Exam, Ml pi til B4b 1 7 C7S n o o o 0) o o TO CD a t-viusa a'wintkh arkaxuemknt. 6S102 37 KEMOVED TO . to join' siniiKT. UaYt:g supplied ourselves with new ntnl superior lot of Woods, of tho !M't stylus and patturna, and having secured from tho Importers many article of great bcautv ntt value, we Hre now prepared to jonlio for the" spring and Winter better ni ringeninnts, mid present greater inducements to purchasers, than we have ever before otlured. We have ill 000 valu able and beautiful articles of Hoods, comprising J'ianns. Watches, liiamond. plain Riiil ornnuientnl .luwclry, and i'.mcv (Juodsof every description, that we will eell at JJ each regardless 'of vuluo or cost. UoiVMT Iipok ol'oiir jJo1. Wo hare iO. Will Oil C.ltteJ Photographs, com irisint? every subject Religion. Nentiuientnl. Comic ind Fn,-y lluit wo Hill Ml nt Thirty Couta each, ,r four fur One lHillar; niwi v.ith each i'hologrni.li ve Rive two numbered notices, 'iho notices are lumbered from I to .'O.UOli, and put into envalnpea, ealed up. nnd thoroughly mixed ; and when Photo rBplu nro purchased, two for each Photograph are ken out mid sent with it. The article of Goods re numbered from 1 to SU.UOU, and any anicle. no ;atter what ihe value may be, coirrspunding with ve number on Ihe notice, will bo sent I r 'J'wo Dol irs. froc of cost, except when font by express, thcu t the expense of Ihe receiver. We do assure you that .hnuld Iho notice correspond ilh a I'iano or other valuablo artiele of gooda, it ill be nut to the purchaser for Two Dollars IJKtol'Uood ill J,0 each, -ven Octavo Pianos, i'.osewood Melodeona. Hold Hunting Caso Lovor Watches. (Silver Watches, lininoud Set, tilver ChafinR Dishes. Seta Silver Teaspooons, 000 Coral. Opal nr.d Kniernld Iliooohes, rvloaic. .let, Lava nud I'h.rcntibo Sets, Hold KinRS, tiold l'on.ila. Toothpicks, An. uprising a list of etidle."S variety nnj the chuiccst kluy of goods. We warrant uur good (uputior to ' establishment in the country, nnd hope you will o ua one trial at lonat, nnd if the article i nut at resented, and doe not give patisfautioti, return it. . we will send your money back. How to orili r 'aoiN. nd ui Thirlv Cenla for one Photograph, or One 'ar for five the extra one and two extra notice! 1 o A-rnt. When an agent has aont us S10.U0 for d a and Photnrapba, we will give one notice and article it cnMa for fieo of chnrge; for $16,00 i notices free; for $20.00 four notices free ; for 10 a splendid Photographic Album, or nix free ea ; or lor J :'0,00 a good .Silver Watch, warranted 'd time-keeper. ,i keep an account of all money sold, and an t can order hia commission at any timu. particular and write your address full and , as we sometime have orders in our office for ha that nc cannot answer for tho waut of proper vns. lrcss BAilTHEW. CO.. Uux 5210 New York, niary IS. 1 ,-Jj. ?in 8 T Q ii E . AYA. liENNKT, kct Nquore, Kl HI ItY, l"n. 'IN' recently purchased the Prug Store ineily conducted by R. A Fisher, I beg inform the cilirua of 'unbury and vi thut I have entirely replenished my Block jaia. "ea ssa a (n ANCY ARTICLES ! '.'otnba. Tlrr.shea. Pocket-Hooka. Sonpa, Per , Jlair-Oil. Knives, .Scissors. Coal-Oil Lam4. and Cigara, l. Oils, ;iiie, 4Iii, lu I ty, wli-K. l(i(-Ht .'Vli-sIU-ItK'ia, Ac, Tincture. Nvrupi. HiulLients, Cerates, and puralions aio mituiirietured by niystdf, and best material I oin prwuru uiMr.rkct. .'.ad iui'o a number of years' experience in J)ruij ii(Z 1'resri'i'twit Jiunutas, Philadelphia and tho country, and also the ;e of the College of Pharmacy, I fuel com- 0 COMPOUND AM, PRESCRIPTIONS '.'hyaicians and public may fuvor mo with. ' preparations as 1 have above aaerted,are .m tho best material, and upon honor I iiy are of ofticinal strength. liiciuul purposes, I keep on band iho very u$, nn.VXDIES AND LIQUORS, 1 proeura. iurchaing eljenhcre, call and oonsitico mind. W. A. IiKNNETT. . Not 13, ISM. . c. aosiisr, unil 'ounk-!lui-.liil I. VJM.E. CCOPKR CO .MISSOI RI pay taxoa on landa in any part of tho o. ltuy and soil real Ksiate, and all other '.rusted to him will roccive prompt atieu- rlfiS oet li, 'tH. lrEs iikdWiTTm ; JOStl'lI KYSTEIJ, SttectMuor to John Ucrcn.) -ncr of Muiket and Fawn .Vtiect, , . 11 U U Y , I K N X A . public to call and cx.imiue his elegant 'INTER GOODS! 11 aell lit greatly rducd price. Ilia a in part of 3SIMERES, CLOTHS. &C . e,, I.awni, liinzbaiiia, Caliwea. Muslins, okings, Jeans, and a full m-.vrluiuul of voolcn guods gnuerally -1 3 W Va, Uoop j-kiiU, Ana ijantiaercbiefa, 'ins il .'n, Kloolai nul tsUi, niflit of goods will i,ut, l,a U ara lure, thu fancy and auit the wauu of any de basing. Ilia stock of WARE AND gttENSWARE, a ia Inrgo in quantity and cboiee iu rising geuerally everything needed in If either for use or ornament. i ready and glu.l to ace bia friends iiaure in shoving ibeiu his goods even ia aTe mado. llo only uki a cull, and the a'oek will compuro favurubly in lily with tho cheapest. JOSKPII EYSTEK. JOHN E. BUICK, !ANT TAILOR! -low Market, (li it door s.juth of JJ ,r a (. M XJJl RV, PA. .ober i'I, I sunt l.iltins-r 4. e Service! of A LIN COLN , by $2 04 2 110 3 2i ui, Tho t'sioawcoul kiid . -lend, Banal ately or in Bella. 17. fur IbUti. An aasnrtuient of s ami atuall, for Halo hy ANNA I'AINTEU. tan. C, 18C0. (K, for 1 1UH1. 1 1 j.iiiirf m;r i . SJ, 165. '.just receiaed al Market Bquare Ul ni !