1 . TAILORING. J. F. 8CHAFFER, UISPECTFTLLY Inform! the cltiren ef SUX i BURY and vicinity, ibnl be hat opened a 'JTnllorliicc flio, ' tb room over Farinwnrth' (Imocry, opposite tho Dtntnl llotul, Sunbury, where he I ready la mk p gai ment (if nil klmls in 111 Inlual stylo aud best workmanlike innnucr. Having had experience In tliO business for Hum ber of years ho hopes to rentier general sutifaotion Custuni wotk U ruspcotlully solicited. J. T. fcTHAFFKR. Suubury, Mi.y 13. 18(15. Iy ioli ; t 'l'iTNnnwiT. NOTICE Is hereby given, that no person will ha allowed In trespass on my properly, on Iho blinnioklii Island, or to enter iYto any enclosure without permission, n tiro penalties of in law will be enforced ugiiinsl nil offender. REWARD, will bs pniit fur lurorinnllun thnt will lcil to th conviuliuu of uy such trespasser. . JtV-KPIl BIltD. Shamokln Wand. Mny 1.1, lSflj. Cm NKVV SKIKT Foil 1805-0."'"' r THE OllK.tT I.NVKNTION OF TUB AUK IX HOOP SKIRTS. J IT. BRADLEY ri New Pte:it 1V PLEX liLLIP IIC (or double) SPHINU SKIRT. This Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Klliptie Pure llcfiuod Steel sriinsi, ingeniously braided tightly mid lirnilv together. mIo to odjrc. milking the tougbost. most (levible, clnstio mill durable springs over used. They sclilum bend or brenk, like Iho Siugle Springs, i"l consequently 1 reserve their per fect nud beautiful shape uiuru than In h o lis long as any single spring skirt tluit ever lias or enn be liitnlc. The wonderful flexibility and grcnt eniufort nnd plensuro to nny Lmly wearing tho Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in allorowdcd Assemblies. Operas. Carriages Railroad Cars, Church Pews. Ann Chair!, for Promenade nnd Huuse Dress, as tho Skirt can be folded when in use lu occupy n small place as easily nnd conveniently n a Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great ronvvnicnec of wearing tho Duplex Elliptio Steol Sprins Skirt fur a single day will never ofier- wards willingly dispense with Itioir use. For Chil I tiren. Misses nnd Young Ladies they nre superior to all ulbern. The iluup nre covered with 2 ply doublo twisted thread find will wenr twice ui long iu he fingle yarn covering which is used in nil Musi Steel Hoop Skirls. Xhe thrco bottom rodi "U every ISktrt arc double eteel, nnd twice or doublo eoverei to prevent tho oovoring fiom wearing oft' the roils when dragging down stuirs, slnno utepv, Ao , Ac, which they nre eonstnutly subjoct to when in use. Ail are tunttc of tho new nnd eieirnnt corded Tapes, ud lire tho bett quality iu every part, giving to tho I nnd aro unquectioniibly Iho lightest, wont desirable, comfortable nnd ceouomicnl skirt ever Hindu. Wests' Bradley A Cury, Proprietors of the Inven tion, and solo Manufacturers. V7 Chambers, nud 7t! & 91 llcnde streets, jVcn.Vork. For snlu in all first-claAt utores iu this city, and throughout tiio L'nited .States nnd C ana. la, Havana do Cuba, Mexico, South Anicriua, nnd tlioii,t In dies. tf Inauire for llic Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Slurt. A. 4 C. August IU, 1H05. 3m milK undersigned will pay n Reward of Fivo Hun .i dred Dollars, for Iho discovery and conviution of the person or persons, who set lire to, nnd destroy ed tho Coal Bniker at Trevorton, about 1 o'clock on Thursday moinii g, August 24th. MOWTOX A CO., Trevorton. Sept. 2, ISS.'j. KILLINEKYG0Ws. BKOOKS &. l!Uo K N II E I M . WIIOLESAU: DEALERS, Ko. 4.11 Market Street, north side. PHIADKI.PHIA, Huro now open their usual handsome variety of Ribbons, llounct Materials, Straws A Fancy Bonnets, I.udics' A Misses' Hats, FLOVEES, nUCHES. LACKS, and all other artioles required by tho . Hillinrry Trade! By long experience and strict attention to this branch of business exclusively, wo Batter ourselves that wo oan oiler inducements, in variety, styles. unlity and uiodcrute prices not everywhere to be found. Tho attention of MILLIXERrj aud MEK CHANTS is ruspeolfully solicited. trWl'vrticulitr attention paid to filling Onleit. March 4, ISoJ. Zm. Wa. M. Ilocr.Kt-Ei.LEn. Li.ovoT. P.ohhbacm. P.OCKEFELLEU & RCHSBACH. SI MHIl'KV, l!'l'A, OFFICE the same that has been heretofore occu pied by Wo. M. Rockefeller, Emj., nearly op posite Iho residence of Judge Jordan. Sunbnry. July I, 1S66. ly Northern Onlrtil Itnilvray. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore nnd Washington oity. Connections nindo villi trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg und the West. FOUR TRAI XS DALY to nnd from tne North nnd W est Brunch Siisrjuohnnim, Eluiiru, and all of North ern New York. ON and after MONDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1WVI. tho Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway vrill arrive ut and dcpnrt from Sunbnry, Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vii : SOUTH W A 11 1) . Mail Traiu leaves Sunbnry daily (except Sunday) 10 tfl A. i ;iu p, 5 ait ' " arrives at Dalliiiioro. Elniira Express Trnin leaves Sunbury dully (except Suiiilny.) IMOF.M. " Innvns liurritburg (except Monday.) 2 50 A.M. " arrives at Dnltiiuoro daily (except Monday). 7 00 A.M. llarrisburg Acjuiiiiuoilatiou leaves Harris- burg, 7 4j A. M. Sunbury Aconinmoilutioii leaves Sunbury duily (except Sunday) at " 00 A M Erio Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (exuept Sunday.) at 3 15 ' Trio Mail Train leaves Suntiurv dailv (except Sunday,) ut 5 50 P M. NoitrinvAKH. Mail Traiu leaves llultiniore daily (ox eept Suu lay) lenvus ll'irriehurg ' arrives nt Siinbuiy, Elmira. Express Traiu leaves lialtimoro " arrives ut llarrisburg, ' lc ui en li.in Uburg (except Monday), " airivvs at Sunbury. Trie Express Train leaves Dal'timoro daily (except Sundayr) nt leave ilurrisburg duily (except Suu U 20 A. M 1 4i P. M. W " lu on P. M J -it A M. 2 40 A.M. j li 8 00 P M davs at I Oil 4 M " urrive at Sunbury at i 50 I iarrisburg Aecommuilutiou leaves llurrU- burg, daily (except Suuday) ut 2 iO P M ' arrives ut Hitrri.buri;. " i j P M lunbury Aeconimodation leaves Hurris- burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 25 P M rie Mail Train leaves Huiritburg doily (except Suu lay.) ut 12 00 P M. The Erie Express aud Erie Mail Trains aro brough trains to und from Erie and all interiuedialo oints. Mail aud Expreu truius ruu through to '.luiira. I'ur further icforuintioii iiiply at the OlTice. Ostobern. '.w.. SOS, IMtlS.. CMtilatlelisIsIa A. r.i-i.s Itutlroud. I MIIS great lines truverses th Northern and North . west counties ul Pciiiuylvauia lu the oity of En a Lake Eric. It has boon leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad oiupany and i operated by thviu, 1'iUiO of Passenger trains at Sunhiiry, Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, 3.10 p. ui. Erie Express Train, X It) a m. Elmira Express Train, 1 1 ..'15 p ni ' luiira Muis Train, Ill t iaui. Tyrone Accommodation, 9. 