S. 8. KAJMSa, Sditor roprltovs 19. WltTSiaT, Publish, v '''' ' cinnntr, Pi. SATUTtDAT, AUGUST 13, tKOTici TO Buisuaiiani.As tbs Brstyiarof th pablioation of Ih Aasnic. nadir lb preswwt eras will xplr In September, If joky ba well to remind subscribers that 1ft oarrts eu b saved by paying within tb jrr.-, Snfasribra can forward tbi amount by mail at our risk. . , , ., :J ' EsTF-iiOMiauBtresTlKS. Jj. a. Ess, Esq-, of this place, la a duly autborired and claim agent for iha ecllectitn of Venmm, Bounties and Beck Pay, for widow, orphans and soldier Business in truited in bis care will reoeire prompt attention. " . .. , -'tyt'OAt wUtto CecKtt.Bomo of on Now Borlin friend bare been eoidrnbly exalted by the discovery of vein of what ihey term bit unu noes coal, in digging a well in that place, j We prelum, it U a email icamof anthrncil eoal, whloh la often found outside tb coal basins. TVe here seen a Twin of pore 1 Tooal, a half Inoh thick, imbedded to lolid rook, not two milol from thil place.. , n-.i H .A s ' A nia i' m - tyTua Lbtiix i Cntnea Workmen af- now engaged In .making txtolvfl and thorough' repairs In Cis church edifice by papering the bate -ment and arranging new seal, and by fencing and fimking a yard iniront. Among the Improvement, in the Interior 'of "the church, inaiile shutter wit) be substituted fcr tlm pmst blridsw'J ; " '-' '' fiaA Danville paper credits aa artiele from this paper to "Sunbury paper." Quite definite. ' S"f , m mm ' - .' Tomatokb. VV ' rcceirod from our neighbor F. CA, Erq , intne'eight, or tea days Since a basket of Tory fine tomato, raised la hia own garden, some Of which measured 15 inches in eiroam- Terence. ., .. I r- - BtH tie ...! i i - A a ' ' : (jTBhrk. Jlr, B Hendricks furnishes the brick for the new Court House except (he preaaed brick which oomo from Philadelphia. This building wil require about WW.IIOO brick to complete it., fir. Hendricks bos only recently started Ik business and bas burned three kilns within tie lust month, of about 100,000 ench. ' , '.' -"' ' . UNADMITTED to Puactic. The following gen tleinen were, on motion, admitted to practice in tb, (evcrat court cf this eounty : - Win. II. Oram, of 6hamokin, Adam Hoy Csq., Oeorgo ilenyll and Wm. il. Mcnine. ..I. yjf-We team from II. D. Wdabto.h, eur army correspondent' at Charleston, that the 47th Regimes P, V., of which the Bunbury Company forms part, bea not been mustered out of service, and will not be must probably, mustered out until ( mon,h, Cu) 'or of tb Eastern District of booth Carolina, and Lt. Cut. Abbott now oommnnds tho 47th.J '' fc '..'".'. , . Wo aro pleased to learn that our corrcspesKleat has also been promoted, by tho appointment i4 Cowais Saby Skboba.vt of ihn regiment. Hi sppolntmcirt Will, no aobbt, be well received by the regiment' &nl vtt know that it will bo highly satisfactory to hi, many friends at -home aa some acknowledgment of bis patriotism and faithful services during th entire war. UMM aUKop- (ittkiUiAiQlmr. tgUt) at attntoffaj taf ludiM.pl julag ad sim f It la HspiM at drksa, niulndlng behold a-lofpressais uil bsdMkM for acruraltsaatl fears. On aattotMptsj 1sm of olMigliiem "Mota-wt, actually. Wen. tbroal tb rautjrdom of dressing lftM Uaabfcrppr a Thunday., el lam, -apes thvMbor band, nsV bat' rW baag) splolally Wber they hat wflolenf gW tast to pro on tbU airing ap par! at tb . 3rvw4tan Clotbiag Halt f Reakklll Wllsoa, N 90 and 906 Chestnut street, above Sixth'."""" 1 i n mi is fk"yNevr potatoes has bsen ntTend ia mt soar- kets, at J5 ots. par bosbaL - Ih iropnwstbl plaa tiful. Trmcteoa nko sippear abundant. .j . ) IS HSI ! 'fjTPAcris. Qmle'a' numDcr of toxes oAiJi fruit, has been received from Baltimore and Phila delphia, by our. dealers., They beta-been selling tVoat 2 to W W per . box aocording to ,quartty. PeMhi though scare in this tiomity , an abundant in Delawar taut MarylanJ.' '! v '" .m1t li " l-TowriTjOTi pt SAift, W oall attention to th, ad,rertiseraent for th sal of town lots at tb Augusta ilotel, o Saturday tb Bthiday 6f Slpiem. tt 1805. These lots are in Col Caka'i addition t the Borough of Sunbury, and are loentad in the Vicinity f th Pennsylvania Railroad Company's Work Shops, now nearly completed. , To persons de sweol of securing prapertyand a horn in this local ity wber aa abundnn ofcmployneat esm be hadf this mIi will afford rare inducement. .' I. I..M. t . IIItriE is si recipe for presorring fresh meat and as many of our eitisena have experienced con siderable trouble in this, matter since tho hot weather set in, wo ask them to give the following a careful persuul, as well as a trial', I.'' '. Keep tho meal long e peselWa without becom ing tainted, Ihon Wash it lOvar entirely -with vinegar in Which a Hull anR has been diseotved . In this way it onabe preserved fo sotn. weeks Uingesy cording totfad state of tne weather. This may ba of great benefit to farmers, who semetrnn!! have a quantity of jnsat an tiaod, which tky wish to pre- serv fr oeoosiolisi use f,, i tn fitri 7. tl'RocuKiiiNaa or tbi:. Ccvrt or Qdaitib Sessions, Alucst Tebm, IS64. Commonwealth It Peter Prijfrr Indictment, For. and Bos., defendant bound over to appear next term. . . tfame vs Jusiah Catuor -Indictment For. aad Bas , defendant hound orert appear next term. Same t-j lie Hy H'rotrr B-g-y, defendant not guilty. 1 Hume, vs H"h, Brown.-Sty of th peace. Sentenced to pay the costs of preeweation and to giv scourity for his good behavior. Same vs Michael CunJor.' Assault and Buttery. True bill, jliiruiwi SclmmiUr sentenced to pay a lino of $i5 and the cost of prwecution. Hume vs john liowcr. ladicimont Assault and Battery. True bill. The prosecutor in this case was Jercmiub Ziinincrinan who as leader in the Church cftbo United Brethren, la SbamoVint approached the defendant Bower und asked kirn to give hia th names of several persons who bud been disturbing the meeting Ho promised to dosb after the rrect ing, but then 'refused, when JUnmierinan took him li'v tb collar aud told him be was drunk wherenpo tho defendant struck hiss." Tho Jury returned a verdict "not gmHy and that the pivoecuter aad dc fendaut each pay Lalf the ttU, The seutsncc of tho Court was accordingly. Same rtJuhu Shittr. Larceny. Bound over to lippear. ' 1 ' - ' ' - Same vs Tl'm. Gehriiger.