"Wistar's Balsam WILD CUB n u V snccf the oldest mill most reliable remedies In llio world for Cough. CobD. Whooping Cough. Bronchitis, Diffi culty "I ' idling. Asthma. Ilrcipuws, Suro Throat. Croup, mi-l every Affection of THE THROAT, l.VNOS AMD CHEST, including cron CONSUMPTION VIS-TAICS H.V1.SV.M OF WII.U CHERRY. t nerr.1 linn tl.o mo of Ills remedy become, nnd so ,...,ilf.r i- it evcryhcio.il.t II Is uunccw.-iry recount i's virtues Ds works speaks f..r H. and hud utterance, in thn a'som-ianl ni"l voluntary tcsiiuiony of lite in ti 11 v w o from long fullering mid settled 1I1 hnc'hv its u-elicen restored lo pri-'tirc viw.r nnrl heuHli. "Wcrnii i in sent n mass of cvidciiee in t.roof cf our nss'.rlion. ilnit 1 CANNOT RE DISCREDITED. 'I'll? Bl"V. .Im-ob St-'vltU-r. Well known and much ripecui among Hie Henna population in thisccnnlry, lnnke? the following state meiit for tlic benefit ol the aliiictcd : !.VN0V:n,l'a.. Fell 15. IS.'H. jicnr pir lluyini rcalited in my family Impor tant hcnrti:s Iron the .- or ymir v.:lnMs prcpara. tion Wistar's linlsin of Wild Chciy it aMords me Vlensnreto recommend It lo the public Some eight Veins a"oouer,f mv daughters seemed to I.e ill 11 ilu-i-line. nn.l little hopes of her recovery were . liter Mined. I then procured a bottle ol your 'xecllont JinNnm nnd before she hud lukcll the whole of tho eoiitcntsol thebotiletliu rasa ?reul improvement I itfzM of ?; v.". eZi zl: kIso becu beueliud by .1 ... JAfN'B sr.Clll.KK. I Smith, Esq., re-1 lent ol th i Morris County Hanli, Morrisicwn. K ""laving used lr. AVislar's lbilsnni of Wild Che-ry foniboiil fifieen vein, and having realized its bel.e fieiiil refills in my family, it utioid-uic great ilca Mlic il, r. eonnneii.lilig il lo the public as a YHlnable ruinerlv Is cases id' Weak lllllgs. colds. I . .... .1.. .vliw.h 1 (.nwiller lobe entirely in.io- l.llll IIIII1UJ ........ - - -- - . cent, and may be taken with pcrlcvt salcy ly the most delieutc in health." Pi'om Hon. John B.Smith, AdUtiiiguithed Lawyer in Wesiieiiist. r. Ml. J hat non several occasions used Dr. V .star s sam of M ild Chenv for severe elds, and always with decided bench!. 1 know of no preparation that is more efficacious or mole deserving of general use. The Iials no has nl.-o been used tviih excellent i fleet by J. if. Klliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross lloa.ls, -Md. j WiSTAIl'8 I!.tl.SAM OK Wll.ll ClIF.IMIV. j Nono genuine unlcsi signed -I. Bl'Tl.V l" tllC . wrapper. . I Vol! SAMS Hi j J. r. HI XSMOU K.Xo. 4U1 liroaJtvay. Xcw York, f. W. l'S.iVl.i: A Ctl.. Vroprietors. llo-lun. i And by all Druggists. ! SI. 1 Irons. sm.vi: Ileal: Old liEliDIXU'S KlStilA SALVC Cures Bunis, Scalds, Cula. KKDDIWS Hl'Sl.V SALVE Cures Wounds, llruises. Sprain!. liKDDlXirs AT.V.V.1 SM.YK Cures ltoils, I'lccis, Cancers. KJSDDING'S HUSSIA SALVE Cures Salt lihcuui, l'iles, Erysipelas. BEDDING'S HU3EIA SALVE Cures V.iiigworm. Corns, c. Ac. NO FAMILY SHOULD HE WITIIOI'T' IT. I3i?-0nly 25 Cents a Box rou svi.r r.v .1 l. DIXSMOlIi:. No. 4'J Il1dwav,X. Y. S. W. KOWLK 4- CO. Xo. li 'J'rcmuiit st., liosion. And by all Druggists and Country Slorekceprs. Deo 21 IStii. TAIS NOTICE milATJ. M VEAL A E. I). 1A.MLF.Y, have J. entered into co-pnrtuersnip in tho . l-ViicUf'C ol .llotHfism A Xiii-fti-rj-. We can always be found ut the ofiico of J. W. Veal. I unless professionally engaged. ! J. W. l'KAL & E. U. Lt'.MLKY. .unbury. A(.ril 23, lwi.'i. :im j Oisiioliilioit ol Kiii-( m-1-s.lii j. I rjTHJC partnership hcrelofero existing between the 1 X undursigned iu the 'hotesale and Retail Coal ! au I Shipping business under tho firm name of (iraiit ; A ilicU, is ttiis day di.ssilved by mutu:il consent. 1 TIIOS. I I! KANT. I VA1.KNT1NK DIKI'Z. I funbury, April 15, 1S05. j UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opi..-ito (he K. Y. A NEW HA VEX Si WE.VTEllX V. li. r.roT 23EA.CII STJJEET, BOSTON. Jly V. M. l'HA'i T, Formerly of the Ainericm House. Way l.'J, lbjj. ly UP DXl GRAPr'S Eye and Ear Infirmary, in the Square. Ihrca Doors trom Steel s tlotcl) WILKES-BARHE, FA. r IIH IXSTl'i'l'TIOX is iiotv open nnd furuUlicd -iu ll.c mo.-l cosily style, lleucption. I'rivulo j nd Operating II, ...ins are large and convenient and ell ad ipte I. The Surgical iipartiueul conlnins the : nest collection ol instruments in this country, ui.d I ins bis faviilties will i nablc bim to nice, any aud i II emergencies in practice, lie will upernto upon he valine. I'm msof liLl UNLMS. Cataract. Ocelui.n . I the Pupil Cues Eyes, (.'l.tsu.'c of the Tear Ducts. f e.version of the Eyelids. Vtorvgiuin, Ac, A o. And : ill lr?at all forms ol S..ro i.ves, H numled Lid. uiiuirticii ol the tornun. and ndulu! uipp.i? of r I'... . ..II A....a e.. ...I.!..!. is Vll'-j'-' t. I 1'KAFNKHS. Will treat nil the difftsci common 1 tlioi.r:(nu. l)i.'linrj;es from the l.ur, Noi."i's in tho j nr. ('iitnrrh. ditlu-nition of Louring tolnl iM-ufnnw, j :vn wh're the lrmn is dotioyfd. Will iiirl an j tiii'i'il one, unswLTin nearly all the pniposts of if nattiriit. I JUsSKASKS OF THE TIIUOAT. All d;c.te8 j niiii"!i to ihe 1 hroat nd No will le treated (iKM'UAli Sl'RtiKKY.lIo will opivnto ppon ub-tvet, Jlnir lp. t.'U'fi 1'nll.ilo, Tumuvii, t'unueiH, J dni-Kod Touciln. Ao. lMiu-tie oporutionf hy lienlin w lh;ah into deTiniiod parts, and (.iuncrd iSiirgrry i wlritt-viT charii'.'I'T it niny iTcai'iit. '. iiehnia. ni;i'Ti"nl:.) iio win vein.rm .'ihiu." opeiati'iii hr the radical, (i.'oniplcle.) t-itre ne wiih liiUo or no piun. unl ol tho inany 1-u t d opcra:cd upfn in liobtoir thirc hti Ken no fiiil--i, it having met fhe npjrobuliou of ull who lave tiniited te il. VK'tlFIClAL UYES. Will iusnrl urtificiiil eyes. . in thrm th? nation nnd expression of the imtu- Tlny nre inserted without tho v.iixt pnin. IKMiU'lHMOllt. (Pll-F.S.) TIih tnmMesoino di -e i rc.idily cured. TUuic t-utRring from it will well I j till. !h. I i' iK tirtArr viVu Wilkep-Tlnrro with it w of huiMiiW up a lioruiunent Ins-titu'.o for tlio .itmi:r.tol th.' Kye. l;r, ttud Orm;ril Surtry. i eTiK'ricni :f nu re than ti rpmrUT of a ct-mury. llwspitbl atiJ t oih1 nil pruotiut', ho hopes, will he u U iiiuit (rut r i:.;iM) tuoo who wty bo disposed to ;ploj iiim. kiiujiy 14, ImIj ly TO CONSUMKKS OF liii: undeiviy-.til dealer In Coal from Ihe follow. lug yell