Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 10, 1866, Image 2

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    JLL &ufrmt American.,
It. B. MA.S3EU, EJitor & Proprietor.
13. WIIiVEHS', ViA-liaher.
M I8I ItV, IA.
rATl'KlAY, FKHKl'AltY 10, 1800.
Scnutor Cuwuti, of tit id State, ami Mr.
Vim AVink'e, of West Virginia, were the
only Iti-publicans, if llicy cun lc called lie
publicans, win) voted ngainst the proposed
iiucnduiciitft to tliu Constitution, which pro
lides tlint when negroes me denied Itie
ight iiI'miI1'iu, they tdiall not he tlie
jii'is of l-tctirt-scntathm. While there may
mm." excuse inr a itlllerem.-e HI opinion1
n regard to tlio policy of givtnj to the ne-;
rroeslhe ri-ht of siil'tage, there can be .
lone far allowing, for ii.Mante, 20,000 wliite ' ;
I'.lntri of South Carolina to have two iiiiiu-: t
ii-rs of CotiRrw.", whilst in IViiiim lvania '
lie fame number of white titizciu shall ;
,ave but one. Yet this inonstiom propo.J-
,. . , , .)
ion received the entire vote of (he M.-e,l.- (
d democrats of ( onuress. '1 here are some j
ortkms oi' the South, where nine tenths of i,
ie poiiula'tion nro blacks, iiml are rated by
le white planters only ns chattels or pro
erty. and yet ii is proposed that the voice j
f ten planters shall l.-c slime.Hd i:i Coll
ar, ojiiivnlint to one hundred lYttnsylv:;--ia
finner. mid thai i.i called tk-moerary,
nt it is not tlie democracy of JeflVrson aiu'.
.ickson. The rta'on u-isigncd for this as
iiiiption of power is this. They work n
rtuiu number of animals called "niirgers,"
vho have no voice in Congress or out of it) ; respondent sas Mint one reading nnd tiiink
ld are therefore entitled to represent them ing Frenchman said it was the ablest mcc
that body while they would lau,"h to snge which had been sent to Congress for
orn the rcnuKylvr.nia fanner who would ' forty jeans, mi e.Miuvagaiit laudation. The
uim the same priv'iledgcs for his animals.: Parisian journal J.n ';. says of the doeu
et tlie cases are parallel. When the pro- nicnl :
isition wns before the rii-st C-mirn-s?, to' "Wc ndi-;- our rcadi is not to bo fright
strict the riyht (.f;e to proj-ortv I ettai the length of this document : they
,'7. , ..... ,, . , will be nniplv repaid Tor their perusal of it;
ddcrs, 1-rai.klm asked it A. vote be- U(.v wi )i!ul jn it) C(), ; lhl simpict
use he owned a jiieka:,s. and H, who had ,u( dearest forms of expression, the whole
me, could not, whether the vote belonged science of modern statesmanship condensed
the man or the jackass. Now if tic i a man who canio up fniiu the peoiile, nnd
,1 1 , . , w ho found hiiuscil all at once charged, dur-
. v J
I nig me uiisence 01 1 ongress, wiin 111c r.nan
woik a certain number oH Cl.s, the executive power, and the whole
don't even belong to them, ' direction of the allairs of a great naticn jtist
cause iney
igi;eiV that
! these ballots prcperiv the votes of the issuing Horn a cruel war ami a condition r.t
., .... .... . ',,.,, , , . ....' profound disorder, it is one of the finest
i.ies 01 the liiirivrs. II they belling to . ! ... , ... . , .. .
' - B ' 3 i lessons of historv and ol social science which
; blacks they should l c allowed to cast nnj. fme Clul tli'uy, Rd in reading it one
m. can comprehend tlie grandeur and the prifi'
man mav ri-.vonnble (jnvslion the policy 1 peiity ot the United States. After having
Hiving the right nf.1iirr.1ge to the Mack ! fwr'ttl'n C?U"& U' A,mcr .ca.11 t'.'",si-
. 1 , ' i tistion, after having shown its origin, its de-
; to ask to viite lor liimsell and the blacks I velopment, its means of existence, thu Presi
1, whose actions lie has nn right to con- j dent explains with gn at, logical force, that
1, is not onlv absurd, but outrageous. He late events, which would have brought
c 1.. a '. . I about the destruction of the most powerful
CESSION IN THE KOllTif & SOUTH-! States, have only added new guarantees of
v correspomleiit of the SelinsMoc ZVik., ! preservation and of progress to the Republic
:n . Augusta, dor:
.. i-.,....;., ,.1... :,..-..., ..,.l .
llllill, V.txil.l, illlfl , ltl I J ;
s the signctine of "John Hanipdon," and
1, wc undirsland, is a native of Nor
mbellaiid, i-oiitiiitu s to ndvucaiu the
it i:f M-cistion, or disiuiioii in the
nuns of that paper, perhaps, because it
'ie only paper here, of that class, that
.ly advocates that doctrine. Tlie nrgu
.ts used, though specious, nre unsound
theory and unsustaii-cd by facts. Wc
room only for the following paragraphs
is List let fir:
'.lost of the. people in the Southern states
:ved i tlie constitutional right ol scces
that when h State had Miffcrcd wrongs
grievances and oppresionu from the
lid CovefiiDKrit they had tlie legal and
litutionnl right i- withdraw twin the
11 they had formed, an t pi'ovktu a new
lUm to protect and defend heir Jibcr
md their inleiests.
oiiiull loiiiorily ilid not believe that
light of secession was constitutional,
clieved it rightful and just. The whole
ican peopl.-, from 177ii to the present
have always believed, and tlie northern
i- in their heart of hearts believe now
only u3 the South, that when n Cov
iit bjcomes tyrannical and oppressive
rsivu of the objects for which it Wi.s
led, ruinous to the l:.terets and happi
t' tlie pcoph', it i ; the right ami duty
p'o;'.lu to ovirinrn it i.tul istabiish
?.if: 11. ir.'..-. for thiir lil crty ami well-I'e&iitanc-u
Co legalized up
on, to usurping tyrants, wiitther tiny
igs or emperors, or a lordly urNtocrnev,
uiawca:, imu uineii ami pei vcrieii iico-
scouted bv evcrv Vm-ric-in c't zen
mouti i.j iir a .miii. in c.tuin
iihints the inc i pes id i(j and lever- .
tho iiei-iir- of em- r -volitlo-i irv
the uimoi, ol iu. Kvolauoaurj ;
i - i a
is minority at the Sotiili and thejreat
f the noithern peole hold such m-its-
i Le revolutionary, ,p.i: .tillable it may
t kiili icvc!utiomviy.v ;
whole theory of this writer, summed
that secession uin unconstitutional,
the r--'bjs did not suciicd in de
ig th-e g'lviviiuiciit, they iu the '
ugiiin under the constitution which
nteis tin ir constiiutiomd rights, nnd
cy cm Id rccomuieiiee the agitation
Ssi in and treason, p.s V. writ-rr i
ling, nailer the thkld of tiiut -;i r it - 1
"A small minority,-" : says ''be-
si'cessiou unc; lu.tMationa'. All be-,
it rightful and jut." Neither of
is true in fact. South Ct-.roiimi was
y State, if nny, that did not carry the
il ordinance ly fialld, force unci
oiii This fact iii notorious.. In re
'' l e!ie ing it right mid just." We
lly quote the testimony nf Alexeil- :
ephi-ns, Vice I'nsidi-nt of the Con. ;
y, who opposed secession ami in a '
to tho Georgi.i'l.cjjUhitiire, dcclaitd
it a single ija-nn could be justly
d justifying the act of secession,
-. Sieplieu's testimony is worth more ;
at of i. I'i'giui.-ut of such inodi-rn 1
- - - .
Tax u:-; The Kevemie
. si. iiiers, among other things", have
ended a' reduction of the duties on
from ifi to per gallon. Hut
e opposition manil'isted by sonic of
ml f M . 1 T5 , ' -n , '
doub.f,! it the n-ilutt.on will be
i aession. .
