ffrfTmuXMunmDami iiisnnnasitiasiwi TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER. KE?rECTFVLI,Y Inform! th eillten of Sl'N i BCKY and vicinity, tbsl he hi opened a 'I'll i lot-in;; Miop, the room over Knnuwortli'i Grocery, opposite 'J" Dental Hotel, Sunhurv. whore lie Is leady to make p garments of i.ll kinds iu tho latest slylo und best workmanlike manner. Having lind experience in the business for nuin bar of vcurs ho hones to render itencrnl siiti.'faetlou Custom tvork is respectfully o'i J. ! Oiled. . Kt'lIAFFKR. Sunhnry, May IS. IBfly ,y- Notice to TrimM'rN. "VTOTICE f hereby givon, that tin person wiil he JlM allowed to trespass on my property, on tlie bbamokin Inland, or In enter into any enclosure without permission, as the penalties of the luw w ill be enfarood against all offenders. J'O REWARD, trill he pnld for Information that will lead to the ouviction of any such trespasser. JOSEPH BIRD. Shamokin Island. May 1-1. KEW SK1KT i'UK lfctio-6. THE GREAT INVENTION OF Till! AliF. IS lOOP SKIRTS. J W. BRAl'LEYo New Potent Lll'LlX LLLIP TIC (or double) SPRINtl SKIRT. Thin Invention consists of Duplex (or tvi) Elliptic Tiiro liciined Steel vprings. ingeniomly braided tightly 11 lid firmly togclhvr, eilpja to edge, making the toughest, most 'lievi bio. elastic ami it iirnlilv springs over used. They seldom bc?d or lrcnk. like tho fsingle Spiit'S, and consequently preserve their per fect and beautiful slnpc lnoro than twice as long as any single sprint? skirt that ever has or can be inndo. 'i'lie wonderful flexibility nnd grent comfort mid pl-insurc to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will bo experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies. Operas. Cnrringcs Railroad Cars, Cl.uroli Tews, Arm Chairs, for I'ruuicnude and Houso Dreys, ol the Skirt can ba folded when in un In occupy a email place an easily uud eunvuiicutly as u Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having enjoyed tho pleasure, eotnfort and grent convenience ot wearing the Duplex Elliptic Btecl Spring SSkirt lor a single dny will never nf rr wnrds willingly disperse with tneir use. For Chil dren, Mi.-es nnd Yuung l.ndic.i t'uey arc superior to 11 others. The Hoops nre covered wiih 2 ply double tw isted thread and will wear twice as lung ns 'he single yarn covering which is used in nil single Steel Hoop Skirts. The throe bottom rods u every Skirt aro douhlo steel, and twieo or douhlo cunrcd to prevent the eovering from wearing off tho rods when drugging down slnirs. stonu slop', Ac, Ac, which they nru onelantly subject to when in use. All aro nimlo of the new and elegant corded Tapes, tid are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perl'tct shape possiblo, and nre unquestionably the liglittst, most dcrirnblo, ooml'itrtubloiin.l cconjui-n! skirt ever made. Wests' Ilradlcy A Cnry, Proprietors of the Inven tion, and solo Manufacturers, U7 Chambers, mid 7tl 4 SI licadu siri-ots. .Yew-York. Fur sale in all fir.-t-clnss stores in this city, nnd throughout tho United States and Cnneiu, llnvana tie Cuba, Mexico. South America, and the West In dies. tj Inquire for tho Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. A. 4 C. August 1J, 1855. Sin $500 rE'W-A.IID. THE undersigp? ! will pay a Reward of Five Hun dred Dollar?, for too discovery nnd conviction of tho persou or persons, who set five to, and destroy ed the Coal Draker at Trcvortn, about 1 o'clock on Thursday aivrniiig, Augi:rt 24tb. S10WT0X 4 CO., Trevorlon. Sept. ?. 1St!J. MILLINERY GOODS. . BROOKS & UO S K N II E I M i WHOLESALE DEALERS, Ko. 431 Market Stroet, north lids, PIIIADELPIIIA. Have now open their usual handsome variety of Ribbons, Bonnet Materials, Straws A Fancy iioncetj, Ladies' & Misses' Hats, FLOWERS, KUCHES, LACS8. and all other article required by the . nillliuery Trade ! ; By long expericneo nnd strict attention to this branch of business exclusively, we flatter ourselves that we can otter inducements, ia variety, styles, quality and modornte prices not everywhere to bo lotmd. The attention of MILLISEKS and MER CHANTS U respectfully solicited. ief Particular attcntU-n paid to filing Ordert. ' March 4, ISO. 3m. ' Wm.M. Rockefeller. Lloyd T. RonuiiACH. ROCKEFELLER & ROHRBACH. iraDMMa m mi, Sl'ltl.UV, 1'E.WJa. OFFICE the same that has been heretofore occu pied by Wtn. M. Rojkefcller, Esq., nearly op posite the residence of Judge Jordan. Bunbury. July 1, 1H65. ly orlli-rn Central Itnilwuy. FOUR TRAIXS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. Connections made with truiiui on Pennsylvania Kailrond, to and from Pittsburg nnd the West. FOUR TRAIN'S DALY to and from tne North nnd West Branch Snsqnehauna, Eluiirn, and ull of North ern New York. ON and alter MONDAY. OCTOBER Id, lS6t. the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, Barrisburg and Baltimore ns follows, u : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury duily (except Sunday). 10 It) A. M. " loaves Ilurrisl'iirg, 1 :u p. M. " arrives nt Bkltiuoro, b M " Elmira. Express Truin leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) 11 40 P. M. leaves lla.-risburg (except iMonday.) 2 50A-.M. arrives at Baltimore daily (tfxeept Monday). 7 00 A. M. Barrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris- burg. ; 4i A. M. Sunbury Accommodation leaves Suubury daily (except Sunday) at 7 00 A M Erie Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) nt 3 IS " J.rio Jluil J rum leaves sunsury daily (except Sunday,) at 3 M V II. SOUTHWARD. Hail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) leaves llarrisburg 9 20 A. M 1 45 P. M, arrives at Sunbury, 4 21 Xlmira Express Train leaves' Baltimort 10 00 P. M " arrives at llarrisburg. 2 20 A M. " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday), 2 40 A.M. " arrives ut Suubury. 5 15 " Erie Express Train leaves Bulliruora daily (except Sunduys) at CO P M cava uarruburg daily (except Sun day at 1 20 A M " arrive at Sunbury at 3 50 llarrisburg Aoooiniuodution leaves Harris- burg, daily (except Sunday) at J 50 P M " arrives at llarrisburg. 7 45PM ounbury Accommodation leaves llarris burg daily (axcept Sunday) at . 