Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 01, 1865, Image 4

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erket street, eus ioor east -of Airs. Eoulten's Hole
Havo opened 1
A NE W '.TIN r.WrAU E,
.1; " awheel lrni nn1 Siotc fctore,
and intend keening constantly on hand, and manu
facturing 14 order ta tbSTlest notice, '
TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions.
A Large Stock of Cook Stovssfthe-foTtomng Brands
and on the following two Brands we defy competi
tion, nameljr
Cosnblnnllon bn Ilurncr, Cook.
JoiTrr IViin-Cook.
unsurpassed for beauty of finish, slmplicIlT of ar
rangement, combining cboapness and durability, and
each atoro warranted to perioral what thoy are re
41rejcnU.1l ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great
variety, embracing nil the beat manufactures, and
Bioat fiitliionable design!
Aim, The celebrated OEM for heating op and
down stairs.
Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER.
OemtOII, CohI Oil Ijinqta, Slsntlesi,
j CEiIiunU'H, aajad uJI iu-4 belt's;,
unusually kept in an establishment of fhisbind. We
areolae prepared toiinnll kindi-of Spouting, Roofing.
Range and Furnace Work, (jus rilling, 4c. Repair
ing cheaply and neatly executed.
Country produce tukvn in exchange at market
pric,'t ' ' " ! - '- )
flare Ihe Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE
1'i.ACJi Sl'OVJiS, fur the Counties of Northumber
land, Snyder, Uniuu and Montour, i
Ard arc also agents for the tpher 4 Wifiower
Lire. '.' Transport utiun. ; . i- r1 .
Snn.tuyDcc. L ISO. ;- -1
...... '- r
To the Feovle !
A Work by Dr. VOX MORCHZISKER, Of No--1027
Walnut Street, Philtsdolphja, entitled ; ; . .
lll,:'A IOO K roRTAE fBoHk,' M
On the following Discssts EVE and EAR Diseases
rJlltOA'f Diaoaaea in tiononil I Clergymen's and
Public Ppeiikera- Sore 1 hroat ; Jiiacaeosof the Air
Paaaagoa, (Luryngitit, Jirflor4rrtM,) i .:.
' Alhnm mid Ciilnrrli. ' -This
R00J1 is to be had at No. C08 Chrsr.ut street
Philadelphia, and of all T Booksellers. ---Price fl
And from tlio author, Dr. You Moeehiiidier, who
an be consulted on nil these maladies, and all Nor'
ous Affections, which he treats with the aurest sue
m. Office No. 1H27 Walnut street, Philadelphia,
feb. II, ISOi 3uiw
",' . or THE
TttW XliZ .TEd2 BT 2
J. II. ii:itZa-:liVmlnis taken the
Store Room one dorr west of Ernie's Store, Market
Jtreet, in 8-inbuiT-, where he will keep constantly on. I
nana an assortment ot the choicest iiranasct -TOBACCO,
SKUATtS,' 8NCFP,"&C, &C.
Look nt the I.i-t
Chewihg'Tiibaceo, Smoking Tobacco,
Navy Snflor'i Delight, Killickinlek, -Congress,
Lynchburg, ' '
'" '" Spun Roll, Danville,
Curendish, Yankee Doodle,
.... Eldorado, Paul Pry,
Solace, . 1'!''
Plantation ' ' - Ct and Dry,
'!';' '.' . . Exoelior,?C :: torn)j. ... e-
Pwett Briar No. 1, Sweet Briar No. 2, Outla Pcicba,
Rosewood, Carved, luiuiilKtion, Ray, Clay.
.... SEO ARB. "
Eervantcsde Habana, Ocean Bird, Isabella de Cuba.
Figara, . . Regalias, Our Club,
La Kcna, Uenry Clay, A'ulos, .
Also an afsortment of Scgar Cusep, Tulacco Csea,
Seg:tr iiultiers, Pipe Sums, Tobaocu Pouches, Ac.
For r.iuo, Melodcon, Violin, lluitar, Four Part
Songs, Solos, Duetts, Choruses, 4e.
80XQ.S by the Million, such as Union, Sentimen
tal, Comical, Religious, Temperance Songs, Ac.
J. H. Knrzenknabe, being a manufacturer of
Cegars enabled to sell a find china article for the
prioe. either Wholesale or Retail.
Suubury, April lo, latij.
riic Coiiit!'l, Ioiill'-.l-iiiK fclf
("M'piirnliiiK ''!'
, PATENTED, AL'lil'&'T 2nd, 1861.
THIS Sheller is the only one that shells the Corn
perfectly clean from ihe Cob wheu greeu, soak
dor dry. It gives tho Kara double operation on
he Shelving W heel as it Viae.-ig through, and sepa.
ates the Cob from the Coin completely, rendering it
fit for mnrkut without the uso "of the fui.uing
Ibis machine shells a
aill. T
Half DusJtel 0 Ear to tie Mli.vte ly Ordi
nary Hand Putter.
.nd'ean he used. also, by Ilor.e, Steam or Water
Power by attaching a Pulley on the Crank Shaft.
ior Durability, Cleanliness. NculnebS Chcuv-nips
1. nd Rapidity in Shelling, this Machine cannot be
equalled by any othor.: : -
UrSTi.VMrs If you want your corn Shelled
loan ; If you have occasion to sbell green or dump
orn ; if you want your cm and cob separated ; if
on want a durable machine ; if you wuut a eheap
heller, buy the Complete, Double-Acting, Self-Si p
'.ruiing Corn Sheller.
I. B. Masscr. Dr. J. W. Pf.-ilc5iii.bury.
Ihurles Haas, Miller, Samuel I.cssig. Reading.
!. li. ilornnu ti tU., , ieu, Wc-irer, L. Augusta.
Millers, Suubury. Sol. Marl. Farmer,
lenry I.cisenring! Hear tiap. C. Albert, tinirgctown
.Miu.uf-1'tored aud fur. Sale at the; Foundry of
tOHRHACII A COOPER, Sunbury, Pi. t ,Z
Suubury, Dec. 3, ldb4. Out
BREAD I . SAD ! ! BREAD ! : !
11HE undersigned has opened a Bakery, on Market
. street, Suubury. Pa., two doors wect of the Post
lUiee, where ho will keep constantly on hand, .
rVnll Ill-l-ilil, Twial.ItulU, ItUwkM,
All kinds or
'ACY CAKE8, Common Cskes. Prettels. 4e.
'io-Nio Parties. Weddings and Funerals, will be
applied at the shortest notice.
A good assortment will be kept up at all times,
inaulaotured out of the best material, aud orders
fill be promptly attended to.
Ho trust that his frieuds and the publie generally
ill sustain hits iu this uew eulerpruo, now greutly
.eeded in Sunbury.
He trusts his experience in the business a ill cnu
le bim to give general satblaction to all who may
.avor biw with Uieir palrouye. .
Sunbury, April 22, 1865.
SOS. ' 105.
IMiilndHphla Ac V.rlr Itullroiiil.
flHIS grsat line traverses the Northernand North
1 west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie
1 Lake Erie.
at has been leased ihe Pentitvlrania Railroad '
eiH.f si uiooeraieu inein. j .' .,
urn euiiin leiij-ia war opened lor passenger Slid
eight biMiesViesqbce r7lkulSbi
IIU) OI t Uci'-II
ger trains at Sunbury.
1 . 1
ea e asiwiua.:j w
lad Tf w. srit-os -'JlTj iTt 10.54 P. M.
ElKiva ExviysTrsin, J ' -11.35'
Lock iiivc Kceoaimodatioa, '' 1 10.S4 i.lM.
. , Ltave Westward. ' ' If,
Mall Trsin,' ,; 7 . ' ' ' 4 IS A.M.
Elaiira Express Train, ' 11 a. 20
Look Havett AoeommodatlOB, : ' "' ,! 4 25 P. M.
Passenger' ears run through on Varf Train, without
hange both ways between Philadelphia and trie,
nd Baltimore srd Erie
Elegant Bleeping Cars en lfl 'Trains both
V oetwaeo Phila4i?lphi and Lok JUven, and
,15. Klunxa Fpress Train Wh ways between
IllIalBtport apd Baltimore1. - -'
Ifi .r;f?'?,iSn.erWLpflc,lB 'r"tgT busiaess
V!SLf wn? st
B. Kingston, Jr., Cor.1 f lib d tliUt ft.
.iladelphia. s . . 1 . t-j.. , , .'
critic .ijiy.d
. sat ,1
,S-1 i t
a'i laiket Aa'l, Tbflad.
