, IT. Bviva. CAi. B. Oiwthrp, SKITS & GE1TTSEP., Karkot street, on door eoat of Mr. Boulton's Hut STTlTIBTTIVSr PA., Have opened ANEW TIN -WARE, Hhoct Iron nnd Afore J lore, ml Intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notice, IXiV AXD SHEET IRON-WAB.E of all doncriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovesof the following Brands PEIT1T37LTA1TIA, UNION GGOK, and on the following two Brandt wo defy competi tion, namely 4'oiiiiilnnlloii 4iin Humor, Cooli, Uovernor Prim-Coftk, unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, oouibining cheapness and durability, and each stove warranted to perform what they iiro re presented. ALSO, PAKLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great Variety, embracing all tho best manufactures, and most Rliionaule designs. Also, The celebrated GEM for licitiuj up and down stnlrs. Also the eolebrated VULCAS IIKATER. Coul Oil, f'onl Oil I.ii:ij.m, flss- , 4'liiuiiiioM, mid nil itrlicit-.H unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. Wo are also prepared to do all kinds n( Spinning. liooRng, Kango and Furnace Work, Oas Kitting. Ao. Repair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country produoo taken iu cx.clii-.ngo at uinrhot price. smith & GENTiirn, Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRK PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Nurihuuiber land, Snyder, I nion and Montour. Ard nro also agents for tho Fiphcr i Wiilowcr Lmo of Transportation. 6an. ury, Sept. 0, 180 . LARGE STOCE! SEW ARHI V A L O GOODS A.T TSTO. 1 STOSE OF WEAVER & VA&'BIm'E. ! COXsISTIXU OF DRY GOODS! FOREWNAJfD DOMESTIC, such a, CI..U,. C-..I meres, Muslim, fchectin, Tieltin, t:,,!!,.,,,.. I,, laines, I Immcls ttnd all kind , of Mtrt l; I x, i (;,, jV Alpacas, B ack Silk,, iigi,llms. Jt, "or, nd HATS 5c CAPS. NOTI0XS & VARIETIES Comprising. Hosiery, (lloves. Tl.rend. Umtoo, S,,'- pender!. Neck-lie ir..,irn,.,." X" ""." i K'.Telllcts, ... jooin jiiuslies. (linn l;ib- worked collar, (aney head UreHses, tidy cotton, eai pot binding, conilw. tawy , ,. 'il's. enrpct lief. Irunks, aliscs, I'uibrc'lns Hin t.- r t Euvelopes, 4c. 1 lk 1 Juli'- r"P. description. ' 01 every Also. Mo., a 11,.,,,.,. ti... vi.y ' . iiimia, vnrnit.iie. Fish. trileeiiMUiii... ...... .lit STONE AND ifAii'TIirNWAl:!:. An Extenivo Stock of G.R O C E R I E 8 Colli-.-i,:r,.li. : Salt, Fish, Meat, Vhtiie, c, Vo. Also, a largo variety of '-?;.. a'"1 m:'" ith:;: ' ' tf ''"'' tuiMir at t!,n w4 -'i.-irgci ,f vptarc, uoar tho Court Juubury, Oct a5 i0oa, HOTOGRAPH ALETJH? BOOKS A?:n STATJOTrEKr ' JonUdy T-lrno Books, Drawing B.cks and Slatct. ks. Ilvmn Books 1! ink t!,., L. m . j Pencils a fins ar .nent of Paper. Jn! Ac orjajojy A . A l AISTi:!!. JB. O. G033HST, toni-y niul 4 un IIrl-;ai .-,n BOOSVILLE, CUOPER CO , MIS.'-ol'HI. TILL pay tuxos on lands in any part of tl.o btulu. Buy and soil res:l Esla e and nil oilier cr entrusted to him will receive prompt a(ten- ly 8, 1.SS5 oet 15, V.4. E W GOO D S!' IXtl just returu.d from the city, I have low open a lull assortment of I is Dl'esN (JeoiV, Dress Trimmin -' auj .luings. Ribbons, U!ui is.f X:ts, Unci." Collarean.l Cufis, Cloak Omauicuts, and Bullous, Corsttls, White and Woolen (lools Slmirlj nd Breiikfast r"liuwls, Hon, Is, Ladies' and I ' Scarfs, Neckties, Sleeve Buttons, Fancy j , and itolioilN of all kinds, too numerous lu m. j MARY L. LA 7. Alt IS. wo doors west of Win. II. JiilUr 6 Slioc store. I buryJ3ct. ii, l-f.a. I NCY DRESS COODSJKIS I Watches, .lewelrv. 'wo tllltll'S West of tHu Tost Oliicc, TJISrZJTJ-nY, PEKTJSI'A., i just received and opened a largo i.f , rlii.cn f i iiiioy Urcss ilonds, such as li loves, Jouvian ncs, Silk and L.-lc thread lilovis; Fleecy Hose, Children's Jicrinn lloso. Ladies' Zephyr Bre Cords and Ta'sels, Chenille, Kontags, and Dcutlcmcn Haielkcri'hicfs, Corsets, l.m ed Slippers, Ribbons. FANCY DKKSS BI T. lluglo lliini, Trimmings. Buttons. Bolt .'till civet Ril.hon.i. Lruid, Belt Cla.;,s, Ladies' es.CRAPJiitlUBOX and '1 111. MM I. VU ; Km. mg Braids, Jncomt and Swiss K'lgings and ns; .Miiltce.'-e LacttCollcrs. Luces, lircimdiue Hack Veils. Funey Dress Comlw. lUai Di'c. u, and a variety of otlior arlicit-4. voo.i s Paper Colluia of a superior quality Linen Cullani. re Curds iwd Tasi,cl3. ANNA PAINTER. .ty. Oct. 2S. V r,S uty fciurvojor, fom raiiccr AND JUSTICE OF THE Vl'.ACi:. ',, NoHliUniltrhintl Counfif, Vmn'u Jackson township. Eugagi incuts can ! im.le by letter, diroetod to the above address. IK.-S eutruskcd to his caic, wdl bo promptly lo. 22, 1905. ly JEREMIA1I BNYDiK," i"ti5y A: 'onnsi-Hos at luiw. uer of Blackberry aud Fawn Street, throo 'vis vui ut, i, jirigui i tuuuetry, hl.MIIISV, 1A. tend promptly to all professional business to his ourc, the collection olclaiuis in Nor and and the adj lining count i,-,. alions in tlerman and Kiixli-'h y, April 2'J, ll3.;T XS having unrecorded DeciU are reiuiudcd they must be recorded, aocording to the iuuibly w hiuh tcquii w that eds and conveyance for real estate la (his eailh, sliall be recorded in the oftiott for ; Deeds in the County where the lauds lie c aw ui In after the cxeoutiouof such deeds yao.ee ; and tvery such Uecd and eonvey. reeordci as alimmid, shail be judged LENT AND VOID against any subsequent tut a valuable estnsideration, unleus euuh corded before the ruoordiug of thadeed r I unrior which suea subsHUat poshaaaf e shall alalia " , Usee PUMPS! PUMPS!! The subscriber having porohaeod the right of Northumberland county, for putting in in i i:'M HiPHOi njiiir on Bontn Wm.l. AND Watkr Foukt, will furnish yum to all porsons In the oounty who may dosire tbco cheap and convenient pumps. They ean be sunk to a proper depth In twoheura ttme, cost but one third the price of an ordinary pump, and fur ehoapnese and oonvenionoe cannot be I1"""1- 8. P. BOYFK. A. V. CLAFP. -'iinbtiry. Septombor 23, ISftJ. NEWESTABLlSTlMENT! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND JEWELER. In Simpson 't Buildiug, Market Square, aTJlTSTT&T. PKITITVL. HAS constantly un hr.nd n lino assortment cf WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spec tacles, .Silver nd 1'liiled Spoons and Forks. Ac. WistVlio. 'Ii'1n mid .B'-lrj , ro. SrUri;! m:d Y A tt IZAfi'l'liit. Hunbury, Sept. 110, 1S05. t.zii:u b-'am;v b i Xri) JOHN FAREIRVS Tift?) fid Established yi'f'!!- Fur Manufactory. JCo. 718 Arch street above 7th l'HILAD'A. I havo now in sloro of own Importation A .mil'actuio, one of tho ! AHOl-'ST and most '-V V- BKAl'TUTL selections of :i . ........ :fc r 'HiforLn.lies' and Cl.ild--j'-ii?!!v$ " rcn'e Wear, in lliu City ; Also a fine assortment cf Ucnt'a I'm Uloiua nud Uol- lurs. j 1 nn' rnalili,! to disposo of my goods lit very rcn j sor.nlilo priors, and I would therei'oro solicit a call i from my friends ol XorLliuinbei l.o.i County, and vi cinity I ijt Remen.ber tlio Name, Number and street ! JOIIX FAR El K.. "IS Arch si., cbovc 7th, south sidi", I'll 1 1. A 1 1 1.: 1 . 1 1 1 1 A I havo no Partner, uor conneciion with any other iu Pliiludelpliin. j Sopt. IHlij Imw j ""iTEW PHOTOGRAPH G ALLSSYr .E. E. F'SISiTi'E'. would rcspeetfully in ; form tho citi?.en of SI X lil.'UY, nnd tho public generally, that he hits opc.ud a new, i PHOTOGSAFH OALLTT3Y. I:i Sin'.)isi.n's Building. South side of Market Squere, where liu i prepared to take in t'uc hist s:yie of the. iirl PIC'i THi:S TO FRAMK. PItTl'HKS IX CASKS. CAitiJ PIlO'JO(ili.PII3. ! Als Pictures made for Kin,-s, Breastpins. I.oekels. Ac. Persons n i.-hing in our line will do well to call and examine specimens at the tiallery. : We hop to merit n liber.il share of public pntror.- ago. Or it MuTro is to Pli:Asb. Sunbiay. July la, 1HIIS. i A Ciil5, Ci.Il,or Horn 'i'lsro:ii, 1 Requires iuinicdi ito attention, and sli.iuld bo chi ck- cd. Il uMowed to continue. Irritation of tho Lupfrn, a Torrur.nont Throat AFKKl'TION, on AN I.H IIAB.'.K JLl Nli DlSliiSB j i, ofti n the result. ! DP.OW.TS EEOKCHIAI. Tr.0CIIE3 j iliiviiij a direct Inilucnce to the parts, give imniedi. ' at.' relief. 1 For Liontl.it is, Asliiiiij, Cut trtli, C'onsuRip- j tivo mi l Tlinutt lJ:t-c:isi', 7r'ii'.i me t?., ! irith ii'kiivxii'uiJ mceeii. S5ii5i'i- :S31 5':ijl:f S;ji?i r ! will And Tuuciiss useful in clearing the voice when ! taken befove Sininj A-Spcnl:ing, and relieving 'ho bloat nficr r.n unusmd escrlion of tho vocal organs. The Tnornus r.re recommended and irc:i ioe 1 I v ; Pl.y.'.iciuus, and have had teslimouufls liciu euiiueut j : men throughout tho country. Ruing un ar;iclo of 1 true merit, and huvinc- nrove.l i!,i, .ir, K. ..... , . . j r - " I man j t aij. each year finds theiu.ui new local ilic, ; iii ttuious pariA ui me wo'iu, ana Uio irocliea aro 1 universally pronounced belter than other articles. Obtain only 'liiiows's Buys cm a I, TnoctiES," and do not take any of the Worthies Iniilations that may be offered. liJi ererywhoro in tho Units! States, osd in orcign Uouiitnes. uu. w.... , . October 2t, :t).i. Cm " CLOTHING "FOR ALL ! ! AT CONTINENTAL 0 L O T II 1 N G P A Z A A R . (.'orarr :1" "SarlVt'l fijiure !ic iiail. kitl ICt i-1-ft, t? U X 15 U U Y, 1" K N N'A. Jl'STOPEXl-:U,.l-,AI.L A WINTKU STOCK 0? READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the. ncwi.st styles, cut Lj ll best Ai lists, trimmed and ma tc equal to CL-lt.:ii ml:, and sold at the Ijwest prices. I xv tic s u ; e a.vt.i s. j Cavalry J'ubM for fit. BLANLFTS, BiiAVFR. I CLOTH ! rx i: K.a ci-J zs sv rzsrja i Vni-yii.g fioni $Jj to $10. 55on nail :ioyM('It!ilvj;of ll.e bes! 1.1.1. tcrial coii iiting of Drcsa Coats. Frock Coats, Sack Coats, Pants, nd Ve ts of various colors and quali ties. - ,. C.EXTLKMFX-ri rniND-'IIIXM (1O0DS, inch as Shirts, Over-shirts, Vndershirts, Drawers, Co!! us, Cruvato.Ntckiics. lI:'r.ckiichitlf,StOLkii,j;s U loves, Ao. E3-.il nsitl 4'tiM4 oCall rtt!!w. SHOES. Oum Shoes. TRl'XKS. VA- AS. TOBACCO A M'liAHS Watches, Jewelry. Knives. Revolvers, and NO. TION.S of all kin Is, nnd numerous other articles. Tho public are invited to cull and exuniino hit Stock. Remember the place. '-Continental Clothing Store," Coiucr ol .Market Square and tliu X C. R. It. LEVI 1IECI1T. J. p. sChafflr. t ESP:i:TFTLLY informs the ciliy.cn of SUN i.Xi BLUY and vicinity, that ln has opened a Talloi-lis NIip, the room over Farnsworlh'!! Oroccry, oppositu tho Cental Hotel, Sunbury, where ho is ready to make up garments of all kinds in the latest style and best norkmuiiliku i.ir.uncr. Huving had experience in (he bminrss for mim b: r of yours lie h ipcs to rinder general rali.'fuciii u Cus'.oni work is riiicclf ullv solicited. J. F. SC1IAFFER. eunbury, May 13. 1S03. ly i'Jfl.'i. ms. lliln;loI;iI;In A Ili io ttiiilroiiil. flAIlIS great lino traverses the Northern nnd Xorth I 1 west eouutitu of IV "isylvauia to the city cf Eiie I OU LitlKC j.nc li has been leasee! by the Pennsylvania l.ailroad Company ami is oporuiea Dy ineiu. 'Xiuu oi l'asscuger trains ut Sunbury, l.cuvc juiiiwaia. Erie Mail Train, b.10 p. m. Erie Express Train, .1.40 a ui. 1.1 mil k Express Train, 1 1 .'A'j p ui tluiira Mui Train, 10. .'loam. Leave Westward Trie Mail Train, 3 05 n ro. Erie Express Train, 2..10 p in. Elmira Lxpress Train, i 6 20am F.lmira iluil Train, , Hi p. iu. Passenger cars run through on the Erie Mail and ExprCKS Trains williout change both was between Philadelphia and Eiie. . iV'W VurU Coiiim-i'IIuii. Leave New 1 ork at 6 UO p in, arrive at trio S .37 a. in. Leave trio at 1.6a n iu..urriva ul Now Vnrk 1 15 p ui. No change of ears between Frio and New York, elegant SlcepiiiL' Curs on all Kiglit trains. For information respecting passenger business apply at Cor. 311th and Market St., Philiulclphia. Aua ior r relent business ot tho Company's Agents, ti -i . '''aWu, Jr-, Co otU mil Markcl rmladelpbia.