'in-: Ii ic.vry yi.i-'rioN.--A
..I..! !
r. i.u..g. i-.-..iiimenii uie ntfue ol
rr.iut. to eriuiklixu llie bonntv of ani:
lib-It tin sw-r. i 11 .'
me 5..0 or 600 ...illi..,' of dollars in
e should regret to see this policy :
Ji' this amount of land w arrant
own ;ii.ot tlio market the wanaiits
e sold for a song au l ,o gov- S
its land, while speculators 1
:a t inr uain-si in uMj ing tiiem ami ,
tne Uil!,
'.11 13 t
H'udditiotT-ai bouiilj is "Ihlor' any f orp,e n. set of m.urrners one of the pilots, and eldest sou of the cap
si lliirs, let It l i: 1 Tv T! '.'.V t rib"l'y ll,n'y tain h.ui Lib kg badly .hutund ; Arthur
.', b ii inaj b in aaio u.t
Jf liecomtf ruction 'Is now life- greatest
ijiii-Rtlon in-fore Congress. Tlie views of
many of tlie Union mrmbi-rs lire, ns might
be expected, varied nnd sometimes antagon
istical. Tlie view of the so-culled dem
ocrats, if they liivvo itny, Is opposito to tlie
Union measures, witliout regard to their
.tft. i, . ,
character or tlieir objects. Party mid pow-!
it ore iiuir oojccis, wiiiciiiuiy i.nci io
accomplish by joining forces with tlie talc I
rebels. What the status of tlie states was j
luring tlio Uebc.lioil is, we think, if no I
greet importance. What they are now,
ought to be, mid must "be, is the great ques
tion, tn this respect they may be properly
considered in the Union, or out of it, as cir-
iiini - fiiiiiiiTt mini roiiine.
An I vim ii-.vr Tit aitous. A. O. 1'.
;:,!l,(,sn, of Tenne.-:ee, ho left the Senate
,i;iu.iry, 18(il, with .?e(T. i)avis and other
rii i t it-t, to w.-"-- war ngninnt thu Covern-
mntt, has the niipiiralii led iwimdeiice to
jircsent it bill fur pay from thu tifii'c he left i
uutH i,c wa4 0,.!,d. Of couw, he will '
f . . , ,
not !l0 Tl,w IVt M.ows that the men ,
.. .., ulunm.,! iiis nation into war. arc desti- I
.i,, ,,i- .;., !
The ilieision in tlie case of the l'ennsylva-
iiia Knilroad Ci. vs. the Atlantic oc (in-at .
NVestern 1'ailroail Co., has not been decided, i
as slated in our lust. The dicision will be
ina b-, perhaps, to day. j j
t'.ui-'ini 4'oiiiiii-iim C'pon tlif
B'l'fHit! i-ii I'm J fxian .
I.ett-rs fnun Franco nnd Knyland instance
many complimentary allusions Ixt the late
message of President Johnson. A lns cor-
nig the uoseiiie of I ongress, with the r.nan
" 1 oe 1. linen c-i;ues. " - 1 liu 1!1CB-
sage is 11 ri' (I'mure of intelligetii-c, of
moderation, ot wisdom. We do not believe
that there is in L'uropc si statesmnn capable
of writing a more complete or more remark
able programme of governmental science, or
who could give fl im.-re elevated lesson on
the governing and the governed"'
I From tlie Washington .s'tnr.J
C. sii:i:-litilt- .lv(.-ii(ui-i'uta('rMv-
Not long since a native of tlie ihnerald
Isle, one of the victims of tlie late ,irsenid
explosion, died in this city, and immediate
ly preparations were made to give him a
nice, genteel funeral. It was at first arrang
ed that he should be buried here, but some
of bis kindred being buried nt Parkersbuig,
West Virginia, it was finally determined
that what remained of poor Johnny M
should be sent to that place. Accordingly,
idler a "wake,"' (one -f the good old sort,)
the remains uro accompanied by his sor
rowing friends and relatives to the depot, to
take the cars for the place of burial. The
funeral procession arrived at tlie depot some
time befirre the departure of the' train 111
which the remains were to go, mid the
niomiurs spent the intervening time in ns
snaging (heir sorrows at the neighboring
bars, s i abundant in that vicinity, the corpse
meanulii.'u remaining on the platform, ready 1
to be placed on (he !) m. train, which
would connect nt the Uel iy IIoueu with thi'i
westirn i.-ain. , ., , i
I hn party me.uiv, iiiie dm:; so 1:1:1:1 y ;
libations to t Vj memory of the departed that ;
they raunied to the station .11 a very mellow ;
condition, and the rail.'ond officers being 1
i-.i.p:e.K-.i.,ie u:,u nicy would ua lacuuaiiio ;
f T T h-1 ,r fi ,-. rvr I lit I 1 ,.1 1 .... I I ..
w n -'--- '"- 1'." , I'-it--,' ii ciau iu
.,.. , .,(. ,', i,.t.,,. . , , ,, ., ,i " ,.
., I , l' :U U,L' C",SC
w.,s ,a!a,u .,, t;1;lt (lillt hv(lrt) ,
,i, ,;,,..,( ..,,..,,,,',-.,.., . . . , t , , i
, - h,,l,t'"'' '"c was placid,
,Ue tram, and a., attempt was made to
nuKti.r Mm i.,ci.i.ii...m ,. 1...,, ; ... ..:..!
muster the mourners when ll wis ascertain
cd that one or two of them had got so!
obfusticated ns to have taken the New Vi rk i
train. The tvA of the part v. ht.iVeVer. man- '
ngid to get aboard, ami ere long; Johnr.y '
! 's body wiis again '"inarchiii'' on.'" ,
At tiie lb-lay the corpse w.-.i tiansfeired to
the western train, but two :r three of the
mounieis were too far gone to gi t otrt in
time, ami so prcceedid lo lialtiiiiore, while
tiie l.ul.uice of the party with thu corpse
was hui ried on with extra speed westward.
At llie points along; the road where the
engine stipped "to w.itir, 'the Mourner M ,
inva.iably ctojiped "to," and not being i
up to tune. .tuit invariably a brace or !
mors weiu left, behind at each wuteriilir anil I
wetting pluce, and by the time Orufloii was It seems that thu Missouri left nbout one
reached, wheie tiie corpse was lo change j o'clock, nnd tin u commenced ,-i race with
t ars for I'arlsersburg, but fcaof the mourn- j the Dictator, and near tlie imiath cf Oreen
us remained with it, mid these wore so be-. river, some twelve miles. distant bv liver,
wildered that they failed to get in t-he pro- j but seven by laud, the Missouri was blown
per train, und Johnny's corpse went on to . up, ami the Dictator being very near took
Wheeling without them. From theme, by , olf all the peisons on the ill fortuned stea
smue liieaiiy. it was sent to Columl'mS, Ohio, i mcr that could bo found, und proceeded on
inc corpse tuns Having got into the wrong i
....... M -" li.'.iiiiiei iu-iii"- siiiiTcria i
tiirough Maiyhnid und West Virginia, nnd .
?' V" "' 11,11 l5',!,i"lori;. ilmington !
and Philadc.phia mid Camden and Amboy !
I'.ailroads. ;y this tima the telegraph wus j
put into excited operation, nnd various m-
es were w hisUed over the wire? in various
iiiiccwoiis in ri-gnrii lo lliu luissiu
corpse J
nnd scattered mourners. jmikiiiL' confnsioii
doubly roufoumled for awhile.
From Grafton an anxious mourner inquir
ed, "Where in the d I is tlie enmse;" This'
desiiatch w as crossed on the road by a loud
inquiry from Columbus us to the owncrshin
of a stray corpse arrived there unconsigned.
.v i.aiuuioi
Ilallimore seattered mourner tcle raphed ! I)
in - iiost nine uie iuncrai nil l iret t lire; and
!.,. i .i . i
trai" Wl-,U w,M,i,,K w i''".v'm.fused milages !
to I'arkeisburg. Jtehiy llouse, lirtfton and
Y ashin.'ton. all heloini. to intensify tho ,
I'lcvtittjiifr iiuuldle. J he corpse, mcaittiine, 1
hail resiiiiiinl iia m,,i in. i i
. "nt: j.ooi ,iui-,
not i.eing wanted 111 any locality, had hcVh
kept inovui'' on: until it nrrived nt
ittlc ;
Miami depot; whevo it created no littlo n
3,l?XM """i" f"r
uiii.Hion,-una linn ptuy bciujr ut once eiis-
pected.- A-coroners inuiieKt u-,. L..1.1 .. in..
