ft n.. 's . . "b . ', i. W '. , V - V INSTt- TUT, ware tin. rmsr p 18(14, they o .hi:i ii. IUUITION ! BEST riANO-FORTi. Agents Tor GEO. A. l'KINCE A CO S Melodeons, Automntie & School Orgam. ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. Manufacturers and Importer! ot FlutM, Banjos, Violins, Uuitars, Violin Strings, ' Accordcons, and all kinds of Dram and other Musical Instrument. Special attention paid to furnishing Brest Instru ments for Bands. PUBLISHERS OF SHEET MUSIC. JuBt ublished "The Ycnile," now collojtion of Chants for the Episcopal Service, for opening and closing Voluntaries. Musical Societies. Classes, and for the .Social Circle, by ViimtL C. T'AVLon. Price Boards, 8j cents. Cloth, $1. IIuslniN Melodic Hxpri-lMCM, In form of ifolfrrnrio for Soprano and Mezzo Soprano Voire, iiilunded as studies to acquire the roper art of singing, by C.M110 Bahrim, author, assiui's art of signgiug, and Baritone, lu tiro books, Prioe, each, $2,00. PIANO-FORTE CALISTHENICS, ft collection of Five Finder. Chord, and Scute pas sages, for speedy developing the muscles of the fin gers, and acquiring that degree of flexibility, inde pendence and volubilty. which ore to indispensable to a good performance on the Piano-Forte, hy Fiiancis II. Brown. Price $3,50. New Edition, Pupils s First Primer, by Francis II. Brown, Author of Prido, Minnehaha, A Hesitation Polkas, Ao. Price, DO cents. 3TEW lVLTJSIC. "Cast Thy Burden On Tho Lord," wi'.h soprano, con trulto or tenor Bolos, and quartette, adapted from Goltschalk, .Slumber Song, by W. K. Bassford, price 'Ai cts. 'A Holy Calm, A Peace Divine," companion In 'Sweet Spirit hear luy Prayer,' by W . Vincent Wallace, price Hi cts. "Lord, My Ood, I Long to know," 151st Hymn, is sung at Uroco church, composed by Brusna Walfh, price 35 cents. "My Bud In Heaven," words by Spencer W.. Cone, Musio by Stephen Mnssctt, prico Hi cts. 'My Only Brothers' Gone," song and chorus, by M. Keller, price lib cts. "The Past that Breathes of Ihee," ballad by M. Keller, prioe 35 els. 'Oh ! Write Mo 'A Song Of My Fathor," song and chorus, as sung at Wood's Minstrels, composed by C. Henry, prico M cts. 'A Word of Thine,'' ballad, hv J. Fitihugh, price 30 eta. Give me those Moonlit Hours," Duett, for two so pranos, or soprano and tenor, by E. A. Purkurst, price 35 eta espcr Star," duett, for two sopranos, or tenors, by .T. Daniel, price 40 els. Murmure la lluissenu," Funtasie, by J. Mollling, price, 60 cts, Prayer at Sea," Romance in form of a Nocturne, by J. de Jasienski, price 50 eta. ittemls Moi,"( Wait lor me.) galop, by Chas. Fra del, price 00 els. 'uisMoi,'' (Follow me,) gallop, by A. Bernstein, prico 50 cts. Tater Fall, and Sea Breeze " gullop, by Paul Stoinhngen. price, each, 60 efs. lorning Dew," Lancers, Adolph Bernstein, price 0 eta. 'cding Iiiineerty ? by Stciiihagcn, price 40 cts. appy Bo Thy Dreams," tninscribed for the piano- irto. hy Charles Fradel. price 50 cts. vcet Spirit Hear My Prayer," from Wallace's pera Lmliuc, transcribed for the piano-forte by has. Fradel, price 40 els. ispino E La Comarc, ' lticci's new Opera, ar- .ivu tjj viiaa riiiuci. price cu CIS. u des Esteilcs," Starlight nocturn, by J. de Ja- jnski, price 50 cts. gel of Dream." Imllnd.hy M. Keller, price 35 cts. os Lamitation," ballnd, by E. G. B. Holder, tco 36 cts. uinpbul March." by Richard Hoffman, price SI. eriau Polka," by Mrs. E. A. Parkhurst. prico cts. ning Shadows," Nocturne, by E.J. Fitihugh, e 36 ols. Longing for Thee." Guards walti, as sung bv llle Pareppu, prico 3o cts. ymeu. t-riu'e.'sors and Schools. Musio sent by post-paid, on receipt of the marked price. WILLIAM HALL 4 HON, 5-13 Broadway, New lork. ember 25, IS05. 3m sxTconpxico ! $30,000,000 I.OAI OF TUB REPUBLIC OV MEXICO. year Coupon Bonds in Sunn of $50, JI00 1500, and J1,000. Seven per cent., Payablo in tho City or New York, pal and Interest Payable In OI.. JOO to be Sold at Sixty Ck.nts on the Dot I.AIl, . Currency, thus yielding an interest 0 ler cent, in Gold, or Seventeen per cent, in , at the prosci.t rate of premium on gold. First Year's Intero&t already Provided. t DESIRABLE INVESTMENT eve OFFERED, se Tracts of Mining nnd Agricultural Lands; cent of Port Dues, Imposts, and Taxes, in of TAMAULIPA8 and SAN LUIS PO ad the Plighted Faith of the said States and al Government are all Pledged for the ro of these Bonds and payment of interest. The Kt'ciirlfy f Ample. S. Currency will buy a 7 per ct. Bond of $50 do. de. do. $100 " " " $1,000 lover of Republican Institutions Buy at leust One BZoml. jrwarded and tubscripttons received by JOHN W. COKLIES 4CO., .'IFFT, Financial Ageut of the Kepubl of Meiico, 57 Broadway, .V. Y. ml pt ions alto received by Bunks and icrally throughout the United Slates. TOO. tP.OIt-rill'.MIIKItl.A.MK AS the Auditor General as required by th Section of the Act, outitlod --Aa Act Banks of this Commonwealth to become for the purpose of banking nndor the .nited Stiil'." piuued ou tho S2d dm ol 3. let4, haa eertitied to mo tluit the rthumberland," liwated in the Borough Soryiumborlaud county, hae furnthed vidouee to liiui that all the requirements ave been complied, with by the said at it haa become an association for the inking under the Laws of the United ire, cause the notiue thereof to be pub rdauee with the provUiima of the said f the said Act, and do declare that the . said Bank by the terms uf said Act, is aken to be hereupon surrendered sub visious of tho first section of said act ' A. U. Cl'RTIN, Uovcrnor. huuiber, ) Aug 26, 1885. 