5Tfjc "BUnl)tt,iamcrtcan. H.' B. MAS9EH, fidltor ft Proprietor. ' I,":. E.W1LVEKT, Publisher., ' . ' ' ! survitiiitY, pa. I, rt, ,-.-- f SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1805. ' '. . . . Eocal if affairs. " tyRw. 3. D! Heartlon, formerly of this plaee, 'has taken oharge of lb, churches In New Berlin, Ilartleton, end Mifflinburg reeldenoe, Mifflinburg- GTIf you want to buy a knit Jocket for tl 60, en overcoat for $10, or a whole mil tot go to the Continental IJetoAT,.''', ,. ".. J-To measure ooal In lh bin, allow thirty-ix cnbio feet for a ton of eol. Multiply th length width end bight of the bin together, end divldo by thirty -six, ad the teult will be the capacity of the bin. - 3Nitw Dntia STons. Mr. W. A.. Bennett, of L'ewisburg, baring purchased the Prug Store of R. A. Fisher, Market Square, hoe neatly and band- tonioly fitted up tho store room, and replenished his etock by tho addition of a fresh supply of Drugs, Taints, Oils, Glass, Liquors, 4o., just received from Philadelphia. Mr! Bennett ia a regularly eduoated Druggist, and has displayed taste and enterprise In "fitting up his establishment. He has also ohnrgo of the Express Offieo, in th plaoe of R- A. FUber, re- 'signed. ' . i 1 tpBut little work was done on the now Court House Inst week, owing to the great difficulty of got- 'ting lumber over tho railroad from Willfamsport. Workmen are now putting on the sheeting bonrds of fhe roof preparatory for the slating which will be 1 commenced next week. (' ' t-Tn Tthon TnAl. The passenger train between this plaoe and Tyrone, by way of Look Ha ven and Bellefonto, has been discontinued Tor tho prosent. Tho train, we undo, stand, was protty well patronised, and was eertainly a convenience te tho traveling community. We trust it will bo rcinstn led nextepting. ... ., u ' -n - ' pMaafKS9 8X"Sssss mmmmm C3 Mails. Tho conversion of tho nlglit mail for 'Philadelphia to onufternoon mall, does not suit th conveuienco of oiir business men, and wo trust will soon bo remedied, and the night mail leavo as prfc. viously, by the night Express train at 11.40 PI M. Tho companies talk of gotting a nip;ht baggage master at this place. They certainly need one. No ono "man :an perform the duties by day and night.' tyBAVDi.no Wine. This is oneof the humbugs of the day, and not at nil what It is represented in the advertisements. It is niade in Jcrsoy of the El derberry, and u formerly called Bauibuoi wine. It is prepared similur to Blackberry and Currant wines, and in flavor, tut not as good. """ 1-JF-Dir.n Hunt. A party of five persons, con sisting of Geo, Sanderson John Tomb, A. D. Rode armol, Geo. W. Jamee V. Crane, of Jersey Shore with twulvo dogs, returned on .Tuesday with eight splendid deer, four of them averaged 107 pounds each. .. j't'oMMEND.vnLE. Tho Alumni of Lewiallttrg University have taken Initiatory stops for tho erec tion of a suitable monument to the memory of their brother students who have fallen in the service of their country , It is proposed: to" placo a plain mar. bio shaft, in a conspicuous spot on the oollego cam pus, permission having ulready been obtained from the trustees. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Dicks. I'hcao splendid birds aro now ap pearing alongtho Susquehanna. Sportsmen should remember that Ihey aro only allowed to shoot them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. ii n . (QF-MxRTixoor vh Goon Ixtekt FinE Co)irA kv. The members of tho Good Intent Fire Company are requesto 1 to meet at the Court House, on Monday evening, next, at 7 o'clock. AU .the members are particularly requested lo be present as there will be an election of officers for the coming year, and ar rangements made for tho proper care of company property. . l"-The Lowlsburg ChroHiclr, speaking of tho two Synods (Presbyterian and German Reformed,) recently held at that placo, says : ''Some few fami lies may hnve been burdened but, generally, Low Uburg hospitality proved equal to the-emergency, and there aro several chickens and potatoes left." The German Uefnrmod .Vynod reoommended n consideration of o division of the Eastern Into two or more Synods, aiid of an annual meeting of the Genu' al SyoJ. I, i . jJXew Book Asn Statiohbhv Sronn. Mr. N. T. I.iglitener, will orpoh 'on Monday next, in the rooms formerly 6mii pied by the late Charles rioa rants, Esq., as an oflicr, a handsome assortment of Booki, .'tntionerv and notions generally. Adver tisement uext wi ck. Ij'MoMrs. t rick or lvowitbur, una viianiueriin ol Milton, are about eroding a steam saw mill, plun. ing mill, wish and Aw factory at Northumberland They have selected a good and desirable location i" the upper end of the town, and will, no doubt, doa food and profitable business :--..:. (3r"iroTii. Keeimhu. We understand, the large lotels in Ilarrieburg are doing a very slim business ;Ve think tho great harvest for hotel keepers it draw og to a close. In Philadelphia landlords have made ortuncs in a year by their extortionate prices. When iricca rn'ngo from $.'1 60 to $1 i0 per day, as they, o now, the clear profits are estimated' to be not let hen 32 Co $2 bO per day On eneh guest. No wonder iiut fortunes 6f 5100,000 are made in a year. . ll"t 10 time iaeoming when pe6plo 'will reluse to eo niragetuch imposition and extortion ' ; ' Itp'Tbe American Aficull-irolist for Novembot, already but. It is a cheap and most -valuable peri dieul. -. - " -"J- ' - ' - ; tpThe new Steam Ferry boat building J Mr a T. Clement, is prpgressitig, and will aeon be eom. leted. '91ie boiler, end most di tVii maSbinery is ready on board.'