Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 07, 1865, Image 2

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    gljc gun bur. & merit an
H. B. MASHER, EdUCf Piorr.etor.
E. WILVEBT, Publisher.
BATUKDAY, OUTOmK 7, 1883. ;
UV-V " L" " " -' ' : 1 -'- -
Of Montgomery CoBD.y.
Of Cambria County.
Gen. C. O McCORMICK, f Milton.
Treasurer;- ' 1 "
JOHN B. LEMKER, of Eunburjr.
District Attorney, .
A. J. aUF JTY, of. McEwenaWlle.
ISAAC MABTZ. of Lower August.
.!' Wm. KUTZNER, of Bhamokin.
, Surveyor,
BOCXEFELLB-R, of Bunbury.
Auditor, .
Wm. H- MUESCH, of fihamo'-tln twp ,
' EITMudge Blacl., C. L. Ward, uud "Tn.
Witte, made speeches to the Democracy at
"Willianisport, during tlio Fair, on Tuesday
evening the 28th inst. "We lutcned to the
Judge about thirty minutes to hear .hat
one vi ho, as the legal advisor of Mr. Bu
chanan, could say that would exculpate Mr.
Bucbanan'a administration from the charge
of playing iuto the bunds of the leaden of
the rebellion. . The Judge said nothing
about his mischievous opinion, declaring
that coercive measures, could not be used by
the government to prevent a Stat seceding,
or in other w ords, that the docUinc of se
cession was constitutional. . As a good taw.
yer the Judge makes a good argument, pro
ided he is permitted to make his own facts,
as he did at. Williainsport. lie assumed the
fact that Thaddeus Stevens was the
Republican partv, and that hi9 views as
promulgated in Lis Lancaster tpctfb, were
necessarily the views of the party. And as
Thaddeus was in favor of taking nearly all
the properly of the rebels, amounting to
8,000 millions, to pay our national debt, that
the I.cpublicuu party was also in favor of
this wholesale confiscation. He did not re
fer to tins fact, that since the capture of Jeff.
Davis, the copperheads who followed hU
lead, were in a bad fix, us regards principles
and that they were necessarily compelled to
confine themselves to one single issue, uuuie
ly negro suffrage, and that the democracy
iu some of the States, even favored that
After the Wirz trial is ntUi the
Government will investigate the honors of
Salisbury and other prisous of the South. .'
This trial is expected to list tor two or
three wk,.tlM defendant's counsel having
a large number of witnesses (uuiong whoui
are not Generals Lee. Johnson, aud Colonel
"...! .1 . i 1 . . .(
umuj, viuieu ne desire to Le aimucd.
Mr. Uakcr will endeavor to prove that Wirz
was absent from the prison, when many of
the alleged atrocities wsro co-j-.nilted,"and
and that when be it as there, be never mal
treated any one, ucr acted wilfully or mali J2f"PNsioNs. The Commissioner of
Pensions ha3 decided that soldiers and sai
lors applying for pensions need not cnd
their UUcLiui'go papers with their applies
tion unless specially directed so to do.
tST'We stated lust week, that State Fairs,
except at ths large cU'ws, were "played out'1
as exhibitions. This was evident at William
sport, where tho display of cattle would
hardly stock a farm yard. Mr. Ellis of j
Lycoming exhibited a lot of Cue sheep. TTe
observed also, a lot vi fine apples. The ob
ject of the Fair 6eeuied to be, to get togeth
er a large number of people and make as
much out of them as possible.
tSTIf w k Fall sow we .vill JCevt.ii
Risk Aoain. This, a friend informs us,
Va Mr. Tlmrp's emphatic appeal In a speech
to old democrats iu Jackson township.
The leaders see "the writing on the wall."
TnB New Ten Cest ,Nor;;s.--Tb new
ten cent fractional currency is cireu-latiug.
Thu piccta are a little larger than thu old
tens, aod shorter than the twenty-five cent
tlips. "L'pou the face is a mcdulliou head of
Wailiiuaton, with a factory tl.iumey uud a
lbip"s rigjjing on either side, und a figure
10. iu a gilt, iu four places; the back is of a
rod color-,-and the figure 1U in Ursagi!t.
They are printed ou bunk hole pupei , tmd
promise to bu injre durable thuu the pae
sent currenev.
Kx ItemcL Oi tioLtia in New Yoitic.-It
is slated that many olficers of the late rebel
army have settled in New York. An aid to
Gen. Pembcrton has opened a IroACi's of
fice j a captain who served to under General
Kwell is a clerk in a counting. room ; o:ie of
.Gen. lice's stain about to open a public
.house, and one of Gen. Magiuder's adjutants
is ujeueu a wnoi-.-saiu pro. tuce sture. tien.
Mansfield Lovell is about to open a l.nv
Tnoors to tts Estimlv.. Witawiawn.
t-KO.u thb South. It is iincl. ratoo.l that it
U contemplated by the I'ri.ieut to tnlirely
nii(idraw tlio troops fruui the South, iu a
hort tiaie, leaving the Stutes lately in' re-
'jelliun to rjorgauie ou the buia of civil.
overument, precisely as they btooI before
he late war, with tlm expepl'ioir of slavery.
I'his policy u said to have aii-ieti. tliiough
be good seuso of the leading. Southeri uicu
heniselvr. in accepting the present poi
Jon of ajjairs, as disclosed in the interview
Mtweea President Johnson and a Consider
blo deputation of their leadieg men,.tti the
Vhito House, the other-Uav. Ji York
Lruld. .
iAlLiio.vD. A. 8. Lljford ha been elected
resident of the Richmond awt Danville'
Va.) railroad, over Geo.'Joseph E. JoImimid,
J a majority of 031 of the stockholders'
ots. His sV.ary i ft, SCO. It was prema
urely announced a few day ago that Gen.
. had betu elected. lie would,- ft 1 al
ged, have been chosen by b decided mt
irity but for the fear that it might set be
crptttHv to tbt 6ovcrnmat.
tTiul. f thU head our neighbor of the Dem
ocrat, In his last Hi'tfe, column of cuts
or illustrations cmblamatic of tlie party in
which he belongs. A Knight of the '"Gol
den Circlo," who line been pardoned by tho
President, has furnished tis with-a correct
and true description of these emblems, which
differs materially from that of our neighbor,
and is follows :
This axe wih tdo iu ' thglatij for. Jeff
Davis to sever or cut loose the Kobe! wales,
from tho north. Yb n it required sharpen.
inii. Copperheads usually turn the griud"
stone. ' .' ' - - ' " '
This is the plow with which the rebel lea
ders threatened to plow tip tho .heels of
New York, Philadelphia and Hoktoir and
sow thcui with grain.
This represents a specimen sheaf of the
wheat which was to be rawed in the streets
of New York, and wl.ieh Fernando Wood
and his follower were to cultivate and har
vest. ' ' " ' ' ;t"
; ' thi-UAT. : ',;,
Ttiii (s'the rat that was caught nibling at
thu seed-wheat, which lien. -Wood, M. C
from New York, had in charge, to sew in
.lie Bt rests of Kc York, "When plowed up
by the rebels. s
This is the mortar, iu which hucIi Doctors
as Va'landighnm and . others, mixcdi r.p
strong dostf, to brace the nerves of sueli
Cops r.s liigltr and otheis, when "weak in
the knees."