Asafl'lJasisar, WlllUsaspert.
CE 8 1 C I. E AM v FM K li I K RJS,
' supple of MASs'ra's Fit a-Misura Faxa
V ied bssjs bark, tw sale by ,
4e.tsry, May M, 04. B U MiLAsiivR
' Mtm HtnaptoMM Ciiaao nail Cu-c.
"Pure has received III name from cons ant nausea
or sickness at the stomach, winch attends the patalu
the bead. This headache is apt o' begin In the
morning on waking from a deep sleep, and when
some Irregularity of diet hot been eomniiLtod on the
day before, or sometime! for several flays previous.
At first there Is a dlstrerslngly oppressive feeling In
the bead,, which gradually merges .Into Severe
heavy rmin in the temples, frequently btteadcl by a
tense -of fullness and tenderness In one eye, and ex
ending aoress she forehead. Tberelsaolaramyj Sh
pleatant taste in she mouth, an offensive breath, and
the .tongue covered with a yellowish w&ite fur. Tho
ufTerer desires to be alone in Use dark room. As
soon as the patient feels the fullne In the near) and
palu lu Ihe temples, take a Iarg! frbse of Scheuki s
Mandrake Pills, ami in an hour or two they will fuel
as well aa well as ever. This has been tried by thflu-
anils, and is always sure to eure,.nnl inslct'tof the
sick headache coming on every, week or ten das.
they will not b truubled with . it oupe 911 throe
months, ... '.,' u- t.i
SchencVt Mandrake PiRe are wipost'd bf a hnfti-
bcr of roots besides Podophltilh, ot eoneetitrhted
Mandrako all of which tend to relax the sccrolions
of tho liver, and aot more prompt tiiau blue pills or
mercury, ami without leaving any dangerous effoots
In a bilious person tbey wilhshow themselves by. tho
tools. . They will expel wotnn, mnOus.-iblle and ail
morbid matte? from the system. In sick headaches
if they aro taken ae directed abvove.a fall Amc aa
sosn as they feel the first sym ptonnjd iDr, Sobenck
will and has directed his agents to return the money
if they do not grve perfect satifaclion.
If a persou haebeen oompclled te atayvout late at
night and drink tco much w!ne,'b tailing a doio of
fills on going to Vt, hext1 rhbrirje; he will feel as
though ho had not drank m drop, siiileeifcffaVts
to go to bed at alt. ' - v I "In 1 vo
, They only coal Hi cchts'al iog! '""'J
M'hoevcr takes tliemjvill never use any oHrcr,
They are worth: doliar to a sigk man for every cent
they east, .t ' . .ei.IT -.!J 1 ui'..' i-..'t sta tr"f
" Dont forget ihe name t!itxttV MASnitAB
Pn.fis. . .n fi-t U sc. U
Sold wholesale and retail at Dr.' boltenoa aTi6ic
'fafO&otfVo. li. Notth Sixth trcct,-I'hiladelpl.ia
. and fc; JJruggiste and Storekeepcii p;enralljt, .
S Price for. Pulmonio Syrup, Sua'wicd Tonic, inch
II 50 pcrboltlo." T 10 Ibe baTfil3zTltrbr two' but
tics of Syrup and one ofTonfe; 'fifii 75.
Dr. Schcnck will bo at bia"bne'el!fo,lS 'Xrlh
Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every lurday to see
patients. lie makee no ebarge furd,ice. but for a
through examination of the lungs vtulf uis Ruspiro-
meter, do enargee to. ijit! i.' ,t !
Maruh IS lbli5. N t-CTsKe-(l 11 e r : !
Ciold anil Silver l 11 1 olios, .Ificl-j
- ' . :i- : '' -.
The entire stock or One Hold and Silver Watch
Manufactor'. Two Immense' Jewelry F.ftlilti-h-
nients. One Silver Plating Wnrvhouao, ilne Oold
Pen and Pencil Maker, to bo disposed of with
dispatch wi;hont regard to COST V
The Uo-ids arc of fiudiionnMo si vies ari'l most ex
cellent woikmanshin. and are sacrificed In this man-
I ner to relieve the proprietors f-wm' 'eniHarrassiiinnt
I occasioned by a distracting eivil Warwu It .rtmuld be
prouniiciitly sliitua, also, that they are mostly of
-awd therefe
herefore greatly superievMB t!i,leilted
irom aoroao ami nankLa.iiiHiut as tlie clienpc."t ever
old. Thc.simplo duty nn imported j?'H)d, mid this
high prchidna on Uotd (all foreign liifls nro payable
in gold.Vauinunt to more thmr tnb I ntit-o eort of
many of the articles offered by Be tfrtha yubliOi'':To
facililule the sale . a 1 :I ! -ioi,;. 1
will be char.Jcd for any nrticlo r.n pur ii.-i,'and''.lhis
ram Ihe purchaser need not pay until he knows' what
ho U to cct ! Thia ldan accihriV with Ihlrtf'hod
rrecenlly boconio' so popnlur Ion ilbprninjrl'Jarge
siocKs 01 iiaiweiry agn suiniur prortuetinr.; 1 (Ji
. ' v :. TDK PLAN IS SIMPLL I - .', -
The same of each article offered for safe a':'-i?old
Hunting Wateh," "Uold UI-Htd Itraeelet."
"Pearl lireiwtpin and Ear-Drops.'" tiolilEnamcllc'l
Ring," Silver Pintod CiJto Rutlret" Ac. if written
on a curd and enckveil in a scultd cuvelope; these
envelopes nro thcu placed in li 'drawer ami tt ell
mixed: then as an order is revelveil. -with Iwntr.
live htm IVji reviitn fHi.tago and -otiioiohartfe. 0110
( tho cauls or certificates is taken im loai nnd
sent by fiit mail to the customer, who will see ut
once what he cau get lor ope Dollar, l he is pleased
with his fortune lie enn forward the money aecer
dins todireetiiiM en tho eeriitlcntl and Jcear'r.'tLe
prize. II the uriicle awarded thouhl be uusuited lo
I the pureloisur iui fur examplo. a set of rcarl Eai.
Drops and llreasipin to s yoong-nirili .)Mcoud rot
we ir Uieiu, and hud no one to "ive thmu to wo will
send any other article on tuo eataloguo of equal
priw.-wliiuli may bo preferred. Or it any reu
son. yon choose'ln venture no further! then jna can
let the matter drop nliere it is mid pellll.nomlore.
Examine eitrefuiiy our Catalogue.! .-"---,
300 Oents' Pat. Lever Uold Hunting C ere foil to f 200
ill Uenta- ik-taod d I.everUohl lit. Case -III
4(10 tients' Swiss tiold 1 1 ut tins; Case" 3u
! Silt) Ladies' Uuld and. Enameled lit. Case ."0
I 400 Uenls' Patent Lever Silver lit. Cote .'it'
! 400 Dents' Del. Lever Silver lit. Cae - 3d :
; 300 dents' 1M Lever Silver Open-Face 20
..mi lients- I'sicq" I t'erSHterlDir.-Earu25
3uo Gents' Swiss Silver Irt
?o0 Diamond Rings i , $ 10 to $l'2,)
.'t.iii l,eni' fiismoiid Pini ' ' an- loo
, .1000 (teuls t alitorniii Diamond Pina , 3-.
J0t (i eute' Calilurnia Diuuund Uiugi 3 -'
5DUU deut' (iold and Enam. Fob Cbaius " 'r- ;
4000 lients' Uold Vest Chains 5 -
4UU0 Pair Ocuta' (iold Sleeve Buttons 3 -4iluU
Pair lients' Uold A Ennui. Sloeve Bt.4 -fMMHI
Scu (Jeuu (lold Studs .1 -
800(1 dents' Stone Set and Signed Rings 3 -hlil
Uenls' SioneSet Si. Ktiaui.-ltiiiga -f:-'
Ouou Ladies' Uold Ne k Chains , 5 -
4000 (iold Oval-Rand Bracelets 3
I00 Uii and Jet Bracelets ''- 8 - '
6,nMI (lold aud Eiiamelrd liracelets . , 8 -
3000 Uold L'hateluiu Chains I 8 - '
tootl Pair Ladies1 Uold Sleeve Buttons ; 8 -40110
Pair Ladies' Uold F.nain Sleeve lit, 4 i
btiiai Solitaire Uold Brooches . .1.1 j . , 3
SHIOO Coral. Opnl and Emerald Brooches 3 -ioiifl
Uold Cameo and Pe.irl h'ar-Diops -.- 1 -70M)
Masaio, Jet La 0 s FkiraulLueE.,D s -at.00
Uold Thimbles s .
