GIfje otmluri ftmcvtcan. H. D. MASSEK, Editor ft Proprietor. B. WILVWRT, Fnbtlah. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1303. tui:vr. Wamiinoton, May 24, Uy th Prttident of tht United Statu: A rUOCLASATION. Viibiikas, By the frroclMnhTfori '(T Yifti iresiciem ot tnu Iltli Gay of April Inst, cer tain port of the United States therein ape cifieil, which had previously lieen auliject to blockade wcro for objects of the public safety, declared, iti conformity Willi previ ous special legislation of Congress, te be closed against foreign commerce dtiring tKo national will to bo thereafter expressed tmd make known by the President-; And Whereat, Events and circurnstvficci 'iavc siuco occurred which, i-n my gutlgc nent, render it expedient to remove th-ut cstriction, except ns to the ports of Gulves on, Lnsalle, Urazos de Lnutiagn, Point lsa cl and Jirownsville, in the State of Texas; JVtftr, therefore, be it knoicn that I, Andrew folirmmi, President of tho United Stales, do lercby decluro that tho ports aforesaid, not : xct-ptcd as uliove, shall be open to foreign mnnierco from and after tho riist day of 'illy; that commercial intercourse with the vA -jfitts may from that time be carried n, subject to the laws of the Unilerl States nd in-pursuance of tho regulations as may ie prescribed by tho Secretary of the Tren ury. If, however, nny vessel from n for. ign port shall enter any of the before nam d excepted ports in the Stato of Texas she till contTfiratn be held liable to the penal ies prescribed' tio act of Congress, np iroved on the ltflti iThy oT only, 1801, and Jic persons on board of her to such nn al ios as may be incurred, pursuant to the laws f war for trading or attempting to trade 'ith the enemy. And I, Andrew Johnson, President of the Jnited States, do hereby declare and make .nown that the United Stoics of America it) henceforth disallow all persons trading, r attempting to trade, in nny ports of the .' iiited State, in violation of the lawsthere . U pretence of belligerent rights and vr'M'l-j'.-s, aiid give notice that from the ate of lliis'proJlnniation all such oll'emk-rs ill be held and ililt with ns pirates. It is also ordered'that nil-restrictions upon rude heretofore imposed in the territory of he United States, cast of tho Mississippi iver, save those relating to contraband of ;ur. to the reservation of the rights of the 'nited States, to property purchased in the .rritory of an enemy, and to twenty-live er cent, upon the purchases of cotton, -are .moved. All provisions of the iirtcrnrfi reveimc lnw iil be carried into e licet under the proper tiicets. .. . In whiter whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and enrxed the seal of tho United States to be nllixed. Done at tho city of Washington, this, the -twenty-second day of May, in the year ef -B-:r "Lord one thousand eight hundred nd s-ixty-iive, am', of the independence of the Uni ted States of America the eighty nintfc. ANDREW JOHNSON. ! lir order of tho President : ! W. IlfNTKK, Assistant Secretary of War. ilocal 'Affairs.' t'jf-NuTiCK Tti Si nscniDEits. As the first year of publication of tho Amkiiicax under tho present .ms will expiro in September, it may he well to wind subscribers that fifty centi can be tared by tying within the year. tyRov. M. Horwoon, of New Jersey, will each in the Presbytorion Church next Sabbnia orning at J01 unJ in the crening nt"j o'clock. Lost between this office nnd tho depct, a f nf :y, about two iuebc-a long. Hie finder will be libe My rewarded by leaving it at this office. pyThe eve of Edward B. Rhodes, wliioh was ..ely tried in this pluce for murJer, and argued he re the f upreme Court, at Hnrrishurg, has been let :le by that body, and a new trial granted. iMKn yy The late rnim bad cnuscd the river to rue to considerable height, but is now fulling. (7 Assistant Assessor 1". M. Shindel, requests til state, that his appointment nt Puzinos, to receive e income returns, on the 1st, has been changed to s 2d and 3d of June, on account of Thunksgmng J- 7 We are requested to state, thnt the fraternity Free Masons will hare a parade, in this place, on .