-r-Sam: Bound over. Sti wet C. tr. Ktrlin. Same, Bound over to appear.. .Saair vs Harriet Bechtel, Rt7.y Br.chtel and O. iieektel. Larceny. ' No bill. , Same vs Durell Wagner, Levi Wagner and Isaac Wagner. Indictment, Lareny for reaeivrag stolen goods. True bill. Vordiot gUy. Sentenced to pay costs of prosecution and give security to keep the peace. ' . ; Sams vs Ettas 1'eitz.J.oe. and Ba. Defend ant and bail not appearing his recognisance forfeited" Same r.s Tios. Adams For. and Ba. Defend, aut bound ever to appear.' ' ' " ' - Same vs I'etef JVic.--Idiclmot, assault and battery. No bill,. Rachel Gray prosecutor to pay tho eejkt. .' .1 'I '' "' 4 Sa.m vs Bachtl eras'. Assault and battery. Ko bill, Peter Prior prosecutor to pay the costs. Saute vs Thomas Thomaj Indictment Larceny. No bill. , i . ; Samevs Henry Ehon.Vor. and Bas. N bill, . Ham vs Aldridgo. Larceny. No bill, defendant discharged. Same vsJohil Bell, Thomas Leonard and he AWA--Iudictment Conspiracy. Bonn ver to appear, Ac. Same vs Ed- Eisely. Jos. ay, and Alex. Kay Indictment assault and battery. Trao. toils. Elias lirosiuu prosecutor. Bouud over to appear.' Same vs' John Englekee Indictment Larceay True bill . Joseph Moore prosecutor, Same vs Vri Alien JS. Cummings.Thu was in Indictment for obtaining money under falsi pre- .vnoes . Tn eas was given to th Jury without argu nent and thy under instrafltioos brought io rerdiot noiguiuyji-. -' " ' " Sa me Ml John J)awr-Cbrg atabblng and wounding Jamei Brwrnan, pros eou tor.' "No bill. fcaus t' HW. Larceny. No bill. ' " Samevs James Brennan. Assault with Intent, Jo. True bill. " .. - 1 Th testimony of, Mr. Lake, Conductor on th inambkln . Valley 'road,"(Iicloscdf tb fact that th lefendenl refused to pay b tar and instigaUd hia iompaaia to do the samahaving la hi hand an plified hatehet, which b picked up. In th ears, rhctber with deaigo of itrikiag ir' , ihr waj 0 evidence. Th ourt ftrgiang the dofoodant Ularai lnteaiprane and Ifi ' wpswjniae. ecd hjm fS and ecf I of jrosiouUfiH- "" 13-Tna BqtrrnnEi!' La. As there appears to be some misapprehension in regard to tho lime when grey squirrels ars' legally 'Vbootable," we would state, for the benefit 'of all concerned, that tb act of April 2, 1362, fixes this time from th 1st day ef Sep tember to the last day of December. The Law in dicts a pcnalty'of five dullars for killing them at any othej time '".. pas s m . . ! tSTCoIilcClure of tho Cllitmlernbiirg fiepoaitory, refer thus to Ooloiiul Wliite just nvminatetl for Senator..- ,, i "CoJonel Harry AVhite was nomiuuteil , as the Uuiun conciiilate fur Senator in the Indi ana, CAuibriu, and JtHeraun (lintricl If week, Bfter. t.;?,'.;1, Ut Irienrtly ctm-" test in Hie conl'i renw., Ciiloiii'l White- vas chosei ti the Senate in ItHii ui tlva feghlar Vmd cuiutidiite, lie haig at the ft mo a ma jor in one of the Pennsylvania regiments in active service in the Shenandoah Valley. He took his scut in the witer of ,1863, ' but did not resign his commission, ami after t ho ad journment, he roniitly rejoined his regi ment, then tld Miiray,' nt Winchester. When EAell, commanding the" advance of Lee's army, Trmteti Milroy," Miijor White, with a' considernblu portion uf hits command was cRiittired, und le was awarded the hos pitality of Lihby und other reliel prisons." It was olivious to intelligent politicians on both Miles tint I the then pending election would return sixteen Union and sixteen Democratic Senators for the session of lHttl, arid tUe supri;niiicy of the L'niwi jiarty fn'Jh'e'' Senatu depended, therefore, upou the. return cf Ma jor White before the meeting of the Legisla ture; und it - required ' no cxtmordinary amount tit" sagacity to assume that with the elect'mu over ntd the parties u tie in the Semite, Jell' Iavis would be lw to relrase tt prisoner wlio wnultl give tlM- preihniitM iincft in the Senate aauinst his trusted friends; Accordingly, 'every effort was made by the President aud Secretary f . War, in an indirect manner, to effect a special ex oiiiinge ftrr JIajor White bt'tore the election; lut protnptlv us tntr Um:ennntt m.-teil in lie niatten the Penidcracy. .had anticipated it, and Major Y lute was doomed. Secre tary Stanton instrnctexl the cominiss'lnucr of exchange to say to Mr. Oukl, tliejebel com missioner, tlVnt oiitj Alajo lute, a prisoner, was wanted as a wit uess in a court-martial case which was strictly true and any olli- cer or like grade, not charged witli positive : SixMVfrm4 Owriaay M IPamnv. rfSt. Oeorj-.Vockt,'yfi 'attended .Mr. SewrcV'g Wei l Wlolinacwinl, Lit ji i translated ip4b4tti taw gtitung: On4nernJog after hn aaatamaUoa he aid to hia oursoe himepsatiom lmndiaUl after the assault bad by ,uq aieana, ben qf a up pleasant, oatu re, , , lit hiul ejt periepced no extraordinary yujpt, but jshjle the blood had. bceajuuliipitv Irom his arteries ha had supposed: UmU bi Wksaend ,m nigh,. ad thoeght sbi the nm' time what pleot thing; it"WM to rJretfaUs, Without ptiirt.'J ToWnM hU. hursea ana: iovr'aftV 6 came near liini daring., Lis sickness," Mr. Seward wai tlniformliy friendly1, even affec tlotiate f ancf never, vrhen awak. did hit philosophicttl , Bruinesa, deaert,, him. 1 Only when asleep he would, at times, during the Brut two weeks-: .after, tha attack, suddenly start up hndt Asent arnind 'with his-hands whea ilresoMf brought: thti aosasaia to his imagination, hut in two or three urinates be was al way quieted.. f i K I . ! ' During the rlr.it three weeks Mrs. Scwkrd was constantly, day and, night, at the bed aide cither of her husband or that of Freder ick, and these exertions have since hastened tho death of a. lady ejllu!ly distinguished for the excellent qualities ,of ,her iiand and of Iter heart. , No less noble was the con duct trf Mr. Sewanl's daughter, Miss Fanny. Iudeed.it is perhaps to her , conrage that lier father and the nation owe the salvation of bis lifts.1 tLika her mother, Miss Fanny was an 11 11 tiring atteudunt upon her suffer- ing relatives.,, , v. .. ,. j The greatest (roubfo to the physcians was Reward s jieritul "activity,- which did not uoute even uuring ins greaiesy, pujuiuui weakness and severest , paiua. In order to prevent all excitement during this critical period, and nil account of the shuttered jaw bone, the physicit)s enjoined fra htm hot to speuk, but it was UitticoU ta net him to comply. '1 ' It w us not nrere idle, louhcity that ren dered silence so iiVsome to Hie' statesman, but chiefly his "patriotic anllety . about the Kepublic. Uif desired to cxpress ; his'mirru about the country, -to fuldil Uu 'olliciul du ties as Secretarv. .of State .vThe intending phys iciuus had - prohibited speaking beibre tlie uttempte I assassination ; but t express his thoughts by writing was also Impractica ble,' ua hi right arm was broken. But as soon 11s tho condition -of his fractured bones would allow, the medicnl geutlemen had to bandage and rasten the. upper tluru 01 tue arm (wiiere the tincture existed,) so us to enable him louse the lower part aud tlie hand for writing. In this manner he con versed with tho . President rAOTItig'' the' last days of that. lai"'''uteU functionary's life. Tliu PresVuent would sit at his bedside and '.IVpress hiuiself on tho exciting ..questions ol the day, when Sewurd would write his views on a slate: In the same manner lie conduct ed'llis interview belore and after the assas- sination, with ,lr, ljuej-. aod the Assis tant Secretary Vol' State, aud thus actually conducied the' iiffuVrs of the Denurtiiieut of State,' the'cspVrs, despatchesi' documents vifcc.?1l! wfilcli had ko Le carried to hi bed side, even durinu the ttitical period of his irhievc " - : lt was the same patrh tic restlessness and activity ol Air, -Sewurd which prevailed on l.tbti phystoiatta to- send tun a sitiiuuit puysi einn of -Now York, who urranyred uu antti- 1 clat'Wlre a'nvaratus in his mouth, which I enabled liitn to spouk without risk, even be low In jawbone was heulixl. : 1 ins nppaJ : tu caused the illustrious patriot at tirst ex- I cruciatiiii! unins, and one-tinle became dis 1 ulactd, so tUitt the New York physican Uai j to ha telegraphed iu order - to replace it 1 but all these great and little annoyances li . not for a iiumient disturb Seward's pliilo sophic uiteltcct nor "'slutktu his patriotic ( utlivity. , i , Jb'ew men. in history have. evinced such ' sublimity t?f character and strenih of mitid as nilliutu Jivnry bvrtard .tsu. ht bed o 1 sicklies, surrounded by tho terrors of assas : hiuulion and conspiracy. Ho muiutuiued I these qualiti'.-s even wheu, alter hi paJtiul ' recovery, he received the additional blow : i"trtesrfte!lrgerjce at tht 'death 6f his fuith- I u I spovjsev:,. ,i t; ;, 1 -.s i A ' -t. inml t'! "- -' t I" s ,wilIfi4:AsU HALVH ' -tl OgVEXMMErj MUX.3; ai 11 iaubvi.i ' ''A kS:.----nru r fcyHitAl)HiTSU. " fVlifirtthUed' Slates will H Puhlt. A notion, at X"'Cllaaipton'SCIfy Basasa aV Tatletaalls, Hace trMafbetwivn Itth-aed J3th streifs, Fhiladelphia, dusiBfUbw Maatkaf AufhAs l&ti . .1;. t tftei Uufes ar alf eiitoejiM'i "d sold 6n! for Want of use. Buyeraare SKltMU ami).tbfn at any Mm., ihd'evcry fnollily will be .given for a thorough tntpeeftton. Itocwiy Shds ar provided for proteouet frotti Sun and rain.' I hi.. 1 v.-d. Will U sold tw EACH WUDlf 88DAY and SATOR SAY tbroaghowt theaioalb ef August, cotaiuenelng at lOo'orooX.A, M. .-io'jO'I.h ;i ,t 1 TERMS CAHj PS aOVSRNMKNT FUNDS. ' '''By Order M "J 'I' '' l:M'.""...!.'':,."V-.'.1 ,,;',o(.'lxtx., ALBITRT 8. ASHM&AD. Captain arid A. Q.'m. -T. V' rt.11 i t. i Ca nkil.J.IAI. ' A') mLLUEBY 60059. 07 Vl 'BROOKE ROSENHEIM, j WI10LE9ALB-bEAlJCflS, No. ni Market Street, north aid, PHIADELPHIA j Uar now open their usual baiulsom variety of 'Ribbons, ' Ttonnei Materials, '" ' Straws A Fancy Bonnets, I Ladies' A Misses' Hat, FLOWERS, RUCHES, TjACES, j and all ether artloles raqnlred by tb . o .- mtlllnvry Trade t ' By thti. ejpetiano and 7f trllti ttenlioa' to this branch of business exclusively, we (latter ourselves that we can oner Inducements, in variety, styles nualitv and moderata wrioee-'not everywhere to b mind. The attention of MILLtNEHbT and MKK- CHANTS is rospeotlully solicited. . j I-r? I'arttcuiaf attention paid to jiiiing Order. , Mnroh 4, !8-.1in. . Tk ' ?l (": Aug. S, I86S, 4t. 4ority.' ii nil Counsellor nl I,hiv, t,MSBOON;VU'LBf fiPOiyiR CO , MlSSOt'RI, "ITTILLpay 'taxes' on'.lsnds in any pert f,(thcr i V'- tti -Buy and loll real Estate, and all other matters cqtrustca to nm win receive prompt atten tion July 8,' l&8S.-oot 1 J, 'M.'1 In. , MtJC -a k. t t .. , to IMS. IMiIlsisltlnlifa Krtc Knilrn.1. TltlB great line traverse the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania lo th eity of Eri n Lake Krii i j ..!;...-.,-: t h mi It has boe leased by tne rnnsayb ama Railroad Company and Is operated by thcin. '' Its entire Icnetn wns onriied ftr rassentrkr and frelghlbtndlMaS. OetnbeV ittli. IW4 ' i ..ci, Tiia ot raesennnr trains at Bantmry,. , '. . .1; t ii - ' r,10& P. U..14 ' rfl.35 A. 4.20 P. rr". -'.t e 3i i..l.ftvenstware). i Mail Trninvarrivs ii n .,,t, ., ,'. Lock IIuvcu AcQomftioJauon, ; jyrune AocoiainMUBiion, I . . ' , 4 ' ' Lieave ti efirwnru. I Mall Train.' ' q vl.'s.. 4.14 A.M. li KltntrniiipresB Trniri, ir. .r-w.-.-J vl.ft.so- o. -liook uaven Aecomnwuatiiny.ii n v. m. PnseengcY ears run through on Unll Train, with mi I thanjfo birt way bfween Philadelpfiia and Uric, and liattimoro and Jsriei-; a. .'J. ,p; ; Klcgaut -tiliccpinist'nva on WhU .ffrains,.J"j!h ava .betacen l'hilHllihia i.n l Lock Ilnven, and nd n Klinira Ktrfesii Tram bcti ways between Wil laatsnott ana Boltmioro, : I . ; o . For informstien -fespcctiWr Passenger busrnesi sddIv ai 30th and Market Pi.. Pbiludolpbm. And for Krelght-basiiieiwof IheCuanpany's Agents-, B. It. Hiaajeton, Jr.,' or.-. i.hb ana sanraet at fhiladqlphia. . f;;' . ;. " i . , J. IV. Reynolds, En. . , , William Brown, Agent N. C, R. It., Baltimore. ' 1 ' II. II. KotrsTOS, ' ' "t ' ' ' ' OVn'l Froight Agt. Pliilada. II. W.Oin.iss, i n'l Ticket Ag't, Philada. r i ,; ., ! Johki-b X. Pott. .. , (aou'I Manager, Williomsport, EDee. SI, lftt , Ti;XAH AU .llDXM O, . .... Nbw Okllanb, Aiig. T.:: ThV7'$r Cifytif Jlexico ebrrespbndehce, of the lltli ult', says tlmt the "French brgitns atwte tlnat "it will require 100,000 more men 4,. .1.. i i ..v i..;,,e ' "ri... ..t. violation ol the rules.ofvvar, would be given -n - f , cope tulic - .i;.ac..on, iu eulmiHO lor hn? tlbe propositus,' was lln, tUu ir,',ort, ot i" seme successes ire is made; iu reply to. which Mr. OiiM IWiuled.L Ueotral AUvurex has just inflicted laugh of triumph. ud tntormed wnr coiu- B hu b,l)W thu illlpL.riulists at Yepella, missions tntil lie Knewne vuiuo ni major . ,j -,i m,in.r rl.i.n. -anrl takin r tlvive v i.Ltu imrirituiiv iti wh nil,, in iu. ist k.