! .!. V J .1 ' 'J I'T , . , 1 i S i ,'i .. E5PChan. Mr. Joba Bowea has sold Aut llj ire, in this plaoe. to Dr. J. Eyster of Solinsgrove. r. Jfyster expects to open a new stock of goods' to y, (Saturday.) Advertisement next week, , ,- QThe now Coal Breaker at Trovorton was put ti operation en Monday, last,, ead was eonitraotstl eontraot in ds.,lTUi Breaker wasbuiU to )lueo fJie Jufgor, breaker e r.the Cosspany doetoyt bytscevisal mobths nA'" f . jl' ' ' bytecse 3f'A iSoinisa's Mojqisi.T''f members of mpany C, 47th Regiment, Pennsylvania olun- TS. of tills place, commanded by , Captain Oyster) i about ercoting a monument io m memory oi iir comrades, who have fnllen er died In the ser e. The lit comprises no less that thirty-one In Iflunls, li'o haVe, In spirit, of patriotism, de ed their lives to. their country. This is an, ap printo tribute on the Jart of tbe survivors, and ikn well, not only of thoir heroic conduct in bafc; but of the, fraternal and kindly feeling uiaintain by Uioae who escaped His perils of war, for those , full la deteoee of lheiouatry. The nionumenl be constructed by Mr. John A. Taylor of Nor mberlnnd. and will cost flrree hundred and fifty ars. The monument win to erected over the ains of Wm: Fry, 1st Sergt. of the Company, a (in of rebel brutality while taprisoa. ja-An alarm of fire 6a'rday. afternoon jght together a orowd at Smith Oeatber's store, iighling the lamps barnjiis; maleh wm thought, y thrown oa the eeunter on whioh too oil ia4 Hlt. There was no dsmag do flr . and diFPereioa of a crowd near Blaymakw'l er. ooothorbrougbt together ky evieuj esfl of aneihu eburactar.- i ": ; ity Tre : Atlantic) MewTHr.T- for Noromber, Is pabllshod, with art eiocllt table of ennlents- - The principal contributor are-Robert Dale Owen, J. G. Wbittler, Donald O. Mitchell, Mrs. H. B. Stowo, John Seal, Dr, O. W Holmcsarid illi taviu-ltce. of the Atlautia'r large circle dt readers. iTbe lovers of light literature will find "The Forge'' a story Of more than .ordinary Interest, while tho who aeek more .solid food wilt find it in "Hie Pro pesa ef' the Blectrie Telegraph and a masterly sketch of the life and genius of Alexander Hamil ton.';, Boston: Tioknpr Fields. " 94 a yoar. tyOra Tooao FoLKS.The contests of the November number of this exoelfctot Magaiine, will delight, ! youthful readers. The eoatribatlons are by some of the best American authors, and are ad mirably 'adapted to tho entertalnnlbnt ahd Instruc tion of the Juvenile mind. ' Among the articles most worthy of notioo, wo may name "How a. Pine Tree did some Good," 'the Boy of Chtclfliroauga," "Sir Walter Sootl and bis Dogs, "and 'Sunday Afternoon 1 Ticknor A Fields, Boston, are tho publishers, and the prioe is f 2 a yoar. '- Mohnino Mails. -Th Philadelphia morning mail Is carried past! this place on aa average, three times a Week, of late. Something should be done in this matter, and that very promptly. t ''' " " Trlnl t.lnt. '., , . ." FOB 8ECOSD WEESIItOTBMnicn TEnjs, ;;lj866 Trrt Clement ft al, Va Sasart Longtrjcckcr. Julin Dralicr, William Fagcly ct al. James Rice, v Catborine Lcrch ct al. . Cointnoa'tli of Pcnna. fur use, vs Jumcs Van dyke. ' ' . ' . George C. Wclkcr, vs George Hums. Uavid Fogely, vt A. M. Enatwick. Willinm L. Dewatt, vs Jacob It. Mnsser. Cnnnnon'th of Penna; tot use, Y8 Pliilip W. llilgert et al.: ;j.-f John Ilnfer for ubc,'vs Barbara A. Alexan der ex. , - Chnrles l!cck, vs Sarnuel Giiringer. David Wuldion, vs Jane Waldnin. Stroll & Elliot, vs Sliull fc Uontilitte. Jercmiuli Zimuiurmni), vs Jnltit A. Conrad. Peter K. Fisher, vs Josepli .Yeitzel. , ( i William & Christian Fox, vs Joseph Bird ct al. ... ....)..- .- .'-.'..i Willinm L. Dcwnrt, vs Snrvis & Wynti. Jonatlinn Hoover, vs Josiah Heed. John A. Dodge et nl, vs Jacoby llnrtman ct nl. .. . .. , John Beard ct nl, vs Jacob Wciek. Robert D. Catntnings, vs John Wittemoyer. Same, ' vs William S. Forseman. Fretman Thomas, vs Andrew lleckel. Chailes Hoy, vs Daniel W.. Smith Daniel Hurr, vs John F, Cowan et al. Levi Hecht, vs Peter K. Fisher. Benevillo SImfl"er4.vs OaVli.) Eshlmck. William G. llobins ctal, vs John S. Snyder ot nl. ' ' - Daniel Kerclincr, vs Charles Shell. Freeman Thomas, vs Andrew lleckel. A. W. Dreamer, vs John Leister, ;'i John Ilaiicnck, vs John Haas & Oo, : ; Casper Shall et ill, vs John IC Erdiuan. John Ihmklcbcrgcr ct ul, vs A. JI. East wick. Klias.Stepp, vs Samuel II. Itothnrmel.' ' Elias Stcpp, vs Andrew Lenker. Michael Hughes et ol, vs Catherine Wallace. Catherine Curran, vs Catherine Wallace. " Warren M'Ewin, vs George A. Keel'er. William L. Lance, vs Freeman Thomas. John It. Forsman, vs George C McKee. John Haas et ul, Vu The Locust Gap Imp. Co. Jacob II. IJngle, vs John Young, Constable. John B. Weiser, vs Henry Wcise. ' Common'th of Penna. vs Philip llilgert..". Ini T. Clemctit, vs Jumcs J. Dull.; -. . - PH0 TOOK A P H A LB V MS , books ak:j stationery-, Moulhly Tilnu Books I rawing Books find Slates. Bocks, llrron Bonks, B:jnk Books. Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pookas Books, Ink Stands, Poos, Pencils, a fine assortment' oif Paper, tnliAo. For sole by, , . .. ANNA PA1MTEH. TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Bi ushes, Hair l!ruTh7s, Ac, Ac. For salo by - ' ANNA PAIXTKU. . AUXA IAI'1'H,' Two doors West of the Post Oflico, - StTJMBXJPl'S'i PENN'A., HAS just received ond opened a large assorlmen of ' ancy Dress Goods, such as Gloves, Jouvian llil-glnres, Silk and lixlo thread (llovcs; Fleecy Lined Hose, Children's Merino Uoc, Lailiun' Zephyr llooris, Dress Cords and Tassels, Chenille, Snmagg, Ladies and Oentlcmen Hanrtkerehiefa, Corsets. Km broirlercd Slippers, Ribbons, FANCY DRKSS U VT 'JOSS. Bugle Gimps, Trimmings. Buttons, Holt lb ben Velvet ltlbhons, Hrnid, licit Cliisi., Ladies' Nock-ties.CHAPlihlBllO.N and TKIMMINO ; Km- broiilcring Braids, Jaaonet and bi9 lilgings and Insertion; Maltecco LaeeCollarK, Lucas, tireendiiic Veils. Black Veils, Fancy Dross Combs, Head Dres ses. Nctts, and a variety of other articles. ' Lockwood's Paper Gtdlars of a superior "quality. Ladies' Linen Colloid. Picturo Cords and Tavcls. xxa rAixTi:n. Sunl-iiTy. Oct. 2. 18C5. . j N;E W G O O D S! HAVING jupt returned from tho city, 1 I have now open u lull assortincnt of such as ltrOMH aOOiln, Dress Trimmings and 11:1.1 ni x-.... : ijluitiK". muuuug, uiuvva. .iiicu Collars and L'uff", Cloak Ornaments, and Buttons, Cornells, White and Woolen tloods, Slietols, and Breakfnsi Shawls, Hoods, Ladies' and Oents' Scarfs, Neckties, Sleeve Buttons, Fancy Combs, and Aolions) el' all kinds, too numerous to mention. . MABY L.LAZARUS. Two doors west of IVb, 11, Jdillor s Shoe store, Sunbury, Oct. 28, 1865. SOAP MANUFACTORY, rpUE subsoriber respeotfully Informs .the eiliicos s . ot cionoury ana vicinity, tuaiue nas oomaicocsa the uuiuufuature of . -.. .,, .... ;u ; - HARD AND SOFT SOAP,"'"; ' at his residence in Pokeberry street, where ho will keep constantly on band a good article of JiardfaRiai lSaofcUpSppeutl.'l k '. t f . f lwift.3oap. a tents perruart 11! v f ii 'i Perxens wishing a prime article will picas call' .