"g.h-.jn or I'm uw as. saws' GEO. DEMERIT. & 0., JEWELERS, 003 Dnndwurt New York, (COIlSJtR DEANJE STREET 100,000 WATCHES. GOLD TENS AND PENCILS, AC, AO. VTortli 6509,0ttl 0 tl BOLD AT One Dollar EACH, Willi. OCT REGARD TO VALIU. And not to bo paid until yon know what job will receive ! TTLESD1D LIST OF ARTICLES All to bo Sold Tor ONE DOLLAR Eaoh ! 100 Gold Huntire eases Watches oocli JI0O 100 Gold Watches 0 200 Ladies' Watcliea 41 tOO Silver Watches Jl CO to $2J e09 Gold Neck and Vest Chains 12 00 to 11 ll'OO Cbulcluin nnd Vert Chains t CO to IS J0CO Vest and Neck Chains 4 00 to 11 4000 Soliloiro Jet nnd Gold Rroocrips 4 00 to 8 4000 Cornl, Lnvn, Gurnet, Ac., do. J 00 to fi 7000 Gold Jet, Opal, Ac ,Enr Drops, 3 00 to 8 . t000 Ucnls' Droast nnd Scarf Pint 3 00 to 8 000 Ovul Band RrawiloU S CI to 8 2000 Clinked Bracelets 4 00 to 10 iOOO Cttlilbruin Diamond Tim and Kings 2 io to 8 2000 Gold Watch Keys 3 10 tu tOOO Solitaire Slcevo Buttons aud Studs 2 CO to 3 000 Gold Thimbles 4 00 to 8 8000 Miniature Lockets 2 00 to 7 J1000 Miniature Lockets, Mngie 4 00 to 9 2500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, it. 2 00 to 9 S000 Fob nnd Ribbon Slide! 2 CO to 1 COCO Chased Gold King! 2 00 lo S 4000 Stone Set Kings 2 00 to 8 i00 Sols Ladies' Jewell j -Jet nnd Gold 1 00 to 11 COOO " " " Tiiried styles, 3 00 to 15 6000 Gold Tens, Silver Care and Pencil 4 00 to 8 4000 ' Ebony Holder nnd Cuso 0 00. to 10 00 e000 ' Mounted Holder 2 00 to 0 00 All Iho goods in Iho above List will be sold, with out reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certi ficates of all Iho various articled nro placed in simi lar" envelopes sealed and ini.cd. Theso envelopes will be scut by niail, or delivered nt our office, without regard to choirn. Onroccivinga Certificato you will seo what article it represents, ar.d it is op iional with you to send ono dollar, and receive the article named, or nny other in the list gf fame vnluo. By this mode wo give selections from a varied lock of fmo goods, of the best make and latest styles, and of intrinsic worth, at a nominal price, while nil have a chanco of securing articles uf the very highest value. In all transaction by mail wo charge for forward Ing Iho Certificate, paying postage, and doing the business, 23 cents each. Fivo certificates will bo sent for Jl ; Eleven for f2; Thirty for $5 ; Sixty Cro $10 ; and Ono Hundred for $11. REASONS WHY. TVe should supply your wants ; our facilities ore un surpassed ; our work of unrivalled excellence; our promises piinetiiully"ohsorvel. Onr central location brings us near tho 'uost remote points. Our goods are new from the manufacture,, and of tho latest and most dosirablo styles Tho goo Is mu-t ho sold, ond the terms aro unequalled. All articles ordered are forwarded by return mail. Wo guaranteo entire sutistnetinn in every instnnco nd if there should bo any person dissatisfied with any articlo they uiay roccieo, they will immediately return it, nnd ibe prieo will be refunded. Aukxts. Wo allow those acting (is Agents Ten Cents on ouch. Corlifiefto ordetcd, provided their rernitlniico amount to One Dollar. They will eolieot 2.1 c-rts for every Cerlificato, aiid, retaining 10 cents, remit to us li cent for each. Address i.O. ItS.TSE.ESH'l' A CO. 303 Broadwnv, New York. Mnreh 4, 185. 2m 2CSTICT'3 COTTAG-a" ORGANS. K KE not onlv uneonallod- hot tbcvure Mbsolulelir Jr niieip-iulle'l, by any other Rctd Inslruinent ill ' toecountry. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are found to Pa equally well adapted to tho parlor and drawiug room. For sale only by E. M. HI! ECU, No. 18 Norlli Seventh street, Philadelphia. f'Also Ilniilbury's Pianos, and a complete; as sortment of tho Perfect MELOHKON. Sept. 24, 1601. lyw PROSPECTUS OF TXIiJ lAPIERIlE OIL COIirAKY, Cffieo, No. 70 North Fourth Flrert, (sccucd floor, PHIL A DELPHI A. C A TIT A L STOC K , . . . J7M.O0O llfl.000 Shan s, par Value T5. Subserip'.ion Price Full Paid. ii. Tho Company own tho following described pro perty in fee dimple: Eilty acres of. land near Cherry Treo Run; said land 'sone nnd a quarter miles from Oil Creek, und isubout two hundred rods from tbo Well on Cherry Treo Run, Hint flows from seventy-fivo to ono hun dred barrels of Oil per day ; nnd also, nn interest in two acres on tho Sherman Property with lour wells in vniioue stages of progress on tho property, ono of which is now flowing thirty barrels per day. Tho Company gets the ouc-i.icon:h of all tho Oil, clear of all expense ; also, two acres ndjoining, with four wells now in a progressive eon. liiion in which the Company geU one-thirly-i-ceoudih of tho Oil, and also, e-no aero of land adjoining, nith one well down toady for pumping ; (ho Company gets one-sixteenth of tho land interest clear of all expense. Also, the ono-fourlecnth of tho working interest of the la.-t neuliuned uere. This Company is formed on u Iums that Is expected to pay a diwdond of two per cent per uioinh to the Stockholders. The Company pro. poso to place $25,1100 cash or stock in the Treasury for tho development of the primer! v. President, Pro. Tern J..I. It.UtC r v i' .. Directors William D. Smith, 11. M. Da'yi.s.I). WcUinley, b. H. Swuiu.ey und Johu F Seeretury il . A. Converse. Treasurer John 1'. Young. February 4, I.n65. Yeuug. HATS! HATS!! . B.VMCEL VAltT, '""roller's Drug Store, Market St., 'ylcsof Wool I'irubility f Cottage Organ. Pio. . Bur. Cnas. B. Oevtrm DlvlITH' & GE1TTEER, arket street, one door oust of Mrs. Bnulton'l Hut a Hav.c opened A NEW TIN-AV ARE, uc-ct. Iron nml Pioto More, and Intend keening cinislitntly on hand, and 'luatm- factoring to order on shortest notion, TIN AND SHEET JilON-W ARE of nil descriptions. ALnigoStook ofOook Stoves if tho folbiwlngUrou.il vjiimekm pesnn i nnd on the following two llrunds wo defy competi tion, namely Coinblnnltoii Un Iturnor, wok. 4Jiv'rnor fiosn l'k. nn.nmnssrd for hentitv of finish. cmrlioil of r- raiurii'ient. eombinirj eheapness and durability, and each stovo wai-nnted to pcrtorm what they are re presented Af.fO. l'AKT.on and OFFICE PTOVV.3. In great variety, enibrncinir nil tiio best ninnuiactures. nnd nio'-t f;y-htonablo designs AIho. The celebrated". OEM for liealing up and down stairs. Also the eelebrnled VH.CAN llEATKB. 