Cftc SunbHtj i American. . H. MABBBR, Fdiiot A FroprUtor. - v E. WIIiVEBT,rubUhf-- r 8ATUR0AY,' JAVrARV SO, ISOO. fcS7-T Tiio IsDKflr'uh. Our patrons All Rnn IIIHI CAjwiino nit, ...... .....v. a htdcll os' formerly. Til our business we mut pny tllC Cflsll for all WC ConhUlllc. We j therefore nsK rue invor ot our pntrons to rc-.i in it us the Amount (hie tift. thoujjli it mny bu small.' The lnrgc nmnnnt of rinnll U out-1 i standing when brought together, will be tin important. Item nrid' business. greatly n'ui us in our Eoral affairs. ifchiow to (lie depth ol unont ton Inches Ml Uh Monday night. Tlio (neighing Is pretty goxl nnd ' those fond of this amusement nr taking mlvanlngo I of the opportunity. ' ' ' ' j fJip-IcK. Quito a number of iuc houc were tilled Willi ice from tlio river, lasl week. The ice taken from the river won from K lo 1(1 lifliVs thick clear mid solid. .'K ATlXll. a -r r I -The late fall of snow lins similcd i this niimscnicnt. much to the disnppuintmcnl of tho ludics. many of whom have discovered a new source of j enjoyment, not known to their mothers and griind- iiiotliers. '' i Axotiimi Acciiiiixt. Uo regret to Icnrn . that John Durst, ton of Peter Durst, or this place, who was a fireman on one of '.lie engines, had his legs terribly crushed between the Under ami tho locomotive on4 Tuedny lust, so that amputation of one ol'his legs was deemed necessary, which was pcr liirlnnil next loot' ulnir bv Dr. Awl. Ho I feci easier ntler Hie operation, but commenced sink ing nl novo, nnd (lied on Wednesday night. The deceased was n soldier In the 7th Pennsylvania Cav alry, a worlliy young man, alKiul 22 years of ago. liU remain will hu interred wilh iniliinry honors by his fellow soldiers, on Sunday til ten o'clock. fj'MniiK of Tiikji. Another lol of g-HHl". for gciitleineits eliithing. has just been opene I by J K. Suiick. l'awn street, opio."ilc Weaver s Hole!. John is determined to keep up a. dock of the latest stylis.aud the best evidence of his giKid tasle in the selection of goods Is that he found it neoessnry to replenish hi-stock for the thud I into this winter. Those in waul of good ganiicnls, wi'l, no doubt, give a call. i J3 Fisiii:k'sSai.oii. We refer our readers to the card of Fi.-hci's Sal am in aiiolher coin inn. TbisniliKin has lately been opened, and is conducted in city style, mid supplied wilh the very best of ' drinks and eatables. - Ijf '"'c Lu:heraii Church Festival at Siifilinhurg rcalitcd ulaiut i'l !li:i.(MI, recency. I'l- The I.ewisburg llridgc Cotnpany's Slmri-s v. ill be e.vpused to poblij s-ile. nl tlio icrc House, in . Lcivisbnig. on the 12:li of February. . Look hi t roll Tiikm. There are nu n prow- ' : ling about (be country, representing themselves as ecenJy liscliaried soldiers, mid I legging fooil and : ludgiiifia i fi"i houses. They are nol bat Ibey represent tliiui.-'lves to In-, but to the vulitniry are nsi-t of sneaking theives who take advantage of 11. e . good people's Iwispilali'y to ply. their vocation of stiV ijig. I'l Anolhei- foul murder was eonuni'.ted within 'tr.. ni-les tf Po-uillr, on Wednesday evening last, nbout 7 o'clock. "The victim was .Mr. il. Dunne. coal .ofiuralor.'nh:i a .jresciitci as a most worthy and esliinabk' geullcniaii. He was uUackid in his carriago while retnrninf J'rom Jlincisvillc lo Polls- ' villi-. ktllk -ui thr sj'ot, five pistol bulls having ; cietratc4M is person, it is supposed that four per sons werJr'tceriicd ia the lounler. anJ four liish- - men wfj-r arrested near Arliland on Thursday night, on suspicion of being the guilty psrti-.s. They wire all armed with revolvers. " A writer in the .M-r" Jji'innl makes tin- j siartliug nnnoiiiicCLieiil that than mn huintn.i .mirdtr Lave been ch.iittcl in Schuylkill county. iil.iu the hot three years, and not a single erimi- : mil has been brougbt l juslice. Is it any wonder ; l In. I lawlcsiiie-sijiri-'ailrto such nn alarniii g extent. where the o(HV'-f th' lawdoMi lillle lo suppress it. Jltt the fart is the outlaws of Schuylkill county, ujo : the poVliioul friends of the law fi:li-crs. an-l hcDcc the , lieilfcc Hint U nllou cd llieiu in their devilish work. : Two safes on a ear or the Adam' Expr- Company were robbed on Saturday evening n week. . bctween'Xew Vork and llnston. The uni unl se- cured by the thieves is staled at no-iut $5(111.0110.' The ease Wiw placed in the bands or the detectives and already three of the thieves havo been arrested and three-fourths of the money recovered. fJV Sr ATtni:NT.-The llcrwick states j that on the eveuing of the 2ttth ult., throeof U10 Cur boilers ol l.'or-lelia Furnuoc, two miles IV0111 Cnluiu l.ia, cxplo.lcd. laying the cutiie furuaco in ru'u.s. i killing John l.uti. and sewrely injuring Jeremiah Conkling, Ocirge Shifter and Dauiel Nc'. I.uti was blown over the cusling. huiL-ic, striking una cur- , rying the bell wilh him. into a run about a bundl ed yards distant. His bead and one arm Were torn off. The uninjured boiler was can ltd about one hundred yards, and tail" ot' one of the others was found five hundred yards away. No cause is -figuwl for the ' cxplusiou. I .... ! Utnu AmMii- 1 (int.vr 'Wi.sirux U.wi. Kuau. A ineclihg of the DlrceloWof this, road was ; held at Meadvillo on the 2d Hon tl. i- Mil- , ler, President of thu I,ewis'Urj & Spruce Creek . road, together wilh Judge Willis nnd other directors ; nftbo latter road, were present. The Lewisburg j Ctroiiire thus refers to the subject : 'These gentlemen return wilh the full assurance that the lino will ho put under contract iua very, -hort time, and the wmk of conslriicibui pusho I ou ' wilh vigor. The bridge over the river at ibis place is to b 11 to ooulruolors on or before the first of .March next ami eontra.ils will Horn lw enUured into for i erading. niaterials. Ac A florin of Aogluten. will be placed upon the line in a Wl time iu order to deturuiino its IIiihI luoulion. In connection with, them, nuolbcr corps of uxperiemm Oligomers will . bo assigned to thu uiountuiu division, or that pari , which crosses the Allegheuics, iu order to asceiUiin the most pructieablo route whereon to luc-ito the i road. Sufficlcnr data Is. uow known ta warrant an, cawT grado. I licllcfoute being a point aimed at by the Company, : it is upposed tho uiouulain lino will strike the i eastern slopo near that place and run in the d'rec. 1 Mitif Clearfield. Wo trust Iho Ucllefoiito "Piomi i will call the attention of tlio .uliiruns of that place nnd vicinity to the luiporuuec of i-ceking out the. B.iuulliH,ri..iii routu over the liiouiituiu. The L. 0. Jc 6. C. K. It., buviug becoiuu part of tl.o A. A tl. W. H... K., tl W'H as surely be built as any other portion owuea or isinnstu ) ran i- TewUburg w poaitively to be a point ; and the road i to bo located .through Buttalo aud 1 enns Valleys. . . ,. n . . . Wc copy t)ie (blloivinj item from the Sbamu kiu Htrahl. of last week : IU( KtrTS ov THU Faiu. The reeeipU of the La dies' Fair f.'t up tho- lunidsoini- um ot SlluS UOin gros, and Jf-ioO.UU eloar uf expense. Orrriia Ttack. 