-; MARK C. BOW LBV. - Sunbury, October 21, 1805. ' "' '" " " JOHN E. SMIGX, . , Fawn street below Market, Dret doer south of Bow en's store, SUNBURY, PA. INFORMS Uie eitisens of Sunbury end vicinity, thut be hoi just opened a large aworlment of. I'hiin nud I'ustt'y CASXMEiBU S, CLOTHS &C - to which be invites all who desire -to have durable Uarmeiits made up in the Inlaal style, to cull and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Employing none but the bust of workmen, be wil' make up to order Gentleman's garluients iu tho best stylo and et reasonablee rates. . ... ( a All goods not on bond will be furnished at shur!. notice. ."' i -- Sunbury, Oetober U, 188S. " i runs ! runs pubs . WHOLESALE AND BETAIU CH ABXE 8 OAKFOHD "& SONS," t B0aiiaiB9Ai. '116911. !... PUrLADKLPIilA. -i -i-ivi l'"'IIave'now open their large and splendid stock of LAD1A3 i1 LA lArtS, ; CVLLAR-1. 'PJJ A .1 ' 1 crFFS', ' v "'-TAW .. j . - OLOVES. ' ' ,-: , ! .i jijcd HOODS. - AtMtbe tlnsSst assertmaai kf raaef Fuf'lteea, Rae MuSlwa. aos) ttleaei err. ixJorf. oMefii, by e4, 'ejilppiNO FCH.S BOUUI Inem, all el wnicn ere wiuin to n aa eefmeui I . nctooe 51, 1M 1 LARGE STOXKI N EV ARK I.Y &I..P t i 0b J) I) S At no. i BTona or WEAVER r AGELY, " V"i CONSISTING.OJ'f.-rt yjr DRY -GOOtoSl FOREMltr AND DOMKSTIC such as Clolhs, Ca-sV-meres. Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Calionns. Pf. lalnea, Flannels, and all kinds of MOCHmNOGoOd. Alpaeas, ' Illao Silks, Ulnghams, llnlmorat and Skeleton Skh-te, Canton Flannele, Nankeens, Car peting of all kind HATS 3c CAPS. U!U.iCARPETS.!UJ'i NOTIONS . & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery, O loves. Tbreail, Buttotw, Silt- ponders. Neok-ties, Collars, Handkercbiofe, - j , , Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Gum Uib- - . bon and Cord-, tape, erotohet-braid) . . V worked collars, fancy head, -' " dresses, tidy cotton, carpet' '' ' " binding, combs, fancy '-.'( ,1 ' i roapa, carpet' he ga. '1 '-, 1 J Trnnks, valises, Umbrellas, Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes, e. t t ' ). f ; ', arse ijnn-vv.A.BtiBi: Of all kthdf, michas Nolls, Hltigrt and Srt-ews, Door Latches and Knobs, Locks, and CUTLERY ot every dosoription. : - t Also, Dyes, Drugs, Puints, Varnishes, Fish, Flaxseed and Ik-nzlne Oils, Glass, Putty. &e. liiccnswnre and Ulnsawnre oi' nil , kisaslM. - - STOm AND EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stock Of G R O C E RTE S, Composed of Sugar, Coflee, Teas, Rice, Cora-starch, Maccaroni, Barley, Baking-powder, molasses, sonps. enndles, tobacco and svgors, Mult, Fioh, Meat., Clieos'c, Ac, Ac. ,, :, ,, , . , . T Also, a largo variety of BOOTS-& SZ0E3. for Men, Women and Children. . L'tTAll kinds of-U rain ami Country Produce taken Ifi exchange for Uflods. ' - 1 ' Hive us a call kofore yon purchase - tlsenhore, we are bound to sell as low aa any one else.' . . Store-room in Ira T. Clement's building at the fouth-w est corner of Market Square, near the Court ilouse. i - i , Sunbury, Oct 28, '1889:;" ' 'J ' ' ' . XIQIIT Blooming Cereus, lor.'-nlo bv . .. . .. ' , ... A-.V.VA PAINTER. . r FINE Myrtle Pomatum, at the Fancy Store of I .tV,. ASN PAINTER. . HKEAKFAST SHAWLS. f7snie at the Fancv Btoracf".. ANN A PACNTKR. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK . F0Il im ...... .,( THE FASU10X MAOAZIXE OF TIIE WOiab . Literature, Fine Arta, and Fashions. -The mast inugnificcnt steel engravings.- Doublo Fafhion riiitcs. AVood engravings on every subject thai can interest ladies. Crotchet knitting, Netting, F.tubroi dery, Articles for tho Toilet, for the Parlor, the Bou doir, and the Kitcnon. Everything, In fact, to make complete Lady's Book.: ' ' ' TnB Laky's FAvonirE pon 3R TuAns. to Magazine has been ablo to compote wi ll It. None attempt it. ' ' ; Uodey's Hocelpts for cVcty department of a house, hold. These alone are worth the prioe of the Book. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart A Co., of Xow York, tho millionaire merchants, appear in Oodoy, the only Magazine that has them. Ladies' llonnerv Wo give more of them in a -year than any tither Maaasiiin. In faot, the Lady's 6ook enables erory lady to bo her own bonnot maker. Marion Hnrland, writes for Godcy each mouth, and for no other inagaeinc. Tmiiis or Uohrv's Ladv's Hook for 13CS. (From which there can be no Deviation,) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1868 : One copy, one year - - . $.1 00 Two copies, ono your. . - -Three copies, one year t- ... -1.': T otr tour copies, one year ... 1000 Five copies, ono your, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six oopirs . 14 00 n , All additions to clubs at club rati. Tho money must all be scut at ono time for any or tho Clubs. . Address, " " L A. OODET, , X E. Corner 8th and Chestnut Streets, ' Philadelphia. FANCY DRY GOOD STOKE. ivriss Kate black, RESPECTFULLY informsher friends in Sunbury and vtoiuity, that she has just openort her PALL AND WIKTEB GOODS, oi Notions and Fancv Dry Ooods, Itiirket street, ftnir doors West ofWm. II. Miller's Bootand Shoo store, SUNBURY, Po. Her stock consists of Trimming?;- notions, erjibrnl. dories, Ladies and Childress' 1 1 an, ilk and -other linings, iloop-skirlf, Crape and Loee, il,;New, Hlovirs, stockings, collars, and corsers, An. Twilights, Breakfast Coris,, ltidilig IIikkIs, Bal moral fkirts. Children's Woolen Oaitcrs, Ladies n d Children's Hoeo, Ueiib," half Iiosa. Bradley's uow Patont Dujilex Elliptio (or drubie -. Spring SKIRTS. r- j -jents' llandkerchiefs, Cravnls, Koeklins. Stpcn iers ; Riblmns, nf nil kiifds, Feathers. -Velvet, and aiany otbcif oi LicU-c too ouiuorous to mention- j " PetTuinery, Toilet Snaps.' Hair' Brushes, ' Cosuli, Tova, and a general varictyof NOXl'tN.S. t) AL'l T1.K1NU imie liandsomuly and at short notiue. - . . . . ICAIE ELACIv Sunbury. Oet 28. 