- ' . .ii . . ' J- W. Keynolda, Erie. ' . y llUaiu Brown, Agent N. O. H. H., Baltiraora. . H II. llouaroa, ,' ., Uen'l Freight Agt. Phllada. y j. 1 1 ii&n, 8en I Moaat;er, WiUlasaaort. v. , tm GOLD. 18G5, 1800, 1807. SILVER lto 75000 !! S2 I S2 1 1 2 1 i 1 TATO DOLLARS.' Blamii'u.'ltirersi Agenli ! Our New Mode- On ol ui !. B or KlIVKEt Wnicltf m, or (Silver Ton lor tf'i, ua 1m-Iow Mated. One of our tea sot Is or one piece of our Gold or rolverwnro U worth a bushel ol the cheat) dollar jewelry ! ! We have adopted the following modo of 1) I S T R I I) U T I O N by sale of 76.000 articles of value! Our tvv o&0 i Tho articles of goods arc mimbcre l from 1 to 75. 000! 37.600 consisting of Pianos Melodeons. Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea A Tablo Setts. Solid Silver lea and Initio Spoons nnd Porks; clc, etc., nnd the other ;i7.M)0 articles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph Albums, Openfacc Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. Ti.VilO notices numbered from 1 to 7o.(li!',i nro printed and rut into sealed envelopes nnd well mixed and one of these is taken out ana sent to the person sending to us 2" cents to cover expense of postngo, correspr.ndenco etc.. pud the article of goo'ls corresponding with the number on the notico will bo sent to tho holder id the s iinc Immediately (if he desires to purchase the article) on the receipt of two U(" tu n ' "u.noer on u c .... eo IO f "," ',' '"' ,.."' ,V . ' wiucnsnouni no nmiioereii jo, h win oo sent in you snoui'l oc uoo. iinii n joiio-i or uiiuiiuii'i sett or gold watch should bo numberediOII.it will bo sent to you for $2, nnd so on lot every article in our list uf 73.00(1 articles. tlifAfterrcccmnglbo arlielc. ifit does not please you, you can return it, nn 1 your money shall be ro untol. 2.) cenls must bo sent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence etc., on ono notice. Remember : that whatever article corresponds with the ntinilxr on your notice, you enn have it by paying Two Dollnrs for It. whether it bo worth $1110 or $;'00. And it is lor our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fne urticWs. ns it gives cnntidci.ee to the public, and thereby increases our Sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 2i ct., which pys for correspon dence, postage etc.. wo send one notice. I' pon reueipt of f 1, which pii3-s lor corrc-ponjcnco. poslngo. etc., we send six notice. Vpou receipt of $o whieii pays S-r correspondence. pr,stage, eto., wu will send io notices, and a line pre sent valued at not less than fli. as a siimplc of our goo Is I'non reccird ofSlSwhicli navsfor corronundciwo. postage, etc.. we will si'i.d I ."ill notices, nnd a solid Sliver Hatch, hy return mail. AUEXTS VANTJ.I. Sen! for a circular ! Agents Allowed a lar.i Cuuh Cuinn.isiiju by which they iiinks (325 Weekly. Addiess plainly Salesroom ?1 l.ilnrty street Sept. ;':t, lfoj. if KEliU EI'OTHKH. Box .'ii::s. New Y'ork City, iN. Y. HHF.UIt" 0 OR riT.UANENiLT C1I1KS R II E T M A T ISM! Irintl itH X'sirio'kiM B'oi-m t. Acuto cr Inflauiiniitr.rv ; Chronic, I.ui.ibajro, ci.iU- ci, Plcurodyuc. .Vc. on,io" oi me joinis nnM l ianips limit. .Neural, and all Nervous Aflcctims FryI elas. Salt Rheum and Scrofulous Kruplion of the body Ncutralijcs .'"I"1" """ " riKHtsut the v. Cole svitcin, ana ciunlir.es their trcnl nijii ; nr. 1 eft' e!u- ally counleracts Mercurial nud other poisonous iiiflu- vi:cti. It is a convcriently nnanel licit, con taining a Medicated Compound, to bo worn around tho body. aV-ut the waist, Equally EiTcctingall Parts, w herever the disease may be. ll can bo worn viihout injury to iho most delicate person, and no change in tho prnlier h'tliill' i.f , 11, -ii ij ir- i.tn.,) If (tt- lirely removes the d:rac troui l.'ic sysUVJ, without Iho uso ol ' po.veifu inli mid medi cines, which wcakod tho constitution nnd give temporary relief only by slupiiying tho system, and deadening iu vitality. By this treatment, the meili.-in il "piopro fios ci 'ntain e l iu the RAND, bcin,- of a highly uromatiu nnd volatile nature. 1 c iaillu of being readily obsorbed. through I lie pores of the skin, come into direct contact witli the Ll.md aiolgeueitn ehuulutl, Itl,uu, A... i.nv;n lo p.i.-j through the stomach, which would tend not only lo detract IVoiu their curative powers, but to impair Iho inli mul oi iusnnd dernngu the digestion al. o, thus avoiding tlie injurious effects, so often the result of internal remedies, and eirceting a perfect cure by pu rifying and Hiiali.'iu' the circulation of tliu vital l'aiids an. I restoring tho ,urs niii-cte.l io healthy conrlili'm. 'Jliis l.'.ind is also ino-t fionenul "Auli-.Mcrc;ii ial A ,;nd'' Calomel icing tho primary c uso of a largo part of the Stiffness. NeuruViu Pains :.i ,1 llhi iiu.a tics. so prcva'.eut :uid will entirely relievo the system from its pernicious cfliels i v i:ic ing all blotches and imples from Iho body and beautify in;; the con.) 