known Collieriei, is prepared lo receive ers tu tbe.iui.s at the Lowest Market Rates, vis : nuine.us diamond mines lUUfiH & t'O'S )N80l .IDATtD ( O'ri i'e i' uUi rcpared to f.uiii.h tbs l:il(it.)arl m IV1-Iirit I 'l Coal, I.iiinp nml Ihrpnml. the 1! ti I the Sr-.'uohanna Hirer nnd Havre do ,ee. lit Lai mads urrungvineuU for Ihe best TTSTON AAD PLYMOUTH COALS ich he prepmlil to deliver on hoard Bouts at thuutt.l iiid. in by Curs over Northern Central irouu ijonthe lino ol tuo rliiludelphia and i e KaillLV.t. n lb. Ki.sl li.rtos. 1 111 u p' tj reo lo t il nil uruors who uespalcu, and .itt''llnll y M.lieils t i.lets Troui Ilia '1 rail,. ..I.Ik Ji'llS McFAItl.AXD. .pl.t u LSI. Noithuti.heilaiid, I'a. SCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR BI03C HEADACHE, It KlmplotiFJ Cnaw nml Cure. This ha.' received Us name from a eona'aut nausea ' nr sickness at the stomach, which attends the piiin in I e) bend. This headache Is apt lo begin In Ilia morning on unking from a deep sleep, nnd when some Irregularity of diet lias been committed on tho I day before, or sometime f. SCTcrnt days previous. ' Al first llierc Is s distrcisingly oppressive feeling In tho liend, which grndunlly mergci into severe heavy pnin in the temples, frequently attended by a tense of fullness and tenderness in one eye, and ex sending across the forehead. There is a clammy, im plement tnslo in tho month, an offensive brcnlli. and the tongue covered with a yellowish while fur. Tho sufferer desires to bo aloi.o in tl.o darkroom. As soon as the pnlicnt feels the fullness in the head and pnin in llio temples, take large doso of Sehenke's Mandrake Villa, and in an hour or two they ill feci as well as well as ever. This has been tried by Ih-ui lands, nnd is always sure to cure, mi l insW'iid of the sick headache coming on every week or ten days, hoy will nol be troubled with it onoc in llnee uif.iiths. Selicnek's Mandrake Pills nre composed of n ruin her of roots besides Vodnphiiiin. or concentrated Mandrake, nil of which tend torel tsMic secrelions of the liver, and net more prompt (linn blue pills or mercury, nnd without leaving any .innK. tn U1-ml8 ,,crf() tUey will sWv Ibcins.lves by Ihe .w, , , T, ., ... i morbid matter from the system. In sick headaches if (.y arc Inkcn as diieetcd abvnve. (a full dose m .-.r,n !, il : feel tie drst svumtoins of it lit. Sclietiek will nnd has directed his a -cnt' to return Ihe money if they do not give perfect satisfaction. If a person has been compelled to slay out bite al night und drink Uo much wine, by Inking a do'c of pills ongoing to bed. next morning ho w ill feci as though he bad cot drank a drop, unless lie f .r'cts t.i go to bed nl all. Thrv only cost 23 cents u box. Whoever takes llicin will never use er.y oilier. 'ihey arc worth a dollar to a sick man i they c.vl. r verv cent TVnt furget the namo Si'ftr.M K'a .Masiuiakk Vii.i.s. fold wholesale and retail at Dr. Sche.ick'a l'lincl pal Office, Xo. lj.Xorih Sixth street, l'hilnd. lj'hia and by Druggists r.n 1 Storckeepejs generally. l'rice f..r l'lilmoidc Hyiup, Seaweed T...iie, each 51 50 per bottle, f 7 al) the halfdo.cn. or two hot lies of Syrup mid one of Tonic, for &l 7j. Dr. Schenck will be at bis ofi.ee, Xo, 15 North Sixth Street, l'hiladelpbia. every 'alurd:iy lo see palienls. lie makes uo ehuvge for udt ice. but for a through examination of Ihe. lungs with ids Uo piio meter, be charges f 'l. March IS 1IS5. 18G5. 1805. IvIAMEiGTH STORE. .5. . E-KII.B.tiA. NO."', "1 1 1?i Icnvc to o:i the nlter.tioni.r the public Hint they have just returned from tho City will, a very l.A!tt;K AX1) VKLI. SKLKCTK 1 S T 0 C K 0 T (J 0 0 D Consoling ;.f U11Y (J00DS, llnrdwarr, Qiiecnswarc Cc.larware, 30CTS feSHCSS, Hosiery, Oloves. Notions, Trimmings, ISi-us unit! 'ItonsE-silsi. (M!.. E.sistiisi nnd infaclEViaiYTHIXtl (lEXKUALLY KEVT i.-i t'tiitr.y fi f !!. V,'c bougld our g.'sids at the lowest Cu;1i i'rtces and eoiiseiicntly we think we can r ffor great in ducements to purchasers for ( ash or Country I'ro duee. The li i rli e d market pi iec paid for nil kind of Vroduco. (live us a call. .1. W. I'lUI.IXH .t SI.V. Stinbiiry, May 1, l.tl'5: ! E'a: i5o..b;tn AND Millinery Goo tls! Just opened nt the iH.X! M1I.I.1XEHY STOltK. of .lai .11. I., iij.sslor, Vawn street, lv...b...rs south of MiainoUiu A'alley & Votlsvil.o K.'iilmad. AVINO jturfliitfcvl my jro(;I.s til ifJuec;l j.ricc?. di scrip- ti'in i'n XJ i -r i 1 1 r nnl Hummer. IttiiSeUlT). fill. I CVCTV ity It! (if IU4tiH EsTsiIm. llil.bt.r.s. 'l.tttr. l.n.tii l';.s Ac. Cloven. Culliiift. lluiulk. rchit'ti, Hiwifry. I.iicrn. ciln. Silk. tiicmilir.c pud Mouii.ii); t il, tuid nuiiH'iuit.- u'.ht'r uulioiid, usually wt iu iMilliiu-ry 'nil wul ncc liortnfk. (Suitltury. Apiil lstj. 2ni IF vou rant pond Tin-M'urc, ti'KM JKU'ti New Sliop. lo sMITII .A dr . BOARDING 110 USE. .11 PCS. .-?IAHCI A 'l ll.lB&!-iK, (Konncvly of the Lawrunco lloui;,") H U X 15 U li V , V K X K ' A. INFORMS hrr tiit-nflu nnd the jmldio gonernlly tlnit sho hu? r -littcil tl'ti liOUrii litrnierly ocuj.icd by lr. J. W. lVale. or. JI;iikicrry strct't, ncjir the Noi'tlicin (Miti:d K nil. my J't'p'tt, tin. I oprncl a -ff.ir( rinf llimsi. wl:r-rf "hi' is j.n'i'itrvd Iti kirp J'KH.MANhNT AXJ TKAN.MLNT r.0Al.Ii:i;s. nil good cooks mi l Tuuttiv. bojivjtj'd can ci.ji.y the quiet cuiiilurln ui home wi'h 1'ilio cqunltu tht I . 'i. .1. l'iiiroi.nj;e from llio?-. who uir.y-.:j.ti:rn in Suiiljur' rchjtectfullv fulicitc.l. Mrc MAKIA THO.MPS0X. Siinl.iiry. del 22. Um!. J. AV. 1 1111. IN "i .( St, respect I ul ly imiinniiec tluit tltey l.avojui.t reeeiveJ li. opeLeJ a verv .1'' Kl niWc icMilii.cnl i.f WALL l'Al'LU uie. JluLliLl! whicli ll.ey will ili-pnfc nl' ut very ieii.iiiiiijlc j.i ieeii Hciocuiljcr the x-liice, Mil m twit li rtuic, Miuket H.JUill'C. lui.luiiy, M.iy 2:1. IA'i.'i. rniiv s .1 ..l.-l-.J 1.... v . uHl il ll.li partnership in tho Wholesale and Heluil Coal and Shipping liiis'mess under the firm name of (11IANT A DUUTIIKlt.' Thankful for the patronnge extended lo us in tho late funis of Filling & Urant, and lirnnls A Diets I rcspeciively, wo respectfully solicit n coivtinutineo of the smile. I Y. T. I. RANT, ! T. D. liKANT, ! Luwr M half. Sunbury. i'cnu'a. . April 10. DK'ij . HIST WHITE LFAl)! 