f TTgt.mwii w hi; iiki:.i ii:'Toii.ii. Will t'uro Yeur Cough. E P II (KN1X PECTORAL lpom.d Syrup or Wild Cherry and ' Diseases of the THROAT AND 1UW u Colds, Coughs, Croup, Asthma, ilronchitisi h.Sore Thrwit, iionrscness, Whooping tongh, Il timely iiso will prevent Pulmonary ten Ion, nml even where thin frnrHil linens has bold it will afford greater relief than any other ('pectoral is made from Wild Cherry Bark Hd tik .Snake Root. tomposition is a sufficient guarantee of its -alue. Geo. JI. Wood, Professor nl the Practice or cine in the University of Pennsylvania, Physi to tho Pcnnsvlvanin Hospital and one of the irs of Iho United States Dispensatory, says of Cherry Balk "It is among the most valuablo ' indigenous remedies, uniting with a tonic pow I properly of claiming irritulion ti J diminish ervnus excitability." bhihc distinguished physician and authors says I snu.o work, ".Scncka Sunke Hoot is a stiniuln ixpcctnrunt. It action is especially directed 3 lungs, ft is peculiarly useful in chronic ca aSections and the secondary stimcs of oronp." r want of space we cimnot publish nil the testi alt iu our possession, hut no give two : PmiMX vll.LK, April 1st, 1HG4. is is to certify that I have sold hundreds of liot flr. ObcrholUer's Phoenix Pectoral or Coui id Syrup of Wild Cherry and Seneka Suake Hoot I htive yet to find a initio indiviilunl who bus It, who'does not hear testimony of its wonderful te in curing coughs. Sigucd, Jacou Vou chd. Hall St. PntKNixvii.LC, Jan. 11. lftt4. most cheerfully bear testimony to the value of "Phoenix Poetoral or Compound Syrup of Wild fry and Scncka Snako Hoot." Belorc using it 1 been suffering with a tickling in my throat and t cough, ibj moro than two years, nod had taken ous other medicines with no relief. As soon as 1 vn tousellr Uborholtaer a mediclno thu iiritn- in in v throat was allayed and in a few weeks I -entirely cured. have also giieti it to my little girl, for a croupy h, Willi tbo happiest ctlccts. Signed, JosKi'U Ltk'HXS. Pottstowx, Jan. 3d, ISfij. his certifies that I have used tho l'hu-nix 1'eeto in luy fumily, and I recimmct.,l it to tlio public ho very best rcnicily tor Cough ami Colds that I Hs ever tried. One of my children was taken h a cold accompanied with a Croupy omigh ; so I indeed that it cuuld not talk and scarcely athe. Having heard so nmch said nhout the tt'nix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first 3tclicve.d tho uitlieuttv nt breathing and beture lebild had taken one-luurtli of the bottlo it was .irelywell. livery liiuiily should have it in tho i aao. .Signed, 1. P. CUOSUV. The proiirietor of this nitdieiueJias so much coiifi ncein its curative iowtrs. froin tlio testimony of ndrcilsivho have used it, tluit tho money will bo tumled to any purchaser who is not autistied with etleets. It is so pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only Tliirty-tivo Cents, It is ii.tcnrU-d for only one class of dileasai, namely viool the Throat nml Lungs. l Prer-ai ed onlv bv I h.i 01iEKH0L.T7.EU. M. D.. ) Phienixville, Pa. w .... ..r. . .... , .. . . . lo 23, Aortb Sixth street, Philadelphia, General UOHSri, 1KU.MJHAI tCUlE. tbolcsnla Acents. JSoi.n by tleo:;;e Iiiiglit. and 11. A. Fisher, Drug flt, SuuLury ; IVm. Cherrington, lruggist at ihu okin. W. 13. If your nearest druggist or storekeeper oes not keep this medicine do not let him put you oil' itb souio other medicine, becauso he makes more wney on it, but send at once to one of the ugenls for JuueJO. lM5LUom$ R HSUBi ATXC S . D5? LELAWDJS ; IHllUAXK.ITLT Cl'KES i RUE T M ATISM! Iu ull tin Vuriuu l'orsutt. Aeuts or Inflammatory ; Chronic, Lumbago, Sciati ca. Pleurodyne, Ac. Stiffness of ths Joints and Cramps Gout, Xcurulgia and all Xervous Affections Eryspelos, Suit Uln uni aud Scrofulous Eruptions of the body Xoutrulir.es the Impurities of the Jllood and Fluids or the whole System, and equalizes their circulation ; and effectu ally counteracts Mercurial and other poisonous iuSu vuoei. It Is a eonveulontly arranged Belt!l con taining a Medicated Cotu)iounil, to ba worn nrouDd tho body, about the waist, Equally Effecting all Parts, wherever the disoaso may be. It can bo worn without injury to the most delicate person, and no change in tho proper haoitfor living is required. It en tirely removes the discasn (rum tlio system, without the uso of powerful internal medi cines, which weaked tho constitution and give temporary relief only by stiipifying the system, and deadening in vitality. By this treatment, tlio medicinal properties contain ed in the BAND, being of a highly aromatio and volatilo nature, and capable of being readily obsorbed. through tho pores of thu skiu, come into direct eootact with the Blood and general circulation, without first having t J- 'a 1. 1 1-1 r- k r to pass through tlio stomach, which would i tend not only to detract from their curative r powers, but to impair tho internal organs and derange the digestion also, thus avoiding the ; injurious effects, so often the result of interniil j d remedies, and effecting a perfect euro by pu rilymg and equaluiug the circulation ot the vital fluids and restoring the parts affected to healthv condition. This Bund is also most powerful a'Auli-Meruurial Asnt" Calomel being the primury oituse of a large part of the Stiffnes. Neuralgic Pains and Rlieunia- I l-H I5 ' tics, so prsvaUut and will entirely relieve 1 In sysleui Iroui its pernicious etiecU re moving ull blotches and pimples from th body and beautifying the complexion. I Moderate cafes are cured in a Tew days, and , r' aie constantly receiving undoubted testimonials to which we invite iio-pection at our olfire r their effi , cacv In aggravated cases of long standing. 