'browing any light upon (he mvstcrv
U-lll.-ll . n 1.... .... . - I
" ' "u" ", cieuii-.i 111. bv a tc u
unit... eastwhrd, and the niourncrs headed
V , V onally, r.tler the most event
...l, . eieui-:
; . . . ' 1 "ere w m trust
I u may re.t u peace.
MIAMI AND Missorni.
The Western papers bring full accounts
of thu terrible i-vnlnslons on board the I
steamers Miami and Missouri, already re-
DlllllllUi B SHIUI
1)cl.tu(j jr-Kly
ini: miami-ii:kaih-i l. k.m:i.
Tl0 rtcMnt.r h.ft Memphis on Saturday
utirlit. January t7, loaded to her gmiTtls
with freight, and carrying about iilly i,iw-
FCIILIITS 111 llel muni nun oiij iiki:viic-.i i..i
tL'LI i lliU TttllltlitM Ull.II ill Will IUI1J 1j. Ul
tucSdimtctl btiut'8 lniantry, ami it mixed
, r ,. v.,,..
V l, 1 Z re c,cd Xamileon. Arkansas. !
about Bimdown without any mishap, mid
rounded from the Mississippi iuto the Ar- :
kansns, liver, well controlled by engineer.'' j
and pilot, until about seven miles up from
the conlliicirce ol the rivers, when the star
board boiler exploded. The cause of tire
cxploMnY) is unknown. Tlio boat then
cauglit lire and burned to the water's nbre,
cnvryin to an untimely death two hundred
nltwcnty-flve 'uwilin '''"n- , .
Ihc accident occurred alter tea, nnd just
3 ft llnjlitv ,)f lha ctMa jmers Wera
i-nnnri.c-nti-.t mminil tlm Ktovu in thu forwiird
liart of thu cabin, nnd the soldiers on the !
liurric-nnn ihek rai forward m olieilienee
t,, tx cn from one of their comradis to coniu
forward for their ration 'of whiskey, into
)ho air went heads and arms and leg, nnd I
l, endless and nrmlcss bodies: and down i
tito broken boilers or burning deck,
through grcnt ihnsms nnide by the t-xp'n-
sion, went neiirlv two hmidreil souls ; w hile
., i i .i.. :.. i i-'
oiners ran muck lowneru mo reiiiaiiiiici 01
the passengers, much nll'iighted, weie pre
paring to jump overboard and find escape
on floating doors or logs. Some soldiers,
nhkize with lire, others scalded, and in
I heir ngony tearing at their tin-oats, jumped
I overboard and were lost, while a few more
fortunate, and but slightly burned, pushed
some bah's of hay orei-liw.rd, and, riding on
them, found tlie shoiv.
All the women on board except a (Jerman
woman lumped overboard 1:1 their tvigli'
and were lost ; not. however, before some 11ft
(!,,. I. ,1 ..,, ml tl.n mrwf tin., rl r.-lwl n .r i
sgor.y from eternal scalding. The most I Mr. Lawreneo S.-hroeder, of New Albany,
sickening sight was the burning to death of j w as the second engineer, and went off watch
two soldiers of the lid Regulars, w ho, for ' soli"' two hours before tlio a'ceidunt occurred,
disorderly and unruly conduct, Well- tied up ; liu states that tlo- boilers were in cxctllt-nt
by their thumbs to tin- jaekstnlV a little be- ; condition wheii he left his walclr, find that
lore the explosion. The dreadful accident ' they had not occasioned the slightl-st trouble
carried off the lieutenant commanding and : or misgiving during the season. They were
all the non-comniissioiied officers, and such tubulins, and had been put into the boat at
men ns escaped death by lire mid Meatn ! St. Louis during the latter part Of last (Sum
bud bimiif'il overboard sn tliern was none iner.
near to obey the calls of the poor telluws i
to bo released, wllhh could bo heard I
above the noise of cracking timbers, nor i
to nssist their frantic efforts to unloose i
the cords that bound them ; and there, tied 1
securelv, tlicv waited in terror nnu dismav '
until the (bonrs bud burned tlm il--ck IVoni 1
under them, and thev fell a prev to the do- forward to the forecastle, and the nosing of1 culled a stable. The average pi ice of tnlcia
vouring elements oliicer and ptmbhcU were 1 the forecastle and the capstan ami ja-kstall' me improved farms is about twenty dollars .
together in eternitv.
Major ibinkin supplied Mrs. Lusk and her 1
child with a door, in hopes of saving them,
as they were but 11 short distance from the
thore ; but they were taken away to meet .
husband and lather, who was among tlio 1
lirst killed by the explosion, as was Mr. !
Charles J. Johnson, another clerk, who was :
standing beside him i'l the oliicc at the'
Only three or four cabin prtssciij'er arc !
know n to have escaped ; ami, perhiips, fifty
or sixty of those on deck, most of whom
found their way to the norih side ot the
river, nnd some twenty found their way to
the smith brink, to which the boat swung,'
and was tied up by Cnptuin Levy and two
or three of his hands. i
Amongst those who were saved, and who
nsBert that they were precipitated into the !
boiler, is the barber, who was badly scalded I
nnd burned. He savs that the floor seemed !
to part beneath him, and chopped linn into
tlie seething boiler, from which by an al
most superhuman rebound he jumped, and,
running through the flumes, escaped to the
About an hour after the affair 6f the
Henry Ames, commanded by dipt. Craw
ford, who heard tlie explosion at Napoleon,
hove in sight, nnd lauding, took 011 board
ill the survivors, some of w hom were l.ind
ded at Napoleon, tluis at the mouth of
White liiver, and the remainder weru
brought 011 to Memphis.
Mr. Wolf and others succeeded in saving
about forty lives by rowing about in a
- ;rs. Lusk might have been saved had
.e not rushed through the flames and
ji',pcd overboard on 'the off side us tlie,
u,!lt was nearimr the bank. About lihv
, .n(i virrii O'liliol itioi.f lie li-m'.- f lm.
. . . . . .
, : . "
ut'1 maa had one thousand to huu-
, , ,. , .
111 u (.oiiaia on in.-, pi i..on.
Two men, names unknown, b cw out
,,.'. ,,ai..3 w ill. pUtols. ,,n feriing to die
, . . . , . r . . .
that way rathtr than burn to death. I
Tin: misoi;ki-i.aut ok TMC. rAsKNoivits j
BAVi'.iJ. ;
The ui.-asti r lo the Missouri wits ca-jsci '
l,v racing The slenir.i-r left New Oil. , on' i
jiimiy i-i lor Cairo. A letter to the fin-'
cinnati dated nt Kvensville. :
Iiid.. .1 inuarv Ul). savs : "The Missouri audi
Silver .Moon came up from below last nigiit, j
nnd lor some hours raced bard ; but tnougli
for lilteen minutes the two boats were head
and head, tho Silver Moon could not lin-a
her competitor, uud then raked down ifix-s".
When tiie Silver Moon arrived here, near
midnight, she found the Missouri Iving at
on:- wharf !
her way, calling at New burg, ten miles by '
laiiti. ami taking on ur. Mauglitir to render and surgical aid to the wounded.
"Almost on thu inslmit of thu explosion,
(says another account) the Missouri began
to sink, and a passenger, aroused from
his berth, had only ti'm to pull on his Pan
taloou when the wutcr c.imo in on the
cabin floor, and he and all the other sur
vivors hull to hurry to llie hiiriicnuc deck
in all Iniste to save" themselves from drown- i
ing, and of course they lost nil their bag
gage, saving nothing but the clothes they
btood in. The consternation und tho con
l',,l..i, .. l,t..i U.....I :: :;. I :: ...i.i .. i
but for the providential proximity of the !
v....m, luoiii o is iniii .,..1 iif.ioie, (iiui i
ctalor. but very few of the hundreds of .
humaii lo in.. .r .b..,u-u I
have j
. . '
The Kvunsville Ju,M My : "The cabin
lloors were submerged lo the' depth of two
or three feet. '.. u'. tr....... f i,i...i !.!!.
eating that mangled nnd blecdiiiL' iicrsobs
1....1 1 , . r .1 .. . . . . .V
!'. '"in I'.m-ii t.i, 1 ii im; caoiu lUIOllotl
windows und hole iu the roof.
