SunEwg American hT B. M AS8ER, Editor ft Proprietor. BJ.'wiLVEKT, Publisher. ' Hl.MHHV, 1A. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1805. Eocal SKfairs. t-jif A grand Juvenile eonoort will bo held at be Court House, on Monday evening, Novcuibor 20th, by Mr. Kcmmercr, assisted by nearly one hundred nuiatours. Thoy will glvo a musical enter tainment of miscellaneous ninsio. Tho programme will inniat nf twentv-eii-rit different nicoo Ticket! 20 cents. Children, 10 cents. To eommonce at 71 o'olock. IjT Tho prewnt wek of Court il taken up en tirely in civil suit. A good many cases on the list cro disposed or by trial and otherwise. I"Bctteb'. We understand butter of excellent quality can ho purohnscd in Philadelphia at forty Cvooents. Philadelphia, it is truo, is a largo vil lage, but It cannot aspire to Now York and Sunbury priced. Steamboat. The now Steam Forry and Tow bont, now building by Mr. Ira T. Cldmcnt, will be ready to make a trial trip next week. t' Tho night mail of this placo for Philadelphia, vhioh had been changed Into an afternoon mail, caused by the change of timo of the Erie Mail, east, 5s now carried by tho Elmira Express east, which leaves at 11 .W, P. M., M1 l-'8 " M. This restores the mail to tho old arrungeinont that existed when it was first established. In order to facilitate matters, tho rail road havo ap pointed Mr. Ebcn. Bastian, night baggago master at this rlace, to relieve Mr. Nathan Murti, who atteuds to these duties during the day. Jjj The contractor who i3 to put tho furnace and beaters into tho new Court House, is now at work and will in a few weeks be ready fur operation. Mr. Ivellon, the contractor of tho stone work, is also on gaged inputting up tho steps ut both fronts. Tho slating of the roof will commence as soon at the mntcrials arrive. fy Aitlks. An ark load of apples, with some cider, from Owego, arrived at this placo on Monday ,ast. and were soon di.-p..ed of. Apples brought $1,70 per Whcl in bulk, .ml from $5 to ? per barrel. Cider ilO per barrel. ... 1 : i 2 ' IUxavay. Oil Monday evening, a hoiae belonging to A. J Stroll, became frightened and tore Wo from tho wu-;on with the shafts hitched to him, look the pavement at tho lower end of Market street, and lan t.) tho upper end before ho was stopped. On hia routo bo inado a clean sweep of boxes, ic, st.iudiug on the pavements. Fortunately but few perrons were on tho streets at tho time, and no cr.o was injured, but wo learn a number mado tome narrow escapes. fjf Indian Si'mmeh Tbe delightful weather of the past week, rueceeding tho cold and boisterous .lay we have had, is evidently tho Indian Summer tliiLt precedes tho winter season. l Vr.KE or Coal. Tho heavy coal east, have r.ot h-scu without effect on tho price. j Coal l.-,s declined about icvcnty-Cve cents per ton. j freir-hts havo been somewhat advanced. Tho in- j creased trade this fall is rapidly making up tho de ficiency caused by the strike of tho miners in the carry part of tbe summer Thcro is nothing to jus ti(V tho nroscnt huh price ot coai, ami , themselves would profcr moro moderato and steady prices. Tho great trouble of our operators is tho waul of care for transportation. t CoBXEB STONE.-On Tuesday afternoon of last week, tho corner stone of a new church, the Trinity Prntcstaut Episcopal church of Sburuohiii, was laid with appropriate ceremonies. The sen ices were conducted by Kcv. O. W. Miinn, of Philadel phia, agisted by Revs. Uik-on, of Sunbury, Browu ,f Lewisburg, and Allen, of Mir.crevillo. A sermon vas preached in the evening by ltcv. Gibson, in tho ?rcsbylcriun Church. rjricK Woke. Col. ISoy.r ana .nr. ucniy fc - i . y. il ..-., ,.n.,t iii i1ntru ,1 !ioiua-,u; iiurriciurg, iua UoTrevortoU breaker. Mr. E. Noble, Jr., super ..teuded tbe work, wLitU was completed in forty no days. TU breaker i capable of turning out o hundred tons cf coal a day lor fhipuicut. Tho lort time in which thii large improvement was reeled, is tui pri:ii,und reilccw erodit upon tho ..ergciic contractors. The breaker has been m tpe Ition several week." tT-Tiic (.Soon Ixtkkt Horn Those who enjoy o tripping of tho light, fanttustio too," will bo atified to learn that the second annual bop, under j auspices cf the Good Intent Eire Company, to bo held ut this place, ou Thursday even tho lllh of December, next. Tho services 'eminent musicians have been ticeurod for tho :i?ion, an I tho well known reputation of tho inagers is sufficient guarantee that tbo affair il be fully as brii'.iaut and recherche as any of its :dcccssors. To uil who have a taste for such recre. on, and tho disposition to enjoy it in tho proper .'it, wo need scarcely fay that a hearty welcome tended with ve A ; i-M Intent ' Tho proceeds to bo antdic-l to the erection of an engine houso, I thi?e who fctl un interest iu the wcliaro of tho j h,.i.l niva tbum their patronage. It uuiposvd of our best young men, who continue to p up their organhation, which has been in cxis i'o over forty years. During the late rebellion a 50 numbor of tho members enlisted, and conse ntly the company was so reduced in numbers t Uielr engines w-'re sadly neglected. They now pose to re-eataU:ih and put the company in better lition than before. 'f'Coi-NTsiirm F;ri;vDon. Gueenback. 