4'oiilOi), ' n I Oil Jnn.t, f-liadosi, 4 I1iii-;Si s. mxl nil nrlli'k'N enrsnally kejd in nn estaldh-linicnt of Ibis kind. AVo hrealso p-ennred to do all linds of Spouting. Hisifing. Uanire aid Furnace Work, U us Fitting. Ao. Kopair ing,rheat'Iy nml neutly exeeutrd. t'ouniry produco taken in ej.ch.inge at market price. SMITH .t Cl'NTIir.n, Have the Aeenoy for Mllll S Cl.I.EKU ATF P V1KE l'l.At K. STOVliS. for the Counties of Northumber land. Snvder. I Hion nml Montour. Ardaronl.-o agents for tuo fipher A n illowcr Lint rTrancportation. Sun. nrv .Dee. , ldl. CLOTHING F0H ALL ! ! AT CONT CENTAL 0 L U T II I N G B A Z A A R . Corner or JZar5o4 N.i:ii'c A llniU lloiui Wtroi-I, BUSlit'llY, PENN'A. JCST OPENED, WINTER STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newot styles, cut by lbs best Artists, trimmed and nindo equal to custcin work, unii a dd at tho owest prices. SI'-ai stud Itoj'M 4'IolIiJiK of tho bct mn- tcrial eon..i-tiTifr of Tlrcss Coats, Frock . Coat. Sake Co.i!s, Pant, s.nd Vests of various colors a;nl quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S 0ArED COATS & SHAWLS. GI'.NTLEMEX S I'L RNl.-'HlNi'i GOODS, such ns Shirts, Over-shirts. Undershirts, Drawers, Collars. Cravats, Neck lies, H&sdkcrchiuV, fc'tocking, Gloves, Ac. IJnlsi nnd ":tn oTnll liiiidM. BOOTS AND SHOES, TKI.NKS, VALISES, CM- RRELLAS, nnd NOTIONS of all kinds, nnd numc. Tons other articles. Tho public nro invited to e.dl arid examine his Stock. Keinember the place. 'Con'lnerda! Clolhing Store," Comer of.Maiket Sou:i.e und the C. 11. It. LEVI HECIIT. Sunbury, Dec. 10, If '14. CORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, A EG EST 2ud, 1SC4. nIIIS Shell er is the enlr ope thai stiells the Corn perfectly clean from the Cob v ben green, soak, e I or dry. Itphos'lie Ear a double operation on tho Shellio.i Wheel ns ii parses thioui;h. nnd sona. rnies the Cob from the Corn completely, renilerlnir It nt once fit for market without the uso of the fnnninir iiioi. jjun iioo iiiuu Miens Ik Half BuxliJof Eur t, (lie JTinvt miry Hand Vuu-u: hj Oi;U- fn l can ho used. nlsn. l,v tor.;n. fi!cam rr W-,lor I Power i,y altnehiiie n Pulley on tho Crai k Sh .ft. j For Hurability, Cleanliness. Neatness Clieaimess I and Rapi.lily in Shelling, this Mnchino cannot bo j equalled by any other. ' STATE ANI COUN'i' ItlOJUS roil ftAl.K OH REASONABLE TEEMS. Oksti.kviK.v : If you "want your corn Shelled clean ; if you fiavo ocearion to rfiell green or damp corn; if you want your corn nnd Coh reparnted ; if you w.mt a durable machine ; if you want n cheap heller, buy the Complete, HouUo-Acline;, Stlf-Sep-aruting Corn Sheller. EEI EREXCES : II. P. Ma?scr.' Dr. J. W. Tealo .liinbiirv. Cherlei Hues. Miller, Samuel Lctig, Reading. C. fi. Morgan A Co., (ieo. Weiser. L. Augusta. Millers, Sunbury. Sol. Mart. Farmer. Henry Leiseniii g. Hear Cap. C. Albert, lle,rgeUwn Mapurnetured and for Sala at tbo I ouudrv of ROHIIIIACII A- CdOI'Ell, Sunbury, Vi. ' Sunlorj-, I eo. 3, 1 SC t. 0m OLD EYES 1IAEE KEw! A PAMPHLET directing 1 low to f;eedil3' restore sight iini give up spectacles, uiil.oul ,,f doclor or medicine. fcuil Dy ,u( rri.u cn rect.;,lt of 10 cents. Address, E. B.FOOTE, M. D. Februnry 4, lr,5 fia THE EYE ani EAU. 'I'o Hie t'litjilf ! NOW READY, .A Work by Hr. VONMOSCH7.ISKF.il, Of No. 1027 "ulnut Street, Philadclidiia, entitle 1 A BOOK Poll TUB l'Eopl.F, V."," l,'!,0,wI,ia''onsts: EYE and EAR Diseases J. , ,' ' V "' 111 Oenerai ; CI, rgvmen s an.l 1 ublie ,-pcaker Sro Throat; Oisea.e.of tho Air l'ascage.-, (Laryngitis, Lronchitis.) AniSiiiui iiim! 4's;l:iri Ii. This Rook is to bo l.ad al No. fiort Chc.-put ft reel Phil.iuelpl.in. nnd f all Pooksellers. Price 1 And from Iho author, Dr. Von .Moehbkor, who nn be eonsulieil on all these mala, lies, und all Nor ous Afieclions, which ho treats wilh the surest mo- u,1"';- 1"-'7 '''t-ut street, I'hiladelpbiii. Feb. 11, lb6j :im IIENRY IIARPEU. .o. S'JO AES'I ., above Fifth, I'hila- Manufacturer tud Dealer In WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, 60LIDSILVER WARE and Superior 'jver Plated Ware. March 25, 1665.3m IMii!nlolt.,ia A llrlo Kiiilroml. nMlIS great line traverses the Northern and North J. west counties of Pennsylvania lo the cily of Erie ou Luke Erie. It has been lensed by Iho Pennsylvania HnilruaJ Company nnd is operated bv them. Its entire length wuj opened for passenger and freight hu.-in. ss, October 17th. IfSfil Time ol Passenger trains at Sunbury, Eeavo KiislMniril Mail Train, arrives Eimirii Ex ress Train, Lock Huven Aeeouiuo lalion, .,T . l-o've Westward, Mail Train. Maiira Expros Tram, U Haven Accomiuodation. 10 2i P. II. .11 10 .35 A. 4.15 A.M. (20 " 4 25 P. M. enger esrs run through on Mall Train, without aiih ways between Philadelphia and Eric, 1 1 more and trie. ' ' H,'n''.uK V", on Mui' Trains both -ou 1 liiiadclphm and Lock Huven, aud uru Express Train both ways between and Uuhiuiore. ulion respecting Passenger business id Market St., Philadelphia. t business c.f the Company ' Agents, Jr., Cor. lath and Market St., ', Erie. nt N. C. R. R., Raltimore. , '.I. II. lliirsroK, Oen'l Freight Agt. Phllada. U. W. OwiNsaa, Geu'l Ticket Ag't., Tbilada. oaarii 1). Potts, o l Uaoacer, Wnni Dianid & (imjiaiiiiidiiiii HnrUet Sqwnro, !l ,CJI It V, In. HAVING jus returned from tho Cily with on en tiro now stock of DrngK, 4'li'ml'!il. H'oi-l'imici-j nml 'fi'otk-4 Arli l-H( to which heinvites his friends nnd tho puhlie gener ally, to oall and examine. Tho limps and Medicines nro all selected from the best importing houses in tho Eastern market with the grontet care us to puri ty nnd efl'eieney and avoiding ns much on possible, 4ho introduction of dulerious iMtMrtuun. PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds, such as Ayer's, Jnynes, McCllntock, llolbmays, Whnrts. iKllau(ls, Vchenks. Itrown's nnd all other popular patent medicines, ulwuys on hand. 33?s.tJei:iTi:s, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe and 1'uint Dpirlies. Seinl earo i." taken to keep on