. - -. t a -- " II. B. MABSER, Bditof ft Proprietor. B. WILVEHT, Publisher. '' '": 6ATUIIDAT, DECEMBER 10, 1805. 3?To Tnosit I.mibiitkd. Our patrons nil know thftt our expenses are now twice as much m formerly. In our busines we must py tlio cosh for nit we consume. We therefore nsk tlio favor of our pntrons to re mit us tlio amount duo us, though it may be small. The large amount of sinall bills out standing when brought together, will be on important item and greatly aid us iu our business. 2'"Gi.'or":c ?" Sauilers says the French invasion of Mexico was made in pursuance of u plan agreed upon by Xapolcon and hiilisi'lf, when lie was in Paris', to secure the recognition of the Confederacy. It is possi ble Sanders has for or.ee told the truth. Oin Territorial Extent. The total area nf the United States and its Territories is 8.230.573 square" miles.' Its territorial extent is therefore nearly ten times hs l.irgc us (!reat Britain and France combined; thn-e times as larpe as France, Great Britain, Aus tria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Helgium, Hol land nd Denmark together ; one and ouc hnlf times as lurc ns the Ttiissitin Empire in Europe; one sixth lvss only than the area covered by the fifty-nine or sixty" Empires. States and Republics of Europe; of equal 't'Xtent with the Ilotnnn Empire, or that of . Alexander, neither of. which is said to havp exceeded S,000,000 square miles. 5Local &ftatvs, Z-&"'2o pape r will be issued from this i :!';. next week, in order to give all hands an opportunity to enjoy the holiday festivi ties. Tbisf is tint first time we have omitted issuing n paper on such an occasion. Cut this being tlio ffist Christmas after four years of war and blood heat, nil will -feel more than ever the propriety of celebrating this holy day. ' J t'If you desirp good cont, pants or voat mndo up in tbo latest stylo, ifnU out of the most fusbionnble goods nt'rodriced prices, enll on J. E. Smick, uier chunt tailor, Fnwnst., opposite Weaver's Hotel. CJ-IIoliday Phesk.vts of every dosoriptiou.enn lie procured of JC. F. Lightner, in l'lonannt's build ing, Market street, who has a tnrgo variety. Seo liia advertisement in another column. Ijf The Philadelphia Tress noticea the recent im provements in Roekhill ft Wilsnn's great Clolbing Storo in that oily. This Dim, by their enterprise nnd industry, hnve built up ono of the finest esta blishments in this country. 3r Hous. The hog-kill iiig senson is now, or lins boon, during tho past week, nt its height. A good many bonvy porkers havo been slaughtered in this place. Mr. J II. Engol killed two that weighed eleven hundred r.nd eighty six pound Mr. Ilerti, one or our butchers, has four in lib) pen which will average nearly 00 pounds each. 1 he co! J snap, last week, eamo nenr closing the river. This nock the weather has moderated. IjrJua PniNTiva. Orders fir Handbills, Circu lars, Cards, nnd n'l other kinds of job work till It forwarded te this uCion, nnd iH"b fWunicd to ailv point in the county by mail, express or raitroal Terms nro rensonabl e. and the work niil be execute 1 in tbo le.tesl style and best rrnnnr j ti? Tho I.a.lii'8 Festival, fur 41ie boiulit of the '(iood Intent Fire Company." will be held nt tho Court IIoHia in this pluco, commencing on Monday evening next, and to be continued fir several nights. The object of the Festival Is a noble one, and should meet the favorable conMdrration of every good cilicer. Tho Indies will have an abiihdaut supply if Fish. Flesh and Fowl, Coffee, Oysters, Chicken t'nhtd; Icc-eroani, nnd evwy variety of refreshments. L"'trW'R.i t't UIKS- W. A. Dennett has Just i -received from the oiry aHafRO rosoKment-of (Jilt and Tthsewool moul lius fur Picture Frames, and (llass nf iill sizes. He has Perfaincry and fancy articles for Ilulliday PrcsouU. ? -Mastkii Hill's CoxcEnT. This Juvenile l!:nd gave Iheir lra coneort nt the Cuurt House on Thursday evening, fur tho benefit of tho German Unformed Sundaychool. Tho performances were well conducted nnd tho music well executed. They will give nnolher concert this (Friday) evening for tha benefit of tho Guod Intent i'iro Company. I7;-Toni Corwin, formerly Uovcrnor of Ohio and lately minister lo Mexico, is deud. Uov. Corwiu vas once a wajon hoy. but roso to distinction by his own energy. As. on orr.tur. he occupied a high posi. tioa iu Congreu and on tho stuThTI. "Yo never listenod loan; ono who'f-poke with more enso und fluency. Ijs Tho Carrier rcqoslja toosay that ho intends to call on the subscribers'!!! the "Alneriein" on the Ut of January next with his annual uddrcsa which he hopes will to received in a spirit' that will bo niutuully saiisfaolory ti)' the parlios concerned and t-pac'ui!iy to the carr'tei4. 1 " ' ' jf Btnjumin Cannon, Esq., of the Mintra' Journal at Pottsville, intends issuing a dally papor as soon as be enn obtain a new" Press'' Potts ville is a growing cud wealthy town, and Mr. Dan nan bus tho energy and ability to get up a good daily. of this place this place, a lud about nino years old, mot with an accident that resulted in bis death, on Moudajf last. In company with 'other boys ha waa climbing up a pig pec, when be fell forward upon his forehead. No -marks were visible, but blood gushed from his mouth, lie died in a few hours afior the accident. -The difficulties of tho Fonians, growing oul ol the rivalry between the two Presidents, are not yet reeoncllcd. Thero is qulto a largo amount of money Involved in the matter. - ry- " r5'-WoRTuv. Our pHtrlotio1 ieiendr Gee. (iaal, uU tinvi-r was fuuud wantinir. to aid soldiers durin" tuc reoeiuon, aim ruuiiuf a guuu ivuNug miuiu aud k tryiugto uiuke them happy and eomforhiblo ; on their return home. Having beon a cunstunt j tixom ..i..u..P il. ' l. ...Anl ,. .., itila resuer o. ... f". i . r . . . 1 . . II 1,. ULu -. . aw... ul.. la nnw in CiTrespoin-oui-, - uniuiu, w..u.b " -- - employee of thlaotlloc, with a fin turkey for Christ-' mas. Mr. W. returns bis (hacks and hopustbat Mr, G. iny never be eompellrd come to hard loet. . r fjf 3NO'.