This represents the scrutinizing cj'e t licit
dUcnvered. tho-conspiracy of the "Kuights
of the Golden Circle, in Illinois.
Tiii3 is the hat cast usidu by Jeff Davis,
and this tie bonnet he woro when heat
tempted to escape in the attirc of a wonibn,
from Col. Pritehiu.l.
Th'w is the njipenrauce of JciY Davi w.hcn
arrested, dressed in the garments of a wo
man, except the boots, which Sir. Purdy now
attempts to coucc-al Tith a long dress. Cau
Mr. Purdy, after this, insist that Jli never
was in petticoats T
' A PIG.
This is the veritable pig that vim ordered
to ''Root, bog, or die," aud proved terribly
destructive to -copperheads.
This was iiteu'ded to re.Jiesei t tl.e Cops
as-a peace party. Also their etVorts to pull
the "wool" over the eyes of many honest,
but deluded democrats. Mr. Purdy' at
tempt to lionise the sheep wont do.
This Press . was originally designed to
stamp- Cuppcrheall badges, wlifclr the Cops,,
at the gi eat Woodward meeting ut this place,
declared to bo equally as good as "green
These are the epectnetes which James Bu,
chanan used in readiug the Constitution
wheu he declared in his message
I lint the
power to make war against a State is rtt va
riance with the whole spirii of the CyasiLtu-
tion, and that the L nion cuutu uot "be pre
served by''
This- is supposed to represent lb tomb-of
Lincoln, whose death was prophesied by the
Hon. Benj. Allen, of New York, when- be
asserted, that "the people will soon rise, aud
if they cannot put Lincoln out of power by
tl ImUot, they will by the bullet." .
This represents Hercules, (Lincoln,) on
horseback fighting the Copperheads under
his feet. Mr. Purdy, bim'-elf, thinks he is
' bound to triumph" wbk'u he certaiuly did.
l12.110l'KATIl' lJtVH I'OIt M1
- mr-iis.
The following table embraces all the de
cidedly democratic Counties in th-ia State.
The first column refer to the Counties; the
second to the tbiustcttr cf the t.'ounty
tickets nominated :
t'ounlifj. Cbaraoter&i Cuiinlj TicV-;t
Adams, Nut a soldier on the ticket.
bed lord, , do.
Beiks. Only one soldier offered as a caiiidate
iu County Cuiiveatiun, and ho tis de
feated. Cambriay
Not a boldier on the tiket,
Carbon, 11
Centre, "
Clarion, "
Clearfield, "
Cumbtrlasid, "
Favette, '
Lehigh, . ,. ; "
Luzerne,. "
Lycoming, '
Monroe. i.
Motiig,aiery, . "
Koi'thamploii, "
Northumberland, "
Vt'avi-c," "
Thtiie counlies all gave luajotitiu tjr
McClelluu last er, uud expect to elect thu
democratic tickets this year; yet in all these,
not a di-ng'.e soldier bus' been" nominated by
that party. It is only in counties where
they have no power to elect that they nom
inate soldiers.
Ou the contrary, in thu Po-ptiblicnn emp
ties, a fair uliure of the nominations has
been awarded to the soldieis, ami in some
counties, such as Huntington aud Somerset,
where a luiminutiou is mind to un clcctinti,
every nomination ha beeu givm to soldiers.
There is not a Republican county ticket iu
thu State that has not several soldiers ou it.
L When Pennsylvania wanted niuui.y tode-
r..j uer war expenses, und when tie etrug
ple looked the most uncertain for the earn
of-tlo -Union, Jacob ,M. t ampbtif was
amoen the very first, if not actually the first
man iu the C'Duiuionwtalth. to tinder the
Use ot hu fortune, as well . as bis iiiV, ia the
'M'ee4jf the country, ,y subscribion f M,
0U0 to tbo w r Joan of tl. i;.t- 'i i.i-
tlcmaiLW now iho cimdidato for Purveyor-
. Cov. Kurphy, of Arksasas, hn directed
an election for members of Coutrvs oo th
lib of October; " ' '
It ij stated thu fn Gen. Grsmta re urn to
sUimtjU.a A large number of tiejicral olii
cers of volunteers will U mustered out of
Clov. nramlette, of Ky., bus been indicted
l!f . er"!d Jor" Fayette county, in tlutt
Btato for Joterferlog in the Into cUetio
trjfrs, -
Henry Gtirvmll, Esq., has received alet-
tert which Mr. Hull wrote' to i npiain
Chapel to he forwarded to Mr. Orrrmell,
from widen we re Jiermiuea wi tai; i
tlm following : I , i : ! ,A
WlSTKH QUAfc'l KH, in Ioo, Dclp. 10,. 1804,
Lat. 04.40 N., Ian. 87.20 W.
Deah Fnitsu CnAPM.: In this letter I
have some deeply interesting rntelligence to
c ovum imio ate to you. Since falling in wi'.h
the;uativei, 1 htive not been idle. ( Notliing
In Prim's rtavriitive of secrind vovituo for
the discovery of the Northwest passage re
lating to the Esquimaux of Winter island
aqd Igloolik, but these natives are perfectly
posted up. Indeed, I find through my
superior, interpreter, Too-kooli-too, that
miwy deeply interesting incident occurred
at both named places that never found their
place in Parry or Lyon's works. But the
great wnrk already done by me is paining
little by little of these natives through Too
kcni li-too mul E-bier-bind reltllinff to Sir
John Frankliil's .expedition. TliU, you
know, wns the great object of my mission to
tho North. 1 cannot stop to tell you now
nil I have gained of this people-no, not
the one hundredth part most oi u relating
to Flankl'ins expedition.
(Tho natives lire now londiug hlvdge It
is 7.30 oelock A.M.
- I will give you very briefly what the pco
t!lu of Englaull and Amciici will be most
interested to learn. When I come down I
shall bring my despatches und journal tip
to the time of writing you. These- will be
committed to your care for transmitting to
tho Sta-ttv
Thi! most important matter that I have
acquired relates to thu fact that there may
vet be three survivors of Sir Jol'.n l'rank-
liu's exjwdititHi, and one of thesu Cio.icr ;
the one who succeeded Sir JoUiv Prank- ;
lin im bis death. The details lire deeply I
interealing but this mut snfiicu tili 1 coii.e j
down, .(.''roller nnd tltre nuu vtilh hiin :
were found by n cousin of Ou-e ia 4 Albert), I
Shon-rhe-iiik-nuni (John), und Ar-too a j
(Frank), while moving on the ije from one ,
igloo to auoiher, this cousin liviig with
him his family und engaged in sealing.
This occurred near Keitel. it lo (liouthia
Felit Peninsula), Crozier ws nothing but
'sUin and bones," was nearly ttarved to
death, while three men with him were bit.