1J80., '. . - GinUT'CIIAXCE " ron AGENTS. What the People Want: i." i- THE (STANDARD ' ' HISTORY OF THE WAI ) I. Complete in ouo very large Voluino of over moo , t ragos. . This work hs no tivul as a candid, lueid. com plete, anthentio and reliablo history of the "great conflict.'1 It contains reading matter equal to three large royal octavo volumes, splendidly illustrated with over l.'iO One portraits of tienerals, battle scenes maps and diagrams; ' i .1 - .. ..; i Roturned aud di&abled omccrs and aoldiors. and energetic young men in want of protilnUo employ ment will find this rare chaooeto make money,. Vi c tiavo Agents clearing iMV per inonlb, which wo will provo to any doubting applicant; tor proof of the abore send for circulars and see our terms. Addrew, JONES BROTHERS A CO., Philadelphia, IV Oi't. 21, 1805. lm . . ' : SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtuo of a certain writ of Fieri Facias, and Plurius Levaria Famo, issued,, out vi the Court of Common Ties nf Noi ituiiiborlujiJ fovuity, and to me directed, will be cxKced to publio sale, at .tho Court Ilouse, 1n the borough ef funburyj on Satur day, the 4th day of November, 1805, at 1 o'clock, P. M. The following property, to wit n- , v A certain lot or piece of gitfund, sitiiato in the bo rough of Northumberland, eountyof Northumber- laud, and mate el Pennsylvania, adjoining on ,ttu soutbeaat,.Nurthway ' on the southwest kit of JVibn Uuunaia; n tae north west, water street; ami on the northcabt, lot of Daniel .S'torrick, coniaiuingin width 00 feet, and in depth 180 Jest, being one-ioonh of an acre, more or less, whereon are erected two iUium-s, oue log and.qne stasia, As. II1' ' ! JJ J. J . u ... i .J . 1 ; .. .. I . i. , 1 v . 1 1 1. hfoperty ol Japics A, Hewer. . .-.I. i.. ALSO ' All thofo certain couliguous lots of ground, situaie In tho towuof Trevortuu, Norihuiuherland county, Pennsylvania, bounded an 4 described as follows, to wit : bounded on the north by Sliamokiu street, on the east by lota formerly owued by Michael Wert man, on the south by an alley, and on the. west by lots of Benjamin Patbin, being imirkaj in tho plan of said lowu as loU No. 6, 67 aud 8, and part of lots No. 4 block No. 120, on which is erected a large dwelling house built of brick. toiied, taken into execution and to be sold as the property o( Charloe l'( Helfotntoln, Adminutrator of iulwari i) liuiicusieui, cico u. i. -... "ir.Nn ..... - By virtue of eerlaln write of VemU Exponas, Plu rius Vend. Exponas, Levari Faoias and Plur Levari Faoiaa, issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas pf Nortbutuberlajid oounty, and to lue direotod, will be exposed to publie sale, at the Court House, iu the borough of Kunbury, on Monday tbe fiih day ef klo veinber, lHAo, et 1 o'clock, P. XI. Tbe following property, tqeritl) .! . . fl '. Defendants interost, supposed to be the undivided eigth part of a eertain tract or piece of land, situate In Turbut township, Northumberland county, Pen trlvaiiia,' beunded and described as follows, to wit ! eu the west by land of Jaoob Jlartmap, on the south by land of Henry P. Fnllmer an the east by land of Kaaiavl Blairi, Isaao Marsh and David Engle, and on the nortn by land of Charles Shiiler, 3. W. Kelsey, and stamuel Eckort, eontoioing about-64 acres, more or leas, whereon are erected a two story frame dwirl ling bouse, frame barn, eabtaetmaker ebon and other cutbuildiege, t : Mi' t t , Seised, taken Into exlrofclloh and to be sold as tho property of Wm. Knts i . , Also, Lot. No fl, in block No. 120, In fce town of TrevortOn, Zerbo township, NorthnmberTdnd County, Pennsylvania, bounded on the sonth by Coal stroot, on the north by an alley, on tho west by lot Nri. 6, and on tho east by lot No. 7, In block No. 130, con taining lit width 2&feet, and In depth 160 feet, whore on are erected attwo. story frame.. House and 1 ,fraroo atablo. ' Also,' lots Nos. 12 and IS, In block No. 12.7, In same township and county, bounded on the north by Shamokin street, on the south by an alloy, on the West by lot No. 1 1 In same block, and tho east by Second stroi-t. containing in front each 25 feet, and in depth ISO feet. . - Alas, lot No. 13, in block 78, situnte In same town, township and county, bounded on the north by Rail road street, oft tho south by Market street, on the east by Front street, and on the westhy lot No. 12 in samo block, containing in width 25 foe, and in depth 160 feet. Seized, taken Into execution and (5 bo Sold as tho property of Patrick Mahan. n : ALSO : ,( ; Two cortnin lots or peiocs of ground, situate in tho borough of McEwensvillc, Nortnufmborlnnd county, Pennaylvnnin, bounded on the nth by lot of Win. Smith, east by Main street, south by an alloy, and west by an alley, oontoiuing o front each feet and in depth foot, whercoh la erected a two story brick dwelling llouso, bric'tt Foundry, Wagon maker Shop, Carpenter shop, frame Stable and othor outbuildings, a well of water, Ac. . . Also, n cortain lot or pieco of ground, 'situate in samo town, county and brato aforesaid, bounded on the north by an alley, east by a lot of Mrs. Mary WcUh, south by Potcwh street, and west by lot of John F. Denller's heirs, containing in width - feet in depth feet, whoroon are eroded ono and a half story frame dwelling house, frame atablo, Ao. Also, a certain tract or pioco of land, tituate in Delaware township, Northumberland county, Peifn sylvnnin, bounded and described as follows, to wit : norlhand cast by land of Wm. Montgomery, south by Tu but villa road, and on the west by lands of Judm Kciser, containing ttri acre?; all improved. Suited, taken into execution and to be sold as tho property of Philip Stuinruck. ALSO i A cortain tract of land, situate, in Coal township, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded and desurilx ed as follows, to wit : beginning at a stone, thenoo by land nf John lioyd, north f dcg. west 170 perches to stones, thence by land of Wjh, Wilson, south 80 dcg. west 213 perches fo slo'n 6s, thence by same south 501 dcg. west 71 perches to a chestnut, thenoo by same south 441 drg. W. 06 per. to a white oak, thenco by land of Peter Maurer, south 87 dcg. east 61 five-tenth porches to a chestnut oak, thence by the samo, south 02 dog. oast !9 perches to a whito oak, thence by tire same south 20 dcg. cast 49 eight tenth porches toa white oak, thence by Innd of Mi. ehael