hand constantly cvory vuiiety of PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Suitable to tho Irado. Fancy Toib I Articles and the numerous articles which lire generally kept in u well conducted estab lishment. In connection with the above articles, he nlro keeps on hand a large nssortmenl ol STATION KK Y, such as Paper. Envelopes. Pens. Pencils. Inks. Ao. IV Vhysielan's preset iplioiis nnd family receipts eouipouiKlett witli tlie greatest nor uracy niut uispalen at ALL HOt'ltS I.'av or Niuht. llemeuiber the place. Market Square, under the r-thec ul the ''Sunbury Ameriean." R. A. FISCHER. Sunbury, June 13, 1S6E 1 IOWA HI)" A 8iOC I AT1UN, rillLADEI.PlllA, PA. IB. - . ! A J I vmsiry iil m.tl'iiK- ! new and reliable treatment in reports of the HOW Al!l ASSHCI ATliiN sent bv mail in sealeil Utter envelopes, free of chargo. Address lr. J. SK11, i I. IN IIOIGHTON, Howard Association, No. r-outli Mnth street, l'iiilniclphta. 1". July 10, IStil. ly ICvtidtii- ISailriisid. WINTEH ARKAKCEIilEIIT. Kovomber 7th. 1S01. REAT TUENK LINE from tho North anil V I Norlh-Wcst. for Philadelphia, New York, Read hut. Pottsvillc. Iiehanon. Allentown, l'aston, tte. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-Vork, lis fid lows : a. lid and S IS A. M. nnd l.lo V. Jl., arriving ! nt New York nt 10 A. M. nnd 2.45 nml IS (III 1'. M ' 1 ho above oonneot wilh similar trains on the Pent! ' sylvanid railroad, and Sleejiing Ctus accompifany the first two trnms, without change-. . Leave f. Rending. Potlsville, Tntnanun, Miners S ville, Allentown and Philadelphia nt 8.1 a A. M. an P. M., stopping nt Lebanon aud principal sta lion? onlv. Wiw trains. Mopping nt all poln'. at 7.2'i A. M ' nnd 4.40 P. M. lleiiirninj, leaveNew York nt 0.UO I A.M.. 12 noon, ami 7.00 P. M..: l'liiladelphia at 8 A. M. nnd H.oll P. M : PottM-illenl h.OU A. .M. mid ! 2. Hi P. M. ; Tnmaqua 8.111 A. M. and 2.11 P. M , and Reading at 12 midnight, 7.l'1 and 10.41 A. M : and fi.n.i P. M. Reading Acconinmdation Train leaves R'aiiina fi.Iill A. Al. returning from Philadelphia at i.'. P. M. Columbia Railroad Traini leave Reading ut C.40 ami 11 A. M. l.pln.ita, l.itiz. l olnmiaa. A On Sundays: Leave New York r.t 7 P. M., Phila delnliia .'l.lo P M, Poiisvillc 7.:i0 A. M., 'Taniaoua A "I. Harrisbuig d.l 5 A M and Reading nt 12 mid uiuht. for JlnrrUhnre. ComiiiiUalioii. Mileage. Sea.on. nr-.d Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from ull points. bU I'ouuds Haggago ullowcd each Passenger. U. A. NK'OLl.S, General Superintendent' Nov. 2. D-rVI. l.iiehuwiiiiuii A' tIooius,l)iirj.;' ICail r:.l. ON r.r.d after Jan. lsth, 1S61, ru.s.'i nger T.-uins will rja m t'lllo.ri : MOVINU SOETTI. Itst rii?rr. Leave Ser.inton, 4.20 P. M " Kingston, 6.i5 " Hloomsburg 8.25 " Rupert, .:i5 " Diuivillc, 'J.I5 Arrive at Noi ihumberland, V.65 MOVINU NORTH. Lenvo Northi:n.l,eilaiul,,S.(l(l A. M. ' Daiivilic, h.10 " Rupert, S.4II Blooni.-lturg. D.;t5 Kingston, 12.I2P.JI. Arrive nt rant. m. l.:iil Freight A Passenger leaves Llonnisburg, 111. 15 A. M. Passengers taking tiio Mail 'Train South connect wi:h the E.pri-ao train from Nortliunibeilaud. hitu in; at Ilnrri-biirg, al 2. oil A. M., Raltimore 7. mi A. M., arid at Philadelphia, at 7. Ull A. M. The Mail train from Northumherbttol leaves immediately after tlr-' arrival ol'tho E. re.-.- train from lian UbuVg and lialliiitoi e. a i towing Piu-seugers lea ing Pbib-elclp'oia at ID. Ill 1'. !., to rcuch points on this road liming the next forenoon. .""eiV and elcgar.t Sleeping ears neeompanv t!.e night train.-eaeli way between Nunbuiubcilan i aid Liilciucrc, und Nor'thuu.burliuid und Philioieljibia. l. '. ROUND, Supt. I. K. STAUFFER. M'ATCIIMAKEE & IJEWELI1 V. No. 116 NiilU SECOND htrcet, corner of ljunrry, 1'hil.idelphia. An iKr.ir(i:it-(H r Wnii-Tifu, ,J"v- Irj, SUIvreV I'lllK l Wuro constantly hand, Si.itablo for 11HLIDAY PRESEN'i! ti Repairing of Wulchcs und Jewelry i roinplly attended to. ' ' Deeeu.ber .I, ISCI ly rrtoij wAsniNaTON. LATESTI UPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT TnE P O U 2M D B or ?hOSP2jf-,CH & CCCFE?.. BXJN-BTJ-R.-S', -PElS-flsr'A. (let the Best (let tho Cheapets (let tho most Eco nomical, hich can bo had lit tho Rohrbaeh Foundry Having a large assortment of the most upproved STOVES, such us Cooking, Parlor, Otlioe and Shop loves, which will be sold nt the lowest rates. Also, Kettles ot all si.ei, Puns, Skillets. Ao. They are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Castings, Ac, at short notice. Repairing ull kinds of Agricultural Implements done iu a r,iod workmanliko manner and lit tho shortest uotico. All articles shipped ns ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and proinpilv nttemled to KoliEBACH A COOPER. 1"5 Old Iron, nnd all kinds of Produco takeu in Ea-.-hatigu lor work. Sunbury, Juno IS, 1804. tf rr- Ii t:;is.I'IiMli:i foliVe Co. "DEPOT r IfiS Rea lo Street, New Y'ork. The above Company are known all over Iho world as the ow ners of Iho Coffee Plantations of Java and Eiituvin iu the I iu t.-h Ea.-t Indies, and are the larger no.nopoli.ers ol Cofleo on tho (llobe. The undersigned (who is t pointed their Solo Agent in tho I i.it.d States and in Iho Riili.-h Colo nies) will have for sale three different kinds of Cof lee. which, for regularity of grude und cheapness of prioo. will defy competition. Our ' llatavia CR. e" never before introduced In this ( ounlrv, but extensively u.d in the Armies and Navies of Europe, nnd riehlv vnlue l will 1. ., at prices to reach nil consumers, and our Extra Java will be tho Jlnguuiu llonuui Ced'ce of the n,t Me will have, for accommodation of HrZt niilies.aiid Oovernment Contractors, samnics 'i.lrv and drawn) for testing. i , Orders solicited. On reccint of cash. eoir... nrn,,.i. ly forwarded us directed. ...i ' 1" a. i.rppM v 163 Rearfo Slrocl. New York. Sola Agcul, D. E. I. 0 Co. July 2.1, ISOi, v. U i; x i : a. i ; IMPERIAL IJfjotograpf) (Dallcvtrs, Nos. 70'i, 01 and 700 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 17.1M4. m . Inioiuulliiunl llolil, 365 and 807 Broadway. Vortxr Franllin Strut NEW YORK. rilHIS Brat class House the mot quiel, homelike A ond pleasant Hotel in the oily offers superior Inducements to those visiting New York for business or phtasure. It i. central iu iu location, and kept un tl.eEiKo.tA. Pl. iD eonneclion will. Tavlob'. Saloox. where refreshmenuj ,.n bo bad all hours, or sorved in their own rooms. 