Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 31, 1866, Image 2

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    H. B. MASHER. Edit Vrrrprietor.
SATURDAY, ArRIL 7, 1806.
Gtn. j any tv. cjimut,
fQf Cumberland County.
We stated last week Hint -ft change would
take place in (be -piibricatlon rf 4be Ameri
tan I? the introduction of a new partner,
2, fl. Engle, who will, hereafter, in connec
tirn with Mr. E. WiWert, conduct and
manage the business department of the of
fTce. This change will enable the publish
er Dot only to improve the paper in its
mechanical appearance, but enhance ita
value in other respects, by devoting more
timo and attention to ita columns, especially
ia the local department, an essential feature
in newspaper identified with tho interests
at growing and enterprising community.
The j ubhtshers are determined to keep up
with the improvements of the age, and by
diligence and industry -to on&ke the Ameri
eun a worthy exponent and advocate of the
.ntoresti of the community in which it is
published, and trtut that their efforts will
uieet with corresponding encouragement.
-Particular attention will be given t j the
jobbing department of tho oflice, and by
means of full and handsome assortment of
new type, of the latest style, and other ma
terinl, they will be enabled to eiecete work
with promptness and despatch that wilj
compare favorably with that jirocurcd from
the city or elsewhere.
i-i7""OcRSKT.E. We have an apology to
.fiVr foT the interior appearance of the Amr
niCAt, of last week and the present issue.
Notwithstanding the high price of printing
paper, it seems that there are tome dealers
iathe article whodo nothave any scruples in
regard to the quality they sell. We ordered
several bundles from J-liilatlulpmalftHt week,
of the kind -on which the Americas has
heretofore been printed, but received a very
minor article. We will endeavor to avoid
a similar occurrence.
By an oversight, in the hurry of making
the new arrangements in oar-elBcc, we ncg
cted to change the date of the outside of
the paper this week, which should be April
. th, instead of March 31st.
Kkw York," April 3, 1960.
Yesterday the politicians in this-city were
considerably excited in -regard to the Con
necticut election. It was generally under
stood that the vote would be a close one.
Ihe tkmocrats had earnestly invoked the
aid of President Johnson, and bad publish
e l distorted extracts from his conversations
showing his preference .for English, their
candidate. Gen. Hawley, the Itopublican
candidate, who was a gallant soldier, would
not make any pledges in advance, and when
tfscu, wmio maning a speecii, it tie was a
"Johnson man," said "he was nobody' man
but his wife's." 'Late last -niirbt. I iicard
aes-eralof the Ben Wood faction trtjolcing
over the election of tngliith, because they
had received an increased vote in New Ha.
ven, but thjs morning's news establishes Gen.
Hawley election by a majority of over one
thousand. The New York JleraU, which
favored the election of English, attributes
his defeat to the popular odium attached to
the peace party, and says: "The party re
quired to effect a pervading political revolu
tion is not the party organization identified
with the Obicago Vallasdigham -Convention,
but a new party, nutler "the Union ban
ner ot the administration. At the old
federal peace party in the war of 1812 was
( rippled beyond recovery by its opposition
to the war, so it appcorj is the democratic
party from its obnoxious doings as the
Northern peace party its our terrible Strug
gle with Jeff. Davis. The true course now
fur the democratic party is to throw over
board the old leader who Iwve betrayed it
into false position, and take a new -departure
under the new name of the Johnson
Union party, or the Constitutional Union
party. The administration cannot go over
to the Chicago Bhent-peTshent Peace Con
vention, and the O'.emcnts of the party can
miy succeed by rallying as a new party un-
dftr thn Imnnai f.f I'ma! tr TnliManK-i Bafti
The immigration into this country i
now greater than ever. t Tho number of
emigrant that arrived at this port, during
:he past month, is nearly 32,000, or more
than double the number of the correspond
ing psiiod of last year.
The celebration of Faster wai a great
fvent in all the cLnrc-Ves of New York.
mong these none was more conspicuous
than the imposing ceremonies in that mag-
r-iticeot temple, Trinity Church. As the
chime ceased ringteg the powerful grand
organ in the gallery pealed forth the Easter
Jarol. Dr. Vinton, with three other digov
tarie of the Episcopal -Church, officiated.
oe of the peculiarities -of this church is the
nusic oi a numuec oi liojs, trained as
choristers. One of these boys, Master
-tamers, only 13 year old, is but recently
from England, and was formerly principal
soprano of ithe Petcrsboro Cathedral, lie
rang the arthesE,11' know that my Redeemer
liveth," alone, acd with great power and
r fleet. Ili voice is so femiuinc that I looked
niound for sometime for the female, from
whom I supposed it to emanate, but there
aas not a (ingle divinity of that order
among then. Flower had been used in
great profusion to decorate tho churcV In
tie front wa ao immense floral pyramid
composed of lilies, cameKa asrd white rote.
A wreath of white rose hung from tho beak
. "f th eagle, whose outspread wing form
vvding desk, on the altar wore two
-r.1Wdila flower, while jound "the
, . , " puoed wreath and crose
h(uhu vi " m e.Q , ,
'i aqd greoo leaves,
IWlBZ EtECIlOjl l Bno, u
'J bs State election in Rhode Uba 1 v
'iew vn ncuncsuBT ii. ioi
Gen. Uuroside wa
little opposition.
elected Governor wUfe
Cbatuooog bs tottd (00,000 for a di-
r'-"t filrnJ to (. iu'.ini.aii.
j-gT" New C'vcsTsRFtiTs. Petersoa'e
Counterfeit Detector for April 1st, gives the
following descriptions of tiew counterfeits
which have been recently issued :
Bank of DantiU, Danville, Pa. Cs, altered
train of cars going to the left.