4 2S P M trie -Mkii iruin leaves Hurruburg daily (except Sun liys) at 12 00 P M. The hri Express and Erie Mall Trains are through trains tn and from Erie and all intermedial poinu. Mint and Express trains run through to . i'r further information aprT at tha Oflioa. 1. X. DuBAKRY Uen. Supt. 3S65. October 1 1 IMiilntlcIpliiit A Trie nallroad. mats great line traver- thei-orlbornand North j. we couuuei oi rouiufjv-.nia to tbo oity of Erie It has been leased by tho PenM7lyui Railroad wtxpaiiy novj wvpuiaiiu uj mum. Tiaie oi Paaienger truineat Sunbury, Leave ivutt ward. Erie Mail Train, S 4o m Kria Kxprrat Train, -llUab' Klmira Express Trtin, II. 80 p in Lluiira Mail Train. 10 ij m. Leave Westward. T.tlo Mail Train, 8 8S a m. Kria Exprost Train, . 8.30 p m. Kl-nlra Express Tram, .'' 20 am Klmira Mail Train, 4 Jj p. ra. Patsengor ears run throogh on the Erie Mail and i:?!!'?. , fin i',ho change both woe butweea Philadelphia aud Erie. iew York Connection. Leave N.w York at T OO p in, arrive at 1'rie J.40 a. m. Leave trie at 2.0 p m.,arriva at New lork 14, noon. No change of enri betwecu Eri and New York elegant Sleeping Cur ou all Night train. . ' For information reepijctinjf Passenger business apply at Cor. SuUi and Market St., Philadelphia. And for Freight busineas of the Company t Agents, s . ,Km,",jn. J' Vur. IMh au4 Market St., Philadelphia, ' J. W. Heynelda, Erie. WUliaa Brown, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimor. 11. U. Uocitow, Oen'l Freight AgLPUtlada. J. f . UWIMUKIt. CUa'l Manager, WailaaitDort. t , MM THE PKCTOItAli Will Cure Youf Cough. yi&SS0 ... T II K I IKE N I X Or enmnntind Pvrnn t.f Wild CherrT hui lUtt cure tho Diseasis of tho THROAT AND LCNU.S Sneh as Colds, Coughs, Cn-np. Asthma, Ilronchltiai Catarrh. Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, .to. lis timely ue "HI prevent Pulmonary Con sumption, and even whore this fearful disease hat taken hold It will afford greator relief than any other tncdiein. This Poctornl Is mado from Wild Cherry Bark and feiiekn Siinku Root. ! . Its CiiiiKisitionisan5jlent gunrnnteeof its niuc. Dr. tieo. H. Wmnl, Professor of the Praetlre of Medicine in tho I niversity of Pennsylvania, Physi cinn to the Pciinsylvnnin Jlospitul and one of the aulho's of the I'niled States Dispensatory, says of Wild Cherry lliirk ' It is among the most vnluiiblo of our indigenous remedies, uniting with a tunie pnw er the property of claiming irritation nnd diminish ing nervous excitability.'' 1 The same distinguished physician and author says lr. tho same work, 't'encka Snake Root is a stimula ting expectorant. Its action is especially directed to the lnngs. Jt is peculiarly useful in elironio cn tirrh affections and the secondary stages of croup." For want of space we cannot publish nil the testi monials in our jwssessir.n, but we give two: PiKKMXvai.K, April 1st, 18(54. This i locerliiy Unit I have sold hundreds of bot tlesol Dr. ObcilHdt.cr's l'lnctilx Pectoral or Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Sencka Snake Root and I bnve yet to Und a single individual wko hat usrd IK who does not bear teetimouy of its wonderful effects iu curing cutighs. Signed, Jacob Puweks. IIali.St. I'HiKNvii.t.B; Jan. U. 'iSM. I most oheerfuily boar tcsiiumny Ur the . value of the '-Phoenix Pectoral or Compound Hyrupof Wild Cherry and Sencka Snake Hoot. 1 Before using it 1 h.'.ii been suflering with n tickling in my throat and tight couch, for more than two yours, nnd had taken various other medicines with no relief. At .soon as I li.gan toi.soDr Oberholtier't medicine tho irritn tion iu my throat wan allayed and in n few weeks I was entirely cured. t '.' ' I have nl'so iriven it to mv liftlo cirl. for a Crounv coufh. with the happitst cCeots. Signed, Joseph Likkxi. Pottstowx, .Tnn. 3d, IRoJ. Thir certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pocto rnl in my family, and 1 rceommend it to the pnblio ns the very best romedy tor Cough and Culdt '.hat I hare ever tried. One of my children 9 as taken with a eold accompanied with a Crimpy cough; so bail indeed that it could not talk nnd scarcely hrealhc. Having heard so much said anout the Phoenix Pectoral I procurod a bottle of it. Th first dose iclicved the difficulty of breathing and before tho child had tuken onc-lourlh of tho bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have it in the bouse. Signed, V. V CROSBY. The proprietor of this medicine has so much conn, deucein its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who hnve used it, that the money will bo refunded to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its ctlects. It is to pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only Thirty-five Cents, It is intended fur only ono class of diseasos, namely those of tho Throat and Lungs. -Jjf-Preparod only by idt. i uukmi'-ii, i r.R. m. v.. I'licnixville. Pa. Jounston, IIoli.oway ACow ulk. A'o S3, A'orth Sixth street, Philadelphia, Ueueral Wholesulo Agent. Solo by George Blight, nnd T.. A. Fisher, Drug gUls. Suubury ; Wis. Chcrriugton, Druggist at Sua mokin. N B. If yonr nenrejt druggist or itorckccpcr does not keep this medicine do not let him put you off with sum other medicine, because ho makes more money on it, but seud at once to one of the agents for it June 10, 1865 flm$ EtHEUEIATIC D? LELAND.Sfv PEnilAKENTLT Cl'RCS RIIETMATI8M! In nil list Varloiisi farms. Acute or Inflammatory ; Chronic, Lumbago, Sciati ca, I'lcurodync, 4e. Stiffness of the Joints and Cramps Oout, Neuralgia and all Nervous Affections Eryspclns, Salt Rheum end Scrofulous Eruptions of tho body Neulruiiiet the Impurities of the Blood and Fluids of the whole ystein, and equalises their circulation ; and eflectu- ny counteracts Jiercurini ana otber poisonous inliu nces. It is n conveniently arranged Holt, con taining a Medicated Compound, to bo worn around the body, ubout tbo waist, Equally Effecting all Parts, wherever the disease may be. It chn bo worn without injury to the most delicate person, and no change in the proper habitfof living it required. It en tirely removes the ditcaso tmm the system, without the use of powerful internal medi cines, which weak At the constitution and give temporary relief only by ttuplfying the system, aud deadening iu vitality. 