-ursday next, Thanks-giving day ; a sermon will be livered to them in the German Reformed Church, - the Iter. W. Crenier, and an address by tbe lion. Jordan, bodges from other places will be repre tiled. ry Bradford, the young sprig of chivalry, who was lusted in this pluce a lew dnys since for dislnyut prt-seinns, and made to take the oath of allogiauce, s since K-ft own. The alinospbure of unbury is t whuicsouie for robcis. Sunlmry Gasette. IjThcr are a few more of the above stripe, iglibor John, though not quite so bold since our sol ors wound up the "Southern Confederacy," who, think, it would be well enough to administer tbe lb of allegiance to. Cy ThursJoy of next werk will be the dny set art by President Johnson, as an occasion of huraili- on and prayer on account of the assassination of uraham Lincoln. Tbe day wilt be proporly ob .cred in this pluce by a general suspension of billi es, and appropriate religious exercises in the Ya ms churches. ry W buv been requested by several promi- el cilisens, to ask whether there are any constables policemen in this borough qunlified to make ar sis. If so, it would be part of their duty to attend some eases which come under the observation of liien residing in our principal streets, in the ere 8- CyrE.ISSVLViSIA ItEGlKKSTS TO VB MrBTER ii OCT. Ihe following Pennsylvania regiments be- nging to the Army of the Potoraae, took part in the -and review at Washington, and will be mustered :t of serrice upon tbeir arrival in this State. Catalbt 1st, 2J, dtb, 17th and loth regimenu. IsfAKTnT Ninth Corps. lath, 47tb, 48th, 40th 'st, 100th, 200tb, 207th, J08th, JflBth and 21 lib re .menta. Fifth Corps. 11th, 56th, 83d, 8Sth, Slst, 107th 7tb, llStb, 121st, 143d, 155th, 190th, 19lsl, lMth 'id 210th regiment. Second Corps 31st, iSi, 57th, 63 lb, 83th, 105th ,6ih, 110th, 118th, 110th, 141st, H5th, 148th, 183d id !S4th regiment!. Total Pennsylvania regiment from Army of Poto- aa. Infantry, 41: Caralry, . - tyl. 0. of O F. Tbe annual Session si the rand Lodge of Pennsylvania, commenced on Tueo. ay week, in Philadelphia. Tbe leotion fur offieers serve lbs ensuing year resulted as follows : M. W trand Master, John M. Croslaad, of No- 53, of PotU- ille ; H. W. D. Grand Master, George Fling, of So ),Grmantown ; E. W. Grand Warden, Richard "Vson, of No. 193, Dnylostown ; R. W. Grand So. tary, William Curtis, if No. 28, Philadelphia '. W. Grand Treasuror, M. Rioharda Muoklt, of No, fhiladelpbia ; R. W. Oread Rep. O. It. V- B . Alexander Simeon, of No. 110, Philadelphia. 6. B. Boris, Esq.. of this place, was elected Pis. lot Deputy Grand Muter, for Koroxuabortaol di- V-t TIIU UI or THE 1TAR. Veil. Inrl and lain Companions '1'rnu.isVrrcsl to and .lmprl kouc1 in l-'or It-en Monro?. l-'oiiTKtrs.s Mo.Nnou, May 23. Xt 1 o'clock tli in Afrewoon tho steamer Silas O. Pierce left tho llhlfrWrre wharf nt '4th'is place, with Brevet Msrjor Kiron. Mile'a, tccampanieit uy otucrorncersoi prominerrce, nf rocecilcd linniedfntcly to the steamer Wm. P. Clyde, 'laying nt anchor in the ltreKTrt, Tt!ii 'SfTerSDn Davis and tiro re hinindeT of thetelfcl pnrty on board. An hour, perhaps BulHciunt to give the depart ing rebels time to tako a long farewell of friends and dear ones, was awarded to them. The harbor, which usually is -crowded with nil kinds and classes of vessels, to-day looked almost deserted. Scsrtely a dozen rail of vessels cftnltS bo counted, and even they seemed dull and listless. Colonel Roberts, commander of t lie Fort ress, in Wder to conduct tho trnusfermcnt as unostentatiously ns possible, very early in the morning stationed guards in tho im mediate vicinity of the casemates, wherein are the cells intended for tho incarceration of the prisoners, and also along the various paths and routes they would bo obliged to traverse while en route to tho fortress. In a few moments after Hie Pierce reach ed tho wharf riift fiiscners began to land: Sucri veo the arrangements strictly enforced bv the military authorities that