-'Abuut fiVo incbeas ef4 snow (ell on Weduosiay nifiht tiviug us tbo first aleighing of Ihe tcasou, which bowevor,. ia only tolerable. A cold snap nnd a little Dior snow would uiako aleigbins excclem. ' -An tus . OlDBitr Mr. Joseph Vankirk ot Norlhuiuberlanabaa beooaupplying folka of tuia ueighbuihood with rery An apal d lo cider. Tuns, were obtained frooi New York, hot lar from Eltnira. Mr. Vankirk keepa a large sup ply on biuid.-oid oua testify t tio good quality of his fruit. ti- Tho pewon who took from lb offio of Gen. Clement, a bol ootiUining U Flat Cornet and om Lhuet music, wiH 6nfrr favor by leaving It with tU owaer Mr Jaeob Shipman, or at thia offio, before th." eoaMrmicemeut of th l4iea' faatiral which kca.pl.ewii.k-::t4 ryLinTOF Cacski Ton MJCOKD WIKK Of JkBV AST TSRMi lM t-s"W t I : V 1 Kdward t. Bright t J June Kay H al 1 S Ira T Clcmant et al ts Susan Longnecker. 3 Daniel 8. Cone, idn't vi Ann Divert, ttal 4 David Fnirely ts A M. Eastwina: t William I., Dewart va J. B. Massor.' ' 8 John llaferetal va Barbara A. Alexander adm'r T Charloa Beok va Samuel Garinger. r I 8 Solomon 8iroh et al va Oeorge Shall et al , , . 9 Jeremiah Zimmerman va John A. Conrad. ' 10 The Com. of Penn. for use. va Philip Hilgart. 11 Win, t Christian Fox, vs Joseph Bird et al ,, 12 rhilip Kerstotterva Daniel J Raker, 1.1 Isaac T Drown, va Loronso Munsell. It Jonathan Hoover va Joaiah Reed ta1. ' li John A Dodge et t-va JoaX.b Htittmnn el al 16 Robert D Cuiumlnga va John Wittcmoyer. 18 Freeman Thomas, : va Andre llcckol.' 19 L'hnrles Hoy va Daniel W Ptnlth. 20 Donlol llert va John F. Coven at ttl. " 21 Levi Hocht va Peter K. Fisher. " i Si BoneviHeShnrr..vs David Khback. -i-.-. , .' 2.1 William U Kobinaet al va John 8. Snyder etal. 24 Freeman Thomas va Andrew Heckcl. 25 A. W Creamer' va John Geiser. . , 2 John Hancock va John Haas et I 17 Casper Shall et al va John K Erdman.' '' 29 John Dunklcbcrgor va Andrew M. Eastwlck. 20 Klia Lohr va Amlrow Burrel et al 30 Elioa Sttpp va Jouiucl II. Rothermcl. ' ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS!! InNvnitt lor llio Ilotiriny I Iwnnld respectrully call the attention of the eitl aonsof SUNllL'KV and vicinity to my Stock of RESENTS FOB THE HOLIDAYS. I 003ST6JISTINC3- OF Books. Port Folios, Writing Dcks. . Photonranli Albums. Gold Pens. Photoi;raih Frames, ' l.adica' Companions, l'fcturo Frames, GAMES FOR OLD AND YOUNG. Picture Dooks, Transparent Slates, Alphabet liiocks, Dissecting Piotnrcs, Ac , fte., Ac, Ac, T O S 1 A FineSeleotion of Choice TOYS, American and Imported. - ... .. Harper's, Uodey'a. Atlantio and Fleotio Mnr.thly Magatiues. Harper a Weekly, Finnk Leslie, New York Legcr, Ac, at my Counter. COAL OIL LAMPS AND FIXTURES. Of these I havo a largo stock Chcnpcr than can bo obtained elsewhere. Call axd Ex.vmixb N. F. LKJIITXEU. Market tsjuore, runburv, Pa. f unbury, Deo. 18, 180j. LICENSES. fTlIIE following persons havo made application to J tho Pr.ithonotory of Morthuinberlaud county, for license to be grnnted nt thencxt term of Court. W. Hoover, Sunhurv. New ('land, bv the quart. J. J. UL'l.MliXSN YDliR. Pro'thonotory. Proth'y'a Office. Sunbury, Deo. lH'ia. AtliuiulHlriilor'M rVoli-co. NOTICE is herebv given, that letters of Adminis tration havintr been grunted to tho undersigned on tin estate of Griffith Jones, late of tho hnrnugli o( Norlhuinbcrland, county of Korthnnibcrliind. Pu., deoensed.. All persons 'indebted are rofiunsted to nuke iimnciliiitu payment, and tbnss havmg claims to presuiit th-.-ui dulv authentic ite I fur settlement. "H. M. liKAUTIUAM, Adm'r. Xnrthumbcrland, Deo. 2, l'stiA. tit ORPHANS'" COURT SALE. X pursuance of nn order of the Orphans1 Court of Xortliumberland county, will bo exposed to publio snlo nt tho Court House, in the Borough of .S'unhury, on Saturday tho Sill la day of December. A. D., liittO, nil tho one. full, equal, undivideil nmiely, or half part, tif nil that eortain trnet of land situate in Coal township Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, and bounded and described ns follows, to nit: bound ed on the XnrijLjir land surveyed to John Teilsworlh; East by land surveyed to Martin (lass & Win. P Mradvf on the South by lnnd snrvcyed to John Uoyd A Willinm Wilson, and' on the West hy land surveved .in Hie naiuo of John Cook, oont.iinin,' lour hundro l and live nitres, moro or less, nni by a re-survey 420 acres nnd 110 perches, which aaid trnet of land was surveyed in pursuance of a win-rant granted by Iho Coiiiuiotnvealthot Pennsylvania to Thomas Ha mil ton. Lute tho pcuperry of .losepb T. Mather, ilcjcased. fr'alo lo eouuneiMuijit HI o'clock, A. M., of said day. when conditions of stilo will bo made known by LEWIS HODMAN, (Suardian of Emily Mather. P.y order of the Court, ' , J. A.J. Ct MMlXtJS. Clerk 0. C. tMinbury, Xovcmbcr 2d, 1805. 9G-TAK E-l 500NOTICE 478 WIXTEK &. Sri'.IXG OPEHATIONS, . " SjihinU'l Yurii'ty of ' ' FANCY UO0D8, (J OLD A iSILYEIl WAKE, Jy:it;riir!isi, XViil'3eM, .Seelrj, At 119 Nassau SniKi.T. ' We now offer a splendid variety of tin choicest nnd be.jt gomlSj on terms that must mid will suit everybody; and if 'oiif'lealings nro nut fair and honest, do not patronite us ; ami if oAr goods are not ns rcpryiculcJ, return them and we' wi!) refund the nionty. 1 ' COXDITIOXS. f woDty thousand articles of goods are for sale at two dollars each consisting of PIANOS, MELODEOS3, DIAMOND JEWELRY, Jo!l 'Wutrlicx, Silver tValrht-n, SIL YE 11 W'AllE. . PH0T0GEAPH ALBUMS, And a great variety of fancy goods and jewelry. These goods arc numbered from olio to J if only thou sand, and twenty thousand notices nro numbered I from "i:e to twenty thousand, and put tutu scnlcd en ' vedopes and ihoriiiihly mixed, cueh number cor responding ttilh s uae article id' poods. Any person i sending thirty ccnls fir nn oil 'efplnred phoiugrapb, i will receive tiro of tbuso col iocs with each photo graph; making, where nn agent sends, five ph ito i grnplia anil ten notices fur one dollarlho extra pho I tograph and two notices Lee to 4 be agent. Tho jirimlii ofoods eorrcsjionding with the number on 1IIC liouoe.iio miiiiA-r nuui iia-Tniiiv, win u .1.111 u. tho receiitol two dollars. It' tho goods wlu-u rc ooived do not give satisfaction, return them und wo will relund the niniiey. " Send thirty oonls i'or an oil eolorod photogragh, religious, oomiu or fancy, and two uotiees. tiive us one trial and we know you nil! scud Again. Address all irdrr KENNEDY AO., i Box ill US, New York. November 25, 1S85. lm GOODS fcUITAHLE FOIt HOLIDAY PRESENTS. HENRY FIARPEB. I " A 1 -llt-:,i PINE JEWELRY", SOLID SILVER WARE and Superior Nil v'B-la t'l XV hit. October?, l9.