-A0ENT t wan'.el for attrtW articles, just out. Ad iKtY, City Vnildiug. biddeford, itc'ii ly Tint PERUVIAN SYJRUP IS A rROTRCTF.D SOLttTWa OF THE lrotoxlle o I Iron, a new discovery In medicine whloh BTRIXEU AT THE KOOT OF DISEASE, by supplying the Illood with Ite vital PBiBCirLS, ' on urt i:Lir.!T IKON. Thifistho secret of the wonderful success of thlaj remedy In curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronio Dior rbiea. Hoils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vera. Humors, Lwr of Constitutional Vigor, Discuros of lliu Kidneys and Ulndder, Femalo Complaints, and all discasee originating in a 1) A II STATE OK T II K II h 0 0 I or accompanied by nEnn.tTT or a i.ow rtat ok THB SYSTEM. Ileinfffreo from Alcohol In any form, Its energl ung efl'eeta are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, Infusing btrksoth, vinoR and jikw tirii into nil partoftheayatoin,nnd bnild ing.up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From the V, nr,ab!e Arrluharon SCOTT. D. D IM'XRAM, Canada Kaat, March 21, 1985. i'I am an inveterato lyarplic of moro than 2') years standing." -! have boon ao wonderfully beneflttcJ In the three abort weeks during which 1 hnvo used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can sonrcely persuade inyielfof the reality. Pcoplo who have known me are astonished at ihe chnngo. I am widely known, and can but recommend to others that which haa done ao much for ine '' Out; of the niont Didtingnislicil Jurists in Mew EngUirul IVritcs to ft Friend as follows: I hnvo tiled tho PKUUVIAN SYKUP, and tho result fully aualaina yonr prediction. It has made a new mnn of mo ; infused into my system new vigor and energy ; I am no longer trcnmloua and debilita ted, as when you last saw mo, but atrongcr, heartior, and wi'h larger cpiicity for labor, incnlnl and phyrleal, than at any timo during tho last five years." An Eminent Divine of Botton, mji : 'I hnvc been using tho PERUVIAN BYRl'P for aome time past ; it givea me new vmon, bcovaxcv OP BMUITP, ELA9TIITT OK MCSCLr.." Thousands have boon changed by the uen of thia remedy; from weak, aickly, suffering crcuturca, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; nnd invalids cannot reasonably nesitatu to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 rages, containing; certificates of cures and recommendulions from aome of tho moU eminent nhvsiciun, clcrgrvmeu, and othcra, will be ecut free to any address. tft-beu that each bottle Hal l f.lv I 1A S UL'P blown ill tho gla. l'ur ealo by J. P. HINPMORE, Proprietor. 34 Dcy Btreet, New York. AND Br Al L OtrOGISTa. I SCROFULA All Medical Men ngreo that IODINE ia tho Kest Remedy lor fj:;rnlnlii and all kindred difenae ever discovered. Tho difficulty has been toobtain a Pure Solution of it. Dr. II. ANDERS' IODINE; WATER. Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent!! Containingn full grain to each ounceof water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative. It has cured and will euro SCROFULA in all its mani fold forma. l"lciaN, Cnnoersi, ! pliilt, Sail 5!'uiu ; and it ha: been uoil with astonishing success In cases of Rhcuuiatisni. i'v.'p;:ain. Consumption, Prmulo Comiilainta Heart, Liver, and Kidnoy L'iseascs, Ac. Cireularii will bejent free to any one. aeuding their aauress. PrioeSl OOabotMe. orC for 00. Prepared by Dr. II.'AN DLR.'.,', Phyticiuu and Che ruiyt. For sale bv J. P. DINSM'ORE. 30 Dey Street, New York. And by all liruggista. Wistar's Balsam DP WILD CHER 3? . had been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with the most nstonishing success in curing Coughs, C-dds, Hoaisencss, Soro Throat lufluonta, vi nooptng Cough, t.'roup, Liver Complaint, iirochitis, l)il,iculty of Rrealhing. Asth ma and every alleotion of 1'Iic 'l'liroul, I.iiu, nnl I'licvt. CONSUMPTIOX, which earrics off moro victims than other disease ami wmcn nnines the skill of tho t'hysiciana to a rctiter extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS ItDtEIlT ! when all othcra prove ineffectual. AS A MKlUCINi:, rapid in roliof, soothing in effect, aafe in its opera tion. It is unsurpassed ! and is entitled merits, and reoeivos the general confidence of tho publio. SEYMOUR THATCHLR, M. I)., of Horman, N. Y., writes as follows: " Wistar's H ilsarn of AVild Cherry e'ivos universal satisfaction. Itseeiua to cure Cough by loosening niiu cleansing mo lungs, ana aimying iriitaiion, tnus rrinoviug thu cause, instead of (Irving up thu cough and leaving tho cause behind. I consider iho lial am as good as any, if not tho best Cough medicine nun wuicu i am actMiaiuiea. rrom Hon. Judge SPRAKER,of Canajohario, N. Y (lentlemcn. This is to certify that mvsclf and fnniily have used Dr. Wistar's Ratsiiui of Wild Chcrjr, foraeverul yeurs, and that I tako grout plousure in recommending it iu preference to anything of the kind for tu purposes for which it ia intended. Iu cns'Sof Asihuia I o ..isic, cr r.flcclioiis of tho Throat, I have never met ivi'h anything e.lliil to it, Very respectfully, DAVID SPBAKER. Tho Rev. JACOJ! SECIIMIR, of Hanover, Pa., ell known and much rospectcd rmong tho llerman population in this country, mukea Iho following statement for the benefit of" tho alllicted. Dear Sirs : Having reali.cd in my family impor tant benefits from Iho uso of your valuable nrenara (ion Wistar's Ralsnm of Wild Cherry it allbrda mo pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight yeurs ago one ol my daughters seemed to bo in a decline, and little hopes of her rccovorv were enter- tniued. I then procured a b-ttlo of your excellent lialsniu, and before she had taken the whole of tho contents of tho bottle