Itfif j$u'utnit glmcvtcan. H. B. MA88EB, Editor ft Proprietor. E. WILVEHT, Publisher. miiu itv, pa. SATURDAY, JAXL'AUY 20, 1800. ' ti'AlKxiCAN Bosdk, There is no doubt that tlio French Emperor will withdraw Lis forces from Mexico, as soon as he find A favorable pretext for doing . After that event, the reign of the Kmpvrnr Maximilian will be of short duration. The probabilities ore, that seeing that liu is not wanted lie will abdicato in favor of young Iturbidc, the grandson of the first Emperor who he rcccutly adopted as bis successor, and leave for Europe. The Iturbide family, having once before sold nut, will not long stand in the way of the restoration of the. llcptiblie. These things must necessarily enhance tlie valuo of the bonds of the $30,000,000 loan of the Republic of Mexico, advertized for sale in our columns. These bonds arc paya ble in SO years and arc handsomely got up, with coupons attached, and are offered at rates which will make it nn inducement for many capitalists to invest. A specimen of the bonds can be seen by calling on the editor. iiTTuK Xkw Paiitv. For months pnst a movement has bean in progress for the formation of n new political party which should combine tho rebel element at the South with the democratic and conserva tive elements at the Xorth. "With this j combination it has been thought practica-1 ble to seduce tho administration into co operation with it, when the new party . would bo fuirly set up in business, and ' would proceed to use all its advantages for tho perpetuation of its power. I This explains the concerted assault, by j both the Northern democrats nnd conscrvn-! tives upon tho authority of Congress, as the j law-making department, over the rocon-! struction of the revolted States. The dc- j sign has been to prepare the way lor a great and fatal defection which should restore ' the pro-slavery party to its old authority, j Tho first public demonistrntinn to this end was made in tho House of Representa tives, by Mr. Daniel W. Voorhees, of India- lia. It did not succeed, Mr. Bingham, of j Ohio, poured a whole broadside into this : new piratical venture, and virtually sunk it, : amid the applause of the members und the j spectators in the gallery. j iii'iMiiiK. norma tllO till- I lowing announcement in the llloomsburg j Democrat : j "Hon. s'm. IX. Jncoby, left home on Monday hist for Harrislmrg, to resume his seat as a member of the II. of It." i There is no warrant for this assumption sf tho title of Honorable by members of 2ither Houses. But democrats of the Jen". Davis school have always had a weakness , or utics ot Honor, notwithstanding these irofession ,.f .,li .i ' ..luu..,j, uuii mis uNpuaiion or titles and honors was one of the incen-' ivcs of the Hcbellion. editor of a copperhead Journal n a neighboring county is in want, and lubhahcs the following: "What we want. Wo want somo one, .'111) lilts llic HU .ml -I.IK.j., ... .,.,.;, ut in a book form, in regular alphabetieal ; rder, n book witli this title: "Annuls of aes during the Heign of Abolitionism in ' .merica, from the venr 1S50 to the veur 800." This waut is easily supplied. The editor j as only to bind together the last ten vol- ' mcs of bis own paper, nml ho will have the esircd book. If hu wants something more ctensive let him get a volume of tho Xew ork Xact or tho HarrUburg Patriot d n ion. ZST Tiik LEeusi..vrritK. -In the Senate, resolution was offered instructing the com itteo on Railroads to adopt a more liberal jlicy in regard to Huilrtiads by reporting general law for the orgaui.tition of roads, develop the State, nuil'elechiring that the hcrno of tho Atlantic and Grent Western lilroad ought to be encouraged. After uch discussion it was postponed. In tho .House, a bill was introduced to .y a bounty to veteran volunteers, who .ve not received any bounties. Z3?m We find the follow'uig morsel of nsolutiou in ouc'of our exchanges': "To our Democratic friends, we say elon't discouraged because our party has been allowed, ltemember, the whale swallow Jonah. Jonah was heard of afterwards, e whale lurrr." There is, however, this very important ' ' ' 1 (Terence in the present case. Then the ju'.c swallowed Jonah, and threw him up. lis time Jonah 'swallowed thu whale and old not throw him up, if ho would. uly, Jonah will be heard of, but the w hale :er. . ,47" Stami'P. The Commissioners of crnal llevenue have issueel a circular pecting tho cancellation of revenue ' tups, which will he of genertd interest to siuess men. Heferring the dill'ereut sec ns of the Btiimp act of June 30, 1804, he .tides that authority has been given to print the initials and duto upon etutnpg ink instead of writing them. The im- j ut must be distinct uud legible. If pro-' etary stamps cannot be so nilixed to the ;cs, bottles or packages, that in opening ' same, or in using the contents thereof, y shall and must be unavoidably and ef .ually destroyed, they should be e-aneelled ' .he ordinary manner, by w riting or im- j Iting thereun the initials ami date i Indians. Another delegation of ians is in Washington, and intelligence been received of the coming of represen res from about it Uozeu additional tribes. principal object of these visits on the . of the Indians is to become reconstruet- nd to obtaiu olliciul certificates of their wed loyalty, they having joined the I army in tho lata war. ' u XT'. Tho State Agricultural Society met farrisburg on Tuesday. OUicors were ed, and resolutions adopted asking Con- to levy tax on tlogs, 04 account of ;reat duaiructloil of MHp ly -Xkcw ai ti i ' J ' . . ' I I 1-1, 1. . fc!fPlMr08ED Inciikasb of Salamiw. Mr. Ihgham, of Allegheny, has prepared a bill, which has, among other provisions, the following i Tho Govornor of the State, after the expiration of the term of Govornor Cur" tin, is to receive (0,000 per annum ; aftor the first of June next, the attorney general to receive $3,000; tho secretary of State, auditor general and treasurer, $3, GOO each ; and