11 NT I J C! i ruitK Linuirrv j. had, UBojiprcwd for Vbitfninr. Fine Li low. lluiahility : Fii iu ut nnd llvei.ni'! of Sm fico. j I'tlU-. LILhKll Mv -MrrntK to cover , moi o hurUcc f.r name ut-i-hl thuu any other Lead- I i t If ft flfw ey lUII Wilt HUM HU Vllfrf ; ! l'l'UK I.IBETY i'.INf. .''clcetrd Zine, ground in Hi lined Linseed l'il, Ull ciuuled iu quality, ulways the same. I 1UHE L1BEIITY ZIKC, j Wairanted to do aiore uud belter work al a givcu tool thiui nny other tht the Manufaolured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT & COLOH WOHK.S. Ordors executed promptly by ZIEGLEH Ss SMITH, Wholesale Drug, i'aiut imd (ilute Dtatere. W Store A Office, No 1S7 North TI1I1ID kiuect. PHILADELPHIA. March 4, IStii. ly. OLD EYES MADE KEwT A PAMPHLET direoling how to speedily restore elfcht ud 6i, up t,....ucb.s will.aut aid of I d..lor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, ua roceint I .1 lii..,.,i. A.l.i... rf ' 1 J!. V. I'WTE, M. D. February 4. lMi. -io FLUID EXTRACT DUCHU to Kon-Retcntlon or Incontinence of Crtne. Inflamma tion or Uleoratlon of tin niad.ler or Kidneys, D'-soasM of lbs Prostrate Oland, Gravel, Ilrlck Dull Deposits, Dropsi cal Belllnfs, Oi gsnlo Weakness, DcWUty, Female Com plaints, o. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Improved lioso "Wasli Will radically extermloato from the a.vitcm Diseases arls lag from Habits of Dlislpatl n, ol little txpcnie, VM'.t or no change of diet, no incontenUnct or exposuit, completely iupcracdlng thoso vnptcaeantan l gangeront Umteitee, Copalta and Sfereurj, la curing these dlscaicf. USE HELMBOLD'S RUtD EXTRACT BUCHU In all Dlisaici of the Urinary Organi, whether existing la MIL! or rsviLt, from whatever eautt originating, and no matter of how long etandtng. It Is pleasant In Its taste and edor, IMMEDIATE In action, nnd more strengthening than any of the preparations of B irk or Iron. Those iuffcrlng from Beoltsn Dou; or Delicate Corutl tutlone, procure Vie Remedy at once. The Reader must be aware that however slight may be the atta k of the above diseases, it Is certain to affect lilt Sodil'j Health, Jlcntat roweri and ITappineet. If ne treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may casue. AU the above diseases require the eld of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S BIOflLT CaSCI&TftlTED Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilta, For purifying the blood, removing all disease) arising from excess and Imprudence la life, chronlo constitutional dis eases srlilng from an Impure stato of the blood, and th e .iy reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling of the Bones. Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, rimpleton the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly trup lions of the skin, and beautifying the oourLEXioN. "tSTOT -A. FEW Of the worst disorders that nOlict mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all tho dis coveries that h.ive beon made to purRO It out, none can equal In effect IIEDIliOI.D'S C0HP0UXD EXTRA CI OF SA USA rAHlLLi. Itcleanscs and renovates the Blood, In.uill3 the vigor of health Into the system, and purges out the humors which make dijcaee. It stimulates tho healthy functions of tho body, and expels the disorders that grotv and rankle la the Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has longbecn sought for, and noror the flr.it time, the public have ono on which they can de pend. Our space here dies not admit cf certlucatcs to show Its clTjct, but the trial of ft single bottle will show lr the sick that It has virtues surpassing anything they hive ever taken. Two tablespooasful of Hie Extract of Sarsaparl'.la, added to a plat of water, Is equal to t'.ie Lisbon Diet Erin'.-, r.nd one bottle Is equal to a rallon of the Dyrup of Earsapar:i'.a, or the decoction as usually made. The above Kxtraets are prepared on purely scicnllflj principles In Fjcwo and embody tho fall strength cf the Ingredients entering into Oclr composition. A ready and conclusive test will be a comparison of their proper ties with tliono set forth la the U. 8. Dispensatory, HOW TO U3S thh nEframs In DUcascs of Hie f.Iood, Dumors oa the Face, or any ! ftnd crery part of the boily. use Kxtr.ict p2rsaparHl4t ap ) plying to Pimples and all external llumon or Eruptloua : the Inaprovcd Hose Wash. Use the Extract Duchu for all dUpascs rcaulrln tho al.t cf a Diuretic, except t'.oae of the Urinary Orns, such at Oonorrha?a and Cloot; In these use tiio Txtract JUiclm -and hiject with tho loiprovcd Roto Wath. Tiin.n nxTn.YCT3 have r.cEx admitted j TO t IN TilU UNITHD STATU ARMV, aud a. aro inv:rypcnorat use In all tho STATC IIOI'ITAL AND VL'MO XXSTirJno:d throuchout the land, r.a veil at j h p-lratc practice, nnd are consul.:. cd c liv.-aiuahle MEDICI HE HEUYERUD TO AXVAPD'tLSS. ' Mrcct Utters te IIKLMUOLD'.S iJllt'O & CnEM!CAT.WARE:iOrr, ' 594 Broadway, M. Y., next Metropolitan Hole!, ! I.'L'LMCOI.D'J MEDICAT. DEeOT, ! 104 Goulli Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phiia. De'.cribe Simpijms in all Commvnicaticno. SOLD CY ALL DRUGGISTS EOiUMERS. Beware of Counterfeits I s p i; i x c a x i) s v JUST OPr.NEI) 1IY n Zelleinoyer'a lliiiljin. o pc,ile (Jcarlmr. I'eii feelioiiery lore, Mnrketi'lreel, .Sl'Xlll ll . 1'n., I T j,Mt "I'eiieJ n veil seleote new. Imviit i.f J. X li.i.i'U, w hich he offers f..r sale at very low price's BY GOODS ! KOKLWa AMJ DO.MKSTIC.Pii. has Clolhs. (',,! meres, .Vu.'lin. Hliccliii, Ticking, Calieoef, He Luiiien, Silks, (jinhmiis, ,vo , Ac. MATS au.d 4'.KH. of every da.crijliou. VfiTFAYvJ P. AT K di rnniro I Cumirting ol Ui.-iery. CluVva. TlueaJ, Jtiillons, rusiendeni, rsucktie, Colliun. Jiiindkerehiefi., Hair Hrnshus. Toolh lliushes, I'auey 11 cud iJnwcii, Jln. inornl MiirlJ, llooii-M.u ix, Cai pct-ha, Truiiki., Va lines. I'liihrclla.-., Coltou-Vuru, So:,i.nt aud uua.cioijs other arlicli too tedious tu lucntiou. HARDWARE, Bueli as riiiils, hinges nnd scrows, door latches and knobs, niul Ct'lLLUV of every desui i.ioii. Dyta, Drugs, Paints, Vmnislics, Oils, CJluiiB, I Putty, iVc, Ac ! litcci!M. tr um! l:iKiv:iiau ot t'VITJ' l.