Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 30, 1865, Image 3

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    JUfcc Sunfcury American.
. P. M AHSEA, Editor Proprietor.
. WI1VERT, Publisher.
Eoral Affairs.
UfSTOvia, Tih-waris, As. Smith A Octithcr
baring enlarged thoir establishment at the old stand,
now call attention to their extensive assortment of
Cooking and Parlor Stores, of various new styles anil
pnt terns, and also to a varioty of tin waro and bouse"
hold article;.
fy-M'TcnE, Jcvr-Mir, Ac. We call attention
"Ia the advertisement of A. E Bavage, formerly of
Philadelphia, who bas opened a new establishment
In Simpson 't building, Market Squaro, Sunbury. lie
ill keep on hand an assortment of Clocks, Watches,
Jewelry, and being a praotical Watchmaker will
pay particular attention to repairing clock;, watches
and everything in tho line of his business.
i asn ii
Jaeob 0. Heck, Merchat Tailor, informs hi
friends and the public, that he has just reoeived an
entiro new stock of goods and is ready to serve his
customers vrlth n;w goods and garments of the latest
t -
tjS" CosTisftXTAi, Ci.oTntsa Stobe. Mr. Slny.
tJiiikcr, tho extremely obliging and good nature J
Vporator at Hccht's Clothing store, in Market Squaro.
tins just rcplonirbod his stock, with anew supply of
'-tot-tag wri furnishing goods for gentlemen, as will
be scon by bis advertisement in another oedjtnn.
tjf' $i-'0n Lost. Wo regret to learn that our cu
terpiising liwustuan, Mr. John Haas, one of our
opt raters, lad hir. pocket book on Tuesday last on the
Vivor bank, conlninluj eijht huulrol dollars In
money. Pu t of this sum was uiado up of compound
interest-betting notea'o-f $100 each. Mr. Unas wnJ
chasing soiio hoy nt li e time and fell Lis pocket-book
imp. Wo picked it up and replaced it in his coa'
siJi'-iOiikct, ami tfo'pped it ngniu without knowing
tt. Ho Scat ."'""l it!rw4iiiteily nflorwnrds. bu,
in vain Nr. JLiu- i.fl ? !00 rewind for tfttrccove
' of the iun v.
..tV" Tho Stato Agricultural Fair nt William,!'
is prciK.nnic 1 a f.tilnro as rcgoids an cxhi-
lion of itoik. Ttuvo Fairs have burn nearly "play. .
d out." The or:ly place v. hero ft rcpectnbl ahuw
h (xndc bat I'Mla Iclphla
Yi UAsrrKmiiBS We wero protcuted a few
slays since with u dish of very fine raspberries, grown
iu the garden of Mrs. Doune.l of this place. They
aro larger tban the Cattanizsa, deemed by many the
bei t fall louring b tiry.
fp' .S'herifl Rissel has done away with hod carriers.
it. it:tirv l.rn-li fi,r lilt, n,ff (oiirt Itmtsn lltn wtitlh t,f
which ero cow nearly up. The brick and niortur at'
s ow taken nf to the top of (he building by means o
a huUting apparatus. A strong horse attached lo tho
rope walks the floor of the hail, and runs up a lar-e
bucket ctiiiiamii:g about -10 brick in iiethiin a uiiuuto.
or at tho rato of SJ.noO per day. It is not only a
great saving but a great convenience when hod car-
riersari'harJtobcg..tcvrU at g2,&0 to$i,00 per dny.l
" '
tjt? Mks sna erirs Jinsr.D BY tub "Til.ll'' ;
Wr.An.-All wifcincncr,n avoid it byc:.Iiing !
ton oi.r f.icnd S . Faas.1, next door to tho Aiuericnn
-ofucc, and procure ono of his latest stylo htttg.
advertisement in another column. '
J'AaoiT The fnllnwinj very
scimibic rcuiurks wo copy from tho Louisiana Flag
They are true, nn 1 to the point ; 'VTo c.innot ceo
uro a wan in business who does not ndvertiso if ho
has nothing wutli advertising; but renders uiut
know that the business man who throws out bid sign
in a newspaper, and is not r.rltimteil of his steek ol
goods, can nimis fnir.i.h a better qualiiy r.t Io'.tc.1' ;
prices than thoso dlio, either through sbsiuo or po
nurionsness, l ever let the pitMis
iub!i3 know what thev
iuv e or w t.ut they nro coing.
tV'WiiiT Xrx.T' The newest thing out is
plumprrs" for hollo'.v-.'hc..kc I damsels. Tho pluia
ier is mndoof poroelaia, pcu.sliaped in form, flat on
nc sido and bulging out on thu other. They fit on
iio inside of the chucks, giving a round, plump p.
earanec; hone, duub:lesj their nun. i.
3T iloois. Of all cast o.lnrliclcs of wearing np
nel tho hoopsl.irl is the greatest nuisance, to which
irrcls, allies, coal hules ar.d gutters will attest, 't he
dies say they ciiiimt burn nor effectually d cat toy
cto, and they would be glad if something C Jiild bo
bstituled which could be got ii I of after it Li worn
V2'" ' he rnivers'iry exercises of tho Milricu iSujic- I
of the Liithermi Sui.dny Sclu:ol,of this place, totik :
ice at the Lull. tinn Church on Sunday the 2t:h
t. Tiio exercises wero sn'd o bo exceedingly ii.- '
esting. The coTitrilintions, being the annual sa v.
i of tho different cliusrs, on opening the boxes, ;
oiinted in the nggrt gate to one hundred and sixty. ,
dollars Rial filty-or.o ecnl.. Tho following is Iho I
grmnir.o of the excrc-u-r :
ipeiiing Uysiui, Uoyal Proolnmation.
tending of Serif lures end Pmyir by Prof. I'oiuer j
clinsgrovo. j
Insic, Mi-oionary liymn Over the Ocean Wave,
cccpiiun of dcfigns ami money by Prof. Doiucr.
designs wcro brought forw ard by olio of the j
l.irs of Ihe cln'S. On or in it tho contribution '
found. ' I
. . i
t. Infant tlipnrln.ti.t teacher Miss Hattic Hans.
Little Lambs of Ihe Flock. Design-Fruit and !
crs, contribution $7,85.
Iteji'jlar Depmluicnt. Class Xo. 1, Mrs. J. E
k, teacher, title, The Youthful Yoyageis, design
liospcl-Ship, contribution $.),01.
isio The Gospel Ship.
iss Xo. 2, Miss 11 J. Fetter, teaoher, title, The
Builder, design, A IIouso upon a Hook, con
lion $3,07.
issXo. 3, Miss Lnuita Hendricks, teacher, title,
'lura Class, design, A Buskct of Flowers spark
-ilh Dew, contribution $1,37
ss No. i, -Mr. John Unas, teachor ; Littlo Benj .
c'sCluns. design, A tioblrt of puro Water tit'
' Life. Contribution $14,15
"iYJJ.'.A Suo Kuse, teacher, title The
y X.' lbs. I'l-, ,
nK'oS. -'ross awl Crowu, cor.tri"
ltcThe Crt'ss and CioWn.
I. Enle. teacher, tiila Ti..
Xo. 0, Miss L. . .. "- uu J tho
ih Moor olas, design Five i.mi
ishos, contribution $13,00.
Xo 7, J. M. Ileimcnsnydor, teacher, title
eranco Class, design Uottlo of Wine with Scr
head protruding, contribution $10.93,
No. 8, Mis. Sue A. Oobin, teachor, tlHeThe
ng Ouosts, design, The Foolish and Wise Vir-
contiibutiou $2,10.
s Xo. . Mr. J. II. Engle, teacher, title Toe
luntingdou Class, design A Cross w tsathed
'low ers, contribution $30.15.
ic Savior like a Ehepard lead us.
s Xo. 10, Mr. Elia Drosious, teacher, title The
lionrcrj, design Weapons of War, eontribu
t No. II. Mist Sarah Gussloi, teacher, title
'.esscngers, deign A Star, rcpioienting Star of
Jicui, contribution $10,51.
s Xo. 12, Liiiie Ilundrioki, teachai, title, The
t'ilgiimt, design, Lamb in greet Pasture,
mtion $2,20.
t No 13, Mis. C. W. Rhodes, teaehvr, title
lias Dickurson class, design Pearl ot (iroat
eoDnSbutioa $25,00.
I No. 14, Mr. J. C Miller, teacher, title How
"S,Ui,lgu Ml. Calvary, contribution $4,51.
j No. 15, Dr. Weiser, teaobei, till Philip
etbon class, design Opeu Bible aa Bkord, eon
on Jn.uo. m.111. llm Vrrinff.