0u, Wednesday the eiigino of tho passenger traiu ,Uu iore a; " ... ,i. i?.ak near ltuud staiuiD, by the breaking nt sonte of tho uiacbiuery). Fortuualu tke car was jiul Uiiou uB, aud luiouoifcjurtu , El KCTio. Tbo fin Eleetiou for Ihe Direcbjra of tbo Noi-Uiuuiberuind Co. National Hank, uuder the iiatHiual baukiug law, took plane ou Tueaday, tvub -tha following reault: . ' W Follooli,.Joopb Hoover, B. billeubeudur. T liuiiiugmdner, Jobu U. Douly, Win. IFMarsbull, Wui. 'f. Oraut, Valiaitio, and William .Mouteliu. .1 CoMrj-trnu. Tba Looturo rouui of theOorinau Ituforuicd Chorob wasootulHetod last week and occu pied by that denomination fl the tlwt public ur vicoou SabbaUi, wuoiuiutHiiou of tbeLord t up per iu adiuuiuUerod. Tbo rooui u uwat. coumiodi iua, well IigbloUad beaUd, aoid wo congratulate Ihu eoogr. galiou and tfaeU enwgeiio pastor oo hav inn woiuedMi ooiaU.rtable a plaoo ol wurshin lor Ui"uilv. W e hope it wiU put be lou Ull the ratir aUtiaf tl'Wea. tl?"tho order of Government lo discharge ll oinployooatl Fortre Monro who hal bo64 "eon n tared wltB the' rclrtl crrlc, . ml account of plot, discovered, to r esc if 6 'Aoff. DaYhi, ahnwt that Jc(T friend are determined to leave nnthfng undone to Ml him roinbllmptniog fat.! .... - , , . . IJF'A new t;e lioa now make two dully trip between Shnmokld led Locust Gnn Junction, in time for iho lrninfroin Pottevlllo to Philadelphia. IV Mr. F-. W, Pollock wa ro elected Primidone mid T. tl. lloglo Ciudilur, of tho Northumberland t'ounty National Ban ntHlmmokin. THIBUTE OF RESPECT, n mi cling ;jf ,th$ Cowl Jhtent Fir Com pany, held. on Thursday In!, tho following preniuble nhd resolution! were iiminliuoitily adopted : V'iikhkas, It lino pleased .Almighty Hod in His nlluisol'rovidciirc tore-move from our url.lst by tho cold hait l of death, our Into beloved und rospootcd member 30H B. DVRST. therefore, ' 1 lirsnlftit, Thnt while w'6 rccngiile tlio will of tlio Almighty In thia dispensation, this company has lost an active, nnd fenrloR., good mid noble member. Urmlrnt, Thnt wc sympathise wilh the herenved family of ouV deceased . member lu this their haw of n beloved son. , c(W, Tlmt In token of our esteem of his 1 worth the members of tlil company nttend the i fuiienil ..I Iho deceased in a body mid wenr tlio usual badge of mourning for Hie space of .111 days. 't'WiW. Tlmt the editors of this town he to. iiic.tcd to pnl.lish these proceedings, nnd that n copy be presented to tho family of tho (le.-enscd. li. WlL i:itT, President. .'. v. i:t.i;i:n, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. "I X pursuiinoe f nil rti-der of the 'Orphans' I'ourt of ! X Norlliuioliurland toimlv. J'a., will bo exposed to Public Salt.-, nl the Public-House of E. T. Drum- to Public. Salt! heller, in the holotigh of Sunbiiry, on U'ritUl y, ) In Ulili S B'vln-tjary, Isiuii, ine loiioHing real estate lo wit : .1 r a t: X o v t. a 7i i , situate in Jackson township. N'nrlhnnibcrland eou ty. Pa., bomdedby lauds of Adam Xartman. Samuel i li. Dunklcberger. and Inmicl li. Itced. eioitaiuing ! .'nacres and ill perches, more or less, with the ap purtenances. l.nte the properly of Henry W. Ziir'mau, dee'd. Sale to i-oiiinuiiee at H o'eiock A. St., when the conditions will be made kiitmn by JAM KS 11. L'l.lO.W Kl'i. Administrator. liv order of Iho Court. J. A. J. IT.M.Ml.VlSS. CI k (. C. s'un jury. Jan. 2(1. lSiil'. l)lA!;li:S for lSbii. Art nsMiituictit of Oiiifies, large titid stniill, (or Sale bv ANNA I'ALNTEU. Sunlitirv. .Inn. fi. lSlili. The uiiditsined hereby ciiutiiiiis lliciulj lic tli.-tt hU wile, Cutliitiiili! Wilmi-r, lias left hi house und hoiiui nny taiise. lie tiien l'iire nulilies the pnlilie nol 10 trust her on hi iireniint us he will ji.iy no debt irotilr.K lid bv her. coi;Nr.i.u s W1TMKII. I.-iwer Miiluinny. .Ian. ti. lsiKi. .4'e-a-j:. Piiii.aIiki.i-iiia. Deceinbcr 2D. V-Cj. 'l ln- Ani'ird .Meeting of the Slocklioblers of The New York mid .Middle Coil Field Kail linail and Co il Joiupaiiy will be held 111 the nfticc of llm c illi pany. No. 2o'4 south 4lh street, on Tiu-sduv. ihe U.h day of January. A. D.. ISiiii. at II o'eiock." The trawler books will be closed 011 mi l after too 20lh iiist. C. H. LINDSAY. Secretary. .V;--,y t.'iiaku;: I.!i!llill - s- l.ilv and I'u'ilic Services of A. 1,1 Cn,N, bv Crosby. " 51J ,10 Pauline Cuslinian, The l iiion Scout and s'py, i Oil Our .Mutual Friend. 2 li lloli lav Hooks Separately or in Sells. Suubuiy. Dec. Irsil.i." MajiU "!'. for January, fust n-n ived at J.HillTXKlf.S Mai kct Souare. Sunhurv. Dee. 2.1, lSli.', " JJ , -15 lii'HIXa f: WIMKU AHJiAXGKMENT. 62 102 37 IiFMOYKD Tn 10 .;tn.' s'a"u:i:s:Tk Having supplied ourselves v. ith a r.ew and rupcriiir lot of tieo is. of the latest ulylcs and p-ilterns, nnd baring secured from the importer many articles of 1 gruat beauty and value, wc aru now prepared to make for tlicSiiriug and Winter better a rnniciiicnts. and present greater iiiiluceiucni tit plirchasuis, than we halu ever before ollclcd. havo -ill 000 l alu- able and beautiful articles of lioods. comprising Pianos. Walches, Diamonds, plain and oriiaiuciitul Jewelry, and Fancy t.oodsof every description, that we will sell at S2 each rcgardlcci of value or co? t. IBoxv ve il:jvosi- ofoin- u!m. 1 We havo 60.000 Oil Phuiographs. coin-i prising every subject Kclighnis, 'euiinienial. Coiuio j and Fum y that wo will sell at Thirty Cents each, or four for One Dollar; and with each Photograph wc give two numbered notices. The notice are ( uuuibered from 1 to aO.OIIU, and put into cm elopes, scaled up. and thoroughly mixed ; an 1 nhen Phuio graphs are purehusi-d. two for each Photograph arc ; taken out and sent wilh it. The urliclus uf liood arc numbered from 1 tu oil. 01)0, and any article. 110 matter what the value may be, correstoudii.g with the number 011 ihe notice, will be sent IVr Two Dul- . Irs. free of cost, except wheu scut by express, then 1 ut I bo expense of the receiver. We do iiAs-urcyou lhat should Ihe nutigooorrcsiiond , ivitii a Piano or other valuable arlii-la of goods, it 1 will be sent to the purchaser fur Tu o Dollars jLlt vt' Ijioonlx i t;'J;,Ut rut-h. Seven Octave l'ianoi. j Koscwyisl Mclodcons. : .