SCHBNCICS 1 AND R-AKK-'-P ILLS FOR SICIC HEADACHE, r It iiuptoiiM 'iuc ami Cur. Thu line rccoived il nsmo from t eons'.nnt nausea or sickness t tho stomach, whloh attends the pain Id the head. This headscti U apt to hegln In tha rr.cming on wak'ng from a deep sleep, and when tome Irregularity of Jifi baa been eomaiUted on tlie day before, or somctiius for several dayi previous. At Brst thcie Is a distressingly oppressive feeling In the head, which gradually merges into a severe heavy pain in the temples, frequently attended by a tense of fullnew and teodrncas in cae eye, and ex ending across the forehead. There is a clammy, un pleasant taste in the mouth, an nffensiv breath, and the tongue covered with a yellowish white fnr. Tho sufferer desires to be alone In the dark room. As toon at the patient feci the fullness in the head ami pain in the temples, tako a largo dose of Schenko't Mandrake Pills, and in an hour or two they will fcol aa well aa well at ever. This haa been tried by thou' tands. and Is always sure tc rare, and Instead of the sick henilaehe coming on every week or ten days, hey will not Be troubled with it once in three months. . , ; ' 1 i ' 1 Schenck't Mnndrnke Pills are composed of a num ber of roots besides Podnphinin. or concentrated Mandrake all of which tend to relax the secretin!. s i of the liver, and act moro prompt than blue pills or ; nereury. anil without leaving any dangerous effects i .n a bilious person they will show themselves by the ! tools. They will expel worms, mucus, bile and ' anortid matter from tho system. In sick headache f they are taken as directed abvove, (a full doso as oon as they fool the first symptoms of it t)r. Sohenck rill and has directed his agents to return tic money f they do sot give perfect satisfaction If a person has been compelled to stay out late at tight and drink teo much wine, by taking a dow of ijlls on going to bed. next morning he will feel as hough he had not drank a drop, unless ho forgets 0 go to bed at til. They only cost 25 cents a box. Whoever takes them will never use any other. hey are worth a dollar to a sick man for every cent ley cost. Dont forget, iio. name Schenck's Masdbake ills. 1 Sold wholesale and retail nt Dr. Sehcnck's Princl id Office, No. 15. Ninth Sixth street, Philadelphia lid by Druggist, and. generally, ,. frico i.f (Pulmonic Syr,up, Seaww d Tonic, each I iO per buttle. oi tho half dozen, or two bot ob of Syrup and one of Tonic, for S3 75. Dr. Sobenck will be at his uflUie, Xq, 15 North xth Street, Philadelphia, overy Suturday to see t.ienu. Ho makes no oharge for advice, bnt for a rough examination of the lungs with nls Respiro rfHor, he charges S3. 805. 1805. " All I OTH STORE. Lii leave ! call flic atlotitionof tbo public that , they h:ive just rvturne.t from tho City with a ry ' . , LAGE AND WELl SEI.ECTEP r ) C ;i 0 F HOODS isiiiig of DKY .GOOrS, .. ... j IlurdiTurc,' Quecnawore Codarwnre, 1 , Tt r: n ft ?i f w w i tr. i ru J jt, , "Icry. Ulovtt, Notions, Trluimhigt,',-".- " ' iMi'is l1iiriiic:iN, trilv, I.nmpM liin fact EYtriVnUNU GENERALLY KEfT in CoiiiiltMoret, - 1 bmlit our gooas a( tb,o lowest fash Trices ioutcrjaaiitly wo think we can offi r gientln- ;o!niiis t;i J.rchers fst Cash or Country Pro je 3 V;e I ii-l.iet lueiket pries pai(l for all kind 'idiluce. Give us a call. - J. W.ntXLINU i SON. U'ibuty, Muy 13, 1S35. i Oil SKH iut.A.Ai;i s .AND . illiuery Oodds! ojicned at tie GRAND MILLINKRY STORE, 9f .His HI. 1,. CiiNl-r, n street, two doors south of Shamokia Valley 1 Pottsville Railroad, 3XJTTBTJR-Y-,- PA:'" AYIN'G purchased my goods at reduced prices, 1 Htn enublod In poll choappr. ip stuck consists of HON N r.TS of overy desorip- for spring ami Summer. sKi's".. 'and cvory sMe of Hals, nns. Fbiwer, Ladles Caps. Ao. - uves. Collars, llandlteroliiofe, Hosiery. Laoes, t. Pilk. Orenailine and Mnurning Veils, and ;rous other notions, usually kept in Millinery and see her stock." . "' ? ubury, April 12, 1895. 2m .. 1 fi 1 . --r " nu vant good Tin-Wore, go to SMITH i, EN1 IKK'S New Shop.. dr 8. A C O B O.BEC l" MERCHANT-. TAILOR, And Dealer in - ' TII8, CASSIMEHES, VESTING, &c. ltn afreet, totith of XVcover'ai Hotel, j B U N U Jt H Y , F. URMB the eiUcena of Bunhury and vicinity. It he has jut returned from Philadelphia with a (sortniei.i of - ttlKO & SUMMER GOODS, EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. , And at greatly jKDUCKD VWrTsS. took 0(n.si8u of Clotbt, Froneh Cloths, Black inandFuiiey Castiuieres.Dlack Hatin. Figured '.'lain and r-aiioy Caasimere YEST1NGS, which make up to order in stylet U) auit the tatt ot ars, u .Uwl uuUce, and the fuuetieMunaole t'ltiii rM oTfttand, will be furnished from ,lrfbia, by ffivicg twq days' notice. ia fjirniahej by customers will be made up to s hTetnfnru. e will employ none but experienced workmen, . may rely ou gulling tliiir work well done ut p. ikful fur the patronage heretoloro beetowed, ejll'ully S'lliciuacontinuauceof the same, ury, April 15. 1865. tfCY'DRES'S GOODS", .JUsi.ASw iMnmit, wo door West of the Tost OfTice, JNBURY, IE1SIN'A., iust received and opened a lart-e tescrlmen 'ancy Dresa Goods, suoli as Gloves, Jouviao 5 cs, Silk an I lisie thread illovos; Lalica Hose, Children's Merino Hose, r-ilk Mils, ind Gentlemen Hamlkerchiet's, (lortot. Em vl Slippers, Ribbuiu FANCY DREhS BUT Hugle liimps, 'irimuiingi, Buttons, Bidt ItFo ilvot Riblions, Braid, Belt t'lasr, Ladies' OS.CRAPEHIBBOM and 1HIUMINU ; W ugBraida, Jaconet and Swim iCdgiugs aud j.; iiiilteuiji Laue Collars, Lac en. Grenadine Hack Veils, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dree, is, aud a variety of other articles, vood t Paper Cullara of a superlsr quality. Liuco Collarii, a variotj of Queen Eluabelh black and liii6,Burbet. a Cords and TliscIs. ' T 0 0 E A P H-'x IBUUS .ly Tins Book, Diawihg BdoVand Slate lymn Booki. I l ink Books, MemoranduBJ Diariea, ?oci tt Books, Jr." 6tS ptua, Sla, an sMitiuent of Papr, in,, ut apt, Ioeth-Bnisis, As. 1 and oaj:es for children. lib hart Uei taUated with oaxt and will reaaonablt n'.im.i ' . x. . . ANNA 'FA INTER is, May IS, IJtlih: lo v n(. t, . . . J.