1 VD "JCTJP. DUELS aving unrecorded Deeds are reminded must be recorded, according to the y which requires that nd conveyances for reul estate in this . shall be recorded in the office for is 111 the ( ouuty wheru the l.iuds lie ' execution of such deeds ' ; and every such oeed and oonvey. ?rvi1vJ'n.?uiJ'' ,hal1 jlBeo valuable eoniduratiou. uuloas mcb d before the recording of the deed or Yelai 'ua ""VH parebaser is 'um' ' ;' . - 2l N H. V. il6kR. 7 J 4ffITH-& GE1TTHEP.. 4et street, one door east, of Mrs. BoulUn'e Hot ., , . . Have opened -If'" A NEW TIN-WARE, Kited Iron nni juiotewiorr, and Intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu facturing io order on shurtcst notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. - L A Large Stock of Cook Stoves of the following Brands PE1T1TSYLYA1TIA, UNION G00K, and on the following two Brands we defy competi tion, namely 4'oiiibiniiflnn n llurnor, Cook. iJov-rnor IN-iih t'ook. unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining ohoapness and durability, and each stovo wnrrantcd to perform what they are re presented ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE 8TOVES, In great varictv. embracing nil the best manufactures, and mosTiaiionablc designs Also, Tho eelebrnted GEM for heating np and down stairs. Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER. CoalOU, Cunl Oil l.iiiiipsi, Sliaclcn, Cldmriie m, mid nil nrllclrM unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. We aroulso prepared to do all kinds of Spouting. Roofing, Range nnd Furnace Work. Gaa Fitting, ,10. Repair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country produoo taken in exchango at maikot price. " . SMITH A OENTHER, Havo the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Northumbcr land, Snyder. Union and Montour. Ard are also agents for the Pipher A Willower Line of Transportation. Sun. ury, Sept. 30, 1864. L A KG E STJOCK! N E W A I! RIVAL OF GOODS A.T 1STO. 1 STORE OF WEAVER &. PAGELY, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such M Cloths, Cassi meres. Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Cnficocs, De Iniues, Flannels, and all kinds of MOURNING Goods. Alpacas, Black Silks, Ginglmms, Balmoral and Skeleton Skirts. Canton F'lanncls, Nankeens. Car peting of all kinds. HATS &c C-A.I'S- N0TI0xS & VARIETIES, Comprising, Ifosiory, Gloves. Thread. Buttons, Sus penders. Neck-ties. Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Gmn Rib bon and Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, worked collnrs. fancy head dresses, tidy cotton, carpet binding, "conihs. fnncy soaps, carpet bags. Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes, Ac. h vffv he :in"jxwtt."K:iri jbz: Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws, Door Latches nnd Knobs, Locks, and CUTLERY ol every description. Also, Dyes, Drugs, Paints, VnrcishcB, Fish. Flaxseed nnd Hcnzinu Oils. Glass, Putty, &c. ((uceiiswnre mid alnsw nrc ol" ull STONE AND EARTHEN WARE. An Extensive Stock of GROCE R 1 E S, Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Bice. Corn-starch, -Maccaroiii, Barley, Buking-powder. molasses, soaps, candles, tobacco aud scgars, Salt, Fish, Meat, Checso, io. Also, a large varitfy of BOOTS & SHOES. for Men. Women and Children. J . ElyAllkindsoftlraiiiRnd Country Produce taken lu exchange for Goods. Give us a call before yon purchaso elsewhere, we era bound to sell aa low as any one else. Storo-room in Ira T. Clement's building at the south-west oomer of Market Square, near the Court House. Sunbury, Oct 28, I3C5. " T A I L 0 PJt N G- rwif' ,F. SCHAFFER, 1 LSJ'I.CTFi LL1 lnlnrms iuu ..... , ,,v i ; BURY and vicinity, that he has opened a '1'uiloriug Slio, the room over Farnsworlh,' Grocery, opposite the cental Hotel, Sanbury, whefo he is reudy to make ap garments of all kinds in the latest style and bcrt workmanlike manner. Having had experience in the business for a mini bor of years he hopes to render general sati.'faotiou Cnslom work is respectfully solicited. J. F. SCHAFFER. Sunbury, May 13, 13(55. ly Altoi-m-y iiikI 'uiiM-llor.,al. Unv, BOO.WILLE, CCOPER CO, MISSOURI. WTLL )ay taxes on lan. is in any part of the Stale. Buy and sell rent Estate, and ull other matters entrusted, to him will receive prompt ntteu in. 1 . . , July 8. 1S05 oct 15. '81. ' N E WT G0TolS! HA ISO just returned from the city"I have now opeu a lull assortment of HBTOiraiiDDM, such as t ! j!. Dress Trimmings aiid Linings. Ribbons, Gloves,' Nets, Linen' Collars and Cuffs. Cloak Ornaments, aud Buttons, Corset Is, IIOKlfKKV, White and Woolen Goods, Shawls, and Break last Shawls, Hoods, Ladies' hl Qenta' Scarfs, Neckties, Sleeve Buttons, Fancy Combs, and .oliouM of all kinds, too numerous to mention. MARY L. LAZARUS. Two doors west of V, m. II. Miller s Shoe store, Sunbury. Oct. 2S, IHH5. F A N C Y J) R E SS7C 00 DS, 9Um A.VA PAI.I'TUn, Tw o doors West of the Post Office, 8TJNBURY, PENN'A., 1 TAB just received nnd opened a Inrge assnrtiucn ,J. of raney Ilress Goods, such as Gloves, Jolivian kU-gl.ij is, Silk and lisle thread Gloves; Fleecy Lined Hose, Childreu's Merino Ho-e, Ladies' Zephyr Hoods, Dress lords nnd Tassels, Chenille, Sontags, Ladies and Uenilomen Ilandken hicfs. Corsets. Em broulered Slippers, Ribbons, FANCY DRESS BUT lO.Ns. Bugle Gimps, Trimming, Buttons. Belt Uib hon elvet Rilibon.. Ilruid, Belt Clasps, Ladies' Aeck-liea,CKAI'EhIBUUN aud TRIMMING ; Em broidering Braids, J acorn t and Swiss Edgings and insertions; Malteeto Lace Collars, Laces, Grenadine eils. Black eiis. Fancy Dress Combs, Head Drcs es. Aetta, and a vuriety of other artioles. Lookwood's Paper Collnri of a superior quality. Ladies Linen Collars. ' l ioture Cords and Tauels. ' . Sunl.u,y,Oc.2V1ar,5. ASXA J. H. HILBUSH" touuly. Surveyor, Ueuveyuncir AND Jl'STfC't: OF mi-: PKACR. OildJiono,, AortliuMhrtoml County, Punn'a IBoe in Jackson township. Engagements can ah u '.mi' lyletler,directed to the above address. April Ti. 1M5. Jy ' ' "" jeeemiah'snyder, ,, AlloriK'V A t . .w (l K .U ( Ofhce corner f Blackberry and Fawn Street, three - - rvusart, Nl ABI H1, V. en)r.!l,l1"!'ll"i,1!'