10000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Ear-Drons 3 -10000
Miniature Lockets . -
100CO Miniature Loekets masic-s'nrlni ' '. 8 -10000
Plam Uold Kiio-s 1
ItitiOO Sets Lsdl.-s' .fewelrv. Ooid and Jel"' S r
10000 Sets La lies' Jewelry , Cameo,' Pcarlii -
U C . ,u
4" 17
j -J 12
........ mu..!.. Bi,u iraceieui
loooo Ladies; liilt aid Jet Hot tfupporters
..1 .,
10000 Curs . f2 to l-'fl
?uiai u,a,s:ji . tf.i, J4 Ai. X 3-
Jimuo Pmr fNdpkin Bints , ... -,, , T,
9IIIIII dr.! 'll,..k.i. , :..l I I A
.1000 Cuke Baskets ' ' i
40W) Castor Fiaratl-tcrnplete STttblajtHMfi"
7000 loo 1'iluheis ' 1 1 . -t --.I , 1 1. , I,, :. 4v W '
0000 Fair Butler Knivos . : i d,,!., -a-,,
SotiUHUp.O.VHer snd Uravy Ladles ' 2
looo Engraved Pie Knivca . ,. ,.'-. v
holm Dosen leaSpoous per dotrn 4-
f,,jpLvicUiesVi-'J pedcl
CM XMico Table Firlw " pef doteS
xiOLiS pEXs'axd'pexcils.
JKoS Bold Pen's. SilVer Extension lldieri f'i to f 10
-' rem, nuver .MountM AMdlrp3 i
J0O0 Uuld Pens, U, N,uimad H.4.Ss 08
i - 0014 Wdura and J'ejiqui 10 :-
600O Uyid Pencils .,..,. . v, ,, . -
30 t
In all eases we charge f t Torwarimg the Certill
"2," 4"' "husliiess, the sum of
tweuiy-uve Cenhi, which Oiust tie eneleaed in Ute or-
?oVkl7. 3tU',S, l ; eleveo
rsd tiVli ' 1 1 al'l6,,, . bund-
iiijj no : 1
' ST
na.. . A lar
--17777. -1 WM '" sHaaifox .leuja-Aa..
"wiawi,B, , , . . ,"T ina.iDir.iii. nu4rn'r,lta.
, , " ' 1 'JTrvTBdRirCO . . M ood oooks and waiters, boarders cad enjoy.
-W. I C. -., 1A mM -v I - 1
- JEWELERS, ; 2 r IT
: ;V' r '
03 llroadwny, Rcw Verb,
...'( r r ;
4C, 4C, 1
Worth SOO,000 t.
And not to be paid until you know what you Will
receive !
All to tie Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each !
100 Hold Hunting ease Watches each $100
100 Uold Watches '. ' CD
200 Ladies' Watchci '' " !5
400 S.lver Watches l 5 00 to 25
t'llO Uold Neck and Vest Chains 12 00 to li
1000 Chutelain and Vest Chains i 00 to 15
W00 Vctand Neck Chains 4 00 to 12
4000 Solitaire Jot and Uold Brooches 4 00 to 8
4000 Coral, Lava, Unmet, 4c, do. 3 00 to 8
7000 (lold Jel, Opal, Ao , Ear Drops, 3 00 to 8
MOO Uenta' Breast and Scarf Piui 3 00 to" 8
6000 Oval Band Bracelet 00 to 8
2000 Chased Rracolcla ' 6 00 to 10 ':
3.)t0 California Diamond Pius and Rings 2 &0 to 8
2000 Uold Watch Keys 2 60 to
5000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons auS Studs 2 00 to 8 '
3000 Uold Thimbles 4 DO lo t
S000 Miniature Locliet . 2 00 to 7
.1000 Miniature Lockets, Magie 4 00 to
2i00 Uold Toothpicks, Crosses, 4e. .', ' 2 00 to 8
3000 Fob and Ribbon Elidca . 2 00 to 6 ...
S0P0 Chased (iold Rinja . 2 00 to
4000 Stone Set Rings' 2 00 to
6.r00 Sets Ladies' Jeweliy-Jet ami Uold 5 00 to 11 '
6000 ' ' varied Styles, .1 110 to 15
8000 Uold Pcn, Pilvet CaKiand Pencil 4 il to 8
4000 ' " lljnoy Holder and Caao 0 00 to 10 flfl
0000 " " Mountel Iloldcr 2 00 lo 8 00
All the good in' the above List will bC sold, with
out reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certi
ficates of nil the various articles arc placed n simi
lar envelopes sealed und mixed. These envelopes
wilt bo sent by mail, or delivered at our office,
without regard to choice. On rocciving a Certificate
3-ou will see what article it represents, ami it is op
tional with you to scud olio dollar, and receive the
article named, or ay ether in the list of lame value
By this modo we give selections from a varied
stock of 6no good?, of the best mako and latest
style, and of intrinsic worth, at a nominal price.
while all havo a chanoe of scouring nrticles of the
very highest value. -In
all transactions Jy ntaU wo charge for forward
ing the Certificate, paying jwtago, and doing the
business. 25 cents each. Five certificates will bo
1 sent for fl ; Eleven fur 12; Thirty for f; Sixty
live $10; und One Hundred for (15.
We should supply jour wants-; our facilities are un
surpassed; ourwoik of unrivalled excellence; out
promise punctually observed. Our eentral location
bring us near tho nost remote point.. Our goods
are new from the manufacturers, and of the latent
and most desirable stylos The goods must be sold,
and the terms aro unequalled. All articles 01 dered
aro forwarded by roturn mail. : V 1 '
Wo guarantee entire antbfaetion iu every in.-taiice
acid if thore should be any person ilissatieflwl with
any nrticlo they may receive, they w ill immediately
return it, aM the prico will be refunded.
. AuKSTs. Wc allow thoso acting as Agents Ten
Cents on each. Certificate ordurod, provided their
remittance amount lo One Dollar.
They will collect 25 cents for every Certificate,
and, retaining 10 cents, remit to us liceutsihr each.
Addnvs '
303 Broadway, New York.
Maieh 4. 1SB5. 3m
O XI ft A.N
ARE not only unequalled, but thoy ar sbaolutely
unequalleil, by any other RH-a Instrument in
theaounlry. liesigned expressly ftsr Churches and
Scl.iHile, they are found to be equally-wall adapted
to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by
No. If) North Seventh street, Philadelphia;
17-Also Bradbury's Pianos, and a eoiuplot as
sortment of the Perfect MELODEOX. ,
Sept. 24, 1804. yw ...
OfTice, No. 70 North Fourth Street, (second floor,
130.(100 Shares, par Value 5. Subscription Price
Full Paid, i.
The Company own the following described pro
perty in Ice simple:
Filly acres ol land near Cherry Tree Run; said
land isone and a quarter miles. In, in Oil tJrcek, and
is about two hundred 'ods fiom, the Wi-lLoji Cherry
Tree Ruu, that Hows from seventy-five to one hun
dred barrels of Oil per day) and also, na interest in
tvo) acres on the Sherman Property 'with' lour wells
in yaiious stages of progress on the property, 000 of
" M"" uumHg uuriy oarreis per nay. l he
Company gets tho onc-sixtccnth of all the Oil; clear
of all expeuse ; also, two acres adjoining, with four
wens now in a progressive condition in which the
vouipany gels one-lbiity-ncoondtb of (he Oil, and
also, one aero of land adjoining, wilb, old wall shmn
reany or pumping; Ihe Company gel. one-sixteenth
of the land interest clear of all expense. Also, the
one-fourteenth of ihe woikins iiiteseat of it,. lt
uieuiioued nere. 1 his Cuunmii. ij i,.r,..u.i . Uo.
J2 j "itoin io pay a uiviuwus ut- two per eent
11 j i- "" "lucnuoiuers ine Jomjiauy pro.