1 PRICE FIVE DOLLARS. May be had of Drug- giste, orwill be sent by mail upon receipt of fi or by esprew everywhere, with all ueoeesary instruo f tiuua from the principal office of f . ;K(i 1. mtnw W SL.t Pr,,r;nt,,r ..,.1 rnn..ru ,.t .1. IS row 1.10' Exiklkiob Coirux, Xo. JK and 20 Market street, t'suidsn, X. J., ITicatia. with certiUed tedtiiuomais, tsut fre 1 ir'AdBnted to Soldiers. bept. i, latiS 6in Jtcadiuu' liaiti-oiid. ' ! BUKilER AHHAN0EMENT. ! July aoth, 1805. i REAT TRI'NK LINE from the Xorth ana I J North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Head I lng, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Eatou, Ao. Trains leave Harrisburg fir New-York, as fol- low! : 8.00, 7 2a and 8.15 A. M. and 1.46 P. M., ar- J riving at Now York at 10 A. M. and 3.00 and 10.30 1". M. Ths ab,tv rniiiioot wilb tilnila Irntoa fl.a 11. J sylvania railroad, aod bleciiug Cars accompany tb first tao trains, w ithout change. i.eav for Reading. Pottsville, Tauiaqua. Mincrs- vllle, Alleutown and Philadelphia at K. 15 A. M. and ' 1 45 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal sta- lions only. j Way trains, stooping at all jsint, at T 25 A. M. t and 4.10 P. M. Returning, LaveNew York at V UO A. M-, 12 noon, and 8.00 P. M . : PbiUdelpbia at J 8 A.M. and 3 'M) P. M ; Pottsville at b 15 A. M and f S 35 P. M. ; Ashland at 6 10 A. M. aud 12 .00 noon, i 'lamaqua 3.15 A.M. and 2 15 1. M., aud Rending I at i.uu, i.ij ana iu.soa. i , i.m una a f. M IWadiug Accommodation Train leaves Heading si t.00 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 6.10 t P.M. y. Columbia Railroad Trains leav P.oading at 6 00 I and 1U 14 A. M. and I U P. M. for Ephrats, Litis, I Columbia, Ao. On Sundays: Leav New York at 8 P. M., Phils dulphis .U P M. Pottsville T.Ik) A. M , Tamaqua 7 ' AM. Harrisburg t'.2 A M and Reading at 1 A. M. ox Harrisburg. Coinmutatinn, Mileage, Esoson, and Excursion i Tickets, at reduoed rates lo and from all point. feO Pounds Baggage allow ej each Passenger. . U. A. MCOLL8, Gensral buperintadnt I July If, 1885. " ETiI'Xj. wilvbrt, " ' CZc is) " Bunbury American" PuIUlnj, ''tUNBUHY, PENN'A. ":ill attend to tho Acknowledging of Deeds, Mort , Letters of Attorney. Ao., t. U duly athorised to tnke acknowledgmenti ui2ljil oa jplicsti-iisrIloisu. NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! Tlie l.chcliioii Closed and NEW GOODS OPENED At No. 1 Star of WEAVER & FACtELY, C0N3ISTINU OF DRY GOODS I FOREIGN AND DOMTWTIO.sneh m Cloths, Cassl. meres, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking. Calicoes, Be. lain, Flannel, and all kinds of MOURN ING Goods. Alpacena, Illnok Silks, Ginghams, Hal moral and Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flannels, Nankoens, Cnr peting of all kinds. HATS 5c CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery. Gloves, Thread, Pultons, Sus pendcrs, Neck-ties. Collars, llnntlkerehiela, llair Brushes. Tooth Brushes. Gum Rib bon nnd Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses, tidy cotton, carpet binding, combs, fancy roups, carpet bogs Trunks, Valises, Unibrollue, Blank Books, Paper, envelopes, ne. Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws. Door Lnlchesand Knobs, Looks, and CUTLERY ot every description. Also, Dyes, Drugs, PniiiN, Vnrr.islipf". Fish, j Fluxsecil iinrl lU'tizine Oil. Glass, Putty. A'-. : (luceunwnrr uud tire 4 Mil kiiMin. I STOKE AND KAHTI1ENWARE. An Klten.-ive Stock of GROCERIES, Composed of Sugar. Colfee, Teas. Rice, Corn-starch, Muccuroui. Hurley. Baking-powder, molasses, soaps, candles, tobacco and Began, Suit, Fish, Moat, Cheese, I ilC, do. Also, a largo variety of j BOOTS ft, 3E0ES. for Men. Women and Children. OrM kindsof Grain and Country Produce taken in exchange fur Goods. liivu us a call before you purchase xlscwhoro, wo j are bound to sell ns low as any one ee. Store-room in Ira T. Clement's building nt tho H'Ulh-wcst corner of Market Square, near the Court I lioue. i Sitiihiirr. June 21. 1SIVI. UP Eye and Ear Infirmary, : On the Scinnro. Three l.rs from Steel's Hotel) WIIjKES-MAHHE, PA. milfS TXSTITL'TIOX is now open and furnished ( tho must costly atvle. Reception. Private anil (.Operating Honins are large and convenient and well adapted. The Surgical apartment contains tho finest collection of instruments in this country, and thus his faculties will enable him to meet nuy and nil emergencies in practice-. Ho will operate upon the various forms of liLIXDXK.SS. Cataract, Oeclunn of tho Pupil Cross Even, Closuro of the Tear Duets. Inversion of the Eyelids. Pterygium. Ac. Ac. And will treat nil forms of Sore Eyes, liranuled Lids. Opaeetics of the Cornea, and Scrufiilons ui.-crwes of the Eye. together with all tho disease? to which the eye is ,-ubjeet. 'iiEAFXESS. Will treat all the dieon-scs common to theorgnn. Discharges from tho Ear. Noises in the J-.nr vlllltl I U. VIIIH U.llV-r Ul HVnilU ,... jrton...r.T, eVcn where the Drum is destroyed. Will insert an Ear. Catarrh, dithculties ol hearing total jcatnss, artificial one, answering nearly all tho purposes of the natural. DISEASES OP THE THTtOAT. All diseases common to tho Throat and Xne will be tieated ' GENERAL Sl'MGEHY. lie will operate upon I Club-feet. Hair Lip. Cleft Pallatc, Tumors. Cancers, I Enlarged Tuncils. Ac. Plastic operations by healing I new llesh into deformed jiarts. and General Surgery j of whatever character it innv present. ! I1EP.XIA. (OH KIPTL'KE.) Ho will perform I '-Labius," operation for the radical, (eomplctc.) euro ot Jlcinm, tins unquesiionnuiy a pericci euro, aim is clone with little or no pain. Out of tho many bun dred operated upon in Boston there has been no fail urns, it having met (he approbation of ull who bavc Eunmittea to it. ARTIFICIAL EYES. Will insert artificial eyes, giving them, tho motion and expression of the natu ral. Thev are inserted w ithout the least pain. HEMORRHOID, (PILES.) This troublcjoino di I sease is readily cured. Thoso suffering from it will do well to Ujili. Dh. Up Db Ghakp visits Wilkos-Barre with a view of building up a permanent Instiluto for the treatment of the Eye. Ear. and General Surgery. he experience of more than a quarter of a century, iu Hospital and general practice, he hopes, will be a ttulBciect guarantee to tuose who may be disposed to employ hiir.. Juuuary 14, 1685. ly GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Mrs. SARAH, A. SIMPSON, Wioriltlerry Strict, cast of the y. C. 11 It