Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 28, 1865, Image 3

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    H. 8. MASSER, Editor ft Proprietor.
E. WIIiVEHT, Publisher.
jt:.iu;nv, pa.
3Local &ffatts.
tySoVeral oVtrg men of Milton, are about to
lcT that place for the South.
3MiAt Shop. Our friend EHas Brosioui ha
evened a meat (hop at hi! residence, In Fawn strooti
where meat ean be bad nt all timet. A (hop of thi
kind hni been much needed, and we hope that Mr.
Broslous will meet with success in his new enterpriio.
rnoTMB!T. Julius Arbiter who l tow
putting up aline brick building on hli lot near the
crossing of the Sbamokin Valley road, has leased the
front, and 80 feet along the railroad, for fifteen
years, at $150 per annum, ground rent, the lossoe
is a gentloman from Baltimore who intends to put
op a who male and retail store house, sixty fcot
front by eighty In depth.
Cy-TB8 .?o a o Fisnr.RiM. A meeting was held
at the Court llouso in this place, in regard t
the removal of the obstruction! in the river by
dams, which prevent tho passage of shad, and in
reference to the Ant of Assembly passed Inst winter
on this subjeot. The people sectn determined not to
let this matter slumber, as long as their rights are
infringed upon, and remain unadjusted.
tyFAHcr and DntM Ooons, Ac There are
few towns which are better supplied with goods of
thU clnss than Sunbury. These stores are in
the hunds of ladies, whose taste and discrimination
In the selection of choice and fashionable goods, are
well known to all who are interested in articles o'
dress and tno toilet, nnd what lady is not? Gentle
men too, may And many little atricles in their line
useful as well as ornamental, and in purchasing from
the ladies they may be sure of getting articles select
ed with the utmost eare in regard to taste, stylo and
fashion. Those thorcfore in want of goods of this
class, will naturally call on Miss Anna Painter,
Miss Mary L Lajirus, Miss Kate Bluck and Mia
M. L. Clusslor, or either ol them, who havo just re
plenished their stores with a new stock goods, as will
be seen by their advertisements in another column.
Uf DuRixa BriiOLAnv. On Saturda. t or
Sunday morning lust, some person entered . -cab
deneo of Major W. L. Dcwart of this place, though
the rear parlor window, pnssed up stairs into the
ehambcr whoro the Major was asleep wiih a light
burning on tho table. The burglar took from his
pantaloons a pocket book, tho eontcnts of which lie
examined in tho parlor below, and took out from
Jrto to $90 in money, and then threw it on the
floor, together with six coupons ol govern
ment bonds. The Mujor's gold watch and heavy
gold chain lying on the table in full view, was not
disturbed., nor were any other chambers entered.
Ono missiug coupon was afterwards found near tlie
Stable, the burglar evidently not deeming govern
ment securities very snto to hold.
3?-Kn.i.r.n. Wm. McDonnld.n conductor of ono
nf the freight trnins, was killed nt Northumberland
on Wednesday evening, having been run verbytlic
cars. He had but recently come here from the em
ploy of the Pennsylvania llailroad Company.
i ,
RiTriisnn. II. I. Wharton, of the 47th
Rcg't. P. V., our Army Correspondent during the
war, returned home to this place on Monday last
The letters ofMr. Wharton, who Is a Printer by pro.
fesaion, were well received. We congratulate him
on his snfo return.
jf The body of Fhilip Rcnn, of this place, a
Soldier in Gen. Hancock:! corps, who died recently
at Baltimore, was brought to-this place on Thursday
for interment- The deceased, who was about 40
years of ago, mi a brother of Geo. M. Kenn, Esq.,
of this place, und was a worthy man and an excel
lent soldier. After serving through the whole war
bo re-cnlistud in the regular service. Ho wasburicl
with military honors by tho returned soldiors of this
place, under ihe command of .S'ergt. E. i-tarkloff.
CJSteam Fenny at Sfussnitovu. Mr. J. II
Fisher, who operates the Ferry at fielinsgrove, is
building a steamboat for the purpose of conveying
passengers and freight from the rail road station, to
the Selinsgrore side of the river. Tho boat will be
ir, length 70 feot and In breadth of beam IB feet, with
a stern wheel. There will bo two engines of about
15 horse power each, which nrc building nt Pittsburg.
An experienced bout builder from Pittsburg is con"
structing tho hull nt Sclinsgrove. The tont, when
oomplelcd, will draw about eleven inches of water,
and is to be finished In about six weeks.
Seliusgrovo is an imvoriunt point on the Northern
Central llailway, and wo oro pleased to see that i:s
business relatione justify this enterprise. Tho North
era Central Railway Company have agreed to ptf
up a ware houso at the station, a much desired and
greatly needed improvement.
tuTna Coal Among Ihe numerous
improvements mado in our region duriug the last
lw years, not the least important aro those on the
lands of the Fulton Coal Company :
The Exclusion Collieiit. Jno. H. Dewees,Esq.,
original lese, was commenced in March, 1S64. Coal
was first sent to market from this Colliory in May
lost. The improvements oonsist of a first class coal
breaker, inclined piano, "upper level shute," Ac.
The machinery of this breaker two setts of rollsi
creeds, Ao., is driven by ono of Mossrs. Gartlcy
A Fox's 36 horse power engines. In addition to the
above there are connected with this eolliery some 41)
miner houses, store house, steam saw mill, shops,
magaiine, Ac, all of which aro built in good stylo,
in a substantial manner.
The veins embrooed in this lease, thu far develop,
d are three : One Red Ash and two White Ash, all
of superior quality, and rnuging in thickness from
five to eight fcot. There remain two vein! yet to
be opeued on this lease when occasion requires,
which in connection with those already opened,
will furnish a large yoarly product for many years
to come. The number of gangways now used Is
four ; two more be ready at an early day all on tho
'twin veins." The oapacily of the breaker is 80,000
to 100.000 tons por annum. The Colliery is worked
by the Exoelsior Coal Co,, Juo. Dowces, Esq.,upt
The liiiAKV Collierv John B. Douty, Esq.,
orignal lesso was commenced in June, 1S63, a
drift having been opened and some coal mined,
prior to thai time. Coal was first shipped from this
Colliery, over the breaker, in May lastat. Tho im
provements consists of a first class breaker, inclined
plain, some thirty minor bouses, shops, Ac The
machinery of this breaker one sett of rolls, scroens
A.. is driven by an engine of same tiie and pattern
of "The Exoelsior." THO veins eiuoraoea in un,
lease, thui far Developed, are two, ranging from
four to eight feet, White Ash, exoellent quality
There yet remain! two veins to be opened, ona Red
Ash, and one White Ash. The extent 01 tnis lease,
' east from the opeuings, is about on and-a-balf miles,
with height of "breast" of ISO to 250 yards above
water-level. ' I
The number of gangways now opened is three.