- . - .. - ... en ut any such odds. I ne Keocl Uovem- ; ment had been tUHy advtsoil that the Senate I would be it I mt it White .should lie 'retained, " JEREMIAH SNYDER, , Allornry Ai. Cosinsifllornt I.uir Offic corner of Ulaokbrrry and f awn Street, three t doors last of, i. Hriyht s roundry, , ..''':'. ftr."Hi;ilV, IV. Will attend promptly to all profossWnal WurtucFS ntrusteu to his cars, tin oolicoiion oicuuuii ill or , tbumbcrlsnd and the adjuiiimg counties. , Lousultatlons in Herman anil r.ngusn. , Bunbury, April I8.V:,v, " ' . WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ) THE undersigned iohrsis the citiicra f StHibury and vicinilv that bo has at the tuiliuitatioD nt a number ol his friends. onninicnceJ tbo bucinces of r repairing VI niches, ulocRS ana jewelry, ue enn ue tnunaat ail limes in tue dsck mom m ine limning Store of L. lleeht, eorner of Market street and the Railway,' .-.: -j- i . : lie also kemis for sale Cloeks aud Watches , . 11 ii work will bo pr iniptly attenekd to .and war ranleil u give aaiM:avliou ., . . .1.1. Jitxscrii Punbury, July 1, 19fiS. ,., , . . -, "new photograph gallery." , J. It. I01t!ilili:, would respectfully in. form the citiiens of Sl'MlVRV. and the public generally ,'1hat ho has opened a new, '. :. h FHOTOOHAFH OAttiERY. ' In Simpson's Building, Buuth side of Market !?qunrc, where he Is prepared to take in the best style of the art :" ' - riCTl'BES TO FRANK, PICTURES IS CASES, " ;''!'.; : ' " c'ri wkvtowras, ': Also Pactum mule fov' Ring.4, Broiujtuiiis, I.oclictn, Ac Persons winhing in eur Hue aitl d wcfl to.cull smd examine spuermens itt tire Uiil I ery. ' ' We hope to merit a liberal shar of pubiie patron age. Ilea Motto is-to Plisask. Sunbury, July (6, IMfii.- . Wit. M. Rocsu.K.' "" ' Il6tbT. Robrsach.' ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACH. ; OFFICE the same that has been heretofore occu. pied by Wm. M. Roikcfeller, Esq;., nearly op posite the residence of J edge Jordan. euiiDury,juiy l, noo. ly .!,:; ICnliite of lMiilip H trli, lo. 'I. TTOTICE hereby niveft that tetters" of admlnislra tidn hnvini been granted to the underslfrned. on th estate ol Philip Zerbe, late of Lower Mabonay town ship. Northumberland ocunty, Pa.', deceased. All fiorsons inucntoa to sum emnt are requested to make mmodinte pnvment, and those (mf'inir otnims to Drc- seat them ir settlement. MICHAEL. 1,. Wr.RTZ, Adm'r. Lower Muhonoy, June .1, lio.Ct HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. Tile mikrsigned offers at private sal his HOUSS aid JjUT, sitaate on Deer street, near the Lu theran Church, in the Borough of Sunbury, I'll. The house h a large framo with Kitchen st tue tied, nearly new. There is also a new atabl a, and all necessary outbuildings, erected on said lot. Also a number of young fruit trees, a well of water with a pump. inis is ti very nonramo rcsraence ana wni do soia on reasonable terms. F or further uarticulan atty to . , WILLIAM TEATS. 'June 3, 1885. k-" ' EXCELSIOR SHOE ST0UE. , WM. H., MILLER. Nnrket Square, SL'XBURV, t'ENS'A-, T UST received from New York and. Philadelphia. fj a frosb supply of the latnt stylus and of tho best quality or BOOTS AND SHOES. . Men's Kid Diet Lineoln Tics. " ' Oxford ." " ' " Buckle " ' " " L. Congress,' nnd a ynricty 'of other lasting shoe. Indies luulntinn uucKie, sc., xc . Children's Shoes of every variety and stylus. ' Women's Shoes at $1 Mr his ftmi stock WARRANTED. No Pnper Shoes sold nt bis store. lie will also wholesale Roots and Shoes ry tho bo. The nirMic goncTully aro invited to call and ex amine nis storff. Sunbury, May 20. 1 Sti j. i ' mjEAm of imistntric:nrcis. 1 When tb misguided and inspradrat rotary ef pleawr (ad that b has Imbibad th seeds of this painful dlss, lt too often happen that an 111 -11014 teiuwvjif ihan, r Jtiaad f Ulsoovary.'d him frost appljiaf to thoa who, from daeattoa and repMairity, a ! -irnV bio, eMayirig til) th eonstituuotial eymptom ef tht horrid discas aiak their appearance,- sacb aa olenrated aore fliroaU diseRMOl new,' nootarnal pain In th had and lltnbs,' diamen fsight, afn, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blouibos on th bead, fao and sUemilica, progressing. with fri(ihtfnl rapidity, till at last th palatoof the mouth of the nonet of the fiose Al in, and ttte tlettm of this twful disease rJBoonSes horrid obleotof -eommlseralMh'tllt dcalh fo' a pTtdB hh dtwwifiit mSWhS ksraMidnig n'in to "that Undiscovered Country fronvwhasuMcsjo travflllnr return ' It is hnviaunholv fact Hut lhnnin.U full ylnllm to this torrtbls disease, owiUiMi nnskillfulness of Ignorant jwtiders, who, by the n,a of that Deadly Poison, Mercury", ruin th tonatitutioD and make th residue of life miserable. Trust not voiir lives, or health, to th earenftlie tiany Unlearned and Wol Lhless l'retendors, detitnt el kaowlcdg. nam or obaraotcr, who oopy 1t. I.iknstna'a advartisoinenta. or stvl tueuselvoa, in th newspapers, regularly .Educated Physicians, incapable ol Curing, .they keep you trifling month after month taking ftietr filthy and pobmnus ecm pounds, or as long a tho smallest fee can be obtained, and ut despair, leave you with 'ruined health to sigh oi or your galling disappointment, lit jounsicii is me uniy ruTiuiiin auveriifliiiK. His orednntial or diplomas alwsys hung in hil office. Ib's romiilies or treatement are unknown to all Others, prepared from a life spent in the great has pltnlanf Knrope, th first in thi country and a more ttetofivn Private Practice than any other l'hysieian in the wwrld,- l.MUKNIIi:'A OF Till; PBKSM. The mant thousands cured at this institution year after jropr," and. th numerous important Sursjieal Uperatiims nnrlprmcd by i)T- Johnston 'witnessed by lilt) ruyUllVli W, Ulu .:uu, .uu UIUUJ other pnncrs, notices of which hnve anpenred again nnd npiln before the public,- besides his standing as a gentloinan ot cliaructor ana rosponsioiuiy, u a lumoiout guarantee to the attlictcd. Mal IISI".ASl:-i Kll'i:iII.Y : '-! '. w a cijki:u. . . ' Persons writing should b pnrticulnr in dircoting their lettcrBtohis institution, in the following manor Ol the nnlllmor Look Hospital, Bultimore, Md. June 24 lStJ.I 1 y. 111 II13.I.V 'rKUTOnACs" . ' .iV'Ut i)re Vour Cough.,.,, t. ' n . . n.i.J a R., vs J. Meats.-jrai Pcw- . .. ,. i.i !... ill,,-' t V....V.,.' 