Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 23, 1865, Image 3

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    gfre -5int uti? ! flnuttcrt ft
H. i.MAB9J;BdKrr Propria-!'.
a i1 i
. Jd'Cou W. U. TEi.ronB, of thoCOib
Penniylvftfiia regimen has . been mhrered
and fined fire hundred dollars for defraud
ing tho . goVcm'rpclit, !ri. oriproprifttiDg.' nnd'
seeding to his Itnmeyial Heat", ford tWHrnty,
Ctiuorso J &toW I'iw'y of the
United State. . , . , , ,
' Tiik Thh'Cbn Biitt-BSir luring ihe
months of May, Jon. July and. Aturust, Ave
million B?vo littritireri tnottsiuiti , mree ecur
nieces were rjrilned at the
In Phllodoliihhi..
Where nro they? The pen
pic jiro Anxious for gold mid-silvcr, hnt.jf
tlio imr.iniia niotn Is cannot do urotmiii into
circulation, tnt art Wllfinpthnt nilRul mid
copper shall lu auDSTHiiiuti
in ;
TimOvsTKn Cuor. Iiover.t of oysters, will
he plnd tr learn tlmt the quality thin your h
Baiil to ho unusually Rood, and that they nro
to lie ycry plentiful this season. Alon tho.
shores of Virginia tiro vast bods of tliu Lie
ti'lvcs that have hiln hnrtisttirhrd during the
last four years, with nothing che ti do hut
no grow luro ami got IV. -i '
EiCIIiT mirror may satisfy a hidy that
her dress is faultless that nil that can
1'nsctnato the eye Is cnnihlned in hrreiiKtUiiv
hut yet sho will not consider herself
'IrrcsistiMe until she has added the erowm
inix eliann to her attractions, ly sprinkling
I Million's "Nhiht-lllonmitig CVreus-' tut her
lrtto haiulkelthicf., Said everywhere. 1 ...
WT.-.' " : ! l..W..l Ml.1:ri;..:
ta-Wo wooM tnvlW (noso of out tondor desiring
Fancy Furl to toad John F.irtorn'S adVcrllaeiucht la
tlila it.Huo nod llu'ii mill upou
.. . ,. , ,. .-. 1 ... . .w- ,
u3rt'Whulo,,'uils, Coat, raiiti ami Vest, at tlir
'JuiHlncntiilfdr l J.
. -4
illTPlanos and Muludnon published In this ppr
byE M. Union, No. 1H North 7lh street, Philadel
phia. Thoso of our renders desiring articles In his
lino, will do well tn.glvw hi iu s Mil.
tS Tie at lUsulwi tutll'na by Mr. Ira T.
C'louimtuf this phics, It p-m.gtetalnu;, find will ho
launched In six or right weeks. "JC1 ast'l is ninoty
foot long. It will bo a substantial bunt with two en
gines 80 horse power osoh.
. ..,..
tp-fiMASlf,- A fru!;Ut train soulli. oa Wednes
day aftornoon ran off th Iraok. sav-iral inll sti
Xnrlliumborlnnd, tmsjtlilnj mvernl earn ami tU-fiiln.
ed Urn ttmll liiiu north, at NirlluiliJ'Ulin.d, Ihd
tlxlinuM. '.- ' '
lif Tho work iit (lis now Court Hi)u, hd .tt
if(ij(M uiuob tins uk owlnu to Mi" m-iroltj -J
InbiirarK, tupcoMly bo I arrlurm unn of whw
Imvu trunk, Thfo or fmjr tt'oflk mw will br!lij tifi
tlio wnl! rendy fur (lioriKif. . ..
null II t .
I Hoots 5ka itiiK. W'urnrsr oar reaJars j
b nrtvrillcnnstifDf WuvlW A!HIf jb has )iiP,
id tho IsrgiKl lut ut lJiiiltHii3 "Plii'ii'il''er bruuVt
u tlilf. Hlo, kf ACy itibWrnntiul. &r. il'ltlij- U-ltpriiiinsa,tttlnrylvly..-lhi
nwt irtini'ot of Kunnjr, l'lnlti an ! djurn.bto 'lu'tv
.ui uon Will it d6()0ivo.t Willi a i:ip'r nriiiitit.
. 1 11 itim- ' 1 ' I
tjf Watch axu Jhwki.t Bt"i:K - -Mr. 'I K.
nvnjv hn nouvil a now Watnli and ilrwolry-sliirii
1 rilmwu' bulldlurf Jliirkdt iimro, whrr.' hi
HI exooute to ordw any woik lu hl litn of tiuJiicm
l.ilnit bad oxpcd-niii In nna ut tin larnl
liulcnalo psliiblililiic(ils hi rhll.idili.hirt. h !ioirt
ilveMtbf.wtlou to nil who may favor him wlib a
all. Advorttsoniotit axt wok.
tV1 Bxcarslon tloksts will to U-uril ut lUo Thkol
nU'sIa this rlo f"r ttio Bto 1'iilrut Wllliaiiis.rt!
hloh will ormilnMuoMi tho Mill hi'l. ., .
Wo rirrot to sou so fow of tho new fuilMinif
this plnsoi otinstruotoil of brh-k.'' If Soni woinin
uld bu ilovlned, by M bioh brli-ft enuM bo umdo
oiippr, llii-y would bs In tnt eno prefiwd to
uibur, whluh Is alo higher tlmn It houId lis.
jylloaiis AliVBUTisaus Tho numbor of swln.
m lu How VorU aai othor ottlos, who a-lvortls-i
truiii and othur mutton Inton lol to ip!l tho
ulis and swlallo grooatorus, aro liuru ula.
Itoiv art ofton liuniMO l upnn thoinilvos. Wo
vtt kri(.wlhly tnnnrt a swladllng advortlnomout
I nui.otluiia II l diflloult lu (UBuo tbo trui oharne
of an advortlHJiueiil. We njtot odvurtlwiutiiu
iokI ov"fy !uo, but with all our euro wo nro
u- nimlly lmt'oai'd u).nn
V 'A Sbw TitAlM. W umluiTiaM'l stwuliir train
lionlnrtod shortly, runnlua from rhlladclpbla
:ilo. It will bsafutt train, niuklng hut a fow
.:. Wo huvo hoard It said thai It will run up Ibo
ivylvniila roid lo Tyrone, and 0 prims to tho
lr.t t(iUtn A iwA hft!1 W 1,,oh
il iu'il, as TyroUO U SotnlU nims iunui;r jroy.
iMiurtf by Hits rouloilian by 'ifio Vnilo ilirough
plaoe, thus liioroaslnjt tlio dUtnnoou;wa n."uillu.
hu whale lcjjg'h'uf thu Tj-iolio loud 'i'ho Jrilji
loitvd rbilsdclldila lakr than ths luijl, Arfd
d dliirnd of Oio wall utlUrrUburj. m
i Xlis Istoratui hsvs oauWa sdlon oUango
io wt-stlier, whtoli ;U aw ouul and braoln.
m ore In riuisilluu and ooal la demnnd with
pwnrd leiidcn-jy." '
l.r.itn. Vlsto en Thursday nftornoon, as a eo;d
was aouing do'wo the road bolwosu tuwu aud
,uko Fiildlor Oullory, oas of the brakrsmon, W.
Farrow, foil betwoou lh oar, and was Instant
uhcd lu death. It shears tbst be was fuatu
break an 1 gondola, when bis foot slipped and
as perclpitiitcd upon tho Irsok In a diagonal
on, ao that, tbo moving osrs paMOd ever lbs
01 part ofhisbody, oomplstely mulling biio.
igbtof bis mangled body was snocntng. ins
set has been fuur years In tho 'Briny, nnlor
t aldwcll, In ths 48th l'a. VoU., and bsd
through all lbs hsrd fought battles and earn,
s in w biob that gallant regiment was cngngod,
ad obuis out uuaoratkiid. lis was from Khamo
iwiiiUip, aud wb buriod on Saturday, at Buy
n, b oms of bis former oompsnions lu arms,
iiw'luuors of war. Ills paroaU aro both duud;
s unuisiriod. uud the oldwt of six children,
tokei to hiu for advlos. lie agsl yr
olJ 21 days, and much sstsouisd by all who
biu MiauioliH UoralJ. '
, ,, ,-nu
A Vil-i.'.ixoi'S OrsnATioH. From tbo Pltta
DisjIil of iloBdsy last w make Ibo follow-
trsol :
tho Dunaieh of Frtdsy last wo mentioned
.. ..c. niJ llll. roDresontiiiK himself
.. 1 i.l,r i,.i, at tho.'eotl Ilouae in
,r witii young woman wlioaa ho claimed to
wifo ; sUo of hit dupurture for ths Eaf t tolling
in. tl.,.t t nould return promptly alter
ninr tho l o--lusss wblch required hisabsonoe,
.11.... ..r , mnaint m few davs nubnequent,
roculud wifs, f a letter signed by ' Kdwar l
0 1I0J "jew ior,
:U . ..rru.rlln ta aODVe TOT Sad
'.nee that her husband bsd been niurdorod
.i,.n in ltmadwav .Now Xnrk. lie
. ,.i....i.i r tha Misor af New York and
m. ,i,,i n.t nnnfirm iha murder tU'ry. It
fccrtaluod that Hall's plseo of rosidtneo Wss
illlo, In liana, adopatcn wasiorwaram iour
nn:i'ion concerning bim. Tbs was:
1 b.Tu, s live and well, he has no wife. Ihe
m from 1'otUvillo stated thai Hall had been
What we supposed when flrrt advised of
air lis proven true. Hall is a hertle
rol. llo secured the confidence of the young
whom he left at the Scott House, hu uu
1 f 1 r thv caift on budluees M a tham to e.,u
idefi.'Oli' dwert ber, and the letter which
reived from Edward Abbott was doubtless
u'th k Vi to further deceive bsf. It is a
it yiiJuiu go Mnhuig
Tho Trrnly Hsabsnllfesi lo the
IjJiM 7,7
I . I ., ,i'WT OMITJI, AUK., Dll. J- 1
' Tho Ironty of general amity and pcs)
wassnhmltted to the Indians to-day, and
until to murrow wis given them t& examine
it. Guvwrnor OuUsurt, 1 of Arkanstwj has
arrlterl Imd and reporta lrg hutnhera frtim
different tribe on the ronttt '. IteW, " Ttie
Semtnolcs presenteu! paper showing tlluir
relntiou with tho ruhelliun. t.i.,. mi .'.,, -.