The fund-1
ture in tlio ladies cabin was shattered, and
tlio iicrtlis literally KnoCkcu to jrttce,'
Walking for. yard we dMcovired that all tho
bout forwnrd of tho wheel-house, except the
bow of thu hull, wits shuttered to pieces.
The entire Texas' w as a nias of tpliutcrs
and rubibh.
fsixty peraMns nrc ?ttpposed to havo been
lost. Captuin J. V. llurd was eevercly
though uot mortally wounded; Sirs, llurd,
... : 1'.. ..('... 1. :n i.i. ......
11 III. 1.1 l iR 1.00111 ill. will K111LII : iictirv llUlll.
iiuki, its-, ua cuts, ana bis ;utiu lirothi-r
m;i0 ,if tU ca,,(uilJt vvug ita:j,a. ;ir;
Wuylund, clerk of the bout, wns saved, lie
is, however, uv'en-?jr hurt. Tim first Hint
second niHtrs witro saved. Tiro first cnjji
lieer was killed ; tlio 'second engineer nnd
uti iker were rescued, both severely sralded.
The bartender wus hurt by fallin tfmlx'rs
The olllcers of the Dictator, after reseh'in-j
nil whom it were possible- to save, provided I
every comfort for the wounded, nnd did ni ne.r power jmir ;
suiierins. inrecor lour oi liiu survivors
are probably mortally wounded.
Tire bartender Muted thut some one bun
died and fifty passengers not off tlio boat at
Cairo. At thu time of thu explosion there
neru on IKiald sixty deck passengers, mostly
. 1 . , : . t
" ,. . ,- ' ,
senders. Only lurcc bt)(Kt were aboard lot?
nl1 nonc " ,,,,t W"'
Nearly nil thehnmrs'of the
boat tinni-
I.eiing perhaps sixty weru lost.
The survivors
Ivors lost all theft clothing, I
other valuables. Nearly nil Z'f ,
. 1 , ,1,. jT. v.:..i.
11 n "PPnrel, their tiight
money and
them hud
clothintr, when rescm-d.
A geVitleinnn and his wifu from IasSaclin
setts, escaped with the loss of nil th'eir bau
gage, including 000 and a tinu gold watch,
jewelry, &c, w hich they had placid under
their mattress.
In searching amoVig the n;ins, the body
ol u niiddle-a-'id ladv was discovered and '
taken out of tlie wreck. l'Voin the location
of the body, it was surmised tliat the lady !
w as the wife of Captain Kurd. She was'
elad in her ni-'lit clothes. Ibr head nnd!
tare were somewhat disligured, but not,-
withstanding this, a gentleman who ha l ,
seen fur neain exiircseci Himself
Kn f :.l....(,'i..
quite positively ns to h'-r identity. '
A frightful gusli on tire Head indicated 1 me mosr uesiraoie 10 ii-suiu 111 in any 111
'.hat sho was killed instatitanebnsly by a j tlio great west. The land cannot bu sui
piieeof timber or snlinter of tlm wreck, passed for richness mid beauty of location
which crushed her skull and laid bare her ; an" where. ,.ir county .(Cooper) is con
brain. She had one or two bruises on the j sid-r.-d one of tlie belt in thu. State; not
body. She had on her fingers two beautiful ' only for its ngiiciiltund advantages, but
l ings one ol tl.ein set with seven handsome for mineral alto; N'iift miles w est of our
jiwils, which a gentleman described to us little city is one of the ti nest Salt Springs
as a mbv, emerald, garnet, amethyst, ruby, ! ever discovered, and proVi-U .f the
and diamond a bouquet of jewels whose j a great place of resort, for thu gay ami ies
initials spelled the word "regard." The ' the, and no doubt would have continued
other ring was also jeweled, but we did not ,
n i.t Mill 1 hi' 'ib-scrillt ioll SO lll-ll ll V. - I
It is his opinion that UVo (if the boilels
cxpmued. Kn bafes tills opinion upon the
condition of the wreck, the boat being cut
in two nenr the hatches jiiobably by one
of the boilers passim; down through the
hull ; the keelson was lorn oil" aft to the ;
rudder Host, and the deck floor wan torn 111)
carried awav. I Ills would imncaie mat one
of the boilers blew out fore mid lift.
The Missouri's link crew numbered about
scveidv men. A laiL'C nnmlier i f those' were
lviii'' nslecl) under the boilers at the time of
the explosion. Of lhi)3c tilid the boilers
not one escaped. j
oi rriioi- CiirCin.
Tlie Ilarrisburg 7 -;'( says in regard
to iov. Curtin:
"When Gov. Cm tin left 1 Iarrinburg for
the Island of Cuba, some of the best profes
sional men and many of bis warmest personal
friends wife nppn hensivc that he would not
return alive. Ills nervous condition was
such ns to render il difficult for him to move.
His entire system had been reduced fearfully,
mid the man seemed to h-ive been utterly
exhausted by '.he Herculean ls.boi ami in
calculable reipoi'i-'bililv of 'his politico.
After an absence of about two month". His
lixecllcficy retiifn'5 to the capHa! entirely
restored. He has fully regained bis usual
rhctrful demeanor. The old physical elas
ticity has been restored, and the man to all
appearance and l.i reality, is himself again,
fitted imw more for the discharge of those
important duties Ui whose attention he
almost sacrificed ln4 life, and in the perfor
mance of w hich he only Hugged in live years,
when his phvsieid energies were incapable
of longer jiebliiigto his miiital. powi-r.;
"'bus icMored, (iov. Ciiitin conns back to :
the capital rtn'dv for the great wr.rk which
conironts him 1:' the bi d ( I bis second
administration, ami Whu li he will discharge
with llie faithfulness and fearlessness that
have characterized him in ail his oi'iei.,1
An advocate of Colmer, France, bitelv
left a legacy of tJSO.DOO to the lunatic iisy-
lum ol that town. "I earned this money,"'
his will states, "by the patronage of those!
who go to law; my present gift is but a'
restitution." j
. 1 lV'"-v " re ' '-?-iiue.l in
London, l.tiglaml, 1 hey run entirely under 1
ground, late and early. Thev will" take a I
nelson to his in ighborhood for two cents,
111 ll-n nnnutcs, while il he took a bus above
ground, nn hour would be in
ri,'ic1"".- destination, nnd would liae to
In llussia a eoflin fair is held evcrv ear
and every peasant whose ngid' parents have
attained a certain age, is expected to provi
dently purchase a Collin. We (hurt bi.lic D
many old people attend that fair.
Prussia is fitting out an expedition td'lind
tlie north pole, il possible
A monstrous Tfihi hour, weighing ; StiO lbs..
was lately Killed-iu t rance.
The w uist-biickle ''it should' be spc'lco.
wasfc-buckle, of an l'aeha'of Kgypt, now
being manufactured in Paris, is fo cost ?S(J0,
000. Ambassadors from Motocco arrived
in Paris. Thev bring ns presents to the I'fn-
peror six mogiiiliient horses nnd a tiger of
rare beauty.
The widow Cliquot she of the champa
gne is 8T years of ngc aud worth iJS.OOU,
000. I.vrcitXAi, HnvKNi'E Uki ku-is. The in
ternal revenue receipts to-day who I..J'',
3'J1,2o. -
i-ifto. H an iusult to tlio shrewdness of
A'ericans to nsk them to buy the mattkhh
mockeries or Pans perfumes got up here,
when the mrinlm cfrAU-fire of Phaloii's
"Xiht-liloomiii" Cerclis" is ad'niitted even 1
r (.in.
, . i .. . . ,, . . i
l"B ""eigu cities wiiero the geiiuuie ex- ,
tracts are made. Sold everywhere.
