L3J W Sun&uVs American. H. B. MA8SER, Editor Proprietor. B. W1LVERT, Publisher. SU.'MlJUtV, IA. "SATURDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1803. Hocal Affairs. jyRiTtn MsiTixo Pursuant Us adjournment! a meeting of the itiien of the borough of Sunbury end vicinity, will be held in the Court House, on Jlonday evening next, Oct. 23,1, to tnke eclion rela. tive to enforcing the law passed by the legislature last wintcr. conipelling the owners of dnms in the i'usquelinnna, to alter or fix them so an to give shad and other flu a frco passage op therirer. All per sons lntorestcd are requested to attend. T III y As tho long winter evenings are again ap proaching, we would suggest to our young friends to organ izo a literary society and establish a read. "Ing room in this place. Nothing could be Dior beneficial to thecommnnity. i r ij si i tylVe rcferour renders to the advertisement of M. C. fiowlby, In another column, who baa com menced the manufacture of bard and soft soap. m i I i. fjy J. K. fimick gives notice that he has his new ' stock of goods open and i prepared to make up gen tlemen's garments at reasonable rates. Advertise ment in another column. .fyOoiNo to Haisk ix Titica. We are inform ed that the barbers in this place, contemplate raising 1he price for shaving.eortain individuals In this vicin ity, on account of the extreme length of their faces ince the eloction. 13T-I. AUNcnEB. The Mooniboat mi being built 1 ty Ira T. Clement of this place, was launched into the river on Friday afternoon last. -' lyChas. Oakford A Sens, of Phlladolpn'a, adver 'tisc a large and splendid stock of Furs, which they will warrant to be according t representation. .Sale or Tows Lots. Th real estate 'advertised in tbe American, belonging to the es'ate "of the lato Win. MeCarty, doceoscd, were sold on londny lost, as fulluirs : Lot No. 8S corner of Pokeberry st. and-feroadway. to Valentine Diets, lor $460. Lot S9. corner of Raspberry alleyand Broadway, to Wm. Connelly fur $lt0. Lots'!!, 2S3 and 283, to J. B. Mnsser, for 53,2(10. Lots 235, 2SS, 230 and 232, fronting on Elderberry street, to Mary S. Clement for $1,9S5. Lot 297 on Eldcborry street, toThos. McOaw, for MM. Lots 312, S13 nnd 31 i, fronting on Elderberry St., opposite tho Grave- Vard, to David Clement, for 5754, l'. it. 71, fronting on Kroudwey nnd adjoining the new K'Hk building, to J. B. Packer, Esq., 'for f'jOO. Lot 79 fronting u Uroadwny, to Jrfsice Eoyd, for J'jOO. Lot SO, fronting oil JCrpadwny, to Jos. Boyd, for $2,150. Lot 303, fr,.ulii. n Wiio.-tlebcrry stroet, to Juhli Haas, for $o75. Lot 107, frotdin; on fcowberry street, to A. J' A'trob, for (1,000. An Island at the junction of hamokin Creek, la Charles fiaringcr, foi St'0. Tho stone quarry in rpper August.' township, eon. taining Umc. to A. F. Clapp, fur Sil5. The private residence of tbe deooascd will be sold fit public will', on Thursday, Xov. 21. rj-Tnn Shah Qi kktio. It will bo rerullccto,! that at tlie last session of the .Legislature a bill was j passed requiring owners nf dnms on the Susiiuohanns ; Itiver to make men alterations in tue siruciure 01 their dit ics as would allow the passage up the river ol hnd from the Chesapeake, and requiring tho Attorney-General to t.tko legal measures for the re moval of the said obstruction, if, iu the course of six months after the passage of the act, tbe snid altera tions were not made by the corporato authorities or individual owners. But, either through the negli gence or collusion of the Legislative aul'aoritive., no specific remedial or vindicatory provisions wcio incorporated in the hill. This enocttuent was made in pursuance of the de mands of the residents alung the Susquehanna Hirer, who had. years ago. large-shad-fishing privileges by which a vast number of people hud been furnished with fish at a very moderate price. Since the con. siruction of the vcriuue dnms that now rufiie the uiot bosom of tho ''winding stream," the shad have leinkpt"at boy," nnd a "bad in season U now a gnat delicacy, wily to be enjoyed by Uiotenhocan pay sixty cad seventy cents to fish dealers who bring them up. The absence cf tbuone edible alono directly afreets, the iutcrostsof the inhabitants of Lancaster, York . Admus. Cumberland. Dauphin, Lebanon, Perry, Ju rists, Mifflin, Huntingdon. Snyder, Nurtiiuuiberhiiid, Union, . Montour, Columbia, l.ur.erne, Wyoming, lirndford, Puirtncl.rii no, Lycoming, Clintuu, Centre, Clearfield audTiogn, twenty-four cuulities, bordering ois&e Susquehanna, which iu i860 embraced a pop ulation of eight hundred and fifty-one thousand five .tur.drod and two. There must now be nearly a mil '.lion ialiu'.c Louts in these counties alone who are direatlyiatectstd in this question, aud there arc &oc tiii't juiitiu that are more or !cj afkef ed. Meetings hav. Ix in held in tho various tiwus on the fiuequehaimu, the ohjectof which has been to force the rcmovJC or alteration of the dams iu question ' as provided in tlto law and to procure the enactment ! of a inor stringent, statute, embiacing some adequute remedial or vindicatory provisions. At a meetirg held in Ilarrfsburg some two mouths jjo, un Executive Ceinmittce, composed of some of the best citizens of place, was appointed. At a late meeting this Committee decided to call tbe at tention of loo people residingalong tho Susquehanna to this subjeet, with a vies to something like concert or action. Urcuiars were issued to tut Utn"r.ae, in the counties more Imoicdtatviy concerned, and a Convention vtts suggested, which it is now proposod to hold on the first Wednesday in January, next, when tho Legislature will te in session. The ciliicns along the river who fuel an interest in this impor. i jont subject should at onoe appoint delegates to repre- . ,ent their district In this