no person Was allowed to approach the wharf where the prisoners landed except at a distance of over live hundred yards. As the prisoners marched tin the wharf, prnciiiwrt by a gunril of their captors of the Michigan Cavalry, the tall, spare from ot Jell. Davis, dressed in gray cloths, and wearing n light felt hat, could be easily discerned. As soon as tho prisoners were all aslinre tney were marclietl up along the boacli to the sally port of the water battery in the rear ot the Portress, nnd thence to the ceil in the second tier of case -m ft'tcs. Clement C. flay aecVrtnpn-ifi".! Jefferson Da vis inside the Portress, and, also, it is sup posed, the larger portion of his persoral stall". Mrs. Davis, and her four children, her brother and sister, und the wife of Clement C. Clay, remain on board the steamer Clyde, nnd it "is thought will bo sent South this evening, ta -orders have been issued by the ar DepaYrnwif, prohibiting them from going iSorth. "-Ire parting between Jell. Davis and his lamvlv w described to have been of nn extremity nlTecttog nature, dur- ng which the leelmgs oTthu ambitious and desperate rebel lender Svere eotttplctcly overcome. Stringent orders, respecting visiting the fortress, have been issued, and nil civilians are prohibited from entering it unless duly provided with a pais from Major yen. Hul ktk. Wakhisctov, May 23. Official intclli ir"u?c4ins been received of the surrender rf St. Mark's nnd Tallahassee, Florida, to our forces, nnd nlso of the rebel steamer Spray. t"he?.30 unit llie Cmlofllic War. The (.'rerttert wnr of modern history has ended in triuiirph. The country has demon strated the vnstnets of its power. He knew it was preftf; notf nil the world knows it. Our neighbors across tho water, who snid our very greatness was our weakness that we should never "hold together that wc mtt fall to pieces, anrl very small pieces nt that note take off their lints nnd beg to assure us V their "rr;ft -distinguished con sidcraifvn.,,, Verily! a yniHic nation that can raise two nrli'lims of fighting men nnd two thousand milii-ws -.if ttrf-ney. just for the asking, is worthy nf bring '"eonidered." They told us we could rfit trry i n the wnr r-ix months without btgeing for loans in European markets. We (lit! ff.rry on such a war as they never dreamed of, for f'our year$, nnd never asked for a dollar; ami they now wiih to buy our bonds at an advance of fifty percent, ovi-r hut year's prices. Govern ment stocks arc quoted as brisk and in de mand, nnd well thev mav be, for the 'lime will soon come when no morewi!! lie offered. 'ho national expenses will soon be down V pence tooting, ami, instead of a Treasury ;uliet of nine hundred millions. Secretary McCulloch will ns'; Us for about n, third of that sum. And how much easier It will be to ruise this in peace than in war! The mil lions of soldiers who have so lti! made it a usimss to destroy life nnd property will return to pursuits of industry, nnd the now ivageM Ileitis will whiten with new harvests. Instead of reading every morning that so many miles of railroad have been dettrotfd. ill be that "o many new avenues to material wealth have been opened." The South itself will be compelled to bear its share of the burden it imposed on the country, audits cotton so much trreater than gold, nnd still so niuch lew than king will have no nt ri'uite of invsltv but what t pi-y-i into ll.p rrvf nr. Alt on Setith- m cotton uillconile ns ensilv ci-llected as on Northern petroleum or manufactures, and besides the article must le had tho world wants it. It would toko but a fraction of our pro perty to pay our national debt now, but if wo no not pay a dollar ot tho principal in ten years, that fraction will be reducer one half by tho development of the national resources, w e EMail tlouhtlcsa Wind tip the war and sounre all accounts with a national debt of less than three thousand million on about 18 percent, ot the present national weaim; nut, according to its rate of increase (127 per cent.) from 1850 to 18C0, in 1875 this debt will be less than nine