&!je Buntmri? .American. "H. D, MASSE! R, Editor Proprietor. a. WILVEBT, Publisher. SlJIUJItV, IA. "ATUKbA yTt'ECE 33, 1865. 5?MoDEivs DnuocRAcy. It ia curious to look into many of tlio country journals which contiuue to cull theinsulvcs tloiuo cratio papers, lit them, it is in vain to look for a word of commeutlution for any tiinn who hns not Uvn a rebel, traitor, or sympa thizer with secession. "While they dure not openly approve of the nssassinnlion of Lin coin, they rather sympathize with, than corjdemu the authors of . this horrid crime. One would suppose that these papers could "have little or no influence, cor have they, except among the Ignorant find credulous, who are even now made to believe that the rebels wcro right in fighting for the con federacy, aud justiGed in their uttcmpt to dis solve the' Union, thut the most distin guished democrats were the lenders of tho rebellion in the South, and llioso w ho as sisted them in the North. In a neighbor ing jourmd wo find a copy of the pro tpectus of a semi rebel magazine, published in New York. Of the nine contributors linmed, all arc noted for secession proclivi ties. One of them having been nil officer in the rebel army. Among the prominent features of this journal, the editor promkes steel engravings and sketches of all the leading Confederate (not rebel) Generals. In another column the editor announces tho sale of tho portraits of ,-Gen. Lee" and other leading Confederate Generals. He also announces, in the same column. Mr. Buchanan's new book, the history of his administration. Happily, the portraits or "works of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Madison arq not referred to, as they arc not only unnecessary, but out of place in what constitutes modern democracy. t3FEi-CiiASAx's IIisTonv of his Ad ministration on the Eve ok ItEr.Ki.iox. This is the title of Mr. Buchanan's new book just issued by his publisher in New York price $3,50 per copy. Some- of the old 'politicians who still Cling to tho fortunes of the old Public Functionary, have consti tuted themselves agents for this work, and wilt, no cloukt, distribute a goodly number among the faithful, at the exhorbitant price named. If tho book was one of more than ordinary value or merit, it would be well paid for, at half its cost, 'but to tax the ignorant, the curious and the uninitiated .$2,50 for a small volume of little value, and lees merit, is making tho purchasers pay entirely "too much for the whistle." E3?Tiik Prkbident.- -lion. Daniel S. Dickinson, in his speech at a serenade to lately, said: "Andrew Johnson is no hot house plant, but a mountain oak, which do ties the fury of the thunder gust. Intrepid, yet patient; Srm, but forgiving, with the Union and the Constitution as his pillow and his cloud, ho seeks to reconcile und bring together again tho estranged chil dren ot a common father. Let us nil aid him in tho good work, and secure its ac complishment': " ' fSfWe are indebted to Gov. pollock, for his Annual Report as Director of the Mint.: The amount uf Gold reccivod at the Mint and its several brunches during the year cuding June 30th, 1805, is 31,005,8-10, 71, and Silver, 1,13,405,23. Ho recom mends, a five cent coin to Le manufactured from the same materia! as tho new three cent piece, nick le and copper alloy, in view of the early withdrawal of the smaller denomi nations of fnirtioinl currency, said coin to ,be kept in circulation only until the resump tion of ipeeie pnyments or for some other tixed period. The coinage of nlckles. brings a. handsome sum into tho National Treasury, during tho fiscal year $100,000 hag been realized from tho profits timing in the coin age and sale of the penny, two penny and threepenny pieces. The ali'uirs of the Mint are wclrconduotcd. E5TBOCNTIB8 to Soldikks. A bill has been introduced into Congress granting bounty-land and money to ull soldiers who enlisted prior to Juno 25, 1303, and were honorably, discharged by rea. on of wounds or expiration ot terms of service; and will, I doubtless, receive the consideration from our ' Representatives tint it deserves. The object ! .of tho bill is to make tho bounty of this J class of soldiers equal to that of those who s subsequently enlisted, during impending drafts, mid who, for short culislments, re ceived large bounties. j JPAmeuicak IIumi: I.Aiion Leaoi i:. A meeting t i.l'orm an Industrial League, was held at the Board of Trade Rooms, Phil adelphia. Of its necessity to American labor none can doubt, when they observe the j obnoxious character of tho New York freo ' trade league. The American Home Labor League will bo a national organization, and i should number its members by hundreds of thousands.. SuNvron Sumneh. The President having sent a upecial message to Congress accompanying tho Report of Gen. Grant, in relation to tho freed men of the South. Senator Sumner stigmatised the message as n "white washing document like that of Franklin Pierco, in regard to the ..Kansas atrocities" for which he wu severely hand- leu ny several Senators. Sumner is oue of j those impractical men always varying on ex tremes. His learning and literature enables him to Indulge in and make some show in political vagaries, but ho never was u safe counsellor, or fitted for a leader or states man. lW(ica. Grant iu his repeal to the Presi dent while on a visit to tho South, speaks encouragingly of the progress of re-construction in the late rebellious states. ' fOur neighbor of the Democrat, w ho Las a peculiar taste for "elegaut ..extracts" was quite happy in bis selection of a vapid article 'refering to us, copied from tho columns of a hair-brained secessionist, who regards Davis and Lee as models o" n luocracy, aud with Mrs.vSurratt Bd Wirz, martyrs a just caus., ' " ""v.