Counterfeit Pvttul Currency neu tews
Fifty cent note, new Issue. On the top of
the bill the word, "furnished only by the
Assistant Treasurer and Designated Deposi
taries of tho United States -," observe the
two word "ot the" on tho genuine there is
a Httlojapace bet weon them, not so in th imi
tations. Fifty cent notes j the engraving is
good, but tho gilt frame around the head
ia very bad. The paper has, however, the
appearance of common print paper, and is
very whitish. The nvhole of it 1 a little
smaller than the genuine. Six barrel on
right end of Washington are very indistinct?
Twenty-five cent note poarly engraved, on
poor paper ; and the gilt frame around ihe
head does not show any gilt. Ten -cent
notes, very coarsely done, and tho green ink
very pale.
Euuton, Bank, Earfon, V. 10a. imitation,
vig. girl feeding calves ; 10 on each upper
corner.; female portruit on each -lower -corner;
poorly dontf.
G'encis Vullry Bunk, Otneeee, iV. J. 10s,
altered male bust : deer on right.
Merchant' Bank, Baltimore. la, Imitation
vig. vessel, steamboat in distance ; on
right end full length figure -uf female.; on
left end, fcmnlu portrait.
A'ational Banks. it altered to 10 vig. of
of Is, two female figures with hands -clasp
ed, one pointing tltvrards. 10s have figure
cf Franklin drawing electricity frTjm the
clouds, and on back of bill ia Do Soto dis
covering the Mississippi. On back of Is is
the .landing -of the 1'ilgrims. VN ell clone, os
iinitation-thc color is much darker than
genuine and tho engraving coarser. Tho
head of Columbus on back of tho bill is
larger than the genuine All those thus far in
circulation are upon the First National
Bank Of Auburn. They will undoubtedly
be altered to others. 60s, altered from 5s ;
the S have vigs. on each end and landing
uf Columbus-ou back. Look out for this
United Stab t Cumpouml InUrut Xittet.
50s, imitation ; vig. (on left -cud) fomnlu
erect, holding sword in left ihnntl, -her right
hand resting on bible trm'lo bust, SO on die
above on -rigkt end. Well dono and likely
to deceive good judges. 100s, counterfeits
arc in circulation. A fuc-sruile of tho genu
ine bill, but the engraving is not so fine.
They are dated May 10th, 1805; Letter li.
The green ink in the back of the counterfeit
is paler than that in tho genuine. Be care
ful and examine well all before taking-thorn,
as they have -dcoc-ived -eoruc of our 'best
Pork Packiso in TnE West. The bni
ness of packing pork in the West has termi
nated at all points for the season, and the
Cincinnati Price Current gives the following
as the result :
It appears that the totat numlfer packed
is 1.088,474; tlmt the increase in tho weight
is about 30 lbs. per hog, which is equal to
301,230 hog of the averago weight of the
season of 1804 S, makiug the crop of the
present season equal to 1,084,710 hog of
the previous season' average. The yield of
lard per hog is 31 1-17 lbs., against 24 1-9
lbs. in 1804 6, showing an increase of about
7 lbs. per hog. The number of hegs packed
daring the two season were a toliows:
2,451,019 1,683,474
tf The following is a copy of an act
regulating the mode of voting at all elec
tions in the several counties of this Com
monwealth, which has been passed by both
the Senate and House : '
Sec. 1. Be it enacted etc.. That the -Quali
fied voters -of tho several counties of this
Commonwealth, at all general, towmthip,
borough and special -elections, arc licreby
hereafter authorized and Tequired to vote
by tickets printed or -written, or partly
printed and partly written, severally classi
fied aa follow: One ticket shall embrace
the name of all judges of courts voted for.
and to be labelled outside "iudiciary :M one
ticket shall embrace the names of all State
officers voted for, and be labelled "State ;"
one ticket shall embrace the names of all
couuty officers voted for, including office of
enator and member or member ot Assem
bly, if voted for, and be labelled "county;"
one ticket shall embrace the names of all
township otlicers voted for, and be labelled
'towastiip;" one ticket sball embrace tho
names of all borough officers voted for, and
be labelled "borough.;'" and cadi class thall
De deposited in separate ballot boxes.
sec. 2. That it snail bo tho duty of the
sheriffs in the several counties of this Com
monwealth to insert, in their election pro
clamations hereafter ksucd, the first section
oi tins act.
The Debate ou I be Second Vela.
Washington, April 3, 1866.
By ooinmon consent, Mr. Trumbull's
gpcedli in reply to the President's socond
veto was postpnncd until to-morrow, ex
actly when the voto will be taken is not now
certain. News has juet been received f the
appointment of Judge Edmonds, 'by the
Governor f Vermont, in the place .made
vacant by the death of Mr. Foot. This name,
added to tho affirmative column, .makes 82
votes, according to the estimate -of this
morning. Supposing there ha -been no
change effected by the result of the election
in Connecticut, aud the resolution -of the
Wisconsin Legislature, instructing their
Senator and requesting their Representa
tive to vote lor tno civil rights bill not
withstanding the veto, the y-.-as and nays
win be as follows :-- yeas 33, ays 17.
