Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 15, 1865, Image 3

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    , ' C Of A
H.'S.ASM,8lrtor PrnprisW.
. WI1.VBBT, Publiahe. '
SATURDAY, JPLT 18,, 1888.
ftoral Affairs,
!-. orus t SvMoniaaMrAfthtAMawtf
U. publication f ur A.nio Mdet- tbi preren,
terms win txptra la feptmbr, It taay be trell to
remind nUoritwn that Aft cents iu b uwl by
paying withlt tfa yw.. Butawibm tan fcrw.rd
th amount by mall at our risk.
jpA Hixt. stater throws o lb
grata, fcrowfng up on patements, wiH effectually de-
ttroy it.
. 1.1 i t . ;aeA ;id
dayts on lhetiew rtrare- between ttiia plane and
Tyrone by -way OT iliasnfH)rrsnC Lotto Ilaven
Th distaoo. frosa gunbury to Tyrucs (oiitic Pann,"
ylvania Railroad) by this route, is .08 Biles.' From
Tyrone to Pittsburg 131 miles, making tha dlstauo
from fcunbury to PiUtbura; 23V mites. from liar
ritburg to Pittsburg it 2if mil. , Xha traini on tbo
Tyrone road, twitch effto Uolleioutt, B mlloi and
back. . - .
lVirlU'iTiga.- Apricott may b budded on the
Uum, arid this it a good time to perform the opera
liou. Drowssd.-Ou Saturday night about 11 s'olock
our eitirens were alarmed by the ringing of the Court
House bell '. Wo toon learned that young lad, a
ton of Peter Schincltter, about 9 yean old had. been
misting dm ing the evening. A abort lima after, bU
fishing rod era discovered on Ebhaler'a wharf, and
search being male iu the water hii body tru disco,
vered with the line Around fall linn J. t was tup-'
posed ha bad fallen in while trviug to louscn hia line..
Ijf N'ahiiow Escapf., A little- boy about i year,
old. a ton of John W. Riichcr, while standing on the
railroad tiaek on Wednesday last, wne knocked oror
by some cntthnt were backing down the road. He
teas sufficiently stunned to keep him quiet while the
cart passed over him without any further injury. It
it extremely difficult to keep children oft" the track,
and the won Jer is . that accident! ore hot mors Ire.
quant. ' .,
'CiTTrnriLLrks. Coal ril ia a cheap, speedy and
certain death to thii destructive worm. A few
drop dropped into their neat when the "swarm" it
in will do the work. Farmers and fruit growers
should know thii ; and they should also kn.iw that
a fruit tree can no more bear fruit stripped of its
leaves, tliau a man can breath without lungs. -
Ijg-- The surest remedy is 1o watch them and
crush Ihem as soon as they appear. A small colony
gathered on a tingle leaf while small, will, if not
destroyed, toon spread over, and dostroy the foliage
of a largo tree.
tV The Harrisbuig Ttltgrapk has been e.
lurged. and is priuted on new type. Those desiring
a paper from the seat government would do well to
subscribe for tlic Tthfapk.
Lf We stated lusl we.k that the body of a soldier
Win. Uui.thcr. of Lewi-burg, had been found below'
the duui. It pp-nri Oimi the body of Mr; Hummel
uf Snyder county, ii!mi a young man and a soldier
who was with him, wLrn lij'iu to get over the fcrrT
ut Nurthuuibciland, was loin.. I iu the river below
Millersburg. His hi nd an I face bore Iho marks of
some severe bruise, but whether they wore received
by fulling over the .Wins, Or otlrwij it wis difficult
to determine. What is singular, is, that one of Mr.
H. Young's ferry boatj had boon taken, and that
tku oa j belonging to lh two drowned men were
found on the hore opiio.'ili. Northumberland.
f",rTDE CotRT II-t:sit at Pct.insir.oT i. Tbe
roiniiiissioners of Snyd-T coui.ty had a bearing hefore
Judge Wiwl inrl week. on a waudzvts for refusing
to proceed in the erection of public buildings at Se
i"""JTast ,Fc3nTtMtStiilSfAe,Wtr.,f Justice ir'ohi
Middleburgto Belipsgrore Judge Wood's decision
we lenrn is the to refraitory Con.mi.'sioBers,
and we proiume they will i.uw comply with tbo
requisites of the law. ' '
On. ix CuLvhbia Consti. .V writer, iu the
Urpiihlicau says tbo prospects urn favorable) Tbir-
ty-scvcu.yeur ego a company bored for salt on Pin j
Oreok, Lycoming oouuty.TT.Ct a depth of l.'O feet, a
fan mid strouj smell, siuilhii to crudl pctrulcum
jume up and cued tnem to abandon the well. Tho
ine-.-iiuei s of oil found baa 4i ruell. Tiiis il said tu
ie the disc uimiiny oil locnlili.-.-
Tho hi'o raint Lai a Cuii'iderubly ooolcd tho
iiiiiusphcrc, i.nd tho tea;br lii past week, has
jeeu quite comliirtablo. . ' :
tV Lr.a of-Cacsks run icevn Tsna, lbfli.
.. hu l)rher vs William t iijril)-.
VHsliinjj'on Kreitier vs Jiuiim I'ulloek etal.
iirurd J'ire and Int. Com'y. vs liunfl Stadden ot al
,'eui. of Penu'u. tor mmoi; Xboiual 1'ursul v Juiucs
Vandyke et al '
uuie use of James Wright f jurats iindykt.
iuuiu-1 Grant, endorsee vs Win L. iewari. .
leu. C. Welker vs Goorge Hums,
lavid I'agely vs A. SI. fcaii.-.k. .',,., .
:o.u. ot Penn'a fur S. L. Finney vsTl.ilipW Ililg.rt.
ohu llulerfur use vsllarbsra Aon Alrxauder.
ereiniiib Ziuiiin ruiHii vs John A . Conrad f
b islbm Uaupt vs David Waldroa. -.
. reiniiili Kuvi.le saJasnb Jua lore. .
etor K. Fiaber a Joaiph Weiti-1. ,
unih Jam. Coupvs l-.lit .b-th Jti kiEI.
lichael timliuin ts JinPlliich.
illimu A v Juvib Bird. . -j
bum. Comly vs Jonu il-iyer.
.hu C Murguii vriiaibau llilieiibvtatr.
inuu M.Mouiova Jerome E Wuloolt.
n,rv P-.!i:.met 1 vs Edward Baura
':n tl heicfclme vs Chnrloe P llelfeuttaia
,t in ii;ld.-uvs Wui Jloutelius
Hen F Lime vs Jeremiah Yordy.
jimiliuu Hoover v Jiuinh Keed, Adm r
.hn A Oodge vs Jacoby ll.irtman.
ihu 1 Ite ird vs Jacub Weiek
obert U Cumminga vs John Wlttemaa
ime vs Williiim F.r.iuan
reeduitn TIioijiks vs Andrew Ueektl.
nirlrs Uny vs liuniel W Smith
.hn P Purscl vs David Waldson
nnicl Herrvs Juhu F Cowan
i lleehtvs Peter K Fisher .
.i.nvvill .hs(ler vs David fcfhbaet
illiam J Kobins vs John S tinyder
i'.ey Weaver vs lleury Lenty
W Creamer vs John Leisur ... .
.hn lluucoek v John Ilaa
ias mop' va Samuel Kothermel
uie vs Adam Leukar
ob 11 Engle vs John Young, Constable
.hu B Veir rs Henry Weiae
m of Peon avt Philip Hilgert
a 1 Clement rt Jamua J Dull.
For lb American,
o llie rai of ISlIuU und Those
i..s.-rs .tsl iu Ue lUud I'UlterU-ii
uts tlt StumjuehaBUU. ...
