Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 10, 1866, Image 1

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    TERM8 TWO DOLLARS par annum. $2 to if
not paid within tha year. No paper disoontinusd
until nil arrearage! art paid.
These terms will b strictly adhered to hereafter.
If subscribers neglect or refuse to tak a ttielr news
papers from tho oilioc to which they aro directed, they
aro responsible nulil thoy bare settled tho bills and
ordered Ilium discontinued.
l'ottinnrton will plcaso act at our Agents, and
frauk 1 otters containing subscription monuy. They
are permitted to do this under the I'ost Ufiioo JLaw.
One squnro of 10 lines, ono tlmo, fl f'9
Every subsequent insertion, 4(1
One squnro. 3 months, 4 U"
Six months, 0 10
One yenr, 10 Uil
Kxwiitort nnd Administers Bytlcei 3 00
Auditor notices. 3 00
Husinoss Uunla of 5 line., per. annum, 4 9
Merchants ami others advertising by tho year
with the privilege of changing quarterly, a
follows :
Onoquiirter Column. not cxnendini; 4 snares, ?I5 (10
One half column, nut coociling H squares, 24 00
One column, so fit
Elilm-iiil or local advertising, any of line;
not excce'liiij ten. !) cunts per line ; 10 ceijis tot
ovcry addiliujiiil line.
Mnrrinje notices, i"). crr.ts.
Obitu'iries or resolutions m-enmji.,inyiri& notices a
dcntlis, 10 cents per Hue.
We hare connected with our establishment a well
selected JOB OFFICE, which will enablo us to '
execute, in the neatest
style, every variety of
OLD SERIES, VOL. 20, NO. 18.
liTic Liptnfir'ii iT,r. r rwitNciQ
DR. JOHNSTON has discovered tliomost Certain,
Speedy and only Efl'ectuiil Hemcily in the
World lor it'll Private Hiscnsos, Wcnknessof 'tlicBnck
or Limbs, Strictures, A flections of the Kidneys and
Bladder. Involuntary Discbnrnes. Iiupotcncy, Ucno
al Debility, Nervousness, liyupcpsy. Languor, Low
Spirits. Cn'nl'uvion of Ideas, Palpitation of the lluart.
I iniidilv, Trembling. lMmnessof Sight or (iiddinen.
Jiscnso'oftlic Ik-ad'.' Throat. Noso or skin. Affections
if the Liver. Linn. Stomach or Dowels those. Torri
ile Disorders arising from tho Solitnry llubits of
'outh those secret and solitary practices more filial
0 their victim than tho pons' ot Syrens to the iMa
Inersof Vlyw. blighting their most brilliant hopes
r anticipation?, rcudoring uiarriago, Ac., iuiposai-
wotnily, who have become the Ticlitns of .Solitary
ire. thiit ilrcndful and destrnetive habit which
jinuaUv swiens to an untimely grave Ihousniids uf
Voting Men of the most- exulted talents and brilliant
who niiirbt iithcnvisehavo entranced li-trii-
tng Penates with the thunders of eloquence i-r waked i Consistingof DRY GOODS, Prrrs flneris. Cassimero
toecsUty tho living lyre, may call Willi full cou- ! cloths. Jeans. Coitotiad.-s. Muslins. Dress Goods in
onuAT excitement:
BtcToIulion In llig'?i Prices.
Kvcrvbodv Kushin"f to the
Who bar Just Received their
fi J anM
Married Persons, or Young Men mntcmplnting
marriage, bring nwaro of physical weakness, organic
.febililv. def.rmities. Ac. speedily cured.
lie who pis-en liimelf under the euro of Dr. J.
mar religiously d in his lienor its a gentleman,
and confidently rely upon his skill as n Physician.
iTnn-.ediKtelv Cured, and Full Yigor Restored.
This liistressing Aficclion which renders Life
nii-.-rab'.o and marriage iiiip:is-ildc Is the penalty
naid bythe viclimaofiiiipniperiiidiilgrnees. iounr;
persons arc too apt to commit excesses Irom t-ot
bein aware of the dreadful consequences Unit inn? i
eiisuo Xow, who that understands the subject will
uretenl to deny that tin- power of procreation is j
aoorcr bv those lulling inio improper mum uin
the vru lent 7 llcsi-les being deprived the pleapurcs
of healthv ofispring the most serious and destructive
ymptom's In Doth body and mind arise. Tho system.
be-oni-s Deranged, the I'lijsical an-l .Mental 1-unc- i
preat variety, Shawls. Hosiery and Gloves, Carpet
of JitTcri-nt styles and qunlily.
HARDWARE, Cedarware. Cnrdwnro Glass-ware
Croekery, GRIIt.'KKILS. Tobacco. A"cgaM,
Vnun. Ten. Cotrec. Su-;ar, Molasses,
Salt, Fish, Ac.
Srita :n:l 4'li"ii-n1, OSIm. I.iiiiiim
and In fact i:Vi:i:VTIIIX; UEXKltALLY KKPT
in 4'oiinii-v S(oi--x.
All desirous of fretting a good article at a lair price
will pleas give us a call.
Xo trouble to show Good".
Sunbury, Oct. II, 1335.
tior.s Weakened, Lois of I'roercative i'ower. .Nervous
IrriiabilitV. Dvfpepssa. Palpitation or the I.. art.
IndiBii'in. Cmistitutionul Debility, a V listing of
the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death,
OftScc, . ? Wo"'1 1'roIcri-K Kf re-t
Left baud sida gMug from Raltimoro street, a few
liMzr. from the corner. Fuil not to observe luimn
and number. ...
Litters must be paid and contain a iUmp.
Doctor's Diplomas linng in huoiSee.
A Wllii WAKK.iiTKH l.'S TYi O
A' 'Uicvry "r "i""oui lirugt.
Member cf the Rcyr.l College cfStirgi-on.. b-n,
'Jraduato from .mo of the most eminent tollegc. in
he United State", r.nd the greater part of whose life
aibccn spent in the hospitals of Lonl'iti, I aris.
ailadeiphia and elsewhere, has t-Eected fonie of
"Itinost astonishing cures thai wero ev.-r kn-iwn ;
.mny troubled with ringing in the head and cars
..t.. n..i n.Mf.n.nrn beiui an-ruied at
Hidden S'siind. busiiriilncss, v.itii frequent blushing,
sttended sometimes with dcrangnmeul of mind, were
lured immediately.
fi'AKS'. HASSTKtTI..irS AO'J'H'i'..
ii- I .,Mf...e. n!l those who have infired them,
.i.nktf i.nnroner indiilseuce and tulitary habits
either business, study, society or inurria-rc
in ess aro unc -I ine iu " '
i by improper indulgence and miliary habits,
i rii'ii both body and mind, unfitting tlum for
r business, study, society or ninrrinie.
nc orn t. mc -i Tuc .m una i:;:'!.;: ." ,n'v enecw
produced by early liabitsof youth, vir.: eaKness oi
Detank and Limbs, l'uina in the ileal. IJ.mnees of
eight. L" of Mumular l'owcr. Palpitation oftbo
ojtho Digestive Functions, tieu.nil Debility, jnip
toms of Coiisuuip'ion, Ac .