-" - : , ... . ; . !XM!lo,,", ,yer"ll7 oempoojided of th .OIIL'GS at vht Mammoth Stora of w SHO . FKII I.N3 4 BON FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU tea onRtanlloft r Tooontlnenee ef TJrlne. InBamma UMt or t.eoratlon ef the Bladder or Kidneys, Disease el the Prostrate Gland, OriVcl, E-lcIt Dust Deposits, Dropsl eal Swslllnj. Orasnto Wsekne, Debility, Female Cora. plaints, to. i , . ,. :, ' -v t HELMBOLD'S ' FLUID EXTRACT. BUCHU Improved Hose Wash Will radloally xlermlnate from the system Diseases arts., tag from Habits of Dissipation, at little tapenee, liltlt or to change ftf diet, no tneoittmitHM or tmpoeure; aempletely superseding thos wailsaaonl and danoerou remedies, Copabla and Jfirerj, In turing thstt disease. USE HELMBOLD'8 FUttO EXTRACT BUCHU M In all Disease! of tht Urinary Organs, whether existing In buli or ruuLt, from whatever caut originating, and no matUr of tunc tons etandina. It Is pleasant In Its taste aad odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and mora strengthening than any of the preparations of Btrk or Iron. Those suffering from Broken Down or Delicate ConetU tuttone, procure tlie Htmtdy at orus. Tht Reader most be aware that however tUgbt may be Iht atta k or the abore diseases, It It certain to affect hit Stilly ZTtaltn, 'ntcntar Power and ITappintn. If no treatment b submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may tnsua a.- All tht above dbsasts require tht aid of a diuretic HE LIMB OLD'S. EXTRACT BUCHU Is tbt Great Diuretio. HELJIBOLD'S : , aionxf ooacnrraATis Compound Fluid Extraot Sarsaparilla, For purifying tha blood, removing all diseases arising front txeest and Imprudence tn lift, chronlo constitutional dis eases arising from an impure state of tht blood, and th t o rsiiablo and effectual known remedy for the cure of JJcrofuU, Scald (lead. Salt Rheum, Paint aadBwelUng of tha Doota. Ulcerations of tht Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Fact, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly trup Uona of tht skin, and beautifying tht oovruxion. ' NOT A- PEW Of the worst disorders that aSSIct mankind arise from tht corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all tha dis coveries thai hitTo boeo made to purge It out, none caa equal Ineffect nZLUBOLD'SCOSIPOrifD EXTRACT OF &ARSAPARTT.LA. It cleanses and renovatel tht Blood, Instills tht vigor of health Into tht system, and purges out the humsrs which mako disease It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorder! that grow and rankle In the Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has lone been sought fur, and now, for the first time, tht publie have ono on which thej oan de pend. Carapace here does not admit of certificates to show Its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show to tht slc!c that It has virtues surpassing anything they have tver taken. . Tiro tablespoonsful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added U a pint ot water, is eoual to tlie Lisbon Diet Prink, and one bottlo Is equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, er the decoction as usually made. The above Extracts aro prepared on purely scientific principles In F.ieuo and embody the full strength ot the logrtdieats entering into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will be a comparison of their proper tic with Close sot fcrth In the U. E. Dispensatory, HOW 70;U5E THE, REMEDIES In Diseases of the Elood, Humors n tho race, or any and every part of the b Uy,,uj Extract EirsaparilU, ap plying t Pimples and all external Humors or Eruptions the Iia;toved Rose Wath. ' t-'se. t'.ic Extract Buchu for alt diseases requiring tht aid ef a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrhoea and Gleet; In thece use the Extract Ducbu and Inject with the Improved Bose Waah. -- l-W TI1E3B EXTRACTS HAVE EEEN ADMITTED TO USH IN TUB UNITED STATES ARMY, and also are la very general use la all the STATE IIOSriTAI-S AND I'UDLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as la ptivate practice, aad art .considered as Invaluable remedies. . , MEDICINE DELIVERED TO AST ADDRtSS. Direct letters to- IlKLMBOLD'3 DRUG A CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway. N. v., . M.rriit. iiuwi oa tt nmiBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 Soutli Tenih St., Assembly Build's, Phila. ' Describe Symptom) in all Communloatlone, SOLD BY ALL DBUGCISTS EUlRIWHCRE. Bewaro of Counterfeits I April 2, 18f5-ly. lite CoiiipU'tc, IonlI Vi'tliip' Self". S'iar:it Fiif; COllN SHELLER ! ! j'A'raTED, AL-GCST 2nd, 1SCJ. fTUi IS ISbolliiSi tUo ofily on that nhclls the Corn X rerfcctlV Clt'tin from Ihn C.K whim rrr.,n .,.,,1. edur dry. It gives tbo Ear a double operutfnn on .ItlA SWalltni. U'U.1 u 1 . , --"''rH -w iapsu inrougii, nuts ivpa. rates tho Ci,b from tlie Com innp!etl.,f endcrinc it ...,.... "i nviniiiHiuiiag uBi oiitie lanniuir uulL llfii navliint shrlla a . Jlil IhuMfij Kvro to- the Minute ly Ordi- ' I i ' ..tiatxi ffai.d 1'utnr. -, , and can be used, ikiso, kv ilatso, Steam or Water JtowiT-byliiiii!rn Vu-iky on the Crank Mmft. lie Birraiiffity,"Clanlinud. Niatncas Chenpncas and Rapidity in thollijig, this Machiuo cannot be equalled U an ntlicv. , - , ' . i bta tbTAi; i cydWTr rights for pale on ; KKAoONABLB TERMS. . . ', i . , aENtt.i.'iE.N r-f-lf you want yuur corn Shelled clean ; It yon l.nve occasion to shell green Tn- damp corn ; If jotr want iour corn and cob separated ; it you vmnt a dniatill) machine ; if you want a cheap Aullur, buy he CoipplLtt!, lvube-Aoting, 8e7f-Bep. aratiog 1'tvn.fjluiUiar. - - .1 j, i-.i Cliij i KrVKKKJJCK:V j 'l -' ' ' II, B. MiissVf . IV. J. W. PealB5uiibury. Chariest Hans'. Wilier, haumel Lewig, Keudiug. C. . Morgan h Co., tioo. Welser. L. Augusta. Millers, Xuiibtuy. .i fci, Marlt, Farmer, Henry LeliRnrrn?;, Bear Gup. . Albert, Georgetown Manufactured und fi.f bale at tho Fouudrv of RU1IKU ACH A C'XtPEK, Kuubury, f i, tuubury, I've; 8, lHiit.