-Siu IC?;i(liii-f Itailrom!. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Nov. 27th J 1805. RF.AT TRUNK L1NI! from-the North and j North-West for Philadelphia, New Y'ork, Road- Puttsvillc, Lehannn, AllcnUmn, Easton, Ac. Traiua leave Harrisliurg fir New-York, as fol. lows : 3.00. 7 2o and 0 05 A. il. and 1.45 nnd-tt p0 P.-M.. arriving at New ork"al-a.lll and 10 00 A..M. aUU V-4" a,n .niuiiiin tui... Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad ; Sleeping Cars accompanying tbo 3.00 aud 9.09 A. M- .trains, with out ehungo. . ' I. Leave lor Heading, I'ottsvllle, Jatnnqua, Miners- Vm Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown-und Thiladel ' I ,. . . ......... . phiu at 7.35 A. W'. idl.45 and tl.UU V. M., atofpiug at Lebanon und principal atatious ; the V UU p in. Train making no close connections for Pol'sville, nor Philadelphia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via r-chuylkill and busquehauuu Rail road, leave llurriaburg al 4 00 p. m. ' Ketuniing: Leave Now York at 9 00 a. m , 12 00 N'jou at 8.UU p. ni.; Philudelhiu at 8 Oil a. im and SM p. 4-"Pottsville at 8. SO a.m. and 11 45 n n ; Ashland 8. Ottii 1 1-4 5 a. in. and 1.15 p. ui ; iuma- .-.r -J I ill - qua at i-aa a iu. u'i v- i , ..... :n .. r.. llu ri ialiuri via Krhuvll ill snrl 6usnuehamitailrodain5a. u. Ueiiding Aooommodalion Train leaves Uveaduioj at (1 SO A. 51. roturning front Philadelphia ut 4.30 P M Columbia Railroad Trains leave Seeding at (.10 A. M. an S lit P. M for Fphrata.Litu, Lancaster nTund."-, "Leave New York at 8 P. M . P,ila dolphia 3.15 PH. Pottsville 8.00 A. M., Tauiajua 8 A M. Harrisburj 7 05 A M and Reading at 1 A ,M. lor Uaxrisburg.and 10.52 a. m. for New York. Cmmuu-liun, Mileage, Season, and fcxoursior, Tickete, at redueed rules to and from all points. Bag?ge oheoked tbroush : 80 Pounds Lsggus al ,owed aehP.enSer. a. A. NIC0LL8, . , Oeneij Eu(Ultecdut- S T ORE. W. A. BEN NET, Iflnrliot Kqnnre, KIJ.-MIIIUY, Io. HAVING recently puroliosed the Drag More formerlytajnvldoted by Tt." A Fisher, I beg leave to inform the eiliie'na of "nnbury and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock Of 3 JMB. TKLT CTH f3 AND r ANC3T ARTICLES ! auoh as Combs, Brushos, Pookot-Books, Soaps, Per fumery, Ilnir-Oil, Knives, eissoraf Coal-Oil Lumps, Tobaoeo and Cigars, Paints, Oild, Olne, JIa-si, I'iiIIj, VnrnlifhrM, I'Hlvnt .llcrtlclnon, &.c. All my Tinctures, .Syrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations ato manufactured by myself, and from the best material 1 can procure In Market. Hnving had quite a number of years' experience in tho Drug nnd Prccriitfon Eufinc, both In Philadelphia and tho'cuhlry; and nlSo tlio advantage of the College of Phnrmacv, I feel com petent lo COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and publio may favor me with.' All my preparations na 1 havo ebovo averted, arc mado from the best material, nnd upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand tho very best WIXE9, BRANDIES AXD UQL0119, that I can procure llcfore puronasing eisewhero, cull nnd convince your own mind. ".' . ."'' ... W. A BENNETT. Sunbnry, Nov 18, 1SH.V . , Pianos I Pianos 1 1 MY PIANO FORTES, which have been awarded numerous high : PniZE-MJSDALS, fhr years past in this Country and Europe, for their decided superiority, are etill manufactured in this City, where their excellence has been long neknow ledged nnd universally uduiircd. In delicacy nnd sweetness of tono with purity and power, they are unequalled and fully warranted, on the mwt reason able terms. - CONRAD MEYER, No. ?i2 ARCH St,. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. II, 18 j. .tin Qi.si:5iii'avEs, DEAD WHAT DR. SCHENCK 15 DOINO. DR. J. II. SCHEXCK, . - , . ., DRAn Sin : I feel it n duty I otvo lo yon, and to nil who are suffering undcrthe diseases known ns Consumption and Liver Complaint, to let thorn know what gr.ettt benefits I have received from your'Pul monic ympund Seaweed Tonni in so short a time. Dy the blnssin of God it has cured Die thus fur. Dr. SchcncK, I will now make ihy statement to you, as follows: About eighteen months ago I was attacked with a severe cough, and it settle 1 on my luii'-'s 1 oilld- not retain anything I ate, and sut fared with ovening fwers nnd night swoaU. I was very much reduced. The whites of luy eyes were very yellow; likewise my skin; my appetite all gone, nnd unable to digest what I did oat; bowels swollen, irregular und costive. I was very low spirited, nnd had such violent spells of 'couching when I laid down at ni?ht nnd when I arose in the morning that they would last ono or two hrnirs. I then would bo nearly exhaustel, and waa entire ly unable lo lie mi my K'ft side. I c inn.ol deseribo my wretched suffering as I would wish todo. Every organ in my body was diseased or deranged. Such wasmy situation tit this time, r.nd 1 was oonnnod to my bed from the last of February, 1tf.'2, not able to sit up. I had- tho best of medical attendance tho whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that it racked mo very much: 1 nt -this time raised ii largo quantity of thick.--yellow, ntlensive matter, sometimes with blood, and it wasscncrnlly accoinpn riled by nausea nod a furred aud thick couicd Unuc. A ll... titn P ..r..il.Mn , hi,llr T w.-,nl.l 1,iva vhnrn. shtvitin? naiiis ill m v luft siilo and heartv niifbt i wntit. and sm-nness nil throuirh ir. v wliolo eliest: ImkI much inward fVVir. pain iu my Lack and under uiv shoulder blades nnd iu the small uf uiy back, and at times si sevoru that it would throw mo into spnsms. Now my phyi'luiiiQ gavo me up to die. Others I bad, nnd the best of them, lint they could do nothing for mo, und nt that time I was nothing but skin nnd bones I then n in Iho wostorn pai l of Misaomrw - In June last wa left there for the East, and in August Inst we cuma to New York, and I was so reduced that I eould only walk n little with, my husband's holp. After I had beon here a short time the salt water breeze made ua fei-l much batter for a time aud then 1 had ngniu l" call a physician for ni l. Wo had fjur of the best phy.