H. B. at ABSEH, Jfcdltor "Proprietor. , x tvxnvHT, va; j. r-i satdrday, fedhuahy ii&&fl Mltnf Tth IJnfon EeMUve Committee . . A meeting of tlie Union EiecMiv-s Com ' raittee of Northumberland County, will be) ! held in the Union League flail, in Uhj Do. 1 rou-rh of Sunbnry, at 1 o'clock P M m TncnaoAT the 22d day of Fbbroart, next, runctiml attendanre ii requested business ' of Importance will be transacted. EMI,. WILVF.RT, Chairman. ounourjr, January 88, 1808. ' " ' Committer: Turlmr, Aaron Rerbcr; Lewis, L. Glaze Turbutville, A. T. Bisel ; McEu-enavillo, G. W. Dixon ; Delaware-, J. V. Weeks, Milton, R. M. Frick ; Point, T. II. Wntts; Nortlium berland, D. M. Brautiu;nm ; Upper Augusta, Samuel Oberdorf ; Lower A'ugtislti, Ii. Ileff ner: Ruth, C Kase ; filiamokin borough, F. 8. Unas; Conl, Jos. Ilcnningcr; Mt. Cnf fuel borough, Jon. Hoover; Cameron, Bol. Dunkk-berper: Zerbe. E. C. ilnnna ; Jackson Daniel Senl ; Lower Muhonoy, Aaron Seller; Jordan, Moaes Troutfnan ; Washington. Au drew Rut her; Upper Mahonoy, Dan'l Heitti; Little Miiliwoy, E. Dunkleberer; -Shamrc kin, Jacob F. Mucncb ; Mt.' Cormel twp., J. ' Adama. ' Eoral Affairs. KyGov. Curtin'i health bssben greatly restored ' by kU trip to Havana. . - Tensions. Hon. George F Miller, Member of ' Congress from tint district, ba presented a bill al lowing a pension of fu per month, to soldier of the WaroflBlS. fyTliednyni.ro gradually growing longer, and theVin already begins to loot brighter. A few mora weeks and spring will burst upon us, and after a few fleeting months of sultry weather, fall will be here with the " sere and yellow leaf." Such is fife. 3?" Ic Bruno The ice on the Susquehanna row affords facilities for travel and trade, which hows the importance of a bridge over tbe river at thi place. The number of teams, vehicles, Ac. thnt cross daily, is estimated atsereral hundred. iSied loads f provision, grain, and other produsts from the valleys of Snyder and Union counties, coming distances of twenty te thirty miles, arrive daily and generally take bnok coal. A friend eountoU thirty slod loads of coal in on line on the lot, a few 'day ine. Tbe ice is from twelv to fourteen inchc thick, and teams travel on tt as far as Lwisburg. Up' A stated meeting of the Good latent Fire 'Company will be held in the Court House, on Mon day evening next, at 7 o'clock. The miniber. are 'requested to be punctual, as tbe due will be imposed hereafter for non-attendaneo. E. WILVERT, President. J. C. Wblkkr, Pce'y. iy WATERfALl.. W sea it stated that the 'monstrosity known' fs th Waterfall," is no longfr worn in fashionable society, though some of the ladie, in this community still flourish lb aforesaid appen 'dage. The gentlemen continue to wear the elegan ''c'otbing got up by J. . Smiyk, Merchant Tailor "Pawn street, opposite Weaver's Hoittl. 13' Soma of the eititons of bewiiiburg having found fault with Col. Slifer, for refusing tn file some Ifispers as Secretary of tbe Commonwealth, in rela' tiun to tfao contract between the Atlantic A Ureal Ves'lorn Railroad, and' the Reading Railroad, the Colonel has addressed a letter, which npj.cars In tbe 1ewisburc Chronicle, shewinc that be merelr Per formed duties enjoined on him as an officer under the dvice of the Attorney General, without reference to hit own personal fuelingt.'and that the Cuupsny find 1:0 fault with him in the performer) of tlint duly. . f '25Slihinir nrr vu haltoe llinn It is BOW & at - r n , anl til numerous sleighing psrties shew that the j reienL generation hare nut degenerated in this mat. ter, though it is luxury now that is taie.l much niore heavily than iu olden times, when a dolisr or twa a piece, levied upon the gentlemen composing the party, would pay the landlord, fiillcr aul team tier. The titx now is about five fold, without any ailditlunal cumforu. f-y W eommend th tpeliil m'eaUon of our readers, that very valuable journal for the Household, the children, tbe tiaidcn, tho Orchard, and tbo farm, vitu Hi AMtricn Agriculturist, published by Orangk Judo t Ci., 44 Park Row, Naw York City, .at only $l.M a year.. It is full of good things, iuc Tul to every psrsou, no matUr where bis rctidenee, or what his occupation. W Warn that the present vol time (,25th) opens with an inorease of mora than twenty thousand subscriber. The paper Itself, good as it ha hitherto been, is greatly increased in iie, appearane. and intriusio value. A dollar and a half can scarcely be better Invested Send on your sub scriptions to the publisher, as abova. Th first num ber of this volume contain 40 pages, and can bo obtained, as a specimen, oa remillicg 14 ecu! to tbo jnUiiherj..' iy The Atlantic Monthly for February i alrady on band. Its contents for this month ar as follows : English Opinion of th Ametlcan War, Two Pic tures ; The Freedinau'l Blory ; Th Origin of Gypsies ; Pusages from Hawthorne's Notes ; Court Cards ; A Landscape J'ainter. Dr. Johns, continued; Tu Chimney Corner, by Mrs. Stowe; Three Months among the Ucconstruotionists ; Kevicwsand Literary notices, Ac. . rSrWe regret to learn of the death of John E. Heller, Esq.. of Harrisburg, who died at tho rei.4 denceof bis father, in Rush township, on Tuesday night. The deceased waa a graduate of this office . . i ..,.. rrAn ik Arlv trn of Daring mvs jr-w,nvw - j - o Ibirlern to twenty. II was afterwards foreman i several roars, in lb office of th Ninon Journal, Potttvillo. Subsequently be studied law and opened an office t Harrisburg, about yar sino Ho was a younir wan of exemplary conduot and good char aoter, and with industry and good bminee habit, he had a bright futura befor blm, U was thirty two 'wear aid. Hi renln wera inteirtd at th Rush 'bhurh graveyard, on Thursday, last. lyRiTuasED Uo. Company L of th 58th P.nna. Vol.. of thi plao), formerly eommandsd by Cant J aba Buyr, and UU1 by Lieut. Hebor Punter, returned bom on Tuesday last. Tbaboj, wcr last atation4 at Staunton, Virginia, and were warmly welcomed oa tbir return. ' s' The Aeeommadatloa and other trains wr dc ' layad on Wednesday night, by a Juthber tar running off th toaca, eeiow uus ' . ---IaraovaaT.Seaa time ago w referred to tbhdom mannr in whioh Mr. BtnnU bad - lilted up hi Drug Star insld. W bar now to add ' tltll furthr Improvement ia tb larga and ; bandsom ulk window, just iolshI. BonnU U ' d rojind U ba lb hand kora est (tor in th country. . ry Waderst4uU that Judge Read ba deoidxl ' th " AtlanUo aid Great Wastern Rail Road" cas in favor of tba Panna. Bail Road Co. Tb friend of th form V i iU PQttop their optratlan. tyTh awtorly snreotlogof th Melbodiet Jpls- cpsjChureh.4ftht'IVstor, W 4i-twd about I four ino,' fa UII kf oa. Thr if bn a, ulU a revival Is) U Chnr. Wm Uart thai about one hundred pTonaM -ard Uth mourners borh, sod that aheoi autjr -r-vejil7 hav Jolexl tbeburb. . ' .'