1 executed counterfeits of fifty dollar legal ten cotes are uow in circulation. But two points of .renco ure apparent between these and tbe genu isuc. Oue of them is in that part of the engra- f the head of Hamilton, upon tbe oo of the . which represents the line of tho waistcoat ting tho white collar at the neck. The acute i, fnrini,'l bv the shape ef the oollar, so fur as it own, is perfect in the counterfeit note J but in ;enuine the line of tbe Iesa were drawn by tho aver actoM the point of the oolar at its junotion the waistcoat, fur the purpose of relieving the e oc the sharpness it otherwise would have ex ed. Vbj dtSorcnce U ,uot readily observed ss the nuois perfectly clean. The other din" ancy is in .he gUupe of the ornamenU in tbe or on each ei.i 0f the face of the bills, and in iv hole border on ,e Dek. Tbe figure J'AO" r aved on tho grou r wuit.h the rim in the line bill i.iu oetngoual vrlu mtber well denned. gh the angle are not star,. Tu, elghl tiiet 0( : at first appear to be circles n-T t0 easily dii. ed. In tbe counterfeit bill the boru.. ornmcnt, lining the " W are octagonal only u. T)ry degree, and seem to be perfect eiroiei. ,,,,v Tii An improsiion nievaili in some h ies that taxei to ly local tountUa louit be paid .ldier! a well those who stayed at home. But , r ., , . . 11 o IhA lfiW- I acts in the ease are u ,oi.o.. ."j ,03, no one who bad served in a Veiuisylvan.a aent twelve month, as a nou.commis.Wned officer U ate, and received an honorable dUcUrge, U red to pay any tax for bounty pwrpowa More. t inrta .remuU U non.eommusione rB and private! honorably diwharged, and al . '. ...i.iir.. widows, minor ebildrenol Ao.. from pay ment of bounty laic! 1 kind! : and all noldiori dwebareed by reaaoa und received in battle, or ouuhuw liv.rvie.,e exempt from payment of Mr ,or bounty-ux.b. their time of .ort. . CP Sh amokm. While on a visit to Bbamokln, a few daya since, we observed quit a number of new buildings in progrew. Among these were three now churches. The Lutheran church, a brick edifice now building, Is located en Eunbnry itrect, and will be a commodious and substantial tuildlnc. The first story is not yot np. The Proloslant Episcopal church, the Core of atone of which wes Inid a week since, will be a neat stono building, located against tho hill on the opposite side of tho crook. Another new church edifice built of brick, nearly up, is tho Gorman Reformed church, on the same aido, above the Methodist church, which church is also to be im proved by a rfew towor, now erecting on its front. What is wanting now with our Bhamokin friends, is shade trees ornamental or handsome fencing, and filling up of gullioi and ditches. This, it is truo, is in some cases, difficult and often expensive, owing to the ragged nature of the ground. t2IliscnAnoEO. Tho 3d Pcnna. Heavy Artil. lery was mustered out of servico at Phiadulpbia, on Tuesday last. A numbor of young men from this placo, attached to company D, of this regiment, re turned homo on Wednesday, after serving their country since the outbreak of tho rebellion. May they live long to enjoy tho fruits of their labor in maintaining the best government on earth. O" Wo refer our readers to tho advortisoment of W. A. Bennett, in another column. Mr. Bennett has turned over tho Express business to X F. Light, ncr, next door, and intends to give his wholo atten tion to tho drug business, and to make li is store suporior to any outside of the oily. Mr Bonnett is a regular graduate of Pharmacy and understand, thoroughly tho filling up of proscriptions and com pounding of drugs' Hive him a call. tEnoKE A Leo. Patrick Larkej", f the liana oi J. iiiuioue st son, working on the emb.-uiK incnt nbove town, broke his log on Saturday morning J last, llj was crossing the railroad with a horso and cart, and fell on tho track, tho whcclsof the cart pas sing over his leg and broke it beloiv tho knoo. tj?"LEASI! or tug Cattawissa Railroad. At a meeting of the stockholders of tho Cattawissa Kail road, held at their office on Monday last, this road was leased to 'he Atlantic and Great Westorn II. It. Co., for tho term of nine hundred and niucty-nino yoars. Tho leasees will tuko possession on tho 1st of December next, and agreo to pay the Cattawissa Co., $.365,000 per annum, in monthly instalments. t;V Ladies Tigut Fitting: Cloaks 4 Cmrur.ARS. Miss M. L Lazarus has Just received a variety of ladies tight flitting cloth cloaks and circulars, got up in tho latest and best style, which will bo sold at Philadelphia prices. Also, a new csortrnciit ot" ludies fine dress goodr. (jVandyke's Hotel. Sheriff Vandyke has enlarged and improved his hotel, by adding a three story brick building, and intends the old buildir.g the same height. Tho new hotel will have all the modern improvements and vrbcu completed will be one of the best hotels of tho interior. With Mrs. Burr's hotel, Northumberland will be ahead of its neihbois in this matter. It is a fact not jcncnilly known, tliat tlie iir.r.itirt il Washington drew Lis breath in the but day of the week, in the l'tt month of tho hint year nnrt tho list yrar of tho iW c'HHury. Hi! died Sutuiday uight, 13 o'clock, Dec. 81, 1799. Death of a Vai.uaiii.k ironsu. The celebrated trotting Mnllion "Clinton," the property of Col. A. L. Olmatead, of (.'ulutn-itr-i. Ohio, died very btlddenly, in Cinc innati ofdUtaae of the heart. lie was vulued nt $10,I(JO. A convention of the colored prnple of Xcw York in now lining held nt I'otilikeepsie. A large number of delegates arc iu atten dance. , There is n in Chattanooga where a dollar is fjinrgort fnr the u.u of a towel ! NEW ADVERtlMENTS. Pianos I Pianos I ! MV riAXO FORTES, which have been awarded numerous high P It I Z 13 MEDALS, for years put in this Country and Europe, for their decided superiority, are still manufactured in this City, whero their exc-llenco has been long acknow ledged nod universally admired. In delicacy and sweetness of tone with purity anil power, they tiro unequalled and fully warranted, on the most reason able tei in. COXRAP METER, No. 722 ARCH St., 111 1 L ADI'.Ll'lI I A. Nov. II, 1805. 