, KkM street, en door tut of Mr. lioultona Bote A N K W T I A - W A H E, rht tren fin ft HfciT ftfr, and Intend keetrlng etmstaiilly mi hand, end nam featuring to order on therlett notice, . .. t , TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE or all deasrlptloos. ALarg Stook of Cook Stovesoftb. fbrjowlng Brands WffjXil AZVX FCNIST ! and en th. following two Brand w defy ecpti tion, namely . , , Combination Onia Ilnrncr, Cook. ' Uomnor Penn-Cook. unsurpassed for bauty of finish. slmTilloI'y of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each siov warranted to perform what tbey ar re. presented ALSO. TARLOR and OFFICE STOVES. In great variety, embracing nil tba bait manufactures, and moat fashionable designs Alto, Tb oelebrsted OEM for heating up and dawn stairs. Alto the celebrated TCLCAX- REATEIt. Coul Oil, 'oh1 Oil ldinipn, Nlindoe, diimnlen, find nil nrtScIfei nnnraally kept in an ettabllahmant of thin kind. We are alto prepared todoall kindsol Spouting. Hoofing Ranie and Furnace Work. Gns Fitting. Ac. - Repair Inn cheaply and neatly executed. Country produoe taken ia exchange at market price. SMIT17 & GENTnER, Hare the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE PLACE 6IOVL8, for the Countiee of iSorlbuniber land, Snyder, Union and Montour. Ard are alto amenta for the Fipher A Wlllower Lin. 'Transportation. Sun. urv.Dee. 8, IsM. FANCY DRESS GOODS, Ml AXXA. l'An'TDR, Two doors West of the Post OHice, TJ.N-BTm-S". PENN'A., HAS jutt received and opened a large assortraen of fancy Dress Goods, tucb aa Gloves. Jouvian K'.l-((lom, Silk and lisle thread Gloves; Ladies coitoa Unee, Children's Slerino II, we. Silk Mils, La lie and Gentlemen Handkerchiefs, Corsets. Em broidcred Slippers. Ribbons FANCY DREts BUT TONS. Bugle iiiraps. lrimuiings. Buttons. Bolt Rib- Don velvet mbtwns. nrnil. Belt Ulnar, i.a,lics Neck-tics. CRAPEKIBBON and TRIMMING ; Em broidering Braids. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Insertions: Malteere Lace Collars. Laces. Grenadine Veils, Black Veils. Faucy Dress C'ouiba. Head Dres iea. Nette, and a variety "of other articles. Lock wood's Paper Collsrs of a superior quality. Ladies' Linen Collars, a variety of Queen Elisabeth Collar!, black and white Barbel. Picture Cords and TaasolJ. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS V )OKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Book, Drawing Book and States. Books. Hymn Books. Wank Books, Memorandum ' Oi.irffs. Pocket Books. Ink Stands. Pent, Fuels, a fine assortment of Paper, luk, Ae. Toilet Scaps. Tooth-Brusbet, Ao. TOYS VNl) GAMES FOR CHILDREN, Ml of wh: ih have been selected with care and will be sold at reasonable prices. ANNA r-AISTER. Eunbcr ', May 13. 1RB5. SOLMioN MA LICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. OFFICE in East end of Weaver's Tavern, Market Street. All business entrusted to him will be carefully and puncluully attended to. Consultation in the Eng lish and German languages. bunbury, April d. Ittti4. THE EYE and EAR. To I lie It-oil ! , , NOW READY, A Work by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKER, Of No. 1027 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, entiiicd A BoilK FOR Til g PEOPLf, On the following Diseas,. : EYE end EAR Hi. . THROAT Diseuaes in lin..-. ,'.d Publio Speakers twre auroul ; Diseases ot the Air Passages, (Laryngitis, Bronchitis,) And fro,', h, ' u':!:'.,I,r' Mihalsker, who an be coi.. "" ".'.T m''"". anil all Ner- ....... l 'l aluut street, Phil. J.iia. reb. 1 1. iftIS .liuw TIm? 'oui,I.t-, loiil,-..idlnKcli-. f-pin-iiiliff ' r CORN S HELLER ! ! PATENTED, AL'UtTST Jnd. 1804. rHIS Sheller is Ihe only one that sheila the Corn rerleclly clean from Ihe Cub when green, mni,. .lor dry. It mm the Ear a di.ubla operation nn e hliHilmr. V ,eel aa it pussea through and sep. tes the Cib from the Corn coniplelely. rendering it ... " wnnouiiueaaeouna ianuiinr HI. llns machiDa shells a Wf ISimhel iff Earn to th Mnvte by Ordi nary Iliiuii I'mrrr, - nd can be used, also, by Hore, fteam 'or Water ..wiT by eiUouing a Pulley on the. Crank Shaft. nd Rapidny in Bhelling, this MmUina cannot b V'allcd by any other. . . . TATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE ON j i REASONABLE TERMS. , laaTteuEM : If ,ou WBI)t vour eom gn(!U(1 ian ; H yon have oucasiou .l.ell green or daiun ru ; il you want vour corn nrl .,k u. . i, .U WBUI a durable niacbine ; if you weut a cheap e ler. buy the Complete, Double-Acting, SelfW. ating Corn rib el I er. 6 ' REFEltKXCES: i if ' ..... lJr J' W- P"1 ''unhury. Haas, Miller, F.IU1. Lessijj. ReaUiii. m m 1 . M eiser. 1. Augusta. Millers, hui.bury. bid. Muru. Farmer iiry Leunriiig. Bear Gap. C. All-rt. Hc.irgeu.wn . i' ;.'. .V;'wl K1"' f"r S,ll " tno Foundry of MIKHACII 4 COOPER, hunl.ury, PA y "unbury, Deo. 3, laoi. tim .BREAD ! BREAD!! BREAD t ! ' :new bakery. M1IE iindoraiu-ned haa opened a Bakery. nn Murker sin-ct. .-unliurv. !., two dr w't id the p,,,! e. where be will kecpcunaUiitly on hand, -a.lt llrs-tssl, I tt i.uU ltukR. :TEABUNN3. ' All kinds of C ( AKF.S. Cmnmon takes, TrUtels. Ac. Nic Part Weddi... end F.ner.ls, will be phud al tho shortest nmice. (joo-l aosortment Hill b kepi up at all limes lectured n, of, he be., m.tc, nil I o I be promptly attended U). ioiru.l Hint his friend, and th public generally e tru.l. his eiuerience in the bn.ir,. :n u.ui tog,e general wuieUiclion to all who may jr kiui with tbuir patrouagc. ' bury, April 22,, MS. DAVID FRY -illn.lrlpl.ln A IIHe Itallroad. IIS great line traverses the Northern and North Vke " '""J1'" l" ! o'"y of Er? ha been leased by th Pennsylvania Railroad pany and uoperated by tbeui. "auroaa - em ire length whs opened f, , passenger and ht business. October 17tb, 1 8( 4 00 aie of Passenger trains at Suubury, Leave Eastward. ui iratn, arrives .. uir Exnren Train, ck Haven Aocoumodatloa, ,. Leav Westward, til Train. 