.or these designt mie reooived ansl TVxi&
,be pastor. T.eswh design wa. altswbed an
I... .,iributd $10J 51- NuuJ" r
tjNsw Tis tiLi.-Oa and after Monday
next, the new schedule .regulating the running of
tr ains on the Northern Central and Philadelphia A
Erie roads, and other connections, will eommcnoe.
The Elinlra Express and mail trains will run as
heretofore. The tnost important change is In the
Erie train, which arriree here both north and south,
at 3.M p. ni.f instead of 10.30 p. m. and 4.20 a. in.
In addition to this, a new Fast Express train Is estab
lished, which Is to leave Philadelphia at 7.30 In the
morning and arrive here at 2.23, In the afternoon.
Going south, It leaves here st 3.15 a. m. This gives
us five trains from Philadelphia, which', going north,
arrive hero at 2.25, 3.50 4.20 and 7.05 in the afternoon
and at 6.15 in the morning. Going south arrive here
at 3.15, 7.00 and 10 40 In ibe morning, and at 3.5o
and 11.40 at noon and In tho evening.
. The Shamokin trains will, we presume arrive and
depart at usual. Thus we will have fourteen arrivals
and departures of passenger trains overy 24 hours
Tho Tyrone train, we presume will be withdrawn
which, as it is tho most convenient train north, is to
bo regretted. Tho following is a short schedule of
the arrivals and departures :
Thaiss Sol-Tit.
Tiiaixs North.
Arrive nt Sunbury.
4.20 p. m.
5,15 n. in.
3,50 p. ni.
2 25 p. ni.
Leave Sunbury.
10.40 a. m.
11.40 p. m.
3.50 p. in.
3.15 a. ni.
7.00 a. m.
Krie Mail,
Krie KxprcM,
Sunbury Aocoto'lion
7 05 p. iu.
Iv' TtiOfido walls of the new Court House are up.
The towers and walls will bo computed in eight or
ten days. Ihe rouOngwill be commenced next week.
Slkkkhixo in VinoiM.i. The poverty
tintl suffering of the pcoiile of Virginia nro
(Irscrilicd in very grout, I'eorili: (npiyini?
riches lietiiro the. evacuation of Hirliir.mul
nre lod.iy I'ok-uiI ly their iK't'cssities to) !
fur lireiiil. A relative of Chief Justice .Mar
shall, nml ono of Thoiim.i Jefi'iTMin, have
each been recipietils of audi charity. Many
of tlies- are ngcel puriotisi, mmljlt; to Inlior,
an l deprived Ly war of nioport from their
thildren. Otltcra nro fetiiules.
-5 Hulwer Ljtton p;iys that n refined
gentleman ;r.ny ultvnjs le known Ly the
perfumes he uses. In Aiwrcnii Society it
is recognized ns n mnrk ot elevated taste to
patronize, l'hiilon's ''ut Illunnaiiit (V
rcits." I's purity, freshness, nnd delicary
eonnitetid it lo all persons ol poetic tiiile
IttJluK. Sultl tvervwliere.
Tlie tnylii Hti'oiJily. lis n rule, live to .
SO, Pi), 100 years. An" Jnglis'iiiiian of tlie
rank of ''jrciulenittn'' lives on nn Bvei'nett. to i
ill je.'ira : tins nitisan tloei not t,t:itnl tin cM-n
rl.uicc to lie lo 00.
Tlii' Kewl i!i'Vi;.)rt Iletttltl nnnonn'es llie
tlta'.lt in 'liat it' on Tuesilay, full itiat., of!
Mis Hai'ii.'U y. (iottltl. r,e ?f 'tlie most j
ejil'ud writ 'l.i of America, alter n decline of
so:ne inontlu. Site was 8ti yean oli'l.
It is ctinitniteti I'V I lit' nnleiu'i rro'Tesi
tliat COO.DOO, or niiJ'e tban ;nu li'ilf tile men
; . . ... ....... o. . I. : t.,.1
Ill lt:e l.tillicilfiaie iu': teit; nuieti in
in itiiiineiitlv disiililed ill the War. Tlie
South id i;ow snil'eriiiL' for the want of!
i 1
j lulmri rs. !
i IIKUK nre 8atil to Ve 2:11,000 J' I'Uians in
the .Northern'3.
..r,o- be lWmh'."-Yi. era make Six
from Fifty Cents. Call nnd cxainino nn invention
iirgenlly needed by everybody. Or a tamplu feat
'"'', " ",ut f.el" ''''. 7
ii. ii. ouicti', :oj v.nuiunm square, .icit ivik.
Sui.bury, September IS, 18(14. ly.
! TitK citizens of St. Paul nre excited over
I tlisi oveties oi'tjoli! and silver Learitii: oiinilz
in St. Louis county, Minn. iSjiet iiiu nn n
taved ut the I'iiiladelpliin iniist sliu v n iiro
jx.tiiiin of $;.. y:j of to the ton, aiu!
of ti v.r.
"' - .. -
!t f) 1 j'W J III I'V ' WTliM)
... v,t " v "-'' " '
unlea iinitiedmtely or ina men to work nu
1 K-ii!ioal couiract, to whoiu'fl 7j per tlav will bo
paid. Apply io J AS. M AL'IXK A Stl.N,
Central Hotel, Sunbur", Pa.
Sept. 9, IS.-.S j
stimv ctiiv. j
C1AMK to the subscriber on or nbtjiit the 2"nh no i
August last, n tray Cow. nltool six years old.'
j .hiio thtiulderj. retl uver the buck. w"i:i::t hind
le,;", has a small bell on. Tho ouncr or otviieo, arc i
retuested to come forward, pruvo piuperly. p;iy ;
J charges and tako her away, otherwise fiie. will b-j '
: disposed of according tulaw. i
i CIIAUI.i:.S 1). DOVER, I
; Cnincron iivp., "''opt. 15, 1IS05. 2v.i j
.1 mlilor'n .lii'e.
THE undersigned auditor having been nppiote I
by the Orphans' Court of Xovititiiiiherlun 1 county. '.
an auditor to tiisti ibuto ttio btilbiiioc in iho Irintls of t
Elizibcili -M. Cleaver, Atlinin'trnlrix of thu estato
otKniilicr Clunvur, deceased, will meet all pnnies j
interested for this purpose, ot the office of Zicler A :
Ktisc, in tho borough of Sunbury, on M jtidny tho
2:td day of October, A. D. 11 o'clock A. 51 , '
uf suii day. I
i. W. ZIEllLEU. Audi'or. '
GDL1 ; 1SU3, isuc, isd7. ; tILVEP..
1 to 75000 ! !
S2 ! S?2T! S2 ! ! !
5Ianufacturers' Agents ! Our Xcw 51ndc.
Ono of our tl;ild or Silver Watches, or Silver Ten
Sets for $2, as below stutcj.
Oncofonrtca setts or one piece of our tiold or
" orln uutll0 ut tho l u""r
We have adopted the following mode of
DISTIUbTTIOX by sale ot Ti.OoO uiticlus of va'ue !
(tisr .vr 5lli !
Tho nrticlos of goods are numbered fiom 1 ti 73.
000! 37 500 consisting uf Pianos 51clodcons. tiold A
Silver Watches, Sewing 5Iachiucs, Tea A Tubto
Sutts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons and Forks;
etc.. etc., and tho o'bor n7.50U articles of value Juw-
I elrv. Work A Toilet Casus, Pliotntrranh Altiuuis,
opentuco Miver vt Hicnes, anil lane.y ariicli-s in great
vuriely. 75.(100 notices numbered from 1 lo "S.liO'l
arc printed and put into scaled enrclopcs anl well '
mixed and one nt these is taken out and sent tu the '
person sending to s 2j oeiits to cover expense of
pusugo, correpc ndence ete., and tho article of goods
corresponding w ith the number ou Ihe nolico will ha
stut li. Iho holder of tho same lininetliauly (if he
desires to inircboee tho orticle) ou Iho roocipt of two '
dollars, tor mslanoe ; It tno nuuib.r oa Hie nonce t
scut to you sbauld be J.'k), and a piuno or iliaiuona
sett or gold watch should bo uumburcd b)u; it will ba
sent tu vou snnukl no auu. ana a niano or uiimuoihi
I "riroiu WltlCU BUOUIU UU HUUlu.O .vw, i, no. ,
u ""fi. you for 82, and so du for ovciy article in i
our list r.i i J.ulia trll'Uof. ... 1
t-i A ier reecinnir the arltoie. li li uocsno- ou-nsu i
ou, you ouu return it, and. jour money shull bu to
ii cents must be sont to payexpcuseoi poMago,
Coirefiindcnoe etc, on ooo Oolioe. .
