r i V. rilE IMKIIX PECTO It Alt Will Cor Yur Cough. RE PIICENIX PECTORAL of Wild Cherry unci Root. wll thi Diseases of the THROAT AND LUNG6 A Colds, Coughs, Croup, Asthma, flronohilist hirrh, Sore Ihroi, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, t In timely use will prevent Pulmonary Con Mniir,n unrl imi whora this fearful disease hail ken hold it will aflbrd grBter relief Ibtin any other Uiolne. , , ""iff Peotoral la made from Wild Cherry Bark and ifktt nuke Hoot. t Composition isasufnclent guarantee of il value. Dr. Geo. B. Wood, Professor of the Praotieo of edicine in the University of Pennsylvania, Physl no to the Pennsylvania Hospital and od of the ithors of the United States Dispensatory, says of rlld Cherry Bai a "It is among the most valuable four indigenous romedies, uniting with a tonio pow ! the property of elniuiing irritatiou and diuiinish ig nervous excitability." The same distinguished physician and authors sayi t the same work, "tfencka Siiako Root is a stiinnle og expoctorant. Its action, is especially directed i the lungs. It ia peculiarly useful iu ebronio ea. iirh affections and the sooondary stages of oroup." For want of spaoe we onnuot publish ail the tcstt tonials ia our possession, but we give two : PUCKSIXV1LI.B, April 1st, 1804. This is to certify that I have sold hundreds of hol ies of Dr. Oberhnltf.er's Pheotiix Pectoral or Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Seueko Snake Root tnd I have yet to find a single individual who hns lsedit, who does not bear testimony of its wonderful effect in curing oongbs. Signed, Jacob Powitns. HallSt. Phcenixyille, Jan. It, 1864. I most cheerfully beer testimony to the value of the '-Phoenix Pectoral or Compound Syrup of Wild Sherry and Sencka Snake Root. 1 Before using it 1 bad been suffering with a tickling in my throat and tight cough, for more than two years, and had taken vnricuaothor medioiues with no relief. As soon as 1 oegan touselr Obcrholtior rocdioine the irrita. tlon in my throat was allayed and in a few weeks I was entirely cured. : I have also given It to my litlle girl, for a croupy ougb, with the happiest ellccls. Signed, Jossi-n Lckexj. ! . Pottstoxvh, Jan. 3d,lSS5. . This certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pecto ral in my famfly, and I reoommend it to the public as the very best remedy for Couh and Colds ;biit I have ever tried. One of my children was taken with a oold accompanied with a Croupy cough ; so bad indaed that it could not tulk and scarcely .broathe. Having hoard so much said aoout the Phoenix Poctoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose lelieved the difhoulty of breathing and before i the child had tnken one-fourth of tho bottlo it was entirely well. Every family should hnvo it in the house. Signed, I). P. CROSBV. The nronrietor of this medicine has so much oonfi. dencein its curative powers, from tho testimony of hundreds wdo nave used tl, tnat ine money win oe refunded to any purcuuser who. is not satisued wuu ; its cllccts. It is so plcasnnt to tnke that children cry for it. It coat only Thirty-five Cents, It is intended for only ono class of disefiws, namely ' those ol too J hrout and t.ungs. ' taf-Propurod only by I LEVI OEERHOLTZER. M. D., . Phcenixville, Pa. j JOHMSTON, HoLLOWAY 4 CoWDEit, i JVo 23, JVbrth'cHxtk street, Philadelphia, General . Wholesale Azenls. Sold by George Bright, and R. A. Fisher, Drug gists, cmuoury ; vm. Sherrington, urugist ai cua mokin. N. B. If your nearest drurrzist or storekeeper does nut keep this medicine do not let him put you off with some other medicine, because he makes more money on it, but send at once to one of the agents for it June 10, 1335. CmS BAUGH'S RAW BONE BUPES-PHOSPHATE OF LIME- BATJGH Si SONS Manufacturers anil Proprietors, Store No. 20 South Delawnre Avenue, Philadelphia REDUCTION IN PRICE ! After this date, June 12th, the price of BAUGH'S Ruw Hone Phosphate will be reduced to f OO per 2000 lbs. (3 cents per pound) packed in good bags and bar rels and delivered free of porterage to any whurf or dopot in this city. SEND IN THE ORDERS EARLY. Already the indications point to a very heavy trado In our article for the fill season, and nlthoiigh we hav Immense faci'iiiies for meeting a large demand with a prompt supply, wo would strongly advise Farmers and Dealers to give us their orders as early as possible. BAUGITS RAW -BONE PHOSPHATE lias now been before the Agricultural Community for many years under one name and one proprietor ship, and needs no further oomuiesdntion than that accorded to it everywhere, in the continued nnd sua eessful use by praoticul and discriminating Farmers. Manufactured only by BAUGII 4 SONS. No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, tj" Wo recommend Farmers to purchase of SMITH A GENTIUR, Sunlury, Ta. August 111, 180 i lm GROCERIESTMOCEWKS ! Mr. SARAH A. SIMPSON, Whortleberry Street, east of the X. C. R. R SUNBURY PA., RESPECTFULLY informs hor friends and the Lublic generally, that she hns just opened a large awortmontof FRESil rote i-it-, such as TEAS, COFFEE, SUUAU, MOLAS SES, FISH, SALT, kG. Pur Cider Vinegar, Fruit Join, Glassware, and a variety of Ladies' Trimmings, Funs, Thread Neck Ties. Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites all to xnmlne befure purchasing elsewhere, i'unbury, June 17, 1805 6m alibkotypeT Xnd photograph Over J. Bowen'i Store, corner Market & FawnSU. 