The cousin soon learned thnt .the three fat
men had been living on human flesh on
the flesh of their companions, who nil de
serted thu two ship that were fast in moun
tains of Ice, whiiu CriNcier v.s the only man
that would not cut human flesh, aud from
this reason he was utmost dead from starva
tion. This cousin who bus two names (but
I cannot stop to give them now), took
Crozier and the three men at once in charge.
He soon caught a seal, nnd pave Critfl
quickly a little a scry little piece, w hich
was raw only one mouthful the first day.
The cousin did uot give the three fat men
anything, for they could well get along, till
Croicr" Hie was sufj.
Thu next day. the cousiu gase Cro.ier n
little larger pie of the same ee;.l. i!y the
judicious care of this cousin l;r Crozier his
hie was saved. Indeed, Crozier s on n judge
ment stuck to him in this tcirioij bituution,
for he agreed w ith the c.uioin that one little
bit was all that he should have the first day.
Winn the cnusin tirsl saw Crozier' face, it
h;keil so bud his c.e ail sunk in, the lace
so skeleton like and haggard, that he ('iie
ctusin) did uot dare to look upon Crozier's
face for several days utter; it made him (the
cousin) feel so bud I This noble cousin,
whom the whole civilized world will ever
remember for humanity, took care of Cro
zier und his three men, save one who died,
through the whole winter. One man, l:o-.v-
f,,u,Ki (tlt.n, m,t Ijccj.u.c iiC ttiirvc.l. tut be
cause ho was sick.
In tha spiitg, Ciu::"u r ui.u tii" lem.iiuing
two. nieu Hccoiupanied this cousin on tbu
U:-uthi Felix Pfi.i-.:ju!a to ii.-!.i!lc.
where there
uud cuch of !
were mauy Innuits. t'r: i!;er
is men had nuns and pientv
ot ammunili.iii, and
m.-wiy pretty tilings.
1 ney Killed a great many Uucks, rmvyeis,
dec, with their guns. Here tiny lived with
tiie Innuits ut tiuhii1 ami Cioier became
fat uihI i f good health. Cro.irr told his
cousin that he win once ut Iunuoille (He
pulse bay), ut Winter Island nnd Igloolik
maisy jeuis before, and that at the two last
iianicd places he law many Innuits, r,ud got
acquainted with them. Tliia. cousin ha !
heard of Parry, Lyon, and Cro-.'ier of his
lunuit friends ut Repulse l ay. some year
previous, and therefore w hen Crozier gave
him his nnme, he recollected it. The cousin
saw Crozier one year before l e found l.ini
Mid thu three nuu, where the iuii ships
were in the ice. It was there that the cou
sin found out thut Crozier had- been to Ig
loolik. Crozier and the two men lived with the
I -Neiieiiiiij innuits bounc time, i :,e innuits
; liked liu-.i (O.) very muuh. aud Heated bi:u
i.t vajs very kindly. At length Crozier, with
his two nieu nnd ouc Innuit, who took
along a ki uk ('.) an india-rubber boat, us
E bier bing think it wa3, fiyr all along the
nli there was something that could be fill
ed with airj, left Keiichille to go to the
Kob-lu-nas country, taking u soutli course.
When Ou se-hi (Albert; und lus brothers,
in 1S.14, baw this cou that had been so
good to Crozier ur.d his men, at Pelly Ray
(.which is not far from Ncitcl::!!.-). the c.u
iu hail not heurd whether Crozier uud (he
two men und Neilchille lunuit had ever
come back or not. The Inuuits never thiuk
tiiey are dead do nol believe thiy
Crozier offered to give Lis gun t"o the cou
sin for saving his life, but the cousiu would
not accept it, for ho w as afraid R would
kill him (the couaiu), it made M.uh a great
noise, and killed everything with nothing.
Then Crozier gave him t.lho cousin) a loug,
curious knife (sword, as Rubier being nud
Too koo-li-too say it vu&) and gau him
many pretty things beside. The dog are
uil iu harness and sledges louded, and lu
i.ui' waiting for my letters. I promise to
I si teady iu thirty niinutes. Crozitr told
the cousin of a fight w ith a bund of Indians
not Innuits, but Indiuus. J his.must have
neeusred hear the eatranee of Great FUh or
Back's river. More of thi wheu I see you.
T God blcs you, C. F Hall.
Tau Cvsti.NNATt IIoo Tiiamj. The Cin
cinnati Pike Current, of Wednesday, suvs:
"The demand for hojjs, for November, con
tinues, ami 3,000 head sold on Monday And
yesterday at 13i, la and H cents net for
nil November, and holders now ask 15 rents
net. And we juiy add, that Vi to IJ ceuta
poss are being freely jiaid by butchers for
fat hofs, on the spot; und further, thut such
prices us these have never been realized be
fore in this market for hogs. The cry of
Short crop U iaewjusing, aud outside par
ties aru traveling lookiuj for bogs, but re
port they can tiud none, and the conclusion
I hey urriv e ut is that there arc none to find. We
w ill lube the liberty of suge.-itinjf, however,
thul wc beliee it is not customary to Cud
hogs by the wayside, when they have uu.
abundance if food. To pork puckers tho
future looks ns discouraging as can be Sin-
ayincti, lor they reason that it is folly to sup
pose there is any .ruiR iu pork ut the ptkea
paid fur Loj."
'The Ohio State Fair opmed at Coliiinbus
on the llih. The entries were -lurgtr than
at any previous fair, . ' , , , ' . .
Three hundred and five colo'red .nifd of
New iieru have returned a. totul Itu otuo ni
131,1.01, an average of $4UU O'J to each
K U, JJoylston, Bpeaket of tho iute eouth
Carolina L"gilture, ilici steatly. -
(?rcm the Nashville Republican Burner, Srt. M.)
A you enter thecemetery at Montgomery,
afid turn to the right, you will perceive a
colonnade of maple trees leading off to a
quiet glen. BeTontl H a grassy knoll, and
leaving thhi to the left yoia will "apprnnch a
iileasant level of virermwardl Uer (OU will
be tempted to pnuse before a plain fclab of
white marble of the most humble drscrtptioi.
It bears a simple inscription: " L.
Yancev." His last words were: ' Put me out
or sight;" nnd it is said that hewas con
stantty muttering,' toward Uis lutte'r 'end,
ihiMM linns hT Pnr.t" ' '
''Let me live nnseen, unknown,
And unlamented let me die.
Nor mound, monument, nor stouc,, ,
; Tell where 1 lie." - , " ' i I ' '
His death was quiet and painless, after a
year ni acote idivsical nnd mental suffering.
Ho was a strict, churchman; a muu ot quiet
manners; a haudsoine decluimcr, and aTair
scholar. -lie wns never wealthy, aud ills
umleiitood thut he left his luuiily without
an independence. ,i
The tune hascomo wlien tlie circumsiances
of his last illness and death, w ith the occa
sion which suddenly convulsed frame Iroin
perfect health into a wreck and cure Minn
ow, may be mrntioncd as n historical fact.