CiltCoor Sep. li-Ja-ispeelwCffispniclt to
ti- Jin)Mvni ; it'rtuvl.-V'Wfc.a'KjUw-ilJMjs
eaya: Tho Cmucil was openod ut one o
clock by Cooley, whs) ilsketl if the (lillerent
trllc wcro ready trr itn the treaty tf pence.
The aRcnta of Ilia Suiuinolvs and Clietdkets
said their penplo had rund It nnd : would
Ijtn it tti-mol-fostV'" , ' " ' ' '
Tlio treaty wus read. It Is between the
Commissonurs deaixQavd hy thu President
Hitd.tho Trir9ijtativea .of, thu. rherokeca,
CrelK I ttloctKw. UIiIlHusun
Bonitcaa, Seminolua, eimwnees and Ouupuwa..
It iatntlioeirobt tltnt they entered into
trenth'4 with trteso ciilled Conretlt'i'nteStittes
mid lurfcitud ull their lln'its, thi. Gov
emmerit w'tWdd tswtiso itleiheney nnd ti
tuhlisli ordef nivuitix tlio (liirerent'triiies, its
they had liecomo snlistlnl llitit it whs for
Ihu nooil of tlulr people to milts nnd esln
blish tho relations with tho Government
which h id formerly existed between 1 them,
nnd heruiil'ler reeoub.o It lis excrL'isinjj ex-elu-iivu
jtirisdiction ovtf them, nnd not
enter Into nllhinr-a ttllH any other Stiite. nu.
lion, power o.r sovureiunty. , In aeeordiiiico
witli the iilioVo BtlpuTiitloiis, tho (lovern
iner.t will uirord pfoientliin iin.l ateiitlty to
the persons p)'jnpvl',i' bf 'O'O. reKJietlivo
tribes.. . ., .,.f . , 1 '
A imsrigo wfia. i'rccived ffiMH the., d le
pile ut Armstrong' Aeudemy to the t fleet
Unit tliu feMa nro rlofltoita id' coiuiiij to
tmikd prfttii' with llii'ir luTuWrtH tVitn-.i 1
' Tho IJtmXt'll (tiljniina'd until '10 oVIuflt
to moi'fow.1 1 " ' ' ' . : 1 ,'
rni: l4lui vh or wv.
111:01 !!.
The lute tlovetiior HroiiMh wits Informed
by Surgeon tleneml Uurr lust Motulay eve
ning tliat his tleatli wiv near. . An ej'e
witness ilcscrilies what folhwed :
"The 0oeTmr -wus proiilly hIhu ked" at
this ntnioitnet.ment, tuid lihiliitty Hem-nil
Ihirr In thu fa-e; tleslrrd hint to ven'iit what
he hud mil, 1. (Ii' llurr n;iin stilted tlmt
In- lutil imi lorly-i'ihl hotuvj'Oud ull except
Ids l.imily und ll.irr should h ave
the room'. After tl,ii Inel been done, hu
conver-cd eulinly nil I r.ithinuby with his
liunily till'iili's.- , , . , , ,
'Ttirnliid to Ocnern! IVirr. nnd nppiirenltj
tid,lre!siiiu his remiirks more i.irtieuluily to
hiiu, thu Uoventor .jiroceeihsl to speak of
rellloita lews and Impi1, lie snld, lit snh
sU'tirte, that ho was no theologian, mid hud
iiet.T mndo nny 'profession ol relilun. Hut
lliottk'li J10 nekitovledK'd he hud been it
'ri'iit fclnilcr in I lis si)(lit of Uod, hu' ttutei!
that evvrv net of his in IUclmiy'u his tlit,
dies im Gi' wnnr hud been performed 'with
.the strl(!t4'sfc riinsclentloit-meioi, ,nnil uilli
iinivi'i'l'iil retiiwd to his . 'responsibility, not
.milv In tlm L'o'.intrv. but to Uml. lie also
tiied that hi' hut) never uonu If) bed ut
tiialit for twetty years without llrst pnuliiu
itn (od fur lot tivetiess and protect ! m. As
lie Npuktt, l,Uo ( ''ufito ru'iM.'d his 0..1S, nnd,
IM t.luniirii 1 lentil lent smic nmtithil keenness
to Iti' iii, exeliillno I that l.e saw the Medl
iitur Kluml.tiK on tJm rijjhl hiutd of thu Fn
tlier iwiikiiiif iftler'ft.sio!i for his sins, lie
CJtneliti.led ttltll the' ellil)lltit',tl tltciiiruliott.
severii'l,.l.ltiies repented: J tliu hiipplly iind
Klori-sttKly.1 Tho seuiui was deeply affecting
und at iLxi.cbu'iMil it, tun Uuveinor put. hu
arms iiroutait in n-uk r; a, nei-Hl Iturr, und
w ith ihs'p s-tiiolhut Ihiinked him lor liia raru
nnd littentiolt, expressing perfect Hittisfnc
lion wiili Ins in ci I it-nl treatment, llo then
look hltf' f.irewell-' of his family. -':About
midniulit ho ri4iied into insensihility,
whiuh (utioU'.i'. witluiiit liitciuiisiiioti until
wiivr 'tmi:H it 5ii:..? ,
Wluit is thu iiieiuwiiK of the sudden gnth
erlng of thu rebel leaders ut Montrcttlt Mil
son is there; Druckinshlgo is thsre; Hun
him is theru: Helm is t litre: und many oth
era of lesser nute. What business calls them
there? . - ,
UreeklntliliK! nnd scvorul 'otlier'of tticso
,...!.,. 1 to Kuroou fi.r the our
uosenf lludipg a homo ihcii'. It ---.
hat ihoy LHe ir-':"' Lurojw-to, w tiu
in 11
iu uilU.lllgCUJlll Ulliiimu .,.,, ,
d it huppeii, Hint nil of them should lu
u'triietiid Htiu'iind tlio
same time to Moil-
treul. Tlielr (fitthi fin; theru has sumo other
purpoec j and iliut purpone, wo limy nifely
guess, ilous not priieeuit ttom nny new burn
y.enl 011 lUliiui 01 1110 .iincnc.iii v-iuvn. ,
it is now well known that Jacob Thomp
son, with nn nbtitir'.iiiit supply of lands,
operated from Montreal lust ymr, to pro
iniiio the election ol MeClelluii, uud us tho
IJ"beU nro therefore not nbovu inking part
in out tlc'.'tioiis,. they may bu siUrixl up,to
risk their money, this time on tlio gamonf
"ientonithm." Dotibtless they long to get
hunk tu Vlwhiyd from which, they- liuvujkd;
nnd 'restorarltin" is fur innrq pi ornlirlns to
their hopoa thuu Ills to thotuuf tholoyul
meu of the country. 1 j'
llt-NUY WAliO 5l.Ll li.H ASU ,'Ai.rO-
(iit.M'lis. -A coircHpoiidetit of tho Ne.w.Vofk
Cit hen says: ' ' . .
In thu iumtiier t'f 1S03 I suliiited tho
uiitogniplis of several einiiiuiit Americans,
and in most ItiHtiinci a my request was re
sponded to in tho shape of tlielr Varied
chirograph)'. Among thosu whoso auto
graphs 1 sought lo oulu'.tl was Henry Ward
lluecher. What was my surprise iintl cha
grin when, in u'few days, 1 received u uoto
running someiiung us unions:
; ; "INKW ioiik, , lOUd.
Dkau But: Your favor of recent duto is
nt hand. I tuko pleasure in grunting your
nviptest.' ' '
"Very respeetiuity,
' I ' ' 'JlKNItY W AMD llKIX'Iir.H,
"IVr Fred 11. n-rkins, Ids Attorney."
Mr. 1'eikins, iu u note, slated lluit Mr.