3m THE HIGHEST CASH PEICES Tail f.r OT.P NEWSPAPERS, PAMPHLETS, liOitKS and WASTE PAPER of every description. For particulars addrors S X H EiU & KM KHNO.i, .. Aim Slrert, One Door West of Nassau St., N Y w H Mi ?5 Stive Vour Waste I'api'i'. Old Newspapers, mutilated Uonks, Pamphlets and thu dillureut varieties of Patter that accumulate iu eery houe, and wbit-h is gcueruily looked upon us rUI'I'l!!. MIOlll'l ,(i rUIClkHUII a J.IlllMBOIl, ,'1 No. Ann .Street. They are paying liberal prices for till d, ,eriptionsol Wuste Paper, better thau any one in tho trade. STOCK WELL 4 EMER50X, Nov. 11, 16G5. 3ra TCKNTS WANTED TO ... KlirniMXOMiVOI-. nisi oitv iv 'i in: i:i:g.i.Kio.. THEonly work, every page of which has been pre pare! lor tbo press since thu closo ot the war. Tho populutity of this work has no parallel One Gene ral Agent lor tho west returns OVER TOO Subscriptions per day on the average through the week. The canvass has but just begun, yet we have OVER 50 000 EUJiSCKIliERS. At the rato w e ure now selling our list will be OVER i0 000 the first year. So flattering is the prospect, we or dered paper fur 4V.OOO Volumex. before a book was bound. It is the work people aut. Full, Complete and I!eHille, Price, $1.50 only about half the prioe of oilier Histories, in pro portion to thu umouut of reading. Our Agents re port a very general de-ire iu tbe public tc exchange the Two Vol. work lor this. Illuilrutious arc nume rous and benutitul, Cpjio steel platen. Tho work is now ready tor delivery. AddreM L. STEU13INS, Ilorlford, Conn. Nov. 11, 1SC5. at PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, BOOKS AE3 STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books and Slates. Eo'ks, Hymn Books, B Jnk Books, Memorandum Eo'.ki. Diaries, Pucko: Books. Ink SUaids, Pens, Per(!l, a tine aoorlxcut of Paper, Ink, Ac. for sale by ANNA PAINTER. i:lale ot'Inniel Arnold, XTOTK.'E is herebv eiven that letter! of eduiiuU 1 liation UD the twtale of Uuniul Arnold, late of ower Augusta Uu.hip, Itunhuuiberland county, deceuted. have bono granted to the undersigned . V t'umi indebted are requested to make imme- tiioiu for""1' "J tu0e l"iv'nl5 cl'-'IU W proacut Vrrer Augu. . JACOB SEERnOLTZ, Adm'r. " 'wp., ov. t, laos. bl TOILET 150APS, 4o , &e For sale by tU Uiushes, Jiir Hrush, AS'A i-AJ.Mt.1v Ell't. WILv run. Ii "Sunburv A IU ! r t 0 ! 1 " . BI1NBUHY. PENN'A. win .tund to tbe Ackaolcdiine t( Deeds. Mart. ttf, hitn of Attorney. o., . Also, U duly ilboriitd to Imli !9kiowledXmenu uid diuiuitr olhi ou pplC4itio! fur Ituuu. ties, F-Uhlou tnd la U-Iyof boldi.t., M'idowei-od Oiphui!. I . MEXICO I MEXICO 1 30,000,000 LOA.l " or TBI REPUBLIC OP MEXICO.' Twenty-year Coupon Bonds in Sums of f jO, sioo (500, and $1,000. Interest 5 even per cent., Payable in tho City or Kew York. rrinoipal and Interest Payable in GOM). $10,000,000 to be Sold at Sixnr Cexts on tho Dol lar, In U. S. Currency, thus yielding an Interest o' Twelve per cent, in Gold, or Seventeen por cent, in Currency, at the present rate of premium on gold. The First Year'! Interest already Provided. Tho Most DESIRABLE INVESTMENT eve OFFERED. Immemo Tracts of Mining and Agricultural Lands; sixty per cent, of Port Hues, Iniposis, and Taxes, in the State of TAMAULIPAS and SAN LUIS PO TO.S1 ; and the Plighted Faith nf the said States and the General Government are all Pledged for tho re demption of these Bonds and payment of interest. The Mccitrily Is Ample. $30 in U. B. Currency will buy 7 per ct. Gold Bond of $30 ?i!0 do. do. do. do. $100 $JO0 " " " ' . $500 $000 " " " " $1,00 Let every lover of Republican Institutions Buy at least One llond. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN W. CORL1E.S ACO., J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republi0 of Mexico, 07 Broadway, Ar. Yi t'Subcsriptions also reoeived by Banks and Bankers generally throughout tho United States Nov. 4. ISO. THE NEW YORK OBSERVER, A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND NECVLAR Newspaper for the Family and tho Fireside, will soon enter on its l'OKTV-l'OI IM'lt 1' 13.1 It of publication. True to The CHURCH, tho COXST1TOTION, and tho UNION, It is calculated to edify and please both OLD AND YOUNG. All new subscribers paying us In advance for ISIS shall havo their names immediately entered, and thu Observer will be scut to them I'ailil .lainuury I'lfit, rulis ! 5ubsoribe soon, as tho free papers will commenco when the names are entered. Sample copies to any address free. Terms, 3,50 a year in advance. SIDNEY E. MORSE Jr. Co., 37 Tark ltow.Ncw York. Nov. 4, 1?R5. 2in NEW GOO D S! HAVING just returned from tho city, I have now open a lull assortment of HB&'OTJB 11003)3, sueb as Brc iool. Dress Trimmings and Linings. Ribbons, Gloves, Net, Liuen Collars and Cuff-., Cloak Oruamcuts, and Buttons, CorseCs, HOMIKHV, Whito and Woolen Goods, Shawls, and Breakfast Shawls, Hoods, I.ndict' nnd Gents' Scarf?, Neckties. Slcevo Buttons, Fancy Combs, nnd ."oiioii.s of all kinds, too numerous to uieution. MARY L. LAZARUS. Two doors west of Win. U. Miller s Shoe store Sunbury, Oct. SW, liMb. Glorious News ! ORB A T EXCITEEK T! EVERYBODY P.USHIXG TO THE STORE OF ISAAC FTOMAIT. In Zctlemoyer's Building, opposite Geurhnrl's Con fectionery Store, Miukct street, SUNBURY, Pu., WHO HAS RECEIVED HIS KEW GOODS I ra'cn as CLOTHS, CASS 1EKES, of all do scriptions. Calicoes, Prc.e Goods, .ilks, (iiimhams, Shawls nnd aj;oneral assortment of Ladies' t ar. Muslins at lower rates than anywhere else, Wheel ing, Tickings, A,!. ilA'i'S uimI (MPS of every description. A large assortment of NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Consisting of Hosiery, Gloves, Thread, linti. ns Su?,enders. Neckties". Collars. irniHll.Tehivt'o. Tooth Brushes, Fancy Head Dresses, lial ii. i.i ul Skirt, HrKip-SkirU", Carpet-bnt?'