convention. Mr. Ellis Ayres of this borough, was a mem ' ber of tbe old Eilh Itegiineut, P. V., and was wound. ed nearly three years ago, and after lying in the Hospital for a long time waa finally discharged for physical disability Tbe ball took effect in bis mouth, and its whereabouts not baring been dis covered was not removed. Mr. Ayres has been a jreut sufferer ever stnee bis return homo, having bad painful and troublesome gatherings on his lower jaw( neck, breast and back, all efforts to Bod tbe baU bav . ing beer in vain, until last Friday morning an ugly . looking minnie ball was taken from the gathering . on Us back. It is to be hoped that bis recovery will ' now be both speedy and complete. Muney Lumut ary. Triul I.Ut. Foil SKCONO WEEK KOVKUBER TERM , 1803 'Ira Cli'inenl et al, v Susan Longenccker. John Dralicr, vs William Fugely ct at. Juuies Kite, vs Cutlierine Lerch et al. Cointiiou'tli of Pt'Doa. fur use, v James Vau djke. -George C. Welker, r Gcorg Burut. David Fugelv, va A. M. Kaslwiok. Williuin L. Dcwart, vt Jacob Ii. Masscr. Commontb of I'cnnti. for uso, va l'bilip W Jlilti'i t tt al. John Ilut'cr for use, vi Barbara A. lei tin tier r-x. Charles lUck, vs Samuel Gartnger. David Wuldron, vi Jane WaldroD. tit roll & Elliot, vs feliull & Donahue. Joreiiiiall Ziintnerman, va John A. Conrad. Pt-ter K. rislier, va Jotetio eiUtl. William fc Curiaiiatt Fox, va Jowph Bird ct Jon at li a n Hoover, ti Joelah Hcerl. ' John A. Dodgo et al, vt Jacoby Hart man et nl. John Beard et nl, Jacob YTelck. Robert D. Cutninings, va John Wittemoycr. Same, vs William 8. Foraetuan. Freeman Thomas, vs Andrew Ileckel. Charles Hoy, s Daniel W. Smith. Daniel Herr, vs John F. Cowan et til. Levi Ilecht, vs Peter K. Fisher. Ueneville Shatter, vs David Eshback. William G. Robins it al, Ts Johu S. Snyder ct al. Due te 1 Krrdincr, vs Charles Shell, Freouinn Tliomiu, vs Andrew Ileckel. A. . Dreamer, vs John Leiser. John Hancock, vs John Haas Ss Co. Casper Shall ct al, vs John K. Krdmnn, Johu Dunlileberger ct nl, vs A. 11. East wick. Elms Stcpp, vs Samtiel II. Rothnrmel. Elins Stcpp, vs Andrew I.cnkcr. Michael Hughes cf al, vs Catherine Wallace. Catherine Curran, vs Catherine Wallace. Warren JI'Ewin, vs George A. Kecfer. William L. Lance, vs Freeman Thomas. John H. Forstnan, vs George C. McKeo. John Haas et al, vs The Locust Gap Imp. Co. Jacob H. Englc, vs John Young, Constable. Johu 11. W'eiscr, vs Henry Wcise. Commoii'tli of Penna. vs Philip Ililgert. Ira T. Clemeut, vs Jumes J. Dull. Dells will prevent the depnvlutlons of dogs among sheep. The reason is plain. A dog thnt knows enough to kill sheep knows enough to be sly about it. The great noise caused by a number of bells makes him fear fur his tiafcty, uud be leaves without doing damage. The majority for Gen. Humphrey for Gov ernor of Mississippi over Judge Fisher will probably be 10,000. CTho place to get a life-like Picture is at Erskioe's Room. E-r"To get a good Photograph, go to Erskine's Room. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i:sntiv iioiexi:. CAME to the enclosure of . I. Cako. In Upper Agusta township, on the 27th of Scptcnibor last, a dark brown horse, about 12 years old, branded "l: ,'.. sixteen bands high. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove their property, I my charges nnd take him away, otherwise ho will e sold according to law. Siyibnry, October 7, 1S05. GREAT EXCITE 51 E X T! Itcvolirtiou in IIlc'li Ei ic- Everybody Iiushing to tie MAMMOTH STORE of Yv. B nn.i. stM, Who have llnst Keeeired Uietr ;;ew etock or FALL & WINTER GOODS! Cons-istingof DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Cassimeres Cloths, Jeans, Cottonades, Muslins, Dress Goods in great variety. Shawls, Hosiery nnd Gloves, Carpi t of u liferent styles and quality. - HATS AND OAFS, 305TS h. L U Jit O HARD WAKE, Cdarware. Curdwaro ilass-ware t'rockerv. (UUd'ERIES. lohiicco. .Segars, fliulT, Tea. Cofi-e. Suear, Molasses, Salt, Fish, .c. Ii ii- i'litmsrnU. Oil. I.simpM and in fuel EVERYTHING GENERALLY KEPT In CouiiIrT Sioi-s-. OI U MOCK CANNOT FAIL TO PLl'AfiE All desirous of Kcttins a good orti-'le ot a fair prico will please ivo us n cull. No trouble to show Good. J. W. FRILING A SON. Fauiurr, 0:t. 14, 1865. Voll I'nprr and Border in groat variety new styles jutt received at the Mammoth Store of" J. W. FRILING A AON. Sunbury, Oct. 14, 1S05. Millinery Goods! Just opeuel at tbe till AN!) MI LLINF.KY STOKE, of UiNM 31. I.. JIIMI1I, Fawn street, I .vo doors south of Shamckin Valley A Pottsvllle Railroad, SXJ1TI3TJR"Z-. JPJ. The latest styles of Bonnets, Hats, Caps, and all kinds ot irirauiiogs, ituwcrs, o. Ladies' Woolen Goods of every style and quality. Glovev Collars, Handkercl-iefs, Hosiery, Laces, Vejls. Silk, Grenadine and Mourning Veils, and numerous other notions, usuully kept in Milluiery Horos, Cull and see ber stock. .Sunbury, Oct. 14, 1305. 2n .'or,M-rn Ontrul Itullwjxy. JIR TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltlmora nd Washington city. Connections made witn irnins on rennsyirania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the V est. FOUR TRAINS DALY to and from too North and West Branch Susquehanna, Eliuiro,aud all of North ern Now York. ON and allcr MONDAY. OCHUEK ZJ, 1MS4, the Pusscnger Trains of the Northern Central Ruilway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, Uorrisburc and Baltimore as follows, vis : c il ,' r II U' . HI. D V V X 11 n n u . Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (exeopt Sunday). ju iu a. " leaves Harrisburg, 130 P.M. " arrives at Baltimore, i 30 " Elmira Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except bunaay,) 11 v r. m. " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday.) J 50 A.M. " arrives at Baltimore daily (exeei)t Mondavi. 