TLis having occurred after the election of lluchRnmin, but lit lore his inauguration, Governor Geary nildresacd htm letters, Meting t!ie truo condition of nfl'uirs; but ro ceiveil no reply. Ho did, liovcevrr, receive rptisitive tviilenco, from otlicramirees, Hint tlio newly elected Freeidrnt hud abandoned the true Doiuoono'ic principles and adopt cd the plat form of Ihc "Xtiihnal Vnnocra ,'." llence, (Governor licnry resolved lit ou-se not to liokl uu of lieu under his ndmin istrutum. and on tliu day lio was installed in the Presidential rliuir, wroto and for warded his resignation as flpvernor of Kan ens. Un the lUiu of March, 1 857, ho left tho territory, and again returned to the fjuicUule of private life, Had Governor Hoary lren unstained in his- honest and 'Manly ctmrsiv in Kansas, by tho adminis tration at Washington, tlicro is reason to believe the destructive war through which we Lave just passed, and was then for ehadnwed, anil even threatened, might never have oeuurred. and tho hundreds of thousands of bravo soldiers who now sleep the sleep of death, would fce living to bless with their presence ihehomra made so sadly desolate. Although Governor Geary thus refused all conueetion or fellowship with the ' X.i tionul bemoerntic l'urty." he persisted in hdhering to the doctrine lie advocated in California sixteen years ago, and utill- more recently in Kansas, that the institution of slavery should not be forced upon an un willing people, and n ever hesitated to ex ' press his disapprobation of the institution in all its foYms, sentiments which have since formed the basis of the Union Republican platform. Hence, niter his return from Kansas he associated himself with the party tlmt sustained, Stephen D, Don alas, which was greatly :truni nt:d in breaking up the pro-slavery faction, and efVectili'i tho elec tion of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency, u result which he foresaw and was desirous of having accomplished. No sooner was the result of that election Known, tliau plans were being adopted by the ''National Democracy'' to fulfill their oft reiterated threat to destroy the 1'nion. Con sequently, when titter the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, a war against rebellion became iunviti'ble, Governor Geary was again among the Ur:t to otier Ins military services to the 'government. Ho raised and equipped, at his own expense, t he Twcnty-Kighth Kegi tnent of lVnnsjivauia Volunteers, which he took the command. With tlii splendid re giment, nutnlering over sixteen hundred men, he entire I tho lield in July, 1801 , and continued in active sirviee during the entire l'ltir years of the war, with the exception of twenty-eight days, and when he was incapa citated lor duty by wounds received in bat tle. Tor meritorious deeds he was promoted ; .a tlie rank of I5ri;,"ulicr General on the 2!Hh ! of April, lSfli, anil Hrcveted .Major General j January 12th, ISO'S, ' for fitness to command ' und promptness to execute." j irora reports hied m the office of the Sec ot hTb. MA a a ER, Editor t Proprietor. B. WILVERT, Publisher. SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 18(10. FOR GOVERNOR, Of Cumlierland County. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDED CB. I'niLAUKt.rniA, March 21, 1800. One would hardly have been credited, if one year since, ho had predicted that business in March, 1800, would ho in a worse condi tion than it-was at that time. Rut it is never. Ihcless to. Merchants must purchase goods to keep up their Btock with full knowledge that almost ever article is daily coming down in price. Tho result is, that no ono expects to make anything iu business this year, nnd many will be thankful if they do not lose all tlu v have made the past three or four years. The decline is not, however, much as yet, on foreign goods. Silks arc yet com. paratively high, hut with the gradual decline in gold they must come down. As a gcucral thing all business men arc opposed to the policy of Secretary McCullouch in withdraw ing the Government "green-backs,"' which - - - t..i i I... . 11 !...- pay no mieiesi, uy convening mem into a permanent loan bearing interest. This policy, some contend, would enable tho banks to resume specie payments in less than six months, but would epread ruin and clisastc1" over the whole country. Tho impression is daily growing stronger that thiee hundred millions, the limit of tho issue of the Nation al Ranks, is not sufficient for thu increased business of tho country, and the amount now in circulation, double that sum is not too much. It is a singular fact that here, as almost every where else, the demand for houses has been greater than could be supplied and all this after a disastrous war, in w hich not only many thousands have been killed, north and south, but millions in the south rendered al most bankrupt. Frovisious ore gradually coming down and the necessaries of life will soon reach their proper level. In passing through Franklin market yesterday, I priced a num bcr of articles. Fine quality of beef steaks were offered at 20 cents per pound choice cuts such as sold formerly nt 03 and 40 cts. at 2o cents. A fine leg of mutton at 18 cts or about 4 cts. less than prices in our neighborhood. Po. tatoes are worth from 80 to 00 cents. Many articles arc still held at a high figure owing to the supply not being equal to the de mand. That is the case in regard to paper, which is as high ns ever. 1 1H5 Nkw YotiK, March 13. A sncciul des patch from Toronto, C. W., to the JleralJ, says: The Fenian excitement has somewhat subsided here, but It still rages on the fron tier. The Government bos not relaxed its pre parations to receive tho invaders every where. The tity is full of volunteers, who nro compelled to wear their uniforms nnd side arms at all tunes, uniler penalty ot arrest. A number ot regulars nro stated to be ou their way from Quebec. All the forts are being emptied, nie troops daily parade and drill, und tho city looks like a ace besieccd.. Forces nro being inarched towards tne