' j
c a .11 u 1 in. roil 11. IV C liaC now a
pure and e'xceilCut uativc vintage, Speer's
bamburjj Port w ine, made from the Portu
gal grape by Mr. A. Sneer of JSew Jersey.
It is said trj be the most reliable wine in
ibo ...niki t nnd vim I.i Im nvotiiiv..!.'
prepnrud from the Saniburg grape, without
admixturs of sugar or alcohol. Physicians
prescribe it as superior to port in debility,
languor, and in case of prostration of
strength. It is also au excellent restorative
for indigestion. Numerous letter have
been written by lawyers, lecturers, and dis
tiuguishtil divines speaking iu high terms
of approbation of the healthy uud invigorat
ing properties t'fttpotr's Samburg Pur, w int.
W. A. ljeumlt bus procured flfic four
years old, direct fi'oiu the vineyard.
TJaWoV.iiocs Ah-ffAxXyrpS. To-day tlie
Comptroller of the Currency detected a five
dollar note of the national currency which
had been transformed into a liftv dollar
tioWs by the addition of n cypher . Tho imi
tation wus so wen executed unit scvuui ex-
pi rts passed it ns genuine,
, I
Tho records of.
i'..r ...:i;(. L
,. ; ; ' ; . '..f , ..A.iX.r. L
department show that, durinir and since the'
llow lllt. Hn,, .:,
i .11!..- .....t .... r "". s.
'I'lIiiMlt lllV lliiliiui'l itl llMU l-llllll l itii ninL'n
the imsrcKute amount to out seventeen
thousand. I
J) The Military Council, com
posed of (tcncruls Sherman, Meiulu 'and
Thomas, having concluded its lrdinTs, w-iis
today dissolved. The proceedings hnve
been transmitted to the Senate Military
"DON'T UK FOOLISH." You can mnko
Six liollais from Fifty Cents, (.'all and ex
amine an invention urgently needed by every-
Jb' - ' ""'.plo -'nt frjo by mail for BO
? 't P ni l m" f sv "x'V ' I
' IX() rr. 1 10 ( hathnm Square, a 1.
. w. WHJ.-lv.
Hoon vi i.i.i", Mo., Jan. 20, 1SC0.
Fim:N! Wilvekti
I hove made several attempts to write
y nn but have never finally accomplished it,
"whether it was caused by my being "consti
tutionally tired'' or not, I am unable to say.
My in tlie west, so far, has been
very favorable, ami were it not for the re
bels and and the bushwhackers being so
bitter against the "ynn.ers ; our State would
as such, had not the jankces applied the
llliltdl tf tile bllildillgS. Coal illld 1 loll IIIC
found in great abumlance. Lead ore has '
also been discovered, w hieliit is said w ill j
yield eighty to ninety per cent, of the pure j
iirlicle. The first victory of the. war was 1
achieved by lien. Lyon over Claiii Jackson, 1
aboi two miles wist of this city. The
nbei forces iliitiibered about three thousand, ,
and the Union forces soire right hundred: '
the Union men say it was the finest skedad- j
die ever known, ami the tale so olteu re- j
la'.'e'd of vrteh Hum's experience must be re-
pcauii 10 every newcomer, joe iimsi 'xunniy ,
"1 bind eat! be purchased tor Irohi tin to;
lorty dollars per acre, the improvement, as
a geiieird thing, are none ol the be,t. con- ,
xisiing pliiuii ally ot a small hou.e, one or
two nigger shalilies, nnd a small building.
I'" uiiii.uhi i.i n.y . .mi. i 1,1, 10 n me
city are much higher in price hnififif Iroiti
thirty to forty dollars, fruit of cvHy de
seription is very exten-ively rai-ed, and
shipped west to Kanses ity, f.eavi 11 worth,
and in fact to all tie.' western cities. Corn
h'-'v.'evcr is the. principal crop i.d.-ed bv the
I Missouriaiis, nini you may travel for several
t il.iys and baldly see one lit hi of wheat. A
Lug': majority of the people nn- rebels, and
I he ii.euiiest kind, I hey arc not satisfied
kind treatment extended there b the gov
ernment but miist st:!l conlir.v.c with their
depredations. On the nl !:'( side of the
river, a few dajs ago, a ?!;!'fi!f and his
lVputy were killed in atlemptii g to arrest
a noloiioiis outlaw, be was I'.iialily meridia n
by the '"posse conu-l.-ilis" 11 ml scut to l is long
home. Wu have h id several innr-leis i ",ii
mitti d in our county wiihin a very short
time, and an inniiiiierable number of r.ib
belli!'?. If We are to judue by the present,
it will require sometime biforu the Missoii
lianj l.'Loir. fivlllzed; it i- almost impossi
ble to see a man enter the city without, hav
ing a revolver or two buckled around him,
ami it requires but very little provocation
to have the phaslii:'? of looking nt the muz
zle, and to frequently hear it tired. The
lic'jioos me very well behaed as a general
thing. They have eniplnjid a colored tuaeher
w ho teaches a day and night school, ami il
is rr-maiUable to fie the piouress thev arc
making, both old and young attend. The
school lmvc an' exhiliiti'oii on Ne-.v Vears's
live which I ttcmVd. and 1 must confess I
was surprised nt their conduct and deport
ment. We have about two thousand iu the
city nnd ihcy"woik industriously ami be
have properly, ('uite n number of them
have saved fciillicient means to buy homes
for themselves. In my next 1 w ill give you
p. description of the country 1 travelled
through en in y route to this section uud
incidents: count cled.
Trulv votirs. CilAW.KY.
MuuuoliUi o;il 'I'l intc.
SlIAMoMM, I'eb. ISol"..
Tut. Cl''l.
Scat for Week ending 1 ib. .",
l'er hut report,
I.'.n.'.'! II
I .Mis 17
To f.ouc till! hud year,
f irerense.
8.1 7d Hi
ia-rors vl otitis.
A (ienllciirin who sufiercd fur years from Xervou
Ilcbilily, Premature Lecny. mid the elfects of joulb"
fill iiidisjrctioii, will, for (ho sake of milk-ring liu
tnanily, send free to nil who need il, the recipe nnd
ilirceUi.l.s for iniiking (lie niinplo remedy by which
he wr cured. SuC'ereri wi.-liing to profit by the lid"
vender' expet icucc, can do so by nddrcsjtng
Xo. 1", (.'haiubenSt., New York.
.Innanry H ISIj ly.
Nrnii;;- llui '1'i-iiv.
Kvcry young lJy and gcnlknian iu (be Vuited
.tiitescnri heiirsouictliing to llicir ndvautngo by re.
tinu innil, (fie of charge.,) I.y uddrcusing the under
nir-nrd'. Thu.-o bioing lean of being humbugged
,. ... .., ... ' .
will oU:g$ r-y net ii 'tlein;; tins card. All utliura will
please addre.-t their obedleat ser.ant,
b'll Uroadway, New York.
Jniiiutrv l-t. Isiij I v.
I ".... ...4 ""
: lo ll.llllIlt-H.
I Jhv advertiser, liaving been restored to health in
i n few wceki by a very iiuplo remedy, after having
I suffered lor .cvor.1 ,cars with . .evero lung affcoth,
i una dial drcau Uiseasc, i.ououinpiou ll auxiou. to
tllllllA kllAKIl Ms f. II. .ur ,.-r..,-,.rj .1. ..r
----- ...... SMMS.b.o I .' V lUCUIIf VI
Tl ,, . . . ., . . , , ,
To aH who desire it, he will tend a copy of the
rrc!r'l'liou u":l1 (freeuf churjc), with (ho direo-
..:...!. .,
, ........ .v. .i,-...... "" i.muic, wuicu iney
wj fiuJ ;
lions igr p
sen I'rnp f..i I .ivo-unr.... A.,.. .
lli:oYanis, C'Jiui.s, Coloi. aui all Throat aud
Lung AtTeelioBs. Tlie ebTy object of the advertise,, j
iu Jendingthe urcucrrntloa is to bciicfll (be uftlleted
and spreud inf huiulioli w hich he cuiicuives (o b in- ,
vnluiiblsj, and ho bope every nulferer will try hi, i
roiuedy, a it will oust them uothing, and may prove'!
a blcHsing
Purlieu aubinir Ihe ,,r.--.c,-ii.i!.,., r.-.-r I.,. .'.,lin
, ,, .j .... . J
mull, ( lease aiai tea
M illinuuburgh, Kingr fa , Kew York.