'lira Exnrest Trsin! 19 8i P, II S5 M. 10 34 A. M 15 A.M. 520 4.34 P. M. :k liuven Aooommodatlon, -jr ..rerun mrougn on Mall Train, without ttbodbllT. cgant eileeping Car on Mail Trains k.ik inisnort and K.l..- ' "eiwn tuiorniauoa reanaolin. ! ..... i ... aa , . -"" ea I laua sw 1 ,ni I pr freibl butuietaul theCuiuiian.'a At- ; aujph., Jr., go,. 4au, toi 4 ii?, V. linolis, Erie. . v . . , a a?. If fl. B. tUlator. ' -it. H. liowtroa, - l. .... ,j- 'eB'l Freight Aft. Fhil. TiokatAg't., Philada, '.!.: i-t w; ' Mt!a.. WUUaiatvwV .1. SCHENCR'S MAN DBA KE PILLS ' 0IOX HBAOAOSSt . ttm HlmpiOej Cn Had Cnr. TianMrtlv41uioamfraon airtaoie or sicknes at tba stomach, whtob attands th pain In th katd. Thi haadsoh to .apt to begin to th morning on waking from a deep sleep, and wbtn tome lrre;nlarlt of diet baabeen ammiUad on th dty be for, o tometinet fbe several dayi wrevloiw. At first tbr I a distressingly oppressive- feeling In tb head, which gradually merge , Into tever hesvy pain in tba tempi ea, freqaetitly attended by a teas of fullness Aad lender, ets la on yi, and ex tending aoroas the for'head. There il a clammy, un pleasant tatt In th month, aa offensive breath, aad tb tongue oovered with a yellowish wbit far. Th tnlTerer dislres to ba alone in tb dark room; A oOD at th patient feels tb fullness In th head and pain in th templet, take a large dose of Bobonka's Mandrak Pills and ia an hour or two thty will feel aa well as wall a aver. This ha been tried by thou andi. and is al way sure lo oor. and Instead of the tick headache coming on every week or ten dayi, they will aot b troubltd with it one In three montht. . BchencV Mandrake Pills are composed of a Dum ber of roqtt besides Podopbinin, or concentrated Mandrake all of which tend to relax th secretions of th liver, and act more prompt than blue pilli or mercury, and without leaving any dangerous efleota In a billon person they will show themselve by the stools. They will expel worms, mncnt, bile and U morbid matter from the system. In rick headaches if they are taken at directed abvove. (a full dot at toon as they feel the first symptoms of it Dr. 8cbenck wllf and has directed hia agents to return the money if thay do not gfv perfect satltfaetrsh. - - If a person bet been compelled to May iut lata at Bight and drink tco much wine, by taking a dose of pills ongoing to bod. next morning b will feel at though be had not drank a drop, unlets he forgets to go to bad at all. .; Hl TUoy only tost 25 oente a boi. . ,,t . Whoever take them will never u any other. Thty are worth a dollar to a tick man fbr every eent they cost. ..... Dont forget th nam Scsxnck'i Masdiiaks Pill. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. SchenckV Prinoi pal Office, No. IS. North Sixth, street, Philadelphia and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Prioe tur Pnlmooio Syrup, Seaweed Tonio, each II 0 pec bottle. $7 60 the half doien, or two bot tle of JSyjnm. and one of Tonic, for $3 75. . . Dr. thenek will be at hi office. No, IS North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday to we patients. Ho makes no charge for advice, but for a through examination of the lungt with nit Rcspiro meter, he charges f3. March 18 leflj. MAGNIFICENT SALE. Gold ana Hilvcr WmIc-Iic, Jewelry Ac ON THE ONE DOLLAR PLAN.' The entire stock of One Hold and Silver Watch Manufactory. Two Immense Jewelry Estahli.-h-ments, One Silver Plating. Warchnns'e. One Unlit Pen and Pencil Maker, to bo disposed of with dispatch without regard to COST ! The Uoods are of fashionable stylet and most ex cellent workmanship, and are sncrifined in this man ner to relieve the proprietors fvom euibarrassmont occasioned by a distracting civil war. It should be prominently stated, also, that they are mostly of u '" AMERICAN MANVFACTt'RE " ' and therefore (?roa(ly superior "to the goods imported from abroad and hawked ehoat s tboahmpeet ever told, lbeeiiupie duly on isutmrted goods, and tbU high "'aWffii.-te facilitate thetale ONLY ON'E DOLLAR .m . .vud.er need not pay untilhcknovvs a bat he is to get! This plan accords with ibo ineihuil recer.Hy become so rVpular for "-poking ol'largo stocks of Jelwclry agd sim' productmns. ' XH If PLAN IS SIMPLE ! - - .... nu.i encieeen in a sealed ei.x elope; these envelopes are then placed in a drawer mnl well mixed; then aa an order is received, with twenty five cents for return portage, and other charges, one i', LC" ""'" ' lcnt random and smt by first rir.nl to the customer, wbo will see nt once what be can get for one Dollar li h r.1., t.i. l.u .,.,. fie enn t..rr.l the money error ding to directions on the certiticiiie mid secure t. e piue. it the article awarded abould be on.-uiled ,o Ihe piimhuHir-as r example, a set of I'o-rl Ear. lirop, ad Bren-tpm to a young mat. ho could no. jveur them, and bad no one to itive them lo we will send any other article on the estnlog,,, of ,qtlBl price which may be preferred. Or i,.for ,"! son vou olie to venture no further, thn you can let the matter drop a here it is and .paid no more Exuuune carefully our Catalogue! .. " . v WATCH DEPARTMENT. ,-. .(?n.U.' P"' '"ertiold Hiintinjr Cneo0 to 2hl :illllenls- Detaed d l.er..r i:..i.i inn lients' riwiss Uold liuutiug Case f! 11;J, Enameled lit. Case :0 1 e"'"' J et' Lertt Bill'er Case 3.1 dtilM.enis Ilet. Lever Kllver Open-Face ,, :llll lients' Patent Lev., .!.. J.?.' r, T. 175 Inn Ml W M .'(.Ill II . ir KtO I - JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. 