V.'ii'iiaui L. Yancey fume to. his end by
iiieiiee. . It was toward the close of the
lievend'jssion .of the first Ccnfederato Cou-
gicsi that he broke from the couasels and
riiffiii ncc of Mr. Davis, und becamn, wiih
! Mr. ik-nry S. Foote, a lender of tho opposi-
tion, Mr. Iter. Hill, a Senator from Georgia
j had likewise changed his front, nnd was
j remarkable lor the earnestness, personal
! iuteiviit and persistency with which lie bus
' taint d tiie measures of nn mlmiitistration to
I which his iillegianie hud betu giveli bht late
i in tiie day. Mr. Yaticy, it will be remember
' t.d had returned froi an unsuccessful mis-
sion to EnroiM', nnd was venreseuliug Aia-
! bttnia iii the Confeilerate Senate.
The question of a navy was under tiisci.H
; sion in secret session. The debate ranged
I beyond the parliamentary limits, and Messrs.
Yancey and llill became animated over the
abstract doctrines of State rights ur.d the
I divinity of slavery. High words passed.
I nnd finally the lie was given by Mr. Hill,
j Mr. Yancev leaped forward, and, as lie aim
ed a blow nt his adversary, was cangut in
the arms of thu latter, and violently throw n
back over n desk. Mr. Hill is a man of
woinleifiil muscular development. Mr. Yaii
ley wns never very heavy, though lithe and In the fall ins spine was seriously
injured, and, whan the bystanders rushed
upon the two, and dragged the one from the
other, tiie great fire-eater lay unconscious
upon the Hour, with a litlie trickle ot blood
ooz'uig from his lips, II was carried to his
hotel; a vote of secrecy was passed, and the
encounter hushed up. No one in Richmond,
ti'W that body of. men, knew of the cir
eiuiMtnnco for six months after. Meanwhile,
the victim did not recover. He drooped
fro:a thy to day. He became listless, hope-k-is
nnd vacant. He was transferred to ids
o wn home, where his convulsions ceased
few weeks before his death, which va; Iran
q'dl and calm.
lie died without one hope of the success
of the Southern Republic he had aspired to
found and govern; for w hich lie had labored
day and night for twenty-five year?; to
which he had Faciiticed his ptople, the
Union of the States, and the chosen institu
tions of the South a broken hearted man -"unwept,
unhouoied and unsung."
Tlic .trroMt of Hi-iii'mliVr a-iier;il i
lIi-it'oe lor tlm ICobbori' of o-.!
--iiiiK'iil l uuds
l'urlbvr 1'urtU-u
WASULNtl-J.lN, Oft. S, lSt. !
Sin.'e lire irrreat of Urevt t Rriaiik-r t'.i-n,1
cral l.tiicoK, Coloiiel lPf'th Ptnn lvnnia
by tVw: robbery of Government funds amount- j
in;.; to fotly thousand dollar'1, in the os'.s- ;
sion of th. (panirennnstor ut I.vnel.bui I
.iriiitn, Fonie develojimf uts loive be.n
ni'nlu which thow the systematic plauniiif;
of the mbbery. It appears from reeetit e.i
dence atUUnt il that the Colonel took LacK-.y
into his euiiliileiice, and con lined his pines
nn 1 iiictiiieti'd Lackk.v to in. ite the rjiiirter
master h'.ning the funds in his charge to.
enter into the sthenic. The Captain, in onlep
to ileeeivf the pair, heiiniiy iitfiuiesced, but
at the same lime informetl the authorities of
tlw enn'v T.iilntei robbery. General IAKi:te,
chief id' the detective force, iiiinicillattlT
adopted inr. litres to rntrap the thk-vis, ni.:l
accordingly had his ctlicient force so arrang
ed tliiit ut tho uunueat the funds were out
of tho quartermaster's safe the I urular
should Ije surprised and arrested. The Col
onel, after ha. in;? scut Lackkv to Pldlndol
phia on, some slight pretext, ci nevive.i the
jibtnof airiipriutin; all the iiioney, and
leaving l is eonfetkrute with only bis pains
for his trouble. Aeecrdiiifily, 'tUirinj; bis
a! sence, he took nn impression of the key
hole in wax; manufactured a key, opene d
the suit', und appropriated file money.' Alter
haying obtained the plunder he entered his
olliee and coiniucucetl the tusk of Cnue.tiut;
thy money, when the door of his room was
forced open, and, with tho evidences of his
;;uilt beloro him, was arrested. Upon, a of the room it was discovered that he
had a large lot of combustible material,
which be had intended to use iu firing the
rjuurtei master's olliee in endeavoring to hide
tho evidence ol his guilt. The prisoners ate
now incarcerated in the Old Capitol piisou,
and in a few days will be iirriiigne 1 before a
military tribunal.
Tlie 8'mv.-oii1 liui-eli olMlulximu
;uil the Ii-aj it for Hie li-etileul
vf lite lulled KiuU'h.
Oetiera! llowAiin, of the I'letdiiion's
IJ-.ireaj. lias reieiveil nu order issued by
Major General Thomas, iu Alabama, which
id likely to create a sensation nnioiig the
meiiibersofthe Potestnnt Episcopal eliurch
ts of that titute. This Churh, as is well
known, hits an established form of' to
be u.-td for the President of tlie United
btates, and ail iu civil aulhwitv. During
tiie rebellion the pra;er was changed to one
for tho .President of tho Confederate States,
ami so auereil was used in tho Protestant
l.pisi.opui Djocese of Alabama. .Since the
overtliioiy of the rebellion tho piuyer has
.ecu oiiiuieii altogether in the Episcopal
churt hes of Alabama. This omission was
recoiiinicntkd by Itight liev. H. Wii.mkh,
Uishop of Alabama. Thesu facts liavin
been brought to thu kuowlnlge of Genual
Tuouas, un otder ha been issued directing
nuu ine siiki J.K-U.UiU .Ml. Mi ll, ol
the Protestunt Eptscoptd C'ltnivh of the Ilio
ctse of AlaliMniu, and the-clcrgv of said dio
cese l.e suspended from their functions aud
forbidduii to preach or jurforni tlivine ser
vice; and that their places of worship be
closed until said bishop nnd clergy return
tiieir -ncuiiince to Hie lliltctl States Gov.
eminent, and givu eviihmte of their loyalty
imi -i.ii to rosin nu tnt usu of r t,,i-
the I resident, and taking tho oath prescrih-
f.l in tin a n, n.. .. ...,.!
- - " - -oij iut;iau:Hiiuu.