The capacity of the breaker is the same as that of
the Exeelsioi. The Colliery is worked by J. B.
Douty Co.
Tua Ektxri'BUE Colliery The. Baumgard.
nor, Esq., lessee was oommeuoed in August, 1BC1.
Coal was first saipped from this Coliiery i August
last. Tbe Improvements consist of a first elass
breaker, supplied with engine and machinery simi
lar to that of the Brady. The veins thus far it'
veloped are three,- ranging from four to sin feet
in thioVoess, White Ash of surperior quality. The
extent of this reuse, east and watt from the openings,
li about three thousand yards, with height of breast
abort water-level of 30 to 250 yards.
Jbsrs aro also attached to this Colliery it m iner
bouses, shops, , Capacity of breaker sama as
ExeeUior and Brady. Tha Colliery is worked by
- A. lumernjao, Esq., Agt. Skamoim lltrald
tyDnTi or it OctoOtiUFtis flsrnwel Hep.
born, Esq., for mahy years lawyer of distinction
residing In Milton, Northumberland eonnty, and for
some years partaoitisen of Lock Haven, died in this
place, on Monday morning, at his residence of his
son-in-law, Or. II. A. Ltohtonthalcry at the advanced
age of 81 years. Mr. Ilepbnrn wws tho father-in-law
of Ex-Qovernor Pollock, Dlrosrcf Of the Philadelphia
Mint, and also of L. A. Maekay, Esq. President of
the Lock Haven Bank, and was widely connected
with the best families of the State. Few men now-e
days live to the advanced period at which the do'
oeased had arrived, and fewer still have tha happl'
ness of seeing so large a family of children stahding
np in stations of distinction and usefulness to call
them blessed. Clinton Republican.
GTThe eldest son of Ex-Uov. Tollock, Worthy
young man, died at the rcsideooe of his father, in Phil
adelnhia.on Mondav last, aired about 27 Tears. He
ni hrailirht tn Milfnn fnr Intnrtnnnt Wm aim rMnnpd
the doath of Samuel Hepburn, Esq., at Lock Haven,
aged 84 years Mr. U. was long a leading member
of the Bar in this oounty, and was tho father-in-law of
Gov. Pollock. ' ' '
tyAs Appli Tiisb is Full Blossom ix Octo.
bkr ! The Miltonian of lost week says : We wit
nessed, yesterday, what we bave novor seen before
at this time of year an apple tree in full blossom
It is in the garden of Mr. John Moore of this bo
rowgh and presents a moat singular spectacle The
old (caves are nearly afl off from the tree and new
ones are coming out, while It is literally eovored
with blossoms !
Wo undenawl Mr. Jacob Rohrboch has cut
np his out lot along the Cattawissn road, into building
lots, and has already disposed of most of the lots
These lots are adjoining the lots recently laid out
and sold by Mr. J. B. Lenkor.
Pursuant to adjournment, a meeting of tho citt
rens of tha Borough of Sunbury, was held at the
Court House, on Monday evoniug, Oct. 2'id, E.M'L.
WILVERT, President; J. A. J. Ci-muxo and
John YorvoMATf, Secretaries.
The object of the meeting being slated, that a
Convention would be hold in tho House of Rcprcsen.
tntives at Harrisburg, on the second Wednesday of
January next, for the purpose of taking action upon
tho Act of Assembly passed last session, requiring
owners, of dams in the Susquehanna, to erect sluices,
Ac, in their dams, so that fish can ascend the river.
On motion, The following persons woio chosen
delegates to the Convention to be held at IIarrUburg
in January next, vis : S. P. Wolvorton, S. B. Boyor.
John P. Fursel, Chas. Garingcr, Sirob, E. Y.
Bright, Philip Clark, II. B. Manor, J. Youngman.
Allen Hopper, John Hans, Ed. Drumhullcr, P. W.
Gray, Capt. J. Buyors, P. M. Shlndel, W. L. Dewart,
J. W. Friliug, J. M. .Simpson, E. Wiivcrt. Dr. O.'
B. Wcisor, G M. Uonn, Jno. K. Clement. A. F.
Clapp, C.J. Bruner, Ira T. Clement, Fred. Spaeht
Chat. Beck, Geo. Lyons, W.I. Greenoujh, Dr. II.
II . Awl. Dr. J. Murkle and J. C. Welker.
On inol ion. An Ext cutivc Committee was appointed
to co-opcrato with other similar commiltocs, vii : J.
A. .1. Cummings, John Youn jman, J. M. Simpxmt
T. H. Puniyand E. Wilvert.
On motion, lltmlvnl, That tho Ex.'cutivo Com
mittee buuo a circular to tho citizens of tho different
boroughs and townships in the county, inviting their
co-operation with us ou this important subject.
On motion, litmvtrf. That nil the papers in tho
county be requested to publish these rrococdings.
On motion, Adjourned.
fH?To get a gootl I'butugrapli, go to
Erskinu's Honin.
I-Tlie place to gut n lil'elikc Picture
.s .it Erskinir's Room.
What the People Want:
Complete in one very largo Volume of over 1U"0
This work hns no rival as a candid, lucid, com
plete, authentic and reliable history of the "great
conflict." It enntnins reading matter equal to three
lurgo royal octavo volumes, splendidly illustrated
wilii over 10 tlno portraits of Generals, oattte sceiies
maps and diagrams.
Returned and disabled officers and soldiers, and
energetic young men in want of protiiaUo employ
ment will find this rare chaneetn make money. We
have Agents clearing (2M per month, which wo will
prove to any doubting applicant; tor proof of the
above sond lor circulars and see our terms. Address,
JONES BROTHERS A CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
Oct. 21, 1SG5. Im
By virtue nf a certain writ of Fieri Facias, and
Plurius l.pvaria Facias, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Northumberland county, and to
mc directud, will be exposed to public ante, at Ihe
Court House, in Ihe borough of Sunbury, on Satur
day, tho 4th day of November, 1813, at 1 o'clock, P.
M. Tho following properly, to wit :
A certain lot or piece of gmund. situate in the bo
rough of Northumberland, county of Northumber
land, and Ftate of Pennsylvania, adjoining on the
southeast, Northway ' uu the soutliHest lot of Jihii
Duubuui ; on the north west, water street ; and on
the northeast, lot of Daniel iStcrrick. wmtainiug in
width ft) feet, and in depth H) feet, being one-fourth
nf on acre, more or less, whereon arc erected two
Houses, one log and one stone, Ac.