1 he charges ars moi derate, the rooms and attendance of the first order bath, and all the seed era ttsarefuetaees attaeaad. ejel I, l"! A ' . Tni wonit's onsAf tirMimt ro "Scrofula, and Scrofulous Disease!. JVo Emery fUht, a mil -inoirn merchant ttf O. foro, iiioiiie. "1 nnvo sold largo quantities of your Baruapa- i litl.l.A, but never yet one bottle which failed of tho desired ellot and loll satlHl'iK'tinn lotliosc who took It. As fast ns our people try It, (hey ;rreo there lino been uo medieiuu like it Ik lore hi our community." Eruptions, Pimpled, Elotohos, Pustules, TJ1- , cors, Soros, nnd all Dineasoa of the Skin. I lYoin 're. Unlit. .S.-rtMoii, lirhiol Knitlimd, 1 ' 1 only ilo my duty to you nnd tho public, wheb , T add my testimony to that you publish r the mo tlleinal virtues of vuur Saiimai'Aiiiu.A. Sly daugh ter, aged ten, had an nflsictinij liunior In her earn, eyeH, anil nmr i,ir vnn.., mnui uikk.iv v euro until we tiled your Hausapakilla. Sho hrt liecu well for some mouths." From Arm. June '. I'.lrf, n mil 1:n urn nniJ much attemnl ImhioDcnnhrilh, Cuiie MapVo., .V. . 44 Mr (laughter has anlTervd for a year past with a eerofu'leur erupt lor, which was very troublesome. Nothing ntlf.nleS any relief untH we trieil your BAKSArAliilXA, which soon completely cured her." from Chnr?r.t P. fltiyr, t:n., of tin tri-My-bnntcn lliirtr, Jiritrniii ) ., vfiuiiftwturert oj uiniciis fn'prr in XtisliWt, .V. !! " 1 had for several years a 'very troublesome numor in my faf, which rew ronetantly worso until II Olsnlirca l"V leuon-rt niei oceuiin.-n.i mioi- ernMt, ndlicl Ion. t I I'd mI almost, every thin: a mail fonhl of belli lolri.e and niciliclue, bul but without auy rdlet wlnrlever, until 1 looii your baus iauii.i.a. It immediately in.iile my Taco worse, ns you told in t mluh'i. for a tioie) hot in a lew weeks the ner skin began to form under the blotches, and con tinued until mv face Is nn smooth in any body'e, ond I mil without anv symptoms of tho diueaue that i know of. I enjoy p. i lo. t. health, and without a doubt owe It to yoirr saHai-aium-a. Eryaipolas Gonernl Debility Purify tho Blood. Prim Tr. Unit, ftmrin, ll'Hftrn St., XeiB Yori: ' 1)H. AVKit. 1 Reldo'.u fail to remove JJrttptwnt and SemrtifiiMt Sores by the pcrseyerbigincoryour SAiiiM'iiiii.I.A.and 1 Inive juat uovc cured an attack of Mnliunant Km-li"'lt wilh It. No alter.itWu we possess equals (lie SAiHAi'Aiiii.t.A you have sup plied to the prof.-ioUon as well in lo the people." FromJ. .. J .'hasto'i, '7.. H'ritciiiaii, Ohio. " For twelve years, I b vl the yellow Erysipelsa on my right arm, during which tnuu I tried all tho celebrated physicians. 1 could reach, and took hun dreds of doll.irs worth of medicines. The ulcers were so bad thct the conla Wninc visible, nml tho doctors ihcided that my arm must be nniputnted. I began taking your SAiiUPAKIt. t. A. 'look t we bot tles, and soiiu of your I'll. i s. Together they tiavo cured me. 1 am now ns well and noon I as any body. Being in public place, my pass la knowu to every bo'ly iu this conuuuiiity, aud excite, the w under of all." I'rnm Ton. 77enn Mmro, nr. . P., of Xeirciutle, V. If., Icidinij member of the Canadian Purlin- "'"' . . ., I have nird voir P ne ipAnU.T In my famhy, for p-ciieral rc.ih'v, and for ;oirV,,'v7 iie blood, with' very be.,. n.-i-il re.oills, an I feel euuUdeucu iu comuieudiug it lu tliu alllictod," Bt. Anthony's Firo, Ross, Bait IUieuni, ! Boald lloatl, Soro Eyoi. j From TTitrriy Sirl-ler, ., the able editor of thl ' yViiA'riiiaor.'. innncnit, 'ennivum. "Our mil eliild, about three years of sge, was ; attacked l,y jiiiuplea on his iorelu ail. '1 hey rapidly j spread until they lormol a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered bis face, an.l actually blinded" his eyes for some days. A skilful phyMciun applied nitrate of silver nml other remedies, without any apparent cfeef, 1 or iillecii ijavo we gimrded his hands, lest wilh til m lie shonlJl tear open the fes tering and corrupt wound which covered bis w holsi face. Having tried ev ay thin,,' else we had any hope from, we he.oau eivni ' your saui.U'Auii.i.a, and applying the ball.le of potash lotion, us you direct. The sore began to be;. I when we had ojveu the lirst buttl ', and was well when we had finished the second. '1 he child's ejel.iso'. b, uhl 'li had coino out, grew szaiu, ond hi! is now as licalthy and lair ns any other. Hie whole neighborhood predicted that lite child must die." Syphilis nnd Mercurial Witoana. From II'. Hiram Klix:l, of St. louit, Missouri. "I lind vour SAKsAr.vuti.i.A a more eneetoal remedy for" the secondary svinptonis of Syi'hilii nnd for syphilitic, disease than any other we pjs.ess. The profession are indebted to you lor ooino of tho best medicines we have." From A. J. Frrncli, -If. ., an eminent phyiiciaii of iiarciicc, .V-.'Ss., t'io is n 7rooiifii'iU meinUr of the I.(rilnlure of Mtitxarhttfttts. Du. Avi:it. My dear hir i 1 have fuuud your BAns.vrAitiM.A an excellent, remedy for h'l'iihilii, both of the primary and trrondurn type, and elTec tual In some easea that w re too olialinate to yield to other reiiivdien. 1 'in not know what we can em ploy with more cert inly of success, where a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Clin. S. Van t.inr, rf JVfir finimtri l; X.J., llfld drcaiKill ulcers on bis b g, csused by the ciaue of mercury, or wr 'nriil lis tt, w hich grew pioro and more n:'cravatcd for years, iu spile of erery remedy or treatment that could be applied, until tho persevering use of Ay nit' saiisai-auii.i.a relieved 1dm. Few eases can bo found more itr. etcrate and distressing than thia, and it took several ilott bottles lo cure him, liOucorrhcea, Whitcti, Fcmnlo "WeaVnoss, are generally produced by internal Serofulous I'l crution, nml are very ofU n cured by the aileratiro elfcct of this S.Mtsii'Aiiii.l.A. Some eases require, however, in aid of the s m saI'AKH.LA, the skilful application of local renie lica From the trclIUn' f'i nrrl iriPly rrfebrateit Dr. :Iar.'b MorrilU f 'inrinntui. I "I have found your Sails vi'Aiui.i.A an excellent I nlterativo in diseases of females. Many cisrs of j Irregularity, 1 eucorrh'ici, lat 'rnal I Icefation, and locardebililv, ariing from the scrofulous diatheais, 1 liave yielded to it, and there nre few that do not, ) wlien'itseilecl is properly aided by lo.al trcatinent." A fii-fj, riMiUliug to nlhir Ihr pnlliea!ion of her fi-iai-', icri7c.i . ' "Mv iltintiMer and ! IT wo been cure I of a ' very i(.