there was a.irrcut iiuMnvcmcnt iu bur health. I have, in uiy individual case mudo frequent use of your valuablo mediciuc, and have always ueeu nenenitea ny . JACOHSIX'HLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A DOTTLE, l'ur sale bv J. P. MNNMORK. .V, Dey Street, New York. SE'Jll W l'OWLE A SUN', Proprietors. Doston. And by all Druggist. UJIACE'S CELEBRATKI) SALVE Curea Cuta, Burns, Sculda. ORACE'S CLLEBP.ATED BALVK Cures Wounds, liruiscs Sj.raina OftACE'B CELEBRATED SALVE Cure Roils, Vlcers, Cancers. ORACE S CELEI1RATE1) &ALVE Cures Suit Rheum, Eryfipclas. GRACE ri CELEBRATED SALVE Curea Chapped Hands. Chilblains. tiUACK'S CtLEARATED SALVJS Heila Old Sorea, Elesh Wounds, io. It is prompt iu action, reuiovel nain at onra an.l reduces the must tugry looking swclliuga and iutla- thus aflording relief aud a tomplete cure. I y c'"jli 1"' ' (Went by mail for .li cents.) or Nile by J p. DIXSMORK, 36 Dey Street, New Wk. S. W. FoWI.U Jk mis: i..-..i ' llo-tou. and by all Druggist, llrocera, aud Country Mores. January 27, liGO ly. . unli-I Iisiauodiiilt ly. V while barber ia wanted luiuitdiately to whom alcady employment will be given. Api.ly to WM. PLRSEL, Market Street, Buubury. Pu. Bunbury, Jen. 1.1, !!. A New and ane lot nf PERr'L JIES, io , forrths ilolidnya. at LIOHTNER K. P J 10TOG llAPII "GALLERY .in Bimpaou's liuildiuga, ti.ir.KEI BUI'ABI!, Buubury, J's , J. U. i:ilAUE, IVeprietor. Cuubury, July 11, lUtri. L A RGR TOCK ! R W AitlttVAL OF GOODS AT 3STO. 1 STORE OF WEAVER & PAaELY, CONSISTINU OF DRY GOODS! FOREItlN.AND DOMESTIC, such aa Clotha, Casi meres, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking. Calicoes, Do lalnes, Flannels, and all kinds of MOURNING Hoods, Alpaoas. Hlnck Bilka, Minirhama. Dnlmornl and Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flannels, Nankeens, Car peting of all kinds. HATS Sc CAPS. CAP.PET3. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising, Hosiery, Gloves, Thread, Bolton', Fus- pendcra. Week-ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair lirushes. Tooth Brushes, limn Rib bon nnd Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses, tidy cotton, enrpet binding, combs, fancy forms, enrnet bans. Trunks, Vallsea, Umbrellaa, Wank Rooks, Tapor, Envelopes, Ae. Of all kinds, such as Nails, ninges and Screws, Door Latches nnd Knobs, Locks, and CUTLERY ot every description. Also, Dyes, Drugs, l'miits, nrnislies, Fish, Flaxseed nnd lleiiKiitp Oils, Glnss, Putty, &c. ((nevnNwnrc sinal JInMKnrc ot nil STONE AND 'EARTHENWARE. Ad Extensive Stock of GROCERIES, Composed of Sugar, Coffeo, Teas, Rice, Corn-starch, Maccaronl. Barley, Daking-powder. molasses, soaps, candles, tobacco and acgiirs, bait, Fish, Moat, Cheese, Ac, 4c. Also, a largo variety or BOOTS & SHOES, for Men, Women and Children. t'sr'All kinds of Grain and Country Produce taken In exchange for Goods. Give ua a call before you purchase tlscwhore, we are bound to aell na low aa any one else. Storo-room in Ira T. Clcment'a building at the south-west corner of Market Sauaro, near the Court nouse. Wunbury, Oct 2R, 1S05. TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER, RESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of SI N UCRY and vicinity, that he has opened a Xniloriiijf Oiliop, the room over Fnrnsworth'i Orooery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sunbnry, whero ho ia ready to make ap garments of all kinds in the latest style and best workmanlike manner. Having had oxperienco in the business for a cum bor of years ho hopes to render general suti.'fiiotion Custom work is respectlully solicited. J. P. SCHAFFER. Sunbury, May 13, 1SC5. ly Plitlnalclpliln A. I'.i ic- Knllroiu:. rriHIS great line traverses the Northern and North JL west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on L.ako i.rie. It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company ana lsopernlcit by tnem. Time of Passenger trains wt Sunbury, Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, Erie Express Train, Eltnirn Express Train, Etuiira Mais Train, Leave Westward. Erio Mail Train, Erio Express Train, Ehnira Express Train, , Elmira Mail Train, S.SO p. m. 3.40 a m. ll.3 p n 10.36 am. 3 05 a in. 2.0 p m. f- 20 a ni 1.25 p. m. Passenger cars run through on the Erio Mail and Express Trnins without change both was. between Philadelphia and brie. i'v York 'oiiuo'liou. Leave New York at S 00 p in, arrive at trie 3.S7 a in. Leave Erio at 1.66 n in., arrive at New York 1.1a p. m. No change of ears botwenn Erio and New York, elegant Sleeping Cars on all Niisht trains. For information respecting Passenger businesa apply at Cor. ,'tOth and Market fit.. Ph ladelnhia. And for Freight businesa of Ihe Company's Agonta, S. I). Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market St., I uiiiiuaipiiitt. J. W. Reynolds, Erio. William Drown, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore, li. II. Houston, Oen'l Freight Agt. Philada. II. W. GwissEn, Gen'l Ticket Ag'L, rhilada. A. L. TYLivR, Ucu'l Maungcr, Williamspart Nov. 25, 1805 JEREMIAH SNYDER, Attorney Coiinsollor ut Ijiw, OQico corner of Blackberry and Fawn Stroct, throe uoora cast ot t. . iingtit a ruuitry, NLMII KY, IA. Will attend promptly to all professional business enirustea io uis care, tnu collodion ot claims In or tbumberlnnd and tho adjoining counties. Consultations in German and English. Buubury, April 22, lSf.5 ly GOODS SUITABLE FOIt HOLIDAY PKESENTS. 