.Soiled, tukcii in execution and to be sold a tho
property of James A. Keefcr.
All those certain contiguous lots of ground, situato
in tho town of Trevorton, Northumberland county,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, lo
wit : bounded on the north by iS'bainnkin itreet, on
tho east by lots formerly owned by Michael Wert
man, ou the south by an alley, and on tho west by
lots of Benjamin Patton, being marked in the plan of
said town as lota Nos. 3, 07 and tt. and part of lots No.
4 block No. 12H, on which is erected a largcdwelliu-g
house built of brick.
Seised, taken into excoution and to be sold as the
Eroperty of Charles P. Uell'unsleiu, Administrator of
dward Uelfenstoin, deo'd.
By virtue of certain writs of Vend. Exponas, Plu
rius Vend. Exponas, Levari Facias and Plur Levari
Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pioas of
Northumberland eounty, and to me directed, will be
exposed to publiu sale, at the Court House, in the
borough of Sunbury, on Monday Ihe 6th day nf No
vember, lKCS, at 1 o'clock, P. M. The following
property, to wit :
Deicudants interest, supposed to be the undivided
eiglh part of a certain tractor piece of land, situate
in Turbut township, Northumberland eounty, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit :
ou the west by land of Jacob Harlman, on the south
by lunil nf Henry P. Fullmer on the east by land of
Samuel Blain, Isaac Marsh and David Kngle, and on
the north by land of Charles Shulvr. J. V. Kelscy,
and Suuiuel Eekurt, containing about 80 acres, more
or less, whereon are erected a two story frame duel
ling house, frame barn, cabinetmaker shop aud other
outbuildings, Ao.
Heitod, taken into execution and lo bo sold as the
property of Win. Kuts
Also, Lot No 0, in block No. 129, in the town of
Trevorton, Zerbe township, Northumberland county,
Pennsylvania, bounded on the south by Coal street,
on the north by an alley, on the west by lot No. 5,
and on the east by lot No. 7, in block No. l.'ki, eon
tuiniug in width 2i feet, and iu depth ISO feet, where
on are ercoted a two story frunio House and frame
Also, lots Nos. 12 and 13. in block No. 12.V In
same towuship aud ouuuly, hounded on the north by
Dauiuusiu foon, un uio souin ny an alloy, on the
west by lot No. 11 in same block, and tho east by
second street, containing in float each 25 feot, and
Also, lot no. li, in block 78. situate in aama town.
towuship and oounty, bounded on the north by Rail
road street, on the south by Market street, on the
est by Front street, and on tbe westbv lot No. 12 in
same blook, eontaining in width 25 feet and in depth
loo I eel.
Seised, taken into execution and to be sold as the
propeny Of Patrick Mahan.
Two certain lots or poices of ground, situate in tha
borough ot Mobwensviiie, ivorinumDeriauU eounty,
Pennsylvania, bounded-on the north by lot of Wm.
Smith, east bt Main street, south by an alley, and
west by an alley, eontaining in front each feet
ana in depui leei, woereos is ereciea two
story brick dwelling House, brick foundry, Wagou
maker Shop, Carpenter shop, frame Stable and other
Outbuildings, a woll of water, o.
Also, a evrlain lot or nieaa of ffround. rtltuate la
same town, eounty and Siate aforesaid, bounded on
tbe north by aa alley, east by a lot of Mrs. Mary
Welsh, south by Potash street, and west by lot of
John F. Dentler's heirs, eoniaiaiag in width
feet in depth fee, whereon are erected one and
a half Hot J frame dwelling bouis, frame stable, o
- Also, a owHatn tract or piers of land, situate in
Delaware township, Northumberland eounty, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described ss follows, to wit :
northand east by land of Wm. Montgomery, south by
Turhutville road, and on the west by lands of Judia
Reiser, eontaining ten acres, all improved.
Seised, taken into execution and to be sold as the
property of Philip Steinruck.
A certain tract of land, situate In Coat township,
Northumberland county, Pa., bounded Bnd describ
ed as follows, to wit I beginning at a stone, thonco
by Innd of John Boyd, north i deg. west 1 Tit perches
to stones, thence by land of Wm. Wilson, south i
dcg. west 243 perches to ston ea, thence by same
south Mf deg. west 74 perches to a chestnut, thence
ny same snuin 44 aeg. vc. vn por. to a white oak,
thence by land of Peter Manrer, south 87 deg. east
M five-tenth perches to a ohestnut oak, thciico by
the same, south 62 deg. esst 09 perches to a white
oak, thence by the same south 20 dog. east 411 eight
tenth perches to a white oak, thence by land of Mi
chael Krole, east 81 nine-tenths perches to a white
oak stuinn. thenoe by same north 80 four-tenths per
ches to a Hickory, thonce bv same north 87s dec-.
east 68 perches to a pine, and thence by Innd of
rrcoerica vramer, norm oitueg. east Mia pereies
to tbe place of beginning, eontaining 307 acres and
VS perches and allowance.
Seised, taken Into execution and lo be told as tho
proporty of P. Lasarus, administrator of Calvin
BIythe, deo'd., and Wm, Ayres, Jr.. Administrator
of Win. Ayres, deo'd:, with nottoe to terretonants
and oocnpanti
All that certain tract or pleco of I and. situate now
in Zerbe township, (formerly in Mahonny township)
Northumberland county; Pennsylvania, bounded
and described aa follows, to wit i beginning nt a
white oak corner, thence by Alexander Hunter s
land, north 60 degrcea east 21 perches to aslona
oorner, thenoe by late Jacob Kissinger'! land, south
11 dcg. onst 150 perches to a stone corner, thence by
T. Grant's land, south 09 degrees west 65 perches to
a chesnut; and thence by the same, north 86 deg.
west 88 perches to a stone enruor, thence north 1 1
deg. west 1 III perches to tbe placu of beginning, eon
taiuin; ono hundred acres and allowances of six per
cent, exception and including so much and such nart
or portion of the said tract or piece of land ns lies
south of tha Railroad, which runs east and weet
through Ihe said tractor piece of land.
pencil, initen into execution and to be sold as the
property of Will. L. Hellenstvin.