Ucuieuiuer : uiai wuatever articio ennjr.ii...
with the number on your notice, you can have it hy
paying Two imllars for it, whether it bo worth IU0
or $SU0. And it is for our interest to dual fairly, and
tend out our lino articles, at it gives ooutidol.oo to
the public, and thereby incruosts our sulus.
Upon reoeipt of 25 ets., which pays for eorrespon.
denes, postage oto , we send one notice.
t pon receipt ol l, wbicn pays lor ourresponuciiBs,
poeuge, elo., we send six not iocs.
I' pun reoeipt of $o which pays for oorrespondeneo,
postage, elo., we will send 40 notices, and a Suo pre
sent amoa at not less msn sua, as lupiu m uut
t.poO receipt oiiewniun paysiur omiiriiiw.,
pnauge, ete., we will aeno I Mi notices, ana a suim
bilver Watch, by return mail.
AUfc.N IS Wtillli. oeoo iqr eircuiar
Ageuts allowed a large cash eominisslon, by which
tbey eao make $li weekly.
Addrew plainly JltED BKOTHEK,
Bslasrooin . "
81 Litwriy street New ork City, N, Y.
Sept. U, lbttt. If - . .
I It. E. 1. Ll'HLGVi
DK. t-L 11 v nrxn4 u ofioa. in Nortkum.
Tr.l..tM te the people of thai
place nod the Mjoioing flfS,
to air. eeow oam HWre, wncrvJ, egn flHm4 tl
Northass ratal August 1,I6J - -
Examination of Tent-hern.
TLe nubile examinations of Tsaohers for the Corn
mnn Schools of Northumberland oonnty will be hold
In the following order :
Chillsqusnuo, tarioifl rVhesrt House, Monday, Cot. 9.
Turbul, Church Lane fehool House, Tuesday, Oct 10.
Delaware and MoKweosville, Sinking Springs, Wed
nesday, Oct. II.
Lewis hnd Turbulvills), Turbntvillo School Itouso,
Thursday, Oct. II
Point, Soheol House, No. J, Saturday, Oct. 14.
Lower Augusta, Zion Church School House, Wed
nesday, Oct. IS.
Shamokin, Elysborg School House, Thursday. Oct 19.
Hush and (Jourhart, llnshtown School house, Friday,
Oct. 20.
Upper Augusta, Reed' School House, Saturday
On t. 21.
The examinations will commence, respectively, at i
8 n clock, A. n. Applicants not present at the com
mencement will not be admitted into the chins.
No persons except actual applicants lor schools of
the respective district will hu examined.
JACOU LLP, Co. Supt.
Northumberland, Sept. 22, 18C.5 ill
im.(;v i i its:
Old Established
Fur Manufactory,
No. 7IS Arch street
abovo7th P11ILAD A.
1 have now in stnro of
- my own Importation A
Manufacture, one oftlio
sA'.'i.- LAUtiKST nnd m"t
iX -ii HKA VtllXt selections
rJt rivi'vripa
lor i.a-ncs' an t mild
S.fJ' rcn's Wear, in the City
Also a fino assortment ol (j cut's Fur O loves and Col
lar. 1 air. enabled to dispose of nty gernls at very rea
sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit h call
from my friends of Northumberland County, nnd i
cinity f Kemember the Name, Number and street !
713 Arch st ,-abovo 7th. south m le.
I hiive ro Partner, tor connection with any other
in Philadelphia.
Kept. 2'i. locij 4mw
! A HE md only unctiiiallcd. hut thev aro aluol
! rV nnetiualltd. by any other Keel Instiument in
j I lie con nl i y . Detdmicl exprrwlv for Churches nnd
.Schools, tiiey arc found to ho eiiually .wi ll nd'iptcti
to the parlor nud drafting room. For s:i!e only by
E. 51. Hit t el.'.
Xo. IS North Seventh street. Philadelphia.
t"iJ.!so llradhiirv's I'i.inos. and a complete as
sortment of Ihe Perred JIELODIH.IX.
ScpK 2.'!. ISt'j. lyw
roe: i.i:3o.aii:
Is the only repnrtioii of the kind nmdo from lb
fruit. As an article of economy, parity, and dcli
ciouiiess, it cannot be surpassed, and is recoininend
rd by physiuiiii.s for invalids an Ifiunily use. It will
keep for vears in any climate, while its condensed
form renders it especially convenient for traveler".
All vLo use lciiiniisnru ie'iies'ed to givo it a
Eiilertiiiiiuirnis nt hoioe, parties, nnd pi.ii.ici thoiiltl
not bo without it. For sal by nil Drugyi ".a mil
fu'.-jlie? tiroccrs. Mauiil'nclured only bv
I.OI'JSJ. Mi.'l Zt.'lvii.
Xo. 5ty pearl rkreot, New Yoik.
p? lit, Ufl.'i. ly
'S'lio .TIi-.s.or A: Ilsiiiiliii (.'tilj
frnr.ii, forty tlifl'erent styles, adapted to sieved
nnd rceular latisi'c. for $ to'Jt'iiin oaeli. 'J'lllli I V
FiVK ti'.H.D or SILYEll MEDALS, or other lirst
priiiaiitns awariled ihtia. Illii'trated Caliilogaes Addirw. 1IASIIN A IIAMLIS, Husrw,!.!'
S-ptrn.ber V li'ij. ly
(JTK'i: is hftly uiven, U.n. the mMs f ti;
luto film of riilmv: A ivni;t h.'tvo h"n Kft niili
UA ii.r M'llUt:ictit and uwl'cctiutt. Ail iu-.-;.n-t Know
iiii; IIipiuspIvc" iu'li'l;-'l to 'iil firm , wil! vivo coi'j
Ly calling nl or.r o hih! tMikin itKinvi;t.
After ilia 2:li day of Ootohrr Vn.t, hu.k will he
Lrotiftlit f.T tiic cmleoti'ju uf nil elrttuiK imctt!e J. ' .
A!tij:ioyt at Law.
.vui.l.irv, .ScitUnubrr If', Ift .'.
IKlt.OX.' hn imt t:nrrcurlMl PecJs tire ren.,u-iel
tl-:;t tlnv ti:sl v rctM.t-.ici. nccur i::;; tj tUo .
Aot ui' Au?iu1ily l:ii h rtf.j'iiit s ht '
'All ttecils nni! cortvryiiiiapn for rml pftato in t Is ;
Ct'inuitiiiwc.' fIuiII lm riotirlcl iu the vtWco fir i
Hce'irliri lot'tlf iu tho County whro the lands lie ;
nut ttnt xi.r mutt!'if nt'icr tho cxcculiuuf such tlcc-U t
un: LtuivfyHiiie ; oii'l cvry such Uccl fin I m.o-".'- j
n30 not rrnr.lrl ns npTf""- ' JuJS-l ,
r KAri'l'l.l"1'1' Vt-'I Hnint m:y suu.-i'.(Ucttt !
itircti: r f v n valtitihlo Irrnf iui. t.t.k-s uuh
dcci hi cot-rll bcftiro the rtc-tii'in tf ihutlfd tr
evuv ynnco n:ncr which nich iu5.efjucxit j.urch.t.r
'it m.triiii'e fh'il! -il-iim."1
IX pursuance of un ordt r of Ihn Orphans' Court of
Niirthuitberbind County, will hn ex nosed to nub-
licsitle, at the Court lloii-.e, iu llif limough of Sun
: btity.ou MUNJ'A V , Ibe lath d i.v of OCTULEU. I ASA,
j l ho follow ing real iu Jim ilin.uboi land comity.
bein bountled and described lis !i llous to wil :
' A L it fronting on Urnadwuy tiivt in the borough
.f Sai.btiry, being lot iiunibcrcd iu the gei.tsial lm
of said borough as lot miiub'.'r c. 1, on winch are tree
' ted a largo llireo stury Illicit dwelling Louse, a sttiblc
! nnd othti' outuuildiugs.
Atso. Lot iiuinbere.l h.'i iu tho general plnn ol sai 1
boiuiigb, corner of I'liUi-kcrry and liro:i liv.ty streets,
on which arc erected n lo.? houe nud bam.
' Also. Lot No Ki in raid borough ou corner of limp.
j berry alley mi l Hroadwuy streets, on which erected
a fi nine bouc tin I b'lin.