SUNBUltY, PA., RESPECTFULLY' inlorms her friends and the public generally, that she has just opened a large assortment of FRESH 4ii-o'vi'i-si, such us TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS SES, FISH, SALT, &C. Pure Cider Vinegar. Fruit Jars, tilnsswaro. and a variety of Ladies' Trimmings, Fans. Thread Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ao., to which she invites nil to examine before purchasing elsewhere, bunbury, Juno 17, 1S05 Bin AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH Over J. Boweu's Store, corner Market Fawn Sts. SUNBUR I-A-, SEYERLY, informs his friends and the public , generally, that he is taking Portraits lu tho best style mid maimer at his Gallery in the nbovo place. AMBROTYPES AXD PHOTOGRAPHS, are taken in every stylo ot the Art. that cannot bo surpassed iu the State. Having several year's expo rieuee, he will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will bu taken from all styles of Pictures. tiivo him a cull. Remcmbor, over Boweu's store. bunbury, June 17, 185. , FANCY DRY GOOD STORE. 2tIS3 KATE BLACK, "!" ESPECTl'l'LLY informs ber friends iu Sunbury J V and vicinity, that she has just opened her SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ol Notions and EancyDry Goods, Harket street, four doors west ofWm. II. Millrr's Boot and hhoe store. Bl'XBl'RY, Pa. Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, einbrni derics. Ladies and Children' tints and shakers; silk and other linings. Hoop-skirts. Crape aud Laco Veils; Nets, gloves, stockings, collars, und corsets, Ao. TWILIUHTS AXD UAKIBALDI Mir.SLIX. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double t-pring SKIRTS. 3ents' Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Xeckties, Suspen ders ; Ribbons, of ull kinds. Feathers, Velvet, and many other articles too nuuieroas to mention. riiotographs of l'rcsident Lincoln. Perfuuierv, Toilet Soaps, to. tiAl'FFElUXU done Laods- iidsouiely and at short DOtlCO. KATE BLACU. Euubury, May 12, 1H65. PACIFIC HOTSIi 170, 172, 174 A 178 Gheknwicu St., 'One Square west of Broadway.) Between Cnurtlandt and Dey Streets, Xew York. JOHN rATTEX,Jr.,Propret..r. The PActric Hovkl is well and widely known to th traveling publio. The location is especially suitable to meicbniits and business men , it is in close tiroxiiuity to the business part of the City is ou tlm lighwuy of Southern and Ve.t:ro travel and artja- cent to all lb principal Railroad aud bloainboat denots. Th Pacifto has liberal accommodation for over I 3iHI guests ; it is well furnished and possesses every i modern imnrovtauent for the comfort aud entertain ment of its inmates. Th rooms or spacious and well veutiloled ; provided with gas and water; tho attsudano is prompt aud respectrul ; and th tabio is gonerousiy provitied with every delicacy ol th seas,n. Th subscriber, who, for th vast fsw years, ha been ths leasee, is now sol proprietor, and intends to induQtify himself thoroughly with the interest! uf uis nouse. rt un long expcrieuco as a notoi-keeper. u trusts, by uodaiaie chat gee aul a liberal policy, to maintain th favorabl reputation of the PaciUo Hotel. JOHN PATTEN, Jr btpUsalsrl, 1M5. ly UNITED STATES HOTEL, Oppoait th JI. T. NEW HAVEN WESTERN It. R. Dipot BSACH BTREET, E08TON. By F. M. P 11 ATT, Formarty of tb American House. May IS, Wi. If Trfarrlnlloiti vefullyeom mpounded of lb ) fitora of I rl.rk'SJ snV I best DRVtiB at bt M a in snot b Jvn u SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE P ILLS for bick headache, llv Witiiptunsi ('auac nnd 4'iire. This has received its nam from a constant nausea oi sickness at the stomach, which attends the pain lu he Bead. This headache la apt to b;gin in the morning on wnking from a deep deep, and when ome irregularity of diet has been eomrnKted on the day before, or (onetimes for several days previous. At first there la a distressingly oppressive feeling In the head, which gradually merge Into a sever heavy pain in the temples, frequently attended by a tense of fullness and tenderness in on eye, and ex tending across the forehead. There is a clammy, un pleasant taste In the mouth, an offensive breath, and he tongue covered with a yellowish white fur. Tho sufferer desires to be alone In the darkroom. As loon as the patient feels the fullneas In the head and pain in the temples, lake a large dose of Schenkc'e Mandrako Pills, and in an hour or two they will feel ns well as well us ever. This has been tried by thou tnnds, and is always aure to cure, and Instead of the sick headache coming on every week or tell days, hey will not be troubled with it once In three months. ScbcncVs Mandrake Pills are composed of a num ber .of roots besides Podophinin, or concentrated Mandrake all of which tend to relax the secretions of tho liver, and act more prompt than bluo pills or morcury, and without leaving any dangerous effects In a bilious person Ihcy will show themselves by the stoola. They will expel worm?, mucus, bile and ull i morbid matter from the system. In sick headaches If they are taken as dircoled abvove, (a full doso as soon lis they feci the first symptoms of it Dr. Schenek will and has directed his agents to return tho money if they do not gfve perfect satisfaction. If n person Iibb been compelled to stay out Into at night and drink tco much wine, by taking a dose of pill on going to bed, next morning ho will feel as though ho had not drank a drop, unless he forgets to go to bed nt all. They only cost 25 cents a box. Whoever takes them will never use any other. They are worth a dollar to a sick man for every cent they cost. Dont forget tho nnmo SiHesik's Maxmiakk I'm, i. s. Sild wholesale and retail nt Dr. Schenck's Trincl pal Office, Xo. 13. Xorth Sixth street, Philadelphia and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Prico fi.r Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, each $1 50 per bottle. 