-iel.ins of "New Ynrk on the disease "f the lungs, nn 1 ibwiors of all kinds, but of no avail. They said I was past euro, and th:U my lungs wure loo fur gono for any ono to oure iu. liut ut this time 1 was on my feci ub'Uit Iho l.JU,-'-', not nhlo to do inii'ih uf ttiiyihing. In Noveiul('ir lust I grew worse, nni Iho consumption .diarrhci set in and lasted lib. -.t l ight weeks. We hart tried nil and everything that I c.tild ,-m'V at liko.n dying person fir my diseases con-u nipt ion nnl liver C'Ui. plrdnt but of no avail. in January, l-ioo. I was-or.iuufc aoitu uuiu on my bed, nn i wui not cj,). eled lo live liic m.ht out. My liustninil stuyeu at m.v snlo, anil inuer men is. nnl they all give ine up in die. At this time every one who saw inedi t not lliivk 1 would leave my be.l A living woman. Tlio first niht 1 was attacked with spasms, nnd whs di ranpted. malt of the time. A friend, Airs. Harris, came to see me thulustof toe weuk. and brou'lit tho llnduy .M.rcury. In it was an account of a groat cuic performed by lir- Sehcnck. i-'hc rcu.l il Iu me. aud it was so iiiui-h cuutuii . w-u.; ........ . . like my own disease that. I asked my husband to go ' ull'hii """ I'-'tnr--nnd see him for me. "At this time I had given up j Pl'l'Jl.L all hones of over gelling well Hguiu, and made my peace ivith God, to bo ready ueu lio cul;ea ,l"i On the 27th of January, ISO", lr.y hnsbmrl called on Ur. SeheucK, is I F-root, sra ioik, ami stated to hiui my case, with a rcincst for him loosll nnd seo me, hi ho did, un I exnuiine l mo with the respiromelor. AVheu he w is about tu go I ash.-d him if he could curt me '. Ilia redy -wa;"l- ran not tell, both luiifs nre 'ilisensf.l.'unal tho bronebial tubes are ahecied o bulb ndis. ' And yet he suemed lo think there weio luus ttnoivh Lit lo et fcot a euro if liio diarrhea colli I bo slopped. He said in ordr lo d ) this, he would have to givo Mau drako Pills in small doses at first, lo cany off tbo morbid mutter, aud Ihen. with ustricgenis. hu hoped In chock it. whieh In did. but IhcuohMant OMUgliin ;. j night sweats, und riiurrheuhad pi wtratcd mo . t,h .; he wns iilrai 1 jay vital Isiwers were too uiu 'h l'f"S tratcd ever to rally, und yet he seemed to think if 1 could live lo get eunu,;h Pulmonic Syrup through uiy system to causo epuetuTHtion. there were Jungs enough left lor ino to rccovar. Ho wjshed me to try tiie Piilmunie Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at okee, saving il would lio uie no h.irin, if itdid mono gon I '1'te firtt cvk it aeeuicd lo givo uio atrcuglb, so that on Sunday after I sat up in bed and ntc beany for a sick woman; hut tho next week 1 lost all hope and wished "uiy husband not t'J givo ine any moro medicine.- But the doctor had wurood-hiin of this, and when tho medicine was clearing out Iho system il uiude thum l'etl somewhat resllcss. and to perse vere; and bo insisted nn my taking ii; and I new fool the benefit of it. Fur niter. eiht days t fcepiii togiiin ftrength, und, Willi Iho exception of a cold that putme back some, I kavebuen gaining strouglli o." body, my couh is going uwuy. aud all inypuius are gone; no wreness of tbo body, my bowefa ure regular, aud my breath ia weot, iiud-I thank God th.il I su uow going about. mid sew find read us well us 1 ever could. 1 hawtakon sixlae bottles ot the itiedioine, eight of eiioti. - now Lave a good appe tite and rest well ut night ; my cough dea not IrouDle'ino in getting irpl or lying dawnr I Would hero say to the afllicted with cunbutnptibh tj liver complaint, that Dr Sohette-k is no huu bug.' You can ruly on' what ho says-1 Delay not; it ia danger ous to InUo with these diseases. . -If you would be cured, go atonee, uuiX any one' wUhing to know the facta as heroin stated ean call at my ruiidebce, 1 17 West Uoustou atreet, Iow York eKy. w- ' MRS.' MARY F. FAhLOW.' We, the undersigned, residents of New Yoik, aro aequuiuied with Sl.s. Fnrluw, und kuow her ttute- lueut to lb true. o ulso Know iimi sue useu in Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup und Seaweed Ionic, u l uuvu reusvu m oeuuio lum iu mi. iuii.ii.iiiw ci.u owes her preservation from u premature grave. , S. FAR LOW, 117 Weil Houston St. ECU EXE r.VDERlIlI.L. H7d Greenwich st. . Mrs. l.l'GENE I NDl.lt HILL, 6"tf Greenwich it, Al'tJlVl'A I NDEltlllLL, liTtl Greenwieh st. A. e. HAKRIS, 117 West Houston st. EMILY GLOVER. 117 West Hiuslou st. '. J L. COLE, ."..i Cottugo place ' M A. LEIGUTO.V, 43.1 iJroadway. ' Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP. lit Amity place. J I urn well aeiUiiinled w ith Mrs' Mary Fallow, ' and with hurbubaud, Mr. D. Farlow, Ihey having fur a few months past, attended ut my church, mid I aiuicouviuccdttiit any atalemeut which they might tuuke mi J.t lie r uiicdj'U us true.. rf ; i i .Tuns JiWOng, D. D., Pastor of Bedford St. Baptist Church, N. Y. ' De. Sebenek will be profess louully at his principle office No. 15 .Yirlh Sixlu street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, trom A.M. uuUI I 4 P. M., No. .12Uoiid street, Now York, every Tuu 1 day, from V to 3; No 3e Summer street, BustunC ilasa., Joverj eji.esduy, Irum io o, auu eery other Friday at 103 Bulumore street, Bulliuiore, Md. All advice free, but fur a thorough exaiuiuution uf the lunus with tUe RetpiromoUir, the charge. ia lhrco dollars! '' " ' Price cf the Pulmonic Syrup aud Seaweed louio, each tl 40 per bottle, or 1 7 50 per half doien. Man drak PUU, 25 oeou par box. For aala by all Druggisra and Dealer. December 2, loo5 1 y. L00R & WINDOW MOTTLDINGS T ExcIiifloCold, Bain, Dust and Snow. ....... T . . V .... u i .a. i i .-...,, . .- . t lllootla S'lonr KUier . ' A Real Family Comlbrt. OAS HEATIXa fiTOVES, . For Chambers, Offices, Dth-iioonis, Ac. . .. nOVSEIIOLD TIN-AVAKE, Heavy and Well Made. OLD DOMINION COFFEE POT8, . 'l A Real Saving In these Doar Times CHILDREN'S THAY8, To Keep iho Table Cloth Clean. At Wholesale and Retail, by ' CIIAS. DURHAM, Manufacturer. 