per cent. But our ability to pay tins national debt needs no deuoiistntion; but as some of us nave iooksu upon tlio dark side, we may as well have a chince at the sunshine. The national loans will soon he out of the market, but for a short tune the Govern ment will need money to pay off the army nnd settle up the expenses of the war. Only about two hundred millions more of the se cond series of the 7 30 Loan remain to be taken, and when it is finally withdrawn. mere is no uouot tuat it will rise to a baud some premium, and at the rate it Is now going, some time within the next sixty days wm eeu me last oi tins series. 31r. Jay Cooke, the subrcsiption agent, announced in February "that th e first two hundred millions of 7-30 swill probably betaken in at par fro.n three to four months" but they vtre taken in 1cm than two. pn that parties who desire to invest at par in the IT. 8. Loan, bearing -seven and three-tenths annual interest, and In three years convertible into a 5-20 six per cent, cold interest bond should make their preparations accordingly. Many or the best financial authorities believe that the Government will be able to fund such portions of its debt, as it may not be ready to pay ns it fulls due, at K per cent. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JEREMIAH SNTDEB " Attorney V 4DounsjIIor at Law, Offie. oorner of Blackberry and Fawn Street, three doors oast of E. Y. Bright' foundry, uui;y, 1A. Will attend promptly to all professional bosinej entrusted to bis ear., the collection of olaim in is or tbumborland and tb. adjoining eounlie. Conaultationa in German ana Eoiliah. Bnnbnry, April 22, 1 H6S .y SOLOMON MALICK, ATTOBWEY AT LAW, BUNBUBY, Northumberland County, Fa. OFFICE in tat and of Wavr', Mark.t All basis ntraUd to him will b. .arefully and fiuaoluoll 4 landed to. Coanaltariosi la lb Kaf tan ad (swat iMjpXaresj. Soobory, April a fovi- 1865. 1866. MAMHOTH STORE. a. w. ritin. a- sw, BK? lenVo to call tho attention of tho publle that thoy have just roturncd from the City with a Tery LARUE AND tVELL SKLKCTKD STOCK OF GOODS! Consisting- of DRY G00D8. flardlrar., Queoniwore C J&rwore, BOOTS & SHOES, Hosiery, 'SloVei, Notions, Trimmings, . Iruaa nnd 4'licinl-nl. Oils. Iniin ana in fact EVERYTHING GENERALLY KEPT lu Country Htorc. W. bought our goods at tb. lowest Cssh Prises and consequently w. think w. n offer great in- dncements to purohasera for Cash or Country Pro duce. J he highest market price paid for all kind of Produce. Give us a call. J. W. VRILINU A SON. Sunbury, May 13, 1S8. vasm;ajh,i: ttathkx staSsT" I'OIt'. taMJE undersized offrt's fr-r sale ths well known 1 TAVERN STAND, in MiirkeiSqunre, Situbury. for many years kept by Jauics Covert, . , tmd riow occupied by S. Snyder. The bouse is in giod repair with -a goou run or custom anil win bn sold or faroniblc terms, for further information upply te th. undersigned. J. W. viJ kill. Kun1.tiryjV.iy iO, lS8J.-Jt UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opi-oiite tfc. M. Y. A VY IIAVKN A WESTEM? R. II. Dsrof BEACH. STREET, IJOSTOTT. By P. M. PKATT, formerly of the Ilouse. Way U, liU. ly Bask or'xoRTnvMiinii!), ) SL-XBtnT, I'A., May alb, 151. NOTICE. The stoekbohlers of the Dank of N'ortliuinWIand. are lierebr notified, in accordance with the rcuttirff. TnMils of the Act of Amuibly, approved lhe ii tiny of August, 1SR4, entitled "An Act enabling the Hanks of this Couiiiionwvallh to become associations for th purpose of banking under the laws of the foiled itntes," that the liunk of Xorlhumbcrland, nt a meeting of tho Stockholders, held nt the batik ini; house, in the RoVnugli of Sunbury. oil Thursday, the 4 ill day of Miiy, ItMi. voted to bectMiie nn A.t-i-eia-tion for carrying on llrs business of the li n king under the laws ot the (nird States, and Unit tho directors have procured the authority of tho owners ot more than two thirds of the capital stock, to imiko Ihe certificate required therefor by the laws of the Lnited States. Very reprtfully, Yours Ae. SAMUEL J. PACKER, Cashier. flunWy, May U, 1SC5. It Fancy