'By this treatment, the medicinal properties contain ed in the BAND, being of a highly arornaiie end volatile nature, and capable of being readily obsorbed, through tho pores of tho (kin. come into direct contact w ith the Blood and general circulutiun. without first having to pass through the stomach, which would tend not only to detruct frum their eirntive powers, but to impuir the iutcrnul organs and derange the digestiou also, thus avoiding the injurious effects, so often the result of internal remedies, and effecting a perfect cure by pu rifving and equalising tho circulation of the vital fluids aud restoring the parts affected to healthy condition. This Band is also most rnwerlul "Anli-Mcrourinl Agett' Calomel am the primary cause of a large part of the Stillness, Neuralgic Pnius aud Rheuma tics, so prevalent and will entirely relieve the system from itt pernicious effect! re moving all blotches and pimples from the body and beautifying the complexion. Moderate cases nre cured in a few dayt. and s, nre constantly receiving undoubted testimonials to which we invite inspection at our office of their effi- oaoy in aggravated owes of long standing. rnivc ri t x. dull.uis, aiay b had of Drug gist. oiwill be sent by mail upon receipt of Ji 2j, or byjexpress everywhere, with all necessary instruc tions trout ine principal omee ot OfcO. h. BKOHMNO, Bole Proprietor and Manufacturer, of the Celebrated Bkowmno's Excelkioh CorrEK. Not. 18 and 20 Market street, Camden, N. J., IV'Treatise. with certified testimonials, seut free (-Adapted to Soldiers, tept. 2, leCj.tJin ICrudiug: KSuilrood. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. July 20th, 1805. nREAT TULNK LINE from the North and VT North-West for PhiladelDbia. New York. Raul. ing. PotUville, Lebanon, Alleutown, Eoston, Ac. Trains leave HarrUburg for New-York, as Jul lows : 9.00, r 2a and 8.14 A. M. and 1.45 P. M., ar rivmg at New York at 10 A. M. aud S OU and 10 30 The above connect with similar trains on the Penn sylvania railroad, and Sleeping Cart accompany the fiinl two trains, without change. Leave for Reading, Potlsville, Tainaque, Miuert ville, Allenlown ud Pbiladelphia at 8.15 A. M.and 1.45 P. M., stupping at Lebauon aud principal sta tions only. i Way trains, ttsipu'ing at all points, at 7.25 A. M. and 40 P. M. Returning, l,veNew York at V.tiO a. .n.. it noon, and e.uu P. M ,: Philadelphia at e A. M. and .1..S0 p. M ; Potlsville at 8.15 A. M.aud 2 Si P. M. ; Ahland at 6 10 A. M. and 12 00 noon, mau.ua SUA. M.and 2.15 P. M, and Reading an O i, 7. -15 and 10.45 A. M., l.'tB and 6.05 P. M. a no '2'"? ABiixttKUtion Train leave Reading at P M ,c,urnio from Philadelphia at 5.00 i . I n .. . andiiiiA m"0" T"lM Seeding at 00 On t-uudays: Leave Vew Yrk at 8 V. M.. rbile atipuia o.i j i- . rousvn y.su t M Tin.oua f " i, , " '" " Reading at 1 A. at for Harruburg. Commutation, Mileage, Beann, ,ni Exenrtioa - m ' ' "- w mi4 null W aouit feO Pound Baggage allowed each PassenF(,r ' ' U. A. N1COLM, General Superiateadeu., July 10, 1865. EM'L TOILVERT. NOTARY yUBLIO, OfBee ia "Banbury Anerleaa" Building, bUNBCHY, PENN'A. Will tund to the Acknowledging of Deed. Mwt-1 gagot, Lelteriof Attorney. a., S. 77" AUo. u duly athorlted to tak acknowl.agmnU and administej oatbt oa application for If us. it. Vr&ZZTStiXZ"1' eIa.I-Xof Coldly PE.CTOK.VL . will UP DE GXlArr'S Eye and'Ear Infirinary, On the Square Three Doors from Steel't Hotel) WILKE8-BAHRB, PA. : frWIS INSTITUTION Is riW'oen' ami furnished J. in the most costly stvlo. Reception, 1'rivato nnd Operating Rooms ate large and convenient and well atlanted. The Sargical apartment contains the fines! collection of instruments in thit country, and thus hit faculties will enahlo him to meet any and nil emergoncict in practice II rill opcrnto upon the vnrioas forms of BLINDNESS. Cataract, Oeolnon of the Pupil, Cross Eyes, Closiire of the Tear Ducts, Inversion of tho Eyelids. Pterygium, . Ac, Ac, And will treat all forms of Sore Eyes-, (Iranalerl Lids. Opacotief of the Cornea, nnd , Scrofulous aiseasoa of tha Eye, together with all tho disensea tot whioh the oye Is subject. DEAFNESS Will treat all the diseases common to the organ. Discharges from the Ear, Noises in the Ear. Cnlnrrh, difficulties of hearing total Deafness, even where tho Drum ia destroyed. Will insert an artificial one, auswering nearly all the purposes of the nntnrnl. DISEASES OP THE THROAT. All diseases Common to the Throat nnd Nose will lie treated GENERAL Sl'RUERY. Ho will operate upon Club-feet, Hnir Lip, Cleft Pallate, Tmnors, Cancers, Enlarged Toncilt. A.. Plastic oporntlont by beiiling now flesh into deformed parts, and lioncrnl Surgery of whatever character It may present. HERNIA, (OR RUPTV'RE.)-IIo will perform "Lobius," operation for the radical, (complete.) cure of Hernia, this unquestionably a perfect ouro. nnd is done with little or no pnin. . Out of the many hun dred operated upon in Boston thore has been no fail ures, it having uiot he approbation of all who have submitted te it. ARTIFICIAL ETES. Will Insert artificial eyes, giving thcin the motion and expression of the natu ral. They nre inserted without tho least pnin. HEMORRHOID, (PILES.) This trouulosomo dl sease is readily cured. Tboso suileriug lioiu it will do well to call. . Dn. Vp De UnAir visits Wilkes-Tlarrc with a yiew of building up a permanent Institute for the treatment of tho Eye. Ear, and Oeneral forgery . tt experience cf mcro than n qnarter of a century, in Hospital and general practice, he hopes, will be a sufficient guarantee to tnoto who may be disposed to euiflcj him. ,--, January 14, IPCS.ly (aK0CmtIES!GU0W:KIES! Mrs. SARAH A. SIMPSON, Whurtldicny Htnet, fid of tie X. C. Ji. Jl SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY Inlormt her Irici.ds and the 1 liblio generally, that she has just opened a large assortment of FRESH airooci-lcw, such as TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS SES, FISH, SALT, -&0. Pure Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jars. (Jlassware, and a variety of Ladies' Trimmings, Farm, Thread Neck. Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites nil to examine before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, June. 17 1305. 