8UNBUB. V, PA., Q BYEhLY, informs his friends and the public lO. generally, that he is taking Portraits in the b-jsl style and manner at his Gallery in the above place. AMBROTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, re taken in every style of the Art, that cannot be surpassed in the State. Having several year's expo rienoe, he will give satisfaction or no cbarga. Copies will be taken from all siyles of Pictures. Give him a call. Remember, oVe' Roweu's store. tsunbury, June 17, 1865. FANCY DRY STORE. TVIIQS KATE BLACK, RESPECTFt'LLY informsher friends in Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened hur SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, oi Notions and FaneyDry Goods, Market street, four doors west of Win. IT. Miller' Boot and Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. Her stock consists of Trimmings, notions, embroi deries, Ladies and Children' hau and shakers ; silk and other linings, Hoop-skirU, Crape and Lace Veils; Nets, gloves, stockings, eullais, and ooraets, &c. TWILIGHTS AND GARIBALDI MUSLIN. Bradley'a sew Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double Spring SKIRTS. Sent' Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neckties. Eu.ncn ders ; Ribbons, of all kinds, F'ealhers, Velvet, and many oilier articles too numerous to mention. Photographs of President Lincoln. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, 4o. ' ' BiHriaiJu sou handsomely and at thoit neuoe. KATE BLACK, Sunbury, May 12, 1865. PACiriC HOTEL V, f0, 173, 174 & 178 Greenwich St., 'Ose Square west of Broadway.) Between Courtlandt and Dey Streets, New York JOHN PATTEN. Jr.. Pronrator. The Pacific Hotcl ia well aud widely known t the traveling public. The looation ia especially suitable to merchants and business men , it is in close proximity to the business part of the Cily-is on the Ligbway of Southern and Western travel aud adja cent to all the priueipiil Railroad aud Steamboat depots. The Paeiilo has liberal accommodation for over 300 Kae'sU; it is well furnished and luescwea aver modern improvement for the oouifurtand entertain ment of it inmate. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water ; the attendance is prompt aud roepeoiiul ; and the tablt i geaarousl provided with erory delicacy of the -Maeou. The subscriber, who, for the past few yean, bai wen th Uttce, in now sole proprietor, tod intends hjdentify himself thoroughly with the interests of xtskjuse With long eiperiouce aa a hotel-ksepar, t '" moderaia charges and a liberal polity, VU favorabU repwUtit of tha Paoiio 4 ---. ...JOHNf.4mN.Jr. Wistar's Balsam WILD C II E TL H Y ne of the oldest and mott Tellable rcmodles in the world for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Diffi culty of Ilreathlng, Asthma, Hoarsnness, Sore Throat, Croup, and avary Affeolion of " THE THROAT, LUNGS AMD CHEST, including even OON8UMPTION WISTAR'S BALS4M OF WILD CHERRY. c th nf this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to recount Us virtues Its works speaks for it, and Bud utterance in tho abundant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering and settled di. f e,ie have by its use been restored to pristine viuor and health. Wecan present a mass oi eviuoneo iu nroof of our assertion, that prooi oi or T.TcrnrniTPn The Rev. Jucolt Secltlor. Well known and much respected stnonethe Oerma nnnnlminn iu this ceuiitrv. makes the following state taent for the benefit of the afiliotcd : Hanover, Pa., Feb. lo. 1S59: Dear Sir -.Having realised In uiy family Impor tant benofils from the use or your vulunbls preparo (ionVi8lar's linlsam of Wild Che'ry it afiordsnie nleasura to recommend it to tho public. Some oidil I.nr nnmionf my daunhtcrs secmid to bo tn ade- clino. and littlo hopes of her recov.-ry were enter tained. I then procure.1 a ooiuo oi jmir .jtoh h Balsam, and before she had luken the whole of tho contents of the bottle true fas a great improvement in her health. I have, hi 11 r individual case, made frequent use of your v 1 ml t medicine, and huve also been benefited by it gIxmER Smith, THii., resident of tho Morris County Br.uk, Morristown, "lYavTmcuiedBf. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Che'ry for about fifteen years, and having rcalir.cd its beno fkinl results iu my family, it affords me great plea sure in recommending it to the publio as a va.uabls remedy iB cases of weak lunjs, cUs, couidis, fio , and a remedy which I consider to be entirely intio cent, and may be taken with perfect salely by t ie most delicate iu health." From Hon. John E. Smith, A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster. Md. I have on several oucusions used Dr. lstar s Ilal sam of Wild Cherry for severe colds, and always with decided benefit. 1 know of no preparation that is more efficacious or mot a deserving of general use. Tho Balsam hns also been used with excellent ellect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, Jld. Wistar's Balsah or Wild CitEttnv. None genuine unless signed BUTTS," on the Wr"rPer' FOR SALE BY J P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway. Now York. S. W. FOWLE CG., Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. iiL'DDixa'S liuavr.-i sai.vk Heals Old Sores. REDDING "S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Bums, Scalds, Cut. REDDIXG'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Wounds, Bruises, Sprains. REDDING' S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Boils, Ulcers, Canoers. BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Suit Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. ItEDDING'3 KTJSSIA SALVE Cures Ringworm, Corns, Ac, ia NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. 3 Only 25 Cents a Box.jSJ FOR SALE BY J P. DINSMORE, No. 4D1 Broadway, N. Y. S. W. FOWLE i. CO. No. 18 Trcuiont St., Boston. And by all l)rusis,3 ud Country SUirckeeprs. Deo 24 1801. UP DS GRAFF'S Eye and Ear Infirmary, On the Square Three Doors from Steel's Hotel) WILKES-BAERE, PA. TITIS INSTITUTION is now open and furnished in the most costly style. Reception, Private and Operating Rooms are large and convenient and well adauted. The Surgical apartment contains the finest collection of instruments in this country, uud thus his faculties will ennblo him to meot any ana all emergencies in practice. He will operate upon tho various forms of BLINDNESS. Cataract. Oeoluou of tho Pupil, Cross Eyes, Closure of the Teur Ducts, Inversion of ttie myelins, rierygium, ore., 00. mm will treat all forms of aiore Eyes, Oranuled Lids, Opacoties of the Cornea, and Scrofulous aisewes of the Eyo, together with all the diseases to which the eve is tunjKct. "DF.AFXKoS Wiil treat nil the diseases common to the organ. Dischargee from the Ear, Noises in the Eiir. Catarrh. ditficuHii of hearing total Deafnssa, 0vnn whoru tha Drum ia destroyed. Will insert an artificial one, answering nearly uu mo purposes oj the natural. DISEASES OF THE 1 IliU'.M . All aiseates oomuir.n to the 1 Croat ana iine win oe ircuieu GENERAL SLRGEKY. Ilo will operate upon Club-feet. Hair Lip, Cleft Pallate, Tumor. Cuncers, Enlarged Toncils. 