Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 23, 1865, Image 2

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    . WIliVERT, PuMishr.jv.,i,ja
8ATUKDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 8, -1903;;
... , " -t.i,.. -i- ..r-tx
UXIOlf-S TA 77? ' TICKK V '
! , , ,-l y,,,, ;..!-. i.l I l-niltf-l" 1-..
ukk. john r.JiAHTHASPr;
01 Montgomery Connty. "
1 ron ttmtRToft cfisuitAt., ' "
COL. JaV'oii si. camimikiXs-
Of Cambria Connty. ; , ninnl.'
I NION 'CO UNI i' TIOKE T: '' ; i
- Amtmltyi"'
Oeil.C. O HoCORMICK, of Wtltotv '
Trtamrtt, "'" 1
JOHN B. LENKER, of Eunbufy-
ii I
i .'. DUtrkt Attoi'Afff, ' '
A. J. GTJFFY, ot MeEwCnsrffle.'
. Cmwi(mtrf . m -. 1
ISAAC MARTZ, of Lower Augusta.
'I I'
KUTZNEB, of Shamokln.
EOCKEFJJLliBft, of Banbury.
Auditor, , ; n j , .
Wm. B. MtTENCil, of Bhamokln twp.,
1 TUB ELECTON.- " ",', .'
TLoro in but little excitement, caused liy
lio pending campaign in thii county.. .,Tha
ominations having lien made,- It no lo
olves upon tW finallflctl elector to tlt.tliti
oting, wlilcli,' We trust, will to done this
ill witU less regard to party and mora, for
glit or justieo.' Tlio only party that pro
perly represents tlio true principles of our
.rwnrnmcnt. Is tho urcsunt Union unity. The
resent democratic party is o nuro sham,
rgnnized and kept tip by politicians, tind
Hco hunters, who have no fixed principles.
xcept such ns will best secure them ilia
uioluments of ollice. If ull our. vulurs wore
afflcicntly Intelligent to understand the1 do
gn8 6f these wire pullers, the party would
.ijm collapse by its own lnncnyit weakness
, is in vain to talk of democracy whilst you
ipudinto tlio very principles upon which
iat party was founded by Jefferson and the
ithcrs of tbo democracy, then known as the
lepublican party in opposition to the Fcdc
tl party. - h": .''
The candidates of the Uuion party havo
it been known as offico seekers, Who make
olitics a trade. . Tho arc good men, who
i all the. relations of life, have "sustained a
iod character. As a private citizen, Mr.
harp, tb . 60culIod tleroooratio candidate
r Assembly Mny lH! hs good a ninn ns Ocn
cCormlck,' Uut Is tie as deserving?,, What
is he, done for his country .) Ibis lie ever
icouraged thoso who risked their lives in
slericoof tlioir countt4,'lSy a smilo of np.
oval during the' strnggjol. If io,,certainly
it! by abandoning his old principles and
ting in concert with those who gavd ''old
id comfort'.' to tho Rebellion. Wo j.lo 'not
lirbacii Mr. Ttiarp for having bccaaa'id.
jjged, one of the few original Abolitionists
. tho county. Ho has more to, -answer
r in sinning against light and abandoning
A and chcrlslicil principles, because they
ro not thop of, tho (omiriant' par.ty. if
iu ask what Gen. McCormiek has -done,
j need only ay ''that lie o!iintccrcc! as a
ivnto soldier, and by his patriotism, his
(or and good conduct, returns homo a
igadier General. What better endorse
nt or what bettor record can bo required?
rely such' a record needs no comment.
o other candidates of tho Union ticket,
havo already said, ara no ofllco seekers
party pnliticlajis.; They tire, however,
Uistrlous, mid worthy citizuns,' and will,
trust, receive tho vote of every . good
I patriotic citizen
"Gks. I5ujimiijkoh But rnAdH. Gen.
isldo entered tho war a Democrat, but
, not been Insensibly to iU tcuchliigs.. In
apuccli at tho Wool Manufacturer's' Oon
liou at Puiladelphia on tho Gilt instant,
said : ' :
'I think tho only thing to do now is to
to niako our lulliliora of the South and
ry one oIko to fuel that we ought to grunt
;very freeman oii this continent tbo right
ilp rule the land.' And, whi)o wo grant
i, lot us nsk Almluhty God. ' who bus us
ed us so long; to inllueiice all thoso who
f nvu tlio riyiit to vote, to vote ou tlie
u suie.j- ureal nppiuuse.j . l( .
a ono van deny flitl this has tli ring o
i dcmiiiclucy about it, but It Is 'not what
ailed "ilei(iocracjn'"ioW a day. , How
it will do wyll , to weigU the . wokU of
x true Ucmocruts as Gen. Huwisido.'
"Koktu .Cauouna'. Tho N. Y. 'JVi
. publishus extructu from thix-o' Koith
.lina pupcrti, nil favoring the idea of
uately giving tho negro tlio right to
Tho BulUUiry IJaniwi' says ou this
'bo rpieslion of negro suffrage is a trou
.mo one. That it will ut soiuo futuro
bo approved, if not forced upou ull tho
s, wo euU'i tidii no doiiht. It will cur
y come, and we bud us well begin to
t ourselves to ciiouiiihtauues uud luluio
U over whieli sya bavo no control,
htuk It would be the height of lolly to
t iiieh u . incusuro now. Tlio urgro
Id first bo qualllloil j .ho should bo 10
d to reud uud .write, und own roul e
or n certain, tynouut of othev property
t is io interest of the Souihwri) po
o establish- ti'Bo rcquliius by rnuct
uuif labor 'to puill-cv thuia,, TUe no.
tiro freo,. They, will mow t'uuu piol
finulu , timotig us. - TheUj.iyu my, it
'Vos.tho Southern peoplu to' Jiuurato
ites lo elfvutw-Jiliuii' cuiullUufi.., i
Ha'.nii Klec-tlou OOlcIul He.
toi-n. ' '
iusta', Ma., Sept ii. Tho.',iwoiiibco
nl of thU morning contains the .oloiiul
4 from two, hundred i uud a'uty-fuur
, compriiiipg tnuro lUtia tluoo-t'omihi
te of tho State.
the Republican candidate for (li.v.
as In these towns 40.778. aild lloW.
Wniocrat, 83,133 rotes. Last ycai, In
ne towns, the vote stood: For Cony
; Howard, 83,046.-' " 1 '
yi majority tliuser It 18,610, aaulnst
in 1884. ' - 1 '
111 probably exceed 80,000 when all
urns are in. The total vote of vote
State trill fall short of 81,000. 1
A nxlinuatlve Fnrte Interest
ing- Letter from Henry C. :nry. J
rnitADetrniA, Augustil8(f8.
Dear Sir l-f Beltitt in Brglanof shortly
before tho outbreak of the wbesion, I had a
long conversation with art eminent ccMo
mist, in the couro m wnieii lo was uici
that in defiult fofakc. .CjWbUJLuiftit M A
commercial policy looking to tho creation
of a domestic market tor tho procluco of our
farms, we had nothing but utter mln to
look tor in tho future "I regret to hear it,"
was-liia rcnlv. Nor we have now btctfinc so
strdng'tliht wo'cantiot again' pefmft yn -to
nave protection, it cannot mm will not lie
done." So fir bo was perfectly right, more
than a dozen Years of llritiah free trade hav-
InL' tnenee far eiHUblecl tfcanatin Int'isr;;
.. ... w it.. T i r i
while strertttthchinu KMtisli traders hrtd tttir
tout hern allies, as lo render It nearly if not
. . ... . . . f - .1!