50 the half dozen, or two bot tles or Syrup and one of Tonic, for S3 Ti. Dr. Schcnck will bo nt his office. Xo, 15 Xorth Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every iSaturdny to see patients. lie mnkes no charge for ndvico, but for a through exuminntiou of the lungs with nis Kcspiro meter, he charges $.'J. March IS 18li5. Ill P 0 11 T A N T TO ALL INVALID SI I R 0 X I X T II E B L 0 0 D It is well known to the medical profession that IRON" is the vital Principle or Life Element of the blood. This is derived cliietiy from the food wc eat; but if the food is not properly digested, or if, from any causo whatever, the necessary quantity of iron i nut taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced the whole system suffers. The bml bloo-1 will irri tate ibeheait, will ulog up tho lungs, will stupefy tho brain, will obstruct tho liver, and will send its d'seasc producing elements to nil parts of t lie sys tem, and every one will puffer in whatever organ may bo predisposed lo disease. Tho great value of Iron it n M-ti;-iiic. Is well known and acknowledged by ull medical men. the difhculty lias been to obtain such u pre paration of ii us will enter the circulation niul as.-i- ! inilittc n once with the blood. This point, snys Dr. ' Hays, Massachusetts Stato Chemist, has biin nt- ! tuined in the Peruvian Hyrup, by combination in n I wuy belorc unknown. TIic lN-riiviuu Syrup. Is a Protected solution of tho Pndoxiilo of I rn A new Discovery in Medicine that strikes the Root of Du'eose by supplying the blood w ith its vital Prin ciple or Life Element Iron. The lBortitian Wjrup. Cures Dvsnensin. Liver Conmlaint Dropsy, Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low .Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYKl'P. Iufuscs strength, vigor nr. 1 new life into th system and builds up uu -Iron Constitution'' THE TERVVIAX SYR IP I'ur.-s Xertoits Affi-ctions, Fciniilo Complaints, aud al disenfes of ths Kidneys und Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Ts a Spccino for nil diseases originating in a Bad Stn.p ot the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a Low Stato of the System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and re. n-uieii lat ions from some of the most eminent Phy- eon; aiciscs. Clergymen and others, will be sent l ioo to anv address. V'o select a few of tlio names to -thow tho char acter of testimonials. JOJINE WILLIAM!?, Esq., President of the Metropolitan Bunk N. X. Rev. ABEL STEVENS. Late Editor Christian Advocate A Journal. Itev. P. CHURCH. Editor Xew York Chronicle. ltev. John Picrpont, Warren Burton, " Arthur B Fuller. 11 (iurdon Bobbins, Lewie Johnson, M. D. ltoswoll K inner. M D K Kendall, M D. AV H Chisholiu. M D Francis Dana, M D Jeremiah Stono, M D J. Antonio Sanclios, M D A A Haves. M D Abraham Wendell M D J R Clifton. M D II E Kinney, M D vlvauus Cobb, T tarr King, Epbraiui Nutc. Jr. Joseph 11 Clinch, Henry Upliaui, F C Head ley, Jchn W Oliustcad, Pre f ared bv N. L. CLARK A CO exclusively for J.P. D1XSMORE, Xo. 4ll Broadway, New York. old by all Drugguu. Bedding's Russia Salve. FORTY YEAR'S EXPERIENCE Has fully eatablUhed the superiority ef ItEDDING'S KUSSIA SALVE. Over all other heuling propurutions It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Burns, Boila, L'lccrs. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Sties, Piles, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, Ao., Ac, Removing the Puin at once, and Reducing th most angry looking dwellings and lu&amation us if by Magio, Only 'AS ( it Itox. FOB SILK BV S. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway. Nsw York. t. W. EOWLE A CO.. No. IS Trswuut St., Boston And by all Druggists Deoomber 10, 1604 y TO CONSUMERS OF mym:jsk.M.CLXt c:ctvacsi ."fill E undersigned denier in Coal from the follow J ing well kuuwn Collieries is prepared to receive orders for tb tarns at the Lowest Market Rates, vis: MOHDECAI'S DIAMOND MIXES OKAY'S ,1'AKHISH & CO'S " CONSOLIDATED C'0'3 " 31 Li alst repored to nrnuh th ISaltiaaore t'u's Crlcbratrd Cal, Lump and Prejmred. On th 1! f th Sssquehanna River and Havr d urac. Xll tu maat airangemonu lor tb best PITTSTON AND PLYMOUTH COALS Which h prer,ar4 to deliver on board Boats at NorlhuuterUnd, oi by Cars over Northers Central Railroad a w lb liu of th Philadelphia aud Erie Rail ' terms. Heisi, ' -swit? despatch, and rerpr"tf -r i. i I FLUID EXTRACT BUCHO fo Ifoa-lelenUaa ar baeatlaeae ef Crtne. laianuaf Mob r Ulceration ef the iladdtr er Kiaass, Deasee ef a Prestrata Gland, Oravtl, Brick Sad DtjxMdu, DrOt al SwelBBtje, Orgaal Veakaeas, BekM. Festal Ceav pteleu, . HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU , . Improved. jso "Wasli Will radically sxUrnlnat from the svstea Diseases aris ing from neblts of DMpeUan, at IMU imp, " Sr no chang tif ditt, 4neonnict ar anpotnrt; completely superseding those vnpUatanland ianetntu rmmdto, Copdbta and JTsrsury, la carta f tbess alssasss. use helTmbolcs nUJD EXTRACT BUCHU In all Diseases of th TJrtnsrr Organs, whether existing la Mali or ruiiLB, from ihainir saws originating, an4 nomatUrohowtongrtanding. It Is pleasant In lu last and odor, IMMEDIATE la action, and awr-strnftbnla( than any of th preparations of B trk or Iron, Those suffering from Broken Doun or Ddloat ContU- Mlont,pncurt th Ittmtdy at ones. The Reader must b awar that however slight may bs ths attark of the abov diseases, It Is certain to affect his Bodily Btolth, ilmtat Pomro and Bappinf. If treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. , All the above diseases recpilr th aid f a sUarsHo. HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diurtio. HELMBOLD'S DIOSXT OOSCXXTaiTXD Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparitla. Tot purifying th blood, removing all disuses arising from cxceii and Imprudenoe la life, chronic constitutions! dis eases arising from an lapura stats of th blood, anl th o ily reliable and effectual known remedy for th car ef Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling of the Dones, Ulcerations of th Throat and Legs, Blotches, Punples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly trap, lions of th skin, and beautifying th oosirLXXioK. NOT -A. FEW Of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from