- Trunks, Va liies, Uuibreilaa, Cotiou-Varu. Sonps, and uuiueruu other aniclcs too tedious to uientiou. HARDWAEI2, such na nails, hinges and pciows, door latches and knobs, aud CUTLE11V of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Paints, YaniMits, Oiis, Glapp, .Putty, &c, &c. ueensiMTtre nnd 4lawHre oi every deteritioH. BTONE AXD EARTHENWARE. An exteniive Stock of G-ie-OaEIRIZBS. Composed of Suar, CofToe, Teas. Riee, Corn-stareh, Molasses. Candles, Meat, Fish, Cheese. Salt, Tulaeco, and Serais. KEA DY-A DE CLOTIUSG. Also, boots & s::czs for men. women and children, ut lower prices than j they can bo had clscwheio j All kinds of Couutry Produce taken iu exchange for Goods. teuubuiy, Oct. 23, lSfii. FANCY I) Il ESS GOODS, Mini A..A iMBVjras:, Two doors Webt of tlt; l'ost (Ml'.ce, BUNBTJRY, F2Z-JTS;J., HAS. just received and opened a largo afsortnun of Fancy Dress Goods, such usGlovus. Jouviun Kii-nloirs, Silk and lit-le thread tiioies Fleecy Lined lloee, Children's Merino, Ln.tio.-,' Zephyr Hoods, Dress Cords nnd Tassel?, Cii.:Mille, Sontas, Ladixa and Gentlemen Hnndkerrhiefs. ,.rsetn. Em broi.lered Slippers, Ribbons, FA.NCV DRE.-.S BL"i". 'luN.-v Hu;le lltiips. Xrimuiiii. BiUtons, Belt Kill bun Velvet lut.bon. Braid, Belt CIm-s, Ladies' Neck-ties, CRAl'ERIBUON and 'HUMMING ; Em broidcring Braids, Jaeouel and wiss Edgings nud insertions; Maltecso Lace Collars. Laces, tireuadine Veils. Black Veils, Fancy Drew Ceuibs. llcuu Dres ses, Aetta, and a variety ot oilier article!. Lecunood ! Paper tullais ot a tupenor quuluy. Ladit-s' Linen Collars.. Picture Curds uud Tuuels. ANNA PAINTER. Sunbury, Oct. 23. 1305. MERCHANT TAILOKINli ! JOHN E SNICK. Fawn street below Market, first door south of Bow- eu'e store, SUNBURV, PA. INFORMS the citiiens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just opened lai tfo asrtmcnt id I'lain nntl Fuury CASSIMERES, CLOTHS ScC to which he invitee all who to have durable Garmeuts made up in the latest style, tu en 11 and examine bis stock before purehasing elsewhere. Employing none but the best of workmen, be will niako up to order Oomlcnieu's gariuems in the best stylo and at reasonable! rates. l.All goods not on baud will be furnished at short notice. Sunbury, October 21, 1S65. runts furs runs WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES 0AKF0RD & BONS, PillLAliLLI'UIA. Ht uow open their lrc and eplwdid (tacit cf LAJJtoUKCAFLS, COLLARS, MLr'KS, CfFFS, tiUOYIS AND HOODS. Alio th finest twrlmnt of I' Fur Kolto!, -ip!, Muffien, and Ulove Tir befors olfercd by tbeio, 11 of wbich to k.M urn reuni.-L.!. 4 ttUlPfitlu FL'KS UOl'UUI. October 21, 1 Ms 4n LARGE STOCK! NEW Aiili 1VAL OP GOODS AT NO. 1 STOnS OF WEAVER St TAGBIi iT, CONSISTING OP DRY GOODS! J'OREKiN AND DOMESTICwieh as r,,lb, Cassl meros, Muslins, HheiMins, Tiok inir. Cnlimins, De. lnincs, l'limnels. and all kinds of itlOURNINliOuoils, Alpacas, Black Sill, Oinlinms. Bnlinnral nnd Skeleton Hkirts, Canton Flannels, Nankeens, Car petinK of all kinds. HATS Sc CAPS. cap.: NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising, Hosiery. ) loves. Thrnd, Buttons, Sus penders. Neck-lien, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, (turn Itib bon nnd Cord, tape, eroU'hei.hraid, worked collars, fancy head dressos, tidy cotton, enrpet binding, comb', fancy s'.aps. enrpet hairs. Trunks, Vnlics, Umbrellas, Blank Books, Taper, Envelopes, Ac. roc ec jvl. a c n q uwjXib k Of nil Kinds, such as Nails, HiiiR."1 and Screw s, Door Latches nnd Knobs, Locks, and CUTLERY ot every description. Also, Dyes, Urn;;, Taints, Ynrr.ilios, Fish, Flaxseed nnij Oils. Glass, I'titty, &c. f iK-ciisMuro mtl 'luv lire oi' nil Uintln. STONE AND EAKTIIENWARE. An Extensive Stock of GROG E R 1 E S, tnnipopu. oi fcuprnr, Coffop, Tons. Pice, Corn-ptnrch, IMaecarmii, JJjirlty, iNhiiig-powlrr. jii..liir'f. soups, caiidlp, tobacco anj scg::i;. inll, 1'itb, Mcut, Cbccssc, Ac, do. Ali'o, a liirgo variety of w w i' i.2 , Mb fpm 0 5- "OS! I'll J.l.'U. I IKIIVII I'lIK far "A" kin. Is.. I iliainiind Country Produce taken in exchange fur tioods. Give us n call hid .re you purchase elsewhere, wo are bound to s.'II n low a- any one el?c. Store-room in Ir.i T. t'leincnt's buildini? nt tho F'luth-wcstc irncr of MatUet Square, near the Court Holl.c. Sur.hnry, Oct 2?, IS 13. NI'HIT Blooming Ccreu?, for sale by ANNA PAINTER. FINE Myrtlu Pciuatum. nt the I'annv Store of ANNA PAINTER. KREAKl'AST SHAM ES, for pale nt tho Fancy Store if ANNA PAINTER. JCYMY COOI) STORE. MISS KATE BLACK, RESl'lX'Tl'ULLY iiit'orui' her friondsin Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened hur PALL AND WINTER GOODS, ol Notions and l'auryliry (ioodj, I larket street, four doors west, of Win. H. Miller's Boot and Shoe store, SI NBUi! V, Pa. Her stock eor.-i1.!? of Trimming, notions, eiiilu'ui. dories, Lmlirs nnd Chiidreiii' ll.ns, silk nad oilier linings, Hno.-skirtsr (.'rape and l.acr Veil", itli, il loves, stojkilifi. eoll.-ir., and cor el', ie. Twilight.', BtvaliliKt Cosier, ltij'i ( Ilools. Bal moral r-kirts. t'liildren's 'i.oin I,. liters. Ladies nd Children's H .