- --.;, w ; i - i . KECOTERV OF HTOLlttf 001S. THREE ARRESTS MADE. , . We referred last week to the fact that a system of wholesale thieving had been tar ried on in various parts of tha country for Bome time past, and that as yet no clue to the perpetrator! had been discovered. We are gratified to be able to state -to-day that discoveries were mado last week by which considerable Btolen property has been re covered, and several persons implicated either as parties to the larcenies, or for re ceiving and conceftling stolen ' goods, were arrested. ' Tho information leading to this result, wa9 obtained from a pirl who hud been liv ing at the Hotel of John Mcnges, between the out let locks below this place and the Mune.y Dam. ' After hearing the statement of tho girl a wurrnnt was issued of Monday hist week, by W. 1'. I. Pointer, .Esq., and placed in the hands of Constable Watt, of Muncy Creek township, who with several others, visited tho residences of John Menges and Solomon Menges,, (tho hitter residing below the Dam.) At the former place, after considerable carolling, 5 sets of' Harness and lour ISnlVulo Robes, weie found headed up in Whisky Barrels and piled nway in the liquor room of the Hotel, with the spigots in tho Bar rels nud everything complete to conceal the goods and avoid detection. At Solomon Menges' about, one half the goods stolen from the Factory of Eves & Tho., in Wolf township, were found on Tuesday. Theso wero also headed up in Whisky Barrels. From information received from some of the parties, a visit was made to the resilience of Daniel ,'Wertmau, near Turbulvillo, North'd Co., on Wednesday, where more of the goods' of 'Eves & Bro. wto found sewed up in a bed. . Ou Friday parties from Shamokin Dam came here nnd procuring a warrant and the services ot Constable Do llass, recovered a lot of bed clothes, at John Menges' which had been stolen from tho Hotel of Mrs. Keen, at the former place, We may add that an endless variety of small articles, such as n black smith s screw plate, .monkey wrench, gimlets, chissels, linen handkerchiefs not made up, ribbons, etc., etc., were also found at John Menges', and have not been identified .The Harness and Buffalo Robes chiefly belonged to gentlemen in Northumberland County, all having been identified and re moved dui'ir.2 the week. ' Tlw f..ll..i,,ii nri'nula YVAt-d miiiln Lewis H. Grant, charged with being a party to tho larceny of the Goods of Eve tiro. committed to jail in UclaiHt or fiut) bail. " - Daniel Wertntan, charged with rcfrtving and concealing stolen goods---gavo bail id. the sum of $1500 for his appearance at Court. Thos. French and Robert Derr, two of the persons charged With the larceny rlf the goods of Eves & Bro., anil John Rivers, sup posed to be the leuding spirit in the Har ness and Buffalo Robe department, and John Menges, charged with receiving and concealing stolen goods, are still at large. We understand it has been disclosed that tho party have been operating for about two two mouths and that they have had two horses and a wagon to transport their plun der. Rivers and French left this part of the country a week or two ago, the former with the team and it is supposed a load of stolen goods, nnd the latter is reported to be in New York State; He has probably gone there with tho Horse, Buggy and Harness stolen at Alvira, Union County, just two weeks ago. We hope to hear of the arrest of the bala''' -,!ttt an curly day. Muncy L ' MfTJ-'KAIAS. The New York, 1'imes, of Saturday, says : "The Senato bus adjourned, and four Senators have gone to their Jionies, leaving their bretheru and President Roberts patient ly awaiting the arrival of. the Irish Head Centre, James Stephens. They expect him to take tho dictatorship here for in the Fe nian Brotherhood, if nobody has dissembled, the Head Centre is an absolute- monarch mid they believe that when he shall have 1 deposed' tho rival Presidents ull will be ! serene. President 0,?tuhor.y and his ad ' herenta, meantime, arc awaiting the gather j iug of that Congress which the Roberts men I repudiate, and which they say cannot con ; slitutionully assemble. The b'Muhuny men ; insist'' that tho Congress of the second of ' January whether the disaffected West , sends representatives or ignores the thing altogether must be recognized ns tho su ! preme power, nnd Messrs. O'Mahony & Co. have no doubt that the delegates will expel from the organization th ten senators who have deposed President O'Mtihony 01U1 j mft(lc M wiiliam R. Roberts 'prcident i his ateud. If tho Congress assembles it wi in I ill hold secret sessions lor a week or more at any rate; nnd tho public may expect to know of their proceeding nothing more than the Selmte aud the Union Square peo ple have made known during tho wrangle of the past week, and that is precisely what the combatants wish to publish, nnd not another lino or letter. It may be observed, that during all the controversy in which the wranglers have styled rac'n other specula tors and traitors, neither tide has given the public any information concerning the trillij of a million dollars or so that may not have been invested in privateering ships or arm?., and it is possible that many an honest Irish- man who has contribute 1 his mite may soon , scan the shipping news to ascertain wheth j er any privateers urc spoken - on the North I Atlantic. Money has been expended fur 1 anus, undoubtedly ; but how much uoboiiy jis permitted to know. Now und then a ' Kililury musket is borne into the Union 1 Squuru mansion, and none is ever taken therefrom by daylight, nor do the guardians of the uigbt inform us that any come thence between nightfull and daybreak. Whether there are other1 arsenals thewhere only the initiated know. j 1'iic IVecdiucu In !Vorll Cui-oIIun. Gen. Howard, commissioner of the Frecd nien's Burenu, has just received u report from Col. Whitlesey, assistant commissioner for the State of North Carolina, in which he represents that ads of violence and serious difficulties betweeu tho negroes aud whites were very rare. None deserving mention have been reported during the first month. destitution is not so great as was anticipa ted. W there tis, reason to fear that it will increase befurc spring. In tho western dis tricts, he states that the fieediuen uie begin ning to look for homes, and that contracts are made for next year ut fair wages, and muny are leuting hinds on liberal terms. The greater part of the blacks understand that they must work, iiuti nro willing to do so. The temper of the better class of whites toward the blacks is good. The commis sioner gives the Dumber of schools in tho State as sixty-seven, the number of teachers as six hundrod, ami tho number of scholars 7,003. Tho umnber of hospitals has been diminished to twelve. Open-air preaching is becomiug a great iiisuiuiiuu in i.uuiiiu. it goes ou in al io Ost" every part of the laud, and a peculiar clots of itiuerant preachers is growing up to meet the demand. ' The release of John Mitchell docs Jiot meet the approbation of our trans-Atlantic cousins... Tin) London Star says it is an act ot injustice to that country, aud an encour aguuicnt to the Fenians. ... The English princesses wear no criuoline so a juondon Jenkins lias oisuoveied. let ter lrM the Director f tit Rllnt to the Secretary ot the - - 'l'rcttniirj-. ' ,. ... , Tho Director of tho United BtatcaMint at Philadelphia has aent to the Secretary of tho Treasury several apecimea of coins, with a new motto thereon. Accompanying -. the coin the Director studs the following let ter ;r ' , ' ' '" 'Tiiii.AnEi.rKiA, Dec. 15, 18(55. "Sitti By the fifth section of the act of Congress, approved March 8, 1805,- entitled an act to authorize the coinage of three-cent pieces, and for other purposes, It is enacted tli nt in addition to ifwiecaatid legends ttpon gold, silver, and other coins of tho United States, it shall be luwful for tho Director of the Mint, with the approval of the Secretary of Hie Treasury, to cause the piotto. . 