MiHTALLY.-Tha f-.rful onV-ot. on mind are
Kuch to bo d read -1-Loss f Memory, t onlusmn of
,vKI, Peoresiini of Spirit. Lvil-l- in.-b: lingi. Avr
,icn to Society, Self-Distrust, Loo or So.itua,
Timi Jitv. Si are somool the null pro luc-rl.
' Tnovsirnsof pers -i sor g now judge
what is the cause ..r their declining health, losing
teir vigor, becoming weak, palo, nervous and
imeUted. having a singular appearance about the
CTs cough and svuipl-iinsofconuin-.pliou.
.-loliave injured thema-jlvea by a certain praciice
Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned
from evil companions-, or at s-.-hool. the elT.-.-ts of een, asleep m d i. . i.o
cured renders marriage impovible. and ile.-.i ,js
. . ...f , . i l-..,il.t annlv imnle(liat?!y.
Ool.l IlliliU .ii . u'.n it . ,fl.: a V'lui'K . -r-
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Siftibury
and vicinity, that she has just openod hvr
oi Notions and FanoyDry Ooods,
ltarkot street, four doors west ofYVm. H. Miller "i
Root and Shoo store, SlMtl'KY, a.
Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, embroi.
P 0 E T I C A L .
THE? 1VB;i 03' ??!S :.!'.
The Man of Rusinesa, Returnin-? to h's Mansion,
Findeth bis Wife nt tho Uruud i'iauofortc.
Sing to mo, Idvp, I ricttcl thy Bong,
1 need t!iat tlinu slmulil at r.liecr mc well.
dories, Ladies and Childrens' Hats, silk and othor FcT evefj lliilig 19 going W Pni),
What a pi'y
from all
n 1 indulging in a eertnu secret habit
kust, LcU-ro cor.trmpia-xi
v the darling o!'hi parents, should besnal.hcd
ill nrrsi-c -ts and enjoyment nl In.-, by the
uenee of deviating from Vho path of nature
-ucn persons
JB.4 tSilti.tCiS'!.
reHect lhr.ta sound mind anil body arc
necessary rcquis-tes to promoti
lines thad'iwed
the mest
connubial liappine'S.
i.. 1-...1 -;.i.,;..i ! tf lourii'y wronKii me '"T-
sinie-i a ,ry pilgrimage. ; the prospi-L-t
j.-i i . ii, . ; tb, mind becomes tb
L:.u j ;..n.i r.iln.l with the inclancholy rell -c-
ii,. i ii, of another bucuiueii fc
vi ,i ,:..,..: l.l nnd tiiii.rttdl-nt votarv
Measure find bob is Imbib-iJ tue s-e.ts ot tn-.i
niinful, it t j j often hapiwOT ilia'- n Ulsll'nfd of or : read of discovery, uMera bun
rroui anph ing to thoM who, from c luc i.ion w.M
rss,.c.itubii'itv. ccuuloi.o befriend him, denying ti.-l
tha constitutional symptoms of this horrid dt-oaso
o ake ti-.eir ii.pouinnce. such ulcerated s-jre
throat. disciiM-d r. .;c, nxtiirnat pains iu tho betid
and limbs, ilimncs uf sight, deafness, nodej on Hie
thin boner, and arms, blotches on tlm head, face and
xtre:: itir, pro-rcssing will, liightful rapidity, till
a: le.t tho palutuof Ibo mouth or ilia bones ut tho
n.-e fall in, and tho victim of this awful disease
becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death
P itsapcricl to bis dreadful eiifierings, by sending
nun to -thai Undisc overed Country from whence l.u
traveller returns." . .. , . ,, . ,.
It is a mrluurhoJv furl Ti.av liiousan.V, rail ictuns
o this terrible disease, owing to the uiiskillfnlness of
. 'u.uo.i.nt pretenders, who, by the ufc of that litadly
i'o,.ti. Mrrniry, ruin the oonstitutiou and make
, .bo rwidueuf life iiiscniiln.
Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the
aianv Unlearned and Worthless l'rotondein, d.tituto
al knowledge, rnmo ur eliaracter. who cojiy Dr.
lohmton s advcrliseir.ents, or stylo Ihen.selvw. in
.'ha nowspapcrs. regulurly Educated I'hy.iciuns.
' inciumblc of Curing, they keep you trifling month
..tier month taking their filthy and puiioiius com
' -.ounds. or af long us t'-.o suiallcst fee ean be obtained,
, ind in despair, leave you with ruined health to ugh
wier gallingdisappointment.
Dr Johnston is the only. Phvs.ii.Uii adveitiiiuj.
in.. nrn,i..:o.i ,.r itii.loiuiis always hung in his oiuce.
Ilia remidiisor tioiitement nro unknown to all
. others, prepared from a life spent in the great ho.-
-litnU f Luropc, the first in tho country and a more Vractitt than anyothd I'hjiiciun
in the world.
a4JtfiB'.TJB-:'',OB' 'B"IIB:iBlB.IiS
The luauy thuusuuds cured at this iiislilutiou year
after year, end the numerous important Surgical
Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by
the reporters of the '-Sun,'' Clippei-." and many
.ther papers, notices of which bum apican d again
and again before tho public, besides bi standjig 3
a gentleman of character and reopousibiliiy, is a
sndL-imit guarantee to the afllioted.
' Mil WIWIMavliOi flKi:iBI.Y
l itk.l. .
Persons writing should be particular in directing
their letters to his Institution, iu the lollowing uianue,
atl- M. JOII.XN'B O.X, 31. I.
Ol Ilia Rultimore Luck Hospital, Ealliinort, Md;
J una 2 i lStjj. l y. ,
(Fonnerly of lha ' Lawrenoa JIoua,")
-IXTORMS her friends and the publie generally
I .1.-1 .1.. I..s r. fiiK .I lha house diruierlv occupied
, by Dr. J. W. Pealo. on blackberry sirect, near the
' Northern Central Railway Deja.1, and opened a
ltoarding House, whero she is Vep""'. t"f
W ith guod cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy
, the (uiet comforts ef bma with iva iual to tha
-. bt hotels.