19 p.m. Leave M eetward. Erio Mail Trnin, Erio Express Train, Kl'nira Express Train, Elmira Mail Tram. 3..S5 a ui. 2.M p m. i'.'M a u 4.25 p. iu. Tyrone Accommodation, 10.45 a. Passenger can run Uiiougli on the Erie Mail aud .proes Trnliu without change both was belwecu ,iUd,jlpliia and Erie. ew Voi-U Couucm'iIoh. aro New Yuik at 7 Ot) p m, arrive at Krl 3.40 a. Leave trie at 3.C5 p ui., arrive at Xew York . nouu. No oliuiga of ear between Erie and Kcw York, igaul sloepinr Car on all Might trains. , ight trains. ii.foriuu.Uoii respcotiiig Paaweger business ply at Cor. 3uth aud Market 8t., Philadelphia. tor Vniili t Lumiim.ms ol Ihsfiinlwnvs 1hIi i -- -,-"! . u. rviugiuui, jr., iur. tola auu aiaraot atu. iviviouia. J. W. lUyuoloXErlo. . " rVUliiua liruan, Agent K. C. R. R., Baltimore. .r.,. H. U. Itoi-arox, tsen'l Froight Agt. I'hilada. i ' . 11. W. Owiaaaa, . .. Uau I Ticket Ag't., Philada. . A L. TYLEK. , i b eti I Maii. Willlsoirtsiit I i '. THE tlCIK Ir.CTOAI. . WU5 Cur Your Congb. 4-1 YllR PHfflNIX' pectokal Or compound PT"rf V,J Cherry and Hoot: wll rare the Diseases of tha THROAT AND LUNO.S Such as Colds, Coughs. Croup, Asthma, flronohliisi tatnrrh, Sore Thront, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Jta. lis timely use will prevent I'nlmoiiary Con sumption, aud rren whew this fearful direasobni taken bold it will nftordgrouler roliel than any other medicine. . ' , ' ',' This 1'eclorol Is nia-lc from Wild Cherry Dark and fo tkti .'''nuke Knot, lis Composition Is a sunVjIeni guarantee of ila nlne. Dr. tleo. II. Wood, Professor of the I'raotloe or Medicine in Iho University of Pennsylvania, Physi einn to Hie Pennsylvsnia Hospital and ono of tho anthitra of the United ttea Dispensatory, says of Wild Cherry Bark "It Is among the most vnlnnble or our Indigenous remedies, uniting with toiiie pow er tho property id clniuiiog irritation aud diminish ing nervous exeitnhillty." The smujc distinguished phTsiuinn and authors mys ir. the sumo work, '.Senekn Pnake Hoot is a Itiinula line expectorant. Its action is especially directed to the lungs. J t is peculiarly useful in chronic on. t irrh affections and the secondary stages of oronp." For want of spans we cannot publish all the testi monials in our ioersioi. but we give two : I'lKKXixrii.tr, April 1st, 1864. This Is tooerlily that I have sold hundreds of bot tle of Dr. Oborhol tier's Pha-nix Pectoral or Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Peueka Snake Hoot and I have yet to lind a ninglo iudivi lunl who has used it, who'docs uot bear testimony of its wouderl'ul efioon in curing coughs. Signed, Jacob Pow tits. Uai.i.St. PnojM.tvm.f:, Jan. 11, ISO I. I most the Pho." C!hprrv lis t been snllering wnn a iicaung in my uironi una tight cough, for inoro tbnn two yens, nnd bad taken vnriousother niodioiiios with no relief. As soon as I b.-gnn touscDr Obcrhultser's medicine tho irrita tion in my throat was allayed and in a few weeks I was eutireW cured. I I have also given it to my litllo girl, for a eroupy I cough, with tiio bsppiest vticcls. Signed, Juset'H Li kkns. ! Pottstows, .Ian. Sd. ISo.". This certifies that I have used the Pho-nix Pceto ml ill my family, nnd I recommend it Jo llm publio j the very best remedy tor Cough and voids That I have ever tried. One nf my children was takon with a cold accompanied wilh s breathe bnd indeed that it could not Hnvine heard m muuh satd anotit the Phoenix Pectoral I iirocured a liotlle of it. The first dose relieved the difficulty of broathing and be tor o the child had taken one-lourlh of the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have it in the houso. Signed, D. P CKUSUY. ' The proprietor of this medicine has so much oonfi Idcncein its curative powers, from the testimony of I hundreds who have used it, that the money will be I retarded to any purchaser who is not snthlied with I its ellccts. It is so pleasant to take thnt children cry for it. it costs only Ihirty-livo uents. It is intended lor ouly one eloss of dlsossjs, namely those of tho Thront nnd Lungs. V Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER. M. D.. Plurnixville, Pa. JonNSTON. IIlil.LOWAV 4 t'uWKKN, i Art 2", Anrth Sixth street, Philadelphia, U'liernl Wholesnlo Agents. I Soi.n by (icorgo Bright, nud R. A. Fisher. Drug ! gists. Sunbury ; Wni. Clrerrinston, Druggist at Sha ! luokin. I H. B. If your nearest druggist or storekeeper ' does not keep this medicine do not let him put yon off i with souio other medicine, becsuM) be luukes tnoro I money on it, but scud ntonco to one of the agents fur i it June 10. 18fio. 0m$ RHUESATICS. aD? LELANDtS. rRRH tNKSTI.Y CflUS itllETMATISM! In nil itM Vnrloua I'ornis. Acute or Inflainmntnry ; Chrome. Lumbago, Sciati ca, Pleiirodyne, Ac. Btiffness of tho Joints and Cramps 11 out. Neuralgia and all Nervous Affections Eryspclas, Suit Rheum and Scrofulous Eruptions of the body Xeutrnlixes the Impurities of the Dlood and Fluids of tho whole system, and equalises their circulation ; and effetnu- I ally counteracts Mercurial and other poisonous influ- It Is a conveniently arranged Rclt, con taining a Medicated Compound, to bo worn around the body, about tha waUt, Kiiually Effecting all Parts, wherever the disense may be. It cun bo worn without injury to tho ' most delicate person, and uo ohnngu iu tho proper hnoitfuf living is requirod. It en tirely removes tbe disnfcso Iroin tbo system, ' without tbo use of poweiful internal medi. cincs, which wenked tiio coustituliuu nnd give teuifairary relief ouly by stupifyiug the " system, nnd deadening in vitality, ily this ... trcatuicnt, tiio mcilieiuul properties contain w ed iu the UAND. being nf a highly arninnliu " nnd volatile nature, and capublo of being f" readily obsorhed, through tho pores of the skin, come into direct contnet with the Wood and general cirnulation, without first having ""' to pass through tho stomach, which would tend not only to detract from tlieir curative 24 powers, but to impair Iho internal organs and M derange thu digestion also, thus nvoiding tho injurious ettects. so often the result of internal remedies, nnd cneoting a pcrtcct euro by rut rifyiug and equalizing the olrculation of tho vital fluids anil restoring the parts affected to henlthy condition. This Hand is also most poweriul -Anli-Mercurinl Agent" Calomel being the primary cause of a lnrze part of the SliShese. Neurnlgio Pains and Rheuma tics, so prevalent and will entirely relievo tho system fruui its pernicious rfieota re moving all blotches end pimples from tho body and beautifying the complexion. Moderato case are cured In a few dsys, and i sro constantly receiving uuduubtid testimonials to which we invite inspection at our office of their cCl chcv in agcravntod oases nf long standing. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS. May be bad of Dreg gists, or will be sent by mail upon receipt off j 2j, or by express everywhere, with alt ncorstrtiry iustruo lions from the principal otticaof l! 1.0. 1.. DROWNING, Sol Proprietor und Manufacturer, of the Celebrated Duo M mi's Ext'KLMoii Cort-Kt, No. 18 and 20 Market street, Camden, N. J., y Iroliio, with certified testimonials, sent frso I V Adapted to Soldiers. Sept. 2, Ibtl.i. fun i UrHtllnjg IttailroiKt. ' SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. July 20th, 1805. 1 I REAT TRl NK LINE from th North and OT North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Reud yx l'ottsville, Lebanon. Allcutown, Eoston, to. rain leave llarrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : 3.00, 7 2j and b 15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M., ar- ; riving at New York at 10 A. M. und 3.00 aud 10.30 ! P. M. I The above ennnect with similar trains on tho Penn sylvania railroad, and Sleopiug Car aooompany lb I first two trains, without change. - - - Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tauiaqua,. Miners I ville. Allentuwn and Philadelphia nt 8.15 A. M. and j 1.45 P. M ., stopping at Lebanon and principal sut ; tions only. Wav trains, stotminz at all points, at 7.25 A. M. aud ..40 P. M. Reluming, leave New York at V.OO A.M., 12 noon, and S.U0 P. M ,: Philadelphia at h A M. and 3.30 P. M ; Pottsville at B.I 5 A. M.and 2 35 P. M. ; Ashland at 6 10 A. M. and 12 00 noon, Tainai(ua 3.15 A. M. and 2 15 P. M., aud Heading at I OU, 7.35 aud 10.45 A. M.. 1.3a and 05 P. M. Heading Auooinuioda4iou Train leak 4 Reading at Oil A. M. returning trout Philadelphia at 5.00 ! Columbia Hailroad Trains Inav !'f,a1ititf at II. Of) and 10.55 A. 51. aud 0.U P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, ' Columbia, A. Uu Sundays: Leave Horn York at a P, M.. Pblla dolnhia 3.15 P M. Pottsville 7.M A. M.. Tamaaua T ! A M. llarrisburg 15 A M and kUadmg at 1 A. M. CoiumutaUub. Milause. liaun. aiul Excursion i l'cel. at reduced rates to and from all points, bO Pounds Baggag allowed each Passenger. 1 ' U. A. KIC0LL8. General rJuperintcndcut' I Jnj it, mi. EM'L. WILVERT, I NOTARY 3?XJBIsIO. Offic in "Suabary Auriaa" Building, , ' BUNBTJHY. PENN'A. - WHl atttnd to th Acknowledging of Dteds, Mort gage, Letter of Attorney. Ae., A. I Also, is duly athurised to take acknowledgment and administer oath on application for lluisu lis'H, IVli.ions and Ult-ilHT of tis.ldiere, ' It idoaiaml thpltavs. 11AM.ST. 1'nojMsvir.t.r, Jan. 1 1, iui. i dB it cheerfully besr testimony to the value of j Tjow nf lo-nix Pectoral er CniKiud Kyrnp of Wild irentiac nnd Senekn f-nnko Hoot. ' Ilelore using it I t, ex. UP DE GRAFF'S Eye and Ear Infirmary, On the Sqnire, Three Doors from Steel's Hotel) WILKrS-BAREB, PA. i THIS IKSTITUTON it now open and furnished In the must oosily stylo.' , Ueoeption, Private and Operating Rooms an largo and convenient and well adnpted. The Surgioal apartment onntaini tho fluost oolleotion of instruments In this oountry, and thus his faonlliea will enable him to meet anv and all emorgenoles in praetioe. He will operate upon the various forms of BLINDNESS. Cataract., Oocluon of the Pupil. Cross Eyes, Closuro of the Tear Duets. Inversion of the Eyelids, Pterygium. Ac, Ao. And will treat all forma of Son Eyes, Ornnuled Lids, Opaoetirs of tho Cornea, nnd Scmfiiloaa aiseasea of the Kyo, together with all tho diseases to wbioh the eyo Is snh)TOt. DE A Fit ESS. Will treat all the disrates common to t hi' organ. Discharges from the Ear, Noises In the Ear. Catarrh, difficulties or bearing total Deafness, even where tho Drum is destroyed. Will insert an artificial one, answering nearly all tho purposes of me nniurm. DISEASES OP THE THROAT. All disease! Common to tho Throat, and Nose will be treated HENEllAU SliROEIlY. Ho will operate upon Club-fcct. Hair Lip, Cleft Pnllate, Tumors, Cancers, Enlarged Tunoils, Ao. Plastio operations by healing new flesh into deformed parts, and (icneral Surgery of whatever ehnraeter it may present. DERMA. (Oil HUPTl'KE.i-Ho will perform Enbius," operation for the radical, (complete.) euro I of Hernia, this unquestionably a perfect cure, and is I done with little or no rain. Out of the many bun dred operated upon in Boston there has been no fail ures, it having met he approbation of all who have submitted to it. ARTIFICIAL EYES. Will Insert artificial eyes, giving them tho motion and expression of the natu ral. They nro inserted without the least pain. HKMORRHOID. (PILES.) This tronldesome dl sonso is readily eured. Those suffering from it will i do well to call. I Da. l'r Dk OnArr visits Wilkes-Barro with a buildinv uu a permanent Institute for the treatment of tho Eye, tar. and tlcnernl Surgery. te expenenco cf mere than a quarter ot a, century, in Hosnital ard ecnornl practice, he hopes, will be a sufficient guarantee to tnoee who may be disposed to employ bins. January 14, 1S03. ly n0CEiaES!(iK0CEKIKS! Mrs. BAB AH A. BIIIPSON, W'horthbcrry Street, et of the X. C. 11 11 8UXDUKY, PA., RESPECTFULLY Inlonns her friends and the ublic generally, thnt she hns just opened a large awortmuut of FUESH jlrrl-M, such as UO, i'lOll, OAUl, lU, Pure Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jars, Glnswnre. and a variety of Ladies' Trimmings, Fans, Thread Neck Tics, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites all to examine before purchasing elsewhere, funbury, Juno 17, IStiS. Oin AMBROTYPE AND PHOT'JGRAPH Over J. Bowen's Store, corner Market A Fawn Sis. 6TJNBUR "5T, P-A.., Q BYERLY', informs his friends and the public T ireiierolly. Hint hois taking Portraits in the best stylo aud uiauncr at his Uullery in the above place. AMBUOTYPES A XI) rilOTOORAPHS, nretnken in overy style ot tho Art, that cannot be surpassed in tho Stntc. Having several year s expo rieiiee. he will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will bo taken from all styles of Pictures, (live him a call. Remember, over Bowcn's store Sunbury, June 17, 1S6.'i. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172, 174 & 170 Oitr.F.swuii St., 'Ono Square west of Ilrondwny,) Between Courtlandt aud Dcy Streets, Now York JOHN PATTEN. Jr., Proprotor. Tho Pacis'IC Ilom. is well and widely known to the traveling public. Tho locntiou is especially suitable to merchants and business men , it is in clnso firoximity to the business part of the City is on the ii"hwnv of Southern and Western travel and adja- oent to all tho principal Ruilroad and Steamboat depots. Tho Pacific hns liberal ftceomraodntlon for over ,100 guests; it is woll furnished und possesses every modern improvement for the eomfort and eLterlain mont of ita inmates. The rooms aro specious and well ventilutcd ; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful ; and tho table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season. Tbe subscriber, who, for the past few years, has been tho lessee, is now solo proprietor, and intends to indent if y himself thoroughly with the interests of his house. With lone experience as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal noli-.y, to maintain th. favorable reputation of the Pacific Hotel. JOHN PATTEN, Jr September 9. 186S ly UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opiisito the A,'. Y. A NtW HAVEN A WESTERN R. R. Depot BKACH STREET, BOSTON. Dy F. M. PRATT, Formerly of th American Houso. Mny 13, 1R60. ly T)rrilt!oiti vrefully compounded of th ! L best JJKliUS at lit .11 am mot li etore ot JNOrFUILINd A BOS. Bnr.bary. May 2,'. Iit. BOARDING HOUSE. MICS. M EtIA ,VII4'fIIS---, (Formerly of Iho '-Lawrence lloue,' ) S U N U Y , P E N N ' A. NFOllMS her friends and the publio generally that she hns refitted the bouse formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. Ponte. on Blackberry street, near tho "Northern Central Kailwa Uepot, ana opened Itoanling House, wnere no is preirarea .o Keep PERMANENT AMI TKANS1KNT KUAKI'tltS. With cood cooks and waiters, boarder ean enjoy Hie quiet comforts of home with lure equal to th best hotel. Piitronairo from those who msy sojourn in Sunbury is respectfully solicited. airs. Jl AltlA iiiujnrsu.x. Sunbury. Oot 22, 4 ISO. BEST WIUmlEAD! in: y. i. :! PURE LIBERTY LEAD, Vuoppresscd for Whitening. Fine Qloss, Durability 1 iriuntu ana bvenness ol burlaoo. Pl'RE LIBERTY LEAD Warranted to cover more surface for aaine weight than any other Lead Tty it aud yon trill have uo otlier ! PUKE LIBETY ZINC, "elected Kmc, ground in lteoncd LUisecd Oil, un equaled in quality, ulwuys tbo siiuiu. . . TUBE LIBERTY ZINC, nrranted Ut do oioro and bettor work at a given eost luuu any otnsr Get the- ltmt! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT A COLOR W0RK3. Orders executed promptly by ZIEQLEH Se SlvIXXH, Wlioluatt Drug, I'uiut aad GImim Dcaltrt. fj? Store A Office. No 137 North THIRD Streeti PHILADELPHIA. March 4, 1305. ly. OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore A sight and glv up spectacle, wittout aid of I doctor or medicine, bent by mail, free, on receipt oi iu oenis. Auarasa, E. B.FOOTE, M.D. r ebruary 4, lata. Bui IF yon sant good Tin-Ware, go to OEN1 TKR'S New fhop. BMITU A dr 3. W. XIKULEH. . . L. D. CARE rTTT'rt.T.T'fl O. r A rttft iawvj-t ui wsutti ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BlXBl'&Y, PEKXei LVAMA. , j Collections and all Professional Limine promptly I attended to in th Courts of Northumberland and adjoining Counties. Lif' Also, special attention paid to tho Collection of Pension, ltountie and Back Pay fur Widow vrpnans ana noiuiers Sunbury, March 18, 185 NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY- J. II. I'.KIsiUIXi:. would roapocufull In. form the oitisen f bL KUL'EY. and th pubii generally, inav no uaeopenea a new, VHOTOOHAPH OALLERV. In Kimpaou's Building, South side of Market Sqnsre', wbw L i prepared U tuk la th boat style of the PICTUKE8 TO FRAME, ' '; PICTliKKSIN CASES, CAKD PUOlOtsKAPHS. Ala rieture aaado tor King, Bruatrdna, Ixick!, A. Person wishing in our lin will do well to oall aud examine specimen at th Uallory.' s - W hop so worit a liberal share of public patron age, tluit Movro ii to Pnata. tahkury, July 15, lata, SCHENCK'S HAND RAKE PILLS FOR. aiaiC HEADACHE, . ' 'ItsiHimplonsil'MiitseitudC'nrc. , Tnif has received Its name from a oons'ant nausea n sickness at the stomach, which attends the pain In ho head. This headache Is apt to begin In tho morning on waking from a deep deep, and when Some Irregularity of diet has been committed on tho day before, or sometimes for several days previous. At first there is a distressingly oppressive feeling la the head, which gradually merges into a severe heavy pain In tho temples, frequently attended by a tense of fullnesa and tenderness in one eyo, and ex tending aeroas tho forehead. There Is a elnmmy, on- pleasant taste in the month, an offensive breath, and ho tonguo covered with a yellowish white fur. Tho sufferer desires to be alono in tho dark room. As soon as tho patient feels the fullness in the head and pnln In the temples, take a large dose of Schetiko's Mandrake Pills, and In an hour or two they will feel as well as well as ever. This has been tried by thou tends, and Is always Hire to cure, and Instead of the sick headache coming on every week or ten days, hey will not be troubled with it once in three months. . Schruek'i Mandrake Pills are composed of a num ber of roots besides Podophlnin, or eolieentrated ; Mrndrnke all of which tend to relax the secretions j of the liver, and act more prompt than blue pills or ' mercury, and without leaving any dangerous effects ! In a bilious person they will show themselves by tho stools. They will expel wornit, muens, bile and nil ' morbid matter from the system. In sick headaches If they nro taken as directed abvove, (a full dose as soon us they feel the first symptoms of it Dr, Schonck j will and has direoted his agents to return the money if they do not gfve perfect satisfaction. j If a person has been compelled to stay out lato at j night and uriuk 1(0 much wine, by taking a doio of pilli on going to bed, next morning he will fret as though ha had not drank a drop, unless be forgets to go to bed at all. Tliey only cost 25 cents a box. 1 Whoever takes them will never use any other. They aro worth a dollar .'o a sick man for every cent they cost. Dont forget the name Scnx.xix's Ma.ibrak . Pn.t.1. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Sehenek's Princl . pal Office, No. 15. Xorlh Sixth street, Philadelphia , and by Druggists and Storekeeper generally. Prioe fur Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, each $1 Jt) per bottle. ' iO the half doien, or two hot- i tics of Syrup and one of Tonic, for $1 75. I Dr. Schenck will bo at bis office, No, 15 Xorlh Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday to see patients. lie makes no charge for advice, but for a through examination of the lungs with nis Keipiro- n etcr, he charges $3. ! March IS 18115. Wistar's Balsam or WILD CHERRY soeof the oldest and most re'.ioblo ren.odies iu tbo world for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Diffi culty ot Urcatbing, Asthma, llnarsuuess, rurg Throut, Croup, aud every Afiection of THE THROAT, LUNUS AMD CHEST, including even CONSUMPTION W1STAR S UALSIM OF WILD CHERRY, So irrneral has the nse of this remedy become, and so popular Is it everywhere, that It is unnecessary to recount it virtues Its works spenks for it. and find utterance In the abundant nnd voluntary testimony uf the many who from long suffering and settled di- , sense have by its use been restored to pristine riuor : and health. 'Wce.in prcseuta mass of evidence in proof of our assertion, that 1 ............ ,.,i,j,T.TiTirin I 'l'hc IBc-t. Jacob Srclsler. ' Well known and much respected among the Uerma- ! population in tliiaceuntry, makes Uie following state PHwatioB iiiuiu.eeun.ry, m-ac. w . ,ffl,cl'J : llAxoran, Pa., Fob. 15, 1859. I Dear Sir : Hnvinz realised in my family iuinor- lant benefits from the use or your valuubls prrnara- J lion Wistar' Balsam of Wild CbeTy it affords me , pleasure to recommend it to the publio. Some eight years ago one of my daughter seemed to bo in ade. olinc, and little hope of her recovery were enter- tnlned. I then procured a bottle of your rxcollent , balsam, and beforo she bail taken the wuole oi tuo ; oontents of tbe bottle tl tie vas a great improvement in her health. 1 have, l.i n r individual ca- tnado frequent use of your v l.isl xuediciue, and hav . also been benefited by H ,., i riAbeu pLvuL&n. i Smith, Esq., red ontof tho Morris County Bank, Morristuwn, JVw Jersey. 'Having used Dr. Vt istar s isatsam oi n uu vue-ry for about fifteen rears, and havintr. rcalned its bene- Acini results in my family, it affords uie great plea sure it. recommending it to tho public as a valuable remedy is eases or weak lungs, oonis, cougns, e., and a reniedy which I consider to bo entirely inno cent, and may bo taken with perfect safety by th most Uclicato in health." From Hon. John E. Smith, A distinguished Lawyer In Wcstmluster, ML I have on several occasions used Dr, Wistar Bal sam of Wild Cherry for (ever colds, and always with ueculeu oencnt. I a now oi uo preparauou iun, is more efficacious or moie deserving of gcueral use. The Balsam has also been used w lib excellent eneci by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall Cross Koads, Md. Whtar' Balsam or Wild CnEunr, None genuine unless signed ''I. Bl'TTd," on th wrupper. run calii us J. P, DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway. Now York, rl. W. FOWLE A CO,, Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. IIEDDIKO'S RUSSIA SALVE Ileal Old Eores. BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Burns, Scalds, Cut. HEIDIXO S RUSSIA SALVE , Cure Wounds, Bruise, Sprains. IIEDDIXG'S IIUSSIA SALVE Cure Boils, Ulcers, Cancer. BEDDING'S RUSSIA 8ALVE Cures Salt libeum, Piles, Erysipelas, BEDDING'S RUSSIA BALVB . Cure Ringworm, Corn, A., A. NO FAMILY SHOULD BK WITHOUT IT. pr0oly 25 Cents a Box ron aai.a ar J P. DINSMOIIE, No. 41 Broadway, N. Y. rt. W. FOWLE A CO. No. Is Tremont St., Boston. And by all Druggist and Country Storckeepr. iieo il laot. TO CONSUMERS OF ,TMIBcdorignl dealer In Coal front th follows I Ing wall kaowa Collieries is prepared to receive order I or th taau at th Lowest Market Rate, vis,: MORUECAI'8 DIAMOND MIXES GRAY'S PARRISII & CO'8 " CONSOLIDATED CO'S 31 ii alu repared to arnitb th UtUUnorsatVt. rvlcbrated Coal, 1 ' Lump and Prepared. Ob Lb I!t f th Srsquahanua Birar aud Harr do Or too. lit caiaiadt anaogeuwnts fur tii beat PITTSTON AW D PLYMOUTH COALB Which h preparid to dolivor as board Boat at Nortbunltdand, o b y Can over fc'orthert) 43eoUral Hailroad ad on th ino of th Philadelphia and Erio Railltsd, oa tht tost term. U is prstared to 1 11 all Order with despatch, and respectful I auliolta (rders from tb Trail. - jiddres JOILS WcFABLAND, Apil V, r4. eHhuiiibUoii, fa. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ! . u ; -i t ton Men-Ketentloa or Incontinence of Crins. Inlammv Ilea or CleeraMea ef the Bladder or Kldaeys, Diseases of Iks Prostrate Olana, Orarel, Drlek Dost peposlta, Drontt eal SweUlap, Org ante Weakness, Debility, Female Ceav plaints, As. IIELMBOLD'S ' FLUID EXTRACT. BUCHU Improved. Hose "Wnsli Will radically exterminate from the aytteat Diss as el arts tog from Habits ef Dissipation, at little eajMass, IUtl$ r nt changt dttt, no incomntne or mponn; eomplstely tupersedlnf those sinpsasanlonJ tangtrout rtmtHf, Copabta and Vircury, In curing these disease. USE HELMBOLD'S aUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all Dlssaeea of tho Urinary Organ, whether existing la aui or rsauia, from sAorevsr cause rtytnaMnf , n4 no matUr of how toHflandinff. It is pleasant In Iu taste and odor, IMMEDIATE la action, and more strengthening than anr of the preparations of Burt or Iron. Those suffering from Brohtn Down or Mtcato ContlU tuttont,proeurMo RiMtdy at one. The Ilsader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, It Is certain to affect his Bodily malt, itintat Potcor and JIapplm. If n treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Att the above diseases require the aid of a dlureHo. HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCHU Is the) Great Dlurotlo. IIELIBOLD'S BtaaxT coircamuTSD Compound Fluid Extract Sanapartlta, tor rifjlaf the blood, removing all diseases arising tram excess and Imprudence la life, chroole tonstltuUonal dis eases arising from an Impure state of the blood, and th only reliable and ffc.ul known remedy for the cure of (crofula, Scald Uead, Salt Itheum, Pains and Swelling of the Soaea Ulcerations of tba Throat and Urst Blotches, rimples oa the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all tcaly snip lions of th skin, and beautifying th eoaruuo. NOT A. FEW Of the worst disorder that afflict mankind arise from th corruption that accumulate In th Blood. Of all the dls MTerio that have been made to purge B out, none can o,uaI reelect JTXLiTBOLD'S COMPOUND EJT&AC1 Of 8 A RS A PA MLLA. It cleanse and rsnerate th Blood, Instills th Tips of health Into th system, and purges eut the humors which mak disease. It stimulate the healthy furwtlens ef the bdr, and expels the disorder that grew and rankle In the Blood. Such a remedy, that could bs relied on, ha long been u(ht for, and now, for the first time, tho publle hare one on which they eaa de pend. Our s?ae here does not admit el certificate to ahow Us effects, but th trial of a lnsl bottl will (hew to the sick that It hat virtues surpasslog anything thsy hav rer taken. Two tablespoensful ef the Extract of Sarsaparllla, added to a pint ef water, Is equal to th Lisbon Diet Drink, and on bottle Is equal to a gallon of tbe Syrup of Sarsaparllla, or th decoction at usually made. The above Extract ar prepared en purely seUntlfls principle la Faeuo and embody the full atrcngta ot the Ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will be a comparison of their proper, tie with thai set forth la th U. 8. Dispensatory, HOW TO USE THE REMEOtES In Disease of th Cloed, Humors a the Face, or aoy and Try part of the body, use Extract Earsaparllla, ap plying to Pimples and all external Humor or Erupllens the Improved Rose Wash. Uo the Extract Duchu for all diseases requiring the aid of a Diuretic, exoept those of the Urinary Organs, such as Oonerrhcsa and Gleet; In these us the Extract Buchu and Inject wilh the Improved Rose Wash. fW THESE EXTRACTS HAVE DEEM ADMITTED TO USE IS TUB UNITED STATES ARMY, aud also are In very general uo la all the STATE IIOSriTALS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, at we! a la print practice, and art consfatred lnvaluabl remedies. MEDICINE DELIVERED TO ANY ADDRESS, Direct letter to IIILMBOLD'S DRUO A CUEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, oa to HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEFOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Dioertbt Sympiomi in all Communieatlono. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits I IK PGR KELMBQLO'f April 22, 1S05 ly. ajaC3iimB Ksaca 9 9 (Lit HERB'S HOTEL.) Corner Market and. VI Streets, II ARRISBURO, PA. THE attention of the publie 1 rcspootfully called to Ibis Hotel which is now open for tbo accommoda tion or guest. In th past live month during which time it has been closed the house has been thorough ly remodeled and repaired, until in puiutof convent. no and eomfort, iu patrons will find it to own bo superior. The? 1'ssrtsiliire Italircly ?4v. Room larger than ar usually found in modern hotels. Situated on tho corner of two principal business streets of the aity, but two and a half square from th Rail Road Depot. Tbo proprietor determiped to par no expense in securing the aomfart uf hi guests and a favorable reputation for the establishment, be feels willing to trust it character to th judgment of bis patrons. HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21,1885. J. R. HXLBUSH, County tturyejor, I'outryuncrr AND JUSTICE OF THE PEA CE. Mahonoy, ' Kortiiumlxrland County, PtnrCa OSaa in Jneksoa township. Engagement eaa be mad by letter, directed totheabov address. All business animated to hi oar, will b promptly attended to. April 22, 1805. ly FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND It El' AIL. I rpiIE subscriber respectfully ln&irnii th pubii 1 teat tie a sap aonstantiy on nana at put nsw IVAREHOL'SE, nar th ahamokiq Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBUUY, Flour by th barrel aad tack of all kinds or Feed by theton Th ahor is ll mannfactured at hi own Mill, and will b atdd at th lowest cash price. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbnry, Jun 4, 1664.- e. a. aoBiisr, Allorncy and CoMttwrllor sit laiw, BOON VILLE, CCOPER CO, MISSOURI. WILL pay taxea on land in any part of th blato. Buy and ell real Estate, and all other matters entrusted to him will recsiv prompt at ten lien, July 1, 1895 -sot IS, '64. XtiW CO A I. FIRM, milE nartaarsblo of Urant A Diet havlni: X duaolvad. tua uodersigood bar enlsred Into iwUefship la th U bolesabs ad Ratail t'oal and lUiippiiig rfusinaas undrr tb ar w avmsi tf 41 R Ai t A BROTHER, Thankful f th patronaga xUnded to as 1st th lataarxa ol Friliaf Utant, and 0 reals A butt rpoUiy, v rcspeotfully oolicil a onlinMias ofthaaam. ...... W. T. GRANT, t. d. urant. ; Lower Wharf, B anbury, Peua'a. ArrillS. IHJ. r V A3K PGR KEILMBQ 6,08. A THE RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boaltoa'i.) MARKET BTRKST, BUNBUHT, PA. JULIUS ARBITER. HA8 taken this aid aad wall knewa sUnd, and reltted and faralabad tbe same is prepared to aeoommodate Boarder and Traveler with th best th market oan afford . lie bones by Itriot attention to business to receive a share of public patronage. sua TAiu.a; aontaiM ina nesL ino mwnei auoruv. Ilia Bar la filled with th ahoioaat of Lienors, both Unit and Spirituous. Tho stabling li good, and attended by areluJ vsiiers. Sunbnry, April SO, ISM.ly O-. "W. HATJPT At forapjr nasi Coatnaiollor ot Latr, Offie on touth side of Market street, four doors watt of K. I . Bright eon' Store, BUNBXTRY. TA.. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his ear, th collection oi claims In Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Sunbury, May 23, 1SS3. ly " TO TUB MUSICAL PUBLIC. f pilE subscriber 30 year a practical Piano Forte JL Manufacturer, of New York City, has perma nently located in this section, and would respectfully solicit orders fur TUNING, REPAIRING. AND REGU LATING 1'IANO FORTES and HELODE0NS. Th subscriber I alto lb manufacturer t Agent for CIIICKBRIXO A SOX'S, HA7.I.KTON 11KO 8.. I.INDEMAN A SON'S.. WILLIAM 11. BKADHURY'8, EIMVAKD ULWOMPIELD'S, McDonald t co s, 11.40 l'OIM'i:, And Carbart A Needhain's. and Peloubet't MELODCN3 A HARMONIUMS, And L. V. Stuart s Pip CUVKC1I OKU ANS james McDonald. Bloomiborg, Pa., April 2'J, 1806. II. It. JIASSEK, Attorney tit Mmm; BlXBi:KY. PA. Collections attended to In the counties of Nor thumberland, luion, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. airxRKXCE. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. Oattell A Co., ' Hon. Win. A. Porter. " Morton McMicttacI, Esq.. " E. Kelcbam A Co., 2V Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashracad. Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, March 2I, ISiOJ. ' r t n ii v t ' IMPERIAL Ufjotograpfj (Dallrvirs, Nos. 7 OS. 70 1 and TOO ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 17. 154. om FROM WASniKOTON. LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TUB F O XJ N D E , ROZMACEfc CCCFE?., SUNBURY, PENN'A. Uet the Rest (let th Clieapots Oct the most Ecn I nomicnl, which can bo had at the Itobrbach Foundry Having a large assorltuMit of the most approved I S'lt.tYES, such as Cooking. Parlor, Office und Shop . Staves, which will be sold at the lowest rates. Also, ; Kettles of all sixes. Pans. Skillots, Ao. rri 1 r-..t...: If 1 ! n l. A iiey itrr niu hihuiiibu.ui iti mkuiiij , . wu., Castings. Ae.. at short notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a god workmanlike inauuvr aud at the shortest notloo, All articles shipped ss ordered. Orders respect, fully (oliciled and promptly attended to. KOHUUACH A CWPEn. fjy Old Iron, and all kinds of Produc takeu ip Excbanse for work Kunbury, June IS, 1SC1 -If BEEAD! BBEAD ! I BREAD!!! 3STE"W BAKERY. f plIE undersigned has opened a Bakery, on Market J. street, Sunbury, Pa., two doors west or the Post Office, where he will keep coustantly un hnnd, l'rkili lti--ul, 'l'viait-itolt, Husks, and TEA.BUNNS. 1 All kind or FACY CAKES. Common Cakes. Prettels. Ae. Pie-Nic Parties. Weddiugs and Funerals, will be supplied at the shortest notice. A rood assortment w ill be kept up at all times. manufactured out or the best material, and orders will be promptly attended to. He trust that bis friends and th publie generally will sustain him in Ibis new enterprise, nuw greatly needed in Sunbury. He trusts his experience in the business will ena ble him to give geuctal satistaetion to all Mho. uiay favor him with their, patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, April 22, 18C5. MIL L IN Einr GOODS, AMI IM'CV .A ri. &. 'I RI.MMlXjiS MISS I 8HI8SLER, At lb nsw stiu.1, la Market fSquare, SUXDURY, HAVE just received from Philadelphia tbe latest and rooslf aihionahlr styles of Millinerv tioods. such as Bonnets, llnta. Silks. Ribbuiis and Laoes. Scarfs. Uusiery and li lores. Skeleton Skirts, Flowers, iteau ureases Acts, uid isauica lap, buiwu, Silk, Ao. Black Crape and Lace Veils, Crape aud Liurn Col lars, Dress Trimmings and lluttoui, Co: seta, Zephyrs, Cotton Yarn, Soup and Perfumery. Uiiglt) Trimmings), Hulr 11 n a nnd t'ouib, Gents' Linen aud Paper Collar, Neckties, Ae. Flags, Pioture Tasreli and Cords. Parasols, Ladle' Satchels, Fans, A. Photographs of President Lincoln, handsomely framed. 1 Thankful for past patronage I bopo by sttlct at tention to business to oonliuuu lb same. L, SHISSI KR, Bunbnry. May H, 1605 WALL PAPER i J, W. FHILINU A SON, respectfully apnouneo that tbey have just reeelved and opened a rery do si rablo assortment of WALL PAPER and BORDER wbioh they will dispose of at very ressonsble price Remember th place, Mammoth e'tor, Market Squar. Sunbury, My 29, 1M5. ice ceamfreezes. A New wpply of Mak's Fitb-Mimotb Fax- V UU. received from New York, for sale bv anbury, My 21, M. U. B. MASSER. I.acLitsM anna V lUoomaburB Hall road. ' ON and after Jan. Hub, 1864, Pauogr Train will run as follows : M0VINU SwUm' Patttngtr. Leav Scranton, 4.w r. m. i 5.55 .25 s A 1C Kingston, " Bloowsbarg Rupert, t , rpj " Dauvill. 8.15 Arrivaat Northusubfrland, (.55 ' ' - MOVliiU iiORTU. Leer Nartbaaborlaad, t.60 A. U. Danville, 8 40 Rupert, (.40 . Bloonuburg. 11.35 " Kingston, UI3P. U. Arrir at aiarautoo, L&tf freight A Passstager leaves Bloonisburg. 10.15 A. M. Paseepger lakijig the Uil TrosP South oouoeot with lb Express train from 'orltiupibxrland, arrir. ing at llarrisburg, at 2..10 A, U , Bltiiture 7.00 A. M , and at PhiMhla, at 7 00 A. U, Th. Mail train from Nwrthumborland leave immediately after the arrival of th K praas traia from llarrisburg and Baltimoro, allowing Passengers tearing Philadelphia at 10.40 P. hi., to reach (wiprtaa thi road dfifg tho Boat tiirniooB, Mow and alegant Kbsoping ar (Moaanaay tho night trains each way batweea Northumberland and Battixoora, and Ksirthumberlaad and 1'hilsdslpi.i. ' D. T.ROIJD, bupt. X. K. 8TATJFFER. WATCHMAKJBa A1JEWELRY. No, U Narih ElOKiJfD Hrt, ootuf at Qfvrf, I'hiladelnLia.. Am urtoMtmt r it tils-lseav. Jew elry, HllTor V Plated Var ooneuatly hand, ultabl. for HOLIDAY rRESENTlj! --T Repairing of Watcbe Mid Jweb-y prosnptly attsuded to. December 3, 163 ( Ty Tlse Alttna Hprnm Comnssfir, GirlC NOTICE that. they have oenclwied ar rangemenu with tbo North Central Rail road Company to run trains from Baltimore or York, Harrlsbnrg, Dauphin. Halifax. TroTurton, Bunbury, Northumbwlaad, Lewlsburg, MUton, Munoy, WO llamsport, and all lntrmollat stations, oonneotlng at llarrisburg with th UKAT WESTERN EX PRESS fur Pittsburg, CluolnnaU, St. Louis and th West. i , Also with Howard aY Co.'t Cxprest at Milton or Danville, Iiloomsburg, Wllkesbarre, Pittston, Scran ton, and intermrllato station oa tho Cattawissa, Lackawanna A Blcsjrnrbarg Railroads. At Wll liamsport, by Howard A Co.' Exprea to Jersey Shore and Look Haven. Alto, by Howard A Co., .and their oonseotiona, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western Now York and Canada, by which they will forward Moroliandise, Specie, Rank Note, Jcwolry, and Valuable Paokago of ovary descrip tion. Also, Notes. Draft and Rill for Collection. Experienced aud efficient messengers employed, and every (fforl will be xaad to render satisfaction. , DIJJOHAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. EISCHEU, Agent for Sunbury. Aoril &, 1S62. Ii03. Arrnnscnirnl liOS. of Sew York 1. 