A terrible caso of liunmn 1I-.111K krt
cattle plague has occurred iu England, at
Sudbury, in Suffolk. Air. Hubert John
Huiul.y, a veterinary aurireon f iliui 1
made 1 pwtLU post mortem examination of
tl enrc-aw of a tow which had been shot
'in consequence of being sfllicted with-the
1 ic.aj..iiB msease. in doing eo his shirt
lesve U-cajii aatuYaUd with blood. ,IIe
"V. ',0,1,1,ci tken 111, and tliud at the
tur, -if.thni -iayv '.Hi body all
the. fti-pearanaeof deatk from nuiri.i. .
n --I'lliiniimu
V. 1 . ,
.ttio doceased uar IIrvrJTIj
of thi. virus of
ay"- toraugU boll Be bad oi. 4a
arm. A short lima ajjo aoolbti vcterioart
turkoB dwd tioin the bite pf tt esrriun Hv
Till' I.HD1A EXtM'.DITlO. 1
Fort LaraxiK, Oct. lGnneral Conner
returned on Saturday from the PowAer-river
Indian expedition.' Hit colulnns ill bo
here in six clays. The-result of U cam
paign were four pitched battle with the
Cheyenne, Sioux, and Arripaooc with a
his on our.anJe of wui', or. uie ihu
Micbigna. and twenty-low men aweo on.i
two wounded, and un Indian loss of four
hundred to five hundred killed, and a large
number wounded; the entire destruction of
tlo village of the Arrapalioes, and the cup-'
ture ot hvo Uunored head ot Horses auu
The Arrnuuhoes acknowledge the loss of
sixty-eight of their braves in one battle, and
are now coming in to make peace. i is
thought, however, thut the Sioux anil Chey
ennes are not half whipped. Not lesa than
fifteen hundred men should be stationed nt
Fort Conner,' anil the campaign ' continued
during the winter. The citizens fear that
the Sioux and Cheyctines w ill come back on
the road and interfere with the mails and
Telegraph. ,.Thc cxpeditJo was carried out
under the most embarrassing circumstance.
Not a pound ot the stores intended for
the expedition arrived in time for use. The
troops were mutinous, nud claimed iiieir
discharge because the rebellion has ceased,
and regiments were mustered out almost as
soon as they arrived ou the 1 1 tins.
Mntronrnt ol'HK- lNiblit; IHHo.
The following is a recapitulation of the
public debt : ns appears from the boobs,
Treasurer's- returns, and requisitions in the
Department on the 110th of September, 1803:
Debt bearing Interest in
Debt bearing interest in
lawful money
Debt on which interest
has ccaied
Debt bearing no inlen rt
Total amount out
standing Total interest
f 1,1 10,05.101 80
05,001,1570 !0
1,800,009,120 44
72,527,015 73
C0O,yt,O!)'J t'l
-e,"M !,niT,?-20 17
$i:?7..":i'J,210 21
Legal-tender notes i i circn'.ntion:
Five per cent, notes ;2,o.f,:-:r0 00
U. S. notes fold iue :!;i .0t0 00-
U. S. notes (new issue) 4'i7,7ti',4!.if 00
Coniiound interest notts
(act t,T 51a re li !!. l0';i) 1 j.000,000 00
Compound interest notes
net of .Tune i ltf"il) 0,012,141 f-o
Tol.-.l t."7S,12'J,9t( 00
As (ami'iared with !ho t-iteiir.iit fir
August there is a reduction of th:1 public
debt of nearly f r2.74'J,000.00. und of inteVest
over $ 300,001, nnd also a red'iftion oi (:(!.
OK',000.00 of the U-aid tender mites i:i cir- il
Amount in the (tieasurv cvin", ?3i,T 10,788 73
3 To. do. d. fi iirrei ey) 0,?;:i".,ll l:J
Totul ffSS.C'77.2-20 S-0
biiowin;: a tlecrca-e oi ti-.arly jl2,7a0,Ct'iJ
of c.'iii r.s compared with the A'..cut stat.--ment,
:,.id mi increase of $l3,iri4,l.7 in
curreucv. 'I he aiiiouut of IV.ictioual curren
cy is rM.ol-ci au incuuse 10,000.
There h is 1 i.'.n un inrren-e of the .lune ilOlh.
101, CO bonds of fcrV?l 1000. ;u..l of bonds
of Julv lit!:, ISO'i, s-ii per cei.l. tenip'-ri.ty
loan o? neatly $3,0;X:,0j', and of Marcii 1st,
1802, certificates of in leb'.i -.Ine-s, reduc
tiou of over 22,0Ctl.0C'.l.
lli'j r;uy 1 1 i.i'.s S'-.ite prfes to
be very innch in love with the soldier, .i'i -t
inw, bccni!. thev . W'lut to fool the soblier
! out of hss
Lnsl V'-ai-, w h'Mi lin se sol
fie'.d. toi l t'i.e I.l.'iuoi-ra'.ic
id m i ided that thev were
diers wire in th
Supreme Couil 1
not entitled to
vote, ti.e i'a'i.'t i Mt- a l au-
bee for them. Ura l the
i'ls h vl in i he NTin'c
:!. :l ef.Jantinry, I I
Mr. Lowerv oiieivd '
ticn: r
I.Vi Jn l bv thfi Seiiab-
fu'.iow ii:g pru.-i-t .V
f l'i:-.s-. ivnui l l.'.i
n it Cue
tiH' loyal people t f !Vin; Ivam.i
n l lire hereby U'ndcrc I i" :- it. C. i
Grant and the otiivrers ar.'l ; ibliiT; S'.rvin;; '
tiin'r't- biui, for the suies (' ':-.'.!'nit s.trvie. s i
and g!r--us victories r-i-uitii!,; in t'.e I
el ation of tlie f.iithfitl Union people of Las! front a ii'ilit'.iry di'spntisin ivire !
gidlhio than i'vt w is ti,- t of Great Ibituin. f
Un the question, will thy Si n-iti- pror.ccd :
t'.t n second reading of the r -. obi'.ion '( Tiie i
Jias and nnys wire required by Mr. Oou ivan I
and Mr. Wallace, mid were ns blion-i. viz: I Messrs. Cli.tuipurys, Cnr.uell, Pun- j
hip, 1 leming, (iraham, Hog.-, )loue -holdi-r, '
Joi;n.(i., Lowry, McCiindless, Nichols, P.i-.lg-we.y,
Tnrreil, Wilfon, Wt.-rtliington end
Pi nny. Sj r-:!:cr--10.
N.vvs Me.-sr. Ueurd.ii.le. Uather !v, Ui'itovan. Glair.. Ib'iikins, Kmslev.
1 .ar.iberton, l. ittn, Mi-Shi-rrv, Mont
Ib iiiy, Smith, IMaik, t.niii nu 1 Wi
. tiio;n wa ; .V..-r.'nw.i''l in the ;
negt.tive. i
Jlere we fnd every I: n..icr..ti n.i n.l.vT i
of thi! Semite voting against a resolution of !
thanks to General Grant nud his iv.i n.
Thanks are cheap; but even i-o po-r -j boon i
as thanks was denied I y t';c l it lo'icr.:' . to !
tiie cuil-int nu n fighting umki Gr-ir.t ! Nov.- j
Wibiaiii A. Wallace, (.lie i f the n.en v.ho
voted ii;;ainst this resolution, i Chairman
of the Deiuoi ratic State Committee, and has to ask these t ry soldh rs to
v..le the Jieiiiorratif t'. k-1 ! --Jt'tlum (,V
!;tt: ici-.u akk aiii.i: ii:a ik.