3n0 Diamond Rings 'toil liems' Iliai ,,l Pin. 810 to $1 20 .ttNMi Dents' California Diamond Pir.s .ttiiHI Hems' California Diamond King, oOiill Uunls' (inldand fcnain. Fob Cbairt 4tl dents Gold Vest Chains 2H loo ;t - 3 -3 - la 12 40 40 10 10 H 12 15 55 in 13 1.. :m, h lo 12 5 -3 -Bt.4 - "(! Pair dents' (lot, I Sleeve Button, ft.', !! ',",lr,V"",.'(io1'1 Enam. biev ueiua 1IOKI tudS 3 - " " ' et and Signed Rir. 3 - nniiii iteiiia Mone Set A Sii;. Euam ltiiii?, t KHMI l.ad,- U.,1.1 x.k h,; ' " k' f. WllMI tienta' J am Uold Orul-Bund UraBl,.i 6 - oooil i:l 1 and Jet Bracelets .Willi (iold and Enameled Bracelets .IIWO I. old Chau-lain Chains S"ll Pair Ladies' (iold Sleeve Buttons 3 - H - H - t - 3 - ft aa i "f "",d 1':,ma Jt. 4 - ?!!!!!! h'u,i'v-0p"1 nJ t-ui Rnwiche. a - 7 , .. M0M C"r' r1"' HMrl Ear-Drom 5 - .illllll Hold J 1. 1 II, h )', . !,,o,',o "''"I "n i Ear-Dropi 3 - lilnilil MiniHtiire l.cwkehi F I 12 t lo 10 10 lo 2S 12 20 III 17 12 iipi;nuobdi1rm' ihZ i.T. '"'''yameo. Pearl Ac 5 -o. i ! ' 1 Jk raeelet. 4 - IO0UO Ladies' UHt and Jet Hat .Supportert 2 - SILVER PLATED WARE. luooo i una HIIIIII Oobl.tt llMI Pair Napkin Ring, JlMiO Card Bakts 30011 Cake Buketa 12 to 120 3 - 2 - - & - itcheni 6M)ll Fair Butler kri ? L"u y"rT tlravy Ladle IIHKJ tnKraved Pie Knive. ' bnnil Duicn Tea .SprKjn , j.,n 0O0 Jjuien Deasert Forko ner d,.n 6eOOD,,0 Table fork. per do, 2 - 5 - 6 -8 -T -8 - OOLD PENS AND PENCILS. m0 Guilt w'"r feioa"lIoldri 3 to fit 'uTJS .,u' eo- tr Mounted Aold.ra a a 8 - 16 111 - ji 10 - 30 . M, REMEMBER TUB PLAN! in all cases we char, a., r eate. poslaice. and d. ,-Ti ' """"' Ue CartiB I l,v.rv.,. ousmeaa, th sun. af J" ':' uu-s mnil U an.l..1 l. .lT .I' red tor l ' ' ft" i on bund- red tor IU The same of each article offered for sale as ' 0,.!d VtT'"''SltrV'':1' "ld Oval-Band liraccle,.' " AOENX8 ARJ WASTED pironghont tbe Connlry to operate for A ler riwBORr co., i- - a'-V GEO. DEMERIT & CO., r JEWELERS, ' 909 lTroiidwny', ZVw Tork (CORNER DTJANE STREET.) loo.ooo Watches. CHAINS, GOLD PEXS AND PENCILS, AO., AC. Worth SOO.OOO! TO BE SOLD AT One Ikoilnr EACH, WITT OCT REGARD TO VALUE. And not to b paid until yon know what yon will reoeir I , SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES All to b Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each ! 100 Gold Hunting caaea Watch 100 Gold Watche 200 Ladies' Watches 500 B.lver Watches 00 Oold Neck and Vest Chain 1000 Chatelain and Vest Chains .1000 Vet and Neck Chains each f 100 60 hi CIS 00 to tii 12 00 to 15 t 00 to 15 4 00 to 12 4000 Solitaire Jet and Oold Brooches 4 00 to 4000 Coral, Lava, Uarnet, Ac. do. 8 00 to 7000 Uold Jet, Opal, Ac , Ear Drop, 8 00 to 5000 Gents' Breast and 6carf Pin 8 00 to 6000 Oval Band Bracelet 8 00 to 8 8 8 8 8 2000 Chased Braoclots 6 00 to 10 8500 California Diamond Pint and Ring 2 Ml to 8 2000 Oold Watch Key 2 50 to 6 5000 Solitaire Sleeve Button and Etudt 2 00 to 8 3000 Oold Thimble 4 00 to 6 6000 Miniature Locketa 2 00 to 7 .1000 Miniature Locket. Magio 4 00 to 0 2600 Uold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ac 2 00 to 6 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides 2 00 to 5 5000 Chased Oold Ringa 2 00 to 5 4000 Stone Set Rings 2 00 to 6 6500 Sett Ladies' Jewelry-Jet and Gold 5 00 to 15 6000 " " " varied styles, 8 00 to 15 8000 Oold Pens, Silver Case and Pencil 4 00 to 8 4000 ' Ebony Holder and Case 6 00 to 10 00 6000 ' " Mounted Holder 2 00 to 6 00 All Ihe goods in the abovo List will be told, with out reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certi ficate of all the various article are placed n simi lar envelope sealed and mixed. These envelopes will be sent by mail, or delivered at our office, without regard to choice. On receiving a Certificate you will see what article it represents, and it is op tional with yon to send one dollar, and receive the article named, or any other In the list of same value. By this roodo we give selections from a varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles, anj of intrinsic worth, at a nominal price, while ail have a chance of securing article of the very highest value. In all transactions by mail we charge for forward ing tfce Certificate, paying peerage, nnd doing the business. 25 cent each. Five certificates will be tent for fl j Eleven for 82; Thirty for $5; Sixty five 110 ; and One Hundred for 815. REASON'S WHY. We should supply your wants ; our facilities are un surpassed ; our work of unrivalled excellence ; our I promises punctually observed. Our central location brings us near Ihe "nost remote points. Our goods are new from the manufacturers, and of the latest and most diwirable stylos The goods must be uld, and Ihe terms are unequalled. All articles ordered are forwarded by return mail. Wc guarantee entire satisfaction in every instance a ir tbo, o should be any person dissetUfied with any article the, may receive, they will immediately return it, and the price will be refunded. Aoe-.ts.-W. allow those acting as Agents Ten They will collect 25 cent for every Certificate, and, retaining 10 centa, remit to us 15 cents for each. Address r.O. lHCvir.IlIT Av '. 303 Broadway, New York. March 4. 1S65. 3m ARE not only unequalled, hut they are ablutel. ... . un,u"11. bT any other Reed Instrument it ,i . j . ' .itm ai.p.ruuient in K..I. w W expressly lor Churc bea and Kd K.l,.t i,.yaretundto be equally well adapted to the pari ,r and drawing room. For snle only by v .ox- L . E- M BRL'CK, ; ,0' N",h seventh street. Philadeli.hia. I w-Alao , bradbury 's Pianos, and a complete V eni tinenl of the Perfect MELODfi() H " Hept. 24, lriu4. IyW PROSPECTUS OF tJeT LAPIERRE OIL C0MPAMT. Office, No. 70 North Fourth Street, (second floor, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, . . . Vi0M0 KlTaW. WS V1U 5' Puh"il'lo- IMc. I iltv acreMtt limil n. ri. t n . j land Uono and a ouarter milea IVm mi i t ...2 S "tM'::, " "undred 'od. from ,he Well on Cherrv nun mat bows from seven ty-tlve to one ho,,'. isoioii urdiv: and i i.. ..... - . . I ' '" w- III.VICBI U on me cnerwan I'ronerlv miih ... in vauoussugeaofprogrea. ou the property one of which ia now ttowimr thirty hr,l. J. ?' ('..,r.,. .1 ... "' .J'V "". of ul . ' a'--"ou.i-ixieentn or all ih 11,1 I expeinie ; also, two mm -.li..:..: - wells now in Ci,u,i,.nv ..r.'