quite impossible timt any cnango in.uio ui
rectioifwi 'fiattntiid' system coiTld ever again
bo obtuhibd. Twice before, fn 1828 and
1842. bad such cIiiiiiuoh been effected, bnftr-
intt with them universal prosperity; and yet,
in neither cuso bad Jhcy bceu..,p(;r.i(Uvd -to
bo maintained fo,r sojniich as even half a
dozen of years,. Jfoiv, in; i 839, vp li( been
lor more than it (kciulo iu posscsAion of tho
California mines, and during all.,. that timu
had been pouring, nearly, their vrbolo. pro
Into the hips of the two: great mnnufaetur
ins nations of Europe, France and lOngland,
wliose annual sales, to us of food in. the
forms of cloth and Iron wero counting by
bnndreds of millions of dollars, while their
annual purchaso from ui of wheat Hour,
Corn, pork, hi.uis, bacon and timber wera
then but littlo more than ten millions. ThU
was hut fifteen cents per head of a popula
tion that was thus being rapidly, onriulied,
w hile our laborers and mechanics wero be
ing reduced lo .beggary, and our farmers
forced to' using their'corn for fuel, because
unablo to obtain for it. even as much its n
single dime per bushel., . Those of your
neighbors who mny tako the trouble to
Study theso facts will have but. little trouble
tu understanding how it w as that our south
ern friends liecnino so greatly strengthened,
as to induce them so bliudly ; to ruth upon
Most forlnnato was it for tho nation nt
largo they should havo risked tho perpetra
tion of that net of fully, followed as it was
by tbo abdication of so'inany southern Sena
tors as enaMed the north to seizo tho reins
and enter once again upon tho direction, (if
tho machine of government. Forthwith,1
protection hecnnic once again tho law of tho
land, nnd to tho national system then estab
lished It is1 due that we have now again ap
proached to something like a real indepen
dence AVo have paid heavily, both in pro
perty nnd life, for the freedom tlnui obtain
ed; and yet, grent ns baa been tho apparent
sacrifice at tbo north, and the real one at the
south,tho nation, as a whole, is richer than it
had ever lieen hefore; while tho numbers or
our people, nndthcgunrrid prosperity, aio.iu
crcasing at a rate such as until now hits not
been known. In tho whole range of history
there is no example of national freedom
having been so cheaply purchased.
To the system then' established wo have
been indubtud for the power successfully Uo
make the war tlint is juit now closocl-n
war of proportions so uiL'tintic na to bavo
astonished tho world, nt Inrce. To it, if it
shall continue to bo maintained,' we shall
bo liidubte I for power to maku among, tho
nations the place of wliioh tlio numbers of
our people, their universal intulliirenfcr, and
tlio wonderlul nmount ot our lhnoiiat '-re
sources so well entitle us. Khali 1t be main
tabled? Shall protection bo made sd efflutent
ns to fiee vur 1'urmert from (lcpeuilenco upon
tiioso aiBtaiu marKets iu wDioli for tho two
pout, years, ns a consoriueuce of 'their own
prtKluctive harvests, food has beohh drni.
and bread has been supplied nt prices lower
tnnn iiavo been known witlila tho memory
of living ninn? I Can our farmers now nt
lust be broti'dit to see that protection nom
iniilly granted to tho minor of coal, tho
smelter pfore, auo tho .weaver of clotli, is
really protection to the proclucers if food
and ot wool ? To thoso questions thero
could, as I think, be but ono reply, nnd that
in tho adlrmative, could they bnt bo In
duced to study cure-fully the history of the
past hulf century which I propose now to
give, ns follows :
I'lltv venrs siiirn. tlio ecpimil wnt wltli
Grcnt Hntain camo to a close, leaving , our
people well provided with mills nnd furna
ces, all of which wero nctlvely th gaged in
makiniz lelnnud fur luborund fori rnw um
.rii. , ..if vti.1 hum. jioney avas men
nbuiidant, nnd the puUlio debt was triviul in
Two ycnr3 later wo entered upon tho
Dritish fi'eo tiado system, nnd nt onco nil
was changed. . Mills and furnaces wero clos
ed, labor censed tu bo in demand,' and our
pool houses wore e very w hero tllhul. Molicy
becoming scarce and interest high, land de
clined to a third of its previous price.
Uniiks stopped )Syment The sherilV every
where found full demand lor nil hit time,
und mortgages entered every w here into pos
session. Tho rich wero madu -richer, but
tbo farmer and tho mechanic, and iilL but
the very rich wero ruined. Trivial as wero
then tho expenses of the government, tho
treasury could not moot them. Hucb was
the state of things that induced Genoiid
Jackson to nsk .the question, "Where bus
tho American farmer a market for bis aur
plus produ'Tr.,;. i The answer thereto, nt
given by himself, is so applicable to the
present that-1 give it hero as proper to bo
rund, daily nml weekly, by every rannerufid
planter throughout the whole range of these
United States i ' - ilt
"Except for cotton,' lie' Tins neither a
forelgu nor u homy market. : Does not this
clearly pi-ove,,H livn. there is no market eith
er ut homo or abroad, thut there in too much
labor emiiloyed iu agriculture, uud that tho
channels ot labor should bo multiplied!
Common senso rit onrc -points,' ntlt tho re
medy. Draw from agriculture tho stiporn
buiiduiit labor, employ it in mechauism and
luanufuctures, tliuieby crusting a lioiuo
market for your brcadstuffs, nnd tlistrlbut
ing labor to a most proliublo account, and
benefits to tho country w ill result. Tako
from ngileiilturo lit the United Blatet six
hundred thousand men, women, nnd child
ren, and you at oncu give n homo market
for more breadstulls thun all Europe now
furnishes us. in short, air, we have been
too long subject to the polii-y of the British
merchants... It is time we should beoome a
Utile moru Ailierieuiiized, uud, instead of
feeding llu) paupers and laborer of Eunpu,
feed our own, or tUe In a short lime, by
continuing our prcaeut policy,, we slwll, be
como pauiicis nmwlves. ' .. . . ... , , !. ,.
Tu tho slHtu of things here desfuilo wo
we, in is3, luiieUied lor the Urst th.miugu
ly nutionul turiil'. Aliuotit from tbo iiioim-ut
of its ptioiiiga,! activity and life . took iilaco
oftho pnUy that pi-uviotisty hud eabtted.
FcniiKi-s and mills were built; liilmr came
into demtnd; iiumlgrution inoieasud, and so
largu becume thu duiuund fur tho products
of the farm that our aiurkets scoroely Jolt
tho effect of cbauges in thut of England'; thu
nublio roveuues so rapidly increased that It
becaino nocessury to exempt from duty tea,
coffee, and us many other articles; uud tho
public debt was unully extinguished.
Th history of tho world to tbt hour pro
scuta no casting proxpoilty so unirurisl at
tliut wlilcll Hero esUted at the date of the
repeal ot tlio great .mitlwiul ttiritf ut 1848.
ilad ft boom muiaiainodi in. exLslonca , we
should now have bad no secessum war, and
at this hour tha south woukl exhibit a state
pfsocloty Iu which tbo laud owners bad bo
come rioli, while their, ilavet bait been
gra.iuaiiy becoming' free, . with profit
memseivei, to their owutr; nud to tbo na
4ioavUrga It aj- hewsreri e pealed jn-t
1884. and tho rcDcnl was followed
iveu by a sue-
cession of British freo trade crisis, the whole
cadin-iavl&42Uii a 4te qt, thiag-directly
the rjvcrst.of that tbove 'descried. MfVJs
(indurnates crc closed nieciinlcs yo
tarvmf4 jmonci. Urns sirfca j and flfri
land kfid Wllca ii half itsrtrtVJoiis priocst
kho SBtriiKnii cvenySvherihtok ; luikt
Ls i a ' i . m . i in. i . :
y AJptapv oausponsioa itn e
puuiuicu me paymeius oi moir ucmi , m
Trensury was unable to borrow a dollar ex
cept nt n high rate of interest, and bank
ruptcy among merchants nnd traders was
so universal thnt 0rrarcsa foomV taelf coip
palled tcxtn. after to )mss a bsfilkrbpt (awi ' '
Again, and for the third timo, protection
was restored by tho passage ot tho tariff net
of 1843. Under it in less than fivo years,
tiili production of Iron nfcerhm lOOtOOO'fd
WOe&urt tons: nnd so' universrrl wns'the
prosperity that, larao as wns the increase, it
wns wholly iiisulUQient tu meet tho ewt do-
u. 'Miie wero everywhere being sunk.
Mills wClo everywhere being' built.' J.abor
was in great demand and wages were hi-h,
As a conscnuenco of which ' Imndcration
speedily treblccllrt IU. amount.' .loneV was
Abundant nnd cheap, 'ftnd' the slici-llf' fofaihl
but Jluld'work to d''-''.' riiblip.'nnd 'plivato
revenues wero, great beyond "all' pre
cedent, "nd .throughoit the land there
reigned a properity pioreinivernl than hud,
In the wholo history of the world, ever, bo
fore been known. ,'
Onco more, hi 1848, ' Jibwcvcr, dU tbo
Serpent properly represented on this oo-.
casfon by llritisli freei traders uinko bis
way Into f aradisc. and now a ,iozcn years
elapsed, in the course of wblch,' notwith
standing tho discovery' of CaliRirnla mines,
money demanded A rate if, liiforust, blgher,
ns 1 believe, ninn nau. ever, uecn tjown id
the country for so., long' a period-, of. 'time.