frontier as fust they arrive, nnd are organized nnd equipped. The magazines and arsenals are guarded night and day by picked men. .Numocrsot men, believing mere was no dauuer ef a Fenian invasion, refused to turn out, and were hand cuffed and marched off to tho barracks. Sonio few, who were alarmed, fled to the interior, while another small detachment left for tho States. General orders have been issued from tho Governor Gencrul's office placing tho whole volunteer torco under martial law, nnil making Lieutenant Genera! Mitcheloomman-dor. Titii Fkniax Military ExcrrKMiiNT in Canada. New Yonn, March 13. It is said hero that it has been reliably ascertained that the military excitement going on in Canada is the result of direct special commands from tho Court of Great Uritain, for tho purpose of diverting tho Fenian lirotherhood from Ireland as llio grand objective, nnd to pre cipitate tho union of the Provinces, with Prince Alfred on an American throne. 1 lie agents of England aro now hero with gold to carry out this plan, but they have beeni foiled by the detective system of tho Fenian lirotherhood, which ramifies society in this country even to the stables of Sir Edwin lirtice, at Washington, it nu the Uovcrnor Generul of Canada. Further particulars of these astounding developments w ill bo given to tho iniolic. Tho bearer of there des patches from the Queen of England, nnd who carried the orders abovo relerred to, is a Fenian, and is cow in New lork. Several barrel filled with dismembered human bodies und unjointed limbs, from uiBBecwng vaults oi me meuicui univgts, wcro found on Wentworrti aveuue, Chicago, the other morning, where they liutl been deposited in the night without the slightest Attempt at burial. Hon. J. Morehend is urged M a candidate for Congress in the Pittsburgh district. An English widow hns recovered $33,000 from a ruilrond compnnv for killing her husband. Tho St. Louis Krvt mentioTis a former New Orleans District Judge, now acting as a paper carrier la that city. Mallory, the ex-rebel Secretary of the Navy, has been released from Fort Lafayette in consequence of ill-health. A correspondent of the Hamilton Times, writing from the Canadian oil region, re ports that the Siamese twins have been there prospecting for oil. A drunken man was taken from a house of ill-fame to tho lock-up in Washington, the other nicht. when noon his person were found a roll of thr-ee thousand dollars and a piviicr showing that ho wus a Judge of a IT.ifn1 ChihM rsxf in n TVnutitt-M VII1IVU -KJIlki9 'UII . .1 . 1110.V.'U h'.Wfc-.. mtii-i i( iv.ip If n...1nn.... ,1....:... !.; i term of sirviee General Geary was engaged in over fifty hotly contested battles and im portant skirmishes, betides many others of lesser note. Among these engagements may be especially ntmed that of "Bolivar Heights, '' "Cedar Mountain," three days' light at Chanccllorsville, tho struggle nt lettysburg. which also lasted three days, aud resulted in driving back the enemy "rom tho soil of Pennsylvania, "Wauhat cliie," "Lookout Mountain." "Mission Ridge' "Ringgold," -Triano," "Mill Creek and Snake Creek Gaps," 'Resaca,' (two davs.) "New Hopn Church." (seven davs,) "Muddy Creek," "Noses Creek," "Kerb's Faim," 'Kent'snw,' 'Pino Hill,' 'Marietta,' 'Peach i ree Creek,' feige and capture of Atlanta, twenty days), seigo of Savannah, (ten days) which was captured by Ids division ten hours before any other tronpg reached that city, as w as also Fort Jackson, both of wlri,ch places were surrendered in person to General Geary. In this capture three hundred and fifty prisoners, one hundred and fourteen pieces of artillery, thirty-eight thousand five aundred bales ol'cottou and (We ocean stea mers, with un immense variety of ammuni tion and ot Ik r stoics, fell into the hands of he victors. Upon the rapture of Savannah General Geary w as appointed by Major General Slier man its ..Military Governor, which position tie filled with signal credit to himself until he was relieved, that l.c might accompany the triumphant army of Sherman in its fur ther march through tho Carolina, in the battle of Bolivar Heights he received a se vere wound in the right knee, nnd at Cedar Mountain ho was slightly wounded in the "left ankle, and seriously through the elbow joint of the left arm. lie was also struck in the right breast and severely injured by tho fragment of a shell at t.'hancello'rsville. Ilia . two sons accompanied him to the field, the ! eldest of w hom, a young man of eighteen years, who had advanced himself by sterling ability to the command of batterywith the rank of Captain, and gavo promo" of the ut most capacity and usefulness, was killed at the battle of Wauhatchie. "At the time that ho fell." says an eloquent writer, 'he was acting ns Lieutenant of one section of Kuapp's Battery. As an artillerist ho had no superior iu the army. His gun was his pride. lie was always beside her, jind his niiii was unerring. At this battle, about twelve hundred and fii'iy men under com mand of General Geary, were attacked from an eminence, by live thousand of the enemy, at twelve o'clock at night. Tho unequal fight wus gallantly accepted, and though the command was at first thrown into some FIVE CENT riFXICS. Washington. March 10. The bill intro duced by Representative Kasson to-day, and referred to tho Committee on Coins and Coinage, contemplates the coinage of five cent pieces composed of copper and nickel, altera design by tho director of the mint, designed to take the place of tho live cent paper currency. TAX ON SAVINGS BANKS. Aetintf Commissioner Whitmun, of the Internal Revenue Bureau, lias given instruO' Hons w ith repaid to the collectiomot the tax due from Savings Banks, the decision of the Commissioner with resrvect to that matter having been sustained by the United btnte3 Supremo Court. I he banks arc UaWe under the decision, to a tax of one-twenty fourth of onepcrccut. upon moneys received invested or loaned by them. SUMMARY OF NEWS- I'Tho Hon. Frank Jordan, of Bedford county, has been appointed chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. Mr. Jordan is nt present the State agent at Washington, nnd is well known throughout the interior of the State as a gentleman of ability and integrity. - The Salem (O.) AdciH-ate tells a sad story of a young lady being frightened to death under the following circumstances : "I wo ladies living alone were preparing to retire, when some one rapped at the door, nnd on inquiring who knocked nnd receiv ing no answer, ono of thu Indies started across t'.io floor to an adjoining room, and dropped dead from sheer fright. This brought a shriek from tho icmniuing lady as she ran to her sister s ossistnncc : iust then the door opened, and in rushed the brother of the two ladies, wdio had beeu mourned for as dead uenrly three years. He stated that he intended a uice surprise for his sisters by not making himself known until after they had admitted him, and judge of his grief on lcandug that his surprise hud resulted in the death of one of his much loved sisters." disorders, they speedily rallied, and not only The E'cisisj'Itumisi EVsitocrary unl Ihc Erciteut. It will be remembered that the late Cop perhead Convention of Pennsylvania, after nominating Mr. Clymer for Governor, passed a resolution indorsing tho President's policy. A sub committee was appointed to come on here and present tho resolution in persou. This grateful mission was essayed a few evenings since. The committee were ad mitted to t.n audienepwith the Presideut, and were proceeding, after tho most ap proved fashion, lo assure him that the De mocracy of Pennsylvania had designed no empty compliment ; that they had watched his recent action with no ordinary gratifica tion ; nnd that they should stand by him ana lus Administration so long as lie bo nobly adhered to the sacred Constitution Before tho peroration wa3 reached, t'.ic President broke in upon them with the suii uestiou that "the wisest thing they could do was to go home and change their ticket." Five bales of cotton, bought lately by one ot the Lowell, Jlass., manufacturing com panics, contained nearly one thousand pounds of sand, which had been bought at lorty-scvon cents n pound. There is a proposition iu Virginia for a uuion between the "Disciples ' or "Cumpbcl lities" and the Baptists; a meeting with reference to it will be held in April or May next, in Richmond. "Grandpa Davis," who lives near Knox ville, Tennessee, is the father of twenty-nine children, all but one of whom aro living, and twenty-live ot whom served in the Union army. There were in China, one hundred and eighty-seven missionaries, includiui; ladies, Of these ninety-two lira Americuus, seventy eisht uro English, and eighteen are Ger man. Pittsfield, Mass., is having a violent at tack of mad dog fever. Thirty persons wcro bitten last Thursday, and tho city authori ties have ordered tho immediate killing of all unlicensed dogs, and the chaining up of others as a precautionary measure. The State Senate has agreed to adjourn nine die on April 5th. An incendiary attempt was made to burn the church at Pottsville, last week. repulsed, but 'drove from the Meld tho vastly j believed that they had made n fatal mis- iupenor numbers ot the CLcmy. In the hot- iase in me numinauug tmcu a uiuu, es- te.H of the tight -in the act of sighting his 1 pcc.iully at this particular time, with melt character. Tho fast seen of the Pennsvlva nia Committeemen they were making for the Baltimore depot, iu u fearfully dtmurali zed frame of mind. A. 1. Inlntne. 'gun, Ida forehead pierced with a bullet,!"1'11'1' remarks of a similarly encouraging young (jeary I 1 1 . ini.l instantly expired. II13 I t'other coming to the spot, cbisped in an agonizing embrace (ho lifeless form of his boy then, mounting his horse, dashed wild ly into the lliieUest ranks of the fee, ami rwlu like an avtugiug spirit over that bloody tield until the enemy were utterly routed ami put to Might." 'This General Hooker pronounces the most gallant and successful cliir, ?e tint h-u come "in Ins knowledge du ring the war. In his o!R. rial rrport of this baltle General H o';er guy : "Heivng tijceo operations a heavy musketry tire, with ranid discharge of artillery, continued to reach us froui Gca , ry. It was evident that a formidable adver sary had gathered tiround him und that he was buttering him with nil his might. For almost three hours, without assistance, ho repelled the repeated attacks of vastly supe rior number'!, and, in the. end, drove them i'r.glorioualv lYo:n the lield. At ono time , they had enveloped him on three sides, un ''der circumstances that would have dismayed uny ollieer except one endowed with an iron will and the most exalted courage." Sinn n'lUK I'llAIlACTKU OF GliNKIlAI, GliAUY ! All lira In IVlroIeum. The Reno Oil and Land Company, whose advertisement is elsewhere printed, is orgnn teed upon the. basis that is not only prudent and conservative, out at the same time en tcrpnsing, bo.d and profitable. I he great objection to all on companies, being from the panic, and fever ofmaiiv mad specula tions, is avoided in the organization of this companv. Tho stock is secured beyotu peradventure of loss by the deposit of the capital sloe It ill llio minus oi trustees, to ue by them, placed in the Xutional Treasury or deposited in Governuieut Securities. is not only secured, but every share will be redeemed at par, on presentation ut the of- liee of tho Company. Thus the Reno tock is virtually a legal tender oil stock, and may be used as a bight draft ou New York, or collateral security upon a loan, llio pro perty if the Company is ono of the finest iu the oil region, the lauds having already been tested by sinking wells, every ono of w hich has yielded a pajiug supply of oil. Ko other campuny has ever shown a result so gratifying. Wo are glad to see that a com pany has ut lust been started which, in its Young '' in Lawrence, Kansas, have to many to get shelter from the weather; !and- liHiirs there take nouc but married people The unfortunate voutliRsnv it is a cousnirnrv i between the youn ladies ami tho boarding- princely management, seems to be worthy house keepers. V i ot tuu womienui business oi retroicum i Sow, at last, Petroleum is becoming a busi Bohemia, according U estimate, had nt , ncss nnd not a speculation. As such we wel oo nine. iuv,u'io ciuouicn in ueen on au.uuu come tho Reno stocu to a position among i-quiiru nines, auo. a wruer irom in rrairtc the best securities in America, ;-if'tij- does not neaitate to say that no square mile of the West is ever likely to be overstocked with bees. 