Patronage from th wb may sjouro In 6bury
.is respaetfullT solicited.
I I A-' i. s! rrriM-d from Xi w York and Fhltuilel-
V 1. pbi.i. with a choice stock of
of the lat-t style", and selected wile great care, to
suit .ill. ni'd is determined to pleaso nil his customers
griMl and small.
, lfy-ii want tha lalcst sl;le. FAXC. PI. .MX.
A.M I'l ItAiil.l.. go lo iihi i-.xceisii.r .-noe r-iorc.
as no paper ho-:i arc sjld and its always
ehcapT to buy a good articl at ti;e same -rice
rb:.n it is to buy a p-.-or ore. fr
He has
Men's Calf .Stitched Roots.
- Fudged -"
Pegged '
ai d nil kinds of heavy Roots.
tip of tlie l itest fashion.
Children's i'.-inc and IMain high topped boots or
everv dcs.-rit'tloii.
ll'iV'S IliJMlS of nil kinds and tdvlcs. which v ill
be sol 1 a. low as enn be had nnywl:ere. Call nml
examine I. is stock of Hoots and Shoes- belora vou buy
! el-upvJi".'!, .rt'ocbargc made for showing thiui.
-'" b'desale A Ketail.
Hemember the place, Market Square, Sunbury, ra
September 21. JSCS.
To a!! Lovers of
And Dealer in
B";nt ii hts-eol, NMit! ol" Wcutit'sj
INFORMS the citirrns of Sunbury and vicinity,
that he has just i caimed from 1'hiladvlpl.ia with a
full hssortiiici.t c-t
I'.tB.B. AIi WB.A'B'B'SS .'OB!
or i:vi:i:y djciui'TIon and quality
His stock consists uf Cl-iths. French Cb ths. lilack
D oe.iMii and Fancy Cas-iineris. Jilueii Satin. I'igured
Silks, l'luiu tu.d Fancy Cas-simei-e VFSTIXUS, which
he will u.ukc up- order in styles lo suit the taste ol
unstouicis. ou sbui l notice, and the must reasonable
Any floods not on hand, will bo furnished from
Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice.
lioods furnished by customers mi Ibo made up to
order as lu-rt-toforo.
As ho will employ none but experienced workmen,
j persons may reiy on gctung llicir wora well Uuno at
tr.s sunn.
Tliankfiil for Ihe pstronagc heretofore bestowed,
he respectfully solicits a continuance of tho same.
Sunbury. Sept. i'o. l.-sJi.
linings, Ilonpikirts. Crape aud Lace Veils, Kets,
u loves, stockings, collars, ana corsets, A'C.
Twilights, breakfast Cosies, Hiding Hoods, Ral.
morn) Skirts, Children's Woolen (iaiters, Ladios
nd Children's Hose, Uents' half JIos.
Lradlcy's now Tatent Dupler Flliptio (or double
Spring SKIRTS.
Sents' Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neckties, Suspen
ders ; ltibhons. of all kinds. Feathers, Velvet, and
many othor articles too numerous to mention.
Porfumcry, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs,
Tors, and a general vuriel vof X0TI0X.S.
OAUFFKllIXU uouo handsomely and at short
Sunbury, Oct. 2S, 1S.15.
Glorious News !
ISAAC ?'J?.15AiT3
In Zctlcmoycr's Jluilding. opposite Qenrhart's Con
fectionery Store, Market si root, SUNBURY, Pa.,
scriptions. Calicoes. Drsfs floods. ."Silks. Ginghams, Lawla
an-l a general assortment of Ladies' Wear.
Muslins ut lower rates than anywhere elso, Sheet
ing. Tickings, Ac.
BB.V'I'M II in! CAB'S of every description.
A large assortment of
Con." feting of Jliwicry, tUovci. Thread, Buttons,
Pusponili-r. Xucktiett. Collars. Jftindkorcliiffn, Jlnir
Druhcfi. Tooth Urufhct. I'nnuy Jirnd Vrtittv. IUU
mtirnl Nkirtf. lloitp-SkirtH. Carit-bng. Trutikx. Vn
lisc, t'mbrrlliH. Cotton-Varn. tSoniie, aud numerous
other nrticUs too tedious to moiitiuu.
such as nails, hinges find screws, door latches and
knobs, and CUTLERY of every description.
Dyes, Drujjs, I'iiinu, VnrnWies, Oils, Glass,
Putty, &c., iVc.
tjiiecnsvtnrt- nel i!Iiiswi rc oi
i-vi'i-y i-Mi-Jpliuii.
An extensive ?io.'k of
Comptwed of Snar. CoiTeo. Tenfi. Kico. Corn-starch
Mnlusu-s. Ctuidli-rt, Mtt, Ki&h, Cheese. tSuIt. ToUticoo,
niid Si'piiM.
for men, women nnd cliildron. at liwr price than
tiiev enn uc hint ilcvliiTO
All kinds uf Couutrjr iroduco ttikca hi exehang
for Goods.
Sunbury. Oct. 2. ISM.
And lifo aiipctirs nn awfull sell.
I've ovt-nliawM my bunker's lionk;
I'm tOHSPtl for loniiit ly brotlitr iJnlin;
I.nat niglit our clerk t-lopcd, nml tonk
Two tl.ousand poutiJs sing nn :-ing on.
My partner prove n man of Blrnw,
Ami strnw, nltts 1 I ilarn not thrauh :
My mortgagee liat pone t- nw,
And awciirs he'll Iinve his pound of Hesh.
My nephew's nose hns ju-.t Lccri : !it,
In sumo mad student light t Uonn;
My tailor serve; mo with ii writ
For three yeurs' hills sini: on sing on.
My doctor Fays I nuirt not lliinl:.
But go ami t-pend a month nt Ems ;
My coiichmau, oveicnmc ly drink,
Near Biirnca upset inc in the 'Minutes;
My finrat hor.u is ruined rtitt',
And hath no to stand ujnm ;
The other's knees nro such a bii'lit.
He'll never cing on sinj on.
My. love, no 1 I'li totich thee now,
Thy pnrrot in our pond is drowned ;
Thy lap tin" met u l-tiioiis row,
Whose horn liut't etived thi-e many a
pound ;
Thy aon from C'nmlirulgc must retire
For tying crackers to a don ;
Thy country-house last uight took fire
. lt'a down, sweet love ting on sing on.
A lli V OS' si('.t.'RAI.