-e, ! tills" half llo-p. Bradley's new Talent Itilf Elliptic (or double Sprin- SK1UTS. rifiits' IfniidkerchiffV, Cravats, Necktie?. Suspen Jers ; li:!. '.ins. ..f all kinds, Feathers. Velvet, and many other urtieii-.- too numerous to mention. Perfumery, Toilet Soups. Hair Brii hes, Combs, T.vf. and a pi-ncral varietvof NOTluNN. il A I 1 1 EitlN'ti c'oiie Lundoiuely and nt short notice. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, Oct. 2S, ISCJ. Millinery Goods! r.. 1' 1 m.:,.i - da: thoOl'.AND MILLINERY j ' of I L't, tv.odoois eoalh of Sh'inxUi.i Valley Pottsvlllo Ila-lrjad, STJ3STI3XJn Ti.c la'c.-l st vles of le.r.Tiel ol 'l'riii;mil i;, J'I'.weis, A ii..:, o i . and ail kih.U Li. dies' W.v-li.-i (i.sel?ol' every stylo arid "iinilily. Ill-jvcs. C.'.birs, 1 landUerchicts, Hosiery, Laces. Veilj. .-ill;, tj'rciia.lino and .l..uriiiii Veil,', and ii.uti-.-ious oilier i.o'.io:;s, u;u:.ily kept iu iiillinery stores. Oil! and see herstoel;. .'an'.f.ry, i.'-t. I I. 13. 2w A !i!s5: 'oIJ,r Sure 'fl'Uroitt. llerpiires iiiiuiediate attenti in, and .-hould be cheek" ed. Il'nlluwed to continue, Irritation cf tho Luug;;, a Pc-inmuout Throa' All'tlllUN. Oil AN l. I ItlllLE Lt .su Dkseasb is often the result. 2EOWIi"3 IlitOXCUIAL TrvOCnE3 Uaviue; a direct iullueiice to the parts, sivo iniuiedi uto relief. Tor IiiMudiUU, Aithmu, CuUitIi, Cor.ump- tivuit'.lil lii:e.;it IJljC.ibes, 7"V('.-l iV .ClV.'l IlltCiIji IJ('t! SIICC: tJ. Si,v'fM utnl S'ttltlce .p-ji!i i- will tin I 'i nornc. u-ei'ul iu elearii.g tho voice when t.ilieii bel'.,re Sinking or speaking, unA relieviii;; 'he thi uat alter nil uiiiuual exertion of tho vocal organs. The Timcui:s arc recommended and prcseilbed by Pi.y.-iciau:', und have hai testiinoniuls iioui cuiineut lueu liir,.iijii..ut Inu country. Leaifc' uu article of true merit, und h.iii,; proved their efficacy by a lest uf uiiiny e.icb year lii.ds them iu new localitied iiM aiieiu p ii U of the ivo'ld, and tho Troches ure universally pronounced better than other nrticloa. Obi.iill liiiy itiloW S S UlloMUlAL TlloCIIKS," und do not take any ef tho Woi thltis Imittilious that niay bo oliei'ed. fcold everywhere in the I'cited iStaies, aud in Foreign C.uiitiiu. M "5 cents per boi. Ueiober 'd, lS'jo. itiii AGKNTS WANTED. To steel engraving,, of Yi oiiuuu'M .'vlinxioii, ! h .;:!! 1'uruii.,', Inrl.v t;ij cl''s :t!ilii'itoii, A.C. I Perron-.!, h Ctrtvs dc Visite or AUuin Pictures, At greatly n-dueed prices. ."'i.eeial Tcruis to Disabled Suldiers. tend fur Catalogue with terms, Ao. JOtlX iiAIMA', Publisher, o i. S.'ith St., Philadelphia. October 2S, 18(15. MSSIV W. "iAMK to the lubscrlber on or about the 2oth co j August last, a t tray Cow. about six yeari (.Id. bus wliiio (boulders, red uier thu buck, white hiud les, has a small bell on. 'J'ho ownur or ow ners nro ropuesivd tu come fi.nvaid, prove property, pay charges and tahe her away, oilurwio tbe will be di?tvacd of uocurdiii toluw. CHAKLL3E. ISO V Kit, CuUieron tftp., ept. Id, ISoj. 2ui Willi In JH'l" und Border ill great variety new s'.y'csiuslicoeived at the Mammoth Store of J. WMIULLNU i -(jH. .?uuhury, Oot. H. 1S5. JEREMIAH ENYDER, Attorney 4'uuiiiieIIoriit Lutr, OSes Corner of lSlaekbcrry aud Fawn Street, three duon aunt of y,. V. ISiigbt'i Fouudry, mm:i i:v, im. Will attend promptly to all professional busincsi entrusted to bis cure, the collection olclaimi in 'ur thuiuberlaud und the adjoining counties. 9 Oousultalion! in deriunn and Lcglikli. hunbury, April 2X !y 01 Fifl "rtflY- TVTAYlfVl Cl Kfi tpiWV JK.l ii.VUlU, iLUJ HM3 nauttsd lu evoty County and state. 1 sell the HkTLLTt Stinao jlUeliixe. piice $-0 fully licec'ej under patents of liowe. Wheeler A W ilsnu, Crover & iukr, and Sicker Co. We will pay a fltouibiy eui..y fxpoitbes v nllw n la1, coinmission on snlis F 'r p-iiicc.'.:., uiun'.r'i' u t uc i'-Mi'i y; .to., cncl'.MV t'.Lcc ar.d aldii.-M ! K'.K UK'" litRS, o! Aecta fur t'ui.ed fciaus, 1 wuu.v-1' ttru't, ioielo, Ohio. Augaat W, Ib. 3m CLOTHING FOR ALL ! ! AT yr a jacars ss ki .mi 5 ns CONTINENTAL CLo T 11 1 N G BAZAAR. tontcr ofjlnrkel Square V IE nil. Itoiul Klrrt, S U N B U H Y , PEN N ' A. JUST OPENED, FALL 4 WINTER STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTMNti, flf the newest stylos, cut by the host Artists, trimmed and inado equal to custom work, and sold at tho lowest prices. Whole Null Tor HtlS. Cavalry Tent! for CA. BLANKETS, BEAVER CLOTH Varying from f2,"i to $10. 3Scn nnd Iloj-, .'Iolliinsc of tho best ma terial consisting nf Pres Conts, Proek Conts, Snek Coats, Pants, and Vests of various colors and quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING OOI;S, ' meh as Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Ilrnwers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings tiloves, AO. f Hals nntl ":i oi'all UIikIm. BOOTS AM) SHOES. Uum Shoe?. TRUNKS, VA l.ISES, UMBRELLAS. TOBACCO & iSEtlARS, Wntclie.s, Jewelry. Knives, Revolvers, nnd NO TIONS" of all kiuds, atid numerous other articles. The public are invited to call and cxamino his Stock. Rcini-mW I'm place. "Continental Clothlnn Sloro." :iirnarorMjgik"t Kquaro and the A I. Li. I.. LEVI HECUT. Sunbury, Sept. 30. NEW MARBLE YARD. The nndrrrlgned would respectfully Inform the I tiiens ol .Vunl.iiry, mi l pitblio generally, that ho lias opened a new MARBLE YAU1, opposite tlie Court House, whero AMERICAN aud ITALIAN marble is constantly kept on hand. All orders for Monuments and Head-stones prompt ly tilled at reduced rates. I). C. DISSISGEU. Sunbury, Oct. 7, 1385. tf UI1EAT EXCITEMENT! IScvoItition iu Illk IM-ltts. Kverjbody Kusliing lo the MAMMOTH STOEE of j. w. s'Kii.ii.