7 00 A. M. Uarrisburg Aocominodatiun leaves Harris- burg, 1 so A. M. Sunbury Accommodation leaTes Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at 7 00 A M Erie Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except runauy,)ai a 10 " Erie Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Suuduy,) at 3 40 P M NOUTUWARD. Moil Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex. eept Sunday) leaves llarrisburg U 20 A. M 1 4i P. arrives at bunburv, 4 zu ' Elmira Exnress Train leaves flaltimora 10 00 P " arrives at jiarrisuura, va ju. leaves llarruburg (except Monday), 2 to A. M arrives at Sunbury. 6 14 ' V..1 v.n,.M Tram loaves iialtimura ' . . 1 e tin d u daily (exoew cunuavsi i o w I. ... It ttrr ;.l,on daily (except Sua days at 1 10 A M " arrives at Sunbury at 8 40 llarrisburg Aeoommodutiuu leave Harris- . burg, daily (except Sunday) al 3 60 P M " arrives at llarrisburg, 1 4 i P M Suubury Aueoumodatioa leaves llarris burg dally (sxoept Sunday) al 4 25 P M Krie Mul Train leaves llarrisburg daily (exoept Sun lays) at 13 00PM. The Erie Express and Eri Mail Trains are through trains to and from Erie and all intermedial points. Mail and Express trains run through le Llinira, for farther iofrirmatina ejpljrjst feSLfiffi! CLOTHING FOR ALL ! 1 AT m -v. 3iJ 3 -m. mrxr 9 CONTINENTAL CLOTHING B A Z A A R . Ooftirr eriUarket Squiire A. RnlU Rond Nlrct, 8UNBURY, PENN'A. iUsi opeKkd, fall a winter stock or READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest styles, cut fcy thi bell Artist, trimmed and made equal to eastern work, and told at the lowest pricos. 11'liole Salt Tor A15. Cavalry Pants for f. BLANKETS, BEAVER CLOTH 3 "W M3Z UK C2 AL. "JTSS Varying from $25 to $40. 31 en and IIJ Clotlitsift' of lbs best ma terial consisting of Dress Coats, Frock Coats, Sack Coats, Pants, and Vests of various' colors and quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, luoh as Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings Gloves, Ac lint) mid Clips of nil kind). BOOTS AND SHOES. Gum Shoes. TRUNKS, VA LISES, UMBRELLAS, TOBACCO A SEGARS, Watches, Jewelry, Knives, Revolvers. , and NO" TIONS of all kinds, and numerous other articles. Tho publio are invited to call and examine his Stock. Remember the place. "Continental Clotblni 3tofO,; Corner of Market Square and the N C. It. R. LEVI UKCliT. Bunbnry, Sept. 30, 1S0S. NEW MARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respeotfully inform tho i tiiens of Sunbury, and publio genorally, that he has opened a new MARBLE YARD, opposite the Court House, where AMERICAN and ITALIAN marble is constantly kept on hand. All orders for Monuments and Head-stones prompt ly tilled at reduced rales. D. C. DLSSINOER. Sunbury, Oct. 7, 1S85. tf QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SUNBURY. Quarter Report of the oondiiion of tho "Tho First National Bank of Sunbury, Pennsylvania," on the learning of the first Mouduy. of October, 1865, (Oct. 2ud, lotjj.) UESOUHCE3. Notes and bills discounted, - $11 1.7 "5 07 Real Estate, to., furuiruie and fixtures, 5,575 3o Current Expenses i Slate and National taxes paid, 5,SM 23 Rcuiiltauces and other Cash Items, VI0 2 Due from National Bunks, Due from other Bunk and Bitnkcra, U.'S. 5.20 Bonds deposited with V S. Treasurer to secure circulating notes 1". 4?. 5-U Bonds on hand, 7.30 Notes aud .Mint certificate, C9. 1 75 'J I I 21,820 50 100.000 00 100,000 00 127.400 00 10 C20 00 reunsvlvama n nr Loan nnd other stocks. Cash on hand of other Nutioual Banks 315 00 I ' State Banks, Specie, Other lawful tneuey -Legal tender notes l,7u 00 14,1157 14 fli'.i'JO, Compound-interest ijcgul- tenders, $17,000, $29,300 00 Total, - $1305,834 47 LIABILITIW. Capital stock paid in, Surplus-Fund, Circulating notes received from Comptroller, tt" 0.000 Less amount on hand, IS, 735, 1200.000 00 15,114 75 Leaving amount outstanding, Individual Deposits, Dividends unpaid, Construction account, Due to National Banks, " " State linnks. Statu Bank circulation outstanding Discount, Excbcnge aud luturust, Profit and Lost, 41.255 00 120.253 83 1.215 l4 10.305 bl 1H.075 00 1,705 73 104.735 50 13.170 OK lO.bll 70 f '305,834 47 Tulal, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, NotlTHl'lHBBItl.ANtl Co., StT. I.S.J. Pack Kit. Cashier of the 'First National Bank ofSuubory, Pa.," do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before ina, this sixth day of October, 15 P. M. SmNDKL, Assistant Assessor. Sunbury, Oct. 7th, lo05. GOODS SUITABLE FOK HOLIDAY 1M5ESEXTS. nENRV HARPER. S'iO I rets Nd-ffl, Ililu(lclphlii. WATCHES. liNEJEWELrcV, SOLID SILVER WAHE and Superior Sliver I1iii1 W111-0. October 7, lSi'5. 3m HATS! HATS!! A Ft LL ASSORTMENT Jcst opiskd by SAMUEL FAUBT, Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Storo, Market at. SUNBURY, PENN'A. c ALL and examine the lare;e assortment of the latest New ioik and Philadelphia styles of JH B Jra sXZ2 V "n"ai at the above establishment, which for beauty and du rability cannot be excelled. BViiis a practical Hat ter, be flutters himself that his stock Ins been select ed with more care than any ever before brought to this ptace. He also ulioufaetures to order all kinds of soft Fur Huts, all of which will be sold at wholesale and retail, nt reasonable rates. Dyeing done at short notice and at the lowest rates. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1B65 PENNSYLVANIA PAINT 13 COLOIl WORKS. Lier.RTr Wutrr. Lsad ! LiBEnTy WmT Lesio ! TItYlTl THY" IT! WutRANTio to cover mors surface, for sumo weight, than any other. Iiuy lbs best, it is tbe cheapest '. TKY IT ! TRY IT 1 Liberty Lead is whiter than any other. Liberty Lead covers better than any other. Liberty Lead wears longor than any other. Liberty Lead is more economical than any other. Liberty Lead is more free from impurities and is tv auba.stkii to uo more ana oeuer worn, ai a given cost than any other. Buy the HE ST it ii the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warrauted by ZIEOLEK k ft M IT'. I, Wholesale Drug, Taint, t Ulas Dealers, 137 .North Third Street, Philadelphia. Sunbury, October 7, lCi. 103. . IMiUmlelplsia V ICrle Itallroasl. Til IS great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city uf Erie ou Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and is operated by them, lime of Passenger trains at Sunbury, Leave basiward. Kri Mail Traiu, Erie Express Train, Elmira Express Train, Elmira Mais Train, Tyrone Acoouimodution, Leave Westward Erie Mail Train, Erie Express Train, El'.nira Express Train, Elmira Mail Tram, Tvronti AooammodatioD. S.40 p. m. 3.10 a m. 11 85 p m 10 45 am. 9.10 p. m. 3.55 a tn. 1.10 p m. 5.20 a in 4.25 p. u. Itl.lo a. in. I'Misouaor ears run inrouau on uts r.ni jtiau aim ExpreM Trains without chuiig both was between Philadelphia and Erie. Sew VorU Cvnnecllon. Leave New York at 7.00 p m, arrive at Krie 3.40 a. m. Leave Erie at 2 04 p id., arris at New York t i. noun. No change of ears between Eri and New York, elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night trains. For information respecting Passenger business apply at Cor. 80th. aud Market St., Philadelphia. And for Freight business of tbe Company's Agents, ' K. 11. Kingston, Jr., Cor. lath and Market St., Philadelphia. . j. w Wi 4. R Baltimer. T7 J?Ja. AT THIS EXCELSIOR SHOE STORE. WM. n. MILLER. HAS just arrived from New York and Philadel phia, with a choice stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. of the latest styles, and selected with great care, to suit all, and is determined to please all bis customers grfeat and small. If ynn want the latest styles, FANCY. PLAIN, AND DURA RLE, go to tho Kxoelsior Shoe Store, as no pnpor shoes are sold there, and its always cheaper to buy a good ariieli at the same price ttiKti It Is to buy a poor one, for lie has Men's Calf Stitched Boots. Fndgcd " -ii . Petted " trhd all kinds of heavy Boots. LADY'S FANCY AND PLAIN SHOES, high top ot the latest fashion. Children's Fancy and Plain high topped boots of every deseriplton. BOYS BOOTS of nil kinds and stvlo.s, which will be sold as low as can be had anywhere. Call and examine huj stuck of Boots and Shu bclore you buy elsewhere. No ehargo made for showing them. Will sell Wholesale A Retail, Romcuibcrthe place. Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. September 23, ISCi. GOLD. J- 18G5, 1SCG, 1807. -J SILVER. 1 to 75000 ! ! S2 ! S2M $2 ! ! ! T"WO DOLLARS. .tlunul'.KiiirerV Agoutis ! Our New Ho&e- Olio of our 4,jOI.! or Nll.Vl'.It 'utclaeN, or Xllvs-r 'IVn Scti lor tjii, sin b-loT Klntt-d. Oneofourtoa setts or ono piece of our Gold or Silverware is worth a bushel of tho choep dollar jewelry ! ! Wo havo adopted tbe f jllowlDg mode of D I S T K I B U"T I O N by sale of 75,000 articles of value ! Oar Sew SIoslo! The articles of gomls are numbered from 1 to 73. 000 ! 37 500 consisting of Pianos Melodcons. Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines. Tea A Table Setts. Solid Silver ten nul tuble Spoons and Fork'-; etc., etc., and the mher ;7.50O articles of value Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cnss, Photograph Albums. Openface Silver t ati he?, and funoy articles in great Variety. i.VOUU notijes numbered from 1 to 75,000 are iiriutod and l"'t ii.to henleil envelopes and well mixed aud oueof these is taken out and sent to the person sonumjr 10 us cents lo cover oxpen.te nl postage. eoi repr n 1;nco etc.. and the article of goods eorrespondine with the number oneliu notice will be sent to the holder nt tho same immediately (if he detircs to purchase the article) on the receipt of two dollars, tor lustancc ; 11 tbe number on the noli Bcut Tou should bo at'O, uud a piano or diainoiid rettur gold wutch should he numbered 500; it will be soul to you should be 500. and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 500. it will be sent to vou for 2. nnd so on for every articlo in our list ol f.i.000 articles. ajf'Afltr receiving the article, if ii docs not please you. you cuu return it, utid your money shall be re 'uuded. 25 cents must be sett to pay expense of postage, Correspondence etc., en one notice. Remember : that whatever, urtielo corresponds with the number on your notice, you cna have it by paying Two Dollars lor it, wnelbtir it be worth $lu0 or $SO0. And it is tor our iuterest to deal fairly, and send cut our lino articles, aa it gives confidence to the public, and thcic',y increases our sales. , TRY OUR m MODE ! ! Vpnn receipt of 2 cts., hwh pays for correaiwn deni'c, pontage etc.. wesemlime notice. Voti receipt of $1. r.liich pnya tr correspondence, rwxttijre, etc.. ne pvtid mi liuticoj. Lmq roceipt ui $j which r".Vi n,r currcsponilfnce, piMtHgf, Qtc.t we wtll send 40 iiuLict-s, ami u line pie eciit valued at nut let than $16, as a iumplv ol our lnou reooii't of nli ith ituv.-ifur i,rre,sii(iij'lt,i!',e. positive. Pto.. wu will fpii'l iKttk'W, ami a frtjlid l hilvr Watch, bv return mnil. i AUKsNTii WAMKU. iSi-nd fur a circular ! Agents Aliowea a .Lane a Curh Couiuiisoion I37 which thoy luako $25 Weekly. Addicts plainly Salesroom SI Liberty street Sept. M, 1505. ly KLtD A EKOTHnR, Lex Ji:. t New York City, N. V BUt. t:. E. I.I .tll.l.V. I PHYSICIAN AND BUilUi:ON KOETHUUBBHLAND, PA. j DTI. IXMI.FY hns opened an otTico in Northum berland, and ofli r hi services to the people of Unit pi.'ico and the adjo:r,ii.;; towi.sLips Office next u,ir ! to Mr. Scott's Shoe Su.re, where he can luunJ at nil hours. Nor'lceabcstacd August 10. 