Krolo, east 81 -nine-tenths porolras toa white oak stump, thence by same north 80 fourtonths per dies to a lliekory, thence by same north 871 dcg. east 68 porches to a pine, and thenoe by land of Frederick Cramer, north OH deg- east 105 perches to tho place of beginning, containing 307 acres and 98 perches and allowanoo. Soixed, taken into execution and to be sold as tho property of F, Lasnrus, administrator of Calvin Blytho,deed.,and Wm. Ayrcs, Jr.. Administrator of 'Win. Ay res, dee'd:, with n'.lico to tcrretenants and occupants ALSO: " All Hint certain tract or pieco of land, siluato now inZerbe township, (formerly in Mahonoy township) Northumberland county; Pennsylvania, bounded ahd described aa follows, to wit: beginning at a white oak corner, thenco by Alexander Hunter's land, north 09 degrees east 121 perches to a stono corner, thence by Into Jacob Kissinger's land, south 11 did. cast 138 perches to a stono corner, tlionco bv T. (Jranl's land, south 69 Uogfoea west 05 perches to a chesnut; and thunee fcy the satire, north hO dcg. wct IS8 perches to a stono corner, thenoo north 11 dcg. west 1 10 perches to tho place of beginning, con taining one huudred acres aud allowances of six per cent, exception nnd'includiug so much end such part oriKirtion of the said tractor piece ot -land as lies suutli of lli e Railroad, which runs eirbt usd west through the said tract or piece of land. Seized, taken into execution and to bo sold as tho property of Wm. L. lloUcnstoin. ; . ALSO: All those certain messeage, houses. IrsN, pieces of grouhd, situate and described as follows, to wit : one hoiwo and Itrco two aero lohs; in the town of Tro vorton, in tho county of Northumberland ; two lots of ground in s.-lid town of Trevcrton, numbered in the general plan of said town as lots Nos. 8 and 9, in block 104, on which is erected a two-story framo house; five lots, pieces or parcels bf ground, in said town of Trovorton, numbered 1,2,3, 4, aud 5, in block No. 105, on which is erected three frame houses ; two lots No. 11 and 12 in black No. 61, on which is erected a doublo frame houso ; one house and lot also situnte in anid town No. 2 in block 116; lo houses ami lots in eaid town numbered 8 and V in block No. 23 ; ouo house and bit No. 4 in block No. l-'IO ; one stciim saw-mill and ground adjneunt, containing ono aore, more or less ; -two lots of ground Nos. I and 2 in block No. BS ; ono lot or piece of ground marked No. 6 iu block 87, all situate in tbe town of Trovorton and county of Northumberland. Seized, taken intocxeootionand to be sold as tbe property of Charles liclfunstoin, administrator of Edward Ilcllcnstein. dee'd., with notice to John Foy and Charles P, llclfcnstcln, Assignees of Ed ward llclfenstein ALSO : A certain traot or piece of land, situato in Lower August township,.- Northumberland oounty, Penn sylwuiin. described na follows, to wit : 'n tho eaat by land of John Shipe. on the south by land of lien, nud Jacob Raker', on tho west by laud of Peter Strob and on tho north by land of John Eyster, Adam Uow, Jobu Lenker, and Henry Melick, containing U5area, inoreur leas, whereon are ersctod a small frunio bullae, frame bank barn, spring house, wagon shod, apple orchard, Ac , Seized. Iiikcn into execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Vuil. ALSO : A certain lot or piece of ground, situate in tho borough ot McEwrnsville, Northumberland couuty, lVmcylviinin, bounded uud described as follows, to wit : On tho ial by Front street, on tho north by Ueore A Bowers, on tho weit by lot of Wm. Beard, an. Lou lue Hotun ov lot ol i in. Heard, containing on Front ireot 40 feet in length about CO feet, whoroon arc erected a atory nrtcR House, ,lb basement. Ao. Seized, taken into execution ami to be sold us the property ol IJeo. vt . Dixod. .. ALSO ! Defendants Intern.. siiiiTiosed to be tho undivided eighth pert of a certain tract or picuo of land, situate in 1 urnul townntp, ioriiiiiiuterland county l'enn. svlvniiia, bounded, ami duscribed as follows, to wit on the west by land ol .luuoby Aarliiian, on Ilia south iy liinui fd Henry I . roiinier. on the east by land ul' Samuel Bliiin, Isaac Mrusli and David Kngle. and on Iho north by land of Charles Shulor, J. W. Kclscy and Siimuei Lekert, containing about eighty acres. more or les, whureon arc erected a two story frame iiw'iiitng iioiiHo, inline iimn, l-uemeluiaKlu' fnop, oibei" oulbnil'linzs, Ac, Seized, taken into execution and to be sold ns the property ol t iiBrlcs A. Uuts. ' ALSO i . . All that certain tract cr nicco of land, surveved on a warrant of M iltlilas Ziuiuicruian, bounded by traot ot land surveyed in tho name of John lioyd. by bind surveyed in tho nnmo nf'Wm, Wilson, Poter Mowry, Michael Kroll and Frederick Kramer, lying in Coal and iiertoe townships, Northumberland oouu tv. Penurylvania, cvntaiuing 411 acres, more or less. Seized, taken tutu execution end to be sold a4 the property of M II I in in Avres, administrator of William A vre., deceased, with notioo lo Buchcr Ayrcs, and oiiiuin. Lei I uiejiuuin. WM. M. WEAVER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflico. Sunbury, Oct. 21, 1805. ism mld nwm H il 1 i n e r y G o o ds! ! M. - . , i . , u'., . . Just opeucd at the GRAND MILLINERY STORE of j rt f-jm 31. ti. niilor, ' 1 Fawn street, two doors' south of Shamokiu Valley A . , 1 1 t I'lttUville llailroa4, . ,, ,; f The latent styles of Ronnels, Huts, Caps, and all kinds of Trimiuiugs, Flowera, Ao. Ladies' Woolen Goods of every style and quality. Glovea, Collars, Handkerchief,' Hosiery, Laces, Veils, bilk, Greuadine and Mourning Veils, and numerous other notions, usually kept in Millnrcty tores, Cull and see berstock. .. Sunbury, Oct. 14,- Joi. I in ' ' J ..T. ..'.UHTKU I14Mi:. CAME to the- facloaure of J. W; Cake, in Upper Agesta towoihip on the Zth of Sopteeuber lost. dark brown horse, about 12 years old, branded "U S'., sixteen bands high. The owner or owners are requested to some mrwsrd, 1 prove their property. pay enarges and take mm away, otherwise He wm bo sold according to law. , , . ... ruiibury, October 7, (SiiS, ...... i NllttV4U. GAME to the suhscriheir on or about the 2Atb oe Aagest last, atray Cow, abovt wit year eld, has white shoulder, red over the book, white hind logs, baa a small bell on. The owner or owners are reqneated to come forward, prove property, pay charge and take her away, otherwise the wilt be dufioaedof aoeordin trlaw. '' .. -i I ... " ' C1IARLE8B. DOVER,. ! . Cameron rwp , Sept. 10, Iriej 2m . 