HitiooiFsTmlK". MISS HATE BLACK, RESPECTFULLY infornisher friends in Sunbury und riciuily, that she hits just opened her 8PHINO AND SUMMER GOODS, oi Notions nnd KancyDry Ooods, Harket street, finr doors west of Wm. II. Miller's Uootur.d Shoe siore. Sl'.NULHY, Pit. Her slock consists of Trimimnrs, noti-Mis. embroi deries. Ladies and Child-ens' tints and blinkers ; silk ai l other linings, Hoop-skirts, Crap, und Lace Veils; Nou, glores, stockings, collars, and corsets, Ac. TWILIGHT AND UAItlUALDI iMUSLfN. ilenta' H.viilkerchie1, Cravats, Neckties, Kuspen- Jert : ltibbons, of all kinds, Fonthers, V'elrot, and many olher arlicles ton nuniernus to mention. riiotogntphs cf lVcsi Jcut Lincoln. Perfumery, Tuil.l Soaps, le. KATE BLACK. Suabury. May It. ISoi. TAILORING." J. F. SCHAFFjEH, T EPPECTri LLY inf.. mis the citisens of 8UX- LV DL'ltY and vicinity, that be has opened a 'I'iiiloi-Iuq- shop, j n the room over Fnrnsworth's Grocery, cppns;te the ! Cental Hotel, StuilnirT. where be is ready to make j up gnrmentsnf all kiuds in the latest stylo and best ; worKiiiuniike manlier. i lluvinz had exneru-nce in the business for a num- : ber of yc-His he hopes to rentier general satisfaction. ' Uustom work is respectfully solicited. i J. F. bCHAFKB. Bunbury, May 13, 1355. ?tn ! Aoli-c lu 'SVeHSprtMcrs. 'OTICE is hereby giren, thiit no person will be allowed to tresnass ou mv Pronortr. on the Minmokin Iiliind, or to enter into nny enclosure i without permission, a Hie i-en-iUiei of the law will be enforced aainat nil offenders. i :0 REWAHD, ! will Ire paid for information that will leal to th oonviclion ot any ucu trespasser. JUMM'll iuuu. Shamokin Island, May 1.1, lSui. Am rilBLIC NOTICE. VTOTICK is "hereby given that th. undersigned 1 Assiftant Assessor of the S I Dir Hth Di.urict of Pennsylvania, will attend at Ihe following places, ana HI Hie lime therein n:tniru. li-r Hie purpose of receiving the income returns of ihe year l.-iG-l : At Wnld's Hotel In Georgetown. Lower Muhonoy. May 22nd and 2,1.1 . At J. ii. Smith's Hotel, Jackson township, on2ilh and 2Mh. At lleim's hotel, Vprer Mahonoy. on tho 27th and 33 th. At Mis. linker's, Liltle Mahonoy, on the 30th. At Trerorton, on 31st May. At Piixinos. on the 21 an-1 .11 Juno. At bhamokin Dorvt'gh nu the iili and Rth. At Mt. Carmel on ilia 7ih und Hlh. ami .1 tiii offiaa in Sunbury, from 15th to 20lb both days inoiusire. All persons neglecting or rclusing lo mako returns at the times above limned, the AsftUtunt Assessor, will make a roturu for them from the best informa tion he can obtain, and will oild one hundred per ccniuin as a petiutty lor such refusal or neglect. I ilie prriper bl.-iuks will be furnisbea at the time. ' 1 ersons liable ana desiring License, will mak. , application at thesaine time. P. yi. fcllt.N lir.L, Ass't. Assessor. Zd Div. Hth Dill , Pa. Eunbuty, May 1J, 1- NEW GOODS! Two doors west of Win. II. Miller's Shoe store. Sunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh supply of SPRING & PUMMEIl GOODS, Such as Fancy Dress Trimmings, ltibbons, Glores llanakeretHOIs, Ladies' I, men Collars ana Uuils Gent's Linen and paper Collars, Netts, Bells, Laee collars ana oleeves, ilair ilolls, elvel llibbuns, Red. White and Blue Neck-ties, Corseti Quaker Skirts, Yokes and Sleeves. S11AKEK5, PARASOLS, AC. IMiotOKrupU oi'l'rcwlilcnt Lincolss, in frames. Also, Swiss. Jaconet and Victoria Muslint Crap. Collars and Veils, Grenadine and Luce Veils and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention ilAKV L. LAZARIS. Bunt-ury, May IS, 166i. MIL L INERY G00DS AN'D MISS Ii. eniSBLER, At tb. new stand, in Market Square, BUNPCItT, HAVE just reeeivad from Philadelphia tho latest and most fashionable styles of Millinery liooils, such as bonneU, Hats, Silks, Kibbons anof Laces, pourfs, Hosiery and filove. bkeleton hkirla, flowers, Head Drsssei S, tld Louie' Laps, bdawls, Silk, e Ulack Crape and Laee Veils, Crap and Linen Col lar, Dress Trimmings and Buttons, Coisots, Zephyrs, CtiiUin Yarn, Soap aud i'urfumery. ltuale Trlsiisiiin;is, llulr IItsa und