1S.C5. Gr. V. Fstirn. Chas. B. GIektii kp SMITE & G31TTEE?.. arkct street, one dwr eaet of Mrs. Boulton's Hole linve opened A NEW TIN -WARE, Nbeel Iron unci Stove Ktors-, and Intend keeping constantly on band, and manu facturing to order on shortest notice, IIX AND SHEET IUOX-WAHE of all descriptions. A Larc Stock cf Cook Stovcsuf the following Brands FE1T1TSYLT-17IA, UNION G00K, and on the following two Brands ne defy competi tion, numeiy I'osiibiiiiillnn dims Itiiruri, Cook, (.overnor IVnu-4'ool.. unsurpassed for beauty of Gnih, simplicity of ar ranguuieut, combining cheapness and durabUity, and each stove warrauted lo perioral what ihcy are re profited ALSO, PARLOR and OI FICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all the but manufactures, and molt fashionable designs Also, The celebrated HEM for heating "P and down stairs. Also the oclebrcted VVI.CAN HEATER. Coiil Oil, 4'oul Oil l.aniH, NIsadrK, CliiiiinlcH, nsid till ui-llt'IeM unusually kept In an establishment of this kind. We are also prepared to do nil kinds ol Spouliug, Kooting. ltauge aud Purnace Work, U:is Pitting, Ac. Repair ing cheaply aud neatly executed. Country produce taken iu exchange at market price. SMITH & GENTIIEIt, Have the Agency for BlUlJ S CELEBRATED EIRE PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Northumber land, Suyder, luiou and Montour. Ai d ur also agents for thu Pipher & Willnwer Lin of Transportation. Sun. urv, Sept. 30, ltiol. To all Lovers of CHEAP GOODS AND ADVOCATES OS" ECONOMY ! I O. BECK MERCHANT TAILOR, And Deuler In cloths; CASSIMEUES, VESTING, &u. t'uivn stlrcrl, stoiilla of Wf avrr's llolfl, S XJ N'U BRY.P -A.. INFORMS the eitiseus of Hunt.ury and vicinity, that he has just returned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of I'AI.I. A.I WISTKH WOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His stock consists of Cloths, French Cloths, Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimeres, Black Satin. Figured Silks, Plain and Fancy Caasimer YtSTlNliB, which he will make up to order iu styles to suit the taste ot customers, on short notice, and th most reasonable terms. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice. Goods furnished by customers will be mad op to order as beretutor As he will employ none but etpericneed workmen, 1 Jyif iay rl J oo gelling their work well don 4i .fa Ik SsUks" Kxninlnnltost of Trnohor. The publio examinations of Teachers for the Com. mon Schools of Northumberland county will be bold in the following order ; Chllisuooue, Sodom School House, Monday, Oct. V. Turbut, Church Lane Sohnol House, Tuesday, Oct 10. Delaware and McEwcnsville, Sinking Spiiugs, Wed nesday, Out. II. Lewis and Turbutville, Turbutvllle School Houao, . Thurodav, Oct. 12 Point, School House, No. J, Saturday. Oct. 14. Lowor Augusta, Zion Church School House., Wed nesday, Oct. 18. Snartiok'in, Elysburg School House, Thursday, Cot 19. IWh and Gearhart, Kushtuwn School houso, Friday . Oct. 20. Upper Ango'ta, Reed'a School Houso, Saturday, Cot. Si. . The e'a!hintions will commence,' respectively, nt flo'cloctti A. M. Applicants not J rent at the com tnenoement will not be admitted into the class. No persons except actual applicants lor schools of the respective distriot will be examined. JACOB ULP, Co. Supt. Northumberland, Soft. 22, 1SH5 '61 i,.iiii:m im.cv flkni AT JOHN FAKTUIU'S Old Uitnblishod Fur Manufactory, No. 718 Arch street aUve 7ib l'UILAD'A .3-4 FANCY FURS, . JrZ&l&i fr IiS'lios' nud Child-! '"-rSnK -" ' reu s Wear, Iu the City I Also a fins osrortuiciit of Gent's Fur tilovus and Col lars. I am enabled to dispose of my gnids at very rea sonnble prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my fiiends of Northumberland County, aud vi cinity Remember the Name, Number and street ! JOHN FARE1RA, 713 Aruli St., above 7th. south side, PHILADELPHIA. I have no Partner, nor connection with any other in Philadelphia. Kept. 23. 1bo5 4u:ir ORGAN S . Cottag.0 Orgaa. AKK not only uncqiinlkil. but tbey nre ahsolutely unefittillcti. by ny other llccd Instrnment in the country. Dcsiirned cxprely fr Cliurehe? and choul5. they are 1'uund to lu euitlly well sdnptud to the parlor and drnwiui; room. For .-jiT" mlv by Xo. IS Xnrth Pcvenih ptrect, PbiliilcJphii. 7" Also Iirutlbury'c ri.nt. nnd a complole Rf itTtinent of the Pci feet MKi.U !itJN. Sept. 2.". IS-,. lyw PUMPS! PUMPS!! The subscriber having purchased the right of NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, lor putting in ill i s :ics i n isu vi:m i:r om IlonKn Wems and Watkii FurNTN, will furnish them to all persons in tho county who may desire thesochenp and convenient puniy s. They can be sunk to a psoper depth in twohotirs time, cost but uno third tho price of nn ordinary pump, and for chenpnes nnd Convenience cannot be equalled. 8. T.. BOYEH. A. F. CLAPP. .Sunbury. .September II, Wb. "NEWESTAPIJSHMENT! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker Iu Simpson's Puildii :g. Market Siiuure, S-J1TBTJP.T. PSITIT'A- HAS constantly en hand a fine assortment of' WATCHES." CLOCKS aud JEWELRY. Snec- ! tuclc.-, .Silver and Plated Spoons ami Forks, Ac. tValchs'N, t'lo l uud Jrnelry, re. uir-I unl V AUSt a.VI'CB?'. Suid ury. Sept. SO, l!