119 South Tenth Stroct, Philadelphia. November 18, l)i - 2m - AMD STATIONEKY STORE, MCEtliET SI'AttE, SSMU KV. rilHK subscriber resoeolliilly informs the citison o' A Sunbury anil vicinity that he has just opened in the building nf Charles Pleitsnnts, Market Sqnnre. an entire new and well selnet.-d atoek of 1100KS, Stationery and a great variety uf other articles, con sisting, in part, na follows : DOOKS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, Main o of all kindsand descriptions. Fine Toilet Soitjis Brushos, Perfumes, Ladies' .'ntchels, Necessaric". A lino assortment of fli-tiivn I'l'itiix-H, Tlio. togruph Albums, Photogrnph Frames, Oval, Ao. MEKRSCHAl'M. Ilrinr. Hoeewood and India Rub. her Pipes. Patent Pipe Stems. Cigars. Solace. Cen tury. Hunny.side nnd Plantation, Fino Cut, Killikin nick and Big Kick Smoking Tobacco. TOY ROOKS, Transparent Plates. Violins nnd trim ming f.ir Violins. Hold Pens, Silver Holder's, Pocket Rooks. Pocket Knives. Ac. . Ho has nlso a largo nud cotr.ploto assortment of 'onl Oil Siifnps nnrt I'lxliitt, ond also many other things top nuuioruus to mention Ho i also Agent fir Prntt'e Great Piotures, tho Deefaratinu of Iildependence,. and Emancipation Proclamation. Ploass; call arid eXamino before pur chasing elsewhere N. F. LIXillTXER. Sunbury, Nov. 11, loiij. . MINOR'.'' Patent Pocket Lanterns for sale nt the Hook and .Stationery etoro of N. F. LIOHTXER. N E W (J R 0 C.E R Y. flHE subsciibrrs begs lenve to nnnouneo to tho 1 citizens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that they havo openod a - NSV7 GrtOCSIiy. Ttto than icest df J. 11. En'jlc't Stare, in Mtirb-t Square, . where they nro prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, nnd will keep constantly on hand tho choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Tens, Sugar. Molasses, Cheese, Salt. Sii.:cs id all discription, .oaf.-a of every variety, Candles. Smoking and Chewing, tobacco, ib'ears. Hams. .Shoulders, Ilaeon, Duller, urid T!g. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup. Pepper .auce. Raisins, Lemons. Ac of best quality, and in fact every itylo of urliek'S kept inn well" stocked Urocery." Also Cidi.YiuuKur.,' Ail kindtf oCcoujitry produce token in fxohang". The patronage of the publio is re spectfully suii-iitcd. (IF.'HKJE E. HEARD A CO. iSunhury, Nov. !1, lriti.'i. vXVi. HAtalt&SON UUU.IDIVAV I IO tyTT AGENTS for tho CELEBRATED E1UGGS' NEW . PATEJNT PIANO F0RTE3, Vhich nre creatiii- the greatest sensation in tho inusb-ml world, und have ruttirud the highest testi monials from nil the loading artista in tho vouutry. among wiiom are S ThultierB. - - Feanois II. Drown, 1,. M. iloitsehulk, jlieoib re lvsfelt, Wni. Henry Fry, Max Marctzuk, M. Strakosoh, Vin. Mitson, ' llrriniin A. Wil.nhanpt. At tho late FAIil uf tho AJIE'HCAN ISSTI Tinil, held in New Yurk City; October ISoi, they werij airnrded tho ,, s-iicwr istsi.Tf sr.ia oe.c ?ss:.ii I'ortho W-:ST riAXO-FOKTi: OX EXHIBITION! Agents f..r ;:: va. prince a- co s Melndcons, Automatic V School Organs. ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED FOR FIVE YE.VRS. - Manufacturers and Importers ol Flutes. Banjos, Violins, Guitars, Violin Siring', Acoordcons, und all kinds uf Brass uil other Musicul Instruments' prci.il attention paij to turuisliinj lir ass InsUu- IMIEP.SOF SHEET Ml'SIC. Just piibii?hed "Tho Venite," a new collection of Chants lor tho Lpise-ipid Service, fur opeuing and closing V.iffiWtM'.ts.MusiiKil SacuitiMbinL ses, mid for Hi.-, jci d Cirolc, by liijii.C. J avldu. Price Jk'.'irJ.., bieents. Cloth, 8tssii"H Jtli-Iost i- ;'1-'Ii-h, In fo'tf'rif f-'offnnrio fir Sommo and Mrz:o .Sj;ir.'vc i'oess, intended as studies to acquiro tho proper art i.f singing, by CAni.o Bashixi, author. Bas-ini's art of sigpging. and Baritone. Iu two books, l'riee, each, S2,5tf. riANO-Fi'IlTE CALISTHENICS, a ei.llectiou of Five Finger,- Cord, and Scule pas tiies. fur sicedy dvvelowng the muscles of tho fin gers, aud neiiiiiiin thai n. grec of fiexiL-iiity, inilc pendeueo una vnlubilty.whieh uro so indispensable to a good pt-i formaline iin tho Pinno-Forte, by FliAxi ls H Biiiii N. Prieo fl.&K. Now 'Edition, 'Pupils s First Primer, by Francis II. Brown, Author of Pride, MiuucUaha, & Hesitation 1'uikas, .Vc. Price, fU cints. ' new ivrrrsio. Ciisi Thy Durdcn On The Lord," wi:h soprano, con trulto or tenor solos, und ipuartetle. adapted from Guitachalk, Muiubcr Song, hy W. K. Dasaford, prieu .13 ets. ,lA Holy CrIiik 'A 'Peace Wvine-.1 eoinpaniou to Sweet .spiii hear luy Prayer,' by W. Viuceut Wallu'ie, price ets. . -'Lord, My God, 1 L"Dg t know," lolst Hymn, is sung at Graec chui-u,"couip'ised byBrusne Walsh, prieo .'I i cents. My Bud In Heaven." words by iS'pencor W. Cone, M usio liy Stephen Massstt. prioe 3i ou. -My Only Brothers' Gone," s.iiig and chorus, by M. Kuller. irii-u 35 cts. Tho l'ust thi.t Breathes of Theo," ballad by M Keller, price ;I5 els. Oh! Wriio MA .V.iog Of My Father,"' eonjj and ehorus, as sung nt Woud'a Miustrels, composed by C. lleory. lirieo ?i."i c!s. A Word of Thiue," ballad, by J. Filzhugh, price ,'io els.- . "Givauie thoso M'xinlit Hours,'' Duott, fur two so I primus, or soprano aud tenor, by E. A Pai kurst, prieu 36 cts , I - csner St ir," I'uell. f..r two sopranos, or tenors, by ; J . lmiiiyl, price 4'J e: . . 'Murium e Jn,. liuiapeau," Fautaelc, by J. Moilliug, j price, 5d ets, Vruyer at Sea." Kjinnnce in form of a Nocturne, i bv J. do Jusifeiuki. lyieo.atl ets. -.Auuids M"i," WuiUiit uio,) galop, by Chas. Fra- . iit'i, price no cis Suia JIol,'' (t'Ollow ine,V gallop, by A. Bornstcin, price oil ets. "Water Fall, nnd Sea Rreeio." gallop, by Tuul Steluhagi ii, price, each. SO efs. "MAruing Dew,'1 Lauccrs) Adolph Bernstein, price 60 ct. "Wcding Lancers," by .loinhagen, prieo 40 cts. llajipy Be l liy lireauis, trunseribeU tor tho piano torte, by Charles Frsdel, prieo 50 ou. "Nwcet Spirit Hear My Prayer," IVoni Wallace's Opera Lurlinc, truuseribed fur tbo piono-furte by Chas. J'radel, prieo 40 ets. "CrispinoK L.i Couture,'' Ricei's new Opera, ar range 1 by Chin Frndel, price B0 eta. "Feu dea Estoilos," itai light nooturu, by J. do Ja sivnski, price 50 cts. "Angel of Dream," ballad. by M. Keller, priee 35 ot. 