(jold Uunliug Case Lcvor Watelun. ' t-ilver Watehos, Diamond Sets, Silver Chilling Dishes, ' cicta .'ilver Teastio.iuijj. I 2i.l'00 Curat, Opal aud Emerald brooches, M i.-aic. Jel, l.ii7a uod Floreniibe Sets, ( (told Kings, ! tiold l'euuil. I Toothpicks, JLc. I Comprising u li.l ut ciidlcs v aricly mi l the choicest , puiny ui ouua. n v niiioiui 1,111 ooa oier-or 10 j any estubiisliiueut iu the country, and hope you will 1 jjiiu us one trial at Ic ul, and if iho nriiolu is not as . rciieenieii, aim uu, lie salUfaclivii. ruluro it. una vvu will acini youi uiuncy Lack. t Hon' lo vrdervaooiK, I 5end us Thirty Cciiui lur one Pbutogiuph, or Duo Dollar for five the extra one and two extra notices, to die Agent. 'When an agcnl hat sent us Ill.tiO for lioods and Photographs, we will give one notiou and the article it oal for free of charge j for yia,00 three notice tree ; fur $2U,HU fair nuticus free ; fur $.10.00 a splendid Photographic Album, ur six free uuticcs ; or for yju.uo a good fcilver Wutcb, wunuuted a giKid timr-kucper. Wo kuep au account of alt money sent, and an agent can order hi commission at any tiuiu. Do particular and write your address full and plain, a we aumutiinca have Order iu our utlice for mouth that we cannot answer fur the want ol proper direction. - - Addrwa 7 1 ' ' " . , BAHTHEW, A CO..- JJux 42W New Vork. January 13, U05. 3m i JOHN E. SMICK. . MEKCHANT TAILOR! Fuvra atreut bulow Market, Hut door uulh uf liuw eu' .tore. SUX1JI HY, 14. Boubury, Ouiubor 21, ltWi. . . .1 , 1)r-i-i-llllu(i irefully eooinnunded of lb but Ullbtid at b Mauiuiuih tuu- or - -JXO l'kU.X0 SOX. guUmry, May ,'. It . J J 2 QUARTERLY HErOHT .OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BUNBUB Y. Qunrtorly Report of tho oonitiilon of the "The Flint National Iinnk of Sunbury, Pcnmylvanla," on the Iteming of theflrat Monday of January, A. I.,1W0. asslt.s. Noten and bills dioonnted, $112,130 6M i llnnking-house. othor Ileal I.slalo, rural lure nnd fixtures, . Current txpenaca ; Stutd Und Knlional tuxes piitd.. llemittiinees nnd oIIhtChUi Items, uo Irom Nnlioiml Dunks. Due troui other llnnk nnd Hunkers, U.N. Jionds drpo.ited wilft II ,S'. Tronsurrr to secure circntnting nutcs l. N. Hoods on hnnd, Other V. S. Boeiirlliei. 12,137 97 1 2,(11.1 M , 1. 1112 UN B.osi :i loo.niio on luiumo mi 127.100 no l'ciiii'ylvnnin War l.onn nnd other sloefcs, llS.VM 0(1 lasli n linuu in .specii', Compound Inter- -, t esi ann movr i.i-gm ivnxers .MHiomil and fitnte Unnk, 7n." 02:).2iil) 4!l 1 MAllII.ITtrs. i Cnpilnl stock pnid In, ?2iHi.nnn llll j Surplus Fund, l.'i.l 14 T.'i , Deposits, J2;i,:in7 ll.'l Notes in CirciilHlion-, ' i2..'l2ll till I Dividends I npiiid, 3.171 IS I (,'ointruclion iiccouiil. Ill.Hiio SI j Due to National Hunks, 22.4iiil !H1 I " Stale lln iiki. 4S2 ;"2 State Hunk circulation imlstniidini! I I'll. HI I till Piolit mi l Mff, lvxohcng -s. Jiiscount and luleicst. .Vi.lMS til Total. $li2'l.2il'i 411 STATIC (if PK.vysvi.VANTA. ! N'OIITIII MIIKIII.AXII l'o.. Si t. ' I.S.J. Paikkii. Cnsliii-r of tho "First National ; Dank of Suiiluiry. Pa.," do solemnly swear that the j above statement is true to the best of my know ledge I and belief. S. J. PACKKIt, Ci shicr. I Sworn to and suliscribed before me, this second day ' of January, lbilii I. M. Siiimiki., Asslstunt Assessor. Sunbury, Jau. lilli, lSCli. . . - A l'A.UIl.V .'MlWsilMrr.Et. Tin-: . , i hm.timoh;:- - WEEKLY COMMERCIAL,! I'OI! TIIK YKAII The Largest, IKst and Cheapest j Weekly Newspaper publisHcd in 3Iaiyhtnd. j It is oitr piir'Hise 10 make tlio Vi'khnlv Com-iku- j eiAi. one of the veiy heet . FAMILY .lOL'HNAliN IX TIKi WOULD. a repository of the treasures of lileratuic contain ing varied and instructive information on nil topics of current interest, and sujiplyiiig reading nmttei adapted to tho taste mid requirements of every meiuber of the family eircle. independent of parly and without scuiional prejudice, it mkes broad and ijiitional viens lor the maintenance i,r the I 11i.u1, and welcomes the era of reconciliation and harmony between the sections, while it advocates very inter est that telids lo aid iu tlio advancement uf individ ual and general prosperity in thu -'l.-ilumid nation. A uiiu ked excellence of Iho Wckki.v Cuiia kuci 11. the cuiiiiiig year will be its LLTKK All Y DF.PAUT.MIJXT, which careful and judicious selections from the choicest lileraliiicul ihu duy, and liberal expendi ture for original productions, ,-annot fail to rtuder especially cnlertmning and alliaclivc. 'J he aeknoivledge l excellence or the NF.WS DKPAKT.MLXT of the Daii.v Couvii;iiciai., is .1 nillicicnl guarantee that tho Vi:kki.Y Commi:iii iai will 1 linue to he nil that can be desired in tiiis nv-pect. mid wc have only lo say lhat nothing will be oiuittid that is ne cessary to maintain its character as. a va'.unb.e 100 diuiu for the cunmiiiiicaliou of the tullcs.1, latest and most reliable iiitclligenow mi all topij- 01 inter est to the public. TIIK FA1!.MJ-1L' CiiLt'.MX will he Iu the hands of a competent editor, who will make it 11 prominent feature of Iho paper. Original articles on agriculture and kindred topics, and tacts and information of i.iler. l lis the farming conmla liily will be under till.- head. THKMAUKT P. Hl'tlim of Ihe CoMMi:i;i'iAi. are prepared by competent mid experienced reiairleis, and the mercantile commu nity of li.iltiiin.recuii testify with one accord to their superior fullness, iiccuracy'.nid reliability. LIVE STiH'IC .V'AUKF.T KEPtittT Is a fe ;ture whih commend j ilsclf as of indispcniii hie value lo all ink-rc-ted iu Live Stock, and it tmiuiot no gainsaid that it is superior to thatfiinii.-hcd by any other lt.iliimoru paper. An entirely new Ic which cannot fail to at tract favorable attention tho comiug vear, will he the Ladies' Department. hmI-mf the healing of TIIK PAItLOll AXDKITCHKX, for tho couduiit of which we have engaged the ser vices of a gii'ivd lady, who wilt treat our fair readers lo interesting articles 011 the fa,l,ious, and u lm,i. ten of household au l domestic ecuuouiv, which en gage thcll' iiluiiliuii and excite thuir iulerest. ri.. s j.,.., ... .... .t ,. W i.kki.v t ouMKiii-iAi., payable always in advance : HATES OF Sl'li.'-'CiUl'i'lOX : I Copy f .Mouths $ nu I. all ; S.lill 1 j 1:11 Ml . I... B.i.liii 211 .1111 :.ii on I Vear ! 1 1.. ill nn exiuuiuatiun of this it will bu sccu lhat , tint tliu M'elki.i CoUMi.nrni, is available lu dulis 1 at 11 lower r.ilc Ihan aiiy otli.i; newsp.pir pub 1 lislied in llaliinioi c. Thus, to a club ot lliiriceii it i.