Dritish and cloth came in and cold went
out, and with each successive. tiny ' tho do
pendenco o.i 'our tanners on foreign markets
uccaino'inoVe eomcp'.c'te. ' With 1837 camo
the culmination of , tho, system, increbahts
and mnniifuturcrs being ruined, paiikg being
compelled to suspend payment, nnd . the
trensury being reduced to A condition of
bankruptcy nearly npproucning tnat which
hud existed nt the uloju of tha freo trade
periods, commencing In 1817,nnd lbJl. Iu
the three years that lolloped labor was
everywhere in excess:, waccs . were, low
I m n I rrri f t. ... 11.11 li.ilttu llin n.iinfr At u-liwll
. ... II. 1 I ... tljll Vlt UUI.III .I.V n ...v..
it had stood twenty years before; the homo
r i .i:...f..j .t..' 1 1 .1... r..
uniihui, ior loou iiiuiiiusuuii, uiui luv iuiuiu
one proved . so utterly worthless that the
nniuud export to all tho manufacturing .na
tions of Europe, as I liave already stated,
Amounted to Hltre inore th.H1 f 10,000,000.
The rebellion came, finding 1 our people
unemployed, public and pnv.ito revenues
declining, the Ti'casniy ompfy' 'hnd the
puiiiio credit creatiy inmairen, vvitn it
however camo tho power onco ngaln, and
for tho fourth timo; to obtain protection fWr
tho men who hail food nnd labor fonvhrch
they needed to obtain a market, ' Thar pro
tection hus now vudimd Ibr but little moro
thun four Vents, and )et, so mar veil mm have
been ila effects that while it has enabled us
to give in the lovernnient neiirly Wur tlnm
sand niilllonti of dollars; it lias so largely
ad. led to tho vrtluo of land and labor that,
notwitllsttindlng tho destruction of property
at the 6uth, the nation, as 11 'W hrile, Is this
day nl Most1 tw ice as rielinstt ever wns be
fore. 1 I'jn ;':!' 1. Jil ,. :,r.u 1.
The history of tbo half ; eentnrytliat : I
have thus reviewed, 1 -umy now iiiwe briefly
thus bo stilted: - --
! 1'idteWiiitiiis cstnb Sritiib free trade; as
lisliud in iBl J, .'iaj8,.,(f-itablwlKxl.iill . 1817,
184a, lb'o t that nf ,1334, 1840 and 1857,
181)1 is ready to givf, bequeatUeiUo its-sue-tu
ilBjruo Irmlo sue-.. eesHurti I.alrtc0ury
cessor: , Ureal:. ilu-!iwheru: bucking- in lio
11111 nd far labor t Wa- -ctnpUn'uiliii Wages
gea. high nlid money
olienp: - l'ublio anil
private revenues large:
Immigration .great
and stesdily increas
ing: Public and pill
vate )iod)erily great
beyond .ull previous
precei hint: and Grow
ing lmliouul ; indo
peudence. - -
low. and tnouuy high
1'ublio niul-i: prifsto
revenues tKiklland
steadily duereasiug:
liiuulratioil' doelni
ing: I'ublichnd pri
vu'.o bank ril ptcy
m.'iwly universal; nnd
Grow ing natiiiiialUc
pendenco, i . ..
Huch is the history of tho past. Let our
fanners study It, and they will, as I think,
understand tho cause of the prosperity of
the prescuf That done, let them determine
for themselves whether lo fortvurd in tho di
rection of individual and uiitioiiul-iuiU-peu-duueo,
or , bj,, that ut KiHjvviu ,depijni;nce,
Isotli.njitinnal vwHl'liiiliviiUwd. . . ...
. Vjsuii)g you much succeM- in your
patriotiu eU'orst, 1 luiiiniu, very truly, yours,
., IIkniiy C Gaiikv.
J. L. Williams, Kiq., buoretary of the
Cleaveland Assuciutiou for tliu I'roteelioil of
Domestic Industry. .
AuotSici' H(eefti Ity
. IU1I1I.
WHAT UK B.l, an'd tiik '
dietieriil Hlier-
linrnsii CAfiT.vt.-
. At tbo bauquut given to thu JJuglinli cnpl
tulisti ut St., J,o,uis, on Friday i Miijir ,Geu.
Hhel'iimu; -rej)iided In .bclndf ol , a. loust
complimentary Ut Gtuwul Oiuut uud,,'blui
self. Ho wild r, , ., ,
Gekti.bmicn : I regret exceedingly thut
my coinniandiJigijeuviml, w ill mt Kpnnd
to thu sentioicut. ..'As a citizen of BL houis,
rather than ns amiflleet In the army, I will
thank these geutlemeu fur tbu k),odly inco--tiou
they have made of General, (iifimt, tbo
wholo unny, and..mje!rI beliuvo it is
sincere. 1 believe they appreciate and rea
lize the fact that General Urnnt, ns1 tho' Tep
rwentntlve of tho nrmy of .the L'nl'ed States,
has hnit,'fi-om tho beginning to tlio ciid, but
oneslngto purpose iu vleyi'.' Tfo' lias not
sought to kill, slay nud 'destroy, but M
solyed on tho first' tiny of tno wd'that thU
eourtry should live ono and bsepurublo
forever. Ho fult ns wo all should feel, pro
pared for this very occairyj), when bcmurablo
gentlemen may come iVo'in nbroad.aud not
have oocuslou to blush tbaf'tho sont' of
Englishmen permiitud unsrchy ami 'down
full lo tbo oouiit-y eiitrusiod to lbeur.And
notwithstanding the spirit of tiiu "pV'At
ono timo in Knghind, I believe, thou and
now, every true Anglo Saxon ' rVery Irish
man, and every Scotchman, rejoiced end ro
jolee now, that we are men, unc tbiO; " wo
did not permit mil country to brt'iik In two,
or Into many sections. And, moreover, I
believe every foreign nation, KruticL', Hpuln,
Germnny, and Huselu, bavo as mncb luterest
in our national existence as wo lmvo our
selves; nnd now, that ponco Is onco more at
mined, lluse gontiemon come of their' 0"wn
aeoohl, generously nnd kindly' to stfr1 for
ilieuiselves. whether wo merlt'tlio' h's'slBtftncii
whioh thM liave in' 'abitndunui to"duvt'iop
tliefiAnl-i't-i of.iur fpunffy, yetT yioAv.'i witn
ntn-stsstiil-'ktiMidliig; bn nlnc-tthrln of It.
;Thry aexMli to bo Impressed'1 fuvbralllyj ' and
.1 liny itbtloubt, In tlieU hiflueiitluT'atAtlon.
iihrmd, tlreV will ' fiuiuco ' thousands and
uillllous to think antl fell at they do. Tbcy
have seen thlr ildy the iron-clad' stripped
of their armor. They huvo seen your leveo
for thrco miles lined with peaceful tteam
boats loatlenad with corn and oatt to go to
thut very Southern country with which we
have been nt war. Thoy see tlo Lieutenant
General of nil our armlet dressed us a cltl
znn nt this table (hear, bear ant, they
will enrry nbrond a perfectly coinprehonnlvv
clear, nnd nmthemntlil liitcllgeneo that we
will have ir. oven nt the knteiiMO of ' -
lint I am woll assured that there it uti na
tion that dcslrej Bf with ut: thut
.1... .JL i - 11.1 T
itiestlon thnt cim boi.slbly.arUa can bn' ad
Justed by ta;ti
1... t . I. .. iff i .-,.'
eniirn, by merchants, by nieii
of intelligence nod Abtlc fjtseni. u.tuuibleij
iutuTner nisi At you ArO," aUOuselug Jutt At
you woukl the uU'uli's cf tbo Puvlllouilroad
j or snythlnj clso, adjabthij dllll-reuoCB, ttrilf
4fie ln)nee (l--yinl-plithlt-XWVAr-WrtTT--W Wtiy "I1T
bank when called for. Therefore, centle
men, I nin glnd to see you anVingst us, nnd
I know the peopta of St, Loufsl'jire glrtd to
see you. You carl see in cno bour M(nt yon
could not procure by rndingv tmthmisnnd
columns of Insely-prlnteC. nintfcrin the
London 2'iwr.There-aro filings sVen things
felt within. which cannot bo'- ttmcrlbml.