'ciitu. Moderate cases nro cured !k a few days, and w. nre constantly receiving Lndoubttd tcsliinoi.ials lu which ws invite iio-peci.oii at our nt'ico uf their efli occy iu aggravated cases ol long standing. PRICK FIVE DOLLARS. Mc.y bo had of Drug gists, uifwill lie sent by mail up. ii receipt o.'j oj, ar by cxprcx ot cry where, with all necessary in.truo tious fluid tho plilicip:.l I'iii.ieuf til.0. L. BUOWXIXU, Sole Proprietor nr.d Manufacturer, of l he Celebrated Bitou.MMi'a Emkisioii Coiflk. Xos. IS and 2'l Market street, Camden, N. J., ti"Treulise, with certified testimonials, scut t'reo IV Adapted to Soldier. Sept. 2, InuA. lim IiEREAS the Auditor tieuoral ns rciiuired liy the 1 Ith Section oftho Act, entitled -An Act enabling the Bunks ot'this Comiuonweullh to become Associations for the purpu'O of banking under tho laws of tho I'uited Slates." p,se,l (,n the i'.'J duvnf August A D. ISril, him certiucd to mo that "iho '-Bunk of Northumberland." locale I in the Borough of Sunbury, N'oi ihiiniberland couulv. has furnished satisfactory evidence to him il,l nil iho requirements ot sai l Act have been complied with bv Iho iid Lank, uu 1 lluit it has bououio an anMM-iaihin for Iho purpose of Banking uJcr tho Laws of the Luited State.) I do Ihercforo. cause the notice thereof to bo pub lished iu uci-oidanoe uilb the pruviob.us of tliu said 11 lb scclii n of the said Act, and do declare that the Charter ol tho said Bank by Iho terms of said Act. is deemed and takeu to be lurenpou surrendered sub. jeet to tho provisions of the first section of said act . ,, A. O. CVRTIX, Uovcmor. Executive I hamber, j llairi.-burg, Aug. Jj, 1S.10. I c. w. .iixii.i;. I.. II. CASE SIEGLE?. &. CASE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Collections and all Prufiwional business promptly attended to in the Courts of Northumberland and adjoining Counties. (.V'Also, special attention paid to the Collection of Pensions, Bounties aud Back Pay for Widows Orphans aud Soldiers Sunbury, March 13, ISiii Wll. M. RoeaEIEULKR. I.LOVDT. ltOHRDACII. ECCKEFEILER & E0HKBACH. OFFICE the same that has been horotofore occu pied by Wu. M. Uoikcfcller. Emi., ueaily op. jiosite the residence of Judgo Jordan. Sunbury, July 1, isuj.ly WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL. ' . fTUm aubtcribet respecsfully rnfjrmi (ho pihlio 1 that ho keopi ooinUuuly oo handi at kis new WAREHOliSii, near tha tihamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in tSUNBl'HY, flour by 0 bafrol. and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton Til above Is all Hanuheturad a bit ewu Mills. ud Will be sold at the lowuat oash prices. -7 v. v . ,i.M' CADNVjILLADER' ataahury, Jan 4, !M1 .it. v up be GRArr?s 'il Eye and Ear Infirmary, Oa th Square, Thrws Doors from BeMl'i Hotel) 1 WILKES-BABHE, PA. mniS INSTITUTION is now open nd furnished J in the most oostly tlyle. Reception, Private and Operating Rooms are large and ewnTenieat and woll adapted. The Surgical apartment eontains the finest collection of Instruments in this country, and thus his faculties will enable hisa to meet any and all emergencies in practice. Ho will ftperato upon the vnrious formsof BLIXDNK.''!?. Cntnrnct, Occluon of tho Pupil, Cross Uvea, Closure of tho Tcnr Duct. Invorslon of ths Kyelids, Ptoryglutn. Ao., Ae. And will treat all farms of Bore Lyes, Uranulod Lids, Opaooties of Hie Cornea, and Scrofulous diseases of the Eye. togctlnr with all tho diseases to which tho eve is subject. 'DEAFNESS. Will treat all the diseases common to thoorgan. Discharges from tho Ear, Noises in the Uar. Catarrh, lifficulties of hearing total Denliiare. even where tho Drum Is destroyed. Will insert on artificial ono, inswering nearly all tho purposes of the natural. DISEASFS OF THE THROAT. All ditoascs common to th Throat and Noso will be treated UF.NERAL SliRULKY. Ho will opcrato npon Club-feet. Huirliip, Cleft Pallate, Tumors, Cancers, Enlarged Tondls, Ae. Plastic operations by healing new flesh into informed parts. and (lencral Surgery of whatever character it may present. IIF.RXIA, (OR RUPTl'HF..) Ho will perform "Lnbius," operition for iho radioal. (complete,) cure of Hernia, this lnqucstionably a perfect cure, arid is dono with little or no pain, tint of the many bun dred operated pon in Boston there has been no fail ures, It havinguicUhe approbation of all who havo submitted to it. "" ARTIFICIAL EYES. Will insert nrlificinl eyes, giving them tin motion and oppression of the nutu vol. They are inserted williout tho least pain. HEMORRHOID, (PILES.) This troublewnio li seasu is readily cured. Those sufi'cvinj from it will do woll to call. Du. I'p Di! (InAFP vl.ilts AVllkes-Ilnrrc with a view of building up n permanent Institute for tlie treiilinent of tlie Eye. Ear. and Ucneriil Surgery. he cxperienc: cf uioro than a quarter of a century, in Ho-pilnl st, general practice, ho hopes, will b a fufficicnt guarnitco to tnoso who iu iy be disposed to employ hiic. Janunry 11, lc05. ly Mrs. SARAH A. SIMl'aON, Vi'ltorthhmj Nrrtt, tml th 2 C. 11. li SUN'lil'iiY, PA., r)ESIT.CTFl'LLY Inlonns her friends and the .i ii'iliu gem rally, that she has jusl opened a larje assortment of l'KFsil (ilrei'ericti, uch as teas, coffee, sugau,' molas m:s, fish, salt, .vc. Pure Cider Vinegar. Fruit Jars. lnware. and a variety of Ladies' Trimmings. Fans. Thread Neck. Ties, llil'iilkerchicfs. Ac, to which tiio ii.vitos nil to cxninine before purchasing elsuwhcre. hunbury, Juno 17, lstij Cux Will Cure Vour Cough. the p ii a: NIX PKCTOUAI. Or compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Root, will euro tho Hiswsts of tho 'J'liUOAi'AMI LUNtlN. Such as I'ol.Is. Coughs. Croup. Asilncn. Brine)iiiis, I atarrh. Sore Throat, lloaraenm. W hooping Cough. Ac. lis limely use will prcveut Puliuonary Con sumption, and even where Ibis forj-fol disease has kcn hold it w ill afibrd gronier l'.liel than any other iredi'U. "ids t'cctornl is made from Wild C'h ry Bi.rk and f'cr.ekft ('.':: iko Hoot. Us CompoiKi."" LJ n sufficient gi;,-rai.tcs of its valun. Dr. tieo. B. VoC'l. .''rolessor of iho Practice if Medicine in tho I'nife.'HtV of lVniylvnnia, Phtsi cian to the Pennsylvania ;wp!'l m0 "f tu" authors of th l uited Slates J.l;; . atcry. says of Wild Cherry Bilk -It isainng llio irost valuablo of cur indigenous remedies, uniting witii A J"i.ic pow er tlie properly ol claiming irritation and dih.init-.li. ing ncrvousexcitiibiiity." 