The hisluture of Ial sessii-n, having, as
act of justice, passed an act requiring
rporations and others, tu alter the dauis
i tne Susquehanna river so that shad can
n tip the stream, it lias no beeouie the
ity of tlne int.-restea aud this enihraces
1 that are fond of eating as well aa calch
g shail, to see that this law is properly
ccuted. If these orporations do not obey
e law and moke the necessary alteration
t the nooule call em the Governor iu per-
n ur bv oeUltoii. atkiui him tu sue that
id moat iiibt and reasonable law is proper-
and promptly enforced. Besides it would
. m il to bold ineutiuua pf the people all
on ' the river in which resolutions should
. -..4.,l iir.dim the Governor to get) that
js law is fairly -and speedily executed,
.ii ii..a.a. ahauld fail. , Iheu it dl be a
ksstinn for thosu -interested to uka Ui
.n,.r ,,wn hands and abaU the
jtsaoce the bert way they- nd
uwlil aa uosaible ' ' '' -
Editor of NewsuBDera sJona . tba ausqntv
iuua. favorable to "freeshad sod flb,eruiaps
."7: :r- " rr ::"--;..,,. ti,.
uut win eupi iue ivi w-
r. ,.i.ii - "
tto I..BI.V, -
ReT. JJr7-Oilltfe. t)ti8terof theVirBt. iUD-
tiat Church, itnprtrred the tulemnttitm Vf the
ptst week by ift apprrtriaU ditooufak) a-
pectaliy to young nacn. p ' r.. ;m j
' Ho bad um bea tuort) Impmned Vltb
tt lmporunoa of hi duty tbu: during, tin
iibeea hours which tie pnsaed with tbooa-
victe in tUo penitvouary betwewu lUUraUtey
rternoon knd that of Friday. 1 T"
, Oa Tburtday Dr. O. wu called pto ' by
Assistant Secretary 01 war tckeTt, wbo in'
vited him to visit tt cell of thu douinird
coaticU for -the - purpose 4f dniiniting
to them such apiriUal consulatitms al'ere
ncederl. " bteppirti into the Btcretury a cur
riage, lie at once accompanied liitn tliltlnf-.
Ob theii arrival, Mrv Etkert Introtluced liitn
to other oflicerrf, BlrtF then to the Convicts.
The first call wns fipori Pay nt', whose rtal
flattie thvy soon' ascertained to lie Lewi
Tt.orntou Powell, Lis. Middle! name .iseinic
aller the Mev. Dr. Thornton, a 'Preatiytfrian
clergy loan yt ClkarlcHtiinSoiUli Carolina. . , ,
Aiit weicoineu timi, anu at occu pro
tfCetfefild folate hia eariliiatoryr Hfs t'nth
er waa a iiuptist iuiuister. The convict had
liecn from iut'ancy brought up under rdti
ou iutltUMiue. . At twelvie jeara ot age he
was by hia own futher consecrated to Uod
ia Baptism, and became niemoer ol the
church. - In direct opposition to the wlsltex
of liij) t'uiuily, he entered the rebellioi;. Fur
a tiuie he tudeiivoritd to retain his religious
Character, imt liecaioe -connected with Uil
hioi. ' Thi whs his second great step downward.-
This was ful rowed by his" getting
into Mosby's gang, which was far wor.n.
iiis next company was Btstitji. '.
, JJr. Giiletto found Powell to bea yistrfg
mini of cultivated mind ingenuous;' Vrnlik,
caadid''aFnd ail t'ntnest1 stqiplicaut for Divine
lav.,?.' ,; , . ; f.--- . . ..
In conversation, lie feforfud to his inothcr
and wept bitterly tu his sisters to the
pleasant scit-ioiis uiice-eiiji'Vti by liiin in the
cuuruli, (lie.baUntu school und
i tjte nociirl cir
1 L 'J .i'.
cles. I ,
Powell frankly r slated his conviotiorrof
the enormity of his crime.' The moment he
lied from the hfiusc of Secretary Seward und
leupi'd into the saddle of his horse, Ilia mind
was -quickened into a realizing Sense ot the
horror of the daiiniHble deed which he hud
perpetrated, and he became miserable,
wretched life itself bicamu loathsome.
The doctor here corrected two points iri
the published statement., it i was reported
Hint lie wore "a jnuntv hnt.1' (That hut was
placed upon ' his head by the advice and
ha'ids ol Jr. O., when Powell's hauds were
iiiuioneil behind him Dr. .'O. suuested
i he h.-tt on account of the Intense lnut of the
Oetvnilfj. It was 3uid 'on the ' morning of
the t iecuiion he te heurtilv, &c. On thnt
morning he positively declined tukiii any
food; and he us pi isi,um m re
lusinj; Htimulauts of any kind.
His last pr.iver was. a. suggesleil f y his
friend, the Doctor, "Lord Jesus, receive my
Dr. Cilletle here., nddrcssud his audiuuee
with deep feelings, lel'erring to his on n sons,
to tue sous of his congregation, to the young
men ol the city whir hubitually viait drink
ing houses, resturunts, tc.
The preacher then visited Harold, and
his description corruKpondud with those iil
ready ptililished. With great elorjuence he
deeiitied the eci iif in whivh Uaiold's sis-ter-i
were present.' One M' them read to him
from hei praer book; and ufn-r'Di-. It: had
iiil'..ic I the pl:ucr the fcimic- sit.tcr lolloucd
in mi itiuiicatinn to '.hi: Throne of Divine
Grace on. behalf of her Lr.(!her, which allect
ed till the present. , . , .
ills next cull w.'ih n .Aterott. llu at I
o w e conitiieiiccd r. m.ii ks ivhieli cir.miiiited
.Mrs. Suriill, Imt h a.- jri-iilly reminded that?
iiigner i.nt u in,, ilcvo.w-,1 tip. in lo.n a
pn p.iratiua n meet hia God. In this he
aeipiiesi-e;!. l-'or t wentv jiine vears. Iu nr.
the victim of bae jiassiirum, and the wiles
of artful, designing men. His wondor was,
if his soul C'hiU saved! Rev. Air. Butler,
the LuUit-ran preacher, soon arrived, and at
tended Is i ut most faithfully. om the lat
ter clergyman we learn thai he protested to
have fouu l peace Willi Heaven.
The peculiarities of tlio Catholic Cliurcu
prevented Ii I in In. Ill olieiin any a-eit-tiiiK e
to Jlrs. fenrutt, lor she was veil attended i
the Itev. Fathers S iget and Walter. Dr.
j. ilesetilied the scene - of '-the daughter'
hastv return to her mother's cell the anxi-
j oils innuiiles of that luotttt-r, 4-lt there uny
hope Mm replied, "hope is gone'. Uo,
Father Wijjet aud Waller pn.-p.irc my moth
er lor death!" In her uony, she leil agnint-t
the Kpeukcr in the door y, andsuid "hone
is tk-d."
'1'he doctor stated that these remarks were
made, hi rift iy in the religion point ut view,
I hut heinjt the place for none other. ;
The congregation .is very Urge und at
li'.n a'niiimiK.
. .ii;iv Xoi.fc, .ijifv '".
The steamer, t.'o.-ta li'tta arrived at this
pmt to-day, biiniili; Panama dates to thy
first Inst. ! ( ' . ' . i
Anotfiet fet-litj atj'"pt is being made to
get up a "revolution on the Isthmus.
Tho ex-Quiwn of the S.inwirh Islands hud
ptused thivugh Piiiiauia, en route for Eu
ropeV'The rniny season was reinaikably
inodenite and the Isthmus very healthy.