Jaliiinry M. IsGj ly. j
rpiiv 1'uuri-Hs.iuuM ,finii i:ik-i-ii-ik-is
X Or A. 1, . Al.lll. i
Publu-lied fm IbebeueOl aud as oautinn lo ynung
men and 01 hen, who suffer Irom Nervous liibilily, i
Premature Ilecnjf of..Miinb.s,i, tc., supplying at llie
snuio I11110 (be mouin of self-cure. l)y one who nas
cured himself alter undergoing rouciderablv quack'
cry. ty vnuiuaiug pi-pani a'luriisiieq envelope,
ingle cupios, (ret of oburge may be bud of (he au
Ibor. KA1 JIANJEL JIAVrAIR, tut , Brooktyu, Kings
t'u.N.t. .
Jauuary 2T, JMJ-ly.
Ic'inio.i, IIIIii(lnN! nnd (.'iitnrrh,
Treated with the utmost suenrw by Ir. J. ISAACS
Oculist nn. I Aurisl, (l'oiinory. . f be; den, Holland.)
No. MB Pino street. Plii'itdclphia. Teslimnninls. j
from Hie most ro!lnWe-miroK in tbeCily sail Conn- .
try enn liu seen nt h's nllice. The iiiudicvl fncully are ;
invited hi nooniiuwny tlieir Undents, na. lie hns no
i - rcls in his prnctieo. ' Artificial I'.y.vH, inserted with- '
out pnln. No charge inmlo for cxiimiiintiun.
July 22, isii.-iv
-- .
..." ,I,', iminiM-r. u Iny of
The llrldul Cliamber. a..
" mi it if ntut Invtriiptinn for Vntintf Mm rviVulUlio.l
. ... r...-.
"10 "''wnfi Artoointigii, nj sent froo of clmrn1
l" .cnlt"' 'voii.c.
Addrci Dr. J. MvILt.lN
lIOriMITO.V, Howard AnoelntioD, l'liiliidi-liliiij
Vc'IMlSvl Vlllli.l.
Fcuruiirjr II, 1S05 y.
ArA.VIi:i, A'i KNTS. ?1.",0 1-I.U
,i;otii Til
t'tl the IIUiroTP'l Colnlnnn Si-nn L'.iM.ilv
Hilt Mnilimr. IIim Aliieliino mill aliloh. Iioni, Ml.
tui-k, cord, brniil. Mnd. Ka'l"'r, quilt niul cniliroiih-r
bi'inititnliv. .. l'ripe only f2(l. Kvery Mnclilmv i
wnriiiiitdl Ihi-cD yoiirii. For Icrmj ndcli mn or rnll on
0, IIOWDII.s' k ()(. Itocf-ptlon room, No. 2m f.
Jnnry 27. is,;
ill-Ill Mrcnt. J'liilud.l.liiB, I'll.
1,11 in lino.
ITCH I ! ITCH ! ! !
Wli-aloii Miilm-ii
Will ( uro the Itch in 4H llourn.
Also cures Suit lllumin, fleers. Cliill.lnin, nn.l nil
la iilitiuiM of tlie Skin 1'iieo ,riU cents. I'or Milu liy
ull I 'ritpu;!'!.
Ily Kcndinjt M cents to W'KI'.KS k I'llTTlCII. fs,,i.
AReiils, 7ll Wnsliinlon ftrcct. IloKton. Muss , it ill
tic lormirileil by mail, free of intnj;c. to nny pint of
the I 'nitcd .States. ,cr.t. 2.'1. 'bj lini.
Iio yon wnnt M'liiskrrs or Moiislnelirs Ourflrp
einn ('oiiiioiin. will foreo them to grow en llie
fiuoolluil fuel- or c-liin, or Iiuir mi bnld lirnds. in .six
Wc-kn. 1'iiec, SI. Oil. fi-nt by until miynliere.
eluyely snilcil. nn receipt of luicp.
A.blr.w, WAItNKU A CO ,liox WM, Iirooklyn.N. V.
Kebrnnry ls Istij. ly
H.'l (10
I '01 11,
f liixsacd.
2 In
1 mi
$2 ill
7 1)11
, tlminisit i-:tlor"M .l !-.
-VTOTI"!". if h reh- "iVun.ti-at V-tteW of Ad'nii.i--X
tiaiiiiii Inn ing lieen jrranti-'! to M;- .'tu'ersiu.i
on lilt- e.-lnlcof Peter Kmiiplc. lute of Lower -Mnli..
liny li ivi-fliip. Nmlliiiinlirrliiiul coiinly, I'u.. ik'e il.
All persons in.U-lile.l live reipic-'leil lo innke i til 10 i d i -nle
piiviiM iit. 1111. 1 il.use Imving ehiiiiK to present
llieiii for settlement.
AXDItW MTTV. A'liu'r.
Lower Muliuiioy tnp.. I'eli. Ill, I -iir. t)t
Leather ! Leather
,'pilK pnrliieiliip i.f 1'. Uui-lii-r.V Sin. having I" -ni
. tli.-s'iilviil on die l l of l-'el.rinii y. Is'.ti. 'flu:
tin. I- r ij?ued I. live i litere 1 into arlliei-l.ip in llie
'l ii lining' inik! Oirry Jti"; itu.iii-s,
under llie firm lino iiii'Iil- of HI Tll-:i LIKil'IILltS.
nnd will eonl.-iiitiy kiep o I hund nil Itii.ilp of
Nol-.2.-:tlli -, :!;. . - !T 4 Kin; Mti
l ooos ot'lill IsilKls.;
liixt ISiiMiiii.,
i'tllieol.1 stniid inljiiinin;; linniokiii Va'li-y I'.-iil-rou
l fiepoi. SumI.ij v. I'.-i.
Miuliet ) rice I'll'.l f..r Hark. Hiden and k:n.. .
TliHiikful tor 111" pal lounge esUndcd to us ill tLc
Inle fn in oi l-'. Iliii-ln r A fvn, wc rc-peed'ally solicit
ii e"iitii.'jinieu "f lie'' sai. c.
. . . i'lA..-Kit pt i'iiKi!.
f-'llliblli.V IM'. 111." 1.-'..
C$ssolil ion !' INii'l ll-l-slsi..
riIIi Piirliii-rsl-'p In-rel'ifore existing I" (ween
X li.-orei; Mi ller in 'I W illiam l.llioii. r
llie name 1 1 Mill I. A LLL ll 'f 'f, lias Iji-.n di-'
solved by li.lllllal consent.
TIi3 ni'.-oiiiiis nl" tlie lac Ii nil will lie silll.-'l by
i;.-or;;e(j. Metier, who lias the boo;- in Li.- pn.-sis
l lie bu-ine nl'ilip late flint nill be earried on by
tl.'i Ull.l''l.-ip-M.' '.'
i;i;oiii;r. n. mi:tli:u
S,n. bury. l '. Ui. l-n:.!' :lt.
cif r'i..,.,.,.i' li iu (!''
r m mm m m M -
',i i
f r One lliimlred nnd Twi-nlv-t'iuir Acre, c'luuto
7 on Sim im Km Creek, i nc mi l n iiinru r mile
from Sunbury. About eighty in-res i f vhic'i is
g 1. bottom land, 'i be balance a j."od quality of
bid hind, 'f lic iuiprovcmeuis are n dwelling,
a bank barn, w agoii-boiise. corn-crib, bog-pen. .c
Willi plenty oi l.-irming tin. I rail limber. AL-oul I'D
a, -res ek-ared in the boUum, nnd f'.rlv-lhu on die
Tbi.- di -iial.U- i i-nperlv WILL 1,1: MILD on llie
p'oiuises en I IK KSli.tV (), 1st day of .MAKCii.
I'-'. Salei'. :eiieingnt it o'ckcli A. l.. wli.n
l.-iinf (wliic'i will bce.i-v) will bo, njade l
U.e .criber. l-'or fu"dier parli-'lllars nplil to
J'di.N 111 i I.liS.