Heedier hud left for Humpo in tho hist
steamer, uud us I 0 was Mr. H.'s attorney, I,
us a law student, would at oneu see tliu
Iiropriety of his signing his name lo.nll
tusiuess papers. Hull "couldn't sue it,"
und coiieludud that autograph hunting wus
not tho most sutisfaetoiy 1 could engage
CiTiENBitip Font KiTr.n Deskktf.hs.
By Hie uct of Congress, approved Murcli, 3,
isa.1, unI by prochuiiulion of I'resident
Lincoln issued in pursuance thereof, eertuin
persons uro declared to huvo forfeited their
rights of citizenship. They nro.
1. Deserters trout tho miiitury or naval
aervieo, who did not report for duty on or
beforo tho 10th clay of May, 1803 ;
2. Deserter from tho military or navnl
gcrviee since the lOtli duy uf May, 1So3. - -
3. All persons who, htiviug been duly en
rolled, departed the jurisdiction of tho dis
trict in which they were enrolled, or lave
gone bcyoud the limits of tho Uuitod Stutes,
to avoid any draft into the military or naval
service of tho United States. ;;, ' j
. , 1 , 1 Q 0 T 1 . 1 ' I ' '
'Don't be Foolib," You oiiu nrnko tiix Ixdlars
fiuiu Fifty CeuU. Call and examine so iavsotion
urgently needed by vrVrty. a saeipiej st
free by mail lor txia. tbst retails eaiily tor to, by
l. ii. W01CQI, Ivv iyUetuaw imjuuiv, fl." vs
funbury, Erptember 18, 1065. ly '
VTOm'tf hrly gleh, thai th aes nf ths
j . late Asm sf t'rll wg A rsnt bnvs been Uf wMk
us for soltlemonl and oolleotlon. All prmne knw
lug themselves Indobled to said Brm, will ssvt odsl
by calling at our oftiee and making setllemeht,
Aftwrlha fntB Usy 0tnbe amt, '.dlts-Wtll b
brought for thfcoelleollofvo sU olstmt untitled.
-T-.n-oj ii iiri , I , UMI.K1I AKa9K,!" .
I ..t -.'I - Attaraaya'MlmWh'l'
1 EnnbwMr. Senlsrabor 1(1, 184ii...i i,.wi'i ,1
PKUSONI hrrlig nhYwdci Dosli art reminded
Uiat tsey must e reeonlod. aoourding to Ih.
Aot of AMoiubly wh'.uh r,(ulre Ibal ( :,
All doeda aud eohviiynuucs for real ostale In this
fjommonweaith, shnll on' rooordod In tlieoftloe for
Recording Heeds In, ths County whore ths lands lie
ttv'MiM t rnoHtA after ths execution of suoh deoda
nnd oonTyawoi and every such dneil anA sanvey,'
nwosj not revordod as aforesaid, shall b Judged
UtAHDUI.KNT AND VOID sgalimt any isbsequont
Surohnser for a valuable oonslderstlon, nrdviw suoh
oeda be ecnrvled before tho recording of (noticed or
conveyance under which suoh subsequent purchaser
or morltas)a shall lalsn.'f , r . 1
August lr)ltjuVl.,,f n .r .1,-1 1 : 1 -vi i
IN piirsittinae'nC an order 6f ths Orphans' Coart of
Kiirthnnihorlnhd County, will bo exposed tu pub.
liosalo, at the Court limine. In the ltnrongh of Sim
bury, on MONDAY, thclnihdnyofOOTOllKll. Irtft.1,
iha following real estate In Northunihnrlnnd onuuty,
being bounded and described as Fillnws to Wit !
A hot Hunting on Hroadwsj stroot. In tho borough
of Sunhnry, being lot numbered In tho general plan
of snld borough us lut number H.'t. on wbloh srsereo.
ted a largo thrco atory brlok dwelling homo, a ttablo
and other outbuildings. ' '
Attn, liot numbered H.ri In ths general plan of sold
borough, oorncr nf Pokebcrry and llmsilwsy al rests,
on which nro creeled a log hi.u-e and barn.
Also, Lot No B'.l In sulit borough on oorner nf Unap.
berry alley nnd llvoadway strvuis, on which vrootud
a frainehoui'u titixl liarn.
Alao, Lot No. xsu un oorner of Ulllbsrry alley nnu
Ilrnndwnv atreeta, vacant. '
Alao, l.i.t No 281, on oorncr of Ililllierry alley nn.l
llroadway streets, us whhdi nro croutsd slug house
nnd atiilile, lot No. 'M siljointie, on which see srec
tod a doublu t'rnir.o beuso. hut No,' 2stt. mljolnlng
lot No. 2S'i, varjint. l.ol 8f4, mljoliiliig lut il.vl, vik
onnt. Lota 2.i3, S.. IMtnnd Wi. tVulltliig on fctttw
berry atreel. Alan, tot S!U7 rroullng on Miloi nerry
tlreet. Aim lots.HIl HI.1 nnd .'111 frontinit un Kl-
dorberry street, between llocr ami Fawn.
Aim lots No. Tl. (renting on llnindway, hots Tl
nnd HU fronting on llrondany, un each of which theru
is a irnniu imuao.
Alan, Lot No. HO-1 fronting on Whortleberry slroet.
vacant. And lot A'o. Itif troatliig un nowuorry
street, all In tho general plan of Said borough.
Alao n l.-lami altunto ut tho Jauetlon nt MintnoKin
Creek with tho river Suaipithaiiun, aud ktiowu as
Martin's lidtind. '
Alao, aftoiis 'Ijaarry, slliiata In Upper Auguata
tnwnahlp, emiiiiliiintr ten acres more or Icaa. bounded
by Iniida of William Ueed mill Jutm Smith.
halo ths property of Win'. MuCarty, deoensod.
ftilo lu ooiiimeneo at 10 o'ulta'k A. M. when tho eon
dlttons will bu mudu kitown by
Onoof thoKx'trx. of William Mot'iuty.duo'd.
Hy order ut tho Court, . , ,
J. A. J. Ctl.MMlNll, Cl kO. 0. ' '
riuiiuury, Kept IH, IWI5. ' '
:. BEEF! BEEF.! ! r '
Tit K undorslKiied reaped fully Inform thoettlsees
nf,Sunbury and vlululty, that eu Monday next they
will nnmuienee supplying tho Cotniuniilly with Drat
naaiiiy nt iif.i.i . 111 iirices running Hell) 11 10 iocia
llavlnit exnertei.o lu tho huatneas, and mndo nr.
raiigciuciils for a supply of number una cattle, Uivy
will iilnya keep on uA tlrst quality of but'f, at tho
flunbnry, Petit. t, Itttli.
.. . . -t j r : 1 -r r I " "T j' "I l : j .
IIAIC OX' .X0!CTI3OIill!itI,.tSN
WIIKIIKAS Ihe Audihir (Icnerulss rciiulied lit
thu lllhtsVcUoil iirtlm Act, eulUled - All Act
tnalillnK Ihu lliilika ol'lhie Ciliiinoiiiveiillti to luvomo
Aaaoeiailons far tlio Mil ones of nankins nnder tho
luwa of tho I uitud iitatis," psaawl 00 Ihu iiid dnyof
ntiguai a n. mm, nsa Aeruuuii 111 lus unit tlio
' Hank l Northumberland, louatvd lu tho Uorougb
nf riunhurv. Norihuiubciliiiid nountv. has fnrnlahed
siiiiidoulory r ideneo lo him thai all llio reipilrcuients
nf said Act have heea uoiuplied with by. tho said
iiiiiik, aim iimh 11 n ,f iieooins an Aaaoulstiou Tot I Uo
pnrpoao of IU11M11 j uudur tbu Liwsal Ibo I'uitud
iStalos '- '' 1 - '-
t 1 do ihersforo, onuao lbs notice thereof lo lis pub
liabud 111 ncuordiincu with tlio provlaious of Iho said
1 1 ih suet lou of thcs'tld Act, and do 4 velar that (Its
Charrer ntiho Snld II.1I1V by iho lorma of Said I Act, Is
deemed and taken- lo tin hereupon lurrendercd sub
Jjul lu tLs provisions ol the tlrat airollon of said sol.
1 ,, ' .. ... A. U. Cl'UXUi, Uuvoruur.
. J'.xociiHvn IiiuiiI,, r, . .. ,
Hiiriirburg, Aug j. 1305. j , -
1 T k n -t rl ,vs
., Iii nil list. Viirlotssi l'omisi. '"
Acutp or Inflammatory ; Chronic, Lumbago, h'cuill
"'' ' ' ea, rieuroJyns,,i,,.... , !' ,, ,
Ptiffneaa of Iho Jolnta nnd (JrsiBp Uost, lirutiil);la
end all Nervous Alleellima Kryapelnsu Hnlt Itheiiin
nndHtrnfulsuS l?furr1,m nf ths bodyNSu'ratiaes
tho fin parti tea of ttio Tllmsl aed Fluidsjjf Ihu nholo
ayatein, and vival!tfS, thshr eriUtl.rt ..ami cftrclu
ally ouunlorauts 'Morsurlal auuVuilict pulauiiuui Inllu
onces. o- ; -
It la a eonrsntenlly arrange) Belt, eon- i
tuinlng a MadlosUid Compound, to bs worn I
nround Iho Ikidy, alaiut tho waist, Kqually
Kfluotiug all (Parts, whurovor thtdlaoasu may
bo. It cm bs worn without .lujiu-y to ti.s
, moat del luat tporaoty and ' slianus ,li, tfiS
proper hablifsf living is required. U en- j
P tlroly removes lh,c ditunas Iromtho ayiunn, .