tho surveyor general and 'superinten dent of common schools, $2,400 each ; each member of tho Legislature, (1,000; each judge of the Supremo Court, in full, for pwy and mileage, $3,20Qt and tlio chief justice (300 additional ; each law judge of tho Courts of Common Pleas of Allegheny, 400; each president judge of the several judicial districts of tho Commonwealth, (3, i 200; and each assistant law judge required ! to be learned in tho law, in full eil all pny and mileage, (3,000, except only tho hold ing of special courts in other judicial dis tricts to remain ns heretofore-. Each as sociate judge of the several counties, not re quired to be learned in the law, to be paid ns follows : For those whoso nttendence nt court does not exceed four weeks, (000; be tween four nuM six weeks, (240; between six and eight weeks, (300; between eight and ten weeks, $100; between ten und twelve weeks, (480; between twelve and twenty-foui weeks, (j.10; and nil exceeding twenty-four weeks, (003. These last figures also include all pay and mileage. Ztf A bill was introduced into the Penn sylvania House of Representatives on the 10th inst., by Mr. Osterhnut, to enable par tics to civil suits to testily as witnesses in their own cases. This change has been adopted in several other States. The legal profession, and the public generally, will feel interested in the measure proposed. Z-C?"Tlio IJuartcrmaster (Jcncral's De partment is daily discharging civilians cm- ployed as messengers in that department, j : The vacancies thus created will bu filled by I "honorably-diicharged soldiers." j J-C'Thc agreement oetwecn the Reading j j uaiiroad to., nml the Atlantic & (treat I Western Company, is destined to make some j changes in railroad enterprise. A new route ' to New York, by way of this place, Shanio, ; kin, and Mt. Curmel, to the tjnakake road' I it is rumored, will be established in the Spring. t Tlli: I'.NIVKIISAl. Patii-I'jn.ikii. Thisis the title of asiunll volume intended ii? a businessman's locket com), union, which contains much useful in- ! fonmiliun. Published l.y M. M. (H instead. Now York. PAYMASTER GENERAL BItlCB THE EQUALIZATION OP SOL DIEHB' BOUNTIES. ON Tin: Proiioseil IvMe-iiNion of liouu It appears from an oliicial statement that 1 the total number of men who have recvcd ! respectively $400, $300, or 100 bounty ' ilm-inrr flu. ti--.,. ,-.. 1 T-moll V, " ' .. " . ' . ' . .'.?. . : in inu aggregate eo nearly 1,500,000. Trie total enlistments during the war were ! Z,4ll,UUU, ot whom upwards i:f 731,000 re- ceiveii no uounty. In answer to nn inquiry by Gen. Schenck, : chairman of the Militmy Coinmittee, respect-1 ing a proposeel law equalizing the bounties of all soldiers who served dining the war to suppress the rebellion, the Paymaster Gene ral says the sum required to pay each sol- ty to f -00, the largest sum" p,1 .Kill1; 083,000,000, and the sum required to pay each soldier such higher bounty, in propor tion to the time of service, is 550,000,000. The Paymaster General says the sums esti mated as necessary to accomplish the end proposed, if eveu reduced by one half, give an amount so enormous and startling in its proportions as to awaken the gravest con sideration as to the expediency oi tlie .mea sure, if indeed it can uo regarded as at all practicable at the present crisis without en tailing liiiuiicial ruin. In further argument against the measure, he adds: "It is certain that, to a greater ex tent tlutu is now apprehended, sueh legisla tion will enure to the benefit of speculating advvnturi'is all over tho laud, who have been buying soldiers' elischarges with a view to such an anticipated legislation, and who are now, doubtless, earnestly pressing its consummation. The large bounty allow ance thus for gh en, in spite of tho careful vigilance, nnd scrutiny of the officers of the Department, have led to trauds incalculable It cannot be doubted that such extension of ' these allowances as is proposeel will give new impetus and opportunity to evil-dorrs in that Hue beyond nnvthiug known to the past." I.OSSKS 11V AIIMY I'AVM.VSTKItS. I The interesting statement is made-, derived ! from an official cuu war the loss by paymasters in the army was $7,000, whilu during the war w ith Great ; Hritiiin. when as much more was expended as in me .Mexican war, tne loss through pay ; masters was $2,000,000; and timing the war ! ..f ll, ...I...III 1.1 l. .1. "! I ot the rebellion, although tho disburse ments amounted to ij! 1,028,000,000, the loss will be about $300,000, or less than half a million of dollars. iii'Kioiii:'r.4. 1 A celebrated' iiicpneket who was lutelv noted for his marvelous adroitness in Docket lifting, was requested to reveal tho secret of his success, when the following among other disclosures were made. Wo publish them ns likely to be useful to those who are wil ling to take the hint : I never," said he, "attempt to piek Ihe pocket of an old resident of the city, but uniformly strangers und countrymen." Uut em being asked how hi'di.tinguishcd them, replied, "Very easily," and gave tho follow ing list of pcisons who were regular victims of the craft. "l'ersons in an omnibus who take out their poekethooks ufter the stage starts, are sure lo be countrymen. Those w ho btop to converse on the sidewalks or thoroughfares, tr take out pocketbnoks ut the box or pit olliees iu the theatres or steamboat office. All those who stop to gtizo nt shop win I elows, or count money, or show pocket books .fin thu Btreet, or tall in the Funk unction rooms.. All these uru our common victims. If! find a man eating etysters eir fruit, in nine cases out of ten ho is green, ami we victimise) him. I'ersons who stand lip in a theatre, or aland on cross walks, are gen erally country folks, and we make auru of them." The shrewdness of theso observations of tho pickpocket must bu obvious to all city people, und itecouut for tho remarkable lact that city resident seldom uitTer from the operation of., ths light