I Abo, Lot No. 2su uu corner cf ltillbcrry alley and
j Uroadway streets, vacnnt.
i Also, Lot No i!Sl, on o nuor of Dillberry alley and
i Uroadway streo:s, on which nro eiccied u log house
I and slublo. lot No. 262 u ijoiniu , ou which are erec
ted n double fiuuie kuusc. Lot .No. 2S:, adjoining
lot No. vacant. Lot 2sit, adjoining lot l!o3, yu
1 cmt. Lots 2b5, 2rt, 2Sand 2Vi, tVonting on l.ldci
j berry street. Also, lot 2117 frouting on Lldcrbcrry
street. Also lots312. .'113 and oil fronting on El
derberry street belwceu Ucer und V'lwn.
Also lots No. 71, fronting on lirotidwny, Lois 71)
and ijtl fruiitin ou Uroudwiiy, ou eiuh ot which there
is a Irainu liousc.
Also, Lot -So. Mill fronting ou Whortleberry s:rcil, i
vuoanl. And lot .V.'. 111? I'routing ou Denbeiry
street, all in the general pluu of said boioii :h.
Also an Island situate ut tho Junction ol ; hauicUiu !
Crock w ith tho rivet Suachanna, nud kuowu as t
51t:rlia' I.-I:md. , . ,. . , i
Al., a ohjuo Cjunriy. situuto in l-pper Augusta ,
towusbip, o .ntaiiiiiiif lnu aorcs more i or ess. boumieti ,
ny lanas oi n iiuaui wn nuu ,"'
I. ..i. r,.neriv,f Hm. McCartv, dcceascj. i
Sale to c.iuimcuce at III o'clock A. M. whiu the oou
ditious will ba made kuuwn by ..,,,,.-
Ouoof thol'.x'tix. ol Willi:iia MtiCarty.aeo'i.
Ly order ot tho Court, '
J. A. J. CL.M.M1NU, IH'h 0. C.
Sunbury, Sept. 16, laui. j
THK nndersl'tnoil rcsiicetfull inform tho cltitcni
of.Vuubury end vicinity, that i'U Jloudsy next they
will commence supplying tho community with lust
uuality ol litEb'. at prices ranging from 14 to 20 els.
Having experience in the business, and insde ar
rangouientt for a supply of uuiuber ono catllo, they
will always keepou hand first quality of boef at Ihe
lowest market piiocs.
Sunbury, Sept. 0, 1SC5.
fTMlE undersigned informs the oitiioct of Sunbury
... i ....i.iii. ilt.i I, a hH t lha solicitation of a
number of bis friends, commenced the business of
repairing Watches. Clocks aad JewelrT. lie enn be
found at all times in bis simp, iu Market street, one
door west of the KM Lion llolel.
lie also keeps fur sale ciooas ana rrawoea
His work will be pr imptly aiMuded to and war'
ranted give satisfaction. y MEKBCU.
Sunbury. July 1.1965.
S150 Der Month; $150
AGENTS wanted In eery uouniy ana oii.. m
sell the bakti.btt Bawiae Mcie prioe 2J
fulls licensed under patants of llowe. Wheeler
full, licensed under patants, of llowe
Vinson, urover -.-i- :,T- .larie
p., ..o..hlyl.r, and -
sLOWaVlleWlUB WO twn. "
. nm. aalMa. Far narlieal
catalogue, territory, ao., eneioee asiamnauu
PAUE BKOTHERS, tola Arsuuj for Vnitad tnsUes,
321 Summit street,' Toledo, Ohio.
Augutt 26, 1165 Jm
TIC or double) SrRINU SKIRT.
This Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic)
Pure IteAnod Stool springs, ingeniously braided
tightly and armly fr)?ethor, edgo to edgo, making
tho toughest, most llevilile, elastic and durable springs
ever nsrd. They seldom bend or break, like the
Singlo Springs, and consequently preserve their per
fect and beautiful shape moro than twice as long as
any single spring skirt that ever has or enn he made.
Tho wonderful flexibility nnd great comfort and
plcasnso to any Lady wearing tho Duplet Elliptic
frkirt will be experienced particularly In all crowded
Assemblies, Operas. Carriages Railroad Cars, Church
Pens, Arm Chairs, for Promenade anil Utilise Dress,
as tho Skirt can be lidded when in uo tn ocupy a
small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or
Muslin Drcs.
A Lady having enjoyed tho pleasure, comfort and
great convenience of wearing tho Duplex Elliptic
Steel spring Skirt for a single day will never iiltcr
wards willingly dispense with tneir use. For Chil
dren, Misses and Vunng Ladies they nro superior to
all others.
Tho Hoops nro covered with 2 ply double twlsto 1
thread and will wear twice as long its hc singl" yarn
covering which in used in alt single Steel HoopSkir's.
lho throe bottom rods n every Skirt nru double
steel, ami twice or ilouMa covere I to prevent tin
covering finin wearing ofl'lho rods when dragging
down stair", stone steps, ivc Ac, which they nro
constantly subject to when in use.
Ail nro matte of the now ami elegant corded Tapes,
nd nro lha best quality in every part. Riving to the
wearer tho Hunt xrnel'ul and perfect slmpo possible,
i n,l nro nmjucstionahly Ihe lihtct. mow deeirttble,
comfortable and economical skirt ever ueele.
Wests' llrndley A C.irr. I'nprie:.,rj of tho linen-
I lion, ami sole Matiiifaotiircrs. '.'7 Chi.iubers. and Tit
A tt! itcudo streets. A'uw.York.
For snlu in nil flrsi-olsss stnrtvt In iliN eiiy. and
thn uhmit Ihu l iiited .''tales and t'ann la. Havana
do Cub:i, Mexico, South America, nud Ihe West In
dies. V'I'iuiro for tho Duplex Elliptic (nr d.iuldt )
Spring Ski. t. A. A C
August 111. ISoj.
I'sillltC Ol'
liii!rl iSrrlo,
Br., !!.
NOTICE Is hereby given, that letters' of adminis
tration having been gi-:iited to tlie undersigned
ou the estate of Daniel Zcrb '. jr., late nf Lower Mtih
onoy ttlwnhip, Northumberland county, l'u ."dee'd.
All persons indebted are requested to niako immedi
ate payment, and thoitebr.viiig elsiin to present them
for settlement. JtlliX ZI.K1IK, Adm'r.
L.iwcr Maiuiuoy, Aug. 2i. Ifij. Ht
$500 REWAKDr
fllllK uiitltr-ih'i'el will (ny n iSownnl nf Vive !Iu
L drcj Xttllm for 1 1io litr-covcry nn I caiivii'tion
nf the .TS-n or pcr.n. win vt fire to, nnH destroy
i tlieCuul Jinikt-r tit Truvorton, nbout I u'clock on
hurMtiy lLoimi g. August 2-1 : li.
Tr 'vortuii, St .. '2. I-j.
(!.ATI. l'ANK '! NUTiR'.MUKJUAl.)
Tisr.i;riv Ipim!tmkn'T, )
OFFIfK OF 1"M1'T1::..::h OF 11IK CfltKNt V,
V.'iikhkam. hy miliiifiK'iory cviclvnco proscntI to
the i,n'lc!.ii;:no I. it h htvn mu-lo to np;enr thntt
"Tho l'trt N:it of Sunhary,' in tho bo
rough Sut'bnry. in tho county of Xorthiiiiiborlnn i
nnd Mate of Inii3'Ivniii:i. Inn b.'on duly nyroiizi,I
un-lt-r nnd ncjorJin to tlm rctjuirtMnunrs nt' the Act
oi C-j.iruM. ciitiilt'il "An Act to rovidn n
Ciirrci.ey.M'J!.:e.l hy n o!i: igu rtf CuileJ fftntc Jlond-t.
mid to provide fur iho circulntion nnd rc'lcutption
thcri-olV' Approve 1 .liino HSI, nnd hu. romplird
Viih nl the provisions of mild Act. required to he
toiiiltL:I wv.U bi f .re foiiiiuvnuin tho bu.i;if.-ij of
li.u kin; undor nnM Att :
Noiv. th-rt'foro I. I'k v. k m a ' Cuhkh, Comptnllcr
of thu ('iim-tvy. io hereby c.rtify Ihut, 4,'fha Kirft
ntion:il l)n:A ot'm.hiii v.M in the b:ruu;h of Sin
bury, iu the C;un:y of oriliumburlHnd, mid Mute
of t'i'ni:sylv.iniji. w :n:rhoi izcd ; couimcuje tha b-isi-riersct
H. inking lUitlrrtUa At:rnloi'Cf:iitl.
lit Ir.;i;(oi!y wln'tvuf, t rvcss tny hnnd nnd feal
ufolli.rc, iliii uvvi:lh Uny uf June, iKrtj.
Comptroller of tho C'tirrtiic;-.
' u. V.h aj.
A T A C C T I 0 N t N
P li I IiA I) K Is P II I A,
f.l:trv Strvt t.