6iu . , AMBROTYPE 1 AND PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Over J. llowen's Storo, corner Market 4 Fawn Sts. STJNBTJR 5T, PV., s. BYEP.LY. informs his friends nnd the publie generally, that he is taking Portraits in the best stylo aud manner at his tlallery in the above place. AMBROTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, are taken in every style of the Art, that cannot be surpassed in the State. Huving several year's expo rienei, he will give satisfaction or no ohnrge. Copies will be taken from all styles of Pictures. Give him a call. Remember, over Bowen's storo Sunbury, June 17, J885. PACirir"HOTS3L 170, 173. 174 & 170 Ghekswich St., 'One Square west ol Didnny.) Between Courtlnndt and Dcy Streets, H.w York. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Propretor. The Paciric Hotkl it wull and widely known to tho traveling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants nnd business men , it is in close Eroximity to the business part of the City is on the ighway of Southern and Western travel and adja cent to all tbo principal Ruilroud and Steamboat depots. The Pacific hat liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnished and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and ettrrlain mcnt of iu inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt aud respectful ; and the tablo is generously provided with every delicacy of tho season. The subscriber, who, for the past few years, lias been the lessee, is now tola proprietor, and intends to indentify himself thoroughly with the interest! of his house. With long expericneo as a hotel-keeper, he truEf. by moderate charges nnd a liberal polky, tn maintain tho fuvorable reputation of the Pacino Hotel. JOHN PATTEN, Jr. Scptember9. 1 805 ly UMliDWEiTofELT"' Opposite the K. Y. Ji NEW HAVEN A WESTERN R. R. Dki-ot BEACH STItEET, BOSTON. By F.M.PRATT, iormcity nf tho American House. May 13, 1865 ly Prexrriptloiin irefully compounded of the best DRU'QS at bi . Mninaaoih Store of JNO. FRILl.NU A SON. SuLbaryMnyJOv. U i. BEST WHITE LEAD! Hi: NT XIX ! PU11E LIBEUTY LEAD, Uimpprcssed for Whitening, Fine Qluse, Durubility Firmnest and Evenness of Surface. PURE LinEJITV LEAD-Wnrranted to cover more surface for tamo weight than any other Lead Try t'r mid yi'ii will hare no other t PURE LIHETY ZINC, Selected Zinc, ground in K tuned Linseed Oil, uu equaled in quality, always the tame. PURE LIBERTY ZINC. nrronteu to do more aud better work at a given cost man any otner Get the Jicst! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT 1 COLOll W0Kli.S. Orders executed promptly by ZIEQLEK Sc QIVIITEi, Wholesale Drug, J'aiut and Ghi.it JJcaUrt. CjT Store Ji Office. No 1.17 North THIRD Street nilLAi)tt.I'lIlA. March 4, 1805. ly. OLD EYES MADE NEW. PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore tight and eivr up sncetartei. without aid of doctor or medicine. Kent by luuil, free, on receipt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D. February i, lS6i 6m F you ant rood Tln.Ware, go to (IK NT IER S New Shop. SMITH A dr 8. O. W. Z1KGI.ER. u. n. CASK SIEGLEU & CASE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SCSBIRY, PENXSVLVASIA. Collections aud all Professional business nromt.tU atteuded to in the Court of Northumberland and adjoining Counties. LrAlto, special attention pnid to the Collection of Pensions, iiountie and Back Pay for Widow Orphans and Soldiers runbury, March 18, 188j "WHOTOQRAPlfOALXERY JT. II. I'HsiUlM:. would rMneetfull in. form th citueni of Sl.SliLRV. and th public generally, that be baa opeued a new, PHOTOQRAPH GALLSItY. In Simpson's Building, South tide of Market Square, where he it prepared to take in the belt stvle of ihe art PICTURES TO FRAME. PICTURES IN CASES, . CARD P110THJRAP113, Also Picture made for Rings, Breastpin, I-ockets, Ao. Parens wwbinr in our line will An .ll ,n fln and examine specimens at the Gallery. n nope to uvru a liberal share of publio patron, age. Ova Murro it to Pi.aata. Sunbury, July 15, iBuj. IIA.K OP OltTUI 1IIU:iCI..4I, Wlir-ltKAH the Auditor (leaeral at required by the 11th Section orthe Aot, entitled ' An Aol enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to boeom Atsociutioni for tb purpoM of bankinc under ik. lawt of tho Lmted State." passed an tb 22d dcy of August A l 16M, baa eertifled to sii that the nana oi nonnumoenana," looated in the liorougb ef Sunbury, Northumberland county, boa r,,rni.l...l ailrfuotory rrideuoe to him that all the requirement of said Aol have been complied with by Ike laid uoua, ana that it ba baooine an association for tho SuivM anaartne iawiol th toiled i I "."."''''"a, etuita tha iwUo Uianof to b pub. lisbed in acoord.no with tb prol.kuo ut tb oaii ii tua.ii i the said Act, an do deolor Oust the Charter ol U taid Bank by lie l.rm of aid Aet, i doeiaed and takea to be bareuposi wrreadarad tub. Jw wuie yivrtMuu oi in ant svetiou t i4 aet p. .i W'i A. i. CI KTiN, Ueeerttor. Exeeative Chamber, I . . .Uwriibvg, Aog Ha, lbdi. I i SCHENCK'S HI AND It A KE P ILLS FOR ,...,.. . . SICK HEADAOHE, ... ; ' Its) Klsnpfoitrt Cattue nnd Cure. Tins bat received Itt name from a constant nausea or sicVneet ai the stomach, which attaols th pain in he hoad. Thit headache It apt to begin in tha morning on waking from a deep sleep, and when tonic Irregularity of diet bat been committed on the day before, or sometimes for several days previous. At lint there is a dittretsingly oppressive feeling In tho bead, which gradually merges into Sever heavy pain la tha leniploe, freqniitlyttended by a tense of fullness and tendtrneta in on eye, and ex sending acres the forehead. There it a clammy, un pleasant fnste In tb month, an offensive breath, and be tongue covered with a yellowish white fur. 'The sufferer desires to ba alone in the dark room. At soon at the patient feel the fullness tn the bead and pnin in the temples, take a large dose of Sebcnke'l Mnndrnke Pills, nnd In an honr or two they will feel as well as well at ever. This has been tried by thou lands, and Is always lure to cure, and instead of the tick headaohe coming on every week or ten days, hey will not be troubled with it once In three month!. " " ' " " .'.'