'lit God wo trust,' to be placed upon suth coin hereafter to bo issued as shall admit ot such legend thereon. In pursuance of the au thority I directed tho eugravor of the mint to prepare dies w ith this motto, for such gold aud silver coin as would admit the ad dition. The execution of this order re quired time, euro and skill, and I now for ward to you specimens in coppor of double eagle, eagle and half eaglo gold coins, . aud dollar, half-dollar and quarter-dollar, of silver coins with tho motto, "In God wo trust," on the reverse of each coin, for your approval or otherwise, ns required by iaw 1 he other cold and silver coins are too small to receive the motto, so as to be legi ble. The exisfing legend and devices will not admit, of a greater promiuencu being given to the.jnotto on tho coins, but the ad dition, as now presented on the specimens, add much to the appearance of our coinage, should yon approve of the spucimens sub mitted, I will at once cause to bo struck off, with the worth of the gold and silver coins, the denominations represented by the spcci mens. I propose to direct tho engraver to revise and remodel dies for the gold and silver coins, so that, by retaining the legal devices and legends, ho may, by tho change ot size, position, &a, give to t lie coins with the motto a more artistic and elegant ap pearance. I think it can be done. If cuc- cesslul, I will submit tlinm to you lor your judgmeut and .approval. For this purpose no additional legislation is required. Yours, respectfully, James Pollock, Director, Irulli of IIoii. .Incols Oolluinorr. Mr. Foot (Xl.) i said : In making tho formal announcement to tho Senate of the death of my late colleague, the Honorable Jacob Collamer, it is eim ncnlly fit and becoming, Mr. President, as it is also in accordance with an approved find sacred custom, that we pause for an hour in .,Uie ordinnce routine of our daily laborthat we may consecrate that hour to the virtues and the memory of a deceased and lamented associate, who has shared 80 long and so largely in our regards and in tho public confidence for his mature wisdom and for his grcaWmoral excellence. "Your colleague, Judgo Collamer, is dead," was tho startling telegraphic message I received ut my home about hve weeks' ago. He ex pired at bis residence' in Woodstock, Vt., on the evening of tho 9th of November past, after a brief illness of little more than a sin gle week, at his own home, in the midst of his own devoted aud affectionate household, in the full exercise of Vila intellectual facul ties, an abiding and unshaken- faith in the Christian religion and in the cherished hopo of a blissful immortality. But three weeks before his decease he visited Montpelicr, the capital of tho State, Borne fifty miles from his residence, to attend the funeral services of a younger and favorite brother, Having paid tho last sad offices of respect and af fection to a brother's memory, he returned to his own home, but, alas! only to lay him self down so soon to dio. By this dispensa tion, so sudden and so sad, the Senate of tho United States has lost one of its oldest, most experienced and most trusted of its members, the country one of the ablest and purest ot its statesmen,, society and the church of which ho was a member one of its worthiest and brightest exemplars, my own ' Statu her most eminent citizen, and this day there is mourning throughout all ' her bonier?. . AllroKN'of CSon. Era llarrlrt. Mr. HARRIS (N. Y.) said: It is not for Vermont alone to mourn; New York claims the privilege of standing by her side in this I hour ot titlliciion, ot bending with her in j grief over the grave of her illustrious sou. Tie was n eon of Vermont by adoption, of New York by birth. ' I It is not my purpose to speak in detail of j the life, and character, and public services I of our lamented friend. To do so would i be to repeat what has been so well and so beautifully sa' 1 by the Senator ' who has j preceded liic; and what could bo more ueauti.'ui or moro appropriate than me eulogy to which we have just listened? llo has traced the course of Judge Collamer from the beginning of his career to his last hour, showing how, by his energy, his intel lectual power iilid' moral worth, he reached the high position which he so long occu pied. I did not know' him, ns did the Senator from Vermont, when iu the pride and freshness of his life. When we first met the hand of time had touched him; but then then 1 saw enough to realize what he might have been in the full maturity of his vigor and manhood. He had passed be yond the allotted period of human life, yet even his lust years were devoted with equal fidelity and success to the services of his country. To the hist he continued to exhibit the effects of a nilnu well dicipliued by early habits of industry, and well furnished with the rich fiuits of i long experience. In him were happily combined those elements which constitute the sound and judiciousttatesman and the man of great personal dignity. He was justly esteemed for the excellence of his judgement and the purity of his character. His most prominent characteristics were sound discretion, clear discernment, good common sense and great honesty ol purpose. o purer patriot ever participated lu the councils ot the nutlon. He did not often occupy the attenliun lf the Senate in 'de bute, but wheu ho rose to speak he always received the ;nost respectful and earnest attention. Such was the directness and force of his argument, so fluent wero his re