'f the moon h. tlU.'M occur on the ; at fifty -three .3 t'UiU i. Cf'.V- -'..A' i!.rcni' l Twenty-eight millions of bushels of salt ara unnuully consumed iu the United States, of which amount about one half is imported, 'I hc r uaotitv of salt manufactured iu this ocuniry is Bteadiiy oo .bo irn'.rtiiso, and per bap:i hi lei Tim wit, hi --"j o tjlucit,-H s ijip'y rui w..ui.s wuhoat hey iraporutif package of $4,000 wui i-toleu from the xpress car on tlie J-no i Pittsburgh Bail- road last week. Tho Hariisburg Tiharoph says that it is again proposed to locate the Supreme Court ot the State permanently jit llarrisburg. Two men were accomodated with lodging nt one of tho Philadelphia ttation houses last week, who, ten years ago, were leading nnd influential merchants. Rum sent them to tho watch house. The citizens of Allegheny township, Arm strong county, are much excited over tho discovery of u tuuslance closely resembling gold. It is found in a flinty bluish rock, said to bo n species of quartz. The New Hampshire election occurred on Tuesday. Returns indicate thu success of the Republican ticket by about 3,000 ma jority. On the 21st ult., a mrl in Pnwtucket. R. I., named Mary E. Tapev, tried tho old trick of pouring kerosene ou the fire. She had the usual success, und died in agony. A little boy recently died ut West Bethel, Maine, iu consequence of anothei boy piling stones, while at play, on his stomach, while lying down, bo that he could cot rise. Tho bell which for forty Tears called tho students together at Williams College, Berk shire, .Mass., has been given to a uussionarv church in Syria, aud is now doing service in mat tar distant land. Tho awed .policeman took him home. DcBow's Southern Uetiew estimate that the expense of planting 1,009 acres in cot ton und Z5U acres in corn now is fi4.4iiu, nnd the income from on ordinary crop on that amount of land now is $150,000, leav ing a margin of net profits of $84,000. The Ohio papers report cases of the spot ted fever iu Warren county. It generally attacks children, and has proved fatal in nl most every cose. The Oconto (Wis.,) Lumbtvman says that upwards of eight tons of hike trout have been caught at the Green Island fishery this winter. The Elmira Casctlc f.a'3 over one thoitS' and persons in that city have mado a pro. fession of religion during the Into revival. The ninth volume of Mr. Bancroft's His tory of the United. States may be expected within a few weeks. Boxes containing munitions of war re being shipped from Philadelphia to the headquarters of the Fcninns at JScw lotk I ho bonds of the Irish Bepniblfe arc meet ing with a ready sale. An illustration of the "ups and downs" of life, tho St. Louis AeiM mentions a former ftiiw Orleans Distuct Judge now as a paper carrier in that city. The cost of the new rnilrond bridge nt Aibnuy was t, 100,000. Tho New York Central is said to own ono-hall nnd the Western and Hudson River each a quarter. Mr. James Preston, one of the largest pencil growers of southern Ohio, inform the Gar!iroli8 Journal that the crop for this year is gone killed by the recent cold weather. In Milford, Mass., last Saturday evening, a bright and promising daughter of Moses Harris, was shockingly burned by the fall of n kerosene lamp, nnd died in a few hours. Mr. Harris, in trying to quench the flumes, was himself badly burned. A citizen of Lafayette, Ind., presented his wife w ith four Government bonds on New Year's day, and she deposited lliem for sufe keeping in a bureau drawer, to which the mince obtained ucccss, and destroyed. There were twenty-four divorce cases iu a single county iu Yermontlast week. Bitumious coal, of which hogs will eat from ona-to two pounds per day, is regard ed by the Prairie Farmer as "a sure preven tive of hog cholera." The Syracuso (X. Y.) Courier mention? the death of William Oley, a pensioner of 1612, at tlie advanced ugo of one hundred and six years and seven days. A dry, wnrm soil seems most favorable to the production of honey. White clover, even, when it grows on low, marshy land, has little or no honey in it. A comespondent of the Albany Citltitatur, in talking about tight barns, says farmers may choose between late-cut hav, open sheds and bone; or early hay, tight barns and lut stock. Bayard Taylor has introduced anew water melon which keeps through tho winter. He obtaiued the seeds from Yolga, Russia, from a melon grown on the shores of the Caspian Sea. A Chicago firm, dealing in tobacco and cigars, has just been convicted of muking false income returns.- 1 tie penalties amount to newly $20,000. One account of tho recent marriage of the Princess Anna Murat says tliut the whips of the coachmen cost twenty dollars each, and the silk stockings of tho footmen thirty dol lars a pair. A Wisconsin paper speaking of the efforts to develop tho lead mines by deep mining, claims tuut there are in the Ualena mines two thousand square miles of mineral land, ot which one thousand square miles are good for digging anywhere. Mr. James Preston, one of the largest peach-growers of Southern Ohio, informs the Gallipolis Journal that tho crop for this year is uono killed by the recent cold w cut her. SPRAnmo Fisrt. The Canadians are hav ing rare Bport catching fish -with spears. It is said that upwnrd'of thirty spearing houses havo been erected upon Burlington Bay. The following is the method of catch ing fish by the spear : The house Is rendered impervious to tho light, nnd a circular hole of about a yard in diameter is cut in the ice. The hoase, being