Unaored geutry. rfiTGcN. Fit k Blair, like his brother Montgomery, has gone over te the Demo crats, The St Louis papera announce that he ltri joined the Free Trade League just forvied iu that city, , Mormon DoincBlIc I.I IV'. Mr. Bowles, of the Springfield llcjwblican, writing from Austin, says: Polygamy introduces mnny curious cross relationships, and Intortwlnes tho branches of the gcncological treo in a manner greatly to puzzla a mathematician, as well as to disgust tho decent minded. Tho marrying of two or more sister's Is very common; one young Mormon merchant in Salt Luke City has three staters for his three wives. There arc several cases of men marrying both mother (widow) and her daughter or daughters; taking tho "old woman" for the sake of getting tlio young ones, but having children by all. Please to cipher out for yourselves how this mixed things. More disgusting associations iiro known, even to the marrying of i (inn, ' Consider, a half sister by one Mor ton, how these children of , fnt)ln,. ,,' ,,i.,. ,,, i,,.,,., often blood relations, arolikelvto become crossed again in new marriages, in second and third, if not in tho first generation, un der the operation of this polygamous prac tice; and it Is safe to predict that a few generations of such social practices will breed a physical, moral mid mental debase ment of tho people most frightful to con template). Already, indeed, arc such indica tions apparent, foreshadowing the sure and terrible realization. Brigham Young's wives arc numberless at least no one seems to know How many he has; and ho has confessed himself to for get fulness in tho mutter. Tho probability is he has fiom sixteen to twenty genuine or complete wive'9, and about as many more women "sealed'' to him for heaven nnd glory. Tho hitter nre mostly pious old Indies, cacer for hiah seats in the Mormon heaven, aiid knowing no surer way to get there than to bu tucked on to Brigliuin's angelic procession. Some of these sealed wives are the early wives of other men; but lacking faith in their husband's heavenly glory, seek to make a sure thing for the fu ture by the grace of gracious Brigham. In many eases the Mormon wives not only support themselves and their chili lien, but help to support their husbands. Thus a clerk, or a inun with ti similar limited in come, who has yielded to the fascinations and desires of three or four women, and married them all, makes his home with No. 1, perhaps, and tho rest live apart, each by herself, taking in sewing or washing, or eu gaged in other employment, to keep up : establishment mid bo no chargu to her hus band, lie comes around, once in a while, 1 lomaKC ner a visit, unit men sue sets oui an extra table and miciiiU all her net 'cinema- teil earnings to make him ns comfortable, ' nnd herself as charming as possible, ho that j her fraction of the dear sainted mini nriy , be multiplied ns much as possible. So the fellow, it' lie is lazy, and has turned his piety, to the good account of getting smart wives, may reallv board around continually and live in clover, at no possible expense but his own clothing. B'oNtnl Law. Mr. Dixon has introduced a bill in Congress to amend the postal laws, which provides: First. That after January, 1807, nil news papers and periodical;., including those mailed from the olliee of publication, shall be prepaid, and none shall be carried uitli- .mt i.iLj,..,.i.i-..i, caiuiji. iiku 'ii,io IM 111 I foreign e:ountrie. I becoml. 1 hat the Postmaster General may . sell stamps, nnd envelopes at the value e.t ; the stamps impressed upon them. llurd. Alter the lir.t of April next, letters . forwarded Irom one post-olhce to another at ruejucst of the person ndiiresscd shall be sent w ithoul atlditional postage, and (kail letters : shall be returned free. Fourth. Letters endorsed to be returnctl to the writers, net of March 3, 1303, shall be returneel free. Fifth. Authorizes the sending to any port of the I'nitcd States and uny foreign port, at a cost not exceeding the sea postage. Sixth. The provision for publishing lists of non-delivered letters in newspapers of largest circulation is repealed. Advertising -- ... ,1,,, (liwrt'tiim of the Postmaster General. Seventh. That the balance of the appro priation of one hundred thousand dollars under thirteenth section of act ot" May 10, 1804, inr-y be used us far as necessary to sup ply deficiencies in the proceeds of the money order system for the current year. Kighth. That any emu not exceeding 50 Uwii...o ..,.v ,c scrlt ,v money order, and the fee for thirty to torty iionars miuii dc cents, and for forty to fifty dollars 30 ea-nts. Xiulh. That a money order shall be good for twelve mouths, and if lost a duplicate shall bo issued free. Tenth. That all railroads carrying the mails shall carry without extra charge all printed matter directed by the Postmaster General to be sent thereon. Klevcuth. That persons maliciouslinter fering with letter-boxes shall be lined from from one hundred to one thousand dollars and imprisoned nut less than one nor more than three years. Twelfth. That the President may direct appropriations from one branch of postal I service to another when necessary. IVrils ol'ii .ilritiiii'.Iiirty. j The Cedar Falls (Iowa) Cunette says: "On ' Wednesday morning, about half past four, i i . .. ... i : i . a loud o passengers, c. ns ol or 11.11 LlliltlllVU till. I'll. II.UILn, UILVIII'1VI ... cross the Missouri river ut Dubuque to take the curly Eastern train. The sleigh was the public conveyance running from Dubuque to Dunleith, and thu agent accompanying it curried a, lantern, for it was yet tlark. The sleigh hail pro- cccUcil tint a snort ilistuiice when the ice gave a lurch to the north, and the passengers were prceijiitated into tho river. I'olonel ..,. . 1 !..,.. ,1... 