-0Ulp,!rV " ." P"fiionnl buslnos. .1 I T " oueeuon ol claims In Nor. thuinberland and the adjoining eountie. v,uuu, ln ueruiuu ana English Sunbury, April 22. IHcj.Qy 5 . h. o. i.r.ni.tv, P H Y 8 I V I A N-A N I) Dl'ltUEON berlSid .n'.Ir.Lb,?.0,,lnrd " 'f0' i0 Northnm. nlmw mi ,r.ii i "" w n opteol that place and tho adjoining townships. Olljoe ooxt door hour." " ' fch6 Bture' c 'und .1 all Hvrtie-flsW-jlaud August 1, 1805 "T Wa. M. RorKKl KLLRR. Lloyd T. Rohubach. ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACH. . mi '.iii itv, ii:.-."'a. OFFICE tho same that haa been heretofore occu pied by Vm. M. Ro:kcfeller, Esq., nearly op posite the residence of Judge Jordan. . , t Sunbury, July 1, 1M6. ly , FLOUir&STORE WHOLE 8 ALU AND RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the publio that he keep constantly on hand at his new WARKHOdSK. near th Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sucks of nil kinds of Foed by the ton The above is all innnnfneturod at his own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest cash prices. .1 M. CADWALLADER. Biinhnry, June 4. InfU. . A Coiik'Ii, Cold, or tiore Tlii-ont,' Require immediate attention, and should bo oheck- cd. Ifnllowcd to continue, 1 Irritation of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat ArrECTion, on Alf Isii ihbi.eLujio Dibas Is often tho result. BROWN'8 BRONCHIAL THOCHES Having a direct influence to tho parts, give inimcdi. ate relief. For Brbniliitis, Asthma, Cntirrli, Consump tive nnd Throat Disease, Trochcture used with uheityigbod ueeei. linger nnd lnbll SiM'iiUpraj will Dnd TRoenr.a useful in clearing tho voico when tnken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving 'ho hroat after an unusunl exertion of the vocal organs. The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials lroin eminent men throughout tho country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efncaoy by a test f man years, each year finds them in new localities in vurious parts of the weld, and the Troches arc universally pronounced better than other articles. Obtain only "Bnowx's BnoxcuiAL TiiuriiES," nnd do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that may be offered. Sold everywhere in the United States, and in orcign Countries, at Hi cents per box. October 2i. IWVi. -6m nMIIi:S I'AX'Y I I E1K1 AT JOHN FAHEIIU'S Old Established Fur Manufactory, No. 718 Arch street above 7lh PUILAD'A I have now in store of my own Importation & iT............ .. rn. LARGEST 'and most BEA L'TIFUL selections rof r rivpvrt'i'C SiJforLn.lics' and Child ren'Wear, in tho City Also a fine assortment of Ce it's Fur Gloves and Col lars. I am enabled to dispose of my gooSI at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call lroin my lricnus ot ortnuuiucrland County, and vi cinity tll'Remcmbcr the Name, Number and street f JOHN FAREIRA, 713 Arch si., above 7tli. south side, PHILADELPHIA I havo no Partner, nor 'connection with any other in x nunoeipjiia. Sept. 23. 1865 4mw ili IIP S! P ITMP S!! The subscriber having purchased the right of nuiiTUi UOtATl, for putting in in ri:sts mpitoviiic.'r on Bored Wells akd Watek Foints. will furnish them to all persona in the county who may desire theso choap aud convenient pumps. They oan be sunk to a proper depth in two hours iitno, cost but ono tnird .tue price of an oruinnry pump, and for cheapness and convenience caunot be equalled. , . 5. B. BOYER. A.F. CLAPP. Punbury. September 23, 1SC5. kewestablTsTiot A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND JEWELEB. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, I I AS constantly on hand a fine assortment of taciMjiWyiS'Ai'jAJH Wiit!ic, CloIiM nul .Evvt dry, rr Sunbury, Sept. 30, IS85. CLOTHING FORALLTf AT CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAAR. ornrroi niii Ui l Hiiitim e Ac Itai!. ItoiMl Wtl-Oft, SUNBUUy, PESS'A. JUST OPENED, FALL A WINTER STOCK OF HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest styles, cut tj the best Artisti, trimmed and made equal to custcm work, and sold at tho lowest prices. Whole Suits for 815. Cavalry Panta for $fi. BLANKETS, BEAVER ' - CLOTH Varying rrom $25 to (40. Jit-a uiul Iloy't) i'lolliliiuf the best ma terinl consisting of Dress Coats, Frock Coals, -Sack Costs, Panta, and Vest of various colon and quali ties. GENTLEMEN FUHNISHINGI GOODS, such as Khirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings O loves, ic. IIuIh nniK'iips of nil KIikIm. BOOTS AND 81IOES, Gum Shoes, TRUNKS, VA USES, UMBRELLAS, TOBACCO 4 iSEG A RS VSalches, Jewelry. Knives, Revolvers, and Kol TlONii of all kinds, and uumcious other articles. The publio are invited to call and examine his Stock. Remember the place. '-Continental Clothing Store Corner of Muikct tkjuui e aud tho N C. R. R ' LEVI J1EC11T. ' ' IS5. Ihilalelvlila X. IIe ISailroud. fl'MUS great line traverses the Northern and North X west count ica of Pennsylvania to ihc city of Erie on Lako Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and is operated by them. , , Time of Pusacnger train at Hnnbnry, I.HUl'll Kliil.lr.l - Eric Mull Train, ' Erie Express Trtiin. -Elmira Kxprem Train, . "j Eliuira Mais Truin, ' . Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train, Erie Express Train, Elmira Express Train, Elmira Mull Train. 5 50 p. m. 3 40 a in. II. .'to p n 10 Si a in. 1 05 a m. 2 p pi. 5 20 a in e.2j p. m. Passenger cars run through an ilm linn Mii .i Express 'i ruins without change both was between Philadelphia aud Erie. .s-w i orl 4'oiiurclion. Leave New York at 6 UU p ly, arrive at Irie S..17 a. m. Leave Erie at 155 p iu., urriva at New i'ork 1.15 p. io. No oh ango of cars between Erie and New York, elegant bleeping Cars on all Night traius. For information respecting Passenger business apply at Cor. tfuio aud Markut St., l'hiladolphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents, 8. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market St., Philadelphia. . J. W. Roynolds, Frle. . ' ' William Brttsvn, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. U 11. HorsroN, Uen'l Freight Agt. Phllada. ;; i ; . H, w. uwia, . 1 . 1 1 l! J ' i Gen'l Tioket A't, Philada. A- TYLER, " p k o t 6 " o ITp ;h7a i i TJ M 8 books an: btationerv.- Monthly Tim Books I 'rawing Books and SlateK.r Boi ks, Hymn Books.U jnk Books, MonioraBdum Bwks, Diarioa, Poekei Books, Ink Suinds, Pens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, 4c. Mrs 1'. ll,I7U ..t' GROCERIES ! GROCERIES! Krs. (SARAH A. BIMPBOir, WhortMxrry Street, tint of lU X C.t if. R Bl'NBUKY, PA,, RESPECTFULLY Inlorml her Irlendl and the t ublie generally, that she haa Just opened a large nworrmcnt of FRJiSH ) rocerlc-d, tuch as TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS SES, FIS II, SALT, &C. ' Tur Cider Vinegar, Froit Jars, Olaaeware, and a yarlety of Ladies' Trimmings, Kent, Thread Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites all to examine before purchasing olsowher. j . t'uubury, June 17,J865 8m GOLD. ! lS63,yi860,V807; SILVER lto;7W0O!t !TlanuiacHii iri' Afiiitii t 'V;; Our New Mode . One of our JI.1 or fSll.TEB M nKhes, of Kllep Tea Sclsj for f'4, am below ufafed. One of our tea setts or one piece of our 0 old or Silverware is worth a bushel of the oheap dollar jewelry 1 ! We bare adopted the following mode of DI8TUIBUTION by tale of 75,000 articles of value ! ; lnr NfW Mode? 1 Tho articles of goods are numbered from 1 to 7.- 000! 37.5011 consisting of rianos Melodeons, Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines',' Tea A Table Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons nnd Forks; etc., etc., and the other 37,500 articles of value Jew clry, Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph Albums, Olcnfhee Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 75.000 notices numbered from 1 to 75,UOU are printed and put into scaled envelopes and well mixed nnd one of these is taken out and lent to the person sending to v.s 25 cents to cover expenso of pontago, corrcspc ndenco etc.. nnd tho article of goods corresponding with tho number on the notice w ill be sent to the holder of the snmo immediately (if he desires to purchase the article) on tho receipt of two dollars. Fur instance ; If the number on the notice sent to you should be 600, and u piano or diamond setter gold watch should be numbered 600; it will be sent to you should bo 500, nnd a piano or diamond sett-or gold watch should bo numbered 500, it will be seat to- you for $2, and so oil fur every article in ur list of 75,000 articles, i Lk?"A11er recoiling the article, ifit does not please you, you can return it, and your money ahull be re unded. 26 cents must bo sent to pay expense of postage, Corrcapondcneo etc., on one notice. Remember : that whatever article corresponds with tho number on your notice, you cvn have it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth $100 or S;00. And it is lor our interest to aeai iiuriy. and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to the publio, and thereby increase our iales. j TRY OUR KEW MODE f ! j Upon receipt of 25 cts., which pays for eorreapon derice. postage etc., we sond one notice. Upon receipt of $1, which pays for correspondence, postage, etc, we send six notices. i Upon receipt of Si which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 40 notices, and a fine pre sent valued at not less than $16, oa a sample of our goods ' Upon receipt of $18 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 150 notices, and a solid Miver watch, by return man. AGENTS WANTED. Send for a circular ! Agenta Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they mako f)26 Weekly. Address plainly Snlesroom 34 Liberty streot Sept. 23, 1S05. ly REED A BROTHER, Box 61 38. New York City, N..Y. RHEUFfXATICS. m w mm m m mm w v -y PBBJllKrSTI.T Cl'KIS riietmatism: ' In all It Various) Forms. Acute or InOaminntnry ; Chiouie. Lumbago, Sciati ;, Pleurodyne, ic. SnTaWcrr aud Scrofulous EruptioTis'of tlie'body Neutralizes the Impurities of the Blood uud Fluids of the whole system, and equalises their circulation ; and effeotu. ally counteracts Mercuiial and other poisonous influ ences. . It Is a conveniently nrrange.1 Bolt, con taining; a