'VVnll lnprr and Rordrr to great variety--pew suits just received a.t ike Mamuoth Store of ' r J. W.FUILING 4.VO.N',. Sunbury, 9i,H, ISM.; .. . , , ' CLOTHING FOR ALL 1 1 CONTINENTAL 0 L O T II I N O , B A Z A A ll ; Coi-iicr of Market Nqnare c Rnll. i . . . IteHd Slreet, . ; , SUNDURY, P E N N' A. ; ; '."' Jl'ST OTENED, FALL A VTISft gTO Or UKADY MADE CLOTHING, Of the nowest stylos, ent by the host Artists, trimmed and made equal to eustosa work, and sold at the lowest prices. i. v Vhol Knlftrs)lS. Cavalry Tanta for $fl. BLANKETS, BEAVlER CLOTH cosV'jamn.JC3m. Varying from $25 to $40. 31 cn and IJoy'si Clothing of the best ma terial consisting of Dross Coata, Frock Coats, Back Coats, Pants, and Vests of various colors and quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, ' uch as Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, ('oilers-, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings Gloves, Ae. i Slatn nnl 'npsi oTnll lcln1ai. BOOTS AND SHOES, Gum Shoe. TRUNKS, VA LISES, UMBRELLAS, TOBACCO , .SEGAHS, Watches, Jewelry, Knives, Revolvers! md NO TIONS nf all kinds, and numerous oth articles. The publio are Invited to call and examine his Stock. Remember the place. "Continental Clothing Store," ' Corner of Market Square and the N C. It. R. LEVI HECHT. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1 805 NEW MARBLE YARD. Tho underitgncd would respeotfully inform tho 1 tisens of iSunbury. nnd public gtsjorally, that he bail opened a new MAH1ILK YAilD, opposite tho Court House, where AMERICAN and ITALIAN niarblo is constantly kopt on hand. All orders for Monuments and Head-stones prompt ly filled at rediicod rates. D. C. DI.SSINUER. Sunbury, Oct. 7, 1805. tf. GREAT EXCITEMENT! , , (evolution In liigU Prircsi. EverIiody Hushing to the MAMMOTH STORE of W. I KILIAU Si SO, Who have Just Received their "NEW STOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODS! Consisting of DRY GOODS, Dress Goodst Csssimcre Cloths, Jeans, Coitonados, Muslins, Dress Goods in great variety, Shawls, Hosiery and Gloves, Carpet of different styles and quality. Hats ajstd csafs, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, Ccdarwaro, Cardware. Glass-ware Crockory, (iKW-'r.tUHS, tonaeco, ocgora, uuff, Tea. Coffee, Sugar, Molassos, Salt, Eish, Ao. Drills nnl 'lioini,Bl, Oils, IJimpa and in fact EVERYTHING GENERALLY KEPT In Country Ktorc. OUR STOCK CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. All desirous of gettlhg a good article at a fair price will pleuso give us a call. No troublo to show Goods. J. W. FRILING A SON. Sunbury, Oct. H, 1SB5. ' GOODS SUITABLE FOH HOLIDAY- PRESENTS. , nENHY HABPEB. , 5 JO Arch direct, Milliid-lplila. WATCHES. FIXE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER WARE and Superior fSilrrr IMatcd Ware. October 7, 1H03 HATS! HATS!! A FULL ASSORTMENT Ji st opened by , , SAMUEL FAUST, Two doors vrtst of Fischer's Drug Store, Market St. SUNBURY. PENN'A. CALL and examine tho largo assortment of tho latest New York and Philadelphia styles of at the above establishment, which fefbeasry and du rability cannot he exoellod- Burag a practical Hat ter, he flatters hitneelf that his stock htia been seleot- e-1 with more eare than any over before brought to this place. He uUo ihannf.iotnres to order all kinds of soft Fur Hats, all of which will bo told at wholesale and retail, at ruaaouable rales. Dyeing dolio at short notice and at the lowest rates. Sunbury. Sept. SO. lBlii 'l'ho Mason & , Hamlin 4'nltlnct Orji'iliiH, forty different stylos, adapted te aarred and secular music, for $HI to'$il0U each. Till ItTV-F1VE-GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or othor first premiums awarded them. Illiirtratod Catalogues free. Address. MASON A HAMLIN, Huston, or MASON DRUTHERS, New York. September t), Irtlij. I y '' ' PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOK WORKS. Lidertv WniTB Lead ! Liberty Wmra Lead TRY IT t TRY IT! Wahramtko to oover more surface, for same weighty than tty other, lluy the bust, it is the cbeapost TRY IT! TRY IT! Liberty Lead is whiter than any other. Liberty Lead covers bettor than any other. Lihorty Lead wears longer than any other. Liuertv Lead is more economical than any other. Liberty Lead is more free from impurities and is Vf AHRAKTEn to uo more anu oeiier worn, at a given cost than any other. nuj the BEST it U the CHEAPEST.' Manufactured and warranted by - -ZIEGLER A fMIT'I, Wholesale Drug. Paint, Glass Dealers. 137 North Third Street, Pbiloaulpbia. - Sunbury, October 1385. , -: . ESTEY'S COTTAGE t r a aa.r et . J vr x Jbi o A RE notonlv unenuulled, but thoy ere aUolutel. XI- unequalled, by any other Heed Instrument in Ihe country. Designed exprcaaly fur Churches and Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to tne parlor and arawiog room.. or saie ouiy oy E. M. BRUCE. - No. 18 North Soventh street, Philadelphia. f-Also Bradbury's ISanos, and a somplete, as soriment f the Perfect MELODEON. " Sept. in, lartfi lyw - 1 ' ' " ." '' WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned infiarms the eitiseaa of Suabury aud rteiniiT that he a a at the oulioiteUouofa number of bis friends, commenced the busiueas of Cottae Orgamt. j repairing n utohes, Cloohs ead sewolry. lie oan be found at all times ta his shop. In Market street, ope door west of the Red Lion lioUit. He also keeps for sale Clocks and Welshes . - -i His work will be pcmiptly attended to end war. ranted to give saliaStotioa. . . . , J. MEN8CH. Fotbury, July I, 18Ci. . . .. at Tna EXCELSIOR SHOE STORE. WM. II. MILLER, t HAS lust arrived from New Jotk and Philadel phia, with a Choice stoATf BOOTS AND, SHOES; of the latest styles, and selected wlLh great care, to suit all; end le toturtuined to please all -his eustoinera great and etoall.M . , ! '.. . . . If yoawantthe latelrslfries. FANCY, PLAIN, AND DURABltkV go to the Kxoclsior Shoe Store, asno paper shoes .,ro, sole there, and its always cheaper