- sent lor 1, liule over a dollar and fifteen cents a ; ye ir lo ciich uicuilrcr; to a eluh of twenty for one : dollar and Jive ecu's to ea-h member, to a club uf t twenty-live for one dollar, to 11 club of thirty, fur ; uine!y-ix cents and a traction, and t j a club of forty pensiiis flu- one year at the greatly reduced figure of rtitt ty csntx for each ineuiber. Addre I'M. WALES. A :.. I'Ml'OltS ANIi iV'.il'KITOUS. . . -No. 20 Niulll Street, ii.Vl.l'l Mlllll'., Mo. iVi.-f-1:'1 1 v V- s .A"' -" r ;J Lit. I1, rV- "v? :..: 1 . KXt Kl.LKNT VINF. -YCtW FKMAI.ICS. Every fnuiilv lit thi season, should use' SPEER'S WINE. ccli'brMtcU in huiupo fur i I niudioinul and beu firial tiiiulitiof. bihty CKlvouit'ti by ciitiuvut ibi?K'ia)tJi. uLd iu KuruKaMii mill Atucriuna lluptttjh, itinl by ik) my uf the lirnt fuuiilUK iu Eurujio mid Auu-rict. AS A TOXIC ' it bun iiu c(tinl, rauiu nn nj-pclitu mul buiblin; ul' the system, bein culircly u pure w ine of u Must I valuable grape. ASA MllUCTIO it impart a heallhy aul ion of thu (Hands. Kidney, und t'riuary Ur.m. very beneficial iu lJaipsy, tiuul, uul ltlieuinalic Allec':ion. Sl'KKK S WIXK is a pure article from thn Juice i.f the Port Oral. HieM-in medicinal propurticitpcrtor to any other wine in use, and uu uicMciit iiiliole lirriill vreak and dcbilitulod person, und thonged mid infirm, mi piovimj thu uppclilo, und beucliilius luiie und uhildieu. Tiy il once, ami you will mil h dt.cetrtil. livmru Ihu ij,'iialuru uf Aunttu SrBKU U ov or the cork ufeHuh bolllo. Sold by W. A. Pcunelt. Sunbury, and all first oliis ealcr, who ulfu ell .the . t''l'll.l..f. & mm.m M . . . ' l.l .I..I.. .,. I ported unly by Mr. Sjccr, direct tiuiu the valley uf Oportu. tjTrado mpplieil by Wholcmile Iriignit. l-ly A. SPI-.KK. at hi v inevard in New Jcrsev PlllXCIl'AL 0FF1CK, 2(1 UUOALiWAY, X. Y. Suubuiy, Jau. ti, lsiiu. ly. 'liic .11 ii no ii A" Hamlin "alln-t Or(t'UUM, forty llBereattylu.jidipted: to wred and eeular uiule, for to Wto each.' ITKTY OSH liULlJ orSlLYLU MtUALS, or other Brat freuiiuui awarded Iheui, lllutrated Catalogue re. Addre. MASON 1 HAMLIX, liuaiua.or MASOX UKuTUEltS, New Turk t.ptcmbcr V, l0i ly ir . Scroftila, or King's Evil, is constitutional dhteaar, a, corrup;ioh of tb blood, by which thia fluid beeomei vitiated, VenV, nd poor, - lleinic In th viretllntion, it pervades) the whole body, nnd Kf burst out in disenao o nny paTt of it. No organ i free from iu attacka, nor ia there on which it may not destroy. Tho acrofuloiw taint ia variously Mid by tnctrurinl diwase, low living, dia. oTclercd or tuihenltbr AmkI, iiuptivd tlir, tilth Wul lllthy luibltK, the depressing Viecs nnd, abovo nil,. by tho venereal infection-. Wlint ,tver be it origin, it ia hereditary o con atitut'niii, deseeniliiiK "ft'oiti pareiita ti) 'children Unto tho third nnd fourth (fenemti-jii l " indeed, it acems to he the rod of Jlini who any. "I will visit thn itii'piiliea of tbo fathers, upon their children." 1 It effects) fuiiiiiieiiro by deposition from thu blood of corrupt or ulcerous, mutter, which, in thu lungi, liver, und internal urgaas, ia termed tubercle t hi tlio eJiimK anellingsj nnd on the Mii liice, criiptioua or mircsn This foul cor 1 option, vvliieh Ki ndeisi in the bloitl, deprraaca the encrglea of life, so Itml wrofiiluu coiisiitu. tiont not Wiily bulliT from tseroriilnna rnm pliiinlK, but they have Vur Ies- power lo with attind Iho ntlAeks 'of other diseisesi consc. quenllv vnt numbers) peii-h iiy disorders vvliieli, nhlioiioli not xi-rofiilotis ia tln ir nature, nro atill remu-reil fntid by thi taint in the M'slom. Most of (lie i-oiinmptin whieli de eininles) the hiiiumi family lia it origin din elly tn thin serofiilutis eniil.tiiittitiliiui; nnd ininiy dustnu live of Ihe liver, kidneys, bruin, nnd, iiiib-i d, of all Ihu organs, arise from or nre nggriiviiled by tin! Kaine enu-". ()neUiii ter of till oilr.people nrs serofuloii ; their jir-rsoni lire inviiih-d hy'thit lUVUhVg in fi'i tion, nnd their In ullli i- iindemiiued by it. To cleioise it from the sy-ti m we inuvt renovate the blood by nn nlteialivo medi.-iue, nnd in vigorate it by healthy food unl exercise. Such n medicine we aupply in AYF.IVS - Conipoiind Kxirnrl of SnrsniKirillsi, the most efTectiinl remedy which the im du al nkill of our litiiea can device for this i.verj--where prevniliiigniid fattil mnlnily. It is coin- ' bined from Ihe most active renuilitds that hnve been discovered for Ihe expurgation of thi foul disorder from the blood, mid the rescue of the RVsteni from its deslntelive consequences. Heme it should he employed for the cure of hot ohly Scrofula, but iilso those oilier nircc tioni v bicti 'nrisi- from it, slich at Kim i-i ivr and Skin 1 liait.vsii, St. Axtiminv'h l-'iuit, It oat:, or Kitvait'Kt.tH, I', rcsirt.tts, Ili.oTeuits. lli. vixsiind lIoii.,'l'i Moi:s, nnd Salt Jtiittt M, Srvi.u, 1!im.voum, atism, Sv rn i i.itii- und Mitni I'm vi. 1 ts itAsits, liiot-sv, Dvst-iti-NiA, lit iiii.itvi nnd, indeed, AM. I'oui-i.vIntk aiiisimi i hum Vitia '11 n ou Imi-i ui-. 111. nun. '1 be pujiiihr belief ill " inimihi ' llm iow" is fuiimled in li ulli, for scrofula is u di general inn of I be 'J lie particular purpose mill virtue'of this Snrsnpa ril In is lo purify mul legenernte Ibis vital I'uid, williout which Mill l nl liealth is impositiiblu iu eoiiUiiiiinated cotistiiiiiiolni. Ague dure, roir tiii: tii:ihv ci nr. or Tnf rrntlttrtit f'rtcr, or Frvrr oinl Afiit. lit mittritt Fovcr. hill Frvti-, Diimli Auf, I nl IfciMlm lir, uv Ulliou llrntlnt'lM. .zU Hit iotirt I'ctfM, ftiii.rrti for Ihe vliole r In mm jI fi ixci. .' orlp tiint tttff Iti ltliin-y il'itiii4iitctit, inttHrd Uy tllC illllui-llt Of M iUMlltllil' C IMllllL-iCNs nrc cniibb A bcro lo oiler tbo cnimniuiity ft tonicdy which, .vhilt it rnn (he nlmvc t-tnuplaiii W with rt rt ;i in ty, U lirrfccllv liTinnlcHs iu nny iiinniiiv. 8ncb n rrnifilv is itivulu.iblo in distrtotA where ihi'MC nniirtiii (linnlii-H prt-vnil. Thin l!i:NK' ckucIs Ihe iniiiMiialif n)im of l'E i:u AND A(ii K from Ihe ttUtn, nnd n ch1k Ihe lc vcltipinciit of tho ilix nsf, if laKcii bn llio IuhI nn pniiu'h of its preiiiuiiiiorv symptom. It is iiil only tho boht rentedy ever yi-t tliscou-ml fol lhi Hnss of coinlaiiils, but nIo Ihe i'htaiel. 'J'bi' I.iifiO qiuiutily tve fiupply for n dnllar l.iinus it vitliin the reairh of every body ; ami ill bilious disi iit t.