Medicated Compound, to bo worn around the body, aboui the waist, Equally Effecting all Parts, wherever thediseasu may be. It can bo worn without injury to the most delicate person, nnd no change in tho proper hubitfof living is required. It en-; lircly removes the disease troin the system, without the use of powerful internal' medi cines, which wcakrd the constitution and give temporary relief only by sUtpilying the system, nnd deadeniiig in vitality. By this, treatment, ihe medicinal properties contain-' td in tho BAND, bciug of a highly aromatia and volatile nature, and capablo uf being readily obsorbed. through the pores of the skin, come into direct contact with the Blood end general circulation, without first having to piua through tbo stomach, which would teud not only to detract from their curative powers, but lu impair the internal organs and derange tho digestion also, thus avoiding the Injurious effects, so often the result of internal remedies, and ctl'cciiug a perfect euro by pu ' rifying ami equalizing the circulation of the vital fluids and restoring the parts affected to healthy condition. This Band is also moat" powerful "Anti-Mercurial Agent" Calomel being tho primary causo of a large part of the blifluesa, Neuralgic Paint and Rheuma tics. m prevalent and will entirely relieve tlio (yalem from its iwrnicioiu effects re moving all blotches and pimples from the body and beautifying tho complexion. H" Moderate casci arc cured in a few dayi, and wt are eouitantly receiving undoubted testimonials to which we invite inspection at our office of their effi uccy in aggravated cases of long standing. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS. May be Lad of Drug gits. oif will be scut by mail upon receipt of'J5 25, ar by expre every whoro, with all necessary instruc tions from the principal office of , , GEO. L. BROWJMNO, bole Proprietor and Manufacturer, of the Celebrated BnowMNo'a ExitLsion CoFrEi, Not. 18 und 20 Market street, Camden, N. J., tj Treatise, with certified testimonials, tent free IVAdapted to Soldiers. Sept. 2, 1So5'. Cm a. w. ziEai.Krt. i.."iT case 2XEGLEPL & CASE. ATTORNEYS AT LAf, SUNBURY, PENSSYLVASIA. Collection! and all Professional business promptly attendool to in the Court! of Northumberland and ndjoiuiug Counliet. I -Ajai, jpecial attention paid to the Collection of Pentna!! Bountict and Back Pay for Widowi Urphant aud Soldiers , " Sunbury, Marchlt), 18(15.-. , PMNSYLVAlfIA. PAINT AND COLOH WOBKS. e7if Vmt LD Lum r Wit Lea. THY IT! THY IT' waubakteb to oovor mora surface, for ae.gn, .nan ,ny other. Buy. the . best, it U same the TKYIT!. . - XUY IT f Liberty Lead U whiter than any other. 1 . Liberty Lead covert betU thaa any other. Lfb!I ? ttf uure """umwal tlw, .ay othef. . w.L ,J U f," iu'puriiiee and It V akhantko to do more and bettJr work, at -. . . Blvtn cost than any other. Lujt the JJJ-JUT a U trie CiyjrKST. - Hfniiiirn.tffiifu.i ... i : ' ? ' . , Pint, i .i a 17 ilprth ihiri fctreet, Philadelphia SjOR Paleut. Pko( taVut Uia , Hoijk aA)4$turtoo7r ltorOr -ySl" ! - Muui.iea. rTyou eant rood Tin-Ware, go w SMITH A ic i r" - o i i i ..! !ts.: '! J. : lift II ELM HOLD S 1(. FLUID 'EXTRACT BUCIWl FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU le Non-Itetentlon or Incontinence of Crlne, Inflamma tion or Ulceration ef the E'.adJn or Kidneys, DUeasct ef the Prostrate Gland, Oravcl, Brick Dut Deposits, Dropsi cal BweMngs, Organle Weakness, Debility, Ftaalo Com plaints, Ac. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Improved. Rose "Wtxsb. Will ndlcalljr exterminate from the system Diseases aris ing from llabits ot Diwipatbn, at littU txptntt, Xitll p na chang of diet, no nconcnn or txposun; completely superseding those unpltatantand danfftrovt rtmtdUt, Copabia and Jftrcwy,ia curlag these dlssaset. USE HELMBOLD'S aUID EXTRACT BUCHU" In all Diseases ef the Urinary Organs, whether existing In iuu or rntul, nmvtataMr wim originating, ant no matUr of how long ttanding. It Is pleasant in its taste and odor, IMMEDIATE In actios, and more strengthening than any of the preparations ef Birk or Iron. Those suffering front Broktu Down or Dtlicatt ContU tutiontiprotvrttht Remedy at enct. . The Header must b aware that however slight mty be the attack of the above dlteuet, It It certain to affect hit Bodily ITtattk, Mental Powtri and Jlappinttt. If ne treatment It tabmltted to, Consumption or Infinity may ensue. AU the above disealee require tho aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU .--I Is the Great Diuretic. - HELMBOLD'S , vtoblt ooactirtuTB Compounrj Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, for purifying the blood, removing all disease! arising from excess and Imprudence In life, chronic constitutional dis eases ariilng bom an impure tlate of the blood, and th e o ily reliable and effectual known remedy for (he cure of Scrofula, Scald Bead, Salt Rheum, Paint and Swelling of the Bones. Ulcerations ef the Throat and Legs, Bletchet, rimplet oo the Pace, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all teal trap, lions of the skin, and beautifying the covrutxios). NOT A. FEW Of the went disorders that aflUct mankind arise from the eorruptloa that acettmnlatet la the Blood. Of all the dis coveries that have been made to purge It out, none can equal In effect nELUBOLtyS COMPOUND EI Tit AC! Or SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovatet the Blood, InitUlt the vigor of fccalth Into the