to buy ( a good artielo at the same prioe than tt ti to buy k 'poor one, for Jio hs , Men's Calf Stitched Boots. " ' Fudged " ti it pegged " end all kinds of heavy Boots. LADY'S A'ANCY AND rt.AtX SHOES, high top of the latest fashion. Children's Fancy and Plain nigh topped boots of every description. . BOY'S BOOTS of all kinds and styies. which will be sold as low as can be bad wny where. Call and examine bis stock of Boots and thoes before you buy elsewhore. No charge made for showing them. Will sell Wholesale A Retail. Heiueniber tho placoM.nrket Square, Sunbury, Pa. ptetaber 23, lfttg. To all Lovers of CHEAT GOODS AND ADVOCATES OF ECONOMY !! JACOB O.BECK MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING, Ac. Fhwii ulrrel. nowfli of Wcnver'a IIoil, STJNTJB RY, I A.. TNFOIlK.Sthe citixens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just returned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of 1'AI.I, AMI 'Wli's.IS JKEM OF EVERY DEfRirTION AND QUALITY His stock oonsists of Cloths, French Cloths, Blank Doeskin nnd Konoy 'ssimoros. Ulack Statin. Figured Silks, Plnin and Fanoy Cnasimere YE8TINUS. w hich ho will make up to order in styles to suit the Inxto ot oustomcrs, on short notfoo, and the most rconuUo terms. ; . , .... Any Goods not on hand, win. , .PfrtV-hod from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice. Goods furnished by customers will be made up to order as heretofore. As he will omploy none but experienced workin persons may rely on getting thoir work well done al his shop. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicit a continuance of tho same. ESunbury, rjept. i'U, lBttu. GOLD. 1- 1SG!5, 1800, 18U7. ; SILVER. 1 to 75000 ! ! $2 ! S2 ! ! S2 ! ! ! T"WO DOLLARS. Munutia.-liir-rH' AgeiitN ! Our New Mode- n ol' oin- (.!.! or SSS.VE'll Wntches, or Nilv'r 'IVn Sri Cor fiii, ntt Ix-lovv Hlalet!. Ono of our tea setts or on piece of our Hold or Silverwnro U worth a bushel ot the cheup dollar jewelry 1 ! Wo have adopted the following niodo of DISTRIBUTION. by salo ofjTS.OOO articles of value'! Our ."'c" Jffort'i I Tho articles of goods aro numbered from 1 to" 73, Otlll ! .17.600 consisting of Pianos Muloileons, Gold A Silver Watche, Sewing Machines, Tea A Table Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons and Forks; etc., etc., nnd the other 37,600 articles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cases. - Photograph Albums, Openfnoe Silver Watches, uud fancy articles in great variety. 75,000 uotices numbered from L to 7.r..mi0 aro printed and put into "scaled envelopes nnd well mixed nnd one of these is taken out and sent to the person sending to us 25 cents to cover expense of postage, correspondence etc.. und the arlkle of (foods corresponding with tlic number on the uotico will bo scut to tho holder of Ihe same immediately (if ho desires to purchase the article) on the receipt of two dollars. Fnrirutancei If tho number on tho notice sent to you iluiuld bo 6011, aud a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 5IIU; il will bo sent to you should be 500. and a piano or diamond sett or gold wateh should bo miiubervd5UII. it will be sent to you for $2, and so ou lor every article in our list ot 7A.U00 articles. Ij-Al'ier receivingthe article, if it doesno' please you. you can return It, tuns ynwt money xhult bo ro undod. 25 cents must be sent t? tny exf ense of postage, Correspondence etc.. on ono uutico. Remember 1 that whatever artielo corresponda with the number on your notice, you can have it by paying Two Dollars for it. whether it be worth $ lot) or $S00. And it is forour interest to deal fairly. 'Knit send out our fino articles, us it gives cordcneo to j the public, and tncrcuy mcroases our rales-. ! TDV llTTP 17V Al ll Ir 1 11 1 UUI V lllJM 1UUL1J Upon receipt of 25 cts., which nays for correspon dence, po8tngo etc., we send one uoliuu. I pon receipt ot M, wincu pays tor corrcspouaoncc, po.tuge, etc.. wc semi six notices. I pon receipt ul 9J wuicti pays lor eorrespouiienco, postage, etc., we will send 40 notices, and u hue pre sent vulucu at uol le.-s man t J, as a siunpie oi our goods Lpon receipt ol 13 wuicti pays lor correspondence. postage, etc., we will send K) ttotioes, uud u solid Silver Watch, bv return mail. AGENTS WANTED. Scud for a circular '. Agents Allowed a Lr rga Caah Commisaion by which they make 25 Weekly. Address plaiuly REED t RR0T1IER. Sulcsrooui Box 51", 31 Liberty street New'York City. S. Y. Sept. 23, 1S5. ly ikES. l".. i. i.i;.iii.i:y, - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NORTHUMBERLAND, TA. DR. LUM LEY has opened an office In Northmi horland, and oners hit, servleoa to the people of that place and the adjoining town.'Lipa Office next door lo Mr. Scott's Shoe Store, where he can found at all hours. Northeaaberland August 19, 1S35- Uks.W. Smith. Unas. B. 8aTiixp SMITE & GE1TTEEE.. arket street, one door oast of Mrs. Coulton's Hote ' Hate opened ANEW TIN - W A HE,, f!trot Iron nnd Klovr Nlore, and Intohd keeping oon-ilautly on blind, and manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovcaof the following Uruad FE1T1TSYLT A1TI UNION G00K, and on the following two Brands we defy competi tion, namely t'omliiuHiiou fiiusi Unrner, Cook. Uevrrner I't-nii UooU, nsurpaased fur beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining ebespness and durability; and each stove warranted to perform what Ihey are re presented. ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE 8TOVF.S, ia great variety, embracing all the bust manufactures, and most fashionable desigus Also, Tbe celebrated GEM for beating op and down stairs. Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER. Coal Oil, 4'oul OH l-nmps, kilindra, ChlinnlCM. ffusl nil ssriU le-is unuswally kept in an establishment of this kind. V e are also preparad todoall kinds ot Spouting, Roofing, Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitliug, Ao. Repair Ing cheaply aud neatly exeouted. - Country produce token in exchange at market prioe. V i " 1 1 .i ' ' - : BMITII Si GENTIIER, !' Have the Ageacy for VIBB B CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE STOVES, fur tbe Counties ef Nurthumber. Und, Snyder, Union and Montour. Ar are also aKenia I of uie ipoer a nutewer Lie ol Transportation. . Sua wy.iH.. l, lofil. P U M PS! P UMPB!! The subscriber having purchased the right of NOR'f U U M IfKKI. A N D COUNTY, for putting in , ii:tkh nii'iiOTuni:.'