The steamer from Central America, just
arrived, brought no news. Gen. limrios
had arrived olt the port La Union Cut, and
probably learning that his rcvolutiiM hud
tailed, did not land. Advices fro.n Cuili
statu that the pauish question has been
amicably settled.
Business was very dull In Valparaiso aud
the uuirk.-ts lower.
Buenos A res papers states that mutiny
had occurred on the American bark Wil
heltn Zel, in which the,. Captnin and mate
had been killed.
The Uruguayans had commenced a cruel
w ar a.uaiiiat Paraguay. There are immense
f.ircea in the Meld oil both sides, and the
hostilities are being carried on without
A third revolution is Iieing carried on in
Bolivia, the recently self elected President,
Moltgiifejo, laing driven t.ut J lie retroiu-,
tinuists vero niarcliinn nn the city of L
Paz and It was thought they wou.d sack
the city.
The ruvoliition in Peru seems to be pain,
in" cround. Gen. Cruseba, the actual Vice
President ol Peru, Das joined tne reoei..
A revolution, lieaded by ex President t,r-
bina, haul broken out in Equador.
Tho war steamer Uuayauias, was cajiturcu
bv a niinilxT f armvd ineii
on board tlio
latter vessel
sttaiiier WasliinctDn. The
fl....i;.,,. .l.,u-n uliuiir t'wlo unili-r nrettneo
. ... . r...:...i i.... .1,.,... 11,..
"nianT ",h.
An attnclc on Ouayaquil by Lrblna ' was
tboui-llt Uo would bu relUbecl. (
niiows'i BnoKcuiai, Troches, it Cmifih
Lozenues, cure Coii.'li, Cold, Jloarsenessand
InBuenia. or ant lrrit
. . c
aiuin ur piMti.,i
..Jrr-.: :"
th Throat.
U'.U, w . - - - .
.. r.v,.t i Wic. .K.m Valk.
"Th4 TrchtrattfJ'nfJftm4.".t
W . . vr . .
IICI. 1Sn.l.W
.-l frOlbDWRP flOHTSi"
11 if n n U..nn 1
;,. O,, f hnlari
' -
ires, naiuiimu yv..s-, . -
. j ....... ..jviank ii to il I -
. . . . . ..i.-
a if m wy r -.-'-t t-ws
VUUi'M, "-o. . .
i T . Dr. G. Fi BiGi.ow, uasion.
L . ti. . . a..--r,fJ
j tV: l .v.. n...r..hilrl familv.
- n iui ut'wfjn or tun unit vt u.'i",pv'
r- i iui iuai ,K .u ....
tht nliaarvad that tha Rfithaoliirds - had
0UYV4 thattbs RotbsobUd hadsue
I T- .. . . . ... .
I . .t - - 1 M...1
l oaus ntiitMiiant qaii iiuw,
i , j- v WAHiT0ir, July 11.
The Secretary of But continues his du
ties in almost ptrlrcS health. The novel
and eitraordinary splint was removed irom
Ills face oy oraer 01 ma surgeons, ana proves
Uk have been a uiarvellous suocess and very
few traces are seen of the original- ac
cident and the. subsequent assault -of the
battied assassin, with the exception of a slight
swelling m the aide of his right cheek. ,
betlrerjr mt h UediMofMn, Nn.
, r to t-'rlene.
WashingToh, nttef due considoration, havo
timcloded to deliver the bodies of the four
eitccnted convicts to their friends for buriaL
The disinterment, wi.tske place immediate
ly. ' .M i, ' . . I,-.!--, i ' v ' -
7"' iP.Bimpsoo's finildings,". " j
MARKET SQUARE, Sunbury, Ta., -J.
II. i:RNU-i:, Proprietor.
' Bunbury;7uly 13, IMS."" ' ' . " :
The Rebellion Closed and
" At '?. 1 Blors of -
.!,Ti "rit
F0IIEH4N AND IlOMESTIC.eeh as Cloths, Casrf-
marea, Muslim, Pheeimgs. Tieking. CnlH-oes, De
laiues, Flannels, and all kinds of MOURXINtJGojds,
Alpaccas, ' Hlack fro I lis, (lingbnms, Bnlmoral and
Skeletnn Fkh-ts, Canton Vlannel) Kankeens, Cor-
peHng of all airnls. - a .. . . . .
JriATt3.K. DAI'S. .
Comprisina;. Jlotierr, Otere. Ikread,- Buttons, Sua-
penners, Aeck-tiw, Collars, llanakercbiels,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Gum Rib
bon and Cord, tape, orotoliet. braid, K : '
I..', -worked collars, fancy head- - "b
dresses, tidy ootton, earpet
-. ,- binding, eombe, faaoy i - ' :
- toaos. oarixt baes
Trunks, Valises, I'mbrellaa.. Blank Books. Paper.
Envelopes, Ae. , , . , ;r. o..: .
Of nil kinds, such as Nulls, ltlnire and Screws, Door
Latches and Knobs, Locks, aad tt TLElli.' ol every
description. ...
Also, Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varuishcs, Fish,
Flaxseed and Ucuzine Oils. Glasa, Putty, &c.
Oue?nemitrc andliliissware ot all
An Extensive Stock of
Camposed of Sugar. Coffne. Tens, Rice, Corn.staroh,
Maconronl. Barley, Raking-powder. molasses, aoapa,
candles, tobaeco and aogara, Slt,i'iU. Meat, Cheese,
Ao., Ao. - J- -- - '
. s - Also, a large variety of
for Men. Women and Children.
sr All-kinds of Grain and Country Produce taken
in vXdhange for Uoode. . i i .
. Uive us a call hut-ire yon purchase elsewhere, we
are bound to still us low as any une else. . ,
Store-room in Ira T. Clement's building at tha
soutli-westsorner of Maikat Square, near the Court
House. . . . ,
Sunbury, June JJ, 186i. .. :., ' , . , ,,:
.LOCK n O ST I T A L. '
lr.U Y.
DU. J0I1XST0X has discovered (be moet Certain,
SpoodT and only KSoctual in the
W orj djor.sill VllVS! Woaeafctf ak HeatjaCOte
rai'iVebiiitv, Nervousness. Iyspepsy, Languor, Low ;
Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart,
riinidity.Tremblinirs. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness.
Disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin, Affoctiont
rf the Liver, Lunut, Stomach or Bowels those Terri
ble Disordors arising trom tne ffoniary iiudioj oi
V'outh thoso secret and solitary practice more fatal
to their Tietimt than the long of Syren to the Ma
liners of I'lvsses, blighting their most brilliant hopes
ir anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impost!-
l-Ispeoially, who have become th viotimt of Solitary
Vice, that dreadful and, destruotiv habit which
annually sweeps to an untlmelv gravo thousands ol
Voung Slen of tho most exalted talent! and briUiani
intellect, who might oth."-ia entranced listen
,g s.naiM Uh "ue thundoraof eloouenoe or wakl
o scstaty th living lyr. may call with full oon-
udnC . MAItniAGE.
Married Persons, or Yonn? Men contemplating
marriage, being awar of physical weaknast, organio
debility, deformitiet. o., speedily oured.
He wbo places himself itader tb oar of Dr. J .
may religiou.-dy confld in bit honor at gentleman,
and oonfidouUy rely upon his ikill ss a Pbytioiao.
Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored.
Ihit. Dissrosjing Affeolion-wbioh render Life
,;..ral,1 und marriace imnosiibl is th penalty
1 paid by tbo vieliuitof improper indulgence!. Vouug
nertona are too apt to commit excesses frost not
being aware ol toe uroaniui oouseiiueacaa m ui.j
..,....?. Vow. who that understands th tubieot will
protend to deny that the powor of proortatioa it lott
... kv thoe fullimr into imnrober habit than by
tb prudeut ' Beside being deprived the pleasure
of healthy offspring the moet serious and destructive
svuintoms to both body nd mind arise. Tb system
becomes Doranged, the Physical and Mental Funo.
u kn,l. Loss of Frocreative Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepssa. Palpitation of th Heart.