'J'lto name disttnguishe ! j-hysi-iian and auth irs snys ir. the sumo work, "'cncl.B Si nkc Root is a siimula ting expectorant. Its action is especially directed to the lungs, it is peculiarly useful i:i chrunio ca frih ahcciions and the secondary stages of croup." For want ol spiioo we cai.i.ot publish all 'ho testi n.cnia! in our "osstsior. but we give two : . PlllKXHV!!.!.!!, April 1st, 1-14. This ia to ceiiily that I hi.vc so'd huudicils of bot tles of Dr. Obeiholtter's Plia'iiix Pectoral or Coiu pouud Syrup of Wild Cherry nnd Seiirkn Snr.ko Root and 1 have yet to find a single iudivi!u:l who has used it, who docs not bear testimony ol its wonderful flit-cm iu curing coul:;-. t!;i: I, J.teoa PotVBiis. Hali St. Puai.vixvii.LK.Jan. 11. ISM. I most cheerfully bear testimony to I'uo vuluoof the -Pha-nix Pectoral or Compcunl 'trupof Wild . .Sork'iSnakc Ro:. ; Rft.iie usinz it I lout oeeli silt. cling 11 Itil a iieauo in n.j unouraiiii tight cough, for more than two yean, and had taken viiriousother medicines with no relief. A soon as I begun touscDr Oberholticr s u.c,li:iiio the iiritu tiou in my throat was allayed and iu a few weeks 1 was entirely cured. 1 have aire gi eii it lo my lit:le girl, for a croupy cough, w i'h the hi.ppiesl cllcois. SJ-ucd, Jcsei-u Li tasj. j PoTTsroWS, Jan. 3d, ISoj. j This certifies that I have used iho Phoenix Pecto. I ral in try family, and 1 recommend it lo the public j as the tcry best reiusdy lor Cou;;h and Colds lliat 1 ' havo ever tried. Ono of my children was taken ' witii u cold accompanied with a Croepy cough ; so! bad indued that it ooi:l.l uot talk and scarcely lireilhe. Having heard so much saij aoi.ul the PhuMiix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first ' dose lelicved the difficulty of breathing ard beforo ! the child had tckeu one-loiirih of the Loltlo it was entiioly w ell. livery family should h:. e it In tho i house Signed, D. P CROSBY. Tie proprietor of thismcdioirie ha? so much eon!!- ' Uer.ce in iis curative powers, from t!. ttimony of bundredswbo hr.teu.-cd It, that the cienoy will bo J rclumlcd to any purchaser who is not sJti-.GcJ with ' its clluces. I it is so pleasant to take that chiMrtncry forit. , it costs only Thirty-five Cents, It'is inicii led for only one etnas cf diitatjs, namely -those of Iho Throat and Luns. Prepared only by LEVI OBEI'.IIOl.T.EIt. M. D.. ! PLo'iiixville. Pa. -Joh'istom, lloi.t.ov.ir A Cownts. j .Vo 21, A'orth Sixth street, J'hiladi; bia, Uciiera) j Wholcaalo Agents. Solo by George Bright, nnd R. A. Fisher. Drug- gists, Huiilury ; Wm. Chei ringtou, Druggist at Shu uioUin. . , N. B. If your nearest druggist or storekeeper does uot keep this medicine do nut let him put you o'J with some other medicine, because he mukes inoro money un it, but send at once to oneot tho ageuu. for it June 10, 1855 CmS . TO CONSUMERS OF .IIHE undorslgnel dealer in Coal from the follow. irg well kuuwu Collieries is prepared tu receive ordois tor the taiue at the Lowest Mm kct Rates, vita: MOP.DECAPS DIAilOND MIKIIS GU.VY'S PAPtHISIl JbC'O'S " COXsiOLlDATKD GO'S ' " " Xt L ul: jrepn-'d to uinifli the I!nUixnti'e oai (Vlrbratvd 'nl, l.um? and 1'vtjiartd. On Uu Fx 1 theSttquchunua River and Havre de (iiaco. lit made arrangement for the but PITTSTON Alt D PLYMOUTH COALS Whiuh he prepait it to deliver on board Boats at Northun ittlond, or y Cars over Norlhorn Central Railroad liidontli line of the Philadelphia and Erie RaillciJ, en lbs bsst terms. He is pi errod tod ill Orders with despatch, and rraprmiuii souoiu trders from the J raae. Auarosa JOHN McFARLAND, Northumbrlaud, Pa. April 8, 64. PEMHSYLVANrA PAINT AND COLOK WOEKQ. ieRTr Whitr Leap! Liihiitv WiiiTa Lia TUVITI , THV IT I WmiiAXTED to oo'M more surface, for same eight, than any Oj,,. uUT lue t.1, it it the heapest ! THV IT ! ' THY IT! Liberty Lead is whiter than any other. ' Liberty Load covers be;tcr than any othor. Liberty Load wears longer than any othor. Liberty Lead it more economical than any other. Liberty Lead it juore free from impuritlet and tt WiKUtXTicn u, do more aud better work, at - givca cost than any other. liny tho UE6T it it the CUEAPEST. ' Manufactured sod warranted by ZIEGLER 4 iUTU, Whuletate Praj, raiol' Glass Dealers, ,,' 117 NortV Third Street, Philadelphia. ' yanbury, October 7, 1U65. ' - Tl I IF you vant coed Tin. Wart, ge Id IMITH etVUm i km Bhof. (i. HELMilOLDS FLUID EXTRACT BUCUU! FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Pon Kon-Itetentian er Incnntlnonce of Urine Intlararaa Hon o.- L'lcorallon of ths B'.id.V.r or Kidncya, Diseases of ths Prostrate Oland, Gravel, frlei Du3l Deposits, Dropsi cal Cwellinrs, Organic Wcainesi, Debility, Female Com-pl-.'..V.f, tc. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IID Improved lloso "Wrieli Will radically extcraihiato from the system Diseases aris ing from Habits of Dissipation, at Uttt4 erpenu, HUU f no changt e dUt, no tnconxenUnc cr apoiurc; eompl'tcly superseding those npfasanai'f CanQtrou remtdia, Copabia and Mercury, In curing these disease!. USE HElIiMBOT-ijO'S riUtD EXTHACT BUCHU In all Dbeascs of the Urinary Organs, whether existing In iul3 or r :ual, f. om whatever caiwt originating, and nomaUer of 'how long itandlng. It Is pleasant lulls taste and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations ef J! irk or Iron. Thoso suffering from E 'oken Down or Delicate- Conttl. tuttone, procun t'tt RemtCy at onc$. Iho Reader must be aware that howevor slight city be ths attack of the above diseases, ll Is certain to affect his Eodl'j Health, 3Icnial Powert and Ilapp'.nttt. If no treatment li submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. All the above dlicascs