.rr'r. "'"onitie ,j wiu-iinriy-seeond alho. one aero of land auj..iuinu -s ready for iimnping ; the Coiui.in ol the land luterest elear of all .iJ. ". " '- " v-eeonain of the Oil. and uh one welLdown any jel, on4iixteienlh men uTn". Thu "'"'' !" he'l.i . . ' -1 uaucuv. AISO. II.M ir ninnth t tb- 7JLY. .r.ul,'u"',.a u,'u - , . pecrelarv H A :...... Treasurer Jobu f. Youoif ' rcbru.ry 4, istti. HATS! HATS!! 8A.MIKL KAU8T, Two doors wet of Fiach.,'. V,ut Btor. M.rk.1 U d F ar not surDaaaed. i him a eall and tee hi Mock of Hat. which ar. sold cheaper than ela-where. Merohwuand Mb. pureh.nj( at wholeaale. will q1 U "tbS 2a UKe to eall and procure an ariid. ik..l1.. to city manufacture. T1" Buubury, Oeiober I. I8VI4. BOARDING HOUSE. .vaitra. .vi.llUA TIIUMl'Mt., (Formerly of th Lawreao Uowe,") BPNBUBY, PENN'A. TNFORMS b friend. d tb. PBbliaV Sen.rallw 1 thatshe haareBlled the houH. foriaeHvu,.5 oy vt t. w. ,..).. oe Blackberry ' RT u"nl i1""""' V"P. aad optSed J Boardio, House, where abe I prepared to hUe ty?l i . aookaand waiter., boarder ean enjoy lua 1 .nun... - . rih,"',"PeJi-uwe"r.tock in the iriUIry for the development of the property. J'resident. Pro. Teui. J. J, BAKt'LAY -miitnley, 8. U. bwansey and John V v..., ;T ftwoiOlar tt4t ef Infuotioni rLiiah ;-r ! ' tjail Sokonrtay tarlfil n tlieo(JtuUiiDr tnuiurairii or tuen, n . eitbor produee of U produced by m an ietrbled, TiUated I tat) t'ompctont td ittitalrf I "iirtJie vitul force in their -yigorou action, and irMoave th ayatcm to ' full Into disorder and decay. The croftiToWi eontaminRtrort If rioutly caused by rhcrvnrinl disease, low living, diaonlcrrd digestion frtira unlicaltliy food. Impure air, filth and filtliy liabiia, the depressing vices, and, above all,, ly the venereal infeelloh. 'Whatcyct be K origin, it ia hereditary in tliO constltutivn, dcaccntline "fiorn parents to thlldren tirtto tl.c third and lourm peneranon j inutc. t ccm to he the rod of Ilim who tayt, " I will visit the iniquitie of the. father upon their children." The diieasci it originate take vnriou name, eceording to tlie organ it attack. In the lung, Scrofula produce tuberctcn, and finally Consumption in th glande, swelling which suppurate and bo come ulcerous sore; in the stomach and bowels, derangement which produce Indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the kin, eruptive and cutaneons affection. These, all having the same origin, require the sniuo remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of the lloo'J. l'nrify the blood, and these dangerous distemper leave yon. Whh feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "Ufa of the flesh" healthy, you cannot havo scrofulous disease. Ay or a Barsaparilla It compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science haa discovered for this afflicting distemper, nnti for the cure of the disorders it entail. That it ia far supe rior to tiny other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial.: That it does coml.ino virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this clnst of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable) enres it haa made of the following diseases : King' Evil, or Chndnhr 8wellmgy Tnraoii, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotchos anj Sores, Erysipelas, Bom or St Anthony's Fire, Silt Kheum, Sc&li Head, Conghs from tuberculous deposits in the ling, White swellings, xJefJiuty, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia OT Indigestion, SphiliS md Syphilitic i Infections, Mercuriai Disease,, Ft-ni'Ue Weaknesses ami. indeed, the whole series of complaints ttiiit arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of Individual enscs may be found in Ay En's Amluicam Almanac, which is ftirmr.hcd to the druggUts for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its ute, and tome of the remarkable cures which it lifts msdo when all other remedies bad fuilcd to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, iu otdcr that every reader iia.y have access to tome one who can speak to him of its benefits from pcraonal experience. crofuln tU presses the vitul energies, and thus leaves its victims far I more subject to ilinnrc nnd its fatal results I than are l.tnltliy cuiutitutions. Hence it tends to shoiten, and docs greatly shorten, the avcrngc ilutnticn of hutnnn life. , 1 1,8 U AVINUjust returned from the City with an en vat in poiuince of tliec considerations has H tiru new stock of led us to spend years in perfecting a ren.tdy which is atleqmttc to its i nre. Tliis wc now otter to the public under the nnmc of At tit's SAneAPARiLi.A, nltl.mijih it is toiiijiosed of ingredient, some of which exceed the best of Sartaparilla in alterative power, lly It ' aid you'inny protect yourself fi-oin the euflcr ing and danger of thoc dii-orders. 1'urgo out tlie foul corniptiuns that rot and fei-ter in the blood, purge out the causes ol'diseate, and vigorous IichIiI, will fullow. liy its ) ecu bar virtues this ren-eily ftiuiuhites the vithl functions, and thus expels the tli; tempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public hnve been deceived by many compounds of Ifartajiarilta, that this. Its virtues hnve been proven by al.nn dnnt triul, anil thero remains no question of ita surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it Is intended to reach. Although under the" snmc name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, mnl is fur more, ef fectual than any other which has ever been available to them. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. The World's Greet Rerredy i6r Coughs, Colas, incipient con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients " ' in advanced etngos of tho dibottse. This has been to long u-cd nnd so uni versally known, tlnit we need do no more than aumte tlie public that its qunlily is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that It may be relied on to do ull it haa ever done. Prepared by ,J)r. J. C. Avf.r AVOo. I'racticvt and Analytical ( Imiistl, , Lowell. Mass. Bold by all druggists every where. o'-t iy ttiimn A Vinuit. nunbury, ! . '' a- McCoy, Northumberland, Aaron Unrrol, Ely?ljiirR. y R. Kutxuer, Shaiuokin, ' J. P. Mofrue, Wattonlowii, ' ' .- '1 -i Aud by all dealers in Medicine evtrywher. - ; AeglMt 13, 1H64. ly ' .. : SOLIDIFIED I'or Cli'aa.liig, tVliiloudizr Ireer lug I lie TICi:i II I This article is prepared with theftreatest ear npoa scieutiBc principles, and warranted not to contain anything u the sllgbtest decree deleterious to tba teeth ur irums. borne of our moat eminent lientiil urgeun. have given th.ir sanction to, and cheerful, ly recommend it as a preparation of uperiur uuuli-cle",w'nK- ehilenlug and preaervinJ the u M.M-.. leans them readily, renderin,, ,hBUI beautttully whiUiand pearly, without the lik-liteat mjury to the enamel. It is healing to tbe utus where tbey ar ulcerated and aire, fl is .w , M. eetlent dumlwiur (.void decayed ,i a, abieh are often excee.liusly oBtnsive. Jt give, a rich creamy taste to Ihe mouth, vleenaing it thoroughly, and in, parting a delightful fi axranee to the breath I'ltKPAKED ONLY BY - ... A' 11 1 to.. ...... N. W . Cor. Kith A Lombard Kt... PhiUdelpbU. And sold by all Druggist.. PRICK Si CKSTt,. , . TEFTIMONIAI.8. The following opiuioa of Dr. W bite, aato tbe high estrem in which he hold tbe Denial Cream, iuiui 1 sumcieot evidence of it. value ; to quote other lesti. montalt in detail it needle., eouteuimg euraelves by ainiply giving the name, and addresst of persons who. speak of it exoelleaov fur tbe teeth. i ' ii i . Philadelphia, April lith.lMI. 1 Having carefully examined A. liawley'a -'Solidl.' Bed Dental Cream." I hereby ebeeifully reoom. mend It to the public generally. U it au excellent preparation fur cleana!,, anrf iu..rin.. .... ....... and ean be used by ,11 persou witb the utmost eon- u properties ar perluetly barailt-at Be. sides ireeervmg the leeib. it ..r,,.;,,.,. . k.i.k. ao. iou to the gums, end impart, a pleaMUiUiett te the Dr. W. B W II ITU IVI . l. a. Thomas Ingram, M. D . Dentin, aut V tr .a. w. K. yanderalioe, Burgwe Dentist, 424 Arab St. l. A. knuburr. lienn.f niu u .i u, T. V' Ol,,oi. B. Dilltngbaui, D D. B., 734 Arch bt. M. Dixon, B27 Arch Bt. ' $dZ"iiJ,"!!!wm iuat.42r. Fourib Bt. IP. YOU WiKT 10 KH0W . ' " : A PTLEJ, EV?TnrNO reletlne; te the J banian system, m.. J-.i " ,, -;i.ptibh1 beiore-idT. rViSarSd eularg edit ion ot '-Mwcal CoaaS. t "Musical CoHMoa Ststx . a eunuua aooa ror uri very oae. 40 page. Content, table eu7 fr-17.." . ""'". ba bad at lb. H.. .. ' bookt nit pot e. ,fi0( Tio. " 'A7hS OTww,ur ,S.IWi(,g,B. . m or .no9trM Krtavotxuaco Lkitm nfiuTflsT -nor aohi- CTJtTTJKAL 1MPLEMEHT3. i i u.'ii'r (fntlo Ti!'"-,"-i ;,'T tp o tjt x ".."r;1 f-1 I.; STJNBUHT, PENN'Al ! 8t theBest Ut th Chtapeta Oet the'teott EcV aomieai, waien ean e nad at tfee Hoartmen s sartcrry i Having a large aaaurtmnt of tb an tart approved BTOVEd. suob a Cooking, Parlor. Ofbc and Shop Btoves, which will be told at tbeieweet ratetn Also, Kettles of all tliet, Pass, Skillets. Ao. , They art alto mariufaoturlhg Maehlniry, Ploughl, Casting. Aa., at short aotlo. . Repairing all kiadl of Agrloullaral IupUment don ia a good worknaalik ntannw and at the shortest notice. , I All artlc.e shipped at ordered. Order ret pet t fully totUited and promptly attended to. I trntJ; and alt klad ti Mod... t.kea 1 Kxohange for work - 1 " Banbury, June 18, IBM. tf lkntcta Rnot-lndln Co Ore Co. : - DEPOri 1B Aad 8tretMw York. The above Comrjea are known all over the world at the ownert of Ihe Coffee Plantation of Java and Batavia in th Dutch East India. andar th largest Diofinputiiera oi vonee on m UioDe. The undersiirned (wbo I appointed tholr o1 Agent ia the United Matee and to the British Colo nies) will have for aal three different kinds of Cof fee, which, for regularity of grad and tbeapneas of price, will defy eompeiltien. .' . . . i Our "Batavia Coffee" saver before introduced In I this Country, but extensively oaed in the Armies and I Navies of Europe, and riably valued, will be fill up I atprioet to reaeb all consumers, and nd Eitra Java 1 will be the Magnnm Bonum Coffee of the age. We Will have..foT eoornaodatlna of 3rr4ert, Fa mil lie. and UoVarutrraut ConlrMtort, aaihplet (dry, and drawn) for tailing.- Orders ailluited. Ou receipt ef oath.ooff.e prompt ly forwarded as directed. - i . A. tlPPMAJJ. . , , . .183 Reaie Street. New York, boll Agent, V. G. I. C Co. . July ti, Ifldtr - - , r -K . - .' A. Jl WEIDENBRj ' . -an Kontli cotid tirtMt, batwaen Market and Chosnut Streets, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Coal Oil Lampt and tWholesale dealer in tf last Tumblen. Patent Jan and i Ulaasware generally. Dealer will find It to their adventure In avamlne r -k and compare prices before purchasing their TZ?L Tantion of ,h. nubi.. narticn- larly toour - , . NilW STYLE OP PATENT JAR P0R PRESKRV1NO FRUIT WITHOUT til'OAR. We can refer to hundreilt of respectable peraoni wbo put up peaches and other fruit in our Jar lent euson without the use of Kyrup, and found upon opening that the Fruit retained it natural flavor, and in fact wat jutt th aa at when put into tho jar. A. J. W