, 3c to place 25.uo cash or tttcCiUwlhtjTct
1 developuii-nt of the properly,
President, Pro Teiu J. J. BAKCLAV, Es
UliecUm Wiirlam l Nn.lil. II..U J. ..-1..
t i..,i,. i. lj .. V"' T" 7 ""1
vu-iiiury, a. ii.oivaiiiey aim Jtihttif. tuo.(
(iwretary H A- V'vuversc. k - '
1 reimurer John i . Young!
February 4, IStis.i
' nr-. -sVtwi-
i HA! HATS!!
Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Market st ,
sunbury; rEisrisrA:.
18 eDnstantl v manufacturing the latest styles of Wool
and tot Uaia, wbioh for eotriieM.aud durabilitv
are not surpassed. -j.. '
U ive bim a call and see bis sftwk'of Hats which are
sold cheaper than elseakere. Msrchawssndp-iers.
purehawiig at wboleasla, will 61, i, tptbutr .vn
Uge to call and procure aa suiclejiheaper and equal
lo oily uinufacfure. 1
Suubury, October I, 184. -a'l
(Formerly of lbs ' tawrenoo Uouae,") 1
8 U N U U R V ,' PEN N A . ' ' T
INFORMS her frUod and tb- pvblie generally
that she has refitted Ibe house formerly occupied
by Dr. J. W. Pesla. on titaekhrr irr . ,k.
Northern Central Railway Depot, .and opened
J SiY.1 "nut here the Is prepared to keen
PF U hi A k'V Ml AV-T, Til . lc,,.Kiaf .............
drfttrtnakC nam tiukM -k i c l
nl woaitTs 'iaalif to
1 h. BoYofal lld SWoftiVMii SlmaMfe. f r
Tram Emtrp Edna, H ftrMnowlt werHonf ot
1 1 Htr4, MmHMr 1 1" !i.i
- . "1 have sold larye qnaiilMM a of your R.rujPA
HI1.I.4, tint tx-ver yet one bottle Ivhlnh fiiUert of the
di'SimlelTnet and.lull satlslnetioti tothoio wlio took .
It. As fast tm nir 'wniplii try It, they agree there haa 1
been no mediclno iiko it botorg lu our-eonunuiilty." ,
. Sbruptaona, Firaplea, Blotcbee, Pnatulaa, TJt
cera. Sores, and all Diseases f the Skin, i
From Iter, ttntit. Strttftnn, llrtitnl, Knifland.
' I only do my duty to you ami tliti nubile, whea
f add my testimony to that you publish of the me
ilidnal virtues of your SMiSArAIHM.v. Itr dauglt
ter, aged ren, had an hfllletln'r humor 1a tier ears,
eyes, am) hair fir yeera, wlilrh wo wero unable to
cure until wo trfcil your HvnsM'AltlLLJU Sua bM
boon well fur some mouths."
From Afr. Jnne K. Iticf, a srci tnmril and wmmV-
titrrmeA tmttfnf Hriiniitrlllr, Vtqtt .ljjr Co., X.J.
M Sly daughter has sunTered Tor a year -past With
scrofulous eruption, whlcli was very troublesema.
Kothing sITorded any relief until wo tried your
Sausai-akill, which sooa completely cured lier."
i-Vota fnnrfes P. fingt, L'$i-, oifte uriilely l-nTisw
Gaijt, ttumty f Co., m muf.icturtrM asnoawUsa
pymri in afhitu A.
' I had fi several years a very troublesome
aumor In my fa", which grew constantly worse
until It disfigured my fe.iturej and Is-cimc an lutol
erable afnlcllon. I trl-d almnst every thing a man
eonhl of both advli-c ami meilleuv, but wltlunt auy
roller wnaicver, imiiii 1 iook your B.iKaArAiii(.i..v
It hnmediatnly nindo niy fuce worse, as you tolj me
4 miglit for a tiui 'i hat In a lev weeks the uew
skin began to form under the blotches aud con
tinued until my fa.v Is as a:nnot,i na anybody's,
and ! mn any symptonis of thedise.ise that
I Know or. 1 enjoy pertei i iicann, ana wiuidui a
doubt owe it to your Saks. Ai'MijLI.A.''
Erysipelas -ti'etitraT Debml-1-jjjlf ' iht)
' ' JJWod. - n 1 l1
From Dr. It,M. on.fon St., S'ne Tort.
" Dh. Avrit. 1 sel'lom fail to mnome truplion$
and Sri uTiilma .Son s by the piMcverioguveol your
Harsaiui.i,a, ami I liavjst now turcd nn attack
of Mtiligmmt Kn'il"1"' with It. No alterative we
possess equals the. S ve.s U'aiui.i.A yoiijiave sup
plied tu tlie proR-ssluu as well as to the njcdplc."
From .. K. 3tiuton, F.f.? irt.-rttwn, VMo.
I r 41 For 4wrlvu yearsv I hvl tlio yellow brysipul-si
on my rlht arm, ourlii'r whieli tune 1 tried ail the
celebrated pliyxfoinrwurroutit voaeli, and took hue.
tlrcde of doll.-ira worth of niclicinea. Tho ulcers
were so bad tile ronls beontne visible, and the
floetors dndded that my arm must be amputated. I
began taking your Saii.i vfAntt,i.A. Took two I Kit
tles, and some of your Pima TogiHhcr they havej
cured Hie. I am noiv as well and soun I ns any body.
' Heine hi apubliiiTdaii'i niy f ise is kne4 so every
' body la this coauuuuity, and t-xcltcs the treuder of
From Ton. ttrnrg Wonm, M. P. P.,'rf yetrcxwf'e,
' ('. M", a Ittutlnf wpinier Iht Canadian J'urtim
mrnt. ' '-"
I have used ypttr ,S. vfAntt.t.A In my family,
for general iMiiliii, and lor purif'iitif' the'ltOotl,
with verv beucls-i.ii fesults, an I I'vxi coiicuci. IB
: euiauu-udiu it to the uUclcd." , , ,. (,,
St. Anthony's Fire, Roso, Salt IUiesun,
j '( ( Bcald Hoed,, -Sore Eyeai r f 1
Frkm luri!) KitUtH, H'l; lie wf.'er
JViuiuiiioo-i- DtwMj tiL, I'tuntylvaniu.
" Our only chtlil, about three years of age, was
attacked bv pimpseS on his forclicatU They rapidly
spread until they tunned a loathsome and viruleut
sore, whlcli eoveriil his face, and actually Winded
his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied
nitrate of silver and -other remedies,. it lut any
appareut effect. For liltevn days we (jinirdcd his
" lunula, lest with Tft m Iui should tear btien the fes
tering and ooi rupt wound which covered hi whole
face. Having tried every thing else we hud any
hope from.uc began Jlinuo' your,
and applying the biilhli- of potash lotion, as you
direct, 'ihe sore bee:iu to Ileal when we had given
' the lirst bottle, nud was well when we. bad finished
the second. The child' eyelashes, which- hid come
out, ujptw again, and In? is now 11s healthy end lair
as any other. 'I he whole utigliburtiooi prvdieted
that the child must dl." ' '.
-- Syphilis aud Morcurial ELioasa. , , ,
, i From Dr. Ilir.un i,if, c.SV. louii, Jiss.suW.
"1 Bud your u more eifoctsal
reminlr for tin' fXHDn.Ury symptoms f Stii'liiiit
and forayphilitiotilniawliiariaiiy other wo possess.
The protcan.011 an-iudctiU;d tu you lor sauii wf liie
best uiedicinea we I14VC."
From A. J. French, f- 't fmileiir fiay tfrtVin (
y.rtu-renee.'.'ius,, stao it a imnnimiit ii.ier f
, thr. LruUlutnrc of ilunartnuctU, . -. .
Dk. Aii.ii. My dear Sin I have found yonr
Sarsakauii.i.a an excellent remedy for hmhili;
both of tlio primary and scvomVure typo, und cflco
tual In soinu rases that were too uhntiuau.- to ) uld
to other reiuodies. 1 do uot know whai we can em
ploy with more certainty of success, w here a powirf
lul ultcrativc Is reo,uircii.' ...