'Lore Limitation," bullud, by E G, B. Holder, price 35 cts. 'Triumphal March." by Richard Huffman, prioe $1. "Algerian Polka," by Mr.. E. A. J'arkkurst, price '35 cts. "Evening Shadows," Nocturne, by E. J. FiUhugh, Iuioe 35 eta. m Longing fur Theo;" Guards walla, n aung by M'dllu l'ari'i'pa, price 35 ola. A Liborul Discount aiven to Ui Tiada. Churuhos. I Cuifyuiuo, Prpteasurs and 6oboola. Masi sent by Him. poai-paiu, on receipt oi tue marxuu price. - 3 M'lLLlAM HALL A SON, . ' " 1 - 643 Broadway, New York. Koveaaber ii, !6C5.--3iu . , . . . - - 0RPANNS' COURT. SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court nf Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lio sate on the first described premises, in the loan ship of Jordan, eonnty of Northumberland, aforesaid, on MiiIuimIii.t. IlioVXrt 1ay of IM-c'r., 1MII.T. The following real esUte to wit : All that eertnin tract or piece of land situate in aaid township, bounded on the north by land of Henry Witincr ; on the south by lnnd of Snmnel Bower; on the east by lands of John VYuUcl and on tho west by lands of lsooo Carl, eontninlnp; 1.1 nci-cia more or less, 13 acroi of which are cleared. Also at the samo time and place, another tract, bounded on the north by lands of Snhitiel Clsrk, doo'd ; enuth,by lnnds of (leo. T. Troutman J east by lands of John Oyster and west by londs of Peter Thomas. Containing 17 aores moro or less, being all mountain Tand. - Aso another lot of ground sltiiote ns aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Osbriel Adamstind sooth by landsof John Schropp ; east by land of Gabriel Adams and west by lands of Eliae Bush. Containing 40 perches more or less. Late the property nf Jacob Carl. J., deceased. Snlo toonmmonoeut 10 o'clock A.M., of said dny, when the terms and conditions of Side will be made known by GEO. T. TROUTMAN, Adm'r. I!y order oflhe Court, J. A. J. CUMMIN11.S, Cl'k O. C. Sunbury, November IS, 1WS6. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, Store tf for aalo nt tho Fancy ANNA PAINTER. FANCY J)KV(iOOI) STOKE. MI83 KATE BLACK, RESPECTFULLY infoiinaher Hicndsin Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened her FALL AND WINTER OOOD8. ol Notions and Fancy Dry Odods, tlnrkot street, four doors west of Win. It. Miller's Boot aud Shoe storo, SUNBURY, Pa. Her slock oonsists of Trimmings, notions, embroi deries, Ladies and Children' Hats, silk and other linings, Hoop-skirts, Crape and Lace Veils, Nots, Gloves, stockings, collars, and corsets, Ac. Twilight, Breakfast, Cosies, Riding Hoods, Bal moral Skirts, Children's Woolen Gaitors, Ladies nd Children's Hose, Gents' half JIusc. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double Spring SKIRTS, lents' Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neckties, Suspen ders ; Ribbons, of nil kinds, Fenthors, Velvet, und ninny other articles too .numerous to mention. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, Toys, nnd a general variety of NOTIONS. . GAUFFERING tune handsomely ond at short notice. KATE BLACK. Sunbury. Oct. 2:1. 1855. John e. silicic, MERCHANT TAILOR! Fawn elrcct below Market, first door south of Dow en's slore, SUNBURY, PA. Sunbury, October 21, l!tia. Glorious Hews!- G U E A T E XCITEENT! EVERYBODY RUSHING TO THE STORE OF ISAAC F'J?klAlT. In Zetlcmoyer's Building, opposite Ucnrharfe Con fectionery Store, Market street, SUNBURY, Pa., WHO HAS RECEIVED HIS T SUCH AS CLOTHS, CASS IEI'iES, of all de scriptions. Calicoes, Dress Goods, Silks, Ginghams, iShawls and n general ossortment of Ladies' Wear. Muslins at lower rates thuu nnywhero else, Sheet ing, 'lickings, Ao. Tl.VJ'M nsI 'A1S of every description. A large, assortment of x0TI0XS (fc VARIETIES. Consisting of Hosiery. Gloves. Thread, Buttons, Suspenders. Neckties. Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair Brushes, Toolh Brushes, Fancy Uond Dresses, .Bal moral Skirts, Hoop-Skirts, Carpet-bags, Trunks, Va lises, IJinbrellns, Cotton-Yarn, Soaps, and numerous other urticlig too tedious to mention. n fl R Tl X17 AH?!. - " J ... n.lL l.i., .n. -n.l nnl.r.D ...,.l kuoks. and CUTLERY of every description. lj.-i, Drugs, Puiiitc, yaniishcs, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c, &c. u'CiiNM nre iiu1 ;I:Jmsii iii- ol very alvHS-rlptioii. STOXE AND EARTIIENWAPJ:. An extensive Stock of GROCEEIES. Cowpiwod tt Sugar, Cun't-o. Tons. Ilk, Corn-s'titrch, M .I :i.hhij!, CanJUs, Moat, Fish, Cbcwc. iSult, TouncwO, ami Scjriirs. HEX DY-A DE CLOTHING. Also, BOOTS & SHOES for men, women nml children, nt lower prices than tliey can Io hl vlfcnlu'ro All kinJi of Country Troilnce taken in cxtluuigo for (iuoiU. biiubnry, 0:t. 23,18(13. runs FURS PURS YJIOLESAU: AND RETAIL. - CHARLES 0AKF0RD & SONS, . . PHILADELPHIA. Have now open their largo and splendid stock of LADIES FI R CAPES, COLLARS, MIFFS. CFKFS. gloves; , . , , AND HOOisS. Also Ihe finest nasnrlinont of Fancy Fur Robes, Rups, MutUers. und Gloves ever bel'oro offered by Iheiu, all nf which are warranted to be as represcut- J. Mlll'l'ir ii tLlt.-j iiMLlitlJ. October 21, ISO. 4m TOILET SOAPS. Tooth-Blushes, Hair Brushe Ac. Ac. For sale by ANNA PAINTER .s, BOARDING HOUSK .13ti!i. 11 AltlA 1 IIO.H!SO., (Formerly of the 'Lawrence House,'') BL'SUU P. Y-, PENN' A. INFORMS her friends mi l the public 'generally that she hen refitted the kuuso formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. Peale. ou Blackberry street, near Iho Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened a Boarding Hntisu, where she is prepared to keep PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. W'ilh good cooks und waiters, boarders ean enjoy the quiet comforts of home with faro equal to ihe best hotels. Patronage from those who may sojourn In Sunbury is respectfully solicited. Mrs. MARIA THOMPSON. . Sunbury. Nov. II, 1805. 10.1. 'IM15. tNiiladrlitlila iV Trie Railroad. aHIS gToat liue traverses the Northernond North west counties of Pennsylvania tu the city of Erie on Luko Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company nnd isopcrulcd by ibciu. Time ut Passenger trains at Sunbury, Leave baslwaru. Erie Mail Train, Erie Express Train. Eltnira Express Train, tliuira ilais Train, . . Leave Westward. Erio Mail Train, Erie Express Train, El'.uira Express Train, Elmiru Muil Train, 6.50 p. in. 3.40 a m. 11.35 p iu 10. a m. 3.05 a in. 2..)0p ni. .'