The election of a Union Senator in New
Jersey would make tho affirmative count
stand thirty-three yeas, which, with the ne-
kho cvemeen, is eiactly tbe number or
Senators fifty. Seventeen votes are suffi
cient 4a defeat the requisite two-third, and
" j'wuweiy loe tun number of the op-
poBiuan to the vetoed bill. If Mr. Dixon
and Mr. Wrigkt are unable to ooine, through
illness, the seventeen will be fifteen, and if
wiey Buouioi doiq do present, and Mr. Lane
oi Kansas, aaa Mr. Morgan. of Kw 1'otk
who voWdiUr the original bill-should adhere
to their potiajan, that alio will reduce the
number of negatives, and even if they should
not vote at all, pass ttie-vutoso far as the
Senate is concerned. It is now surmised
that tbe vote maybe postponed for some
f W refer our reader to tbe adrertis-
went of J. II. Eogle, who bo just opened a
new lot of Dry Goods which are sold at
pi ices before the war.
iW J. W. Friliug & Son again announce
a krge arrival of Store Goods, whiobtre
sold cheap. See advertisment
13?" We neglected last week to notice
eolargemsnt and generally improved ap-
I u tl" Cliln County Republican,
ri7 T- Wa congratulate it able
j . l-ieca of
ami in catMua
JOetorottoa f tbe 4-rerMnat An
WAanwoToi, April 8. The rresfclent
has just Issued tbe following proclamation :
By th Preeidmt of the United Statet tf Ameri
. Whereat, Br proclamation of the 15th
and 19th of April, 1801, the President of
the United States, in virtue of the power
vested in him by the Constitution and tbe
laws, declared that the laws of the United
States were opposed and tho execfltion
thereof obstructed, in the States of Booth
Carolina, Georgia, Alabama. Eorida, Missis
sippi, Louisiana and Texas, by combinations
too powerful to be suppressed by the ordi
nary .course of Judicial proceedings, or by
tho power vested ia tho marshals by law.
Whereat, By another proclamation made
en the lotti day ot August, tn the same
year, in pursuanoo of an Act of Congress,
approved July 18th, 1861, tho inhabitants
of the States -of (Georgia. South Carolina,
i' : : - . i. ,! r-
vugiuin, vsronun, i-enDewee, Ala
bama; Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Missis
sippi and Florida, except tho inhabitants
ot that part of tho State of Virginia lying
west of the Alleghany mountains, and to
such other part of that State, and the other
States before named as might maintain a
loyal adhesion to the Union -and tho Con
atitution, or might 'bo from tune to time
ocospied and Controlled by the forces of the
Untacd States engaged in tho dispersion of
tho insurgents, wore declared to bo in a
state of insurrection againBt tho United
States; an&
Whereat, By another proclania-firra of tbe
Drat day ot July, lBO'J, issued in pursuance
of an act of Congress,, approved June 7th,
in the samo year, the insurrection wad-de
clared to be still existing in the States
aforesaid, with the exception of certain
specified counties ia the State of Virginia;
Wherme, Sj another proclamation made
onthe 2d day of April, 1803, in pursuance
ot tho act ot Congress of July 18th. 1801
the exceptions named in the proclamation
of August 16th, 1801, were revoked, and
tho inbabitantsof the States of Georgia.
South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee,
Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mis
sissippi, Florida and Virginia, except the
forty-eight counties of Virginia designated
as West irgwia, and tile porta of New Or
leans. Key West. Tort Itoval. and Beaufort
in South Carolina, were declared to be stirf
in a state of insurreotion against the United
Stalos; and
Whereat, the Bouse of Xlepresentntrves, on
tne uad day ot July, 1801, adopted a reso
lution in tho words following, namely-:
Bcsofogd, hy tfii Hvutt of HrpreeenUitiee of
the uonarets of the VniUa fuw, 1 hat tbe
present dcplorab'e civil war has bean forced
upon tbe country by the disunioniBts of the
Southern States, now ia revolt against 4Utt
constitutional Government, and in arms
around the Capital.
That in this national emergeucy. Con
gress banishing all feelings of mere passiou
or resentment, will recollect only its duty
to tno wnoie country.
That this war is not waged on our part
in any spirit e: oppression, nnr -lor amy pur
pose of conquest or subiucafion.-nor rur
pose of overthrowing or interfering with
the rights of established institutions of
these States, but to maintain and defend
the stipromacy-.of tho Constitution, and
preserve the Union, with all the dignrty.
equality and rights of tbe several State
unimpaired. And, 'that as soon as these
objects are accomplished, the -war ougit to
And Whereat, Tho Senate of the United
States, on the 25th day of July, 1801,
adopted a resolution in the words" follow-
ing, to wit.'
'molted. That the present deplorable civil
war has been forced upon the country by
tbe disunionists-of -the Southern States, now
in revolt against the Constitutional Govcrn
DMjut, and in arms aroand the Capital, that
in this national emergency, Congress, ban
ishing -all foeling of mere passion or resent
ment, will recollect only its duty to the
whole country. That this war is not prose
cuted on our part in any spirit of oppres
sion, nor for any purpose of conquest or
subjugation, nor purpose of overthrowing
or interfering with the rights or established
institutions of those States, but to defend
and maintain the supremacy of the Consti
tution and all laws made in pursuance there
of, and to preservo tbe Umcn with all- tbe
dignity equity, and rights of tho several
States unimpaired. That as soon as these
objects Are accomplished, the war ought to
And vhereat, These resolutions, though
not joint or concurrent in form, are substan
tially identical, and as such tnay 'bo regard
ed as having expressed the aensc of Con
gress upon tk subject to which they relate;
Whereat, By my proclamation oi tie 13th
day of June last, tho insurrection hi the
tttato ot iennessee was declared to have
been -suppressed, the authority of tbe United
States therein to be undisputed, aud such
United mates omccrs as had been Auly coon
missioned to be in tho -undisputed exercise
of their official functions ; and
Whereat, There now exists no organized
armed resistance of misguided citiaens, or
others, to the authority of the United State,
in tho States of Goorgia, South Carolina,
Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ala
bama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi,
Florida, and the laws can be sustained and
enforced therein, bv the nrooer civil au
thority, State or Federal, and the people of
the said States aro well and loyally -disposed,
and have conformed, or will conform,
in their legislation, to the condition of af
fairs growers out of the amendment -to the
Constitution of the United States, prohibit
ing slavery within the limits and jurisdic
tion of the United States; and
Whereat, In view of the beforo recitod
premises, it io the manifest determination of
the American people; that no State, of its
own will, has .the right or power to go out
ef, or scperato itaelf from, or bo aeperated
irom tue American Union; and that, there
fore,. each State ought to remain and con
constitute an integral part of the United
Status.; and
Whereut, the people of eeveral before
mentioned States, have in tlic maimer afore
said given satisfactory evidence that tbe
acquiesce in the sovereign and important
lauirtuuu ui oaiiouai uuicy; bou
Whereat, a it is believed to be a .funda
mental principle of Government that peo
ple woo nave revolted, and who Lave been
overcome and subdued, must be dealt with
so as to iuduc them voluntarily to become
friends, erUe they must be hold by abac
luUrailitary power, or devaatatad ao as to
prevent thorn .from ever again doing barm
as enemies, whaou last named nolicr as ab
horrent to humanity and freedom ; and
n ntreae, lue Constitution nf iv, irn;d
States provides for Constitutional commoni
tie only as States, and not as territories,
acpenduntues, provioees or protectorates-
nncreaw, oucu OODStnuieU tuate must
neceesarily be, and by the Constitution and
law of the United State tat. made
ii -i e, . ...