Cl!ArtACTE!!S .V'S. b':'im.r iff.
Deaf on HordimPunt: Stonc
ot'men uitd i(oen.
A erotril
T3s Mfr?&?2
Cottage Organ.
VltE nut onlv uneiiuiillcd. hut they nro absolutely
uneiiualle'd. by any other Heed Instrument i;
lliccuuutry. lesi;ned Mjircssly for Churches and
fsrhools, they uro found to 1.0 equally well adapted
to the narlur auj druwiug room, i'ur sulc only by
E. M. LHftl:,
Xo. IS North Seventh street. Philadelphia.
IjyAlso Drudbiiry's l'iiuios. und a coiniilolo as
sorliiii iit of the IVrlcct JILLOULOX.
Sept. 23, lsOi. lyw
FINE Myrtle Tumulum, at the Fanev Pt-re of
Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Murket st
t.M.L aud examino the lnr;:e assortment of the
lutest .New luik and i biludulphia styles of
nt the above eslnblishment, which for beauty and du
rability cannot be excelled. ItcinK practical llul-
ter, be Uullers niuisoii linn (iu stock mis been select
ed with mora ears than any over before brought to
thH plnco.
lie also manufactures to order JI hinds of soft
Fur Huts, all of which will be sold at wholesale and
retail, at reasonable rates.
Iiycinx dohe at short notice and ut tha lowest rate.
Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1B5
THE undersigned respectfully iufunn tha citizens
f iVwbury and vicinity, that on Monday next ihey
will commence supplying tha community with first
Jualily ef llKLF, at prices ranging from 14 to 20 els.
laving experience in the business, and mado ar
ranzenienla forasuDoIr of number one cattle, tbev
will always keep on hand first quality of beef at tha
lowest market prioes.
METLER k EwLlorr
Puobury, Sept. 9, IH65.
TIavo now open their larjro and splendid ctoek of
Also the Sncst assortment of Fancy Fur Kobes,
Raps, Muftlers, and liloves ever beforo offered by
theui, all of which are warranted to bo us represent
ed. (SlUHPirUl fi:r.s UuUillT.
October 'Jl, ISiiii. tin
HAVIXd just returned from the eity, I huvo
tun ojicu a lull assortment of
such as Irre" (nsxhIs, Press Trimiiiitigs ajid
Linings. Ribbons, tilovcs.' Nets, l.iueu
Collarsand Cuff-', (.'louli (irnuuients,
- and llutlons, C'oivetts,
Wbitn nnd Woolen (ioods, Shaals,
and llreukfiist rhawls, llomls, Ladies' and
Gents' cc:irfs, Neckties, Sleeve Buttons. Funcy
Combs, and olitir of nil kinds, too numerous to
Two doors west of Wiu. II. Miller s iiiut. store.
Sunburyyct. 2S. ISCj.
SaiiiH AS1 lMlVI'UK,
Two doors West if the Post Ollice,
HAS just received and opened a lnre iwsnrtnien
of Fanev liress (l.mds, such as U loves. Jouvian
liJ-rhivcs, silk and lisl thread liloves; Fleecy
Liucd lluse, Children's Merino Hose. Ludies' Zophyr
Hoods, Dress Cords and Tawela, Chenille. MontagK,';
La-lies iin.l (iontleinen Ilsiidkerehiefs, Corsets. Em !
broidercd Slipycrs, Hibbons, FAXCV URESS HI T
'IONS, llugle tiimps, Triiuming. iiuttons, licit Rib
bn Velvet Ribbons. Uruid, licit Clusns, Lu-lies'
Ncck-ties.CR.U'ElilHIlfi.N and TRI.MMINU ; Eui
bruiduring liruids, Juconet and Swiss Ldirings and
insertions; .M iltccsn Luce Collurs, Luces, llreuiidiue
Veils, llliiclc Veils. Funcy L-rs Couilis, Uuau JJies.
pes. Xetts, and a variety of other articles.
L-Hikwoud's I'apur Collars ef a sur-erior quality.
Lndies' Linen CulUun.
1'icture Curds and Xauuls.
Fiinl ury. Oct. 2V 1865.
JSa.' H Yl'Vkr M BSJ9Z'JBSsK
.ii.Ki;i:r Mii'Aisi:. som uv.
TlllIE subscriber respecltully informs the oitiien of
X .Sunbury and vicinity that ho bus just opened
iu the buildingof Charles l'lensunu, Market Somuo,
an enliro new and well selected stock of 1100 Iv.S,
Rtiitionery und a groat variety of othor articles, con
sisting, in purt, us follows :
Uauiesof all kinds and descriptions, Fino Toilet Soaps
lirushes, I'a. lunic.,:Ladics' .Sulcbels, Xecessuriet
A line unsortment of li-iii-e 'riini-M, l'bo.
togrudi Albums, l'hotogrnph Frames, Oval, to.
MEERSCHAUM. Iiriur. Rosewood and India Rub
ber Fipis. Fatent Fine Stoins, Cigars. Solace. Cen
tury, Sunny-sido ami l'lantation. Fine Cut, Killikiu-
nick aud iig Kick Mnuking iuoacoo.
TOY ROOKS, TrnnsparentSJutus, VIolinsand trim-,
ming for Violins, Uold Pens, Silver Holders, foaiuil'
Rooks, rocket Knives, 4e.
Jla bus alto a lurga and complete assortment of
Coal pi I I.udi und I'lxiuttsj,
and also many other things Uio puwarous to mention
He is also Agent fur 1'rutt's Great Fiolures, tha
Declaration uf Judepciidence, and Emancipation
Proclamation. Fleau nalj aud examine befera pur
ehasuig elsewbera
Bunbury, Nov. 11, 1S8S. .
M'nll Paper and Border la great varlaty
saw styles jost rrcaived at lb Mammoth Store of
J -w tniusre a sen.
.Onnbury, Oat. It
.TluHon &. ttiuxslln L'ullnst
Orfgssnis, forty difTarantstyloa, adapted to sacred
and secular music, for $M) to (00 aaeh. FIFTY'
ONE UOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first
framiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue
ree. Address. MASON t HAMLIN. JJ oarow, pr
gej-temb; 9, 186 ly
S C F. N K T.
rrs. Prim&'s Uitclien. Sirs. Prime iiarit'."
njipivs ft n tiiLJe. i
Jlrs. Sliaw (entering in rcnt liaste') Goo 1
morning, Mrs. Prime; I declare ! I'm ci-n-'
ntnost Lent out, it's so warm nnd sultry, j
Hut I thought I mnpt come over, rest or j
not. Have you liui-nl on it? j
Mrs. Prime (smtiii"; hersilf nnd re adjust-
inp her glasses) Of what, Mrs. Shnw? )
Mrs. S. Why. the dieadinl nsw's. Deary I
me, how ot;t ol' lin-ulii I am ! my fiirliniid is J
dripping with sw eat ! This is awful hot j
summer. j
Mrs. P. Do speak, Mr.". Shaw. Don't he '
afesred. I'll never tell on it us long r.s I I
live and breathe.