require tho aid of a diuretic. HELMB OLD'S EXTRACT BUCKU Is tho Great XJiurotio. IIELMBOLD'S aiaaLT cosccsttj.iEO Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, Tor purifying the blood, removing all diseases arising from ciccsl and Imprudence In llfo, chronlo constitutional dis eases nrfslnj from an lnpuro state of the blood, and tha o .ly i ollablo and cSic'.ul kuoirn remedy for the cure of llc-ofuh. Scald Head, Bai: Itueua, yum na ewemng oi tlio DonU, UlceraUon's of tho Throat aud Legs, Blotches, Timples on the Pace, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all CtS'J erup tions ef the sldn, and beautifying tho coaTLUioK. NOT A. FEW Cf the worst disorders that aSlet mankind trlse from the corruptloi that accnmnUtets In the Blood. Of all the dli esrerlcs that hvvo been made to purge tt out, none can conal la effMt TtELHDOlD'S CO-VPO VXD EXTRA C7 fF SAK3irAMI.LA. It cleanses and renovates the Illcou, liutiuj tne vigor of health Into tho system, ao 1 purjes out tho humors which raako Uliease. It stimulates ths healthy fanetlonsof thj body, and cxpebthcdliordcrt that grow and rankle In the Dlood. Cuch a rerae ly, that crjli ba rclhd en, vas lonj been fioucht for, and now, for tho Crst time, tha public havo one on rlilch they caa de r..,l A-.--P... . J... .4m1 rf ."aratea to shw Its effects, but tho trial of a sin.-lo bottle will show ti the sick tliit It has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taksn. Two tiblespoonsful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, l equal to tho Lisbon Diet Prlnli, and one bottlo Is equal to a gallon of tho Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or tho dceoetlon as usually made. The above Extracts are prepared en purely telcatle principles In Pjcuo and embody the fall ttrtngtii ef the ingredients entcrinj Into their composition. A rtady and cer.eluslve test will be a comparl;?:! of tlielr proper '.is with thosa cot forth In the U. S. DUptosatory. HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES fa D jti-s cf the Closd, Huaors en t'.io Face, cr any and uTery part of the boilj, uio Extract Earsaparilla, ap plylag rimples and ail external Ilumori or Eruptions ths I-nproved Rose Wash. I'sa tlie Extract Suchu for all discoset requiring the aid of a Dlaretlc, except theso of tho Uriaary Organs, such as Oenorrhcsa and Gleet; la these use the Extract Ilucku an l Inject with the Improved Boso Wash. TUE58 EXTRACTS HAVE DEEM ADMITTED TO USE IS TUB UNITED STATES AtlMY.aad als are la very eeneral use la all the STATE II0SPITAL3 AND PUDI.IO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as 1 1 prlrr.te practise, and are coniftlercd at lnraluablo icssuict. MEDICINE DELIVERED TO ASY ADDRESS. tilrect letters to IIEUtSOLD'S DRUG k CUEMICAL WAREnOfEE, 534 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, oa to BELMBOLD'S MEDICAL EPOT, , 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's Phila. Describe. Cymptomt i all Communication SOLD er ALL DRUGGISTS EUER'iWKERL Beware of Counterfeits! IIKLMUOLD'S Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla! April H 18o-Jy V W ASK FOR HEkttTGGLQ'E. A THE RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boulton's.) Market btreet, bukbubt, pa. JULIUS AREITBR, IT AS taken this old and well known stand, and refitted and furnished the same it prepared to accommodate Hoarders and Travelers with the beat the market can afford. He hopes by ttriet attention to bnsincst to recolve a share of poblto patronage. His TABLE contains tho best the market affords. His Bar Is filled with the choloost of Liquors, both Malt and Bnirituout. The stabling it good, and attended by carefal vsuors. Sunbury, April 30, 1861. ly a-. W. ATJPT Allorncy nnd 4'iinw-11oi- nt I.nw, Office on South side of Market street, four doors west of K. i . Rright Hon s Store, sxjrrBTjR-5r. 3? a Will attend promptly to all Professional bnslness entrusted In his cure, the collection of claims in ftorinumuerland and tho adjoining coantics. Hunbury, May 23, 1803. ly II. II. ItlASSliK, Allorncy nt Ijiw, SX'NBl'RY, TA. Collections attended to in tho counties of tint' tliuinberland. Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. , lUfFRttKNCCt. Hon. John M. Rccd, Philadelphia, A. t. Oattcll A Co., Hon. Win. A. Porter. " Morton iMcMichael. Esq,, ' K. Ketchum A Co., X-iv Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashtncad. Attorney at Law, " j Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, ciiuuiiry, .tinrctl iv, irtoz. PROM WASniNGTOW. LATLST IMPR0VEMKNT OF AG EI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TIIB P O U N D E -5rT, of ST l A 8TJII3XJK-5r, PENN'A. Uct the Best (let tho Chcapcls Oct tho most Fco neir.ical. whleli can bo had at the Rohrbach I'oundry Having n large nssni tmtnt of the riost approved S'iO'K.. soi-ii as Cooliiiie;. Pnrh r. Otlieo no. I Mtinn Slovee. whi.-h w ill be sidd nt the lowest rates. Also, Kettles of all sizes, Pans, killots. Ao. 'liicy ar also manufacturing Machinery. Ploughs, Castings. Ac. at short notico. Rcpaii'inK nil kinds of Agriciiltnrnl Itnplcmenls done in a Rood worhinunliko manner and at tho shortest notice. All ni ticles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended to ROllltUACH A COOI'L'R. t'? Old Trnn. and all kinds of Produce takon in I-..chanc;! for work, unhmy. June IS, 1VGI. If a.:iclisiviit7(ta V ItIooniiura"itail rand. OX end after Jun. lath. 1854, Pnsseraer Trains will run ai rjll j-.rs : MOYINO SOUTH. Leave Seianloti, " Kingston. 4 2j P. JI l.SS 8. 1'5 9.V.3 u Bloomsbur " Rupert. " Hnnvillo. An iveat Northumberland. S.li 9.5j MOV1NO NORTH. Northumberland, S.00 A. M Leavo I'linwue, H.40 " Rupert. 8.40 1 " Hleonisbnrg, tl.S5 " Kiup,ton, HUP. M. i Arrive at .Sernn'.on. 1.30 j l-'reiul-.t A Passcncor leaves nionnisbnrjr. 