and ar placed upon a like footing, a to
political rights, immuuitie. digoity and
power with the several State with -which
they are united ; and
WHrtat, Th oosemoce of political
squsiit; as a p riocipl of rijbt sad ju.tiea
Is weH calculated tA -cnoonrags tbe poo pie
of the -aforesaid Stated to bo and become
more and mora constant and persevering in
lueir Teorwea allegiance; ana
nnertat. Standing arinise. mi htsrv occu
pation, martial law, military tribunal, and
ma Bunjrciuiiun m ioe privilege oi tne writ
"f A.i&y ovrynt ia times of peace, endangers
the public liberty, it 4nooropatible with the
individual tights of the citizen, contrary
to the genius and spirit of our free institu
tions, and exhaustive f the national re
source, and ought not, therefore, to be
auctioned or allowed xoeet in case of
actual necessity far repeMing invasion or
suppression of insurrection, or rebellion ;
, 4 ,
rr htreat. the DOIicV of the QwTWirint nf I
At - 1. 1 in ' . . I
tue- unuca Dtates, irom me oeginning or tne I
insurrection to iu overthrow, and final arm
prcsslon; has been la conformity with the
principle heroin set forth and enumerated.
Now, therefore, I, Andrew Johnsob,
President of the United States, do Jicrcby
proclaim and declare that Die insurrection
whJca heretofore existed io the States of
Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North
Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana,
Arkansas, Mississippi ana Florid, as Man
end, and is henceforth )e be eo "regarded.
Ia testimony wnoseaf I have hereunto set
my band and caused the seal oi tbe United
State to be affixed.
Done at tho City of Washington, the 2d
0y of April, in the year of our
r Lord, 1860, and or tbe Indepen
t dence of the United State of
' America the ninctienth,
By the Presidoot,
v. a. Seward, Secretary -ot state.
Full Selnras of the Election held
la luU State on Monday.
Th Victory Great and Qloriout .
New Have. April 8- 8 P. M. Palladium
of this evening -figures up 850 .majority for
Hawley iin tbe -State.
Hartford, Conn., April 3. Complete re
turns from every town in this State give the
following result by counties :
Counties. Hawley (U). English (D) i
Hartrord 8.618
New Haven 8,409
New London 5,630
Fairfield 6,809
Litchfield 3.79(1
Middlesex 2,038 .
Windham 3,443
Tolland 2,373
Total . 42,181
Hawley' majority 609
The Democrat -carry the Sixteenth Sena
torial district by 85 .majority, giving tin m 8
of the 21 Senators
Curtis, Union, is elected iu the Llcrcnth
district by 12 majority. . t
Thirty Oil Wella Iurc4.
Bupfai.o, March 81. News has just been
received hero that the most destructive fire
ever known on Oil Creek is now raging.'
'llic Egbert and Story forma are in flames,'
and the town of Petroleum Centre is in great
rfiTiiouicu Ckstre, March 31. The
most -disMticoi Jire vrr known in this
vicinity commenocd about ight o'clock this
mowing, on the Hyde and Egbert farm.
and lasted until three o clock this after
noon. The tire originated .from a gas pipe run
ning from a tank of the Burlington well to
a dwelling. At the time there was a very
strong wind. The burning oil, running
down the hill, set fire to Uie famous Co
ouetto tank. The fhuncs rushinc towards
the crock, swept everything before them,
and on reaching tbe creek set tire to tbe
earao. Six hundred barrels, which were
tilled and lying on tho bank, together with
seventeen tanks of oil were destroyed.
Somo eleven or twelve boats lying in the
crock, loaded for shipment, also took fire
and were destroyed.
At one tinx the-cieck wss a vast sheet -of
Tbe bridge which divides the town of
Petroleum Centre from the farms alluded to,
took fire several times, thus endangering tho
place, but tbe flames were .finally extin
guished. . There wss nothing burned on this side f
tho creek. The tire could be seen fur miles
There was one-half mile of flame. Koine
thirty wells were burned, besides various en
gine houses, engines, derricks aud tanks ;
also several dwellings.
The most intense excitement prevailed at
the time. The loss is about 85,000 barrela
of oil and $125,000 io property. At 4 o'
clock tbe fire waa about extinguished. and
everything was quiet.