.. .. u . , , cy Th6tta GvpmruitUMat "bod iiloA that f 6ohaWrsrs loU4 tta.'awritg amrriaf aannp xUmOoMfrmt&k . ot tba U Oholt. tmm Baa, winAtmi4 .1 1 NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. J 1 v1 , s TUB ... - rt "' 18 A PROTECTED SOLLTtOtl tF THR k Protoxide of lrftsi, .' . a new discovery In medicine which ,.'"..! BTBIKEB AT THfi SOOT OF DISEASE, by (applying th Blood with its vital raiftciPLt, or Lira RLBaaxT IRON.-' Tbtsllth Secret of th wonderful a'ucc'cu 6f this remedy in curing , , Dyspepsia, Ller Complaint, Dropsy, Chronie Diar rhoea. Boils, Nervous Affeolions, Chilis and Jf vers, ilnmora. Lots of CoostUutinwal Vigor. Diseases of tbe Kidneys end Bladder, " Temsle Complaint. ' .'":! and all diseases originating in a BAD SIATli OF ,IUS ItOOD or accompanied by DaatUrr er akow stats or Tai sYaTKii. Being free from Alcohol in any form, its energl sing effcots are not followed by eorreeponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing STtisaorn. vroon !" ,n" parts of the system, and baddi ing up an IKON CONSTITUTION. ... - DYSPEPSIA AND DEBItlT,Y. From Ms Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT, D. D Du-iuaii, Canada East. March 24, 1805. i.j ,m , inreterata Dyspeptic of more than 2yenrsstanding." . . "I have been so wonderfully benefllled in (he three short weeks during which I have used thePeruvinn Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. Peopl who have known me ar astonished at the change. I em .widely known, and can but recommend to other that which ha done so much for me " - One of the most Distinguished, jurists in iVa-v Enghtnd Wrkos to Frietfd as -follow.:, v "I hsv tried th FfcRUVIAN eYBUP, and the result fully eustams yenr iirediction. ,Ihasmada a new man of me; inTuted into my system new igor and enerjry ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as whea yau last saw me, -but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for lW,- mental and physical, than at any Urn during tho last five years." An Eminent Diviiu of Hojtun, myt: 'I hare been using th PERUVIAN SYRUP for sometime past; It gives me naw vtdoft, BcorARCT orai'lHITS, ELASTICTT OP MCSCLB.'k ' j Thouands have been changed by tba use of ibis .v.. , bichij, ruuoruig ercaiureet to st-ong healthy, and hnppy men and women and in lids camiut reasonably hesitat U give it trial, A pamphlet of 32 psges, cnnlaiuing certificates of cure nd reoomineadations from sum of the most eininen pb)-sioian. clergymen, and at hen, will b sent free to any address. Ijv-Sea that each bottle ha . PERUVIAN' SYRUP blown in the glass. For sal by J. P. DIN'SMORE, Prnpnetor, . 38 Dey Street, Nw York. AMD BT ALL ORvaQIST. SCROFULA Alt Medical Men agi thnt IODINF! is th flut nemray lor Kerorula ar. discovered. The difficult all kindred disirnse ever has been to obtain a Pur solution of it. Tr. H. ANDERS' IODINE. WATER. Isa Pure Solution of Iodine. Wilhont a Solvent!! Coniaininga full grain to a icb vunceof water. A most Powerful Vitalising Agint nnd Rrsturative. It haseured and will cure SCitOB ULA in all its mani fold forms: -Kjlrrrtst Confers, fy i hllU, MaU nnrum "n'' has been used with astonishing icesln of KheMniatletn, Dyspepsia. Cohsumi tun, Fr Cnlnpliitnts Heart, Liver, and Kidney .")i!enseB. esses Feninl circulars adilrcs. ill bescot free to any one ssndinc their IYn:e SI tH a Vniltle, or R for ?i 00. PrepeVud by br. U. ANDERS, Phyiician ..nd Ch n-iat. rorsnlebv . J. 1. blNsMOitt. JKI Deyrrt,w,Vork. And by all JJruggists. ,- '. ft WistarV;liarsam ! WILD CHISRV. i tot been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY. .'' I With tbe most astonishing success in curing Coughs, C-ddss Hoarseness, ejoro TbToSt Iiifiueriis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Brocbllis, Difficulty of fetcathing, Ath ma bd Vvtfy aBeetion of The 'l'liroat, l.tsiis;), and Cattail. UUA SCMl'TfON, j which rarries off mor Victlmw (ban nttiur disease, . and wiil.di bnfflcs the skill of the Physician to a greater extent than any other malady, often rixLDs to this axyenr ; when all others prove Ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soo'hing in enact, safe iq It opera tion, it is unsurpassed ! and is entitled merits, and receives the general conGdeno of th public SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D , of Herman, N. V., writes as follows i Wistar Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a Cuugh by loosening and eleaosi-.g tbe lungs, and allaying irritation, thus removing tho cause, instead of drying up the eouh and learicz tbe cause behind. f consider the bl ham as good as any, if not the bast (,'ougb hiodicio w ith which I am acquainted." From Hon. Judge SPRAKER,of Caonjoharle.N.' T Gentlemen. Thi 1 to certify that myself and family have used Dr. Wistar' Balsam of Wild Cbery, for several year s, end that I take great pleasure in recommending it in preference to anything of the . . . i c .l:u 1m. - - i . j r Kina lor iue purpoew lur wnion i luiviiuva. is easrsof Asthma, Pbtbisio, or affections of the Tbroat, I bar never met with anything equal to it, ry retpeeituliv, DAVID SPRAKER. The Rev. JACOB SECIILER, of Hanover. Pa., Well known and much respected among tbe German population in this oounlry makes th following statement foslh benefit of th (filiated. Dear Sirs : Having realised in my family impor tant benefit from th us of your valaabl prepara lion n inar's Balsam oi wild inerry it anords in pleasure to reoommena it to tbe puDtu-. txme eight year ago one of my daughter teemed to be in a deeliue. and little hope of her recovery were enter tained. I then procured a bottl of your excellent Balsam, and before she Red taken th wbol of tb somen's of th bottl there was a great Improvement in ber health. I hare, in my individual cas mad frequent use of your valuable qedunn, and have always been benefitted by tl. . .. IXCOO SECULEK. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. Fur sale by J. P. DIN5MORE. 3 Dey Street, New Tork. SET1I W FOWLK A SON. Proprietor, Boston. And by all Druggist. i - GRACfc'S CltLiiblUTxb 8ALVE Cures Cuts, Buras, Scalds. dRACE'S CELEBRATED PALVK Cures Wounds, Bruises Sprains; dRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cure Boils, I'loefsi Careers. ORACE 6 CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Salt Kbeuta, ErysipelaJ. ORACZfi CKLEBKATED BALVB Curbs Chapped Hand, Chilblain GRACE'S CELEARATEb SALVE Ueal Old Bar, Flesh Wounds, It is prompt in action, removes pain at bncci ifti reduce ti most snzrv-laokinK Sfellinrs and infl. nation, a if by msgi, (bus anordisg relief and a ompiai euro. Onlr2SonUbox! (Sent bv mail for 35 c'ants. For Sal by J. P. DIN8MOKX. 3 Do Street. Naw Vark. m W. FOWLK A SON. Pronrietors. Boston, and by all Druggists, Grocers, aad Coeatry Store. ... January J7,188-ly., , .... COALl COAL!! COAL!! aRiAKT t BHOTHEK, HUn-MH:i( WlsolesMile fc Betall tkealesrsi ta WHttm) V AfUl COAX., laeeer arit. rUAMt tvvd;xr tb) Cslsdsrated Umrf poorfi a-a-ja, itsw. ITnf XAbcur7vtthrieV:fit, Wm do mor and bettsr wntV sit a g?vwn Cool, lhaa any other I Try it! Manttffwred only by EIKOLKKaVBMITIf, V Wholesale Drug, Paint A Olms Doalers, , No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. ' .January JT7, 1808 ly. l'sire I.llM-rl.r Isllo Ind. ' Th Whitest, th most durable snl the mostaeo' bouiiCRl. Try It! Miinufnoiurrd onlv bv ft EfTOitKU SMjTir, wh(ilcaVt)rjg. Iaiat AUl 0elrs. No. 137 Nojth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 1809 ly. JEWELRY! JEWELRY!! JOSEPH KESSLER, . Yt'atcliiiinkrr 1ssl .leTtrelrs', ' ' ' . ' Market Street, 'eunbnry, Pa. t . ' - RESPECTFULLV informs bis Mends and th publie, thnt he has just received a largo assort ment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Spectsoles, Silver and plated spoons. Forks. 4c. Watches, Clooks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1806. ly. ORPHANS' COURT "SALE. IN pursuance of an ordor of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland Cmintv, Pa., will be exposed q Public 8ale. nt the Publie House of E. T. Drum boiler, in the borough of Sunbury, on I'l itlil.V, Hi- ltd Is l.y of I'lbruiir), lMJO, th folrovfltig fal citato to wit : A '1' It A ' '1' O I' I. A I , situate in inckson Wwnsbip. Northumberland cou ty. Pn., ho'ndedky lends of Adnm ZnrtHiew. Snmuel B. Dunklebcreer, and Daniel B. Reed, confirming 23 acres and 10 porches, mor or leas, with the ap purtenances. Lam the profJcTty of Hanry W.- Zar'.man, dee'd. Sale to commence at II o clock A. M., whon tho condition will bo made known by ' JAMKS R. CLEAVKtt, AdminUtrator. By order of the Court. - r ' - . J. A. J. CCMMINUS, Cl k 0. C - '; Sun'ury, Jaa. 20.-1 8f.8, -. .l . DIARIES or I8G0: "An nssorttuent.f Diaries, largo nod small, tot- Sute bv ' x . ANNA 1'AlNTER. Sttnbitrv. Jnn. C. 180(1.. . ... JOHN E. BMICK. MERCHANT T A I L 0 II I Fawn street below Market, first door south of flu-Sen's store. SUNBURY, PA. Sunbury, 0(.ubcr 21, 1805.. " T3r-n-rlptHoiBi 'trefully oomprinnded of the I bcatDKLUbat hi Memmnth More ot JNO. FRIL1NU A SON. t Sut.bury, May 20.'. t! . Mtra7:in,, fur 7.irurT.hit received at LIUHTf ER S NaikettKmure. Sunbury, Dee. 23, 18.. SPRING A; WIN I'Eit AURAKCliMENsV SJ2 lOS 37 - -REMOVED TO ' ':' ' lO JUtl.'Y XTRErX Itaviug supplied nuMelVns iih t nrw ami superior lot of Goods, of the latest' styli1 and patterns, and having secured Onm-tho iuiriil'teis many artiules of great' beauty .and. value, we are now prepared to , make for the Spring and Winter better arrangements, ' and presmit greater inducements to purchasers, than j we bnvo ever befi.re offered. We have SO.flOO valu able, aud beautiful articles of Dtxxts,-eompris;ui I Pianos. Walshes. Diamonds, plain end ornamental Jewelry, aad Fancy Woods of every deeoif jun, that w will sell at 92 each regardless of value sr "tost. nTw sllrsses! fi" snr (jioodsi V.'o have iiO.OUO 0.1 Ct'loreil Photoirrarihs. com. rjsin evefy subject Religious, Sentimental, Comio aud rai'cy mat we win sun ai lniny venu eacn, or four for One Dollur; and with encli Photograph we rive two numbered notices, the nonces arc numbered t.'om 1 to SO.tHMI, aud put into euvclopis, scaled up, an. I thoroughly mixed; uiid when Photo- grapus are pur. riuseo, iur eocn l-noiogmpn are taken out and sent wini it. The articles of (too ls re numbered fropi 1 to 6W.U0O, and any article, no alter what the Tt lue may be. corrcsoondini w.ii.h tie milliner on tut) ih'ueh. will soul n r iho uoi- ars. free of cost, exuei.t when tent by expreiu, then t the extiense til the rOv elver. n e do ateure you mat su "i'u iuu iiuiicvuricsjj.fi,u i ... . - .1 .1 ' ...ilu -.1. it! Will be scut to tbe puVchascr wr Two Dollars 1 1 . ruuia or uuior villi, w. ' . ....... . kw.r. .sat of Uoods ul tS.'.tO eut h. vleven Octave I'iniios. . . Rosewood Melcdeons. Gold Hunting Cose Lever Watches. Silver Watehoe, ' Diamond Set, . Bilvor Cbaling Dishes, Suls .iiIVer 'tensnoooni. 1 ' 20.000 Cornl, Opal and Etnenild Brjoohes, Mosaic, Jet, Lara and Florentine Seta, Gold Rings. . Gold Peoeils. Toothmcks, Ac. Comprising a list of endless variety and tbe choioest i quality oi gooiie. nsenui.vsr umuiuici:ui .u any establishment ia lb country, aud bop you ill give us on trial at le.isi, and if the article is not as represented, and does but give salufactlou, retuin it. aud we will serftl yur money back. low to oidcr UootlM. Send 'tis Thirty Cents for On Photograph, or On Dollar for fiv tb extra one aud two extra notices to the Agent. When an agent hai sent us IU.uU fur Goods and Pbotogrnpbs, we will give one notice and th ariiol it oais lor free of ehurg; fur i 16.00 three notices tiee; fur.