A without ths us Of powerful Internal medU y
olnea, which woaked the conatltulloa SmU H
glvo lumponiry relief only by stuplfylng tho m
syatsnii and deadening in vitality. Hy tills
irentmon. me mouiciusi propornee eomaiu' K
W ed In Ihu HAND, being of a highly smmstla
M and volstlls nuturo, nnd sapabls of being'1 J
" toadtlyobsm-bcd, through Iho noros of Ilia W
-s skin, aoaie Into direct uonlool with tho lllood C,
w and gensrul oiroulnllnn, without flrat having ,
r to pitas through tho stomach, which would
!-) tend not ouly to detract from their curative
powers, but to Impair the Internal orgnns and j
deranu the digustion ulan, thus avoiding tba
W. lujm trsoia,si,l'tcn lioruault,of iuternal -.
reioeniea, anu uiii-eiioji ,uiiuu,vu, u
ril'ying and equalising the olronlalion ol the
vital 111111M aim rvstortn me parts snooiou 10
hcullhy ssndlliiai. this Hand is alao moat
Iiowcrlul "Anll-McreurUI Agent" Calomel
icing tho primary ennao nf a large part of
the btiffncwi. Keurulgiu l'utns snd Hhcuma
tios, so prevalent and will entirely relieve
tho ayatein from Its porulaious elteols ro
moving till blotches snd pi in pica from tho
body uud beautifying tho complexion.
Mudcrato discs nro curod in a few days, and wc
aro eontnlly rscuiv itig undoubted testimonials 10
which wo iuvltu inspuuiion nt uur office of their till
oaoy in uggrnviitod oiutcs ol long stnudlng.
PUlCb F1VK DO L LA US. May bs bud ol Drug
gists, or will bo sent by mail upon receipt uf$j 1'J,
ur by txpriv uverywhore, with all ueoossary luslruc
SiusM Xiuui liie principal olUoo uf '
. UliO. L. 1JH0WNIN0,
Solo Propi Ictor and Munufacturur, of ths Culebruted
UitoWNixo's KxetLsiott,
Nus. 18 snd 20 Murkct street, Camden, N. J.,
Ijf Tialls, with ocriifled Usllmonials, scat doe.
I r auupieu suBoiuiers.
bvpl. 1, laoj.-tlm
niHE aadcrsljrned rnforms the eltisorn of fiunbury 1
1 and vieiniiy tbst bs has at tbe solicitation of a I
number ol bis friends, somunonoed Iha buainces of
repsiring Watches, Clocks snd jewelry. He esn be
K.undal all limes iu bis shop, in Market stroot, ouo
door west uf ihs had Lion Hotel, , '
He alao keens for a.Ue Clocks and Watohos
His work will bs prmiptly altouded lo and war
ruiitod tu cive suluiC'ttCliuu
Punbury, JulyJ, 18.14.
$150 ' per Month; ; ' $150
AGENTS wautoa Irt 'every Couuty snd Btute. to
sell the sahtlktt tasiNU Machink. price t2i
fully licensed uader patents of Howe, Wheeler A
ilua, tliover A HaUor, sod Singer A Co. We will
pay a monthly talary and expenses, or allow a large
commiasiuii oV sales For psrticulsrs, illust.aitd
esuslngue, tprrTlort, Ae., cpelose a stamp and address
PAt'sE nkOTtit.. sols Agsuu) for L'nited Sistes,
2il Bummit sir-wit, Toledi, Oh'o.
AugsS6( l88J.-3m$ '
tJJ v
07Vi f.fROLltll. l "' 1 Ih It. CASK
Collsntlonssad sll Profeaalonal kuslneas promplly
altnnded to la ths Courts of .orthuuiboilnod sod
adjoiniug CeunUoa. ., - ' ,
I tA'Alao, aiicolal attention paid lo tbs Collection
of feiKlr.ns. Ilnuntles and Unek I'ay Hit W Iduwi
Ophaiis end (.ildler1 ' , , . ,
oMtry, MntaH is, lono. k . .i..Jit.
lsfnl.V or,tolin . l leniMitnc, slsvN.
T(lTICK Ubere'w given that letters of adminls
1 'tratlon having Ven granted lo the sulwcrlbor
on IhSWtateofJoha Klemmlng, lt if l,ownr An
gasta tnwnahtpi Northumborlana oouny,.e., o u.
All persons indebted In sold all Sro .ten,itld lo
msko Immrditro payment, and tboas kuvjug slaliua
to present tbem lor ioltlemcnt. . ' , ,
.... , .. tii:n, Tlisint(Adin'r.
low. Aifgntta, AA(..13, 18qs.-M . . .
UN fentansnse, of na nrdor nf Ihs 'Orbhsns' Court
nf Nnfthuinsorlnnd County, will bo exvosnd la pub-
hofnloou ths preiniaea in 4 or d ml tnwiiaiiip, Kortn
umlicrland eounlv. on KATLUl'AY TUB Till HAY
OF 0UT0(lKIl. IbOi. all that opo undivided one-
scventb pari ul 1 no loiiowing uoscrioeu rem crvaie 10
vt! ;' -;' : 1
No '1; Tract nf Tiand hnandsil an the nnrtll by
Isnil of Moars Wert 'and a'hst binds nf which tbia
Is pari, oral by Inmlaof Tul.tss Mill, Kline Dowvrand
otbrrs, os the south by lands or Haniel Holincr aud
l.lij tli Uyorly, on tho woal hy lui.ds of Miuhnol Eiue.
tlofi, conlaiuing ninety-six seres and ono hundred
perches. ' . "
Trnr-l Tfit.'S.' A' trnet nflnnd bounded smith Mid
rhathy lands ofwhloh this la part, north by lands nf
Moaesr Wsrl, nad weal hy land of Mlohaul Lsnksr,
aontjilnli, j ailnvn nerea. . ' I
No. 8. A bluis fctono lot, bounded bylaudaof
(luorgo NVulf, Uuhrlol Adaui. aunuiiiing Inrly porcnes
an let meaauro, i.1110 1110 properi.ui, maniu mar.
kle, decosaasd. ' 1 '
M!. l . K,Hri,l 1ftt!,t,4,ft A. M. nfauld dav
when tbo lei ms aud ounditluna ui sivlo will b Inavlc
".V' " MicTtAK..Mi:itrar,-
duwimnfif llm Mtnnr Cblldreh ol M. Marklc, deg'd.
liy'oriHVrif tho Court.
J.-A. .1 HtuiMisns.tllk.tli C. 1 ' ' -I e - "i
.sjuubn., 'August IJ, tMn.its : ' ' ;
J' tv.'tTlAI'bKYW 'e Parent Hl'lM.ltS'.
, a atfl ,u, amiWl MPtir.VII SHIRT
riPu'viiHtrn ennh-'a of.ll'uplc ('it ttn)'Mllptl
Pure l'.cflngil (ttusl S)u intts. mgoiiioualy biolded
tightly und Aritity toiu bcr, edge Ui r-lg", innkin
IhO'lVSgliCstitiHist llt-viM". olssllo aud durKbinttpriiigs
ivrr n,l. 1 hvy schWor bend w btenlr. Iiko thu
Stugtc FKlng, and eunaeiinonlly pn aorvn their per.
lovlsHti bnnsillul aliape u,ors than IT. loons long aa
any single apring Klrl (tint ever has or can 1,0 mail,,
'i'b" wonderful flexibility nnd irrenl eonif.rt and
ptenanrc to any Lady wearing tho Duplex Elliptic
Skrrtwlll lie c'xporleiiaod pstlTanlarly lu all orowdt il
Assemblies, Operas. C irri igos ItsllMad Cars, Church
l'ews, Arm Ch.iira, for I'rouieiiade and llouao Hreaa,
as the Skirt bu lolded whon In use tu occupy 11
small pluos as .eaally und couvcnleiiily as a bilk or
Mtiaiui 1'roa.
A l.iidt having enloycd tho plonanre, entnflft ithd
great eonveiileiieu ui wearing the Hoplex Klllpilc
tUeH Spring rklrt lot a slnglsdny will never after
ward wlilluiclrdlaneiiao With their ue. For Chtb
dreii, Mirhua nnd Vuung Ladles I boy are ssperiot to
nil others. . . , . , , , .
Tho Hoops sro covered with 2 ply doublo tn laled
tlirctd and villi near twice a long 111 'he single yarn
covering Mhlch tauaed in all single fleet UoopSKlria.
The th no bitioni mds n every Horl nru doublu
steel, Slid tttleo or double covered lo prevent tin
onvi'iing f, mn wearing nlTllio rods whtn ilrnitirlug
down stairs, stono i , tin., c, winon tlieysic
aniKlajill.T snlilccl to when lu sac.