-K l'Illioil. BTOXK AND E A 1 1 T 1 1 K X V A 1 1 K . An exteii$ire r-tock if GROCERIES. . ComiKMeJ of Pu3.ir. t'offcf. Tens. Iiice. Corn-Rturch, Molucca, Cuudles, :itiii, 1'i.sh, CUlwo. Ssult, T'oUccoi and Se HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. AlliO, 3CCT3 SHCEI1 for men, women and children. All kinds of Country 1'ioduco taken in exchange UI UiJUUI, tuubury, April 22, 18il5. HATS! HATS! ! SAMl'KL KAUST, Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Market St., SUNBURY, FENWA. IS constantly manufacturing the latest styles of Wind and Fur Hats, which lor soilness ami durability are not surpassed. (live him a cull and see bis slock of Huts which are sold cheaper than elsewhere. Mcrehuutsand others, puicuiuaii .1 .Lolesulu, will find it to their advan tage Ui call and proeuro . article thca4 " m-I to cily tuuiiuiaelure. Quubury, Oviobtr 1, 1S r W ftSK FQR ttee-MBQMD'C. J April 22, IS-.5 ly. NEW G00DS I m m j: it n ironin'a onr.AT mmidt roa Gorofula. nnd Borofulous Diseases. From Fmeru tola, a mlltnotrn merchant o Ox fard, Maine, "t have told large qiiaiitltk, of your S,nsrA lm.t.A, but neriT y t olio Imtlle which rnllwl of tlio flesircd cfli-rt and full satisfaction tathnnc who took It. Aa fust ns our iieoplo try It, they nirr-r 'here bus been no medicine llko It befuru in our commuiilty." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotohos, Fuatules, Ul cers, Bores, nnd all Dineasoa of the Skin. From Itnu It'M. Strattan, HrMnt, Knrjlnml. I only do my duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish or the ino illelnal virtues nfyour Sri:sAr.;tit.i... Mr ilnn-ili-tor, nL'l ten, bnd an nflllelln? humor In her curs, Kvnm nnA Itnl fne VeilTN. W'hil'll WO WCrO tlllalllu tO eiiro until wo tried your Paiis.vpaiull.V. Wio ha been well for aoine months." 1'rmn Afrf. Junf I'. Hi' ', treff Innini nml rowefc- ritmnnllitilitnr I -unhrillf, ( iiie .Vugfo., X. .. " My d:iU"bt.T h.-in snfliare.! for a year pt w ith crnrnlnns eruption, which was very lionbl mo. Nothlni" iidordvil any relief until wo tried your r)AI!.SAi'.Mili.l.A,wlii.'li Kiriii completely cured her." from Chiirlrn I'. ' '.'e, .'7 i of "' wllrln lnmrn Oitpe, Murray .f "., lil iiuif H tttm t iiiaiiuiltcd ;7i.T In Xiifli'i i, V. . " 1 had lor sever.d venrs a rerv troiiMesomo humor In my fa "", wlil'eli (trow eoostanlly ron-o until it dlll"iiro.l in)' fiMturea an 1 Inv nil : a:i Intol er.il.li! nflll.'tlnii. 1 tiled alnvnt every tiling u nnn could oT both ad. I t and incdljl-.i.', but without imy roller wh it ".rr, until I took your Sai:kai'.i:ii.i.a. It Inline llat. l nude inv f ice worse, ns you t il I mil It ink-tit lorn timet but In a few weeks the new skin h-'.n to form under tho blotches, mi l con tinued until inv face Is as snnotli ns n-iy body's, and 1 am without iniv svinpt.nns of the disc ise that I know of. 1 enjoy perfe a health, and without a d mlit owe It to your AlisAfAitllXA.'' Erysipelas Ooneral Debility Purify tho Blood. From Dr. 7!lr. Sarin, Ifnmtnn OT., Xrm Yuri: lu. Ayku. I sebloni Tail to remove -.'rMifioM and .SVc.'.i .V .i-.s by tln,i"'r",'V,rliinscui' your H mis vi'Aiin.l. . and I have juxt now cured a'l attack of Mnliiinant Km. Willi It. So alterative wo possess' cpials llio Saksai' AHH.I.A you bavo anp. plied to the pvofosidoii na well as to the people.' Vom.f. '. J.ihn'tpn, ff., U'aWmnn, Chin. " For twelve years, I bid the yellow lOrysipclas on my rijrht arm, durhur which time 1 tried all tho celebrated physicians 1 could reach, and took htm ilro.ls of d.ill'irH worth of medicines. Tho ulcer were so b.ul t 'i.it. tin eorils bivjime visible, and tho ilo.'tors decided that my arm niiist be amputated. I bean taking your S.iisiaiiii.i.a. Took two bot tles, nnd some of your 1'ii.i.h. Together they have rured me. 1 am now us well mid sound as any body. Ileinir in a public phi.T, my ease Is known to every bode hi tills community, u;id excites the wonder of nil. I ron) Ton. Il' iiry Mmra, .1. '. P., nf Xeirnittlr, f '. II'., a katlinj itH'iiiler nf the Vair.utinii i'orlitt went. ' 1 have used your Saiisai'AIiii.i. In inv family, for general itchililti, nml for pariii'tuy tin btwntt Willi verv beil. ll l.il results, an I feel conlidcUCO ill cumiucuOiiiy it to the iilllietcd." St. Anthony's Tiro, Itoso, Salt Ithoum, Scold Head, Sore Eyes. J'l-oin ITurrri Metier, l'i.,lhe ublc lit:r of tie Tnvl-hnniftek li in'u'riil, l'eittn!ilratiii. Our oulv child, about thn-e year ul'ne, was attacked bv pimples on his forehead. Tiny rapidly spread until th. v formed a loathsome ami virulent Hire, which covered his face, and actually blinded Ids eyes lor conic days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver nnd other mitcdion, w ithout nny apparent elfect. l or lifted! days we unanhil bi bands, lest with them lie ghoutd tear open the fes tering and corrupt wound which covered bis whole face. Having tried every thing else we had any hope from, we Ik'uuii ;luu'' your Saiis..m'Aiih.i.a, mid ajipl' the Iodide ol potash lotion, ns you illrect. 'I'll,' sore hean to heal ndicn we bad (jlvon the ltrt bottle, and was well when we had liliished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come uit, grew again, mill he is now as heulthy nnd fair as any other. The whole neiyliborlioo I pi-o-.UQV.-U that tne child must die." Syphilis end Morourinl Di3easo. From J'i: 11 team Shni,f St. Ijnih, Mi't-iiert. 1 lind your rvVi;vr.w:ii.i.A a mon etlivtnal remodv lor Ihe secoudarv .ynnitoms of ,si;tltilii und forsvphilitie disease til. ninny other we posse;.. The pi-ok ssiiiii are indebted to you lor some of tho bet medicines we hac." J'roiii .(. .. 1'rcnsh, M. I)., ml tmieent ihii'i foil f .(ocrencc, .lo.x., trho is a pnimineiit number tf the l.iiilatnre at' M ipiarhuietfi. " Dit.'Aviiit. Jly dear Sin 1 have found jour P.MiSAPAIill.l.A an exi-ellellt remedy for S.ilrlin, both of the iirim-iri and tteeintnri type, mid cll'ee tual iu some Ciises that were too ohsitu.itc to yield to other remedies. 