1 11 . Jl. sessions ami Ins iltiuhter -Mtirv, ot j this city, were among the passengers. The Colonel went over backwards, anil passen gers ami trunk caiue on top ot him. The agent haei jumped Irom the sleigh as he saw it going down, and in seeking to rescue those iu the water had broken in and lost his light. It was so dark now that nothing could be ilistiuguished, and the situation was terrible. The Colonel was perfectly self-possessed, and repeatedly cau tioned those around him not to be frighten eel aud they woulel all get out. Ho knew his daughter was in the water, but where she was he could uot tell, lie got hold, of a lady whom he supposed to be her, but soon discovered it was uot. I lo held her up, however, and finally got her out. His daughter had gone entirely under uud caiue up without her bonnet. .She was finally helped out by a stranger, who told the Colonel that it didn't mutter what his name was. ' ' . "A ladder was brought nnd put down in to tho water. Thii the Colonel grappled, and he says it seemed to him he could hold on to it forever. Hut nis muscles relaxed in spite of him uud he went down. He came up und rau his arms through the rouuds of tho ladder aud held 011 by his forearm. Ho went trader the water three times before ho got out. Miss Sessions went under twice, and when taken out was al most iuseusiblo. Her clothes were soon frozen still', anil she was unable' to walk. Her father, w ho was the lust of all out of the water, having forgotten hi own aafety in the perils of others( was still active, aud carried her to the pmuibus on shore." , ' Mason, Jacob Thompson, IJeujumin and Col. Fuller ere in Loudou. Slideil, Mr. Uwiu and daughter, Judge Host, ("rebel commifcaioQur to Spain,) and Major lluse, agent for the rebel for tbe purchase of arms, are iu I'arU. We hope they will forever stay tlere.1 How toClear Ont Neilc. Tho Paris correspondent of the London Alrim has found out a new plan of settling the Mexican question, which he nssurts his readers is the only genuine method, and that all others are spurious. He says Flm, that the French Emperor wants somo decent ex cuso for withdrawing hia troops from Mexi co. Second, that ho has found such excuse. Third, that Max. knows that ho will have to "vamoose the ranche." Fmirth, that ho is ui.xions to find a decent excuse for doing so. Filth, that he has found such decent excuse. Sixth, that it will bo abdication in favor of little Iturbide, who has been formally adopt ed as heir of the Empire. Seventh, that he will abdicate in favor of that scion of the first Mexican Emperor. Eighth, that Franco will then withdraw her troops. Ninth, that the roiirn of Iturbide w til then commence. Tenth, that it trill not last Eleventh, that there will be a revolution, nnd the Ro public will bo established. Twelfth, that Enuis Nnpoler.n will be satisfied. Thir teenth, that Maximilian will be satisfied. Fourteenth, tint Andrew Johnson will be satisfied. Fifteenth, that everybody will be satisfied. These things "if not true, are well invented,'' as tin Italians say. The "Cow Trees" in South America pro duces milk frrm which the people obtain regular supplies. The Nepcnthus of India, furnishes water . t l.. ..ti..i. ...... in its leaves, which not only have pitchers. , but covers to tlicm. ! There are 145 different species of dak in ; the world, 70 i which are found in Ameri- cn, nnd 30 in Kuropc. ' I The celebrated Uotnnist, Hoy, counted 32,000 seeds in the head of njpoppy. There urn HOO.000 seeds in the capsule of a Tobacco Plant. The Canada Thistle, ton enemy of far mers, is a native of Canada, but it has cross ed the Atlantic by means of wings, with which its soetls aro provided. The Kwo trees of Surry, Knglnnd stood in the elnvs of Cii'sar. There is an apple treo i in ll.ui ford, Colin., 201) years old. X lig 4.. :.. ii.. !..,.:.... ruo .-.....-j .,1.1 A , Milt-.. Tmj n AsU Mill(ir 850 twMoMl Alive oak in Louisiana 1000 years old. A cedar on Mount Lebanon 2120 years old. A pine , . ... lsnn , , . ... A svcaaiore in'tlic Uospborus 4000 years old. There nre no less than 000 different spe cies of Hoses and 50 pinks. There are 550,000 graiiu in a biwhel of wheat. .ViO.OOt) in barley, 200,000 in oats, 37,000 :n horse beans. Thk Ha.iaii oi' Mysoiuc The Xeilgheri) Kxcelsior draws a strange picture ol the lire led by the Hajah of Mysore. Mis palace is tillee'. with upwards of 800 people. There are somu fifty wives of his highness, willi about four attendants on each, and the re mainder is made up ol night watchers, pro phesying lirahmins, officer of the Zenana, Ac. Mr. Hiram Penny, station agent on tho Harhm railroad, at Towner station, was knocked senseless while in the act of count- S()mt. 1(,1R .,ast Wl; ,, r,.,i f ovr o:(i000 jy unknown man, who is supposed to have escaped on the next, train. Mf,,CII11V WM go ml,c, injuro.l as to be (,,.lir:ous Vor .. .;, ,ut recoveicd. A gentleman in Xew York made a Christ mas cake for the Five Points Mission which weighd 400 pounds, and contained 120 pound of sugar, 100 pounds of llour. 70 pounds of butter. 00 pounds of fruit and 850 eggs. It. was 0 feet long, 21 inches wide, and 10 inches thick. Dr. Jndson, the celebrated 1'optist mis sionary, in a letter written thirty years ago, de'scribing the costume of Ivai'en women, said they wore fancifully constructed bugs ."-losin" the hair, und suspended from tlie back pan. oi iUb ........ Treliholm, ex-rebel Secretary of the Trea sury, bus been at the White Hom-u. lie wants a pardon, so that he may bu enabled to save, his immense estate accrued from the profits of blockade running, lie stands in great fear of Congress, and . wants his case vncditcd. There are eight requisites to success in u lawsuit a good cause, a good judge, a good counsel, a good iittuiuey, good wit nesses, a good jury, a good purse, und Ia.