.' ' ; J: Schenek't Mandrake Pills are composed of a lum ber of roots besides Podophlnin, or concentrated Mnndrnke all of which tend to relax tho secretions of the liver, and act more prompt than blue pillt or mcroury, and without leaving any dangerous tffettt In n bilions person they wlllsbow themselves by th stools. They wHI expel worms, mneus, bile ami all morbid matter from the system. In sick licadacbel If they are taken-at directed abvovo, (a full dose, at soon ns they feel the first symptoms of it Dr. Schenck will and bat directed hit agents to return the money if they do not gfve perfeot tatlsfaotion. If a person has been compelled tottny out late at night and drink Ico much wine, by taking a dose of pillt oa going to bed, sen morning he will feel at though he had not drank a drop, unless be forgets to go to bed at all. They only cost 25 cents a box. Whoever takot them will never use any other. They are worth a dollar to a tick man for every cent they cost. Dont forget the name Scsxxcx'i Mandiakk Pir.Lt. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Schenck'a Princl pal Offioe, No. 15. North Sixth street, Philadelphia and by Druggists nnd Storekeeper generally. Price for Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, each 71 50 per bottle. $7 50 the half doten, or two bot tles of Syrup and one of Tonic, fur ti 75. Dr. Scbenck will be at hit office. No, 15 North Sixth Street. Philadelphia, every Saturday to See patient!. II inaket no obarge for advice, but. for a through examination of th lungs with nil Respiro nieter, he charge! $3. March la 1815. Wistafs Balsam V7 I I D CHERRY aneof the oldest and most reliable remodiet in tho world for Coughs. Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis. Diffi culty of Breathing, Anthmn, ilaarsnuess, Sore Throat, Croup, and every Affection of THE THROAT, LL'NtiS AMD CHEST, including even CONSUMPTION V.lSTAIl'8 BALSAM OF WILD CUERRV. So general kas the use of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it it unnecessary to ' recount in virtues . lit worktspeakt for it, and find utterance in tho abundant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering and settled dl- sense have by its use been rostnrcd to pristine viuar ' and health. Wecan present a mass of evidenee in proof of our assertion, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED-. j XIic Iter. Ju'ol Hftltlcr. j Well known and much retpeetcd among the derma population iu this country, makes the following ttate mcnt for the benefit of the afflicted : IUNOVElt.Pa., Feb 15, 1849. Dear Sir : Ilavinz realised iu lnv family impor tant bencfitt from the use or your vol uablt prepara tion Wistar'i Balsam of Wild Chevy it affords me nluaoireto recommend it te the public. Some tight years agooueof my duugliters secintd to be in a de cline, and little hopes of her recovery were enter- j tained. 1 then procureu a oouie oi your fxceneni Balsam, and before she hod laken tho whole of the ! ccmicwtji r ik bottle t i re " s," irT t in her health. 1 have, l:i n y individual cat, made frequent use of your v I. ml c medicine, nnd have ' JACOB SECULER. Binith, E:q., red ent ol the Morris County Bank, Murristvwn, New Jersey. "Having used Dr. Wistar'i Balsam of Wild Che-ry for about fifteen yean, nnd having realised itt bene ficial results in my family, it affords me great plea sure in recommending it to the public at a valuable remedy it cases of weak lungs, colds, coughs, Ae., and a remedy which I consider to be entirely inno cent, and may be taken with perfect safety by tbo most delicate in health." From Hon. John S. Smith, A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster, lid. I have on several occasion! used Dr. Wistar'i Bal aam of Wild Cherry for severe colds, and aluayt with decided benefit. I know of no preparation that u more elacacioui or nioio deserving ol general use. ine uaisam nas also been usoa nun excellent eneci by J. 11. Elliott, Merchant, Hall s Croat lUadt, Aid. Wiitak'i Balsam or Wn.n CHKimr. None genuioo unless signed ' I- lil'TTS," oa the wrapper. P. DINSMORE, No. 401 Broadway. New York. S. W. I'OW Lb A CO., Proprietors, Boston. Aud by ait iirugguu. UEDDINO'S RUSSIA SALVE Heals Old Sores. REDiaXQ'S RVSSIA SALVE Cures Burnt, Scalds, Cut. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Curat Wounds, Bruitet, Sprains. IiEDDIXQ'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cauoert. BEDDING'S RUSSIA BALVB : Cures Salt Rheum, Piles, Eryiipelu. BEDDING'S BUSSIA SALVS Cure Ringworm, Corn, Ac, to. NO FAMILY SHOULD EE WITHOUT IT. tjrOnly 2i CeuU a Bo .! ron ialb ar J P. DINSMORE, No. 41 Broadway, N. T. 6. W. FOWLE A CO. No. Id Tresnomit., Boston. And by all DruggisU and Country Storckecpr. Deo ii Ikii. TO CONSUMERS OF ,TUII undersigned dealer la Coal from the follow X ing wall known Collierie it prepared to receive orderi fer the tain at th Lowest Market Ratet, via,: MOKDECAl'S DIAMOND MINES GRAY'S u PAUIUSU & GO'S " CONSOLIDATED GO'S " X li alat ) repared t nrnisa th Ualtianore Cw'a tVlcbratex Cm), ' Lump aiul Prtpartd. On lb R t f lb Saiquehaaaa River and Havr tie Urao. L'l baiwad arraugVment for the beat FITTSTOXT AND rLYMOOTH COALS Which h prparittto deliver on board Boat at Northen ttifand, oi by Cars over Northera Central Railroad tad oa th line or tha Philadelphia and trie Ralltcid, oa Ui beat Urtn. H i prsiared to f II all Ordor with despatch, axd HwpeeUull auUcil crdars fna tb Trad. iddreat JOHN MeFARLAND. T AaU ft, Mi. . W(Nnaajwiaa4, fas is " - x FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Foa'Nen-ttettatloa er Ineontiatne ef Crla. tnflaauaa Uea er Ulctratlea ef th Bladder or Kiaatri, Dlstasti f Ik Pmtnx OlaBtf, Ofavel, Brick Distt Dstlu, Dropsi cal gwaillats, Org aal Tftslum, PsalUsjv Fsatal Cav platan, to. , , . T HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU an Improved. Hose Wash Will radically exterminate frost lb sritem Dlsaa arlt Inx I ma llaklu of Dlsslpatlu, at littl scpiius. Mil r ft clan; rfbt, no fnontxaitac or mponrt; easapMeljr apTMdlnf tbu aptMaaal mnt danftremt rtmtdUt, Copaiia ana Jfitrnry, tn eorlai tbti alts a M. USE HELMBOLD'S FlUtO EXTRACT 8UCHU la all Dlteaiei f tb Urinary Organ, whether xlttlo( In mti er rune, from wAatsesr caw originating, and nmatttrontttonffttandnff. Itt pleasant lnltittit and odor, IMMEDIATE la aclloe, and mors itrtngthnlng than any of th preparations of J! irk or Iron. Those mffsrlnj from Broktn Down or Dtlicati Conttl tuttmt, proenrt Vio Rmtdy at onct. ' Th Deader mast be awar that howtvsr sllh may b tb attack of th above diss as ts, It I mrtala to afcet hit Htxtlly Healtk, iftntat povnr and Papplnou. It no treatment Is subadttsd t, Coatuspttoa r tataalty axay asa.