-!'ilil.iiiii;r l.eocoj rh.i'.i of hevr titandiiij, by two nuliies ol your r,.ki:-tar.Mtii.i.A." Ejo'.imatism, Gout, Idvcr Complriint, Dys pepsia, Ilourt Diucttso, Neuralgia, when caused by Srr-fuhi in Ibe rvstem, aro rapidly cured by this Exv. Sahsapaiuixa. AYER'S C AT IT A TIT I C FILLS possess so many adynntngci over tho other purgative in the market, nml their superior virtues are so universally known, tlint we need not do more than to Assure the public their quality is nmintnined equal to the best it ever has been, nnd that they may lie depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared l.y J. 0. AYEU, Jl. D., & Co., Lowell, Jlass., and told ly Sold by Fnling A Orant, Sunbury, R. IS. McCoy, Northumberland, Aaron Rarrol, Elysburg, tV. It. Kut.uer. Sbainoldn, J. P. Hogue, Watsolitown. Aud by all dealers iu Medicines everywhere. August'l3, lKGE ly SOLIDIFIED I 'or Wiibli'uinnr nml I'l-rwriinj; This article is prepared w ilh thegreulest care upon scientific principles, nu 1 wnrrantt d not to contain niiyihiii in the slightest degreo delelerioiis to thu teeth or gums. Soino of our mort euiiuent Dental Surgeons have given Iheir mneiiou to, nml cheerful ly recommend it as a prepaiution of superior quali ties for clcm-in;', whitening nod preserving tho TEETH. It cleans them readily, remleiin Ihein beautifully white and pcnrly, without tho iiahtert injury to Iho enamel. It is healing to the guu.a where tin y arc ulcerate I and sere. It is. ubo an ex cellent dk-infeeior lor old ue;.iyetl teeth, which uie often exceedingly oft'en-sive. 'It gives a rich cieamy tate Ui (he inouili. eicaii-iug it thoroughly, and iui parting a delightful fragrance to the brcalh, PREPARED ONLY LY A. 11 AW LEY & CO.. N. W. Cor. lliili.. i Lombard Sis., Philadelphia. And sold by all D. uj-'gists. PRICE Ui CENTS. C: TESTIMONIALS.. The following t,pinin of Dr. Vi Lite, as to the high esteem in which he holds the Denial Cream, inut be hulleici.l evidence of its ulue ; to ijuote uihcr tesli. utoiiials in deiuil is nm Jk.-:. uoi.teiiiing ourselves by simply giving thu muues mi l addrc.v-es of pcrsuns who tpeak of us excellency for tho teeth. l'uilinitlphiu, April I'jlh.lR'il. Having carefully examined A. lluwley s "Silidi. Ced Denial Cream." 1 hereby ehcerlully reeoin lueiitl it to t!io public generally. Jl is an excellent preparation for cleMo-nig and (.10111 ing thu teeth, und can be used by all persons with the uluiost cou-li-ltuce, as its properties uro perfectly huriuless. llo sides prtseriing thu lieih, it promotes a healthy netitju to thu guius, and iiupai t. u pleasantness to the hrculu. Dr. W. R. WHITE, 120,1 Arch Pt. Thomas Ingram, M. D , Dentist, 4 Jl N. Fourth bt. J. Uiikey, 24 S. Sixib Si. E. 'unden,liee, Surgeon Dentist, 425 Arch St. C. A. Kiushury, Denii.t, 1110 W uluut St. S. Dillingham, D D.S., 7at Arch bt. F. M. Di.ion, h27 Arch St. Edward 'J'ownsen l, Deuti.t. 426N. Fourth Bl. L. H. Durphley, Deulist, hU7 N. Tenth tt. il. L. Long, Demist, 6:J N. Sixth St. iluy 2S, laiil y IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF EVERY" Till NO relatins; to tho buuiaurystein, ml8 ,! IVmalo; the causes ..,tu. ui uisonscs; the marriage etistouis of tbo world ; how to marry well and a thousand things never publl.-he.l b. foro road the revised and the marriage etistouis of .niaigvti e, iiiou 01 ui'icA l t'ouuos Srssa, a curious book for curious people, aud a good book lor everyone. 400 pages, luu llluatrniions. Piioefl.50. Contents (able sent free to any address, liooks m be had at tho Rook stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid 00 receipt oj the price. Addiess E. 11 F001E, M. D. Jruj 4, 1 J Trt' Nortlicvn Central Railway 1 Sl JUIEnXIJIE TAI1LE. TITREE TRAINS DAELT to and from Baltlmoro and l ashtngton city. Connections inada with trains on Pennsylvania rtailrood, to and from Pittsburg and tbo West. THREE TRAINS DALY to and from toeNorth and est Branch Sntquehanna, Elnilra, and all of JidrlB. em Now York. ON nnd after MONDAY, MAY 18th, 1804. tho Passenger Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart fro-a Cu' bn y, liurrisburg aud Baltimore ns follows, ,! : SOUTH W AUD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (exoept Sunday). 10 21 A. M. 1 20 P. M. j 40 leaves Hnrrhbure. " arrives at Raltimore, ExDreis Train leaves Bunhurv Aster (except Sunday,) 11 4 P. M. " leaves Harrisburg (exoept Monday.) J 80 A. M " arrives at Ra'timore dally (exoept Monday). T 00 A. M. Harrisburg Aocoiumodatiou leaTos Harris burg. T 00 A. U. buubury Acaommodution leaves Buubury daily exsepl tiuuday) at 7 SO A'U NORTHWARD. Moll Tiain leaves Raltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) 9 20 A. M ' leaves Harrisburg 1 85 P. M, " arrives at Sunbury, 4 05 11 Express Train leaves llullinioro daily V 'JO P. M " arrives at Harrisburg, 1 60 A M. " leaves Harrr-burg (except ' Monday), S 15 A. M. " arrives ut Sunbury. 