4c. Plastic operation by healing new flesh into deformod parts, and Geuorol Surgery of whatever character it may present. HERNIA. (OR HUl'IlKc,. tie will pcriorm "T.ibim." oWation for the radical, (complete.) cure of llernin, this unquestionably u'pcrfeot cure, and is done with little or 110 pain. Out 01 tte many nun drcd operated upou iu lios-.on there has been no fuil ures, it having mot he approbation of all who have submitted te it. ARTIFICIAL EYES. Will insert artificial eyes, giving them tho motion and expression of tha natu ral. They are inserted without the least pain. HEMORRHOID, (PILES.) Tins troublciome di sease is readily cured. Thoie sufl'ciiug from it w ill do well to call. . Dr. Up be GnArp visits V llkcs-Barrc niiha view of building up a permanent Institute for the treatment of the Eye. Ear, uud General Surgery. fce experience of mre than a quarter 01 a ecnturr, in Huibitul and icenerul cractice, be hopes,. will be a sufficient guarantee to ttiort who may lie disposed to umpioy him. January 14, 1S65. ly TO CONSUMERS OF ,"pHE uadersigne 1 dealer in Coal from the follow 1 ing well kuown Collieries is prepared to receive orders Itr the saws a', the Lowest Market Rates, viz.: MOHUECAI'S DIAMOND MINES OKAY'S PAKIUSH & CO'S " CONSOLIDATED CO'3 ' Xt U alst prepared to urui.-b th IUtaioreCo'a Cel-lrn(etl Coal, Lump and Prepared, On the l'riof the Sr'quchanna River and Havra de urace. us uumi arrangements tor the best PITTSTON AND PLYMOUTH COALS Vthicube prenantl to delivor on board Boats at normuattiiiina, 01 ti y Cars over Northern Central Railroad md on the line of the Philadelphia aud Erie Railu-ad, ou tin best terms. Hois pupuredtotll all Orders with despatob, and resneotfull solicits trders from the Trado. Address JOHN MoFARLAND, April . fjfii. Northumberland, Pa. TA2EE NOTIC3 ! f I tUAT J. W. PEAL A E. D. LC.MLEY, have X eutered into co-partnennip in the Prut-lice of .Wediclue 4c Nui-tferj . Wa ean always be found at the ofBoe of J. W. Peal, o t J. W. PEAL E. D. LUMLEY Sunbury, April 23, 1865 3in lIolutlon of lartucrtlilp. mur- Li-i . . , a una imiuioreuip oereioiera existing Between the X undersigned iu the Wholesale and Ketail Coal and bhippiug busmen under th firm name ef Qrant vieta, wia uny aueoivel by mutual eonaeut. TUOS. D UHANT, s , VALENTIN ii DIKTZ. ' Sunbury, AprU 15, 1S65 UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opposite tha N. T. A NEW HAVEN t WESTERN R. R. Dirot BEACH STREET, BOSTON. By F. U. PRATT, Formerly ef the Ameriean Bear. SCIIENCK'S HI AND RAKE PILLS FOR, SIOK HEADACHE, llM Ktinptvnn Cnuieo nnd Cure. sTnn has received Its namo from a oonstant nausea or sickness at the stomach, which attends tho pain In ha head. This headache is apt to begin in the morning on waking from a deep sleep, and when some Irregularity of diet hns been committed on the day before, or sometimes for several days previous. At first there is a distressingly oppressive fueling In tha head, which gradually merges Into a severe heavy pain in the temples, frequently attended by a tense of fullness and tenderness In one eye, nnd ex send Ing across the forehead. There is a clammy, un pleasant tnste in th mouth, an offensive breath, and he tongue covered with a yollowish whito fur. Tho sufferer desires to bn alor.o in tho dark room. As soon as the patient feels the fullness in the head nnd pain iu the temples, take a large dose of Schcnko's Mandrake Pills, and in an hour or two thoy will feel s well as well as ever. This hns been tried by thou funds, and is always sure to cure, and instead of the sick headacho coming on every week or ten days, hey will not be troubled with It once in three months. Schenck'i Mandrake Pills are composod of a num ber of roots besides Podopbinin, or conocfltrated Mandrake all of which tend to relox tho secretions of the liver, nnd aot more prompt than blue pills or mercury, aud without leaving any dangerous effects In a bilious person thoy will show themselves by the stools. They will expel wormj, mucus, bile nnd all morbid matter from the systom. In sick headaches if they are tnken as directed abvove, (a full dona as loon aa they feci tho first symptoms ol'it Dr. Schenck will and has directed his agents to return the money if they do not gfve perfect satisfaction. If a person has been oonipcllcd to stay out late at night and drink tco much wine, by taking a dose of pills on going to bed. next morning he will feel as though be had not drank a drop, unless he forgets to go to bed at all. They only cost 25 cents a box. Whoever takes them will never use ny other. They are worth a dollar to a sick man fur every cent they cost. Dont forget tha nam Schenck' Mandhake Pills. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Schenck's Princi pal Office, No. 15. North Sixth street, Philadelphia nnd by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Price for Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, each $1 oOperbottle. $7 60 the half dozen, or two bot tles of Syrup and ono of Tonio, for $3 75. Dr. Schenck will be at his office, No, 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday to see patients. He makes no charge for advice, hut for a through examination of the lungs with nis Respiro meter, he charges Su. March lb lSi',5. BOARDIN G HO USE. ! MESS. MAIMA TiaO.lI a.., (Formerly of the "Lawrence House,'') SUNBURY, PENS' A. INFORMS her friends and the pulilio generally that she bus refitted tho house formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. Pcale, on lilnckberry street, neur tho Northern Central Railway Depot, end opened a lloirdin House, where sho is prepared to keep PERMANKNT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. With good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet comforts of hum with fare cijual to the best hotels. l'ntrouajre from those who may sojourn in Sunbury is respectfully solicited. Mrs. MARIA THOMPSON. Siinhury jlOct22;'tI8fl . "walxTpapLr ! J. W. FRILINU & SON. respectfully announce that they have just received nnd opened a very desi rable assortment of WALL PAPER and BORDER which they will dispose of nt very reasonable nrices Remember the place, Mummulh Store, vrrket ciunre. ehuihui v Mnv 20. 