1 do not know what wu eati cm ploy w ith more certalutv of miecess, w hero a puwer 1 u 1 alterative Is required." Sir. Ch-rs. S. Fan I.ii ir, nl .Vnr Ilriinsiriel; X.J., bad dreadful lihvrs on bis fogs, caused by the abilso of mercurv, or inerenrial i.iMe, which grow nion? and inore'nggravnted for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could lie applied, until the persevering use of Avi:is' saiis.umkim.i relieved him. few eases can be found more Inveterate and distressing than this, aud it took several dozeu bottles to euro him Leaoorrhooa, Whites, Femalo Weakness, I are prenerally proilueed by internal SertiOtlmti t'l- erratuir. an:! are lerv olleu eure.1 nyine aiieraino etleet of this SAllSAr.Utll.l.A. Some eases req'lili', however, in aid of the saiisaI'AI'.ii.i.a, tho nkiliul applicitiun of local remedies. From the irttt l.n irn ttntt iriileli eeh hrated 7r. .I'teifb Merrill, nf t 'inrimititi. "I have found your Sausai'AIih.h nil excellent alterative in diseases of females. Many eases of Irregularity, l.eti"orrh.ea, Internal l leeration, and local drhilitv, nrlshuf from the scroftilous dijtliesis, bavf1 yichled to it, and there are few that do nol, wllcu'it .hi llctt Is properly aided by local treatment. 11 A Iu 'i, iiiitrilliitg to allow the t'tO'lieatwn of her INl'ie, tei itej i " Mv daughter and myself baie been ci!i-'l of :i .-rv debilitaliug I.eueofrlnea of long standing, by two botiles of your Sah.-iU'Auii.i.a." Ehcumrdiam, Oout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsin, Heart Diacauo, Ncuralnia, when caused bv ernfelti in the system, are. rapidly AYER'S CATHARTIC TTLLS in:-si'fin so many nilviintngos over tlio tdlier liurtrntivos in tlio miii'Uot, unci their sujicrior vii liK s arc so Htlivi'i'sally known, Hint w e ni-eil not ilu inuiv than to iifsuri' tltc pulilie their HUility is innintainrd oqunl to tin- bct it fvr lias been, uiul tluit tluy may l.o ilepemleil on to ilo all that tlu'V have ever done. l'rcpaml by j. C. AYKK, M. P., & Co., Lowell, Mass., nml sold by Sold by Filling A Oinnt. Sunbury, P. II. .Mi.Ci.y. Northumberland, Aan,n Ilarrol, Elysburg. 1. il. Kutzner. Shuuiokin, J- P. l.,jrue. l'ats.jntown. And by all dealers in Medicines everywhere. August 13, lii. 1, jacob o' beck: MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer iu t' LOTUS, C'ASSIMKHES, VESTIXO, Ac. t'awu s.li'. 't, soudi ol H i iiver's llol.l. BUNUB 11 V , r . iXFDIIMs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, thai helms jus! returned from l'lii'lndelphiu with a full nssurtiiiei.t ot SrillXU & SUMMER GOOD?, OF EYEliY DESCU1PTION AND QUALITY. And at greatly liKDUCKl) lMUni', llm slock con,isis of Cloths, French Cloths, lllaek Doe Skin and Fancy Cas-Mineres. lilack Satin. Figured Silks. Plain nnd Fiinev Ciuwiiucrc VESTlNdrf. winch I e will luiike vi'i 1 older ill styles lo suit Ihe nte ol l i,.',i.uiei - j oil soon u.oioc- .1.. .........i.i terms. ' Any (loo.ls nol on hind, will be furnished from Pliila.lelp.ua, l.y givint two days' notice. up t0 oy ctisiouiors will no luaae f.rier us iiercintoro. As lie n ill employ n ee but experienced workmen, i-Anii i..Ht r..lv ii.. il...:. ......I. ii .i . persons muy rely on ge tiug their work well done at HIS !IO'. Thankful lor the palonngo horctoforo bestowed, he respccll'ullysoliciti.eontinuauceuf the same. Sunbury, April 15, 1105. FANCY DIillSS "GOODS, Two iloot'u AYck of the Post Ollico, "I AS iunt rnoii-nd anl i . Ilii-glovcs, Silk and Mo thread liloves; Ladies cotton Hose, Childronl Merino Hose. Silk Alits Ladies und llentlenien landUerchiefs. Corsets. Em broi.lered Slippers, Ribbia FANCY DUESS 111 T- IONS, liugle dimiis, TrinminiM. Dultons. Dull Hih. Iraid, licit Clas, Ladies' Neck-ties.CHAl'EhlIlluNuiidTIU.MMINU: Em- broidoring llrai.U, Jae.nt and SwUs Edgiugs aud ...Eu. ....... , v-ouura. i. aces, itrcnaiiine eils, Dlaek eils, Fane Dross. Combs, lluud Dres. scs, Kelts, and a variety V other articles. l-ookwuod's Paper Collis of a superior quality. Ludiea I.iuen Collars, a iriely of gueen Eliiabeth tollais, black aud white larbes. Fioture Curds and Tiwls. PH0T0OEAH ALBUMS llJOKS Aflf:) STATIONERY, Monthly Time Buk, Jrawlu Book and States. Bocks, Hymn Baks, lymii Bo,ks. slmk fl,, Memorandum Diaries, .'oele-Huok., Ink Sunds, Pens, !l' b",Jkt? ,f ''"I'Wi Jl"i aps, 'Jbotb-UilHes, Ao. i!D3t.S, UU Pert lis, Toilet be up TOYS AXD GAl'lS FOII CHILDREN, All or ww a uro tectcd witli eare and will tranld al tuasonatil f i. ANNA FAINTEK. t.sUt r, Msy 13,JS i & QillilSMMIL 33MPORITJM, HAVING jint rctiimcd from tho Cily wilh on on llrs now "luck of Ikrsiin, 4'lirniirn2, Vorftujiery nnd J'oilrt Al llclom to which he invites hie friends nnd Ihe fniMie ffr-nor-ally, to call and examine. The Dnijrs and Mc.lioinus are nil sulcotcd from llio best Importing houses in Ihe Knstern market with Ihe (rronlent enro as lo )iuri ly anil cUKicney nnd avoid inu; ns much as possible, tho Introduction of ilelerious uoetrums. PATENT MEDICINES Of nil kind., nich us Ayer's, Jnrncs, McClintock, llollowny", Wishnrts, llooflands, 'Soheiiks. llrowii's nnd nil oilier popular patent liicdieines, always on hand. BRUSHES, Hair, Toolh, Nail. Clotlio and Taint Ika-lics.. Special care in taken to keep on linud conslnntly every variety of PAIXTS AND CHEMICALS, Fuilnlilc to llio trade. Kancy Toilet Articles nnd the numerous nrtieles w hich are generally kept iu a well conducted estab lishment. In n.iiiiieclion with the nbove articles. he also keeps on hand a larjjo assortment o( STATIO.NKH V, such us ruper. r.uvclopes. Pens. Penuils, Inks. Ao. l- IMiysiclati s prescriptions and family receipts con, pounded with the greatest neeurncy and dispatch, jit ALL llorilM Day or Night. lleiiirinbcr 111 place. Market Sijuare, under the olliee of Ihe "rfunbuiy Aiuericnii.'' It. A. FLSCllKH. Piiiibury, June 2.'i, 1SCI. I.iu l.avi iiiciiii & IlIoMiiiNltiirK' tStiil I'OiKl. ON nnd nfter Jan. lSlh. 18(14, Pnuuiiger Trains will rii.i a f,ll i.vi : SIOVIXII SOI-Til. Va.ieni?rr. Leave Kerniitnn,. 