$2Q,00 four notiutu free ; fur $30.00 a splendid Photugraphiu Album, or six free notices ; or for $50,00 a good Silver Watch, Warranted a good time-keeper. We I keep an acoount of all money sent, and an agent can order his commission at any time. lie particular apu write your auursss iiiil ana plain, as we sometimes bav orders in our office fbr months that cannot autaer forth want o( proper directions. ' ' - - Address. BARTIIEW, A CO.. - . Box 4240 New York. Jacuary 13, 1655. 3m ... JOHN WILVEB. BOOT tfc SHOB MANUFACTURER, On door .East of Frilings Store, Market Squar ' 'tUNBIIBYj PEKN'A. RESPECTFULLY insbrinhelliun of Sunbury and vicinity, that having safely returned fiom in army, win again return ate vusuiar. ana sisuu laature, to oraor. Doom ana onoes, oi an ainae, th beat material, and at th lowest rales (pr easb ol II hope le reeeive a full war of patronage. Sunbury, Dm. It, 184. CUAKUR OF DEPOT, THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends anrl the publie that ba baa changed his place of 1 loading Freight in rmiaaeiphia from treed, n ard i m ureeu, so. ott w-mav oireet, to A. 3D. AOHESON. (Commission Merohant, dealer in Flour Grain, Seerli, e.) o. lOlS Illtarket fat., PblladHplslM, where all freight will b loaded on ear of th un dersigned, for Dauphin, Sunbury, Sbamokin, aud all, i intcrvenlRff point. f All freight will be carried as low as en any other 1 : . l..l.. 1.4 . . . fralaK. a.u.r..ll .1 i nl , n wbih will teiv ptsmpi attontion. J. B. WEISER. Sunbury, Jan. It. Ittog. Has. CD-I MOrt PsV.n YEAR) W want Sp- PiTI. agehf tverywbere to sell our la. raovari tit Sewibg Meeblkes. Three new binds. Upper snd upper feed. Warranted five -year. Abovesalar or large wmmisaioo paid. Tbe oai.V machines sold ia United Stale for lea tbaa M0, r which ar fully licensed by Mow, w beeier vyu son, Orovu A Baker. Binger A Co , abd BaebaldaT. All ether cheap machine ar inn-ingbifit ad th llr or user art liabl to arrest, fine, and imprison ment. Circular free. Addres, or eal) upon Sbaw A Clark, Biddeford, Main " daoM 1 mCr. NOTH Js-AOKJiTS wanted for tPt-v-' U eatirely ae articles, iuat out. id dreel O. T. KXT, City boMu Biddoford tltlae- ; aMI all U &ke No tieol j VAUltmi eml TltAi.Rni tn l-nnts.Tive will 41ie Tfoftel that .kwK4outi. 4 I following Trade Mark to protect ormidvea, ahd'i Frevi-ni inniwi wno use our HAW HUNK JSUl'Kll HOSPH ATE from being deceived whtri puroasmg manures. . " ' T ' i" ' We have been obliged to give this protection Co nuir customers. In onbseqneneeof Several nnrlles hav ing unlnwfnlly usel our dlstlnctlvennm'e, vis "Raw Hone," In offeriilg ihfl-.r arllolA to, tfio pnbHe. - This Trrulo Mark. ! adopted In addition tn the title 'Raw Bone," whioh is our xoliwive propn-ly, and wo Cautiorl all mnnufsotnrers from using it in fu'. tare, W would stat to the trade and oonsnmera. that they will find it to their interest to see that tho "Trade Mrk"ls upon every bag and barrel they purchase, ei none other if gmuine. ... .. B AUG It ii SONS. 11 J.Vtt I - ;,BAUQH'S RAW BONE ' SUPEHPHOSljUATE; Ol: LIME, Manufactured by BAUOn & SONS. J No. tO 801' TH DELAWARE AVENUE, ." ' PUII.ADELPHIA. .. . ; tl.'1 (- Tho great popularity of our articTo hfi been found stiffioicnt inducement to certain imitators to innnufncty.re and advertise 'Raw Don Phos phates," "k name which origlnale.1 wiih us, and is nur own rightful property. W will slat tor the information of all, thnt we are tbe exclusive luanii faoturers of this article tbe original and sole pro prietors if It -"--having lcwn manuraetured by us lor a period of twelve years. Also tbut it is covered by several letters patent, hold only by ourselves.' We aro now rrady to supply if in largo rjuanti-. ties having made rtjecBt addition and improve ment. Veitsels drawing 1(1 fret of water csn load directly from the wharves it to works, which are locateii at the foot of Morris Street, Dtlawnre River. We call the attenlitm ot DEALI.IUtn this great id--vanlnge.- ,. - ' . . The present Indications .are flint we shaTt have r) greatly increased demsbd over Irwc t'firitig and f(Jl ensous, and we advise Farmt-ni tb trend in. their orders to their re)cetiVe Itcnlei at at an oarly iiy, that all may be supplied promptly. , boliciUnir your continued orders, '' ' ' " : W remain, ' ' ' . Your very trulv. - BAiiii a Sons. No. 20 S. Drjuwurn Avoftue, itni.ADi.'t.piii i . For Sal il by SMITH OKNIHEll, Sunbury,' Ta ry, Jru. 20, IHr.r5. ,1m. . Sunbui Scrofula, or King's Evil, ia constitutional disease, n corruption of the blood) by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whulu body, ntid may buret out in disease on any jmi t Of it; No organ is freo from it attneks, nor is there one which it mny hot dustroi Tilt! scrofulous tnint is VntribUnly caused by tncrcuiiiit disertsc, low living, dis ordered or Unhealthy fuud, impure air, liltll and filthy luiliiu, tlic depressing vices, and) above all, by the vcucrcul infvetinn. What ever ba it origin, it i liereditrtry in the con stitution, deacendiii- " from parent to cliildren unto the third mid fmirth concretion ; " indeed, it seem to be the roil of Him who says, "I will visit the iiii'iuitie-i of the tubers ttjmn their children." Iu etlceU comincneo by deposition from tlid blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs liver, mid intcrnul organs, is termed tubercles; iu th gliinds, swellings and on the Mirfnec, eruptions or Korea. This foul cor ruption, which Renders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, no Hint scrofulous constitu tions not only mlTer from scrofulous com plaints, but they lmve far less power to with stand the nttnehs of other diseases; conic fluently vnvt tiiituheis pciili by disorders which, ulllioiii'li nut KcrofiiloiiH in their nature, arc Bt ill rendered faliil by thi taint in the system. Hunt of the ( on-mmptUiii which de cimates the human fumily has ita oiigin directly -in this- acrofultms etnitniiiinntion j and ninny dtmtriictivo dispnici tif tbe liver, kidneys, bruin, hnd, iiideed, of nil the tirg.ldis, ariso'from or. are iifrgravatcd Ly tlie wmio crtiine. , One tjuurtcr of nil oirr peniile nfo scrofulous t their lersona nrt irrvntVetl by tliis liirkiii-- in fection, and their henltli ia tuiderininetl liy it. 