1TENRY ITARPElt. R20 Arli Slrccl, l(tiliilHilifn. WATCHES. FINE jr.WELIlY, SOLID S1LYEII WAHE and Superior Silver IMad-il Vnro. October 7, lHOi. 3m iic. K. i. li mm;y, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. DR. Ll'MLKY has opened an office in Northum berlnnu, and oflera hit aervicea to the peoplo of that plnee nnd thu adjoining townslips. Otliee next door to nr. ecott a fruuc btore, whero he can found at all uours. Northraiberlnnd August 19, 1SC5. EECOP.D YCTJE, DEEDS 1)ERSONS having unrecorded Deeds arc reminded that they must be recorded, according to the Act of Assembly which rouuiros that 'All docda aud conveyances for real estate in this t;oinmonweaiin, sliull uu reuordad in the ouice for Recording Deeds in the County whera the landa lie u-ilhin six months after the execution of such deeds ana convoy auce ; and everv such ueed and convey ance not recorded aa aforesaid, shall bo judged FRAl'Dl'LENT AND VOID against any subscquiut purchaser fur a valuablo consideration, iinlx, ,,k deeds bo ceorded before Ibo recording of the deed or cuuvcyaoce uuuer wnicn aucb. tubaetiueut purchaser t.r tm.rt.rair.. M!1 aUI,., 1 ' August iA, lbtii NEW MAHHLE YAlllT The undersigned would respootfully Inform tho eitiicna of .Sunbury, and public generally, that he has opened a new MARBLE YARD, opiHaite the Court House, whore AMERICAN aud ITALIAN marble ia constantly kor.t on bund. All ordera for. Monuments aud liead-stonoa rromnt- , ' D. C. DI6SINUEII. buubury, Oot. 7, 1305. tf. a. w. ztKoi.r?lt. I.. H, CASE ZXEGLEP. & CASE. KINBIRY, PENNSYLVANIA. Collodions and all Professional businesa promptly al (ended to in tho Courts of Northumberland and adjoining Counties. l lrAIo, special attention paid to Iho Collection Orphans and Soldiers ' ui 1 wu uii. iiittinftns ti.i T) n .. r 1,':-1 1 nuiioury, iuarcu IB, ini. SHEA I) & FANCY CAKE Twodoora west of the Post Office, Bl'NBl'RY, Pa TEhPtCTKlsLY inforuia tho oitiiena of ."un LVj bury aud viomity, that bo will baka to order an aiuua m t'uAirti i"r Villi, Iarllc, Ac. " ""if auppl,v with t'RErill BREAD, Twiat .., nui, iea uuna, ao., ana also kept on hand -.u.w, qm, i me oeaimaieriaia. All orden will meet with prompt attention. uu irgo eiperienoe I aofio to give goueral aatiafaotiou all whu may favor me with .u.r iMU.iou.gu. iAVlDilY. ounhury, Deo. 9, lBBj. T)rrsrrlislouh irefullw eomrwinn.lsH of IK. J. bet) DKLOd at m Wnnjaioth htore of JXtl FHII.IKO A Knv furhuay, May M,t U . W. M. roritarr.LLFR. Lt-ovn T. RownCTi. ROCKEFELLER & ILOHRBACH. OFFICE the same that hat boon heretofore occu pied by Wm. M. Rockefeller, Esq., nearly op posite the residenoo of Judgo Jordan. eunoury, July 1, ly FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f"l"!IIE subscriber respectfully Infotme tho publio L that ho kcopa oonatantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, near tha Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, In SUN BURY, Flour hy th tarrol and laokl of all kinds of Feed by tho ton The above is all mennfaotured at his own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest cash pricee. . J Al. vAD W AlibAltf It. Sunbnry, Juno 4, !ofS4; A Coneli, Colli, or More Throat, Requires immediate attention, and ahould be check ed. Ifallowcd to continue, Irritation of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat ArrKCTIOKOR AR iNCfRADLELcNa DSEAS la often tho result. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TH0CHB8 Having a direct influence to tho parts, give luimcdi. ate relief. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coiuump- tivo nnd Throat Discnscs, . Troche are uted teith alicayt good tucccti. Kiiifjrer and Public Nprnkrrst will find Troches useful in clearing tho voice when aken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the hroat after an unusual exertion of tho vocal organs. Tho Tuociies aro recommended and proscribed by Physicians, and haro bad testimonials Irom eminent men throughout tho cowntry: IMng in articlo of truo merit, and having proved their efficacy by a lest f man yean, cash year finds them In new localities in various porta of tho world, add the Troches aro universally pronounced better than other article. Obtain only "Dnows's BROxrniAL Tiiovaas," and do Out take any of the Worthies Imitations that may bo offered. Sold cvorywhero in tho United States, and in nrcign Countries, at .15 conta por box. October 28, ISO.'i. din NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. J. It. i:iCMUI.Mv. would respectfully in form tho citisena of Bl'NBl'RY, aad tho publio generally, that bo haa opened a new, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY". In Simpson's Building, South able of Market Square, where no is prepared to tako in the beat style of the art PICTURES TO FRAMR, PICTURES IN CARES, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Also Pictures mado for Rings, Breastpins, Lockets, Ao. Persona wishlnc in ourline will do well to call and examine specimens at the Gallery. we nope to merit a liberal tnaro or public patron age, Oi'R Motto is to 1'liasb. ounbury, July 16, iboj. CI ICO W.EatlfU. CBAS. B. OKKTIIEt S1ITE &, G-EITTEEF, Market street, one door east of lira. Ilnulton'a Holo Have opened i ivt n nr m t ii itr i n tY n li VV 1 111 ' H il 11 Ii, Slicct Iron anal Slovc Ml ore, and intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. A Largo Stock of Cook Stovesof tho following Brnnda PE1T1TSTLT A1TIA,! UNION G00K, and on the following two Brands wo defy competi tion, nainoiy (.'ombinnlion Oinn Kurnrr, Cook. Uoveraor I'eitii Cook. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, aimplieiiy of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each atove warranted to ;3rloni what they are re presented . i- - ALSO, PArRLOR and OFFICE STOVKS, in great variety, embracing all the bout manufactures, aud most luenionable aesigna Also, The celebrated OEM for hcatins on and down ataira. Alao the colcbratod VULCAN HEATER. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lumps), Htiatlris, Chiinnlrst, and all arlirU'is unusually kept in an establishment of tbia kind. We are alao prepared to do all kinda nt Spouting. Roofing. Range and Furnace Work.Ua Fitting, Ao. Repair ing cheaply and neatly executed. country produce taken in exchange at market price. - - SMITH & GEXTTTER, Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Northumber land, Snyder, Union and Montour. Ai d are also agents for Iho 1'iUicr A rYilluwer Line of Transportation. Bun, ury, Sept. 30, 1504. MINOR'S Patent Pockot Lanterns for aule at the Book and Stationery atoro of N. F. LIUHTNER. N FAV F.ST A KI , 1 SH Vl KT" ! ! A 1 M- 1 I J, 41 M. rv 4,11 A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Siiuaro, SU1TBTOT. PEITIT'A T 1 AS constantly on band a firm assortment of II WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spec- laclea, Silver and Plated Spoons aud Forks, Ao. m. . ii aaaa-aiara, ust uuai .a-M rirj , rem paired anil M Alt IC.l.TKO. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 18(15. CLOTHING FOR ALL!! AT CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAAR. Corner oI'Mnrkct iquure & Kali. Itoml Klreet. SUNBURY, I'ESS'A, Jl'STOPEXKD, FALL A WINTER STOCK OP READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the hewoat styles, out by the beat Artiste, trimmed ana made equal to oustom work, aud sold at lbs lowest prices. Whole Nulls Tor 915. Cavalry Tanls for rt. BLANKETS, BEATEfl- CLOTII wjaH2M.c: am. or w Varying from $25 to f 10. Moil aud Hoy'a ('lotlilntrof the best ma terial consisting of Dress Coals, frock Coats, Eack Coals, a'ants, aud V oats of various colors and quali ties. UESTLEMEN S Fl'RNISIIINO GOODS, aueh as Hblrts, Over-shirts, Vnderahirta, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, cUoekiugs U loves, Ao. Hal nnd Caps) of nil bind. DOOTS AND SHOES, Oum Hhoes, THUNKS, VA I.ISKS, UMBUKLLAS, TOBACCO A 6EGAU8, Watches, Jewelry, Kjiivea, llevolvera. and NO TIONS of all kinds, and numerous other articles. Tho publio aro invited to call and examine bis Stock. Remember tho place, "Continental Clothing Store," Corner of Market Square and the N C. It. K. LKVJ UKC1IT . UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opiosite tho N. r. A NEW HAVEN A WESTERN R. R. Derov BEACH STRMT, BOSTON. By F. U. PRATT, Formerly of the American House. May 13, 1861 -ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AK9 STATIONERY, Monthly Vm Books, Drawing Books and Elates. Books, Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum Iteaka, marine, rocket Hooka, Ink Bunds, Pens, Peccila, a fine assortment of Paper, luk, io. For aale by ANK A PAINTER. GOLD. f 1865, 1808, 1867. -SILVER 1 to 75000 ! ! $2 I S2 ! I S2 n i T"WO DOLLAB8. IWainaliiclarom' ARcatsi I Our New Mode- One of our UOI.O or SlI.TKK WattUon, or Mlvcr Ten- Sct for 9, am bflotv stated. One of our Ua mlts or one piece of our Oold or Silverware is worth a bushel of tho cheap dollar Jewelry I ! Wo bavo adopted the fotlowing mode of DISTRIBUTION by aale ot 74,000 articles of value ! Our ew Mode t . Tho articles of goods are humbored from 1 to f 5, 000! ?7,f00 consisting of Pianos Molodcons, Oold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machinoa, Tea A Table Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons and Forka; et., etc., nnd the other ;I7,M0 articles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Casos, Photograph Albums, Openface Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 74,000 notices numbered from 1 to 76,000 aro printed and put into scaled envelopes and well mixed and one of these Is taken out and sent to the person sending to us 25 cent to cover expense of poatago, correspondence etc, end the article of goods corresponding with the number on the notice will be sent to the holder of tho samo immediately (if he desires to purchase the articlo) on the receipt of two dollars.. For instance; If the number on the notice sent to you should bo bUO, and a piano or diamond sott or gold watch should be numbered 500; il will be sent to you should be 500, and a piano or diamond acttorgold wateh should bo numbered 500, it will bo sent to you for 2, and io on for every nrtiolo in our list of 75,000 articles. lAftcr receiving the article, if it does not please you, you can return it, and your money ahull to ro undud. 25 cents must bo scht to pay expenae of poatago, Correspondence etc., on one notico. Remember : that whatever article corresponds with tho number on your notice, you cun havo it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth $100 or JtSOO. And it ia for our Interest to deal fairly, and send out our Gno articles, as it gives confidence to the public, and thereby increases our snles. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 cts., which pays for correspon dence. postage etc., we send ono notice. Vpon receipt of $1, which paye for correspondence, postage, etc.. we send aix notices. I'pon receipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, nnatarc. etc.. we will send 40 notices, and a fine pre sent valued at not less than $15, aa a sample of our gooda. I'pon receipt of $18 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 150 notices, and a solid Silver Watch, bv return mail. AGENTS WANTED. Send for a circnlnr ! Asenta Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make $25 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom 34 Liberty street REED t BROTHER, Box 51.18. New York City, N. Y. Sept. iW, Ibba, ly INorlliorii Crnlral llnilvvny. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to aud from Baltimore and Washington city. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. FOCR TRAINS DALY to and from tae North and West Branch Snsquehanna, Elmira, and all ot North ern New York. ON and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 2d. 1S84. the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Rnilway will arrive at nnd depart from Suubury, ilarrisburg and Baltimore ns follows, vis : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury doily (except Sunday). 10 10 A. M. " leaves llairisburg, 1 30 P. M. " arrives at Baltimore. i SO " Elmira Express Train leavea Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) 11 40 P.M. " leavea ilarrisburg (except Monday.) 2 50 A.M. M arrircB at Baltimore daily (except Monday). 7 00 A. M. Harriaburg Accommudatinu leaves Ilarris burg. 7 15 A. M. Sunbury Accommodation leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at 7 00 A M Erie Expreaa Traiu leavea Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) at 3 15 " Erie Mail Train leavea Sunbury daily (except Suuday.) at 3 50 P M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leavea Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) " leavea ilarrisburg " arrires at Suuburr. 9 20 A. M 1 45 P. M. 4 20 Elmira Expreas Train leavea Baltimore 10 00 P M M. arrires at Harriaburg, 20 A " leaves Ilarrisburg (except Monday), ' arrives at Sunbury. Erio Express Train leaves Baltimore daily (except Snnd:iyi)at leave Harriaburg daily feicept Sun. days at 2 40 A. ft 15 ' M. 8 00 P M 1 20 A M arrivea at Sunburv at 3 50 " llarrisbure; Accommodation leaves Ilarris burg, daily (except t-iinday) at " arrives at ilarrisburg. Sunbury Accommodation leavea Harris- burg daily (except undav) at l!rie Mail Train leavea Harrisburz dttilv 2 50 P M 7 45 PM 4 25 P M (except i-iiu lays) at 12 00 P M. The Krie Kxpresa and Kria Mall Trains are through trains to and from Krie and all intermediate & nits. Mali aud i.iprcsa traina run tbrouch to mini. For further information apply at Ihe Office. X. -. DilJAllltY lien. Supi. October 11, IKoj. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172, 174 A HO UitKUKWicii St., 'Ono Stiuare west of Broadway.) Cetwoen Cuurtluiidt and Dey Streets, New Toik. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Prupretor. The Pai trie Hotsl is well and widely known to tho traveling publio. The location is especially , . ,.;,. merchants ana bueineas men , it i in clone to the busiiitrs pnrt of the t'itv is on the 'I. . 3 highway of Southern and Western travel and adja- cent to all the principal Kailroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacifia haa liberal accommodation for over 300 guests ; it ia well furnished and posacnaca every modern improvement for the comfort arid eLtertain ment of its inmates. The rooms aro spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water; the atteudouce is prompt and reapecllul ; and tho table is geueroualy provided with every delicacy ol the season. The subscriber, who, fur the past few years, has been tho lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to indentify bimaelf thoroughly with the intereata ot ilia house. With long experience as a hotel-keeper, ho trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to uiaiutaiu the favorable reputation ef the Paciho Hotel. JOHN PATTEN, Jr. September0, 1865. ly IPUMPS! PUMPS!! The eiihaeriber having purchased the right of KOKTHIMUEKLAND COUNTY, for putting in ii L.vri:it'N i.MiMto vn.n i:.vr on Uored Wells and Water Points, will furnish them to all persons in the county who may desire these cheap and convenieut pumps. They eun be sunk to a proper depth in two hours time, cost but one third the price of an ordinary pump, and for cheapness and convenience caunot bo equalled. y 8. B. BOYER. - , A. i CLAPP. 5unbury, .September 23, 1B85. PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOR WORKS. ektt Wbitk Lead ! Liberty White Les TRY IT I TRY IT! Warranted to cover moro surface, for same weight, than any other. Buy Iho best, it is tho beapest ! TRY IT ! TRY IT ! Liberty Lead is whiter than any other. Liberty Load covers better thaa any oiber. Liberty Lead wears longer than any other. Liberty Lead Is more economical than any other. Liberty Lead is moro free from impurities and is W ahraktcd to do more aad betlet work, at a given oost than any other. Buy tht BEST it it the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warranted by riKGLER A SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, A Ola 117 North Third Street, Philadelphia, gunbury, Oulober 7, lAi. OLD EYE8 MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, without aid of doctor er medicine. Svat by mail, free, on receipt of 10 cents. Addresi, E. U FOOTE, M. D February 186A tm BREAKFAST SHAWLS, fcr ealo at (he Fancy Store if ANNA PAINTER. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUC1W1 BXUID EXTRACT BUCHU foa Non-Retention or Incontinence of Crlne, Inflamma tion or Ulceration of the Eladdcr er Eldntya, Diaeaaea of the Proatrate Gland, Gravel, Drlck Dual Depoatta, Dropsi cal Swelllnga, Orfinla Weakness, Debility, Female Com plaints, Aa, IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AD Improved Boso "Wasli Will radically exterminate from the lyatsm Diseases arls- 1b from Ilablta of Dissipation, atUtttt ixptnt, Milt r no cSang diet, no tncon.esnancs or stspoaura; completely sapsrsedlng tboae tinplsaeanfanrf dangtrmt rtmtdlf, CopaUa and Jareury, In curiae; these dtssases. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all Diaeaaea of the Urinary Organs, whether existing la Hits er rsviLs, from uhatevtr cause originating, and no matter qfhou long etamling. It la pleaaast In Its ttate and edor, IMMEDIATE in action, and more atrangthtnlnf than any of the preparations of Birk or Iron. Those suffering from Broken Doxon or DtlUatt Comtt tutione, procure the Remedy at one. The Beader must ba aware that however slight may he the attack of the above diseases, It Is certain to affect his Bodily Health, Mental Poxcere and Happineee. If no treatment la submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may aoiue. All the above diseases require the aid of k dlursUs. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic HELMBOLD'S MBIT OOECIE lEATED Compound Fluid Extraot Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, removing all Useases arising from i excess aad Imprudence In Ufa, chronic Sonatltotlonal dis- 1 esses arising tssm an Impure state of the blood, and th e euly reliable and effectual known remedy for the curs of Scrofula, Scald Bead, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling ef the Bones, Clcsrstions of the Throat and Legs, Bletchcs, j Pimples en the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly erup- . Uons of the akin, aad beautifying tho ooiiruuioir. j NOT A. FEW Of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the esrrupUoa that accumulates In the Blood. Of all the dis coveries that havo boon made to purge It out, none can eeual In eff act n M ISOLD'S C03IPO UXD tJTBA CI Of SABSAPAltlLLA. Itcleanses and renovates the Blood, Instills tho vigor of health Into the system, aad pargss out the humors which make disease. It stimulates ids healthy funeUone ef the body, aad expela the disorder! that grew and rankle la the Blood. Such a remedy, that eeuld be raited on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first lime, the public havo one on which they can de pend. Our apace here does not admit of cerUdeates to shew Its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will shew to the sick that It haa virtues surpassing anything they hare Sver taken. Two tableapoeaaful of the Extract ef Sareapatilla, sdded to a pint ef wator, la equal to the Llabon Diet Drink, and one bottle la equal to jt fallen ef the Syrup of SsreapariUa, er the decoction aa usually made. The above EitracU ara prepared en purely selenUae principles In Focus sod embody the full strength of the Ingredients seterlng Into their composition. A ready and conclusive teat will be a comparison ef tbelr proper ties with those sat forth In the U. S. Dispcnaatory. HOW TO USE THE HEMEDtEO. In Dlaeaaes of the Blood, Ilinnors on the Face, or-any aad every part of Ihe body, use Extract Saraaparllla, ap plying to Pimples and all external Humors er Eruptions the Improved Rose Wain. Use the Extract Duchu for all diseases requiring the aid ef a Diuretic, except tboao of the Criaary Organa, auch aa Goaorrhaaand Gleet; In theso use the Extract Buchu and inject with the Improved ftoee Wash. 3T TriESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO USE IN TflE UNITED STATES AP.MY, and also are In very general use In all tho STATE HOEPITL9 AND PUDUO 1NSTITOT10N3 throughout the land, us well aa Iu private practice, aud are coniulered as Invaluable remadiea. MEDICINE DEUVEkSD TO ANT AVD&XSS. Direct letters to DILUBOLD'S DRUG A CHEMICAL WAREnOCaC, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, ea to flKLMDOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 Soutl) Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Dettribe Symptom in alt Communication. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits I HtitsMHOUrs Fluid tract Sursapniilla! r V ASK FOR MKLMBOLO'f. A 9M April il, l.M-ly. (It. C.-OKAnntAIlT'S Confectionery, Toy and FIVCTIT STOfl, Market Street, Sunbnry, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac., Ac, CONSTANTLY on hand and for solo at tho' abeva establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confoctlonarios Io keep up a full assortment which aro sold at low Tobacco, Begars, Stationery. Xuls of all kinds and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are offorod wuuieBHif, anu roinil. tjp'llemenibor the name and place. ,vT1 t ... M. C. GEARHART, Market strool, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 19, 19o3. tf Oeoroe IUuU, Biwom P. Woltsjrto. HILL & WOLVERTON, Attorney nnd Counselors nt Law. Office, Market Btreet, oor. Centre Alley, WSTjrisrBXTR-sr, fa. 7 ILL atttsnd 1 protnptley to the oollectton ofelaime and all other professional business intrusted Ua their caro in Northumberland andadjoininseoiuitJas Snnbury, January 23, 1882 8 Internniioniil Hotel, ' 36S aU S67 hroadvay, Corner FranUin Strut NEW YORK. T Hlb first class Houto tho most quiet, homelike and pleasant Hotel In the cityoffers superior inducements to these visiting New York for business or pleasure. Ilia central in its location, and kept on the Europe ax Plah, In connection with Tavlor's