Ailiij'U Hindu ol llionew and elni'intcor led Tain s,
nd sin 1 In' bisl ipe.tlly lu cvory i,;;rl. giving to thu
WOircr,lllu liewi uimcckii ihi i i,i n-e, riiiiite in,:iu,r.
and nro imin.'a'lounbly tho lightest, moat nYrirnblc
cliniflirtrthliiaiid teoitomlunl skirt ever made.
1 W'eate' Hrs.tlev Jk Cart. of thu fliven
lion, and sole AUiiul'iciurira. UT Chambers, inul 7il
& Sit Kea,te strvnta. .vow-loik.
Fur s ilii hi nil tli.-t-olnw aluroa lu title eil.v, mid
lluruglii'Ut Hie I niteil Stales nllJ l-analn. Ilavann
dc Ciilui, Mcxlco,8ou:h Aineiica, and thu M eat lu
illis. "
l.i? fnulro Ibrtho Duplex K'.liptla (or doiMi
cpring r-airr. a. a u
August IV, ISUj. Ilm . 1
t:nitor Onnicl Zerbe, .li., tloi'M.
XTOTICH la hereby ulvun, (hat letters of inliiilnls
J.A trntli.n having been granied to theunderalitned
on tho estate of Daniel Kerb,'. Jr., lalniif Lower Mad.
oci.y township, Korlhulnbvrlsml county, rtt.iteo il
All kiomina InJebtxl are reniiealed tn make llillnwll
ate pnvinniL and Ihuauhliviiig elalmato prsaeut llitin
tvr suulumoul. - JOIIM it.KIJh, A.IUi r
Lower ilahonoy, Aug. 21, Imi5. --t
$500 iBWATiiiDr
milE iind.rlii'ed will nay a Itiiwsrd of Flvo Hun
X dred Dollars, for tho discovery nnd conviction
of tho person or persona, who set tire to, nnd destroy.
tu 1 he (.(mi liniKcr st 1 revorion, ntioui 1 0 uioux un
Thursday morning, August I'lia.
il'JWTON it CO.,
Trcvorten, Sep). J, ISi.
TaKASt'llV DKI'AatUKNt, )
Orinea or I
V'liriirAS.liy a:it!sfaetnry evidence presented to
the uu dci'sinrd. It lirvi ben mads lo appear that,
"The Firs' Natl'Si'il lUfck nf Puntaary," in tliu lio
rcuijli ui flui.l.iil v. In 1'iu f iliuiv-iif Murthutnbtrl'in I
nun Baiu 01 rnn-ijivaui.t, una uclii uuiy uiir.i
uii.Im,' hi.iI ucciii'ttiuj tu. Tliu rcoiiiruuienla ol'
.1 tiiu roiiuiroincnis 01 in
e Act
Of Col ivey. enlitlcd "An A"t i prondo a Natlotiul
Ci'.rri'i'.cy. scured by a pie dgof I 'lilted BiaiesHonds.
atal to pVorl tu fr tliu etiH'ulr.tli.ti an I rodcmpilon
tliiiroof,'1 approved iluuo Hit, I Sill, slid has oompHed
wlib ull tliu provirioiit ol said Ant. re iilml to bu
como'.itd With b f..rc c uuinciiciug Ihu business of
Hanking uudur sail Act : -
Now. tficri-furo 1, Ftii:t;MAX Ct.AtlKit, Cuinpttotlvr
of tho Currency, do hereby osrtlfy that, "The First
National Hunk of funhiiry. In tho l.iiough of Hun
burv, lu the County of .vu'Miumlicrlun.i, and Ktnto
of I'em.avlvaulii, Is auihorlsad 10 eommenso the bu
ncssol liiti.kliig iiiulurtho Aet sforcs.dit.
In teatln.imy whertuif, wrr.isss my liiiud snj seal
ofolliac, tlilsscvoulh day uf Juno, ltM5. '
f U KK MAX b'li'A K K K,
I rV-sl nfthe
li'k'ltf ilu.
Cuu.p'.rullsr of ibo. Currency.
.jjti0i ;;.
17U. 1T3. m ii 170
'On Squurs weal of Droadway.)
Botwoen Courtlnndl nnd Hey Plresis, NewYoik.
JOHN l'ATTl.N.Jr , I'loprotor.
Thoi'.ii'irie IIotm. la well and widely known tii
tho Ire'villiig publiu. 'IU' Is ov,ia!ly
rtiiluble Ui wvlubar.iB slid busuives men , It Is lu ul,j
pnuliiilty to tlio buslncaa part of the City ia on tliu
highway uf .Siulhcru and Western iravof and a Ija
g.Di li aJl ihe tiiiicipsl Huili'ivJ Iind Slii:uubi,.il
dep'ta. ' ' '
Tho Paeiflj has liberal sccoiumou-uion lor M ir
Will guests; It is woll furntshod und pisesaes every
modern linproveiaeiit for tho eouiforl and ei.terlniii
tiienl uf ila linusiea. 'i hu rooms are s aiioua und
well ventilated: pinvlded with K"S snd wster ; Ihu
nltciiduiicu la prompt and reapccitul i anil tlio lali.u
Isgeneroualy provided wllh every dellosey ut tho
The sabserlbtr, who, for Iho past few years, has
belli ihu k'saov, i now aulu pruprletor, and iiitenda
loindenllly hlir.sell thoroughly with tlio Intuieats ol
hia house. Yv ith long ixpcrieuoe nt a hotel-keeper,
I. o trun. by iiiodorcio ciiurgca and a UUral lioll v.
to nialiitiiiii the lin'oi'iiblu rceuliitl"ii of the i'aoiuc
II. itel. JOHN PATTEN, Jr.
September 9, lo85 ly
Ai 4'hnitilou Jftususur, 1140
Hik-c NlrsM'l. - m. -.. I
Will be sold on WEDNESDAY, S0th,
and every WEDNESDAY and I-ATUIIDAY there-
alter unoi luruivc uuuw, u.,u-uv.u - v ,
Those Mo '.os lira nearly all Brat olau and lu good
oonditiou, being suld only lor wunt of u,
Every fucill'y will beuiTurdcd lor uu uxamlnutlun
on ibe part of buyers.
Tonus CuaU In Government Funis.
' Cspt and AfcijUint Quurtvi master.
Sept. 2, .
" THE'l'eninylvsnia Stalo Agricultural iuoiety will
hold its F.xhibitiou un Tnisdsy, Wednesday. Thurs
day snd Friday, Buptcniber JO, 27, 2& sal , 1904,
Any information deaired will bs given upon per
tonal application or by letter to Ibe undsrugaod, at
NuiTistown, or A.. UO YD HAMILTON, 1'rejuUut,
'J'he office f tho Society will bs open at Willlumt
port on and alter ibe 6ih of September.
' - " A. URoWtlt LO.uAKLK,tucrsury.
Nonittown, July 2D, 18tti-,1t 1
i i i t i ltAW IIOMH . t' Z
BAUa II ft 60173
ilIintjiirfwm't and ProrUtor,
Btoroo. 30 South TiolaWsjS, Atshua. llilUdelphla
, 1 , ttRDUCTION IN rillCKI
After that dale. Jims llihi Ihs nrles nf IIAtlOH'S
Haw Hons 1'busnhsts will boreduood tn )! esr 2tint
lbs. (A oents per pound) psoksd in good bags and barV
role and delivered froi ufpurtorngs to any wharf oc
depot In this oily. v . r . -',141'
Alresdv the Indications nolnl tosvervheav tradn
In eat article ftir Iho fnlp season, snd wllhutigh wo
h.Ve Immense fHClllites fur meeting a Inrge demnnd
won a prompt supply, wq irmim strongly ntvlsa
Farmers and Healers In ttlvo us their orders ss sarlt
ns puasUils,. , ,
. ii.ustra luwriioNK ntosritATrt
Has now been befnrs ths Airteulturnl .Cominnnllv
for many .years under one name nnd one nnnii lelor.
ship, and nooda nu further eomiuunlntion limn thai
aocniiieii iu it every whoro. In the eontlnued and sue
otwlul uao by practical slid discriminating Funnels.
iuunuiaoiuruu oniy :
DA Villi A. PONS.
No. in South iMnwsro Avenue, .Philadelphia.
Ija Woreeoiumend ('aruiers to purohuscul
fMlTII A tlftNTlUH, Punbury, Pa. '
Anguat lu, iHtti tin
fi.V .,'..' 1 " ' las.f.
riilliHlelithla Jk. V.vlv ICnttioiid.
fllirs great line travorses the Northoruand North
I .weatenttnlles uf li.'iii'.svlvnuln to ths eltv or Kilu
on Lake I'.rlo. . . 1
It hna been leased by tho Pennsylvania Itallroad
Company and Utnperstod by thniu.
llssnrlra lengih wus- opened fit pnsseneer and
freight btialness, tVtuber I7lb, IMii
limo ol t'assonger trains at iNinl.iiiy, '.
Leave Litalwurd.
Mull Train, arrives. ! 10. ll P, M.
Idmlra l:x,fess Train, '' '"' 'I LSI '
Lock Haven Aceotutuiatstlon, 1 1 1 . : t A, M.
Tyiuno Avswitmodiitlon, 4.10 P. M.
, - - Lesvo W osltvnrd.
Mall Train. 4.1.1 A.M.