'I'o clcnuao it frOm-tiie ay-itaui-we-inbHt -renovate' tho blood by an alterative moiric.iiie, hntl in Vigornte it by Iienlthy ibtid aiid exercise. Bucli a medicine we supply tn . ' AYE TVS Compound Extract of Snrsnpnrilla, the most efTuctnnl remedy which tbe medical skill of our time enn devise for thin cvery- C-herjirevnilingniid fntiil tnnliKl:- ' uieil front flic Rum itcuvv icmctlinls Hint linve been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, nml the rcsuucnof the avatein from ita lestitilivc cuiiscqucnccs. itcncc it should be employed for the cure of not only Sciofnln, but r1m tlitic other niruc- tions which arise from it, such im ICitt ttivb and Skim Diskaskx, St. Anthony's Fiiik, Itostt, or Kuvsiei:i.A, VtMri.ns, rtisTti.tss, Iti.oTcui s. Hi.AiNHntid Hon ,'i'utoit?i1 'J'KTrru and Salt Hiii'.i'M, St ami IIeaii, Kinqvvoumi ltlllllllATISM, S V fit 1 1.IT1C Mid MtllttltlAI. l)is !Aar.a, Ditnl'xv, J) vsri:rsiA, Df.iin.iTV, nnd, indeed, Ai.l. Coiiii.ain ik ahikino Hi out Vitia tki on Imi'I iir lii.oon. ibe popular belief in " hiipm itji tif tl,t blood " it founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of tbo blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Snrnnpa rilla is to purify nnd regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health ia impoecible in contaminated constitutions. . ACER'S, Ague Cure, TOR THE SPEEDY CCSE OS Isttcrmltteist Fever, g Fever and As-we, Iteiultlent Fever, thill Fever, Dumb Aiie, Periotllcal lleaslaelie, or lltllots lleadaclie, and Unions Fever, Indeed for She vvlietle rlsss of rllsehacs orlstliiat lna In biliary uerasis-ement, ceased by the aialarle f Mlaasnatle Countries. "tVe are enabled here to ITer the community a remedy irliirb, while it cures the above complaint with certainty, ia still neruclly harmless in any quantity. Such a remetiy U Invaluable in district where tlieie atllictiu'g tlisfndtrs prevail. Thi "Ctilitt" expels the miasmatic poison of Fbvku an Ii Aoi'B fVom the ystvnitand prevents the de. velopment Of tbe disease, if taken On the drat ap proach of its premonitory Hvtnptoms. ' It is not only ' tlie best remedy ever yet uiafovered ff tiis class of complaints, but slip the cheapest. The larc quautitV wc supply for a dollar briiivait ttiiblii th reach uf evory body ; and in btlioua district, tvher 1'eveiC Ann Aot'H nrevsUa, ecry body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protect ' tion. A great auperionty'ol" this remedy. over any other ever discovered fir the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is thstit com aius nri Qtihiiut or mineral, consequently U produces no quinism or other injurious effect whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it ace left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. . feever aud Ague ia not alone the conseqiirnre of th BiiasniBik: poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Kourahjta, Hhtnmatim, Gnnt, Headache, blind- Mess, loothaoto, haracno, Catarrh, Aukma, l'ali pitnttou, J'aiuful Afioction of tho tysau, 7ysOr its, i'tti'ii in tlie Unwell, Colic, I'aralytit and Do taugement of tho Stomach, all of which, when originating fu thi cause, put on tbe tHiermitCriii type, or become periodical, Thi "Cuiia" expel th poison from the blood, and consequently cure them all alike. It is an invalituble protection to immigrants aud persons travelling or lemjiorarily residing in live malarious district. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infecliorti that will b excreted from the system, and cannot accunmtat in suflicient quantity to ripen into dis ease, llenco it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few mil ever suffer from Inter' mittcnta if they avail themselves of th protection thi remedy afford. . 1 lropard by Dr. J. C. AYZ2 V CO., Lowell, Vast, FRlUNd A SON, Sunburyi Pa. R.B. MeCay, Northumberland, and all Druggist and dealers everywhere. At wholesale by J. M. MORRIS A CO., .Philadelphia. December 2S. 1866. ly Waatttd Istsiira)sllatelT, A -Mil bsrber Is wanted Immedieuly te wltra XV eteafly amproyraeat will be given: Apply 1 ta sa. rusvochirfr Marki Street, Bun bury, Pa. gqpbcry. Jan. J. MiM. ... ssrtA rsinita. QO.VM-tirriTi:r, BEAD WHAT DR. 8CIIEKCK 18 DVINO. D'BII.65I1ENCK, Drar Pin : I feVl'I't ' ntVt ovr ftUiWl all wli are.suflerlng untlur the dlsonsr hnoaSsf Cons-tiisptnm and Liver Ccin,-r,lnlot, to let incut knot what great bnt tUs 1 have received Iroui jour I'ul monju Syrup and Seaweed Totilo in so short a lilnc. By the 'blessing -".T Ood It hssenred me thus fnr. ( Dr. Schendtv I will now tn'nke my statement m you, ns follows .'About eighteen months ago I was attacked with a scvero ceWgh, and It enttletf on my hings I could n&trduVn aiiylhlrg I nto, and sot fere I with evening Divert rrbii niht -wtstf., 1 win verywio-ni rniccd.. Tho WhituS )f trty eye wore very yellow- HkaWiso my skint my sppolile all gone, and unable to digrt what I did cat'; bowels swollen, irregulhrand ctmire. I was vr.y raw epiritrd, and bad -such violent spells of (coughing wbon I In l, I down at night and wben I arose in the Morning that tbay would last ons or two hours. " 1 then would be nearly exhaust 1, aad ras entire ly unable to Ii ,,n my left. ride. I cannot deoi i1)n my wretched snfioi ing as I would with Uido. Every organ In my body wasdisoascd or ilcmngcd. Such was my situation at I hi- time, and 1 was confined to my bed frorp tho last of February, 1b.-2, not able to sit np. I had th best (' medimil attendanec'tiio whole of tlie time, iiy oough was so very bnd that it racked mo very much. I at this time raised a largo quantity ot tlilcK, yellow, oflonslvo ninttcr, somctltucs with blood, and'it wagnncrnllv accotnptJ ! adetmUg of jl-.t t'oilcgu t f I'l.ai iiyir.v, ) (ho! '6t-,.