BKAD WHAT Ml. SCIIOCK IS DOlNtA. Dr.. J. II.BCHKXCK, dun Pin : I feci It a duty I ( t you. nnd to all who ro mflcrin;! under lb" ilionsis known us Consumption nnd l.ivcr I'umptniiit. to let thorn know wh it (Trent liumfilx I have icccivcd from jour Ptil Biuiiic Syrup end Seaweed Tonio in so shci I a time. Br the filching "f Hod it hns cured mo thus far. Jlr. Sclienck, I will now uuike uiy slniciiienl to you. lis follow." : About eighteen months nun I win altuckcd with li severe couch, uud it lottlc-i ou my Iuiil! 1 could not re t'iin eiiylhint; I "lo, nod sut lircd Willi cviniiijt fevers nnd ninlil sweats. I win verv much reduced. Tin.' ni.iti i f my ivcs wcro tci v vcllow; likewise n.y skh.; n.y it)-plitc all roup, ',,i,l,l.. i -I wluit 1 (il l ful: howelii swollen. irrcrulnr nod comieo. 1 w.n very low soil ited. Mid j hud such violent Sfulls nl 'eonj.HiUfj wiion I i'""i down nt nlhl ond when 1 arose in tin; luuriiinj thnt they wmld Inst "no or two hum'. i'lhtn would be no.-rly cxiiiiuto I, r.nd win culire Ic urn' lo lo lio t.n n.y I :l'i side. I o.niim'. describe loy n retched i;lltiin;i i.s 1 would wi-h Lido, livery orc;nn in my body wi.s ilL-eiL-ed or dor::n:x d. inn li wftri my silu'iuii'ii ut ihh; lii.-c. mid I wa- confined to ray bed from the lost February, P.'..'. not nljl r- to litlip. 1 P. Mil tll l.""t ot llli' lk'ill llllcld:lll"0 til 0 wlnilc of the timi'. My coujjh w.u sn very bud I hit it ranked inn Tory much. 1 nt this lime rinsed n largo qunntit v of tliick- yellow, o'leii-ivc mutter, i'ln'ftii'iof: Willi bi'.orl. mid it wn ;encr:iHy nocompti niud hymni-ei nnd n furred and thick e.f.icil t.untne. At the limn of iv.u.'l.in;: o buddy 1 nouM hnvo sharp, shootim; pnir? iri luy lei'l lido ni l lio.-rt, nielli swonls. nu-l fo'-etics.-i nil throne;'! my ivliolo ehe. I ; liad much iirwnrd fever, pnin in my buck nnd under luy shoulder blntlcs nnd in llio miiiiII of my back, nnd ot times o se-voio ihnt it woull throw ino into spninis. Now my pbv.-ioinn trnve mo up to die. Other!" I hn I. nnd llio best of then', but they coild do iv.iMuir l'ir roe, and at lli.it time I was ii-v.hiit.. but shin n.M ' om j 1 C en was in tho western part of Mtaiiiiii. In June las', rv left there fi-r the Liu-l. mid in Aniens! l:..-t ive eanie . ' New York, tiu.'l 1 w: h to reduced iliut I could only "ulk it little wilh n;y j lui'.liiiiiilV 1 1 o I p . Allvr I had bei n licre n '-hort lime I the --H water bret.e uiad'- me feed mueh helter fur n j time all 1 tli.n 1 1m l aifiin to enil n phyid.'ian for aid. j We had fii-n of t'o- brit j.liy .iciai f of -:w V.o k on the diecnies'-f toe lun;r', and dnetorn of all kind, but of no avail, 'i heys u l I was pn-.t cure, and thai my lun were tco l.ir ;;oue :or n; y one lo euro inc. liilt at ilii time I was on my feet about the, h"m-:o, not ahlo to il.i niiieh of imyiliin. In Nnvemher lust I ijrew worse, and llio eunsumpHon dianhea iipt in nud last? 1 nlKiut eiciit weeks. N c had tii'jd all and fveryll.in;' that 1 e-.tild ra-. at likea d.viny jir.en f..rmy diseases coiieuinpiivii and liver com phiint bit! of no avnd. In Jfinuary, 1Si',;i. I va brought dowu n,;r.in on my bed. and was not expeoted lo live the nbjlit out. My husband dayed al my IJu, and oihor friends, and they all ;.ivc nie up io dio. .t this liuio every or.o who saw mo did nd liiink I would leavo lay bed a livim; uoiii m. 'lhe fusl iiilil 1 was attacked wilh spa.-ii-.s. and was deranged most of the tipio. A irien-1. Mrs. llurris. enn-e to s:e mo the lal of tno week, imd brou'bt lhe rMtudry Mercury. In it T.a.inn aceonut of u jrreat euro prvfiirmed by lr. Sclirnek. ik'bo read it to me. Mid it was so iniieli ld:e n.y own iliaeasu tout i asked my husbaiid to 0 and sec hitu for me. At this tiiue I had jiiven up all hop.'s nf ever ellin well aain. and uiade my Teacc with U"d, to rtai.ly ivhea Ho called for inc. On the 27 ill of January, l'03. my husb ind called on Sebenck. -'12 lioad jrcet. NeiV i'nrif and tatcd to biui my er.se. w ilh a ie';ui'-t f..r h'.m to coil r.n.l see nte. w liioli be did.au. 1 examined mow ilh the roMm'o:n.!!,r. IV'u n ho was about to I n-ked him if be eon! I cure io- Hi-reply wu-: "1 can no tell. boMi lu:i! uro liisoased. and tho bronchial till e are atTcNd on lli fidis. ' And yet be aeeiued to think there v.cro lun;;s enough Ictl to ef fect a euro if the diarilieu could bes:.'pped. llo raid in order to Jj io!'. be; would have t- jjivo .Man tlruko Viils, in mnill do:-es nt firs', to carry oif t';o morliid iniiticr. and llun. with alii.';;rrei.ts. lie hoped to cheek it, v. iiieh ho ui-1. but thec''ii.'!a:il eou::hin, lli'llt sweats, nod dial rliea had pl'os!rut-d inenoth.it be wep i.fr.'ii.l my viud ,ower.s ;erc tco u.ueh pros trated ever to rally, and yet bo .seemed to think if I C'liild livo to pet cnouii Pulmonic Syrup through iy system to c.niKa e.peetori:Iitn. tliero were iun.s ei:(iu:xh "! lor mo to lveov.r. Jlc wi;he 1 mo to tiy tha ruliiioiiic .-' up and yenweed 'J'onio at once, saying it would do n:v mi harm, if itdid metio pood. The lii-t week i! 'temvd io ;;ve me slren;;lh, so tk;l on Sunday nf'er I sat up in bod nod alu nearly I'm, n si'k v.viair.i-: buL the next wek 1 l-.st all i..oia nial willed my I.ib.iiid not lo c mo any m re lueiiieiue. liut tiio do.'for hf d warned him of this, i and when tliu niedieir.o wus clearing out the system J it made them feci s.ouewhf t rcsilors. and to perse- i Terr; and ho ii.-U;.:l on nif taking il; audi new feed the benefit of i!. 1'i-r after eilit days I lieg'in to gain stieoih, and. witli the exception of n cold j that put me back soir.e. I bac been nitiing gtretiui i.' body, my cuiiijli i.s K'jini! away, and all my pains j iro jronc; ro sorencrs uf i';o body, my bowc a r.ic tifiilar, iiunl my brcaili is sweet, lind I thank liod ; hat I inn now goinjab'-i.:. .iLd sew mid rend us well j H I cvor ei'iild. I fiii v.; inkeu sixteen boiilcs (, tho lodicinn. eiht ed' c;ieh. 1 now have n o..