-'ji. JEI.EIIIAH ESYBSS. Vtloi-iicy A; im, llor u( I.iim. Ofiice cornfV of Blackberry si I Fawu Street, tin ee d.iors ouit of E. Y. Bright a Foundry, Will attend promptly to nil professional business entrusted to Li1 care, Ih.e e.oMeotiou ot'claims in Nor thuuiberiiuij and the a ljoiui:,g counties. I onsultations in iroriioin and l'.i:gnu. Sunbury. April 2'-'. lfi.V '.y VTOTICE is her. by given, that the bonks of the late linn of l'riliug A Grant have been left with us lor settlement and collection. All persons know ing themselves iudebted to said firm, will save costs bv eulliULf at our ofiice and makinc settlement. After the 26ih day tf October next, suits will bs brought for thu sollcelion il all claims unsettled. ZEIliLEK 4 K.A5E, Attorneys at Luw. .Sunbury, September Ii5, 15ji. Triri'r;Ti "WTT Tf T1 b-iw.W w Jib sLu-k- I)KHSONS having unrecorded Dee la arc reminded that thev must bi recorded, according to tho Act of AssemVdy whi.'h requires that "All deeds and conveyances for real estate in this Commonwealth, shall bo recorded iu tho oriio for Recording Deeds in tho County v.hero the lands lie within .v.r months after the execution of sucli dccdi and conveyance ; and every suctioned and convey, an.'o not re-orded es aforesaid, shall be judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against uny subsequent purchaser for a valuable consideration, unlets such dc-ds bo ecorded before the recording of the deed or conveyauco under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgage shall cluim.' Augmt art, lSii.V PIIOTOGPAPli GALLERY. in Simpson's Buildings, MARKET SQUARE, Sunbury, Pa., J, II. EKKItl.'.i', I'roprlttoi-. Sunbury, Jhily IS. ISrtS. BEEF ! BEEF ! ! THE undersigned respectfully Inform the citisens uf .Sunbury and vicinity, that ou Monday nent they will romiuenee supplying the community with first quality ol BEEF, at prices ranging from 14 lo XOcts. llavinv exuorienco in the business, and made ar rangements for a supply of number oue cattle, they i will always keep on baud tlrst quality of beef at the lowest market prices. MLTLER A ELLIOTT. Sunbury, Sept. 9, lSui. Wanted immediately 50 or 100 men to work on Railroad coutract, to whom f I 75 per day will b iiald. Apply lo J AS. M ALONE A SON, Ceniral Hotel, Suubury, Pa. Sept. 0, ISM. ftTIt IV ('(). CAME to the subscriber on or about the 2rtth oe August last, a Stray Cow. about six years old, has white shoulders, red over the back, white biud legs, bas a small bell on. The owuer or owners are requested to come forwurd, prove property, psy charges and take he.r away, otherwise she will be disposed of according '". uaKS B B0VEK( Cameron twp., Sept. Id, Istli. Sui ' Asislitor'ss ."ollvs-. THE undersigned auditor having been appointed h Ik (Indians' Court of Northumberland county. an auditor to distribute the bulluuce iu the hands of Elisabeth M. Cleaver, Admiuslratrix ol tno e.uue ol kimber Cleaver, deceased, will nieel all parlies ititoreated for this iurHisi, ut the office of Ziugler & k'u in ihe borouvh of Suubury, on Monday the 2:d day of October, A. D. Itxb.at 11 o'clock A. M , ol said uav. Ihe .Mnxort &. Ilumllss 4'ublutt OrciillH, forty diOerent styles, ailpted to snored and secular musie. for ) to WI1 useB. TlilU'l Y t'lVfc UOl.l) or HLVhll -MKliAJf.s, ot oibcr tirst premiums awarded tbeui. 1 KU-imtod (dialogue A-Uliws. MASON A , flOSToM, wr IdON BKOTI1KHS, Kewf or a. ti m&$& I have now in store of W1I0LKSALE DEALERS, ly hk"lv-y ... mynwn Importation 4 No. 4.-il Market Street, north side. PHrADl.LPlll A, 1 1 f)'if4i?Y?i Muiiul'acture, one of the Have now open their uual hundsouie variety uf Ell I WmViyZi H"h'Sa niosl Ribbons ll..nnt Materials, fPj-iJiJiV'iiBEALllFLLsclectioiis Straws A Fanev BonneU. sa ..v-t. i TAILORING. J. F. SCHAFFER, RESPtCTFT'LLY Informs tha eltflens of Bt3' BUKY and vieinity, that be has opened a . Tnllorinxf Klion, In the room nvor Farnswnrth's Grocery, opposite th Cental Hotel, Srtnnury, where be is ready to moke up garments of all kinds la tho latest style and best workmanlike manner. Having bed experience in the business lir a'num ber of years be hopes lo render general siiti: faction Custom work is respectfully solicited. J. F. S.IIAFFEU. Sunbury, May 13, 183S. ly rVollcc to Ti-'s;iifri. NOTICE is hereby given, that no person will be allowed to trespass on my property, or tho bhamokin Island, or to enter into any enclosure without permission, as the penalties of tbe law Will be enforced against all offenders. :0 REWARD, will be paid for information that will lead to Uie conviction of any such trespasser. . JOSEPH BIRD. Shamokia Island, May 13, 1805. 0m KILLINERY GOODS. II It O O K 8 & U ) 3 IC N H E I M , FLOWER.'), RUC1TEH, LACES, an 1 all other srti.ilej roo-ilrod by the .Tliiilufry 'I'i-siOi' ! Ey Ions eJ.poriiT.eo and strict attention Jo this branch of business exclusively, wo llalter ourselves Hint no can oiler Inducements, in Miriety, styles, quality and modornto prices not everywhere lo l,e toiind. The attention of. MILLINERS aud MER CHANTS is respectfully solicited. C -if 'Particular attention paid to filling Orim. March i, lS3a. ,"in. Llovd T. r.oBttiiAcn. H0CSEFELLER si;.iu kv, is;.4. yTFICn the same that has been heretofore oc I J pied by Wm. M. lto:ltefe!ler. Iq., nearly posite the residenco of Judfro Jordan. Suubury, July, M5. ly op- j. isoi9i:s stovi:if.. Enamelled Slate Mantel "WARE.ROOM, 3. CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA Manufactory Tenth ur.d Samson Streets. Table-Tops, JMcr-SIaba, Erackets, Waah Stari'd Topa, 4c, &u. PUilade'.phin, Jan 7, lSf.5. If ICoadiii Ititsli-ons!. BTJMMER ARUAKQJSMENT. July 20th. 1S05. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read inr, Pottsvillo, Lebnuoii. Allentuwn, Lit"! on, Ac. Trains leave Hurrishurg for New-York, as fol lows : 3.W. 7 lo and K lo A. M. and 1.44 P. M , ar riving at Now Y'ork at 19 A. M. uud 3.00 and 10.30 P. M. The a'jove corr.?ct with sin:i!ur trains on the Penn sylvania railroad, and bleeping Curs uccouipuuy tiie first two trains, without chano. Leave for Reading, Pu!tvillo. Tamnqua, Minors viile. Allcnlowii and Philadelphia at lo A. M. and 1.16 P. M., stoppiug at Lebanon and principal sta tion, only. Way trains, slopping nt all points, at 7.23 A. M. and 4.40 P. M. Returning, leave New Y'ork at 9.00 A.M.. 12 conn, nnd S.t'i) P. M . , : Philadelphia at H A. M. and If..')