WW) U A 1 on WVA :Vl).Y .tl'V TKMUVU 2ft!h.
utfl Mory WKDNKDAy ni.d ."ATI K L)A )h..:v-nH-r
until furthw-r lulic.'. tjoiumincirg at IV o'clock,
A, M. .
I h e? MiilfS .ire r o.!i ' y j;!l flr-'! cl i nn 1 in go I
iV'ii.ii'ion, hi i ii if on i.v f'-r wiittt oi use,
tii.nii'y t iiirdid for an ex.miiintiou
'lift p.rt of imyo !'..
'iVfii.-s C.;!i in i'ivrrmniit run4-i.
Oipt nr.d A?i.Unt (uarti:ru.ii!tar.
S pi. IV'.i.- U
"ft r vn i 'rArr.r
lii. ii k-J ri i V .i
t ttti..j. ...-.v.'...i.
ts?i. twjia
i ti!ii.(.;:.'. : i.v ti ni:s
Eusill It's Viti'iou-i forms.
Aonte or liif.iiiumatory ; Cl.rti.'iic. Lumbago, 'clati-
ci, Pleurclviic, Ac.
lifii-'s of the Jtiint- nnd Cr.'iinps ttont, Xcuralia ,i!l Nervous AT'Ctions Kn?pelus, Suit llketim
and s-crt'l'iiloL! ; l'iu; !ioits of tin1 body Neutralizes
iio: ii..tiiitiesof Ibe liio -d and P'lnitls of tliu wlittle
svstcm. and ctti:ii'.ts liieir eiicttliilitin ; and fifTei'tn
ii ily e 'initerucls .Mofiiibil and other J'oisouou.'. inllu-
It Is a Mm "tin t'y iiri-.iiipi-l li lt. ctu
t;tii.i:i a Mc licitcd i'oriptiuiid, to bo worn
nr eu.d the t-rt-ty. -oiout tlie wa:st. LiiiiaUy
!.!! c i: -ttll P.iis. whervtf the disease may
be. fi i"iu h.i -.torn without .injury lo the
m i.-i dlic.ile pi'i-on, nnd no clrmgo in tiio
jiop'-i hiioiifo! living is retiuired. It en
liivlv reu.iive.) the ilisease Ironi Hie system,
v. i i. iut tlte uso of powerful intermit niodi
ciu's. whic!i we.tked the c institution ui.d
aivu leiiipoiary relief only ly stupifyius; the
sys cm, and tle:i 1 idii',' in vitnliiy. Uy this
li it. in i.i. ih" in. iicinal properiies cont'im
ed in the LAND, biine; ui u. highly nroiniitio
nu I voliiiile n.'tiure, and oipaolo of bein
levrlily!. tin jujrh the pores of tlu
si. in. .'ins direct eitnisM with tho ltloci
an I general eiinttl ition. wi:iiiut flist hav in
to p i-s through tl.a .io;i: ieh, which would
lend nut nnl.v to deiraet froin their oiirutivc
powers, hut to impair Iho I'llei iiiil ortraus and
ilei an;t tliu die.ttiou also, rhns avoiding the etlec . ho oft til the tHsii ' . ' '
,,., o!l.l..S! IV."" , Tl"
i'iiyin nud cua.... ii j. il.- tircuiiilun of Iho
i vital duidseiul rosiorlni llio lialts aflectcd to
i h. ullLv condiliiin. Ti.U liitii is also inii.-t
. it.tneiiul Auli-ileroiiiial Ajelil'
t. .
t.ein the pritnaiy cause of a Urna part ui
Iho Siiiintvs. Xcuritlitio T'siis and llhiuunar
' tho
ios. so it-viileut and wiM cnlwety relievo
he .-itiu from ii irnlc.ous vtlects re-
nittv hi nil bio'.olicj and pirplet from tho
boJy an I beautifying the ciuiplcxijn.
3!e lerslo enscs cured iu I few (lays, and wo
arc c u tisntlv receiving uudtii.kid testiinonials to
vv l.ich w o invito inspection at oir oflioe of liieir cfii-
, puicbi r'lYK LOI.LAUsl. May bo had of Orui;
-I. !. .,r .. ill l .cut bv mail iron roccipt ol j -J.
,.r ty uprcn ev erywherc, withtill nccciwiaiy imdruo
lions from thu principal ifflc. EU0WK,N(J)
Sole Proprietor nnd Mauufttus,uf tboColebrated
llllOWXINO's EXl ELSI Coll'tK,
Not. It) and 211 3Iarket sirot, Camden, N. J-,
fi-Troul!se, with certified Utimouiuls, scut free.
-Adapted to Soldiers.
feopt. 2, lSJj 6ui i-
II .1 X E OF KTH II i: K 1, A X O.
"lITIIKItEAS tho Auditor (Imcral as required hy
iha I lib Section of tho At, entitled 'An Act
enabling the Banks of (his Comnonwealth to become
Associations for Ihe purpose banking under Ibe
laws of the Culled Slates." peti on the I2d duy of
August A 1. 1 Si .4 , has eerttiui to me that the
Bunk of Northumberland," loaiedin Ihe Uoroagh
of Sunbury, Northumberland ounty, baa furnUlied
satisfactory evidence to biui ihssill'tiq requirements
oftaid Aol hay been eompliel wih by the said
Bank, and that it has become. SJ aaiiciation for the
purpose of Bucking nndor the Hsf the I'nited
i'Iui therefore, eauss the notW (h erect to be pub
. . , i ! ..MA.unMa with the irfivtsiona ni iu -.
. V? h "im of the said Act, an do daelr. th.t ,n.
Charier ol the said tjin aam A.- I,
and taken to be herein surrender sub.
. ,A. rtt. alnnl Al ID Drviun U HIU HI,
J"0" .r T A O .iyEHN.OoTarB--
r a rkaiher.
lisrrubor Aug i, JSOJ
i enl of tho
t (''.nn pi ml.
' j f'l- t,f th'
j L'urrcr.ev.
in pursiianoe or an order of the Orphans' Conrt
of Northumberland County, will be exposed to pub
lie sale on the premises In Jordan township, North
umberland county, on BATUKDAY 'I'lIK 7ih DAY
OFOCTOltEll, lb5, all that one nt.divl.ied ono
seventh part of the following described real cstnto to
W't :
No 1, Tract of Land bounded on the north by
land of Moses Wert ami oilier lands of which this
is part, cast by lands of Tobias Mill, Elins Bower and
others, on thoBouth by Ifliidaof Innirl Buhner find
T.'1'ii.ii. . ...
Elijah liverlv. on tho west hv lands of Michael Erne
rich, eontaiiiing ninety-six aorcs and one hundred
f crehes.
"""""'i irnoi oi iana oounacn soiun nnn
cast by lands of which this Is part, nmih by lands of
Moses Wert, and west bv land of Mil,...l l..k.
tract Ao. 2, A trnct of land bounded south nnd
containing fltteen acres.
No. It. A Elmo Stona T.,.1. I,.,nded 1,. I,l. r
;.-or -e V,ir ii.k.i.i a,i.. '....:..! u "
.- . v,.ii,ntiiii,g mot, iercnen
it riot measure. Luto tho property of Martin Mar-
klo. dcceassctl
Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day.
when the terms and oondiiions of sale will be made
known by
Uiiardian or the Minor Children of M
Ily order of the Court,
J. A. J Ct-MMisns. Clk. O. C.
(.'tilbury, August 12, 18(1 j jw
Allorin-y Ac Coiinsu'llor lit l.u .
Ollico corner of lilnekberry hnd Fawn Street, llireo
doors cast of K. Y. llrigl.t's Foundry,
Will attend promptly to alt professional luiriness
entru.-tted In his care, the collection ofc'.niir.s in Nor
ihiiinbrrland and the adjoining counties.
Consultation in (in man and Englidi.
Siinhury, April 22. IsiVV !y
.1. H. i:iSJili:. would resueftfullv in.
firm il.o citizens of SI N IIL'KY', and tho public!
generally, that he linn opened a new, t
1,1 S:iot,'a lltlit. til, ,f Kr.tttl. .t.ln nf Ia1... C......
! where ho is prepared lo lake in tlie best sivlo of tho '
l'I'.Tl ltKS IN OAPK3.
CAItli I'liOTtmKAl'lls,
Also Pictures made f r U-ug, llreastpins. Locke!".
!. Persons wishing in nnr line will do well to call
and cx iminc specimens at the (lallery.
We hope to merit a liberal share of public patron
age. Ol u MtiTTO IS TO I'LEASi:.
Snnbiiry. July 15. P-ttli.