.20 a iu so p. ui, Passenger ears run through on tho x-rio .Mail anil Eitproaa Trains without vhuuge both wu between Philadelphia aud Erie. Nsv Verb Connect Ion. Leave New York at 0 00 p ui, arrive at Erie 3.37 . in. Leave Erie at 1.55 p ui., arrive at New lurk 115 p. m. No change of ears between Erie and New Y'ork, elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night traius. Fur information respecting Passenger busineaa apply at Cor. 30th and Market St., Philadelphia. And for Freight buaiuesaliftlie Company " Agents, S. B. KingsUiu, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market St., Philadelphia. - J. W. Reynolds, Erie. William Brown, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. 11. 11. Hocstok, Gen'l Freight Agt. Philada. II. W. Uwiasaa, Gen'l Ticket Ag t., Philada. A. L. TYLER, lieu I Manager, Williauiaport. Nov. 25, ttkU NIGHT Bluouiuig Cureus lor sale bv . , , . ANNAPAIMt". ys'akd'uajies you fnnpwx. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. MEXICO 1 MEXICO 1 (130,000,000 lib A , i V or ttin .-, REPUDLIO OF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coupon Bonds is Sums of M $too JJOO, Mid $1,000. ' Interest Seven per oent., Payable in tho City or Now York. v Principal and Intorost Payable In 4JOI.Ii. $10,000,000 to be Sold nt StxTT Ckkt on the Doi bAtl, In U. 8. Currency, thus yielding an interest n Twelve pet1 cent, in Gold, br Sovenrttm per cent. Iu Ctirrcnoy, nt the presetA rate of premliiut on gold. . The First Year's Intercut alrendy Provided. Tho Most DESIRABLE INVESTMENT cVo OFFERED. Immense Tracts of Mining and Agrienltutnl Lands; slXt? percent, of Port Dues, Impesls', and Tares, in the'SiatoaofTAMAULIP.-Sand'?A.V LU1.S VO. TOM ; and the Plighted Faith of the said Stales and the .General Government nre all Pledged for tho re demption of those Bonds and payment uf interest. 'I'liw Mvcurily I Ample. $10 In tl. 8. Currency will bny a 7 per et. Gold Bond of $tiO do. do. do. do. .100 " $ti00 " " ' " $100 JjOtl $1,000 Let every lover of Ropublicnn Institutions Buy nt lenst One llnl. Circulars forwarded nnd subscriptions received by JOHN W. C0RL1E.S ACO., J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent or the Repuhli6 of Mexico, 57 Brondwny, N. Y. tSubcsrlptions nlso received by P.sTnks and Bankers generally throughout tho United Btates. Nov. 4, ISBft. K3 THE HIGHEST CASH PEICES Paid for OLD ' NEWSPAPERS. PAMPHLETS, BOOKS ond WASTE PA PER of cv. ry description. For particulars address a'ioii.wa:i.i. & i:.iarscM', o. US Ann fitrevt. One Door West of Nnssau St. , N H ft H Save Your WsiwtP Cupei. Old Nowspapers, mutiliited Dooks, Pamphlels nnd thu different varieties of Puner that oecuuiulate in evory bouse, nnd wliicb ia geuernlly Us.'ked upon us rubbish, should bo sent lo Stockwell A Emerson, of ii; niicrui prices for all descriptions nt Wusto ono in tho trade. P.i.er, better tlinii any .S'TOCKWL'LL EMERSON, Nov. 11, 1601. 3m PHOT 0 G II A P II a"l U II S, books Anr: stationeuy-. Monthly Time Books Drawing BoohH and Slntep. Books, Hymn Bonks B .ink Books. Memorandum iicokl. Diaries, l'oeko. Boohs. Ink Stands, Pens, I'er.rils. a fine tissnr;ijioul of i'aper. Ink. i'-e. Forjalojiy ANNA FAINTKR. fEff GOODS! II AVING just rotorned from the eitv, I have i now open a full assortment of such us Iresi (jjootlsi, l'ress Triinminps and Linings. Ribbons, Gloves, Nets, Linen Collars und Cuffs, Cloak Ornaments, and Buttons, Corectts, White and Woolen Goods, Shawls, nnd Breakfust elm wis, Hoods, Ladies' nnd Gents' Seirfs, Necklies. Sleeve Buttons, l'an.'y Combs, nnd .olions of all kinds, too numeinus to UKUlioU. MARY L. LAZAIU'S. Two doors west of AVm. 11. Miller s Shoo atnro. SunlmrjMM. 28, 1K6S. -! ' HATS! HATS!! A FILL ASSORTMENT Jim. oi-HNtu "K by SAMUEL FAVST, Two doors west of Fischer' I'ruij Store, Market st. sunbury, -pr.T$nst'A.. CALL and examine the liirire assort inenl. of th latest New York and l'hiladelphia sljles of at the above establishment, which lor beauty and du rability oaunotbe excelled. Bein? a practical Hat ter, lie uattcrs liimsull tlmt Ins stneR nus oeen set I ed w'Jh moro care than any ecr btliirc brought to I tins place. Ho also manufaeliircs lo order all kinds of soft Fur Hals, all of which will bo sold ut wholcs-ilu nnd retail, at reasoiiublo rates. Iiyeing done nt short notice and at the lowcil rates. rumoury, ept. ut). Inoj i 't'lie .lluNOti (V Ilnntliia 4'nliifift 4re;'sisis. forty different styles, udapted lo" ssered and secular mutio, for $S0 tof tll'O each. Till RTY FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or nlher first premiums awarded llieui. Illustrated Ciilulngiies free. Address. M ASON A HAMLIN. Bosrox, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. September th Ujj.ly FANCY DRESS (JO OPS, isiM A.A.AA I.t,I.VS't:, Two doors Vi'cst of tlio Post Ollioc, GTJ.N'BTJIVST, FEISIIC 'A.., T I AS just roccived nud opened a largo asaei tinen I 1 ol raucy Jiress tnsi.is, suen nsi.iuvcs. Joiiviim Kid-gbnes, Silk and lisle thread Gloves; Fleecy i Lirmd Mose, Children's Merino Hose, Ladies' Zephyr j Hoods, Dress Corda and Tamds, Chenille, Sontnirs, I j Ladies and Gentlemen Haudkorehiefs. Corsets. Kin ! Iiroidereil blippora, tiiiiuoni. I' Ait I lint' ill. f -10NS. Buglo Gimps, Trimmings. Buttons. Belt Rib- j boa Velvet Ribbons, Druid, Belt Clusps. Ladies' j Ncek-tics.CRAPElUBBON und TRIMMING ; Em broidering Braids, Jaconet and Swiss Editings nnd iiisiirlions; Malleuc . Laee Collar. l.aees .irenadino eils. Black ells, taney Drees Combs lleim lwes- ses. Notts, nnd a vonoty of other articles. l.nckwood;a Paper Cullius of superior .,nalny. Ludivs' Linen Collan.. Picture Cords and Tauola. ANNA PAINTER Sunbuiy, Oct. IS. IHfii. ZSTEY'S COTTAGE GliCr .AK S. A EH not only unequalled, but they are absolulelv unequalled, by any other Heed Instrument in thecounlry. Designed expressly for Churfhes nnd Schools, thoy ure found lo ho equ.illy well u.hipte.l to the parlor and drawiug room. For sale onlv by - - r . i.n-,V. No. lSNorlli.Scventhstrebl. I hibidei. I.iii. Also Rrndhurv'a Pianos, and a eomplele as. .4. l.I.l I r.. fir" sortiuent of Ihe IVrfeut MELODl.n:. Sept . 