-t, though not, least, good luck. A spirited young lady, who was ahivit to marry a man whose purse was larger than his head, said she preferred his dollars to his sense. Dean Swilt once said that Providence showed how little it thought of riches by the lools whom it permitted to possess wealth. Twenty-one pieces of handsome furniture were recently sent to Mrs. General It. K. by her female friends in ltultiuiore. - Mr. Husscll, postmaster of Somervillc Massachusetts, says that the business of his office has fallen off, and he wants his salary iiuiuu uus laiieu mi, aim uu v x (i()lld fo'r Bussed. Commodore "ins!ov, of the famous Kearsagc, has been trunsferred to thu com mand of the Gulf Sipitidroti, which consists of twenty vessels carrying 1118 gnus. General Dix, who is a most accomplished scholar, has written a translation of the dif- i fl?t Lutlii, Du, Irw which the ha- , ij 1 a nuuuuuu-a iu mi ui uio nu uiu translation of that wonderful production. All sorts of rumors are afloat as to the nl- ject of the southern cruise of Sec. Seward. One paper asserts that thu voyago is simply one of relaxation and pleasure, while another says it has been "asvertained from a trusty source that tho Hon. William 11. Seward's destination in his proposed pleasure trip is era C ruz, mil that tliere is coiuliiueel with it a little iliplomatic business." , , , , , 1 .Nil nnd, forme, ly a war correspondent of the Tr ilu nc, is to he ..mined in ,1 few elays to I aunie, only daughter ot m. Lloyd Garrison. George N m. Mimllcy, one of the editor of ih tit journal, was wedded somu yeurs since to the adopted daughter of Wendell l'l dlips, and two more of the at taches of tint turner are now engaged, to tho .1 if - i. o ti ..-uB .... ,i-v. uriumnu,,.. '"' The Philadelphia Iwjiiirrr says that meas- j than to get his recommendation, und that tires are iu progress iu that city to erect a ! his conduct on the occasion was the explo iting memoritl to tho late) JJisbop Potter. ' sion of violent temper usual with him on I ho contriliti'ii ns are to take tlio iorm ot 11 thank otteiugfor thu restoration ot peace and tho "greit enlargement of civil liberty," and a buildiig is to bo erected having, in thu language of Bishop Stcveus' pastoral let ter to his clergy aud laity, "a it central feature, a large Lhaiel for tbe free preachiug of thu word of Uod anil connected, with it, the needed roons and olliees tor all diocesan purposes, uud for tho use of the various church societici; constituting in its unity, a noble diocesan house, worthy to be tho mem orial tribute of a great diocese to a great end beloved llishu(i.n v 1 ,, ,-, . 1, 1 Turn Bnvwit TONit Ci-ofuiNo 1Ui.lTio customers of Messrs. Hockhill Wilson, Xo. 00 J and 605 Chestnut street, will find the business department of the firm at No. 30 (south Sixth street, the old rear cutruuee to .(heir store. .Their customer work will te attended to there as ujual, aud f itbin a very few days the flriu expect tu ie in full bhikt ut thtiir regular old iuarter. ;, '. 1 . ; j- ' . - ) 1 ... The Rot. Dr. Pusey, has written a letter to tho Roman Catholic paper, Tht WeeMf IlryuUr, which is likely to excito considera ble nttention. In his opinion there is little diflcrcnco which need prevent a reunion be tween the Anglican, Ureck, and ; Roman churches. He is quite willing to rocognise tho primacy Of tho .Bishop of ! Rome, and fears only that it may lead to that quasi-authoritative system which, is the caiiso and justification of tho present separation on tho part of England. Ho has long been convin ced that tliero Is nothing in tho Council of 'I'...... tl.nt 1.1 ... I... , , iiciib buiib i.i.iiivi nub iiu expiniucu anusiuc, torily that is, Authoritatively by the! Cllurch of Rome, ami not by individuals. As to such questions as the Immaculate Concep tion, ho asks that they should bo made au thoritative eloctrincs, but they should bo held, if nt all, only as pious private opiuions. Tho jury in tho Brooklyn City Court has returned a verdict of (21,000 in favor of Edwin Whitney,-proprietor of a boys' bourd ing school, in Connecticut. Some timet since a hid of nine years of age was sent to the school with a view to tho improvement of his temper, which, it seems, was rather un governable. Ho wasn't long there bvfoie he set fire to the establishment, causing damngc to the amount of (12,000. As the boy had ("OjOOO coming to him in his cwn right, when of nge, Whitney sued the estate and got damages us above stated. i A correspondent of the American Presby ; terian w rites from Elmim, N. Y., over three hundred rise in some meetings for prayer. and the number of conversions among young '- is truly wonderful. A uew sect has recently sprung up in Ger many under the name of "Cog'ttants." They have nlso established a magazine, which bears the following motto: "Our knowledge is our fuith; our ilignity is our morality; our worship is life; nnd our religion i our secret." A Paris newspaper announces, us an in ducement to subscribe, that none of its pat rons have yet died of the cholera. (Jueen Victoria, when at home, regularly teaches a Sunday Sclriol und Bible cjass, lor the benefit of those residing in the palace and its vicinity. The latest novelty in Parisian fashions for iieutlenien's costumes con.sists in boots reaching to the knee, iron gray trowsers, black jackets, and low collars. The Japanese send silk-worm eggs to France via Francisco and New York, to avoid the tropics. A recent ship from Japan brought !jii0,000 worth of llieui to Sail i Francisco. An innkeeper in Andcnmch, on tbelihine, lately made a bet that hu could ilriuk ten 1 (plai ts of lager beer in a day. lie won his bet, and drank live more quarts more than was required. The tnvn and canton of Yirn, Andalusia,' Spain, are being ravaged by an invasion of , s iders. All vegetation is being eaten by those insects, and their bite produces a very ' painful swelling. Ax Kx vmi'i.i; Knit Xi:vsmivs. The f Springfield ftriHiMiiim says in the winter of i 1855 there were eight carrier boys employed to distributu that paper in Springfield. Three of these boys tile now cashiers of banks in or near Springfield. .: i A IvuT IlKUKToronr. Fx uvki.tim:i. ! The daily sales of Piialou's "Might- Bloom. ; ing t'creus" exece-d I y more than one bun dled per e.