"s. Ml.t.
flsiln1lMa A lI,. ISnl!ral.
rpilIS p-eat line traverses the Northern and Xotth
Jl west counties of Pennsylvania to tho city of Krio
on Lake Krie.
It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania ltailrtmd
Company and is operated by thcui.
Its entire length was opened fir passenger and
fm'uht business, October 17th. Igfil
Time ol l'lisscnjcr trains at Sunbury,
Leave l.iistnard.
Mail Train, arrives
Llmira LNprcss Train,
Lock Haven Accommodation,
'J yrone Accointnctbttinn.
Leave Westward
Mail Train.
Ll'.nira l-'vpress Trutn,
Lock Haven Accnmtuniliitluu,
Tvrouo Accomiiio.latioii.
in.2i f. M.
1 1 .;io "
itt as a. m.
4.2t 1'. M.
d.l." A..M.
J.2i P. M.
1!I 45 A. M.
P.issen?er cars run throuch on Mail Train, without
t'l'.ani'e both wnvs between PbiltLilelTibiA nn.l li.
,.1 lliiltin.ore and Krie.
Llcmit (iee iu t'.'irs on Mail Tndi.s both
ways l.etiveen Philadelphia nud Lock Haven, and
nnd nn KUnira Er press Train b tj ways betneen
NiMiamptrt and llaltiinore.
Tor information respecting Passenger business
npply nt ."Dili nnd .Market St.. Philadelphia.
And lor freight business of the Cnmpuny's Agents,
S. 1!. Kin.-lo!i. Jr., Cor. 1 .'flit and Market (St.,
Pl.ii.idi'ii .ia.
.1. . Iltynolds, TVie.
W'illiuui ilrown, Asjeni X. C. H. It., Ualtimttre.
II. II. Uol -VON.
(leii'l l'reii;ht Agt. Philadii.
II. Vt'. (JwlSXKU,
(Jen'1 Ticket Ag't., Philiida.
Josri n Ii. Potts.'l Mtinaer. Williamsport.
I'.er. l.sf.4
.rlln'i!t Onlrit! Etuil v :i.v.
I'Kl'll TilAlNS DAILY to and from ial:iinorc
i:r.d 'nshinton ciiy.
t'onneetions iiiniio uith trains on rennsyivnni.i
I'ailritad. to and from Piitsbur.; and tho Wc.ii.
I'Ol'K THAI X: l LY to and from tne North and
I West I'rai -h HiiMiuehanuti, Llmira. nnd all of North
i crn New York.
: vN and utter MOXIAY. 1 KC. 2o'b. lt,
j v the PiL-sent r 'J' rains of tho .ortiieiu Central
1 P -lilw sy w ill arrive at und tlepart from riiiiibury,
' llirribur an 1 it;tltiu:ore nt follows, vis :
S li I' 1 II W ARU.
I Mail Train lctivcs Sunbury daily (except
! Sunday). 10 10 A. M.
" leaves ll'imisbur, I ;ln P. M.
I nriives nt ibiliiuiore, 6 ;ttj
j K.-iprc-is Train leaves Sunlmry daily
I (except Sunday ) 11 40 P. II.
' 1. vtves llurrisl.iiix (except
' M mday.) 2 in A. M
1 arrives ut Ilalliiioiro daily
,' (except il.intlay I. 7UUA..M.
I llnrri.-btir 2 Aceoiiiuio l.'ilioij leaves lluni.--
bur. 7 l.i A. M.
c... i..... v .i.e., ivn . et, .uuoury
duily (except Sunday! at 7 LI A 31
Mud Train leaves l!al:iiuo!c daily (ex
ec,. I Sun Ihvj tl 20 A. M
leaves Unrrl-bur.; 1 t.', P. M,
itrrives at Sunbury, 4 2d "
Lxpicss Train leavea lialtiunua duily Id no P. M
' arrives at lJurriiburg, 2 211 A 31.
l"ave.- lliirrisimr, (except
Moiidiiyl. 2 HI A. 31.
11 arrives at Sunbury. 6 la
Krie Express Train leaves llaitimore
daily (except Sunditys)nt 8 00 P 31
leave iliiii'isourjj daily (except Suu
days at 1 1 j A 31
" arrives at Sunbury at 1 111
Iliir.iis!.iiri Ac'tiaiitnoilatton leaves liurris-
but j;. daily (except Sunday) ut 2 it) P 31
auives ut llarri.-Iiurr. 7 4j P 31
Suiibitry AeetiiuuitKiiitiou leaves Harris-
buiy daily (except Snn'lay) at 4 23 P 31
Tl.o Lrio Lxprosj mid Pbiljiilelphi.'i L'xpress aro
through ir tins to r.iel iVoiu Kiio uutl nil inlet mediate
not-, .u.iii an t i.:;ii.v ir i.ns run UtoultIi lo
for further
information apply nt tho Ofiic.
IN. Ill IiA UK Y tienSuj
t!:tilillK lC;lill'Olll.
July KOth, 1805.
"tllEAT Tl'VNK LINK from Iho .North
VJf North-West for Philadelphia, New York,
iiisr. Potisville, l.ebantin.
Allciitown, Lastou, Ac.
Truii.'i leave liarrisburj fir Nevv-lork, as fol-
t lows : 3 On, 7 2.i and S.Ij A. 31. and 1.4s P. JI., ar
I rivius; at New York nt 10 A. 31. and .'1.00 and iilMO
i l'- 11
i 'i he above connect with similar trains on the Penn
sylvuniii railroad, anil Sleeping Cms accompany the
j Grst two trains, without chanj;i'. '
l.cnve for Ueadiii;. Potisville, Tsui aqua, Miners-
i villo. Allt ntown and Philadelphia nt si.l.i A. 31. and
1.4i P. 31.. stoMtiiu! ut Leb inun and principal sta
tions only.
Way train-', stopping "I all, points, at 7.2j A. M.
A. 31 .', i'j'nt'tiii. and e.nil 1'. 317. : PKilut'ielphia at
S A. 31. and :.:W P. 31 i Potisville at 8.15 A. 31. nud
2 :i." P. 31. ; Ashland at 0 1(1 A. 31. nnd 12.01) noon,
i'uiuatiiia HM A. 31. and 2 15 P. 31.. and Heading
i t l.til. 7.'ti aud 10.45 A. 31.. I.S an.l t.5 P. 31.
Itmi.lin" Aeciiiiinodiition Train leaves Heudiui; at
0 U0 A. 31. returning from Philadelphia at i.lUi i
P. 31. I
Columbia llnilroad Triuns leave r.eading nt n On
and l'l.jj A- 31. and P. 31. IVr Lphrata, Litis,
Coliiniliia. Ac.
(in Suiuliivs: Lenvo New York f.t rt P. 31., Phila
do! pi. in 3.1a P 31. Potisville 7. 311 A. 3f ., Tamsqua 7
A 31. Hariioburs A 1 and Heading at 1 A. Al.
for lluriisbiirg.
Coinmutalion, MileiiKC Pennon, and Excursion
Tickets, nt reduced rales to and fnnu nil points.
SO Pounds Ihixsage. allowed each Passenger.
(ienciti) Superintcudcnf
Ju!y 19, IK35.
170, 172, 174 Jc 170 Gbkbswioii tT.,
'One Square west of Broadway,)
Between Courtltindt and Icy Streets, New Yoik.
JOHN PATTEN', Jr., Proprctor.
Tho Pai ihc Hotki. is well and widely known to
tho traveliug public The location is especially
suitable tu merchants and busiuess men , it la in close
proximity lothe business part of the City is on the
highway of Southern and Western travel aud adja
cent lo all Ihe principal llailpiai and Steamboat
depots. , . ,
The Paoino has liberal accommodation Tor over
300 guests; it is well furnished and possesses every
modem improvement tor the comfort and erttriain.
uiont of iia iuuiatea. The rooms are spacious and
well ventilated; provided with gat and water; Iho
attendance is prompt and respectful ; and tlie table
is generously provided with every delicacy ol the
""n?!!!!'...! it.- ,., far Lha cast few Tears, has
k... ii.. Im.m iintiv kI. pro irietor. .pd h
tuw .uu..u., . -j l, 1.
i"iifl iriT tfihorouhlT w'i.l. lutureslsor
bie aoase. Ki. v Polenca aa Hold-Keeper,
f". T'k. .,u.i.rnaHiuds liberal nolnv.
I P .1. .u..ruKla ri.Htatinn nf iKa Vaitifia
f. iV.vTJr 'John pill w Jr.
i tF..n;bw, 14J. 1
Till: I'H:IX lT.4TOU.Ali
Will Cure Your Cough.