sources, both of wisdom and experience, s minute was his, knowledge of public uffaiis, that all present, Senators and spec tators, became interested aud instructed listeners. . Tho office of tho Daily Univt Vedette has been removed from Camp Douglas to Suit I-uke City. Ia giviug notice of the fact the editor Buys : "We shall stop not, nor yet move a peg, until obultence to the lairt, abolishment of beaslly polygamy, aud equal rights and privileges, with security of, life nun properly, to Jew aim Uuntiie, are the order of American principles iu Utah, under Territorial or State government; until the robbers of the righteous and the tratnplers of the weak, l he usurpers of the land and instructors ut imuugrant enterprise, the stumbling blocks, to. continental greutuess, and the damning disgrace to our nation's glory, are legitimately removed; until this bounteous bii thland of the free is developed, aud made the home of men obevin? w holly and unconditionally the laws aiid statues of me uovernmcnt that protects them not th home of foreign fanatice duped into de gradation and disloyalty, but highuiinded meu and women, Buttons as Urge as fiva franc, pieces are the style with New York ladies, as they uscu iu ue vtnu in jsew loiu rougus, ( -SUMMARY OF NEWS- In Boston and elsewhere torpedocs'havo been discovered In coal from the Pennsylva nia mines. It is said they were , used as signals on railroad tracks, but got into the coal by mistake. The lower house of the Missouri Legisla ture has adopted a resolution declaring Jefferson Davis an unfit subject for execu tive clemency, and that he should sull'u the penalty of the law. ''Durinif lie war the jewels of Zion Iodize of Masons, in Jones county, North Cnrln- lina, fell into the hands ot a Connecticut regiment, and were -ultimately brought to Hartford, where they were repaired by the St. John's Lodge of that city, and forward ed to the North Carolina owners, with sundry additions to their value. A man m Jackson, Michigan, got drunk and staggered upon a bed wherupon lay his infant son. His whole weight rested upon tho babe and It soon expired. Tho wretched man, who is a respectable, well- to-do citi.en, made a vow never to touch liquor again. A Boston merchant, writing from Kings ton, Jamaica, says that of the blacks execu ted, one-half knew nothing whatever of the outbreak. Thousands of innocent blacks have been severely whipped to inspire them with a wholesome fear of such proceedings. The Richmond Whhj expresses the opin ion that there is undoubtedly a general admiration entertained for tho "brave Ulysses" throughout the entire South, but at the same time it intimntes that there are yet many rebels base and vile enough nt heart to assassinate him, if they -could do so without detection. It proves by the confession of the mur derer Corbitt, recently convicted nnd sen tenced to death at Chicago, thut three men are now under ten years sentence in Uie States Prison, under conviction for a crime which they had nothing whatever to do. They were convicted ou circumstantial evi dence, ami will be purdoncd at once. When Mr. Livingston, the American Min ister, who was quite deaf, was introduced at the Court of Napoleon, ho tiad prepared to answer the question he supposed the Emperor would ask in regard to his passage across the Atlantic. Napoleon accosted him thus: "How is Mr. Jelferson?" "Very boisterous!" replied Mr. Livingston, to the great amusement of those present. A recently married lady in Cincinnati was called into the parlor of her boarding house day Inst week to see a woman who had in quired for her. She recognized a discarded lover in feminine disguise, and only his awkwardness in taking his revolver from an unfamiliar pocket gave his intended victim time to escape from the distardly murder ho had planned with so much cunning. The Portland Argut understands thut there are more apples stored in that city at the present time than at any previous lime within thejiast two years, yet prices tiro extravagantly high. But prices must come clown, and speculators know it. Though selling at exorbitant price rutcs they urc cautious about buying. A young i-Italian lady, daughter of a far mer near Montefore, in the province of Avel lina, recently stubbed to death the notori ous bandit Muisa, who had broken into her father's house, and was treated there to some refreshments, as a matter of protection against his murderous intention. While the young girl approached him under tho pretext of taking from him art empty plate, she stabbed him with her stiletto Hi ef fectively that death ensued immediately. The reward of Gvo hundred frances offered by tho authorities for his capture has been paid to the plucky girl. The season of navigation on the Upper Mississippi has closed the lost bout haying left St. Paul on the 30lh ult. The I.evces of New Orleans are again crowded with foreign and domestic snips, and the steamboats from the great North ttnd Northeast. A viirilance committee has been formed at Titusville, Pa.; the whole oil region is iufested by rulliuns, who rob and murder. Mr. Tonscnd Harris, late United Stntes Minister to Japan, has presented to Gen. Grant n magnificent sword of honor re ceived from the Tycoon. "Apoliurv for tho Rebellion,"' by J. Bu chanan, spinster, is the title or should be of a recent publication, that is receiving considerable atteution from the press. An obituary notico of Tom Sayers, the pugilist, in an English paper, speaks of him feelingly, as one who became tho idol of a pot house, who died of drinking, and whose funeral was a riot. A gentleman who recently inserted a "want" in the Chicago Journal, received six hundred and thirty-two answers. Who says the people don't read the advertisements? Hen. Tom Corwin, of Ohio, says that he would have continued in the Mexican em bassy, but that ho hud to climb mountains and keep on foo't all the time to keep iu leach of the Mcxicau repulic, and ho was too old fur it. Mr. Bigelow, United States Minister at Paris, recently stated to a New York friend of his, on the lutter's departure for this country, that our relations with Louis Na poleon's Government have never before been so delicate as the present moment. Rev. John Pierpont presided over a na tional convention of spiritualists held re cently at Philadelphia, declaring himself a christian spiritualist, and, as such, objected to resolutions offered denouncing Christi anity.. A Caution