-nnd a litrrcd and (tuck cvated tongue. I rent to WMPOI.'SD ALL 1'I.I.m RJ VI i(-.o mcd bv nausea At the lime of Cimghipg so badly I would have sharp, shooting pnins in my left rido i:n'l beurt, flight sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest: hud much Inhnf d fever, pain in my boek and tintlor my shoulder blades and in the small of my back, and at times fo (over luut. it would throw in into- L spii-ms. Now my physician gave ma up to-die. ! Oibcrs I bad. and Ihb rest of them, but llicv coul l ' do nothing fur me, and at that time I was nothing but skin mid bones. I thcti wns in the western part of Mlssonrl. In Jnn last we, Ut't there for tbe Last, and in August last we came to A'e w York, and I wns so reduced that I could only walk ft littlo with my husband's help. After I had been heHs atthorl time th salt water brccie mnde me feci rn'ich b)ter for a time and thon 1 hnd again bi oall a physician for aid. W had four of the bust pbysiciuus'of .sew York' On tbe diseases of the lungs, unj doctors oral! hinds, but.of no avail. Theysatl I was past cure, and that my lungs were to fiir gone for nny.oue to uuro mo. But at Ihislime I was on my feet about tlie Iiouko, not ablo to do much of anything. In November lat I grew worse, and the consumption tliurrnea set in and lasted abont eight weeks. Wo had tried all knd everything that I could grrtsp at like a dying person. Cor my tltsnaes consumption and liver .com plaintbut of no avail. In January, ISM. I was brought down again on my bed. and wus not expeoted to livo the ni-lit out. . My husband stayed at my side, and utber friends, ami they all give pie up io die. At this tiuio every onenbosnw me did not think I would leuvo my bed n living woman, t he nrst night I was attacked tvith spasms, and was deranged most of tho tiuio. A friend, Airs. I'r-rris. came to see me the last of toe week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In it was an account of a great cure performed by Dr. Schenck. She read' il to mo. and it was so iuuob like my own disease that I asked thy husband to go and see him for me. At this time I had given up all hopes of ever getting well again, and mu le my j peace with UirJ, to be ready When nt called ter On the 27th of January, 1803, tny husbihd called on Dr. scbenck, Si itood street, few ork, and stated to him mv ease', with a requett for him to call and seu me, which ho dtd, and examined me with j tno respirotnetor. wnen ne was aoout io go i asaea him if he could oure me ? His reply wis: "1 ban not tell, both lungs are diseased, ana the bronchial lube ar effected on both sides. ' And yet he seemed to think there were lungs enough left tb f foots cur if-lLe diarrhoa could be stopped. IK said In order to do this, he would have to give Man drako Pills in small doses at first, to carry off tho morbid mutter, and then, with astringents, he hoped to check it, which he did, but the constant coughing, night sweats, and diurrhenhad prostrated me so that he was afraid niy vital powurs were too much pros trated ever to rally, and yet li3 Ecc'Jicd to think if I could live to j;et enough Pulmonic Syrup through my system to cause eiptcli'filt .""ri, there were lunj enough left lor me to reoovr. Ho wished me tri try the Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tftn'.i at once, saying it would do n. no harm, if tt did hicrio good. The first week it seemed to give me t'.rcrigtb, " that on Sunday after I sat up iu bed and ate hearty for a sick woman; but the next week 1 lo-t all tlbpe and wished my husband not to give me any mere mediuiuc. Cut the doctor bad warned him of this, nnd when the medicine was clearing out the system It made them feel somewhat restless, and to perse vere: and he insisted on mv taktmrii: and I new feel the benefit oi it. Fur after eight days I began tngnin strength, and, with the exception of a cold that put me back soma, I have been gaining strength 0 body, my cough is going away, and all my puins are gone; no sorcnous of tbe body, my bowels are regular and my breath is sweet, and I thank Ood that I am now going about, and sew and read bs well as I ever could. I have taken sixteen bottles ot tho medicine, eight of each. I now have a good aj pe tit nnd rest well at night ; my cough does not trouble ma in getting up or lying dowo. I would here say to the afllictcd with consumption or liver oomplaiut, lhat Dr Scbenck Is ho humbug. Yua can rely on whut lie says- lc!a not; it is danger ous to trifle with theso diseases: . If you would be cured, go atol.ee". and any one nl:bibg to know the fuels ns herein stated can' call at my residence; 117 West Houston street, New York eitv. MRS. MARY K. FAM.OW. We, the undersigned, resitlenlsof New York, arc acquainted with Mrs. Fnrlow, and know her stalo- ch'en ek "IT l'ulmon ii ?y fu p aua"Sea7eed Tonic, and have reason to believe ibat to this medicine slis owes ber preservation from a preinuturo grav. S. FAilLOW. 117 Wet Houston St. laciKNE L"Nl)i:itHU.L; UTH Orcenwich st. Mr. EUtiKMi UNDKR111LL, 078 Oreenwlch st: AUUISTA UNDEIUULL, fi.O Orceuwich st. A. T. HARRIS, 117 West Houston st. EMILY 1 1.OVKR. 1 1 7 West Houston st. J L. COI.K. Ml Cottage place. M A. LEltJHTON, S3 liroadwny. Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP: lt mitT plaie. I am wall acquainted with 7lrs- Mary Farlow; and with her husband, Mr. B. Farlbw, they having fur a few months past, attended at my church, and 1 amieonrineed tl at any statement which they might make might be relied on as true. JOHN DOWLIXO, D. D . Pastof flf ilodfhrd St. Baptist Church, N. Y. De. Sebenek will be professionally at bis principle office No. 15 iVorth Sixth Stroc't; dottier Of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, frbm V A. M. until 4 P. M.,No. :t2Uond street. New York, every Tucs; day, from 9 to S; No Si utuwer street. Huston, Mass., ;every Wednesday, from V to &. and every other Friday at 1IIS llaltiinore street, Baltiuiore. Md. All advice irec, but fur ajb'Tougll cxuiuinaiioh df he lung's with tho Rcspirowt.'ter. the charge if three dbllnrs. Price of the Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each $1 411 per bottle, or $7 &U per half doten. Mau drake Pills, 2i cents f er box. For sale by all Drur-gisrl and Dealers. December 2, ltJ6a 1 j. NEW MARARl)" The nndertlnetl wrtuld tespeetfully Inform the citisens of Sunbury, and public generally, t tat he has opened a new MARRLK YARD, opMuio the Court House, where A.MKRIC AN aud ITALIAN marble m oonstuntly kept on band, All orders lor Monuuicntsaal Head -stonci prompt' ly tilled at reduced rates. D. C. DLS'SIXUER. Sunbury, Oct 7, 1SI5V If THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for OLD NEWSPAPERS, PAMPHLETS BOOKS and WASTE PAPER of every descripttoa . For particulars address gTOt'KWEI.I. K.TI KIlfaiOK, ' .te, 9S Ann fstrerrl. On Door Westof Nassau St., R Y F-i U M IS Ai Si Have Vossr Vnle Paper. fnd Newspapers, mhtilatetl Ihn ks, Pamphlets and lbt differeut varieties of Paper thnt aooumulat in every bouse, and which is generally looked upon aa rubbish, should be sent la .Stocknell A Emerson, of I Nn- ti Ann 8trct: They ar paying liberal prices . for all doacripiiuns ol Wast Paper, better than any one in lb trade. S'TOCKWELL A EUERSOX, Kov. tl. lJi Urn TOILET SOAPS, ToClb-Bius'hea, Hair Brushes, Ae , Ac. Forsuleby ANNA PAINTER. .rV llookrsHt IJ;Ht Bfr'si. I Lif and Publie Services of A. LINCOLN, by I Crofby, f 2 00 Paulina Cushman, Th 1'i.ioo Scout and 5py, 3 AO I Our Muleul I'rianJ 2 23 Holiday Uooks-rbenarstely or InTjcttl. 