( wlu io l'KVr.u AM Anrtv. pit'ViiiU, every botlv hhouM have it nnJ tise it freely both lor ni'ie nnd protec tion. A ireat superiority of Ibis retiuily out any other evtr tliscovered for the sjieptly mul cert u in cure of IiitermilLci.t'i is ibat it eouiains no Uuininc or mineral, tuns-ueiitly ft)ro(bires no uinism or Other iujiiriott viler In wb.iU r upon the ronttlu tion. 'i eiired by it tire left ns heiillhy as if they bnl neier bail the disease. 1'tver anil Ague if not alone the ron.rfpienee of llic luiaMualic poison, A rral variety of tliMir tlers arise from its irritation, umomc vtlibh are XeUVfthht, ItftfitHntfisui, (idltt, lfrtiifitrict Hlitttf Urns, 'J'tnifhartf. llttim lit-, i Uthtrrh A&thnm. linf, t -a f f t (,'.-- - .. t l'f iiysttf' iVa, Pain in tfir ., (Wic, I 'tin it if. six inn! ranyi incut of t.'i? Stnumrfif all of uhii'h, vherl oriiinat'nm in this cause, put on the ititrrtnitrttl tUpi'i or btM iMne p iinilinil. 'I bis ('run ' expels the poison from the blood, nnd cumcpicnt1y euret tbem all alike. It i.s nil invaluable piotec'lioti lo iuiinirautH and person travelling or tt-ttipdrai Hy rt' in I'm iiuibtrioun. district. If taken ocea Binnally or daily while exposed to ibe inftvlion, that will he xcn-tcil rimo iiic r..L.,.t nH.i accumulate iu stilhricnt nuaiitUy to ripen into dis ease. H curl: it in even more valuable for protec tion thai) cure, and few will ever nutter from lnter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy allbrds, rrepared by Dr. J. C. AYEK lu CO., Lowell, Ilassi FlULFXt A SOX. Sunbury, Ph. 11. I. McCayi Nortbuii.bcrliind, ami all lt-i:trtrf Lin! draUt everywhere. At vtbolciialu by J. .M. MOUKIS A l.'O.. ri.iliidilpbbi, J)cJeinbir '2-1, ISj j. ly UK1'I) & FANCY CAKES. Two iliiiun vvesl of tbo Pint "flice, srXlll'HY. I'n. I KSPKf'TITI.LY Infiirins the eitir.'-im nf 'un V hitry ami viciiiily, that he will bribe ti, unlcr all kinds of CiikcN lur EI:i1In, i'arlirw. Ait: caniliie are pui'i'in--. .... ........i', j ., i.-i liolls, Huaks, t ea Huns, Ac, ami ul.-o kept on hand Paiuilie are upilic.l with FltJNU liltKAH, Tiri-t manufactured cut uf the best materials All order will meet wilh prompt iittcutioii. Jlivinj; had luvgu e.ipericnce I hope to rivi general satisfaclion li ull who luay favor uii rlth their pnlronne. ItAVIllHIY: Sunljury, llio. 9, l.-vl'ij.' JOHN WJLVER. BOOT Sz SUOB ! MAXUFACT'UItER, One dia.r Kust of Frilini;' Store, Market Square i srXBfltV, t-EXX'A. RISPl-X'TFL'I.I.Y infiu ui theuitiieumif Siinhury and v icinity, that having wifely returned funu the iiriuy, will again resume hi business, mid luanu- fuel nre, to order, Uool and Shoes, uf till kinds, nl Hit- licit material, nml nt the lowe. t rates for cash. He hope to receive a full shal e uf patronage. Sunbury, Dec. Ill, l''-i. UtaIiiu' Slallroml. WINTEPw ARRANGEMENT. Nov 27th,il8Ut. GHKAT TIll XIC LINK frou, Iho .North nun Xorih-Wcst for l'liilaiielkhia, Xew York. Head inir. I'olisvillu. Lebanon, Allcutowm Ka.-tou, tc. IraUi leiivc llurii'burjf fur Jew-Yolk, a fol lows : S lia, 7 Jj nnd 'J.lij A. M. ami I 1 j and V.I1U I 1 M.. urriv inif ut Xew York at i.ll) mul 111 01) A.M. I nod and Hl .'lj P. Jl.. Hinuicliiiir wilh iiiiiilar Truhuifn the fenn-ylv.nm Itniirnail 1 Mi-cping i,ar cconipanyiii the .i.OU ih11i.U,'i A. M. 'lraiu, with out rhaujio. Leave tin l'.eii.liiiir. l'oCsville. Tainiua. Miner' Trllo. Ashlauil. Pine llrovo. Allcnioivu and I'lnlndel. pliia lit 7 2i A. M. audi 4i uul 11 UU P. M . sloppinir; I al Leliaiiin mul principal rtalion ; llie Hull pin. ! Train mnkiiiK no ehwie eoaiieelii.iut for Pottaville. ' uor I'liilailelpliiB. For Pott'Tille, Schuylkill ilnven uuil Auburn. vi A'ubuylkill ttnl Sp.-quihuiuia Rail- i road, leave JUrriaUuri; ai 4 uu ii. iu. I Ueluriiiiie: Leave New York ut II. tHt u. ui., 12.IUI Kimn at H.tiU p. lu.; l'hilui'.elpbiu at tl.tMl . ui. nnd ,1. ail p. in. Potlsv illu nt 8.30 a.m. ud 2.4 i ) iu.; I Aithlund tl.Oll und 1 1.43 a. u and IMS p. Ul.; Tuiuu- , qua ut T.-tu ui. nml 1 40 p. in. i 1 j,eavo potu-ille for llnrrulinrg via Bohuylkill and 1 bu-(1ui,uii ltuilroad ut tl -i a. ui. I ltuadiu l'ruin lur Kendinj nt II. .'HI A. M. rcluiuing fiau Philadelphia at i M P. M. . Columbia Kallrnad Traim leave heading at A. 10 A l ..,.1 A I . l M '... ri.brti.H l.lli Luidoisler Cwluuibiu. 4e. " V" ru"u'Vf.-. 7 r i i t ..... V...V..I .in d ur ii,ii delpbia :1.1S 1' M. Putlavillcb.OO A. M., Tiiiuwpaa H A M, llarri.burg 7. ll.'l A M and Heading at 1 A. M. fur llurrUbure;, and lo. j1 a iu. for Htm Yivk. Couiuiutiiliou, Mile;o, Seuauu, ajxl Excursion Ticket, at reduced rate tu and fioui all point. Baggage checked through : Ml Pound. Ucuge al lowed uacU Paaacugur. 1 t A KICOLLS, General Buptruiwadwir - Ijead what rn.' scituxcit' is lioisri. ' dr. J. i(.8CHi:kcr, i r t. I) k A n Hin : I fonl it iluly I 0wo to yon, mul to nil who aru rullcriii-r uuiier llm ili.ea. kunirn a Ciiniuniiftii iil Liver Cnuinliilnt, tn lot them know what prunt hiiilll 1 hnve ruenlved from yn.r I'ul nmliic Syrup mul enwceil Tonic, in m thnrt n tliuo. Uy the hlwini nf (Iml it hiineuml tn Inn far. hi. ceneiie, I. will nuw inline iny piaieinelil lo i innRn i coitiu noi renuu iinyimng i inn, ami Pin- i lereu Willi evening lerent ami tnht eweal. 1 wnn rery limeh felt(e'd. The wliittw of my toy were very yellow; likewlee uiytin; my appetite ull gone, and unnhle to digint what I did eat; bowi Ufttlleit. Irri'KiilaraTi'i costive, I wa very low epiiitc I. ami nan HuiM violent apeii ot :eoniiinj; mini 1 Itibl down at nl-'ht and when J arone in the iuwmt.3 Tiut j thry wutiM liit one or two Imnr. 1 then Would be nearly xhaiiste 1. and wn entire! j ty nnablc to lie on my left side. 1 e.innot detcrihu , iny wrelchod ullerin! I Wonhl wb lodo. I.vM V : j organ in iny body was ilU-ancd or derailed, m li n my fitu'atinft at thi." time, aud 1 w,! uonltucd to ! my bud from the last of February, liS.rt!. not able to , cit up. I had Iho bint ol nie.iilral attendance the whole of the lime. My cough wiw very bad that 1 it racked mo very much. J at thi- tiijiu-raed a large (immlttv of thick, yellow, ofiui'ivo tu. iter, tfouietimcg wiiii hioixl; ami il wii- jseneially acuoiupa nied bymui!ca ami a furred and ibiek eoaied tongue, j At the time of eeuhiug co bailly 1 would havo ' idiarp, flitiotiu paiim in my left tide ami hem t, niht mvchM. aiu roi i iu-all through my whole ebc!t; had much iuuartl fever, pain in my bat k und uinb r my fhoublcr blades and in the Kinall ej my back, mill . at tiuie fo severe Ilia! it would throw mo Into npatoiifl. Now my phvsicimi gave me up to die. Other I bail, and Ihe lie.-! of (hem. but they uould do nothing lor me, and at that timet w a. iii.ihin but khi nnd bone! I iheii wiu iu the pari of Missouri. Jn June last we left there for the l.:ixt, , and in August Ih.