1 new. . THE CAMDKN AND AMROY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Phitaitrlfihia to Tfev Yorl and H'oy Plant, from IVatunt ttrtet Wharf and Kciuingtan Trpot, leill leart at follow), vit : rill At 0 A. M., via Camden and Atuboy, (C. and Aeooumoilation.) $2 li AtOA.M., via Camden and Jersev Citv. X. J.. Accommodation, J 25 At 8 A. M . via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mnil.) 3 (u At 8 A.M., via Camden anil Jersey oity 2d Class Ticket 2 2a. At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey elty, Express 00 At 12 M. via Camden and Atjiboy, 0 and A. (Accommodation.) 2 25- At 2 P. M., via Camden and Aniboy, (C. and A. Express,) 3 00- At 3 P.M., via Kensingtsn and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express 3 OO At fi) P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail,) J 0O At Hi P. M. via Kensington and Jersey slty, Southern Mail. 3 OO At II (night) via Kensington and Jersey aity Soulncrn Express 3 00 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Accom modation, Freight and Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 50 Second Class Ticket, 12 For Water Uap, btroudshurg, Scranton, Wilke-. barre, Montrose, Ureat Head. Ac, at 6 A. M., from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Hailroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Boli-. tlere, Easlon, Lambertville, Plcuiington, Ae., tit a A. M., from KeiuiingUin Uepot, and at 21 P M. from Walnut street Wharf. . (The 0 A. M. Line connects with Trains leaving;. Easton for Mauch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.I For Mount Holly, at t A. M., i and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at S A. M. and 2 P. il. WAY LINKS. For Bristol. Trenton, ., at 11 A. M. and 21 and 5 P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, llivertun, lielanco, Boverly, Bur lington, Florence, Hurdeutown, 4c, at 12, 1, 2, 41 and 0 P. M. IV For Xew York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take the Cars oa Filth stroot, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. Tho Curs run into tho lvKt, aud on the arrival of each Traiu, run from tbo Depot. Fifty Pouuds of Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passengers aro prohibited from taking anything a baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over liny pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility lor bnggngo to One Dollar per pound, and will nut be liable for any amount beyond I00. except by special contract. Wll. II. UATZMElt, Agcut. January IT, ISuj. ii. uB:AiciiAKr;i Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE. Murks.-! Mtrs-t-t, Munbury, f.u. CONK1XTIOXKKY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOX, FKlTr, io Ac, C CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above ) establishment at wholesale aud retail, at reason able prices, IU is manufacturing all kinds or Confectioneries to keep up a full assortment which aro sold at low rates. Tobacco, Scgars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, aud a variety of other article, all uf whish ar offered wbulesale and retail. Ij'Remcmber the name and place. 4r) M. C. UEAIUIART, Market street, 3 doors west of K. Y. Bright A Son' store. Jtunbnry. Sept. 19. 185.1. tf I 'l'K I'KEEZLB t As Improvod for 1S59 aud 1SS0, Ily E. KETCHA.M A CO., 2S9 Pearl St., New York. rpHE only Freeter constructed on sciontiBe prin I ciples, wilh a revolving can and spring bind scraper. Th on hastens th frceiing of tho cream- -the other removes it as fast as fro ten. The most rapid iu frscring, with the least quantit) of iee. The most economical Ineost, ai it is tho most simp'. and durable in structure. Fur sale iu all the principal oiiies and towns in tho Union. Each Freesrr accompanied with a book of recipe aud full directions. PRICES. 5 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 qunrts, b CO a quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, M 09 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply t H. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa -'h'2: J O eorub Hill, Sihosj P. Wolvibtox HILL & WOLVEIITON. -tleruoj ai nud I'ounaif-Ior nt 1.uti . Odice, Market street, eor. Centre Alley, stiNBUinr, fa.. WILL attend luvmplley to the collection of claim and all other professional buaipes intrusted t tbeirear in Northumberland aiidadjiiiningcountict' Sunbury, Jauuary 23, 18f2. Internal lounl Ilaff-I, S65 and 307 ISroaiirav, Curntr Fiaiiilin &' NEW YORK. rpjIIS first elass House the most quiet, homelik X and pleasant Hotel ia tho eity offers superb' inducements to Iho visiting New York for bujinof or pleasure. It is central in it location, and kept o the Ei-Borna P,ii.iu connection with Tavlor' Saloon, where refVuhmeut can be had all hour or served in their own rooms. Th charge aro mi derate, the room and attandanoe of the first order baths, and all Uie modern oonronienoe attached Oct 1, laf SOLOMON MALICK, ATTOBWEY AT LAW, SUNBURY. Northumberland County. F OFFICE in East aad of Woavar'f Tavern, Mark Street. All business antrusttd to bim will be careful y ai riunctually attended to. Consultation iu th En ith and German language. Sunbury, April 8. 1865. Tbn Compact, lonble.Af tlssff Mel Hepnratlnc CORN BHELLER ! PATENTED, AL'OUMInd.lSOl. T rdi Ill IS Shsller is lb Only one that shell th Co perfectly len tr,uj tn l oo wocn grcon, soa or drsr. It rives th Ear a doubl operation lb. Shell in Wheal as it passes through, and ser rata th Cob from tho Corn oompletely. rendering at op tit for market without the us of th unni mill. This mofhip shells a Half liuttitl of far$ to the Minute ly Ori nary Hnnd JWer. n4 can be inr4. us), by JL,rse, e'team or W i "oarer by attaching a Pulley on tb Crank Shi OT Durability, Cleanlta. Neatness) t'heapc aad Rapidity ifi Shelling, thi Machia annot (quailed by an other. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR 6ALB REASONABLE TERMS. (iKxriEliBa i It yoa wnt your eora Shel (lean if you ha oeaiou to shell green or da eora ; if u want your eoru and eob separated yon wajit a durable machine ; if you want a eh (hollar, buy the CowplaUj Duublc.-Actipg, Self Vlt t'or Shllf. REFERENCES: IT. D. llsaser. IHr. J. W. Peal Funbi Charlas Haaa, Millar, aiamuel Laasig. Raadi C. . AUwgsa A C., , Aiea. Wcissr. L. Auga Miller. Sunbury. bol. Marts. Farmer, Iteury Leisenrlng. Bear Uap. C. Albert, (leorget- Manufaolured aad for sal at tho Fonndrv ROHRBACil A COOPER, baubury. Pa. Suubury, Dm. t, lol. 6m