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of
tb Frame, Cougb, Consumption, Decay sod Death,
OMt-f. o. 1 "totalis rreacriCK "ireei
i .r K.nrf i.l coins from Baltimore street, a few
doors from th oorner. Kail not to observe nam
and numbar.
Letters must b pid nd contain a stamp. Th
Doctor's Diplomas bang in bit offio.
Mrevry r iVaaisout Drkgl.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London,
llraduatefroinoneof the moat eminent Colleges in
the United Stat, and th greater part of whose life
l i . ..,.. in iha hunilals of London, Paris,
Philadelphia and elsewhere, ha eflSeUd torn of
il,. mn.i aatonirbinz eurea that were vr known ;
many troubled with ringing in th head and art
when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at
tudden souuds, baabrulnes, with frequent blushing,
tttended sometimes with dersngtment of mind, wer
cured immediately.
TAiii: iaiiti'i:is.4H notice.
Dr. J. addretset all tboa who hav Injured them,
telvatby improper indulgence and solitary -habit,
which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them tor
.itherbutineat, ttudy.tooiety -or marriage.
Thus are torn of th ad and malancholr (Tot
v. .rl khiia of vonth. via: Wsaknsas of
the Back and Limbs, Paint In the Head, Dimneea of
!. r Muscular rower, raipuauon oi uie
' Heart, Dytpepsy, Nervout Irritability, Derangement
I of th Digettiv Funotlont, Utneral Debility, Symp
toms of vontumpiion, ao.
M.KTii i.v The fearful effects on tht mind are
macb to b dreaded bos ol imory, i.oe
Llu, Tlenrassion of SDirit. Evil-ForabodiOi
RmIbIt. Kolr-Distrust. Lot of
! Aa Are stnnoof tb Svilt produod.
i . . Tir boooming weak, pale, oarvout and
Boiaud, having iagalar appoaran about ta
tm. ooagk and stdiWius of oomumptioa,
Abo hav lnlur4 tbnW by a serUin praetlo
. . i i .k.n ,inM. Khil fraouantl laarnaa
..r mauigws . rr" ,r- 17.
froIp svll eompanion. or ai. aooooi, vu u
t wkieb at nightly felt, n wha aaleep, sr
...wS.r aiarrlaire fannotstbl. aad X
snd if
, ,
I salt
a mma ana twuj, -rr- -
What a pity that a young man, th bop of hi
unuy.tb darling ofbitparaoU. should bjtflauihed
funuy,th dixling ofbitparso should bnUh4
.. i tl . '. . A :,.a,M nl 1 KotKaa
J from all propot ana siisi;"""" '.
H . 1 1 ny nw.tomtinla of life.
T T-aunaaouanfia OI aeviaiuia lium ww imh. w.
r- ..- -iv. ...V
. ,.j..i . Maaathahii. Baussojoo
habit. Basis mowos
turn . -
. and lnaulauit in a aartaw sauwt
autt. before eonttmplaUD:. - :1-iT"-
I ! aaaitssiaiaw
Mlaat 'tntSS sound ind and
inn i etas i J- raqniaiiet to-promof eonn
i i.ji tohW thaaa. tba'tounav throat
- - .. ' . ... - - . . ,
' WW . piigrtsaag ; in. pru.p. ww.t
. . ft-afttft. io th vivs; to wina sooas.
(lie - "TiiT j!-.Va. uLt aHtk tha witoiaBab,
- 171,,. nlled trith. the nj.bwoboly mom-
tuu . stoa sbaita
" . . . . . to k. k UkS
"w""?" VT rZ t,"..tot - -'SIMIIL J
r Wb lb anlsgnideel and lagpnident votary of
ITeSrSlraM abaa Sa haa hnUtsea tba aotrn iln
-aaiafnl disaaae, U too oftel happesm that aa ill-timud
aamaaaf ahanut. or draadof diaaorarT. diM him
trim applying to tbnae who, from edasaiion--and
reapentabillty, oanWooe fcafiiand him, dsUylrig HII
the eoentilatianal symptonu f t'" hnld- ill. e n.
talis -thou' appearanae, auob . aa nl"erid e-r-
Hi aenuttianai symptonu f
Miroait duaaaed acre, nocturnal piuus In the he-id
and limbs, dimneav of sight, deafnera, sodne nti ih
shin bonea and arms, blotches en the head, flee am 1
satretnitiee, prornwtnj with frlgbtiul rnpl.lfv.S'i;
St last the palate of the aiouth or tim bouen iYiu.
Ssa fall In, and the Tidiim of Ibis tiwl'oi . uiijii-.
become a horrid objeclof eominisoiMtim, ttirii;n
puta a period to bis dreuuTuI sutferii.Ks.b.f --mi-i -. z
dud tolhalfjodiaoovered Countr,? r.iu n'buuje in
traveller returns." , '
., Ui kmrtaneholg fart (hat thousands In'll viettins
lb this terrible disease, -owing to tbo unsklllfulneas of
icnorant preUaders, who, by theuss of that fiewtly
PatMi Mercmry. roin the constitution and make
e)i residue of Ufa miserable, , .
,; .:. . HTKAiHUKRH ;
Trust not your. Uvea, or health) lo the -care ut the
siany Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, d- utiti.u
41 knowledge, nam ur ebaraoter. who copy l)r
Johnston's adverdsementt, or stylw theiHlve, in
die -newspaper, regularly Educated Physician.
hiaapabU ol Curiug, they keep yon trilling monii
aflur month taking their filthy and poiminii uo.n
pounds, r aa long aa the smallest fee can be oiiuitnel.
and ia despair, leave you with ruined huiUtbiosiii
or your galling disuppointraent.
'. Ur Johnston it the only Physician advrr'Hng.-'-
Uts credential or diplomas always hung in bis nilibe.
- IDs rem Id io or ureatemeut are nnk nown to alt
mbera. Yireparod .from a life spent in the great hm
piutla of Europe, the first la III country ami n mnn-
steasivci'rtvats fractict than any other Phyfiuiun
in the world,
Tb many thousands cured at this insiitutiou yen
after year, and the numerous iuiHirtaut Surgical
(Iperations performed by Dr. Johnston, wiUiessed by
lbs reporters of the "Sun,"' Clipper," and many
othetpapers, notices of which havo appeared again
and again before the public, besides bis stniniing as
a gentleman of oharaoter and responsibility, is a
sufficient guarantee to the alllioted. '
. Nun ii.'Aii."i Nfin.Kiti.i
'" C'lltliV. .-. - '
" Persons writing should be particular in .lirectiiif;
their letters to his Institution, in thefiilliiKlng n aner
' Ol the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md,'
Jon U 1865-1 y. ,
Tin: K4:sotk.aa;
.1 Will Car YoUr'Conh ' '
. " i ' a. .
THE.) P H (E N I X . 1'E O T O K A I.
Or somponnd Syrup of Wild Cherry und Itont. will
our the Diseases of tho XUHUA r AND LUM1.S.
Suoh at Colas, Coughs, Croup. As, lima, liroiiolnuH,
Catarrh, Sor Throat, Hoarseness. vYlinupinif Coiili,
o. lit tlmeiT use wilt prevent l'ului.iiiny t
sumption, and even where this le.iri'ul .twitch
laaeu bold it will atlora greater Mm inin ny
medioine. ..