1SII5. niEiMvnFrE lead! 111: sx ziai'! PURE LIBERT Y I, E A D , L'nopprcssed for Whitening, Fino Gloss, Durability Firinness and Evenness of Surt'uce. l'L'RE LIBERTY LEAD Warranted to cover more aurfuov lor same weight thuu any other Lead Trij it and you trill have no other '. PURE LIBETY ZINC. Selected Zinc, crnund in Refined Linseed Oil, un equaled in quality, always the same. PURE HEEliTX ZINC, Warranted to do more and better work at a given eost than any other . .. Oct the n-d! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT A COLUR WOKKjf. Orders executed promptly by ZtCtXfEya Sc SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint nnd Wins Drater. I fr Btor A Office. No i:!7 North TUIUD Street: PHILADELPHIA. March 4, 1BS5. ly. OLD EYES HADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore x si(;!it and ivo up spectacles, without nid of doctor or uiedioine. beut Ly meil, free, ou receipt ef 10 ceaia. Address, E. C. FOOTE. M. D. February I. 1HBS om NEWS! NEWS! NKWS ! The Rebellion Closed and NEW GOODS OPENED At No. 1 Store of WEAVER & PAGBLV. CONSISTINa OF DRY GOODS! FOREIliN AND DOMESTIC. such as Cloths, Cswi. meres, Muslius, Sheetings, Tic'iinj;. Callones, Dc. lidncs. Flunneis, and all kinds of MUL'KNINU (ioods. Alpuccus, Black Silks, Ulti)hnuis, Hnluior:il and Skeleton 6kirts, Cautou Flucnols, Nankeens, Car peting of all kinds. HATS Ssz CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising, Hosiory, Gloves, Thread, Buttons, Sus penders, Neck-ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair Bruthes, Tooth Brushes, tiuui Rib bon and Cord, tape, crotchet-braid, worked collars, fancy hoad drcsaos, tidy ootton, carpet binding, combs, funcy tonus, carpet bags Trunk, Valises, limbrellas, Blank Books, Paper, Envel'ipes, do. larUa; ilV BC 99 .Wim.BK Si Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws, Door Latches and Knob, Locks, and Cl'T'LERY ol every description. Also, Djxb, Drugs, Paints, Vurnislicg, Fisli, Flaxseed nnd Benzino Oils. Gl.-iss, Putty, d-c. (ucimwure iiml Ulawvtare oi' alt lilM. STONE AND EARTHENWARE. An Extensive Stock of GROCERIES, Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Tea. Rice, Corn-starch, Maccaroni, Barley, Baking-powder, molasses, soaix, candles, tobacco aud segius, Salt, Fish, Meat, Checso, Ac, to. Also, a largo variety of BOOTS & 3E0323, for Men. Women and rhil.lrn I f All kinds Of drain mill t:iintrv OuJ,... in exchange for Good. Uiv us a call hefjre you purchase elsewhere, w are bound to sell a low a any one else. Store-room in Ira T. Clement's building at th south-west ooruer of Market tiquar, near the Court House. JburyJun 21, DMU. EMX. WILVERT. NOTARY PUBLIO, Olfie in "Snnbury Am r i o a n " Building, -S-v BUNBUBY. PENN'A. Wilt atttud to the Aeknowledgiug of Deeds, Mort gages, Lotters of Attorney. Ae., k. Also, is July alborised to take acknowledgments nd admioh'ter oaths on application fur Kossw tlea, i't-uc-lusin ud Iia'Uluy of Soldier, M'idowsand UtDhao. ICE CKfipnREEZElis. A Now upply of ' Fiva-JUmnn Fail J aaat, reooived frV l''' a- . FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU to Nen-Retentlea er Ineontlnene ef TJrln. InflaBuaa Uoa or Ulceration ef th Bladder or Kidneys, Disease f th Prestrat Gland, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposits, Dropsi cal Swelllap, Orgaala Wakass, DebUlty, Fsmal Coa pUlaU, e. ' HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU HI Improved Rose "Wasli Will radically exterminate frem th srstem Disease aris ing from nablts of Dissipation, atlittlt txptntt, littl or no ehang ditt, n ineeiwsnfcao or tapoiurt; eompletely inpersedlng thos vnpUatant and iangtrovt rtmvHf, Copabia and Utreury, In curing tbest dlseas. use helTmbold's FLUID EXTBACT BUCHU In all Diseases of th Urinary Organ, whether exlsttnt In liu.1 or rtstiLt, from whattvr com originating, and nomatUrofhowtonaitandini. It Is pleasant In its tut and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthtnlng than any of th preparation of BJrk or Iron. Thos suffering front Broken Down or Dtllcat ConttU tuttoni, procur th Ittmtdy at one, The Ileader must be aware that however slight may be the attack ef the above disease, It I certain to affect hi Bodily JItalth, ITtntat Powtr and Uapplnu: If n treatment Is submitted to, Consumption er Insanity may eaiue. All th abav disease rtqulre th aid ef a diurttle. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretlo. IIELIMx30LI3'S biobxt ooROinaaTED Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, for purifying th blood, removing all diseases arising from excess and Imprudence la life, chronlo constitutional dis eases arising from an Impure stat of the blood, and th 0 jiy reliable and effectual known remedy for the cur of Scrotals, Scald Ileal, Salt tthcum, Paint and Swelling of th Bone, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples en tho Pace, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly mo tion of th skin, and beautifying th ooMruxiox. NOT A. FEW Of the worst disorder that afflict mankind arts from th corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all th dls oorerlcs that have been made to purge It eut, son ean equal In effect UELMBOLD'S COMPOUND EXTJIAC1 OF SARSAPAJIILLA. It cleanse and renovates th Blood, instills tha vigor of health Into the system, and -,lK mftlr lmftA It stimulates f!!!! Uigru- RUti imtnu iu vw vww. 1 -- could be