- All tb above dlstucs require th all ef a dloroUe. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU I tb Great Xiurtio. . .. HELMBOLD'S tuaoxv OoaOKVTIUTD) Compound Fluid Extract Sartaparilla. Vet partfylng the Me4, tctaartaf atl dlat arlslag from let and lawsuita In Mf, ehronlo conttltullonal dU easel arlslof freta an laipar ttat ef th Mood, and th eul reliable and Seetal kaeoa remedy for th car ef Icrorula, Scald Head, Ball tlbeum. Paint and SwtUing ef th Bonn, CleeraUons of lb Threat and Left, Blotches, Puaelts oa tk Pace, Tetter, Eryttytlai, and aU tealy erup II tot of the tkia, tad beaatlflag th ewruzjea. NOT A PEW Of the went disorder that afflict mankind arise from the atrratittea that ae emulates la the Blood. Of all the duv verlet that bay beeo made to purge It oat, none can equal la tfTset IISlXTtOlVS COJtPO UKD EXTRA CI OrSAItSAPJUriLA. It cleanses and reaovatu la Dlood, Instlllttht ylgor of health Into the system, and parget ent th hamort which mak disease. It stimulate th healthy funttlent of th body, and expels tb disorder that grew and rankle In th Diced. Such a remedy, that vetald b relied oa, hat lent been oM for, and new, for the Brst time, th publl bay one on which they eaa de pend. Our space her doet not admit of eertlQcate te show Its effects, bnt the trial of a slnjle bottle will thew to ft sick that it hat virtues surpassing anything they bar ever taken. Two tablespoensful ef the Extract of Sartaparilla, added to a pint of water, Is equal to th Lisbon Diet Drink, and nt bottle It equal to a (alien of the Syrup of Sarsaparllla, er the aececllea at usually made. The abov Cxtraclt ar preptrsd en purely scientific principles tn Piieae and embody the full ttreacth el th Inxredleati Mterlnj lot their composition, A ready and tenelattve test will be a comparison ef their proper ties with taos let forth In th C. 8. Dispensatory. HOW TO U$E THE REISEDIES Ia Disease ef th Bleed, Humors en th Face, er aar and very r'' ot lao bedy, us Extract Sarsaparllla, op. PlWC Is P111 ! rr.. -- - the Improved T.os Wash. Cis th Extract Bucha for all diseases requiring the aid of a Diuretic, except thoto of the Urinary Orcant, such as Gonorrhoea and Gleet; ia these tut tit Extract Bucha and inject with th Improved Rose Wash. CaT" TRESS EXTRACTS I1ATE BEE ADMITTED TO C3B IX Tnt UNITED STATES ARMY, and also ar la very general at la all tb STATE HOSPITALS AND i FC3L10 INSTITUTIONS threagbout th Itad, at well tt la prlvat practice, tad ar eonirjsrld ai Inralaakl remedies. MEDICINE DZLlYKUtD TO AST ADDMXSS. wt letters to niLMDOLD'S taco) a enswcii, WARKnoCSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, 08 TO HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phil. Dutribt Symptom all Communication. SOLD BY AU DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits I April 22, 136J-ly. m9 9 (ttte I1ERR S HOTEL,) Corner Market and 3d Streets, HARRI6BURG, PA. THE attention of the public is respectfully called 10 mis iiotei wuicn it now open lor tne accommoda. tion of guests. In the put five month during which time it nat been oloatd the house baa been thorough ly remodeled and repaired, until in point of conveni ence and comfort, itt patrons will Dud it to own no tapcrior. Tlae I'nrnllnre Itatlrely IVciv. Rooms larger than are usually found in modern hotels. Situated on the corner of Iwo principal business streets of the city .but two aud a half squares from the Rail Road Depot. Tb proprietor determined to pare no expense ia securing the comfort of bit guests and a favorable reputation for the establishment, he fcelt willing to trust itt character to the judg stent of bit patron. HEXRT THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21,184. J. XI. HXLBUSH, CotiBtjr Narvryor, Cots vcy unrrr AND JUSTICE OF THE PEA CE, ifalumotf, Jfortlmmljerland County; Penn'a Office io Jackson township. Engagements can be made by letter, directed to the akoveaddres. All business entrusted to hi care, will be promptly attended to. , ' April 22, 185.-ly FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE tubacriber ratpetfully in fer ml the publie that be keep constantly on band at bia new WAREHOUSE, near tha Shamokia Valley Railroad Depot, ia bUNHURY, Flour by the battel aad sacks of all kind ef Feed by the ton . Tb above ia all manufactured at hi ewa Mills, aud will be told at tb lowest cash prior. J at. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, June 4, 1644. . b. a. aoBiir, At4x-tey mmd 4?ettaiacllr n( Ijiw, BOON VILLE, COOPER OO, MISSOURI. WILL pa taxej pa landt ia aay part of th But. Bay aad oil ral Estate, and all other aiaiian eatruttcl te baa wiJl reoeivt prosapt attea ttoa. ' i ; , T 'i , . . . ' i , , Jalyi, 1863.-octl3,"M. ',' KKW coai. Finn. rpilB partnership of Grant A Diet having keen X diatolved. Tb aadtrsigned bay entered into Sartnerabip in tha Wholesale and Retail Coal and hipping Businee aadar tit firm nam of GRANT A BROTHER,' Thaultful for th patronag extended to at tn tb late Arm, of frillpg A (Irani, and Gram 4 Diet respectively, w reaiawtfuRjr tolicit a ooUauaw 0ll4)ataM." W. T.4IRANT, , T. P OftAKT. -. W A3K FOR HELMBOLD'S. A ss. Take no other. THE RED LION HOTEL. . (La('Mr,BonHoa'.) . ' MAHKBT STREET, BUNBtjllt. PA. JULIUS AIlBXTEXl. HAS Uken thtl old and wall koewa ataad, Bad rttud and furnished th earn it prepared to accommodate Boarder) and Traveler! with th beat tb market can afford. He hopes by strlot attention to bniiaees to reeetv share of public patronage. . xiia JiAKLkeontaintb best th Bukt afloMi. Hit Bar is filled with the choicest of Liquors, both Malt and Pmritueul. , Th stabling tt good, and attended by rarfal OstUiw. ' . - ..... .., ,' ' Sunbury, April 30, 186. lyw i . , i Attoraaoy meel Cotinarllor nt IaiMr, OfBee oa tonth tide of Market street, four doors west , of . i. Bright a Son t Store, SUNBURY, T A. , Will attend promptly to all professional basinets entrusted to bit care, the collection oi claims In Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Hunbury, May 33, IMS. ly . i TO THE ' MUSICAL PUBLIC. riAHK eubscriber 20 yean a praotical Piano Forte X Manufacturer, of New York City, bat perma nently located in thit toctlon, and would rctpeotfully telieit order for TUNI50, BEPAIRIITO. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MELODEONS. Tb lubsoTtber it alto th mtnufacturer't Agent for CHICKKRINO ABOS'S, 1IAZLKTON BRO S.. 1.INDEM AN A RON'S.. WILLIAM It. HRADHURY'8, KDrt AHD RLWOMCIELD'S, McDonald a co s, IIV0 FORTF.R, And Carhart A Needham't. and Pcloubet't MELODON3 ft HARMONIUMS, And L. V. Stuarl't Pip CHLUCIl ORGANS james Mcdonald." Bloonisburg, Pa., April 29, 1865. II. II. MANNER. Altorney nt l.nw, SUNBURY, PA. Collections attended to tn the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. arrxnxHcu. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. Outtell A Co.. Hon. Win. A. Porter. " Morton McMichnel, Esq.,' " i ' : E. Ketchara A Co , 288 Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashmend. Attorney at Law, " Mntthews A Cux, Attorneyi at Law, " Sunbury. March 2V, 1882. CI I' T K K I' ST' IMPERIAL n IJIjotograpIj Galleries, Not. 70'2, TOt and TOO ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 17, IS64 -oin FROM WASHINGTON. LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TUB FOTJNDR "ST, of E.0HIa3ACE & COCPER, STJ-NBTTH-Sr. PENN'A. Oct the Best Oct the Cheapets Got the most Eco nomical, which can bo bad at the Rolirbnch Foundry iinvnig mrge asaorimcni oi me most approved STOVES, such as Cooking. roriiir, umeo anu Miop Stoves, which will be told at the lowest rates. Also, Kettles ol all sites. Pan. Skillets. Ac. -Ittpwr also fnnmifHMurtno M,i.tiln PI....-1.. Costings. Ac, at short notice. - Repairing all kind of Agricultural Implements dono in a good workmanlike manner and at the ttiortcst not loo 1 mj'i1ILvAJm ",peet I RollRBACH A COOPER. j ly Old Iron, and all klndt of Produce laken in I Exchange for work I SjiUiiirj'. -''IT- '" """ " BREAD t BREAD 1 f BREAD I ! ! NEW BAKERY. THE undersigned bas opened a Bakery, on Market ttrect, Sunbury. Pa., two doors west of the Post Offioe, where he will keep constantly on band, I'r-li Ureas, TwIt-Koll, llnki, and TEA-Bl'NNS. All kinds of FA'CV CAKES. Common Cakes, Preltelt. Ac. PicNie Parties. eddines and Funerals, will b supplied at th shortest notice. A good assort men t will be kept up at all times, manufactured out of the best material, and orders will be promptly attended to. lie trust that his friendt and the Vublie generally will lustain him in thit new enterprise, now greatly needed in Sunbury. lie trusts bia mpe.rUne in the business will ena ble him togive general tatitlaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, April 2, lS6i. MILLINERY GOODS, AND i'A.rv .oTio.-a jt Tiim.mcis MISS Is. 8HI88LER, At the new (tend, tn Market Square, SUNBURY, HAVE just received from Philadelphia the latest and most fashionable styles nf Millinery (Joods, tueh as llonnets. Hats. Silks. Ribbons and Laces, Seorft, Ilnsirry and Gloves. Skeleton Skirts, Flowers, Head Dresses A Nets, Old Ladies' Caps, Shawls, Silk, Ae. Black Crape aad Lace Veils, Crape and Linen Col lars. Dress Trimmings and Buttons, Coiseta, Zsphyrs, Cotton Vara, Soap and Perfumery. Uttgle Trimmlnps, Hair Pint) und Combe). Gents' Linen and Paper Collars, Neckties, A. Flags, Picture Tatreli and Cords. Parasols, Ladies' Satchels, Fans, Ac. Photographs. of President Lincoln, handsomely frtiaed. Thankful for past patronage I bop byttilet at tcnlion to business to continue the same. L. SHISSI.ER. Sunbury, May 1.1. 1S6S WALLPAR! J. W. FRILING A SON, retpactfully announce tbat tbey have just received and opened a very deti rable assortment ef WALL PAPER and BORDER which tbey -ill dispoof at very reasonable prices Remember tbo place, Mammoth Store, Market Square, Sunbury, May 20, 1S6S. ice cream Iezehs. A New fupply of Mania' Fiva-Mnpya Faix J. xx, received from New York, for sal by a nbury , My 21 ,14 II. B. M A8SER. I.uckatTnnxta A BlaamaburE Kail road. ON and after Jan. loth, 1664, Pauangw Train will run as follows : - MOVING SOCTU. Passenger. Leave Soranton, 4.20 P. M. Kingston, 6 44 Bloonisburg : 8.24 " Rupert, . 0 34 Danville. 9 1 Arrive at Northumberland, 9.ii ,t : I .MOVING NOllTUJ. . Leave Northemberland, 8 OO A. M " Danville, 8 4 " Rupert, " 80 " Cloomsburg, t.ii Kingston, 12 II P.M. Arrive at Seranteei, I SO Freight A Passenger leaves Bloamsbarc. 18.11 A. M. Passengers takirg the Mail Traio South conneet with the Exprectrain from Nortbnmberland, arriy. ins at Ilarri.Mrg, at I. SO A. M., Baltimore 7.08 A. M , and alf biladelpbia, at TOO A. M. Tbo Mail train freer Northumberland leai-es immediately after the etrxel of th Exprees traia from llarrisburg and Baltinore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia nt M. 40 P. M , to reach point oa tbi road during t next foreiHioo. - - v New aad lrgan SUping ear aanoaipaiiy tb night trains each way between Nortkuaiberlaad aad BalUoiora, aod Net Ihuaikerlaod aud Philadelphia. D. T. BOUND, Supt. I. K. BTAVFPEH. WATCHA4AKEB JiXWUlAX. ' Ne! 148 North SECOND ttreet, aoract of Waarry. ... , Pbiladelfhia. . A at ortmm4 mt Watche), Jew Irr 8tllTr V Plaited Ware constantly band, BulUid for U0L1DAT PRESENTS! I7-Rpiriag f Watch t aad Jvif7 protnptl atunded te. m : . L . Deeemeer 1, 1884 ly , , . ,-. -,vK n'- Th idant't Bxxr CotxtDavutr. GIYK KQTICK tba Uey kyw eoMlodwf . ranaemeatt with tb Nertbeta Central Rail road Company to raa trains from Baltimore or York, Harris bwg, Dawpbla. Barifax, Tratortoa, Saabnry,. Northumberland, Lewtaburs;, Miltra, Maney, Wil liamsport, and all intermediate ttatloa, aosaostint! at Harritburr Wltbr tha OtXAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, CkeeinnaU, St. Louil and th Atso with Tfoward A Cn''i Expreai at' Milton or Daayill. Blootntbarg, Wnketbarr, Pltttton, Bcrn too, and lalermediau autioa oa tba Cattawissa, Lackawanna A Bloomtburg Railroad). At Wil liamsport, by Howard Co.'i Exprel io Jersey fiber and Look Haven. Alas, by Howard A Co , and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to ail accessible point in Westtrn New York aad Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Note, Jewelry, aad Valuable Package of every doscrip- Also, Note, Draft and Bill for Collection. Experienced aad etHeient messengers emnlnvnd. and vry (fiort will be mad to render latiafaetion. JOHN RING HAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent fur Snnbnry. Aorili, 1862. - . . . IMS. Arrnneetncnta 1SOS. .'