--0m - IK. C3 W IB MSZ BL-7 9 . ajueivn.' hotel,)" 1 . ',.; Corner ifajket Hi'iil 34 Street, IT AR R ISBURO , FA . lllli ntoriirn of the publie is roapcctfully called to this Hotel w hich is now open fur the accoiumoda tira of auesla. n tjw piust tivojnonih during which Utte it bas been ;IoacI tho huuse haa been thorough ly remodeled and repaired, until in poiirt of conveni ence and contort; itk patron! will and it to owa no superior. ..!,.. Tlie Im-iaiuvn llutlt-ely . Rooais larger Ub are usually founti in modern hotels, bituatml on the corner of. two principal busiuoes troeti , tf tht citj.hut two and a huff squcrot from the Kail KLftiul - ll.-n.A lm. - ' . . . . V.Vi. L. V'"V'""r uesermiuod lu tpara oa,pea.eht securing the comfort ol biaauetiU and a favorable rr)uO,Lin ... k. u Ctioitty Suruytr, rcytnrer fie in Jackson town.bin P.. .,.!. W bt mad. by l., 4lrti u U. 'awimid'J .nd,t:.OUUHe4U,ki"a, rSJ5 Apt: n, in r r W ASK FQPS MEtMBOB.B'B. A ;4- 3 klroBdM aj-cxv, York, (CORXER DTJANk'sTRKKT.). i .OO.OOO WATDlICB. CHAINS, GOID PENS AKP TEXCILS ! '" ' ' &C:;':'&'c,; ; ' ';" : i TO BE SOLD AT Osse Dollar EACH, WITH. OUT REGARD TO VALUE. .' j .i 1; -. ' .. And not to bo paid hntil 50a know what) you will i.; v 'rcceivar. - -i - .:'m ,. 6 4.: ".i r. :,V SPLENDID LIST OP ARTICLES t ; f All to be Sold ftr ONE DOLLAR Eaehl 100 Gold Hunting oases Watchos , cach $100 100 Gold Watehea : " 60 200 Ladict' Watches : '& 600 B.lver Watehet : $14 00 o .' 600 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12 00 to 1 J 1000 Chateloin and Vest Chains 5 00 to 15 3000 Vest and Neck Chains 4 00 to 12 1 4000 Solitaire Jet and ulold Brooches 4 00 to 8 , 4H00 Coral, Lava, Qaruet, Ac, do. X 00 to 8 7000 G.,ld Jet, Opal, Ac , Ear Drops, S 00 to 8 iflOO Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins 8 00 to 8 6000 Oval Band Bracelets ' 8 00 to 8 i 2000 Chased Bracelott , 6 OS to 10 3500 California Diamond Pins and Kings 2 iO to 8 2000 Gold Watch Keyt 2 40 to 6 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons and Studs 2 00 to 8 8000 Gold Thimbles 4 00 to 8 5000 Miniature Lockcta 2 00 to 7 3000 Miniature Lockets, Xlngio' ; 4 00 to 9 2600 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ao. 2 00 to 6 ".000 Fob and Ribbon Slides 2 00 to & 5000 Chased Gold Rings ' 2 00 to 5 4000 Stone Set. Rings 2 00 to 6 11500 Sots Ladies' Jewolry-Jot and Gold 40 to 15 6000 " " ' " varied styles, SflO to 15 S000 Gold Pens, Silver Case and Pencil 4 SO to 8 4000 " Ebony Holder and Case 00 to 10 00 0000 " " Mounted Holder 2 00 to 6 00 All the goods in the above List will be sold, with out reservation, for OSE DOLLAR EACH. Certi Qcatcs of all tho various articles are stnoed in sirui lar envelopes sealed and mixed. These envelopes will bo sent by mail, or delivered nt our office. without regard to choice. On receiving a Certificate yon will see what articlo it represent, and it is op' tional witli ynu to send one dollar, and receive the urticlo named, or any other in the list of sume value. By this mode we give eclactrons from a varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles, mid of intrinsic worth, at a nominal price whileall have a chance of sccuripg articles f the vory higlreet ruloe. , - - In all transactions l.y tatil we chargofor forward ing the Certificate, paying postage, nnd doing the business. 25 eents each. Five certificates will be tent for $1; Eleven for 2; Thirty far $5; Sixty five 10; and One Hundred for 15. REASONS WHY. VVc should supply your wants ; our facilities aro un-surpna-ed ; our wot k of unrivalled excellence; our promises punctually observed. Our central location brings us near the Host remote point. Our goods are new from tht ninnufncturcr.i, aud of tlio luted and Uiinit desirable styles Tho goo. Is muxt bo sold and the terms are unequalled. All articles ordered are forwarded by return mail. Wo guarantee entire satisfaction in every instance and if there should be any person dissatisfied with any artlcla they may receive, they will liumediatoly return it, and the price will be refunded. Ar.tNTS. Wo allow those anting as Agent Ten Contson each. Ccrtllicnto ordered, provided their remittance amount to One Dollar. They will collect 25 oeut for every Certificate, and, returning 10 cent., remit to us 15 cents for eaoh. Address i:o. it:.m:itrr Ac '. SOS Ilrondwoy, New York Match 4, ISC3.-3.T1 . E3TE7'S COTTAGE- OF ANS, ARE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely unequtilled, by any other Reed Instrument in the country. Designed expressly for Churches nd Schools, they are found to be ecunlly well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For eele 011I v by K M. BRI CK, No. 18 North Roventh street, Philadelphia. fAlso Bradbury's Piunos. mid a aomplct as sortment of tho Perfect MELODEON. Sept. 24, 1801. lyw NEW GOODS ! SPUIXfi AXD'SU M M F. U JUST OPENED' UY n Zotlcmoycr' Building, opposit Guar bar Con. t fuctiouery Store, MrketUeot, SUNBUUY, Pa., HAS just opened a well (elected assortment of floods, which he offers for sale at vory low prices DRY GOODS ! FOREIC N AND DOMESTIC, such as Clothe, Cal morva, Mualips, Sheetjn(rs, Ticking,.. Calicoe, D Laines. KUk,(iU)(ilmms. Ae , 4c. IIA'l'; uud CAI uf every description. NOTIONS ' & VARIETIES. CuiMS'tinK of Hosiery, I loves. ITiread, Buttons, Susp.