-d npjic- J l!e and rest well 'at nijjht ; my ceinli' does not ,-oublc ice in gcll'nj; up or lyin. down. I would ere fay to tho nluioted wi'h e insiimi.tiou orlivir I implaiut. that l)r cbcr.ek is no huiubu. Vcu j in rely on what lie fny.1- Jiolay noi: itia danger- i n to tiillo Willi ihcs-j diseases. If you woul l I." I irc-1, iru atonoe, ard tinv "no wi. i.'m to hno'.v the i els as herein staled can cull at n y i ciddencc, 1 17 'est Houstou s;reet. Ne.v York eitv. MAiiY r. fav.i.ow. We. the un lersi ;r;e I. re i lei.ls of New York, uro rpiaiuled wilh .ir i i arbiw. and hno-.v her.-lalc-nt lo be tva?. W'f al -o know that she used Ir bench's I'uln-.'o.ie Syrup and S'vuvceel 'funic, and ro reason to bciieve linV. t th'f mcdicino kho e5 lu-r pr-servalion from a premature grnv. KAllI.iHV, 117 V,.:l Houston st. .! v;i:ni: i .Mn:ni:ii.i.. 117s uremwich st. 'lis. r.'iiKNK T.N HKiiilii,!,. e.Tii lireenwich at. v nil si' a '.:'pi:i;iiii.b. hts (irocnwi-u it. k. i'. IlAl:Hl. li? U.s; li .u-t.ju s.t. :MILY UI.ii i lt. IK West Uja.-tvO ti. I., t'oi.l". :t.i ,"rn piaeo. I A. I,i;G HT') . ;:;; i;rn Iwav. In. l;KN.f A.Nil.N CI'Al'i'. Ill Auiily plate, rim well ne'.iiniinli'd .i'.!i Mrs4 ,dnry J-'arloar, wiih ber husband, Mr. II. Pal !io, thuv having i lew ii onlhs past, attended al my church, and iiieoiiviiii e l il at any statement which, ibey inijjht :c might be relied en :n Irue. ,IUI1N liiiWMN'i.l. P. ., Pastor e.f Pedford M. Ilapti-t Chnreh, N. Y. e. Seivnek will be profcsiunaliy ul 1 n riu.'ip!o ! .No. l.i .Yaiih Si.eili ilreei, corner of I'nuucree, relelpjiiii. every Saturday, from !) A.?d. until -d., li'in I srrcet. New Yoik. e-v.M-y Tuvs.- fi"in y to : ; No Crf 'uiiiiiicr ii!r?et. 'iJoston. ., Revert V. edi.r.- l':y. fnn.i ti to :t. aud every ' I'liday nt i'H l;:i!l;:'.iciv '.reei, liaiiimure. Md". i Kiee free, butler n !n 1'ouh rx:iniiiu,!in f ting witli the Ucpirouiulci', liio cn.iro is three rs. i"e of tl.i rii'moni'' ::yi nj, j.j. l Si-.i-.vc? 1 Tmiic. 'l -10 p r boitie, or $7 !9 per hi.il' eioieu. ilan " Pills. 2: cents pi 1.0.1. .sale by lru;;i.-r. ,&J iio.ilr:?. embcr 2. I-aj 1 y. 3! C. GOI3IJST, " ,rn,v isiid ('ii!:9.f.31ur,;at. lUONVILLE. CCUTEH CO , MISSOI.ni. ILL pay tares eii landi in any part of tho ritate. Buy nrd sol! n al pstr.te-. an I all other is emitted ij hiiu will rcocive prompt often- : 8. 18"5 Oft 1 ". 'ti. W MARBLE YARD. un'eri.incl would respeclfully inform the s of unburn, nod public Rcicially, that he ned new .MAUI'.I.I. YAKli, e.pp .dio tho l!ou.-a, T.l.e o .'.y.l.l.LLA:-; and il'ALlA.'i ' i. eo'istlili'ly ke; t on ban. I. r Icrs lor iMoi.umeuUniid licad-sK.nesprouipt-1 nt reduced r.itsj. n. o. i-i.ixoeu. ury, Oct. T, lif.S tf. K2 HIOnF.ST CASH PRICE3 r fil.I) Nir.VyPArtRS, PAM1'11IJ;T.S end WASH I'Al'Utof every dead huLn. arliculnn address ot iarv i: j.i. i-sis;., Vi5 Ami I ), One Poor Weil of Nnau St. , N X H 13 w H 'JJ r, 's. l:ir Vouv VVaite Iii;;rr. wnpnpcrs. mulilated Uo..ki, Paniphletsi and rent varieli.w of I'apor Unit aceuiuulata in use, and wlib-.b ii noiieruily looked upon as, ihotild be cnt to iSiu.kwe.il 4 huieraun, of ill Street. Idiey arc paviui liborul prlcei roriplioiit cl Waila l'upei , butter than any j trade. .STOt KYi'ICLL i KMl'USOX, 1,1585. Sin T SOAP". Toutb.Eiusjeii. Uair H.-u.hn, Fr aula by ANSA J'AlNTtU. :iul.wu( I Jyhlnor'ai. Public Services f A. LIN'CdLX, ly l7, 12 00 .'uihmun, The L'uien Soout I'.'.J i'py, i "0 ihl fiieiid, il 3o lov'la Kurialy wr in 1, (' 1, law. HALIi & SON AtlllNTS for tlio CEl.tnilATKU EKIQGS' NEW PATENT HAN0 Which are creation the rcalest ai-nanlinn in tho musical world, and liave received the highest ti Jtl icoiiialr fiotit all tho lending ai litis in the contiy. 11 MdL.nu; wbeni aro ,S ThiiHu ror. Veimei? II. nrown, 1.. M. lloltsehalU, Tlieoibiro laslelt. Wm. Henry l ry, Mux Jiaret.ek, Jl. . Shakos di, Win. Mason, Herman A. Wolleidninpt. At the liito l'.W.: of tho Aill.i'lOAN INSTI TtTi:. held in .N ew York City, O.Suber l.SOi, they wore a'v ir led tho rB5:wk" ifksaasir.'H ojj .iis:t ka- For the J:l:ST riAN'O-I'OHTE US EXIUUITtON't Anen's Cur ;eo. a. piuxci: co s ?uc!o.loons, Autonintio' A Huhool Orrjans. ALL Ks.-lltl'.MLNTfl WA1UIANTLO F0K FIYK YEA 113. llanufnclurcr." na l Importer ol Flutes. l!.:njo. Violin?, Guitars, Yio?n i'riiti;s, AciVirdcr.ns, mid all 1mi. ds i f llrasj and other Musical Instrument:! special attention j.abl to furnishing lhasj Instru inente fir Han 1 . l l PLLSliKItOF SHEET JU'SfC. Just ) ubr..-hel "'J l.e Yenite.'' no.v o dbution of Chants Or liio i'.piseopn! Service, for opening nnd closing oluntn: ics. .Mu.-ical Siadetie:s. Classes, mid for tho.Si ial t.iivle, by moll. C. I'avi.oii. Price Lo 11 du, tj cents. Cloth, 51. B5;t.ij!" 31c!oc!:- DseiTise'N. In form of Folfrjrziu' f"r '-'iiprauo and ?.!rzzo i-'oy -i..'o Voivis. iutindi d as siudien to iiCjUiro the pn..er art of sini;ins. by C A 1; 1.0 Uvssm. Hulbi.r. lijssiui'.s ail of i-ining, unel iliuitoiic. in two books. I'ricC. each, 2,j0. T'lANO-FOliTE CAMSTIIEXIC--, a co'lectiim of FivA Fin;;er, Chord, nnd penlo pas" sui s, l.r sieedy di veli.pir the mu.'eleg if the iin ters. and iicpiirhie that decree of flexibility, iudo" p.iidei'.-e and vi.iul.illy. which arc so indit pciisnhle to a ' -A pel fovnT iii"e on Iho Piano-Foi te, by Fuanois 11. Iliiowf. 1'ii'o f.'i.Ait. Xo 1. lil'on. Pupils s. Fir-.t riimer, by Francis II. Crown, Auth .rof Pii le. .Minnehaha, ,V llelatiou i'olkas, &a. Price, iu evnu. jVXXTSia. 'Civ: Thy liiirden Ou The Lord,'' wi'.h soprano, con truilo or tennr solos, and (tiartelle, adapted from li'.tlschalk. 'lumber Son;;, by W. K. Ua.sl'ord, pi ice .;j els. 'A Holy aim. A Pence Pivine." coinpn'ion to Sweet Vpiri hear my l'raycr,' by S . incent Wallnee. price :1a els. 'Lord. My l-o l, I l.on to. know," 1.11st Hymn, is Mini; nt'lir.ieo church, composed by Prasno Valsh, price ;j ceutd. "ly Hud In Heaven."' words by .Spencer V. Cone, Music by Stephen Masselt. price .'1j ets. ' Mv I'idy Driihers' tione," song mid chorus, by JI. Iveller. price .'io ets. Tin) Past lhat llrealbcs of Thee," billnd by M. Kelb-r. prico .'ij cli. Oh ! W rite Mo A .S"cnj "f My Fntlior,"' sons mid chorus, as sun;.; 11! Wood's Minstrels, composed by C. ileury. pi iee llo e'.. 