Mr. Chn. S. Van l.lor, of AVw Ttrtinmirt, Y. J.,
' had dreadful ulci rseu his fetrs, caused tiy Vlio abuse
of mercury, or merrtn-iul IUeue, wbi. h grew wore
sml more aggravated for yearn, in sjilie of every
remedy or treatment that eotikl bo applied, until tlio
: nenurvrring use of Avkk'm SAmiAl'-nuM. relieved
I1I111. Few ciisoa cuu be lutind more iuvetcruto aud
ilistrest.iug th.-ui this, an I it took several doxeu
bottles to cure him 1 '. 1 1 i-
Loucorrhcca, Whites, Female) Woninees,
. are 1
1 HTOemlly produced by internal .Irrofutvus
virion, 11111I are very often cured by the alterative
xl of this SAitsAi'Af.ii.i.A. Sonic casca require,
- I.. .1.1 ..r.l.. n. 1 tkn .(-II-..I
effect c
however, iu aid of the sns r.isii.LA, the akillui
sppllcition ol local roms-Hiics. . ,1 it!
'ron ie vtll I n vnn anil irulrly eeltbrattd Dr.
Jacob Murrltl, of I'incimtnti.
t have found your 8AiiKAfAuu.UA an rxMlent
alterative iu diseases of females. Many eases of
Irregularity, ieorr!inj. Internal VlecraUon, and
I local dchilitv, ariaiittf horn Ihe aerofnloua diathesis,
havo yielded to it, nod there arc lew that, do not,
when its effect Is proiRTly aided by local treatment."
A Mn, umciUhiij to alhm the publication of ktr
, name, rrritrn 1 '
'' My danshter and myMdrinve been earel of a
very del.tlit.itln',' lnoorrlin-a of hms staaiiiug;, by
- K.,,,1,.. f nr SAItaAPABll.l.A.'' -.
Itheumatiam, Gout, Liver Oouiplaint, Dys
pepsia, Heart, Neuralgia,
when caused liv FomMa In the system, are rapidly
. .- aured by Ibis tuiTHSAUSAjaiuut.A.l (
: r AYER'S
possess so many (vlvnulagcg over tho other
pttrpitives in tlio murkct, and their superior
virtues are so universally known, that wc need
not do iinore than tu assure tliv; public their
quality is maintained equal to the butt it ever
had liven, and that they may he depended on
to do nil that they havo ever done. , ' . .. -,
. .Prepared by J. C. AY Ell, M. D., & Co.,
t , Lowell, tiasa., an sold py '. r i J
Sold by F'rdiug A Uivct. Sunbiu-Vj.
R. IS. McCoy, Nnrthnitibcrland,
Aaron ilarrol, Elvshurg. . , '"v-,. V
iV. it. KuUner, haiuiiin,
J. P, Hoauo, Wiitaoiituwn,
1 r
Aud by all dealers in Medicines everywhere.
, August Lj. 1K04. ly
' -JaV:0.uV"0.TAJaB:
I'or sl'leunaiins', Wliltonlugf nud
Iressertlns- the TI.I'I II J
liThis article it prepitrod with the greatest care upon
soicntilic principles, and warranted nut to ooutain
anytliiug iu the slightest degree deleterious lo the
tooth or gums. . Soma of our most euiineut Dental
Surgeons have given their sanulion to, and cheerful
ly recommend it us a rraparution id'.rupoffior n,uali-'
ties for cleansing, whitening and preserving the
TEETH.' It cleans them readily,, rswjcring them
beauLU'ully white and iiearlv. uilhout the liirhtest
injury lo tbe.cnautol. It u bcaiig Jo. the gums"
where they aro unerased end sore, ll u ab-o uu ex- h
cedent disiulustuj- lor ol f deoaed teeh,'wkiuh are
often exceedingly oBVliaive' ' Jt gives i lchcreaniy
tasle to the niouttr. eleansing K thoeuugbly, and ini-'
pavuKaj AoasssM nsnmi'i iwuae brcatkv,. 1
- n t .ii-w uu PREl'AlUiD.ONiA Jb'i tl-uni. -
A. 11 A W Jj E Y (C AlQ..l o:..-br.
N. W. fnr. lOrh.'.-i k Tmbrs His.. Phnadelpbia.
And sold by aH imigbH PKIt ha ChMS.
l-,,..-. f n wtn,
TEr-TISfiHSiAr!'. ,viua.,o
'11, A r.. nvim,
11 ol Dr. W hito, as to the
high, j
esteem m-hteS m. iiWrlie" iieewd Creaiui. must be j
nflicleul evidepns) oi Ms valut ; ltto,uov ollnir tos;i.
nutiiels in detail iaenliusi, evqtenung uunH-lvss by '
simply giving the siuiuoe end aoMiixte w persons
wbv spaobot 4UaellriU)ji auUte loeth.. .., , - -'f
Philadelphia, AprR liiblSGt- I
-Ilaariag'eW'efaHt'MWkuisisd -A, li.Uy a :;lidi.
fed DouliU (Jretiia,,; 1 hsirvbu, Abeortuily rseem-
sumwl it to the uubliq jteuesally. , Jt is ao .eaoeUt-nt
preparation for eleau.'iug slid prescrvfluK the teeuh,
and Uaa he ased-tiy all pertains with the ulmiwt eoni,,
ti ifOCS. as itn properties are perfectly barmleas. lie- .
lUu'rvwitig tkA:eib,U; promotes a healtkyo
m.,!iii i., iha von, & mii.i i,iM.u.,..ijHl...i.uu.iAtKa
breath. - r-"wrT',r7'-. ,
,o"-i .in Dr-r iiK. WHim 120 J Arch St.
F.M. Imiuo, M? Anb t-l.
V., 1 '1 r t.'.'.l .
Edward Towuseiur, DeuMst. 429N. Fourth Ob
L. 11. Doiphley, Dentist, ek'f fi'. Teulh 8l.
M. ULoijj.Dentuii.'.fciAlbtju. ." ,
,a,ei4,lati4. lyw. I UJlLl
liiomss Ingram. flD , Deuiiallili Jjotttbt.
j. iiukoy. at. svksi:-..;. 1 t
E, Yandcralice, Suruu Pfiilut, 425 Arch Bt- '
C. A. KUiabni v, lu htUt. Wi, WaJnoCSrV,.,,, .
S. DilliiiKbuMiTD U.b',. 734 Arch St. 4
LITTLE OF EVEBYTHINQ rotating to th.:bt4 b. j ,. y- r
bumaa sjrstem, male and-female; the causes f iwbee V,1&4 lf.
and treaiuiem of diseau-s; the mariue customs of
" now 10 marry well sml a thousand
things never published bcl'ive-rowd the revised aud
""new sNiioof ,e;-i aiibv(,, Lmmmoi Sassi. nt
curious boot for evrMous peoiAef and k good book loos .
.every eus- A0tlMes Jul liiusuraUeaa.- 1 Aa.
v"ewT nw ea 4ee ao OAi siuujrttsat.iNM ss may
" WlHt istorvsjror jsiii .b.swt-.bjisasjf,
r-r" Mwvm.ytm we price. (lajsaett Ci x
a . . ' "
S:wl 'tl
Get tbeBest-Ulel the 'fjheapeuvs-sJet (he most Eeo
omioal, which can be had at the K?hrbaob PouBdry
Saving a large assrfrTarenl of tb vnost approved
8T0VES, such oi Cooking, Parlor, OBVe and Shop
Stoves, whioh will be sold at the lowest rates. Also,
Kettles of all slses, Pans, Skillets, Ae. '
They are also saanuCseturiog UaahicsTy, Ploughs,
Xjaitlngl, t short notloe. - ' 4
Hepairlng all kinds of A(jrioultttral tapletnenU
done In a good workmanlike manner aad at the
shortest eotloe, '" ' ' 1 '
1 All articles shipped aa ordered. ' Orders respect
fully solicited aud promptly attended to.
' ta7'01d Iron, and' all kinds of Produce taken In
Exabange for work . . . .
Runbury; June 18, 1884. tf . '
'!IntcIi sRnm-InslIn 'CotTee t'o.
: . - - DEPOf t
163 Reads Strsst, New York. ' -The
abevs Coropssy are knows all ever the world
as tbs owners ofths Coffee Plantations of Java and
llatavia In the Dutch East Indies, and are the Isriest
monopoliievoC Coffee on the U lobe, - '
The undersigned (who It appointed their sole
Agent In Ihe United States' end in the British Colo
nies) will have for sale three different kinds of Cof
fee, which, for reguleritv ef grade aad cheapness of
price, will defy eorripe.ttion.