!) P. M ; VotLsiiUe al ti.15 A. M. and 2.'I5 P. M. ; Aahland at 6 1,1 A. M. and 12 00 noon, Tamaqua .t.lo A. M. and IMo P. M.. and Reading lit 1 U0, 7.3i and I0.4.i A. Al.. 1 . and ti.ui P. M. Reading Accommodation Train lcaies Rending at i t"i A. M. returning fioiu Philadelphia at o.OU P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at 6 00 nnd id. oo A. M. and tUo P, M. for Epbruta, Litis. Columbia. Ac. On Sundavs: Leave New York at S P. M., Phila delphia :t.l j' P M. Poltsville 7.30 A. M., Tatuaqua 7 A M. HurrUburg B.lo A M and Reuding at 1 A. M. lor llnrrishurj. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets, nt reduced rates to and from all pointa. btl Pounds Baggage allowed each i'anwuger. (. A. NICU1.1.S. General Superintvudeut' July 1J, HO.i. C. IV. zif.c-.i.i:ii. I.. It. CA.L SIEGLS?. & CASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SUNBURY", PENNSYLVANIA. Collections nnd all Professional business promptly attended to in tho Court, of Northumberland and udjoiuing Counties. 0-Also. special nltentinn paid to Ihe Col!clion of Pensions, Bounties aud Bu.'k Pay for Widows Orphans and Soldiers Sunbury, March li. IM!- NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. J. It. I'.ItSKlNi:. would respectfully in form the citisens of SI Z BUR Y . ami the public generally, tbatlie has opened a new, PHOTOGRAPH OALLE3Y. Iu Simpson's Building. Souih siiie of Market Square, where lie is prepared in take in tbe besi style uf tiie art PICTURES T FRAME. PICTURES IN CASEs:. CARD PHOTOliltAPliS. Also pictures made for Rings, lireastiins. Locket. Ao. Persons wishing in our lino will do well to call and examine specimens at the Gallery. We ho, to merit a liberul share of pMblic paron SgO. tltlt.lll'TlOIsM l-HISB. runnury. juiy u. ioo. i KING'S i4s: r.m.s: i.i:h a ii: Is the only prepartiun of the kind made Prom th fruit. As an article of economy, purity, aud deli eioiirtie.su, it cannot bo surpassed, and is recommend ed by physicians fur invalids aiidfmnily uss'. It will keep fur years in any climate, while "its condensed loriu render, it especially convenient for travelers. All whuuse lemonsaro reuuesteo v itive il a u-iai. EutertuiumciiU ut homo, parties, and picnic should not be without u. ror onle bj lr ile by ail liui;siis aaj tirrfllasy Grocers. Mauufticluied utilv bv LOUIS J. MLT.UER. No. 510 Pearl S;ruet, NewYork. Sept. 10, 1S5. ly . WATCHES AND JEWELRY. rVWE undersigned hifurms the cititens of Snnbury X, nnd vicinity that he buy at the soli.-italioa ol a number of his friends, eommenced th business of repairing Watches, Clocks aud Jewelry, lis ean be ioundat all times iu bis shop, iu Moiket street, on dour west of the Hed Lion Hotel. He also keeps iur sule CliMtks and Watches Ilia work will be pr imptly aiteuded lo aud war rauted lo aive satu.rctioa. - . ' J. MENSCII. EunburrrJuly I, 1H36. ii.HU llkp kmi Singer A Co. Wewill pay a uionlbly salary aud sipeuwis. fommi-ion m aalaa. For puoU, W-J 4 ests!logue, territory. A.. ulo a suuu.p and address PAUsi WHl Mi.ft-,J, sol Aaeuislur luiiKl !lUS, til feumuitt street, Toledo, Ohio. .'.ugust 110, latj. Jm . lroi-iSlosia ireMly sosEpounaM M u i mi M .yy' nnnoth Istor of - t-F-i? 'ti.s-.H y vi i uni MFifiHnvFR;i asa mar ii EA ' August d10lJ Tier IIlOUllll ffllUV .' I'ai'kofNwthumberland,'' luoatedintlii V-fjVV SJW Mvsuvus H'''" nfs . Huribumborlaad outy. has yi HE UTS Bunted tn every County and blat. to t ...... k:. .n . , T I sell ih BAUTUCTT bawisia Msciukk. price . f,j Ao. hM. bau aouulied with by 1 - - - . - . . . mtLi IKI., 11(1 , . 11.WUW W N.U. - - f..u. ii....,! ..n.iuv 1.1,1.1,11 nt linwe. vi neeier I n..... i ii.., n L.. v... n NEW SKIRT FOR 18054G.' Tn GREAT ISVKNTIOS or THB a4 HOOP BKIRTB. "j J yr. Bn.ADLKV'8 New Patent DOFttit Ei TIC (or double) SPUING SKIRT. This Invention consists of Tuples, (or two) Ture Heflued Steel Springs, ingeriiotMly b tightly and firmly toirothur, edge lo edge, rx the toughest, most flevil le, elnstie and (Strnl'ln ') ever used. 'J'hey seldom bund or break, ltlf Single Springs, and eonscquentlr presents thoi Iceland beautiful shape more than twice as lc any single spring skirt that ever hes OT ean be 11 The wonderful flexibility and gre-rt contl'ort' pleasure to any I.ady wearing the Ioplr t'li ekirtwill be cxpofierced particularly in alleros Assemblies, Operas. Carriages Knilrmid Cars, Ch Pews, Arm Cbuirs, for Promenade ami House I es the Skirt can be folded when In tn 0V smull place as easily and convcnieutly as a ' .li Muslin Dress. A Lady having enjoyed the plossnrt;, eotnfort great convenience ot wearing the UlipleT Kill Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will ' never af v. ards willingly dispense wiih tneir nse. l'or C dren, Mistesand Young Ladies they arasuperV. all others. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply diflble twit thread and will wear twice as lonir ns'Hesinele t I coveritig which is used in all single Steel HoopS'K i 1 he three bottom roils en every Skirt are dot sieei. nna mice or (tou'jlo coverc.t to prevent covering from wearing off the rods when drapi down stairs, stone steps, Ao., Ac, which they constantly suljoct to when in use. All are tnc le of the new and elegant eorded Ta; nd are tho btst quality in eveiy part, giving to' wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possil. and aro nnqucstiouably the lightest, most ricsirat comfortable and oconotnical tsk irt ever made. Wests1 liradley A Cury. Proprietors of the laTi lion, and s le Manufeeturr.rs, 07 Chambers,- and i bl Iteade strartf.Vvew-Vork. For sale in all first-class stores In this city, a thrcughoiit the United Slates nnd Canaia, Have Ue Cuba, .Mexico, "SoUili America, and the West J uics. t' Iuquire f"jf tL Duplex Elliptic (or doub Spring Skirt. A. 4 C. August 10, H05 ?:n i I'.Nlatcoi Oiintcl Zi'i-bo, .