4.2(1 1'. M Kin ;ston, o.dj HIiMuuiiburjJ H.2i ' llllperl, " iiauville, (l.'tj Arrive nt Xoi ihiiinl.crlaiid, Miivivu vor.Tii ! Lcnvo rCiirlhiinilieilnnd, S.Ofl A. M Danville, H. Ill " It ii pert, SKI u III.Kiiiislturg, II. i Kington, 12.12 V. SI. Arrive nt Seianlon, I. .'Id Freight A l'lwsener leaves Hlo.'insl.ur. 10.1.", A. M. j l'assengers taking the Mail Train South connect witli the Kxprcss Iruin from X'lrlliiiiul.erlaiel. arriv ing at Hnrrisburg. nt 2.:i0 A. M.. Daltiniore 7.00 A. M.. nnd at Philadelphia, nl T.00 A. .M. The Mail train from Northumberland leaves immediately al'ler llio nrrival of tho Kx press train from llai ri-hurg and Ilalliuinre. allowing lassengei's leaving Philadelphia nt 10.40 P. M., lo reach point uu this road during the next forenoon. New nnd elegant Sleeping ears accompany Ihe night triiiuseiie.il way belivecn Northumberland and Jin I line. re, and Nuflliuiuhrrlnr.d and Philadelphia. Ii. T. HOl'ND. Snpt. I. K. STAUFFER. WATCHMAKER & JJEWELEY. No. IIS North MCCUND slreel, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. All iiMsurliiit'i:! ol' Vi In', .Zvy S'li'j , Wilt ! A: K'lss (! Wisrs' cui.stnnlly himd, Puilal.lc for HOLIDAY PHKSKXTS ! U llepairing nf AValches and Jewulvy .roiiiplly attended lo. December :i, ISIll ly IS. W. Smitii. Ciias. Tt. Okhtuhf , SlITH & GS1TTHEP.. j nrket fdrcct, one door envt of Mr. Ihmllon'ii Hotel j Have i. pined ! A N E W T I N - W A i! E, I SIkm'I Ii ou mid Sloir .rr, , nnd intend krrning constuntly on hnd, ai.d iniinu fuoturin Ut ordur on shortcut notice, T1X AND SHEliT 1UOX-WAUK of all dt wriiitions. i A Large .tiick uf Cook Stovcifof tfirfuil()wiii;IraiH'8 nnd on the following two Ilrauds we defy competi tion, namely 4'iiiiilii:ilioii iih ICm i-'i', ( nol,, tiai fl'lioi- I'eiiii ':(.. unsurpassed f.r benuiy i.f f;i:l.-h. simplicity of nr riiugement. e..Milining cheapness and .lurol.ility. and each stove warranted to periorui w hat ihey are re presented ALSO. PAUL'!!: nnd OFF I OK varirtv. enibracing all the best ilic;,:::! moil fashioiialile designs j Also, The celeb rated 1IF.M for l.etiling up nnd ' down stairs. Alsii the celebrated Vl'LCAN 1IF.ATKI1. t ';;:! (til, t'oal Oil 1.ii:iim, Sliiultv. liiiiii'H, iiik! iill.iirlii'lcH 1 unusually ke.l in an cstaMi.-hmcnt of this kind. AVe I arc also prepared to.toiill kinds 1.1 Spouting. Hoofing. 11..-,.., ,in,l I 'orroiiM. Work . 1! it. l-'i! I in Ac I! fitt. ir I......I I.. ...... ' . ill 1 1 Country produce taken in exchange al ...a.k..l price. SMITH & OKXTHKlt, Have the Agency forlilllli'S CE1.EI1H ATED FIIIE PLACE SluVI.S. for the Counties of Noithiiniber laud, Snyder, l iiion and M inlour. Ai d aro also agents fr Ihv Pipher A Villowcr LiiiL ' Transport al ion. Sun. ury .Dec. 3, S,i. N K W GOO J) S! 'J'wii doors west of Win. II. Miller's Shoe store, Sunbury. l'u. Just opened n fresh supply of SI'Ifl.NG & Sl'M.MKIt (iotlDS, Such ns Fancy Dress Trimmings. Ilibbons, liloves llan.ikerehiet's. Ladies' Lineu Collars and Cud's (lent s Linen and paper Collars. Nells. Pelts. Luce Collars nnd Sleeves. Hair Polls. Velvet Ilibbons. lied. While and Hluo Neck-lies. Corsets, t'liaker Skirts, Yokes and Sleeves. MIAKUO. PA1IAMU.S, AC. IMiulMui-siiklitt ;rti''i!i'2il a.liK-oIii, in friiiucs. Also, Sw iss. Jaconet and Yieloria Muslins Crape Collars and Veils, Urenadinc aud Iuicu Veils nud a variety of other articles lis. numerous In mention. JIAUY L LAZAKIS. Sunbury, Jlay 13, IS0I. 6ts 99 (.ato HEIUI'S HOTEL.) Corner Market anoNld Streets, HAllKISBl Uti. PA. TDK attention of the public is respectfully called lo this Hotel which is now open for tlio aeeouiuioda thin f guests. In the past live month during which lime it has been closed the house has been thorough ly remodeled and repaired, until iu point ol cooi.n.i. eneo and euuilort, Hi iutroLs will hud it tu own no suncrior. I 1 sse siriiiliu-v f:ui,-,-lv I Huouui lurger than are usually found in modern hotels I Situated uu tho corner uf I wo principal business , lwu principal business reels of the oily.bul two aud a half squares from tho Hull Koad Depot. The proprietor delcrmiued lo ! "pare no expense in securing ( lis comfort of his itueti I Aii. I r ....ul.) .. m i .. i: i - ". ' " "'v o.s.u.i ior uie esiauii;l:uiei.t. ho leels willing to tnut iu character to the iudemoat HENHY TIIO.M4K n January 2I,1SC.5. ' ' '"w' J. a. HILBUSH, 4ouuly MII1-V4.VOI-, ('outr)uiii'tT AND J I STICK OF T1IK PKACK. . , ( ) llV i i ,"W,"',"P; t-nnngcuionts can I rr , be. nmdo 'ut'. dirc-cted lo the uouveaddress. ' ... : . M euirustcu lo uts cure, will bo promptly ; "Vi'U"',,- , 1 A ' 22. 18tJ.s. ly ! VT HTTP At I'lTH CTAni" i Liv'U.U Cj J liLU tolUllTj WHOLESALE Als'D JIETAJL. l b "uWel",UBr respecifully informs the publio ,f, '"t, eP oonslautly on hand at his new Vi AKLHOUSE, uenr th Shuuiokin Valley K nil road H"11?!' ,iUSi.?.URV' i ,our bJ t"" '" I sucks M.. siuui 01 r eeu oy tne ton Thi above is ull manufactured at his own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADYV ALLADFH. cuuuury, June , :doI. ' " i A E. O. GOBIN. Allorucy and Coauaellor lit Isitr, BOON VltLK, COOPER CO, MISSOl'KI. WT;P, Jmxm ?n !a0(l1 ' "7 Prt of the Slate. Buy and sell real Estue, audall other maj iters entrusted to hiu will recsi, , HOIUJ4 alien. JuiyS(;86J.o;lla, 'M. " ' ' ' ' .' THE RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Bnnltnti's.) MARKET STREET, 8UNEUIIY, PA. JULIUS ARBITSIl, HAH taken this old nnd well known stand, nnd refitted tnd furnished the sntno Is prepnrcd lo accommodate, Hoarders nnd Travelers with th best the market can afford. Ho hopes by strict attention lo hnsiness to roceire a share of publie pntronnire. His TAI1LK contains Ihe best the market alords. His liar is oiled Willi tho choicest of Liquors, both Malt and Spirituous. Tho stabling Is good, and attended by careful Osllors. runbury, April 30, ISfil. ly O-- "W. I-IATJPT Atloriiry nnd 4'oiniHrllor n l,nn, Ollico on south side of Market street, fom doors west of K. Y. Bright Son's Store, eXJISTEXJiiY, FA.. Will attend promptly to nil preressionnl hnsiness entrusted -io his care, tho collection 01 claims in Northumberland and llio adjoining counties, r-enbury, Mny 23, 1S(I3. ly TO TIIK 1USICAL PUBLIC. fpllK rnlcrihcr 20 yrnw A jirnt'ticnl Pinno Forto I Aliinufautnirr. of Mow York Citv. liatt iiennn- liciitly IncnteH in this section, nnd would rcpiuctfully o He it orders for TUNING, BEPAIRING. AND EEGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MEL0DE0NS. The ruUerihcr is nlso the ninniifneliirer's Agent for CHICKLIilXO A SON'S, 1IAZLKTO.N HKO S., LINUL.MAN A SON'S.. WILLIAM II. llllADIU ItY'S, f.ihvaiid iilwo.mi'ikld's, McDonald a co s, 1'I VXI I'OEt'l I'S. And t'arhnrt A Ncedhniu's. and Peloiibet's MELODfJONS & HARMONIUMS, And L. V. Stuart's Pipe flll'ltCIl 01UJANS .tajiks Mcdonald. lllooinsbiirg, Pa.. Apiil 2:i, lfli'i. SI. II. SI,1 si'.t:, , St Xlil'KY, PA . in the counties of N.r- V norm'' i( i.iim' 1 V Collections nttendcl In Ihuinheiiaml. I'liieii Snyder, Montour, Columbia and l.ycoiuitig. nirair.xrti. Hon. John M. Itccd. Philadelphia, A. II. iiallell A Co., Hon. Win. A. Porter. " Morion McMiehael, Esq.. " E. Ketehnin A Co., 2S'J Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashniend. Attorney nt Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys nt Law, " Sunbury, Murch 2H. 1W.2. THE UNION FOIIEVKH!: .'01 I'OIE .MILLION ! Al the Store of .7 CHIT Corner of Miukct and Fawn Streets, SUNJJUI5V, PKX.X'A. Jlist OjtCIH'd FALL & WINTER (iOOI)S,! fur rvcryitody. 