Mra. S. Oil, it's) fil-Ii nn awful nftil to j
happen rislit here in our quiet community ! '
I toid sister Busati I iuuln'i. had a'.di a )
rhoek aenco our hen ho-jso was Imrnt, nnd '
fourteen hem and six turkeys into it. It's I
took all the bttenp;th out of me, and I feel
aw weak as n ra.
Mra. P. (Join! land, Mrs. Shaw ! vltat
ean it lu?
Mm. J. Ah, mc ! it's emmuh to make a
Lody douiit poor htiiiian natv.r' iiiore'n t-vi r.
I vum ! I told uh-tiT h'-upun I never should
dare to put my i-onfitknee in nobody np'in.
It's completely up sot me. You hain't got a
little tea in your pot, have you?
Mr. P. Land, yes! a plenty of it; the
kiulc's !lir now, and I'll make you a
g.nid strong dtp. (Proceeds to do e.)
Mrs. S. Well, I vum, Mrs. Prime. I
didn't mean to put you to till that trmtlile,
j hut I feel so overcome, unu tut is- a restorer
to me. And no wonder I'm weak! it's
toriililo-a K-aiiiu;' ciitirch nienilu-r, loo !
! Oil, the lu'iirt is di ceitl'ul id-oye a!l things,
! and desptit w icked.
j Mrs. P. Vou may wcii fay that. It'it as
: !onifchin; to seo how totii-. foil; po on.
Good laud ! it makes me ttemido in my
g!ioesto think ou't. Hul you hain't told
me ntiottt this Vrc new l-icakout, 5rs. i'-liaw.
: Mrs. 8. Wull, you see, it's all about Pen-
con Horde n !
I Mrs. P. My soul nnd 1-odyl vou dou't
say the deacon's been nnd done anything.
Mrs. S. Humph! I 'ju-.-ss you'll think so
when you come to hear! 1 declare, I'did'out
ns soon expected our Isaac to have been
guilty of hicli n thing.
Mis. P. Will, I never! out your tea is
steeped now , jtut act up and try it ; don't
be afeared of t'sc suj;ar becattue thero ain't
i but little : theie is cuoujrii more iu the baled
Mrs. S ('uiiiiiff with L'teut di-libei-Elioi:1
Tliie li'n ij iiii-u lii---t -:lll1 Vll;i1 wrii it 11N
p iundf Test is nw fid dear nowadays.
Mrs. P. Dreadful 1 I rivu two dollars a
pound for this 'ere ; I gotit over to Siiuire
l.anesutul paul lor Kin uuitcr. gutters
master hie-h, ain't il?
Mrs. S. Yes, it is; m;U fnlks Iiad orter
be economical of it, and se'l all they tan.
1 don't really think we've eat two ounces in
our house for fcix .weeks, bister Sufcim's
Henny is humorous, mid butter is desprit
bad for humors.
Mrs. P. b'-o 'lis. Dut you hain't told me
about tho Deacon.
3Jrs. t. N, to be sure; but I'm goin,;
ter, I think it ortter Lc told on, anil
carried abroad to tho ends of the ruth, on
Ihe lour w inns of hevintil Only think of
the lienulil' prayers und the btirrin' exhor
tations that man's made ! nnd how he's talk
ed to us nbout orij'innl ein -and now lie's
bin und showed his original tin right out !
Mr. P. Well, I never!
Mrs. S. (contidt ntiidiy) Now, Mrs. Prime,
jest utween us, diuii t it never t-tuke ymi
lhat Mrs. Deacon Dordoti has Lioked kinder
discousuHory nnd melancholic like, for con
siderable, ot u sped buck uloii?
Mrs. P. irefieeiivtly) Hell, ye;; seems
to me I've, noticed it; yes, I'm I hvc.
and suoke to Nehemiah uoout it. anil -Ncun-
miiih he ijopned nut of the house, ns mad
as a hornet. He's alius bin dreliully took
with the deacon's folks everstnee he bought
tho striped iiiif of the deacon. And I must
say it did the best of suit i-iji we ever hud ;
wen. bed me i unto live Luuilreu. v mioui
the fat sussi-ngcr meat. Yes, Mrs. 8haw. I
I have noticed that Mrs. Horden has bin
ruther down lately, oud she's dressed a sight
in green, too; und gi ecu's forsaken, you
Mrs. S. Humph ! no wonder she's dress
ed in green ; nause enough for it, I guess.
Mrs. l-r- liat do you mean to say
Mrs. ft. Yes, I do meuu to say that Dea
con Horden is ultwr other women 1
Mrs. P. (sinking back with uplifted hands)
Well, I vum to goodness !
Mra. S. Yes, aud .what's more, lt'a a
young gal !
Mrs. P. TVus and wus, and niore of .it I
I declare, if It araa anybody else told me but
jou should rnialoubt it.
Mrs. S. There, that's jest what I said to
sister Susan. Hut 1 seed it with my own
). t
Mrs. P. Mnrcy ! you don't say o I
Mrs. 8. Yes, nnd 1 blush to think on't.
You are sure thur nn't no men folks round
hero to hear mo tell on't, hain't you t I
should siuk to hev any man know that I
ever witnessed sucli tr indulous performance.
Mrs. P. No, thar hain't a soul ; Nehe
minh's mowing in the Downing lot. nud
Asa's gone dowu to the mill. You cau go
right on.
Mrs. S. Well, yesterday, I peed Deacon
Horden drive past our house in that new
buggy of his, with a gal alongside of him.
It was just lifter sunset, but my eyes is good
ones, nnd I seed 'cm jit ns plain as if it was
day ; and ns sure ns 1 am n living woman,
that dreadliil man had his arm around her!
And his wile hns been gone to Alton morc'n
n week to see her sister.