to Girls. The Raleigh Standard ot a lute date says; "We under stand thut a couple of Ladies arrived in this city a day or two ago iu search of a gsy deceiver iu uniform, whom they accused of loving, if not wisely, at least two well. It seems lie bad married one of the ladies in the State of Maine before tho war broke out, and afterwards, having joined tho armj't ne murnea tlio secouil iu the city ot Balti more. The first spouse heard of the second, came on to Baltimore, found tho report true, ana, in company, the two came ou to North Curolina amicably together, where they ar rived just iu lime to break up uu anango meiit ou the part of a guy Lothario to add another to the list of his victims. We pity while we must condemn this faithless fel low, for a man with two wivu w ith sharp sticks after him at once, is certainly an ob ject of compassion. Let girls take waruing und be sure they are No. 1 when they mar ry strangers.", Cofiiiis. The administration of medicinal preparations in the form of a lozenge, is of all modes the. most eligible aud convenient, more especially as regards a Couou Remedy "Brown't' Bronchial Troehet" or Cough Loz enges allay irritation, which induces cough ing, giving instant relief in Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Inllueuza, and Consumptive and Asthmatic complaints. ?FAfler perfuming every other theatre, rhalon's "Night-Blooming Bur c us is now parfuming the late theatre of war. SoutberrUweet Fauna Bt.,(oinnatl,o.jura.tSil.ui4ing's orders roll in continuously, - There ia a per fect union of sentiment between the two ectiona as regards this peerless extract. SoM everywhere, ...... tkr's Amrricaw AtiMAWAO is now reftdv for delivery, gratis, by their agents who are happy to supply all that call for them. Every family should hate and keep this book. It is worth having comprising much general information of grttt value. It gives the best instruction for ths euro of prevalent comphtints, that wan get anywhere. Its anecdotes alono are worth a bushel of w heat and l4Hitcdicl -advice 4a sometimes worth to the sick, the wheat's weight in gold. Many of the medical almanacs ore trash hut this is solid mchd. Its' calculations are made purposely- for this latitude and are therefoio correct. Call and get an Aycr's Almanac, and when got, keep it. i Mr. Lincoln's memory is to bo prepetna ted by naming one of the Western Territo ries after hitn. ' j ; i ) ' General Grant favors the disbanding of the cntirefvolanteer- forco, nnd the iucreuse of tho regular army to 75,000. The total proceeds from the sale of public animals employed in the military service have exceeded j'.0.'50,000. "DON'T BE FOOLISH." Yon can hinke Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and ex iiminc an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by mail for 50 cent's that retails easily for "fC. by R. L. WOLCOTT. 1 70 Chathttin Square, N. Y. ., Sept. 10, 1S05. ly. mtiunioMit 'onl Trnile, ' SllAUOKl, Deo. IK, ISOfi. 'i'w-. Cirt. Sunt for wock ending Deo. 15. 9.C.MI 04 Per Inst report, 4:!S,77 01) 4WM7 13 318.18.1 1A To Jiimo thno lust yonr, Ineroaso, AiJfotT IfAps A lecturer once prefaced his remarks with, "Myfricnrls. let us' say a few words before. we begin." .This is about equal to the man who took a short htip be fore he went to sleep. " Speaking of a nap reminds us of thcglossimssof that upon the dress coals made at the Brow'ivstone Cloth ing Hall of Rockhill & Wilsotl.' Nos. 003 and 005 Chcsnut street, above Sixth. The suits gotten up there are alike distinguished for fineness of material, excellence of cut, nnd general elegance. 13-We Clip the following from on of tho l'hila .delphia Daily l'npcrf. Our people visiting or send ins down to tlio City, would d well to mnko a not ofit : WAXAMAKER& BROWN'S FINE CLOTHING. This entnblifhinent. loontcd nt tho Cor. of Kixth A Markkt Street, Piiilad'a.. fiunilinrly known as 'OAK HALL," i probably tlio lurst nnd bent con ducted "Kcady Mado," Clothing t Alcrelumt Tailor ing llouto. in tho .State. Thoir pnpcriur dylcs. ex cellent workmanship and inodcrntinn in pricca, biivo Hindu their House deservedly popular. In their CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, where clc" cant Garsirxts are Made to OitnER, nono but tho very best Artists are omploj ed, and the fine amorl mcnt of Materials to select from enables everyone obe well suited. Samples will be sent by Mail, nnd Instructions for Dieasuring when written t'ur. Nov. 11, 1805. 8t "AGENTS WANT KD! .If ado tilO By selling tingrnving. Card l'hotoarashi) and Stn- tionery. Our Stationery Packets excels all others; each package contains paper, envelopes, pencil, pens, Ac., nnd Jewelry worth n dolhir at retail, i'rice only 30 Cents. We will send Agi-nts ilia .Stationery Packages and a fuver U atoh for W. Vt e also pub lish splendid Stool Engravings nnd Portraits, Litho graph prints, Ao., very ijopulnr and saleable. Will send a flno assortment of 101) lor f 1 i.t'O thnt will rcaliie $jO,'or a ?ltl lottrlat will soli for $311 or over. Will send A sample lot for $& that will sell fi$15. , Send Stamp for Catalogue, Terms, Ac , . HASK1X.S 4 CO. M Jicvkiuan Streot, N. Y. November 25, 1SU5. IcnlMCMM, ESli-idiiONM iiiul 4':t;trrli, Treated with the utmost success by Hr. J. ISAACS Oeulist and Aurist, (foimerly if l.ojden. Hnllnnd.) KojilU fine street, l'hil.uli'lpbin. Testimonials from theyiKis rciitiblo sources in the City and Coun try can be seen ut bis office. The medical faculty are invited to acc6mpsny their pitients, as he has no se crets In his practice. Artificial li.ves, inserted with out pain. No cbnrgo mado for cx:iininutiua. Jwly22, 1865. ly . The ISri J:l 4'iiaiiilx-r, an h'-sny of Wurnlng and Instruelion for Young Man pur.lishej by' the Howard Association, nud sent freo of ehurgq in scaled envelopes. Address. r.- J. SKf T.LIN IIOL'GHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.'' 'February 11," lfCi ply-. . .'. . ' rrciTf rrcn ': i VrcTi ji j f ' SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! HheaionS OSiilinciii ' Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures Suit Rheum. I'lcers, Chilblain, nnd nil l'ruptlonj of the Skin Price ot) cents. For sale by all Druggist. By nuuding fit) oents to WEEKS A POTTElt, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, liostou, Mass , it nil) be forwarded by mail, freo of postage, to any part of tho Vliitcd States. Sept; 2S. 'Bi Oui. WHISKERS! WHISKERS! . 