I ' 0!?1o1"nd eyruP of Cherry nn. ItoM,
1 CllrD In n I lisitHB. re I'll 1 1 t i v i t vi . i l-
ClirO tho Disenxi nf IV.A I'llUOAT 1VII I I'VjW
Sne.h as Colds .Cough. Croup, Asthma, liroiiehilis,
Latarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whoopini C'rmtfh,
.to. Its tune v uso will n.,.. r...... r! .
-ilmIii .i '. ., i-";-"' "' j
"Zl h,?H u J,l " hi' arful U"e"'" hM
t,lkr.n .nold " W1" affur'1 Kcr reliol than nny other
n '.'' . .. , ,
L lh." 1,or'1 ml,j9 fron "d Cherry Dark and
feneka nnko Knot.
rt. l' .1 ... i mt . ...
v,fi,iiv-iuiiii is Qiiiiii-it'ub (ItliiriilHtto oi r.s vatuo
Dr. Geo. ft. Wood, Professor of Iho Prnntte ,.f
Medicine in the t'niversily of Pennsylvania, IMiysl
cian to tlie Pennsylvania Hospital and ono of "tlm
authors of tho United States Dispensatory, says of
tvitcoy n:irs it in among me most vaiuaine
iinr nervous cxcitalti;ii,.M
The same distinguished phvsleian and author, snv.
ir tho some woi k, -.Scneka Snake Root is a stimnln-
,,.iK vaP, . niiiim. nn actum is especially directed
... iiius. ji in ,i.ciiiiriy iiseiui in ctironic ca-
i.ti i ii iiiiut iioitf aii'i mc seeoniinry si!ijres ot croup.
Fur want of spneo we cannot. pttt.l i-b all the tes;I
nionints in our possession, but wu give two :
PiirrNixvn.i.n, April 1st, HOI.
This is to i'i lily that I have sold hundreds nf Ini
tios of Dr. Oberlwllser's Phoenix Pectoral or Com
pound Syrup or Wild Cherry and Scneka Sntiko Knot
nnd 1 have yet to find a single individual who has
nsedit, who docs not bear testimony of its wonderful
oH'fcts in curing coughs. Signed, J uou l'on Kits.
H.w.t.St. PncK.ixvii.i.R, Jan. 11. I3C4.
I most ehferfiilly bear testimony to-tho value of
tlie ' l'litenix Pectoral or Compound Sviun of Wild
Cherry and Scnck i Snake Hoot. ' Jletorc using it I
had been suffering w ith a tickling in my thrnnt and
tight cough, for more than !.. years, and hut tiikcn
, variousotlier nie lioincs v fth i)n relief. As soon as I
j heiran to use l'r tMiothr Itrer's metlieinc tho li rita
l lion In my throat was allayed and in a few weeks I
! was entirely cured.
I have also cjiven ''. to my Utile jjirl, foi n croup
i eoui;li, Willi Ihe huppiesl t'Uects.
I Pignetl, Josr.i'ii l.i ar.vs.
Pottstiiu v. .Ton ::.t mi.:, !
j This certifies that t have iied Iho I'bvt.ix Pectn- ,
I ml in my family, and I recommend it to Ibe public !
j ns the very besi remedy lor Couch ami Colds that 1 i
htivo ever tried. Ono of my children was taken
I w ith s cold . accomp li. icj wiiti" a ( roiu.v noiiub: so !
b:nl indeed Hint it could not talk and scarcely !
breathe. Having heard so inneli said ninuti the 1
rhuenix Pectoral I procure 1 a holtle of it. The first
dose relieved tlie tlillii ullv of brenihit.r nnd betoio
! the chiltl h id taken nne-iourtli of the Initile it was
entirely wi ll. Kvcry family should have it in tho
j house. Signed, I). P t'lvOSilY.
Tho proprietor of this medicine has so niit -h confi
dence in in curative powers, fiom the testimony t f
hundreds who have used it. dial the money w ill bo
retunded to any purchaser who is not fiatislied with
its eflccts.
It is so pleasant to take that ehildroocrv for it.
It easts only Thirty-live Cents,
It is intended tor only enc ctiiMof di.ieniios namely
those of tho Throat nnd Lunpi.
( f Prepared only hv
l.LVi OP.I-KHol.TZnt. M. H.,
plitenixv ille. Pa.
.Toiinstov. lloi.i.o vv a v A (;ovviu:.v,
.Y. 2.1, yVorlh Sixth street, I'hii.i dclpliia, Uoneral
Wlnilesslo Agents.
Stii.n by (ieorze llrkht. and U. A Fisher, Drut;;
xists. Sunl ury ; Yni. Chun intou, Driijf gist at Slia- !
luokiu. j
W. IS. If your nearest dniirist or storekeeper !
ttot.'s not keep this medicine tin not let him put yon off '
with some other mediciuc. because' ho muke nmro !
mouey on it. but send ut once lo one of the agents for
Junii 10. I "ni j H:n? !
riiOTOHAPH (;ai;lehv.I
in Sinipion's luiMin'. j
MAUKKT MJl'AUK, Punbnry, Pa.,
Sunbury, duly 1 S(55.
5T K VS ! I E S! N KVS
Tlie IJchellimi Closetl ami
At Xo. 1 Store of
FOU E W X A N D I)O.VM-:STIC. such Cl.iih?, Cad.
ineros, MinMr.", hi'Hn,;-i. Ticking. ( jiliiner?.
lutnen. FKimicN. nd till kinds or M'Jl'KI.VU',ods.
AlpaccA, 1-liitk Hiiks, (iim;hiiiiH, l!liurrnl nnd
Skeleton Skill". Car.toa l'laiiiii.-i.', NuuKeons. Ciir
petiii'i of till kinds.
r.,..;. iio.-iery, ntnrss, I tirtm.i, liiuton, ?us
penders. N'eek-ii-s, Collars, llandkerehiets
Hair Urushes. Tooth l)iu-lie. limn ltib
bon an I Cord, tape, rrolt'hc'.-brni.i,
worked coll irs. faney bend ii,ly cotton, carpet
binding, combs, taney
soaps, carpet bai's
Trunk', Valises, I uibrelliis, lilunk Punks, Paper,
Mnrelupes. io.
".EL-St TJk EStS "B 'ttS-'Sv "8381 H.-C
Of nil kinds, s'leh as Vnils, ilinpc- ai,d Screws. ioor
Lulchestind Knobs, Locks, and Cl'TLhiKY ot every
Also, Dyt-H, Drugs, Points, Vftit'.islic?. l'i-li.
Kltixscetl untl lSviixine Oils. Ulass. Putty, r.
lui-'llSVlll'' lltlll al:lKSiVilI'' oi' till
An Extensive Slock of
G R O 0 E li I ES,
ComKi.-ed of Sugar. Cnfl'ce. Te.v, lliec. Corn-starch,
Macfarotii. Ibnley. liitkiu.'r-iovTder. i;;..lasse. sonpi,
candles, tobacco and segars. Sail, 'i.-h. Mi at, Cheese,
Ac, Ac.
Also, a lare vnrietv of
for aleii, AVuiticn nnd Children.
IV All kinds of Urain and Country Produce tuken
in exchanitu for lltiotls.
Give us a cnll bel ire yon purchase elsewhere, we
arc hound to sell as low n any otio else.
Storc-rooni ia Ira T. Clement's building at the
soiilh-west corner of 3I.irket Square, tiotir the Court
Sunl.urv. Juno 21. 1S.1I.
haw bom:
Mtiuuueturcr and Pro ft
9n w i. r..i.
, A.t. u. . IM.IU.latl'tila
IN pkick :
After this date, Juno 12ih. the price of RAl'tlirS i
Itnw Bono Pnu'phate will Iio reduced to tji'itl per 20U0 !
lbs. (il cents per pound) packed in go id ba's und bar- '
rulsnud delivered free of porterage to any whsrf or
depot in this citv. ;
Alreudy the indications point to a vrry heavy trada i
in our article for the full season, an 1 although we ,
have immense f:icili)irs for meeting a lurgn demand i
wilh a prompt supply, we w Jul 1 stroii jly a'lrisc ;
r'aruiers nnd Kcnlcrs to give us their orders e caily i
as possible.
litis now been before tho Agricultural tViutnunity ,
for mauy years uudt-r ouo name anJ one propiietor.
ship, and needs uo further ooinmuudation ihau that
accorded to it everywhere, in the continued ami sue I
oessful uso by practical aud dUciiiuiuatiiig parmvit
3Isnufaoturett only hy j
No. 20 South Ilclaware Avenue. Philadelphia. j
L-Weroci.iuinend rarmors to purchsteul
jv'MITU A OUN'TJIitt, Suubury, Pa.