-Mj . say, Who havo Just Received thoix NEW STOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODS! Consistingof DRY (1001)3. Dress Goo 1, Cassimoro Cloths, Jeans, Coitonades, Muslins, Dress Good, in great variety, Shawls, Hosiery and ilove3, Carpet of different styles nnd quality. HATS yviNTXD CAPS, r r- rv v ft -rr. HARBAV ARE, f'ednrwnre. Cardwaro Glass-waro Crockery, GROCER IES. Tobacco. .s'egars, Vnuti'i Tea. l!o(lce. Sugar, MolnSMV, Salt, 1', io. Ei-iiu'm ami fl'!s-Mi;-si!-. fi!. !.!i;tis aud in fact EVERYTHING GENERALLY KEPT its Cunnlry tlrivi. OT R .STUCK l'N'T KMl.T" I'l.l! ASi: All de-irons .. .ieiihi; a .... ,.t a.ticlo at a pri;c will i !. .. n- . . J. W. FUlLl.Nd .1 K0.V ruul.ury, Oct 1 1, t;ou is s 9L 1 I FOll HOLIDAY l'liF.-F.XTS. nKNKY IIAIIPEII. .TiOArcti WltNM-t, Eiil;iii!itiiii. WATCHKS, FINi: JKWKLRY, SOLID SILVER Yi'ARK nu t Superior Xilvor Cliili-il Wjiro. tlctober 7, 1-jtJj. .'Ini IT A Tsl ! TT A lsi f ! -i -i. i kj nil i i.j . l'L'LL ASri'MtTMliXT Ji st onrxm. i by SAMUEL FAUST, Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Market st. RUNBTJH Y, PENN'A. c VLL and examine the lnrjrc n.ssortnient of the late.-t Sen York und Philadolphiu styles of I nt the nbovc estnblislimciit, which (or beauty and du ra'ji!ity cannot be excelled. Pcinir n practical ilut ter, ho P.aiiers himself ilitit his stuok has been select ed with more care than ui.y tvtr before brought to this pioe. lie a!-i nianuf.ictures to order all kinds rf soft Fur iiiu. ail of which will be sold ut wholesale uu.l retail, ai ruuuiaabla rates. Jiyciu,; dotie at iort iiotieo and at the lowest rates. feui.bury, icpt. ull. lat5 Tliu .TIsimoii .V Hamlin 4'iiliiiit-l trji-ni", fort v different stvles. adapted to sacred inel secular music, for s.U to JriiM) etub. TIIIU'I'Y PIVKCOLUur flLVl-il JI I.jlALS, or other fust premiuu-.s awarded theui. lllusirated Catiiloirucs free. AiHics. MASON A IIA.MLIX, FJostox, or MASON lilHi'lill'.itS, New Wk. September ItitiV ly "ESTEY'S cottac-e" ORGA x: s VRL not only unequalled, but they are absolutely unequalle'd, by any other Heed Instrument iu the country. Designed expressly fur Churches nnd Schools, they arc found to oe equally well adapted to the parlor and drawiuj room. For sale only by K. M. IilU l'1:, No. IS North Seventh street, l'hiludelphia. t3,''Aleo Ura.lbury'i i'ianos. and a couipletu ai soriuient of thu Perfect MLLODLON. Sept. 2-1, Inili. lvw WATCHES AND JEWELRY. riHE unilersiffiieii informs the citizens of Hunbury J and vicinity that he had ot the frolioitatiou ol u uuutbur ut hi fricii hi, couiuieneed the kuini'HH of repairing Watehes, Clocks and Jewelry, lie can be (uuudat till timet iu hU ehep, iu Market street, uue dtM.r wt'-t of the lied Liou 1 1 . t -1 . J(o ul.-o keciu for sale Clock and Yutchrs 11U wori will Lo prmiptly fttuiidcd to oud wur rkflixj Uj .vusttiUiuotiuu. J. MENSCU. Sunbury. July I, ISrti. GKEAT CHANCE rou AGENTS. Wbut the l'toiilo Want : IHESTANDAHO HISTORY OF THE WAR. Complete ;u one very large Volume of over 1U0U ''ages. This work has ti rival as a candid, plcte, autbentio and reliable bUtory of tne .'reat ' coufliol." Jll contains rcudiug nialter equal to iliree j iBr.,e royai octavo volumes, splendidly illustrated Willi over low Due porlrauiol ueueruls. buttle soeue ' uiiins aud dii.ciuuil. I ltetu.iied Mil l disabUd oBieira and solliers. and tnei 'i tle vomiij men in wan' of profitable employ ment will n..l ini- i-ar ci.uiceto luuko luoney. t b.ivu K'S.'euiiii; f.'.')U p'-r tuiidih. vliu'li wo will j-io e lu any floe rj utciiei., lur pui'i ef iLe . kldvv i.i. rer fi.'coit,r and sou our tertzil. AdUreis, I VSIS bitOlUEKS CO., Phliaddrhia, Fa 1 Del. 11, Iiii lm ft' AT 1'IIK EXCELSIOR SHOE STORE. VM. n. MILLER, T1 'A iuv! nnieed from New York and PiiibUel- .1.1. pbia. with a clioico stock of iDOOTS ANJ) SHOES. of the Intest stfU.i. nnd sile'le I with great onto, to suit nit. nml v- determined to please all his eustoieeis great nnd small. f ynn wnnt the latest Mcs, FANCY. PLAIN", ANlJ DURABLE, goto tho Kxci.'lsi.r Shoe M,,r,., nsno pn).(r shoes are sola thcrv. nnd its nl.vins cheaper to buy n g.iod nrticlo at tho samu price thnn it is to buy n poor one, for He has Men 8 Calf Stitched Toot!. . " Fudged " il il lVg.rd " and all kind- ot'henvy Boots. LADY'S FANCY AND PLAIN SnOES, high top ol the latest fashion. Children's 1'nney and Dula high topped boots of every description. BOY 'S BOOTS of nil kinds and slvlm. which will be sold ns low ns can be hud nnvwi.cre. Call nnd examine his stock of Boots and Nines before you buy elsewhere. No charge mnde fir showint; llu'm. M ill sell A Retail. Remember tho pla.e, Mai Ice! Squire. Sunbury, Pa. .September 23, lSO.'i. To all Lovers of cheap coons ADVOCATES VS ECONOMY ! ! jr j.c ob'o.'be c is: MI211CIIANT TA1L0K, Atirl lefcl.,f til CLOTHS, VESTIXO, d-c. I'uw n Mlrl, uili ol'tVt'iiu'r'! STJNTJB It L , T yv. TNI'OUMStlio citizens of Smihury i.v.i v;-.-inity, that he has just returned lroni Phi'inle'.phia withu full assortment of OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOX AND (.TALI 1'Y His s!oek consists of Cloths, French Cl..:hs, lilack DooSkin and Fancy Cassiiprrps, Ulcit isii, I'iurcl Silks. lMain und fancy Cassimere 'ESTI .NtiS. w hich ho will mnke iSi to order in styles to suit the tnto ..t eiislomcrs, on short notice, and tho most reasonable terms. Anv Goods not on hand, will bo furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice felt Kff Cttl!lftUMfr" wU1 b9 ma,, up lj tioc order As he will eniploynone but experienced workmen, Eei snns may rely ou getting their work well done nt is shop. Thankful for th'j patronage herctob.rc bestowed, he resi.ecll'uli.v solicits n continnancuof the uatuu. kjSimbury. Sept. I'O. lftilii. GOLD. lSO.'i, l.yco, jati7. SILVER. 