tystcm, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates ie healthy functions ef tho body, and expela the disorder! lat grow and random uv . . - . ceuld be relied on, hat long been fought for, and now, far the first time, the public have one on which they eaa de- p .'aO. Our apace here docs not admit of certificates to ihiw Its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it DM virtual surpassing anything they have ever taken. Tio tableipoonsful of the Ealraet of Sarstptiilla, added t) a pint of water, Is equal to tho,i!on Diet Drink, and ono bottle Is equal to a gallon of tho3rup of SirtapsrUlt, or the decoction as usually made. The above Extract! are prepared oa purely acicntlSo principles la Fitcuo and embody the full strength ot tho Ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test wilt be a comparison of their proper ties with thoso let forth la the U. S. Dlspcntttory, how to use the nmm. In Diseases of the Dloed, IT amors ea the Face, or aay aad every part of the bidy, use Extract Sarsaparilla, ap plying to Pimples and alt external Humors er Eruption tho Inr.iroved Rose Wash. Use the Extract Buchti for all diseases requiring the aid of a Diuretic, except thoso of the Urlaary Organs, such ai Gonorrhea and Gleet; In these use the Extract Eochu and Inject with the Improved Iloie Wash. tW THESE EXTRACTS HAVE; BEEM ADMITTED TO USE I.N THE UNITED STATES ARMY, aud alio are In very goaeral use la all the STATE IIOSMTAL3 AND rUDLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, at well at ,ln private practice, and are contniered at Invaluable remedies. MEDICINE DELIVERED TO ANY ADDRESS. . Direct lettera to BELMBOLD'S DRUO k CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, - oa io HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., -Assembly Build's, Phila. Dotcrtbt Symptom in all CommurttcailrnA ' SOLD Br AU DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits! K PQR MBLM1QLD': i t . I A, 1a 1 t HELaMBOLD'S,: 1' 1 (.. kaji...A IJ " j i i't i m . . r. - . ' .AS.l t-'-h-a .4-..i.jti "'' v ' ' . A.;t v,. r Vv A3 l 1 rjtvl 1'.. i s 1 t I ' TIIERED-LION HOTELS (Late Mrs. Bealton's.) : MAFKET BTOEBT, 'iJNDtJRYI' IVB. JULIUS IlBITEIl,1 T AS taken thisnld and weH known stand, and I L refitted and furnished the shme-ls prepared to accommodate Boarders and Travelers .with, tiie best the market can afford. Ho hopes by strict attention to business to receive a share of public patronage. His TABLE contnina the beet' the narket auWttV His Bar is filled with the ehoioest of Liquors, both Malt and Spirituous. - The stabling is good, and attended by goreful Ostlers. Sunbury, April 30, 1861. ly ...... Attorney nnd Counsellor ai Ijiw, Offico on south side of Market stroct, four doors west , . oi Ji. l . iirignt & Son's Store, 8TTNBURY, T A.. ' ' Will attend nronintly to all nrofcsslonal 1 entrusted to his care, the collection of claims In Northumberland and the adjoining Counties. Sanbnry. May 23, 1863. ly M. A ttomrr nt I -sot, SUNBUUY, PA.-- A Collections attended to in tho eountie thumbetland, I'ulon, 8nydcr,' Montour, I nf Nor Columbia anu i.yconnng. - I ' . " REPelltENCBS. : Hon. John M. Roed, Philadelphia, A. O. Oattcll A Co., Hon. Win. A. Porter, s., ' Morton McMichael, Esq., 11 E. Ketcham A- Co., 2S9 Pearl Street, New York John YV. Ashtnead, Attorney at Law, 11 Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Law, " Eunbury, MarchJJtf, lHf.2..; FROM WASHINOTON. LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ' ... At TH ' ' '. POUND IVV, : of j I : ROEHSACE &, GOCPEIL, STJig'BXJrtY. PENN'A. Bet the Best 11 ct tho Cheapets (let fho most Eco nomical, which can bo had at the llohrbach Foundry Having a largo assortment of the most approved STOVES, such us Cooking, Parlor, Office aud Khop Stoves, which will he sold ul the lowest rates. Also, lYcnicn oi an sues, l'ans. camels. Ac. They are also manufacturing Machinery. Ploughs, Castintr". Ac, nt short notice. ' Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a eood workmanlike manner and at the ; tuortest notico. All nrlieies shipped at ordered. Orders rotpoct , iuu BuiiLiieu siiu prumpuy nttcnilea to. BOHKBACH A COOPER. i IV Old Iron, and nil kinds of Produce taken in r.xcliiingc for work, j Kunbury. June 18, liifi4. tf I'lii huvt uiiuit & IIIooniKbui-K Kiiil ' road. VV and after Jan. 18th, 18G4, Pasitouger Trains I mil ruu ai lollops : I MOVING SOUTH. ' Passenger. Leave Pcranton, 4.20 P. M ) " Kingston, 9.55 . r- ' " ' Bloomsburg 8 26" - j " Rupert, 9.35 , j " . Danville, 9. 1 5 j Arrive at Northumberland, 9.55 MOVING NORTH. Leave '. JCorthiiniberlond, 8.00 A. M " Danville, 8.40 I " Rupert. 8.40 I .. " liloomsburg, 9.35. " Kingston, 12.12 P.M. Arrive at scrnnlon. 1.30 Freight APassengor leaves Bloomsburg. 10.15 A i M Passengers takine the Mail Train Si South eennect i with the Express train from Northumberland, aniv. ; mg ut iinrn.-nnrg, nt 2.30 A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A. M., nnd at Philadelphia, nt 7.1)0 A. M. The Mail ! train from Northumberland leaves immediately after the arrival of the Exprcus train from HnrVisburg nnd Baltimore, allow ing Passengers leaving Philadelphia , at 10.10 P. M., to reach points on this jond during tho next forenoon. New aud elegant Sleeping cars accompany the night trninseach way between Northumberland nnd Baltimore, and Xorthuuiburlnml mid Philadelphia. D. T. BOUND, Supt. j I K- STAUFFEP, WATCHMAKER k JEWELRY. No. 143 North fcl.'COND street, corir.r of Cjuarry, S . ....,(,, Philadelphia. , , ? ! An nsNOi-tnient ol" WsifrlirK, Jcvv- olry, Nilvrr V Plaiod Vnr constantly j . band, Suitable for HOLIDAY PR1SEXXS! i lirRcpairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly , attended to. j Dcuembcr 3, IS4 ly ' i .onliriu Onii-itl J(iilrav. 