Our "Bitavia Cefne" never before Introduced In
this Country, but extensively used in the Armies and
Kb vies of Europe, atid rishly valued, Will be put up
at prions to reach all consumers. aj4 cur Extra Java
will be the Magnum Bonum Coffee of the age.
. We will have, for aooouimodarlim of Grocers, Fa
milies, and Uoverument Contractors, samples (dry,
and draws) tor testing. .. -.
- Orders solicited. Oa reeelpt-of easb, eoflss prompt
ly forwarded as directed. .-. 1
... ,188 Rsade Street. New Yotk,
Solr Agent, V. E. I. C C.
July tS, 16.
; 38 Mouth Kecond Xtrcot,
between Market and Chesmut Streets, Philadelphia.
Manufacturer of Coal Oil Lamps and Wholesale
"' dealer in Glass Tumblers, Patent Jars and '
Ulasswore generally. '
', Dealers will find It to their advantage fo examine
,our stuck and compare prices before purchasing their
goods for the spring sales. .1 ,
We would call tbs attention cf the publis particu
larly lo our . , . -,. , .
' Wecan refer to hui.dresls- of respectable persons
who put op peaches end other fruit in cur Jam last
season wnnout the use 01 ryrnp, sna lounci upon
opening that the Fruit retained its natural flavor,
and in faat was just the same ns when put into tho
jars. A. J. WF.IDKNElt.
No. 38 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
AprU 14, 1865. 3m
'Daw & JlHiJiaiillAi
i SlurUrt Nquare, Wl .MCI It V, Pu.
HAVINU just returned from the City with an en
tire new stock of -,!t ii .. 11
Drills), ('licmU-nlM, PciAiinry ttcil
: Toilet Art i l Nt
to which he invites his friends and tho public gener
. ally, to call and examine.. The Drugs and Medicines
. are all selected from the best .importing houses in
j the Eastern market with the greatest care as to puri
, ly and cffieuuicy aud avoid iug as much aa possiblt,
the UilroduoUouof dclerwus nostruuis..-1 ,. ...
,0f all kinds, such as Aysr's, Jaynes, McClintock,
llulluwsys. Witharts, Hooflaiids, Scheuks, Druwu s
and all other popular patent Medicipss, , always vu
. baud. ,j . .. , ' ,.,' .
!.'.T) 'j BRU8HE9,-i.!-. ' -,,w u
Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe and Paint Uruthes.
' c. :.i 1. ... 1 .. .. 1 1 1 1 .
X tvvry variety of--
.., .
1 I Alls 1 S J
Suitable to the trade.
Fancy Toilet Articles and the numerous arttclrs
which are geucrully kept iu a well conducted estab
lishment. In connection wilhtheabove articles, he also keeti
on band a large assortment of STATION EH Y, such j
as t'aprr, r.nvelopes. rent, rehclls, inks, Ac.
I t Physician's prescriptions atu.' family receipts
compounded with the greatest accuru. snd dispatch,
Bf ALL HOUflrt Day or Night.
Ueiiiember the place, Market Square, onder the
office of the "Sunbury American.'
1 ' ' R. A. FISOIER.
Gunbury, June 14, ISfl.
1 . ICrntllus Itnilrond.
J ' November 7th, 1804.
GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana
North-West for Philadelphia, New Yoik, Read
ing, 'Pottsvillo, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ac.
Trains leave liarriburg for New-York, as fol
- lows; 3.00 and 14 A. M. and 1 4 i P. M , arriving
at New Ywk at 10 A. M. and s41 and lb 00 P. M.
t The above oonuect wilb siosilar u-aiiit on the Penn
sylvania, railroad, and Sleeping Cars acoompany the
first two brains, without change. . . ,
Leave for Reading, Puttsvillo, Tuloaqua, Miuers
ville, Allentown aud Philadelphia at 8.1 i A. M. and
1 4 j P. M., slopping at Lebauou and principal sta
tior.s only.
i Way trains. Mopping at nil points, at T. 25 A. M.
I and 4.40 P. M. Returning, leave New York at 9.00
A. M.I a noon, and 7.00 P. M., :. Philadelphia at
, b Ai M. and 3.30 p. M ; Pottsvilleal S.frO A. M. and
! 3.33 P. M. Tamaqua S.I0 A. M. and i.)li P. M.,
I and Reading at 12 iniduight, 7. Si and 10 44 A. id.,
! 1.38 and Oi P. M. v.
I Remiing Aeeommodulioa Train leaves Reading at
6.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphui at 4.30
j P. M . ..,'.'
I Columbia Railroad Trains leave heading at A. 40
and 11 A. M. Ephrata, Litis, Columbia, Ae.
On Sundays: Leave New York at 7 P. M.. Phfia
I ueipoie turn, roiisviue l.iHi A. m., iamoipsa 7
A M, liarriaburg 8.14 A M and Reading at 12 mid
; night, fiar Uarrisburg. u - ....
Comnutaiion, MUeage, Season, and Exoursion
I Tickets, at reduced rates to aud from all points, u
ou 1'ounus Uaggage allowed eaoniraasenKer. . i
i'ii '. ! U. A. MCOLLS,
Qeneral SuperinUsudent-
Not. 28. 1B8I.
'-f t -y I ' 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 ' '
LMkawaiHia fc Hlooutisburt Msiil
"'-' road. ' . ; "' r
ON and after Jan. lath, 1894, Passenger Trains
will run as followj r
MOVING.. 80CTJL , i f
' ... o 1 ... 1 . ; fautagtrw : -m
Leave' Bcr'anlon, ' ''' 4.20 V. 14 -:'
1 ; ; " Kingston, ' .$" ' ' "'
" Blooiusbur. IIS'1"' '''- -
- b.nvlifi," o.u
Arrive at Norlhuuiberland, 9 44
JtkH A.s4kaiUnU4, 0 (M A, U, i
Ik f
it TlutivJlu
, il Rupert. ,. . , -
" Bloomsborg.
' kiaiciibik'H l
Arrive avoIMuti,n el l.eoi ho,-- l, V ,
Preigbt A Passengar leaves Bleeeasburg, 16.14 A. M.
Poaseugesweabbif the Mail Iraia South cuuneot
with the Eapsmi tiaua frun Kortbumberlaad, arriv.
ing at Uarrisburg, at2W A. M., BalUiaore 1.00 A.
M., and at Philadelphia, t 7.00 A. Mt The Mail.
Arrive at tHIMuti,!!a el
traluranj Narts)utiicrjuad leavssjuMnsdiately altea
the arrival of the Express train (rout Uarriabubg aud
BalniTiifre, allowing Passengers leavlnir Philadelphia
V "-.v) b reach pouitsoa this road during
the next forenoon: 1 J-T - - '' ' - J-
M'' Re"and elegant tieeping eers WomriWytbe t
"flfcbl feneni.ih nW k, Hun ;,ittii
lumneriano; tuiit
vaiumore, ana norUiUOUMisaa ana t'biladelpbia.
- ' D. X. BOCND. Budu
i ' .tie4 ,d: :li X.. ITAUP7ER.
JfW'ofih rCOND,,
.n.t H.-iw ..B,Jbtla4elBht..,.,. ... I
An slwMsMBsaen. .af. tt atcltes, Jew.
edry, (PIlrr'Ak: Plated " are aoastantl
ttaod, PoIUblc for UOLIDAT FRESZNTS: . '
,1-1 . 10, ttspainoi S4 w ataiiat eM 4aelr Vnftlr
. '-.-Ui s im
JaaJ bea
TVlneneee sxf lhe 3s'urTsttv
n J. A4ssssry aasael .tiensawl terwAs-uss-Z
" "uu iiuie wimaBi 10 repus 91.04 sojs uuni i
pnv opawianua 1 sentsv omii in seaiea letter 1
envelopes, tree ot charge. Address nr. J. BhiL.
LIN. lltiUwHTUN. Howard Assoautiea, Mo.
I ,1 . t VI . 1 tv . . -i 11 it aa
eifem bi'S swua.V'ivnos ss,. n'ei -,WJt
, . . , (,LaU Kts. Boulrosi's,) J
HAS taken this old aad well known stand, tad
reStted and furnished the same la prepared to
aooonimodate Boarders and Travelers with the best
the market can afford. II hopes by strict attention
to business to receive a share of public patronage.