dark, renders the wntcr quite clear, nnd the fishermen can sro to the bottom. A small decoy fish, mudo of wood nnd painted in brilliant colors, is properly weighted nnd worked in the water by means ot a string ; HTound this the fish disport themselves, and the expert spenrsman can select the largest, nnd by a dexterous throw of his spear pierce it with tho prongs. Some of the finest fish are caucht by this means, as tlrcy lcnrlcssiy approach the decoy and appear unaware of the proximity of danger. A Chicago dispatch contains a report of the freezing to ueatu ot Hires young ladies. Ihc dispatch sars: "On the night of the 13th ult., three young ladies, named Louisa aud Mary Landaker, and Amanda Prcstcr. were frozen to death near Chain Lake Centre, in Minnesota. They had been to a singing school, nnd started tor homo three miles distant. During tneir progress they besamo involved in a furious snow storm, and could not escape. A young man who was with them, nttcr being out one day nnd two nights, finally readied home, nearly frozen to death, with the dead bodies of the .young ladies in the sleigh. TlfC nnssarto of the constitutional amend ment abolishing slavery in this country, was celebrated in London, -on the 15th ulu, by a large meeting at lxeter Hall. A fire occurred nt Joddo, Japan, on tho 28th of January. Thirty thousand houses wcro destroyed. An attractive widow' named Bradley, 28 years old, has recovered $ 20,000 damages in Wilkcsbarrc, Pu., from a widower 02 years old, named Reynolds, for breach of promise. Mobile planters, in great numbers, are flocking to New Orleans for the purpose of procuring loans, of buying agricultural im plements, und to' make urjungenients for their planting. If tho planters ran get ready cash uow to carry out their plans, there is hope of obtaining the 8,500.000 bales that some writers figured out for next season. RocttniLL & Wilson, Men's CLofrrixa. Rockhill & Wilson, Boys' Clothing. Rockhill & Wilson, Fine Clothing. Rockhill Wilson, Clothing oi an graacs. Rockhill & Wilson, Clothing made to order. Rockhill & Wihon, Dron Stone Clothing Hall, ,093 and 003 Chestnut street. Some of the London merchants have in stituted a custom cf charging an admission fee to their stores. The lady sight-seers can enter by paying a small fee, and examine all the latest styles and costumes without making any purchases, unless disposed to do so. The Time, after expatiating on the want of unanimity in the Russell Cabinet, sajsit is not surprised at the rumor that Russell has asked the Quccti to relieve him of his duties. Tlie condition of Fenian affairs is un changed. Arrests continue plentiful in all directions, and arms and ammunition were frequently seized. Tho provisions of the peace-preservation act have been further extended. "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by ttiail for 00 cents that retails easily for $0, by R. L. WOLCOTT, 170 Chatham Square, N Y. Brpt. 1, 1885. ily. To Conmimptlre. Thi advertiser, having been reatored to holth fn a fow week! by a very itmple ruiedy, after hnviYig ufTcred for aovorat yeari with a jevero lung suection nd flint dread disease, Consumption Is anxious to rosko kDown to his fellow auffercrs the means Of cure. To all who Aesiro it, b.0 will lend a copy of tbe proscription used (free of charge), fclth tbe dirco lions for preparing and Using the same, which they will find a sun Cona lor CoNSUMrTios, asthma Uno.iciims, Cocoas, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. Tho only object of tho advertises in sending tbe prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread Information which ho conceives to be in valuable, and bo hopes every sufferer will try ni remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove ablesslni!. 1'n.rtics wishing the prescription, rnEE, iiy return mail, please address Uev. EDWARD WILSOV, Williamsburgh, Kings Co , Now York, flntmnry 13, 1805 ly. I-af'ncH, Itllndsiews and t'nlnrrh, Treated with (lie ntmoit succow by Dr. J. ISAACS Ooulist and Autist, (formerly of Lcj-den, Holland.) No. 511 Pino street.- 1'biladelpbia. Testimonials from the most relinble sources iu tho City nnd Coun try can be teen at his office. Tho medical faculty are invited te ncTsotnpany tbeir patients, as ho has no se crets in bin practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with out Vinin. 'e 'Aitrge made for examination. July 22, 1365. ly .llaulioixl: liow I-osif how lC-stol--d. Just published, ft ticw odition of Dn. 'Craven Willi's Cklemiatipti Essay on tho radical c.uTe (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea, ot settiinal Wenkness. Involunturv Seminal Losses, Imyotency, Mental und Physical Incapacity. Impediments to .MunioKo, etc.; also, Consumption. i.pilepsy,nua r its induced by olf-indul?enco or sexual extravagance. i tf-l"rien, in a scnlcu envelope, only n cents. The oelcbrated author in this adtuirublo essay clearlv demonstrates, fnmi ft thirty vcars' successful practice, that the lUoraiinp! consequences of self buio may be radioally cured without the dangorous u.c tit internal medicine the application of tho knife nointiiiir out a mode of cure at onco simple-, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, ro tniittvr whnt bis condition niy bo, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically -T!iii Leoture should be in tho hands of every youth and every man in mo lunu. Sent, under aeul, in nlnin envelope to any ad dress, post-psid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stuuiiis. Aiiiircss ino rniijiiwor.i. CtlAS. J. O. KLINE A CO , 127 Pnnerv. New York, IVrt Office box 4, WO March 17, IfioU. ly FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. If your bowels ste costive, TIIY THE.r. If you have worms, TRY THEM. If youi breath is bad, TRY THEM. If you feel drowsy, TUY THEM. If you are low spiiitcd, ' TPY THEM. If Tou have a sick headache, TRY THEM. If ru hfire taken a drop too much, TAKE A FULL DOFE. They only Cost 25 cents a box, TRY THEM. HlucMi.o, and other preparations of Mercury actunllv produce