-ent. those of any ten oilier perfnies for the handkerchiefs that figure in tlie list of choice extracts, whether original or imi tations of French ami KnglUli articles. Sold everywhere! A e;ooii AVini: xkkiik xo PrKF. Culling on u friend of ours of the American legation, thu other elay, hu invited ip to u glass of wine. We complimented bis taste in the choice of so rich n port, but were souiev. but ; astonished when he assured us it was an ' ..""..i. , e,. ..ii. i i :... r was rich, juicy and high tl.ivored, possessing none of tho peculiarities hieh iistinguili the manufactured sugared wines and cider champagnes. He told us tin? proprietor, , Mr. A. Spei" "( Veu- .tiTsev. C. S. A., hud 1 been awarded a gold cup liy the Ann rirun Institute, for the excellence of his wine. This is a new phase in the produce of America a wine country. ! Dickens' "All thu Year round." Wo quote the above with pride that we do produce one wine in this country that Kuiopcans acknowledge superior to their ' own production, Sold by W. A. Benntt. Kvidcr.tly the work of reconstruction in ; Virginia is about completed. The old nor mal sttu of affairs has returned. The editors i have begun firing pistols at each other. Thu , coiisei vative editor, who spells music with a j final, and two of his rivals, have evidently returned to the ground they used to occupy in the L'nion. Who says they ought not to be represented at once on the Hour of Von gresjs'J l'toriJattv Jmir. We quote the following editorial para graph fiom the Louisville Ihnninnl: man, It woulil lie hard even for a white under the llusji of new-found rights or liber- lies, to .lehnvn ns well. The negroes have ! ! done very well during the war, nnd since the war. They have, in fuel behaved much I better than thu white men. No such temu- ' ; tatlons co.ll.l be laid before any other race j ur iicoijui wiitioiii Drouue iliL' Horrors, nml j savagery beyond paraletl. ; '1'ho man who cnlled nn Senator IVade j ' '"at Wednesday r.ight, and whose conduct j originated thu report of nu attempt to assas- j j sinute the Senator, it has been ascertained ; wtis a man named Flemming, originally I ! from Kuusis, and during the last three years j j employed in the navy yards at lirooklyu and ntiriesiowii, .Mass. Alter ins interview ; witli Senator Wade hu called 011 Senator 'Wilson, on the same mission on which he I visiu,,,lll0 fo. uamcl ,0 0 lll(J11(Jati(Uii f in one of the , y. .J,.J tleelimol ... r.'., . ,'.r i.:,.. llot knowinu anvH,i.r ,,f I.,. 1,!.,. torv, and the man IcU. .- Fleinmiii!! is tie- I scrived as a dissolute and violent man, ami . as having had a number of difficulties while in the navy yards. It is uot believed by " j )'" I tlinso acquainted with his habits that he I called 011 Mr. Wade for any other Diiruose meeting a rebutl. Testimony to tho good conduct of the fieeduien during aud after tho war, iu their relations to their old masters, has been sign ed uud sealed by all the I'rovUional Govorn or, if not the Governors elect of tho South, and, notj ast by several religious conventions. On this point the favorable public opinion of tho SontU ought to be in a vast majority. IWcout oxper'uueoU in the British navy proved that the thick oil of petroleum, thu resirittnu) of the third distillation, is the best substitute) for coal in generating steam. The CJiipaga Qlirittiqn 'fjmet tells of an auiusingj forii) of presenting a Christmas gift, in the case of a pastor who missed hi stock lugs, and after e'iiigent search through tho bouse aud much iueju'-ry, was iuformed that they were last aeeu hanging outside of the wiudow. ' On opening it tlie wisaiag article were discovered on tho horns of a new milk ew. ' ': , i '.' Mil .. r. "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can make I Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call apd ex amine an Invention urgently ncedeelby everybody.- Or a samplo sunt free by mail for 50 Cents that retails easily fiir (II. by R. L. WOLOOTT. 170 Chatham Square, N Y. ;f. Sept. It), Wib. iy. ,' Thu bfan !ncw croaier ofs Bishop Conroy, of - Allrrinyy New York, isbbout four feet long, sold crilt. with most elaborate finish. The Episcopal ring is of massive gold, with ft largo saphire In the centre, costing alone, the sum of (1,000. TuU is surrounded by u circle. of (liamonels Citvu.Kim. Six tablespoons of butter, 0 eggs, 0 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1 nut meg, and ns linleli iloqr 'iis will . omk-q a soft doilgll. Roll out nhtl lioil in part. These nre both admirable receipt ts. Sliiimoltt'i ('mil t'l'iKle. -. Suahokim. Jan. l-'l, IFWift. I luii-i. utrt. !.! 4 III 1.417 111 Pent ftr week ending .Inn. 11, Pur last report, A.!U2 II. TIM 10 To cnineliinc In.'t year, Decrease, cue) ii; J '!' 'oiimiili vh. j The ndvcrliscr, liitvinK bccH restorol to licnllh in ! n few weeks by vury simple retmnly, niter having I Mifl'crcil for ncvcrnl yours with a severe lung a fleet inn ' nml Hint itrend iliseiwe. (.'iitwuiiipMnn is nnximi" t i niiilio known to bis fellow milTcrers the mean! of J cure. j To nil who ilesiro it, he will feml a copy of the prescription useil (free uf cbnrjcj, with thu Jircc I tiolis for preparing ntiilusiug thesione, which they j will find n sens CrnB for ('ossi mi'Tion. Asthma, llitoNcniTis, Col ons, I'oi.ns. nml all Throat und I I.ung Affection. Thu only object of Iho nilvcrlicr In sending the prescription Is to benefit tbe nfllictc.l. I nnd spread information which hu concoiccs to b. In- vnlmihle. nnd he hopes every sufferer will try hia remedy, ns it will cost them nothing, nnd limy prove i n blessing. I Parties wishing the. prescription. Fiir.K. by return I until, please address i Hkv. KDWAHI) WILSON, I tVillimimliurgu, King I'o , New York. .Tanniiry t.". Isii.'i v. Ilrrorsfll Youth. A (icutleinan who suft'ered fur yours from Xervmi Ilebility. Premature D ny, nnd the effects of youth, ful iiutiscrition, will, for the snk3 of sulb rili hu. nmnily. send free to nil who need il, the recipe mid directions for making thu siuiplo remedy by which he was cured. SatVcrcrs wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by nddrcsdng JOHN n.tKilU'.X. No. I.''