Thii Pectoral it made from Wild Cii. ru II n Ii ,. i
Seneka ISnake Hoot.
lis Composition it tfuffioietit uiirautvvuf its viuu..
Dr. Geo. D. Wood. Profes'-ir of tin: l'i-in:'H:e i.f
SledieiuSin the University of Penr-vlv inin, I'l.y.-i
oian to th Penusyivania Hospital and one of tbe
authors of the UliiiI t-l.ies v. savs m
WildCherT llstk It is n j,nn ilie in t VuiujOu-
of our inaiuuous i emuuius, uui,n. Uh a lnun. k
er the property ut Ol.iiuin.g irriin.iov uud Jiunuisli
ie2 nervouaetcltaiiility."
The tame distingulshcl phV-'iei in and f .iv-
Ir. the tame work, Veneka Sn.tko is n simiuhi.
ting expooteianut Iu aouou is espt-vuilly tlu-otvil
to the lunga.. ill peouunrly un lul iu eurouiu c
tsrrb afieoiivutaud the aocoudary ataue ol 4iiuiip "
x or want ot epucw we cannot nuooru all law mii
monialtm our Kusessiuii, bu. . uoUu: . ...
1'lUtNlXVH.LI., Ai lii Jal, iiilt,
Ihit it tooortily that 1 huve aoli .nuutirod.- of ooi
ties uf Dr. Obeibolitcr's 1'sul'i.ix r'uuiui 1 nr. Coui
pound oyrup uf WiU Cuorry ocn-SuCu .miiuu
and i h'.vo yet tofiudasiuie iuJtvi-iual Ahii ji ,1
used h,-wbo does not bear icau.ouy ot us woii it'i ine
efleott in ouring cougns. rfiued, Jacob Vvts kiis.'
.i m .-t. UallSt. 1'i;0.mvillk, Jan. 11, HtU.
' I mott cheerfully ixnt tostilnonv to tho Viilaeol
th 1'hosmx Pectoral or Compound vrupof U i.d
Cherry tud Sonekaonaku H joi. : Ik-t'.ro utiaj, n t
bsd been Bulk-ring wi.h a tickling iu my tluoai ituJ
tight cough, fur mora than twu yu-in, an I bud oikcn
rariousotuer med:0mee witu uo relief. As s..ou us i
began toustDr Uberholuer's n.euicme ibu irritn Jlaiyd..iS ?,. e. ioe- ,
cougb, with tne happiest etl-jais.
clgneu, u .Bwi-u i.i iv..-..
PoTIPT'i'.V:;. .':-.!.. I, 1 .rf.'.
Tbi Brtiflr that I have acd ibe . !':.. l'.i
ral in my f-imily, aud I rco-.s ni-t. i i! tv t!i- p..'.: .!
at tu very Bti rumeuy tor v,cjn noo i . . i. n u i
h-va er 4riad. Oue of my en" tfi-n .n.e lakn.
with a cold accomp mica witn a Croi.pi juun ; i
bad indeed thai it oould . I'll. in se n: ly
breathe. Uaviug. heard to n.uc-ii ssi. iuh.ui uu,
Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bt;:e n ii. Il.e lirsi
doseitlieved the dimeuity ol U.sui in,- ml I'tlme
th obild had takeu oue-lour li tu tne i.l;n
entirely well Lvery iumily .eiulil h-.v
b.u.. Oiguea, . I' 1J '
i j'Jr-ls l .
,,-l. . -.'
The proprietor ot this tue'lijir.u L.,. ju
denoeiu it eulutivt powfr, Iruiu. il.u h-i
hundredswho hav used it, rht ttf tu-.'
retunded 10 any purchaser who if i -
Its UtKX - .
It is so j leaaaDt to tuk tsktcniMUva -i.v
It oosui only i.'uriy-hva v'euii.
t is intended tto sUy oboiiassof Jta..u
those of tb ' aud LuugJ.
La Prepared on.y by
oi)EKiioltzi:r. m d..
l-l.u-nixville. Pu
- JodSTOS, llOLLOV. AV it l ow HKN.
Ao 11, -V.lh blh atreet, I'miudtlpoia, tjiuaurul
W Aj;n'.t.
Soto bv lieorgo Bright, sod R. A. Fisher, J)ru.
gists, buubuty ; Woi. Cherrinjtou, Drua'st at Shu
niokia. ,. i
W. B If your reorctt diuggut or tlorekeeper
duet not keen ihit medioiM du nol )ei bim .ul )'o olf
wilb tome other medioine, because he tuiikw more
money on it, but tead at unoe to one of the aeuts i'ur
it .- t vr - '-' i.-
Jun 10, 13S5 -Oul
Ktstntc of IPlilUp Wt-vt r., !
NOTICE hereby given that letuus of jtdiuiuis'ra
tton having been grautad lo the iiudeiMiitd. on tho
estate ot Philic Zerbe, late of Lower Mabonoy town-
hin. Northumberland count T. Pa., deoeasud. All
persons lnaeotea to saia esiaie arc i,-.ucoicn m Min
I m medial payment, and those having elaiiua to pre
tent them for tultlrmenl.
Lower Mabnoov, June .1, lrtrii. l
Audilur'a) ."otU-e-.
The undersigned having been appointed an Audi
tor to distribute the balauo iu Ihe ban-Is of dusupb
Priestley, administrator of Joseph Vuu Jyko, dee'd.,
to all among I hot lantly eniill.-d to receive it, will
meet all parties interested fur that purpose, ut tba
office of Ziegler & Kasa, in lb Jiuroub of Sunbury,
on Tuesday th lllhday of July, li-, betwoou tht
hours of It SUS 3 ol SUM aay.
11 uf 71 flit FH A.,.llt.,r.
Bunbury, Jus 3, lai4.
Catute ol'C'barlfti IMeiiHttnta, tli-c'tl.
NOTICE 'a berby given thai lellert Tuslimcnta
ry have been granted to the subscriber on the
atat of Charles Pleasauts, late of .Sunbury. deceas
ed. Person indebted to tuid eot.ito are requested to
make immediate payment, mi U-usu Laving claims
will present them fur sot tie moot.
r E. P. PLEASANTS, Execulris.
Bunbury, JuotJ, 1645 ot
ilVtJkJlJ VXI 1JVJI iUlt WilUU.
fllll undersigned ouert at privaL sale hit Hut sa
ud LU1. tituat on Veer aUet. noar tue i.u
tharau Lhurcb. in Ul Borouuh of suuburv. 1
Louts it alarg fram with kitchen auaohed. nearly
na Thura ia alaa a new alabla. and all uaeeasary
oalbaildiugs r)Ud on Mid lot
Also a uuiiiuur ut
watur with a uuuiti.
ence aua will no tota
on raatonabl terms.
Tot farther pticlars apply to
Junel,18o4 . .
Bass or soutui, 1
BcstPaT, Pa, May th, iooi
ooa. .
Tha atoekholders of tb Bank' of Kta-lbumberlapd,
of 1 ... Serabv notified, in auoordanca wilb tba recmir-
no ' men's of lb Aot of Astmbly, approved the 'Hi day
0f August. Ml. euutlcd "Aa Avt tutabliug th
for t pur
fnUod tau
panki ul tsiu uousmasMi eaion iu aecouse wjmmtib.iuu
t..w Ik ntirmise of banklaa uuder the laws f lb
V'nltod ilawt," bat lb Bank of Northumberland,
. - ...iU nt I lias Kivslr hub un lisalil all I II M llJUl
, i I.TH.. U,,...!. ,.f K....U.. u. ThuilM.