relied on, ha long been (ought for, and now, for the first time, tho publlo hav on on which they can do, pend. Our space here doe not admit of certlQcatea to show Its effects, but th trial of a slngla bottle will (how te ths sick that It has virtues surpassing anythlnf they hav ever taken. Tito tablespoonsful ef the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint or water, is equal to tho Lisbon Diet Erluk, and one bottle Is equal to a gallon of th Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or th decoction a usually mad. Th abort Extract are prepared en purely lelentlffe principles In Vacuo and embody tho full strength of the Ingredients entering lnte their composition. A ready and conclusive test will b a comparison ef their proper, ties with those set forth In th V. 8. Dispensatory. HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES Ia Disease ef th Dleod, Iiumor ea th face, or any and every part of the body, use Extract Sirsaparllla, ap plying to Fimples and all external Humors or Eruptions the Improved Rose Wash. Use tiie Extract Duchu for all diseases requiring the aid of a Diuretic, except those of th Urinary Organs, such as Qonorrhma and Gleet; In these use the Extract Euchu and lujsct with the Improved Eos Wash. TIIB3B EXTRACTS DAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO L'SC IN THE CNITCD STATES ARMY, and also are In very general us la all th STATE HOSPITALS AND PUTILIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well In print) practice, and ar censrdcred a lnvaluabl rcaitdiss. MEDICINE DELIVERED TO AST ADDRESS. Direct letters to HELMBOLD'S DBOa CHEMICAL WAREIIOTJSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, oa to ETELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. DusrO) Symptom in all Communication, SOLD BY AU DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits I IK FOR WELMBOLO' April 22, lS5i ly. ewgoodsi P It I N G A X D SCJIME li . ISAAC FTJP.1l.1T, n Zetlomoyer's Building, oppo.lt Uearhart's Con. fectiouory SUiro, Market streot, Sl'NUl'R V, Pa., TJA3 juat opened a well selected assortment of -1 x. tloooV, which he offers for sul at very low prices DRY GOODS ! FOIIEIOX AXD DOJIESTIC, such oa Cloths, Cash meres, Muslins, ShcotingH, Ticking, Calicoes, Do l.nmt-H. Silk, Wnghann, Ao , Ae. II Va'fe and CAPS of every deacrlption. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Cuntisling of Hosiery, Uloves, Thread, Buttons buspeudcrs, Neckties. Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Head Dresses, Bal moral Skirt, Hoop-Skirts, Carpet-bags, Trunk, Va. imuruuiia, voiuiu-arn, ooapa, and numerous other arliulis too tedious to mention. HARDWARE, such as nails, hinges and screw, door latche and knobs, aud CTTLEUY of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Glues. Putty, fcc, &c. lneciawai-e and IuMvui-e ot every l.'is-ritiou. STONE AND EAHTHENWAUE. An extuiisive Stock of O-ie.OGEIEtlES. Compoaed of Sugar, Coffee. Teas. Rice, Corn-staroh, Mulawea, Candles, Meat, Fish, thee... Salt, Toboooo and began. ' ' 11KADY-MADE CLOTHING. Also, t B00T3 3H02C3 fur men, women and obildren. All kinds of CouuUy I'toduoa takes io exchnr for tioods. " buubury, April i2, 188S. r Take no otter. KW CO.tsL, 1'III.n. fllllE partnership of Grant k Diet having beta X diteolvad, Th undersigned hav entered into partnership in th Wholesale and Retail Coal and Shipping llii.inu under the tUasaauie of UHANT A BHGTHKH. Thankful for th patron g aitended to us lo th late firms of Friling A Grant, and Urauts k Diet respectively, w rapatfitlly aolioit a eoDtinuano uf th same. W. T. ORAXT " T. D. f .. r Wl)rf,8ubv.. ' LackawRnna Ac Rlooxntiburfj Hall road. ' . ON and after Jan. lbth, 1804, Paasenger Train will ran a follow : MOVING SOUTH. Patitngir. 4.20 V. M. t.ti . 8.24 , Leav Pcranton, " , . tungsten, " Bloomsburg " Rupert, Danville. 9.16 Arrlv at Northumberland, 9.6ft MOVING NORTn. Leav Northumberland, 8.00 A. M, " Danville, 8.40 " Rupert, 8.40 ' " Bloomsburg, 11.3ft " Kingston, 12.12 P.M. Arrive at Scranton, 1 .SO Freight 4 Passenger leaves lllootnsburg, 10.15 A. M. Passengers taking the Mail Train South oonneot with the Express train from Northumberland, arriv. ing at Harrisburg, at 2.30 A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A. M., and at Philadelphia, at 7.00 A. M. Th Mail train from Northumberland loavesimmedintoly after tho arrival of the Express train from Ilarrishurg and Baltimore, allowing Paasenger leaving Philadelphia at 10.40 P. M., to reach point on this road during the next forenoon. New nnd elegant Bleeping car accompany the night trains each way between Northumberland and Baltimore, ana ftorlhuniberland and Philadelphia. D. T. BOUND, Snpt. " " I. K. STAUFFEn. " "WATCHMAKER & JJEWELBT. No. 143 North SECOND streot. corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. An itNssortnient of V'ntU-heHt Jew elry, NilTcr & lMalod IV tire constantly band, Suitnble for HOLIDAY PRESENTS'. I'ir Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to, December 3. 1864 ly NEW GOOD S ! Two doors west of Wm. H. Miller's Sho store, Sunbury, Pn. J ust opened a fresh supply of SPRING & SUMMEH GOODS, Such as Fancy Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Uloves Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collnrs and Cuffs dent s Linen and, paper Collars. Notts. Belts. Laoe Collnrs nnd Sleeves, Hair Rolls, Velvet Ribbon, Red. White nnd Blue Nock-tics, Corsets, Quaker Skirts, Yokes and Sleeves. SHAKERS, PARASOLS, AC. lMiotog't-aphM ot"IrcMidciit Lincoln, in frames. Also, Swiss, Jaconet and Victoria Muslins Crape Collars and Veils, lirenndine nnd Luc Veils nnd a variety of othor articles too numerous to mention. MARY L. LAZARLS. Sunbury, May 13, 1864. 6 jxi3m3ttOT.