All (hose certain messuage, houses, lots, pieces nf
ground, situato and described as follows, to wit : one
houso and three two acre lota, in the town of Tre
vorton, in the county nf Northumberland ; two lots
or ground in said town of Treverton, numbered in
the general plan of said town ns lots Nos. 8 and 9, in
block lilt, on wbioh is erected a two-story frnino
house ; live lots, pieces or parcels of ground, in said
town of Trevorton, numbered 1. 2,3, 4. and 0, iu
block No. 105, on which ia erected three framo
houses; two lots No. il and 12 in bluck No. it, on
which is erected a douhto frumo house ; ono houso
and lot also situato in said town No. 2 iu bluck lit);
two bouses and lets in said town numbered 8 niul V
in block No. 2't ; one house and lot No. 4 in block
No. l.i j ; one steam saw-mill and cruuud adjacent.
containing one acre, more or less ; two lots of ground
rsos. i nnu z in nioca .o. ns ; ono lot or piece of
ground marked No. 6 in block 87, all situato in the
town of Trevorton und county of Northumberland.
Seised, token into execution nnd to bo sold ns the
fropcrty of Charles Helfenstein, administrator ol
dward Ilell'cnstein, dee'd., Willi notice to John
Pny and Charles P. Hclfcnslein, Assiicnces of El-
ward Hulfenstvin
A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Lower
Augusta township. Northumberland county, Penn
sylvania, described ns follows, to wit : n the east
by land of John hipc. on the south by land of Gen.
and Jacob Raker, on the west by laud of Peter Stroll
and on the north by land of John Eystcr. Adam How.
John Lunker. nnd Henry Maliek. containing 95 acres,
more or less, whereon aro erected a small frame
house, frame ti ink barn, spring bouse, wuicon shed.
upple orchard, Ac.
beizcil, taken into execution and to bo sold as the
proporty of Damul Vail.
A certain lot or l ieco of crnund. situato in the
borough of McKwcnsvillc, Northumberland county, 1
I'ennsvivanta, bounded ana acsenned in toilows, lo
wit: On the east by Front street, on the north bv
George A Bowers, on the west by lot of Wm. Beard,
and on the south by lot of Win. lieaid. ciiiiluinini; on
Front s'.reet 411 feel in length about oil feet, whereon i
are erected a story brick House, with basement. Ac. j
Soixed, taken into execution and to be sold ns the j
property of Geo. W. Dixon ;
ALSO : . I
Defendants interest, supposed to be the nnclmdcd !
eighth pirt of a certain tract or piece of land, sitmitn '
in Turbut township, Northumberland county Pcun- :
sylvaiiin, hounded and described as follows, to wit: '
on the w est by land of Jncoby Anrlmnn, on the south i
by lands nf llenry P. Fulliuer, uu tho east by Ian I I
of Samuel Illuin. Isaac Mrash oiul David Kngle, and j
ou the north by land of t'harli s Shuler, J. W. Kclsey !
and Suinuel Kckcrt, containing about eighty acres, !
more or less, whereon are crectud r two story frame ;
dwelling Houso. frame Kara, Cubinctuinking Shop, ;
other outbuildings, Ac, i
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the 1
propoily of Charles A. Kuti. I
All that certain tract cr picco of land, surveyed j
on a warrant of iMatthias iinmcrinan, hounded by i
tract of land surveyed in tho ninno of John ttoyd. by
Ian I surveyed in the nnnio of Wm, Wilson, Peter
Mow ry, Michael Krol! and Frrdciick Kramer, lying j
in Coal und Zcrbo town-hiis, Northumberland eun
IV. Pennsylvania, containing 417 acres, more or less. !
Seized, taken inloexeculiuii and Iu he sold us the '
property of William Ayres. administrator of William !
Ayres, deceased, with notice lo Bueher Ayres, aud
others, terretennnta.
WM.M. WEAVER, Sheriff. I
Mii-rifTs Office. Sunbury, Oct. 21, 1KB.S. j
Q K EAT li X C I T K 31 K NT!
Involution lit Ilih Frtf-cs. j
Kvcr Iiod v liushiiig to ilie j
J. . I'ISII.lAti .V SO,
Who hare Just Ilcceivod thair
Consisting of DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cassimeres
Cloths, Jeans, Coitonodcs, Muslins, Dress Goods in
great variety, Ebawls, Hosiery and U loves. Carpet
of different styles and quality.
HARDWARE, Cedsrware. Cardwaro Olass-waro
Crockery. (iKUUr-.HIEH. Tobaoco, Oegars,
finuQ', Tea, Cuflee. Kugar, Molusses,
Salt, Fish, Ac.
Drugs niitl ( hemit'iils, OH, I.niiipw
lit Country Mort'st.
All desirous nf gotting a good article at a fuir price
will please give us a call.
No trouble to show Goods.
J. W. FR1L1NG 4 SON.
Eunbury, Oot. 14, 186j.
Millinery Goods!
Just opened at the GRAND MILLINERY STORE,
Ullsa 31. Im 4uisIcr(
Fawn street, two doors south of Sharuokin Valley i.
PotUville Railroad,
Tbe latest styles of Bonnels, Hats, Cups, and all kinds
of Irimmings, flowers, so.
Ladies' Woolen Ouods of every style and quulity.
Gloves, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Laces,
Veils, bilk, Grenadine aud Mourning Veils, and
numerous other notions, usually kept in Millinery
Call and see her stock.
Simuury, Oct. It, 1865. 2m
AME to tha enclosure of J. W: Cake, in Upper
J Agusta townsnip.on the zna or September lost,
a dark brown horse, about 12 years old, branded "U
S., sixteen bands nigh. Ihe owner or owners are
requested to come lor ward, piora their properly,
Ky ehargea aud Uke him away, etberaisehe will
sold according to law.
Suubnry, O tubas 1,
B A Z A A It ;
Corner of Mitrht-l ffquarc A Jtnll.
Itond K I - t,
Of the newest style!, cut ty ths best Artists, trimmed
and made equal to custom work, and sold at tho
lowest prices.
, Whole Knit for
Cavalry PanU for $l. BLANKETS, BEAVER
CLOTH Varying from 25 to $10.
91m find ltOy'k Clothing- of the best ma
terial consisting of Dross tW. Frock Coats, Sack
Coats, Pants, and Vest of various colors and quali
such as Sbiru; Cvct-shirls, Vndcrshlrts, Drawers.
Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings
Gloves, Ac. ,
lliitsi nnd Cups) of nil linl.
Walchos, Jewelry, Knives, Revolvers, and NO
TIONS of nil kinds, and numerous other articles.
The public are invited to cull and examine his
Remember the place. "Continental Clothing Store,"
Corner of Murkct Square and tho N C. K. It.
Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1S65.