6uoburjf,Doe. ti, lbCI. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY f ' ha Simpson' Buildings, MARKBT SQUARE, Bupbury, P., J, 11. EKKKLIi, Vrpri-4r.3 Sunbury, July It, HWJ. ' - - ' j , lorjtb x. n"."jri ....... 25 BT ORE. Market i, unrr. I ill JhVl" , inf-: ; i-J1:. -"?iiiri--.' ... . n AVISO iecenllj) prltchnsoaV. the Drug More forsneHv Tontluotn.1 hv H A K.... I tw... Iravato Infcrut fUr cttitot s,ff .tirkury a'nft ti, eitiily, that I bnv eulir- replenished my.stoek inn . ' such as Combs, limine-, PcJitd L'Oi.lf, S, its, Per fuioCTy, Hair-Oil. linivrs.A "Kcr .Vl-Oil Laint. Jobuoco and Cigars, . ta;-:t, llsi, 1hc. Vs!nrj-, fully, Viiinitie, Vnf-n1 .fUcrtlr-lt-.r-si. &. Ail iny Tinctures. .vrii.s. Oititui uit.. C-r'.te , :-.r 1 other frepRrnt ion nto m-inufViA'uved Hy my.i. lin l from tho Iiet mnler'::! I enn ru "ue. i;t,Vrke'. Having hsd ifui'.e a ninrtitr of yijart' vr.-; if, the ... Drvaaud J'rim'.-ftt.. :.''.. " both in Philadelphia and the country. .-.,! jtlso' the ,un, , . iijrsimitinniiv (inuli) Rili.V iatr 1 Wlll. All luy proijarutioiis as 1 have nbove n-i C-'nl, iii i romle fioui the bel muterial. i,::J uu in honor 1 assert, theyius of ofiieiuul strci.-fili. For me'Jic'nal purpose", I keep on hnnd the Very best - V.INF.; BUAXDJEsS AND UQUOR9.' tbst t can procure. "." l!etore"piirclsiu ehewhera, call and crhivir.ee yonr own tnind. . i, ' ' ' ..W. A. HtNSETT. Stinbury, Nov Id. IWS. i . Pianos ! Pianos I ! MY PIANO FOUTKyvibieli hnvbbcen awar.led , numurous liih p n i z f. 'it f. p i i, s ,: T"r years pnst in this Couniiy an 1 Furop. f-r their ileelrlrdsupoiinrity. are still mnnnfiictuil In tki.t City. Vhere their rxcclltno has betrr lorg eeknow le lged and itniversally a.lmrre I.1- In dolirncy- o:,tl sweotr.ess r.T tcnii with purity ami' Tov. er tbey r unequalled and ntlly warrnutrd, on tle..iost rcasoi. able terms. . CONllAD .MF.yru, . So. 7?2 ARCH St., PHILADELPHIA. Nov. II, IBEi. :m N E W G it 0 C E R Y T I1I1E subscribers begs leave tn nnr.ounoo to the X citiren-rf Sunbury. and its Vtc.it.ity, that they have opened a new guccerv) Tuo'doort went of J. IL- Kiifte'4 Slat, t",t Ifnrltt . '" where they are propai r i Io f i. '.'sh every vniuly of groceries, and will keep constantly on baud the choicest varieties of . . FLOUR .& FEED, Fish, ColTeo, Teas, Sut-.-r. M.ilrssrv Cbeevr,. Salt' Spices of all Hiscrip'.iou, Soaf s of every varljty, Candles. .Smoking nd Chewing t.bs co, Magnrs, Itsms. Shouldurs, linoon, "Juite', and I.'gga. A!-n Dried fruits of nil kinds, Coned Poaehr uml Ton s-tnt-s. Pickets, Ketchup, I'eppct .Suucn, Rui.-ins. Lemons. Aa.. ol bestquality, nnd in tact tvery slylo of articles kept in a well sleeked ttrocrry." A!. Cider Viuegor. All kinds of country pvoiluco taken in e-:eiinngo. 1 lie patronage of tho cuu.io is re-: spvcltully solicited. CEOI'.I'E E. PKAI'.D A CD Sunbury, Nov. 11, ISGi. - w n J" Wt'!!. Jl ) WMmmm a eie&oJi" !llAVrCiiA rffaC-'t )7V!-TZkvi.'ir.. . - M tClVsiV'.. EXCEI.LKNT MINE VOR EE MALE 5. SPEER'S WINE, eelcbrsted in Kurope for its medicinal nnd bueti:.i:il quhlitic, highly esteemed by eminent phisieian, used in European arid American llnsi.it.nls, and by ItTbtc Bf tbe first familits in Europe and America. AS ATOXIC it has no equal, causing an appetite and building up the system, being entirely ft pure wine of a u-oit taluablo grapo. AS A DIURETIC it imparts a healthy acuion of the Olnnrls, Kidneys, nnd Urinary Organs, very benouciul in Dropsy, Ootttf and Rheumatis AfTco'tious. SPKER'S WINE is a pur article from the, Juice of tbe Port Grnpr., possessing medicinal properties superior to any other wine in ese, and an exellcftt arlielo for all weak and debilitated persons, aud the aged and infirm, im pryving the appetilo, and benefitting ladies and children. . Trf it oure: and ynn will not he deceive:!. l 4i-Jiure the signature of Ai l nto t-rxttn Is ovce Ihe eork of each boltlo. K.i1it liv W' A Il1.11n1.tl Kunttiirv. nnd ett flrt r1n.s dealers,' who also sell the ;,k!T I IX, A j a asaa a ifss.ssi,a ouaiue oiu nrtic.e. 11"- A. 1 .-I.. L.. c ... Vi: . . - ....I,.... porieu winy vy mt. rpcer, uuvci iroui iub uiit-y ui (jf'-Traile supplied by Wholesale Dru-;-;ists. ( Bv A SP1CKR. at ilia vinovard in Sew .ler'ev PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 20S Jlif'.'AliWAY, N. Y Suubury, Jan. 6, 1H8J. ly. PRICES REDUCED!! JOSEI-II EYSTEU. (Sitcffembr to John Boiton.) torner of Market and fawn Street, S U N U U H Y , P E N N A . Invites thd pdbli to call sod exsmin his elignnt assortment cr WINTER GOODS! whleh be will sell at greatly educed prices. If s stuck ooiMtsts lu part of . CASSIMEEES; CLOTHS. &C-. 4 Pllis. Delaine', Xawus, tjiauh-uni, Calicoes, Musliiw. 5'heeliug. Tickinpl, Jeans, aud a full sjs.rthieiil of tiottoa and Wsolen sToods.rtnerullv, Husiery. Olovee, Hoop' J-tir'J. Al-0 Ifsodksrchlefs, Brushes, Combs. Ilulst aud Cupe-, Itools) null Sltos-s, His sortnint of goods kill not, h is sre sore, .fail to pleas th fancy snd sort the wants of any de sirous of purchasing. 11 is flock of HARDWARE AMD (jt'EEHSWARK. and Groceries M lane in r.nnntiiv arid ehoiee in quality, eouipruing generally everything seeded in the household either lor f f or ornameut. He is always ready and ghid tn sec his frit rfVi nd takes pleasure ih showing tfirm bis girnds evrn though no sales ar mad, lie only a.