l.IDK.NEIt. No. 38 Couth Second Street, Philadelphia. April 14, mi 3io Kni-kol fMinni-s", I1I'H', In. Di ujs, 4'Iis-iiiU-iiIm, Pcrlksiiiery and Toilet rli-lM to which betnviles his friends and the public gener ally, to call and examine. Tbe Drus nnd Medicines are all selecled from tho best importing house in the Eastern market with the greatest care as to puri ty and efficiency and avoiding at much as possible, the introduction of deleriout nostrums. FATiiNTyMEDICIWES Of ell kind, ruch a Ayer'a, Javnet, MsClinlock, iiollownys.' Wisharts. liooflandt, 'tSchcnks. Urowu's and all other popular patent medicines, always on hand. BRUSHES. Hair, Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paiul Brushes. Special euro it taken to keep on baud constantly every variety of . . ' UUIMMI UIHIu,, . v Fancy Toilet Article and th numerous articles w hich are generally kept in a well couducted wtab lishtnent. , co,.,p,,unded with the greatest curacy and di.pauih, at ALL 110LKS Uav or ' r ' Remember the place, Market Pnuure. under the office of tbe "Sunbury American.' q , , . R. A. FISCHER. . Eunbury, June 25, 1S. UeadliiK ICulli ojTTli WIN TEE ARHANOEMENT. Novemoer 7th. 1864 rjREAT TRUNK LINE from the North . i7 uTh' "i lJ Pu1'pl'. Xfw York. Read mit, I'ottsvtlle. Lebanon, Alli utown, En.tou, Ao. Trams leave llarrisburg for Nen-Yoik, as fol- The above omilieat with similar train, on the Penn sytvania railroad, aud Bleeping Car. aooon.pany the urrt two trains, without change. ' Leave for Reeding. PotleviH,. Tamtniin, Miners TliI.A ;n"",n dU 1'uUadelidiUai A. Al. and tioiisonly'' ' '1'ebu","1 and principal stn- V"JTir?JI,f. "Ppinfe t all points, at T.Ii A. M. aa.?' "-"'Ing, UaveNew York at V.VO AM. 1 1 oon and 7 00 V. M ., : Philadelphia at t iS0 PM - "'!' l H.40 A.M. and 2.84 P. M ; Tewaque 8.10 A M. and 2.14 p. M . "llBiKdjn: I midnight. 7 S4and 10 44 A. M. I. at) and 6.04 P. M. . -i a -R.,l'",;,Ae""'nodatlon Train leaves Reading at p M rrtnru,Bi. from Fhiladelphia at 4 30 Columbia Railroad Train. I.... v...i: . . .n and HAM. Ephrata, Litix. Columbia, Ac' .l.l.4,?U5 iV d 'V Nw V,,rk At 7 p- Pn" i Ji i. 3 p0"v'lle 7 .10 A. M., lauiaqua 7 A "arrh-lmrg 8.IJ A M aud Reading at 12 mid mgnt, for llarrisburg. Coiumuiatuai. Ai.le.ge, S.n, and Exourtioa ki i"' ' r'-ed rate, to and jYoui ail points. - uujaruje auowea eacb 1'asseuger. , A. N iroLi.fi. . Oeuoral Bupeiuiteudeut- Nov. 2C. ISM. Lai-kHnuauii At Itloomaburg- Mail road.' ON and after Jaa. I8tb, 184, Pasienger Train iil rail ai IjIIu. : , aiOVINO SOUTH. Pmungtr. . Leav Scran ton, 4 20 P. M kininton. k hi Dloomsburg 8 24 Rupert, g.3i Danville. tis ' J Arrive at ortilumbrlasdl 9.44 ilOVINU KORTU. Northumberland, 8.00 A. M pauvill, , a.to , Rupert. B.4U Rloomaburg, V.34 ' ' ' Kiuiraton. ' '15 ii u u ' Arrive at Serantiin. i a.i Freight A Paasenger leaves Bliiouisburg. 10 IS . w raawugert taking the Mail Train Ciouih eouuect TronTN A liahimo,:1.0, ,h" Hr-,ni " 'rtbu?g Td M0 MP Mo ffcUaaeliilui nlhiTe.? t'" ?lPiD aaoompany tb BalunS." - Nox.bumbe,Uj and Baluwore, end yrU.ua,U,lla end Philadelphia. X. iiOL'SD. Bupt. I. K. BTAVUFFEB. i" ""'!?r,,,"'"t a-tchee. JTew, elry, Nil ver fc PJuletl Wrt eoastaaUi, kaad.BultaW. for HOLIDAY PREBtiT8' . UOWAllD ASSOCIATION, D'etiaae, I'llsw -'avrTaiaa. Neaalaal I rluan ay,l atJ. ?tSmml new and e.ll.l.la's:. . -1 " ard aiTtTtoiztk sara l es..'Uvie, tree of eaar. i . . m. J . M u, nwn I ..Lai hi" J Mlkl In connection with the above articles, he also keens on hand a large assortment of STATIOXEKY, such as Paner. Envnl.itu.a !..... o..:,. i-' Lar t hysiclau s nrescrinti.mi hi.. I r., ... ;i wMsr.sxtnanxaxn TIKKE1'L10N HOTEL. ' ' ': V cLU.r.eull'i.) . IRKKT UlUtT,' HUKBTjaT. TX. JULIUS AUDIT En HASukea tbloidaad wait kaavwa uad, end realted aad (uralsae theses 4a pvepavad to aaeemmodate Boarder and Travelers with the Vast th market ean afford. He heroes by ttrlat attoatloa te tneriaes to receive a br ef peblt petronsf . vjii lAaiiK soanatn m neet u marxea anoras. Hi Bar ia filled wit the ahoieaat of Liaeara. huta. Malt and SpWitueuJ. . , , The Mabiing I good, aad attended by arru Ostler. . - . . . . -.. : - ttaabary, April SO, looe.lyw ' GK'W- 3H1A.XJJPT," Attorney Bad Ceaaellr nt Ijsw OS en south sld ef Market street, foat door west of S. Y. Bright A Bob's Store, wilt attend promptly to all professional business tnlrntted to bit ar, ti eollection ot elaims In Nortbamberlebd and tb adjoining eoantl. Hwnbury. My lrlftt. ly , .. UltJCA 1' KEOVCTION IN THE PRICE OF JgJ VXaVr aT2eXtXat aaC9 .EDWIN HALL & CO . 1 Vo K Booth Second Street, Philadelphia. Ar now offer! n their niamlfloent stock of Silks. Dree. Uood. bhawls. Cloths, Cloak, Vlvta, A., far below the present Uold Prioe ! We have also on band, a large slock of DOMESTIC UOODS, which w ar now telling at a ireat reduc tion from the trices we bay been aellina them at At w have bad the advantage of rite In the price of oar Stuck in the proareeeof the War for the last two or three year, w now propose to giv our Cut. toDiers tbe Advantage of in. tall in rrieca. , Caliooet and Musllnl, reduced, Flannels aad Table Linens, redueed, Blankets and all stable Uoodt. reduced. . We respectfully solicit from th Ladies and ether visiting rbiladelpnia, aa aaBnination of our atook wbioh is unsur Dueled in variety end it vie. in thiseitv N. B., Wholesale Hovers, are invited lo examine Our Stock. t.VMi lH HALL A CO., 'o. 26 South Peoood street, Philadelphia. October 8. last. 2mw TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. f pilK subscriber 20 year a praotleal Piano Forte X Manufacturer, of Kw York City, ba perm bently located in tbil notion, and would rcspeetfully tolioit orders fur TUNING. BIPAIRINO. AND KEGU L ATI NO PIA.N0 FORTES and MEL0DE0N3. ' The tubscriber ia alo th manufacturer's Azent for cnicKKnrxo son's, 1IAZLETO.V BKO 3 , LIMiEMAN A SON'S.. WILLIAM B. BKADUCRT'S, tDrt AKD BLWOM FIELD'S, Mcdonald a co s, im.vmd i'4icri:N, And Carhart A Ncedbam't. and Peloub.t'i MELODEOIS HARMONIUMS. , And L. C. Stuarft Pip CHl'KCII 011(1 ASd JAM! i McDOXALD. Blocmsburji, Ta., April 19, 1S5.',. ti. it. .viAssi's:. Attorney at Warw, Pt'MlVRT. PA Collection" attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, I'nion, t-uyder, .Muntuur. Columbia and Lycoming. KXFERKMCE. Hon. John M. Ilced, Philadelphia, A. O. Onttell A Co., ' Hon. Win. A. Porter, Murton McMicbaid, Esq., " E. Ketcham A Co., 2S9 Pearl Streot, Now York. John W. Ashuiead. Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attomeyi at Law, " Suubury, March iv, IM62. Northern Central IJ nil way ! ni .M.Mi:it ri.vii: x.tm.i:. THKEE THAIX8 DAILY to and rrotn Knltiraore and Washington eity. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and tho West 1 IlltEK THAI NB DA I.Y tn aud from tneVorth and West Uraocb Susquchauua, Eluiira, and all of orth ern New York. fX and alter MONDAY, MAY Ifilh. lo64 J the Passenger Trams ol the Northern Central express irain leaves Sunbury daily .. (ept Bunduy,) 1144 P.M. leaves llarrisburg (ix.ept 1 Monday.) 2 40 A. M arrives at Baltimore daily ., (cxeept Monday). T 00 A.M. llarrisburg Aucommodiiliou leaves Harris- burg, 7 00 A M Sunbury Accommodation leares SunWv daily (except Bunday) ut 7 30 A'M . NOl. TII WARD. Mail Tram leaves llaltiiaure daily (ex. ccpt Sunday) " leuves Uurri.burg " arrive at Sunbury, Expres. Tralu Baltimore daily arrives at llurrlsl,urK. " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday). " arrives at Sunbury. 8 20 A. M 1 P. M. 4 Ui " 0 30 P. M 1 40 A M. 3 14A. 4 43 M. ilunisburg Aocoinuiodulioii leaves Harrii uurg, umiy (exoept Sunday) at ' arrive, at iinrrisbuig. Sunbury Aucniumociutiuii leaves Harris, burg daily (except Sunday) al a oo p m 7 40 P M 4 00 P M the Office. Uen. Supt. ror lunovr intormaiiou a),,ly at . . , I. N. DiBAItKY Harrifbuig, June 4 itit. o s n o it A's CELEBUATED PKEI'AIiED ; JAVA COFFEE, WARRANT!! SUPERIOR TO ANY I THE MARKET. I Tis used by first class families everywhere, and . " -V " """"" "r nervous and ilrspeni pewons. being very nuilritious and free from a ue.e.ermus suuaianoet. in testimony of which I hnve ,u, mosi einmtnenl I'bva c ans it the Country Try it, .nj ,uu miu b tmue its use in preference to any other. h. L I"" Jlr 1 Cent; per Pound i i i-k i i- '""'"Knout toe t'niled States -- uiiwiudi iw me iraile. l'ul up only by I. i:VIM A. (INUOU.X Ma-iff U 69 W" Vork. ef ' I "- TilEUW0N,'F0REVKR UUOU I Ull .MILLION I At the Store of JCE1T ECV'EIT Corner of Marlet and Fawn 6treeta SUNBfUy, PENN'A. Jutton.ned FALL & ULNTKR GOODS or evervooav. i his nn ..nt,;. .. k... . .. Which ever.,,,,, .ill "ZZ !""'.. P."" '"' . . - -r wM.uiceu iu calls and amines ib stock, which comui.of a Dra Goods Ca-im.,, dolU, tienlt' Oy.,o.ting leant, Culteuadca, .Muslins. ijreM Goods ia great variety. LADIES' UHEss (.nous Pli ain and Figure DelalBe,' Prench and Figured Merino., r in. V, ool Delaiae all a.ria aad ull1 ft'iii. Nankeens. LADIt Haaiu, Jablc-Covert. Irlfh Linen, Brown and ' Whit Bhaetings. Bhawlt. ita I mural Skirt of all aiuda, Huup Bkiru, all prioet, Head, kerobiets, Flaouel., Ladies' Kid. oilk and Menno Ulorea, A. Jew elry or all klada. ladle, and Genu' Union Skates. Alarg.aaaartx.aotof JfOTIONfl. Hardware. Cadavwara. Olaaswar. Chlaaware, Oroo.rle., Tobaoeo. ' Th na- Queenwr. Crockery. -a..a nsua, UoJaseaa. Bpieat, . ... JTii. hall-'A... Ai.. and every taiag .1 new ally kept la a star. Pro. ttfc eeekaage for gW- trouble te ... r. OUTBKI.'iTt ' J-HJ'j.jUaJ.. Aica nun, 1 1 . 'if "n T," "Vf unoury, ; The Iatett publieationt alw ... i .t . . ... . J ""ty t wavvui l Nindav). iiimi I . . . " loavet llarrisburg, 1 2il V m' I (u'Uul8 'r looking glaase " arrive, .t Hi. t ... '.. ' alsfays on bund. ThfJ Aiejafi RsprtMBi CompnmTt G1V I0TICB tba oSey W atalle44 a raagetneM aritk tb Vertkars Cc4HtaU 1 roA Ceaopeny te nsn tralaw fro re Baltiaar fsr terk, Herrlaburg, Dauphin. Halifax. Trevortoo, Munbary, Northumberland. itrWmrg, Milton, Money. VYU llaaniport. and ajl tatajwdlate tdorj wotineeilng at UarrWburr WltTlbe it SAT WfcSTkRN LX-. Piti.au PtlltWg, JuiiBiti, tH. heaww be Zi with Eow'ari (So. It topa'asi 1 DesrytH, Bluuaiebui g, Wrl aerTWrtntrstnp; Bimta ton, and bsteraeffat atationa ow th Vattawtaaa, Lackawanna A eioowsburf Railroads. At Wll. lleesepew, t Hm r-Ce:J Ejrprww lo Jersey there aad Le'44.e.'.AsV by Ihietard t Ce., aa taetr eaaaealieas, far Vantna, inry, ..imire, RoehMter, Uuffalo, Niagara, aad. to all aeeaesibla point In Weetern New York and Canada, by which tbey will frrward Mr,andise, Bpeote, Batik Notes,' Jewelry, aad VelaaMe Faekageetjf every d Maria-,. tton. w, ... .. Alto, Note, Draft and Billt for Collection, kioerleuoed and eflBeient measecir.n emnloyed. and v.ry effort will be nad to render atisfiUoB... ..... niatAUAJi, . . ' ' Puperlntetirttbl Pebn' Division.- Philadelphia ' R. A. KlriCHhR, Agnt for aJunbary. ' 1 April a, ltM2. - - . , ArraBgeMrati , -, lNoa, : i. it T..i Ssw Vork ' Utta: THECAMDBS AKD AMBOT A!D PlTtLADEL- PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. Frvm Philadtlphia re Tftm Tori and Waf Plarrt,. Jnm Walnut tlrtet Wharf and Ktnirintrton' Depot, trill Itavt at follow, mar ra a ! Att A. M., via Camd.n and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) 82 24 At 8 A.M., via Cemd.naadJereey City, N.J. , AooomniodatioD, 2 24- At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) - S 00 1 At 8 A.M., via Camden and Jersey elty 2d Class Ticket 2 2:- At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jertey city, Eipress 2 Of At 12 M. via Camden aad Amboy, C Mil A. (Accommodation,) 2 2i At 2 P. M., via Caraden and Amboy, 'C. and. A. Express,) 8 0C i At 8 P.M., via Kensington and Jertey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express . 