Tho undersigned wnlild respectfully inform tho
i tizens of funbury, ami publiu geuonilly, that ha
has opened a new MARIiLK YARD, opposite tho
Court llou-o, whore AMERICAN aud ITALIAN
marblols constantly kept on hand.
All orders for Monuments and Head-stones prompt
ly lillod at reduced rotes.
Sunbury. Oct. 7. 1365. tf
K'iO An n filroi't, lhilulclphiii.
and Superior Mlvrr Iliilrtl Wttrr.
October 7, 1865 .:iui
Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Market st.
CALL and cxiininc the lnrgo assortment of tho
latest New York and Philadelphia styles of
xx a tv-Ta'sai C3 v b.c5js
nt tho above establishment, which for beauty nnd du
rability cannol be excelled, lleing a practical Hat
ter, bo flatters himself that bis stock has been select
ed with mora care thau any ever before brought to
this place.
He also manuf iciures to order nil kinds nf soft
Fur Hats, all of which will bo sold at wholesale and
retail, nt reasonable rates.
Dyeing done at short notice and at the lowest rates.
Silllbuiy, Sept. JUL ISlii
Willi IK-r and Ilorder in great variety
new styles just received nt tbe Mammoth Store of
funlmrr, Oct. 11, 15.
LmKRTr White Lead ! Lidkiitv Wiiitb Lk.vij i
W. iir antko to cover more surface, for samn
weight, I hnu any other. Luy tho best, it is Ihe
cheapest !
Liberty Lcnl is v.liit.T thn uny other.
IsilicTty Lead covurn hotter lliau mtv other.
Lilierly Lead wcnrn lunger ttnn nuy other.
Lilieriy Lead in more etoiioniieul thnn nuy other.
Liberty Leud if inure 1'reo from iinpnritiir nnd is
Wahk anteh to do more nnd better work, at a
given eo-t than imy other.
Uty the nf-JST it h the CHEAPEST.
Maimfaciurod nnd warranted by
ZtKSLi:U A -MUM, Wh, Iu-hlo It-rug. IV:nt, .1
(Uhs stealers.
I .7 North Third Street. Philadelphia.
.H!iitury, October 7, I St..").
VRE not only unequalled, but they aro absolutely
unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument in
Designed expressly for Churches und
s, they aro found to be equally well udapted
pallor und druniog room. For sale only by
to the
r.. ai. jiitt ui'
No. IS North Seventh street, Philadelphia.
f'Also l'ruithury's Pianos, and a uompleto as
sort ment of the Perfect MELODKON.
Sept. 2.1, ISii.'t. lyw .
.ri:'i-ji (Viili-ut ISailwuy.
FIM U TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore
and Washing!!.!! city.
I'ouncclhms made with trains on Pennsylvania'
I'.aili'dii.l. to and from Pittsburg and the West.
KOI II TRAINS DALY to and from tne North and
West IhaJu'b cu?qticjtunnu, Eliniia,and all of North
ern New York.
ON and after MONDAY, OCTOHER 21, 1S64,
the Pussenger Trains of the Northern Central
Kuilway will airivu ut and depart from Sunbury,
Hdrrb,bui' und Dullimore as follows, vis :
ti O U T II W A R D .
Mail Train leaves uulury daily (except
Sun lav). If. 40 A. M.
" leaves Hdrrisbiirg, J HO P. M.
" arrives ut Halliiuuro, 6 SO "
Elniira Express Train leaves Sunbury
daily (except Suudny,) 11 40 T. M.
" ' leaves ilurrinburg (except
Monday.) 2 50 A.M.
" arrives tit Ibiltiiuore daily
(evupt Monilay). 7 00 A.M.
Harrisburg AecoiniuudaUou leaves Harris
burg. 7 45 A. M.
Sunbury Accomiuodatiou leaves Sunbury
daily (except Sun Jay) at 7 00 A M
Eric Express Train leuvus Sunbury daily
(except Sund.iy.lnt 3 15 " '
Erie Mail Train leaves SunOiiry duily
(except Sunday,) at 3 50 P M.
Mail Train leaves lialtimoro duily (ex
cept Sunday)
" leaves Harrishurg
" arrives at Suubury,
Elinira Express Train leaves llultiiuore
" arrives ut llai ri.-buig,
leaves Hiu-risburg (except
" arrivos at Sunbury.
Erie Express Truiu leaves llullimore
19 20 A. M
1 45 P. M,
4 21) "
10 no P. M
2 20 A M.
2 40 A. M.
6 15 "
8 00 PM
duilv (exceit Suudiivs) at
leave Harrisburg daily (except Sun
days at 1 20 A M
" un ives at Suubury at 3 50 '
Harrisburg Accommodation loaves Harris
burg, duily (except Sunday) at 2 50 P M
" arrives at Harrisburg, 7 4 i P M
Sunbury Aoouminodation leaves Harris
burg duily (excupt Sunday) at 4 25 P M
Erie Mail Traiu leaves HorrisLuig daily
(except Sun lays) at 12 00PM.
Tbe Erie Express and Erie Mail Trains are
through trains to and from Erie, and all intermediate
E lints. Muil and Express trains run through iu
For further information apply at the Office.
1. N. DiiiAHlU' Gen. Supt.
October 14, lfWi
Tlie .tluMOii Jt. lluiuliu 4'ablaet
Oruitsiv, forty diBerent styles, adapted to sacred
and secular music, for $S0 m f,".00 each. THIRTY
premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues
free. Address. MASON HAMLIN, Ik-SToa, or
Capites b 9, ISO 1y
HAS Just arrived from New York and Philadel
phia, with a choice stook of
of the latest styles, and selected with great enre, to
suit nil, and is determined to plea 'o all bis custodiers,
great and small.
Kyoii want tho latest styles, FANCY. PLAIN,
AND DI'RAllLK, goto tho Excelsior Shoe Store,
as no paper shoes are sold there, nnd Its always
cheaper to buy a good article at the same price
than it is to buy a poor one, for
He has
Men'! Calf Stitched rlootj.
" " Fudged "
and all kind! of heavy Boots.
top of tho latest fashion.
Children's Fancy and Tlnin high topped boots of
every description.
HOY'S HOOTS of nil kinds and styles, which will
be sold as low as enn be had anywhere. Cull and
examine bis stock of Roots and Shoes before you buy
elsewhere. No charge made for showing them.
Will sell Wholesale A Retail.
Remember the place, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa.
September 23, 1865.
To all Lovers of
And Denier in
I'awn Mtrect. Month oi'lVraYer'si
8UNTJB HST , 3? A.