.Mrs. P.--Oh, poor Mrs. Horden I I'd be
dit diced right (ni, if 1 wus her I VI! tit I
would I
Mrs. 8. "VVcll, I felt jest ns if 'twns my
duty to see the end of it; I was dreadliil
busy, l-tit I put it n!i by, to 'tend to what I
tktmght was my duty. So I w hipped on
my things, mrd stalled ncross the Ileitis for
he deneou's house. I got there jest ns he'd
carried that jade into the inlo the entry;
for I'm willing to take my Hililo outh that
he actilly enrrinl her! I dim' up on a box,
nnd peeped in tho winder, over the top ol
tin shutter, and my siul nnd body 1
Mrs. P. (impalielUly) Well, what was
J Mrs. S. There lliey sot on a fofy, he had
i his arm around her, nnd her litaiijwas a-lay-j
in' on his w eskit, and her yaller hair n strcam-
in' nil over his buzzum I And as true na I'm
alive, she had it curled and a blue ribbing
in it !
Mrs. I. The land of goodne.-s I
Mrs. S. To be sure; and while I was a
looking, what did that depraved man do
but kit's her !
Mrs. P. Why, Mrs. Shaw !
Mrs. y. Yes, und it overcome me so that
1 1 lost my balance, and fell right onto a hive
of bees, and from I hero into a tub of rain
water; it took nil the g'.a.lng out of my new
' gowtut, and peeler! my elbows dreadful. The
j lues came ut mc, and afore I got on my feet
1 was stung in seventeen places! Hut 1
didn't mind it I'd satisfied myself,
j Mrs. P. Well, I never heerd the like!
j What nro you n-going to do ! Something
j ort to be done. It ii'nt right for sich u
man as that to be a pillow of the church,
j Mrs. H. To bo sun: ; nnd I've decided to
i see Parson Stone about it this very day ; 1
I was over there this morning. I slmil reeom
j mend n luccliiig e.t otu-e to investigate the
' deacon's conduct. I shouldn't wonder n par
! tide if the deacon should leave for Canada
when he hears on't ; of course he'd never
brave it out.
I Mrs. P. Of course not. Don't litirrv.
Mrs. S'.iaw, do-.i't ; 1 hain't said half I sot j
out to, I'm nil struck up so.
tli. S. And no wonder at it; it's enough
to strike up ony bodw Hul do come down;
.... . " t. I
I it s an sge sonce you was oerc.
Mrs. P. Yes, 1 will ; and you call nc'itj, I
Mrs. S. Thank'e I
Mis. P. Uood movnin
A Etiill on tin' ice.
About nine o'clock j t sterday morning, a
large bull, which had l-et-omr separated from
a herd on the other side of '.he river, stepped
forth on the ice and nyyde V r t'i city m St.
Louis, walking utniight-lorward with a
dignilled mien, nnd ti look generally very
much like lhat of a Numi-liun lion. His
neck was about n yaid wide and a foot in
thickness, nnd tho lirniiiess with which he
trod the brittle highway on which he had
embarked, cleuily indicated to the hehoidcr
that he was n I till with a will. At the3:ime
time that the bull set out for this side of
the river, a serious looking heavy set guritlc
man from Illinois, set out from this side for
the Illinois shore. He saw the bull approach
ing nt a short distance, nnd liked his looks;
thought he was a bull that behaved htm-v.lf
on the ire, molesting no one, nnd showing
by the sober expression of his countenance
that he hnd serine and pluck. He calculated
that tho animal would turn aside a little
when they tnc 1; but on approaching viry
closely he iotind (hut the monster was lower
tli ic
n'.lv a .good runner, but the lb. ming wrath
he saw in tho bull's eye, the uplifting of his
long, straight tail, nnd tho slinking of his
tertible neck, sickened his heart nnd he
11 1' M A M T A II I A X M OVI.ll KXTf
iltln known ns such
can hardly be over e?tiniatd in its import
alien upon the well-being of our widely sent
terert communities. The population of tin
American. Stales is in many sections v
sparse', ;iir.t skilful Physicians are hu.dl;
available to them. Yu'st numbers of iu
people, are obliged to employ in sickness
such medical relief ns they ean bear of fn-ti
each other, or'indt-t d nny thcy can get Iron
nny quarter. Hence crises the gre-'it cot
sumption of Patent Mei'driii' among n
greater by fur than tn nny of the old ci.tu
trie-,, where skilful physicians are i
to nil classes. Unprincipled men have Inn
availed themselves of this neeersity, to p-.ib
off their worthless nostrums, iiniil the wo:
has become synonymous with imporitio
and client. One of our lending Chemists' I
the, Dit. Avrcn, is pursuing n cours
which defeats this ini(tiity. He brings nr
only his own, but the Ik s', skiil of our linn
to bear, for the production of the best rem.
dies which t an bo made. These are suppl
ed to the world, in u convenient form, t
low prices, and the people will r.u move b'
I tioor medicines instead i f uood nt tlm soi.
ns noma Head lor nn attack. i.,cmg J ,., Hum they will bran instead of fbi--,
sei ami snon-ieggea nc was not naiur- TK. jm.vit.ibie cons'-ouccco of this Ihr
the vile compounds that flood our connti
are -discarded for those which honestly a
complish the end in view, which cure." 1
wc over-estimate its importance, tn beiievn
anting the I-
of actual wor
turned to flee. As tho bull turned to give ; that this pro?pect of supplai
chase, the perilling siltmtioti of the fugitive word meiiiciiu-s, with tho.-e of
promieen a ieeiing oi inteiiso anxiety and ; nnd virtue, is frnutrht with immense con
excitement on the pu t of speclnlors at a safe ! onence for good, to the masses of our pe
distance. The wild beast was upon him in j ,c Gazette ami Chronicle, Peru, la.
n sL-i-uiiu, nun manner in -.voicii uu wna
lifted from his heels and hurled aloft some
ten feet into tho nir. presented itself ns n
ludicrous and 'amusing spectacle to the
crowd, though (he unfortunate victim, no
doubt, had eyes closed, nnd was utter
ing a prayer for hi; own salvation while un
dergoing the lofty lumblitig.
seat ol too man s pantaloons squarely bo-i lug niter the wnr was in progress he h
tween his horns, the mad nniiiial tossed l.iin i chuuee to rise, and wns stiil n lieu'.ena
helplessly high overhead, to the, as , liut opportunity came nt hist, and w
slnicd by sonic, of three or four times tim ! urcar rnniditv that votiti"- man rose lo
colonel, brigadier general mid mnor gene
I At the beginning of tho war n modi
j lieutenant iu a garrison at the cxtrci
northwest boundary of the iialion, on I
j Columbia river, declared that, if a char
I should bo o lie red him, he would strive Iif
, to "ain a captain's commission. I-'nle
luiung j not at Urn seem propitious to him. l
man's perpendicular height. Aliening in
about the same posture m which he went
up, he sat for awhile a picture of tiller dis
may, lie s-jon recovered bis wits however,
nnd, strangely enough, was found to be only
slightly brtti-ed. Tho bull rushed madly on,
nnd presently encountered another man,
w hose name, w e are informed, is J. K. Miller,
who received serious injuries. Instead of
running, ho tried to tuke tlm bull bv thn
horns nnd give battle. One of the horns of i i.x,K.n. ,,s ttn -c
the infuriated beast was thrust directly into
his etc, tearing it from its socket. The
animal finally reached the levee, and, instead
of being shot, was driven out Dlmslrcet and
thence out Clark avenue to some stockyard.