The funeral of the Huv. Philip Courtney
took place on Tutsduy iiiorniii'' Iron, the
Union Station Methoiiit Chuixh. Ant-lo
cpjent nnd impressive discourso was deliver-
t'u oy iuu liev. -lonii i.. l-. twiiitlj iroin I!
text, 'Though he be (lend, yet he sP'aVttll."
There were tight, MinSters of tliu Gospel iu
the pulpit dining the (uncral service.1 The
nnu.ns wtro intencd in a small enclosed
lot in thu yard attached to the late residence
oi me, wuere alio are liuneil evo-
ral members of his family
The folio A'ing facts in regard to tha last
moments of the veuerable tlivine wi:! be
rend w ith deep interist : When iiu arose on
Suiulay 11101 mug, the day of his death, he I
compiaiuttl ol teeling unwell. Alter dinner
he tepared to his bulk perch, w here, niter
enjoying his usual smoke, he went up to his
bedroom und laid down. In a few moments
thereafter his daughter followed him up
stairs, entered the room, and taking a seat
upon the bed, commented fanning her fa
thej. He hud, previous to her entrance,
covered his faet-with his pocket hankeiehief.
Shi: continued to fan him for some mo
ment, he tiieunwh-Te lying perfectly mot'.oa-
Thu deathly stillness finally caused au
uneasy feeling to creep over "her, and she
gently m'ted Jhe handkerchief front his faeo.
As alio did so his face was illmiiinatt d by a
radiant smile, and opening his eves, which
still btained with loviog kindness, he turned
his face toward ber and said ; "I'vu hud a
most delightful dream; the wlitih;of''inv
life has passed before me, aud I've seen old '
and dear fiieud w ho have gone before, so
long. long ago. lie tlien spoke pathetically-.
-ivuic iiu uerivuu iroin
a ri'trnrifi
live clitucc. .and at oiiaiu li.r Lr-.-nna
and form of linc aco. Meanwhile Im r..ii.'.Clovracd,
tinuett .to. jrow wurse and to get feebler
and feebler each momeut. II areuied Mai
self t be aware of hie apeerjy dWolutiou j
and what is most reDmrkablc fust iu Ui
acto dtb.b raised Lis lisnda. rM.rf.eiir
OOBSC-Oua I bat hm n...i- ,..
, vm.iHU . n ar, nuu
Sutly prei,g ,b.
- l - S dwj, So ( 4 time,, .4j8. Za
w -) g!inr, 'nd foltliug bis bauds
crott hU brcsat, died with6ut the sIL-hlcat
trufglu.-.,VrMai' Kepi
Tntt ErtacnpAL General Cofot&itdx.
The New York correspondent of the Phila
delphia ledger ay that letter have been
t.. r ti: Y ..-.111.... t 1 1 :..
receiveu inim msiiop- r.ooui, m veiim,
staling that he has bad a frea interchange
of opinion with his- brother Bishops at
Augusta, the result or w tneti whs tiie ap
pointment of three of their number tout
lentl Ihe General Convention nbout to as
semble in Philadelphia, with full power to
settle ail uendinir questions, with a view to
reunion. The Southern diocese, ho say,
w ill meet jicrfornui, nt Mobile, in November
nt which time the committee of three will
report. That report1, ' Bishop EiliOlt does
not doubt, win tic sutisiactory, nnd so mat
tho Mobile Convention will adjourn with
out transacting any other business than
ratifying the work of their representatives
i'i rlnluilelphia-.
Convicted. The military commission
which tried Miss Temple Neeley, of Davie,
N. C, Who some time since killed a servant
woman with a pistol, while tha latter was
beating her mother, finind her guilty of
manslaughter, bnt ominwsUd the punish
ment to u tine of 11,000.
A Cot.oniiD Mail Cont'mactoii. Rob't
Orrick, a colored man, has received the eon
tract to convey the mails between Leesburg
anil Winchester. Va nt 533 per year. He
is said to be the first colored man taut ever
received a contract of the kind. ,
Thk Prnsios Laws. A correction of an
error in the pension laws, us heretofore fie
quently published, shows that per.sioners to
get 2t) wr month must have lost a hand
and foot instead of a hand wt foot, as incur
rectly stuled in some vpc,
Jcsticf, Wavsk. Thu health ot thi-
eminent ituist, one if Gen. Jackson's earliest
appointments to the bench of th': Snpr-nu
Court, is exceedingly teebk'.
ri:ci:.rn. D.mi' l Webster, n n of tin
late Col. Flet-her Webster, P.n'l gr -ti l-on
of the great Dani-I Wvbster, did at
field, or Sat hi lnv, -,a"i i't yr .r.
Lab. weeU llici" wre 373 th'nlbs iu N'..-w j
York nil i'.i'T''lJe of 1 1 nv r t!i pievion j
w ee!: oi l .ve?" c in: i!'' im'tvr livt' '
Alernon ?l.r.ev C-i 1v.-i' lu been
appointed cul!'.'',t':i" "f ii.tern:'.! icv.-Mt?
tiie lifili district o: t,
Gen. Clistis Lnc liiis been appointed Pro
iVssor in tho Virginia Militsry Institute, to
llil the thai." t.ini'.v:!y c.c npi-. l I; (ion.
Henry ?. Foote. the irrepiVHsi) 1.-, is out
in a letter, da'ed nt Nns-hville, 'l i.nii., ix
plaiuini; hi advocacy of ti'.-ro s'lllV r.;.-.
I "Ts
i -tie." said the F.l k r, "w niiiv
! cd by t
!. -.ints i ! el'ji
''" ;.Utr,v
v:i .'. -iid 1
1 "-, ri--i
. er l:el
v, bi-re be
' pii!
! pectaclcs
i was v. ro:.,
w n.'it to. i ao
. hen I'iijk' I'l'ii'
w oi.M ha i- k--o!
tU my kin U r-f lioctriin-;
with o uud i i. i -a.' ili'
Id ni r.i.-tl'ectly i. 4".:nr.
1 he
F.hYr conk".-i!
! the tiiiiii' 1.
ver s
him i.l that !'.:;bt
beSa'c. nnd
1 :t!y was "oiii! on to
thiol late
I attracted by Ike,
.-('ll'.C I'itt'.TS t'.iJV
I tuii'lvl.
when h.-r ntti n'
who v. us trying
n the cut'- lliroa
I'ni was
to pour
w i:;i u
In l.i
out h'-r sweetest
ij mailer, the Ira;;-
sotitt when dvitu
; r.mce oi' l'hi.loa "Ni-iht-lSloniniii" Cereus''
! frn-ws more i-voii-ite no it Iv.-eomes fdnter.
. This i" not tiie ean with the ordinary e:;
tracts fur th. ban Ui-n.-hii-f. Tie ir original
Sfent soon lap
: odor. Snbl c
es .into a
i!et idi d.y p'P'ii-ivi-
lii'.ows's I.ui.m Tiiot in s-.
Mclieal Dirii 'or of t:n' tiiii-iii
Kenton P.anaeks, U' w St. I.i-uU,
Mai'i-h s.
yu-.Mj. .i..:mi i. r.r.'A.: o". 5 n.