TNI'OUMS tbe citizens of Sunbury nnd vicinity,
that ho has just returned from Philadelphia with a
full assortment of
'aim, am wivri:u 4.001S
His stock consists of Cloths, French Cloths, Tllnck
DooSkin and Fancy Cassimeres, Black Satin. Figured
Silks. Plain and Fancy Cassimere YESTlNliS, which
he will innko up to order in styles to suit tho tasto ol
customers, on short notice, and the most reasonable
Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from
Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice.
Goods furnished by customers will be mado np to
order as heretofore
As ho will employ none but experienced workmen,
Cersons may rely on getting their work well done at
is shop.
Thankful for tho patronage heretofore bestowed,
ho respectfully solicits a coutiuuunuo of the same.
fcjSunliury, Sept. ?0. lHtiO.
GOLD. f 1805, 1300, 1307. SILVER"
1 to 75000 ! !
$2 i $2T"! S2 ! N
3Iiiiiiiru'tur.'rM' Agciil !
Our New Mode-
On of nr ;i.b or
,Yul Ik-n, - KV(.r 'IVji Soln 1'or
us Ix lovv s.tsttril.
One of our tea sctt or one picco of our Gold or
Silverware is worth a bushel ot Ihe cheun dollar
jowelry ! !
We have adopted the following modo of
I) I S T II I li U T I O X
by sale of 75,0110 articles of valuo '.
Our Aovv .TSodo!
The articles of goods nrc numbered from 1 to 7".
000! 37.;00 consisting of Pianos Mnlodons. (Inlil &
Silver Watches, Sewing Maehinos, Tea A Table
Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons and Forks;
etc., etc., and tbe other ;i7..riU0 articles of value Jew
elry. Woik & T iilet Cases. Photograph Albums,
Openl'ace Silver Watches, and fancy articles in groat
variety. Ti.OtiO notices numbered from 1 to 7J.MMI
are printed and put into sealed unvelopos and well
mixed and is taken out and sent to the
pirs'on sending to us 25 oeuts to cover expense of
postage, correspendenee etc.. and tbe article of goods
eorrespoiulinir with the number on the notice will be
sent to the lioblcr of Iho sumo immediately (if he
desires io purehusc ttio article) on Iho receipt ot two
dollars. For instance : If the number on tho notice
sent to you shoulil be 61111,111111 a piano or diamoiiil
sett or gold watch should be numbered uiiO; it will lie
sent to you should be ilill. aud a piano or diamond
sell or gold waleh aliould be numbered 500. it will
be sent to you tor Z. nnd so on for every urtielo 111
our list ol'7 j.HM.I articles.
( j" After receiving Iho article, if it does not plcaso
you. you cuu return it, und yuur money shall be re
2j cuits must be sent to pny expense of postugo,
Correspondence etc., on ouu notice.
Reiueuibcr : that whatever urtiido corresponds
with the number on vour notice, you cull have it by
paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth SUM)
or S'x'O. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, aud
send out our fine nrtiel.-s, as it gives contidenou to
the putilic, aua thereby increases our sales.
I'pon receipt of 25 cts., which pavs for correspon
dence, postage etc.. we send ono nutiee.
I'jxni receipt of $1, which pays for correspondence,
postage, etc., wo send six noliues.
1kiii receipt ot.' which pays for correspondence,
postage, etc., we will send 40 notices, and a tine pre
sent valued ut not less ti.uu tf 15, as a sample of our
I pon receipt of $13 which pays for correspondence,
postage, etc., wo will send 15u notices, and a solid
Silvur Waleh. bv return mail.
AG E.N TS W A'.N TED. Send for a circulnr !
Agents Allowed a Largo Cash Commission
by which they make $25 Weekly.
Address plainly
31 Liberty street
Sept. 2.1, l0j. ly
Box 51 3D.
New York City, N. Y.
it. k. i. i.i .in.i:v,
DR. LUMLEY has opened an office in Northum
berland, nnd oilers his services to the people of that
place and iho adjoining townsLips Office next door
to Mr. Scott's Shoo Store, where be can found L all
Nortboanboslund August 10,1305.
Geo. W. Smith. Chas. B. SeamEr
arkct street, one door east of Mrs. Boultnn'i Hole
Have opened
Mies-l Iro 11 aritl Ktove Ntore,
and intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu
facturing to order on shortest notice,
TIN AN D SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions.
A Large Stock of Cook Stoves of the following Brands
and on tbe following two Brands we defy competi
tion, namely
Combination jin Ilurncr, Cook.
j!o ersior I'mn-Coek.
unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar
rangement, oombiniug cheapness and durability, and
each stove warranted to perform what they are re
presented ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE STOYES, in great
variety, embracing all the best uianufaeiures, and
most fashionable desigus
Also, Tbe celebrated OEM for heating up and
down stairs.
Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER.
Coal Oil. Coal Oil I.aiiiN, Miadew,
Cliikuuleas, unl all arllf-lca
unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. We
are also prepared to do nil kinds of Spouting, Rooftug,
Range aud Furuaue Work, lias Fitting, Ao. Repair
ing cheaply aud ueatly executed.
Country produee taken in exohang at market
PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Northumber
land, Snyder, I'niou aud Montour.
Ard are also amenta fut thp. Piphet A Willower
line oi-fransporurion. ,-
(bus ury, By. ' "
The subscriber having purebnscd the right of
NORTHl'MBEKLAND COUNTY, fur putting in
iii.mi:k'n i ii Piton;?! u.vr
0 Bon r.n Wills An Watrr Founts, will furnish
them to all persons In the county who may desiro
theso ehuap and convenient pumps.
Thcyoan be sunk th a proper depth in twShnvtrs
time, oust but one third tho price of an ordinary
pump, and for cheapness and convenience cannot be
equalled, ,
8. 1). r.OYEH.
, A. F. CLAPP.
funlmry, September 2". 1W5.
A X It
In Simpson"! Building, Market Square,
HAS constantly on hand a Ann nssortmcnt of
tacles. .Silver and Plntcd Spoons ami Forks. Ac.
IVnlrliCM, "loeIs niitl ,S-w vlry , rr.
pnli-ed nnd AVA ISI X t:6.
Sunbury, Sept. 30, 186.V
I.tlslI'M I'A.CV IX'SSf I
joiix r.vitEiit.vs
Old Established
Fur Manufactory,
No. 7H Arch street
above Tth PHILAD'A.