Ills TABLE contains the best tbvsnexket aUovda.
His bar is llled with the choicest of Liquors, both
bin It and Spirituous.
The subline Is good, and ettsaded b earcful
Ostlers. .1 V
Sunbury, AprU 80, 1864 ly , .' ; -
Altoi-uey nnd Counsellor nt Ijiat,
One as scnth side of Market Street, four doers west
of E. Y. Bright A Son's Store,
Will attend promptly to all professional buslnen
entrusted to his care, the collection 01' claims in
Northumberland and the adjoining counties.
Sanhury. Xlay 23, 1863,-Jjy
No 28 oiffa Second -Street, Philadelphia
Are bow offering their mngniflce'nt Stock of Silks,
Dress Hoods, Minwls, 'Cloths, Closks, Velvets, Ac.,
fnr helnw tlie vircaenl tiuld Prioes !
Wc have also on hand, a large stook of DOMESTIC
UOODS, which we are now selling at a great reduc
tion from the prices we have been ec-llinir them at
As we have had the advantage of a rise in the prices
of our Stcok in the progress ol the War for the Isst
two or three years, we now propose to give our Cus
tomers the Advantage ot the lull lu mass.
Calicoes and Muslins, reduced,, .
Flannels and Table Linens, reduced,'
'' Blankets and all stable Uoods, reduced.
We respectfully solicit from the Ladies sad others
visiting fuilaacipiiia, an examination of our stock,
which is unsurpassed in variety nnd style, in this city.
rs. II.. Wholesale Uuycrs. are invited to examine
ourstock. EDWIN HALL A CO.,
-t - ". 28 South Seoond street, Philadelphia.
. VstolMir a, iot. auar - .
f IM1E subscriber 20 years a practical Piano Forts
JL Manufacturer, of New York City, has perma
neatly iocated iu this sestion, and would rcspeslfully
solicit orders for " . ' ' . ' ' ' ' '
The subscriber it also the manufaatursr's Agent
for . -.!'' ' -' ..
1IA2LETO.V liKO'S.-. " ' "' "
I.I.N Lili.M AN & SON'S.-. I -i . -WILLIAM
li. liKADIIL'RY S, ,
- - McDonald co s,
sy " ri a. o i-'it'ri:!, ;. -
And Carharl A NcedbaWa. and IV-UletV ' , I
And L,'. dLBiu-t's Pips CIR-KCH OltOANS
, .T ja.mks McDonald.
Bloomsburj, Pa., April' H, H'j.-
II. It.
Attorney itf l.nvv, SLNItl 11Y. PA.
Colleelioiis attended to in the counties of Nor-
thumbcTiU-.d, VurAi
and Lyuomiug. ,
Suvder. Motituar. Columbia
. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia,
A. tf. Oattell A Co.,
Hon. Win. A. Porter. . . .01
Morton UeMiohaol, Esq., ' ? : -
E. Krteham k Co.; 3n'J Poarl Street, New York
Jolin Wi. AshracadyAUorney at Law, 1 " :
.. Matthews A Cox, st ttutueyaut Law, : '
n Saubury, March Sit, ISoiiv -
Cl'lltl'Sll ltilllwitV !
I"; fii'jmine time iMiei.i:.
' THKF.F. T1IAINS DAILY to and from Boldmore
and Washington city.
lounectioua maae witn trains en 1'ennsylrasia
Railroad, to und from Pittsburg aud the West.
THREE TRAINS DALY to aud from tneNortb and
West Branch Susquehanna, LImira, aud all of North
ern New York.
ON and after MONDAY, MAY 18th. 1SC4,
tho Fussoncer Trains of the Northern Central
Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury.
Uarriafcurg and Baltimore as folluws, vis : '
Mail Train leaves Sunbury duily (except
Sunday). 10 24 A. M.
" leaves Uarrisburg, - 1 2U P. M.
" arrives at Baltimore, 4 40 "
Exprsss Train leaves Sunbury daily
(exeapt Sun lay,) - 1144 P.M.
" . leaves Uarrisburg (eXeept
Aloniay.j Z 43 A. it
M arrives at Baltimore daily
( Monday). T 00 A.M.
Uarrisburg Acoiuuiodatiuulouves Uarris
burg. 7 00 A. M.
Sunburv Aesommol ition learss Sunbury
' daily (cxsej;t Sunday) at f 30 AM
Mail Train leaves Bultiuiore daily (ex
cept Sunday) 9 20 A. M
" leaves Uarrisburg 1 S4 P. M,
" arrives at Suubury, 4 04 "
Exprsss Train leaves Baltimore daily I P. 51
" arrives at Uarrisburg, 1 40 A M.
" leaves Uarrisburg (except
Monday). 3 14 A.M.
44 arrives at Sunbnry. ' 5 43 "
Ilarjisburg AsoonimoJutiun loaves Harris- - -
- burg, daily oxcopt Sunday) at 3 00 P M
urrivos at iiarrinourg, 7 JO r jl
Sunbury Accommodation leaves Hurris-
burg daily (exout Sunday) at 4 00 P M
For further information applv at ths Olbce.
1. N. Di'liAKUY Ucn. Supt.
Tfarrislur,', Juno 4 4. " '
WAJtll A X TED j
IT is used by first close families everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptic
persons, being very nuitritious aud true fnuu all
geloterious substances, iu tesuuionv of which I have
certificates from the most emminent Phvsieians in
the Country. Try it, and you will be sure to eon
tinue its use in preference to sr. other.
Sold at retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound
by First class Grocers throughout the United States.
Ijf-A liberal discount to the Trade:
Put up only by - '
i,mvis A. oxuoit.-v.
Wholesale Depot, S9 Warren St. New York.
May 7,1044. , . .. . ..,... . .
'! " " i At the 6tore of
M" JCHlT.BCViTLlT...'.'.
Corner of Market and Fawn Streets, -
6 U X,B U U Y , P EN N' A ,
.. i , ,11-ura Just opened - - ,
tr vryho4y.i This ao Blowing." but plain truth,
whiob evory oue will be convinced that, calls and ex
amines the stock, which aouaistsof . ,r . - . . .
Dress Uoods, Caasisaerss, Clothe, UenU' Overeaatisg,
v Jeans, Cuttenades. Muslins, Dress Uoods la
lo :!! e,,: .in i great raristy.
;;'rLA!PltS, DRESS -.goods,; ,,
PlaiA an Figuted' IVlalnes, French and .Pirared
"( Merinos, Fine Wool Delaines all sosis and
shsdes, Prints. Nankeens. LADlKeJ' T a
at Irish .LisieSA, browaand, i.i, ..,fi...
eu!o.aJ ia:-- i bile bheetiags, .: ,
: i dMvli, jialmorat cairts ot an , ,i j
I binds, Hoop Skirts, all prioes. Hand. .
' kereitMit, Fiona ol Ladles' lwd, sulk
' ,i m4 Meruitj Ulovsa, Ac. i , i ,, , . ......
Jew elry or nil kinclsi.
Ladiea' aad.OeuAs'.L iikales. . "-.i;,;""
, A large assortment Sf JiOHOXI, j, t ,
'.j r.-ats sal tar' 1 SO sxyxevKtr-b tl'.j'.i
rTardware'Csdsrware, O'sssware, Chlnawart.
Qusenswsre. Crocker, Oroceries, Tobacco.
6sgare Bnuff. , , , ' Tea, Cof ee, Sugar,- ' :
Molasses, Spices, . ' ; "' ' fish, belt, Aa , 4.j' :
ans everything else usually kept La store, fre
duet taken tt sxekaege M. f oeia. Ma Ueubla to
44ioosUw.i...c ,, .:,, .-
on L j .-s...ia;(tMIlllAU-T-i s - .
i'l: ' '' '; , f
.ci tie rtktt, tt)4susd T99 ARCH aliUET, j
i. ii-o sai ... yHIt.ADBl.rHI A.'
V- V, 1H4 -eft
isa4 AsYiiMiS nsrsesri x3otnpnir. i
CIVK NOriOK that Tbey bar oonoluded aft
T raxurementa with the Northern Central Bail road
Company to run trains from Baltimore fur York,
11 - T, 1. 1 1, i ! r Ttt au.k...