'iii. Jaass Iadietmtnt RsT. Tree Th.' n'rosecutrii, Lvdia , Artr,-a. gent-el ,irlfi7. Stum guAtoaswhrn,ohargdth- opdsat, a young man, srilb htttog oomstftted th utrugeupgn bot.wly1 f" tsir wiy w tf-niilla. Vera she wm going to Ut -,iiv of defendant's father, brer5d ihr hrei week; and to wk of aftof f .omo, dTsoloed th (aott o W " lur" sted.-US denied ifs enarj j j-syr llotnol guilty. v,.... i l s apil Jell", totvis whs just aa iiiuclt a urty . tu the ilisgmtflul revolutiiinary jinM?c I ma ut the IXTiMioracy ' In t lie senate in Ibul, as, Hopkins, C'lynur is (''. ' SuliKi-ijueirtly vnri-1 nus proptisitiniiA who uiuue to excliiinc i Major White, lint Jilt. Dvi test tli.it liis I prize was ton vuliiulile, and he rry rteil all. ' Even a litigufliiT cnvral, who wus liulil as a : criiiiiniil, wus otvrud, l;ut no grauu ul ullicer see hum I trt 16 of sutliciuut iinportuiicu tu the ! rcbd powers to warrant them in surrender ing Major White, and thus placing their ally, the Democracy, in the minority iu the $etnre nt re-nnsvlrunm. " ...-' ''Alt hope of cxchotiue Killed be means of the ordinary clwinni-ls, and cxtcaordinary ex pedients were resorted tu, in timer . to tillect Major White's releare, of failing in that, to get his resignation to Gov. Curiin-.' Parties in Baltimore, who ur.decstuoil the under ground road to Kiclitnnnd, am made regu lar tri foe -cothiiireratinii,' miilei-took to communicate with Major White, and offers were suivu-roua to produce liitn for- a large itmotint of money 6y 8ubsidi.ing the rebel oBiorrs;. but tlit1 were declined.'' llis'ro sigaatiun'4was procured, however, secreted in a pocket Bible, and brought North, much to the mortitiuatios) of the rebels and the Democracy, aud at ft special electron- tltey were defeated py an oveiwlieltug uiujonty, and the Senate unlocked. WsapKlmed in their purpose to render substantial aid to the Uemflcraey; tu rebels vmitid1 special vengeance on Major White, and he suffered all tho horrors possible 4'or a ipan-te)-suffer am) liec. - He made his eScarie three thiies, but was each time recaptured, and was hon ored with residence 1 in the famous dttn- Penm of Lihby for some dwys, lor pertinacity . . .-.! . i , ,; genuitv prevailed, and ho escaped by dis- gnisina himself and pnsaini oSorth with crowd of regularly' exchanger) prisoners. r He was promptly ' promoted by .uorcraor Curtin lo the lieutenant coloseky . ajid sub sequently to the colonelcy of his regiment, and bfvvetted brigadier general by the Pre sident, in which 'capacity 1 be rcmainetf in nieces of artillery . Oreil (lisuppoiutmt'tit is felt ot t)io failure of thi; combined French und Imperialist Ibi ces uuuiust Neareti, iu the ' ini.-s of Buuua Vista. Coites reigue supreuia lroui Mala- j moras to Monterey. - " 1 Juarez is still in Chihuahua undisturbed. BnoWNSYii.t.K, August 8. A train of 1M) wagons from Mutuiuoriis was conulled oh the lUth by a party of Liberals, and a skir mish ensued, in w liicu the captain of Ibe train was killed aud au imperialist colonel wounded. Cort Ions proclaims to the Matanoriana thut unless tliey support the Empire he will, denounce tlwiu as traitors, and conliscate their property; . . The Liberal hold tlte entire State of Sam Louis, except the city of San . Louis t'otoai, but have their line three utiles from there. Guerrilla outrages lit. lexaa are numer- PUS. -in : . ' : ' " ' .Tlie Stat Tienenry, nt AuBtin, was bro ken into and robbed 'of f 30,000 in gold. Alabama new kliow great improvement in public aentiuiuot.a The planters express their cotitidence of the soecoas. ot the; Met- labor system. ' ; v . UeuesiMS -Oonloa (jruncer, from 'lesut, and A. J. Smith from Montgomery, bad u-r-rived at Mobile en route fur He Orleans. i '1'Is' laVetal IteijoliK-torA Slel 9 too in 4 ompnnlon! " - 0 J. HAVA-MS; I'atens Mosquito. Shield, or day. Alfiriisabsoliite ii rr..m t,.a. ' ' qiiitos, II I uck. Sand it ''J Hnuso Flios, Decs, A) (inltsor liuil. Mailed m lor li prior, si uu 10 ai li. nKa.iL. r... I......I l U.', V, O. TO UKUU .and handa.ty.OO. Is 'north donble its price Tur tho sicl room, oi a morning naru in tly . time. fcScud Stamp for t'iruular. A liberal db'uouia to thfUaJc; Sent to all Clergymen at half prioo. ;" i '.(,'.' . , Newbkiiw, N. C, Jan 1, '6a i I sutler no mor from Morqultos to night, or i'liea In the morning. The set of Shields you sent me I find an effectuat protection. Truly vimim, SARAH E. BUYNTON. To P. Johksok, No. 12, Yeaey St., New York. UThaabovi is only enof LUiidlsds ra ast) con Itauily rsceiving. P. JOIISSOS, Sol Maaufacturcr, , - - - Ns 11 Vcseyrtraetj New Vorh. Jl to. HMS.-llm ' l - - - 1.?, vf'- s, I !;; C " ktcutlluyr Itulli-oatf . BTJHMIB ARHA5QEMENT. nst- ni'a JulT 20th, 1865, - li-.ilu, 'Tueui " Scandioav'inj ieWsfme St New "York, published seuil-w'eekl.v'.. . ,'Tti language" used Is a queer mixture of whicli i-rnaiiis tsCsnil.fllsW Ja oiooh. Mtohasl 0'rli was 4sjsjsiU t tb Bnok'Kidg eoIliry Kb, j to Wluaf f , . .t, :rWs kia aUU frs tk ,.-i.in hi.hb. w.lworftiBg. - Jjjysssw active service until the war was brought to a clow by the surreniWbf Leq," . t, - IjSHUSl I .1,.. . .. . - Five thousand female pperntivet lire wsnted Irnmedlatly at Ixiwell, and the same num"ber i lwretcelHii Maoclmster, Uuss KCb'uaetts. , Wags ar high mm1 Agents sra sacking fmle labor la -other sections sad in Caosda. - - - -1 ' " . . T.'Vililii mnnl'iiTinf'tA'fa' fallen soldiers oi Cleveland , was 'detficafect lot AYoodlamo,, Ctjuwlery, ,To 4Qndred i ! tbirty-fiys uistiiss idrssdy eagrarsd a pott It. and mora ara tab recorded." '7ms aiVoVroakeis r irytiig W. lutro ducs tbs peasant skirt,-hk -dwi't-ftacli tU grouwl by wvral JSrehes.' ' . 1 "" isw-boos. fourtesn W loos', ail ids. ami oostaigiBir frrtr-lx testb. c-sc lnng, -.. Gvuht recently said to s friemV. 'I am a small eater, but I am a huge elerper. To keep ox 'io good-working Girder I need ' iMie hours good sleep out of thi ftwtfrty four, I run dispose of more, lint nine 1 must have. 