadelphia. " guubury, October 7, ltii. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS ANJ STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books, Drawing Books aud Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pockot Books, Ink Sjauds, Pens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, ho. For sulejiy ANNA PAINTER. Wm. M. Rockefeller. LlovdT. Rourbacu. ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACH. ti ;iti itv, i'I'.vva. FF1CK tbe same that has bees heretofore occu. pied by W m. M. Roikcfeller, Esq.. nearly op posite tbe resldonee of J udge Jordan. Hunbury, July 1, 1-a. ly FLOUR & -FEED STORE WHOLESALE AMI JIETAIL. . TUB subeeriber rospeecfully informi the publio that he keeps constantly en hand at his new WARKUOVSK, noarthe Shamokln Valloy Railroad Depot, in SUNBUKY, Flour by tbe barrel and sacks of all kinds of Foed by the ton Tbe above is all maunfaetured at his own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest oash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Suabury, June 4, 5664. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERX J. II. i:iCMUIi:. would respectfully iu. form the eilixuus of SUNBBUY, aad the hlio gcuvrauy, iuai no una opeueu a new, . .. PUOTOQUAVH GALLEHY. -In Simpson's Buildinc, South side of Market Souara. where he is prepared to take, in the best style of the BlCTl'RES TO FRAME, . . , PICTI RE8 IN VAFVJt, ' CARD PHOTOCJRArilfl. ' Also Pictures made fur lliugs, Breasliiins, Loeksls, Ao. Persous wishing lu our line w ill do well to call ami cxaiume spoeiiueus at the U all cry. Wc hope to merit a liberal share or pullie patreo age, Ot a M 'Tio is to I'LLAkE. i uul ury, July li, lovb. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU' FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU tot Non-litintloa or InconUaenc ef Urine, Inlamma Uoa or DlcoraUon of Uia Bladder or HJneys, Dlseaiel ef the Prostrate Gland, Orarel, Drlck Dast Deposits, Dropll cat Bwelttngs, Orjinlo Weakness, Debility, Female Com plaiets, Ac , HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU A WD Improved Rose "Wasli Will radically exterminate from the eyitem Sliiaiei aris ing from Habits ef Dissipation, ol Utile expinit, little er no thanqe ef diet, no tnconventenee er eapoeure; completely superseding those vnpltatantand danatroue remediet, Copabiauitirenury.ta curlagthiredliiuw. USE HELMBOLD'S aUJO EXTRACT BUCHU In all Diseases ef the Urinary Organs, whether existing ItW wa. aw vcw it w mim u01ilj IV MUM ApfllllLlftlS. i-fU no matter of how long etaniing. Ills pltaiant Inlutsitt and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more itrangtbinloi than any of the preparations ef Bark or Iron. Thou sufforinj from Broken Down or Delicate Conttt' fartoni, procure the Remedy at enc. The header most be aware that however illght may be tbi attack ef tbe above diseases, it Is certain to sffiet bis Bajili Health, Mental Poveere ani Happincit. If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Inianlty may eniui. AU the above diseases require the aid ef a dlurctls. ' HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great .Diuretic IIELMBOLD'S uioblt coacixraxTin " " Compound Fluid Extraot Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, removing alt dlieasis arising frem Cease and Imprudence la life, cbronle constitutional dts cam arising from an Import state of the blood, and tbe only reliable and effectual known remedy for the curs of Bcrofula, Scald mad. Salt Bheum, Palas ana Swilling ef the Donis, Ulcerations ef tbe Threat tod Legs, Bletcbts, rimplison the Face, Tetter, Xryslpelas, and all scaly erup tions of ths skin, sad beautifying tha Coatrutuo, NOT A. FEW Of the worst disorders that aOHcl maoklod arise from the orrupUoa that accumulates la ths Blood. Of all tha dis coveries that hare bean made to puree it out, aoae eaa equal In edict UELUBOLD'S C031PO VXD EXTRA CI OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the Blood, Instills ths vigor of health Into the system, ana purges out tbe humors which make disease. It itlmuIatM the healthy functions of the body, and expelt thi disorders that grow and rankle la tbe Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the flrjfjlme, the public have one on which they caa de pend. Oar