nioro BufleriHif and dculh llian the diseases which they profes t cure. And yet this corrosive mineral so Irnounml by the allopathic dorters, is prwrribed by them almost universally m Liver Complnii,. footainption n li)ilgfl, Vc, THE MANDRAKE PILLS rnecomrK'SAd cwirclynf r,K..,1 ),!, 0bt.i,lc.l from ll.e Ureal sioiehiruseof Nam're.rmdthnr Riluiarr effects will appear as soon us the medicine ImHirht in the ten a fair enm-fnnent. SCHK.L'K'MAIMliHAKi:Pll.l.S do not produce any nausea or mcl(M.'f ,, tun;lt.h; hut when given for Dyspepsia, It mny m nmpn to Wr them in connection wall HCHKNCK'M SI-AWl'KD TONIC. Hy this judicious trentineul the diiiriaive facul ties are speedily restored to Ihi ir full vigor, rind Ihe wont roses ol indigestion may be cured. . When we leHect that Ihe liver is the larcest internal organ of the Oody, that to it is nss.nrd the important duty of filtering the blood and preparing lh. bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and tlmt uk.,, .i a or toncuv! the whole body suffers symuatli.ui-ally. it m not surprising tbit a medicine which can restote ihe healthy operations of the Liver should produce wondeil ul changes iu the general health, nnd iffcct cures which mtiv ... . ' " . aicuuuuneoi lone cotl- T Nearly thirty whisky tlistiilcrii's wcro seized in Now York on Saturday last for violation of tho internal revenue luvvs. Many ingenioutly contrived plans for evading the law were drought to light. Tho New Bedford (Moss.) Mercury states that the ship cirpentcrg of that city are now thar;in thirty-five cents an hour for their labor. Work upon two ships were suspend ed ou Mouday, in coiisequunce of this ad vance. One of the mobt exteusivo robberies oo record in this or any other country, was perpetrated in New York on Saturday. Government bonds to the amount of s roil liou and a hnlf of dollars were abstracted from the bnnkiug house of Hufus Lord, in Exchange Place. Tho property was stolen from a safe in tho daytime. A reward of 130,000 is offered. There are twenty-ouo editors in the Iowa Legislature. A woman jumped off tho ferry boat Into the Ohio at Cincinnati ouo night last week and was drowned. i ue city ot bt. I'uut tins refused to pay a claim of $15,000 for gas, aud is consequcuce ci. ruui is in darkness. A couple were married at Dubuque, Iowa, ou luesuar, itn tne consent nt their Da. 1 reuts, thu bride ouly 14 years of age. . fiua v is three feet deep in Northern Wis i.ocin, nd iLu slock is sufVtring very much. Horse flesh is now regularly sold in the licensed markets of Ptiriu. A butcher slaughters and sells, under the eye of a gov ernuieut inspector, horse flesh to all whose appetites havo been cultivated to that deli cate poiut. San Francisco statistics exhibit a very re niarkable growth iu population during the war. In 18G0 there were 90,000 citizens: in 180ri, 110,000. The Bulletin thinks that there will he a less rapid increase in the lu ture. Its estimate tor 1870 is 1UU,U00. lfusiticss in Iev Ui leans must be pros perous. ihe papers puoiisn triple or or quadruple sheets almost every, day; and tbe last number of tho Times, which has reached us, had eighteen pages, "the lurgest ever published in America as one of the regular editions of a daily paper." Bee keepers will be glad to learn that M Duchcniin, a French chemist, after two vears' patient observation, has discovered the source of the parasite which attacks those insects. Ho ban found the parasite on the flowers of Uclianthui annus (llio gun flower), and ou the bees, and hu has proved conclusively that it gets upon tho bee from this plant, and not upon the plant from tbe ue. Jarcd Sparks, the historian and ex-Pre iJont of Harvard College, died at bis res ideuce in Cambridge on the Hth iust., of pneumouia. Pennsylvania is tho ouly State, thus far, which has actually assumed tbe care of tbe children of ber dead soldiers, and 2000 o. tht.e are now in school in tbe State. The coat per pupil is about 150 per annum, ex ciusive oi ciotuing. It is positively stated that Senator Wal lace bad written a letter to General Meade, requesting him to accept the nomination of tue t-oppcrneau party for Governor, and Gen. Meado peremptorily declined thu prof fered honor, and intimated to Mr. Wallace that be was tbe friend of Gon. Jno. W. Geary. Tbe Egyptian pforernment on tbe first of January, for tbe first time, com mi need tbe use of postage stumps. . The Loudon Timet, in sonic remarks upon Mr. Ihtncroft'a oration iu honor of President Lincoln, says it is plain the speaker took the opportunity to utter, nnil ji part of the audience to npplaud, everything that could oll'eiid the pride and rouse the indignation of England. It says Mr. Bancroft probably knows enough of England to he aware that these harrangues have little effect here ; nnd it asks, "Can this misehevous old man be lieve that any purpose can be served iy slandering two such countries as England and France, in the presence of their repre sentatives. The Times says the vigilance and activity of the Government in relation to the Fe nian movement in Aim ricn is questioned, nnd in siiitu of Jlr. (Had-(one's wurniiius, it thinks this was a propir subject for discus sion in Parliament. The Mississippi has overflowed the unre paired leveo near Union ltougc, La.,' aud a great Mood is anticipated. A letter from Finnkfort-on-the-SIuine says the emigration from Europe to this country lis lbliti will reach ut leus. a00,000 dersons. The consumption of w ines in Great Bri tain last, vear reached a million of gallons er month, just double what it was before the reduction of duties. Tho Lords of the Admiralty have just or ered that in the British navy hids under eighteen years of age shall be birched, but not flogged. I'hfre have already been six hundred balls in New York this wiuter. They have '.icen attended by 400,000 people, and the whole expenses have been $i)'Jj,000. Cotton crowing in the Sandwich Islands is becoming very successful. About 1,200 pounds ol fcea Island cotton can oe raised on an average, per ncre, aim tne puir.i