'Wlien I was out ts&t, I cpubf cout luand attout seven, and J nearly broke iVjwb. Give , suu ray , quantum of - sleep: adi I ean meet any amount ot exposure una atnir. Tr.e guage used Is a queer mixture of which the following' sentences are ' specimens: "President Johnson hurtle Lellightecf tilpaa berommeiing Jbiude at ajore sig sfdlig' D blodtoiistlge' Abolilionister med dvies corrupte Presse have iltrfor kaldet os illoy- !.,' . Ii - i i' n. ir - ii t ' SojilS 'desperate! tiar! s're Wtkig up the tepurtiliat lbs hiuli price (, eggs is owisg to the lact that the hens are at e-reat expense to procure revrnoe ttairtis to put on their nianuJacwreo; artieus, . jne wnoie story i a slander, either upou the bersir tltervn- ye jfflcers, wt do t kOQW wh. BUhoALyef, of'tiv Cao1inVIwh4h now In Rome,' and 'Mis C6rit81ocunviTof GRKAT TUVy? I ISE frum Ih Kortb ana North-Weft for Philadelphia, Is'ew York, Head ing, Pvjttavlll, I.ebauoa, AlUntown, Boston, Jko. ' Trains leav HarrUWg for New-York, as fol lows: 3.UH, 7 2 aud 8 ti A. M. and I T. II, ar riving ai JJew Vork at ft) A. M. and 3M and 10.) T. M. ' ' The above connect with simitar trains on the Penn sylvania railroad, and Sleeping Cars acuompaay the first two trains, without chsoge. Leave for Beading, Pbttsville, Tamaq.ua, nriaers- in i n...,, .n.i ni,irUri.,iij.iM at h i a. m. ana HID. Illll.U.UTIU W.. . 1. ' - w..- ... -- tb P. tl., stopping at Lebauea and principal sta tions oniy. . , , , , , .... Wsv trains. Li.nnluir at all Dofllts. St 7.25 A. M. and 4 10 P. M. Katurnlng, leave New York at 9.U0 M., Vi ntmn,' and 01) Y. m., : riulaaeipni at b A. M. and-:t3tt l.M r Pottsrillirat H I A M.ami 2 Si P. M : A.lilund at 8 10 A. Al. and 12. UU nooa. Tamaqua 3.15 A. M- and 3 15 r". M., and Heading a t.eu, 7.Jund io ta a. a., i.ssnin wr.m Ttnxlioir Aecommodalion Tram Teases Heading at BD0 A. Jl. raturnina: from fhiUdolphia a i.W . M. . , r i , Columbia Railroad Trains leave Heading at 00 and 10.55 A. M.. and e lu 1'. M for fcphrata, t.ltu, Columbia, do. i . . . f. On fcucduys : lenve Sew Yark it R P , Fbua- deluusa.ia r n. rouavm t-ov a. m., auw-m- . '. . , , . m. ' . a i . j : ... 1 A ST 4 Al, Uac'Wbur; paj a ami tvouuiug v . . for Hurruhurg. , . . . , Cmuinutatiun. Milaazi. Season, and tacurssusi Ttokets, at reduced rates to and from all point, j 0S fuuuo ayoweu earus. O. A. NlCULlJi, j T.'lll pPer'ntenaeni' New Orleans, lisve been pardbnea by the President." Th confiscated estate "of Miss Blocumlisrs beett'reitqretl' lo' ber. n 'fsi QOfAme aatpn oi u n,rii u .1 , '., IUmd put, ie.Wujb4 ere, say Tmo writer, at a very lowprW.' On bandrai acres Ivina four ttofle from Macoa wsterrly- C Mr baiai elwed, with Jog ko; it wtr offered ms for fifty eDt.w Aura. Jail 19. 1M, ....... : .1 .' . , .. 'T : , .. . V- TTT, WATKIMl aitua, wiesgeU baMnat manbik lb agency r thus Meaty of a Brl-c!ais Lif lnurwe0ompas.y.i '1 ' jiaurasa, isvm M. u. . 3 July. 12, 1S. V :, , , j ,.j ..,1 VnUadulphM. : New 'ork.JUr4!Uluiar -i"l or asvan.- ' ' 4 ejrsrr.E Vs. S Btnadwar. New York. Capital, l,00,s fiaskt . Share l00. ri ar otia iar mill at tbimbaa. : W know saiuv sis thai aavat artea Oliver jima. . ai iaeuaaaiid altars jnosa will briag us into a posisioa h w shall pay ssanthly dividuada. Call early ; sh advantage f prseant sow sat. 1 --i , AfMcsd Aatawaatal.. . t-.k-.. I.... tf i, MKK-trU J.. 11. V. Z!i:l I.Kit. I.. It. CAMS . SIEGLEPa & CASE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, srXDURY, PEXSSYLYASIA. Collections and all I'rolcssionul business promptly nttended to in th Courts of Nunbsnibcrlnnd and nd4uing Counties. l.f-Also, speelal attention pnid to the- Cotl"ctiii of Pensions, liounlios aud Hack Pay for Widows Ornhsns and Soldiers Shrafesity, March 18, 1?5 ; J LOCKHOSPITAL. ESTABLISniiD AS A REFC0E FROM QUACK KHY. THE ONLY PLACE VhEHE A CUBE CAN IE OBTAINED. T"vlt. JOHNS-ION has disooveredthe most Certain, J Sneeilv and ouly KUootuiU Hewoly va IheJ Woild for all Private Iliseases, enancss ot U10 Back or Limbs. Strictures, A fl'ecticns of the Riilneyssnd lllndder. Iimrfuntnry Wscharges, Impotency. cne ral Debility, X orvouaueas, liyspopsy, I.autuor, low ptvils. Confusion of Idea. Palpitation ot Ibe iicHrt, rriniility. Tremblings. Dituncssur fight or OidilinesK. flseasc of tho Head, Throat. Nose or skin. Affections 1 r 11,. I.ivnr. Lunirs. Stomach or liowels thneo 'f erri- blo UisonU-r arising from the (solitary Habits of V'oulh thoso secret and solitary prnenves more nuai l thairvrslianvthan th "sons of Syrens to the Ma- 1 iners of I'lvsses, blighting tlseir mwt hsillmw Sopss ..r antici-ptUiosis, roudosing murriaga, iir., ihijhmssi- ,,u. "Z .1 vnu mv.-x -- - Kspecially. who have beeom the victims of Sulitnsy 'ioe, that ' dreadful and destructive habit whiuh annuaJlv sweeps to an antimbl grave thousands If Vouug Men ui th most altd talyrrts-and hi illiant inir Soustes with tho thunders of eloquence or wakod inecslaty Ik living lyre, may oall with full con lidence. si vit it i Married Personst er Youna; Men "nntempliiling umrriage, being awaranf physical weakness, organic lebility, deformities, c, sjieoany curoa. lis who -nlsiif hiiiMilf undur tho aare ofPr. J. may religiously eontide in his honor as a gSntlcnian, and confidently rely upon his skttl nsa Phystsian. tm,iSaturv Cured'. niVl Pall Tin Restored Tbfo Distrassliig Affection which renders Life misesaATe and marringe impossAfc is tho penalty ...i.i hv iha viotinui of imt)roner inifulacncos. Young nersons are too apt to commit oxecssoa from not being aware of tho dreadful consequences that may no,. Now. who that uadorstamU the suhieot will protend to deny that the power of procreation is lost hv those Tallinn into fmproper hsbits than by the nmdent Ucsidcs' being foprtred the pleasure 01 ncaiuiy oiwprLWK, mv m.. . - - in ilh hudv an 1 mind arise . Tn svtcra . : 1 . , - 11, ;.., J 1 1 V , UiMjoniia irangea, ui njJllttl wnwiuuv lions Weakened, Los. of Prooreatir e Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepssa, l'alpitatinn ot ino Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional .Debility, a Wasting cf the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Oliic-e, Soutls ri'I'rl-U (siti-crf Left hind sidi goiug from Ilultiiqore street, a few doorrreaa the oor,v Fail not W ..observe nam and numbei.