Mi"-, "l .-e of Mini- fir fiiii.-d and ..- ;
-i ! v;''e.ibi' ''- .. .-' is bcin ' inude in I lie i
in.. -pi !:il-ot wim h I tiitvc eiinrsje,
letv itili-rii ii.l an.i d- ''i:- t'l'-n!:
and w
1 I Ul
:a. !t..nth:-tl it'iiati m a'..', im.rbid
i i v 'i.;"ss or i:i. .!-. ii I,,' ..
and pal Is :;.: : . iti "
Hid H I.ivi...
diir-e a di inr.U-i e
ti.; ,
' s'JmiI,:,! h,
to pr.;
i-.inar in Pv ;
pepsui.- 11.
tirely leiic.
li'in l'r
any iti'l-ea or b.;.l
''las will
iii;;. .tnd
prevent r.ioie ?i-r!.-.'is coii-eqneiiees. If you
li.i -t. the ly-;i"ps; i. a few bottles wid't n-t.ti-.iy.
re.tore the digestive organ., to thtir
original vigor. V r saJo by ('.- f.r. ' ; :m".
storeket pi rj evervwhi'iv', at 73 ei-nN a bot
tle. 1'oKi rNATf. "'oi;:t ; VTION'. We .;. i j,.
posed to propii.'liiry nu-i i iti m , and it is
wiih Roiiie i oti-p.;n lion we i n lveili'-e-lilf.lit-
of '.hem i.l nor iiilii:!,,::.. we
mie-t f ii'.rrss Unit lb-.iwn's Troi ht-s are i .-.n-l.'.iii-nr
and iisi rid, in cerl iin i umiii i,f
1 !iiien, d'-i'ore "iT.iki:..-- -.
ITCH : itch : : H i. ii ; ;
Wliestlois OialiiM'itt
M'iti Cine the I'.-h b. IS ll,.-:r.
'.-jr-.. Snti Itln-iiu!, I'b'rrj. C'iiii:.l:.ii
r.rin'tii.n! of th- Skin 1VW i) em's. 1'
Mil brtiff'iist ..
I nil I
i it
liy wtadniK (10 ciil. to WKKKS i I'l'.TTIIt -..!,
i bo I'-irw
l.o i o-l,Mij?i..i) ..'i-eoi. ;.!oe, siw , it v. ill
libit ly iu:u!. fi-i! tf Losing... tu .. ,,r
I n:e i en i-i ttifcj.
i ;j t. 2j. 'oj-flai.
an Vi--ny o' I
Warninijand In-u aoti.-n f i- Yeans Mcu ru'jli'fli.'d I
ty t!.u ll.warl AfawittLm, and jnt fieo if rl:rK,
la --1.1-4 env!..iif. Address IT. J. MJILI.IN
UOVOHION, llokard Afso.intion, M.iltdtl.liia
e i . . .
.-.ui--, iviti;ir..
,.X"VES n':'-w P a. J.Ver. siu.a ike .bus
'l ltt"
i drab. Rol,l.D bmv,,.. at.bura, "littwU vcltow. a"d
i !".' Hm. Ouee eiwn a liu.e now nkiii, tf url,
i-;iik.r whilf. tlie tiu't of a lily eiip. and i-vcs ,it blue
'weal ti.!etler. Niitilmbnir is Ihf koli'Vonirl.-ra-
uon n uu geniieuien llif .-u-i; is diflerrut. (. jiliat
thryhsve suitieient j:oo I tn.te t irr..v thnnsclviw
iu tlio aiu uniiio Hie J.i d Sloua II. .tiling It. ill
ef llj.ktiill k V ilfon, Noj. 6i.! Had t'.05 t'lic'lmit
Ireot, above SUtli. the hair muy Lc at dark us nhjlit
or an vibilu asailver.
vou want M'hlArrs or Miiustaelirt ? Gro
oiuu t'oniu.d will f.r.B thein to grow oil the
niooilii't I'nee or ekiu, or hair un L!d dead-, in bx
11 e.K. j-riee, i.ihj. f-,ut
elutely sealed, on reeeiul of pri
Address, VAK.i:it i CO , tu:
i'vbraary 1 3 1 -... ly
wv.ka. J'i-ic. S.I.011. l-,.t Lv mail l!inhrr
uil-S. Brouklvu.X.Y
Ifl'iieii., IllliMliu-kM nnd 4'alrirrh,
Trentcd will, il.n
v Ul': :11d.Aur.t,(f..,m-rly oi I.c.d.n. 4oll,t.)
No. M9 I'm, Phil',Wpb.: TMlin.oni,l
from lh ui,Kt i-4.ii.blo wuror. in tl.e Cily and ti.un-
ry crd buaeeust ui oSiue 1 lie luctlienl (uoui-y-ar-liivited
to a.:eouipaiiy tbi-ir Inliimii, at L hs- nu
ervia in bis prui-tiee. Arlifici..! i:vw, iiinuru-d illi
an. pain. Ho obiirgc f.r tuiuiiuatun.
. Jaly 21.
f 10 00
2 10
', luo
' tf'
Pork, .
Bafeou, "
(lata. '
I. iu
(7 UU
T " ?' V : iomi.
CIAME ta'iha enclosora of j. W. Caka, Int'ppar
A-tsata Ittauabui.on Ibe "fill of .Sui. ,!, I.r
dark brows haraa. about 13 vests otiL b.dod"l'
-,Uil ods bii'h The owner or amntm ate!
rcciuw ra cove nwwanl, pio.e tbelr pijiperty,
My clxurgas su4 Uk biw wiyr 'olbiirn We tit JJ
tesold t-wtdiiiii to lew.
J'irj',0.ilcrT, l?fs
LiBEfttr W'uitb LaAaf LiBrt VTrrrtt
TRY IT I ... . TaYlT!
VTvftRASriO to eoTr mor uitne, for ssm
weight, tbsa an otLor. Euj tL but, it Is th
Liberty Lcail 1 wlillf lhn aay otVtr." ,' , ,;
Libert Lcsil corom better thsn any 'other.. '
l.itieMv Lomt fun lomrer than stir ether. ' ' ' ' ' .
l.ihary I.oaJ is loot oaauumtcal (ban tny ellir.
Liberty bead ti raoro froe from luipurlllm nt U
WinnASiiD to do mors suit bnttur work, at
given coit than any other.
liuy. the DUST it U the VIWApEST.
MDufaoturit nn.t wnrfnntod by . '
ZIF.dLF.R .SMITH, Wholcial Drug.Paiut, 4
137 NorlU XliUd .Street, ri.tln.Wehil.
uiibary, Ootober 7, ISO. '
Tha andorcizned would respectfully infurm t'u
citifin of .Sunbury, ami puklia goucislly, thnt he
lim opunaa a, new jiAitui.b iaiiu, oppu-nui tao
Court House, whera AMllltlCAN aud ITALIAN
uiinbU is eoiKtnntly koil on lund. -
All orders lor MouuinuiiUatid liuad-itonsroinrt-ly
Ltlcd at roduued rMes. i
d. c. bisEiNosn.