6 (3 " Harjisburg Accomiuodation leaves Harris burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M " arrives ut Harrisburg, "7 a0 Jr M Sunbury Accommodation leuves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 V M Fur further information upplv at tho Office. X. N. DiRARRY Uen. Supt. Harrisburg, June 4 S04. cr.Liam.YTED prepared ir a n n -a .v ted SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE HAKKET. "TTi'usedby first class families everywhere, an.l l, highly reeominended for nervous and dyspeptic ' persons, being very ruiitritious and free from all i deleterious substances, in testimony of which 1 havo certificates from the most euiiuinent Physicians in the Country. Try it, ami yuwillbo sure to con tinue its use in preference to any other. Sold nt retnil for Twenty-Five Cents per round by Fust class Oroeers throughout tho Euitvd blnles. faf' A liberul discount to tho Trndo. Put up only by B.SiXVBe A. i.StHK:., Wholesulo Depot, 60 Wurrtu st. New Y'ork. May 7, 1S8E A Ifi'iilion, B.udivM iiud li'ulleiucu ! AUBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH Over J-. Rowen's Storek corner Market i FuwuStr. BUNBURX", PA., BYERLY. has opened anew l'ieturo Gallery in the above plaeo, and is prepared to tako Portraits iu thu best style uud manner. AMRROTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, nre taken in every style ol the Art. that cannot Lo surpnMd in thcSiulo. Having several year's expe. rience, hu will give sati.-faetioii or no charge. Copies will be taken from all styles of Pictures. Cive him n call. Remember, over Euwcn's itorc, Sunburv, Dec. 17, 1S04. THE liNION TItEVim"! GJOOii!i S'OEt ,13 ja.a.noA 1 At the Store of J OH IT ECVEXT i Corner of Market und Fuwu SlrauU, SUXUU R Y , V E X N ' A . FALL & WINTER C00DS, for pvcrylwdy. TliU na 'Blowing.'' but plain truth, which every ono will bo cui)viiiui llmt cuiU and ux- utiiini'S the block, which cousin of Dros1 (JooJ.-, CiiiiuuTr. riot hit. Gunts' Ovwrcoiitlng. , Jcuns, Cutti-nadi'S, Mucins, lJruMt, (Juudi iu j great Tiiriely. LADIES' DHESS GOODS. Plain and Figured Delaines, French and Figured Merinos, Fine Wool Delaines ull sorts and ! shudes. Prints. Nankeens. LADIES' 1 CLOAK I Nil. Table-Covers, lri-h Linen, Rrown and l bile Shectini;., Shawls, Ualmoral Skirls of all kinds, Hoop Skirts, ull prices. Hand, kerchiefs, Flannel Ladies' Kid. Silk and Merino (i loves, to. Ji-Mftrj' ol'all Kindt. Ladies' and Ueuls' Union Ski.lcs. A largo assortment of NOTIONS. ."nrmasxEj.-we Hardware, Cedarwaro, (i'asswnre, Chinnwore, ' (,'ucensware. Crockery. (iroeeries, Tohaeeo, Segars. Snuff, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, MmIumcs, Spices, Fi-h. Salt, Ac , Ae., and cverytbiug else usually kept iu n store. Pro I duco taken in exchange lor oods. No trouble t" show goods. ! JOHN ROW EN. ! Sunbury, Nov. 5, 1.64. Vlways ! Aluivys ! Alwtiys ! ON HAND, AND SELLING CHEAP THE FALL & WINTER GOODS, Just opened at No. 1 Sloro of TtsrT! A Tr JIT? f, v.i a rrrv? iuYi CONSIST!. Mi OF DRY OOODS! FOREKIN AND DOMESTIC. such as Cloths. Cassi. meres, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking. Calicoes, Do. ! laines. Flunnels, ami all kinds of MoL'RM N il (ioods, ! Alpaccas, Rlaek Silks, (iinghams, Ualmoral nnd Skeleton Skirts. Cuutou lTaunels, Nankeens, Cur , pcting of nil kin, Is. HATS &c CAPS. ! NOTIONS & VARIETIES, vompnsing. ji.wiery. Uloves. Thread. Hultons, Sus penders. Neck-ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs. Hair lirushes, Tooth Hrushes. tliim Rib bon and Cord, tupe, crotchet-braid, worked collars, funey bead dresses, lidy cotton, carpet binding, combs, fancy soaps, carpet hairs Trunks, Valises, luibrellas, liluuk Books, Taper, Euvelopcs, Ac. Of all kinds, such ns Kails, Hinges and Screws, Door Laiehcsand Knobs, Locks, and CL TLEKY ol tveiy description. AIho, JHfg, Drtiirs, Puinls, Vurniflips, Fisli, l'luxsL'til mul lit'iiinc Oils, Clluss, I'tillv, &c, luc-UHTiirv mul lasst iii-c oi" nil KilKlM. STOE AKD EARTHENWARE. An Extcnsivo Stock of GRO 'C E R 1 E S, Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Tens. Rice, Corn-starch, Mocruroui. Hurley, Eukins-nowdcr. molasses, num. , candles, tobacco und segars, Suit, Fi,h, Meat, Cheese, !4c , Ac Also, a largo variety of BOOTS & SHOES. ; for Men, Women and Children. I I tr" All kinds of Uruiu and Country Produee taken 111 exuuiuige lor uuous. (iireus a cull hef ro you purchase elsewhere, we are bound to sell as low as any one else. Storeroom in Ira T. Clvuicnt's building at. the south-west corner of Market Sfjuuro, near tho Court House. Sunbury, Nor. I, 1304. CHEAT REDUCTION IN THE TIUCE OF EDWIN HALL & CO.. ' Mo 3 South Second Street, Philadelphia. Are now offering their magnificent stock of Silks, Dress Uoods, Shawls, Cloths, Cloaks, Velvets, As., far below the prcseuj (iold l'rices ! We have also ou band, a lurgestock of DOMESTIC GOODS, which we are now selling at a great reduc tion from the prices we have been selling tbcni at. As we have had tho advantage of a rise iu tho prices of our Slock in the progress of tho War for the last tw0 or turet JoorS' "0 now propose to give our Cus- loutqi. ul AUtauiaa VI IU. lull in I rices. Calicoes and Muslins, reduced, Flannels and Table Linens, redtised, Blunkets and all stable Uoods, reduced. We respectfully solicit from Iho Ladies and others visiting Philadelphia, an examination of our slock, which is unsurpassed in variety and style, in this eily. N. B t Wholesale Buyers, are invited to examine ui Slock. EDWIN HALL A CO., Ko 36 Boath Seeonil soross, Plulsdelsbia. Ostoker I, JIM . Jtnw COFFEE, wttBs9eara-iwjy;BBS. . it. iiABi:n, Aftorper n Ijiw, SUNBEKY, PA. Colleotions attended to m tho oountios of Nor thumberland, Union, buy dor, iloutour, Columbia and Lyooming. nurKTtikcVl. lion. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. O. Oattell A Co., " lion. Win. A. Porter, ' " Morton MeMiohael, Esq , " K. Kuteluim A Co., 2S9 Pearl Street, New Ydrk. Jobu W. Ashmead, Attorney at Law, " niuitnews lox, Attorneys ut Law, " Eunbury, March 2a, 1S02. LOWER WHABP, BUNBUUT, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASII COAL, In every variety, Orders loliuitcd and filled with promptnesi anil despatch. uubury, May 18, 1863. ly mmm i t A t B'or ISntsi, Itoni'liOf, Anlsi, Iti'il Itnys, violins ill 1'iirn, Woolen. At:, Inner!! on l'liinlM, rowls, Animtilis, Ai: Put up in ibe, fOo. nnd $1 00 Ruxes, Dottles and Fliu'ks. $3 and !5 sizes for Hotels, l'ublie lustifj Uoiis, Ao. "Only iiifnlliblo remedies known." 