space here does not admit of cirtlscalles to bow its effects, but tbe trial ef a single bottle will show to the lick that It has virtues lurpsjilog anything tbty have ever taken. Two tabliipooniful of the Extractor Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, ani one bettli Is equal to a gallon of the Syrup ef SsrssparUla, or tbe decoction as usually made. The above Extracts are preparid ea purely sclcntlfle principles la Fiicuo tad embody the full strength ef the Ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and ooocluslve test will be a comparison ef their proper ties with those set forth In the V. 8. Dispensatory. HOW TO USE THE ttmUKk In DUaases ef the Blood, Cumon en the Facet a any and every part of tbe body, use Extract 8arsaparUlaa ap plying to Pimples and all external Humors er Eruptions the Improved Rose Wash. Cse the Extract Buchu for all diseases requiring ths aid of a DlureUe, except those ef tbe Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrheas and Gleet la these use the Extract Buchu and Inject with the Improved Boss Wash. X3T THESE EXTBACTS BATE DEEM ADMITTED TO CSE IX ms UNITED STATU ARMY, and also are la viry general uia la ell tbe STATE HOSPITALS. AND PUBLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as welUs la private practice, aad are ceuIUered asslsvaluable remedies. MEDICINE DEUVE&SD TO AMY ADDSIS3. Direct letters tc BILMDOLD'S DRCO OBEMIOAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y.a next Metropolitan Hotel, ea to BELMDOLD'S UEDI0AL DEPOT, 1Q4 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phils. Vuorib Symptom in U Cbaunuofcafcme. SOLD 6T MX DRUGGISTS CVER1WHERE. Beware of Counterfeits! HELMBOLD'S Fluid Kxlrat't Sajajurilla! IS I ' ili:v.WVai,,v tli3l WA3K FOR KELMSCLD'S. A i -Vpui irnj iy T1 ".CUIUBABT'i atonifcvtfonerv. Toy and PRtt rr 3TOE, et aUret. iunoarr. Pa. Vf "JVEUY DBSCMI'TIOy CONSTANTLY on hand knd for sate at the abov0 establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason. He Is manufacturing all kima lof Confestionariea to keep up a ful assortment whi are sold at lew Tobacco, Pegars, Stationery. Vt of all kinds, sal a variety of other r articles, all olWhioh art off are offered wholesale and retail HTBemomber tha Bam andttaoe.rf M. C fiti ii u a o-a Markot streot, 8 doors west ef . Y. Vight A boa's Sunbury, Sept. 19, 18CJ. tf OlOMBBlM., E"OXP.rotVEBTC. HILL & WOLVERTCN, Atlorncya and Counselor 'i.f,,.. Office, Market itrect, cor. -Centre Aev BTJIMB-Cril-X-, FA. WILL attend promptley to the enllcetln(Jrelaiini and all other professional business in-nsti . theircare in Northumborland andadjoinlnguunti,,, Sunbury, January 23, 1802. Inlernailonnl Ifotrt. 865 and 307 Broadway, Vonur Franlliit;trt NEW YORK. THIS first class House the most quiet. hot,j,4 and pleasant Hotel In the eity offers sn.jnr uuHuvuiniia w uivtm Tisuing new roric lor dul or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kc mi tne r.i'Roi'KAN Fi.AWi in connection with T,vvi.i Saloon, whero refreshments can be had all ho or served in their own rooms. The charge are a. derate, tho rooms and attendance of the first orde. bathi, and all the modern conveniences attached Oot 1,1864. SOLOMON MALICIC -' ATTOBTiEY AT LAW, BUNBUBY, Northumborlnnd County. Pi ,u A.uz vim oi neavcrs iuveru, iinrk Street. . ;A11 business entrusted to him will ho careful v an punctually attonueu to. Consullution In th,.S lish and German languages. Sunbury, April 8. 1805. A.-I Ol' ."OKrilt.UUI.KI.l. WHEREASdho Auditor Genornl as requiri bv , 'he lltb Section oftho Aot, entitled ' An Act enabling tho Banks of this Commonwealth to hecomo Associations for tho purpose of banking under tho laws oftho United States." passed on the 22.1 day of August Al. 18M, ha. certified to m. thnt,ho "Bank of Northumber unit." 1,,-j : n . of Sunbury, Northumberland county, has furuWiod eatisfactory evidenco to him that all the requirements of soid Act have been complied with bv the s iid Bank, and that It has become an association for the I purposo of Bimkina under tho Laws of the Luitcl I do thercf iro. cause tlm in.itn o,.,;r, i. lifhud In accordance with the nrnrlnno ..i- n. i ii th section of the said Act, nnd do declare that tho (barter of the said Bank bv the terms of said W is deemed and taken to be hcroupon surrciidercrsul,. joet to tho provisions oftho first section of Jui.l net. . A. O. Cl'BTIN.Uovoi-uor'. Executive Chamber, I Harrisburg. Aug. 2i, ISfiu. 