-i wc came lo Xcn Vork. ami I was mi reduced that 1 could onlv walk a little with my hmhuuM'N ht'p. After I huA been here a idiort time ' tho wilt watT breeze made iuc feel mmh better fur a . ! time and then 1 had again to nil! a pliyficiiiu ttv tint . We bad four of the !ct ph,vieiaiif'of New York on the disease of the lungs, and doctors of all kinds, ; but o no a nil. 'J liey said I nus pnt cure, ami lli.U iny lungs were too far gone fof Any one to euro me. inn in 1 111 milt' 1 was on my leet aontii lie nouse. not able to do matdi of anything. In Xovemii"! last 1 grew worse, and the comnmplinu dim lieu set in and ladled a-mul eihl weeks. We had tried all aud every thin. that I could gi:',p at like a dying ' perscii lor my ilicascs eonumptioii ami iner com plaint hut of no avail. In January, isii.'l. i wa brought down atin on my bed. ami was nol expected to live (hi- n.:lit out. .My hu-'bnnd stayed at my side, and other friends, nnd they nil give me up to die. At this time every one w ho saw me did not think 1 would leave my , bed a living woman. The Hist night I was attacked wilh spM-ms. and was deranged most of Ihe time. A li iend. .Mrs. Harris, ciuue to hec me Ihe last of tne werk. and brought the Ninday Mercury, tn il was 1111 account of a great cure pel formed by Jr. Sebi'iiek. .vlie rend it to me. and it was hi much like Iny own diea that 1 asked my he-b.-ml to go l!rtd fee him for tue. Al thi-- time i had given up all hopes of ever gelling well again, and made my pTacc with tJod, to be ready when lie called lor - me. On the UTlb of January, isfi". my husband railed on lr. Sfhciick, "2 Jlnnil street. New Vork, and : tnteil to liitn my eae. with a refiicst for him to call ' ami see me, wbii'h he did, and examined menilh ; the respironietor. When he was about to gn I asked I him if bii e'Uibl eurc me t H' reply win: "I can , nut tell, both lung1 are diseased, and the hnmchial ; tubes nro nllceied 1.11 both hides. ' nd yet In seemed lo think there were lungs enough b it to t i led a cure it the diarrben could be -topped, lie sai'l in order to do'this. he would have to giw .Man drake Fill. in small dimes at first, to cany oil the morbid matter, and then. Wilh nstiinciits. be Imped to check if, which he did. but lheenlrtut coughing, nigh! swea. and diarrhea bad pnl rated mcj-'.ithat ( b.e was afraid tn v vital powers were loo tun'di pros : Irate 1 e r to nitty, and yet he seemed to think if I ; could live to get enough Pulmonic. Syrup through , my system to expectoration, there were lungs 1 enitnjrh left tor me to reeovr. He wished iuc to try ; the Pulmonic Syrup and Scriwecd Tonic at once, j saying it would do iuc 110 harm, if it did ine no good, j Thu first week it seemed to give me strength, so j llm! on Sunday after I sat up iu hisd and ate hcaily , for a sick woman; but ihe next wetk 1 lut all hope ; and wbdird my bu.-b.111d mt lo give 1110 any more j medicine, lint the doctor bad warned hint of this, ami when the medicine w as clearing out the sy.-lein : it taaiie them feel Hotucwltnt reslbss. and to ju rsc ere; and be imi:-tcd on my (aUing ii; au l 1 ikW feel Ibe benefit ol il. For after eight d;iys I began togniu klrengtb, and, v.ilh the exception uf a cold : that put iuc back mUiic. I have bm n gaining streiigtb o." body, my eouh is going away, and all my pains are g' ln; no soreiie ol the body, my bowLdsare gn I m r and inv breath is sweet, and 1 Ibank lu l Ibat '"l":zr' -di.-iiie. ciL'l.t ot e.ieh. 1 now have n S...,l a; pc le and r.-t vv.-ll ul ni-hi ; n.y couch doe I...I onl.le ine in p-tiin up or lyin dovni; I would as 10 ! tile j tronhle ine in p-tiin up or lyin dovnii 1 would ' here say to Ihe al'iieted with coiiMiniptioli I f liver , eoinplaiui. that 1'r Schcm-k is no huiol'ii. You can rely on wloit he say: In-lay not: it is daiiLror ! ous to trille wilh 'these diseases. If you would he I cured. jn ntl'm-e, ami any one wishing to know tin I r. ,,. . ... juiiril eilll e,u, ii t'tj l.j.,iv,. e , i , , West Ileii'lnii street. New Vork citv. ! -MPS. MA II V 1": FAM.dW. ' A"c. the undersineil. residents of New York, arb j uei;uainled wilh Mis Farlow, nnd know herslate- inent to he true. We also Kiwi? thrt sin- used Pr Sdiem-kV Pnlinoiiic Syrup ami Seaweed Tnliie. and have reic-on tu hclievc lhat til tht niedieiue .-he uw-'ii her preservation t'roin t prctuature .'lave. S. FAlt l.iOV. 117 Weit Houston t. l-riiKXlC I Xi:;i!l!ll.l.. I'.TiHire. iiwi.-h l m,-. I .m ir.ii 1 1 1 1.1.. n.'i ( rceiiwieh t. Al lUSTA I M'DKIIII.I.. I'.Tii (ircenvvich st. A. T. IIAIIIIIt. 117 Weit lloii-toiist. K.Mll.Y (il." KR. 117 West Houston St .1 I.. ('"1,1-:. :',:! Cottage plnee M A. I.F.hillTu.V. is:: ilrna-lirar Mrs. IIKNJA.MIX CI, API'. Itf Aniily place. I 1 mil well,.iilte.l wilh Mrs- Mary Farlow, mul wilh her hiisliaiid. Mr. II. l-'arlow, they bav -iujj f-ir n few iiionilis pasi. atli-mlcd ut my ehureh, and ; 1 amiconv inecl lint any statement which they n.ighl make nifcjhl be relied on as true. . .MIIIX )(WI.IX(i. J). II.. ! Paslor or flcdfor.t St. Ilaplist Chiireh, X. Y. j Ie. Seheiick will he professionally nt his principle olliee Xo. 1 j .Yorth Sixth street, corner id Commerce, I Pliil.-idclphi.i. every Saturday, from ',1 A; M: until I 1 P. M., .o. ;l2llond strei-t. Xew York, every Tiles i day. from U to .'I; Xo ;!. 'uuiiner str-o-l, I'osUui, I Masn., ecery Wednesday, froln '.1 Ui and ev cry oilier Friday at IDS lialtiinorc street, I'ullimnic, Md". I All adviei- free, hut lor a ihorouh exiitninntion of Ihe lims with the llespiroiuoter. the charge is three doll.-irs. ' l'rii-o .,f lln l'ntii, SC.-ri,. m.,,1 S.-nu 1 'r.init, ( " . i l'ni' per hollle. or m hall dojcn. Man- bake Pills, -'.'i cenls in-r Ix-ji. 1'or ah- by all iri.'e;isrs ami liealers. lJeccir.lii-r l.-vi.'. 1 v. THE HIGHEST CASK PRICE3 Paid rr il.t) .'KWSt'At'l:i:S, PAMPHLETS HiiOKSaiid WA'TK PAI'Klloi' every description. Kur particular addres si ( tiui;t.s, .v i:i2i:i:so, . 'J.t Ann Mrei t, One Poor West of X.i-sau St., N Y 4f 14 !iiivi' Vm 1Vii!l Bni'r. 'lid Xewspapcri, ihutilatcd Hunk. Puinphlets ami tbo dirlerent varietie of PajK-r that ueeiimulato in every bouse, nnd vvhii h i generally baiked uni as rubbish, should be eut Hi .loeknell & Kiui'isc,-, of Xo. 2 Ann Street. Tlu-y ilru naying liberal prices for all deseiipiii.n. ol VYiislc l'dpcr, better than any une iu tUc trade. PTnCICWLl.L A L'MKUSO.V, 7ov. Il, IsD.'i. :iiu Willi pri mid llnrder in irreat variety ncvT alylc jut received at tin- MiiiiiukmIi Siore of J. W. l-'ltlLIXU A .MIX. Sunbury, Oct. 1 1. Mlj. 1 .! llll nii.1 i-a tor' Aulicc. I rOTIl'E I hereby gtrwi: that letters ufAdininU ! triitioii bin ing b.