August 10, I 85 Im
o. w. ziiiui uf..
r,T-r,T T? p s- f, r-7
awI-ajCyXjiij JtTa CZs a!. O .
4 TTr I ) V P. VSl A fr I . A V
all U i sJ all JJav ,
Collections aud all Professional business promptly ,
attended to in the Courts of Northumberland and j
adjoining Counties.
I -Also, speoial attention paid tn the Colleotlnu
of Pensions, Hountios and Hack I'ay fur idwws
(Iriibaus Mtid Soldiers t
nuuuaty, lusiuu
,3. .i vt ,. ,a
..tntsv or Joint Flitirulnjc, dec'.l.
. . . ..... .1 a.l.a.l.iia.
TlTOllOlt u ner jt give" "." V.
1 trulioa biM Ws ttrs"saw miwn in
! c3i ihe -tale. of John, .....
towuslilp, ooum, f . , . w.
j All
nuaui indahled te said estate are reoueste.1 lu
' , oak. iuiiuadiats oavment. and thoee having elsimt
... ..raa.,.l 1 ham for aetU SUIl'Ilt .
, 01:0. Enei-n.Aj r.
i Uw. Amu.ta. AdJ l;llj.-H
Mrs. 3 AH .MI A. fUMTrJOrf,
noHhbcrry Nmi, runt nj' tU T, C. .
su:;nunv, pa.,
RE'-1'I.'TKl"l.I.Y inlorrrs her friends nr.'i ti
I ublie gel ei atlr, thai she h:i' just opened a lar
asortuicnt of FHIWil (Jrui'ei it-t, ti;li iw
tea!?, coffee, suu.yu, molas
m;., fish, salt, &o.
Ptiro Citlcr Vinegar, t'ruit .ler'. tilasswnrc, at
n variety c-f Ladies' 1 ritna.h.. litrs. Threttd Vet:'.
'Jfcs. litiiidkeiohit ft. A j , to which slio invites all
cxautino heturo purchas'ng ebehere.
'uubury, Juno 17, lS'ij. t'ui
Over J. Howen's Ptnr?, corner Market A Fawn Sti
C2 BYEKLV. informs h friends and tho r uhl
1 ' .
j. taken in evory style of the Art. that ctinnol 1
"rl'"m" "."'euuu. Having rcvural year s esp
j rtciiev, ne in ive saiibiatti ten or no charge.
Copies will be taken from all stvles ol Pictures.
tlive him a rail. Jit member, over liowcu s rU,:i
Sui.bury, Jur e 17,
3S.IIS13 ISVTia 33Xj A OK,
RESPECTFULLY Informs he-r friends in Sunbur
and vicinity, that sho hisjint opened her
ol Jiotirn ami FanoyPry (oods,
!tarkct street, four doors west ct Win. 1(. Miller
Boot and 8b"c store, SCMlUilY, Pa.
Her stock consists of Trin;n!ng', r.otior.., embrei
i dories. Ladies and Cliiidrcus' lints and blink
aid other limn??, tlftop-skirts. Crape an! la?o ell.
, eii, piovew, ntocHins, eoiiars, ntiu ctirsets, o.
Itrsdley's new Patent liiiplcx Llliptic (or deu'cl
; Spring SKI it:'.
I lenls' llnndkereliiefs. Cravats. XeclvHes, Kiispn
! .lers ; Hibhons, of all kin Is. I t s; he: s, Yclvct, an;
j many oilier articles too mtinereu.; lo mention.
' I'liottipmphs of Pn.'siilciit Liiicf.ln.
! Perfnnierv, Toilet Soar.s, An.
(lAl'Fl'LLIN'U c"ono handsomely ct.d at olinr
Sunbury. May 12, I )?;
j I'A.M V 'OTSOArvi A'rt.T3TIJ,;.v.
Ufs3 ii. eni'iai.Krt,
; At the new stand, in .Market Stiuaro, SVXUVKY
j TTA YE just received from Philadelrbia the l.iteti
; sTl nnd most fusliionable styles nl" Millinery Oon-l-t.
: such B-t lloiinels. liats. Silks, Ribbons nn.1 Ltu'es
Scarfs. Hosiery and (iloves. skeleton Mtirts, Klowtr:.
: Head Dresses A Neis, Old Ladies' Caps, Sh iw l;
Silk, Ac.
Llack Crape and Lace Ycils. Crape .md Linen Col
lars. Tiress Trimniini and Muttons, Co. sots, Zephyr'.
I Cotton Yarn. Soap und Perfumery.
Sfi';l' 'fl't'iitiiiaing'M. Ilaii' f.'Iast a:;3
i 4:si3i(
tlent.i' Linen an I t'upor Collars. XctkticJ, Ao.
I Flags, Pietnrt! TitVc's and C. rds.
I Purusols, LuJici' Satchels, I'ni.s,
l'hotograplis of Prcsiitcnt Lincoln,
lyind-trinudy framd.
: T'1.1""1, f' r';r T'lW Ptronao I hope by sli iot nt
onMnitc lha suir.e.
i-. hlllSSLKll.
Punbury. May 11
, l.Si
Enamelled Slate IKEaiitel
J i3. ciiESTSi'T si i;i:i:t. 1 iiilai lli iua
: .MuiHifuctory Tenth und Sanis-in Strea'is.
' T.iblo-Tcps, Vit i-S'i-tjs, Iimckets, Vftt-b
I Bttuitl 'x'oih, im.
Philadelphia. J in 7. lV. If
RKSPKCTl'! LLY iui'. rms tho cititeftt ct 6LTT
Bl'llY and vicinity, that he has opuied a
'I'aHuriii;; Shop,
; in tlie room over Fftrnswtuh't Uroeery, (-ppocitotho
( Cental Hotel, Siipbury. w hero he is rer.dy lo make
. up xiruientsof all kinds tu Die latest style and best
: woi kii'.rLnlilte nianiifi'.
i lltiviu,.; bud experience in the brsine3S for a nurn
her of years he hopes to render gcii'-ral s.iti.-facilou
Custom w-iik is resnt'ctlu'.lv so'icited
! "J. F. SCUAFt'EU.
i Sunbuiy, 31uy 13, Il'iIj. ly
Aotlco to Yreawpusticrsi.
"VT OTiCU is hereby given, that no person will bo
il allowed lo trespass on uiy properly, on the
Ninnio'ki'i fslai'd. vr to eutoi' into nrv enolosiirw
w iiLout peruii.-fitui, as iho penalties of lLo Invr wilt
bo t'urorved aguinit all tdlVuttera.
f;o KKWA1ID,
uill bo paid f r iiifermiithn that will lead tj the
.joiivii li.'ii ot any such trespasser,
Shamokiu Islai:d, May 13, ISi'a. um
VN'cw supply of Mist' rivE-MiJcrrg Tarii
- . imis. received ti' in New York, for sale by
sunbury, May
21. fi. it. li. at aslj;.
No. 4:l Murkct Street, noilb side, PHIADELPIIIA,
JU.c vow open their utu-.l htiudsotne variety ef
P.ibbons, llonnel Materials.
straws A
Fancy liounets,
LcditY A
.vii.-sei iiau
nud all other articles required by tho
! .UHUuery Truth' !
By lonsj expciimeo and uriot attention to this
branch of business exclusively, we flnttcr ourslvea
that we enn oiler inducements, in raiiety, styles
' qualitv and moderate prices not everywhere to b
. loiiud." Tub uttcnticn of .MlLLINEKs aud JiEU
' CHANTS is rcsiwcilullj solicited.
I i-ifl'uitUu'u;r u(Uiction ii.'.i tv JWli.q
i March i. lliils. Cxn.
i Wm. M. RooKcriLLtn. LlovhT. Bonnaaca.
!4iaa4iJiJd.v ta a 5
j Kl'.lll'ItY, FI."'Jk.
i r FF1CE the sains tLat has been heretofore eweu-
as ..j fa w M ti0,keI(.U.r.sq., ot.sri. of.
pusito the rcsidenoe t.f Judge Jul duu.
Duuittirv, sin; 1, i-ot. y
Cblce In "Suabary American ' CullJing,
Will attend to Hie Ackuowtodxing ot Deed', 3lsrt
gs.'os, Leiirrsol' Attorney. . A,
Also, is duly athui'ised to tuke acknowledgments
and administer oaiha on spplicsUons for ltiiitt
Iks, triii.lwsiM and ltu'U.Iuy of illnrs.
Widows and Orphans.
PreacHplinstti -fully compounded of the DRLOtf at hi X' an Ii otb f tors of
, JN0. fhlLlMl i s3f
I f.itwy, J!aj I. J.