1UK biwn, .h ----' l - .
tha lib dav of Mar. IS65. voted to beuoiu an Aa - ieu
, tb 4ih dty of May, lb6i, voted to become an Aocis
tian for Sarrytn o. lb. bosiuea. of . th. Jjaukiug
J under tht laws of tb United States, aad that lb
tyvtv ' art 'ib nteati directors hat prooured tb saiburily uf lb
cnuublal hsppbT.1 r. than two third, of th.oapiuItUMik.
ley tbroagb Uf. ba- .'tb. tlhoat feuifiMl threlor Tby Ot law
. - I " ll.i-JI abavrana - -
uf theowuaia
im waa
4 ibs
. ,.-Jl 'r'.'-H
- , J7 asstnelfolly, '
-. ' . i . .Vows km,
ST S H i; I! V f..
I) iftfr
t ulilx-
Vfp'r-rTl'f'.fl ftiji'iiua li.r liiends i,d ,L
l ill. lie -fin-i-i
I hut rhi liiw just opened a t ar,-
a-wiriiucint of HII MU","i
.A 1
i'tive ,t.h-
"I t V-
inrm -
1 Vel.l.
i.r-i I ..
IU' ike. :
i iW , ,;ti.fLcre.
17, iS'Jj Siu
:-'i . June
.1 w
i oi.'ii:, muiii-r il.irki F-infcf.
i 1.1 . u. ' It ' V'a'.,
BVI-,ltLy.,liiP-iiis his frh-adt and Iho imbliu
-'ein'rrillv. that li is l.ikin,. r..rir,.i,. !.. ,i .
best style and muuuer t his1 tlall.-ry in the above
a-M!!'V4TV; 'k yi: rdo'iCiKKAr-a-.
ii-1 - i-i:-1! in
ji' -:lM,
i ait-e - i
It !i t
i-l :r..l vmir I i ..
1 in...:- .
' ol i'i.-ii,r
a- JVwun tvt'
. Oy S V,.,'
- ', .1. .1 v ,
.ui b.i- . .J in.e
"iSii a M ml !
I '!i:'Mi,.,i
iT, 1 vjj.
1 r--eJVtrl3i-.
r;i!ni tti:t -,tii,d I uf th,
.1 !; l, ,
tie X i-UiiioMi ranii ot .
. .IS'.. 1-Iill.iM, .1 sm.n.
1 !.'..
Hi.' iivv. ".V i
4 1
t I
Tia' -:
i ll i ,
S i CiKN'l
13 A Z A A R
i. -.,
h. N .
A- IU HI 1m
! t'- .1 ,i K ii 'l , 1 h. N . '. A.
' I lii, f i ;i '.j'l i 1 i 1 1 1 i j .
Of the aewtt.1 styles eut I-.; tl ? beat Arris s. trimmed
an,l equal to; ci.m.vj u ,ik,-and sola at the
ovve.-.t priees.
.tis-ki ;:vl .lo.j 'V si lolii.'m, of the boet ma
terial coofisting of Drias Coats, Fru.-k Coals. INiek
Co,ii, Pants, uud 'ests ol vnrinus volurs and ouali
lies. A -s Is N ; Lii ro ATs.
(tr.XTLli.MK.VS 1- IdtA'lrilllNH IIII0H8,- -
Sllfll H
lli-l.- I K'iTrilil'tS
ritv.-'s. N". t-U' ii-r. lii
1 r.lwshins. lirnvscrs.
-.;tkercbiefs. .Stockings
C'l"! - A.s'D :
noKs, l urxKs. valipi:. lii.
LJ!l.I. i't d X
i.-.i ..tli'-r tir-ii'li'--
HD.N.- ol all kind, and mi mo
Tl.'j tib'ic nio inv
tu call uu-1 csniniiic bis
KPinriiihcr Iha pinna, ' t'onlinent'il Clotbiii.j Store
Ci i.ui ol M .-.ikei .sni.ii o and li e 0. K. K.
l.L 1 HtCilT.
?ui.lniry, M -y -7. 1-i.i. .
RK-sPECTn-l-LY inr..rtn.O."r IV.
.Hid vicinity, that slur h. is just '!
..;-..( ) ( -,r. .ir.M'.: ;
ul S.i':'t.t. nr.-l F ii.cylry II.. 1
:.irkct stri-et, four diM.ffl a-. s'r .-t W '.' '
bout iiud S11041 it.or.i. sr-'-i't if
llur eoi-is' '.t' 1 ri in tu 1 1 i-.i.iiui
dcr.e. L.I li-. i.i.l t.'i,ii ii.i.-' ,.ti :
i : i ; i.k
.. . I. Li , .. it.-i
t'i I ..ll-.ur ill in-. Il-i- l"
v L'r...
II ii-
TWII.KJilT.-l AMI (JAllIDAl.l): M!
Uradley't new Patent D.iplei: l.ilii.iv (..f 'double
Si.rin;,'S!;i!!fS '
.lents' linn lkerebii'ts. Cr n.irs. 'N.-ek:!". ..ifpjn
lers ; Hilibons. uf all Lbuis, Ki-,i!iei-. Viovet. au.
many other arliules io i...ui.-iu'i imoUuIi.
1 'ii : j - . l'i -K. it til i.i'i
Perl'iimi'Ty. T iile. "i-.- v.
UAL'i FlUl.Nui . lixii.lMiau1- . . i. i,.
Al tl..- ii.-..-
HAK a- 1 1. ,:n
Scurfs. IL-'.
Head I i
Silk. Ac.
il..l Or. , - lr - 1
ir-. -r!ii. i;v.
iv. , ir
! -ii.j-.l.!
1 1 rs. .s
. I ii . I
a. 'l ila.;.-lil:iii Il.e liilcxt
sw.--!'! Alliiiuery ii o Is.
k... ili!il. s nial
; nke.e.--.i ku
d l.MliC' C.
, 1'I.IM.M..
rln.lujt .
So., o i
1 Ha:-'
., . Lit., i at
Fl is. Pici.r-i
P.iri Ik. L.. I:
' l
Tl.anklul f-.i
teniioii to bui..-
r .
i. -i.
Sunbury M I ;. )'
WM. II. MlLLIitt.
jMarkctsejuare, SLKia ttY, l'ENX'A.,
Tl'jtT reoaivod from New Yi.rk and Philadelphia,
a I'resh supply of the latest styles aud of the best
iiualuy of
Men's Kid Glove Linoolu Ties.
" ' ' llxlurd "
.. .. Uui-kle " - .
" " L. Congress, and a variuty of
other lusting shoes.
Ladies iiuiluti'.ii liuckle, Ac, Ao .
Children's Shoes of every varioly and styles.
Wumen's Shuc at $1 6tl.
All bis Rood ttmk WAURANTED. No Puper
lhoes told at bis sloro.
He will also wholesale Boots and ehoet by the box.
The public geuerully ur invited to oall and ex
amine !!M SIO.IS.
Sunbury, May 20. lSf.5.
u. w. zii:ui.b.h. I: II. CAet
Col leol ions and all Profvasional businest promptly
attended tn in ihe
Cuurts or auriliuuiucriuua sua
ndioininir Counties.
ijf Also, special attention paid to
of Pensions, llountie and Buck l'u
the Collection
i'uy lor laowa
Urnhant and S-ddiera
Sunbury, March 1st, 186J
.i:iv OAI. l lltM.
"11IE partnership of Grant 4 Diets buviug been
I pnnnerliip in Iho Vi boletalo and Betsil Coal and
dissolved. . I h unuersignen navo eraorc
I into
ribippine; Huslets udr lie lrmnsm ot uj.u
fhaukl'ul for Ihe patronage estended lo us in the
late firms of k'riliug ttrant. and Grants A Diet
reepeutivelyt wtj rcapecti'ully wliuit vunlkiaanco
of the lame. .