-'ndort, Necktius, Collars. Handkerehiefa, Jiair BraAw.'I'aothiltfuAel, Fatiry fUudt Dhmoi.. Bnl mural Skirts, Hoop-Skirt", iCarret-bage, Trunks, Va. Mra, Ouibrolliu, Cotton-Yarn, Soajis, and numerous other artiolm too tedious to mention. II A II D V7 A R B i suoh as nails, hinge nnd screws, thior latches and knobs, aud CUTLEUY of every desoriplion. ,u , it Dyes, Drugs, Paints,'. Taj nVhcs, Qils, Glass, - - Puity, 4zo., &c. UstffUMTTHi-fl si iid UlnssMar ol ; Tcry cl4''riiioit. STONE AND EARTHENWARE. An extensive Stock of C3- O C JS XI, I 3E3 S. Composed of Sugar, Cjjffee, Te. Rio, Corn-alarah, MoImsbos-. Candle, Meat, i'iab) Cheese. Hall, Tobaooo, and Sepam. -hir j,., . 11EADXMAPE (pLOTIUNO. '-' . . Also, , v.:'.B00T3 ' & , SHOES for men, women aad children, All kitiiU of Country Produce taken In exchange for Good. ' bunbury, April 22, 1885. 1 , " HATS! HATS!! ; BAMUEL FAUBT, Two door west jaahar'i Drug Btort, Market St., a BUHjaXJKY.PBNN'A. T 8 const anrt. Kisinuhetnrinr th latest at vie af Wn.,1 X and Fur Hat, whloh' for spftnes and durability r out surpassed.. ' '"' ' 'c ' 1 .' (llv him eall and So hi stock ef Hat which ar I soht cheaper thsm !twhara ' UavehintiaBd Mh.r. riuwu. .miinuo, win sis tin leetr Mvau- GEO, DEMERIT &t CO. i JEWELEH3, to oity mae future f PtiiWrw, Cftcber 1, 1M, Infection which w call Scttorct lurki in the constitution f . multitudes r men. it cither produce or I fcoblod, vitiated tato of the UoorJ, wherein that fluid becomes In- competent to, sustain 'tle vital forces lfl tltelr vlirorout action, and fBleavo tho nystcnl to fall into disorder and decay. Tho icrofuloua contamination 1 va tiouely caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered diftcstlon frorn unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by tho venereal infection. Whntcvcr be iu origin, it is hereditary In tho constitution, descending " from parents to cWWrcti tuita ' the third and fourth generation t " indeed, it ecms to be the rod of Him who sitys, " I will . visit the iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." The disease it originates, take various names, according to tho organs" it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption! in the glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores; in tho itomnch and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver, complaints j on tho skin, eruptive nnd cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require tho same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of tho blood. Pttrify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With fecblo, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; whit that "life of tho flesh"' healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer'B Sarsaparilla Is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it cntaita. That it is fur supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, Is known by all who have given it a trial. That it docs combine virtues truly extraordinary in tMrellwt upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cure it has made of the following diseases : King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White 8wellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Femnle Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole serH's of complaints thnt arise from impurity of the blood, ilinuto reports of individual case may be found in Ayer'j Amehican Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo lenrned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has mndo when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those mses are purposely ttikea from all sections ot the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him cf its benefits from personal experience. eroftila depresses t! vital energies, and thus leaves Its victims fnr move subject to dituise and its futnl results than arc healthy cnnMilutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does grently shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy w hich is ndequntu to its cure. This wo now ofler to the public under the name of Avlr's) &ArtsArAit!LLA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Ifartaparilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect youreclf from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out tho foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out tlie causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu liar virtues this remedy ttiuiuhites the vital functions, and thus expels the distemper which lurk within tho t-ystcm or burst out on any part of it. -. we know tliu pulilie have been deceived ly many roniiounil of Sarsaparilla, that pionihi'tl much und did nothingi hut tht-y will ncitlitr lu dttcivid nor duuppomtid in this. Its virtues hnvo bocn provtn by al.un- (lant trial, and thtrc remains no question of its curpa8sing cxcvllt ncc for tho ture of the lUUlictint; dUonscs il is intended to reach. Although under the Skime name, it is a very (liU'iTcnt nifdic'me iVum any other which lias lecn before the iieoplc, nnd is fur more ef fectual than sny other which lut eir heon available to them. AYEB'S '" CHERRY PECTORAL. ' The World's ureat. nweuy xw Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patient - in advanced stages ' of the diseases. This htts been po lonp; used smd so uni versally known, that we need do no moro than insure the publie that itjunlity is kep( up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dit. J. C. Ate & Co., ' Practical and Analytical Chemiett, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists every where. Sold by Prilins; A tJraiit, Sunbury, ... B. B. McCoy, Nurtbunibeiliind, .. . ; ; Aaron Barrel, Elysbura:,'. : . : K. Kutr.rier, Shamokra, . . J. I1. Hne;ue, Wateontown, -And try all dealers in Medicines everywhere. Auguet 13, 1861. ly ' it jtSsv.