I have new in store of
Pi'Ao'iwL my own liuporlntion it
UiW'vV Manufacture, one ortho
faxcy '
-XJ for Ladies' nnd Child-
ren'sWoar, iu tho Cilv
Also a fine nssortmcnt ot Oent's Fur (Hove- and Col
lars. I nm enabled to dispose of my goods nt very n-a-sr.nablc
prices, ond I would therefore wdicit'n call
from my friends of Northumbirluud County, and vi
cinity Jj-Remcmber tho Namo, Number nnd street !
718 Arch si., above Tth, south side.
I havo no Partner, nor connection with unv other
in, Philadelphia.
Sept. Iti'ia 4mw
in Simpson's Buildings,
MARKET SQl'AUE, Sunbury, Pa.,
.1. It. i:iCMKIi:, Iiorivtr.
Plmbury. .My 15, IKfi.).
THE undersigned respectfully inform the citirene
of.Vunbury nnd vicinity, that on Monday next they
will commence supplying tho community with first
quality of BEEF, at jirices ranging from 14 to 2ilcts.
Having experience in the business, and mado ar
rangements for a supply of nundicr one cattle, they
will always keep nn hand first qu jlity of beef at the
lowest market prices.
Sunbury, Sept. P, 1SG5. .
anted immediately .10 or 100 men to work nn
Railroad contrnct, to whom SI 75 per div will bo
paid. Apply to J AS. MALONE A SOX.
Central Hotel, Sunburv, Pa.
Sept. 9. 1S15.
.1. noi,")ni:s ;c:i i:rr.
Enamelled Slate Mantel
Manufactory Tenth aud Samson Streets.
Table-Tops, Pier-Slnbs, Brackets, Wash
Siaud Tups, &c, &.C.
Philadelpbin, Jan 7, lts65. tf
. u or .'soicTii en ui: i. s.
WHEREAS the Auditor Oeneral ns required by
Iho I lth Secliou of the Act, entitled "Au Act
enabling tho Banks of this Commonwealth to become
Assoeialions for the purpose of banking under the
laws of the United States." pussed on the lii'd dry of
August A D. ISil-l, hns ceriitied to uiu thut lhi
' Bank of Northumberland." located in the Borough
of Sunbury, Norihuiuberland county, has furuirbed
satisfactory evidence to him thatall the requirements
of saiil Act havo been complied with by the said
Bank, and that it has become nn association for tho
purpose of Hanking under tho Laws of tbe L oiled
I do therefore, cause the notice thereof to bo pub
lished in accordance with the provisions of tho said
1 lth section of the said Act. aud do declare that tho
Charier ot the said Bunk by I I.e. terms of said Act. is
deemed and taken to be hereuHiu surrendered sub
ject lo the provisions of Ihe first section of said act.
A. ti. CUKTIN'.Uuveri.of.
Executive Chamber, 1
Harrisburg, Aug 35, 18tt5. 1
iMsKTAici.i: midmiie:
Is the only prcparlion of tbe kind mado from th
fruit. As an article of economy, purity, nnd deli
ciousness, it cannot bo surpassed, and is recommend
ed by physicians for invalids andfamlly use. it will
keep for years in any climate, while lis condensed
form reuuers it especially convenient for travelers.
All who use lemuusare requested to give it a trial.
Entertainments at borne, parlies, and picnics should
not be without it. For sale by ail Druggists aud
first-class liroeers. Manufactured onlv bv
No. 5411 Pearl Street, NewVoik.
Sept. 10, 1805. ly
a IHE undersigned In forms the citlcens cf Suubury
and vicinity thai he has at the solicitation ot a
number of bis friends, commenced Ihe business of
repairing Watches. Clocks aud Jewelrv. Ho eon be
found at all tines iu his shop, in Market street, oue
door west of the Red Lion Hotel.
He also keeps for safe Clocks and Watches
His work will be promptly sttended tu nud war
ranted to give satud'actiou.
Sunbury, July 1, lSf.S.
$150 per Month. $150
4 UENTS wanted In every County and State, to
2 sell the sabtlitt Sewixa price $25
fully licensed under patents of Howe, Wheeler A
Wilson, U rover k Baker, and Singer A Co. We will
pay a monthly salary aud expenses, or allow a largo
commission on sales. For particulars, illustrated
catalogue, lerritorv, Ac, enclose a stamp aud address
PAUE BROTHERS, sole Agents for lulled States,
321 Summit street, Toledo, OsSo.
August 2n, 1665. dm
CAME to the subscriber on or about the tilth o
August last, a fctray Cow, about six years old,
has white shoulders, red over tbe back, white hind
legs, has a small bell on. The owner or owners are
requested to come forward, prove property, pay
chargos and take her away, otherwise she will b
disposed of according tolaw.
Cameron twp., Sept. 10, Isoi 2iu
Atloruey ic Counsellor nt Luw ,
Office eoruor of Blackberry and Fawn Streot, three
doors east of E. Y. Blight's Fouudry,
ft I .Sll ltV, 1M.
Will attend promptly to all professional business
entrusted to his eare, the collection of olaiuis iu Ner
Inutoberlsnd aud tbe adjuiuina oountis.
Consul lalisms la Uariuau and Kuglish.
Punhtry, AprU it. le. :y
. kew skirt for ik.
TIC (or double) SPR1NH SKIRT.
This Invention ennslsts of Duplex (or two) V
Purn Re"nd Steel f-'jiringx, ingeniously b
tightly Slid (irmly 'together, eilgo lo eiiftn. n
the too itliet. must flovible, elastin and duraliiei
ever med. They seldom be'id or;, 111
Single Springs, and consequently preserve tbi
feet and beautiful shnpn moro than Iwitu as '
anv single spring skirt that ever ha or can bo
Tho wonderful flexibility and great er info;
pleasure to any I.mly wearing the Duplex 1
Skirt will be experience.! purticulaily in all ci
Assemblies, Operas, Carriages llallmi'l Cnrs, I
Pews, Arm Chairs, fur Promenade and House
ns the Skirt oan be loldcd whin in use lo on
small place ns onsily and roiiveniinily as a i
Muslin Dress.
A Lady having c'ijo.T"d t'le plnn'nre, comf"
great convenience oi wearing the Duplex E
Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never
wards willingly dispense with ttieir use. l or
drcn. Misses and Vuiing Ladies they nro siipt
all others.
The lloons aro eovcrid with 2 ply double f
I thread and will wear twice ns long nsthesingb
covering which isuied 111 nil single Steel Hoop I
j ihe thrco bottom rods nn every Skirt nrc 1
I steel, uud twice or double co-creil to preve
covering from wearing oll'thu rods when fin
down stairs, stone steps, Ao., Ac, which th
constantly suhiect to when In use.