W T. (Ill ANT,
Lower Wharf, S unbury, Peuu'a.
April 1J. 18S
Attorney A 'ount-IIor at Ijim..
Office corner of lllaekberry and Fawn Street, tbreo
doort att of E. Y. Bright t Fouudry,
. - t 7in A. r ;v,
trill .it..nH nsoainllt hi all srofeaskisal' hutinee
entrusted to his oare, tba oolleoUon uf olaiuia. iti.iiur
tbumberland and the adjoining- eountie.
I ConsullaUuua ill tietiuau and English.. ; 1
Sunbury. April 22, lsdi '.y
J. W. FUILISU A SON, reapeetfully announce,
that thai bavaiusl receive! an opaiHxi
-Ml,l Buu .rl I..U..L ..t u all rsi Ln sun
''I"'1" ... .... I. U.IUH1II
- , -.".wuT""rT7i "Tj .. v.r. .uaomble nrioa.
. - tioxk SU,r. -Market
r ' .'
; luubury, May , lasi.
- v.
, i..ii i.i.niil IMI IMifIMId
a - .11 to. to. tol to to, 11
a.jHo vjiAJ'Ss - - t -t ssttoasyt djjjt i
x nf.kiAaaavn'sJ'toVt-Miiier Fas
J M, received from Horn TUrm
Y ft-
oe Koa-Ktentloa r taceathnnc f TJrlne tftwaaau-
ties er Dleerausn of Die Bladder Kldatyt, laats f
the rtostrat Stand, Oravel, Drlek Dust Deposits, Dreael
Ml wIUa(t, Org aaia WetiuMea, DtbUtty, raaaal C
ptalatt,. .. ....... ,K
' ... il"ELMBOl-r.'S VT', 1
Improved Hbso "WixsIa
, Will radloally exterminate from tb system Disease s arts-
log mm Habits or Dissipation, ol unit txptnit, fuu er
n changi o olf, no inconzmUnct or txpoturi;
completely superseding those ;HaeiTnaBf dan7ro
rifnetUst, Oopabia snl Jfsretlrt, In curing these disease.
:a all Dlteaset of tht Urinary Organ, whethtr exttUns In
Mali or runt, from whatntr aut originating, and I
nomatUrofhovlonothindint- 1' Is pleasant In Its tills .
sod odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and mors strengthening
than any of th preparations ef B irk or Iron.
Those tularin from JS -oken Dottn or DtllcaU (VxttM
tuffofu, preears U Umidy et one.
Th Redr must b aware that however slight may be
the attack of the above disoascs. It Is certain to affect hi
Bodily Health, tlintal Powft 'and ttuppinttt. It no
trettmtnt Is submitted to, Conttoptiou or tnttnlty may
All the above diseases require the aid ef t diereM. .
' ' la thO Groat Eivirotio.
': - . ' msn.r oosmaraa-rko '
Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilta,
tor purifying th blood, remoTing all dltetttt arising front
exocet sad latprudeoee la We, chronic constitutional dis
eases arising from an Impure stats of th bleed, and th
. re. labia and effectual knoirn remedy fur the euro ef
bcrofuU, Bcald Head, Salt Illieum, Pains and Swelling of
the Donct Clceratlont of tho Throat and Legs, blotches.
Pimples on lbs Fate, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all aesly erup
tions of tht skin, and beautifying lbs cobtuxio.
Of the wirst disorder that afflict mankind arise from tht
corruption that accumulates In tb Dlood. Of all the dis
eoTtrletthat h vr beennade to purge It oat, none ean
equal loetloct nCDlBOLD'SCOXPOUKD tXTBACt
OF SARSSPASILLA. Itclcanict and renovates th
Dlood, Instills tht vigor of health Into Iho system, tn1
purges o i the hanore which makt (Ibeate. It elimulatet
Cio healthy functions of t'.io body, and expels the disorder irr aa4 rankle in the Blood. Eueh a remedy, that
cool J be relied en, has long been sought for, aadaow, for
the first time, tho public hvro ono on whlcti they eta dc-
pea l. Our to tee hee does not admit of certificates ti i
show lis eff iets, but the trial of a single bot'.Is wltlshotT ti !
tha sl:x thit it bis virtues surpassing aoythint'jey htrt j
rerkikea. (
Tao tablespoonsful of the Extract of Carsaparilla, added j
lo a put ot water, Is equul to t'i Usbon Diet Priak, tnd
on heulo Is equal lo a gallon of the D; nip of Sartapari::, j
or the decoction as usually msde. i
The above Extracts aro prepare! e-i purely scienUHe
jrinelplcj in Vicv sad embody the fa'.l ttrcug'Ji ef j
the Injn-edicats c.itulo; Into theU composition. A ready j
and conclusive tost wilt be a comparison of tliclr proper- J
tic with those sol forth la the V. B. Cispecttlorr.
IaDlaeascSof the Clood, uuntore on ,o-., .
and eve-y part of tlio bvly, uie Extract Btrtuparillt, ap
0ijjT,MQiniilesand all external Humors er Eruptions
1 ' Tse the Extract Buchu for all diseases retui.iMK .
ef a DUretlc, ex-pt those of tlio Urinary Orcics, such at
Conorrhma l Qlectj In these use tha Extraot Eucha
and Inject with tho lu.,.Tcd r,Ma Wsth. .
t3f- TF1E3B EXT1UCTS TIAVB BtL.i suaimn
la very general use la all IhojbTATB HOSPITALS AND
l'USUG INST1TUTIOS3 throuchout the land, as well at
Ii p-lvato practlee, tad are contfflered at Invalsabla
, euculea.
Direct leUcre to
03 Oiuddwayi H. Y., next Motropn'itan HoteU
101 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phiia.
Dttertb S'jmptomt in all CommvnUaiio, .
Beware of Counterfeits I
April 21, ISjj ly.
t'ouiily Sniteyor, 4'oiitpj ntifor
.WV'hi. Nrf.'iiniilx'rhimi fnuiiti. 7Vr.?.'n
Office 'in Jackson towndiip. rrgaeuieute can
be made by letter, directed to the above address.
All business eutrated to bis care, will bj promptly
attended to.
April SJ, lSllS.-ly
Corner Market and 3d Sireett, IIAKRISBI UO, PA.
THE attention of the public is respectfully called
to this Hotel which Is biw r.j n; fur the
of quests. Iu the piuit (iv month during whn:b
lime it has been closed Ihe huose has been thorough
ly reiuoiK-led and repaired, until In point ol eonveni.
euee and oomfurt, iis pairous will find it to own uo
superior. ... ,
'B-l I'm rii I In re IliilSrcIv cvv.
ltotiins lar -'er than are usually funnuin mwlem hotels.
Situated "U the corner of two principal hasim-sa
streets of Iho cily.but two and a half tquurcs from the
Hail liuad Dtpul. 1 ue propneior uuirrinmru
spare no expense in semiring ino nwiwi
. .. , , .-. Kl ll,,,.dt htt
tuitl a laviirauie repuiaiion tor .uu c"iri.w. "
feels willing lo trust its character to uie u
of his palrous. -
11EN11Y THOMAS, Proprietor.
January 21, ISiio.
f-IIHATJ. W. PEAL k E. D. LL'MLEY, have
X. eutered iuto eu-partnersnip in the
i-tiflue of s-lUltic A: Suraci-j-.
We cau always be Tumid at the office of J- W. Peal.
ULles. prufeluuully engaged.
r J. W. PEAL 4 E. D. LIMLlk.