1 ! TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. rpill. subscriber 20 yours a practical Piano Forte X Manufacturer. , of New York City, low perma nently located in this section, und would reWctfullv solicit orders for 1 ' TUNING. EEPAIRINO, AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MEL0JJE0NS. Jhe fuoienber ht also the monufactaror's for Ajjinl I CIirCKHRINlr A SON S I HAZLKTON BRO S., Lr.N'DKMAN A SON'S . I WILLIAM B. BRADIU'l'.Y rf, J KDlVAHD BLAt'OMFIELD'S ! McDonald a co s, ' lIA. l ORTBii, I And Carhnrt A Ncodhani's. and Pehmbet's i MELODBONS ft HAEMOKIUM3, , And L. U. Slaart's Pipe CHl'BCH OBUAN'S i , - ... JAMESMcDONAI.il. ,iouiu,nur, i a., Ajnl SK, 1S65. KINGS i'oic t .tiii.i: i.i:i iij Is the only propartion of tho kind made from tho Iruit. Asau article of economy, purity, and deli niciness, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommend ed by physicians for iuvalids andt'amilv use. It will keep lor years in any cliinato.whilo its condensed ' in"1 fol"1"r" " especially convenient lor travelers 1 All who use lemons are requested to give it a trial , I.iitortamments at home, parties, ami picnic, should not be without it. For salo by all Drug-istj and ni.-i-enu-n uroevrs. -tianutaetured only hv LOHSJ. MKTZiiBK, Sept. Id. IBM.-iV'" 1W tnKt' -V',Vi " . J. Ii". II IL BUSH Couuty Miirvcyor, Oiiivoyuiicr AND justice of tup: pea ce. Mahmoii, Xorthmnhrhitid CitiJ;, P, nn'u Oliico iu Jackson township. BngagcmenU chii bo made by letter, directed tu the alioveadilrw All business entrusted to bis cure, will be pruuiptlv attended io. April 22. 1865. ly EM'L. WIL VERT, NOTAKY PUBLIC, Offico in Sunbury Amoriean" Building, BUNBUBY, PENN'A. W ill attond to the Acknowledging of Deeds. Mort gages, Letters of Attorney. Ac., A. Also, is duly athoriied to take acknowledgments and administer oaths on applications for Itoim f iiM. IViihIosih and IlucK-lii of Soldiois, W idwws aud Orphans. Allorucy nnd Counsellor ul I nn, Office en south side of Market street, murders' "Wt of B. V. Bright A Sun s Store, e-rjisTBTjii-sr; pa. W ill attond promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care, the eolloetiou of claims iu Northumberland and tbo adjoining counties Suubury, May 23, 1663. ly II. II. .IIAKNICIE, Attorney at I.nvv. Sl-NBl'RY, PA . Collections ntteuded to iu the counties or N..r thumborland, Buion, Snyder, Moiijr, Columbia and Lycoming. , RErkltBilCES. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia. A. U. Outtell A Co., Hon. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton McMichael, Ki , " Kotckam A Co., 2Sd Prl Street, John W. Ashmead, Attorney at Law, Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law. KniiLiir U.n,k W lkO'. ' New-York. LATEST IMPE0VEMENT OF AGEI CULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TUB . POUNDR "ST, ef F.OEHBACE & CCCPE?., 8TJNBURY, PElsIIM'A- Uot the Best (Jot the Cheapets (let the most Kro. nomioal, which can be had at tho Rohrbacb Foundry Having a large assortment of tbe. most approved STUYKS. such as Cooking, Parlor, OQico and Shop Stoves, whiuh will be sold at Iba lowest rates. Also, Kettles of all sixes, Pans. Skillots. do. They are also manufacturing .Machinery, Ploughs, Castings. Aa., at short notico. B.eiiriug all kinds of Agrieullural Iinpleiuenta dune iu a good wurkuianliku luanuor aud at tbo shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders rcspcol fully solieitej aud promptly attauded to. BOHRBACU A COOPBB' V"0ld Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken Exchange tor work. Suubury. June Id, Ub4. tf TOILBT BOA PS. Tooth Biushei. Hair Brashes, ttl-l Fur MlJLby ANNA PA1NTBK. TDM PS! f ulirsj! Tbe subscriber having purchased the riA of k'OKTHL'MULBLAND CO I' NT Y, for putting in lll.MBK'N IMIltVIi'li:Af o Boil KB Wci.ia x Wirr.a Foits, will iiirnhh tbemtoall perams lutheoouuty who nxy dvslio theae cboep and couvenieut pumps. , Thay ouu be sunk to a op r dept in two hours time, co.-. but one third the price of an ordinary pump aud lor eheapueas and wiivcuiuuoecauuul be vu,uaJleu-. B BOY I K '. CLAPP Guubury, .Spt, tubas i !"-'