JlKvcn Shakeare fails to convey A full and
luieuigcnr. vifscription or many tuouguts,
and no author can convey a description or
a pi hco or locality that will give you In a
month of reading what you acquire to-day
tV f "f PJ7 finning- tiacki nnt iiiph, liy j outv
tUy,.rtnA traHu'iiinglit rliU nhJ fuft in Ibac-'
lou have scon tho streets of tho city and
tho form nnd manner of building, nnd the
WW I'M t VVMi IWl J"Y Mf 1
BTOrnncre uiii n-icw -j-rnnr nKir ui.-ru - w n 1
notinng. out a wild prnirie. ana wuere-ns
hns byen stated, forty,. vears ago thero wns
but a PrcbcTi lllngo bf ; ,d0OM'nitUnn't,
yon find 'yourself In , apalnco-plh A room
which win cpmpnro lavornuiy w nil any on
enrtlt. ' Front. t.hlso facta you . can nrVlvo nt
conclusions Irt rcnrH'to 'th) future.' Whelh-
viuwcii or nui, H is ior uiu iiiiore, iuu
iJrcstnt yriu have seeri for ypurselyes ; ' you.
nave secu tuo material resources .ot tlio
cotintry. The fieopio of,' io;' country bavo
iicnra . tno Kimiiy words wiiicir,yu nave
spoken, nnd I know we' receive it. Ju tho
plnln British' mcanlng. 'jl theri'rore simply,
gentlemen, beg to assure j-rtu of iny ' respect.
ft respect wlucli nlleducited oiiicers ltr
the Army bear to EnulaniV jiml ull nations
who act flmil j,1 mnnfultj'j 'una without con
cealment. . "
PcMnxylviiiilu slid to I'l'iimli
i ' - . Atvbeltloiw ' ' ' ' ' ' '
11 Tho Harris! iiirg1 Tcletirhjih ' piitijlsTics sta
tistics from wbicli It appears that this Stutc
lias furnished nearly a half million .of , men
lo nnd in crushing out the rebellion, , , , ,
s On, bikjuiry In tho .fllce of the Adjutant
General, A;7 ltUasull, for Informntion rel
ative to tbo full number if men furnished
by tho Statu Pennsylvania, at recruits for
tho armies of tlio Hepubtle,! we wero plneed
In possession of the fold, wing letter, rayithu
tvhjMiph: '"' ' ' ' ' .'. ' , .., , ,
Wah' Dkpaiitmknt.
' fnri. Maii. OknkiiAis OtFicis
Wasiusoton, 1). C, Sept. 8, 19113,
7 JCrecHenf!, At U. Curtiit, Qocenwr
Venmyirnnut: , (!l ,
Sin: I havo tho honor to inform you
that the number of men .furnished by tho
Statoof Pennsylvania from April 17,1801,
to April 20, 180.1, is three hundred nml
sixty one thousand nine hundred nnd thirty
nine, (U'Jl,f)UI),) without reference to periods
of service, which varied from three monlhs
to three years. . ; i ,
, l'lenBe acknowledge receipt.
I have the honor to bp, sir, ,V , . .
Very respt'ly, your ob't, servant.',; ,.
, i . , Jamks lb Fnv,
' ' .: '.. ' Provost Marshal Ooneial.
. Tho number of men credifed to Pennsyl
vania, In tltoToregoing' ofllc'iul account, tal
lies so closuly with tho records of the Statu
Adjutant General's ofllco that we are willing
to accept it as correct. lint there are other
official records besides (bond kept nt . Wash
ington of men furnished by ,lYi)iiiyIviiiihti
to nbl in crushing the rebellion, which
greatly. 'swell the nggregatu force we sent
mto tud Held. These record show, ihat fir
Statu di fence and In response tothoilemand
foi' Sudden emergencies, Pennsylvania, but
Into tho field nt various times, n. foroe of
between 80 nnd 00,000. men.. On sovera)
occasions. wo' h'nd a cordon, of bayonets
Rtrutrilliltl alotlir tlict imtTrii ruiflini-n ' linrdnr
6f'.'tl(0 'SJtaHv .Then, again' tbo,'. n umber of"
men wuowcre liuiiicei'i to leave I uo statu
for 'enlistment' In, other States, wn verv
Inrge. . Tio bonier counties of Xew Vork
ithing tbo entire border , line, were pujlng
heavy bonntlet before the counties in this
Statu along tlio same line offered pecuniary
inducements lor eniist-rcnta. Tlio inme
inducement were offered to citizens of Penn
sylvanin by other border 8tatea..7,An pntlro
regiment was raised In the western counties
of i'ennsylvitnln for West Virginiiw In'ew
Jersey, lor a timo enlistments wero largely
discouraged by the copperhead leaders, so
that loyal man In district in that State,
noxious to Ull up their quotas, wero com
pulled to find substitutes through tbo In
tluenr-c of heavy bounties offered to thu peo
plo of Pennsylvania. Nor was It (mf"t!iu
State luimedhitily on our bonier that (hu
us iiiiiiieuinuiy on our oonier tutu iiius
il their quotas from amoiig our citizens,
es on tho Pacltlc coast did tlio saniei
lOiirur wiiii, .... tf ;.r,.r t,.
!.. ...1.
the fact thnt a full regiment wus recruited
In the city Philadelphia, for tho State of
California, a regiment after wards oonimnnd
cd by one of tho California United States
Senators. Carefully estimating the men
thus raised nnd enlisted iu various localities.
we put down the nggrcgnto . number ol
troops thus furnished by'. Pennsylvania, a
23,000. Indeed, so great was this drain on
our military resources that the l.eyulature
passed A law furhldtng tho enlistment of
men wiminjue oonicrs oi too siuio ior ser
vice in tlio orgniil.-itlont of other States.
nnd districts ompliatlcally declared tluit thu
i1.....!!!..- .1...... .1... . I ..... .1... r I
iiiiiiiuis oi tuimu (iiiis leaving mo ihimmumi
wealth, should not rerelvo tho benefit of
the relief offered to tho families of soldicia
In Pennsylvania. 0rga11i2-.ul ions. Nor must
wo forget tbo large number. iif colored tanop
thattwero rulsed in Peniylvnnlu I'm' ' oilier.
States,-; .At lenst 2,300 colored troops went
into acrvico in other btntes, wlio wero taken
out pf Pennsylvania, faking these flgu ret
ns fair estimates wo linve the following: '
ItleonitiiittioH of Truant Fnriiuhnt 'iu tlir Plat
of PeiHitylvaiiiit, to Aiil in linturinif thm
imioHitt Aiiiiurilif m tw HrrulUtl tftiUt.
KuuiUr of lata regularly furtiMtwl nrnt no-,
ouLlui for by lh Provost AlunbuU of the
United Blulm. ... , . . . . .131,010
rumour 01 moB in ino sKrejitie eniien at I
vsrleiu tlDMito nieo uiorxenalos Hnnrit .
Ing out of (ho atleuipled lavmloa of 1U0
h'orlh by U)0 MbcA inajr of MorlUora ,
Irgiula. . . ... . . . . . . . JO.000
Kuuibor of men who loft Punnirlvunt tu
enllft la dthor States. , . . , . ' 1 Jl.OOt
tuuiuru wiurwi meu woo I Olb 1 c-Bilsyl.
aui loenlUt iu Ik vsrtou orniiludun.
i ,
oi otner etatot. on account el uiore being
no optiortuBtl fur eolored Iroom lo enlUt
In tbu 6Ule. . , , , , J.too
Aggregate nombor of trenpt furnlilied by
. the euts of l'eniuylviuiiu to sualniu tha
Kntional suthollty. ... '. ''. . . 470.4.10
It will thut bo seen that! PeniisylvMniit
.t 1 .i r i f .s f ....
iiimiBiicu wuoin a iraction it nm it miUwn
of men to fill vp th arihU of tl, fnitexl
stiitct and tuUiin tfo National ifut.Wlty lit
thu ttrujijU to Maintain Couititutfaml law.