'A Word of 'lhine,'" biliad, by J. Fitzliugh, prico Hi) ets. "tiive mc tiiofc Moor.lit Ilouni," Illicit, for lir.iM. prnno... or fopraiio and tenor, by U. A. Parkurst, price 00 ets 'A cper Snr.'" duetl. for two sopranos, or tenors, by .1 . i'nliiel. price -10 ets 'Muiinurc la Kuisscuu," Funlntie. by J. Muilling, pii-.-e. ii) dr., opinyer al Se?i.v lvninance in form uf ft Xoclurne. by .1. ile dasienski, prico nl) ets. "Attends Moi,'' (Wail for me.) galop, by Cbas. Fra- del, price )') els. Suis Moi," (Follor; inc.! ta'.'"!', by A. liemsttin, price atl els. 'Water Fall, tad Sen Ureezc." gallop, by Paul Ht.-iiiliat 11. p:i.'.', eacli, at) cfs. "Mornin,; I)cw," Laascis, A lolph Bernstein, price oil ct?. 'Welling Lancers." by .'teinliairon. price -lf ct. lluppy Uc'lhy iirnii'ns," trans. uibcl for the piano- ioitc! by Charles Fnidcl. piiee oil c!s. '.Sweet .Spirit Hear My Prayer." from W.-.Ta-'c's opera Liu lino, Iran....', '.bed f ir tho piuno-lorio by ('has. Fradel, .rie !! ctF. Crip:no L l.u Coiunre.'" llicci'K r.e7 Opera, ur- riui'ed by I'tias Fradel, price Ld ets. ' Feu dc M-loile'S." .s'turiight nooturu, by J. du Ja- i.ieruki, price .'.il ets. 'Ai.;;el of Pr-.'.r.i." ballad. by M. Ke'lr. price ets. i.ovc.i Lvmitaiion,'' ballad, by E. (j. J!. Holder, 1 nee o'. " frimuplnl .".i.nch." by Itieburd Ilofi'nmn. price S'l. "AP,'cri.m Polka, ' by Mr.s. F. A. l'arkhurst, pricti lij c!:'. 'Evjiiii j; S'lridows,'' Xoc'.an.c, by E.J. Fity.huj,h, ppce ." els. I ;o !a.n."i't fir Thee.' Cuarls waltz. sur.g by M dllo i'iir. tip-1, prico ll.'i eis. A Liberal ii.-count given to tho Tn. lo. Churches, t'li ryau.n. Professois and 'schools.. Mu?ic 'sent by mail, lost-nail, n receipt of tlio toarked price. WILLIAM HALL i. SON. olll liioaJway, New York. Xove'.niicr 2o, ll-'i'.". llm MEXICO! MEXICO! 01" IIIB KKVL'KLK! OF MF.XICO. Twcfcty-yrar Coupon lionds in 'unis of fjO, V'J S.'H'ii, and Jl.OOi). Interest "iiven per cent., I'ayablo in the City or New York. Prin-ip.d ai d Inierivl l'aynblo in 4(J 5.rtf. $l9,flCU,!ii (i to In. full at ;;ixvv Ckxts on the Pol 1. .tn. in I". 8. Curren cy, llms yielding an interest o Twelve pu-cenl. in Hold, or Seventeen per cent, in Curroucy, a! the presci.t rate of premium ou gold. Tho Fi:..i Yc.r'is Interest ulre-ady Pro ideal. Tim Most KC-'litAIil.; lXVE-'TMEXT ore OFFEliEi). Imiiie:i-e TrncNnf Mining and A.'ricullural Lands; s: iv per ceni. i.f Port Jiues. Imposts, and 'l uxes, in the Slates eif TA.M AL I.II'AS and SAN" I.I l.S pij TO.SI ( and the Pluhkd I'aiili uf iho .said States and thotleniral (L.vernn.eut aro all Pledged fur the rc. den.pticc of these Pu.ids and payment of hilcrest. 't';is Sec-ji ity im Aiuple. J30 in V. H. Curreucy arid buy a 7 per ct. Clol I Eoii l of $-,0 f.'n e!a. do. d. io. J100 SiOO " " " ' $i00 Sl'.Ul) l ! 11 ll,00 Let overy loTor of Ftopublican Instituuor.i J!uy at lra.-t t"m I.ociei. Cireulws for '.raided and subscriptions reeeived by JOHN" W. COltLlF.S 4C0 J. X.TIFFT, Financial Agent of tho Popubpj of Mexico, 37 llroadwny, .Y. Y". fir Pubcirij 'ions als received by Banks and Il.uike.s geuerallj ihiougli..i;t tho l uiicd .''tales. Xov. t, IWJ. iiA. iiOVyiii if i i E .IJ j; 2: s..7, Z. "1 -7'Iir.HEAS iho Auditor (i.-nernl ns re iuired by Y tim Uth Scct'n.n of the Act, entitled -An Act enabling the linnks of this CoMiuonwcallh to become Asso Millions lor tho pavposo of b.mkiug under lhe Inns of liio Vnile l iSt.ites." p.ised uu lhe ;.'d dvvof August A li. Lull, lias eeriilicd to me lhat 'the I'Lauk of Northumberland,' located in tho Uorougli of Siinbuiy. NV.rtiiiiiuherliii: i county, bin lurni.-lied sattsi'ielory evidence to liiin that all the reipiircme ills of said Act hove been complied wilh by Iho laid Hank, and that it h.n bceoiuo nn ussociatiou fur tho purjiose of Uankiii,; under tlio Laws of tho 1'i.iled .slates 4 do iherefjro, cause tlio notice thereof to bo pub-li.-bed in accr r.li.iicu wilh the pruvi..i. ns of Iho t .id lltli lection of the said Act, and du d.-olura that the Charter ot Iho said liank by lhe tern.a of said Act. ii deemed and taken to be hereupon tux rendered suh. juit to the provisions of tlio firsl neclimi of said act A. U. Cl K'UX.Uovcrnor. Fxeeulivo Cliamber, I Harrisburg, Aug. ii, 1SRJ. 1 JEEEIIIALI EKYDER, AlJormfj- A. t'oianM-lIos-ul l.juv. OEco comer of lilaelebcrry nnd Fawn Street, throo doori cut cf il, V. llriirht's 1'uuLdi y, SJ Mill KV, Vill attend promptly to all professional businesi entrusted lo bis care, the eollictioii of claims iu Xor, Ihuinberliind and the adjoining counties. C'oabultnlioni in Herman and Lngluh. huubury, April Is-'. lhOS y k. v.. i. I,? juTr.v, l' II Y S I C I A N AM) SUliUEOX NORTHUMBERLAND. PA. I)R. I.V.MLKY has opened an oBioe in N'orthuin. bcrlaliu, and ofiera hi. aurvioea to tbo people of that place and the adjoiuing towosLips. Office next door io jr. oouii euoe eiuia, wucr tie can feuod at ail knurs. j iiorliawWlaad Aogust 19, loos . W. 6Kirti. Ciiis. B. Strtiir SMITH & GEITTHSPa. Uarkot street, one eloar east of Mrs. Iloulton's Hoto 3TTISrJ3XJ3Pi npy., Have opened A NEW .TIN-WARE, Slice! Iron nnt HtoTc !S(rp, nnd intend keeping constantly on hand, nnd manu facturing to onior on short ost notice, TIX AND SlIFKT IUOX-WAKE of nil dcucriptiona. A Largo Plouk of Cook Stoves of the following P.rnnds FE1T1T3YLTA1TIA, UNION G00Kf and on tho following to Urniids wo defy coiv.petl lion, nnmcly 'oiMli:ilioii tis JJisi-iior, Cook. dim rriior E'cnti-' I. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness nnd durability, and encli atovo warranted to perform what they 1110 re presented ALSO, PAMLOR nnd OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all Iho beat miiniifuului'js, nud moat fualiiotiablo elesins Also. Tl-e celebrate.l GEM fur heating up and ilow-n stairs. Also the celebrated VVLC'AX HEATER. I 'oul Oil. 4'ostl itil D.arj-ps, f--i!::e!r-, 4'li.iiiiciii'N, mill nil nrlivlcj umiHually kept in an establishment uf Ihi.. kind. Wo ire also prepared tenia nil kinds id Spouting. l!'