-eii gi anted to the undersigned mi thae'tato of tinffiih -lilies, lute ol the humitjihot X'orlhumbeilaml, couiilt of Xoribunibi-rlniiil. Pa.. deceased. All person 'indebted lire retotc.-ted to I luaku iuiuiediatu payilii-nt, mid those having claim tu uruauut thviu duly ii'ithcntiealed for etileiiKitt. I 1. M. IIIIAI TIUAM, Adin r. ' Xurlbuiuberl.-ui'l, l'cc. 3, liiiij, lit i" FOR SALE rp 1 1, K (I'JI rnlualile building lot in .anbury. I Ion bluckburry alruot, containiug ixtv (110) feet iu front, iu .aid atrect. and two hundred and ihirty (j:;o feel iu depth. All nectmnry iutdriuulion can be bud by culling uu the aulweiiber; at hi ollloc nu ' I'luckborry alreel. nearly pHiil the reaideuoo uf j i J udc:e Jui-iliui. lurmol rnireliaso. enT , - i ,',.i ... uniiniiiiiil Sunbury. Dewinhcr i lcij. -111010(3 11 A1MI. GALLERY irt Siniiun'i llulldliig, MAltKET rXJl'ABE, Bunbury, Til , J. U. i:U!.lil.'MI, I'rOprKlor. Buubury, July IV IM. &3 S T O ll ll . AV. A. DENNKT, Narhoi SiiiHec4 Nl .Mil EKY, la. HA IXU roooutly nurubaKed tbo Prn -Store formerl? coiidimtatl by H. A Kifflicr, I bee 1, ir. ,. .1... !.!- c , . jeis. oct xs- r-vrf ucli n Coinbn, P.riulie, Puekcl-Itiail;. .Suij. Per fiimi-ry, Ilair-Oil. Kiiivvf, .Scimrs. L'ual-Oil l,ain.'. Tiilmcco ninl Ciarii, I'liinlM, OIIn, 41i;.-, tl:v, J(t;,, iiriiUlu-N, I'iili-til 3-il-i jivm, A:v. All my Tineliiica, ,vruis. Oiiilii-.i-iil.,Ci-r:iti--., ami Wilier pri-riariitiiiiin iu. inauufieliiicil hy iiiyni-lf, ami fiiini llle Ih-m iiiaterial lean inn-uie lii .Alavl-.ii. Ilavinj hnj qui'u n numliur uf years' experience in the bulb in Piil1ui1i-Iiiia au l tho i-niinii i, nr..l n:o the ailvanlae nf Hie I'n l-e i f I'liai n. e-, , 1 fe. i eiiui-pel.-nt to CD.MI'liI M) Abb PI; l-.i-Citt l' 'IONS that the Phyi.ici-ilH ami nil.lie imiy IV.-or me with. All my ireeu nlieii. a 1 Imvc i.l.uve a'Kcileil. are luiiile limn thu l yt uiiiicri il. ami iijeii honor 1 nwerl. they are of oftieiual ti i-nlli. For iiii-iticuial iurione., I keep on Limit ilu- ve, v llCiil WINKS, Illi.V.NlMKS AND I.HiUoKS, thai I can iroi-.uri. lleloio luiielia-in;; cl'enheri-. rail ami ci.tiv ince ytir own uiliul. w. a. hexxj:tt. Hnnbnry, Nov is, Isi',;,. Pianos i Pianos ! ! MX PIANO l'tHTK., which have been nwaril.-.l llllll-.l'liilis liij;li r ii i . k y k i) a r. s , fur year p""t In thin Country ami l-'o'rnpe. f.r tlx ii- -le. l-lu-l r,-;,..tUi it y. nr.. elill' lllllllu I'llet lircil ill 1 1 1 ir- City, where their e:,eelli.nei- ha.- Iiei-n Imi aeknovv lcilv'"'l aial univernally mlinireil. lu ilelicaey ami fvveotiiert of tone i;h piiriiy ami uiwer they are iimiiia!li il ami fully vviiriautcil, on the nioft reiiMin ulile terni. COMtAI) MtVICH. N... I-:-: AIvCU St ., I'lni.AHKU'lIIA. v. 1 1, lsiij :!m mo ! rs: te(e: ! HOLIDAY PRESENTS! j I'l-cw tils lor Use IColiiln.v x ! I wmil. 1 re.ijicetl'ullv call the alleiilioii of th.- citi- ; zeiuof .-.l Xlll'liV ami vicinity lo my jtm-kof j rimSEIMTti FOB THE ilOliIDAYU, CONalBTING OF ! lloi l.'. Port FolioH. i Willing Inl;, Pln-ioraili Allium.. i (loi.l Pen-. -Vami':-, 1 liii-lio' Cnmjianiom, Piclurc l-'iauie. GAJ1KS 'Oil OLD AND YOUNU.i Picture Uoidis. Transparent Slates, Alphabet liim-Us, ' lbseeliug Pictures. Ac, Ac., tve., j ir O YS! A Fiiu'St leelitiu of Choice TO VS. American and Imported. llarpT. Oodey's. Atlantic nnd Fleclie Morlbly .Mugaxinet. Harper's Wtekly. Frank Leslie. 'ev Voik J.ejei". Ac ai my t'ouuter. ! COAl. OIK LAMPS A M FIXTLUF.S. Of thesf 1 haven large M'"t.k Cheaper than Can be liblaiucd el here. ' C.M.b AND KXAMINK N. F. blOUTXFll. ! Market Square. Sunbury. Pa. X E W U It 0 C E Pi Y rjTHK .subscribers ln'gi leave to pnnonnee to the J eitieus of Sunbury aud its vicinity, that they have open til ft V".r Jtnix irct "l J. I!. liu'iU'a HU'iw in ' Mnrht S-jiiitn; ' where t In-v nre iircnarc'l lo fiiniiih every variety of Ijroecrii-s. and v.i'l keep c-iusttiiitlv on baud the cuoicepl vol n.-tler- ot &: FEET), yiA tnw. T, Suir, .Molas..-. ( !:cese, ,aU- s,,c,.. , all d-el liiiion. Noaps hf iv.iv variilv. ( aie. nioblii" ni.l Chewio-i tohae Ne.'iirn, Candles, f-nioklns; ni.l I. hewio-r totiai-i-o, .e-'nrs, liams. Miouhli-rs. llutt.-r. nii-l K;s. Also Inie-l fruit, of all kinds. Caned Peaches und Toma toes. Pii kols, Kelehup. Pepper .'aine, llaisins, : l.eiuons. .ve , ol' hesl iiii.illlv.,ni'l in r-.1" l.','1" ' ,J. -r roell sleeked l.-.ocery. Also Vid'er V'iiie.-ii. All kinds of country produce taken ' in c.xehaiie. The uitiouau of the pulilie is re- . tlvelliilly .iiiciti.:l. IKOIKIK I' IS ,."i. i;;:.ini ,v en. Ulll nil'V Xov. ;i m 3IA1UVLE YAIii). ; .'flic nii'lei-iinc-l would respec: fully iiifonn the eitiiens ol ' .'-'unhiiry. ami public generally, that In- : h.-.s opi-nid a now '.MAIlIii.l-: Y'AUli, opposite the : Com t House, where a.MKi: ICAX und ITALIAN uiarblc i e,.l sliintly ki pi i n hamt. ! All orders for Monuments and Jlead-dtonespriuupt-IV tilled ut ix-ducid rale. ' u. c. ii'i.ui-:n. ' .Sunbury. Oct. 7, ISIij. tf PRICES R?:i lUKI)!' .KLMU'II KYSTKIi. St'rft-'Xt .'."" fti Jniti Jitiirflt.l , ! Corner ot Mjiket i:nd l'awn ."Strict, ! r N li i Ii Y , 1' K X X' a . ; Invites the public lo call and ixaniine lii:i elegant iisortuKnl of ubirbbcuill Sidl at jrrrall n-dimt'd pi'iet.s. H'u Stock IMllsiMt. :ll pt'l't ot iCASSIMERES, CmOTHS. &.C- I Silks, lielaiues. Lawns, tfinliaim!. CalotH-. Mm lii-s. . . 'heiiing. 'i'iekini;... Ji-ans, and u foil assortment of i Cotton nnd W'Jolcu e;imd generally. Hosiery, tilorc; Hoop SltirU. Also Han lkcrehicls. llrushe, C'tiuil j. . IDiitM titul 'ai-, liuiim imtl riho--, ' Hi iiss irliuei.t ot gou ls will is are sur i, i i foil lo please hp raney and fi'it lit.- vv.-inN of any di- 1 siron of piireluisiug. Hi -bs-k of iiAP.iiWAiu-: and t;i i:i:xswai:i:. and (iroeerie i l.irg- in ijiimiliiy and eVoiee in . iplaliiv, ei'llipllsing gillilally ci er thing Ui'idcd ill the boliseliol.i ctlhcr io M4- or orililllleut. ; He 1 alnay ready and glad to see his fricno . ; nnd take pleasure, iii showing thein hi noo-ls even ; though no sales arc made. He only asks a call. and. , is sure lhat tin- stin k will yom'piiru .'aiorably in i price ::lul I'ualitv with the cheapest . JttSKPIl KYSTLH. ; JIM) STA'lIOM'IliV 8TOKK, riUK siilweiibcr resp.-. Ilully ii...nn tb - cill.eii of . X. Sunbury mid vieioiiy that he hu just opiiieil . ? iu the biiibliugof I'hai b's l'leiisiuis, Maiket S.uarc, ' ail cnliru new ami well nloulol stock of P.'i'HvS. . Staiii.iioty and n great variety of other arli-.