3 OC At GJ P. !., via Kensington and Jcrtoy Citv, (Evening Mail.) ' 3 00' At Ut P. M. via Kensington and Jersey eity, Southern Mail. 3 00 At It (night) via Kensington and Jertey city Boutuern Express S 00 At t P. M.,vla Camden and Amboy, (Accom modation, Freight and Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 40 Second Clan Ticket, 1 24 For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes, barre, Montroee, Great Bend, Ac, at A A. M., from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. r or Muuch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Beli. dcie, Euslon, Lambertville, Fleinington, Ac, t( a A. M., from Kensington Depot, and at 2i P.M. from Walnut atreet Wba.-f. (The 6 A. M. Line oonnects with Trains leaving Eaaton for Mauoh Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at 0 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at A, M. and 2 P. M. WAY LIN Ed. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. rid 1 and 4 P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Kirerton, Delanco, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, ISordeutowu, Ac, at 2, 4J aud II P. M. For New Yora, and Way Lines leaving Ken singion Depot, take the Cart uu Fitih street, above Walnut, hull' an hour before departure. Tlie Cms run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each Train, run from the Depot Filly Pounds of Bnggnge only, allowed cai-h paasenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking: anything ut baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over til ly pounds to be paid lor extra. The Cuuipauy limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, aud will not be liable fur any amount beyond elUO. except by special contract. WM. II. UATZMKlt, Ajent. January 17, 1S04. WIVI KiNOCHE 93 MARKET STREET, HAUltlSBUKG. Dealer in ' PIANOS. "VTEW ltosewuod Pianos, from the bciit Xv 'rum i2U0 upwards. MEl.ODEUNS. 'ihe best manufaetured maker lasiru-. mi nis Irotn 4Sto51U0 Ouitars. Violins, Accordeons. Flutes, Files. Drumt. Iliuijos. Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musical mor chandiie in general. SHEET MISIC. ays on hand. Music sent country. KAMES. , aud all kinds of pictures A fine i..ortii . Afiu.. . - i LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to Inrgut siset Any style ol tranie made to order ut the shorte.it April II, 1S(13. 93 Market St., HurrM.urg. M. V. IMIt 11.4 IC I 'M Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, -tliirkt-l Mtrorl, Nuubur), fj. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINJW, TOYS OF EVERY DESfRIFTIOX, FRITT, iVc. .tc, C10XSTANTLY on band and for sale nt tho above J estahitsbmciit atwholcs.ile und retail, at reason ablepriees. He i. manufacturing all kinds of Cnfectionnric. rat U? Mortu'''t which are told at low Tobacco, Se-ars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and whofe. L .J'"!' .rrliuK' " of bi-n " offered wnulestile and retail, Lf Remember the name and place. jry xi t M. C. GEAKIIART 'o"rrjl,'t "-'. 3 Joofs west efE. Y. Bright A ion's Bunbary. Sept. 19, 1S6.1. tf AS-.! If mK,vl. , K i i'K I iti:i:ifi-it : As Improved fi-1859 and I860 By E. KETCHAM A CO., 289 Ptarlet., Nw York. I 1.i0nI-v Furee,er "ruted on scientific prin .Aan 1 hl"b "volvi"P " "d spring bl.dr draper. The one hastens the freeiiiigof the cream-, the other remove, it a ft a. froxen of ice.1""" rPiJ btaluS wit t quantitj and'!?..?' m' conon,ic1 in. as it it the most simple ami durable in struoture. I'nion'' " lJ" "'"''P1 oltiM towns in the and7lFd?r"r!:r.ooBwai,, 'Uh PRICE1 3 quarts, quarts, A quarts, B quart, 14 quarts, $3 M i 00 4 00 00 8 UU ill quaru, 13 SO March H- B: MA88IR' fa-by. CJaoaQelliu., -Biaoa P. WoLVaarua HILL & WOLVEHtON. Altorut-yauud Couaarlnra at lHl 0850, Market street, oor. Centre Alley, W 8TJNBTJRY, PA. ILL attend promptley to the collection of claim, and all olhar ..rl...u,..r..l k..l.. .... . . their eare in Northumberland aadadjoiniu, oounii sunbury, Jnuuary 2.1, It) Mnnltood i hen l-ol, how Keaerol Jutt nubli.hed. a new aHilin f.t n .., Celeoraled Euay nn tbe radical cure (without medi oine) of iSnermatnriluxa. or aasniauJ ... voluntary bcminal Losses, ImH,leney, Menul and" rtiysical Inoapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc also, Conauiutition. Epilensy. and Fira i..A7..- ...' aclMudulgence or sexual extravagance. ajr rrioe. ,o a eaveiope, only six oentj Ilia aelebralad .uihiw In .k;. -.i.: , . , , , , . " auuiintui easay Slearly dvuionsiTates, from a thirty years' auooesatul prsotico. thai the alarming itlllAAIIanAaa ..f ...la- .base aiay radically .ured without the dangerais ase of internal meduine or the applioaiion of the knife-poiuiing out a sued, of ourVat on..MB,p)., ertaiu. end .rlooiu.l. k. ...... ... i,:..k v . tor, no natter ih.r abTir"? "V"!' 1 u? :Pl7. privatelyfid ra.lie.lly.' 7 W awiure suouia a la tee kaqdt of every oath aad every man ia the land. . 7 Bent. und ui im. - , . A . V ,, piam eavaiope, io any aa- arees, pu..pld. on reeelnt ofala c. Up. Addr U. -ubliab.r. ' " ' ' . ' WIA. J. 0. KLINE A CO.. 127 Bowery, New York. Putt Odrae Boa, Hot March 24. . Ib64. j. ly e " ; iMlt-rBisllossal llele-l, end T jVeWtrasr, Vornmr Prmmihn Straw '' ' J I . tihW. YORK. ..,;., T rpBU ftrettlast Houee the moat auieC hooielika 1 d pleeaaat Hotel la the eityiiriS Uduaunvni to thus yulUag Nw York for busmus tr pleawire. It is eeatral In IU loeaUon, and kept oa tb.Io.oraaa Ptaa. i. aoaoeottoa w.ih TayiX 8AiTfc,T",r,B""1 eaa be had ali bo.nv araryd iatheirwa room.: Th. ebasgee eiVlS derate, tb roeaaa and u.n,l.u. .r,K- r... . "i T AUjf MXtUt