Nor must It be forgotten, in this connection,
that whilo tho fighting met) of the Common
V'ealth wero thus engaged n doing bnttlo
on tho stdo of law and otder, and hundred
of thousaudt wero rullylug to tho ' National
cause, , tub Btatk autuoiutik wrii'k ns
DyciNn nu.vonv:i)s ok TiiotBAxbi ok doi,.
laks ok TUB 8tat dkut. ' What other
State In thu Uulon la able to exhibit a like
1 Hill ii i i i ,11...
i Tk National l"mjAuiiv is In dan enty
condition. No further borrowing will be
necessary. Tbo receipts trom internal rov-1
enua era very largt., the expousea f tlio
Ooverninent nre daily on the decreaso, and
now anuroea of revenue are opening, . thut
during tha wor were unavailable, t . Tho
custom raotlbts aro tn lurgu tbaf'tbo Becre
tary Is nt' a lots to know what to do with
tho large amounts of gald which are daily
iumiK m m iraasury, i j lie luteal etl
mate ot tuo amount of ui
i amount of turplua gold is 80,-
SJs. jeart ago. a lady ln JforWleU'tMnn.,
pUuted three poach stonefe n A hox.' - 0nt
ouu pf them Oume up; ;'bu.t ftoV'from' ifiij
thieybrsoohet 'of the tree tha blit cutMud
tbea tllffofeot, varietiibf j,vucl)c; '( " , '
NTIt(Vi:i 11V i-iiti
AfoiSTA, Me., Sopt. 17. The most
BtructivenTB TljfTcv
reir" rnrWid 11-T
swept tlirosirli lliis
cntiro btislnvwr port
Ing from theJJassenge
thrii) -
street, nnd nvn tlio
road traek, II h sni9'
. .1
The lire lufaka outl(luukMV
7- 'i
a new woouimi uuiiuinu. nun w uicn inc oc
t. into
cupants moved ocly yesterday, and spread
rapidly In all directions; and the utmost ef
fort: of the citizens could only confine- its
dcseruc'tlH prt'fsMjtlip.'liibtl ixl-6
menViorfcW llVery-lWy t Ufke fti (heolry,
all the banks, two hotels, tho office, express
and telegraph offices; all tho dry goods,
book and clotlilna stores in tlio city ; too
fti'i'J fJates Quartermaster's Cominissirv's,
nmiTfiSron o 1CCS I1IO new I i
depot, yet tin
finlsheil ; the -Ay newspaper ofllce, nnd
niouy ,ntU.r. buildings, , in, 11 .nuiubinoir
moru thiin liwty, . and, occupied; at placet of
business by mru than' one bundrud iudi
v)iluals and tlrnis'.'.weO bitrned. . .'; ( ' ,
' 'Many saved portiohtof tlielrst6cks( while
others lost everything. .',':' 1 ' '-
The banks suCceedeU in saving nil their
psiifr nnd trensure. mi! J JVni ; i'
o The Are Is tiolieVcd to have been the work
of oh incendiary, i --.;
The losses cannot now 1 nsceltnincd, but
will not be lesa thnn .100,OUO, nnd iln-cstl-mntd
(if the nmoiint of luauriinee ha jet
ueon mniro.. ' t- - mo-i in-..---.
Hi; It O 1 15i ; .i' !- -
Uolde-i-M i of - Ihc. ItelMil i Iloti1 - In
.Trouble tUtont their .1tuy. ii
' i' 'i ini iii "rr i 1 ii .1 ' In i,-;,u ' n;
Nkw Yoiik,-Sept.- 17.-Tbo -s'tennicr City
Huston, I'roni Liverpool, tiep.Wnibfr-Otb, via
tJuocniUm-n,. fcioptumber . Tin,: urrived here
lliis tveniug. .I-, r .,.....;
Tha Confwlurato - boildholdois held a
meeting at London on the 4ib of September
and debated their -pronpeets, nnd sonio of
tho speakers even contended tliut too Jr ede
ml Government . was retHnsible. A- com
tuiUee was appointed to mnku inquiries nnd
report nt another meeting on Uctoijur 18tl,
Tho proceedings afforded so little ground for
hone that the . bunds declined ono per Cent.
Thu Liverpool 1'utt points out .thnt tiade
belweuit thu Mersey . und Southern ports
Is resuming its nld activity. . Many ships
have nailed, and many more uro on thu
berth for cotton ports.
Sir William Hamilton, astronomer royal
for Ireland, I dead. ;.. i.
Tho Emperor end Lmpress of Franne nnd
the King ami Queen of tiain were abont to
exchange visits ut Sun Sebastian aud Jiiar-
The cbolern continurd nctlvo at Marseilen.
The price of corn I declining in the
French markets, und rentes weru quiet nt
OUf. 13c."
Joseph Ibmnpnrte, prince of Mnslunnno,
Uieil nt itonie.
... - - i
The new I'ortugeso ministrr-is ennstitu-
tud na Iblows: l'rvrtidunt ol' Council, lienor
Agullnr : Foreign All'aiin, Coutii CaHro.
The reportea secret treaty ltween Aim-
tn and Pruasiu is . ilunb-.l. I Intro U a
vague rumor- thnt Austrin is iiiti'iuing for
the annexation of thu Ionian I,md. The
Kinu of Pruasla vlnit YietoiiiHit IXirmstiu'.t
on the 0th Inst.': The navigation treaty be
tween Knulund und Prussia bivu been siv'U-
VtL :. ... -'.-' -I ui:
i;New from tbo Cnno of Good -Horn' to
Jul v 28th hns been received. .The H:itu-(;)
wnr it roci edirg -vigorously, ami It favor-
able tn tbo Ffiee btntu puoplei'.
,.-A zrtat flre'tit ifcti(iiilMnl (C'onstantini'iiU-)
had duntroyott 3,300 builditiga and wih still
rngiiig on tlie utli inst. ... :. , .
,.! ivu ot the lenilera in 'tlie r:ccnt . i-Viilan
lumonstratloii at ltlackrock ni'iir Dundalk
have been committed for trial nt the Assises
without privelcKe of bull. The prosecution
wns Instituted by order of the Dublin Cnstlu
author! tic..-' ,. , , -1 . .;
Tlut Mui-k T.sne K-rimn fuurs that three
fouitbaf the English wheat crop Mill prove
to be in bad condition. Tbo cuttle plaijiio
oontiiuied Its nivaget. nnd i- stated to
iiiuiiw im I'p in iiiiww in iiwniiii ill wiihiii j
DonoKsL .Tbo Common Council of London
had headed a subscription ,with .ill.CKWU
oomuentiite persons who linvo .boon oiuii
pulled to .kill diseased cattle.- . .
XJIll IMII COl.ACH i, '.'
i- i ! Pout 8irnt, Sept. 19.
"The dlfTernnee between the loynl nnd ill
loyal Creeks has been mnlcnbly ndjusted.
Thq rebel delegate! of the various tribes ru
';i"-- "'! hive sluned tbo treaty with
tho Govern in t-n I, Vifii . t. b,,;,,.,,,.,!
claiming nnn forfeiture of lands, nuiuiitit-,
Nl.,1 . i U .1.1 ,HWI. .1 I 1.. '.IMHll.
Sic. A committee was iipiiotnted tn eonfir
with tho Cboctawinint ChicknsHs relntive
to tho treaty lor a recognition of tho policy
of the (Jovcrniiicht. '
The Soutlieran Chcrokeet submitted a ru
port stilting that a committee had waited
upon Northern Cherokies to arrange their
differences, nnd nsk them to recommend the
Cherokee council to repeal their ' cminVa
tlon laws, who ngreed to lay the mutter be
fore the council. The same rlelngntlon re
ported that nbnttt 0.000 Cherokee nro irt
the Choctaw, and Chickasaw naticn, on lted
K'rver, lu ilestltttto circililistailces, and nsked
the council for -relief. "' .
' The commisKlnn Iijis n-ftcil tn recngnle
.lolin RMtsn the thief of the Cheriikeo'-niW
tlon, un nccobnt of duplicity Uud bad faith
with the Government. ; A paper has been
submitted by the loyal Clierokco delaga
tlon, asking tbo Government tn rescind their
action.- -' "'
K.1MI1VI1.I.H. -
' " Nasiivii.i.k, Sept. 9.
An Ipyosttgntlon by a board of offlcert Is
toon to fake place in this city, relntive to a
debit-hmcnt sent by Generul Thonint to Ala
bit m t in search of strny Government cattle.