!' o BoitEn WtttM AVI) W'ATan Fof Ts, will furnish tbem to all persons In tho-county who may doairo thc cheap and oonvonb'nt pumps. ' Thcyjcan be airnk ti a sii aper depth In two honrs time, cost but ono third the fries of an ordinrry pump, and for eboifpnets Mid Convenience cannot bo equalled. P. B. BOY ER. A. F.CLAl'P. Sunbnrv. September 2 t. Wh. NEW ESTABLISHMENT! A r. RAVAfJP Pi Watchmaker i; In Simpson's Ruilding, Market Sqnare, STIlTBTJPeT. ?E1T1T'v HAS constantly on hnnd a flrrt nsortnrent of WATCHKSt, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, r'pee tacit. Nitver and T'latoc! tfpoons and Forks, Ac Vn-livH, CloehH nnl Jew 'I-3 -e pnlriMl anil V,ttt: iM t:. Sunbury, Sept. .10, ISiSd. I, visiri i-'i.iswz AT JOllX KAtKIR.VS Old l-Vta'rlishcd Fur Manufactory, No. 718 Atfh street ubove7th PHILAD'A. . I have now in s'ore of niv own linportiition Ai I.AKtil-T and most BEAUTIFUL sulc-t Ions FANCY FUK.,. fL-Zfoi' Larlios' ' nnd Cliili!- ren t ri car, m me v. ay Also n fino assortment of Oont's Fur Olovos ftnd Col lars. 1 am enabled to dispose ef niy ge-,!.- at very rea sonable prices, tind I would tbere-l'oro t-olicil a cidl from tny friends of Northumberland County, and vi cinity " (jj.- Rcnirnibcr the Name, Nun her and street ! JOHN FARE Hi A. 713 Arch si , ubove 7th. south side. PHILADELPHIA. I have no Piuhicr, nor connection with any other in Philadelphia. Sept. SM, lftift itnw lTOUAill (J ALLERL lh Piuip'on's Tluililings, MAilKKT JI'Alti-:, Suiiliury, Pft., : II. '.I5fa;iR5-:, Bi'oj.rloior. furbnry. .Mr 13. I .-05. BEEF! BEEF!! THE undrrsiicnP'l rsjicMtfiiily inftirm tlic cUirciiA of iSunbury nixl vi'Miiily. tltnt tn Monrliiy next they will eomntoiiftp Mipplyinx tho e.Jtutmmiiy with Iiv.t qunlity of liKKK. nt rit:i n iVtm 14 to 20ctf. lltiving exporieiiPR in the I u.' im: .;, un iiinilo ur rnncnnientH for a supply of mti'iher mii oattlo, thi-y will iilwnyp keep (Hi hand flit qunlity of boqf at tbo lowest nuuk?t pried 4 n;TLr:n l elliott. 50 OR TOO MEN WANTED. Wanted immediately AO or l!tt men to work on Railroad contract, lo whom fl 5 pr Hiv will bo paid. Apply to JAS. M ALONE A SON. Central Hc'.el. SiiLburv. Pn. Sept. 9. ISfij. ' ' " a. Gt4i.iai:s uisovitng. Enamelled Slate Blantel Mi','l "WARE'ROOM. S-j:t, CHKSTNUT ST-REKT, I'll ILADULPIU A JlaiBifueT;iry )'ciith mid Snnison Streets. Table-Tops, Pier-Slabs, ErnckctK, War.h Btaii.l Topn, &o., i.c. Philadelphia, Jan 7. Irtfii -tf B'lRSTNATIOW I, BANK OF BUA'BUXil' (LATH HANK OF NOlttHU MDKRLAND.) TllH.tKl llV IlKt-AllTMRXt- ) Oii'ira ot CwMi'Tttoi-nKK ov inn f'l'iinrvcv, i W'AsniNdTOS, June 7th, ltiiii. ) Wnr.iiEAs. by satisfactory evidence presented to the uniler.itfne.l. it li'is been iiindo to appear that, "The Firit Nationul Hank of Sunbury." iu the bo rough of Sunbury, in the couuty of Northumberland and Kate of Pennsylvania, lias beeu duly organize-! under arid according to the requirements of the Act oi Conj;reM, entitled '-An Act to provide a National Currency, seen e l by a pledge of United Stales Iiouds, ami to p'rowdu --.r tbe rireulation anu redemption thereof,' approved June 3J, 101. and has coniplied with all the provi.-intis tf suid Act, rciuired to bo complied Willi In-toro coitiiueneing the business ol Brnkin;: un.lei- suid Aot : Now. therefore I, Viikkv.w Ci.aukk, Comitro!lcr of tho Currcitvy, (to 'hereby certify thut, "The Fiiat National Hank of Sunbui v," in the borough of .Sun bury, in the County of S'ortliuniberliin-1. anil Mat of Pennsylvania, U authorized to cointuenco the busi ue.ssof Hanking under tbe Aaiat'orcsuiit. In testimony whereof, wit.vkss my hand and sea. ofottR.e, thisaeveiitb day of Julie, ISO j. Seal of tho Fl'.L'EJIAN CLATiKl, t'uinptroller af the Currency. en. Ii), '3j. Comptrol ler of the I'urronev it am iv MiuTiinilii nLni) "lITHEliEAS the Auditor ttcneral aa required I V the Uth Seelion ol'lhe Act, entitled ' An Ac ciiul'linir, tho Hanks of thi Commonwealth to becoiit An.oeiations for tbe pm-poso of bauking under th laws of the United States.'1 passed on the Slid duyi August A D. Dm, fens certitled to me that lh ' Hunk ef Northumberland," located in tho IlorouK of Sunbury, Northumberland county, ha furnishi satisfactory evidence to him thut all the rcquiremesi of said Act have been complied with by the sai Hank, and that it has become an association for il put poee of Rankin,; under the Laws ol the Unite Stutes I do therefiro, eaitse the nr.tiec thereof to be pu iUhcd iu acwduKCe with the provisions of tho aai 1 1 th section of the snid Aet, and do declare that th Charier ot the suid Hank by I lio terms of said Act, deemed and taken to hn hercuiion surrendered ul j :ct to tbe pro 'ist.ius of the first sectini of said aoi. A. 11 Cl'RTIN, Uoveruor. 1'itecutive Clminber, J HarrbKmu, Autf Ji, liJi. KING'S I0 U I 1 t 1 .82 I .l'.TH A t ) I '. the only prepurllou of the kind made from 1 1 fruit. As uu article of economy, purity, and del eiousness, it cumtot be surpassed, and Ureoummen ej by physicians for invalids audfumilv ue. It w keep for yaars in any cliuiate, while its eondens. lorm reuders it especially convenient for travels! All who use letnonaure requested to (rive it a trli Eutertaiunients at homo, portios, and piouioaahou not be without it. For t.Je by all DragWis ai flrtt-clasi tlrocers. MunnUe'iired ui.lv by LOU IS J. AttUUER. No il'J 1'varl liiresi, NVoik fjepl. U,lE6i -ly PERSONS having uareoorded Deed are remind that they uiut be recorded . according to t Aut of Assembly which requires that "All deeds aud eoiiveyuioM tor real estate in t Commonwealth, shall bu recorded in the oflice KocordiliK Deed ia the Couuty where Ihe lands ' withiu tixmoxlht after the execution of sueh del and eoaveyauoe ; and every such deed anil couvi ance ihH rocordeil a atoreaaid, shall be Judy FRAUDULENT AND-V01D acaiuM anysuWoqu, uuiehaeer fur a valuable oonaideration, uulea au deeds be ecorded brfore the reeordiug uf the di 1 a. mi iff lis i eouvwyeaae smuer ins tunwiuroi jwodi or saertnane shall elaisa." 1 August H, lb6., ..I