1 to 75000 ! ! S2 .' S2 ' ! $2 ! ! ! riiiiiutiicliu-cr' A'eiils I Our Hew Mode- One ol" our ji oi- Ml. VI It Wutt'iirH, or Wliver 'I'cu Sc-1 iv XJ.3, (I! bflV J-tllilMi. One of our ten sclts or cni pieeo cf our Co!. I -r I Pilv. rivarn is ivrth a tu.-i;el ul the cheap dollar ' jewelry ! ' Wo have ndutttcd the ftiliwiii u.oJe of ( 1) I 6 T ii I li U T I O li j by sale of 7fr,0U0 nrticlrs uf vrluu ! i Our I'v ,Bt! The irli'.'lu: of .ioU3 arc nuiiOur-tl fivm 1 it 'i.'i (on ! ::7.; MM foi..-;iiiur of l'innr.4 iK!-1' o. CnM .V j .SUu WmI'.-Ik". Zoning Mii'.-liiiifi. Xc i TaMu liit.". Suli i Silver Ua mul tnhle Sj o.ii..-t mil i..rks; etc., rt.. tho o'lit-'i- ;;r..'Hi0 r:i. i value Ji w ': v. Work A Tuik-t C:i.-fs. l'J.o 'ifiij-h A li iii, (t;-i.njin;f .' ,."Kti.-lii'-. J'lr-I f.u..;,- I-, '. ir. lmi-u! ;lri. rv. ri'.U'Jo ii'i '-'s I'liii.'p n-iV-.jt I ui 7 j.I'HH Jiff ). MI. ''. .ili'l M il.M e ill'-; i'Vfo;Qi IMi'l W.'il luiM'j nij'l one ui" I'uvbv is iuk'.'i)ut iui'1 t- nt to ihu ji ixiu m L'.im to U6 riJ ctnU lo coy it expyiiso of I'osSniH', cm i tj."ir,ink-ncc oto . nntl 1 to i:i 'iik vf ;;otrl.i ci,-rrc.-ptn,tlin Uh the iiuiuhor r;i tli lioti.-e will he I H-r.t lo th j U'!i1t ot tiij Mmo itniitu-iiiU' ly (if he tlL-ircs tij puicl'.ie tlie Rrti'.-k) on lle reeeijit of l dnlliiif. 1-t-r iiiitniicf ; ll'tlic isnmht'i on tiie notioo Et'iil to you html d 1m- iiM.nihl u j.ijino or ai;:uioiii i?iti or ohl w 'itch hmtltl be luiiubt ii'tl aof-; it will to ami ti yon sli-mM be jilii. nn-l n )' i-i iH.itnori l jcitorgo!l wuU'h slioul: Lo nnm'n'icil i'"). il will he iL'iit to ynn jur v.vA mi on for every article in ton 1M t ?.' ( Oil iirliul.'. ( .Uti-r reo-i tn the nrM.'Ie. if it doe not filrfiso you. ynu can retnru'it, mul yur im.hfy tUn)i b': :o uihU-iI, 2j cent? rmivt be sent to yny expcuire of x,nSflKi vorn'fipontii-nco ptc.. o. ntie notice. Keineiuber : that whr.tevir article corr(!ffori(l3 with the numbor on your notice, you en have it by jinynii; Two Itollnrs for it, whetli-T it bo worth SK"5 or tii). Aui it ic for our interest to deal ftiii ly, aiiil tend out our fine ariielos. tta i pivc cunliJt-LOO to the juiljlic, and inereases our ga'. TilY OUR NEW MODE ! ! I'pon receipt of 'ii cU., -vlauh p ivs for corrcp .n denco, posture etc., we St-nd one ictiee. l'p..,n receipt ot H, wbieli uy to. coirespviidt.ico, postage, etc., hi. send six nutiues. I' pou receipt of which pays fur eo:rcsp.'.iidi-nce, po-tare, etc., wo will send -i. nuiieei., and a tine pre sent valued ul not lei, tbuu lj, us a sample of our goods I pou receipt of ;,H which pays fur c irre on leiue. posture, etc., we will tend 10 iicliMen, ci.i v .ulid tiher Watch, bv return mail. AUKX'LS W AX' Send for oir.-ular Agouls Allowed a Xiarne Ciu.h Ccmi-'iisbion by wliioh they make tfi5 Weekly. A-tdrejs plainly r-.tleruoni ol r.lret fccpt. i;l, 10j. ly I'.LLI) i LKOIULK. li..x 61. If. New Yolk t.'i'y, N. Y. ). I I. B.5 ?!.b:v, PHYSICIAN AKD SUUOEON KOHTIIUMBERIjAND, ta. IR. Ll'MLKY' has opened an office iu Xorlhuui herlanu, un. I oilers hi-erviccs to the people of tbat place and tbe a.lj'.iniug townships. Otiice next do.T to .Mr. JSiolt'e thou toro, where he cuu fju'i.l ut all bonis. Jiorthambcrluad August 10,l;"i'ij. Geo. W. Fmith. Cuas. B. 9ktiii!P OltCITS & OB1TTHEH. Market street, one door east ef .Mrs. lii.u'.t urs Hole Have opened A N E W T I N - W A l E, Slii-i I tlroil um! SloveNttire., and inter; keeping constantly on bur. j, uianu- fucturu to order ou shortest notice, TIN' AND SHF.F.T 1 HOX-W AHL of ail description!. A I.arire , Stock of Conk Stnvcmf the fdiewu3 Cran.'.s PE1T1TOTLT A1TI A, UNI0K G00K, and on the following two Iiraidi n d'fy competi tion, namely Cuiiilsitiuliuw um Eturucr, CocK, liorrruer I'ini-'ol. unsuri.assed for beauty of fiiii-fa, simplieltv of ar raiiKcincnt, coinlmiii.i cLe if u, ul ai d durability, A each Hove warranted to pcitorm what they arc re present etl A Li"), FAULOH and OFFICE STOVJ-'S. in great variety. cuibrnciii)? uil the best manula. Ul... ud most fushiouuble defiigus Also, Tbe celebrated UUM fur healing- up aud dowu tuirs. Aliolho celebrated VLXCAX JJKATER. Coal Oil, t'oul Oil I.iiim, Suil-, ('liliunlfit, nntl all nrlI'l- unusuaily kept lu an e.lal.lislnueiit ol'lliis kind. Wn are also prepaid todoull kiudeoi Sjiouiiuij. Itool.ii.;. Range and Furnace Work, lias Fittiii,;, Ac. Kcpaii uijtJneaply and neatly executed. Country produce iu (.'iclange at maiket price. HMIT1I ti OENTHKH, Have theAoiK-y for J.lHli'8 CKLKBK A11.D FIUL Vi. Av e. 'iOVi-.S, for the Countie! uf Sorlhumbur- lund, Snyder, Lnionaud oluntour. Ard are also agouti lur the SViphor A M'illower Liu of TraMporlacicc. faa. ry. trapt K liU. IP U MPS! TUMP- S!! I TI.e Mt!vriler hnvinif iiirel.'id the t'ifl'ef N'lfrili::iL;.iiL..ii COi.NlY.ior pottii ? iu 1 on Tt',ni:t '.Vi.i.t ! A':u ' ' ni l- lr :., U fii'ni'h i them to all persi.iu, in Ih-i connly w bu tt.uf. 'doaira ; liies.i cheii. Met earM.-ni. nt Jim i,s. f 1 'J l;ry eau 1,l mi.k to a depth YA twv stewfH,. tiiec.o.'si b'lt o'i! thirl tlie pvico of ii.1 ei'limiry -t j .iimi. ni.d tor cheaj .ie.j niX cuven'.etice ' iiuuol bo iqii.illcl. 3. P. Ji'iYIR. j '.. 