1.: .. Do vou want Whiskers or Sloustachrs ! Our Urc cian Compound will force them to grow on tho smootHost face or chin, or hiiir en batd heads, in Six Weeks. Prico, 91. 00. . sii-nt by mail anywhere, t closelv sealed, on reoeilil of nrioe. ilress, WAK.M. 4 cy, ,lio.v liS.liroklyn.JN, V. I'coruary ia i'.to. ly In LewisUus'',. on the 8'.h lest., ).MKt. Hawnv father t Kov. A. 1). Jl iwn, of Shu niokin, in the 85th year of his age.' Iu fhniokin. on the morning of the 13th inst., Ai.i.TEnk Koi.uxs, itau'diter id Mr. A. II. nml .Mrs. Phoebu Fiske. uted Jl.yeurs, 3 months, nnd 10 days. jjt.'j-amMTi mTJNBURY - f 13 no MARKET. Biiltcr, '' ; Tallow, ' hard, Pork, Bacon, . Hnui, ShoulJer, Flour. Wheat, ! 411 Kye, 100 I 00 . 4i 80 7 00 Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Flaxseed, CloversosJ, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'SIIEBIFF BALE. 11 X vtrtuo or cerium writs ol Alios testatum ven .13 Exponas, issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland comity, nnd to me directed, will bo exposed to Public Sale, at tho Court House, in ths Borough of riunbury, ON MONUA1. JA.N LAUV b 111, lSOfl. at 1 o'clock, P. M , tha following property, to wit : A certain lot of Limestone Land, situato in Lower MahanoT- township, Northumberland oouulv. Penn rlvania, bounded and described aa lolluws, lo wit : On tho north br laud of John Michael : on tho east by lana ot Jacob Linker i on tlio aoutn by land or Jacob uerman, ana on tnewesi ny ianu or uaviu Hum, oonlamlug one halt aero, wnereon is ercctcu s small Shauty aud two Lima Kilns, it. beiuxr titken mm exeouiion, sna to bo sola as the property of David fe. Hullman. WM. M. WEAVER, Sheriff Sheriffs Ofuoe, Sunbury, Boo. 13, ItSlj tf RDn l'i:u YI'lAt! We, want w agents every wUcio to sell our is. i hovkd $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds F riper and upper feed. Warranted five years Above salary or Urge oomniiiMuuns paid. The only niachioeasoid. in United btstea for leas than $40, wmcn are luuy ueeusea ny uowe, it neeier a nil ton, Urover A jlaker, Bingor 4 Co , and Baohelder All other cheap machine are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine, and imnrlsos- Bieut. . Cirowlttrs free. Address, ot eall upon Shaw, & Clark, Uiddefurd, Maine, or at No. Ki ) Broadway. HSW 4UIK , Allh "W "'"1 w... UUUUU1UUIJ&, fl. V .. u I .1 1 1 . 1. 1.... U (II I . III. V I ... bchaage, B8a., N, X. Uea ly CSC.O A NOTfU t AUEKTS wanted for V u entlrelv new artinlea. lust oui. Ad dress 0 T. OAHtV, City liuildiss, Biddoford . ill iwii ly Mains. er's A compound remedy, designed to be the moat effectual Alteraliv that enn be made. It ii concentrated entrnct of I'nra flampnrilln, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as Ut afford an fTec tive antitlot for the diwns Snrsnpnrilln is reputed to cure. U in belifvcd fluit such a remedy is wsnted by tlmnn who suffer from Strumous complaints, nnd that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immenso servico to this large rhiss of ournfllictcd fellow citisens. How completely thio compound w ill , do It ha been proven by experiment on many of tho worst case to bo found of tho following complaint" i " T5cuoFut." anu Siaini'ur.nes- C'omit.aTXT, Kkui-honi ni Kuei-rtvn Dikkaiks Ui.okhs, FlMI-I.V.S, !. fellKS, TuMOUS, tiSl.T llHKt'M, Sc.M.t) JIkad, Svruii.is' ami) Sypiiii.itio' Af kkctiom", Mi'.iteuitiAi. Diskahk, D.ioesr, Nue a;.iiia ou Tio Boii'MimuM', Dkiumtt, Pvs rr.i'siA And Isiiror.-1ios, l'.iivs'ti'ni.As, Rosa on Sr. Anthony's Vim;, and indeed tho wlmlo class of complaints tui-inj from iMi'tuiTT or thij llr.ool). ' ' i This cnmyoinil vrill .bis found a great pro moter of health, wh.Mi taken in tho spring, to expel tho foul: ImmflM which foster iu tho blood nt that scaou of tho 'year, lty tho thno ly expulsion-of them ltifmy rsnkliii'i disordnr nro nipped in thu.Jmd. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare thcmsidvcs from tho endurance of foal eruptions add "ulcerous jnucs, through which tho svstem will strive to rid Itself or corruptions, if Hot assisted totlO this through tin natural channels of tha boJf by nu ifdtsrntiva flu'dieine. ('lenusa out the vitiated blood whiiuevcr you find its impurities bursting through thu sk'uim.pimh.s, u options, or sores i cleanse it when you lind it is ob structed nud (doggish in th vi.im; cleanse it whenever it, is foal, and your feelings will tell yon when. I'.ven whore no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy bettor health, nnd liva longer, for cleansing tho blond. Keen tlw blood healthy, tiud'' all is well but with this pabulum of lil'j disordered, thcro .can ho no lasting health. . Sooner or hitor something must' go wrong, nnd tli-.' meat machinery of life is disordered or overthrown, iiarsnparill i ha-, nnd (Umci vc much, tha reputation of accomplishing theso ends. Hut tho world has been cgregiously deceived by preparation 4 of it, partly because the drug alone has not all (lie viituo that is claimed for it, but morn lieeinr-o many preparations, protending to ho concentrated extracts of it, contain tint li'.M-j of tlio virtue ot MirsnpaiUla, or any thing else. During lato v-. ;rs the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a ijuart ot l-.xtrnct of Sarsaiianlla lorone iluiiav. iUo: of theso hav Ii 'lh frnud.i upon the sick, for they not only contain little, it any, harsapa lilla, but often no curative properties whatev cr. Ifenee, latter nml painful disappointment has followed tho me" of the vaiiom extracts of Sarsaparilla which Ihrod tho market, until tho liamo itself i justly tlopil, and has becomo synonymous w ith iiupo iliuii mxl cheat. Still we call this compound Saisaoai illa, nnd intend to supply such a remedy u:i fchall rescue' tlio name from thu load of ohhrpiy which rests upon it. And wo tliiuli wo have ground for believing it hat virtuci which iitu irresistible by tho ordinary run of thu diseases it is intend" cd to cure. In order tu secure their complete eradication from the system, tho remedy should -be judiciously taken according to. directions on tho bottle. . , i:ii.p.u:i:i) ur DIt. J. . AVEB & CO. i.owior.t,, MASS. Frlce, $1 per llotlloi Nix Uottlc far $3. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral iias won for llself such a minim for tho cure of every variety of Throat und Lang Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been cm uloved. . As it has loin; been in consMut usa throughout this section, w-eiiped notd vmoro than nsiaro the peoplfl its quality i kept np bilbo liest It ever hnS 1nhii, and thnt it may be relied on t-j do for their rel.of all il litis ever been found to do.' Ayer's. Cathartic 'Pills, yon the cjr.E o? Coit!rcic33, Jaimtlici; ivwum, ImUgetHon, Vytutntcnj, Foul .SVowiac, r.risipc'tri, ilcarfticie, files, Rheumatism, Kruptiuiis "ml t&'iiii Visccisc, Liver Complaint, Drops;, Tetter, Tumors and Sail Uieuni, ll'oivin, (tun', .VcirvrAin, a Dinner I'ill, and for I'tnifriwi the JUiml, " They nre sugnr-Htatiil, tto thut the most rcu .i tive can lake 'them pl.-aaollv. and they nrc 1 1 1 best aperient i Uie ivoil.l fur ail lic puipoci of a fitadlybyw. i , i ,.' Prico 25 centi per tot ; Titj lnx.33 for tl.O-?. Great niitn'ieis of Clergymen, VhiVu-i.ms, Pl:ili"i incn. and cnuaeiit lua-sonnircs. ! ive h-iit llo-ir names to certify tliouniar:illi-lcil usofohu'NSorihe-.c remeilies, but our sp:iee Hero will not perum t"e iiiKCrtion of them. The Agents In-low named fur nish gratis ou? Ali!UieN Ai.m xn i: in w hich they nro given ; with also ftill descriptimia of tho n'.mve complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not he put n(f by unprincipled dealers with other ' preparations tliev niako moro wolit on. Ireuiimd A vi:n'n, and f't'irt no others. The ;iwk want the best aid there is for their), uud they should have it. All our rtm.'.lies aref r s-le hy ' FKILfXU A SOX, Suubury, Pa. 11. B. MrCiiv. XorthusliWrlvud. nmS nil llrutnu-'s and desIIW i VilyHVere.' At" wh-ilisiile by J. Jl. MOltltLS A I'll.. I'hiladilpl.U. i. ii. Doocuiber I ili a I y 'Be it l!.VArri:ii bv the l!til-''css ar.d Comnion Councihuen nf thu liorouu'ti ol',?uj)imi-y, , inij it is hereby enn -ted by the unthorijy of IJio same. That if any i pcgMUi. or persons, wtlhiu the limits of the borough, nt'ircsuld, becouie uitovjeated and disor derly, diturbin tho peace, by riotous in Sthercon duel, the Chief Burress of tlm said borough lie and is horeby iiutlioricxf. nt hit own view, or iotormation being maile bclorc bun. to i.-.suo n warrant to c uiso tlio arrest of-such person or purons so otlendiiig against this ordinance, and have ths) aino brought before hinir-end upon conviction of nny ?ich olfeiu-e, shall forfeit und pay such lino as may be imposed by tho Cliiof Burgess of said boroogb, not excec JUig twenty dollars, lor tho use of said borough, aiid any person' 6r' persons neglecting or refusifa to pny tha 'same, with 'co-as of suit, tha Chief Burgess is hereby authorized to commit such person or per sons to tho county jail for etch offoucc, tor ury period nut exeeuing suvty ilavs. ApprOVCU, UCCCUIIJIT 11, A. 1J., l.MJ. - S. B UOYI-fi, . ' . Chief Barges. The I'irt Luliounl. Jtanit ot Haw Imii-j, B-nna. - NOTICE is hereby given that tho reguhir annual election 6f Bireotora of -Tho First National Bank uf Supbury, Pa , will be held on Tuesday tho 21d day uf Jsuuary, A. 1. Itititf, nt the Banking House, in the Borough of Sunbury, Pa., between tho hours of 10 A. M., aud S o'clock P. M., of said day, iu accordance w ith tho provisions of tho Act of Cou gress. ' 1 X.J. PACKER, Cashier. Buuhury, Ta..:I)oc. S3, JsOj. .'vv IIooKk nt I.IIiUht w. ' Life and Public Services of A. LINCOLN, by ..- Cnwby,-. . $2 00 Pauline Cushman, The L'niun Scout and 'y, 2 00 Our Mutual 1'iiend, Holiday Books Separately or in Sett. k:. it.... A i iji!-. ' 2 25 UI4UVU1J , WMf iOU. TlVaill4', for Junnnrv. lost received a4 11 . - - LKJlITMiK S Miu-ket Siiuue. Sunbury, Pee. Zi, 180 i. A New and fine lot of Pliltr'l MES, 4o , Holidays, at LIUUTNJiK'Si for the By virtne of certain writs of Levari Faoiaa, IssSed out uf the Hou'rtof Common Pitas of Northuuiber land oounly. und to uiv directed, wil bo exposed to Public Klo, at the. Court Bouse, la the Borough of Suubury, on Thursday, Booember 21, ut 1 o'clock, P. M., the tollowing property, to wit : j All those three certain lots uf hind, situate in Up per Augusta township, in Joseph W. Cuke's Addition to Sunbury. being ia Mock No. !'!, und being num bers in said block 1, 2 and 3, and fronting on Rail road Aveuue, each lot being twenty-five foet on said Avenue and extendii'.g each one hundred and tifty feet toa,thirty feetstreet, together with the uppurtenauoee, whereon ore treoted a Urge lour uy briok hotel, with basement, known as the Augusta Hotel, a largo frame stable aud other outbuildings. 8c i led, taken into execution, and to be nld lis the property of William B. fcinyder and p. 8. Bcrgslrca ser and William's, fftydor. ' I-.,..,.- ,,. '. M.'WKAVIll. Sfcoriff. Shenfl Ofit, fctiabuTylleoeniWJr 1, IhtSS.si T)ro-rlilBal Irefully eoiupounded jf, thei X ten file u n n n Aiaminnta More of JNO. IRILINQ eVSWT., Embury, May S0,t H Ay Sarsaparilla " " SHfiXtttT S SAtES.5 ' : " By Virtue of certain writs of Lovarl Facias and a writ of Fieri Facias, issncd out of Court of Common rie'as of Northumberland county, and to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, on Bsturday, the 30th day of December, 1805, at 1 o'clock, P. M. The following property, to wit: - All those certain lota, pieces, or panels of ground situate In the town of Trevorton, Zerb township, NorlhnfhberlBnd county, Pennsylv&nia.bounded and uesorioea as loiiowa, to wit : too eastern half part of lot No. 4. 'and lota Nos. t, 6. 7 and 8, io block No 121), on which is erode J a Urge two story brick dwelling house, thirty-five foot front on Shamokin ttroot and soventy-fivo feet duop, the said lots being ech twenty-live loci in wui'h on bhamokm strcat and one hunurcu ami nity loeiin ucptti. Lots ft, 7. 