. Clumbers St.. New York. Janunry I.t Isi.'i ly. SO-;ii'.ji' IE til Ti-M4. liver' young lady nnd gentleman in the I'uited States cm heir something fo their ndvuntngo by re turn mail, (frcn of charge,) by addressing Iho under signed. Tlioso having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this enrd. All others w ill l'leaso address their obedient servant, TIKIS. F. CHAPMAN. 8;!l DrondwHy. New Y'ork. Jiiuuiiry 1:1. ISfij ly. Uf We Clip the following from on of thu Philu delpbin Daily Piipcrs. Our peoplo visiting or s?nd ing down to tho City, would do well to make a nut of it : WANAMAKKU X UUOWX rf FINE CLOTIIINIi. This osliililii-hiueul. located nt the Cor. of Sixth i M.tnKKT Street. I'lol.AO'.e.. familiarly known ns tlAK 11 ALL. '' is probably Ihe largest nnd bestenn ducted "Heady Made." t.'lolliiu .1 Merchant Tailor ing House, in the .S'tate. Their superior styles, el cellent wi'ikinaiisbip nnd moderation in prices, have made Ihcir liouse deservedly ixipulur. . In their CI -TOM MU'AltTJJ KXT, where ele. giiut Ciaiiuknts nro Mauk lo Uui'Kn, nuiiu hut the very best Artists nro employed, and tho fino a-aii't-meut uf MatcriiUs to select fruut enabli-s everyone o bo well suited. Samples will be seitl by Mail, nnd instructions for mciisuviug when written for. Nov. II. SI i'iieiiaM, ItllsKlsii'sisi ins l 'jH iitIi, Treateil witli Itie utmost succesj. o iiaj ljtc . Oculist and Aurisl, (loimerty of I.ejden. Jlolhind.) ; No. jy Pino s'rcci. Philadelphia' TeiiiMoniiils i H oiu the most rc.inble sources in the City mid Coun try can be seen at his office. Tbe lui dical faculty nro invited to accompany lle-ir patients, as be has no so- ! crets in his practice. Arlilicinl tyes. inserted nitti- j out pain. No eiiurire made for examination. I .Inly 21. lso.-i. y 'i he Eti 4 liiimtx-i-, nn i:.nv .... , r , Wnriungan.l liistriiclbin for Young Mvu published ny I lie Howard Association, and sent free of charg,, in scaled Address Dr. J. MvILLIX HOI'UIITOX, Ilownrd Association, l'hilndelidiia Pennsylvania. ! February II, r,j j,y : n i l 1 : nvn j itch : : j schatch: schatcH! scratch: Will Cure the llch in 48 Hours. Aim eurci. Suit lthcuin. l leers, Cbilldaiiis, and all Kruptioiis of the Skin Price il) cents. Fur Sitle bv ill III uggists. liy sending no cents to KKKfS Jt PuTTKIt. Sole Ageuls, 1;U (Viu-hington slroet. lionton, M.uu , it will he forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the I nited Slates. .Sept. 2.1. li.i'-tiui. AYUISKKHSj ! YIlISlCl:KS ! Ho you want Whiskers or Moustuehrs Our lire eitin C.iinpound will forco them to grow on tlio sniooiliest face or chin, or hair en bald heads, in Sir i"1- Price, Sent by mail any where, closely m-nlod, on receipt of price. Aiiurca n Alt.jt,ll i cu , ilox l.js, llrooklyn.X. Y. Icbruaiyltj lstii. ly BUNBTJIty f 1:1 nu 40 loo 1 uu MARKET. Fggs, Hotter, Tallow, I.ard, Pork, Ifricon, Ham, Shoulder, Flour, Whont,' 4.i 14 Corn, Out. Il'ickwheat, Flaxseed. Clnvorsot-'l. 45 8(1 12 id $7 till IS US NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HORSES! HORSES! rpiIK uudcrtigned offera at Private Sale, at Wca X ver s Hotel, Kuuhury, Pa., fievenKootlKoiintl llorwcM, If not ni.ldby Monday, tho 22.1 of January, they will bo disposed of at auction, at 2 o'clock P. M. Pciious desiring good working horse, aroinvilcd to attend. , . . , , E. XASIl. ."uabury, Jau. SO, ISClJ. Admiuitif ruler' .Voile"'.'"'""" "V OTICK is hereby given, that lettara of adaiinis X liulion having been pruntod to the suliMtriber, ou Iho tutate of blnty M. Clair, late ol Lower Au gusta luiriisliiu. Norlliuniberlaiid County, P., de ceased. All persona kuowiiig theuiselvVa indebted aro refueled lo uiako iuiuiediatu pavuieul, and those hai tug olaiuia, lo prcaeut Ihotu duly ulliciiii caled for settlement . :' JOUN S.NVIKU. AdmioUtrator. Lower Augusta tup., Jan. ju, J8tji). . .. iFIfSHEK'S i EATING k LODGING HOUSE ! i ;:. 1 ' , ' 1 : . : A I't'M tlt'lM Kortll oil ho I-pvl, HOT ilEALS AT ALL 110V11S, Ui X AXD SIGHT. Huubury, Jau. 20, IM. - coaljcoTlTTgo GRANT As BROTHER, Nblpitfi-H At UlilMiI A. Ulull Ikciklrai lit, M IIIT1) V HllDiMI O tln 1' - ' ' ia cvory variety. Sol AireuK, westward, of tu ColvbrutoJ Henry Cla Coal. ' .', ' '. lowtaWmtir, tsrxirttT, Pi ' euufcury, Jan. IS, J666. Take No ticel farmers and dealers in fertilizers will clean .take nalioe that we htra adopted tbe following Trade Mnrk to protect onrolro, and prevent ihmo who una our RAW RONE BUPER VllOril'll A1K front hiring deouirfed wfcan puroasing tnnnurp. W hsvo boen obliged to give this JpMcetlon to wit oiwomnr, in oniwqnfn! or several pnyiea hav tn( unlawfully med our ilistinctirontitno, v it . "Raw none," In ottering thoir article to tho publio Thin Tmdo Mark In adopted in addition to thoitla 'Raw Huno," which la nr txaluriro proporry, (nd wo caution alt mannnvntnrots from lining It In fu.' lure. Wo would tn!o to the trado and oqiiKumon), thnt they will And it to their intormt Ui noo that ths 'Trmlo Mark" is upon ovory bag and barrel they purcfco, an none other i; genuine. HAUOh ft80N'3. BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, Manufactured by B AUG1I & SONS. Xo. 20 WU'TII IlKLA WAR K AVENUE, I'llir.ADEM'IIIA. The irrcnt ropnlaritv of our article, has been found ; sufficient inducement to ccrtnin imitntors to mnnufni.'turc nnd advorliso "Hnw Itono Phos plintcs," a name which eriglnnted with us. nnd , is our own rightful property. We will stale for tho information of nil. that we nre tho exclusive manu facturers of this nrtiuln the originnl nnd stde pro i irietors of it having been manufactured by tis for a i period of Iwelvo years. Also that il is covered by several lelters patent, held only by ourselves, j We nro now ready to supply it in Inrge ipinuii i ties having lnndo reecut addilions and iuipruvc- luenls. Vessels drawing 111 feet of water can load ; directly from tho wharves of tlio works, which nro ' locnlcd ut Ihe foot etf .Morris Street, llelawaru Hivcr. We cull llie nttcnliou of llKA l.l.KS to tliis grout ad- vantage. The present Indiniitions nro that we shall have a greatly hievoit-'ed dcmrind over last spring ami full season, and wo advise farmers In send in their orders to llicir respective Dealers al nl an early d:i , that nil may bo supplied pnimplly. I Soliciling your continued orders, ; "e remain. Yours vcrv Inilv. i liAl (ill k till.VS, No. ll S. Iiclnware Avenue, PIIII.AHKI.I'IIIA. for Sale by SMITH A UKN TIIHIt, Siitihury, l'a. Smiliuiy. .irn. L'U. Jsiiil.