While neur Gnlesville, a tqtintl, in command
of Lieutenant Thompson, were Attacked 4y
the tburilf, with a posse of men, who claim
ed to be noting under order front Govern
Parsont, of Alabama. One Federal soldier
wnt killed, and nineteen of tho tlieritT
party wero captured by our force. ' The
sheriff, and the ninn who killed the Federal
soldier madu their escape. A thorough In
vCNtngntton will bo made by Uun. Thomas
and Governor Parsont. 1
Th trial of Champ Ferguson closed la
day, and tho decision wat forwarded to
General Stoncmuu. Meanwhile Ferguson
roinaint in -close confinement. ' Yetterday
ho attempted tn make a ststement of bia
case, which was sn pressed by couutel. , ,;
f !7C;i..CiUHMS Amhsox', Lleutuuant
Govuinor of Uldm who uuw becouita nctlug
Governori try tbe Uuutli of Governor Qruugh,
Is a brother uf Generul lUibcrt Anderson, of
Fort bmuter fame. , i(- ,. .i . . . , , . .
Jacob , Stiuwn,' the great land nwuer,
died recontly ut hit residence, in Jackson
ville, Illinois, lie commenced with the
ctpitu) of a ttlver half dollar, ami died
worth a million and a bait of dollurs, prin
cipally in laud, of which be possessed somo
83,000 arret, worth from (40 to o0 an acre.
Uo could (Ida all tiny over bit property, and
not st the end of It, Ho wna immensely
stout, weighing ilSO lbs. When bo died, be
gtv $10,000 tu thu tat Suultary Commis
sion. Iril.-iH i. . i -m; I.,;.. H i l it. I , i .',
III'!' . II . n il l . ii.
.-: (tbiuuokln A'uul Trude,
Bsauokii, lij,,lo5.''
. i,.,t : r i , . . . . . 'Tee. Cat.'
' Boat for week ending Sept loth.1 19,11 it
- Isslrsport, : if. in. .i JJft,lt 1
t: 't ' '" I ' ' I --.. th
Jt ill 'Hi (t! 1 1 1.
i Ju awjisUmslaetycw, ,
Ml, HQ 14
1 9,180
.fllAMlM. lll.W.Mi .'t I. J ...
- Inorssse.
n,ta 10
RT 1 iiw morn ill
Mn of the itv.
r,filge to
icr n ntxivo t
Uikrr nt rni
?AlMOreBitltRhJuin. Uoerchlllintn. n.l .11
ltni pilot j. Die fkid VMo 6V'ceiM For al by
ll to VfiKKA.r PBTTEIl. Sole
fiii, 1
l i v
hiiigtoti IMt, Anion, fliuw , it Kill
be tbrwnrnert li'
- '
nmiliirscsa txtnir, sn pnrt ut
'l'o DriinburtlM.
-OIJ Poolor Durhsn's Drunkards' Care finmnnrnt
ly erndiontei Iho tnnte for itrong drink, nuil euro the
voitnan ntdraifikeinnn In k-Vlhsa eirlb wtekt.
I 'Ln)nnn4iifrrffiiuitiiyM,tiWrCiiTPi tbi.aa
l tlio dnj tbcT ncto fortunate enouirh to eouiraonoo
1110 una oi una Tuiunuio rcincuy. I'noe iwo lu'.i-jn
Mnilfii lo any sildrem on rreolpt of nn order, hr
VI fi .1 ASinAitfiJ,.Uniodffii'4l
Aug 12, 1803 6t
V -Tnliifltble ItwlpvN.i ir
KmToflerKiiWtoAif, -H (I.
DsAn Sib : With your pcrmlnslon I wlh to snr
to tht rendurl of" yoult rirrtci-Tiftit T Wlt'cni1oyo
turn mntl, to all itho wlslf it (fe) sllecipe. with full
dtrcetlont for ''mulling nnd' using a iluiplo Vcgctntilo
Ssliu that rlll ' enWuiuiy rtiuoyb, in ' ten. days'
Pfmploa, filutchcs, Tan, Freckles, shd si! impurities
or tho Kkln, leaving the tnuo sort, oloar, iinooth and
?-.... :r..
wunuvuui, , . . , .
, I will also mail free to tbcsO baviog Bald IIund,
or Bars Fucm, ilmfio dlraotions unl Infmiustivu
that will ounbU tbciu to start full growth uf Liixu-
risnt Ilnlr, WhUkera, or a Mouslauha, la low, thna
tliiriy.days. i .. .' " . ;
Tlicao reclnci era valuable lo both eld nml
And in llicv nre unitlcd to nil who nood litem
free uf
ehnruo, they nre vrorlhy the sttcntlnnol'nri'wtlo prUo
aoiesr, pura asm, ura nsnuny gro ia ui nmr
'Alt npplloatiuns nnswored by return mull wltliuu
, ohnrge. '" Uwpoetfully jninrS, ; ' '
I ' THOU. P.' CllAPMA,'(?lieii.W,::
" : ' 831 Urohdwnv: KoW Yilrk
i'ASJ. 1,10.1. (U ' ',lu .- I I ' ' ' ' ',-
r- r 'Tir,rin:-i!-'.irr-!-n-,T-V'-Tlt
Jlrltlitt 4,'hititilH-i-, nm i:ny of
WnnilnB sad Initruethin for Vwing MuD-imMlchod
by tho Ituwnrd AmMlnllon, nd sent freo of ehurue
In loelo.l onvclnpes. Adilrom Dr. J. 'Ultt.IN
UOCOHTON, liuwnrd Aiwclnllun, IMillnAulrhla
I'ennsylvnnln. H .r -.-
Keliruiu-y 1 1, lh(15 ply - -i-
'A (oiiflcmiin eurcil of Kervntu Debility,
j rroiniiluru l)cny, nnd tho cOucn of yiailtlul
lii.tU-retliiu, will ho linpry to furnlxh olhrs with ihs
iiioimi in euro, (iri-c oieunrgoii. iuu riiacily iislm.
jiii-. enii', una uuneriuin
1'ir full piirtlouliirs, by return mntl, plonso mlitreM
' AO Jfsssuu Strocl, New Vork,
Juno 10, 1W14. .1m
Tin you wish tn tiu cured ? Ifsn,-swnllnvv two
or Ihroo lintfhnml of "liuuhu," "Timid Hitlers," f iir
mipiuillu,'.' ".Nurviiin Aiiildoti," Ao., Ao , Ao..and
ulter you nro siulrlli'il with lha remit, thun try into
box ul'Old Dootor 11 it i-li n t ' ldinllpli Spi-eilli) l'illii
nnd bo rffinrud to lu'allh nml vlitnr In U lluin llilny
dny. Thiiy nro purely vooetsble, pleimnnt to tnko,'
hiiu miumrv iu ineir ciiuctn ea tno tinmen.
uwn and Uaitcrou ouii-iiiuiion
lallvrutl uuimlilutliai. Ol.lnnd viainir mm
i hk n i limit tviin tti 1 1- nutii in
tiikolliam wllh mtviiiittiKi. Dr. Illinium r Kulinh
Mpcullld I'ilti cure tn le limn Ml ilnyn, tlio wuiit
enw-s In Norrouiun'M. Impalensy, lrnintiir l'eony,
bomitiul WvhktlrM liiiiiUy,niul nil t'rlnm-r.HoXitiil,
uud .Nurnao" Atlvolloun, xut uinllur from what omue
pro. 1 nu t'll. l'riuii, Uao Lliillitr per box. Lent, punt
iuld, by mull, on rcuuliituf nn in .Iit. Addri'M,
iIami-:sh. iit:Tbi:n,
NoUU Drnndwny, Sew Vork, Uvnprnl Agont
- P. 8. A bus in-lit In any nddrow on the receipt ttt
pilau which 1- Ono IIuIIhi piwl frtv. A tlrterlp-
live Circulur iuiil on npiiliciiuuii, ., ....
July 22, iM0j.-2tu ti. ; , ; .'.;
IIiivnkttss Hmi.ow l'xit. Xcvor. slnoo thoilnva
uf TUInn.Juis thero hrciiso grent n rnitu fur gulden
Itttlr. All Khn lm p Okinilu lockn, buui light, tow.