Miller was picked up in a partially insensi
ble condition, nnd was taken to a room on
t lie levee, where he wns attended by Dr.
Vi'.nz'ider. .S7. Louis Itt'WiMLnn.
! in toe rcguiar army. I h a lime coun
I delights to honor him for his dat ing, seiei
, bravery and patriotism, und his name
j Philip II. liiicriduii.
j During the year l?i'.5 about 113,000.'
letters passed through Ihe post rT;-e of
city (,f New York. The amount of Jiost
Ion both hlter? ,-iinl papers was 1,721. o
io; tiinouiH ri-ci-iveii ior np.v rents, sas.'i
$:;5tl,7H1.T1; proli
1 (lovcrutnent over cxpe-.ises f l,")0ii,17t.',"
i "Sir," a.-ked n new ly Hedged legishito
n fellow -passeng;.;' on the Hudson K
Hai'road, "are ;,cu going to the Dt-gishitu
i ''No, thank Und ! not so bad as tost. I
going to the State Prison !"'
! A correspondent of the London 1
j savs of Westminster Abbey thnt each
I adds to the mNchevious e'o-cts rf eiit
j upon the building. Damp is now doit-
I much harm as did anv irrunnchist cf
on i ,, ,., i ,i,.,r ,!.:
Saturday last a new well was struck on the pi.ioUged froLt the stone fall's in all d
tlaU near the Temparance House, which ; J;,,,,..
piomises lo oe a very good one. Almost
imi.ieonitclv on comnu-ncinut to pump, till
Pithole Uecord announces that
I pcenk n.
I The vestry of a church. Parson Stone ;
j in foregrouiui, wearing nn expression ol i
I grave concern. Deacon Horden near. Mrs. j
j Shaw aud Mra. Prime whispering together
j on a front seat. Several persons standing !
I about in private cnnvcrsnlion.1 j
Parson t-tone (very gravely). Deacon .
Horden, vou ure prolmbly aware of the pur- j
po.:c of this meeting ? !
j Dencon Horden. I hsvc not that honor.!
I Parson S. You shall not remain in igno- 1
ranee-. Yo-.i are charged bv a member of'
our congregation w ith improper conduct
unbecoming n married man with
ls'lv, nt Dfi-seiit unknown to us,
lilreut stir near the door. Kilter a young
lady in straw hat and cm Is.
Mrs. is. Good gracious, massy there the
Mr". P. The shameless bus;';,'.
Deacon H. May I nsk the nature of my
nfVctice ?
Mrs. S. You hugged her and kissed her!
I seed you.
Deacon I. bo upset my bee-liivei
Mrs. S. (spil'-fulli. I du'uno what t!.tt
has to do with it.
J':,i-iiiin S. Whist have you tj say to this
iieeuiiation ?
Deacon H. I say the old lady is correct.
Pr-oM S. What ! do Dliear aright ?
Deacon J!. 1 think so. 1 will repeat it;
Mrs. Shaw is correct.
Mrs. P. Will I vum lo goodness!
Mrs. S. Jet-t what I told sister Susan.
Parson S. I had hoped Deacon Horden.
that vou would have been able to have dis
proved this charge.
IJencon J5. un t;ie eontrurr, l am very
haoiiv to wove it. Ada. come here, iov
flJruws tlie girt wnu curia to
j w as found, nud during the twenty-lour hours
I billowing sue produced lioin lorty to hliy
j barrels. Tho fourth sand rock is found ir.
this locality at nn average depth of about
I'M feet.
Tun -Ocean Well fit Petroleum Centre i.s
said to have increased its flow recently. Fur
the pn.-t fix months it has been rated as a
three 'bundled barrel well. The recent in
crease occurred since the strike on No. 27
near by. Il is not attributed to the finding
of oil by the latter, but to the blowing out
of paraline from tlm crevices in the third
satul rock bv the heavy pressure of gas.
I'lili Great Western Uil Company, ol Ohio
a young j have made a line strike of lubricating oil, at
ti depth ot iiincry-six lect. upon their lands
on Hurk Hun, four miles from McConneUs
btirg, Morgan county, Ohio. The oil is said
to be of u superior (pinl'ity.
On, was struck at Mryki-r, Williams coun
ty, Ohio, on the 14th inst. (jivat excite
incut is caused in consequence. The night
of the 13th, a vein of giu from tho well
caiiirht tiro and badly singed one man. The
well is 2"iD feet deep.
side )
Mrs. S. Good gracious
Deacon H. I
The Japanese Government have deemed t
it necessary to grant another demand of the
representatives of the foreign powers by ;
opening from January 1, lSUii, two more j
ports I.) foreign (rude. These two ports arc j
i'ioga and Osaca the latter one of the :
most important cities of the empire, having ,
a population of more than 300,000 iiilin hi- j
t nr.ts, an. I being, in fact, the commercial
c-tpitid of Japan. Hoth nre situated not fur j
from Mineo, the recidrnce of the M.kndo --r
Spiritual F.mpernr. The importance of this
concession for the permanent establishment !
of foreign coinin.-rci-, Hiid for enlarging the '
general intercourse of Japan with civilized '
nations, is obvious. It U 1-liiJ most t-llii-lur.l
did uny
--.d to
? j blow which has yet bn-n piven to Japanese
'lol-y l lm'.jvism. The power-, with which treaties
I Imve bi t r. coi-.ciuded are thus fir t'uefo'dov.--
n-.n p'cii-.vd to e,iii!.'-s to . , . T1(. rnited i-tates ( 1."i I K Dn-'bind
yon, my friends, that 1 did ki.-s the young , n'tr,'',, usbi:i iM.TJ, Holland it.5). Portu-
At or,o of the . principal Belgian
mines n fortune teller had predicted tha
! 2d ot December would be signalized
terrible catastrophe which would co
' life ot a number of miner:. The nfi'e
j this prediction was that none of the -,
men would decend into the mire tha'
t and all work was stopped. The prcd
, was ucccssaii! unfullulcd.