- . -''., Letters mud! be piM and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diploma hang tn hivoffico. a ri ni: wiBBAvru) ii two f r ? i' I Merevry ifemseoui Jrttg. " lrh.ioriS'l d.li. Monjbcsr of th Royal Colrags of.Surgeons. Tadna, (ireduate from on of th uisl eaiiaont Colleges in the United States, and the greater psr of whose lifer has been spent in tb hospital! Londoni Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has eflouted some of iK. mmi uinniiiinir sure that were over known ; .many troakled with ringing in the head and? ear wben asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at wddoa sound4, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of rsiud, wero cwej immediately. ......,.. TAlii: PAttXl2i;isA KOTICK lr. J. addrosses all thos wbi have injured them,, selves by knproper indulgence and solitary habits, which rnin both body nnd mind,- nnfltting them for illwrbasineas, study, soelaty or marriage. - ' T'HKsa ar sum of tb sad and motaaoholy effaots produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of Ih Back and Liustsj fains in the Head. Dhunees of Sight, Loss of Maseular Power,' Halpitatiuu of tho Jleart, Dyspeiay, Nervous Irriuhilily, Derangemsnt '...i..'t,i A'..'i...ii... n.. I vinl.iliiv livnn. OI LIlO 1II)5W!U" . UIIV.IUMO, UMW J 1 - J - . turns of Consumption, Ao. ' Mnavsi.LV. Th fearful enweteoa tb mind ar much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of SpiriU, Evil-Forebodings. Aver sua to ' floeioly, .felJf-tHstriist,' buv wt- iioliuide. Timidity, o sr somof tlae avils produoeiL. , , TuousaND of penooaaf allagcs cau ,m- iudga what Is the oause of their declining beallA, losing In.i. vivnr. hnanniinir weak. . iwl. tiervou and aaoiatvdi having a singular appearance aboat th eve, oough and svmptmi consumption. A'kn h Intorml Hiamsefve bv a cwtatn rraottc Indulged in wben alone, a hbi frequently learned (rem evil oooipauion, or at sehool, tb cITect of which ar nightly felt, even when asleep, and If bo cured renders uiarriag irapasfcibl, ami destroys k.,,1, min.l i.nJ hn.lv. Mhuuld atiulv immadiatblv. - T ti E ' t (E N 1 xr P E C T, CTR A L Oreomponnd "K'fu'p of tl'ird Cherry end Rout, will eur thriliseascs of the THROAT AND LUNG.S. Such as Colds, Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catai-rh, Sora Throat, lloarsouess. Whooping Coui;h, Ac Its tinuily uaa .uill prevent i'ulinonary ton sumption, und even where this fearful disease hnl taken hold it will afford greater relief thsn any other medicine. ' 1 his Pectoral Is ma le from Wild Cherry Bark and Sencka f-'nake Knot. , its Coiupo.-nl.iun-idasuffick'nk gnsrantee of its value, Dr. tieo. Ii. Wood. 1'rol'essor of the Prjictieo .of Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, Thy', cisn to tho Pennsylvnnfa Hospital and ono of the authors nf tho 'nilcd States Jiprtsatory, enys of WildCnry Bnrk '-rt is iimoug the most valuable of our indigenous remedies, uniting with a tonic pow er tho property .ol claiming irritation aud diminish ing nervouse.itabi'iity. :' Thi sit uie distinguished physician nnd authors snys in the shihu work, ' .Seneka t-iiuko Root is a silmula tiug'cXiectornnt. Tts action is especially directed to the Iu nest, lt is peculiarly useful in ehrsnio ea' Urrh affections snd tho secufldary Mages of oroup. Fur wsut ol apano we oanuot pnuiisu all Ilia lu;i mouials in our pot-scsiauii, but wo give two : rHoKixvu.LK, April 1st, 1SG1. This is toccrtitv that I have sold huudrods otbot. tics of Dr. merlo!ter's 1'ha.iii.t Vecternl or Com pound S'yrup of Wild Cherry suit Seneka Snnke U'oo, and 1 have vet to rind a sinale individual who ha. used it, who'iloes not beuf testimony of lis won.leelu I'Hect in ouritig oouglit.-, Mgntd, jAoan rowr.ni, : Hai.lFt. riiOiSixtiLLB, Jan. 11, 1S8I. I most ehoeri'allv bear tiiiiunv to the value of the '-Phoenix I'octoral r Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry aud .Seneku Snake Hoot. ' lietoro using it 1 hnd been sulk-ring Willi a tickling in lay throat, and ttiht fcnnuh. for more than two years, and had taken nriouBother mcdieines with no relief. As soon us 1 began to urn 111 Oberhultsor a mcaioine tlio trrKu lion iu my throat was allayed and in a few weeks I was entirely cured. t. ! I have uIko givcii it to niy lit Jo girl, for a croupy Uliugn, WHU III" UHI'pieM. eueu-,3. Signed, ' JoSErn LtKESs. ;vti .j' : Pottstowti, Jan. Id, lSt.". L This certifies tliat I hnvad the-Phuenia 1'eoto rul in m fsmilyriud 1 rocouiuicud it tu the public us the very best icmeily. for Cough and Cold i) at I hi.v'e 'ever tried." Oho of my children -as takcu with a ciHd icvemrmnied whlf a Omnpy cough f so bod indeed that it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard a6 muelt said about ibe Phoenix Pectoral I irocuoJ a-bottle of iL Tho first dose lelieSed tlui dttricillly of lirenlhlng and before the child hnd takeu wie-foiirlh ut tho bcrtthB it was entirely weff. Etcry faitiily should- have t In tho houscf Bignad... . j; .,. .!; V.CRqsuy, The nruniiutor uf this medicine has Q much confi- deuce in its curutive powers, from the testimony of nunureiiswno nave usaa n, iuul iuo money wiu ou retuudod Iu any purchaser nb i not 6uU.-lieJ with its enccts. ... It is so ploasanl t tek thai ahildran ry lor it. It costs only Thirty-lrei) tienis, lt is Intended for otily 'oue class of discmos, namely thosu-ol the 'Ihroatand Lung. " ; - -,' t Prepared-only by ' ki.l 0RKRU01.TZER, M. P., - l'liu nixville, Pa. JonNSTO, HULl.OWAr t Co'KN, A'ih i.lr7Vortb Htatb, atreoW VUladolpbiav CKineral Wbotaaall Agents. " ' Sold b Ueorge Uright, and A. fisher, Drug gists. riuuWy i W'm. Cberrington, Dragg'ut at Sha mokin. "--.' N. B. If vour nearest drumiist or storukoeper does not keep this medicine do not let him put you otf with sow other uiidioiuo, because b make mora money ou it, but send at onca tu uucuf tbu agents for " Juno IT, KM Bm$ ' ' :' ' ; PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. in Simpson's Uuildings, . SfAR-KIT SQUARE,-Swibury, Pa., J. II. UltJUIwl.W. rii-Ielor. Sunbury, July IS, 18B6. NEWS ! The GROCERIES! GROCERIES ! 7 e UCrsi BAlfAH At BLMPSON, , WhortUhtrry 5rwt,-vi qf -tU F. RK. i SUNBtfflY, PA., RESPECTFULLY Infirm ber frlibdi and tb I ubho gsnerally, that she bas just opened alarg asKflmont of FRESII Wi-fcrl-.l, tutib ti TEASi COFFEl5,'!STJO,yiV.MOLA3 ;. aES, Fisri, sa Lt, k & .Pi Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jar;, .ttlsasware, am a variety .of Ladies' Trimmings, Fans, Thread Neck Tics, llandkerohiefs, Ac, tu wbioh she inVitei all t; xamtn before f'urohasing elsewhere, i Zatobttji Jan 17, 1886. ui ' ' ' ' .' '. AMfillOtXrE .