(r slcc'i ! "VTOTICK is hereby given, that letters of admin I jA tration having been granted to the undersign, I im the estate of Daniel Zerhe, jr., lata of Lower Ms j nnoy township, Xorthiimberland county, Pa , deo' I All persons iudebted nre reo,uestcd to make immed i ate pavment. and thoaohavire!aim to present the j for settlement. JOHN KKUL'li, Adm'r Lower Mabonoy, Anj. Sd. In05. Ct ; fTlHK undorflgped will pay a Reward of Five Ilul JL dred Dollnrs. Tor the discovery and convictio of the person or persons, who set firo to, and destro) d the Coal Ilrnkcr at Trevprtro, about 1 o'clock o Thursday morning. August 21lh. M0.VT0S A CO., JTrevorton, Sept. 2. 14c5. FIRST NATIONAL BANK O? SUWBC1U (LATE BANK OF NORTHUMBERLAND.) TnnAsrny Depaiitkrnt, Orrica or Compi roi.i.er or the Ccnrpvcir, " W'ashimcton, Juno 7tb, lb65. Vi'nErr-As.by saliffrxtory evidence presented h tbeundersigncd.it has been made to appear that 'Tho First National Bnnlt of Sanbtiry." in the bo rough of Sunbur". In ihe count of Northumberland and fetntf! tif Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under nnd according .to the requirements cf the Aot ol Congress, entitled "An Act to j.rovide a NMiona Currency. scoured by a pledged United States Bonds, nnd to provide for the eirculnlion and redemption thereof,'' approved June lid, 18W. and has ootndicd with all the provisions of said Act, required to be complied with before commencing ihe buiiness ol Baukirg under said Act '. Now. therefore I. FkkKmAT Ct.AtiKE. Comptroller of tho Currency, do hereby certify that. ' The First i National Bunk of Siinbtifv." in the borough of Sun i bury, in tho County of NoTihmnberlund. and Slate ot L'ennsylvania. ts authorised to commence loo busi ness of Blinking uuderthe Aocaforcsiiiu. In testiuiony whereof, witness my band a'lj seal j of office, this seventh day cf June, 1S.J5. Seal of the of the Currency. TREEMAN CLARKE, Comptroller of the Currency. ' aug. 19, 05, GOV EEH ME NT MULES- AT AtCIIOS IV I II I L A D E L r It I A, At 4'iip3?u J3uzenr, .o. 1190 Itacc ilrooli lOO XJ3LES Will tie sold on WEDNESDAY", SEPTEMBER 20th, and every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY there after until further notice, commcuciujat 10 o'clock, A. M. These Mules arc near'y nil Cist class and in good condition, being sold only (or want of use, Every fuctiity will be allorJed for un examination on the part of buyers. Ttrir.s Cash in (ioverr.ro er ; Funds. ALBERT S. ASIIMEAD. Copt oiid AsaUtaut Quuxtcrmuster. Sept. 2. 1S6j 4". A? B AN Ft:i:uAKK.iii.r ccres R II E T M ATISMi In!l H Various I'orms Aouto orlnflaiumatory ; Cl.ron;c, Lumbago, Sciati ca, l'leiiriHlync, &o. Stiffness of the Julnt ftinl Cruoipi Goot, Neuralgia tiui. ii 1 1 Nerv-uus AiTuct'oD Kryspelns, bait Kbeum hnJ Cv:ri.fulouii Kruptione of the body NeutrHliiet Ibe Itiipuriiicfi of the IJ-wxi und FluuU of tho whulo svstem, uud ctiunliice their circulation ; and effectu all o jui.toi -I'.Un .Mercurial ai.d utlicr poLscuoiu ititiu- It is k eonvMilwMitiy rrangcil I?cH, oon taiuing a Mcdicuud Compound, to be worn nrouuj tho v, ku. the vraist, Equally litfuctinjcal Fart, wherever th disease nwf bo. It cuu be worn without injury to th uuvtt delicate pern, and nd chuuo in the proper habitfoi' living ii required. It u tiruly remove tho disehaa troni th system, wilbuut the uao of powerful internal Qtedt- A fin w hich weaked the comttltrltiou and H give temporary relief only by atupifyinj; tho ayatf m, and deadening in vitality- By thia r. treatment, tho medicinal pmperitHt eontftiu- Jv w ed in the H..M, being of a highly aroiuatto M and T'llatile nnture, uud eiipublo of being readily obsorbed. through tha porea of tho 8kin, come ihlo direct uoutart with tbe Blood -( and gent-rut circulation, without tirst having to pi1- through the etotnivch, which would i-J teud not only to detract fiotn their curative y powen, tut to impnir the ineruul organs and derange the di'slton tiUo. ihud avoiding (be M injurious eftects.fm often there.-ultof intLinal reinediue, trnd eQeeliug 0 perlfit cure by pu- rilymg ud equuliziui; the circulation of the - Tital tlr.sd and reatoriug the parti, alloc ted to y j ; 2i , , H heul'jy condition. This Baud U also moat powertul "Anti-Mercurial Aent" Calomel bein the primary cauo of a largo part of the .Stirtinrrt, Neurnlgio Putlit and K lieu ma tic. o prevalent and will entirely reliure the avtein from ili prrnictoua eOeot re Uioviiig all blotehe uud pitnptea troin the body aud beautify iujj thu complexion. Moderate eases are cured In a Tew days, and w are constantly receiving undoubted testimonials to which 11 invite ltisieuiiun at our office of their effl uooy in nsravtted esses nflouir slundine. PRICK FIVE IiUI.LAKd. .Moy be had of Drug- gists, or will be suut bv mail upon roceipt of tb 2i, i or by express everywhere, with alt uooessary tststruo' 1 tious froui tb nriuciDal otbco of I C.KO. L. EROWSIKO, ' Sol Proprietor and Manufacturer, of the CelebrateJ lKOWISlNU M .MELS10R I.OITSB, No. IS and 2H Market street. Camden. K, J i (.if 1 teslise, with certified testimonials, sent fre. , a sr'Adiiited to Soldiers. I bept. 2, lhui.-orn j ii .nii or oit riii Miur.itL,i. . "1 tTUKKEAS the Audiu General as required by V the Utb Section ol lb Aot, utitlod Ao Aot j ensbliug the Hanks of this Commonwealth to become I Absolutions tor the narmse of bankiug under tha laws of the l ulled Slatoi." pssSed on lb 32d day of A 1. IMil, has eerliBew t n teat law i Boron en furakbssi uirausenlS Ui said purpose ol iaukin ander th tins of la tuiled butisi I do tbsn&w, aus th Hollo thereof to b web, lished la aooordsoe with tb provisions of the 8-.t 1 llh saelioa of tbe said Aot, and do deolar teat tbf Cbru r oi lb said Bank by the terms of Sa d Aot ' deemed and Ukru to b kvrsupou surrvndti-w jnH Is U prortioua of ih tknsi ieation nr i4 A -.a I Z ?