-na:.ir- 9 9 (Late HERR'S HOTEL.) , Corner Market and 3d Streets, HARRISBVRO, PA. THE attention of the public is rosnectfullv called to this Hotel which is now "open for tho accommoda tion of guests. In the past five month during which inie it lias been closed the houso has been thorough ly remodeled and repaired, until in point of conveni ence ni-d comfort, its patrons will find it to own no superior. Xlic I'uruifin-c i:i:lir-ly 'cw, Rooms larger than are usually found iu modern hotels. Situnted un tho corner of to principal business streets of the city, but two aud a hulf squares from the Rail Road Depot. The propriotor determined to spare no expense iu securing the comfort of his miosis I and a fuvoruble reputation for the establishment, he I feels willing to trust it character tu tho judgment ' of his patrons. I HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. January 11,1805. J. R. HILBUSH, Comity Survfjoi-, Coiivejiiiit'er AND 'JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Mithonoy, Xortitunilerlrtnd Count), l'etin'u Office iu Jackson township. Engagements can be made hv letter, direoted to tho above addrers. All hu.xincs entrusted to his care, will be promptly attcuded in. April 22. ISC.'). ly I - FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. rpHK lubscriber respectfully informs tho public X that he keeps cupstuntly on hand nt his new WAREHOUSE, near th Shaiuokiu Vnlley liuilroad Depot, in BUXIIUUV, Flour by the burrel and sacks of nil kinds of Feed by the ton The above is nil inunnfuclured at his own Mills, aud will bo sold at the lowest enrh priors. J M. CAD WALL ADEU. Sunbury, June 4, lnG4. C GOBI3ST, Attonicy and (.'oiiiincIIoi nt Law, BOOXVILLE, CCOPKR CO , MISSOURI. WILL pay taxes on hinds in any pHrt of the Htiite. Buy nnd sell renl Estiite. end all other matters eutrustcd to him will receive prompt atten tion. Ju'yJJ. lS"j or-t IS. 'C4. fancy' dress coo ds, .MIkn A.'N.A I..t,IVl'9:iI, Two tloors West of the Post Oillce, BTJNBTJKY, 3?E3STJSr'A., "TT AS just received and opened a lnrge utpnrtmen I X of Fancy Dress Goods, such us Gloves, Jouvinn Xil-ghrtes. Silk and li.-le tbrend Gloves; Ladies cotton Hoso, Children Merino Hose, Silk Mitt, Ladies and Gentlemen tluiulknrchit ds. Corsets. Em broidered Slippers, Hibbons FAXCV DRESS Bl T 10XS. Hugln iiimps. Triiiiming". Buttons. Belt Kili bou Velvot Ribbons. Braid, Bolt Clasp, Ladies' Neck-tics, CRAPERIBBON and TRIMMING ; Em broideriug Braids, Jaconet and Swiss Eilins ami insertions; Mnltccr.e Luce Collars. Laces, (irenndiiiu Veils, Black Veils, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dros ses, Xetts, and a variety of other articles. Leckwood's Pnpcr Colluis of a superior equality. Ladies Linen Collnrs, a variety of yuccii Elizabeth Collars, black und white fiarbej. Picture Cords and Tl.-cli. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS HOOKS ANT) STATIONERY, Monthly Time Book , Drawing Book and States. Bfcks, Hyinn Books, ll.ink Books, Memorandum Book I, Dinrh-s, Pock it Hook, ink Stands, Pens, '"-.cils, a fine ucsiit.ncnt of Paper, Ink, Ae. Toilet Scnj.., T'tU-Djiuhc, Ac. TOYS Al"o QAJ.E3 0 OIILWtEy, Allofwhijhbav beef s,';;,cJ with core and will bestlj et rensonnble f '.it. 1805. 18G5. BEG tear to call the attention of tha publio that they hav just returned from th C ity with a very LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS- Hardware, Quoensware Cedarware, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Trimming, We bought our good at th lowest Cash Price and consequently we think we can offer great i"n- auoements to purchasers for Cash or Country Pro duo. The highest murkct price paid for all kind of 1'roauoe. U iv us a call. no : i-on xkw itovM'rs AND HAVING purchased my god at reduced price, I am enabled to sell cheaper. ine stock oonsisu oi BONN tTS of every descrip tion fur Epring and Summer. f,l,kcM, ai V,rJr ,,iu of 'sllcat' IIuSb, Ribbon, Flowers, Ladies Cap, Ae. MILL INE IUOODS, AND 7 1'A.ICY .OT10NA:mnnil.iij MI33 L. BHISSLEH. At th new aUnd, in Markot Square, SUNBCR?, HAVE just reeeived from Philadelphia th lutvat and uiuatfashionablv style of Millinery Good, such a Bonn!, Hat. Silks. Ribbon and Laoe, Scarfs, Hosiery and Gloves. Skeleton SkirU, Flowers, Head Drets k Netj, Old Ladiw' .Cup, Skswla, biik mo. Black Crape and Lao Veil, Crap and Linen Col. lira. Drees Trimmings and Buttons, Cutset, Zephyr, Cotton Yarn, Soap aud Perfumery. Uuitle Trinuiiluifa, Hair Pima au4 Combe. Gent' Linen and Paper Collar, Neektie. A. ' flag, Plotur Taarela and Cord. Paraaols, Ladle' Satcksls Kanj, A. , Photograph coin, 7 ! St :flilP6tIJl. THE RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boolton's.) MARKET STREET, BUNBTJRT, PA. JULIUS ARBITER. TT A3 taken this old and wll known stand, and XJ. refitted and furnished the same Is prepared te aooommodat Boarder and Traveler with tha best the market oan afford. He hones by strict attention to business to receive a share of publio patronage. 111s lAiiLi eontaius the beet the market anoras. His Bar is filled with th ohoieMt of Liquors, both Malt and Spirituous. Th stabling is good, and attendod by eareful Ostler. Sunbury, April 30, 1364. ly C3-. "W. HAUPT Attorney nnd Connstvllor nt Inir, Office on south side of Market street, four door west of E. Y. Bright A Son's 6tor, 8TJNBUKY, "PA. Will attend promptly to all professional businos entrusted to his enre, the collection oi' claim ia Northumberland nnd the adjoining eountie. bnnbury, May 23, 1WI3. ly TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. rilHE subscriber 20 year a practical Piano Fort I Manufacturer, of New York City, has perma nently located in this section, and wCuld respectfully solicit order for TUHING, KEPAIRINO. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MELODE0NS. Th subscriber is also tho manufacturer' Agent for CniCKK RING SON'S, HAZI.ETON MRU'S.. LIN DEM AN x PON'S.. WILLIAM B. BRADBURY'S, EDWARD 13 LWOM FIELD'S, McDonald a co s, IMA IdKI KS, And Carbart & Ncedhau'. and Peloubet's MELODEONS & HARMONIUMS, And L. U. Stuart Pipe CIIVRCH ORGANS james Mcdonald. Bloomsburg,aPa., April 29, ISGi. II. II. JIAKSKIC. ' Attorney tit I.iiiv, SUNBURY, PA. Collections attended to iu the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snydur, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. xxrEniifcz. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. Oattell & Co., Hon. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton McMichncl, Esq., E. Kctchnm Co., 289 Pearl Streot, New York. John W. Aahiuead, Attorney at Law, " Matthews & Cox, Attorneys at' Law, " Sunbury, March 29, 1S02.' THE UNION FOREVER GOOllis I'OK MEE.LIO.T I At the Storo of JOH1T BOVS1T Corner ef .Market and Fawn Streets, S U X B I' It V , P E N N ' A . Just o eued FALL & WINTER GOODS, for everybody. This no -'Won ing." hut pluin truth, ' which everyone will be convinced that culls aud ex- , amines the stock, which consists ef i Dress Goods, Caasiineret, Cloths, Uents' Overcoating, ' Jeans, Coltenades, Muslins, Dress Uuods iu great variety, J LADIES' DRESS GOODS. i Plain and Figured Delaines, French and Figured Merinos, Fino Wool Delaines nil sorts end shades. Prints. Nankeens. LAD1F.3' CLOAKING. Tuble-Cuvers, Iriyh Linen, Drown uud White Mlit-etinga, Fbawls, lliiltnnral .Skirts of all kinds. Ilcwp r-kirtK. all prirrs. lUnd. kerchiefs, KlHiuieli. Ladies' Kid. calk and Merino (Hove, Jtc. .Icv li-j- ol'dll Uiiitlst. Ladies' and tients' Union Sknt.s. A large urmrttnebt or XOTIOX'S. "Ef H5i Si .Xt.' Hardware. (Vdarwiire. tlln.wnrc. Chinawnre, tuecnswnre. Crockery. tireciT'cs, Tobucco, Sejrnrs Ki.ufl'. Ten. Cuffo-, Sugur. Molasses, Spices, Fish, ft-alt, Ac, Ac, and everything else usually kept in a store. Pro. duce taken iu exchnnge for goods. Mo trouble to show goods. J01I.V HOWLN. Sunbury, Xor. 5, 1361. I li I'TUti IMST 1 N IMPERIAL IJijotograpfj (Sallrvtrs, Nos. 70ti, 701 and JOO ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 17, I W . -Bin FKOM WASHINOTOX. LATEST IMPROVEMENT 0? AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TUB FOUNDE "Y, BUNBUBY, PENN'A. Got the Best Get the CheHpet Get the mt Ecn.' noniicul. which can he hit, I at the BohrbHcli Fi.tnulry llitvini. a l.-ire anrtiiifiit of the mt np'in ed STO ES. iuch iw Co, kiii. pMihr, Udice end Shop Stoves, which will bo sold at ihe lowest rates. Also, Kettles uf all ir.u. Pan, .--killrl-. Ac lhc ore iiIm. ini:inituiii!iiii'; Mai-liimry, Ploughs, nKtii,-. ,r,?., el iuri iti.'ti.M-ltc-iinini 1; nil kind of A ri.-ulttiril Implements done in a uood wurhmaulike iiiui:iiit and at the shortcut notice. All articln shipped e ordered. Orders respect fully solkited and promptlv attended lu. liOl'UUIACH A COOPER. i Old Ir.n, and all kinds of Produce taken iu Exchange for work. Sunbury, June IS, IRiU. tf BREAD I BREAD ! ! BREAdTjT " BAKEBY. rplIE undorfigned has opened a Bakery, on Market .1 treet, Sunbury, Pa., two doors west of tho Post Office, where he will keep constantly ou bund, Vj1i JtiM-aI, 'I'ulMt-KoIlM, BSicukx, and TEa-. .' "" .,lkijsfY FANCY CAKES. Common w.? rr.C,"Cinib; Pio.Xia Parties, WcddluRs and Funer. .' wl 1 00 supplied at the shortest notice, A good assortment w ill bo ketd un at all limes. manufactured out of tho best material, anil orders Will be promptly attended to. Ho trust that his friends and th publio generally will sustain him in tbia new eutt-rprise, now greatly Deeded iu Sunlury. II trust hi experience In Ihe husine.il will ena ble blm to give scneral sathdaction to all who way favor him with their patronage, DAVID FRY. Hunbury, April 22, 1SC5. Tbtt l'nipti-tr loublfA!'tiu SvW-Nt-paratlnsr CORN SRFJJ.RR r r PATENTED, ALGt'ST 2ud, 1S04. THIS Sbeller is the only one that shell the Corn perfectly uleaa from lh Cob when green, soak ed or dry. it gives the Ear a double operation ou the Shelling Wheel a it passe through, and epa. rate th Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it at once fit for market without tho u of th fuuuiug mill. This machine shells a Half Bunhel of Ear to the Minute ly OrJU nary Jltuul i"vtcer. and ean be used, also, by Horse, Steam or Water Power by attaching a Pulley on lh Crank Shaft. For Durability. Cleanliness. Neatnm Chaannca " svapiuiiy iu eaeillag, uu Alaobuo oaiuiot Do equalled by any other. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR BALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. QtXTL(I : If vou want vour corn Shelled oleao ; if yu hav oocasion to thetl greoa or damp corn: if you want vour eora and cob separated f if you want a durabl machine : if you want a eheSD heller, buy th Complete, DoubJ-Actlug, Self JScp. aratlug Corn Shelter. REFERENCES: H. B. Massar. Dr. J, W. Peal Sunbury. Charles Haas. Miller, Samuel Letnig, Rudiulc. u. Alurgaa Co., Geo, VTeiMr, L. Augusta. Millers, bunburv. Sol. Marti Henry LeUenring, Bear Gap. C, Albert, Georgetowsi Manufactured aud for Sula as il,. Vmm.ir. r KOURBACH A COOPER, siunhury, P. suuuurj, vn. o, jao.ia IVR NOTICK that they hav onoludeir. rangemuu with th North C antral Rail road Company to run train from Baltimore or York Harrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax, Trarurton, Sunbnrr Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Muncy Wfl' liamsport, and all Intermediate stations, eonn'ectin? at Hanisbnrt with the GREAT WESTERN EX. PRESS for Pittsburg, Cin.innaU, Bt. Loui uJ the West. Also with Iloward A Co.'tKipre at Milton or Danville, Bloomsburg, Wilkesbarre, Plttston, Scran, ton, and intermedial stations on the CattawiBsa Laokawanna A Bloomsburg Railroad. At Will liamsport, by Iloward k Co.' Expres to Jerse Shore and Look Haven. Also, bv Hnwant r. md their conncotions, for Canton, Troy, Elmira) uvunicr. iiuuniu. Injnm, an'l IO all acCCSRlhla polnu in Wostern Now York and Canada, bv which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes Jewelry, and Valunbl Packages of every descrip tion. r Also, Nolo, Draft and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messenger einplovod, and every effort will be made to render nti'i:ieion JOHN BINGHAM Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia R. A. FISCHER, Agcat for Sunbury. April i, 1452. IS3. ArrnngciueiitM 1605. of Sew York Linen. TIIE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to Neic Yorl and Way Parts, Jrom Walnut street Wharf and Kenrington Depot, wtll tear a follow, vix : ranE At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Aocouunodation,) J2 2S At 6 A.M.. via Camden and Jorsov Citv V .1 Accominodntion, At ft A. M., via Canidcn and Jersey City. (Morning Mail,) ' " At 8 A. M., via Cumdon and Jersey oity 2d Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey oitv. Express " At 12 M. via Camden and Amboy, C and t (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M., via Camden and 2 25 3 00 2 2a 3 oa 2 24 3 D 3 (Ji, t 00 3 CI) 3 00 A. Express,) At 3 P. M., via Kenaingt.n and Jcraoy Cltv, Wash, and N. Y. Expres At B P. M., via Kensington and Jorsuy Citv (Kteiiiug Mail.) ' At I li P. M.