Aflalra tsa Arkansas,
Official reports received by the Bureau of
Kefugees and Freedmen, from tbe State of
Arkaosas, for tbe month -of February, ssy
that rations were issued to 4,601 refugees in
February, against 2,810 in the preceding
month, and that -rations were issoed to 567
ireedmen against Win the mo-nta -of Janu
ary.. I he number -of destitute refugees who
ha-vo tcen supplied from government stores
ba-vo increased as -anticipated iwarly one
hundred per ccnt.-eiaos the month of Janu
ary. It is anticipated that tbe issues for
March til be fully as great as tLose in
February, but will be somewhat reduced in
April and diseontinuedinune.-escrpl.per-
uarps io xno lew wuo sre emnui; uuauiu io
woiir. No issues are now being mads to
freedmen, eicept such as are wholly unable
to labor and wne-bave -no-one so aepena
noon to suppIt their wants.
'it is stated mat mus tar an wona to in
duce the civil authorities of a aingle cnuoty
to miles an attempt to provide for their ovtu
... . . .i r rr
soor, whether white or olaca, cava utterly
lailed. Some assert their inability to do so
at present and others appear to be indifferent
to Uia matter.
Tmttmowui to GovinaifaiCuimK. Tbe
soldiers of Pennsylvania, ii is stated, intend
to prepare a valuable and aukabla testimo
nial to bis cioellancy Jovsroor Andrew G.
Curtin. who durioe the rebellion always
proved himself to be tbe soldier's friend. If
republics sometimes ar nngraterni, sotuiers
are not, and they intend to giva a practical
demonstration of the fact in the testimonial
to Governor Curtin. What the precise na
ture of tba testimonial will be baa not been
determined opon, but it will be rich as to
affor) every FsdojIvsdIs soldier, no matter
what hta ran, to m euany repreaeBteo.
Pitubnrg Commercial.
A fatal epidemic has been pravaiUna io
Bslooe tod vicinity, for tb last two weeks,
nolike acjlblog knows to tbt pavsieiaas.
It commences with a chill aa4 toaritlng, is
attended with sevsrt 4sin 14 tbt head aad
delirium. A oiubr of case he, ooonrred,
soma pf whleb fcv provsd fatal, tbongb
tba majority of casta oem to be pretty wsll
under conUol.- Clinton Sfjmtiican.
Tba Fatcrsbarg Errrt TS :-Tfca loo
of msoy soldiers, Bot a tw ef tbat Cn-
fedaratis lis hrar)i,ni. nn ha linaa luulh.
i ae.l of ts sit.
Treaty wttli its RleuckiVet Indlsusa.
Waahimoton, March 81. The President
has proclaimed the treaty made with tbe
head men and chiefs of the Blackfect band
of Dakota -or Sioux Indians. It is similar
to the treaties recently made with two other
bands of tbe same India-as, by which they
pledge tbeoaeelvce not only to preserve to
wards the United States peace, but to with
draw from th overland routes. In consid
eration of these stipulations, they are to re-'
ceive seven thousand dollars per annum for
twenty years.
Petty robberies are the order of the night
v moBigomery, Aiaoama. -.,!
- j .umiuu uo, unu i C
nnrtnt tn i.kU luimin s,l.t .1.. I . i .
nig tit.
.u wwukij niauiUlUO IDDIt lUi ,
i Lovi Detttrif OUT. .the French (linker, it
dead, leaving a fortune -of tweUe million of
A came named ken is inr n!viria1l
played In the gambling houses throughout
tne aouiu.
The small pox continues to rago in Mo
bile, witbont any noticeable abatement.
An elephant broke loose at Montgomery
the other day, and had not, at least accounts,
uccn captured.-
A wkalo fifty-six feet in length made its
appearance in the Cope Fear river last week,
ana wa captured by tbe Simthville people.
Mr. T. B. Bead's Raiding of "Love's
Touug Dream," was destroyed in the recent
great -ore at oincinnau.
An unruly lad was fined five drill ars -"for
his mother," by the Mayor of Mobile a few
days ago the lady making the complaint,
Major General Slocum has. accepted the
secretaryship of a new express .company,
wiiii a capita oi uitecn minions.
A -petition foriaahip canal from Cayuga
Lake to Lake Ontario was introduced in
tho Senate by Hon. S. K. Williams -on
Thursday last ,
Four Italians have been arrested at Louis
ill, y., Iiaving in their possession fourteen
thousand dollars b counterfeit bills of dif
ferent Aeromioatioiie.
;. Chicago has no park, or, as the Tr&uhe
of that city puts it, there are fifteen square
miles of mud, without a green spot ot .land
two hundred thousand people without a
breathing place.", ;
Miss Lucy G win,' daughter of Dr.iGwvn,
now a State prisoner in tho United States
fortress below New Orleans', was married in
Paris, on the 8th Instant to Mr. E. J. Cole
man, of St. Lnuis.
Mr. Charles Winson, the New York de
faulting bank clerk whose flight to Europe
is not forgotten, has been discharged from
the English bank-ruptcy court, where a suit
had been brought against him to recover
the amount taken from the bank, on account
of (lie non-appearance of the opposing party
The debt amounted to 2U,U41.
Kev. Henry Ward Beccber in his last
political lecture said : "The kind and pa
tient Mr. Lincoln was cudgelled-and whack
eu by (jnngrcss, and be bore it with a pa
tient spirit, reminding him of same horses
who merely-net when cudgelled as though
it wa to brnah flies off. 'When -they com
menced whacking Mr. Johnson, they found
a pair of heels through the dashboard, and
they left the wagon and took to trees and
hushes, crying, Beast, brute,' but since then
Lad cudgelled more Carefully.
I'lie prospects of an abundant peach crop
M Kentucky are reported good.
Gloucester, Mass., is probably the largest
hsbiug town in the world.
SuiTerers from Scrofula and -Scrofulous af
icctiuns, cli;an .upJ Vi'-lf was jour Pimples,
Blotches, Ulcers, Sores t Why have theWc
twisted out of you by Dyspepsia, Rheuma
tism and Gout? Why suffer Syphilitic and
Mercurial diseases to rot tbo bones in your
body, or the flesh off your bones T Why let
your sluggish blood drag and scatter its
distempers through.your veins f Atkii's
Uosrp. Ex't of 6vrssparilla cures these com
plaints, and cleanses them out ef the system.