The following ndvcriiscnient waspu
cd in the Hoston J'miin'j 1'jtt in "i3 :
I To be sold by the printer of this ;
the very best negro wotji.iti in the
i rhc has had (he small pox and men?
as hearty a- a hor-.e. us brisk ss a bir.
j w ill woik like it heaver.
At the time of Senator Douglas' d
I his estate was so encumbered thnt i
j believed that there would be nothi
I for his family. During tho war, ho
! the price ol real estate xi Chlcaco,
i bchinirrd to biin, appreciated so in
j that its side In;; paid i-1 i the debts a
i thu family a hau.'.some competence.
Humor says that Secret at y Eewurd
' know icdcjng thu receipt of t!'e I'.ii
rate, unlortuiiideiy accepted t y our
sentutive in jCnghuid, inlonns Il -r JI
Government that riio h not receivei
Confi derate cuiser hi-uuinuiuh, but
J5rilih built, Hriiish regi tered.
couijiped end manned steamer .Ses
w'iili a reason for her receipt, whic
make Mr. Hud led as rmcoiufurtubl
;.-al aninu.1 i in ily time.
It is s ii-.l that there is a young i
yet out of bis teen--, in 1'oi.hefit r
iii-ide about n million of dollars by
lion in ml stocks.
ioker in tlie Washington J!,
Jt t
says he would be perfectly wKlipg
the fo.rtl'.ni s of y.ur with the i:ob!e
lady now beside me. as stated bv Mrs. SIiuav,
and what is more, I will take this opportu
nity to kiss her nguin. (lie ki -ses her.)
Parson S. Deacon Horden, I mn
D.-acon U. Allow mc, parson Stone, nnd
you, brethren and sisters, and oihers who
feel so very anxious relative to my welfare,
tn iiilroibien to von Miss Adi luiibi Annie
Horden, the beloved daughter of my lirut
wife. 1 have just taken her home lroin
boarding school, and shall claim tho right
lo kiss her when I please.
Fhanki.ix axi li is Gin. It is now more
than a century since Henjainin Franklin,
Jist;nastej-U'iieial of the American Colo
uies, by fcppointnicnt of tl'.e Crown, set out
in his old gig to nuke an o!l5 .;.d ir-j u-tion
4" the principal routes. It is about ninety
years since he In Id the sanicotuce under the
authority of Congress, nnd when a small folio
(still preserved in tho Department nt Wash
ington), containing but three ouins of paper,
lasted us his account book lor two years.
If a postmaster-General uow wr.-o to under
take to pass overall tho established routes,
it woulii take tax years of iuccssaiit railroad
travel at the rate of one hundred and twenty-live
milea daily : while it be were to mi
dertnke the job iii on "old gig," ho would
require a lifetime for its perlorinr.nce. In
stead of a small folio, with lis turce. quires
of paper, tho postoUIco accounts consume
every two years three thousand of the lar
gest ledgers, keeping upwards of a hundrexl
clerki constantly employed in recording
transaction with more than thirty thousuud
contractors aud other persons.
Much damage beeo done in the inter
ior of California by floods.
l'rus.-i.i (lr'ol), t.Mi it..-r!und
The Ti i'mnc says : "The w blow of Sena
tor Douglas having just been quietly mar
ried to Major Uoberl Williams, we trust the
i An iee-bndu'c has foMtie -.. toov?
J-'iols. extern. ing tlireo n-ilcj i'
rapids. Jt is the largest one forma
land tho people cross from both sidi
j Over live hundred original I'nio
' Alabama, noted for their unswt-rvi
'tvtotlio national cause, have for
' p'etilii'ii to Wa-hingl.m, setting fj
; they nre proscribed in that State
j ton to the t'outh," reco-.-.nting the c
i bitterness and violence of the men
newspapers may liinceiorili Keep silence
I . . ... .. .: i I . i . 1 !...
Willi iei.'iil iu l,:iiii cmi linoiu iao, mho ,. . , , , .
.. , . , . ...... i ... i in arms ngainsl the OovLiuiiient
w iiiioui uavn in anv vav iuouu ui - . ,
ib-sircd it has Ihro-ighout her wid.iwliood,
been dragged before Ihe public in a scries
of impertinent and generally bilse pi;ia
j; recalling the witlidrawM .t tne
tntops from that !?t:d-.
li.M-i'V lii.for.T A man w.a
lt qihs of Wasliiiigloii lelcgraplu-rs' gossip, i jull, court on the charge of havi
We (rust we ma now read mo last oi
General S'.iciiibin has written a letter to
tho New Orleans i'rtwut regarding the re
ceut gloss iiiisiesciitulionti ol jli-i.tu'lJien;1-ral
F.ariy, in v !ach the latter genllemau is
as t-llectuully used up historically ns ha was
in a military way in the Shenandoah valley.
Gcueral Sluriibm shows that the number of
rebel prisoner captured by him was gieater
some duiKs iiom a ihiiiht.
"Uow do you know (hey are you
a.-ked the defeudciit's col'l'.sd.
d should have known them .i
i-cpUcd the fanner, who proceeded t
their peculiarities.
"Why," uid the prisoner's coum
ducks can't be such a very li'.re
have some very mu.di like. them in
"That's not unlikely, sir, snid t
reoei prisoni i capnneu niui kii-iiiui . . - , , ,.
than that which Ka.iy lalsdy cki.ned to 't "7 sre not the du,,s.l ye , Ins entire arinv. Hi! coin-
uienccs his laiu-r uy saying: - mere i n
class of military nun w ho should be con
sidered worse than cowards, and to that
class b. long those who are willing and at
tempt to faUify history.
A counterfeit twenty dollar National Hank
note, uf the First National Hank of Indian
apolis, was circulated Jn New York uu Fri
day. Secretary Seward arrived at Havana on
January 20.
A man in Kewburgh offers to akate with
anybody this side of the Kqnator tor fo00 a
aide, the distance to be five wile.
Call the i-.ext witness."
.A Vermont sergrnrit wrote to a"
!ji: i-who pinned her name to om
hu received through tho aiinitnr;
Binn, and tho correspondent e led
ship aud marriage; and now tin
finds be has good vrifo and a
million in money besides.
I.ctteiifrom Kingston. Jsmair
in the late tlislurbance the negi
thirteen persons, wiiile tlie Govt
turn shot or hanged two thousun
dred and fortv. Ueaidcg these, a
btr was killed by Maroon and
the interior, uf hoa njert t