8,1). lit, 11, Hand IS, in Mock Ko. ISA. tho said lots beinit each twenty-five feet In width on Coal street and one hundred and fifty feet in depth, as inarKnil nn ucsignaicu iu mo general plan ol said town of Trevorton Al.SU r All those certain six out lots of ground, situato in the (own of Trevorton, Northumberland countv and Stnto aforesaid, and numbered respectively us out-lots Nos. 12, i:W. bi, 1;G. 157 und IT'S, af marked nnd designated in the general plan of slid town of Trevorton, said out-lots each coutuining twu acres Ol ground, more or less. Seized, Uil.cn iuio execution an! to V sold as thu properly of ('hallos P. IIclfeutein, Adiuiuitislratcr of Kdward llcltciisU'in, ike'J. ALSO. All those six certain lots, or pieces or parcels of ground, situato in the town of Trevorton, Zerbc township, Noi thumbcrland county, Pennsylvania, marked and designa ted in the general plan of said towrl of Tre vorton; as follows, to wit : Li block Mo. 1)2 . lots .No. 3 and il. frontiii! in Market street. -in block No. lot No. 0, nnd in block.: 124. lots nnnitiered 0, 7, and 8. Siezed, taken into execution, nn1. to he ' sold as the property of Charles P. llelfcn stein, Administrator of Edward llolfciistcin, deed. ALSO; Upon the following described lots or par cels of fjround, situate in the lxirouali ot Mt. Carmel, Northumberland county, IVnns. block No. 5,as laid down iu the plan ot said town, situated on the ir'hamokin Vallev & Pottswlle Iluilroad. Also, block .Ne. 10, ns laid out iu Said plan. Also, lot No. 8. in block No, 40. Also, iot No. 23, iu block .W Also, blank space of ground in block No. 50. Also, lot No. 15 in block No. 113. Also, upon the one undivided half part of u certain trace of well timbered land, situate in Point township, Northumberland county, Peiinu., containing 100 ncres, more or less, surveyed in the name of John Barron. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of Wm. I.. Dcwart. AVM. AI. WEAVER, Sheriff. ' Sheriffs Oflice, Punbury. Dec. 8, 18G3. , ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I if pursuance nf an order of tho Orphan's Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic sale, at the Court House in the 1'orough ol'SCN lIL'HY.on Saturday tho :!0th dayof Decembor'A. I). 1S(I5. tho following described real estate to wit : The undivided half part cf a messuago and LOT OF (jKOL'Ni). situato in the Borough of'unbury, aforesaid, irontimr upon Broadway, ttpon tho cornea, of'JIroadwny ami l'okchcrry streets, and numbered on the general plan of said Borough as lot nutubor 81. ou which are erected a large doublo two story Brink Dwelling with frnnio Shod attached, a framti Stable and other outbuildings, with tho appurten ances. ' Also, a certain otfier lot or piece of Ground, situ ato in mid Borough of biunbury, bounded on tho north by lot of John Bowen, on tbo east by Kasl Alley, on the south by lot of Solomon Brosious nnd on tho west by Fawn street, Containing forty-four feet front upou Fawn street, and being about two I. uiidrc.l and thirty feet deep; bcinrono of tho has laid out by William Wilson. Esq.. in Uewnri's Addi tion to the Borough of Sunbury. Lato the property of (jcorgc Martin, deceased. tint U commence at 2 o'clock P. M., of said dny, when tho terms and conditions will ho uihiIo known by .S' A It All Bh')UM, A lm'trix. ' lly order of Ihe Court. - - . A. J. CCMMINUS, -Clk, 0. C. ' ISuubury. Deoi-mbur 0, Ititii. joiin wiiVku, BOOT &c SHOE HANUFACTUR EH, One dooc-bast Of Friling's Store, Market Su,u:iro S U X B V R Y . P K N X ' A . T-, rSPIvClTUCLYNnforms Ihcciticns of SutihuTv i and vicinity, thai having safely returned fiom iiiu iiiuij, -.nu hmiu ri-!umo ins uaninew. ana manu- t : i-t m-i-. to order. Boots and Shoes, of all kinds, ol the best material, nnd ut the lowest rates for cash. He hopes to receive a fall share of pntroiiagc. Suubury, Dec. Hi. j tMii(itv i m i:. "VTOTIi'H is hereby given tlit tho undersigned ! X having been duly appointed, by the Orphan).' i Court of Northumberland County, Auditor to din i tribute the bulanee ol monies in thc hands of W 'il 1 linm rUurr. Ailuiiuislrator of Ibe estate ol Andrew I K linger. dcocascd. to ami among those lcgidly cnti I tied thereto. Hill meet all p.-ini.iH intcreFtcd in said j distribution, at the educe of Kockef.'licr and ltnhi bach, in Blackberry sireet, in the Borough rri '1111 i bury, on Monday. Ii, umber 20, lSiij, ut 10 o'clucs A. .. for the )iurp".-o of attending to tho duties ol I hisanid nppoiufincnt. I LI.OVB T. KOUUBACU, . .S'uLburyvjlice. 2, iMi'i. Auditor.. VLL persons are hereby notified that tho under sailed Amh'lor. iipointcd by the Oiphii.'-s L'oii(l,of Xoi ll-umb'crTiiuj county to audit the oxeop lions filed to Iho uccouur of P. V. (Iray, Kxeento of William M. Oray, deceased, will abend to ih. duties of bis said pp.antmcnt, at his otliec. In tin .boroughof Snubiuy. on Wednesday, tho 27th day o peel-moor, A. I)., H'ij, at 10 o'clock of sail du'yii which tiiuo and pluco all 'persons iutctected riun lumpd, . AVM, ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Sunbury, Ileo. 10. 1800. PRICES It EDUCE I)! .'.;. JO.-iKlMI EVSTEK, i&uccvnentvr tu John Jloicen.) Corner of Market and Fawn .Street, SUN 11 UliY, PE N N ' A . luvites tho public to oall and cxaniiuo his elegnn Usui i m in in WINTER. GOODS! wliltih be will tell at greatly rctiueej prices. Hi stock oiiisisl8 !u jmrt of G A. SSI 2& EREG. CLOTHS &C-. Rdks. llulnin.-s. L.-iwns, Uinghams, CbIioocj, Muslip. 'bceueiiet Tiakings, Jesus, and a lull iiesorliuent o Cotton and Woolen goods generally. j e4 w a -UiJ a9 Ifosiery, (llovcs, Uoop Skirta. Abo ll.indkerohief, Brushes, Combs. . EIulM nuel Caps, Hoots nnd KIiocm His assort ment of (roods will not, ho isuiosu,r fail to ploase the fancy and suit the wuuu) of any tie tiroui of purehasing. His stock of - HARDWARE AN1 QL'tENSW ARB, s an I Groceries is largo in quantity and ohotc? ii quality, coiiiprisiug generally everything needed ii the household cither lor use or orniiiuent. lie is ulways ready and glad to see bis friend and takes pleasure in showing them his goods eVi though no sales are mado. lie only asks a call, am is suro that tfe stock will compare favorably' ii priuo aud eiuuliiy wiih the cheapest. . , . JOSKPII EYSTER Suubury, I'ee. 0, 1805. BKEAD&" FANCY CAKKS Two doors west of the Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa TOP1-.CJ11.LT.Y fjiforms the citiaens of ,iin Li'bury aud vicinity; Hint bo will bake to or k kinds of . - ail jruU'i;r ItalU, I"ni-tli i., Jki'. . I'linilieaansenpplioil sjl FUliSU BUIiAl, Twis Rolls, ltiii-ks, Jen Buns, io., and also kept onhiun ni.msfuoinred out of ihe bostuiateriuU. All orders will meet with prouiit attention. Having had )urg eiper'.eace I So)) to givi goaeral aiitisliioliwu ti all wW may faver uie will thiilf RnUorvMti). , . , . 1AVU)RY. Duuoury, Una. lnjs ,E.0U;SALE. fllWkiLYK (12) valuable building lot in Sunbury Xn itluobaleirywlreet, ooulaioing atxt) (00) foot u aroil,.ia iMid alreot, and two bundled aud thirl; luet io deptu. . All neoewsary miorinauon eiu 1. ImtIuuI bv etiilinr eta uie surMcrtber. at bis otfia i. Blaekbetry street, nearly opKwite the (eudonus 0 I tluuge jeiraan.i. iormsei puicnsso, easy LLOYD X- UOiUlLACn Eunbur, Deoetubor 2( Ibii.- j..-