1WIUUUI, ,'MiyuiH, IlKllIU, 1P3TWOWH, ouiiwm, j,
NoTtbamberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Money, Wu
liamsport, and all dntermediate stattths, eonneeting
at Uarrisburg with the OKEAT WKSTkUN EX
PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Loais and tho
Also witn" rtowarSJT to" Express at liilUe or
Danville, Blootasburg, Wilkesbarrs, Pittston, iteruji
too, and :UHermediale stations on the Cattsiwisea,
liackawanna A Uloomsburg Kailroaus., At nu
liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey
Short sard Lock Haven, Also, by Howard t Co.,
and their . eoimectiens, for Canton. Troy, Eluiira,
Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible
joints in Western New York and Canada, by whisk
they will lor warn aieronanuise, specie, liana a etc,
fvwelrT, and Valuable Packages of evory descrip
tion. . Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection.
Experienced and efficient messengers employed,
and every effort will be made to render satisfaction.
Bupertntenfenl Penn'a Division, Philadelphia.
R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury .
April , 1892. '
testis. Arrangements 1MJ5.
i" Heir YrW IJnoa.
Frtm Fhiladttfhia to Xttr York and Way Fartt,
from Walnut ttrttt Wharf and Kensington
" Depot, icilt feats at follow, ri : fars
At 8 X' M., Via Camden and Ainboy, (C. and
j' A. Accommodation ) f 2 2i
At 8A. M., via Camdenand Jersey City.N. J., .
Accommodation, 2 2b
At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey Cit.-, -
(Morning Mail.) 3 06
At 8 A. M , via Camden and Jersey till 2d
- ClnssTiuket 2 2t
At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Express, 3 00
At li M. 'via Camden and Amboy, C and A.
(Accommodation,) 2 25
At C P. M -, via Caindea and Amboy, (0. and ,
A. Express,) 0t
At 3 P.M., via Kensington auS Jdrltoy CSty,
Wash, and N. Y. Express S Of
At 6 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City,
(Evening Mail,) i Ou
At lit P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Southern Mail. 3 09
At li (night) via Kensington and Jersey city
Soutncru Express 3 OH
At 6 P. M., via Cainden and Ainboy, (Accom
modation, Freight and Passenger, First
Class Ticket. 2 5 '3
Seoond Clem Ticket. 1 1 25
For Water Uap, Stroudsburg, Scronton. Wilkes
barrs, Moiitruso, Ureut liend, Ac , at OA. M.,
from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna anj
W astern llailroad.
..or Muuch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Beli
d e, Easlun, Lambertvillu, Flemingloii, .to., td a
A.,rM., lhun Kensington Depot, and at 21 P.M.
freui Walnut street Wharf.
(Vhe A. M. Line connects with Trains leaving
Euaton for Mauch Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.)
For Mount Hollv, at 0 A. M , 2aud 4 P. II.
For Freehold, ut li A. M. and 2 P. M.
For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 11 A. M. and 2i and
P. M. from Kensington,
For Palmyra, ltiverton, Dclanco, Beverly, Bur
lington, Florence, Uordentown, io., at 1.', 1, 2, 4t
and ' P. M.
I, if For New York, ami Way Lines leaving Ken
sington Depot, take the Cars on Fitih street, ahovs
Walnut, half sn hour before departure. Thu Cuis
ruu into the Depot, aud on the arrival of each 'i'ruiu,
run from the Depot.
Fifty Pounds ut Baggage only, allowed each
poskeiisT. Pusscugcrs arc prohibited lioui taking
uuytliing as baggagu but their weariugajiparel. All
baggage over fitly pouuds to be paid for e ;fru. The
Company limit their responsibility for baggage U
One Dollar per pound, and will not bo liable lor any
uuiuuut beyoud c'100. except by special contract.
WM. 11. tfATZMEU, Agent.
' 'January 17( 1684.
' ' Dealer in
PI AN 0 S.
EW Rosewood Piams, from
the best
Irom 9tw upwards
best manufactured Iiistra-
meuts from $4 j to il 00
Uuttars. Violins, Accordeons. Flutes,
Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, ' ' ' '
Violin and Uuiiur strings aud musical mer
chandise is general.. .
,'PrTe'latest publications always on hand. Musis sent
by mail to any part of the countrv.
Suitable for looking glasses, aud all kinds cf pistures
always ou band.
A fine assortment of best plated
LOOKINU ULASSES I'miu smallest to largest sires.
Any style of frame made to order at the i-iriusl
notice. WA1. KNtiCllE,
. April II, 1863. 93 Market St., llarrislurg
91. V. 4jii:Ai:ilAtM'.
Confectionery, Toy
-1lai L.i l Nlrcct, Suubury , t'a.
FHl'IT, il-c, A-c,
CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at' the abov
establishment at wholesale und retail, at reasoi
able prices.
Ho is manufacturing all kinds of Confeotinnari
to keep up a full assortweut which are soi l at lo
Tobacco, Segars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, at
a variety of other articles, allot whiob are often
wholesale amhretail.
Ijf Remember the name and plare. r
Market street, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Set
Sunbury. Sept. 10, 18S3. tf
.UASMt:it'!r rATKvr i-iviT yii.
in: iiti:i:zi:it :
As Improved for ISiS and ISfiO,
By E. KETCUAM A CO., JSI Pearl St., New To:
flIIE only Frecser constructed on scientific -r
I ciples, with a revolving con and spring bli
scraper. The one hastens the frceiing of the creau
the other removes it as fast as frusen.
The most rapid in frecsing, with the least quin
of ice.
The most economical in cost , as It is the most si m
- j and durable in structure
f or sale in aU the principal cities and towns iu
i n ion.
I Each Frecser aoeomnanied with a book of rsc
and full directions.
a S quarts, 113 It
4 quarts, 4 00
I quarts, I 00
8 quarts, I 00
-- 14 quarts, , 8 00
., JO quart, ... ,. 13 00
Apply to U. B. MA8Si;R, Sunbury, P
' March , Uot. 1L
UxLiayxUiLL, Stuoji P. Vcl,vR
Attoraeyoi unci Counselor nt l.ii
Office, Market street, cor. Centre Alley,
.... . e3XJJM-33UiV,: PA: I.,,','
WILL attend promptley to Use colleoltbnof el
aad all other professional business iuurast,
their oaro in Northumberland tudadjoiningcuuo
Sunhery, January M, ISO'S. -
Slnulivud i bow sLsomI, laoW Itesilui
Just published, a new edition of Dr. Calvcrw
Ccleoraloit Easuy an the radical euro (without u
cine) ofueruiaUsrrbeea, ot jseininal weakness,
voluntary Seuiieutl' Losses, lwpoteAicy, Menial
Physical Incapacity, Impedimeuu tuMerrisgo.
alto. Consumption, Epilepsy, aad l iu, induce
self-iudulgenoa Ot aexaal. eatravuanee.
I Price, in settled envelope, unly six cert
The eelbMt4 a I her 1 Uua daivabio
clearly demouslratea, fron thirty years' suuoe
practice, AOM tkeisilMtuiog enMcequenees .q
abuse may radioally eue4 .wilkout the dang
use of internal medicine of no npplicatiou ot
knife poiuiing out 4 mode of cure at oucesii
certain, and SBeclual, by means ef which eveel
fsrer. no Matter what nit condition may bo.
cure himself obeaply, privately, and radically.
lorThis Lecture should ee in the bands of
youih and evsry nan fa the load.
Sent, uuder eeei, in a plain envelope, to aa
drees, post-paid, on receipt ef sin ocau, or twi
sumps. Address the publishers.
C1I A. J. . KLINE A Ot
127 Bowery, New York, Post Offace Bos, 46
March 3a. loos Js ly lo
Intrrnulionstl Hotel,
Ml SMsd 107 Broadtray, Conor FraniliH I
rprjIB Irst elan Iiouss-the toeet quiet, bom
J. aad pleasant Hotel ! tho eity offers su)
Inducement to those visiting New York fur bn:
er pleasure. It is central lu Its location, and k
thebvaoraAst Ptsa. in connection with Tati
6aloo, where refreshments ean bo had aill
or served in their own rooms. The asarpca ar
derelo, Ibe room and auendanse of the fL at or
kaths, and all lbs snodsta ctrvsanenooa attaebi
I, Wi -