'Freo itom Poisons." "Not dangerous to tho Human Family," "Hats couio 'Cat of their holes to die." l-'Bold Wholesulo in all largo cities. Sold by all druggists nnd Retailers everywhere ! ! ! li'p wiiiK ! I ! of all worthless imitations. See that "Costur's" nnuio is on cueh Dux, liuttl e aim r iiisk, bclore you nuy. Addres-s IIIEWt V Bt. f'OWTAIS. Principal Depot 4S2 llroadway. New Y'ork. If Sold by nil Wholesale and Retail Druggists in Sunbury, Pa. Feb. ai, 18C I. Sin READY HOOFING JUuJy to nail down. At leis thuu half the cost of tin roofs. li Mure durnblo thau tin. READ? OOPING- buituble for steep or flat roofs. 1 1 E A D Y O 0 T I X G Fur ull kinds of buildings in all uli mates. READY KOOFING Eiiiily. chuuply, unj quickly ut on. Ncctla no cuatiug u vr with cuiucnt nliur it is nuiUJ Uuv u. HEADY IFoOl- ING Made of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly saturated and covered upon both surfaces u-ith n'ricrfeotly ar lerproof composition, nnd Jut up iu lolls ready lor use 40 inch wide, und 7i feet long. We ulo inanulaeturo LICTJID CEIOITT. Foil Lcakt Ti.v Roofs, Much cheaper uud more durable than oil paint. ALSO, Compound Crmriil, For Leaky Shingle Roofs, Which will often save the coal of u uew roof. Sample, of Ready Roofing und Cireulurs scut ly mail when desired. I'uvor.ihle'.crms uicdcwhk responsible partits who buy tu Sell Ujuiu. HEADY ROOI'INO CO., 7J MiJun Luue, N. Y,. April 23, lb54. IjIIjIL CHIILED IE02J AF 7henly Enfa Eelinblo cgiiini.t both 1'iro aud Burtiary. I am now pruparel to Pu riii.1i Ihrcu siics of Nation al liui.U Snies. Tl.cv ar both l ire and llurclor- priK,l. with tiro distinct im-.i le Earlar Safes, mul ; i ,ree i.f my new Anli-.Micronicler Locks on ouch j safr, b-liesed lo be tbo only bank-lock now in use : that has not been picked or cannot bo picked by Ike uid of the micrometer. These Safes all present i fo::r to six inches in thickness of -olid iron, iroaranieed ! to be the strong'..-:, the most tlimeult to drill and to I staud thu it:o-.i resistance atiinst both fire ami j burglary of any S.d' iu the I'nitcd Suites of the 1 same size and Cost, I I have on hand also, and will furbish all sixes of j Rank Vault Safes, possessing nil the udvuutages of ; the above I'gainst burglary. j Also, all kites of .Mercantile Safes both burglar ! proof und fire ad burglar-proof. I Also, Ornnment.:! Dwelling-house Safes, burglar j proof, nnd firo una burglur-proof (warranted not I dump). Also, tho strongest and chcapct Vault doors, for vmiiv tttiu utri ettlllllD Vlllliut. All tho ubove are Lillie's wrought aud chilled iron. Also, six s'ses Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs, warranted equal to uny common Sales, at fully one third less- price. Also, a general assortment of second-band Safes, Iiiiiny of them nearly new. nnd of approved makers, received ill exchange lor Lillie Chilled Iron Safes. T hese are oftcred ul or below uueliou prices. M. 0. SADLER Agent, No. 21 S. SE 1.NTII Street. Juno 11, 1684. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLL E G E, SICOVi:, Nnj.Lr Co., Ia. rpiIE Fall Session of this Institution conimrnees on L THl'KSDAY, AIHUST lsih. Tho Winter Svniioii on the 1 7ili of Novembor. TKUM.-J l'EH SEStiKLN OF 13 WEEKS: For Hoarding. Woshing, Furnished ltooiu. Fuel and Eight, and Tuition iu ull the regular studies of tho Collegiate Deprrtment, only f 62 75. A liberal buductiou mudeiu luvorof the Daughter! of our Sobiiers. Fur further parliculrrs, or Cireulurs, apply to S. DOMER, Principal, Scllnsgrove, August 0, IBM. 3mos. THE RED LION HOTEL. (Lato Mrs, Doul ton's ) MARKET STREET, BUNBURY, PA. JUIiITJS ARBITBH, HA.- taken this obi and w ell known stand, and refilled and furnished thu sumo is prepared to accommodate Hoarders und Travelers w ith the bet tho market can afford. Hu hopes by strict attention to business to receive a share of public putrouogo. His TARLE contains tho best themuikct ullords. His Rar is tilled with tho choioest of Lbiuors, both Malt and Spirituous. The stabling is good, and attended by eareful Ostlers. Buubury, April 30, lftdl. ly Alio. ! uual 4'ounax llor nt .nay, Offico on south sitlo of Market street, four doors west of E. Y'. Uright A Sou's Store, BUNBURY, PA. ill attend promptly lo ull professional business emrusicu to nis care, tiio colloction 01 claims in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Sunbury, May 23, ISM. ly Sliiiilsood 1 lie I.oal, lio Iti...l ' Just published, a new cdilion of Dr. Culverwell' Celebrated Essay on lbs radical cure (without metis cine) of tyerinuturrha-a, or seminul weakness, lu vnluntary Seminal Losses, Iiiipolency. Mental aud Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also, Consumption, Epilowy, and Fits, iuduccd by Solf-iudulgeuee or sexual oxlrnvagance. I "a Price, in aseuled cuvclonc, ouly six ocnls. Thu 'celebrated author in (his udiuirablo essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conseiueuoes of self, abuso muy radically cured without tbo dangerous Use of internal tuudiuius or the applieatiuaf the knifo puiiilinjl out a mode of euro at once simple certain, and etl'uetuul, by means of which every sufJ ferer. no matter what his condition may be, may eurebiinself olieaply, privaloly, and radically. Li Tina Lecture should bo in lbs bands of evert youth aud every man in the land. Seut, under seal, ui a plain envelope, to any ad. dross, post-paid, on receipt of six csnt. n. stamps. Address tbo nublishers. ' Mi A. i. O. KLINE 4 CO Msrco 2J, lB.'5.j ly Is a i- n li n. t rr.T.nn T. it m m i:&wiw?ASaa.,aF Ttft Ailnm'sj l"xrsi Compnnr, IV K NOTICE that they have concluded ar. T rangements with the Northern Central Rail road Company to run trains frij-n Raltimore lor York, Harrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorton, SunbiirT, Northumberland, Lowisburg, Milton, f teooy, Vv1l liainspor', and all Interandiato stations, connectluff at Hanisburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the West ', . Also with Tloward ft Co. 