loiiib.. Gent' Lln.n and Paper Collars, Necktl.s, Ac. Flags, riclur Tassels and Cords, rarosola, L&diet' Satchels, Fans, Ac Photographs of 1'iesiJerit Lincoln, handsomely framed. Thankful for post patronage I bop. bystiiet at Untion to butine to oontmu th same. h. eiiiMLER. Bunbury, May IS, 1S6S Estate of Jonalbnn aLeahcr de'ed. NOTICE is hereby liven that letters of admtcia- tratiou bavins: bean granted to th subscriber, on th. Mtal. of Jonathan Lesher, lot of Jordan town' shiD. Northumboiland County, Fa., deeooaed. All peraoD Uidobted ar. recjuesied to mak. immediat payment, and tho. baring olaim will preawnt tboa tor lo.u.iaenb TOBIAS UltL, Adm'r Wuhiartoa twf ., Afrll 1, 1MJ. NEW GOODS ! SPUING AND Bt'MMEll ' JUST OPENED ISAAC F"JF1A1T. In Zutlcinoyor'a lluilding. opposite Uenrlmri s Con feclionory Storo, Markotstreot, BUXBLHY.Pa., HAS just opened a well acleotcd assortment of Goods, which ho offers for sale at very low price! BEY G00BS ! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such as C1oth, fTassl. meres, Muslins, Khcctings,' Ticking, Culicors, D. Lnioi-3, Silks, yinghnins, 4! , Ao. II l'l'M atsssl t'Ali'S of ovcry description. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Consisting of Hosiery, Glores. Thread, Ilutlona, Suspender. Neckties. Collar.-i. Handkerchiefs, llnir Drunhes, Tooth Brushes. Fancy Head Drosses, J'.nl nnfral Skirls. Hoop-Skirt', Carpot-bngs, Trunks, Va liKTr, itnbrollas, Cotlon-Ynrn, Soaps, and numerous Other urlielie too tedious to rtrcntiou. HAKDWARE, stirh as nails, binges nnd screws, door latches and knobs, and CLTLEUY of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Pninl.i, Viiriiilit-s, Oils, Glass, Putty, Ac, ice. tn-i-jiovur' niil ol!inivvre oi s'VS'l'j- loNcs'itiosi. STONE AND E.VIITJIENWAUE. Ai) citonsivo Stock of Oomposcil of Suar. Conoc. Tons. Kice. Corn-starch, bay co, aud Scfrg. KEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Also, BCCTS G fur men, wo'mcn and c1mrin. All kinds of Country Pioduco taken in exchange for Goods. Sunbury, ApHI 22, 13115. "bUEAD r BHEAD I 1 BREAD ! ! 1 InTEvV" BAKER1T. TIMIE undersi-jned has opened aBiikcry, od Market .1. street, Suuhury. Pn., two doors wml nf tho Po;-t Hico, wboro ho will keep constantly ou hau l, B'1'.'s.Ia IXi'imkI, 'A'wlNt-KtoiU, IEiisiUm, uud TEA llf.VXS. All kinds rf F CY CAKES. Common C.i1;es, Prctsels. Ac. 1 Pic-Xic I'ar.len, Weddings and Fuaerals, will bu , supplied ut the shortest notice. A good assortment will bo kept up nt all limes. -manufactured out of tho material, and orders will bo promptly ntlundod t-r. j lie trust llmt his friends nnd tho r-ublio eenonillv will sustuiii him in this low enterprise, now groutly ! needed in Sunbury. i Ho trunts his experience in the 1u;.nons will enn blo him itogive general salistaction to all who may fuvor him with llieir patronage. DAVID FRY. ! Suubrsry, April 22, 18C5. i (isttoi-;int 1 Ii-i:('Io1 S3 . llu.inQt AitTi:iis PnovoST MAK'snAt. Orrn'n. j 14lh Di.sriticr, Harhisuuiip, Pa., April 11, LTii. j Tho following order received from A. A. M. Gen eral's ofiico, is I'liblUlu'U for the bum-lit mid guidiineo of uii coiu-erncd : I llyrrdcrof W. H. PAT! EHS'N". i ('apt. and Tro. Mur. H;h Di.-triel, Pn. ! A. A. PnovosT,MAH.-iiiAi.(lKSKitAi. s Urncc 1 llAiiiusut ito, April 11, ISrt-j. j Cnpt. M. II. PatterMiu, Provojt Mar.-hal Mill Dis- 1 trior, llarris'iurg. Pa. Ail mi n dialled under tho cill of December 111, 1-M14, win hfivo not been forwarded lo general ron dejvouv, will lie rclcnsed. This order does not upply i tj subsiitutesnlrciidy mustered in. Sinned. . ED W. W. DINK.!. 1 Utig. lien. I". S Vols., A. A. Pro. Mar. (Jen. OiUeinl Cnpv : J.N-J. J. SP'EKKY, dipt. V.R. C. and A. A. A. O. Apnl t!2., 1 S "5. iil , illLLINEIlY GOODS. j BROOKS & HO H E N II K IM, ! WHOLESALE DEALERS, j No. 431 Market Street, north aide, I'HIADEI.rniA, lint now open their Usual hu:i Isomo variety of Itil.bju. Jlonnet Materials, j Stiawb A Fancy B-'uVol.r, L.vliui' A iiscV I: i, FLOWERS, RUCHES, LACE3, anl a'.l other articles required by tho .3i)liii r.v Trade ! ' Fy long