10. li A. M. I PufSMicert taking the Mu Train South e-snnect ( with the Lxprcss train from Northumbcilaud. orriv , in; at Han -isburp. at 2.30 A. M.. Ibiltimorc 7.0(1 A. j M.. and at Philadelphia, ut 7. on A. M. The Mail Irr.in from Northuinberlund leaves ioHne.li.itelv niter the arriM.I nftho L.pi ess train from Hinridiu'is and Bahiiiioie. uliowinir Passenger leaving Philadelphia, nt 1U.1I1 P. M., In reach points on this road duiir.2 the next fotenoon. New mi l clejiant Sleetiina ccrs nernmrnnv ti n niirAt tiainsoaoli way bet wean Northumberland and 1 Ball more, and Nortl umhortaiid and Philadelphia aj. i i;ul .ll, Bllj.l. I. K TAbxFZr. v-Tci;xiAKEn c JE'.vnr.ity. No. US Koitu hl.COM) street, foruir of Qu-.rrv ' Phil.-.dc!i,hia. " j ;. Ni:v-i- Ji E'3itl Wars-eonHnntlv j hand, Suitable for HOLIDAY 1 Ill'SiiNTS ! " j t r t.eraiiiUi: of Watches ar.d J.,',.,,,.,,,,,,:.. atuiide t io. lioccmhcr 3. ICd4 ly ct-il:oi n.tVi.-erai E.'ziilvrur. cnurWad,',!ifi.S,,UM V'" r'"'" Baltimore , Connect ion. n-.ndo with trains on Pennsylvania ; ilnilixiad. lo and li-.,n, Pilisburs and thu Wc-i I w 'J ; ''H '.NS LV to end from too North and i " est iirai,ch Mii.11uchanim,tliuiia.aud all of Nortl, , em .mw ork. AN 'd afi.-r MONDAY, iictiht.-t? m i.-i ' ti tha I'.isseiij-er Tvi.ii, f il, s..,i,. ,'. i lar.i,. .1 ...l .1 ..'-V'"'" Haiiisb-urKiu,,: llUm;M!.Tw,. vV, t' .s o i; 'r ii u- i ii i. i .u,.u jiaiu 10nves niintmry dnily (excupt i " leaves lim i i.-hi;rff. 10 10 A. 1 SO P. & 3u ' U 40 P. : io a. ' .., ." nrriv-s at Baltiinuro. I Lluiira Lxnie-s Train Iravei Sunbury ! o'aily (eicepl .-undav.) " leaves lluriisburg "(e.tcept iv i..ii .j n j " arrive, at Ualtiuiore daily i ., (expipt Mi lid::y). 7 Hsrrisourj Aeeo.'un'.od.itiuu leaves Hunis- MA. oillK. Sunbury Accoirrr:. .l.ition leares Sunhurc li A. M I .. . 'J-;;"1'1 '""diy) at 7 00 A M ! hue hxprcim Irmu leaves Sui.hnr. (i-.ei--,i. ruiidiiv.i.-i; , . Erie 3 !J ie Mai Train lenvts uutiury dailv (ncipt iui:d-y.)at " 5 60 PM. ., . . NO.ITHWAKI). J ail lr.ua leaver Baltimore daily (ex- ecu r'uiiduy) j ; A j, leaves Hairisburg 4j j j ,., ." r'"' at Sunbury. 4 ai ' Lluiira LxircM Train leaves Baltimore 10 1)0 P M arrives at Harrisl 20 A M. " leaves HarrUburg lexcent Monday). ' " arrives at Sunbury. Et.o Kxprers Tmln leaves Buliimore duily (except r'undnys) at leave llariisburK dai'ly (except fun days ut 2 40 A.M. b li 6 CO P M 1 10 A M arrives at r-unbury at ll,.,:.k.... a 3 iu .ruui lei-oiiiinuiiaiion leaves Hurrii "ui, oiuiy (cxcepi fumlayl at ' orrivet at Harrisburir. 2 :o p m 1 4 i P AI 4 25 P M Biinbnry Accommodation leaves Harris. . daily icxecpl Sunday) ut trie Mail Train leaves Harrisburir duilv (except sun lays) t ' 2 P0PM The Lr.e l-.xpresa nud Krie Mail Trains aro :;',',S 'jj"; "'"' ' "! " iUermedia 0 Eluiira. ' " ,UU iltuuh to ior further information apply at the Office October 14, ISM. L " H-r't. PACiriC HOTEL liO, 172, 174 & 176 GitEKNwicii St.," 'One Square west of Broadway.) " Between Couitlandt nnd Ucy Streets, New York JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Proprclor. The Pariric Hotkl is well and widely known to tho traveling pnblio. Tho location it especially suitable to merchants and business men , it is in close proximity lo the business pri or the City is on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adja cent to all Iho principal Kailroad and fcUcuuiboat dejwts. Tho Pacifies hat liberal accommodation for oror o00 guests; It is well furnished aud possesses every modern iiuprovciuwit for the comfort aud ecterlaiu ment of Us inmates. The roouia are spacious and well ventilated : provided with ci and k. attemlance it prouipt and respectful ; and the table is generously provided with avery delicacy of the season. The subscriber, who. for tha rvt r., l... . .1 , " j- awn jowia, utM been tlio lessee, u now tola nronrioLir .,,l i.,i....i to iudentify hiiiisclf thoroughly with the interests of ui. uuuse. 11 uu long experience at a hotel-keeper, Detrusor, by moderate charge and a liberal xviuj, to maintain the favorubl rcputution ef the I'aciUo "fcl. JOHN pATTN,Jr. bepleuibcr9, 1804. ly UNITED 8T AiTTlOTE lT Oppotitt tba . K. V. NSVT UAVKN A WESTERN R. R. Vtror BEACH 8TBBBT, BOftTON. : , By r. H. pit AtT, formerly of the American Ifonse. - v' Mlrj-11, lMe.-ly OLD EYEST At$ls2W,- A rAMPHLET direetlng bow lo tpeedily rettoya tight and give op ipuctaolet, without aid of doetor or medieuie. Sent by mail, free, on mcelpt of 10 eenle. Address, ' . February 1, 1 SB J. 6m i Ivf. O. CiKARIf AIIT'B Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT S TOE, Market Slretl, Sunlsurr, Pa. CONFECTIONEUYOF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, &c, v CONSTANTLY on hand and for tale at the abova establishment at wholesale and retail, at tuwg. able prices. He Is manufacturing all kinds of CoiifectionarlM to keep up a full assortment which ar sold at lew rates. Tohacoo, Bogars. Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whiah or offered wholesale and retail. , IJf Remember the name and place, jrt M. C. tlL'AH 1 1 A It A' , Market stroct, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Son's storo. hunbury, Sept. 19, 1863. If UxonOKlIlLL, glMO P. W0I.VKRT0N. HILL & WOLVERTON, Attoruvy mid CoiuiMclorn nt I.hti . Office, Market street, cor. Centre Alley, SUNBUBY, FA.. WILLa'.end promptley tothooollootion ofclaimt and all other professional business intrusted li their euro in Northumberland nndadjoining counties, fcunbury, Junuary 23, 1862. Bntrrnalioicnl ISulcl. Mi auti 327 Vroailwav. Cnrntr FraiUlia Stmt NEW YORK, mil IS first class House the most quiet, homelike JL and pleasant Hotel in tho city offers superior inducements to those visiting New York for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on tho Li'itopEAx 1'i.a.n. in connection with Tavi.oh' Sa loos, where refreshments can be had all hours or served in their own rooms. Tim el .. ..... derate, tho rooms and attendance oftho first order baths, aud all'tho niodorn conveniences attached Oct 1. IHGI. SOLOMON 'MALlCfc; x ATTORN Y AT LAW, SUrrTlURl', Northumberland County, Pa 01'FICK in East end of Weaver's Tavorn. Marki, .' Ptrott. All busimiss cntrnsted to- him will he cartful y and punctually attended to. Consul tuliou iu tlie tnz-Ii.