ISlailra Kxprcss Train, 1 a.M
Lock Haven Accommodation, 4.2,1 P. M;
Tyroiio Acuoiomodalloit, 1 111 15 A, M.
I'liasentfcr ruts ran thmtiirh nn Mull Trnln. wiih.uit
ch:ing,l,sth njt hctaetii I'hlla.lLlphiu iisd F.ric,
iiii.i iiaiuinurejiiiti I'.ne. . ' . -
Elegant Mooning Cars n Moll Trains both
ways between I'lilliidolphl.i and Lock Haven, and
mid nn Klutira l!xs Train Uli ways between
Wllllnmaptirl jutd ItiUiliiimo,
For inforniiitliiH respecting Piiaaenger business
apply nt Willi and Market Ml., 'Philadelphia.
And tor Untight bnslhassuf ths Cnipmiv's Agents,
S. II. Klngaimi, Jr., Cor. Dili and Alitrket St.,
Philadelphia. :
J. W. Meynolds. Thlo.
William littfwn, Agent N. C. 11. R., Daltlmnro.
H. II, Itnt'STtir),
tleii'l Freight Agt, Philada.
11. W. fluiXMsn,
Ujju'I Ticket Ag't., Phllnda.
- Jusarn 1. Putts,
Gun 'I Manager, Wltllamaiairt.
Hcfl. 31, 1Hft4 .
Aorilirru 4'cntrnl Itnllxviiy.
IfOl'R TltAIXS DAILY to aud lionl llaltlmote
niiLVnalilngiua elty,
Onnnuctloiia madii wllh trains on Pennsylvania
Unllrond. m and IVota l'lttaburg su.l tho West;
FOCU 'I'itrVISH H.Vl.Y la and (mm tn Nordt and
Woat llraneh fiiKiitiehiuiua, Llniliii, met all ul' North
ern Now. York. ,
v 11, ui un,.,. ItoVtlAV lifr "MM. Kll
V.I the Pwenger Trains of tho Nnrthcra Veiitrai
Hail, ysy wilt arrive at and depart from Sunbury,
iiiirriaout-g au(, iiuioiiHirn na loiuiws, vis :
SHUT 11 W A It D .
Mull Train leaves Sonbary dally (except
; fiiinilny. - 10 til A.M.
" leaves ll.,irlturg, I .'t l 1'. M.
('I ' .' mtlvM at Daltlworo, 6 ,tj
Extuoas Train leavea Sunliurv dallv
(except Punday.) II 401'. M.
- " - .'le.ivss Hsrrlsburg (exeetit
Monday.) J BO A. M.
" 'arrives at llnltlmnro dally
- (except Moadiiyl. T 00 A.M.
Hnrrlstmrg AceumaindiiUoii leaves llurrla
nurg. 7 40 A.M.
Sunbury Aoaiiiumolatlon loiwct Suubuiy
tlaily (except t-uudiiy) at
7 10 A M
' " ' : J' iT. NoitTHWArtll.
Malt Train loovea Ualliiiun u Uaily (ex
i -. oept Sua lay) , .
V . Irnvos Huliiaburg
uirivt'S at Suutiuvy,
Express Train leaves llaltiiuorn dully
ttl A. M
I 4.1 1'. il.
4 'M '
10 11O P. M
airirrs in iiarrii-ourg,
''' " ' ' l"avo llarriahnrg (exoept
, Nonilsvvl, 1
" ': arrives at rluubart.
Kilo Expreas Trulu luavoe ii.iit iniiiru
3 3UA.M.
1 1(1 A. M.
6 lo '
itidly (,'Xuupt siUKlaya) ut
leuvu llurriaburg daiiy (c.c
davs nt
ti v 1. M
except tftm
; 1 MAM
' " 1 arrives nt Punbury lit
llnrjlburg Arnnniinmlallnn leaves Hurrli
buig. daily (except Sunday) at
.". . Hfiivttst llitrriaburg,
Sunliurv Aci'timuiodalliin leavea It, nils.
4 10 1
2 Ml PM
I li P M
. - husj d,rivsscset riutiduy) nt 4 24 1' M
Tho l.iio Express ali-l I'liilmlclphin k'.xpl'eas are
through tiKtnato nnd rroiu la ic and all Intel modi re
jviinia. Mail and E.plcstr,iliit run lliluirjli
' i'lil 'luiiiicr uilurina'tuu nuply nt tlio otllos,
. .1. N. Di llAltlU' .Hon. fupl
.)S'tf;i'jaA.. . .-'... . ......
: tlt'sitlns tlullrouil.
July SOth, i!108.
1 KKiVlYI'IU MJ 1. 1 MS ri'obl IHO North nint
VI Nnrth-Wust. fot I'hlbdelphla, New York, ltciul
I'.uisviiio, i,eom,n. Aiumiown. hnsion, nc.
. Tr.uns Insvo Jlarri.siurg liir Now.Yiak, ss fol
lows :,7 so nnu a.ta'A, iw, aaiu 1.4s I'. M., at
tivlng at .Neil u'k ul 10 A. il. aud ti.OU aud 1U.UU
r. m. .
, The a bnvs snnnoot wllh similar trains on tho Ponn
ay! vimla railroad, sad ileephig Cars ooommny tbo
srsi-two trnina, wnouut oounve. -
, Leave for ltoadlns. ISiltavllleT uirmnna. Miners.
Wile. Atrcntowu and Philadelphia nfP.IS A. M. and
Mi P. M., atirpplujl al Letuuua and prltiulpal ala
slew euly.M t : ;t t .-'! -(
., Way It. ins, stniiplug-iit all points, nt 7.2j A. ,M,
uuj j.IU I'. M, . lleturjiiuil. Kuvv.Ncw
A.r.rJ.i'.Mun. nud K.tlOl'. M., :. Philadelphia lit
A: M.'atl'l S'..til 1. M ; l'o)tav.l!lc al 8 ti A. M.and
I X. r. M. : A-lrtani St 0 ttl A. M.- aiul II tltl Moon
laisnus tl li A. M. nnd l.t 1'.' M., and Itoadlug
at 1.00, I.3J una 10.4a A. ill., l.aa and tl.Ve 1', M
Rssdlnir Aootitnwirsliitlon Train leaves Heading al
A. OH A. Jd. returning .flow Pulludulphia at 4.00
Coluiubla Unilrnad Triiint lunva I'.oaillng ut A. 00
;i u i to. i3 a. t. mill o.ij r. .H. luriiruta, i.lti
On Hunlii va : Leave New York .t 8 P.M.. Phils
dclphli S la P M. PtiavllleT.'l A. M., Tamaipia T
a .ii, iirriaiuirg n.u a m una uuiuiuig ia i a. ai
lor Hiu'rltbttiit.
Coiuuiululnui, Miluiigu, Season, and Excursion
Xiekula, ul reduced rales tu and fioiu atl points.
80 Pounds ll.'iggagu allowed each Passenger.
Utnoral buperiutuudoiit'
; July 10, mi. -
Allorucy Av 'viiUkt'!lor ul Itxv,
OBlco oorner of lllackberry and Fawn Street, three
Uoora vast orn. T. nrtgnti ruuiulry,
Will sttend promptly tu all profesalonal luistue
entrusted to hia care, tlie olleation ol cluiiiia iu Nor-
ibuiubcilsad and Ihu adilnliig eouulies. '
t. uiiauilauoua ill iiciiuiiu an. I i.niiiisu. ,
Kuuhijrjr, April 32, llde. !y .
JT. II, UltWIt I XT, would respectfully hi
form tbo eltlsent nt SVNliVKY, and tho publlo
generally, that hu husuputied a new,
In S!miis,Hi's llullding, S.uilh tide of Market Square,
wbero La is uparod lo lake lu tho best style of thu
Also Pictures mads fir Kings, Hronstplns, Locltcla,
Ao. Persona wishing In our lino will du well lo cull
snd examluo tpuuiiuena al the Oallery.
Ws hups lo uiuiit a liberal share of publlo putrou.
ago. Oen Motto rs to PxsAsa.
tiuBUury, July 16, US4. .
ISfUltit'it), HtluVluoaa aud i'ltHilti-T-
Treated wtlb ths utmost luooeas by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist snd Aurlat. (formerly ! Levdua1. Hullsod.)
No. .'41V Pius street, Philadelphia. Tsstlnioiilala
f.uiu the must reliable tourcoa lu Ihe City snj Coun
try can be seen al kit offlco. The modwiiu fnoulty srs
invited ta aecusipsny Ibetr failuuls, as ha has mi se
crets In hit ursolic. Artidcial Eyes, inserted with
out peia No euarg a; ids for Msuluationt.
, July 1, IStfl.-ly ; ' 1
. ; ODTb ; QOBIN, V
Ailortsey uuii (?otinaellor tit Ijiw,
"7ILLpy taxes oa lends 1n any part of tho
titulo. Buy and sell reel Eatate, sud all other
maiten entrustod lo bim will rsoolvs prompt atuut
lion. July 8, lSJi.-ocl 14, '44.
Tiin rmnrtiix ri:rrou.iis
Will CtrVs Yottf Coegh' 1
the , p inn a t x "f r. c r o n a ' r.