Ail aro matlo of the new nnd elegant corded '
nd nro the best quulity in every 1 art. giving
wearer Ihe most graceful and pci'lcct tbi.po pn
end aro unquestionably the lightest, most desi
Ooiuf'ortiible and economical skirt ever made.
We'll' Bradley A Cury. Proprietors of tho 1
tion, nnd solo Mannfucturt rs. tj7 Chambers, s
A M Reado street.'. .Yew-York.
Fur sale in all firstcliiss stores In this c 1 1
throughout tho United States and Cnnnia, H
de Cuba, Mexico. South America, nud tbe M 8
I dies.
I v'lrqtiire for tbe Duplex Elliptic (or di
j Spring Skirt. A.
I August I'J, IMjj. Hm
I $500 PvEWARZ;
fTIIlK tnidcrslgncd will pay n Reward nf Five
J dreil Dulluis. fir tho fiisenvery and eonv'
of the person or per.'ons. who set fire to, and dei
cd the Coal Uraker nt Trevorton. nbout 1 o'clo)
'ibursilny n'ormng, August 21th.'
I -
Ircvortoti. Si '. 3. lsii.
Ol i'iti: or I'oMi'Titiii.t.KH or 111 r CrnnrvrT
Washixutox, June 7th, 1U5. snl isfactory evidence present
lhenndeisigne bus been mndo to np;."fir
' The First Nutioii:il bank of Suubury," iu th
rough of Sunbury. in the county of Northun.bci
nnd Slate of Pennsylvania, has hern duly orga
under nnd according to tho rcijuireim nts of tie
ol Congress, uuliiled "Ati Act lo provide 11 Nat
Currency, secured by a pledge of I nit c I Suites li
nnd to pro! ido for the cire'ulrtion and redeni
thereof, ' approved June .'id, IhOJ, ami has com
with all the provisions of said Act. required 1
complied with before .mineucing the busiut
Banking under said Act :
Now. therefore 1. I'iiim.m.i x Claiikt. Coniptr
of tho Currency, do hereby certify that. "The
National Bank nf Sunburv." In the borough of
bury, in the County of Nortl.ui .l.erl md. und I
of Pennsylvania, is nutliorizetl to eemiueuve the
nessot Banking under tbo Actiiforis ii l.
In testimony whereof, wii nfss my hand and
of office, this seventh d:iy of June, ls'U.
Seal of the
of the
frt;t:man clark)
Comptroller of the Curront
nttg. 19, V
Ai CIiuiiiiou tf.a.;i!ir, .". I:
IIii Mlrcft,
j Will bo sold ofi WEDNESDAY. SM'TUMHUll
; nnd every WEDNESDAY nnd SATURDAY l
' nfler until further notice, Commencing at 10 o'o
: a. m.
These Mules nrc rcsr'v nil flrst c!ns mid in
, condii ion. being sold only ior want otue,
Et eiy facility iil be atlorded H.r un exmuiiii
i on the part of uuveis.
T. i', -l, ; i'i. ,....! v.,...tu
Capt. and Assistant IJiunteriiniSLi
Sept. 2. 13G5. 4t
T rSKECTFT'LLY Informs the vltis.-n.. ..f .!
.1 j Lbl. V and vicinity, that he has !cuci u
'I'ailui'iu' Mio,
in the room over l-'arnsvvorth's tirocery, oio. Ofi'.e
Cental Hotel. Sunbury. where bo is ready to n
up garments of all kinds iu the latest styie nud i
workmanlike manner .
Having hud experience in the 'oi:s!r.cfs for a i.
ber of years be hopes lo render general saii.iac
Custom work i rernectluliy solicited.
Snnlo'ry, May 1", lilj. ly
rVotlctt lo 'l'r'?ii'rx.
NOTICE is herel.'y ;'i en. that no person v.H'
allowed to trer.a-is nn riy property, ou
Shnmokin I.lnnd. or to enter itilo any enelo..
without permissioir, ns the penalties ol the luw i
be enforced against all offenders.
will be pa'd for information that will lead lo
conviction of anv such tre; iuh-ov.
Shamokin Irland, May 1:1, l.Srto. tim
No. 4::i Market Street, north side. PIIIAI'ELril.
lima now open their u.-.uh! ha'.idsomu variety of
Ribbons, Bonnet Materiuls,
Straws it 1'ancy Bounds,
Lsdies & Misses' Huts,
nnd all other articles required by tho
."I ill incry Trade !
By long I'Xperieii'e and strict attention to t
branch of husnies ixelusivcly, we Hatter oursob
that we Cau oilur induceinenls, iu variety, styl
quality and moderate prices not everywhere to
I id. Thentlention ol 'MILLINERS and ME
CHANTS i respectfully solicited.
-S?"V'riffur uttthtiuu miJ to jffli.
O rile it.
March 4, lSGa. 3in.
I.LOVD T. RoilltBii.
wi m ie', i'usM.
OFFICE the samo that has boen heretofore oec
pied by Wm. M. lto?kefeller. Esq , nearly 0
positethe residenco of Judge Jordan.
Sunbury. July 1, lSii.V ly
G. W. ZlKGI.Wt.
li. H. CAf
Collections and all Professional business prompt
attended to in the Courts of Northumberland V
adjoining Counties. j
ts Also, special attention paid to the Collect)
of Pensions, Bounties and Back Pay for Wido
Orphans and Soldiers
Suubury, March H. 1HH5 '
.1. II. l'lt!Ial"M:, would respectfully i'
form the cititeus nf SI NBURY, and the pub!
generally, that he has opened a new,
In Simpson's Building, South side of Market Squnr
where (is is prepared to take iu the bust style of tl
art '
Also Picture! made for Rings, Brvaslpios, Locke:
ta. Persons wabing in our line will do well to t
and examine specimens at the llallcrv.
We hope to merit a liberal share ol pi. Vic patro
age. Ota Motto is To Pliuss. .
Sunbury, July 15, lii5,
1)ERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remind
that they must bo recorded, according to
Act of Assembly which requires that
"All deeds and conveyaucrs tor real estate la ')
Commonwealth, shall be recordud iu the oHief '
Recording Deeds in the County where Iho l
wttluH tlx months attcr the r,H'utiouof such ib'
aud couveyauee ; and every sweh ued and ou
snee not ' recorded as otoresaid, shall be ju.l
FKAUDULENT AND VOIU agaiust aiiysnuse.,
purchaser f ir avaluahle (Coiwideratiun, imU
I dds be scurdod before lbs reourdiux ut ihkj
soayeyance under whioN suek swbsMiuoot r
aurst snail elaisu.'" F
siui t, lse5 . . '