-ks a call, aiid is sur that th stock will compare favorably iu prioc and quality wilh lb cheapest JOSKW KYSTER. BREAD & FANCY CAKES Two door west of the Post Offlee, SCVBCRY, P, RESPECTFl'LLY iuform tb eltiien of .Son-' bury and f ioiuily, lhat be will bake t order 1 .11 l ;.wL ..r 'ssL-a ImIIsi. ParI'js. V. , Families are supplied wilh FRESH BREAD, Twist I toll. Rusks, Tea Huns, io., au 1 also kept uu baud J msnafuciurcd out of the best materials. All ordr will meet with prcuipt atuatioa. ilaviug had large experience I hope to give ! senerai salisftotioa to ail who msfy fnvor me wick tSioir pauonage. DAVID FRY. Sunoery, ., J86. 'nll Paper and Border in great variety new atylosjust nwareed at lb" Mammoth ttlnra or A. W.fKILlMll 6 Oil. - Saobery, Oct. 14. ViM. and v.. FALL A ' ; ! Notions . llarWet Street, font dooi. Hoot and "SbbrTtt-itrw, . Her stark ooneits of Tri fetios, Indies' end ChllHrons' ilif tninrs. Hn.p skirts, Orae and Laeo irv r:',,'K:k'"1'"- '""ar, and corsets, I 61 , urenKtast trnsisw, Midinif llcoc. .Trite'- Vm' He s7l,, nd f Inl-trVin s Hose, Cents1 half IW. - , Dudley t.t Putont Duplcj; Ell,pt1e (of iv'i . b'l'higSKIP.T-3. . ' tTcnts' lfntlkrrt.ir. Crfivsl-, Necktia.-, Bti.vacna ,1-rr ; i ihbor., of all kiteU. I'ctrft,.,, Ve'.vet, and Ii, any older arliclest o nnuior'-iis to moiilion. I'erfutuery, Ttllet Hefs. Ilitlr Tirushts, Combs Ti'VS. end a genernl va-rkS i.f NO'I IO.,',v. . ' ' fl.MTFEltl.NO done In".dswely mA nt short' nctlce. i ' , .... . , KATK r.vii-ic.. Kui.htiry. 0-;t. 2ri. IS'j. , Glorious i&rs ( H K A T EX C I T K K N T! KYKRYBODY lit .-IIINd Tn 7 HfiTORK OF ; TOI:ji.lT, : ..r .tellem ,yer's liuiidlng. oppwilo (iearhsrt s Con fo'ttionery i-'nire, M irkc! str-et, fcLN-IH'lt Y, Pa., , WHO HAS lil.l I IVliD HIS NEW -GOODS ! , CLOTHS, CASSt.MEllIi:-, of all &c scrii lions. , . Ca'ie,-,r..i, rressijoiil.. iTiiKs. Ci-lrI,arB, Miarw p:l arrb-jeW aasortinent .' Ladies' Wecr. . .Mnlir.ti at low er rates than nnj where else, Sheal ii g. Tkklt'gir. i-e. BJ.a'l nust 4'AS.i of vvcfydwcri'i Con' A lsio n-.sortm',it c. 7 . NOTIONS (5:: YAUlETllsS. 0.inMHr,,e rr ibticry Clove.'. Tlir?ud. B '.tonn, usj enuer, Nccl.il. '. 1'uliars. I.'iiiidkerc'i'?t : lT.-i';r liu,hei:. 'IV.otli llrtuhrs, i'aney Ilu-td iJrise; , moral SKirtt. Un.ip-itiri-, Carpel-bug', Trunkp. v'a Uses, limbreilrui, Cott.n s'arti, u-,, and nuiherous oilier rnicles t'.o tc lit. as 11 ceutioj. n a r'-d v a n ii , ; ' 11 i.i n: mils. Linrr-'' nr.d screvs, 'Ioor t,r.tchea and bn. h.i, iiii.l t'Llbl'IIY ofcvry devriptt n.' Dvct. IrtirtJ, P:iiitt-, Vrtrntslwa. f,'!s, Cilat, l'titty, fVr., Ac. fjnfiis-iv -tj- ssiit! ;'irivvvt tire of STONE .W KATtTIi'.XTVAUE. .n cx!t -nsivj t-U'i of G B O C H jb-7. .1 H S3. Coi3j o.-( .1 rf Sii!-:ir. t"V"cr Tei. llic-, tr.-Tn.stirch Mol.i C.ini'c.:, Meat, I'i. !, t.'rn ee. .'.-lr Tobacco, til f?;-,,r.:. KEADY-MAntS CL0TIII5Gi r W9 f aZ V, i, tv") g: fr-r tn'T, women aud children, ,:t llicv enn he lif..'l elsewhere I'.Ter priocf f'tt. All kinds of Country Prr'e!?:! tSn in e-r-fharg f rOooJ.. , Mt.hu rv, O.-t Sv. l-.'i.V i rune ai,;; and prT.tn.. OTiMEG OAIirOP.3 M- SONS. I WW I I'liii.ADhL:'!': Iti;vo r'jw ci'T t7n.ii- l.v -! siilendhl tic"i ..ADiEa nr. c.i":s. Di.i. T:s. yvn- . cr -.". ,; . A N l5 ."OfT. A1...; win ';-cst a-V'.r'ir.rnt cf K-iney I't.r H Kups, MtiOV-r;, i.ii.l (il-vci ev r bt fore o'-"." theni, ml tif .ht,-ii :ir wnrrante I to as ranrc cd. li.'llf J f.'i. P'.'li.v UOVUltT. 0.:t..b.-i- :i, t-V-. lm BOAll)iKGiIOU si sc. '5. V3 4 i. c z i -vsrom&K t (Vormerlvuft:.-.' Lr.wr...co Ki.;-..,'' suxiU-i.Y, rn.N'K-A. i TyFORMSher frlendt an.l 'he publie t ' 1 thnt shn has n-n-tet! ih.i lr. i.".' t.-rmerlv iy jjv. j v. ;.,,.,. ui. I.h -,-v ttri-t, nt Northern t'entr;.! Itiiilrrny .ii'tt, uad opi Jtonrilintr H'.r.He, wh- re e i- oieimred r PERMANENT AND '1 RANSIE'S X BOAR With txn-i 1 i.i,M:s:it t wr.iL'---'. ijorr-leri om-i nt.Mu "iini'i: w. ln-uie t.ltli t'ni-b f-iur. Lest hotels. Patronage from Iho-e hIio mavfnjunrii in S is respectfully tolieilrd. Mis. MA!-.:, niosri's1: Puiiburv Mov. 1 1 . l-ii'.i. BEEF! BBEF ! ! Till", nndersirrneit efp?.'lfiilly inform the of .Vur.burj nnd tioiuity. tl at on Sior.d iy 11 will eoininen.-e .iipilyin the r'.r.iiuuiuty quality ,:t ;n:i'. m J,ri -cs r,ni in;; tu rn il Hating n-,ii'riene'. in tlie Ihimi.,., hu 1 1 rangeiiient. for a supply of neir.ber o;,e e.i will nlney. Ice.'pnn hand fujt quality ot b. lowest mnrii. fi'if s. MLTI.LT. A ELI Srnbury, Sept. , )SJj. HATS! II Ar A Fl'Lt' AS50UTJlE.rT Jcs by TAMtFI. rATJST, Two d.xirs west of Fischer's Drug t-iore, ' -iii 1 r SP'I exauime tho .i.rgo ."s rt! i I . latest New Yoik and Pailadi l; hi k nrja'w ar. & at tho above establishment, which for beu rnbiliry cannot be exe.-lled. Beins a nr: ter. he Hatters himself that his shk-K has i with more oarc thun any ever bcljie this plneo. He ui.-o fnntiufacluret to ordor ell k Fur Huts, all of which will be sold al w retail, at re&om.ble rate. Dvcing done al ibort uoticc nnJ at tbe Slir.buly, Kept. oV, 1 3 i J GOODS SU ITA RLE FOR II' PKESENT9. nEUnr har?ei CiO Arcls !tr--l, B'UKaU i Batches. mnf. jEtrxi.nv. iiOLir) 6!LV and S.uer..r aills i i- Plhf hA XT: October 7, IS6 on STATI0XE11Y S tit it ia in- MIAK:, s THE ubeTiber repee!lully inforot Sunbury and vicinity that he Iu thebuildingnf Charles Pleasants. '. an entire nes and well selected, sti Stationer iti'l a great variety of otl sisting, tn pu t; follows :' ROOKS, STATlOXEIiY, W. (fame uf all kind." and descriptions I Brushea,' Perfumes, Ladies' Satchel A hue assnrtment of MctMi-e I togrupb Albums. Photograph Fratni MKERSCHACM. Briar. Riarowoo Fer Fires. Patent Pip Stems. Clg tury. r-unny-sido and Plantation, F nick and big Kick Smoking Tobasc TOY BOOKS. TrsDsuareut Slate miiig for Viol - (sold Pens, Silver Boos. Pocket kluives. Ae. . lie ba also a large and eomplet :otil Oil lauspa) uri aad also many other things too sai He i. also Agent for Pratt U Declaration of Independence, Proclamation. I'leise call and r lihasiug eUuwher SI Suubury, Not. 11, Wi 'Use Makon llHI Organs, forty diflerenHtjlj and teeulnr music, f.a- $0 to V ON It GOLD r WLVEK Mk'D rreaiiums awarded them. Hi rer. Adilieu. MASON A Hi MASON BROTHERS, Mew Vut I, laXity . i . huo ty af Wt ssawui iws-a J .- ; . . --. . '.-' ::-k -' ' to i . i . . i .V. J. , -r - s 'f is-f- . ' i S '. . i l r. r I .