-mv MmcTBirsai SOLIDIFIED for t'leannlujr, Vhileuing uud Prrsrrvioi; Die TIIKTII This articleie prepared with the greatest ear upon eientifiepnnciplee, said warranted not to contain 1 anything in the slighteet degree deleterious to the teeth or gums. Some of our most eminent Eieatsi Surgeons have given their sanction to, and cheerful ly recommend it a a preparation of superior quali ties for cleansing, whitening and preserving the It eleans tbom readily, rendering them beautifutly white and pearly, without th lightest iuiury to the enamel. It I healing t lha gums where they are ulcerated and sore, it is also an ea eellunt disinfector fnr old deoiiyed teeth, wbiek ar often eaeeedingly oB'eswiv.' It give a riekoreaaiy taste to the smmtb, eleansiiig it Ihunughly, and im parting adeligtrtful frapranee Ui the breath. 1 1'Kh.PARKD OXtY BY : A. II AW LEV & CO.. ' ' K. W. Cor. 10lb:, A Lombard St., Philadelphia. And sold by all Druggists. HtlOE 34 CENTS. ! V - ; TKSTIMO.NIAI.S. Th eVllowing i(tiun of IV tt bit, a lo th high wteeia in which he holds th Dental Cream, tnuai b sufficient evidvnue ot its value ; to quota other leati tnotiial in detail is seedless, contenting ourselves by simply giving the nmittt end adclrtwr of prou who spoak of it exovlleney tor th t4Mlb. -. : --..j ... . .-. -Philadelphia, April lith,1803. Having carefully eaamiuod A. llawlcy's "ixilidi Bed Dental Cream," I hereby cheerfully raoum meqd it to the public generally. It t an esneileut preparation for olsaming and preserving the teelb, and caa b usd bv all nurauua with ilu, iiimiut mn. fidetic, it prupertie are porfuuUy harulae. Be- side prewrvitig the toeib, it proiuotn a healthy smion to tho cum. ibreuuh. ... . ... - -..(iiwomw wui. ir. W R U IIITJ." IV l,.t, Hi - Thoma Ingraui. M. D . J)uUt, 4V1 il . foiurtw . J. Itirkay, iio4 S. Sixth St. r K. Vaadurslioa, Surgwu Dentist, 42 Arch 6t, 0. A. kLinsbury, DuuMt,,ll.u Halautbt- . - o. vutuigaau, if. . 7t Arh (jt, , . , ... fixua, cm Area Dt. , ' .,i- Wward Tii4,.DfBtt,42N, Fourth Bt, . j t tl L. Long. Dentist, JS Nixih 6t. , .- , 1 May H, lbtH-ly , I I" tn.trt . ,V IP "yOD WAX TO KNOW"" 14 a 1 tTTI B AD Vl'l'ii.wu r,i. . . ..r. , j " , j ; mmmm powpsiu on reoeipiar in prK-. Addrtfs vm u twwV"' ' ' v as u i vary Ms. 400 page. 1 J Iltuauluon.'priottl S sIlIir JPrsiUrfeBt stAarTObs, Bur Wn4 d th. puhll fMera, win j to vuiUBNjiw yh.for kusia.. Uha4rttUlCkS?S'Ju edJiu6ubury. , ....... ., , i ffttltss-msrij Uoaeetio. with ltttWs KTl T 11 . ir 111 Ot !:H .A 1 V, lit W Til Ul ill ill 1 U il HI tInrht4iaiatrj,t;iUL'HV. Ptt. H A,yUjn?t from th City with an tn. 1 of A ;h r r : r , n. ""- is, i-eriiimery auu a out', Article 1 to whloh henvttea hit friends and th poblle gentr ally, to, pail and nxamint. Tot Drug and Medioino ar alt teteoted from tht bctt Importing houses in th Eastern market with the greatest ear aa to purl. iy ana emoiency ana Bvotmng at moeB at possible, the Introduction of dolertous nostrums. PATENT MEDICINES . Or all kind, suoh a Ayer s. Jaynet, McCllnlock, llollowayt, Wtshartt, Hooflandt, Scbcnks, Brown's and all other popular patent mtdielnot, alwty 00 hand.'- ., ,1 ...t , - ; . i . BBTJ8KE8, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clotbt and Paint Brushes. Speoial ear It taken lo keep on ' hand constantly every variety of . , . , ' PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, ' ;; Suitable to the trade. , ,. . ' ; Fanoy Toilet Article and th SJiWQMM aiticle which ar generally kept in weU nWcVed stab itsiimeni. In connection also keens on hand a large assortment of STATIONERY, such as Taper, fcnvolopea, fen, feaoils, Inks, Ac. Lr Physician s prescriptions and family receipts enuiuounded with th greet eat oecuxaey and dispaUib, at ALL 110 U HS Day or NihU 1 1 Remember the place, Market Square, under the office of tho "Sunbury American, I ' ' , 1 lt.,A; FISCHER. Sunbury, Jun 25, 18flt. . I.M.'kjivannn fc Itloomsbuixr Itnil i : ronel. '' , J ON and after Jan. ISth, 1864, Pancnger Trains will ma ai folloi : MOVING SOUTH. Passtngrr. Lenve Scranton, 4-M V. it. .55 . 8.25 " Kingston, " Bloomsburg " Rupert, . Danville, V.84 (U5 Arrive at Northumberland, 9.55 MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 8.00 A. M. " Danville, " Rupert, 8.0 " Bloomsburg, - u 35 Kingston, 12.12 P.M. Arrive at Scranton, 1.30 ' Freight & Passenger leaves Bloomsburg. 10.15 A. M. Passenger taking the Mail Train South connect with the Express train from Northumberland, arriv ing at llarrisburg. at 2. .10 A. M., Bultimnre 7.110 A. M., and at Philadelphia, at 7.U0 A. M. The Mail train from Northumberland leiuree immediately after tho arrival of the Kxpress train from llarrisburg and Baltimore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 10.40 P. M., to reach points on this road during the next forenoon. New and elegant Sleeping ears accompany the night trains ench way between Northumberland and Baltimore, and Northumberland and Philadelphia. D. T. BOUND, Sujit. I. K. 8TAUIFER. WATCHMAKER & 'JEWELRT. No. HS North fcECOND street, corner of Quarry, l'hiladaijjhin An UKMortiiicsit of Wiitt-hos, Jc clry, Kilvor & lMiitcd Ware constantly hand, SuiUble for HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! t v Repairing of Watches aud Jewelry promptly