Or compound Pyrup of Wild Cherry and Root, will
enre the Maeasea uf the TllllOAT ANH MINHN.
inii ss t olns, Cnughs, Cronp, Asthma,' Itranehltls,
CsUirrli.&wt'rhrou, Hoarseness. Whooping Couifli,
Ao. Its timely tio will prevent Piilmonnry Con
aumpllvn, nn, rven where this fearful dmeisn has
tsm.ii until it will nffiird greater telle! than hy uthi
mcllolno, . i, . ... :.
This Poolornl If.made from Wild Cherry llark aud
Peneka .Tnaka Root.
Its Coniisll'lon lasstim.ilenl guartoiter nf Its rslne.
lf . Ilsni H Wnod. Prfln-sa-ir nt thn lraOr,a t.t
Medicine In Iho I'nivnrally vl Pennsylvania. I'l.vrl
elan tu Ihe Pennsylvania ituspltHl nnd tine ol ilia
authors of the I'nltrd Mali's luspensalory, say. !,f
WtldOhertt llaik ''II Itainnnf the Imvsl valuable
of our Indigenous roinodles, nulling with a Ionic aw
or the properly ul claiming Iriitntlvu ami
lug nervous v.xcllahllllv."
Tliesiiineillstiiisul-hed uhvahdiin nnd nttthnrsssys
In Ihs snmo sn,rk, "Mviiekn Snake li.n.t Isn silniula-
ling expectorant. Its mil lou is uaieetally ilireeteu
lo I lie lungs. It ia peculiarly useful in clinuilo co
lor h atfevdlons sad tho secondary tinges uf ciottp."
For want nf space ws cannnt publish all thu Icstl-
Inolilals In our Hsaeasloli, but wu give livu : .
, , Piiit.xi.VJi.l.a, April 1st, IXtll.
This la locerllly that 1 have sold hundreds uf but.
Ileaoflir. Obeih.dUer'a Phwnlx Peet.s'iil or Com.
pound Kyriip of Wild Cherry and rVnrkn Snake hoot
and I have ye I. lo Iind a tingle Individual who has
used II, who does not butir testimony ul its wondertul
t'll'ecls In ourlug cuttgha. Signed, J.ieoli Puivuits.
lUi.t.Sr. Pitiaatxvii.t.N,.lan. II. 111.
I moil ehnerl'ully boat lestlamiie lu Ihe vnluvol
tho "Phnintx Pectoral or ComKiund Pyrup uf Wild
Cherry nnd SencknSnsko lloot..' Ilcl'irc using It 1
had been suileriiig wlth'a tickling In my throat and
light oougb, liw mum than two years, nud had taken
Villous oilier inedioiiies H I 111 uo relief. As soon ss 1
began I, i use lr Olicjiiul tact 's medicine thu irrita
tion tn my throat nut allayed and III a few weeks 1
was entirely ourud,
1 have iiImj hIm.ii It to my llttlu ghl, for a er.'iipy
outtgli, with tlic b;i,;icsl eHcsls.
figncn, josr.i'ii iit'KKxa.
PurraTuu a, Jan. ltd, IfflJ,
This cerlin. s that I huie used iho I'luenlx Pecto
ral lii my family, and ( recmmetid tl to tho public
us thu very best remedy r I'uugli ami Culda that I
li vu ever llle.l One , my eliil.lreu was lakuti
wllh a cold ac-.niup.n.led with a Croupy cough : so
bad Indeed that it Could lint lalk aud scarcely
brcallin. Having In, .id a.i iiiinh aai. I anoul thu
I'liuiilx Pucliiral 1 prootiK-d a Isiltle ol It. Thu llrst
I0.10 lellevcd Ihe dillleiiltv of and Inline
tliu ohlld hint taken utie-piurih ol I he bottle It wna
ntirely wiill. Every family should huvu It In Ihu
bouse Mguud, H. P CUUSUY,
Tho nroiu'letor of this medicine has an much conf,.
Icneeln Its utiralive tmwera, from Ihu teat I moll v of
hundreds who have used. U, that the luoucy will bu
rcluudcd lo uny purchaser who is Hot s.iliriiu.l with
Ita ellccta.
It ia so plcnsniil tu take Hint children cry for It.
It eiMta only 'I lilrty-llvo Cents,
It is intended lr only oiiuclasauf diavuisis, luimulv
Ihoae ol Iho Thro it and I.uuga.
t- iicparcii on.v ny
1,1-. V t OUEIlllOI.Ti.ER, M. H..
I'lio'iiixvill,,, Pa.
.l,iiisrN. lIiii.t.oM v ACuwnax. '
A'o 21, A'orth Sl.vh street, rhiladulphln, tleucial
Whnles.ilu Agents.
. Ki.i.i, l.e Oeoiira JtrUlit. snd A. A. Flahcr. Hruw-
glsla. Simlmry ; Win. tlieirliigluu, Hruggiat til Mia-
mokin. . .
Ci. It. if your nearest druirmst or storekeeper
.Iocs nut keep this medicine du mn lot bini nut you oil
with aomu oil, ur medicine, becuusu bo mukiw more
money oil it, but send at onoc lu uuuul tliu iigi ula for
Junn III, l!W3. Bin?
In Simpson's lluildlnga,
MARKET PiiCAUH, Siiiibury, Pa.,
.1. . lltNUl'SS;, ltii-leloi-.
Suuhiiry, July IS, IW'i. ',
Tliu Hc.icIlitMi t'ltiscil anil
Al No, I Store of
FtlUDt'.I.N AMI Htl.Mi;ST(0.tiich aa Cloths. I'nssi-
meres, .llualiua, Miccliiiixa, J leaiug, i alices. liu.
I,,lin.l'l,iiiiela. snd all kliulaof MUl'll M Nil ijoud
Alenccas, llluek Silks, tiinghaiiia, llaluuuiil nnd
ilt, luUm Sklrla. Cantou Flannels, Naiikcviit, Car-
nclhig id all,
Oompr'.sli'.g. Hosiery. Illoves. Thrrad, Pultons, bus
p. uders. Neck-tlca, Collara. Ilaji llicrehlels,
Hair Hiindiua. XihjIIi Lrushcs. tinui lt'.b- .
U.,ii...,.. -'--" ;".J.''l-lu'ull,.
woikod eolltii'H. limey lieu, I
dresses, eittton, carpet
binding, eainbs, fancy
soaiis. unriict lutirs
Truuka, Vulbsui, U ml.i ull,u, lildjik Hooks, Pupsr
Envelopea. & j.
a M .Uk. B ATs.fs.yOt. RsXJB
Of alt kltnls. smdi aa Nuils, lllntte and Screws. Poor
Lalehosand Knults, liocke, and Cl'TLEftY l every
Alio, Dyes, DrttKs, l'liinta, Ynrr.lshes, Fiali,
I' lnXseei und Ileli.imi ('tis, tllitss, rutty, iVe.
ttues-airtw tire liittl 4lltiaavuio ol' ull
' ' I Ai llxtcntlv 8tik uf i .' i'
O R -0 0 E R 1 E S,
Couninaod of Sugar. ColTen. Teas, UWte, Corn-atnrch,
Mueeaioiit. ltnrley. ltiikiug-liowdrr. mulasSeS, soiikS,
caudles, tobaucu uud tcgais, t-ult, Fish, Meat, Chgetu,
Ac., Ac ,
' Also, a hirgo variety or
for Men. Wuuicu nu I Chlldrun.
All kite la id 'drain and Country Produce taken
lu exchange f.,r dm.da.
tlivo us ii call lief.rc yotl plirchaao idaowhcro, WO
are hound to aell in l.nv aa any one else.
Store-room In in T. Clciociit't building al tho
auulh-treslouruur ul ilai kul Square, near Ibo Court
Sunbury. Juno Jl. tiCI.
"millinery ooodsT
11 U O I) K 8 & U O H K N II K I M ,
N'. 4.11 Market Street, noilh aide, Pill AM'l.PllIA.
Have now open tl,cir u.'u.i1 haudsuino variety uf
lliliboiia. llennet Materials,
Straws A Funuy lloiiiivts,
Ladli-s' it Mines' H it.',
ri.OWEHO, 11UCHFJ8, tAUEU. '
and all ulhur ur'.iclea rcpilrod by tho
.llilllaM-ry 'l'ialti I
l!v loi.I eM ciiciieo and strict alleiillun to th!a ol ' hushioaa exclusively, tto ll.nlir ourselves
llnil ta oun utter tu liiuciiienta, In vtilrly, si v lea.
q'.ialily nnd ino.loriitu prleesiiot everywhere to be
? . ,J -r. Mil I IVL'llJ -...I Ml.'ll
,,1111,1. 1 lie '11 11 III I" 'O ui ... I 1,1,1 n-M, ..,,.,,
L'llAXT." is res oeu I lu I ly solicited
i-LT i'itrtkiilitr iKUi.tinn u.l lit Jiinnu
March 4. lsna.llm.