.ofr.g. r.tuigo uud r umace oi k. oas 1- ut.ng. Ac. u impair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country' produco taken in exchange at market price. SMITH A GiTIIF.n. Have the Aconcy f,.r LIBIi'S CEI.KIlTt ATETJ FILE PLACE S'i'OVI.S, for tliu Couulies of Xorthuiubcr land. Snyder. Lilian and Montour. Ard aro also ngents ter tho Pipber A Wiliovrtr Lino of Tmnsporlatimi. tun. in v, Kept. HO, ISC' t. " LARGE SjrOCK! ' X E W A It It I V A L O OOO D S AT ""MO- 1 STORE OF WUHVUTL & K,AG2IIi,Sr9 COXSISTIXO OF DRY GOODS! roni:rj axd )0Mi:Trc.P..'h us n,ihs. cu iiiPVC.-s, Mti-j'.hiP, Shccitiis. Tii'hin, (.'nli'-cfy. J)p. t;iiuc9. 1- ltinnols. nti"l nil UiwU of M.U'i! N 1 Xti lioo'N. ISUoUihH, Sliirly. Clinton Jr'ianncls, 2i mikt ers. (.'ar tutini; ul' nil kinds. HATS 5s CA.lF-3. A T." "t '?! fT5. '"J NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Compris'T'g. Hosiery, tlloves, TI rernl. Putiors, Sus penders. X celt-lie. Collars. Handkerchiefs, ilair I!rush"s. Tooth Pruslies. lium liib bon nnd Cord, tope, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses, tidy cotton, carpet binding, combs. Pincy maps, carpet be.rs. Trunks, Valises, Uuibielbu, iiliu.ii Pooks, Paper, Euveiopcs, Ac. :isr 5a; uv.jza.'riT-'sx.rjvz -r: Of all kinds, fa,,.-, Xnfls. Hinces and Screw s. Puor Iciledics and Knobs, Lucks, and CLTLl'IiY ot every de.-cription. Also, Dvos, I)i-uos, Piiint-i, V;in:M:i , Fltixist'eil mill Pioiizim.' Oils. Gln-ss, l'i;ttv. A.c. ui'"uivt iii-'L ttit'.I Jl::siiv i;r- oi" uSi STOE ANDUKAUTI1EN WA1J E. An Kxt-nivo Stoolc oi CROC E R 1 E S, Comiosed of Sugar. Cofioe. Teas, l'.ice. Corn-sliir.di, M-'ic-aroiii. liailey, Jlaking-ioiTd'T. ini.bisses. soaj s. candles, tobacco and segars. Sail, l'isli, Meal, Cheese. .10., 1c. Alio, Q lar-o vni ie ly of for Men. Women and Children. .V All l.iiub, lirain and Country Pro'iuco taten in e-xchnngo for Hoods. Ciivoii.s n call bof-ro you purchase, elsewhere, iva aro bound to sell as low n any one else. Store-room in Ira T. Clemcni's building nt the si. mil-west corner of laikt. Siunre. near tliu Coii.t House. Siinbtiry. Oct 2, Isf.S. t'omi.iy flBrvejor, ('iiiicjiiiiiTr AXI JV STICK OF TUIC PKACn. N't 'in;),)", X-r'.iit,;i!tiJ,iKil Cfiirf;. '::ni'i Oliicc in Jaelen t--wn-!i'p. Kngaire;nei.t cini be made by letter, elireeti d lo Cue aiicvca li!re..h. All bu-diic-s culiu?tcj lo l.i c .ro, ;iil be prouiprly nttended 10. . April 2:. I ly J. F. SCHAFFEP., j 1 ESl'FCTFI'LI.Y inf'.ruis tho eiiiaxs of Sl"X i i IIUI'.Y and vicinity, tint be l.i.s 01 encd n the room over Farii:;norili'j Urooeiy, nppnslto Iho ""ental IL.ti I. Sunbiiry. wbe-rc be is ready lo mnke up garments nf all kinds in tliu luUi-l stjie and best woi kuoinl'kc mnnner. Having had experience in the business for n rum her of years ho b.ipes to render peneral jti. laoiku Custuiii work ia re.-pccliull v hoiiciled. J. F. fct'llAFl Ei;. p-'unbury, May LI, 1-5-55. ly f 1111 IS great line traverse's 1I14 X01 iherc 1111 1 Xo.th J west counties of Pemisyivania to tbo city of Erie on Lake Erie. It luu been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company nod is oper.iicd by them. Time of Passenger train:, ut Sui.hury, Lcai c Ln-iiwurd. Trio Mail Tini'i, 5..,o p. m. Ei io Espre Tra'n. ."i..)i) u in. Elmirii I'-eprcss 'iruin, 1 1 p ,a Llmira .'l.'iis ii.iin. lU u.iam. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train. .I.Ojam. Frio Express, 'l rnin, 2.;;o p ni. EluiiiaL.-irreM Train, a m Llinii.i Mail Truin, 4.05 p. ul. Passenger eaisrun through ou the Eric Mail and E.f.ress Tiaiui ttiilmut change Loih is.i Lciweeu i'Liiadelphia and Jhic. lr-v (tt-'.K ':i:i-r,-;f".. Leave Xew Vorl: al C.uu p in, urrlvo at J rie 3 "7 a. m. Leave trio at 1.5 j j. m., an -Ivo at Now York 1.15 p. ra. No change of curs betivi pi, Erie and Xew York, elcgiiut .Sicepin;' Cars 011 nil Xiglit trains. l or ir.foriumion r.'spivling iVsscntr buincm ; : ly at Cor. Di l'i and Jiaiket St , Phii...Ll.i,i. An 1 f 'r Freight hu.-ur.s ol the t'eunpativV Agon's, S. 11. Kingsbm, Jr., C.r. Pith and Maiket it., Phila.lclj.i.iii. J . W. lieytit.l Ja, Trie. William Liown, A-ji nt X. C. P. P.., Ciiltimorc. 11. 11. ll'-STOX, Uen'l Freight Agt. Philada. II. V. (in IN.SCR, (Jeu l 't icket Ajj't., Tbilada. A. L. 1 LEU. Oeii'l .Manager, Williamsi ort. Xot. 2i, l.i3 INOll'.S 1'iiteiit 1'ocUct Lanterui fori Jeat tbo iioou and .Malionery atore e.f A. . LllitllAil. u. w. ?.n:i;i.Ki:. i.. u. cst-c SIEGLXS. & CASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, h l N B L 1 1 Y . r i : x S Y L V A X I A . Colle.'tions ui.d all !Mfe-u'nnal bu-ium promptly utteaded to iu lbs Courts of iunhuniUilaud and a ljo nin? Counties. li'A'sn, speciul attention paid to tlio Collection of Tension., Iloimtiea aud Lack I'ay lor IViuows Orphans nnd rloldiers J-"unbury, Murtli IS, 1 -?3! . UNITED STATES HOTEL, Op baits til K. T. t NEW HAVKX A WEftTfRN It. R. DsioT BUACU b'TilEar, BOSTON. iiy V. il. l'KATT, Formerly of lira Auioriotui llouio. May 1.1, 1HGS. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AE") (STATIONERY, Monthly Tiiuo lluoks, Crawiog Jlooks anel Sla.Ua, Buks, Hymn Rooks Dunk Rooks, Memorandum Br aki, liiuries, Poeka: Uooks. ln Bunds, Pens, Tare -Is. a (ns a.orunrnt of I'aper, Ink. Ae. rarsoHhr AX N A PAIXTK. Wu. M. RotmraLLi-.a. LlotdT. RonnaAC. ROCKEFELLER & ROIIRBACH. OFF IC K llin lume that has been heretofore occu pied by Wm. M. Itojkcfcller, Vj., nearly op 1 us il.i the residence of Judge Jordan. Sunbury, July 1, 1S0S. ly FLOUR & FEED STORE WIIOLRSALIi AXD HE TAIL. 'piIE suVcjifcer tespeeifully Informa the publio L that he keeps oxinslnntly em hand at hia ucw V. AP.EHOl'SH. near th Shainokin Valley Railroad iijj'ot. in SLNIll llY, Flour by the barrel and lucki uf nil kinds of Feed by tbetoa Tho nbovo is all maniifacliired at fc'u own Stilli. cud will bo lold ul the lowest crh priocs. J M. CAD Y A LEADER. Euiiburv. June 4. IftiVl. A S'ohIi, t'olel, or Wore 'I'bi-oat, I'.eeiiircs iiumciiinto attention, and should bo cheek ed. Hallowed to continue, Irritation of the "tilings, a Porrnouont TJiroat Ari'R'Tie.i, or an Isci nAni.EjI.rMa DiaiAs is often tlio result. BaOWN'3 BRONCHIAL TH0CIIE3 Having a direct influence lo tbo parts, give iininedi. nto relief. For Brondiiti;, Astlimn, Cntarrli, Cimsutnp tivc nml Tliriuit Disuttsi'?, Tmchnnre vseil with ohritt.t good luecrst. tiln;rrn am si S'ulslic WponUcrsi will End Tnoe iiK.i useful in clearing the voico when 'aken beforo Singing or Speaking, and relieving he broat after nniniisnal exertion of tlio Tocal organs. 