atteuded to. , December 3, 1 884 ly ' HOWARD ASSOCIATION, " t PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIcnNOM ol'lln- ajerrons, Kcminnl, I'risisiry asul Si'xiinl N yt-iiiK new and roliiikle trentment in re put Is of the HOW. AKD ASSOCIATION sent bv uiail in senled letter envelopes, free of char-to. Address Dr. J. SKJi, LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. I'a. July 16, 1864. ly . : - -7 ! ao. Vt. Bmitr. Chas. B. (HarrttEF j SlvtlTH &'GElTTHER. I aiket street, one door east of Mrs. Boulton's Hot Have opened A T P 7 T I V V 1 ? ,J ' 11 1 ' ''j ' Iroi uml Kioto Store, nnJ "a'end keeping constantly on lmnd, and niunu- fucturing to order oarabortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WAI1E of all descriptions. A Large Stock of Cook Stovcsof the following Brands WlkLl AlYX PENN ! and on th following two Brand aro defy competi tion, namely . - Cuiubtiintlon 4jinsi Iturnr, Uovt'rnor PeBii-Cook, ; . unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity f ar ranaement, eambtnmg crheapnew and durability, aii eacu .,o. ,.A , t,crlorm wuat ,heT ,rt re. presented ALSO, PARLOU and OFFICE STOVES. In great variety, embracing all the best manufactures, end most fashionable dusign Also, The celebrated (JEM for heatintr nn and ! Also the celebrated VCLCAK HEATER. , Coal Oil, 4'uul Oil I.iniM, Kliad j' 'biiuii'ts, tissd nil urllcls'si I unusually kept tn an'establietHnent of this kind. We ' are also prepared to do all kindsofSpouting. Hoofing. Range and Furnace Work, Oas Fittins. Ao. Kerniir- ing cheaply aud neatly ezeoutod. Country produco taken iu exchnnge at market price. SMITH &E1nT1R Haiv th Ageney for BICD'f CEfcEIVSATED FIRE I'LACr. SIOVLS, for the Counties of Northuuiber land, Snyder, Union and Montour. . Ai d are also agents for the Pipher A Willowcr Lin,. 'Transportation. - ' 6un. urv.Doo. jl, JSOi.j , - SOLOMON MA LICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, fSTJNBUIty, Northumberland County, Pa. OFFICE in East end of Weaver 's Tavern, Market Street. . ... All bumaess entrusted to him will be refully and fiunotually attended to. CKulltioa iu lit Eng. isb and tier man language, d -Sunbury, April 8, littiS. THE Eya and EAR. .. . , . To the PoiIc J NOW READY, A Work by Dr. VON MO8CHZI6KKR, Of No. 1027 Walnut Straet, Philadelpbia, eauud A ooc roai va a rsMFLE -' On th following Diseases t EVE and EAR Disease THROAT Diseases in General ; Clergymen s and I'ubllo Speaker' Sore Throat, Diseases of th Air Passages, (Laryngitis, Bronchitis,) ' . ' Aisllsiua ussl 4'ulnrrfa. This Book is to be had at No. AOt Chesnut atrMt Philadelphia, and of ail Booksellaesi'rictt (1 And from, rh author, Dr. Von Mosohtiidien, wh a bwoonsulttd an all thee maladie, ana all Net" ou AfTiotiona, which he feroats with lb.unetue C6. Ome. No. 107 Walnut rut, Philadelphia. Feb. II, 1S64 3mw BOAHBIK GH OUSR 31 It fa. MAUJA 'IUll'liO, -.,' ;i . -(Fartneriyof th'Lwr- Uou-,") u .; . S V S B U R Y., T E NXVu'u, .TNFOR JIS her friends and th publie generally X rriBi she httaroCHod the hwiso for marl v nominiad by Dr. i. W. Pealo. en Blaekbrry-treot, aa th , 2"!5? ,, Northern Central Railway Depot,-and 4paaed. a , pL'u u AnRVT IKn-TRSU iiuer, ouse, wnare tn 1 -Mreparwl keep w itOs cook aad wiuM.-bardj aaa -xrlov th quiet ooOiforsj f hoire wiUi qual la tk best horol. t.lm t" i ci .o., ,1, ri .; c 1 - Patroaag fren the wk may sojeUiu (a ZvatwJj 1 ratptotfuny SlUsrt4..0' - -! -! 1 . q o cl ... Mm. UARIAlTILOltPSftVi . j -,i'8Bhl'yft 12,414 ,j ...I. 1 RliOiODS! Two doors west of Wm. II. MaW'atho strja. - 6nbwy, P. JuMepwed nitk supply ol ePrWNti 'A' SCMMEJfaeOOOrJ, -ft s 4jr rTTwimnin,, RjDoenSf.UKove unt ( liiuan WI i BeFkid k VWr, Mi Miv r 4 Ji i . , 'tv M - i Tan aas ar !. a.i,i iaa mnimaBr w i wj mmu .imt w ti iiisT ytAnm jania laftw r ii hi i i ! im mil im in 11 i imiiiM m iin in imp, wimiisaii intnii - RED LION HOTEL. (LaU Mr. Boulton's ) 1 ' . i HAHRBT street, btjnbtjbt. pa. JULIUS ARBITER. Tl AS taken this old wna well kntwa stand, and XX refitted and furnished th kiw-Ii prepared to aceouimodiKe Boerdera aad Traveler with th bt tbt market ean afford, tie hope bv striot attention to business t reoeiv a share of publi patrnnace. Urs TABLKeuirMin th bt tbamaikat affords. Hi Bar h filled with th chtotf Uqaora, both Mult and Spiritueu. 1 . : u 1 The (tabling is good, and attended by careful Bunbury, April 30, 1S04. ly .1 :.,! w 1 14 .1 C3-- W. ii-A.TJJE4!?," ' Attorney anil Counstellor nt Itw. Office n south side f Karket street, four doors west ' ' of H. X. UriKtit fckm s btor. '' RT7NTtTIRV T A - 'Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his oare, the collectioa 01' claims In norinuninecianiana tiio adjoining counties. : Banbury, May 13, 1S63. ly TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. fllHK subscriber 20 yean a practical Piano Fort I Manufacturer, of New York Citv. has perma nently located in this seotiou, and would respectfully soticil oruors lor ui,.,,, .;i ..1 4 TUNIKG, BEPAIBINQ. AND EEGU LATINO PIANO FORTES and MELODE0NS. . Th subscriber is also the manufacturer's Agent lor CnrCKRRINQ A SON'S, 1 hazleton bro's . lindeman a son'8.. william b. bradrurt'8, kdvahd bi.womkield's, McDonald a co s, 1'1A( l'OKTBX, Aad Cariiart, A Ncedbam's. and Pelonbet's MELODEONS ft HARMONIUMS, And L. U. Stuart's Pipe CflVKCtl OUOANS james Mcdonald. Bloomsburg, Pa., April 29, 1Mb. II. I. JIASSI'K, A 1tmmy nt Law. SVNBCRY, PA. A Collections attended to is the counties of Nor' thumberland, L'nion. Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. REFEnCtCEB. (on. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. a. Oattell A Co., " Hon. Win. A. Porter, " Morton McMicliacl. Esn,. E. Ketcham A Co., 28 Pearl Street, New York John V. Ashmead, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, Kerch 2'J, lii2. Nortlu'in Central llailway 'rim: taiii.k. THKEE TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. Connections mndo with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to end from Pittsburg and tho Wost. THKEE TRAINS DALY to ami from tne.N'orth and West liranuh MiqiK'liniina, Lluurn, nnd all ut North cm Pcw 101k. AN and uftcx MONDAY, MAY 10ih. 1SI51 J im foenviD'vtiiii. i the Nicthern Central Railway will arrive at and Vpnrl from Sunbury ituriuuurg ana uaiumoro as lotmns, viz : SOU T lilVAHU. Mail Train loare Sunbury daily (excet.t Sunday). 10 25 A. M 44 leaves llarrisburg, 1 20 P. M " arrives at Rultimore, i 40 Express Train leaves hiunbury daily (exeept Sunday,) 11 45 T. JI " leaves Harfkburir (except Monday.) 2 50 A. M " arrives at Bnltimorc dally (except Monday). 7 00 A. M llarrisbtir Aceotnmodiitiou leaves Harris bur, 7 00 A. M Suuhiiry Accommodation lca.-es Sunbury daily (except SudJuv) at T. 30 A'M NOliTUWARD. i Mail Train Jearos ilftltiiuoro daily (ex j eept Siimhiy) - fl TO A. M I " leaves llarrisburg 1 M P. ,M, " arrives at Suiihury, ' 4 II 3 Express Traiu letivcj Ilultiuiore daily t) .10 P. M ' arrives at llarrisburg, IMA M. " loaves Harruburi? (except Monday), 3 15 A. M. " anrivee at fMUVlniry. b 43 " ll.'irjisbur Accoiuinodaiiou leaves Harris burg, daily (except Sunday) ut 3 00 P M " arrives at llarrishurg, 7 it) 1 M Sunbury Accommodation leaves, Harris- burg daily fexuvpt Sunday) at 4 00 P M Fur further iutuimatinn a'-ly at the Office. I- N. Hi'lJAKKV Uen, Kui.t. Han ict.urg. Jut 4 Silt. Tiiir uNTuN Tii hk WiYi tiiOUDX I'OIi .MILLION ! ' At Ihe Store of JCE1T ECVr'UlT Corner of Murket and Fawn Streets, 3USBUUY, I'E.N Ji'A. Just opened PALI, & WINTER GOODS, for everybody. This 110 Blowing." but plain truth, which everyone will be convinced that oullt ud ex amines the stock, which conststsof Dress Goods. Cassimercs, Cloths, Uents' Overcoating, Jeans, Cottenades, Muslins, Dress Goods in "'i'- great varinty. LADIES' DKESS GOODS. Plain and Figured Delaines, French and Figured Merino, Fine Wool Deluines all surut and - shades, I'rinls. Xankecns. I.ADIKS' 4y'LUAKINU. Table-Covers, irieh Linen, Urown and Wliito Hheetings. ; , Shawls, liulmorul Skirts of all kinds, lloup Skirts, all prices. Hand kerchiefs, Flunnels, I.adie' Kid. Silk ntt Merkio Ulo c, Ao, Jewelry oi'nll Lluda. Ladies' and Oenta' Union Skatos. A large assortment of NOTIONS. Hardware, Cedarware, . Qlasswnre. ChinawftrA. ionsware. Crockery. Groceries. Tohuncn. nSi, raiiin, 4 ea, lionee, cugar, Mulase, Spice, Fish, Sail, Ao., Ao., and everything els usually kept in a star. Pro. due taken in exchange lor goods. No troubl to show goods. , . JOHN BOWEN. Sunbury, Nov. 5, 1864. CJ U T K Ki'KtiT'N IMPERIAL tfljotograpfj (Gallrvtrs, Nos. 701, 704 and JOO ARCH STREET, - - . rHILADELPHLA. Dee. 17, lS64.-6m FROM WASHINGTON. LATisST IMfROYEMENT OF AGRI CULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS. 1 ar -tut FOTJITDR " or ' ' R0HR3ACH & C COPER, BUNBURY, PENN'A. Oct the Best Get th Cheapets Get th moat Eco nomical, which can be hal at tha Rohrbach Foundry Having large assortment of lb moat approved STOVES. uob a Cooking, Parlor, Office ud Shop Stove, which will be sold at the lowest rates. Also, Kettles of all sixes. Pans, Skillet, Ao. They are also manufacturing Machinery, Plough, Castings, to , at shot t eotiee. Repairing' aH kind f Airrieult4irai ImnlMinnta Vm In a god workmanlike, manner and mi u,. shortest notice). , . All artiote shipped s ordered. Orders r.t,t. fully selitiud au ppumptly atlonded to. ' : i vIi , ityuiUJAVtj POOPSR, faTOld Iron, asul all kinda af Prod Exchang for work . .. , . Minbory, June 18, 1864. tf ".-.: BREAD t . BUE AD t ! BREAD ! I fTM'E underaiuned ha opened a Bakerv. oa MarVet 4 I street. SunbuVV. Pa., twa AoorswastoflhwPo Oflie, wbrbwfli kpoouttUy a bai Frh Urrnd, TwbHl, JltiaUsi, 1-4 Tt A WfTlJVa.. ,t i - :'-Vkr'....' " d TiiA-S VMUbV FAV CT CAKES. ii. AH kind of. - t(. . . 1 Uakisa tofiv gaowal sMialMtiaa to all who seay rd V fr wd fowjis Tk ch.-a ar o I. I favor kits wli Ihalr pawwnag. j f . dent, th room aad aiuadaae ef th Vst order . xJTZ. - WVraWT. Mtf aedsr. tarathi. W mm tTt! AsifitnU t3Ki4(t tVfiny; :; GIVE NOTICE tlrat they hav wluded ar. -ran gem en t with th Northern Central Railroad Company to run train from Baltimore. or Turk, llarrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorton, Sunbarv, . Northumberland, Lawisborr, Mthveai, sAluiioy, WiT liamirBort, and all Intermediate stations, connecting at llarrisburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX- . rHivBO tor ritvnnrg, viucumau, r. i-ouis suifi mi West. ut- Also with Howard 4 Ca.'iExpree at Hilton or Danville, Woscburg, Wilkesbarra, I'iUsflin, goran. ton, and iotenudiat stations on th Cattawitsa, Lackawaona A Bloomsbnrr Railroads. At il- iamsport, by Howard Ce.'s Expresa to Jen Shora and Loek Haven. Also, by . Howard A C , ) and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to an accessible ' point in Western New York uid Canada, by whielt 1 they will forward Merchandise, Kpcoie, Bank Not, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every deaorip- ' Also, Notes, Draft and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers emplored. and every effort will b made to ronder satisfaetion. " JtJl BIMUUAM, Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent f April 5, 1882. ioreunoury. ISO'S. Arrnng-emontsi ISes. of ."New York I.Inea. ... THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO. '8 LINES. , From Philadelphia to Ntv York and Way Plar,,, from Walnut ttreet Wharf and Remington Depot, mil leave at fyllowt, vit : far a At6 A. M., via Camden and Aruboy, (C. and A. Accommodation,) 12 25 Ai.uii. ai., vi vamuen ana j ersey city, rt . J., Accommodation, At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail,) ' " At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey nity 2d Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey oity, Express At 12 M. via Camden add AtnUoy, C and A. (A eternised ation,) At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Express,) At 8 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey Citv. Wash, and N. Y. Rinrn. " 2 25 3 00 2 2. 