Wu.M. Hoi'Kkcki.i.r. , , l..aT llouuimii
Mil HY,
"FF1CK Ihu eainu Ihnl has been herotoforo noon
J piud by Wm. M. liujkelellur.Fj.q., ucsity
Hisitu the residence of Judge Jordan
euuoury, juiy i. iiu ijr
fpHE snktorlbor rospeeifully Inflirmt the pub""
that ho keoie eoiMtaiulv on band al his new
WAKEHOl'SK. near th hbainukin Valley Kailioud
HeHU, in riliXHIUY. Flour by Ike bsrre' and suck
of ull kludeurFusd by thotuu , ,
ilio ubovu Is all msnnl'uolurod t bis own Mills,
aud will bu sold at tho lowesi esah prlees.
Hunbury, Juns 4. 1.1IU. M ;
Offlo in "So n b ar y A t le u '. Building,
Will attend lo Uiu Acknuwle lgtng uf Deed, M"rt
gagus, Letlersuf Attoruoy. Ac, A. .
Also, it duly utborised lu luks ackuowlu.lgiuentt
and adiniiibilur oslha uu applications fur Itoaatts
lit'B, IVitrtluittt aud UdvUluy ul boldicrs,
V idowaaud Oiphsus.
Mrs, HAltAU A. blMl'HON,
H7'wi7V(ivi Pfcvvf, fiH I'f'afAs Jf. 01 ftH
BU N II U It Y , lA
REPPECTFCLl.Y Inlorius hrt Itlends and lh
uld is geiierully, that sl,hr,s.o npenSil a larg
sM,rtn,onl ut FIIKSII 4dlMM'i-l'K, such ss . .
Turn Cider Vinegar,' Ktwtl Jars, tllssawnic. and
a vnrliiy of l.sdlos' 'liiuin.Uur. Fsna. Tliread Nefk
Tiea, llnudkcrelilefs, Ac, tn which she Invites all lu
exainlun hrfors pareiiasiug elsewhere,
funbury, -liiuu If, IMIj am
Over J. Bowrn'a Store, earner MnikulA FawuBta.
C! . IlYKHLY. Inforuis hia frlen'k,ul Iho Public
VOs gener ally, that he la tuking ' I'm Irnl'a In Ibo
beet stylo and uisnnrr si his Uuituiy hi tho uljuis
uro taken In evcrv alvlu nt the Art, that i nnuot bo
aiiipiiNud lu Hie :litu. Having aeleial jear's expo
riciice. nc win nive eailstaction or no ci.iii jc.
t tuples will bu taken fiom all slues of Pictures
(live him a call. Ucitii iuber, over lluwcu's stcio.
Sunhtiry. Juno I, lw.i.
OONTlNliNTAls U L .0 T 1 1 1 M U
B A Z A A U .
4'oViSfl stl .lltit'Ufl H;tlili-i V li.iil-
Eot!t r-ivf-;.
m L' n :i i' it v , ; i: n n .v.
JPS'l'i'l'KXt.'ii. .-:l'it.v.i .' si' m ai i,i'. r i-.'i k t
Of III"' licive:! jlvl,'
I II j 1...1 Art I:.!", Irlmnii"!
and made ciuiil lu tu-lv't'
!',.- an I sold ul too
oivlsI. prices.
"Jit-ll tlltsl Dlsy' 1 Uilltilift "1 "" bc.'t it..,
hiilal eonsi'ttng f IWrn Cents, Fro, !i Cmls m-l.
I'o.ita, I'uiits. mid efts ul iiirioitJ ci i"i'3 nun iiii
lliw. LIN KN OV Lit CO ATS-
HENTLEMUN S 11 I.MSlilNti tiOi'i':-
tich ns Shirts. Hvcr-sbiita 1 n 1,11,, ils, loeni:..
ttnlhira, Cravats, Nuklie, U.'.ilki'rcliU'fs,Hti,ohiiij,..
tiluves. Ac
lllll-t lltlll 4 lltH ci'ltll ttiilt.H.
I'.lll.l.l.AS, ami MIl'l'J.N.'j of nil kimla, and humo
rous niiier arlloles.
Tbu publiu til u luviu l I'i call anil ixauilno m,
Itcineiiibcr the plnen. Cuiiliuenli.l t'luthine Slore.'
Coruci'ul iMatket suiiaio una tin i . "
Siiiibury, May !7, ItWi.
1 I.SI'i;t'TI''l'Ll.Y Inl'ornii.hvi Iricuds in SuoLuty
V and vicinity, that alio hits jusl optiicd lur
ol Nollousund I''iiu.'yl,y't.
Market stroet. lour doors wcl. i.l'Wni. II. 3:,i!. i s
liool and Shou store. St .Mil ill. r..
Her stock consists of TrlmmtuK'. tv. liens, cu.l.i...
dei'ies. Ladies and t'hil, liens' lues an, I hull, sr.. . ul k
n -id other lining. l,,p vkitt. Crape ami l.aee Veil,
Nets, gloves, at null nigs, collars, met eorsois, ,ve.
llradley's new I'mIcoI I'ltplix 1'lliptiu (or ileuUlo
r,rliigSK IHTS
lenla' H'ludkcroliif I's, I'ravais, Nccklns. Su-p: n
lers i Hibbons, of all kinds. Fenlliers, Velvet, mi l
many other articles loo numerous to muiilnn.
I'liott.itrniiliH of I'lTsitlt'tit 1tticolii.
I'ei I'liini rv. Toilet Soaps. A a.
(i.U l'I'i'.lilNi) i'oiiu handsoiuely aud ut stcil
lvA I K ULAl h.
Suiibltty. MSy 11 ISIt.1 .
MIL UNKRY i;00l1
r.i.i v .'ri4.Mi a i icim.'ttM
mibm l,. miisst.rin.
Al Ihe new slahd, hi M tikil S,)iiaro, Sl'NIIl'ltY,
n, E jat received from Philadelphia Ihe lnic.
nnd nn, si I'lisliional.le lyles of Millini rv ti., r.
sueh as Itoiiuels. Hals. Silks. ltd.'K,i,a and Lao,
Seal Is. Iloslert and Illoves. Skeleton Skills. Flowers,
Ilea l Presses A Nets. 1 tltl Ladle.' Caps, Shawl. ,
Silk, Au. .
Illnek Crape and Lace Veils. Crupu and Linen t ,tl
Mrs. Hit ss Tilmmliigs and llitllons. Co sets, '.phyi
t'oiton Yam. Snap and 1'erl'unieiy
11u,aI- 'l't liiitu:iv-. ItlisSf L'itf. ;;.
Ilcuts' Linen and l'a.,.er Cnlhnx. NiekiUs. Ae
Fl ip's, I'lelaci Talvcl mill Curd'.
Parasols.' La-lli'"" Sutcln l. Fans, Ac
l'lloltii'l'liliiH of I'lTsidl'Ilt I.ilit'lltl,'ly flnlhed
Thankful for pal palinnae I l ope In, Iii.m .'
tenth. ii to liuilnss lo v'l.nttuue ttic niiuic
1. r.lllr'Sl.1'1'
Siinhury, May CI. f-'"."'
,11. IIOI.II'.M 4.'ltOt lilt.
Enamelled Slate Mantel
J-t!",j- .
i,s . ;ir.:
, iMANiU FA CT0RY.;.H:5
1tl. Clll.STMT S'IPEET. I'll I LAl'hl.l'H I n
M a n u tiio UU y Tci.lh and Samson Slreols.
Tablo-Tocs. l'Vi-Plnbs. Vittcktts, vVurli
Bt.lllll 'l'UI'.a, at., Al'.
Philadelphia, J:.u 7. lii'.." - tl
1 BsPEt'TFI 1.1. Y Informs thu eltlsdis , ) SIN
V HI ill and vieiniiy, that be has o tied a
'ixiiii-iniv r-iti.
In tho room over Farnwrth's linnery. ipii-iie the
Ci lloii I, Siii'tmiy. i, liei c be is ready to u ake
up iMrincntsof all kiiida in the latest ttj lu nud bot
H'orkiuani.ku ii.un.u-r.
Having bad experuneo In the biiinrs for a nuui
tier ol'yo.ira ha hopes to render general aali.'lacii ui
Cuatoiu work l rl .lully solicited.
J F Si'ltAl'
Sunbury, My W, ISii ly .
' .iollt't lo 'l'rtna'xntaat,i,
NOTICE h biTiby giveu, uu pursou will la
ullowwl lu Ire-para on uy Liopcrty, on tin
ai.iiim, kin IsIhiuI. or to enter mlo hi y ei elorur.
without pei'inisii.n, as tho penalties ot the luw wit.
be enforced against all ulhndeie.
will bo paid for liil'i riiislion Hint will lead to tie
oouviuliou ol sLy suuti trespasecr.
. ... j,Tr.i-n nmv.
Shumoklu Island, May 13, 114. 8 in
TTA."Tr.l Ao astir, rrsrgat's buxiue,
Y man to take the ageccy fir Ibis oouuty uf
Ural-class Lift luturunce C, mpanv.
Addiv. Hex 1224 P. O.
July 2J, 186J.-4t 1'l.iladelphis.
A Now supply of MASssa't Fivx-MisuT Fssk
- BbllS. Ivovlieu livui uc au.K, lut wua vj
Suubury, May 4
H b. MASfcUl.
I iro I ail-
:rwAMi!.W.t:u) I
Unaslgtsa . ' Trrr-r-',-'v. f-f""
It IUv