's Express nt Milton or Dinvillo, llloomsborg, Wlllcesbarre, Plttston, Scran ton, and Intermediate stuUens on the Catpjvwissa, l,aeknwanna A Rloomsburg llailvcs'ds. At Wil liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express t5 Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester. Ruflulo, Niagara, and to all accessible poiuU hi Western New York and Canudn, by which they will forward .Merchandise, Specie, Rank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Rills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employe.!, and every elTort will be made to render satisfaction. JOHN HINUIIAM, Superintendent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, ltiii2. I&VA. Arrnnstiui'lils ISOI'. of iN'cw York I.inr. THE CAMDEN AND AMROY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON It. R. CO.'S LINES. From Fiilattetpiia to New Yorl ami Tl"y Flare!, from Walnut street Wharf ami Ktiisiiifttoh. Flrpot, will hare an follow, viz : nr. k. At 0 A. M., via Camden and Auiboy, (C. and A. Accommodation,) 2; At 6 A. M., via Camdonand Jcrsev Crv. N.J. Accommodation, At 8 A. M.. via Camden ami Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) At H A.M.. via Camden and Jersey city 2d Clnss Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express At 12 M. via tamden and Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation,) At 2 P. Jl., via Camden aud Aiuboy, (C. and A. Express.) At 3 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wa-h. and N. Y. Eipress At ft P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mnil,) At 1 1 i P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, 2 2 .' S K 2 2! 1 or 2 2: s oc 3 K S 6C rM'uincrn .huh. At U (night) via Kensington aud Jersey city Soiitnern Express At 5 1'. M., via Camden and Ainby. (Accotn- inodution. Freight und Ptti.enjur, 1 ir-t Class Ticket, Second ClssaTieVer, . 2 St 1 2. For Water C-pp. 8t iu.'sburi. Scranton. Wilkoi bart-e, Jloiilrose, Ureat Rend, Ac, at 6 A. M. from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna a i Western Railroad. For .Munch Chunk. Allentown, RoUdo'iem, Ruli derc, Ea ton, Litmhertvillc. Flemiugiun, Ac, ttl 1 A. M., from Kensington Depot, und ut 21 P. M from Walnut street Wharf. (Tho 6 A. M. Lino connects with Trains loavin, Euston for Muuch Chunk, nt 3-2U P. .V.) For .Mount Dolly, nt ti A. M , 2 and 4 P. II. For Freehold, ut ti A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Rristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. and 21 bdI 1' M. from Kensington, For Puhnyra, Rivciton. Delunoo, I'everlv. Rut linglon. Florence, llordentown, Ac, at 12, 1. 2, ) und fi P. M. t'if F'or New Y'ork, and Way Lines leaving Koi singion Depot, take tiio Curs on I iltli street, aijov Walnut, hall un hour before departure. 'JheC.e run into the Depot, and ou the uiriv.il of cadi Trai run from the Depot. l'ifty Pounds of I'agj'ugo only. aM.cd ea.-pie-, enger. Pisengers aro prohibit' 1 from tal.ii uuylhiug as baggage but their wearing apparel.- A 'Vi.-'go 01 er liliy poumls lo be j,aid l'..r extra. '1 Coinpany limit their responsibility tor ha!;.p.ge One Dollur per pound, und will not be liable f..rut amount beyond rlUC exeep! by special contract. W.i. ii. li AT.MEU, Agent. Junuary 17, ISO!. WH. KKOCHE, il MARKET STREET, IIAMUSBL'r.O, PA , Dealer in PI A NOS. "VJEYl Rosewood l'nuios, from thu best nikki i. from f upwnnls. iMELoDEONS. Tbo best uiauuf.uHui.ii Insir menu, from f lito$loll Uiiilars, Violins, Aecoidcons. Flutes, Fifes, Drums. Rai.jo. Taiiib,,iirines. Violin nnd Ouitarslrings und musical mer chandize in general. SHEET Ml'SIC Thu latest publications always on hand. Muiio Se by mail tu uny part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, HILT AND ROSEWO: FRAMES. Suitable fur looking glosses, and ull kinds ufpislu ueauys ou hand. A line assortment of best plctd I.OOKINd 0 LASSES from small e.-l lo largest sii Auy stylo of frume uiadu to order nt the sbort notice. WM. KN'OCIIE. April 11, 1S53. 3Markct st., U.irri.-io.rg .a. c. t5:.HissAU'i" Confectionery,' Toy ni- rJBtTTIT STORE, .2arl.-i Ntrorl, Suaiharv, Ka. t'ONFECTIONEKY OF ALL KIX1LS, " TOY"S OF EVERY UiCSLlill'TItV FUl'lT, Ar.. e c, C CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale nt the ab J establishment at wholesale and retail, at reus able prices. He is manufacturing nil kinds of Confc-tiona to keep up a full assortment which aro sold ut rules. Tobacco, Segars, Stationery, Nuls of all kinds. . a variety of other articles, "all of wLijh arc ofi'e wholesale nnd retail. Ijjf'llcttieuiber the nnnie nn 1 place. ff- , M. C. ii EAR II ART, Iarket strcot, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A S. store. Sunbury. Sept. 10, ISM. if U. M. Laijiasi. A. M. Saula IMPORTERS or WINES AND LIQUORS iAi ju & s.ii.u.im:. No. 12d South Ninth Slreet. lctwocn Cbesntt Walnut, PHILADELPHIA. May 7, 1B5L .HASSiEK'M lM'i'KS'f I IVi: Ml i th rfiti:s:i:j:E: : As Improvod for lri-VJ uud lbOO, By E. KETCH AM A. CO., 25'J Pearl st., New Y. rpiIE only Frccxer constructed on sciemiiic J ciples. with a revolving- can nr. 1 spriief b: sernper. Tho one huaters the fi eezingof llic creu, the other removes it as fast as frozen. Tho most rapid in frceiing, with tho leust quat of ice. The most economical incott, as it is the most ai 1: and durublo in structure. F'or sale in all the principal cities and towns in Vnion. liuch Frecier accompanied with a book of reo and full directions. TRICES. S quarts, o 4 quarts, 4 ud 8 quarts, i 00 ti quarts, t 00 H quarts, 8 (10 20 quarts, 12 U0 Apply lo n. B. MASSER, Susal ury, P; March 29, ii2. " TEiIOKOUNriES AND BACK PAY COLLECTED Q B. BOYER, Attorney ut Law, is dulynuit lT ited aud licensed lo collect .... 'i... Iloiilllie.lliiil Itsii-U liiy for Widows, phuns aud Soldiers. Office in Market street, o, site leaver's Hotel, Suubury, Pa. January 10, lcOE ly ICE CREAM FREEZER A Now supply of Massku's Fitr-Mixi tb Fr sebs, received from New York, for sale bv Huubury, May 21, 61. U. H. M ASSE1 GkobcsUill, Smos, P. WoLvna: niLL & WOLVERTON, Attorney m und Counselors n l.n Office, Market street, cor. Centre Alley, "IT ILL attend promptley to (he collection ofeli and all other professional business intrusle their earo ia Northumberland undudjoiuingcoun Sunbury, January 23, lbo2 E. C. QOBIN, Altoniey and Connarllor nt I. a IIARRISBUHQ, PENN'A. WILL carefully attend lo eollcslions and other matters entrusted to biin. ia the tout ef DsurhiL, ftonhumberlimd and Bnfder. Oo. 1J, IsTt. ly