1 FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from Bnlliuure and U oshington city. I Connections inndo nillr -traiDS on Pennsylvania ' V'tiilrosil. to and from Pilltburg and the West. , FOUR THAI X.S DALY to and f rom tae North and j , i.ni.1. o.u,uii....,...,,uimi, ,j ,n f xriu. ' ern New ork. ON and iirter MONDAY, OCTORrR 2d. 1S61 the PntM-nger Trains or tho Northern Centrai , Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, llarrisburg aud Baltimore ns follows, vu I . SOU T II W ARD. ! Mail Train lcu cj Sunbury daily (except I , . , Sunday). 10 10 A. M. i leaves ilarrisburg, 1 30 P. M I " arrives at Baltimore, 5 30 i.:mum express Irani lunves Sunbury . daily (except Sunday.) lejvct Harritburg (except M.no.iy.y .... " arrive! i' li.t'tiinore daily fexcent Mni.':'uvl. II 40 P.M. 2 50 A. M. T 00A. M. Harrisburj Aocommodation le"es Harris' nurg. , . Siihhury Acoomir.odiitlou lea.-ci Sunbury lyy T01 00 A M l luvll IUIIUHy.lllI .11 ...... .Lin icri ounnury uaily (rxoept fcuudny,) at j j. 0 P.M. AOllXliWARD. Mail Train lenvet Baltimoro daily (ex. oept Sunday) 9 30 A! M leave! llarruiburg j a j jj airins at Sunbury, 4 ou ' Elmira Express Train leaves llattimore 10 00 P. M ' arrives al llarriaburg, J 20 A M " leaves Ilarrisburg (except Monday) . . j 40 A. M. ' arrive at Sunbury. 5 15 1. Irio Express Train leaves Baltimore ' daily (except Sunduya) at . B 00 P M iiiuiiuuiiiuii; .(except Sua- dayi at . 11 aiTivei at Slinhnrv 20 A M Ilarrisburg Aooonuuodittioo leaves Harris 3 SO ' nurg, daily (oxoept Sunday) at 2 50 P M arrives at Ilarrisburg. 7 45PM Sunbury Aocommodation leaves Uarril 1. lwrB. y l,,IOPl Sunday) at 4 25 P M Lne AIiul Irain leaves Ilarrisburg daily (oxoept Sunlays, at 12 00 P M. The fcna Lxpiesa and Erie Mail Trains arc Sg t,,1rt"uu'1 fruu frio and .11 intermediate po u . Mail and Expre ,r,inl run-tl,ruui;h For further information apply at Ihe Office. October II, 1865 AHUAllUl- Utn, (iupt. TAC1V1C HOTEL 1.0, 172, 174 ii 170 G it eknw ten St., 'One Siiuaro west of Broadway,) Between Courtlandt aud Ucy Streets, New Vork. tk nJOl,-V111'A"K.V,Jr.,Proprctor. The Pacihc Hotel u well and widely known to the traveling public, Tho locaUon ia especially suitable to uieicliimts and business men , it is iu closo proximity to the business part of tho City-ii on ihe highway or .Southern and Western travef0ll mdja" ctut to all the principal Kailroad aud Steamboat depots. - i inn he 1?uifi? !"" ,ikra, accommodation for over 300 gueits; it is well furni.hed and K.eaes every modern improvement for the comfort and ettertaiu merit of ita inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated: nr.i,l.l ,:,k ..... ....1 . .1.. ....UUu.,c 1, prompt and respectful ; and the table is generoaslytirovlded with every delicacy of the leaaoo.-.t , . ,)-. , . Tbe auhicrilicr.wbo, for the pant few years, has been tho lessw. u. n,.w ...1. ..,..!..;.... .. .1.. I 1 .- r. u jjm ifiw llil toiudcntify himself thoroughly with the interests of r M nn long expenenco at a hotel-keeper, DO truAt'. hv lllodnraln rluirapi 111,,-1 to maintain the favorable reputation T the l'aciuo iW4, , ' JOHN PATTKJMr. optttnber, 1805 ly ' 4 ., UN ITED STATES HOTEL," ; I I f t i I Omcnata th a r . ... . a. n uaisjs nai?iAn.va. Dtroi , 11 ' BSLAlirT giraiaip nnaivin -A uA.. ,.C.tBy1M. PiLAriV Formerlj orfliif'.tiBerlcaVlloute. Mty l3A-H-a- -A .a i III if J OLD AYES MABE.UEW." APAMPHLET diteetiag how to spoWlry weWof. f tight M. gtV;tA tpUmliiZZ " a jaaeiv Kf on "receipt f It ceaU. Ai.dr,ej, . Febr-aar,.,,..,.--? M. P ConfecUonery,i.ToyiLaM. FRTJT CT 8TO E , CONFEOTIONKRY OF ALL KINDS,- - '"TOYS OF fcVfiltT I)Er5CPJl,'tIOK FrnjrP.'&tf.CAc., ObKSTAjTTLY'on hand and for tale at th kbora establishment at wholesale and retail, at reeawaJ nblapriea4. i ! f, I "ill i i . He it manufacturing all kind of ConfMtionarioe to keep up a full aseortment which are svUi at"loir rates. ...-, . . . . . . I Tobacco, Fcgars, Stationery, If uta of all kinds, and a variety of other articles', all of whioh ars offered wholesale and retail, i . tjr Ucuicmbcf the nam and place. JPH M. C. OEAItll AH T. Market alrcot, 3 doors west fE. Y. Bright A Won't ttoro. tiunbury,,Sept 19, 1803. tf : ; ,;. '. ' , Okoiiob nn.r,, ; v Bmox P. WoLviRToa. IIILL & WOLVEftTON,' . Allorneya nnd CottnNf lorn nt Law. Office, Market street, cor. Centro Alley, fatjisrBXJiir, . . WILL attend promptlry to the collection of claim! nnd nil other professional business intrusted to their caro in Northumberland andadjuiiiingcottntice. Sunbury, Jununry 28, IB02. r Inlfrniilioiinl S65 and 367 BroaJinny, Corner Franilin Strmt " ' NEW YORK. ' rPHIH first claas House tho most quiet, homelike A and pleasant Hotel In tho- city offers superior Inducements to theso visiting Ncw'York for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on the El'iturEA-i Pi.4s. in conneotion with Tavi.oR'ii Saloon, whurcrefrcshments oun tw had all hours, or served in their own rooms. Tho ehurt;.nse mo derate, the roomt and attendance or the f&U owior baths, and all tho modern convouicnocs attached Oct 1, IS04. SOLOMON "MA LICK', ATTOB WY AT LAW, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. OFFICE in East end of Weavor's Tavern, Market Street. All business entrusted to him will be oareful y and punctually attended to. Consultation in the 'Eng lish nnd tlerninn language!. Suubury, April 8. lbo5. The CoinpN-io, IoubIrs.AiMl7nscir. MrpiimlinD; CORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, AUUl'6'T 2nd, 1S61. . mil IS Shcller is the enly one thnt shells the Corn X perfectly clean from the Cob when green, soak- L,lr.?