cXporii-nco and rlriet altyilion to Ibis nrnneh of business exclusively, wo lliiiter our.'elvcs that wu cull oth-r ituliiccuieuls, in variety, styles, q'lality and inoderalo prices not every whi ro l-i bo b und. The attention of .MILLINERS uud MKK CHA NTS n rost-cctt'ully solicited. lVI'a"tim!Lir attention paid to Jilling Ordrrt. March 4, Into flra. j. noi.Mrs cnuvriit,'' Enamelled Slate Mantel WARE-R O OIVE, oa:i, CHESTNUT STREET, rillLADELriHA Manufactory Tenth and S:tmon Strcotn. Table-Topa, Pir-r-Blaba, Brackets, Wash I Stand Tops, &o.,diu. Philadelphia, Jan 7, 1S05. if no ! roil Si:iviao.v'ii':T AND TUT illi.--. '11 J I XVX 11 1 I 11 CI V UUUUui Just opened at the URAND MILLINERY BT0RE, of ?IisiH Iti. I-. aiiKIrrf Fawn street, two doors aouth of f hnmokin Valley A Pottsvillo Railroad, HAVING purchased my poods at reduced prices, 1 nrfl enabled to sell cheaper: The stock consuls of HUNNtlD of every descrip tion fur spring and Summer; SIi:iK-i-h, and every style of l.ndit-ai' lint), junnnus, l lowers, ijaiiioe vaps: ae. Olorcs. Collars, HandkerehiMs, HrsirrT, Laces, Veils, f-ilk, Urcnadino and Mourning Veils, nnd numerous other notion, usually kept in Millinery stores, Call and seo her stock. Sunbury, April 2i, lBfli. 2m IHktyolution of liti-ncrsiiii. THE partnership heretofore existing between th. undersigned in the Wholesale and Retail Cual and (-hipping business under tbe firm name cf Grant A Diets, i this day dissolved hy mutual consent. THO.. D GRANT, VALENTINE D1ETZ. Funbury, April 15, lSfii. EXCELSIOR SHOE STOKE. WM. II. MILLER, Market Squar, 6UNBUBY, FENN'A., Jl'PT reoelred from New York and Philadelphia, a fresh supply of tb lateat style and of th beat quality of BOOTS AND SHOES. Men's Kid Ulore Lincoln Tie, ii ii Oxford " ii i buckl ii L. Congr, and a vaiieiy of other laatins; ahoes. Ladies imitation Buckle, Ao , it. Children' Shoe of every variety and atyle. M'omen's Shoes at fl 6o. All bis good stock WARHANTED. Mo Paper 6boa (old at bis store. U. will also wholeeeJ Boot and Shoes by tbe box. The publio eouarallj at lavitei to call aaa amlM ha Mack. f axkury, lity 29, IMS. I iILn M A M 1 1 FA. P TfinV il'i75l... Si .W FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU foa Nen-Rettntloa or Incontinence of Crine. Inflsmma Uaa er UlceraUsn of the BlsdJcr er, Diaeasea .f the Prostrate Glan4, Oraret, Brick Daat PepoilU, Dror.ll cal Swe'.Ilap, Organla Weakness, D.buliy, renal. Cea pUlata, ts. IIELMBOLID'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AWD Improved Itoso "Wash Will radically eztenalnata from the srst.m Diseases aria log from Habits of Wnlpitbn, nl liltlt txptntt, Httlt or fitf rAo-no- of dUt, no )nconvsance or tapour4; ocnnpletely superseding iboto'unplMiiantani Sangti rtmtditt, CopaUa and Jftreury, la curing theso dlseise. use helTmbold's FLUJD EXTRACT BUCHU tn all Diseases of tba Urinary Organs, whether existing In mils or riHii.t, from uhattur eauit originating, and no matttr of how long ttanding. It Is pleasant In Its tail and odor, IMMEDIATE la action, and mora strsngthenlaf than any of tho preparations of i? ir or Iron. These luffirlng from Broken Down or DtUcal ContU iutiont, procuri tht Ittmtdy at ones. The ntader must ba aware that however slight may be the attack of the above disoascs, It Is e.rtiln to hla Bodily Health, 2tntal Poutrt and Happlntii. If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may nsue. All too above diseases require th aid of a dluraM. HELMBOLLVS EXTRACT BUCHU Is trio Groat jDiuretio. IIELMBOLD'S niODLT coaonrraATis Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, Tor purifying th blood, removing alldlscue arising from excess and lmprudenc la life, chronic constitutional die easts arising from an Impure (tat ot th blood, and tb only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling of th Donee, Ulcerations of th Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tbe Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly erup tions of th. skin, and beautifying ths ooMruxio. NOT A. FEW Of th went disorder that afflict mankind