1 Ins nn -Hlowin. IjuI ilnin truth, winch every out will Ijc coin inecd tliut calls and ix iimincti tin? flock, wliiuli conist of l)rc! (inodrt. (,:i-;--inicr,!i. Cloths, (ien!. Ovrn-oiiting. Jcfiit, (.'otliinidt'.". Mii."liii!. 'ics.i (juod. in gic;il vm icly. LADIES' DKKisS GOODS. Plain and Figured Delaines. French nnd Figured Merinos. Fine M ool Delaines all sorts and shades. Prints. Nankeens. LAD1K6' Ci.OAKINtl. Table-Covers, I Irish Linen. Ilrown and I White Sheetings. Shaw l.-, Ilaluiiiral Skirts of all kinds. Hoop Skirts, all prices. Hand kerchiefs. Flannels. Ladies' Kid. Silk nud Merino liloves Ac. ii'w ; oi'uit s.nisi. Ijiidicii and licn(n I'liiou Skates. A large .us-ortmci'l of NOTIONS. 1 Hardware, Cedarware. Illnssw..re, Chih.mvare, i C icensware. ( rocheiy. Ilroeeries, 'I'ol.acco. Segnri, Snufl. Tea. Cofee. Soger, Molasses. Spices, Fish, Salt. Ac. .'.c, j and everything else usually kept in a store. Pro j duee taken in exchange for goods. No trouble to ; snow goout,. JOHN liOWEN. Sunbury. Nov. .", I '01. s: id s' IMI'IIIIAL 'fl' S JJlJotoraph Gallrvirs,; Nos. 704, Hit and Jl AIICH STI1EET, riXILACELPHIA. Dee. 17, S",. rii FROM WASniNGTOir. LATliST IMPROVEMENT OF AGEI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. at Tin: F O U IT D R Y, STJ3SI33TJR-2-, PENN'A. Ilet thellest (let tljo Cheapets liel Ihn Inn.i Ecu nomical, w hich can be lul l at the liohrbaeh Foundry Haying ii large assortment ol the most approved STOVES, such us Cooking, i'mlor. (iliice and Mi ni ,...... .. I.I..I. ..Ill I . . I . ... ..i .-.,,. m.l.-,, uii-uMii.! hi ,m. iowcpI rules. .Jso. ! Kettles olal! si.-s. Pans. Skillets, .to. : 'ihey are also in inufiicriiriug .Mai hinerv. r..ii"t,s, Castings. e.. ni l..,it i.oiit-e, - ' a lle..iiiing al! l-in ls ol A'.'ii..ilii:r.il Impieiiienls ; done iu a g. o 1 noikm.Milikc n.aiiuer una ut ll.o J shortest notice. All nrth :i shipped 'in ordered. Orders resiiecl 1 fully solicited and r.unptlv attunled In. , EOliUUACH A COOFEU. j t ir Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce takcu in ! Exchange for in.rk i Sunbury, June H, I SO I . t f BREAD ! PRE AD ! ! BREAD ! '. ! 3S7E"W BAKERY. rpilK undeisigneil lias opened a llakery. on Market I street, Siiiiluiry, Pa., two doors west of llio 1'ost Olhce, where he w ill keep constantly on hand, 1Vs-s.Ii lti--aI, T ia..KuiI, Uii1,k, nnd TEA-IitNNS. All kinds of FANCY CAKES, Common Cakes, Prelnels. Ac. Pic-Nio Parties, Weddings and Funerals, will be supplied ul the shortest notice. A good assortment will be kept iin at nil time, niiiuufactiired out uf tho lust material, ond orders w ill bo prompily attended to. He trust that liis tii. nds and the public generally will sustain him iu lliis now enterprise, now greatly needed iu Sunbury. Ho trust his experience in the business will rna ble him tngive tieneral SMtUluetiou to all who may fuvor him iilh Iheir patrunugo. , , , . DAVIDFHY. Sunbury, April 22, loiii. Tlio 'uiiilf. 1ToiillA'Iii m-U. Nt'iisii-isliiiif CORN SHELLKR 1 PATENTED, AlCIUST 2nd, 1SC4. rillUS Sheller is the only one that shells the Corn X peifeclly clean from llio Cob when green, souk, edor dry. It gives the Ear a double operation on the Shelling V heel ns it passes through, nnd Sep,,, rales the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it at once tit lor market without Ihe use iif Ihe famiinz mill. 'J his machine shells a IMf Jlimul of Earn to thr Minute ly Or,!!- titry Hand J'ovcr. and can be used, nlso, by Horso, Steam or Water Power by allachiinr u Puller on Ihe 1'mnlr sh.s For Durability, CluanlincM. Neatness Cheapness and Rapidity iu Shelling, this Muchiue vaunot be equalled by any other. STATE AND COUNTY H IUIITS FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. Uexti.kukx : If you want your eorn Shelled clean; if you have occasion to shell green or dump corn; if you want your eorn and eol separated ; if you waul a durable niaehiua ; if yo a ant a cheap sheller, buy Ihe Cmpkle. Double.Aetiiig, bieltJwn. araling Com Shcllcr. HEFErlENCES : II. B. Mssser. Dr. J. W. real. Banbury Charles Haas, Miller, Samuel Lcwig, Iteadiuv C . tl. Morgun A Co.. Ueo. Weiser. X. A..-....S MIII..M S:.. iu i. iburr. Sot Marls. t' ' ii:v:',""r-', ing. Bear (Jap. C. Albert, liiurgutowa sd and for at the yi7,.drj V( COOPER, Hunbury, Px. ' aiMUuiooiurftd ItOllUJJAClI buuburj, sUeo. 3, 1801. 6 La 1rtcrlpllon irT' v compondl of lh b. dkIus., h, rxi son futbary, May 'A ' Tlio Atlnm'is Kiprrss 4' Isstnntir. GIVK NOTICK that they have, .nneluded nr . rnngemcnts with the Northern Cen ttalK silrond Company to run trains from Bnltin, era, or York llarri."hurr, Dnup'iin. Halifax, TrerorMiijanbMrr' Niirlliiiml.crl."nd, Lewisburg, Milton, Astusy, M' llamsport. Mid rll interuiedinte stations, eoouoelinir nl llarrishnrir wllb tho GRKAT WKST.iliV l.v. PRLSS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louiisnd tlio n crt. Also with Howard Co. ' Express at JfiKon or . Danville lll.,insbiirg, Wilkosbarre, I'ittstrm. rcran Ion, and intermediate stntions on the Cattrwlssn. Laeknwnniift Ulfxuiirburg IUilronds. At Wil l.niusport, by Howard A cV, Kxpros, t JBr,0, . chore nnd Lock llavnn u. i... n j . .. ' j ,1. 7. 7 J.unsru A. WO., fnd Iheir cnnneelinns. for Canton. Trnv vi..r. ' poinU in V estern New Urk and Canaila. by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Hank Note., Uon m U"1'10 l ttki5u f every dcsorlp! Aiso, Notes Drafts and Hills for Collection I.xpcrioiice.l and efficient mossengers emnlorod and every illort will be made to render satisf iction' JOHN HI.VUIIAM Superintendent Penn'a Division, l'liilndeli.hia R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Suulury. 