'I ho Tiiih iiks ure recommended uud prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials Irom eminent nun throughout tiio country, lteiug on urtiolo of Hue merit, and 'niving proved their eliicaoy by a lest f man years, each yenr finds them in new localities in various pai ls of tho wo'ld, alid the Tiocbfi arc universally pronounced bettor than other nriicles. Obtain only ' RiiowN's Pui Ni.iiiAi. Tnociits,"' liiid do not take any of the WorlUiesi Iniitaliuni that may be offered. Sold everywhere in tho t'ldlnl States, and In creign C'liiiilries. lit US cents jer box. October 26. LS'j.'i. ("nn IJEV rilOTOGRAIH GALLERY. .5. E5. r'.'SH'silill'V-f":. would respectfully in form tho clt'uens of SI N LF H Y , and tlio publio generally, that he has opened a new. i'HOTOGI'.A.PH GATjIiEKY. In Simpson's Fuibling. S,.ulh si lo of Market Pqunro. where Lo is prepared la t.'.ke in the best style of tho art, PICTliirsTOFl'.AMK. Pifi I'll US IN CASr-s, C A PI 1 l'Jl'UUtinAPllS, Also Pictures ninde f.r Kln;:s, ilreast jiins. Lockets, Ac. I'ers.yi,: wishing in our lino w ill do weil to call nnd examine spccuii.'!." at the llallery. We hnp to n eril n lilieial share cf publio patron nge. Oi 11 Motto is to Pi.kasi:. Sunbury, July 15, P'oi. PACirZO HOT30I. ITt), 172, lil & KG (,;iii:i;:wicii Bt., 'One Square west of ilroadway.) Pctwecu Courllnudt nr.d I'ey Sirccts. Now l'ork". JOHN PATTEN. Jr.. P. prob r. Tho !'.i ii ii: IIoti.i. is k.-II and uide-ly known to tlie traveling public, 'il'.e lo:::!'.! -n is especially suitable to merchants, nnd huiiiics.s n.en , it is in elr-so proximity to the business part of the C ity is on tiie hi, 'Jiway of Southern nnd "lYontnu travel and adja cent to nil iho principal Railroad and Steamboat elopnts. The r.iciCo has lilieral ncenir.mo l.ilion for over SOI' suoiitt.; it- is well furnished and pi.ssc.-scs every modern improvement fo.- lhe comfui-t nt.d ei.tertnin- nient of its inmates. '1 lie r us are spacious an 1 well ventilated : provided wilh eras and water; iho attendance is roiopt nnd r.-sj eciiul ; nnd liio table is j'e:ierously provided wiiu overy delicacy ol ill's sea-. 'i ho su!s.'-'L,t, who, f-T lhe past few yrnrs. has been tho I. swe. it i,. .,7 pioj : ietor. mi l iuteu.'i toindentily l.imself thori.n::o!y i;li tho iuterrs's of his house. iiia U.u enpi'ii. r.co ns a lni!el."ie,prr. l.c trustr. by in., ler.'io cimr.-i"; and a lihrr.il p'liiiy. lo uiaiutniu the favorable no iiiaiton of lhe i'rtciiic limed. JOHN r.vntx, Jr. rii-pleiiibery, IS33 ly fUMPS! V U M irS!! Tiio subi. - liber )U;t '. tr I'urci'iise.I tha rit;bt of XOiiTIi I'M ULltLAN D O'.'f.NTY, for pntt:ns in s s a : .'s- a. at 'i-i b 1 1 a s i a v e:.?2 b: t nx I!in:i:n Wi i.i.s Axn i .Ti n l-'-irsrs. will fumi.-h iheiu to all pers.iiis in the coui-.iy who may desire ihi'se cheap mi l corveniel.t pumps. Ibeyc.:! be .sunk lo a proper depth in two hours time, Cil bet ono third ti.o price eif an ordinary pr.uip. in:d f..r ehc ipncss and conveniiM.co cannot bo cor.allcd. R. R. ROYI'R. A. 1". L l.Al'l'. "s'unburv. ."s'cplnr.ber 2, 1KC5. iEW ESTARLISIDIENT ! CP A. Z. SAVAGE, Walchinaker In .'iiiip-ru'i Ruiidin. M.ul.et Sipiaie. 3 TT IT 12 'J P. "S . 1' lilTiT V- R.S ei.r-iai:Ily op I'.-iid a (ir.e .'o-snrlnieut of WATCllllS. I LlA'KS and JilWULllY, fspDC tnelcs. .Silver r.n.J I'iuicd eons and i'nii;, ic. IViilt'lifNi i':-lir t5-ii c-Iry, rt-. is:: i re el "iVAlt tl.i:. Sunbury, Sept. Jtl, lj.". CLOTHING FOR ALL!! AT CONTINENTAL 0 L O T Jl 1 N C. B A Z A A R t'onier or.TIarKct Nrjuarc & KulU VIoikI Wtroc-i, S L'N Ii U Jl V, V i: N N'A. Jl'ST OPEXl"T, FALL A WIXTTIl STOCK OP . READY MARE CLOTHING, Of tha iiewc- t styles, cut k; tlj best Artists, trimmed and made equal to cuitcui work, and lold at Iho lowest prices. - Vi I:ol KiiltH rtr 815. Cavalry Pants f,.r 5.1. liLAXKLT.S, BEAVER C.'.OTII acx v&r xt. a r a sc2 ra ra. "m Varying from J"lj to $10. Hen liitil li-.i.y's. tl'LitltiiiKof the last ip. terii.l con.si'tii. of Uri sj Cuain, l'rock Co.its. Sack Coats, Pauls, and Vests of various colors mid quali ties. GEXTLLMLX-S FLRXISIIIXO ROODS, iich ns Miirts, 0 ,-cr-i hii Is. L'ndcrshirts, Drawers. Collars, Crnvoto, Neck lies, Uaiiauerchiul's, Block ings Cloves, io. la.tlN suul Vtip tf all KiiitlH. BOOTS AXD SII01".-, ;i,in J-hoi-s, TRUNKS. VA. I.IiSKd, UMLKLLLAS. TOIiACCO 4 MIUARS, Malehes, Jewelry, Knives. Revolver!, and NO. TION a of nil kiuds, and numerous other articles. Tho publio ure invited to cull and eiumina bis Stock. Remember the place, "Cotiiiuer.tal Clutiiinc Slors," Coruerof . Market tii uare and tbo N C. R. K. LLYIUIXIIT. ritTKSYLVAKIA PAINT AND COLOK WO UK 8. sertv WniTK Lkad ! LumnjT Wmn Uu TKYITI TUVITJ Waiiranti-p to corer mora surface, for isms ireibt, than any other. Ruy the test, it is tha henpest ! TKV IT ! thy it ! Liberty Lead la wlilltr than an other. Liberty Lead covers better thn'n any other. Liberty Lead wears longer llinu any other. Liberty Leifel is mere economical than any other. Liberty Lead is inure free from impurities and ia n ARiUM en to do more aud better work, at a given co.t than any other, Jluy the UlCST it i, iht CHEAPEST. Jlunufaoluiod and warrantej by . ZIEOLlvR k oiUT!!, Wholosala Drug, Taint, A vi las Dealers. i'i7 North Third Street, Philadelphia, gunbury, October T, ISiJS. OLD EYES MXD JJ NE W. APAMPULET dirootinj bow to spasdily raster light and give up suoetsola. witLout aid of doctor or medioioe. Kent by mail, fiss, on receipt .f IA..nl. A ,1 . 