Suiiblliy. I'eb. Ill, Iso.'i.
IIViiV.'. .'.,-,- ,(,, ,,,. .".'. C'. Jl. !!
S U N If U U Y , I' A..
1il:SI'l'.C1ITI.I. informs lur and llie
) llbllc genera! I v. I bat she 1, is just opened a large
n-sorluu nt of 1 T.Ksil H rocei ie... inch in
f'ute -;!er Vinegar, l-'reil .In., (ilasswarc. nnd
n i f Ladies' T:in l:.:i-g'. l-ans. !uea.l Neck
1 Tics, 'laiidkeicbb I-. Ae . to which she h: i;e all to
exiooiiie bct'or.- I'lir.-h'i.-iiig elsew lu-re.
f .'S'linl.iiry. Kib. S!lil.f,ni
Ti'irili Ss BEVVALr.,
tVln.liMih' Et-:ii-rsi in
Tens, 'pices, Fancy Oroeciics, A.C.,
Norih Last Comer 1'iont and Arch Street,
Solo Agent fur Pennsylvniiin.
onni:i:s nv mail i-noiii-ri.v Amsnrii to,
January 27, IsCal. 'Mt
A I'Vw Slcpsi Aorili oi'llio l-iut,
SI Ait I EC V, IM,
Sunbury, Jnu. 2ll, lsCO.
.-j ....... ...... .....m mmsui ions ricrn raeuiii
Issued out of the Court of Common Mens of Nor-
! It,- i irlnn,...,..:.,. r .t:..- 1.0 is . - .
lliuiuberlaii.l county, nnd to in a direeled, will be
expwcd lo Public Sale, nt Die Courl House, in Die
borough ol Sunbury. on SATl lil'A Y, KLlll.t AHV
17th, lsiiii. ut I o'clock, 1'. M., (he i'.lljiving pro
perly, to wit :.
I A cerliuiHrnct or piece of land, uluntd in Pela-
, w,iioluwiisliii, .orlliumbe--liind counlv. I'ennsylvn-
j ni, bounded and described as ollus. low il: On
1 tl'" cast by lands of Chnvlc JI.trl.-rl nnd 'illiain
i1!;. Wile!" e '$LX
ben .Nicholron ; nnd on the west by lniuUof W idow
ieholson. Mlirt Wtf.'ks ami Jsai. U ..Lfl M..,,l,.in.
. , - - -- -' -. . ...u...
I "'K crc l2 poreliM. whereon urc erected u
(twos-lory frnnio house und kitchen, frnuio bank
; barn uud oiber outbuildiii"..
Seized, taken mlo execution, and to be old ns tlio
i Moi'ei'vol M liliam 11. (-'oils!
, - - - ti ll ll l' tl . ir
... . . ' ' ... om.
ShuilTi Oflke, Sunbury, Jau, i7th, Iblili
. IllVl'lllOI'M 4i;i-i-..
Civil. 1-:.,,:im;kiis axu Pathxt .Solh iioks.
No. i'-li Waluut street, 7'hiladelpbia.
ratciila nolieiled eonsullalions on Knginiierhifr.
lnugliliug nuj Skelehe, Models und Machinery of
i " ""'' "d iklltully alUlidedlo. Spec-ml
, Klteiiiion given lo rtjeetid case and interferiiK'cs.
1 Au henlic c.nie. of all liocuniHiit. from J'ulenl Of-
6ce prueiued. N. If. Save voursclvcs ucleM!t.:oub j
aud 11 v elling e.vpeiises, ns tbero il no a'-'tuul ucivf
for iiersounl inleiiiew with us.. All buriuers with
iIii-ko Ofnois cau ho irunsiu'led in wrltij'g- For fur
ther luforuiHiinii direct w.iIhivu, with .oin.p euulueed,
fur Circular wilb references.
Pebiamy 3, IsP.l ly.
."Vollci- iu JJrUlti" llnlltlt-r.
VLeliiiiH for tlio Ruiicrslraolwre of the Miltnn
iliidgu, will be bad ua Ihe Wlh day of Fvbru
niy.nexl.Bl (be Treasurer's Iduce in 'iliKou. A
Plan and Spcoilcatiuns, will bu exliibited one week,
before Ibe lulling. Tbu n.Vud w oik of the biidge.
"vly bo lot uu dim day. Ily oi.. 1 nl ibu
I l-oard of .Munugers Joti. i.0l'M, Trta.uier.
I Oauunry J7, LxnV-2f
bUClf CUANCKS MiVEll 11EF011K 01'-
10 xan: ri iti.ic,
The wnr linving bocn brought to n Pucecs-fiil tor
liilr.utioii, nnd Hold in conscfnioni'Q luivin beeoiuo
oiueli clien'pcr, wc liava been ennblod lo pureliaso.
im very dniitnjreoii Icrnia. ninio of (be linen nnd
nosl cicgnnt jewelry, do , ever ninnuf.ictiire.l in this
or nny oilier country ; nnd rre thpriToro liuv deler
lnincd to orl'erfit'-h bniKnins to the public that tliey
never have luid before !
To effect this, wc Iikvo determined upon u
by wbieli nny nnd every one. will Inke their eluim-n
oi having one nl the very beaut if ul nn.l co.-tly urti-ek-s
enumerated below.
All B'l ieM mid ."V ItJmiK!
Is flinple nnd fair. Tlio niln h-s nrc numbered from
1 up to Kin. (inn consisting of l'ianoi. Mi-lo. Icons, Sew
ing Maebiue!!. (Jobl nml Silver Wntebej, etc., lnii.uoa
liotiect nunibered from 1 lo lutl.tini' nre primed nnd
put inlo sealed envelopes nnd well mixed, nnd olio
of these is taken out nnd ?cp to the person sen. ling
t" us 2.ri cents, nnd tlio nrticle or e;onts correspondinu;
Willi llie number on Ibo nolieo will be tent to thu
holder of the same iuiuiediately (if ho deaires to pur
chase the nrticle.) on the receipt of Ono Uollur mid
J-'il'ly Cents'. l'or iusttince : if the number on llto
notice sent to you should be anil, nnd Piano, or bin
inondSelor Hold Wtitcb sliould bo nunibered in in ii
will in- si nt lo you for SI ..:n. mid so on for every ur-tb-le
on our list ot lim.iinn nrtieles.
L'." cents must be sent lo pay espeno of i-o(.i(je,.
eorre, pond. -ii' i-. etc, on each mil ice.
Tun Artici.i.-s Consist or
Piano. .Meleileons, Music lloxes. (lol I nnd .Silver
W uli-hes, I'liuiiin. I'old Wnteli Keys, lienl's llreii-l-I'iii-.
Lu'lies' Oold tin I Si! er Sells. Wati-hes.. Ae..
Ili'ld t'rosses. Pencil Cases. (iob J'ens, Necklnees,
lvir llings. Sleevo llultons. 1'lnhi nn,l Cbnscd Kings,
.M .sonic Pins, Piainoii'l Sets. Sels 'J en and TabU
Spoons, .Minimum Lockets, Photographic Albums,
Slalioiery. Ilu"ks, nnd u tlnniiand oilier mticles, lou
i.uiiii ruus lo iiiemioa.
l-'or we will send It Xo-.l.-.-i,
,i " In
". I" " " !.' " mid a Solid
Silver Vi iileh, per relura of u) ill.
AK'"si Waiili-il Ihcrvii lii-i-,-.
Send for circular. Isrg- eoinmi.-sion ullowo I to
Ag-nls. I.y Hliii-h tr- 'ii s::.) t j,,.,. wt.e, ,,,,. ,u
real i .-.-.d .
At'hi-J Ci if. KM AX .t CO.
Salesr..iu. I!oX t','17 l'n I i','u'e. N V.
1 1" Nas.- iu St., l ib lit. "O'i. ::in.
I'la kavt liiimi A EUoiMii-lnii-; Blail
OX nnd nfler Nov l'7th, ISu."', res"'iv.;ur Tiaim
' w ill run n- follow :
A. M. P. M.
Leave S.-rnnt.m, ,V.''tl li'.u.'i
Kingston. 0. ;"' If.l-i
- Puj-ft: in:.