Ealoon, wbcro refreshments can bo had all hours, or served in their own rooms. Tho charges are mo derate, tho rooms and attendance of tho first ordor baths, and alt tho modern conveniences attached ' Oct 1, lbT I. solomon malick; Attorney at law, SUNBimY, Northumberland County, Pa, OFFICE in East end of Weaver's Tavern, Market Street. All bufinesa entrusted to him will be esreful y and puuetuullv ottended to. Consultation in the Eng lish and Gorman languages. Sunbury, April 3. IoOd. n.ii ok .outeii .mia:uf.A.M. "ItTHERKAS the Auditor General as required hy the Uth Section of the Act. entitled 'An Act enabling the Banks of thia Commonwealth to become Associations for tho purple of banking under the laws of tho tinted States." passed on the 22d dTnf A,",EU,t A '''I6' hl certified to me that the "Dank or Northumberland," located in the Borough orNinbury, Northumberland county, has furnished satisfactory evidence to him that ail the requirements of said Act have hecn complied with by the said Hank, and that it has becomo an association for the purpose of Banking under tho Laws of the United b til t OS I do therefore, cause the notico thereof to be pub lishcd in accordance with tho provisions of the said 1 1th section of the said Act, and da declare that the Charter ol the said Bank by iho terms of said Act, is .lecmcd and taken to be hereupon surrendered sub ject to the provisions oftho first seetion of said act r , ,L , A. U. Cl'P.TIN, Uovernor. l.iecutive Chiimhcr, ) Harriaburg, Aug. 25, 1805. I TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. milK subscriber 20 yenrs a practical Piano Forl X Miinurncturor, of New York City, has perma nently lorntod in this section, and would rcsneetfully ' solicit orders for TUNINO. REPAIUIKTQ. AND REGU LATING PIANO F0RT3 and MELODE0NS. The suUcribor ia alao tho manufaclurer'a Aiont fur rflK'KBRTNO A SON'S. HAZLKTO.V RRO'S 1.INI1K.MAN A SOK'rJ , WILLIAM P. BKAUIU'RT j. KDrl'AHU ULWOMKlELlJ'B McDonald a co rj, I'l.WO I Oil a ECss, And f'srheit A JJecdham's. nod Pulouhot's MrTjODfiOKS A. HAKMONIUMi, And L. U. Stuart's I'ipe t'HVKCil OKUAK8 n, , . ,. ,JA.VKS MobOKAtif rKKmburg. r.v, April 29, 1SC4. KING'S p:tTAHi.E i.i:iioh.i.eb: la the only prcpartion of the kind mudo from the fiuit. As an artiele of economy, purity, and dell anciness it cannot be surpassed, and is'rccominend ed by physicians fur invalids andfamily use. It will keep for years in any cliniate.while its condensed form renders it csroeiallv cnnvi,ni..ni f.,r I All who use lemons are requeaied to give it a trial t Lntertaininents at home, parties, and iiicnics ahould " "nuuui h. ror sale bv all Uruggijte and first-class llrocera. Manufactured unly by LOUIS J. MliTZtlKR, Fept W mi?,' M- Fe"1 P,r-' lV"YOr,, J. R. HILUSK oiiuty Knnejor, louujiiuter AND JUSTICE OF THE PEA CE. SItthonoy, Xfrtuumlirrlantl County, Penn'a Office in Jackson township. Engagements can he made by letter, dimctrd to the above address. All business entrusted to liu oare, will be prenirUv attendrd 10. r 1 ' April 22. MS. ly ebi'lTwilvbht, NOTARY PUBLIC, Office in "Sunbury Aniorieauu Building, 8UNBUHY, PENN'A. ill attend to the Acknuwlcilging of Deeiia, Mort gages, Leltora of Attorney, io., A. Also, ia duly athoriied' to take acknowledgment and admiuistcr eatha on apjilicationa fur liiiua lie'K, sTN-uisioDN and Ila'L..'uj of Soldiers, idowaand Orphans. THE KED LION HOTEL. (I.nto Mrs. Eoullon'a ) MAUKET STHE3ET, BUNBURY, PA. JULIUtS ARBITER, HAS taken thia old nnd well known atand, and refitted and furnihod the snnic ia prepared te accommodate Hoarders and TraYclcra with Ihe beat the market can afford, lie hopes by etrict attention to t.iiHticM to receive a share of public patronage. Ilia TAHLE contains the best the market atiords. ilia liar ia filled with the choicest of Liquors, both Mult and Spirituous. The stubliug is good, and attended by oareful Ostlers. Sunbury. April SO, 18H4. ly Allorney and 'onn IIor ut I Jivr, Office on south side of Murket street, four doors west of K. Y. liright A Son's Store, BUNBURY, FA. Will attend promptly to all professional buvinea entruated to bia care, the collection of claims ia Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Seubury, May 23, 1S3. ly j- lomy nt Ijiw, Bl'KBl'KY, PA Collccuous attended to iu the eoumiee of Nor thumberland, I'uioa, Scydi-r, Moutour, Columbia and Lyeeming. mrKas.vcES. Hon. John M. Iteed, Philadelphia, A. Q. tluttell A Co., Ilr,u. Vim. A. Porter, " Morton MeMichoel, Can , K Ketcham A Co., 20 rearl Street, Kow York. John W. Ashntead, Attorney at Law, Matthowa A Cox, Attorney) at Law, " Sunbury, March 29, ltCJ. LATEST IMPE0VEMENT "OF AGEI- CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ar tib POUNDR "2", HCEP..BACE & CCCPER, Cet the Beat iet the Cheupets (let Ihe most Ece oemioel, which esn bo had at the Bohi bach Foundry. Having a largo saeortruebt of the niuet approved ETOVLii. aueh as Cookinc. I'ailor, Olhoe and hor Sluves, which will be sold at the low eat rates. Also, hettles ot all sisee, Fans, Fkillet. So. They are alao manufacturing Machinery, riongbs, Castings, Ae., at short notice. Kenoirinir all kinds ef Agricultural Implement doue iu a good workmanlike mannor aud at the shortest notico. All artieleaabippeoi as entered. iHrters respect- fully solicited and pruroptlr atteoded te. . ltUUHilAClI A COOl'KR' t"s7 Old Irea, and all kinds of Produce taken Favbaoge for work. Puubwty, June IS. ISM tf l - : 1 - TOILET BOAT., Twlh-Biuhes. II. ir Bru.hr. Ac, Ac. ruraaleby ANNA 1'AlMLK.