1 - ' i t. a.iooi, u.t February 4, 1MJ om GOLD. 1805, 1800, 1607. SILVER 1 to 75000 ! t S2 ! $2 M S2 i i 1 IIaulIlilturcrN, ArouIsiI Our New Mode- Otiu of ur JOI.I or S1I.TEIS IVutolicN, or Kilvcr Tea Hct for t!J, nn kclotr stntctl. Onoofourle letti or ono piece of our Oold ot Silverwnra ia worth a bushel of tha ohoup dollar jewslry ! ! Wa haro adopted the following modo of hlSTRIBUTlOK ly lata ot 71,800 article! of talua '. Onr i(t"T Blorto t Tho articles of goods are numbered from 1 lo 75. Ono! 37. Mill consisting of Pianos Melodeons, Oold A Silver Wnlohes, Hewing Machines, Tea & Tnbla Hetta. Solid Silver tea nnd tnblo Spoons nnd Forks; etc., etc., nnd the other 57, 00 nriicles of value Jew elry, Work & Toilet Cases, Photograph Albums, Openfaco Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 7i.0P0 notices numbered from 1 to 7 J,000 aro printed and put into sealed envelopes nnd well mixed and ono of theso is tuken out ami rent to tho porson seidirg lo UB 25 cents to cover expense of postngo, corres-pendonoe etc., and tho nrtiele of goods corresponding with the number cn the notieo w ill bo scut to the holder of tbo riuno Immediately (if he desires to purchase Iho article) on the receipt of two dollars. Forinstancc; If tha number on the notico sent lo you should bo iOO, and n piano or diamond sett or gold watch ihoiild be uuirtheree! 600; it will bo Bent to v.. n should be 600, and n piano or diamond lettorgold watch should bo niiiuborcd 600.it will be sent to you for $3. nnd so on fur every article iu our list of 75,000 nriicles. y-Aftcr receiving the article, if il does cot pleaio you. you cun return il, and your nror.ey shall be ro unded. ""6 eer.ls must be tent lo pny espei.se of postage, Correspondence etc., on one notice. Remember : Hint whatever articlo corresponds with the number on yemr notice., you can have it by paying Two li.dlars for it. hello r it be worth $100 or tM O. And it is lor our interest to doul fairly, and ! tend out our line articles, as it gives confidence to ! the public, aud thereby increases our sales. I TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! I Vi--ti roet'ift of ilj ct., 1hi pva fur cyrriuij-. tlfiM'f. j.itiL;o etc.. wi' srnil one notice. j I -o!i rt-'-jeijit uf il, uhtch i-nys lor cencj urionco, pot -gc. ulc. iv i c li-l f'ix r.i!i-jis. l I j iiii recvrijit ot'S.'i whi!ii -ay for corrr ontlcitee, i l)',,tJP. '!-., ivc v ill s;h1 40 nnti.-, un n linp pre sci.t at uot U?i ih.m 51 j. as a eu;p!e of our j L'ptin rocfipt of VIS which pnyi for Crtrrcpomlcnrfl. ! poi.ige. fio.. we will fcnnj lad r.ol:ci,t aiwl m olid ; Silver Wtifrli. l.v reiurn mail. I AliKNTS VA".'U:i. ftfcn.l for aelrenlftr! Accuts Alicwcd n Cash Ooiniaiyfiion by which thoy malco Wcekl. A.Llre.'i plainly Salesroom i l.ibertv fir"t fipt. 2'!, lsO;. It KkED A E K ITU Kit. . 51::".. Now York City. V. vD? LELA?JD!S?V, IS A 3:"y.---'S:.J rti:UAsr.NTi.r riKts 11 II E T SI A TI S M ! S ti sail its iinrioni i'eii-icii. Acute or luSi.uiinatiny ; Cbruni. Luu.b;o. feint i- ca. l'leuroilyiic. Ac. StiiTness of the Joinls and Cramps Ueut. Neurslj(ii. an I all Nervous AilVctioi.s lrf elas. Suit Kb-um r.tnl Scrofulous Kruptions ol tbo body Neniraiizes Ibc In. pin ilies of llio l;iod ni.d I'luiits i f the wiule sy-tm. and eepualises tlieir cuculaiii.ii ; nrd rftresu ally counteracts Mercurial and u.ter poi .nous iuflu- Xt is a conveniently nrraiire i Pell, err tninin a .Mniiicaled Compiund, to l-o man nround the body, nbou; tiic onlst, l.'ijunily Kfi'ccliiisiill Paris, whore ver the .1 scaso limy be. Il can be worn niil.emt ii-ju'-y to the most elelicalc persi p. nml r.o cbaae in the proper habitf of living is required. It en tirely removes lhe diset.se 'tr. m the systeui. tv il lion t lhe uso of poueil'ul internal uieili einos, iiliii.li woiik-cd tin cnsli'iilion and rive temporary relief only by s'.upii'e in' lhe system, an. 1 iK-udenin iii vitalitv. Iiy liiis ticalinent. the medieiual properties eo'iitun e l in Ibc IJAXfi. be-in;; of a highly nn.matic niel voln.ilo liiiliire, nu 1 capable of b?in readily oU-orbed. Ihriui -h Ibo pi rrs of the skin, cuiiiu into direct contact with the l!!ooi and general circulatioii. without first having to pass. llnoii;;h the stoiiinch, which would tend not only to detract from their cur.iliva powers, but to impair lhe interim! organs ai d derange tho diesiioii also, tln.i avoi lii.R :. injurious cirecis.so ofien ibcrvult uf iiitM unl reme lies, r nd eHe 'tin. a perfect cure by pu rityini and eo,ualir. n lhe eiiculalie n r'l liie vital tlui.ls and restoring the parts-ntiectcd lo healthy condition. This Hand is also most powcrlul 'Ami-Mi rcurial A;crt" t.'alonie I beins the primary caaso of n lame part of tho hiillne.-s. Neuralgic Pains end Itln-uma-tics, sj prevalent anlwi'l entirely relieve lhe Ky&lcui from iis pernicious clle.-U re aiovinall bioicbcs and )iinples from liio body uud beautifying tha cou. lesion. 'A Moderate cases are cured ia a few days, ai d wt are constantly rcccitiiij; uiidouhifd testiti-.ui.inls to wbicli we invite inspection al our other of their efTi ocy in are.vaied eases ol lor- siai.dinir. PRICK 1TVK Ji.'ILLAlts. .Mn- be had of DriiR gi!s. oijwill Lo sent by mail uprn" receipt of $j 2i. ar by express cveryn here, with ail necessary iuttiuc lions from tbo principal offisa of til.U. L. EROWNINU. r' i!c Tropi icier nnd .Manul iclurcr, of tbe Celebrated liiiottMvu's 1 ii Ei.sioit Ci.rrEE. Nos. IS and 2d .M.uLet slrect, Camden. N. J., l ie" Treatise, wilh certified testimonials, sent free I trAdapled to Soldiers. bept. 2, om Sorlhern Central litiltnur. FOl"R TRAINS DAILY to and from llaftiinoro and Wn-hintou city. Connections made wilh trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and tha West POLK TRAINS DAL to and from ta. North and V est liraiich Siiwiuekaiiuii, Llmira.and all of North ern Now York. ON and alter MONDAY, OCTOlil-R 2d, 1SCI. tha Pussenccr Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will arrive ut and depart from Sunbury, llurriiburg and Raltlmore as follows, vis : SO I : T 1 1 V A It 1) . Mail Train leaves (Sunbury daily (except bundav). 10 10 A. M. " leaves Han iburf, 1 3,1 p. Jl. " arrives at Ualtiiuore, 5 30 " Klmira Kxpress Truin leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) 11 40 P. M. leaves llarruburg (except Monday.) j 50 A. M. " arrives at Raltimors daily (except Monday). 