- ;!ui. Tin: V V, H U T I A N IS A PliOTlXTKD SOLCTIUX OF Till: I i- t x i (I l 1 , a new discovery in mcdi'due w hich STRIKEU AT THE EOOT CP DISEASF, by (upplying the Illood with its ita i. i nixciei.t, oil 1.11'E KI.EMtXT lliON. This is tlio secret of the w IciTnl success of this remedy hi curing 1j spepsia. Liver Couipliiiut. Ilmpsy. Chr rbo a. Iloils. Nervous Alb-elinii.. i'liills i ironic liiar- iind l-'e vers. Humors, Loss ot Constitutional igor, lii.-cascs of llie Kidncyi. and lilad'lcr, l-'ciiuile Couti'biints, and all diseases originating in n II AI STATK OF Till: I! L 110 )i or accompanied by or a Low vr. i K or TUU SVS1KM. Ileing free from Alcohol in nny form, ils encrgi ssiiig ellects are not followed by corresponding reac lioo. but arv ticrmiineiit, infusing m-iiksotii. vtooii and sp.w i.ii k into all p u is of ihe syslc.ii. uud luiibl ing up uu IKON CONS'lTiri'loN'. LYSPEPSIA AND DESIIITY. l'rum lif Vrutruh'c .liii-U.imii FSOTT. I. ! ln xilAW, Cmiada Kast, March il, ISii... "I nm an inveterate Dyspeptic of inoro thiol J"i yeiiisstandiug. '' "I have been Silwouderfill:v heuelittl in Ihe three short weeks during which 1 have used Ihe Peruvian Syrup, that 1 can sonrcciy persuinlo uiy.-elfoi' Ihe reality. People who hae ku.'ovn me. are astoui.-iicd at t)u change. 1 am wi l.-ly known, ami can but recommend lo others w hich lur, d-.iio so much for uio " o One of the most Distinguished Jurists in New Knglaud Writes to a Friend us How s : I have tried ihe rilltl YlAN SYUIT. and the result fully sustains yoi.r rcdictioii. It bus made a new man of me; intused into my sysieia new vi;,'u. and energy ; 1 am no longer tremulous mid debilita ted, lis when you las; naw me. l,ut slvonc;". heuiLier. Mini with larger capacity lor lalmr. menial and pliysieal, than at any time dining the l.i.-t li.o years." .in r.mtnrnl ittvnir ol lirtoi. ...ii; I have been using tbe PKItV VIAN SYKt'P for some time pai ; it gives ine xkw iooii, iii'ovancv of senil i s. KUAsTU I V OF MI SCI.L'. of, 'II. ,,,...,,,1. I,,,,.. ,.i i i ... ... - v.i.t.., . .v toe use oi luir remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, i. ?lrong ueuithy. auil Inippy m. a ami women ; nm; I iuvuiui.-cannot rciisonauly hesilaU Ui give it a trial i A pamphlet ot :2 imges, containing certificates o cures and recommendations tn.ia some of the mos . eminent physician, clergymen, und others, will la I sent free lo auy address. J V S.-e liil.t each bottle has PKUl'VI Vs . S lit P blown ill the glass. For sale by I J. P. HIXSMOKE. Proprietor. ! Mi Dey Srrcet. New York. AMI DV AM. IlllllilllSTS. ! .Viiulmry, Jan. ill. Isiiti i v. ; JEWELRY! JEVELRY! I JOSEPH KESSLEH, j Wille'liHiiikfi- iiael Ji'iirler, j Market Street. Suuhury, Pu. 1 KSPF.CTFI LLY informs his fricuds and lb 1 'public, that lie has jest received u large assort j incut of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, .s'pcctacle. I Silver and plated spoons. Forks, its. n aicnes. i iocs and Jewelry rup.urcd and w in ranted Sunbiiry, .Inn. I;t, lsrttV ly. Wnult'tl IniiiK'.linlciv . V white barber is wonted iiiiiucdietvlv lo whoi steady employineut will bo given." Applv i WM. Pl'RSLL. " Market Slrc ;t, Suuburv. l'a. Sunbiiry, Jan. 1.1, Isitfl. il tibi; n- nci'MT. riUE uiidersigued respectfully informs his fricm X nnd tho public that ho has changed his place luadiug Freight In Philadelphia from Freed, W ai 4 Freed, Nu. 811 Market Slroet, lo -A.. X3. ACHESON, (Coiiiniissiou Merchunt, dealer in Flour Uriiiu. Sec! 4c.) u. IOIA Tliirl.e-I St., IMiilailt-liiliii whero all freight will bo loaded on tars of thou dcrsigned. for Dauphin. Sunburv. Shuinokin, and r iutervening points. All freight will becarrietl as low ns nu any nth line. Orders to carry freight respectfully tolioilo which will receive prompt atteutiuii. J.1J. YVEISER. Sunbury, Jan. M, IHrttt. 3m". 'I'Ik- 1'irkl .ulional ISiiuk or Km liiry, Viiu'u. NOTICU is hereby given that the retrular nnu election of Directors of "Tim First liank of Suubury. Pa , will bo held ou TiHisdav I iid day of Jauuary. A. D. lSiia, al Iho lian'ki. liuuse, hi thclloiough of Sunburr. Pa., blweu t hours of HI A. M , und 3 o'clock I. M , uf said d.i in accorduueo with the provisions of iho Act of C B'css. S. J. PACK Kit, Ciuhior Suubury, Pa.. Doe. 2.1, Itfoj. I BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for talo nt the Fa! jurtcf - ANNA 1'AINH.U S1.500 ,",:,K VEIAIIJ Wo . ageuU overywheru to sell on. fHovRO $-.f Sewing Machine. Tkreu new kic I'ppof aud fw feed. Warrauted five, jw' AUivo salay or larjto ooiuiuissiuus paid. Tin ov uiachimtasold in I uitcd tflnles lor less than s which aro fully license.! by Howe, Wheeler M son, Uruver & linker, Singer A Co , and lbwhcld All other cheap uiauhiues aro infringements and seller urtwer art liable to arrest, Cue, and iuipri uieuk : Circulars lie.. Addroai, or call upon .-h A Clurk, lliddoloird. .Maine, or al.Nu. titii lond New York ; No. 2.U) Curuur St.. Philadelphia, 1 No. 14 Lombard s block, Chicago, HI ; No West Fourth St .Ciuciniiati, 0 : or No. 8 Sianldiu j Uxofaang, llultttlo, NY. - deui;;t 1 (BOA A.MOVril! AllKSTrl Mitl ! s-1 (is cntirelr new article juat mi . rdro tv T UAKLY, City IIuUi'.ibj;. Boldili deo!.l ly Maiuo. f - 4 Now and tno lot of Pt KV tMK, 0 , tut "olid olidaya, at LlUUTNt H't.