. .of Xevr York aMnca. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From PhiUHtlphia to If no Tort and Way Plant, from Walnut strut Wharf nnd Ktntington Depot, mil leavi a follow, fix : rxaa At ( A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation,) on "V " V V.1UU.UMO, jersey vilr, M. J., Accommodation, " ' At,.? A: M;. Ti Canld" Jerte City, (Morning Moil.) ' " AtA M ',vi cmdcn and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket ' At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jertey city. Express ' " At 12 M. via Camden and Amboy, C aad A. (Accommodation,) ' A' 5 P M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Exprots,) At 3 P. M.. via Kensington and Jertey City, Wash, and N. Y. Expreaa ' " At i P. M . via Kensington and Jersey City. (EveningMail,) ' " At H i P. SI. via Kensington and Jers.y city, Southern Mail. ' " 2 2S S 00 2 2i. I 09 25 oa I o i 00 i oo. I 09 At It (night) via Kensington and Jertty city Soutnern Exnress ' 1 ' At i P. M , via Camden and Anh ii.. modulion, Freight and Passenger, First Clot Tickot, in Second Class Ticket. i 25 For Water Uap , KtroudsburS, Scriuiton, Wilkes, barre, Montrote, Great Bend, Ae., at A Ai from Kensington, yi Delaware, Lackawanna and; Western Railroad. ForMauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Beli dere. Ration, Lambertville. Flemiugton, Ac, t5 a A. M., from Kensington Depot,' and at 2J P W. from Walnut street Wharf. (Tho 8 A. M. Line connects with Trains leaving Easton for Mnuch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M ) For Mount Holly, at C A. AI., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. AI WAY LINES. For Bristol, Tronton, Ac, at 11 A. M. and 21 aad 6 P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Rivcrtoo, Delaneo, Beverly, Bur lington, Flurenoe, Bordcntown, Ac, at 12, 1, 2, 41 ind 0 P. M. t:iT For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken suigion Depot, take the Cart on Fifth tlrect, above W alnut, half an hour before departure. Tho Can run into the Depot, and on tho arrival of each Train run from the Depot. Fifty Pound! of Baggag only, allowed east passenger. Passenger are prohibited from Ukini anything a baggag but their wearing apparel. AI baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. Th. Company limit their responsibility fr baggage t. One Dollnr per pound, and will not bo liable Van amount beyond $100, except by special contract. t 1T 1QV4I. U. allZMER, Agent. January IT, 3ti. , ... " M. C. UICAHIIAUT'aj " Confectionery, Toy anc F TJIT STOE, .tlnrkt-4 Street, Saaiburv, Ptt- CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCKHrTION FRUIT, etc., CONSTANTLY nr t,.-,- . foT. ' ' th DOT ..Mimtnl at wholesale aad retail, at rea i prices. He it manufacturing all kin?t of Confectioneri to keep npk full assortment which are told at Io ratet. Tobacco, 8egart, Stationery, Nut of all kinds, ar a variety of other articles, all of whioh ar otfert wholesale and retail. Ijr" Remember th nam and plae. Jl J . , , . , M. C. UEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west f E. Y. Bright A Sot tore. Sunbury. Sept. 1, 186.1. tf .tlANMDIflt PA'l'IiX II VE .nt: 1TE FnEEZEIt! As Improved for 1S54 ,n(j gg0i By K. KETCHAM A CO., 289 Pearl St., New Yor THE only Freeier constructed on scientific pn ciples. with a revolving eaa and spring bia temper. The one battent the freeiing of the croam the other removes it at fast a froten. The most rapid in freeiing, with the least quant: of Ice. The most eonomiel in cost, at it it th moat limi and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in Lnion. Eacli Freeier accompanied with a book of reci and full directions. PRICES. quart, oa 4 quarts, 4 0d 8 quarts, mi 8 quarts, 6 OQ 14 quarts, g n 20 quarts, jj oj ar t AfJ,l U- MAKER, Sunbury, Pa Mareh 29, 1H62. ' Geuroe ntLL, Smo.1 P. WoLvxar HILL tb WOLVERTON, Attoraieytiaaid OJouaaelora ot I .a Office, Market ttreet, eor. Centre Alley, BTJISTBTTRTr, 3? A.. WILL attend promptley to the collection ofcla and all other profeseional business inlruste their care ia Northumberland andadjoinin g ooun' Sunbury, January 23, 1862. lnternntlennl Hotel, 34i and 807 Brtadvoy, Corner Franllin St NEW YORK. rPHIS first olast House the most quiet, borne L and pleasant Hotel io the city ofiera supi.. indueementi to those visiting Vew York for buai or pleasure. It it central in itt location, and kei the EpuoraAM Ptaa. In eonnectlon with Tavl 8 a loo w, where refreshments can be had all hi or served in their own room. Tb charge are derate, the room and attendance of the first oni baths, and all the modern eonyinieneos attachei solomon malick7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUNBURV, Northumberland County. OFFICE ia East ead or Weaver Tavern, Ma Street. All business entrusted to him wi) be careful y fiunetually attended to. Consultation in the isb and German language!. Suubury, April 8. 1064. Tlae Complete, DeasblcvAellnff 84 Nrparattlngr CORN SHELLER PATENTED, Al'UriT Ind, 1664. rilUIS Sfaeller I lb only one tbat lb tils tho perfectly clean from the Cob when green, ed or dry. It rivet the Ear a double operati tb Shelling Wheel at it paste through, and rale th Cob from tbe Corn completely, render at once tt for market without tbe at of tbe faj mill. Thit machine shells a Half Buthtl of Ear to the Uinutt by.i nary Hand Wtr. and can be utad, also, by IIohc, Steam or " Power by attaching a Pulley on the Crank k Fur Durability, Cleanliness. Neatness Che and Rapidity la Shelling, thit Machine eann equalled by any other.. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SAL REASONABLE TERMS. OaxrLnnia : If yoa want your corn 8' elean j if yoa hay eeoatioa to shell croon ar corn ; if yoa want your aofn and eo Be par at yoa want a durable machine ; if you waat a shell, boy the Complete, Doabl,-Acting, Bel araling Cora Sheller. BJaFERINCES : II 1 attw. Ic J. V, Peal .Sut Charlc Haas, Millar, Samuel f ssig, Ri C. . bfnrrma i Co., Oeo. Wetter, L. Aa Milleia, Sunbary. bol. Mart, Farmer, Henry Leitearlng, Bear Pap. C. Albert, tieorg Manufactured and for Sale at tbe Feaai tiOMKBACii A tXtdPUL, eabary, Pa . OaaimT, Dee. x, laniOsa i