th corruption that accumulates In th Blood. Of all th dis coveries that have been made to purge It oat, none can equal In effect ITELlf HOLD'S COJIPOCXD EXTBAC1 OF SABSAPARIIU. It cleanses and renovates th Wood, Instills tb vigor of health Into th system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It slimulatss ths healthy functions of the body, and expels ths disorder that grow and rankl In ths Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the Ant time, the pubUe bar on on which they can de- nend. Oursnace her. docs not admit of certlBcates to SHOW 111 eiiCCII, OUT, l. IV MmU VI 6'" vvm am uvf " , the sick that It has virtues surpaiilag anything they hiv , ever taken. Two tablespoonsful of th Extract of Sarsaparllla, aJ44 i to a pint of water, is equal te the Lisbon Diet Drink, and I one bottle Is equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparllla, or the decoction as usually made. The above Extracts ar prepared on purely scientific) principles la Facuo and embody th full strength of the Ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will be a comparison of their proper ties with those set forth in th V. S. Dispensatory. HOW TO U$E THE REMEDIES In Diseases of tho Clood, Humors en the Face, or any and every part of the bsJy, as Extract Earsaparilla, ap plying to rimiiles and all external Humors r Eruptlous the Improved Rosa Wash. Cae the Extract Dacha for all diseases requiring ths aid of a Diuretic, except thole of the Crlnary Organs, such as Oonorrhsaand Gleet; In these use th Extract Duchu and Inject with tho Improved Boss Wash. (3T TI1ESE EXTBACT3 BATE DEEM ADMITTED TO CEC IN TIIE UNITED STATES AB.MT, and also ar la very general us In all th STATE HOSPITALS AND rUSMC INSTITUTIONS throughout th land, as ws'.l ss la private practise, and ars consfiltrcd as lavoloabl reaediss. MEDICINE DKLIVEBED TO ANT ADDBSSS. Direct letters to IIEUIDOLD'S DECS k CHEMICAL WAUEHOCSE, ens n I si i is. i u jjt uroauway, n. I,, iicm niciiuuiuan huici, on to TIELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. JforO Symptom all Communication. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Bewaro of Counterfeits 1 April 22, 1365 ly. NEW GOODS! SPRING AND SUMMER JUST OPENED BV ISAAC PTJUIZAIT. n Zctlemoyer's Building, opiiosito (learbart s Con fectionery Store, Market street, SL'NBl'RY, Pa., HAS just opened a well selected assortment of Uoods, w hich he offers for sale at very low prices DEY GOODS ! EOltEION AND DOMESTIC. uch a Cloths, Cassl meres, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, D Laines. Silks, liinghnms, Ao , Ac. tl. M ft usitl IAI oi every description. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Consisting of Hosiery, Uloves, Thread, Buttons, Suspenders, Neckties. Collars, IIandkerehirs, Hair Brushes, 'tooth Brushes. 1 sucy lieud Dresses, Bal moral Skirts, Hoop-Skirts, Carpet-bags, Trunks, Va lises, Umbrellas, Cottou-Yarn, Soaia. and uuuiomua other articlis too tedious to luentiuu. HARDWARE, such as nails, hinges and screws, door latches and annus, ana v u !!.. x of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Paiuts, Yrniii.licg, Oils, Glagg, Putty, &c, ic. Queensnnre uud t.'lussvture 1 fry tlestt-rlpliou. STONE AND EAHTIIENWAUE. An extensivs Stock of Composed of Sugar, Coffo. Tas. Rio, Corn-starch, Molasaos, Caudles, Moat, fish, Chs. Salt, Tobaeoo, and Segars. HEADY-MADE CLOTUINO. Also, B00T3 & SH0E3 for men, women and children. All kind of Country Produo takan in exchange for Uoods. bunbury, April 32, 1805. NKW COAL. I'IU. rpiIE partnership of Grant Diets having been X dissolved, lb sndrsignd hav entered into partnership in th Wholesale and ReUil Coal and fcbil'Hil,f Rusinos. under tb Arm nam of ORAM BROTHER. Thankful for th patronag extended to us In th late firms of Priling A Urant, and Uranta Diets respMtively, we respectfully solicit oonliouano of the same. W. T. flSANT, T. D. GRANT. ' .- wa-nt a.-u... r V ASK FOR EtEJ.WBOLB'S.yi 'ncbarraama oV IIlooitMbtirg; Hall rond, ON and after Jan. 18th, 1864, Paawngw Trains will run as follows : MOVIXtt 89VTH. Pamtnftr. 4 20 y. H. . 25 9.3i. Leav Scranton, Kingston, Ulooiiisburg Kupert, Danvill. tli Arrive at Northumberland, 9 Mi MOVIXli KORTII. Leav ITorthumVorland, S 00 A. If. Danvill, 8.40 " Rupert. S.4u filoomsburf, VM " Kingston, 13 12 P.M. Arrive at Scranton, l.W Freight A Passenger Uaves Bloomsburg. 1 li A. M. Passengers taking tb Mail Train South aonnect with tb Express train from Northumberland, arriv ing at Harrisburg, at 3.30 A. M., Ualtiinor T.00 A. M , and at Philadelphia, at T OO A. M. Th Mail train from Northumberland leaves immediately after th arrival of the Express train from Harrisburg and Baltimore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia t lu.1V Mr, . , lit rCBVU pVlUMUU LUU IUW1 UUIUI tb next foremion. New and olegnnt Bleeping cars accompany th night trains each way between Northumberland and Baltimore, and Northumberland and Philadelphia. D. T. BOUND, bupU I. K. STATJFFEB. WATCHMAKER ftJJEWELRT. Xo. 14s North, SE:OND street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. A n aaisorlmfnt of "alc'lies), Jfw- flrjr, WilTt-r Ac I'liifs-d W a constantly hand, Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESEXT8! t RcpiriBg of Watches and Jwelry promptly attended to. December 3, ISM ly NEW GOODS! Two doors west of AVm. II. Miller sSho store. I bunbury, Pa. Just ocned a fresh supply of SPUING & SUMMKK GOODS, I Such as Fancy Dress Trimmings. Ribbons. Gloves Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs : Gent's Linen and paper Collars. Netts. Belts. Lace Collars and Sleeves. Hnir Rolls, Velvet Ribbons, Red. Whit anil Blue Neck-ties. Corsets, (Juakcr Skirts, Yokes and Sleeves. SHAKERS, PARA.SOLS, 4C. I llioloiriilliai l'Irfi.td-iit I.iiU'oIn, i in frames. Also, Swiss. Jaconet and Victoria Muslins Crape Collars and Veils, Grenadine ami Lace Veils and a ! variety of other articles too numerous to mention. .MA1U L. LA&Altls. Sunbary. May 13, IMU. (Lat IIEP.R'8 HOTEL.) j Corner Market and 3d Streets, HARRISBIT.G, PA. THE