is perennial there. A fire damp explosion occurred in the Chicago (III.) Lake Tunnel, on Saturday night, by which two ot the workmen were severely burned. Since the commencement of the work, these explosions have beeu frequent. The San Antonio (Texas) Herald is charm ed with the serene peace that prevails in that citv: "With tho exception of fifteen or twenty fights, and the exchange ot a few friendly shots without uny unfortunate re sults, nothing bus happened of moment in two days." It is estimated that tho Geo court martial at Kaleigh, N. C, will oost the Government at least 1100.000 before it is at an end. The testimony thus fur for the prosecution is replete with horrors only equalled py the developments of tbe Wirz court martial. The President of one of the leading Bos ton banks has just bad his salary raised to A m nin . . L' , fi i.uuupcr year ou services. fVoiilVHMiotiM mill S ',XM-l"il'lM' OF AN 1XVAL1U. Published for tho licncfitand a a caution lo young men nnd others, nho suffer from Aorvous Ucbilily rrcmntur Itecnv of llanliood, &c, supplying at the suuic timo Hie means of self-cure. Uy ono who nas cured himself n'tor undergoing consuloniblo quack ery. Iiy enclosing A post-paid addressed envelope, singlo cop:c., free of charge may ho had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co, N. Y. January 27, lSflfi ly. Flour, Wheut, Rye, Corn, Oats, lluckwlicat. Flaxseed, Cloversecd. BUNBURY $1:1 mi 2 40 100 1 00 45 till J2 Ml $7 00 MARKET. Duller, Tul low, Lard, I'nrk, Uncoil, Hani, Shoulder, tiiiuauce, severe pains iu the side, urewt unci ,iml,i,.r. the limbs, a feelinr ol o.,....i T... ., . wietcheduessf and other alarming m 0 "" torn.1..ul,eat,veof imperfect or! MAN D It A K K 11 1.I J. "'eU,e ' WJHBNCK'a Costiveiiess, piles, hitler or sour enictions, ,j ,),, Indescribable feeling of oppression, aniie y, guor, lethargy, and depression of ininti which i ifcf . iniin lorllie.liannge.neiltof business ami the enioyment ?iif V k SrPi'srSi"iVcd 0y tl,e u"c"1 SCIlUNCK'SJ&AfJ: Dr Schisck. DearSu : I tukcplensuie in sending you certihi-ate in addition m mm,,- ...... w... ceivedfroin suffering humanity. 1 eatt searoely find i,I ...uieieniiy strung to express on- hmitfeit ertitif,ca lion "f the wondciful cures your MANURAKK I'll I H und HUAVVKKD TONIC have ertmed m the e.m.e e'tue ol one nt the most stubborn cases of the ulTcclion of the liver. I or three ear I stinVted beyond description; ii I tit) frienils, as well lis myself, cone to the conclusion that my time in this lite was h,.rt. Cueh was the terrible - '" "';oi wub reutieen tlmt Ille to tne hail be. lluinmatioii ; 1 could come a burthen j my whole system was in a sute of uuiumaiion ; could n..t eat, I could not slepj mv whule ..... ,. nun pain; swelling would arise in my wrista mid uukles. renderini' ihrnumdlu . tul ''Colons 1 was attacked with a rush of blind to the lua.l, which would fell me to the around, aud I would be cart ie.l away lor dead. I applied to several eminent pl. 8 muis of our city, wh, ministered all the medicines Unit they thought would re.ieli my cuse, hut of no avail One of them said he could do no more for tne, and nd vised inc, as a Inn resort, to drink coil liver oil. Not relishing tlie hoirid trat-h 1 declined to lake it. Accident put your advertisement iu mv hniuls. I called on you vou examined me and told tne the imtuie of my dinease' ou ihen ordered me Ihe Pills and Tonic with un obsetv uiice of diet, pledging vour word Hint in one week I would nnd mywl I' another nun. I followed y.uiradvice, and, us you predicted, an astonishing cure was effected 1 continued your Pills and Tonic lor some time, and now Ihniik (iod lor his goodness, and your valuable medicine I am ouee more restored M perfect health. I most earnestly recommend those who ure tum-img from afTcc li. hi of the liver to ive your Pills and Tonic a fair trial, and ii elite will be ill'eeleil I huve sent ninny pcrsoni to you, und they have all been cured. Any information my lellow citizens may require will he freely given by the subscrilpcr, nt Ins lesidenee. No. 812 Federal street, be tween fib street nnd Paps)inik mad OIlAltl.KS JOHNSON. Pr Formerly Printers' ink Manufacturer Dn. SCHKNCK will be professional!)- nt his principal Vmim' ?.'!' ''S: 31X111 ,"'' """ "' Commerce, I nil. Alll'.l. PIMA, every futurdav, from 9 a. in until 4 p. in ;Vi. H'i llond Mreet; New York, eveiv Tuesday, lioin 7 to I j r. a- Summer slrcet, Doston, Mass , every WcdncHduy, from 9 to I), nnd evei7 other Friday at 106 Baltimore street. Haltiinore, Md. All advice free, hut tor a thoioiigh examination of the lu igs with his IteBri roineter the charge is three dollnra Pi ice of the Pulmonic Svrup and Pea weal Tonic, enclt f,'.5 p" ' 97su rer baif dozen; Mandrake Pills, S.'i cents per li x. Kor sale hy all Druggists ant Dea'cra. Maiih IM, IS10 ly! iFlJBLIG SAIjE. "T 11.1. he sold, at tho residence of (ho sulworiher. in Horough of Sunbury, two dmr south of the Lutheran Chiiich, in Doer sheet, ON Tl'ESDAY, THE 27th OF MARCH, lBOrt. Tim ft.lnwing pro perty to. wit : 'f luce (.'locks. Chairs, fiijtean, Tables, Jleilstonds, Cooking Slovc, Kitchen I'urnlliiro and other Household Furniture too numerous to men tion. Also, lot of ground, situnlo In tlio hurough nf Suniiury, numbered in tlio general (dan nf said ho ruugh us lot No. 2!7. being (id foot in front on Elder berry street, and 2 10 in ilcptn vacant. Also, two luis of ground situnlein tho ImroUgh of Shaniokiu. bciiie lot No 1 in Mock 4:i , ami lut No. 2 In block 20 in the general plan of said borough ; all vacant. Sale of household furniture will commence nt In o'clock A. M., nndthosnlo nf tlio lnts at 1 o'clock V. SI., of said day, when the conditions will ho made known by THOMAS Mod AW. Sunbury, March 21. 1S68 It xtw gooiTs voit sriuxG ' sai.f.s. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & A It CHI STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Ann o r k h I s a for ik i:ci sai.hs- FASHtONAItf.K XKW SILKS Xovellies iu DKKWi OOODS. New Styles HPKINO SHAWLS. New Travelling DRESS HOODS. . Fine Stook of NEW GOODS. Magnificent FOl'LAKDS. Splendid BLACK SILKS, 4c. I". L. have their usual assortment of STAPLE OOOPS. Also, CLOTHS, CASMMEKEN, VE.S TINUS, Ac, Ac P. S., Our prices am now urrangod to meet tho vir.wiot iiuvnns : . March 24, 1Bi)8. Ot : RENO OIL & LAND CO. CAPITAL, ?IO,000,000. SHARES, $100 EACH. STOCK GUARANTEED. For every fchara of Stock issued, the' Far Value (One Hundred Dollars) " will be deposited in tho TKKASUKY OF THE LMTED STATES OB INVESTED IX Ainl ill ay 1 i list! ru trn ly tlx MoKliill'r ut ii ii j Mem-. President, icc-Pi'i st'lmt, Secretary, Trcajunr, OALVSH V'A. CUOW'; ' CHAKLKS V. 0) VJ.V'llIt' " 11. 1. 1 AM UHOL'OU, account ot valuable An Excellent Hemisdy. "Whoever is troubled with .Hoarseness, Coughs, or Sore ness of the Throat, cnu npply an excellent and sitfc remedy ly using BROWN'S BRON CHIAL TROCIIKS. have tried tho article, and cau safely recommend them in all cases cf Throat Irritation. To SiDgers and Public Speakers they are of great value. SrKEu's Samblbo Pout. The thoubauds of pbysiciiirjs in this country and Europe who arc prescribing Speer's wine as well a using it in their own families in preftreuca to all others,, is suflicent evidenco of its superiority over imported wiucs, as well as over the manufactured sugared stuff, often called native wines. Tho only genuine Sam. burg Port wino lias Mr. Speer's signature over tho cork of each bottle. Its purity for a communion wiue and its valuable proper ties for medical use cannot be surpassed. Be not deceived. H7The nightingale has no peer among singing birds, tbe antelope is king of all guccful quadrupeds, and among a thousand perfume Phalon'a 'Night-Blooming Cereus' stands alone matchless iu purity, unap jiroacbcd in voluptuous tickaeu, and more durable than suy other floral extract known, (old tverywhere. IMPORTANT AND DOMESTIC CARPETING ROUKA'TF. EittOitf DI11F.CT0KS. Hon. OALl'SHA A. (iHOW, Rknj. T: Late Spcukor of the V. S. House of Hcrrcsentiitirei Hon 0. R. HANSOM, Hosto", Mass. V. S. Punk Commissioner fur Nctt liiitslunct. Hon FIDKNKV DF.AN, Piic.Wr-V.iri!, R Late Mem. of Cong Editor of the Pru -irieien Pre HENlty A. SMV'lllli, Ksq. Nkw York Uu President of tho Ccntnil National Punk, LACHIFN It CL'LVER, Jisti. Nkh-VohuCit 01 Culver. Penn A Co., fJuukers. Hon. Al'Ut'STUS FRANK, WinsAw, N. - Mein. of tbe House nf Rep., Mill, ,"7th, & ibib Coi Msj JOHN L. WILSON, Madison, ol tlio L mteil stntM Army, lion. THOMAS S. STANi lELD. Soira Be:id; 1. Prcsidcntof I irst Niuiuunl Rank of Soulb liei Hon. CHARLES Cl'LVER. Fiiaskuk. F Of Culver. Penn A Co., aud Mem. of the present Co ALEX liRADLEV, Esq. PiTrsuuncn,-1 Pros t. nt Tradesmen's Naliouul Bunk of Pittsburi JOSHUA DOl'OLASS, Eiq. Meadville, I President ol tbe National iiunk ot t raw lord Co., . Col. JAMES H. HOWE.V, Cuicago, In President of Third National Bank of Chicuo-r GEO RUE 11. REA, Esq., Saint Louis, 1 President of Second Jiatiomit Bank of St. Lo TruslecH of I lie Fmitl. lion JH I CO NawYonK.C Of John J. Cisco A Sons, Bunkers, and lata . tuut Treaaurer of the U.S. at Jfow York. ' di:i(; in:it,Eso., newVoiikc Of J times (1. King's 6'ons, bunkers. FIRST CLASS GOODS AKD OXE IVitltlHIiK CASH 1'IUt l AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing; all Kinds and Stvles OF AMERICAN & EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Prices On account of tbe decline in G old J. F. & E. B. 0RNE, 904t Chestnut Street, rillLADELPHIA, Xoto offer their GREAT BPRING STOCK Imported ancTPomestic- CARPETING, French and Englith Axmiuater, English Roya Wilton, ' A.l .nd Q.l Velvet, Fine English Bruuels, Crossley'i Tapestries, Imperial Ttireo-Ply Carpet i in Ingrain Carpet ICLISlTmil'tSSVIiSi ASD ItOVAIi M ILTON ( AUI'tTS, FOR STAIRS AND PALLS, WITH BORDERS. - 3-l, e-i, e-4 WUite. tted-Cheoiod and ranoy Matting. C o i- a M a 1 1 i n b . ENGLISH OIL C L O T II S , I C . March 21, 3m tV'THB LANDS OF THE COMPAK consist of Twelve Hundred acres, at Rono, on Alleghany river, in Venango County. Pennaylv tbe heart of the Oil District in that State. o.r. iiioi wa.-m hi CAS BE SUNK UPON THE PROPERTY V OUT INTERFERENCE. Test wells have been sunk on tbe Estate, an found in paying quantities in every instance. IT WELLS are now being put down to he foil by others as rapidly an possible lo tbe extent li sarv to fully develope the property. Ono hut veils yielding only ten barrels a day cache dollars a barrel, a prioe much below (be av Srice at Reno, would give uno million eight red thousand dollars a year of uicouul uiuk profit of probably fifteen per cout. ovTr cxi and taxes of every kind If large flowing wel found, a single aure of the territory way vicl entire capital within two years. I"-The Company owns iho Town of Rei gether with several hundred lota for bueiues dwelling bouses. There is an extensive deuia tbcin, mid thu Revenue from their suie will bi great. THE STOCK 13 QCJAEANTEEr Tbe r"ce of the stock has been fixed at UUNDREU AND FIVE DOLLARS per Five dollars go into the Troaaury of the Comp a Contribution to Ilia Workiug Fund. Tbe par ef the stock, one hundred dollars, is paid Trustees, to be deposited in the Treasury United .States, or invested iu Government tins, and may be withdrawn by tho itookbo any time Iiy the payment of ten dollars, persons that to await the result of the first year's devtdn can secure the right of obtaining A FULL S OF GUARANTEED STOCK for one fa doilart additional, at any time before the fir of April, I&67. tC'It is au Investment wi ehauoeaof large profit and is always com luto cash at Pur. It might bo oalled A LEGAL TEN DEB OIL, BTOO! Bo large a working fund ($300,000) ha been provided or expended hy any Company Oil Region. SURCKIPTIONS will be recui agents and by tbe principal Ranks and 1 throughout iba couutry. Pros pee t uses am information will be lurol.hed by Ageo , aud SAM I EL T. HOWAUD hvaHcnirTioN AaskT, 22 Noaiau St., Nov March 21, lSSC It . , CRP0 A .nO.'I'lII-AHEKTS war tit entirely new article, hint driwa O Maue.' T. OA KEY, nu City Building, Hid . decja