-via Kensington and Jersey citv Southern Mail. At 1 J (uirfht) via Kensington and Jersey city Soiitnoru Express At i P. M., via Camden and Amhov, (Accom modation, Freight and Passenger, First Clan Ticket. Second Class Ticknt. 2 SO 1 2$ For Water Ghd. Stroudshnrir fi.,. n... vt-tii.... barr, Montrose, Great Bond, Ac., at li A M " from Kensington, via Delawar, Laokawanna and estern Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, fiethlohem, Beli. d ere, Easlon, Lambertville. Flcmington, Ac, to a A. M , horn Kensington Depot, and at 2J P U. from alnut street Wharf. (The A M. Line connects with Trains leaving , tiuton for Mauch Chunk, at .1-26 P. Al.) For Mount Holly, nt 6 A. M., 2 aud 4PM For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P U WAY LINKS. For Bristol, Trenton, Ao., at 11 A. M. and 21 and 5 P. M. from Kcusinton, For Palmyra. Rivcrton, lielanco, Beverly, Bur lingtnn. Florence, Bcrdeutowu, Ao., at 12 I 2 ii uud ti P. 31. ' ' ' Uf- For New York, nnd Way Lines Ioaving Ken sington Depot, take the Cars on Fifth Mrvot. o'mvo Walnut, hulfun hour before departure. The Car run into the Depot, and ou the arrival of each Truiu, run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggii-e onlv. allowed each passenger. Passengers aru pruhibitcd from taking anything as bugo but their curing apparel. Ail hinrgngc over tiliy pnuud to be paid tor extra. Th Company limit their responsibility tor hnggage to Ono Dollar per pound, nnd will nut bo liable K.rany amount biyund J1U0. excej.1 tiv special catrart. WM. II. GAT.MEK, Agent. January 17, lHGj. '. S: tECiSA 'Hi-'H ' Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, ! .tlns-kt.-t St !--(, Niinbiti-j , la. S COXFKCTIOXEUY OF A I.I, KI.VDS, i TOYS OF F.VEUY DICItll'TIOX, i FliriT, Ac. rtONSTAXTLY on hand and for sale nt tho nhova I etublishuient atwholc.nle uLd retail, at roi,n. ( able prices. 1I is imumfiotuiiug all kinds of Conf. ctioiiari..s t. keep up a lull uMurliucut which are st.ld at luw rstt!. Tebaceo. Segars. Stationery, Nuts of nil kinds, and i a variety uf othrr articlus, oil of whijh ure cii'or I . wholeSMlo end i-ltitl. tli Keuicuibur th nume and place. J? ! . . . . M. C. GEAR HART. -iiniket street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Suu's store, ruiil,urv Sept. 10, ISo.l. tf Jit.,. ITU As Iuiprovd for 1S."9 aud 1600. By K. KETCH AM A CO., 2S9 Pearls!., New York. rp.ME only Procter constructed on sciontinc prill 1 cip'i, with a revolving can aud pring blai'.o 9.-rapi-r. lho one hiwtciu the ficeiingof th cream-, the other rum.ves it fast as frojen. The must rapid in fi tcr.ing, with tho least nn:in:f- ol ic. 1 The most miinmnieal in eost, lis it is the niostsiinpl and diiritblt- in structure. For sale in ull the principal cities and towusin tha I lu on. Each Frecicr ui-coinpHuied with a book of r,iipe aud full direction. PRICES. S3 00 4 00 6 00 0 00 b 00 12 UO 3 rjnarts, s tinnr;.., ft tjuartx. r ijunrts, 14 ((U'lit.s, 20 nuurt. Apply to II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa March 29, Imi'.2. Gaonue Hill. Sisiox P. Wolvukto.i. HILL & WOLVERTON, At forn-y nutl CoiinoflMi-st nt I.iim . OCiee, Market street, cor. Centre Alley, SXTISrBXJJHY. JPA.. "X7 ILL attend promptley tothecnlloctiou ofclein- and all other.profcssiunal buMness inlrusird to their euro in Northumberland andudjoiuing counties. Sunbury, January 23, lStt2.- .tZasitiootl t Isoiv .Oh, Isotv Krsilort-1 .runt published, a new edition of Dr. Culverw!!' Celebrated Essuy oa th radical cure (without uirdi oine) of S'perinatorrho.', or seminal rreakius, Ip voluntary Seminal Looses, Iuipoteney, Mental aud Physical Iucapacity, Impediments to Mitrriag. etc.; alril, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fitn, induced by eif-indu.';euco or sexual extravagance. I y Price, in iealed envelope, only six cents. The eelobrated au.'.'10' tni' admirable essay '- lomoustratee, from a '"f1 years- successtul eleari ning con."'"u'ncw of self practice, that the -i th danger ubuso may radically cured wiiuv u.e of iuiursuil modi cine or tho applicaw '' knife puiming out mode at car a ojieetinii... os-rtain, and cUcctunl, by means of which every .ufi ferer. no matter what 'hi ooadilioa, may bo, ma euro himsclfcheaply, privately.. aad radically. Ijj Ibis Lecture should be iu th hands of vr youth and every mnn iq the land. Scut, under seal, iu a plain envelope, to any dv. dre, post.pid, on reetipt ofiix oonU, or two rok (tamps. Address th publisher. ' ,o. . CHA. J, C. KLINE 1 CO , 127 Bowery, New York, Post Offioe Box, a80. March 2d, Iaii6. J y o IiiK-ruuliouul llult-l. 'Hi. and 367. Jraaimry, Corner. FraUHit Stret NEW YORK. TIHIS Grst class House th most quiet, homelik X aud plcaaaut Hotel iu lb city offer superior inducements to thos vulting New York for business or pleasure. It is ceutral iu iu loeatioa, and kept on the Kluoi-kax Plah. in eonuection with TiVLoa'a Saloox, where refreshment can b had all hours or served iu thoir vu room. Th charge are mo' derate, the rooms asui attendance of the tint order baths, and all th modern conveniences attached Oct 1, Itf. SOLOMON MALICIv ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa OFFICE in East and of Weaver Taiern, Market Street. All busiueat entrusted to him will be carefully and punctually atuuided to, Coiwultatiou is th ting, llab aud German lauguagu. Sunbury, April ti. lsoi. 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