-h nnd licrinnn langungus. funbury, April 3. Wi. 'trim VoutU'tv, WoiiblcArllns GeJC-cntimliiiQ- CORN SHELLBR ! ! rATKXTE n, AfOOT 2nd, 1:?G. ' i Ui IS Shelter is the only one that shells the Corn I perfectly clean from the Cob when green, sosk l'; Z, ,v I' ?iv7", Kr a .!..tiMa operation on the Wiellmg Vi heel ns it passes through, and sepn rules the Lob from the Corn cmnplutcly. renilsrini ii Bl.?,nce-V',"r ninrket without tho uso oftho fanuir.it null. Ibis machine shells a 1M lhtshclof Earth, He ifinvle ly Oitil- n in ll.iml l'ovtr. and crn ho used. also, by Horse, Steam or Water unci uinoning a i-uiii-y on the Crank Sbs,1 l'or iuiniiulity, ( le.-inliuess. Nealne.-s chunmu and Rapidity in Shelliny iuaSled by any other. this Maehino canunt l STATE AND COl'NTV RIiJHTd FOR SAI.uON R KASON A lil. li IE RM.S . Uu.tTi.r.uett : If yu w.mt vour eoru ShtPed clean ; if you linvc oi-casion lo shell r;reen cr tiaiup corn; ifyou want vour corn and cob cepr.rntcd if you want a durable machine ; ifyou wi.t a ch-np h idler, buy the Complete, liuuble-Actimj, Scir.:.lci-ai-aliiij; Corn frhcII'-T. REFLItKXCES : H I. Masser. j,r. j. u-. Pe, 5nl,liur,. Charles Haas, Miller, Samuel LeW. Readinx C. It. .M..1K,,., A Co., Geo. Weiscr. L. Aiisu.:i. ..lu'.ei-s. tMinbury. sl. Mnrtz. Kcriner l.io.ry LeiseiirinK. Bear ti.ip. C. Albi-n. Oeoi--:tow:i , .r.' V''.'"",1""1 Hi" I'ouudir of R'-lll.li.U'i! A COOPL'R, Sunbury. Pi ' Sunbury, Dec. .1, I'M!. Cm TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. niUC rut Tiber 0 ver.rs i practical Pim.o Porte X i' lutifacturor, cf New York City, has perma nently louakd ill this section, and would respectfully sulicit orders for TUKIKO, r.EFAIIilKG. AND JUGU LATING iiano roraxa cud LIELOI!J;ort3. T;.c si.U:ritcr is also the n;::i-.uf:.clarar's jnt fcr cnn",-i:ni:iii a son e, 1IAZLETOX BItO LI.MiK.VAN SON S.. WILLIAM 11. BllAOKl Ur'S, LOlVAllO lli.WOMI iL'LI.'c, McI)0.AI.O A u'J'.S, Pt ti '?rs're:f3. And Cirbart t Needluius. and Pcioubet's UiLODEONU t. KAI'.MOWirjME, And L. V. Stuarts Pipe ClilKCU O ltd A Kg , , . . JAMES MolXALlt ni niiburj. Pu., Aril 2J, IMjO. t4 aazez:xi nia jsciso 5 9- (Lite HLllU'S 1IOTKL.) Corner Market nrid.'i t Streets. II AUK1SBURO, PA. TIIE nltentioii of the public is resiiectfullv railed to this Hold which is now ..pen for the ae,-on ,.!,. ion of quests. In the past l,vo month duiii w h;t.h nro it has been closed tho house !,:,, !, h7irc.ii sr I, -ly rei,),leled and repaired, until in pi.i.v.oreu.ie-ii-ence and cumlort, its patron will ii,,a ii tu 0MU , u superior. 'I'll E'tii-:nElur 2:;irf :-!; "r-.i. iv.. u s larger man are lummy found in inoderr. hotels Situated the comer of two nrii.eiioil bo,ie... "'re.V"u"f 'J1 'ly.l-ul two and u loiit squnies from Bail Koad Bopot. Tho proprietor del .-ruiined om ih-j inefl in aparo no expense iu teeming iLe comfort of hijiruek't and a firnnible reputation for the e.;i.b!il:n i t. bo lei-la willing to trust io cliaractor to the juc'cme it of his patrous. HLWP.Y THOMAS, Proj-rielor. January 21 , 1SC5.- ASIBSOTYPE AND PHOT ilGHK GALLERY. Over J. Boweu's Store, corner Market 1 fiiwuSts SXJJSJBTJR PA O B EULY, informs his friends and Iho public penerally. Unit hois taking Portraits in tho best style and luanner at his Uallery in ilii abovn place. AMBUOTYPES AND PHOTOUK VTilS, aro taken in every style ol the Art, that cannot be surpassed in the State. Having sevcrul year's exoe rieiico, he will give sali.-fuctiou or no cht rce C opies will bu taken from all stylos of pictures. love him a call, ltcmi-mbcr, over Boweii s stcre hunbury, June 17, lisrtil. best wiiiriTii5r IISIMT ZI.C! PUHK LIBERTY LEAD, Vnopprcssed for Whitening. Fine Gloss, Durability . Firiuiiiss and Evenness of Surface. ruir. Lltliiui: LEAH Warranted to covei moie surface for same weight thau any oilier Lead Try i ami yon null hat t ut other ! PURE LIBETY ZINC, .'-'elected Zinc, ground iu Ueflned Linseed Oil, ao equaled in quality, always the tauie. PUEE LIBEKTy ZINC, Warranted to do more and belter work at a given eost than any other Get tho IUtt! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA TAINT i COLOK U OliKS. Orders exeoated promptly by ZIEQLEH Oc SMITH, Il'Aotsa Vmg, Vaint and Olust Dtaltre. Uy Store A Office, No 137 North THIRD Clreeti PHILADELPHIA. March 4, 1866 ly. KING'S IMK'rAl!l,K I.i:iIO.'AEs! lithe Old V DroDartion of tha kind made from lh-. fruit. At an article of economy, purity, and deli sn elness, it eauuot be sarjiaseed, and is 'recommend ed by phyiioiunt for invalids andfainily use. It wit keep ffor years In any climate, whilo m eondensad foria eudcra it spaoially oonveaieat fur travelers All who use lemons are requested to give it a trial Entertainments at home, partiaa, and pieoios ihoald not be without it. Eor tule by all Bruggisll and first-elan Urocers. Manufactured only by LOliloiJ. METZliBU, : Ko. UI Pearl btreet, ewYk., Bcpt. H, 18o4 -ly WILVEBT. NOTARY fUTiaLIO. . Omea in "SoabaryAsnerleaa" BuUdlnt. BUNBUBY, PENN'A. . Will attend to the Acknowledgiug of Deeds, Mort rscs, fetters of Attorney. Ae., i. - - -. ' Also. It duly athoiited te take ackaewhsilfaieatt and administer oaths ea applieatintia fee- llsuso lira, l-nsinna and llttf-sTtty of ioletiara, Widows and Orphan! . - .