-'AAfi . fllOTOGSAPJL' Over J. ftbwen's Btnre, eorner- Market A Pawn Sti ' ' BTJNBTJBr, ',, SBYEKLY, Inrirrms WJ friends Shd th publi . .generally, that hers taking Portraits In th best style and mejinlr at hi Uallery in th BDoi place. r , - ' AMBROTYrKS AD r'liOTOURAPIlS, are tuken iu every stylo ol the Art, that oannot I surpassed in the Stato. Having several year's exp nenoe, be win give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will be tuken from all styles of Pictures. Give him a call. Keinember, over Rowen ator Sunbury', Jun 17, ltfdS. PrcsK'HntlosiH carefully compounded of t. host DRUGS at the Mntntnotb Store of JNO. FR1LINB0IT. Sunbury, May 20, 186$ "CLOTHING FOR ALL ! ! At CONTINENTAL CLOT II I N BAZAAR. Corner of Market Square Ai ISai IHSoatl Ktreft, SUKBtRY, p E ir N' A. JtST OVEftD, SPKISQ A STJJlMEU STOCK t READY MADE CLOTIILM Of the newest styles, cut by tbs best Artists, trlmni and made equal to ccitcm work, and slo at t owust nrice8. 1 Jlcn. und lloj't t'tliiij; of th best ij Urial consisting of Dross Coats, Frock Coat, Sv, Coals, Pants, and, yests ef various colors and o,uh LINEN OVERCOAT,' GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, inch as Shirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drawi Collars, Crovate, Neckties, HRndkorcbicfs,Stockii U loves, Ao. llalH nnd Capr f ttll kindsf. BOOTS AND 8110ES, TRUNKS, VALISES, I BBELLAS, aniTMOTlCN.? of all kinds, and nu rous other articles. The public are invited to call ami eiuaime Stock. Remember the place. "Continental Clothing Sto Corner of .Market Siiuarc and the X C. R. R LEVI I1EC11 Sunbury, May 27, 1SC5. FANCY DRY GOOD STOK TvtTSS KATE BLACK, RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sun! and! vicinity, that she has just opened her BPBINO AND SUMMER GOOD3. . ot Notions and FaucyDry Goods, I lurket street, four doors west of Wm -H. Mi! Boot and Shoo store, StrsiSlilll, fa. Hef stock con.-'ts nf Trimmings, notions, em deriev. Ladies and Children' hats and shakers; and other linings, Hoop-skirt. Crap and Lace Nets, gloves, stocking:;, cellars, nnd corsets, ,vc TWILIGHTS AND O.RIDALDI MUSLIN Bradley's new Patent Duplet Elliptic (rd Spring SKIRTS. Jents' Ilandkerchicfs. Cruvnts, Neckties, Sil ler? : Ribbons, ot all kinds, feathers, Velvet many other articles too numerous lo mention. Photographs of President Linco1 Perfumerv, ToHc! Rm, Ac. GAUFFERING done handsomely and at . notice. . KATE BLAC Sunbury, 5Iny 12,lSi. MILLINERY GOOD AND i .tcv ,oTinM ATitinni MISS Jj. SHIHffLEH, At the now stand, in Market Square, SfcNBt HAVE Just received from 'Philadelphia, the 1 and most fnshiunable styliw of Millinery G such as fionnel.T, Ifatj.- tffl-it.- KiMons ana r. Scurfs, llonery and lalove. Skeleton bkirU, t lo Ileal Dresses Nets, tld Ladies' Caps, SL,, Silk, 4e. ' ' llhiek Crape end f.aco Veils, Crape and Linen bus. Dress Trlinmiuns and Hnttoni. Co. sets, Zef, Cotton Yarn, rfoap and Perfumery, ltuglc 'l riiiiininsi, Hair Pius i t'oiiili. Gents' Linen and Paper Collars, Neckties, Ac' Flags, Picture Tasrvls and Cords. Parasols, Ladies-' dutcbel,. Fans, Ao. t riiotograplitt of ricsitlenll Liftid handsomely framed. Thankful for past patrouugo I hope by strk tcnliou to busiuess to continue tho same. L. SUISSL1: Bunbury, May 13, l M5WS! NEWS ltcWllion' Closed nntl ,; NEW GOODS OPENED At No. 1 Btori of WEAVBU & rAGELTT. CUttH-JaflNU Or DRY GOODS! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such a Cloths, Cui- inerta. Muslins, snoeiings, iieaing. vammw, vi i..; n.Di,rLi aud ali kinds of MU CRN ING Gomls i itl.i. li Silks. Uiiuihams. Balmoral aul V. V . ' ... .1. vu..i.d... i.r- nkeleton rKins. lauiuu f ihuuvh, w peting of all kinds. NOTIONS &i VARIETIES, Comprising. Husry, Gloves. Thi-endt Buons, bu- uenors, tteca-iies, oiiaiw, umwvi.i. Hair Bruskws, Iwith Brushes. G um Kib- boa aud Cord,api arotcbct-braid, worked ueUais. fauoy heudi Urxsnes. lidv cotton, carpet r ; t binding, "comhi, sn9 : . "' soups, carpat bags Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, lSlank Books, Paper, tmalopos. As. i i ' . - KBC AsHlaO'-lWjm.mEsTi: Of ali kinds, such as Nails, llingcs and Screws, Door Laicheaand, Knobs, Locjn, and CUTLERY ol every descruDtion. . . . Also, Dyesy Drugs, rmnla, armsjits, fM, Flaxseed ainl Beazino Oils. Glass, Putty;. &. (Lv:ukr ad j!uM v 1,11 STONE ANIp, EAKTIIENWARE. '" ' """'"As Estcuslv Stook of.'",' " ' G ROC E R 1 E'S, - Compond of Sagir, Coe, Ri". ."i"J.' What a pity that a youmr us, tie bope orni : Maooaroul, Barley, . "VtLu Fuib Mas . Cbi. ntw,tl i darling ohbi paroia,hguld benatched . eandlas, tobaow d . . "" " . Enamelled Slate Mar, fill! li jSffSltf 1-HOLMESJW "WARE-ROOM -ia, CHESTNUT STREET, PUILADLL Manufaolory Teuth and bamson Streets Table-Top), 1 Fier-Slnbs. Biaxkats, 'Stand Tore, A., 4ic. Philadslphia, Jan. T, lbd5. tf TAILORING. J. F. SCHAFF-EE. r ESPFC7FULLY lufnrmsth eitiiear e' ii BURY aud icinity, that he haropenet In the MODI ver Forneworlh's Grooery.nppe Csntal Hotel, fcuubary,. whore b ia ready tc upgarmenisof all kiudaaa th latuM lyl a wurkmaiuise maimer. .... . Having a uxpeiienc in u iiuuw ber ol yr hi bone to radr geewral saiiv Ciuuuia woia is renpuiui u-vii.- . ' J. i'. bClIAFl fiunhury, May 13, 1S5. ?a . f ...... ilr urtMnrHtla and cniovuiuuls of lite, by th eonsequenc of deviating hum tbr path of natur sard induliiug ia a aertai asarst habit. . .aea pirauci WDM, bafos oontemplaling ...pi, - - . N Altlil T1 r J ' 1 , r0at ttsrl a mxuit astad body ar th mist tsusasarj stisita to presuaf aouBublal bannhia. ndsd without tbiM, thi Journey through ill wwtrv tlgrtsaafns ; vnspm nanny ., Al- Aba, a Lug variety of BOOTS' &' SHOESj "a Kw of Mai J SJS.fMal fa V vsr rt.ili4riia ..f.L Uim . i. i'-A''. ' I UivV-TOh-faso. purabaa. .Isswb.M . . 7. n .. in u n an 1. , r r ' T : .I.'i. s..ii. .. Am etor-oom IB si? , a, " - "A 7" wy4ij trL.rDriij:.rDri?771.fi 1 ;.Vnt.s. . MIl".V-f dark-. .U-s..L th. SSLaTSmZ .itrfMhH t Ouur -L- oticss to Tresiaaaers. XT OTICE I hereby given, that ho person allowed t Uespass oa By propeity, bnamoaia isiano, or tu uir uiw mj without permission, as tne yeuaiut ot tm it b enforced against all -nders. ' . ' STO REWARD, w'n b paid tol luforucatiou that will load sonvwliun ot any such trespasser. . , hJsnohlnIslad1Msvl, lVt.-ui Kutstte il'Cbirl) esiaBttJ. NO-TICS -Is hereby glva that ltwr TeJ; ry have baeu granted to tk kubunut wtaU ofCuarlM PlwuwiM, lU of JSuubwry ad Praen :iiibted t said astata ar nalu Mk iaimdua paymank, mti thus hvu,, will Dxaaanttbam mr sottlumant. , faakSV, 7l, 15 -4 v Tbla. f-rbp, UasVitMosi,-ass, aawititi ea b boogbt (br M sV. ' VM tAtiuJmc hrS U , fuU Jf. , f . ! yaar and Uav. S wl llllWt' Y i ig ph-0 W p.M HrhHi . Hi ! 1 LMIl aw - a . . ' TTT - ar