, drub, guidon hrmvu. uulnirii, gllLli'rrnti reHmr, uiui
, pl ilriKvn.'' Ofiotitipiitt iluteiKiwy nktliir. of ;iii . j
! milky wbltfitbu lint ufn illy oup. mln-yuiioVtUiu
went togetltcr. lh linir in the ile cuiijlilorn- ,
lion Wllbi'iitb iiK'n 0c eiifvln dlll'erciit. . Bo Unit
I titer linve mfil.ili-nl goo I tnrto lonrmy Ihi'inu'lvcH
: In me atiim mml nt thu llrmrn finite Cintliinir lbiM
of Hnvkhlll A Wllmin. Nm. lki.1 nnd 0u.' (Jliwtnnt
utrcnt. nbuvo Sfi.xjh. Ibu hoir tuny bu IK dark ns night
or n wane nicr. . ,.i
.'. . '-'wuiaiiKua ii -. wiiisiiKiisiii .. ;
" lo .von wnnt Whlnkrraor itnnrtnehi 1 Our flro
cluii (lompoiinil wilt foroe Ihotn to grow- m tlio
moolhoat fiu or oh In. or hntr tn Wild houde. la Hix
' Wok. . 1'rlco, Ij.lii). t-unt by mail nnynhore,
'vrrj' "7VrU' T1"?'.. .. ,
I n Vebraaw IB ' ' """"''
- .
, ,. To t'oiinuniittirOM. ',
St'FFi:itl'll8 wllh Coitmimptlnn, Aithmn. Unm.
eliilU, or uuy dlaoano ot tha Throat or bun, will
bo ohvorfully liirninlicd. without oliiirK. with tha
remedy by iho itnuuf whlu (lie Jlev. Duwaiiu A.
V'll.fiuX, of WitltnuiiburgU. New .Vork. wm sum-pk-tuly
riw'iirvil to health, otter having 4ulTuruj acvo
nl yunr wllh thnt ilrouil dlfumo, CotiMiuipllim. To
Ciiiifumpiivo niifti-reni, thia rriiiedv U worlhy of na
immodliito trial. It will mat nothing, nnd mny bo
the mnnne of tholr prrfoct rnUorutioo. Thim iloni.
ring (he none will nluone addrona It k v. .JibU AllU
A. AVII,HO,. 10J .uui h Second timet, Uillliima.
burgh. Klnga Uounly, Now Vork.
'ifagual 6, IHil5. Of i ' . '-;
Uo-WllCWH, ItllllUlM-.. i,..,.,.
Treated with lbs litmnatfucet-mi by Dr. J. IhnAOM 1
Ocullal nml Auriat,.(ruituiirly uf be-den. Jliillund.)
No. AID IMno atruot. rhilinlelphliiT Tcstimniitula '
from the tnieit re bible aouroca la the City nnd fmin. '
tryunnbuari-iiiil bh nffloe. . I'lio funnily aro ,
luviled to iwoouiimiry ibuir pulu-nt. as be liun no c-
oruta in uia prnuiico. ArltUul-il l-.yM. Inacrlvd with
out palu. So oharge uittdo fur l-x.iliill:ulloit.
July . iwu. I;
in nn
J'it". "..' ; .'
Huticr, '
Till law, '
f.nrd, ' r 1 ;
l'uik, ,
limn, 11
Shouldor, . .
2 in
' 180
' 4i
J 5(1
7 00
Oat., y ,
UIOTsnraexl, '
P. PIP S! P U.M PS!!,
Tho lubnorlber having purohnsod the rhtht of
NOllTIIt'MUKHLAND Cot'NTV, for putting Iu
in .ym:k'n i.uinov:ni;T
ox Uonsn Wi.w and Watkb Fuixts, will faml.h
Iheui to all pcraons Iu the ouuuty who luuy dealru
Iheae ehinp und eonvetilcut puinpa.
Ihoy eon be sunk lo a proper depth In Iwo houra
liuio,ut but on third the price of nn ordinary
liuuip, aud liir uueapooss aud ooavonieuuu ouunot ba
eiiuullsd . . ,
'"' ' ' ' " A. F. CLAW.
. gsnkury. September 21, 1831.
' ,.. :, ... AT TIIK
WM. n. M1LLEB,
HASJuit arrlvo.1 from New Vork and l'ltiludul
pbia, wllh a cjioloe flock ff .
of tbo latiwtatylea, end aclectcil with great euro, to
ault ull, nnd ia ilutoruilncd, to bluoae all bUeuitomera
great and amall. ' - - '
. iryou want th lulcet ai;1ea, FANCY. TbAIN,
AM) UtUAllLK, gut lbs Dxcqlaiur Sim btoro,
Him liupvr ahocs aro sold Ibury. and- lu alwuya
ohonper to buy a good artiolo at tho euuo pi ice
than It la tu buy a poor one, fur
, lis aas- i -. , i ;.
i Mva s Cidf Stitched lloots.
i .' ' " Fudged "
n ii IeKel '
and nil Vlnde ol heavy Unote.
top ol tho in tax fnahion.
Vhlldruu's Fauoy and 1'laia high tupiiod houitot
every deacrlplion.
ItUV'H llOOlli of nil kin la and slvlea, which will
bi sold us low e ean be bad snywher. Cnll and
examine bU atuok of lioota and bboo. hefors you buy
ewhr. N oiiarge made fur ahowiug iheui
. Will tell M'boUwiila A Heluil. .
ltenieinber the plaoo, Market Square, Suubury, Pa,
'ji'cjitembcf M,'lo4.( ' , , 1
"ru runilltcly (hu.f.iit .oila-a' ' ' ' '
ALL Pcraotii knowing thcruaolvoa jinUUed lo tbo
underalgned ou Hook aeoount or olhcrwl.e, are
kervby BOtlHed lo make aeltlement of th snme on
or belor tb lot day of October Box, na no further
scab will be given, aud lb uooouli will then be
- ' , " J0UN VILVLU
' Cufchury, bapi lt, JS(Ji '
rxnmlnattoM 'r TftlrtterJi."" J1
.. Tb publi uSBilnstion o(TeMbev rS"V fV Cff
mbn Subbots of Korlnumberl Snd county wfll Bfc'toTd
)n tlit fol lowing order! " . , ., .. ,.
Chilitquiuiue, Bodom Softool Tlotnio Mondny, Oot. 9.
Tnrfeuh Cbsrch Vntt Reboot Hntitoi TueMlsn (Sat 1IA
lleUwsre and MoEwntille, Siukipg Bprjogs, ',i-
nrajpy, vci. I I .
T.ewtt uiui Tartjotvltls,' T4HlVflI" Betiool "ftD,
, Tburstlay, Out. 12 . . , , , - , ,!, it
roiut, JSVttuul 'lou.e, Soli 8tur4j,'.0cl. li'J'
Jbowcr Augiwtn, Zun .CluroU1&huoL.UouiM,.,Vr.
nodny, Oct. 18. i I, i , .jL,
ebsinokln, Klyiburg 8choot'lfdqM)'TKwttyi?"f
Qb "J M carUart, Uuslitpwn. Sohool iijuae, Ifrjflay,
t'pper Auguita, lleed'i' School Douie, Sat'ur3,
i-'fc. i, -.
TIlO CXIlinlnritluns will Anmrnnnn. rMnnnlirnW. nt
V o'elock, A; M. Aplloii4 bot prefSfltiittbe ooui-
n'.racctsCjTrHiTp.ijt bo sdmittod into the elius, ,
.o pcieoni except actum spnllosnu for1 teho6l 0.
the fi-sr'ectlte' district will ba eVsminrMt.. V.
nSTKISfMt.. . I .elin -.ii
le i- i' .iii -, JACOU,Us,H, ft)
Northumberland, Sept. 22, laijj 31
i..iiii:m i'a.m v ix its:
) 7! Old HSlnUnh 1
Fur Alnuiiicto.-y,
No. 7li Arofi Ftrpot
.abov)7llt rmb.VlJ A.
' 1 I have SoW in lore of
my own Iuiirtuiinn t.
MiuHtisoUire, one tnii
LAHUKHT;: fia.l , most
.bLAL'l'it'lJli aeloutioufl
sg AMJX t UllS,. i , i
i'ror riHiUcB' nn-f Clrild-
rep won, la tho City
Also a fino aswrtuiont of t) cut's Fur Gloves and Col
lars, i . ,, '. .,-
1 nm oaablwl to d'upoio of my good nt rerj rcn
suDnblo prions, und I would tiicrutbre solicit a cull
from uiy fricodi of Nortbuuborlund Couuty, and i-
oh'hy , '. -.