21, Itspj. lyw mb mid mwm ' M i 1.1 i n e r y . jot a ods! Just opened at the GHANA MILLINERY SWRE. of -w. Miss Jt. I.. Juls--. Fawn street, twodoora south' of Shauiokiu Valley A Pottsville Rsilroad, The latest styles of Bonnets, Hats, Caa, and all t iu of Triiauig. Flowers, 1. - . Ladies' Woolen Goodaof ovry atyl nd quality. Oloi , Collars, Handkervblcrs, llomery, Laces, aeila. bilk, Grenadine and Mourning eils, aud numerous other notions, usually kept in Milliuviy slprus, Call and aee br atock . Sunbury, Os-t. !4 IRCj. tru FINE Myrtle IVruatum at ths-Fanet Store of ANNA ril.MER 25 f!7 jj Cottage Organ. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY , In 81m pawn's Buildings, ' MARKET SQUARE, Sunbury, Pa., ' ' J. II. I.UMIal.M:, lroprlcloi-. Sunbiiry, July 1ft, 1SB5. BEEF ! BEEF ! ! THK undersigned respectfully inform the eitiaens of .S'unhury and vicinity, that on Monday l.uii they will oommence supplying Ibu cumuiuuity with Brst quality ot HE Li', at price ranging fioin U to 20ets. Having experieneo In Iho business, am; made nr rangruients lor a supply of number one cuttle, they will always keep on hand Brst quality of bcof nt the lowuat market prices. METLF.R A KLL10TT.- Sdnbtiry, Sept. 9,' lijOJ. NEr MARBLE YARD. Tho undorsiirncd would respectfully inform tho itiitcns nf iVunb'iry. end publl.) gemially, that ho has opened a new MARIiLbl YA ItD, opposite the Court House, where AMERICAN and ITALIAN marble is constantly kept on band. All nrdersfor Monuments and Head-stones prompt ly hi led at reduced rules. D. C. DI.SSINGLR. Sunbury. Oet. 7. LS.'o. tf (TiTe a t iF x c i t1:Vi 3; x"i Kvi'.ybody ihishint; to the MAMMOTH STOltE of .8. . VUlUMii &. S()., Who haro Just Received theii' KEW STOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODS Consislingof DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cnssimcrcs Cloths, Jenns, Cottonadcs, Muslins. Dress Goods in great variety, Shaw ls, Hosiery und Gloves, Curpct of different styles and quality. HATS AIXJ CAPS, BOOTS feSHOIT, s, HARDWARE, Cedarware. Cardwarc Glass-waro Crockery, GROCER 1 ES. Tobnncn, .egars, inuff, Tea. Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Fish, ic. Ei-hm iinl iM iiiiftsist. Oilsi. e.ntntt and in fuel EVERYTHING -GENERALLY KEPT in ("ounlrr flr-w. OCR .STOCK CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. All desirous ol getting n good article al a lair prieo will pleuso givo us a oall. No trouble to show Goods. j. w. rniLiNU & sox. Sunbury, Oct. 11, ISflS. Geo. W.8M!Tn. Chas. B. Qkmtiikv I Market street, one door east of Mrs. Boulton's Hot i Have openod A N K W T I N - W A It E, N!i"'J Iron anl rft Storo, and intend keeping constantly on hand, aud manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all dcicriptions. A Large Stock nf Conk Stoves of the following Bruuds ..UHI0N G00K nnd on Ihe following two Brands we defy ooinpcti- ' ttou, iiaiiiuly 'uiiihkiisi1ioi tiitisi ttiia-nor, 4'ooli. ' (ioin-uor I'Vim CnW. I unsurpassed fur beauty of finish, simpliciiv of ar t rang'-inent. combining cheapness nnd durability, nnd j mrii stove warranted Ui perlorut wliat ihey aro 10- i presented ALSil, PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great I vur'''tv. embracing all tho best manufactures, and : moTjiionahlo designs j Also, The celebrated OEM for henthi;; up ar.d down stairs. i Also tlu celebrated VULCAN HEATER. t'o:tl iill, i ml OH B.:iii3is, Nlindosi, 4'lrf Ilinii-M. sii: nil ;irlit'I- unusually, kept in an establishment or this kmc ure also prepared lo-loull umdsnl Spouting. Rc i Range and Furnace " nrk, Gas I itlm ie. H kind. W Roofing. Ropair- Pi.-iiil v and nea'lv executed. j Country produce tulieii in exehimgc at market I pride, ' - SMITH it GENTIir.U, I Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRK j PLACE SloVErt. for the Counties of Nonhuinbor i land. Snyder. 1'nioii and Montour. I Ai d are nl.-o ngeuU tor the Pipber & Willowcr J Line uf Tiuuportatiuti. . tau urv.fipi. so, laoi. . LA R-G E STOcYr N K W A U Pi 1 V A I, O V ( OOU3 AX 3MO. 1 STORE OF WKAVEIl & PAGELT?, C INSISTING OF DRY GOODS! KOKKHiX AND 1'JMESTIC. suoh us Cloths. Cum more!, Muslin, tShctMins. Ticking, (alicn?, le Iniuon.FKiiinc,!'. nml fill kiiutsuf JIOl'H XIXUGowU. fVjrtci.!, lMitck hilk, (tiiighnm. lnlinortil and I siKdrtiin SUrts. Ciim.in F ,. kUlJ, i ' lmmcih, rauKociis, Lar- I HATS 5C CAPS. rXOTIOXS & VARIETIES j Comprising. Hosiery. Gloves. Thread. Billions. Sus j fenders. Neek-lies, Collars. Handkerchiefs, I Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes. Gum Kib- i bun and Cord. tape, erutehet-bruid, i tiorkt-d collars, faney head dre: rs. ltdy cultoti. curput r biiuling, couibs. fancy I soaps, carpet bui;s. ; Trunks. Valises, llnbrellus, Blank Bgt,ks, Paper j Envelops, din Of ull kinds, such ns Nails. Hiu?o nnd Screws, fa. I Latches ami Kuubs, Locks, ar.d Cl 'il.KRY t evti. ! dcsuripiioii. j Also, IKes, Drugs, Puints, Vtircihe, YA i l'ltixsi-fil ami icl!7.iin' Oils, tihiss, Puty, Arc ' ((acciian tir nml (aluiM are oi' ul IsindM. iSTON.C AND EAKTIIENWARE i . An Extoniivc St;k f I C 1) (1 T I "L"' Q . JT S J V IV a. JLi kJ . Ci.uipused of Stnrnr. Cnee. leas. Rice, Coruntarcb ?1:ieen.iii. fSii lev. Bakii i;-powder. uiulaasea. svujwi ,iindles.iehiiceoud scgars, Sail. Fish, .Meal, Chevst 1 Xu., tie. Alsik. a large vuiiuly uf Tf,i. Men. Women and Children. i- All.kiudsel Grain and Country Product tuku in exehuiigc li.r Guuds. i' Give us a cnll hpfore you purchase elsewhere, a are bvund Ui-A as low as auy uue elsv. I Sloro-rotiiu in It i T. Cleuieut a buildius; at th " aoul h-wesl i-urser ul Market Square, bear tho Cour House. r SuubirTy, llel SH, 115 i I'.wii:! ol" Dnnlel AinolJ, I,(I. : "VroTlCf is hereby given that Ivtteia of adaaini. 1 IratUm uu the istute of Dui.iel Arnold, late o ' Luwer Augusia lowiislitp, Nurihumbrrlaiid county ' Pa., deceased, hive beau granud tu th undersigned i All persona iudvbted arc ruqnested I auake mime : diale(iayuieul, and Ibua having olaiuia. Ui piosui ; Iheuiilui'settleuieut. JACOB SEESWrLTZ, Adm'r ' Upper August twp., k'uv. t. f5. Nw so XXIK uube