7 CO A.M. Ilarnsburg Aooommodution leaves Ilsrrii- e .bur'''. , 7 45 A. M. fcunbury Aoeoinmodation leavei Suubury daily (except Sunday) at 7 00 A M Krio Kxpress Train le.ivci Sunbury daily (excopt Sunday.) at 3 u Eria Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) at 40 P M. NORTHWARD. Mail Traia leaves Ualtiiuore daily (ex cept Sunday) j) 3(1 A. M " leavei Ilarrisburg 1 45 p. M, " arrirei at Sunbury, 4 20 " Elmira Expresa Train leaves Raltimoro 10 CO P. M " arrives at Ilarrisburg, J20A M. " leavei Ilarrisburg (except Monday), 40 A.M. M arrives at Sunbury. i ii " Zrie Express Train loaves Baltimore daily (except Sundays) at 8 00 P M leave ilarrisburz daily (except run- days at 1 20 A M arrives at Sunbury at 1 iO " Jlarriiburg Accommodation loavaa IIarri- burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 50 P M " arrives at liarriiburg. 7 45PM Sunbury Aocommodatiou leaves Harris- burn daily (except Sunday) at 4 24 P M Erie Mail Train leaves Ilarrisburg daily (except Sun iayi) at II 00 PM. Tha Erie Kxpress and L'rle Mail Trains ara through trains tn and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains run through to Elmira, for further information applr at tho Office. t IU. DcBAftRY (ion. Supt. October 1IJSJ5. ' Jr yo0 vant good Tin-Years, go la SMITH A I K I Now fb-T a, j. II ELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCUUl FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ! froa N'on-Retculioa er Iacontlntneo ef Crlne. Inflae-nv , U or Ulcor.v.ien of the Bliddcr er Cidacyi, D.ientti : tho Prostrate Claad, Qravcl, Erlek Bust Dcpoiits, Dre?il- gat Eiro'.;la-3, Orjiala TTui'iatsi, EebUity, rimale Con- . plilats, Ac. ' ! IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCKU ' ! AID Improved Hoso "Wnsli i tVill ridicilly exterminate from tho system Diseases aril- ; lag from Habits of Dissipail n, ct Ult! txperue, littti no changi of dLt, no inconvtniencd or txpoturt; completely luperuiliag those tinp7aanlan'" tfanirous rsmeeKec, Ccpavta and Mtrcury, In cur lag thus diisasts. USE HELMBOLD'S rLUiD EXTHACT BUCHU la all Disease! of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing la U4L.1 or raiiLC, from wUatevtr eatut originating, and no mattirpfhoielong ttandlng. It Is pleasant In Its tut and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and mora Ursnclliening than any of the preparations at JS.irk or Iron. Those suJjrlur froan Sroitn Damn or Dclieatt Contll tuiiont, procurt the liemi&y at end. Tha Reader must be aware that however illglit may be the atta'k of the above diseases, It Is certain to street his HodUy Ilealtfi, Mental I'oxcirt and Uappinai. If ns treatment Is submltud to, CessumplloD or Insanity may nius. ,0 All the above dljoases requlro tho aid cf a dluretli. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCKU Is tho Great TJivrretio. IIELIVXjOOLjO'S niOHLT CO-ICEXTSITEO Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, removing all diseases arising from (Zeiss and imprudence in life, chronic conititullonal dis eases arliing from an ioipuro state of tho blood, and tha o reliable and effectual known remedy for tha cure of Eeiofuhi, Scald Ucad, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling of tho Danes, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Dutches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all icaly srus alens of the akin, cad beautifying tbo eovFUZioK, NOT JL. WEXV I , Of tho went disorders that aOlct mankind arlso from tko corruption that accumulates tn tho Blood. Cf all tlio lis esveries lhat have boon made to purse It out, nono caa otoal In eT5ct tlELitUO I.D'S COStrO CXO EXTRA CI OF SAHS.IPA!!ILLA. It cleanses and renovates the D'.eetl, Instills tlio vigor of health Into tho eystem, and purges out the humors which mako disease. It stimulates tin healthy functions ef tho body, and expels the disorders Hut prow and ranklola tho Stood. Such a remedy, tbal : staid be rcl!?d on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first thn:, lhe public havo ona on which they caa do- ' ; pta l. Oar ipaeo hero docs not admit ef certificates to ' ih-iw iticCfjtts, but the trial of a ilnjlo bottle will ihow t : tie sick that it hat vlrtuos surpassing aay thing tkof hare i ercrtal.cn. i Ttj ttMcspooasful of tbe Extract ef Sartaparllla, aJdid , to a plat nf wite-r, li equal to tho Lisbon Diet Drink, ail . ono bottle Is cipaal to a gallon of theSjmpof arsapa:l''.at 1 er tho decoction as usually made. The above EsL-acts are prepared ca purely sclectiSs principle! ia Hicaj and embody tho full itrtngth ot t the Ingredieati sn'.erlnj lato their ceapsslsbs. A reaijr , and conclusive tut will bo a comparison ef thtlr prcytr. lies wilh t'ucie forth In tho L". Q. Du;cciator. HOW TO THE RSKEWSS la Clients of the Elood, Humors ea the Tace, er any and every part of the body, u:o Extract EariaparilU, la plylaj; t Pimples and all external nuaon or Eruptions the Improved Rose Wash. Uso tho Extract Buchu for all diseases requiring the aid of a biarctlc, except those of the Urinary Ursani, lueh c i Gonorrhoea and Gleet; in theso iuo tho Extract Euchu and Inject with tho Improved r.oio Wash. 155" Tnin extiiact3 nAvc cues admitted TO l3C Vi THE UNITED ETAIE8 ARMT, aad ali are la very general uio In all tha STATE HOSPITALS A'.i'J ri"!"MC INSTITUTIONS throughout tho land, ai well as la p.ivato practice, and aro coasiUircd ss Uvsitiablo iryacdisa. MEDICIHE CSZTTEBCD TO AHY ADDBESS. t'irect letters to HELMBOLD'S DRCO A CHEJHCAL WARKnOCS!, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Motel, OB TO IIELMDOI.D'3 MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. ' JucrSbt Sjmptomt in all Cammunleationi SOLO BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Bewaro of Counterfeits! IIKLMUOLn'S Fluid Extract . Sarfaparllla! W. ASK POR HEE.MSQt.O'S. A Take no other. SI . n. C. ti I ". Alt II A RT' N Confectionery, Toy and FPIXJIT STOE, 9Iufki't Nlre-Pt, Snnbtirj , Va. COXKKCTIONEHY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVEIIY DESCKIPTIOX FnUIT, Ac, lie, C CONSTANTLY on hand and for unls at tho alv J establishment at wholesale and rotail, at reason able prices. . IU Is mamifHCtiirlii-t all kinds of Confcctionnrlnt to keep up a full assortment which are lold at low rates. Tobaceo. Sefrars. Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of wliish aro oflered wholcenle nnd retail. Xltf-Itamcmbcr tlio nama and placo. VT1 M. C. UKAU1IART. llnrlicl street, 3 doorl wcdtofl". Y. JJriglit A t-on'i storo. tunbury. Fcpt. 19, ISftf. If UK0F.0R lilt.L, SlMOM P. l OLVBIIT0.1. IIILL Si WOLVERTON. Attorncysnml 'iiii-eIori nt Lair. ODico. Market street, cor. Centro Alley, STJIT-BTJ-ei'S', FA.. VST ILTi attend prompllcy to the colleclion of claims y and all other professional business intrusted t their caro in Northumberland andndjoining counties. Bunburv, January 2:", 18C2. Inlortintiouiil Ilolrl, 305 and 507 JiroaJvpy. Cvmtr Fraiiilin Strtat NEW YORK. TIIIHS first class House tha most quiet, lioinolik 1 and pleasant Hotel in the city offers superior in lueemeiils to those visltinir New York f.ir busineis or plensure. It i central in ill location, nnd kept on the Ml iioi'KA.-i 1'i.an. in connection wilh Twiam s Saloon, where refreshments can bo had nil hours, or scrve'd in llieir own room". Tho ch.'irjrus nre mo derate, the rooms und attendaneo of tho first order -balliF. and nil the modern conveniences aitajhcd Oct I.1MI4. SOLOMON "M'ALtClv," ATTOUTJY AT I.V.", PUMEUEY, Northumborlnnd Countr. Ta.. Ofl'ICli iu Enst end of VVonvor s Taverii, Jla.let r-'.rce'.. All businesi entrusted to him will be careful v aa-i punctually attended to. Consultatiju iatho'Kng lish and Herman liin,tua;ea. h unbury, April 3. ISfij. TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. rjlllK subscriber 20 venrs n prnoticnl Piano Kortu .1. .Maiiufwlurrr, of New York City, hx perma r.eiitly located in this section, uud would rcspiictfully selicii orders fir XUKING, EEPAiruNG. AXD 7XQTJ LATINCr PIANO F0IITE3 and MELODEONS. Tts ubieriber is also Iho manufacturer's A -eel for riirCKIilUMO A SON'S, 1IAZI.KTOX liP.O'S.. I.IXDI-MAX A SON'S., "ft M.I.1AM H. URAnilURT .1, llInVAltll HLW0.M1--Itl.-J 8, Wcl'O.NAM) A CO S, 5JA.0 l'OEM'f.Si, And Cailiait A Necdham's. and Pcloubel'l MtTjODHOKS !i EAHKOXIia'S, And L. V. Stuarl" Pipe Clll'KCII OitOAN'R JAM1CS Ml-:jJ AI.D. Elcemshur, Ph.. April 2.1. 1S5. BEST V HiTH LMAI)! SSE'f-i"i" ZI.KC ! I' V 11 K 1. I I) j; K T Y L T. A D , I'nopprc-sr l for Whitening. Fine Gioss, I'urabilit; ririoiics uud Kveiiiic.!, of Sin f.ice. PrilE MP.KP.TY 1.KAU Warranlwi t oor uio. e suit.u-e for same weight lhaii ,u,y other I.ead Try it nnil yon will hnre u otfitt .' Will: LHJKTY ZIXC. .'Wcted 7.inf. ground in Uefir.td Linseed Oil, a; ju.ded in quality, always the snme. 1-Ur.B LIBEilTS" iEI.VC, Wsirnntcil to do raoro and belter work at a givw ect than any other OH tit Pest! Msnufiecturod at PENNSYLVANIA rA 1ST . C'.'i.C K ,Oi;iii'. Ordcri esecnted promptly by ZIEGLER Ac S-rvtlTIi, il'hv'eia.'t Jtrnr-, 1'ainl and Glusi i t"'' o'ore ,i Oi'nVe. .Vo S7 jiortn .HIUD 3a-e i'HILAUBLPHlA. Mire!i 4, IMS T. I. K. BTATJIFKI". V'ATCL'MAKEH 4 jrjV.'BiVeV. .Ne. MS Nort'j tKCOXIi iirect, cuit..r of (Ji-a-rj Philadelphia. An :iK!ortiucut of tVutcucsj, .5"tY dry, .Silver tV SIiM-l V'i:s-- consiantl hand. Suitable for liOI.ll'AY PULfcKN'I.-'! IV Kopairir.g of Waichej aud Jcuelrr t ror.ip.tl aticdtd .o. ' ' 1'f Jtiuber 3. 1S51 1- KINOS voistaeei.e: a.s::.a a asj . Ii the only prepnrtion or the kind msde frrra fruit. As an article of econom; ajfjoi iiv. and i'V ineiiins it ennnot bi- surp i-.-ed'. ar.d is ir-omu-en. e. i by pbyiiciieiui f ir invi.!l li- cr.df.noilr usi. It wi kioip rl'nr years in any rliinate. while rs cordcnn f. nin endcrs it e-pecially cor.ntr.ieni for trai.de All wlioune leinrnsara reiuiMiid Uif ivi il a tri Kntcr.aiiiir.onts at home, p.-trtie.'. n ,! plot;.-, rb.m not be wiihout it. For a!o by a'! l'i-ugii. st Cri-t-ilaKs (Jroccij. Manur.icruri-1 i nlv ly I.'.'l l.-.l. ;.'.K1.ilK.R. No. i!5 Pearl a rtel. .Sew York. eepi. IS. ;gii.!y EM'L. WIIiVUV, NOTAR"S: PXTI'LTC, CSico in "f u at r Aniericau" fcnildin ' SUNIIUItV. Pr.TtX'A. Will nltend to tho Aeknnwledir.g cf lse.!s. Mot f,a-es. Letters of Attorney. Ac. A- AIk. is duly athoriieel to take stkuowV iruci' er1 alio iniMnr albs on opplici.ti.n. fr..- 3itf&i ' li'. EVtswioiiM and lia I. nf Siddiw ! "I! idoi.s aud tlrpliam. Till) m) HON II0TEI (Late Mrs. Uoulb n's.l MAlIEI'lT 8THEET, BUi;"3"t'ar, X'A. Junius ..BBsrar, I A tak wn Ihiiuldnnd well k:own stmi l. ai a. 1 refuted and furi:ihfd tho sieiuc 1 prupured accoiii.odiitw Hoarders r.n.l Tiueclcrs wilh liii be tlia market can afford, lie hopes by strict utleiitii to business to rcccife a ihnreot j ubiio pntrruatfo. llli TA11LK contuim the beft theiu.iiket atlori- llis Par is lillcd with the ch. i.'e-t of Li-.u-rs. bo Malt aud bpiriiuous. Tho stubiiu;; is good, aad attended by caret Ostlers. 1 tSuubury. April 20, ISO I. ly O. "W. "jr Xj3?rX'" AHoriioy unel ('uuiibt-Ilor ul .an OBico on louth side of iUikei street, four oners wc of K. Y. lliiglit 1 Son's .'.'tore, sunbuby, r-y.. Will attend promptly to all piofe .sioml lusir.e entrusted to bis care, the colircticu oT c'.uiios : Morthuiube-rland and the adji-ining counties. iSnnbury, May 23, ISii.-!. ly (i. it. i.sv.it. t llorney at Law, M NM HY. PA - Ji V Collecticns atteu led to in t!.c couuties id Ni. Uiumbcrland, 1'i.ion, ti.jdfr, Mun'.mr, li.li.iLb and .ycauiii. KEraaaKcr.s. Hon. John M Reed, Phil lolphia, A. U. Oauell A Co., " Tiou. 1 tn. A. Porter, " liortou McMichael, Ksn., ' ti. ket.'kam A Co., isli Pearl find, Kiw Tori John W. Aihmead, Attorney at Law, " W.itlhf l A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " fcuukury, March 2'J, Hi.','. LATtST IMPBOVEMENT 0FAQiTl CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, P O TJ N D Fv IT, P-CHRSACEfe CCC?E? QUNBURY, PENN'A. 8et thellest (Jet the Clioiipi-t Got Iho most Kc nomical. which eaa bo had at the Hohibaeh Foundi ; Having a largo asanriinenl of (hv moil approve BlOVilS, iuch as Cookin. Parlor, ('il;co and She Stores, which will be sold al tbe lowcit rates. All Kettles of all sites, Pain, Skillets. Ae. They aro also tnanufaoturirig Machinery. Plough Castings- Ao., at ibort nolioo, Kepairing all kinds of Agricultural Iinplemer. d .no in a good workmanlike manner and at It Shortest nolioo. All articles shipped, as ordered. Orden reipoc fully loliciled and pron.pllv attended to. ROUHUACH 4 t'OOPtB. t"vk Old Iron, m all kinds t( Pfodttco token fichango fir work. Hjnlx-ry, Juue IS, li's tf i AMI JI, lj-ly