3 00 f 2 25 3 Oft . s to S CO 3 00 3 00 At 01 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, At it (night) via Kensington and Jersey oity Southern Kxpress At 4 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Accom- moaatMn, tretght aad Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 50 Second Class Ticket, 25 For Water Gap, StroudAurg, Scranton, Wilkes, barro, Montre, tireat Bend, Ao., at ti A. M., fresn Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. rorMnuch Chunk, Allentown, Rethlehem, Ueli. dere, Eaelnn, Larabertville. Fletniugton, Ao., tt) a A. M., from Kensington Depot, aud at 21 P M. from Walnut street Wharf. (ThoO A. M.Lin oonnect with Trains leaving taston for Mauch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at S A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES.' For Bristol , Trenton, Ae., at 11 A. M. and 2 and & P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Rivertou, Delanco, Revcrly, Bur lington, Florence, llordentowu, Ac, at 12. 1. 2 41 and 0 P. M. I if For New York, and Way Lines loaving Ken siiigiwu Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. Tho Car run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, nllowod each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bagirage but their wearing upporcl. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. Th Company limit their responsibility lor baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, and will uot be liable fur any amount beyond f 100, except by special contract WM. H. UATZMEU, Agent. Januarys, 1865. WM. knoche! 93 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURO, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. TiT t.W ilosenood Pianos, from th best il lrom2U0 upwards. makers iui.ijiuiii.u.s. i he mints from ftjtoSKIO best mauufactuied Instru- tiuttars, lolins, Aceordeons, Flutes. I'ilW, Drums, llanjos, Tambuurines, Yioliu and Guitar strings and musical mer chandize in general. SHEET Ml'SIC. The latest publications always on hand. Musio sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SylARE, U1LT AND ROSEWOOD THAMES. Suitable for looking glmaos, and all kinda of pictures always ou hand. ... A Una assortment of best platod LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sites. Any style of frame made to order nt the nlmrtest ""V1-'":, ,.. WM- KXOCIIK, April U, 18(13. 93 Market St., llarrishurg. SI. V. OBMUII li; l 'S " Confectionery, Toy and FETJIT , STORE, .llarkt't Street, Sunbury, l4l. COXFECTIOXEIIY OF ALL KIXOS, TOYS OF EVE11Y DESCRIPTION', FUUIT, &c, Ac, . COXSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the abora establishment at wholusale and retail, at reasou. able prices. 11 is manufacturing all kinds of Coiifcctionaries teP UP a full assortmeut which ore sold at Ion Tobacoo, Segars, Stationery, Xutsof all kinds and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are oilered wholesale and retail. La Remember the name and place, jrt M. C. tiEARHART, t Market street, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Son s Sunbury. Sept. 19, ISfl.l- tf .vi.isiaiicu'M iATi: r i ivi: ,m.v . iti! iiti:i:zi-it i As Improved for 1859 and I860, By E. KETCHAM A CO., 289 Pearl St., New York. milK only Freeter constructed on scientific prin X ciplee wntii ex revolving ean and spring blad scraper. Th. nn haMen the fr.asidg oi the oreain-. the other remove it a ft a tVxen. one mo1" H'ilX re'"l,lf' '"h "' lcast a,lanti'l The most economical in cost, aa it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale iu all th principal crtios and towns in th L'nion. Ea,chF,r.M,er nipanied with a book rf recipe and full directions. ' , PRICES. V oo 4 00 4 00 00 8 00 1' quart, quarts, t quart, 4 f uarta, 14 quart, 20 quarts, 12 00 MA8SER, Sunburv. Pa Apply to II. B. March 29, lbol. Oswaau Hill, Siao P. WoLviaro i. : ; .:. HILL tc WOLVER I ON, Attorneys) nnd Counselor) ut I .aw,. Offiee, Market street, cor. Centre Alley, " " WILL attend promptley to the collection of claims' ' "1 all other professional busiacas intrustea to their eaxe in NorLlHuiiborliidandtt.lauiiigc(unue ' Bunbury, Juituary 23, lb62. lnahd t how Ioal, how Itraitoi-eet . Just uhliihe4, a new editioo of Dr.' Culvorwell' vaiouraicq r-ssay on la rauieai cure (witiiout medi eine) ol' Spermatorrhoea, or seminal weakness. In Voluntary Seminal Losses, Impoteoer. Mental and Pkysioai Luemvmlj. Inipedimrat teMhrriage. etc.,' also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induoed by (elf-indulgeuc or sexual extrakxgiuice. iff Prte, in sealed jarebam., ony tii eua ke iahrad author ha.lai admlralil esav Clearly demoustrato, froiii a tliihy ycr' aucuosslul practice, .that th larmmgi!uUC,wei of self, abuse i my lftuS)oaHy enratt- wHbout the daugerous ??f ital BMdithKT B aplie.iion of th knita--autaiin,) ut ao,l pf our t oa.imuJ,, teUt: ao ", cucciuaa, v moMns of hi,-l. ,,..rv ...i- matter what Tifs oudituia may be. mar WivmlUf"i?at 3 radically Uuw'J- V AjJTp. KLIXU ACQ., f-w fwHtiMsw u u u aauo vl vr j&fctMi4. m rofipt of fix nu. or tiro uou Manitf i'AawM I. i. w i