Ijf r.cuiomler tlio Xnmo, Xiimlicr nnd ttrocl ! ,
.-, i - 71S Archil.,ttbovo7ili. n)i aide -
i . , . I'lUUlUJU'lIIA
,. I lmvo nu rmluct, nor ipncoiWu wllh nnv utbui
Iu I'hIUiMplila. . . . . , ......
., Sept. ii. 11W4 4inw , , , , , . . '.-.
" E STMT'S ' GlSTTAOia'"
AUK not only unoqunllod. but Ihoy nr alimlalely
unoqUHlind, by miy othsr lteed luatruinoiit in
tlieenuntry. Dujlunod cxpromly for Chitrohua ntn
SohonU, lliuynrs found to Do eiiunlly well mlnpted,
tu the parlor atxl drawing room. Fur .ilo ntilv by
E. M.ltltt'CK,
Nn. Irt North Seventh alroel. Phllwlolpliln...
t VAlim llrojlliury'a l'lnmui, nml a suinulotu a-.
niriuient of tho l'orfuot JltbOilliON. ,
Kept-. 2a, IrrtS -lyw
G0LP. 1- 1805, 180Q, 1807. SILVER.
-. . t , '
1 to 75C00 ! !
Jbinufaotitrera' Afienia I Our Now Mode.
Ono of our Hold or Hilvttr WaU-lina, or Hllvcr Tea
Hula In' J, M bvluw aUiUil.
One ufinir tea sotts' or one pli-tiil of our (luld i
Pllvi-rwnru la worth a bu.'hol ol the client) dollar,
jjwetry ! !
Wo lmvo adopted the following mmlu of
llii'l'UilJUItON ly a.ilo uf 7 j.UUO ui licloa of value I
i i ! i- Oiii .w Jiili I
The .irtlclon of good uo ihiiiiIhu-o-I fruut 1 In 7.1. ,
0.10! ."i7,4ll(i eoiwIaUng of l'mmw .llulmluiina. Gold lb
Killer Walohcn, bowing ilvil.iitu., 'i'ou it ThIiIo
Hotts. Solid Silver ten nml tulilo Smoiia uu 1 l-'ork;
t-lo., elm, and Iho other jOU bmU Uho!' vhIiio .luw
olry, Work .t Toilet Camn, l'l)i(V;inj,li Album,
Oprnfiioe Kilrer Watches, nnd fuliity'artinlc in rt
variety .- T4.UO0 nnticw numbered from 1 to 7ft. OD'f
nre prliitcd nnd put Inro acnled cnvrtuncs nnl welt
mixed nnd oneoi'thcae la tnkonout and aent is the
pcrn.n funding to i.a 2j oente lo eovor espenas of
poiilngo, oorreirndcnae oto.. and t he nrtinloot goods
eorriwpiMiiliiig with Iho niimker an tha notice will bo
, aunt lo the holder of tho anina lmmo41:itnly (if he
itonlrc to purcluiM the article) on tho rcoeint of two
' dollnra.- Kor lntnnoe ; I r tlio number on the nolle
sent to you rhauld bo 6ill, imd a piano ordinmomt
oil or gold wiitohehoulil bo nuinboi-ed win; il will bo
acni to you ahuuid be .';!(, ntid plmio or tli-iutond
! aott or gold wnloh ultould bo nuuibvreil 6tM. it will
b? sent to you for. 12, end toon for overy artiolo in
our lint nl TiiiStltl nrlinle. 1 '
I - fjf After reoolvlng the srJole, If It dooanot plcaao
you, jou can ruturu it, aud juur money ahnli La ru
i fnmluil.
' J.'i ecnla must be aent tn pny expeneo of poUger
'. Correaioiidoiioe oto., on ono nuiioo
1 ltuiucmbcr : that whatever artiolo c.irri--p-,n.lH
wllh tho uutuhcr ou yuur notice, you aua huvo it by
tmyuiK Two liollura fur It. whether it bo wnrlh tluil
or $-ue. Aud It ia fur our lutercal to duul f tirly, ami
send out our flue articles, in it glvua- ouiifldcuoe tu
tho public, uud thereby luci cuaua uur aulas.
een xr.v mode ! I :. .
irpon rnocipt of 2Ci els., whl-ib pays fur oorrotpon
di'l oo. poatnge eto.. wo ik-iii! ouu i.oltoo.
I' poii reeolpl ul SI, which pny lur ourioipondonoo.
poiil.ige. oto., wo send tix nuiic.n.
l'Hiii receipt vf$j wlilob pnya lor oorrenpondonoo,
poaiagn, uto., wo will etnu'-lll 0-iliiXX. nml u line pro
aunt valued ut not I en Ihitn H-', ua a tuiuitle of uur
goo Is
I pon reootpt uf ilS ljlch p lynfur oiirreip-aideiice.
pn.UK.., eto., wewillaoud lu Vulious, un t u tulli
eilver Wutolt. by reiuin mull. .'
AUliSIW Wa.NI'KH. H.ud for n o!ruihir !
Aguula allowed n lurgaemh cimaii.nlni, hy wliiuli
they make tU wuiMy.
Addros plululy ...... lU4;il i llUOTJtiiU,
Hslesriient' " - '," - " M,
SI Liberty atreot 1 ; "' ' , New Vork City. H I
Kept. 21, lsOJ.-ly"' ' , ; . .. , ;''
Waatod immediately tu. or 100 men to work on
Knilruad oouU-aot, tu whom It 7 per day will be
paid. Apply lo J Ad. M ALONii i. HUN,
Cootral Hotel, bunbury. I'a.
Kept. 0, 18a4
ktiiay :nv.
CAMli to the aubaci-rber on or about tho 2ftih na
Auguat loat, s ttray Cow, nbout fix yeara old,
hue wblto ahouldcrj. rod over tho buck, white hind
toga, hua s amull bull nn. Tho owner or owners aro
ri-quuitud lo cotuo forwurd, prove property, pay
charges and take her away, oiherwiae aha will bo
duuoaod ofaoourding to law.
Cameron twp., Sept. 18, 1833 2m
Auilltoi-'oi Police.
TUE undoralgucd audi lor liavittg been appointed
by tho Orphan' Court of NurUmiuborlund county,
au auditor to dialrilmic the bull.tnce Ui tbo baud, uf
.liiuibelh M. Clonvor, Aduiluatruirlx of the oatuto
oi Kituber Cluuvor, ducoonud, will meet all porno
intoruatud for tlilf purpoao, ut Uio uITioe of icglcr i
Kino. In th borough of Sunbury, on Motid.-iy tha
21.1 day of Ootuber, A. 1), 11 o'oluuk A. 11.,
of aald day. ,
.. Q. W.ZlEutEll, Auditor.
' .' mi. i:. i. i.i'.iii.kv,
- . " j
IH. Ll'MLKY baa opened an o.Tloe In Nofih'tm"
burl and, and oflere bieiviuo tu tb people of that
plue aud tbo adjniuing lewud-ip , Olhoo next door
tu ilr. bowtl'a bUoe blurs, where b esn found at all
Nurlbuaibrland,Agutt 19, 1884.
'J'lio .VIitMon A lluntllis t'liMnct
rni. mrty dlirarentltTlel, adnntel lo am-red
and aiiiulnr muaio. for .ill tn'filoO each. TIUKT Y
HVKUOUlor BILVKH MKUAbrt, or other drat
promiuuia awarded them, lllualruted Coutloiruas
lie MASON 4 ll.J(L,N, llusrux, or
.MASON llUOTIItltS, Now Vork.
September, 18tJ5. ly -
' ? I ( XTNQ'p' , N I
-lim iMiif.F:
la (he only prepartlon of the kind mad from th
fruit. . Aa n ttlol of Soououiy, purity, and doli
elnu.ueea, it vounut be aurpiusod, and ia ruooieinond
d by pbyaioiana for lnvalida oudtRmily uaa. It will
keep lor jeara In any olimata, wbUtltt eondenasJ
(onu reudora It aapeotully eonrenleut for travel on.
All whuuM Uimonaar requoated to give it a trial.
tnieruUumuiita st home, purtioa, and pionlca should
not bo without It. For el by all Cruggiat ael
ttrat-itlaae Uroears. Mnufoturd only by
X. Hi faurj Bu-Mt, New York
bepl lo,18o..-ly rf ,
-A-.;-.. i . i