1'. CLAP.". , ,-iii,l v. . :-,!,". ::!, i',:,. NEW ESTABLISHMENT! A. E. SAVAGE. Watchmaker j .j- AMI Av-l JKWELBE. In L'ii.ipsoii i Duil.lii., Market Njunre, C.rVl 'V IT'S TVS' rj, -orn I 1 AS e.,ie;i!,,,ty on band n linn assortment of 1.1 VATCHES. CLOCKS nn.l .ll.V, El.RY, Kj.e-;. tides. Silver and I'luie 1 .-pooui nnd I'oiks. ij. 'i niches t'lot liN tnl Jew i-itiiii jus ti t-Aisi..'r'i-:a. Sunbuiy, Sept. !-.ii, lsr.i... . 1..VSH6;n S'AiCV ri.'EtM! joiin iAui:inA"a " Old i!-ti'l.lirt.e.l :t.' jfnt Mn.iutxetory, No. '.H Arch slicet cib .ve I'.h l lliLAD A. I hnvo new in 1oro of inv ,vn in poi tittl'in A Minmt'iu-t me. tirio t.C ti;n , I . i't; ( . r.,1 i.-.,t - liKrVL Hi ll, H'U-wti'.iJS r.M vri its, lor 7-n '.if ' rn-l KVXV. r-.ii".-'. cii: . ! C'ly Xa 1 iu Oijvia i. uil C t- In-. i iiii; ( ft.-tiiU'ii in 1'it'tu my IViyij.i- t-1 Utility ij Pc;ocuiVcr t!i 1 n' in ;:it)',j itt very lsit- wntil'l .rLiiUtji' t J ri'i'iirn n-lifit it .fil! "jrhi ul -.'tiuiit, Wii'X ' ?vii.;e, r .-tv. '-l '. JOHN l ,i;;;iii.v. IS At.-h . , ul.--,vi' Till. f -titti fitln. i'l'iLAiiLhrurx. I hr.v no Vr In 1'hiln Iflj'liin, : riI0i0uRAPI 0ALLLR: 111 rr:n. p.-. in s I'll,! '.SAllhl.J' ,gi"AI li. s ii. ainr-Eia.-is;, .buiy. Pn , r-cpi-l:: ell'v il.- iv l-,.;:.. BEEF! WlT'TTTl ? ? 1 UK undin.! r.;.t! : -.. :;ui!v i; f, th. Of ."s''y .... I vi "nil V. ; in Will filiiiiO . ..LliVlt. Hr.- . fl'i liiiy ot iiiii.r.'ai j.rico nt-.iu liming c.vp. 1 i:.v u i!i Imi .i.. rnneincnis ir a .upil oi'ou ul . lav ,.l , ; one c.ii: vfill always kc.i, ;.;i him I risl nu.ttii v ofl.t lowcit luiuket i.uey. MliTLKlt i. J.L1.10TT r?unl.urv, S -pt. 0. l-V..,. 50 01 MOO t -ri ii - Vt .1 El). Wui.ted iiuii i dh't. y .'.11 or 1'. .'I u;c:i t.. h, Kailiond coo'inei. t, paid. Apply to i Se.t. 9, lS'.O a mv er. : v , ill .I.i M ,. '! .1. i.e. .M i.'.o:-;.! I.vlel. -uuuu "' 1 1. i. IT. "7 j- n t-v- eT 1 nr", . " S HGf '. mm ft 'A '"; ' - 4 1 fj t.X-T-y -.-."-".'Ji!.- jiNvrviii ci.t. u L!, ,rr fw! tfc -M bd Hi V-J- MANXtL tllitlllfA - y- r- lt!t :manufac ..-".- - i t "wK,33-xioonvr. ii:t. cm:sixtx siullt M!'.!iufact..ry Te;i:h ui..'. : Table-Toi:-. i-icr-WHba. I'lilLADl.Lrilf.V n:i:i.r. direct. Kn'chtti, V" st.t-t i 'tops, &c, ej. l-hiladelilia, Jan 7, ic.Ci.-U" PEKK SYLVAN! A VAIKI' AHD COIiOH WORKS. LlUKltTl' Willi K Lr.iO '. LlBKRTr WltlTE l.Z.'.U nivir! tuvit: W a H it A x r 1. n to ever Miore surface, for sum weicbt, then oijy ether Uny the bc.-t, il is tho ciicapt-t ' TKY IT ! THY IT! Liberty I c.i l i, whiter loan auy otiier. I.ibcity l.eud c-"-vti.- better ''uin iriy other Liberty Lcail w ear.- longer tiitin miy olhcr. l.iljcr.y Lea-l i in ru c -.-iiumicul thi.n ony o'.her. Lil.eiiy l.ej i i.i i utre liee from impurities ar.d i Wai.i.antko t.) .I,, and belter v.oilc , at a given e et ih-tii any t:tl;..r '. ti,,: i: ;-:;:r ;t ;. t, cuhapkht. Mar.i:f."tn;-e. end vurra.i'td l.v 7.n'i;!.j:r. .- Ain !;, Yi'!:ole;r..ic Vni', 1-aiut, h Ijla-S llealtj . i;7 -'ti:!i I biid .-""tree!. Philadelphia .s- unl.ury, iii' 7, ISi'.'i rittbT A TIOK A1,B AN 'AOYM JiURV (LA'l'i: L'A.NK OF XOlt'i'iiL jlISLilLA:.Uj TlUl.lM'IIV IlKI'AllTMENT. "I Ori'icc or Covt'i op the CriiKKNc; WASimuroN, Juno Ttb, liij. Ai'iirrr suii-fae'.ory evidence presented to the un 1, it bid been u.a'l j to appeal that, "'the I'll;-', l.aiiuiial L.ti-k A .-ui.''ury,'' iu the bo ron r.i of hun'oiry, in i!io county of "ort!:uiiil'e;-ud and .::ato of l'etiii-lvai.i.'i. I'.ui '.ecu duly oriiMiizcd under an J aieoiln. to the rciiircii.enis of the Act ol CuiitfrcMi, n, titled "An Act to provide a N;.n!i:'. Currency, secure tly a pledge vf L'niic 1 .States I'uitda. and to io i.U for'tlu cii.-u! iiii.n and icleniplioi thereof," upprove.l Jim "1,, and has complied w iiii nil tho provi. i..iia of said Ac-, re.puirc-1 to It eoieplied wiih before c.unmeucin the busineia o; U,;ril.iiiJ under said Act ; .Now. tlieiclore 1. Fi'.irMAX fi.M-EK. Com ft roll a. of the Currttiey. do ii'T. l.v cci ii'y that, "Tlie I'iri . atienal liiink ,.f tunt'urv.' iu the Luiiuigh ot run bury, in tho Canity of N'onliiinpiei'lund, und t-lai of I'ci.u.-iyh aula, i ULtlioiiiicd lu commence the busi ncss of JS'-inkiug ui' lev :ha Ac aH.rwai.1. lu tijtiiuoi.y wliorcuf, v. hm. .s a.y hand and kcai ofol'ice, this seventh ''uy t f Jui:c, liii. ycal of tbo Coup; dul ler of tbe Currenev. ritl -MAN' CLAHK2, Cvwl 'roller uf thu Currency an?. 13, 05. KING'S roKT.ti::.!; i.e:ho..ii: prcpsi.i .n of toe hind made fn in th fruit- As au u i:!j ..f economy, purity, and deli ciou' it cm r.,t be surpassed. hihI ii r-eoinieend ed by physieiMi:- i'-.r invuii d-i iindfiuilv nc. it wl ke.p t.i vuars in ui.v ei.u ate. ubiie i;s condensei 1 .1-1:1 rcudeis it cpeoi.i'lv ecuveiiicut for travelers All use lemons uie reuea'id to i; u triid Li.teriuiiimviits .'t Leife, pj. iieb, nnd picr.ios thoul, n.'t be without it. lor silo by all l rjijlj aui i:t-cl Oiocerj. AlauufHCii.icd oulv bv l.t'L l." J MiUCEB, I . HO Pearl f.i'ei, i cw k. c;X 13, 113; :j 5wr..-W sJ-"a Tl '")iir'N.S Liivui ' unr ,lii. ,1 l.'ced. :!ru rcnirde ...i,l-l. i,ee...-ii;; iu I1 I tb",t lllry lll.l-t bl A-il o- Asaeuit.iy win. 11 r. ri - "All deeds aid e e ii.ces toe r. al c'lt .11 tl Coniuionwes i... i':all ti reour ied iu tl. oSiee i lleeoidiiiir 1'eed" iu li.e Cnimiy wi.eie ti.e buuii 1 u ilil,( tix .' i'ii alter tl e tic. ulion ol lUch Ueei aud couvcynnce ; and every such uned and couve. unco not recorded atnriKuid, idiall be judgi I K Al M'LLNX A.Nli YOll) ajcaiust any subscquo; purchaser for avauiablo ooiisideratiou, unlei am deeds be ecorded before the re.x.ruirjt; of tbu deed eoBveyanae under wbick such suUeyvii.'. U'.L-.i er mo. tgae al.all oiaiui iagaM 2i, lsCi 1 He 'iVJ''".V'. V c: t &