attention of th public is rpectfnlly called j to this Hotel which is now open for the accommoda tion of guests. In the past live month during which 1 time it has been closed tbo house has been thorotigh- ly remodeled and repaired, until iu jw,int of conveui j encc and comfort, its patrons w ill find it to own no j superior. j "rail nrr Italin-ly Xw, Rooms larger than arc usually found in modern hotels. Situated ou the corner of two principal business I streets of th city .but two and a half squares from the j Rail Road Depot . Tho proprietor determined to ! spare no expense in securing tiie comfort of his guests ! ""I favorable reputatiou ti.r the establishment, he I ' l" lrui" "s eharnctor lo the judgm.at of his patrons. HEXRY THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21, ISCo. J. n. HILBUSH, Couuly Survejor, 4'os vcy uu-rer AXD I JUSTICE Oh' J UK PEA CE. Cmnty, Penn'a yr(i iniiUrlttiiil "Vffiee i: Jackson township. Engagements can J bv made by letter, directed to the above address. All business entrusted to his care, will b promptly ultended to. April 22. 1805. ly FLOUR & FEED STORE I WHOLESALE A.XJ JlETAll.. rilllE subscriber respectfully informs the publio JL that he keeps constantly on hand nt bis now ! WAREHorsE. neiirth'Sbaiuokin alloy Rnilrond j De,t. in Sl'NBl'KY. Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton Tho above is all manufactured at his own Mills, ' aau win uc soiu ui me lowest cssn prices. J M. CADiV ALLADER. Sunbury, Juno 4, 16t. E O GOBIN, Allorney nnd 4'iiiih(-IIui- lit Law, B0ONYILLE, CCOPER CO , MISSOURI. Virll.Lpay taxes on lands in any part of the VV State. Buy and sell real Estate, and all other matters entrusted to him will receive prompt atten tion. JulyS. 1M65.octlS, 4. FANCY DRESS GOODS, Minn A..A l'AI I'lOIS, Two tltioru West of tlie Post Otlicc, ' 8TJNBTJRTT, PENN'A., HAS iust received and opened a lurge nssortmen of Fancy Dns Uoods, such as tiloves. Jouvian llkl-gloves, Silk uud lisle thread tiloves; Ladies cotton Hose. Cbiblreu's Merino Hmo. Silk Mils. Lalies and Oentlemen Haiidkerehiers. Corsets. Ein broidcred Slippers. Ribbons FANCY DRESS BI T 'IONS. Buglo jimps, Trimmings. Buttons. Belt Rib bon Velvet Ribbons. Braid. Belt Clasps. Ladies' Neck-tics. OR A PER IBBON mid TRIMMING ; Em broidering Braids, Jaconet ami Swins Edgings and insertions; Maltcere Lace Collars. Laces. Grenadine Veils, Black Veils, Fancy Dress Couiha. Head Dres ses. Netts, and a variety of other articles. Lockwood's Puper Collais of a superior quality. Ladies' Linen Collurs, a variety of (juecn Elizabeth Collars, black and wbito Barbes. Picture Curds and Tltsels. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS inOKS ANI STATIONERY, Monthly Tim Book, Diawiag Book and States. Bucks. Hymn Books, JUnk Bia,ks. Memorandum Eokl, Diaries, l'oclst lUaiks. Ink Stands, Pens, Per.ci!s, a fine amt:neiit of Paper, Ink, Ao, Toilet Siaps, Toutb-Biutats, Ae. TOYS' AND GAI'.ES FOR CHILDREN, All of hi;b have bcci elected with car and will be sild el reasonable n '.ski. ANNA PAINTE1. Si rVunr, May 13, 1!. BOARDING HOUSE. XIUS. 91 ARIA XlIO.1l lsaO, (Formerly of th "Lawrence House,' ) 8 UN BURY, PENN'A. INFORMS ber friends and tb publio generally that she has refitted the housa formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. Peale, n Bluckberry street, neur the Northern Central Railway Depot, aud opened a Boarding House, where fthe is prepared to keep PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. With good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet comforts of homo with far equal to the best hotels. Putronnge from those who may sojourn in Suubury is respectfully solicited. Mr. MARIA THOMPSON. Suubury, Oct 22, 4186. HUNT Z1J C! PURE LIBERTY LEAD, L'noppressed for Whitening, Fin Gloss, Durability Firmness and Evenness of Surfuoo. PL' RE LIBERTY LEAD Warranted to cover mor suifac for sum weight than any other Lead Try it and yon tot hav no oihir I PURE LIBETY ZIN'C, Vletd Zinc, ground in Refined Linseed Oil, on qnaled in quality, always th sain. PUHE LIBERTY ZINC, Warranted to do mux and baiter work at a given cost than any other Get tho Iiett! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT ss COLOR WORKS. Order xaeatod promptly by ZIEGLEK As SMITH, P'. Wkolttat Drug, Paint and Ulm Dialor. 1ST Br Orfic. No 13T North THIRD 8ut. PHILADELPHIA. Mareti 4, 188S. ly. OLD EYE3 HADE NEW. A PAMPHLET dlreoting how te spesdlly restore sight and give ap apeotaole, without aid of doctor or snedieiu. bout by snail, free, ea receipt flOeenU. Address, r I. B. FOOTS, M, D, Febrnary 4, IMJ.ent rood Ttn.War. r lo CMIU-A THE RED LION HOTEL. (Lai Mn. Boul tea's ) MARKET STREET, BUNBTJRY, PA. JULIUS ARBITER. A3 taken this old sad wall known stand, and red tied and furnished th asm is prepared t aeootnraoojat Boarder and Traveler with th bast th market an afford. 11 bono by striot attention to business to reiv a hara of publia patronag. His TABLE contains the best tb market afford. His Bar Is filled with tb hoist of Liqaors, aoUi Malt and Spirituous. Th stabling is good, and attended by arcfol Ostlers. Sanbury, April W, 18M -ly O. -W- HAUPT Altormry and ('onmsirllor sat lsawf Olno on south fide of Market street, four door west of K. T. Bright Son's Stor, 8UNBURT, FA. Will attend promptly to all professional bavin entrusted to his care, th collection of el aims in Northumberland and the adjoining oonnties. bauuury, May ja, 1J. ly TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. THE subscriber 20 years a practical Piano Forte Manufacturer, of New York City, has perma nently located in this section, and would respectfully solicit orders for TUHIN0. REPAIRING. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MEL0DE0NS. The subscriber is also the manufacturer's Agent for CniCKKRINO A SON'S, 1IA7.LKTON BRO S . - LIXDKMAN A PON'S.. WILLIAM II. BR ADIH'RY'8, EDWARD BLWOM FIELD'S, McDonald a co's, ri t riM'i:i. And Carliart A Needham's. and Peloubet's MELODEONS & HARMONIUMS, And L. V. Stuart's Pipe CHl'RCII ORGANS james McDonald. Bloonisburg, Pa., April 29, I3fij. ii. u. lAfwKi-.n. Attot-nvy ul I.iiw, SI NBI RY, PA Collections attended to in tho counties of Nor thumberland. Union, Suydw, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. riti enr.si is. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. G. Oatlell A Co.. Hon. Win. A. Purler. " Morton Me.Miehael. Esq.. " E. Ketcham A Co.. 2J Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashniead. Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Law. " bunbury, March 2, IS2. the "union Forever ! UOOIH i on .lllI.I.IO ! At the Stor of JCEIT BCVE1T Coruer of Maiket and Fawn Streets, 3 1X11 U R Y , P K N N ' A . Jut openej FALL & WINTER GOODS, Tor everybody, ilu nu "Itlnning. hut plain truth, which every une will he cum tcv thut ml is ami ix mninrii (he stock, which voiixitft f Dre?!1 U(km,h. (-iwiitirr. riuth-. Icnts OverroutUig. JenuF. i'uittntiUwt, AIubUua. rvu UoimU in grunt vitricty. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. riain and Figured Delaines. French and Figured Merinos. Fine Wool Dolaiuesnll sorts and shades. Prints. Nnnkerns. LADIES' C LO A K I SO. Table-Covers, Irish Linen. Brown aud White Sheetings. Shawls. Balmoral Skirts of all kinds. Hoop Skirts, nil prices. Hand kerchief. Flannels, Ladies' Kid. bilk and Merino Gloves, Ao. Jewelf) of.' nil kintla. Ladies' and Gouts' I'niou Skate. A large assortment of NOTIONS. ti a:i.a' llardwnro. Cndarware. Giasswuro. Chinaware, Quoenswara. Crockory. lirocorios. Tolmeco, Severs. SiiufT, Tea, I'oftoe, Sugar, Molaasvs. Spices, Fish,' Suit, Ac, Ac, and everything else usually kept in a store. Pro duce taken iu exchange for gools. Nn trouble to snow goods. JOHN BOWEN. Sunbnry, Not. I, 1SC4. 'i' v. ti. t. ym IMPERIAL T'S IJfjotograpfj (Gallrvirs, No. 70ti, 701 and TOO ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 17, IWH.in FROM WASHINGTON. LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT Till P O U N D E P.0ZPk2ACE& CCCF3R, STJNBTJBY, ri3N3M-A.. (set the Best tiet the Cheapets Get the most Eco nomical, which can be had at the Rohrbach Foundry Having a large assortment nf the most approved STOVES, such as Cooking. Parlor, Office and Shop Stores, which will be sob) at the lowest rates. Also, Kettles of all sites, Pans. Skillets. Ac They are also muniifuetitring Machinery, Ploughs, Castings. A'C, at short notice. Repairing all kinds nf Agricultural Implements done ill a good workuiuuliko manner and at the shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited uud proinptlr attended In. ROllRUACll A COOPER. fV'Old Iron, and all kiuds of Produce taken in Exchange for work Suubury, June 18, 1861. tf BREAD ! BEEAirrrBBEADT7T WEW BAKERY. flHE undersigned has opened a Bakery, on Market I street, Sunbury, Pa., two doors west of th Post Office, where he will keep constantly on band, l'r'li llrt'iiri, 'I'm l(ltollf Itustkai, and TliA-Bl'NNS. , All kinds of FANCY CAKES, Common Cakes, Pretxels. Ac Pic-Nio Parties. Weddings and Funerals, will be supplied at the shortest notice. A good assortment will bo kept up at all time, manufactured out of the beat material, and orders will be promptly attended to. He trust that his friends and the publio generally will sustain him in ibis new enterprise, now greatly needed iu Sunbury. He trusts bis experience in the business will ena ble hiiu togive gunerul sutistuotion tu all who way favor him w ith their patronage DAVID FRY. Sunbury, April 22, 1S65. MILLINERY GOODS, AND I'ASCY .Wl'HWfl ATItlMMISWH HISS L. 8HISSLEK. At th new stand, in Market Square, SUNBURY, HAVE just received from Philadelphia the latest and wostf skhionable stylos of Millinery Goods, such as Honnots, Hal. Silka, Ribbons .and Laces, Scarfs, Hosiery and Gloves. Skeleton Skirts, Flowers, Head Dresses A Nets, Did Ladies' Caisj, Shawls, Silk, Ao. Black Crape and Laee Yeils, Crap and Linen Col. I .Irs, Dress Trimmings and Buttuuf, Coisels, Zephyrs, Cotton Yarn, Soap and Perfumery. Ilu(le Xrlnsmlnxj;), Hair IIa) asssl I'eiubs, Gents' Linen and Paper Collar, Neekti, A. Flags, Piotur Tsar sis and Cords. Parasols, Ladies' Satchels, Fans, A. Photographs of President Lincoln, handsomely framed. Thankful for past patronage I hop by sir tot at cntiou to business to continue the same. L. bUISSLBR. Bynbiiry.May IS, 1MJ m WALL PAPER ! J, W. FRILINU A SON, respectfully announce that they have just received and opened a very deal rable assortmoot of WALL PAPER and BORDER which they will dispose of at very reasonable prices Remember th place, Munjmoth kture, Market Square. Bunbury, May JO, 1864. ICE CREAM. --FREEZERS. , A New supply of Msssaa's FiTa-Miaera Faaa- A. saa. seeeived trosa r" X1i Arlnm) naroMi ('cxmnsstir, ' GIVK NOTICK that ih.y hav onludoa: ar rangmnenu with th Xortiioni CantrarlUllmad Company to run trssas from Haltlmortor York, Harrisburg, Daupbin, Halifax. Trrrorton, Hunbury, Nonhomherlsmd. Lawlsburg, MM ton, Muncy, Wll liam'pnrt. aad all intermediate nations, couneotinc at Harrisburg with the URKAT M'ESTKRN KX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louia and th West. Also with Howard k Co. 'a Express a Milton or , Daavill. Blooinsborg, WUkesbarro. Pittstoa, Scran, ton, and intermedial stAtions on th Cattawissa, Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wil liamsport, by Howard A Co 'a Kxpres to Jersey Shore and Look Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, . Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara, and to all acoeasible , points in Wtstsrn New York and Canada, by which thoy will forward Merchandise, Spooi, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuabl Packages of vry descrip tion. Also. Not. Draft and Bills fur Collootinn. Kxpriaed and f&oint messengers employod, . and every effort will b made to render satisfaction. . JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. it. a. ri- nr.ii, Agent lor auiiDury. April , 1M2. IMS, Arrangement) of er York I.larsj. THE CAMDEN AND AMB0Y AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO. S LINES. From Philarlrlfhia to Km York and Wat Plant, from Walnut ttrttt Wharf and Ktnfinxton Drpnl. trill lean a follow, vix : rial At A. M., via Camdon and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) f 25 aio a. ai., via iuidn aud Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation. 