Use it faithfully and you bring to society a
healthier, cleanlier, and far more acceptable
member. Democrat, Baltimore, Md.
Rambcho Pobt Wine. It is no patent
medicine or cordial humbug, but is a super
ior wine of the Portugal Samburg grape,
cultivated by Alfred Speer, in this country;
a pure eld unadulterated wine, nothieg more
nor less. Mr. Speer Las been supplying
hospitals with Lis wine for bkree years past,
not venturing to introduce it into the mar
ket generally until ie bad accumulated a
stock of airty thousand bottles, four years
ld. A. Benntt has it.
tixnibiod with Hoarseness, Coughs, or Sore-
en ess of tbo Throat, can apply an excellent
and safe semedy by using BROWN'S
BROJJCfilllL, TROCHES. We have tried
the article, and -can -safely recommend them
in all cases of Throat Irritation. To Singers
and Public Speakers they are of great value-
Kockhill & Wilson, Roys'. Clothing.
Rockhill & Wilson. Fine Clot bin tr.
Rockbill & Wilson, Clothinfi of all crades.
Ruck lull & Wilson, Clothing uiadeito order.
KockUUl & W Uson,
. Brown Stone Clothing Hall,
603 and 60S Chestnut atreet.
"DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can maka
Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and ex
amine an invention urgently needed by every
body. Ur a sample aunt tree by mail tor oo
cents that retails -easily for $6, by R. L.
WOLCOTT, 170 Chatham Bquare, N Y.
Sept. 16, 186 -ly.
I . . i- - . 1 -
ISbsunokiis Coal Trade.
M4MosiK.Anril3, 1866.
Ten. Cvl.
Beot for week eediog ftlaroh II, 8.854 06
Per lest report, 83,t5A M
To semstisse Iwt ysar,
61,414 13
41,497 13
ayu Ji - - - - - -- - a
X Ooaa;b, -old, or Sore Tlsroat,
Requires immediate attention, and should be cheek
, ed. Jf allowed to continue,
Irritation of tba Loogs. a Permanent Throat
ArracTion, aa am lcossi.a.Loo Dissssa
is oft en the-reeult.
Uariog a dueotipAuenos to the parts, givs immsdi.
ate relief.
For rBfOucbUU, Aitbraa, Catarrh, Contump
tits and Tbroat Diseases,
TroxKu art vtti ct tlvuxgt good tueeett.
Htnajera sand Pssldle Speakers)
still is4 taoevsa atafal ia eieeriag the voioe wbsa
taAsa be(or JisfUf ' Breaking, and relieving 'be
kreet after aa aavusl szerUoa of the vocal ergons.
Tts Ttocftt are rsoommecded sod prescribed by
rkjiscisas, Md hsv bad testimonials Irom eminent
sa-tkroaihouttbe eeunur Being aa article ef
trts rlt, suid bsrlng prorsd their emoaoy by a test
apea yssn, each yew tads tbsas ia new localities
tsi-eerions parts of tie world, sad the Troches are
alrsrselly proaovneed better tkaa ether aruoles.
Cateia ) "Saows'i Baon;eut Taoeais.
sad e oi take say of tbe Worthless L-ailatioos tit
Bol4 rrerywbere ia Use Coiled futes, sal ia
rraita Countries. St JJ een'.s per bn
I 'jtiVe Si, lad". tm
Oa tbe 8d inst.. in Sclinsgrove, by the
Kev. J. W. Olewine, J. P. Wetzel, and Miss
Sarah J. Kapp, of Northumberland.
I 18 00
c oo
a oo
Butter, ,1
Lui, . ;
ti 60
ar oo
BY virtue of an order of sale, hraed oat ef tbe
Court of Common Pleas of Morthuailiarlaad
County, and to medireeted, will be exposed to pub
lio sale, at the Court House, ta the Borough of feun-
bury, on Thursday, May Id, A. D. 1868, at 1 o'olook
P. M-, the following real estate, to wit : -
All that oert&in Tract of Land, situate In Zerbe
township, (formerly Little Mahanov townshiD.) in
ata oounty, surveyed upen warrant In the name of
.Benjamin r. loung, anted we 18th day of Norem-
Iih A n l.n'l i : : , , i r
va, a. ii,u. BiijuiuuiK ihui aurTejroa lur tforfl-
miah Jackson, William 'iray, William Wilnm, John
W. Boily, William Ehartell and othen, oontaining
by Survey made bv tho Inaulsltlon Eieht Hundred
and thirteen aorei and Ihirty-lix perubef, strict
measure. Exclusive of oneibisndred and fll'ty sores,
patented to Frederick II aaa -on she 17th of Hay, 1808.
loot som as tne nronertv or wm. ieran. with
notice to tbe Mahonoy and bhamokin Improvement
Company. Tbe Trevortod and Susquehanna Kail.
road Company, and the Trevorton Coal and Railroad
company and other terre-tenant.
not. ai. w ha vis ii, csneriu.
ShoriG Offioc, Saubury, April 7, 1366. it
QTJjLBTBHLY report .or THE first
Quarterly Renort of tbe condition of the "The First
national Dunn or.bunbury, fenntylranla," on the
morning ol IheDrstAlonday of April, A. !., lbfiO
Kotes and tills discounted. -
$03,445 19
Banking-house, other Ileal Estate, furni
ture ana.nxtures,
Current-expense aad Saxes paid,
Remittances and other Cach Items,
Due from National Banks,
Due from other Bank and Bankers, ,
14,118 62
7,010 01
49.026 'JO
1,431 63
u.o. uoaus aepositca wv i s.