1 April 4, 1WI2. Ai'rin--in-nli 1M4IS. oi" York I.Inr-o. THE CA.MDKN AND AMIIOY AND PIIILADEL Pli IA AND TRENTON It. U. CO.'fl LINES, Prom VI,il0,lrl,,Lin, Kr York and Way Ir,t from H , 7(r A. ; ; Diyot, n-,11 Imre an falloim, viz ; rAnB At 6 A. M., via Camden nnd Amhoy, (c. and A. AccomiiiiHlation.) y s2 25 ' At (1A.M., via C.iindenand.I Accommodation. Ulo.n J"J, At 8 A. M.. via Cnmde (Morning .Mail.) 2 2i , 3 Ot , 2 2. , 3 Ot 2 2. , ,"L j 3 00 3 00 . nnd Jersey Cily, At a A. M., viu Caui.len ami Jersey oily 2d i i its i ickci At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey ei. Express At 12 M. via Camden and Auib. (Accommodation.! oy, 2 and A. Al 2 via Camden and AmW, f(' sod n. M .pi t At a P.M., via K.'ii-in ri,, , .t., Wadi. and N.V. Exi.res. At 0) 1 Jl.. via Kensington nnd Jcucy Citv (Lveimer Mail.l ' " At 111 P. M. Tin Kensington and Jcriey cily Southern Mail. ' At I (night) via Kensington nud Jency cily SoiUnern Express 3 0t) 3 00 At o P. M., via Cam leu and Ami.,- !,',","'.J:."1: yiSl'l and PasHcngW, First I lass I i"ket. ' o ,n Second Class Ticket. For Waler (lap . S.'rondsl.urg. S.-ratton. Wilkc. bane, Monlrisp. Orout Demi. Ac, .t (I A M from Ken-ington via Delaware, Laclawunnii an'i W cstern Railroad. For Mauch Chunk. Allenlown, Detldelinm, lio'.i deir . Knsion, Lauibertville. 1'leioiugt.n. Ac. til u A. M . Irom hensingion Depot, and a' 2i l' M. froiii M .ilniit street Wharf. (llien A. ill. Line conneids Willi Trains lea Easl.m f.r Mauch Chunk, at J-20 P M ) For Mount Holly, at I) A. M.. 2 mid 4 P M in&- tor erecuoiu, 111 ll A. .VI. and 2 V M , WAY LINES. ' ' For Brislol. Trenton, Ac, at II A. M. and 21 and J J'. Jl. In on Kensington. For Palmyra, llivertou. Deliinco. Dcverlv, T.ur liiirTioo, Ilurence, Uordcntown. A,. .., i i 'i n it nnd li P. M. ' -.', . t F'.rNcw York, nnd Wav Lines luarin" Ket, Mnglon Depot, laku Ihe Cars on Fifih slrcel.b .v. nlniit. half an hour hef.ru departure The Cm run into the Depot, and on Ihe arrival of ca..!i Tr'rt, run lioin the Depot. ' Filty Pounds of Ilaggnge onlv. allowed ci h HfT i'"""? ,lrp l-rol.il.'iie.l from (akin,. mi) thing us baggage but tl.eir we irin raiiparel. All t'Sggage over llliy ,oun.. (,, he pr.i.l '.,r ,.vtra. Tl.o on pary limit U,; ir responsibility fr lwgr.-0 l One Jiol r per pound, and will not be liable for any aiuouii! beyond ir'IlKI. except l,y special contract. 1V.M. II. UATZ.MElt. Agent. January I", Isiij. Ji. '. i:A2cia.i: i s Confectionery, Toy and FJRTJTT STORU, fo.Nrr:cTioxi:i:v or m.l kinds, toys of j; ki:y dksc'uh'tiox, Pia'n&c.&c, ! "1NS' fANTLYon Finn I nnd I'.r sale nt the abovi . Vy' es'ablishiin.iii ul wholesale and retail, nt reason j able p. :.".'S, II.' is luanuf.icluring all kinds et Ponfeulionai in . to keep 11)1 a full assortment which aa- sold at lju ' rules. I Tel. a. -co. Segars. Stalionerv. Nuts of all kinds an. 1 a variety of orin r nrtielci!, all of whijh nre ullcre . wl.oles.ile and retail. in lleuieinber the none nn.l place. T M c t: I.' a n if i iit jM ii .a i sireci, J doors w est uf E. Y. liligbl A Son' store. Siinhurv. .pi. 10, lSii.1.f wasmi ir im i uvi nvi: nn b 'j's: riti-.r.s.i.zi: A- Jmprovod f..r l.sjtf and ISiiO, l!y K. KETCH AM A CO., 2s0 Pearl si., New YoW rpilE only Freezer constructed on scientific pir 1 eiples. wiih a revolving enu nnd spring hp., scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream iheoiher removes it ns fnsi a.s frozen. The most rapid iu freezing, with the least qimnlii ol Ijr. ' The most econoniiculiucosl, ns it is the most sliv.o nn.l din able iu structure. ' For sale iu all the principal cities and tow ns in I' I ;n. at. Each Frcr..-r accompanied w ith n bo .k of re.-li and full directions. PI! ICES. 3 nuarls, $:: tin 4 im & mi (I n.i 8 mi 12 uu MASSEIt, Suiiburv, Pi 4 tjiini't.s, ti ijtiarts, K ijiiarts, 1 1 .tiarls. Iin ouiirts, Apply to II. 'Il I'M, 11li2. Mar iKollUK illl.l., HILL & Simos 1". Woi.vt nro V.OLVJ3R TON. ttioi iK H a,,a 'wiiiih-Ioi-k nl !.: Office. Market slreel. eor. Centre Allev. STJISTBTJfl-S-, FA.. ' ' A 17 II. I. attend promptley to Uie collection nfclai 1 and ull other professional business intrusted their cin e In Northumberland andudjoiiiingeouiili Sunbury. January 2.1. IS12. tliinliooil ikon tMst, Iiom- Urttori .Tiisl piil.li.-!ied, a new edition of Dr. Ciilvei i Cell hraled Fssay on the radical cure (without im cine) ol pciniutorrlueu, or seiniiiul weakness, voluntary euiiual Lusses, Iiupotencv. Meuud o Physical IncniMieity, iinpcdiiiients to Mnrria 'e. ct also. Consuuipiion, Epilewy, and Fits, induced sell-indulgence or sexual extravagance. I V l'rico. in u sealwl envelope, only six cents ihe celebrated author in this admirable e clear .y demonslrates, frum a thirty years' succes. practice, that tho alarming coiiscouenees of s,' abuse may ra.iieally cured without the danger, use ul liilernal medicine or tho application of i kuitt pointing out a mode of euro at once si in i certain, and t-flcelual. by menus ufwhuh every iercr. no innller what bis condition mav be, u cure himself cheaply, privately, and rudijv'oi' c,t Ijf Ibis Lecture should be in " ' youih nud every man in i,Viaiu envelope, to anv r tout, under n'oh f.eeipt of six ci" .' dress, p.. Address Ihe publisher- sU- ' , o. ,,,u , in"" v C. KLINE A CO .viarch J.,, s,.,. j,, y a irnniloijnl Ilwf., olij ami HOT JJrua,iry, Corner I'ralUiu jit, NEW YORK. rpiIIS ilrslelass House Ihe most nniot, home! J and pleasant Hotel in Ihe cityJoflers super liiduoemenls to th.e visiting New York for hiisin or pleasure. It 1, central in its location, and kept theEi aiu iiix Pi an m connection with Tatlo' b.iLoox. where rolreshmeiiU can be had all hoi or served in their own rooms. Xha charges are n derale, the r.s.ms aud attendance of the Brst orde, iJet I I ill I uloa,;ru ou euieniies allocked solom'onTiaTick, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fivvil' "nmberUncl County. J OrHlEinhust end of Weaver s Tavern, Marl Street. ' All busiiiessciilrusted to him will be carefully n punctually aiteudtd tu. Consultation iu tho Fr Dsn and tier-nan languages. Sunbury, April a. ISOj. IF YOU WANT oKKOW A LITfLE OK EVERYTHING relating 0 . buuau system, male and femalo; th'eaus aud Iroiumeui ol diaeiun ; ua Mj.frj.j,, customs the woii4 ; ho- 'o Dinrry w .d a thousai I .1.: . in 7V V ' uf .""". CouSZilSnK 'urZ cl,ou !'e"I'le, and a good bk 'SZS "? ilIu..ra.io..T.riu',k I. noe SI. S i- i.r.rr. .v. i.t .." w "tress Books uu ue uau ai me Hook Mores, or will h. ..,TT rost ,id on reeeip, of tbT,"ce " AudZ' """ E. B. FOOTE. M. I) fel.rury4: 1804. re-.. M