P. M.
s .i :
t .i i
IV. I. "i
ll;.livil',e. II. .".ll
Arr Norlliiiinberlniid, In :;o
t. il II '
Leave .N'-rdnltiili-rhind, ".o'i
Piinville, H.ln ::.4n
" Itiiprrt,, 9.l.i A. M. 4. l.i
' Ki.ig.-lon. i'.::.i s.".a fi.."..i
Air. nt Si niiiloii. i-. Ai V.:;: HAH
Trains lem i-ig Kingston nl K..'ID A. Jl. for S.-r ir.
Ion. connect v. it i Train nrriviagal New Vol k ul .''.L"'t
l.i.aii,g Nuitliuiuberlaud n: A. "I. eiol King--ton
It.': 1 i .M. connect widi llie 'J rain 'an iving nl
Ne-.v York at I". M.
i'n-S'-ngeis lakin" Train South fn m S r: nl 'ii at
T. .So A. .M. vi i Noribuiiibei-laiiil. ri-r -Ii 1 1 .irri.-l.tir-
l".'.:ia P. M . Ilaltiniorc o. '.n 1'. M.. Wa-biuLlon I .
Uu P. 11. via Uupcit rciieli Pbiholeli lii i nl 7.0.1 p. m.
II A. KM SUA. Sup t.
Kindlon, Nov. 2i. f.Srt."..
ii ncGvi:i?,
(.' :i!i'i:ti! Slri-i-1, ;!l;.v- 'VCtn-Ki-t,
.SHAH Till'. CBN THAI. IlilKI..
j 'V'AIO Ivl.-l'A. --- - - ' .
i:sri:',Ti-'ti.i.Y ii,vii f.i.ud and u,n
J public gi lie. . I'v. to call pu I examine bis largo
a-:.oi-ln-.i-nts ul li j b--'ore purcha-in-; i-laewhere.
slis slocii i- i i; in 1 ttitimlje-.,
t lii-lkC. E3(l Mi? Jici, iiti
Ie- ICiiio, lllicf il mid
k.sMii-ixiti ol'th-- na!h
Iv. i !:. 'ijti-l-, . i uc-;;:u-,
V -., A -.
I-'acmt r--. 1 Keepers-, and oili -is -n-.- invited to
call, as bis slock is genuine, and il! rei.-t: r g- Ii'
Suiiliery. l'ebruary Iv'ii.
, f -.HSflT (S) valuable town lots ,-.. i.f'"r..l f.-r
t i J sale cheap, on ll,.. berry socet. i pposilo l'.i
ling s addition, in ll.e l'...ioie,li i.f Sin, bin v. In.
r.iiin- ol' .1 1: i v - -r I:
J .s.ii.l.ury. l'tlru.,r .'!. Is
V.tJ.V.VIl.a'.K! VAl.I-TJ.MW!!
i 1-irge nnd complete assorliuei.l j.;-f reccixed.
I'KKI-'l'MK I.ATCIIKTS fioi.i .10 U. I.nn.
YALLNTI MS. and Coini-. i.l f: . , . i
I els. It. fl. nil. fancy envelop, s large uud mi all.
lo uit the same, nt
LUiHTNKIl'S fiiiiiK" STi.pi:.
Mal l.v' S.tiale.
Sunl.ury. r-'eb. .1, 1:1" i.
HAVlXd bought llm nens (ig.-ncy uf .Liuk's
Wll.-llillgtoil, I resp-.-'(lllly ni.llo'lll.Ci- lo llio
eilu.-ns ..(' Sunbury nnd vreiniiy', I luo. e c-i.-i.ecicil
it Willi my business ami solicit u euiiiinu.ilioa
ol of their uiiouago. My terms are
rbilatl'-lphhi I'ress, daily. Ml e:s. per lii-nlii.
rbii.uleli'hia In'oiirer t0
Ilurriidjurg Morning Ti legmpb, daily, (delivered)
70 els. per month, in advance.
The Moiilbly Magaiiiien an I Weekly p ipers eau
nil be obiaiut-il iu uiy 8toro.
'erv lies; eerfiillv.
n: ii:Kiu:i: lu;iit.i:i!.
Sin. bury, I'eb. .1, ! Still .
Htti r p t. s a i..
j William Masser, 1 Ileturm.Ui) Murcli
vs. J.
' 'lliclieirsofllei.ry Masser. dee d ) Term A. I). ISO.!.
NoltTIII IIUr.UI.AXU Coi xtv, ss.
Tho Conimeiiweiillh of Pennsylvania to the .Midi if
i of Northumberland cu'unly. lirceling :
WIlKltKA.-, at nn Orphans' Court held lit i'utibury.
' iu and for Ihe counly ot Noiiliiimlnrland, tho l'.'tl-.
day of January in the year of uur Lord one tlioiiaand
eight hundred and siii'y-six. before llie lion. Alexan
der Jordan, President, and bis Associate Ju.-:iccs 1.1
j (be Court. Iu tlio mailer ol the e.ialu of Henry
i Masser. deceased. The petili .n of W illiam Master,
1 of ."s't. JoHepli. county .Michigan, waspre-enie-Lftelting
: forth dial tho said ilcnry Miivier, luteiy died ietes
' (ate leaving issuo John Masser ri-siling nt 'fliren
Unci's, Mii liigan. I Henry Ii. Matscr. .Incob 1!. Mas
scr. Peter Ii Masser. Mary inieriuari ie.i with Kr.m
eis Itiieher, Klisihclli iiiirriuari led with Jeremiah
Sbin.lel hesiilirgtn Lebigli ciu.'ly, Pcuiisylvanin V
Ikorgo Y. .Manser lresi-.ii.ig Hi Scianton, Pennsyl
vauia. I w bu litianlienisi bis estiile lo II. II Mass,.rt
mi l the pet'lioner Thai ihe s ii l d'-cedent iu -Lis
lil'etiine, uud nt liii lime of bis death. .. as si-i..-d in
bis ueuieino ns of fee of mid iu the following real
estate, to wit -
A certain Irnol of hind si'.uulo in 1'pper Augusta
township In laid county, ndj .ining the 'us.iii'U.innn
river, and lauds of Saiuurl Kylaiul. liennis Woln r
(on and John Musser, couluiuiug eight acres und lui
Anolber tract of Innd siluaio :n snuio lownslii;.
a Ij. 'ining lauds of Willinm Conrad, Cbrisiian I illii
uud others cuitHining J-'it'ty-live Acres inure or h-s-
Aiiolher tract uf laud, ahtiHto in Lower Au riisin
township, hi said county, b.iuii'led b lands late el
Henry Hall. Jacob I'uuruU Ueorgu Hall 1111. 1 oauis.
outaiuiiig One Ilundrod and I'orly Acres, inure ui
less. , ,
A'i' ttier t-"it( in snid (owr.sbip, adjoining lands ui
lbiniel Mallick. licorgo Weisi-r. John W i ; 'in uud
land Into of Joliu Jituics, eunlaiiiiug ninety Lim.
Acres, uioro nrlrss.
' Also, a lot of ground in the borough of Sunbury,
fionting on Ilrondway s'reet, und being lot iiuiiili'-i
1- ifiy-two, eoiitniiiing nbout one-fourtb of an Acre.
'1 his lo notify you nnd each of you herein si.-m
aaiued, au-l you are hereby nmi'ixl. ilias by vi i-i
of tlie u' mil lo uie d;cii-te,t a' h..'iisi will bi
held on Ihe premises of n;. Henry .Ma.v.ur, deeca-ci
with boundaries ns hr-c'ti above given, uu M.11.I.1 v
Hie 2diU day of r'ebriury; al it; 0 cIih-W A M , i .'
Ihe purpose of niiiki'fg liH -fiiion ol' or to vulin. 1111 i
appraise, the real cslalo liereiii nbino desunliedo
said decedent, at which lime and place yu luny
;.. h au 1 all apponr if vi think '..rnpet
MM Jl. V. t i.l'., SUllJ'
I SlieritTs DilLe, Sunbury, fel-. o, I juj.