Treasurer to swsure circulating notes.
100.000 00
lo0,W0 00
127,000 00
U. 8. Jionds on hand.
Other U. S. securities.
Pennsylvania War Loan and other stocks, 16,920 00
uwn on nana in circulating notes of other
National Banks,
3,010 00
12,090 00
' 1.S70 67
Cash on hand, including botes of tat
.Banks.- -
Specie, . .
utner lawiul money, th : Legal lender
Aotes, . . 6S,5fii 00
Compound Interest Koto, 20,000 00
?6n,S9i S8
Capital stock paid in,
1200,000 00
11,100 17
Surplus fund,
Circulating notes received from
Comptroller 60.000 08
LeM amount on hand, 7.496 00
Amount of oironlating ouUtunduij,
Individual Deposits.
82,4T.i 00
136.404 26
6,952 24
10.30S Bt
15,153 2t
i,7K2 18
14W.116 50
0.041 65
Iividends Unpaid,
'Construction account.
Due to National ftaoks,
" other Banks and Hanker.
State Bank ciroulation outstanding
Discount, Interest aud Kxobcnge,
Profit and Loss,
Total, $017,294 43
I.S.J. Packer. Canhiernf the "First National
Hank of Sunbury, Pa.." do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my knowledgo
and belief. P J. I'ACKEK, Cashier.
Sworn to end subscribed bel'ure me. this fifth dav
of April, 1S86
l'. M. PniNiiEt, An't Assessor.
Bunbory. April "th 16M.
Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance
'o., V.irk r
Curriberlaud Valley Mutual
Proteetiun Co.. New
lork Mutual Life, Qirard Lueof I'iilV AllarUfurd
Conn, ueneral Aocidenta.
Sunbury, Aprll7, ly.
Or 'litlilijjf, fie-nC 1'xirxiinhlns
f rtltS undersigned takes pleasure inannounosng to
JL tee puDlto ol bunbury, ana ricinuy, tnai-tie tias
openeu nis
ita a well solccted stock f
I will sell at aatonifbing low prices.
I have also still on baud a Urge stock of
Boots & Shoes,
for Ladies. Ganta and Children's wear, which 1 am
selling oB, as 1 intend to give up that branch of busi
All who know Mr. Schweitxer. my partner, will
find it to their advantage to call.
8. Gnoas'-old stand, Market Square.
Sunbury, April 7, 1666.
0 YesI 0 Yes!
t ftsduoed Prices, at the
Market Square, near tbe New Court House
Cloths, Caaimeres, iCottenades, Linen Panting, Ao.
Silk, Delaines, Allapaoaas, English and Eootoh
Gingbaus, Challioa, iawa, Caliooes, Muslins, Ae.
Sheetings, Uoop Skirts Hosiery and glorei.
Glassware, Queensware, Crockery, Hardware and
Vrngs, Oils, Valnts, Coal Oil and
FUh, Pork, ars and Fins Salt, Colfee, Tea, u
gar, Molaases Syrup, Spioes, Ac,
Groeeries, Tohaoso, Eegars and Snuff, together wilh
a large variety of maeellaoeeus geeds at prioes that
Snchnry, April T, 1866.
WHOLESALE and retail at reduoed rates.
Pipes end Holders eat to order sod repaired.
All goeda warranted genuine. Send stamp for citou
lar. 1'ipes 96 to taX) eaob
April 7, 1666. lm
Washington House.
orj7oaiTK ns new court bocke,
,THIS popular and eomfortable Hotel 'bee keen
X fitted up ia superior order for the accommodation-of
Strangers, Travellers, and tbe rvblie gener
ally. Mo efiori will be spared by the Preerieter to
aake-it aiavorite Asoit and a pleaeant bosne for
every guest- His table, bis bar, and tbe long ex
perienee of theproprieeor, warrant him la saticipa.
ting a liberal share of publis patronage.
Eitensive stables, sad every desirable eonve
Bienoe. . , . .
Hnnbtssy, April T. iass ly
Pare Ubertr Wbllo Lead
' WUl de more and better work at a given Cost, tliao
SB other ! Try It! Menufeonired only kv
Wholesale Drag, Paint A Ulaas Dealers.
Ne. UT tierth THIRD blreet, Philadelphia.
JJaouary J7, 1866ly. -
mnn A MOTII T8 wsated foe
ail eotXrslv new artieles. Jut eat. Ad
dress 0. T. OaRKT, City BuUding. Biddefocd
Maine. dee ly
MA1UE3 for 1806. An sisortmsnt of
Diaries, Urge sod small, for Bale by
Buabur 'so. ,
HAS just returned from New York and Philadel
phia, and is now receiving a Mew Stock ot
Spring & Summer Goods,
at a great reduction in prices.
. . ...
uentirtiioiva) ivsnr,
Fins Blaek Cloth at $4.00 that used to sell at $8 .00.
Caasimeree, Batinett, Oaehmeretts, Kentucky Jeans,
voitonade and liineo janung, at reduoea priaet.
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Bilk. Wool Delaines. Mohair. Silk Strine. Pant
De Chain. Alracoa. lNmlett. Knelish and Scotch
Ulnghams, Challiee, Delaines, Lawn, Calico and
Muslins, vory chuap.
White Goods.
Linen Dress QoO'le, Linon Sairtinir, White Toilet
Quilts, BrlllianU, jis aUripo, Swim Camlrrio, Jao
eoneu, Irish Linon, Shirs fronts, .
Ladies' Cloth and Flannel Sacking, and other
flannel at low prloes. White Shetland Wool, Shawls,
Balmoral SklrU, Ao Skirting and the latest style
nf Hoop Skirts, very handsome and ohenp.