2 25 At 8 A. M.. via Camdon and Jersoy City, (Moniina; Mail.) ' S 00 At HA. M.. via Camden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket ' 2 2o At 11 A. M . via Kensington and Jry city, Exiircsa At 12 M. via Camden and AtnboT. C nd A. 3 00 (Accommodation.) 3 24 At 2 P. M., via Caindoa and Amboy, (C. and A. Express,) At 3 P.M., via Kcnsingtsn and Jersey City, Wash, and N. V. Express 3 00 1 00 I 00 At 6J P. M.. via Kensington and Jersoy City, (Evening Mail.) At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jorsov sit v. Southern Mail. At li (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soutneru Express I 00 t to At i P. M., via Camden and Amliv. (Accom modation, freight and Passenger, First Class ticket. Second Class Ticket. l to I 25 For Water Gap. Strondsburg. Scranton. Wilkes. barrs, Montrose, Great Bend. Ac. nt ft A. M., from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. I" Mauch Chunk, Allentown. fletlileljom. Beli & . "--slon, Latuhqrtville. Flemington. Ac, ti a, A. from Kensington Depot, uud at 21 P M. frc .V alnut street Wharf. (no 6 A. M. Lino connects with TralsJlesvies; Easton for Muuch Chunk, nt .'1-iO P. M.) For Mount Holly, at a A. M.. 2 and 4 P. M For Freehold, lit U A. M. and 2 P. M WAV LINKS. For Bristol. Trenton, Ac. at 1 1 A. II. ajil 2i and 5 P. M. irum Kensington. F'or Palmyra. Riverton. Dolanco. Beverly. Bar lington Florence, Bordoubiwn, Aj., at 12, l I, a IJf- For New York, aud Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, tuke the Car on Filth street, above liluilt. hull' nil bour bel'ure dopartura. The Cars run into the D. put. und ou lb arrival of each Train, ruu from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage ocly. allowed eieh piu.enger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything us baggnge but thvir worn ing apparel. All hagguge yr tiny pouuds to be paid for e'xlra. Tho Company limit liiuir respousibilin lor baggage to Olio Dollar per pound, und will uot b liablo lur auy amount beyond Sluu. except by spooinl contract. Wil. 11. UATZMUl, Agout. January 17. Mi. .11. 4'. UEAUUUM'h Confectionery, Toy and nvcriT STORE, -tlui'kc-4 Sired, Biiiibiu-y, tt. CDNKKCTIONKKY OK ALL KINDS, TOYS OP EVKKY DKSCRH'TIO.V, KliL IT, Ac, Ac, (CONSTANTLY on bund and for tale at the above , ntnblisbnleiil atwholssnle aud retail, at raoson ublv prices. Ha is maiiufHcturiu't all kinds of Conrclionarine to keep up a full assortment which ar sold at low rates. Tobacco. S;nrs. Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all uf whijh ar offered wholesale nnd retail. i 'Remember the name aud place. Tt , M. C. GEARHAKT. Market stroct, 3 doors west orE. Y. Bright A Son' store. Sunbury. Sept. 19, 183. tf :sa!i:k'k imikm i iVK"5iiS". t'l'i: i'iti:i:xi-u : As Improved for ISiit and 1S60, By E. KETCHAM t CO., 2S9 Pearl st , Nw Tork. rilllE uuly Freeter constructed on sslontifio prin J ciples. with a revolving can and spring blade, C'rapcr. Th one hastens th freciingof ihe criia-a--the other removes it as fast as IVosen. The most rapid iu frevsiug, with lb least uuonUli of ic. The most economieal iucust, as it is the most simple aud durable in structure. Fur sale iu all the principal cities and tow us in the Union. Iinrl Freeier aecouipauivd with a book of recipe and full directious. PRICES. 3 quarts, $J Ce 4 ,iurbi, 4 on A quarts, & n 5 quarts, go 14 quarts, g no 20 quarts, 12 110 Apply tu II. B. MASKER, guufcuiy, Pa March 2, IW.2. Geonei Hill, Smoa P. WoLvaaroa. HILL, St WOLVERTON, Alturnry uud t'ountst-lorai ot I.uw . Office. Market street, cor. Centre Alley, SU3M-33XTR"5r. FA. WILL attend promptley to the collection of elaiinl and all other professional business intrusted to their euro in Northumberland andadjiiningcwuuties. Sunbury, January 1, 1 82- lnlrrnalluiuil Ilolrl, 3Si and 367 liroalvnti, Corner J'ranitn Strt NEW YORK. rTTHIS first class House the most quiet, homelike, . and pleasant Hotel in the city olTers superior inducements to those visiting New York for business ' or pleasure. It is central iu its location, and kept nn the Eruoi'iAK Plak. in connection with Tatlor'a Ss loom, where refreshments can be had all hours, or served in their own rooms. The charges are mo derate, the ruouis aud attendance of the Urst order baths, and all the niodcru conveniences attacked Oct I.1KG4. SOLOMON MALICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "BUNBURY, Northumberland County, P. OFFICE in East end of W eavor's Tavern, Market Sircct. All business entrnsted to him will be careful y and fiunctuully atleuded to. Consultation iu the Kng ish and German languages. Sunbury, April 8. li-ftS. The t'oinnlrlr, IouIlc-A-Isis aisfll Ht'partilinif CORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, Al GUST !ud, 1S61. THIS Shelter is the only one thst sholls th Cory perfectly clean from th Cob when green, soak d or dry. It give the Ear a double uperatiun ol) the Shelling Wheel as it passes through, and se pa. rales the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it I one nt for market without lb use of lh tanning mill. Ibis iuacbiu shells a Half Jlutlut ;f Eur to the Minute ly Ordi nary Jl-ihd Pi'ifi-r, and san be used, also, by Hurse, Kieam or Water Power by attaching a Pulley on the Crank Shaft. For Durability, Cleanliuoai. Neatness I'beapuea and Rapidity in Shelling, this Machia cannot be quailed by any other. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. GiMTLBHaa i If yoa want your corn Shelled clean ; if yen hav ecoosiou tu shell green er damp com ; if you went your corn and eob separated ; il yu want a durable machine ; if yue waul a ekeap shelter, buy the Cosaplele, Double-Acliuj, Self Sep arauag Corn fcheller. RKFERENCE.4I H B. Masser. Dr. J. W. Peal .Nuebury. Charles Haas, Miller, bawuel LoA ty Ml k, .. s l 'a I M MRU. S V V.. WWKM WW. Millers, eunbury. SasLl lisnry Lis-aring, Bejs Ma ' SJonufeoleseft s HHAUKessa,