Suubiiry. Ojt. 7, 1S45. If
Quarter Kepurt of the oondition of tho -'I'tui Yn'
Nutiunsl Bsuk of Sunbury, l'nnylvauiu." rtn the
u.orninrf of Ihc'firil MouJay of Uutobsr, lS-ii, (O t.
Und, lsjj.)
Kotes and bills di0"unted, $111,7?.?
litiil EsiiiLh, Art., tiirniture ud finluros, 1 ,i 7 i i
I'm n'nl E.ipen- ; H " in and Nulivnul
tiis- ill, f.Sjj
ncioit!u,v an.l MhijiCusli I;.'tn,j, tli'
b" NiUi"iml Bank. . C0.1 7 j uk
J'm! -iini "tli.-r liniik and Il.ilik.--. . VI, ia
L". i-3 II: 'tils 'tivitS'l Willi U y.
T. -n?iiror to iiournumjtil.iiinj h-j'.h l'?O,0i1J ()
C .'S. ;--2'.' P'Jli.l .n br.n.l, J'j'I.O'iu eJ
?.::! . fr ns-J .viinl rii.l. -ate. . 127 AW
Knr.i'i Vr I.OMH jiI vthvt t'ruske, I'j.'.'i'J Ufi
C '-'i i'i I' "i -f tb-r .V.:miiM L' :i U
.-St.ttj U-U-Vf, 0''
:'!', I t,!':7 u
y-ii:v 1 twlitl niouy l.-rtj.-il teri'li r n!c
i;.jv, -oiiieyuea-'.!i,.i.-::.-'i i.-.'-r.,
Sii.liio or.
$.'m-.',"U0 0
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iSiirjilai i'iu.-l,
I'ir'.-.ilitin liol
.n.C" '1,
1.-: atnuau! oij bar. !,
i.i.r;vi:i.i; ua:nunt '.airt-;r
In.lU I illlil llop-jJII.-,
liivi.i-mli ui.j!.; !,
('iiir'.i-ui-iion h-.; ui.i ,
I'll'. lyM.,ti.,ui.l Uukt,
" Ststn Hunks.
?lale Hoik i.-ir,vu!n'i.),i mini
UiiKvnin', I'' -hcii iin i i.:!
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.ST A TK UK i'l yv.-VbV.VVI.v.
.1 V:
. fn.-lii.-r .f li.i "'irj: Nnti.iM
M. I.'.n v. I'n .' d- s..!.!Milv that I'
: ! :-. U'-y -f imv' kti.. !.!-. .
S .1 V '. K 1-. t: . f.-l.i-i-.
-.i' i .-nil -ri!, !. :'..?.. t'x'h tl-
ef y..-..;l.-
IV M. S:
'. 7 h. 1.
II 1 , A -f. i
I Mil.
V' l'i-ic It.iilrosi..
.Mi Wau. t.l.ia
rTllil-! ere'l H - ii,..-.
ri s thi.1 N"i-h"rr nr. I itr-
I wist nt i -s et I't-: i..?v( jiiti,. o,
i.c r:; ' I;.
.-to-.U Hiii'rt
on I.nkn V'.xiv.
l! h-ulwn !'.it.i.1 t v lb? Pr-rti
C"ln'M v i ..n, r'it..-d hv li..l;i.'
'litnt '.-1 !.- -.-'ijt t IrsinHu. i;nl'iiT-
l-f.'V K-'.'.-,r.T t.
...i.. M'lil Tis-ji,
I i'xtr. 'lr--ss,
Mi-.-ir.-. J!-.:? Tra!-.
,'J yr. Ac- 't.'
l.rsv: .;-i'r '. .
l'r'.: biil Trni.',
l-'rio loo.f.-i 1 ::.;,,
fc':.irn '... i-'.-.'-.-.,
lo j--. m
r.. I ii m T' i .
:!.' M.
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i SI; .
:l!l Nielli 1
rcsr.-.ti:i '
'. ned .Murkit s: ,
lit lU'.'uivs-1. ftlio i.'..
!.- Jr.. w l-'f.!: .
;' I'
.1 'X
'.! IV"
-. Mi.
It' ji.'.! b. TVi-.
.'. r.. v
V il'-V.
., IV.tb'.
i-n". l-Vi'i.-'l-.i.
Vv . l '. iv- . r
i-n'l 'Ul-',-.: .
, v...
GO liV? Sli'lAlil Ii Ili'J.!'
lit Ii li---t, iliil-t(! Ij-lfSt
WATi in:s,
i" ink .n.wELnr,
l,l .-'.
r Plit-.1 Hnri
a a -tot a a 3 tr w js'
B A Z A A R .
'rarr ol" Mtnrlicet .itinre A I-
f I M P U Ii Y , P K N X A.
Of the ntwi:t M.'.e.,cut by tL. bel AriUis. tii
and njt.ul to cl-.ciu work, und tela
I n-. ctl pr'ei J.
H holc SnH-1'orH...
Cavalry Punl.. fu- ft. liL.VNKl'.I'S, LE."
CLOTlf "
H.' M C US C3 . . TBL
aryioj from f li la HO.
-tll-ll tltlfl llitj Clollillie ef the l
j terisl t-muiitins of Pre" ("im!., J'roek Cunt:
t oaw, 1 aula, ul. l eit ol various coiora and
lu-'h ai bbiru. Uvcr-t.iiiri, t'l.di rJiiits, Di
Ci.llur, Crayun. Nukiieii, lit!-.der;liie-.tu
tilovcf, Vc.
ll-l icMst 'iii4 of nil Klml
Hoots a.vh siiuks. uuia .-ii... ikunk.-
S Vlab.' JiHi-lrv Ki'i
, x'ot.S 'ct .11 kiaj. sn
n , . .. '
! LL-tS, L.MIil.H.LAS, IdllAriH A
ivc.. Kov-ditr.. an
and nuuii toui othrr a -
1 lie It-Mi. ai iuited to anil and euiu
It-roemlvtr Ihf ).!ce, C.niiineiitul Clothini; .
Cormruf .Mnrkel biuare aud the X C. K.
' LtVUllit
b'unbury, Sept. Si), ljJ.
j Two dour, weet efj'tcbir . Pr i-lorc, Mm
--UI.UUHV, i-jij rj
GALL and -limine tha birs imwrluifi,
latv.l $tv York sad I'hilmiolpbis 1
v m .m.-n '-ps .v-k.-- ecr3 . m
at tho'aboTceaisUi.fatnonl, wbirli ti,r beauly
.rat.ilil.v oai.nol ha ea-wiled. Uisn ai pruu'ic
tor, he litter, knon. lf thai bis a:oek ka bawl
i J Vitb uom sitrs tbau any aver b-tort iits
i-lbli plaooj
He alio tuanuf ..etarcf In or lor nil twuds
' 'nr HatiT, all of whieh willbeaoJ4 Aw.lioloi
.' I -tail, at re-wooabi ratee.
tiyWog aokst s abort a,Mke aoltaith.) ,we
, faLbaf t .fl ; p, , .