Sunbury, April 22. lbtii 3ut
IXhnoIuIIou r suriarr-ltlp.
riHS partnership herelofere eiisting between the
I undersigned in Ihe Wholesale and Hasail Coal
and Khmpiug business under Ihe nrru name ef Grant
k Dielt, it IhU day dilvedmulu content.
Sunbury, April IS, lBOi.
" 1 Opialtt the
Formrly ortb Amoncaa Uouss. - ,
May 13. lasi- ly , '' . .Y 2
.- V" u'snv Wtkf i . '."
OLD wsmsyta "
i AMrliLJlXan-atuK j tt-
..... ...j .... in aielaelsa, wAil aid oi
.. ... L ..1 i ! .
m vl&u to." - -r r
I nsdieiist g-T' Lf e'pl
e. .fOOTJ, U.K.
Us Si 7-30 IBM,
-TXliniD SERIES, ,
, $230 000 000;
By SBlbprity of tb Secretary of the treasury, ih.
-and era) good, Ih General Bnbaot-ipti Accent f 41
tale of United States geourltit, otfW W the puhlii
Ih UilH rlt' of Treasury Notes, bearing aeeefm'm
ti ree-tenlbt per cent. Interest pet annum, knowna
These Xcites are Irratd nnder date of July 15th
1S. and are payable three. year from that time, i
currency, or are convertible at the- option of tl,
bolder lata .-".' : -
a o l n n k a is ixo r? h rr r
These bontla are worth a bfindft.n,' prunta.
are exempt, as nil tlieOnvernnient !!":"(. trrtnSl.i-
! County and Municipal tnxntlnn sd is in t.. "it
j three per cent, more, according to tl i tn'.i- IkvI
I other property. Tlio intorest is pny .1.1. h i-u
I ally by eoumns attached to cin-h note, wbi.-h int.
I be cut off and sold te any bank of banker.
I The Interest at 7-3U per cent amounts to
j On cent per dny on a J.'.O note.
two cent " . " (tOO " . .
Ten. '. ", ' '' $500
20 " " " ' $IOlia
tl f5n0il '"
Notes .if nil ilenoiiiinHtii'i)-' iimiiu-'I will be pnm r
ly furnished upon receipt ot subscription.
'1 he Notes ot this Tliir-1 Seri.-sari! f'le.i.-,lv ,Jiluij.
in form and privilege; to the rVvi-n-Tbtriips 'alr-sd
sold,exopl tlnit tho Wovcremeut rcserees to iK
. . n iijm.wii 111 ni viii UH.-T.--.I iii g"iu c'.in ni o per cr
! instead of 7 3-1 It! in eurren -y. uli'iibi-i-i
j dejiiet the interest in currency up to July lo fi t
, the time when they suos,'ribe. "
r Tha delivery of the uotes of this thild f-.r-p.-- or tl
I seven-thirties 'will eouiuienoo (Si tin !.-t oi si:
j will be made promptly iu.d 'ciit'-nueusty nf:er t fi ..
i date. i ' - .-
The plight cbnne made in the'.ioi-a'of tlk
Third Series all cuts uclv the uiutlei f inturust. II
nsymenl ih irold. if will be rqit'-r lent ti. tl
tifrenoy inti-rro of tho higher r ue.
The return lir specie piymenis. m !h,' t -e-x-hioh
only will the option tof.ny tt . h in U i.i I.
iviiiled ol, would so reilm-e ami pqii.tlir- rrin-s ibi
ureliiisei-M nin ii" wi'b six pvr .-- nt. in gold wnnl I I.
oily ctimil to those nia-lo wi.h si-ven and thn"
enth per cent, in currency. This ii
sow offered by the (iovernmeu.. und itii suy.-rior in
. uuliiges make il the
(jltKAT l'llPft.An r.nAX of II. . , ..
' Lew than S&ilMiOO.OHO of llu Lorn autlu. i..-.l I
ho Init Congress nru nuw on the in.iikut. Tl.
inouut, ut the rule at which it is beiu uUiusbi-'
U1 all be subscribed fur within two mouths, nhi
lic nutes will undoubtedly Command u pi cuiiuui. ,
i-is uniformlr been tho cuso on clo-in ihesubaciii
!..r:s to other Loans.
In order that citizen? of every t.iwu nti-j tei-tivn
ne country may he nllnr.leil iaVi-.iiri-s (or taftir. t!
.in. the National liatiks. Slutu Imi.k. mid I'm;
.ankers thri.u;liiiilt the country h ive jf.-n r--1
ieed to receive stibi--jii.iiot.s m t-.r .- . ; i
ill select tlicircv, i, :ii-, t.-. it . - , ;. .. . .
Iinee, ami who i.!:' v -.- i :
9 .
Strisi" !.- '.'
May 1st. lfoi.i.
Si-nscuianoNs a it... hi i. - ' . .
J-'irst llaTihai .--i--..n
First NHtional Hit'-:..' -:
Norlhuuil.n'rl.-n. . N . : ..- n .--h- iui-i.u..
Hank of N'urtl.uti.U.hiii J.
May 1.1'. IStSi. dm
CAPITAL. !n,niiti.("ti. PAID I.V.
fc'i'AI'i .'.
l.'u-f Sj-ecial Aget.tfvr Jivj CVA, .'.'i-' v .
tit'tt Att'nt.
hi n v..f p.
nress. in all pnru r ihe
Free of rh lr-- t-- -eoir.,
v ti- .. .
nayniiul Cheeks on Ac
?entTy C!aH'I.Mh l,1-U R'-:ri'
This Bank receives the iicy!1"1
Bunkers on famrnblo term ; nil?, "
kcepin? New York accounts.
T'alk' al
J.T. 1111.1, I aslner.
ll? P..
Mar ill 4 lHlij Urn
.1. I!l,lll .IIrV F U.
Enamelled Slate Hrxiif
Manufactory Teuth aud tfumson Streets.
Table-Tops, Pier-Slabs, Bi tickets, Wi
Stand Ten s, &o., cio.
Pl.iladeli kia, Jan T, lb05. tf
18G5. " 180.
J. W. rjlJI.IAC V ai.',
BEfS leave tu call tbe attention of the publin t
they have just returned horn tho City win
Consisting of PHY GOOD3,
Hardware, Queuusuara CeJurware,
Hosiery, llloves, N'otiou- Trimmingt,
Urua anil Im-i ioulx, Oilat, I Jim
. , Iu Country Mores,
We bought onr goods at the lowest Cash Fr
and ooiuuviueiitly wo think we can offer great
duoemeutt to purchaser! for Csdior Country 1
duce. Tb highest market piu nai.d. for., all k
of Produce. Give ut a call
f-uulmry, May 13, IMi-
RE5PECTFVLLY eititent of 61
HUKY aud viciuity, that be hat opeuad a
'1'ullorlsiK fiasop,
in the r.s.m over Farntworia'a flrooery, opposite
Cental Hotel, Sunbury, wbw be is readf to m
up garments of all kuids iu tbadatotl ttyl and 1
workmanlike nimner. - -
Having bad eaporiMM in th. buainesa for a ii'
br uf year h bope to randw general satufa.t
Custom work it respecUuliy tolioitod .
4. , l,BAIISl
Euobury, May It, 186J Jtn
Notlco to Treisapainaers. '
XT 0T1CE is hereby given, that HQ Sautxas w'
XN allotted epast on my property, a,
bhamoki Island,, or to is Hsto any end
without pertuistion, as lb fiutattks of tb law
S. Milursed again! aU ovsaders.
. 'ssV RWARD,
will b. paid for infurmat'ou tht will land t
eoovtouoa oi snr inch 'aetpattr ;
jossph wr
' ttWtil Isl"'. MsJI, l...Hin
in III,
x. I