Yankee Notions in Great Variety,
Hosiery, Gloves, Pocket andkercliicfs, Suspen
ders, Neckties, Paper Collars, Umbrellas, a good
assortment of Spectacles, Coats, Spool Cotton, fancy
Buttons, Trimming?, Ac.
Cerpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, brown and
green Oil Cloths for windows, Gilt Shades, Fixture
for Window Blinds.
Hats, Caps and Ladies' Shakers, Hardware, Kails,
Forks, Shovels, Spades, iron-tooth Garden Rakes.
Queensware, Glassware, Soots and Shoes,
Faints, Oils, (Jlass and Fatty.
Schonl Books, and a now supply ol WALL TA
PER, will be sold very cheap.
All persons desirousof Kotiinz eood coods at low
prmto, nir oaeu or country produce, will pioas i
9, will ploas giv
J. U. LNUti
me a citu.
Sunbury, March 7tb, 1856.
AND NOW OrEN, a large and complete stock tf
Window Curtains, School, Blank, Juvenilo and ether
Cap, Lrftlr, INotc and Ilillct Paper.
L..N LUfS all kinds and sites.
Arnold's Writing Fluid In Urge and small bottle.
Rosewood, Gilt and other Picture Frames.
Balls, Unit, Marbles, Toys for Bpring and Summer'
Choice Ciear, Smukinzand Chuwinir Tubaooo. Pine
of all kinds, i'ipe Stems.
I-eroiucrj-, I'ooJfot Hooks, Combs
Law Books furnished at publishers rates. Musia
orders promptly .filled.
Ail .books nut on hand promptly ordered.
Monthly nnd Vokl.v nannzlnrs
Iuprr, Daily Pru aud 1'u'iuirer, always ou
TICKETS for Liverpool, Quoencown and the Wct
Draft on Europe. '
Thankful for poet favurs and sulicniinr acontinu
aneo of the same. .
Bunbury, April 7, 1SB0.
An Old So-net to n tw Tunu.
B&-1888 -
"As spring approaches
Ants and Roaches
From their holi-s come out,
And Mice an Rats,
In spito of cats.
Oaily skip about."
"lliToar estabiisbed tiiN. V. Citr,"
Only infallible remedios known "
"Free from Poisons,"
"Not dangerous to the Human Family'
"Bats come out of their hulos to die."
Costar'sBat, Roach, 4tc, E'xtormtnator,
la a paste used for Ituts. Mice. Roaches,
Ulack and Red Ants, Ac, Ac-, ia.
Costax'a Bed-Bug Exterminator.
Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and
also as a preventive i'cr Rod-Rugs, Ac.
Costar'a Electric Powder for Insects
is for Moths. Mosquitoes, fleas. Red lugs,
instcts on Plants, Fowls, Auimuta, Ac.
'. ! ! Rkwakk! ! ! of ell wortl.lops Imitations,
rice that -'Costar'a" name U on each Rox, Bottle,
and Flask, before you buy
4Sli Rroadway, Now York.
Qp'Sold in .Sunbury, Pa. n
liy Fbilinq A Sol, and all Druggists aud Retailers-'
INCREASE OF RATS Tbo Farmer's Oaictto
.(English) asserts and prorcs by figures that one pair
Kate will have a progeny and duscenduuls no leas
than 6M.0S0 in three years Now, unions this im
mense family can be kept down, they would con.
sume more food than would auetaui 6i,0UU human
See "Costar's'1 advertisement above.
RATS versus BIRDS. Whoever engages in shoot
ing small birds is a oruel man; whocvur aids in ex
terminating rata is a benefactor. We should like
some one to give us the benefit of their experience in f.
driving out these pests. We need soniothini; besides
dogs, cau, and trap for this business. Hcimtific
jtmtriean, j'. Y.
bit "CotTaB's" advertisement above
safe, and sure the most perfect RA'J'-ilioiuioo meet
ing we have ever attended, tvory Rat that oau get
it, properly prepared, will eat it, and every one taat
eats it will die, generally at some place as distant aa
possible from where it was taken. Lakt Hhor AftrA
&ee "Costar's" advertisement above.
Housekeepers trouble with vermin neei be so no
longer, if they use "Costar's ' Exterminator. We
have used it to our satisfaction ; and if a box est f 5,
we would have it. We have tried poisons, but they
effected nothing ; but "Costar'a article knocks the
breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ante and Red
bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great $)
demand all over the country. Medina, Ohio, Ua
xttf. See "Costar's" advertisement above.
of "Costar's" Rat, Ruaeh, Ant, Ao., Exterminator
"more grain and provisions aro destroyed annually
in Grant County by vermin than would pay for tons
of this Hat and Insect killer.'' haneatttr Wit
See "Costar's" advertisement above.
Jasmxks s-kd Hoi-sekieper ehould recollect
that hundreds of dellare' worth of Grnin, Provisions
As., are annually destroy byeHata, Mice, Ants, and
ether insects and vermin -U of which can be pre
vented by e few dollars' worth of "Coster's" Rat.
Roach, Ant, Ac., Exterminator, bought and used
See "Coster V advertisement above.
Bold in Sunbury, Pa., by J. W. i'riling A 600, and
ou urug gists ana Dealers.
April , JBt6.8ia
for wbioa tbe highest Cash rrioe will be pd by
461 York Avenue, Plt.iadelibia.
April T.l&66.-lm
0 Rupture, freea theuerd frsu ail pretsure; will
never nut, break, limber, chafe, or buvome uhhy,
(tbe toe steel spring being coateei with bail rubber'
spring made any power required, used in baihiag.
Sited to form; reouiree ne strapping; cleanest, lgbu
set, easiest, est best Truss knows. Send fr pam
phlet. . -
. . 1. B 6EELEY, 60U Troprieter
IW Ctis'av. Si , I b lui's . Ts .
, Ap:tlT,-lJM-la