-- V K've' "ic Earadoublo operation on the Shelling H heel as it passes through, and sepa rates the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it atone fit for mnrket withourthe uec of tho fanning mill. . This luuchinu shells a Half Duthclof Eartio the Minute ly Ordi- ' nary Jkind 1'vtrer. and can be used, also, by Horse, Steam or Water Power by attaching a Pulley on the Crank Shaft. I'or Durability, Cleanliness. Nontness Cheapness nnd Rapidity in Shelling, this Machine cannot be equalled by any other. STATE AND COVNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE OS REASONABLE TERM.'?. OrNTi.KVEH : If you want your corn Shelled clean ; if you have occasion to shell green or damp corn; if you want your.eorn and cob separated ; if you want a durnblu machine ; if you waut a cheap ahellcr, buy the Coiuplctu, Duahlc-Acling, Sclf-Scp-arating Corn Shcller. REFERENCES : II. It. Master. Dr. J. W. Peala 5unbury. thuilis Huns. Miller, Samuel Lessig. Reading C O. Morgan A Co.,' Ceo. Wciscr. L. Augusta. Millers, Sunbury. Sol. Marti. Farmer, Henry Leisenring. Boar Gap. C. Albert. Georgetown Manufactured nnd for Sulo nt the Fonndrv ef 110IIRBACH 4 COOPER, Sunbury, Vx. ("mi TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. rpilK subscriber 20 venrs a practical Piano Forte J Manufacturer, of New York City, has perma nently located in this section, aud would respectfully salicit ordurs for TUHIKO, REPAIRING. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MELODEONS. The subscriber ia also the manufacturer's Acenl for - . CIIICKKKIXQ'A so.vs,, 11AZI.ETO.V Itlifi S.. ' I.INIlh'MAX A SON'S . WILLIAM . nitAl)llURT'3k KIlWAUI) BLWOMFIELU'S McIiOXALD 4 CO'.-, IM.VVO I K'I I-!(, And Carhart A Xcedham't. nnd Peloubot's. MELODEONS i HARMOHIUMS, And h. U.Stanrfa Pipe CIU UCll OKUANH m ", - ja.mes McDonald. Bloorusburg, Pa., April 29, !Sti5. t-.Uac3wjB n h-j aiZ. " (Late HERH'S 1IOTKL.) Corner Market and 3d Streets. If AltlilSBl'RO, PA. TIIK attention of the public is respeetfullv called to this Hotel which ia now open for the accommoda. tion of guests. In the pnst five month during which time it has been closed the house litis been thorough ly remodeled and rcpuircd. until in point ol eouvrlii ei.co and comfort, its patrons will dnd it to own no superior. 'J'Iiaj I'tirnitMre ICnfii i lj 3Tow. Rooms larger Hum are usually fountain modern holds. Situated on the corner of two prineipnl hnsincsa ,:--ccts of the city.but two and a half squares from the Rail -load Depot. The proprietor determined to E,uro no truenseiu securing Ihe comfort of hisguesti and t irvorablc rcpulutiun lor the establishment, ho feels wiilin,," l IN" it character, to the jjUgment of hi. patrons. jjrojUS, Proprietor. January 21, IS05. - BKSlMVlIfiL tSAD ! BUST PUUK LIBEltTY LEAD, Unopprcsseil for W hitening. Kino Gloss, Durability I iriniicss and Evenness of Surface. PLHK XIBEKTV LEAD-Wurrantod to tover uioro lurfaue for same weight than any ulier Lead Try it and you will hal t no other t PUKE LIBETY ZINC, Selected Zinc, ground in Refined Liueecd Oil. ait equaled in quality, always the aauio. .... PURE LIBERTY ZINC. Warranted to do more and better work at a given, cost than any other ; Get the Rest! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PA1XT COLOll WORKS. Orden executed promptly by ZIEOLEK Sc 8MITH, Wholesale Drug, J'aiitt and Gtilss Vmltrs Store A Office. No 137 North THIRD Street PUILADXU'HIA. Inroh I8A5 ly. KINfJSi 1MMCT.4 lll.r. l l-HO-V Mi Is Ihe only proportion of the kind ma.lo from thT fruit. As au article of economy, purity, aud deli kii ciucss, it cannot be iuriiuaH.d, and urucuuimcnd ed by physiciuus for .invalid audfiimily use. " It wil keep ator years iu any oliiuate.whilo nt coudensed ioim. vnders it espwially couvciiici.t for travelers All who uso lemonsare refuested to give it a trial Entertainments at home, thirties,' and picnic should not be without it. for tala by all DruLgistt and tirst.cmss Ureorrt. Manuiuel ured only in- a . , , lolis j. metZofr, , . ...... - ii9 l'tarl Street, NewYork. Sept. 1, 18S ly M'L WILVBaT.. NO TASY PUBLIC, Oflice in "Sunbury A ui e r i c a a " Building ?UN.BTJRT. PENN'A. Will attend to the Acknowledging of Deeds, Mort gagee, Loiters ui' Attorney.. Ae., A. Also, is duly ptuoritcd to take acknowledgments and administer oaths oo applications for Nona. lVnalona andr llu'kHu) ef eiolUlore, iduwiaud Orphans- Hi'siw. photogrFh galieFy. ' J. II. KIKHlitX-:, would roapeclfully in., ttui tho fiqiens ut BUiUl UY, aud the publio generally, (hat he has opeuod a new, ",: ' PITOTOOBAPH OALtEHY.' ' In Siihptoci's Building, South lido of MarietA Square,, where lie it ptopared to take in Ihe boat MyU of the I. I,; PlCXl'HES TOpKAME. '"' - . -, i-- 14a PU;tl'KES UN OAfH.S, ' . V :. CARD PHyTCKirtAPIIfT, Alt Ptcfti'r! asade for Hinge," llreaetpiua, LoketK A' -VaMone-WAahiati iataUaa will ilk jU k.aalL and exaeaiai taeitwii ai tha Hmotx t , 9 ' hope to worn a libarat ahare of publlipatron agt. Oia Mon it to Pliasb Sunbury, July It, 1963. '