-les. con- risliug. in p. in, as iollmv.. : liUOivS, STATION KMY, WAI.I. I'Al'l.l!, ' , 1 1 allies of all kinds and descriptions, pint- 'foil el Smps I llrushe, Pci funics, l.-i.lics .'.'.-itcliel.. Xcec-arie. , . Afflie assortment of itllt'v B-'l'tllllOH, Pho. . tograjdi Albntns, Photograph l-'ritinc. (vul Ac. J!1:KUSCJI U M. Piiar. P.naewoi.l and India Penh , her Pijii. Patent Pipe Stein. Ci.-ars. Solp, feu- ; : tin v, Suuuy-siilu and IMautatiiin, 1'iue Cut, liillikiu- nick und llig Kick Smokiiig Tobacco. TOY liiKIKS, Tiaiispar.-ut Slate. iolinsaiid trim- j I uiitig for Violins. Hold Pens. Silv er lloMci, Peckd ( liook. Pocket Kuive. A c. j . Ho baa ulau a large aud complete aamilitiKiit of oul Oil Lumps' " ril". aud alu uiuiiy other Ihing. t"0 nuiiioroiit tu iiicnti.m He is also Agent for Prait'a tlrciit Picture, the; i Itecluralioii ut Independence, and Linaneipaliun . I'loclanialiou. Plcuc cull and cxaiume b. hue pur- ' ..l...ol l.ul,r. , a X. V. l.IUHTXLU. Sunbury, Nov. II l)j ' ICE '"'CREAM- FREEZERS. A No aujiplyof Mj.Reu' Pivt-MixuTr ?iitK J ana, tuuuived fnua New iork, fur nl. by unhury. Mujp 21. 114. H U MASSIlR - f IXUK'.S Patent Pucke! IlUlcru lor aul at Ibe A I Buck una Matiunery tlore uf ire uf . tV LIOUTXtR FANCrDRY C00DST0HE. MI8d KATK BLACK, UEHPlitn I TI.I.T lurorm.hcr fr!cnrtln Hnnhuvy mill Vicinily, that kIio him jimt opfnwl her FALTj and winter ooodb. ol NotiuDj aiiil FiinoylJry tlood. Market street, four, doom jt ofWni. II. Miller 'a llootnml Shoe Hum, eSbSIitUV, I'n. Iter Kloek eon. int. M' TVimininns, m.lioli.. einbro: ileric, Ladie ami ChiMren' Jlain, nil U nuil uihe lining, lliinii-Bkirli., Crape ami Lace Veil.., Nei uioii-K.fiocRiiiKK, cuiiim, (iml uiirnnt., Se. Twilihti'. llrtiikl'imt t' Uidinn llooili", llr' j moral hkirl.- Chlblren Woolen (iiteri, I.nJi- lid Chililren Jlui'e, llentii' half Hone. I Urinlley' new Patent liuplin 31 ia i ? (or iliuh' ! Spring fc'lUKl,-. i :lin'V llamlkerehietV, (.'larata. NccVrh-. bn.pei lvrt ; ltibboi, nf till kinjj, J-'tatlier. V (rivet, hu. Ihany o.ller nttiele too iiiii'iur.iu' tn loeiitioii. i Perfumery. Toilet Siapn, llnir liiu.he,, ; 'J'ovw. ail I v -relicil varielyi f Mil tl.'. (i A I' I PKll Ilv(l I'liiic hiinilnoiiicly iiuH ut 5bot noliec. KATE IlLACIC. Suiiliiny, Oct. V. l,-.ii.i. Glorious Hgws ! 0 It E A T E X C I T E V. N T ! LVKllVliiiHV UlSJIIXO TO TJILSTOUr OF In Keiiuliioyer' Iluihlin-;. nppnyitc ileir.liiiri Cos f.jctioncty.,''t.jre. .Mai ket.-ir. ot, tU;MJl KV, Pa., who ha.; iu:uavi:i ma l. 7 ti ' 3: r f-i- Oi Ti fv ircn as cloth?,;s, of aii.i..- scripiioiii:. L'a'ieoe!. Jrt-.- (i..o.-i.-. .'ilk.-. (i'it'lj inns, -."-haltii ami llciieial ilorllneol ot l.n, lie Wear. .Mii..iiu til loner rate ihau anywhere, the, f hcut i nr. Tiekin,, Ac. fil.VS'K ni:l flMfi'M of every ilei-cripiioii. A l,.irn-u a.iuiiuielit o( NOTIONS & YAPJETIKS. l.'otl, Mng of It-tduy. itloved. Jhrcail. !bittnis. SupemUr-. Neekiies. d ilnrs. J lundkcrcliiefs. Hair liruslnv, T iolli ilrifhes, Fam-v llcjul Iirtse. llai nioud f-kiiu. !loon-Skir!-. Carpet-bag?. 'J'runks. '-li.-es. Cmhivlhts. (-Hfii-Vam. Soajts, and UULUCiuua other artieks too tedious to mention. H A !3L B t7 A SI 2 , f.ieh a nail.-, hinges ami ercws, -lour latches ami kimlis, anil C'b'T l.KilV of every description. Dyes, iJrus, 1'niiils, Vuniislios, Oils, Glass, li try. Ax., Arc. tn,ii lire mul -il:isAV lire l M'irj" ;,!Tips itt. STONi: AN!) KAl-TilKNWAHK. All exl- li-ic Sleek of G B O G E R I E S. Comjiostd id' Sugar. Ooire'e. Teas. Ft Ice. Corii-sturcU, .Mtilasscs. tailles-. Meal. FLU. t'becsc. Salt, Tulacco, ami Pc-uiv. ltEADY-MADE CLOTIIIXG. Also, a m r o JSvywih) tl, hj fur inen, wonici ami cliil.lreu, at lower price than they can be hiel i l.-.-wli'-re All kinds ot i. .antry I'roducu taken in exchange ft 1 lioods. Ninbiirv. ".-I. i'-. is:;.'!. WlKiJ.KSAI.K AND l:i:TAl!.. CHAELE3 OAKI-'OED ft SGN3, pn;i.A!i:i.i'i!rA. ii notv open llieii l.irc i 1 IK CAP!'-;. :ml a., li.l ftaok o b.MHi:; Vdl.l-APS. .Mill:.. Cl i . (.i.'J', A.NU 1I0'Hi.. -ii lln: fliiist a-orlineiit of Fiu'cv i'ur llohe i. .MulUer. ami (iioves ever In torn olicrcd 1 i. all ol vvliieh arc wnvr. iiite.l to he ti;! reprcscn MHiM-i'ii; Fi'KN i:'at;iiT. Oilier SI. l-li.'i. I'll ll-ip lli'... nl. vn xnDTNGHOUSl Vlfll XJtiw .fi-S.. .f..S.a.-1 - - .3.7. E .,."., . (I'.irmeily of the I.a-.vreiu-e lli.iic.' ) s r x is r i: y, v k "a. Xl'i'ItMS her friends nr.d the pulilie ifencra I lhat she Inis ri lille.'. t I, i'-lliieil;, oeeir.i oy it. ,i I'i'nle. on lilaeki-eirv s.rcet. lie Xoriliern ( cn'rul Itailway Jo-poi. and oneno. I'l-arding ibili-i-, where -he i- prennied to k i i:iimaxi::T and thaxsikxT ikiap.m: With good c iok.-and nailers, bimrdcr can ei the iiiiet nfor's o hiimc w'i.h iarj eouii! lo best hotels. ratronace irmii tiiose w ho mny is ri-.-ncetlul'y solieile-1. i-eourn in can' Mi. MA1U.V Tlli)Ml'-;nX futiliurT. X"V. II. sii.". E STAY'S C0-r?jfGZ O Ii GAKS. 4 IUC nol only uucoimllrd, hut Ihev tire nl X ii i ; mill i-il. bv anv other I! ecd li.'truni f,.r Chiivi In Ibe 'mil i -. Jii'-i.iieil -pn sly Scho. .s. Ilie.v .ire lonod lo be eonallv vvell n.: to ihe ii.ii lor ami drawing rooui. for sale oolv K. M. Jilt 1 1 1 Nn. is Xi-rlb Pet eriili sircel. I'hiludo!; fi... Al.-o loailbiirv's 1'iain,.-,. and a couiple -i lu.. HI ol'llu- 1'er'eel M ill.l Il!:".N . Sept. 2.'l. Iw.-lt HATS! HAT: A l'L'LL ASSHP.TMUXT Jt st v by SAMUET, FAUST, Two diKir west of Fischer l'rng Store, Mai 8UNBURY, PENN'A CtALL and examine tin- largo Hssoi'tmen latiM Xew ioik and l'Uiladclphia st at the above (-.-tabli.-liniciit, which lor beauty rabi'iiy caiinol bo cxeelled. lleiiig n prticiii tcr. he lluttcr himself thai hi stoek has lu-i i ed w;th inoie i-i:re than any ever before bit Ibis place. Ho aUo manufactures to order till kind. Fur Hat, all of w hioli will be .old at whole, retail, ul reasonable rates. liyciug dulic at short notice mid at the low, S iii.l -u i y, Sept. ;w. SHj door & wiNrnw moulding To L.v-lude CM. lMll. i'l ! i:l:d Si IIUmkIk B'luiir -iJii r, A Ileal I'uinily Comfort OA IIKATINC STOYL'S. For Chamber--, it'-ecs, ilath-A'uoui., Au IK'I SF.lIOf.n TIX 'AKII; Heavy ar.-l Well Made. til l) DOMINION' C'OFl-'KK l'f A Ileal Saving in thene eurTiuic t'Mll.DllK.N .S TI.'AYS, Tu Kueji thn T .bli- Cloth Cleou At WhuMtilonud CHAN. Ill'lUIAM, Muutifa I 111 SohiU TeutU Struct, Phib Xov einU-r IS, lsitu 2m uoo; siitTui.i: eou no l'HKjvr.NTf. nENnr harper .""-fo Art liNlrrcl, 1MIii1-' w.vTcnrs, rixi: jKWiain', SOLID ML, Vi and Superior Nllre-r Piute j Vi l el.iOr 7. Ii.S ::m TOILtT S0AP5, 'iuutb-Ciush.. 4o., Furaaltby ANNA I j Ccttago Organ. j