arise tram th corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all lb dis coveries lh have been made to puree It out, none tan equal Ineffsct HSLUDOLD'S COMPOUND SSTBACI OF SAUSirAUILLi. It cleanse and renovates th Blood, Instills th vigor of health Into th syittm, and purges out th honor which make disease. It stimulate the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorder that grow and rankle In the Dlood. Such a remtcly, that could be relit J on, has long been sought for, and now, Tor the nrit time, the publle hare one on which they can de pend. Our space her does not admit of certificates to show Its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show Is the sick thai It has virtues surpassing anything th.y bare wrer taken. Two tablespoonsful of th Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, Is equal to th Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle Is equal la a gallon of the Syrup or Sarsaparilla, Or the decoction as usually made. The above Extract aro prepared on sclentiaa principles tn Fjcuo and embody tho full strength of the Ingredients entering Into their competition. A r.ady and conclusive test will ba a comparison of proper. Mm who ihos let forth In th U. S. Dispensatory. HOW TO U$E THE n2Etn$ : In Dis.aiis of tho Clood, Ilumor on th race, or any and erery part of the bo Jy, use Extract Barsaparllla, ap plying to Pimples and a'.l external Humors or rruptloas the Improved Itoje Wash. Use the Extract Duchu for all diseases requiring Ihe aid of a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organs, such as Oocorrhosa and Gleet; la these us th Extract Eucha and Inject with tho Improved Rose Wash. (ST TIIE3IS EXTRACTS UAVE DEE!! ADMITTED TO USE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and also ar la very general uso In all the STATE HOSPITALS AND PUDLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as la prlvat practice, and ar consfaered as Inraluabl remedies. MEDICIHE DELIVERED TO AMY ADDSISS. Direct letters to uixMBOLD-a piica cukmiual WARKnorn, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, OB TO riELMDOLD'3 MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phil. Dueribo Symptom in all Communication. SOLD CY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Bewaro of Counterfeits I April 22, 18C5 ly. J. R. HXLBUSXX, Coasnty rwiirvrjor, Oont r) nnccr AND Jt'STICJ OF Til K PI' A CI'. Jii'ini, y rt'iumherhind Comity, Venn'a OITico in Jnekson township. EngageineuU enn be made by letter, directed to the above address. All bur-hie! entrusted to hit care, will bo proiLpllj attended to. April 22, ISM. ly (Lato IIEIIK'8 HOTEL,) Corner Mallet n43d Streets, IIARRISIil lUJ, PA. THE nlteiitinii of tho public is respectfully called to tit is Hotel which is now open for the aocnuiuioda t'.r.n of gue're. In Ihe part lire uionili during which 1 time it lias been elimcd llie house lias been thorough- y remodeled nnd repaired, until iu potlil of com em enco mid comfort, its putruus will find it to own no superiur. 'i'lse I'sn-iilliire liitlirfly rSV-vr. lUoms larger than nro usually found In modern hotels. Situated on the" corner of two principal busiiiesn strceU of llie rity.but two and a half r inures from the Ruil Road Depot. Tho proprietor determined to Cjuiro no ca ensa in securing Ihe comfort of bin gue-ns and a favorable reputation t.-r tbe c-tuldi-l:ii;eiii. ho feels nillihg to trust its character to tho of bis patrons. HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21.1SH5. "BEST WHITE-LEAD! 1111 ST ZI.M'I r.t'Itn LIBERTY LEAD, Unopprcssed fir Whilening. l-'ino Gloss, Durability FiruiuunS and Eveiiuess of s-urfoce. PURE LIIIERTY LEAD Warranted ' to oovor mors surface for tains weight than any other Load Try it and yon will have no ether ! rUHE LIBETY Zl.'C, 5eletrd Zinc, grnnnd Ii Rcn.iod Liiu'e.d Oil, nn equaled in quality, alwaya tho aamo. FUEE LIBERTY 2INC. lVarrnntcd to do mors and belter work at a ir.n tost than auy other Get tht Jktt ! Manufactured at TESNSYIiVAXIA TAINT A COLOR. WORKS. Ordora exocutud promptly by ZIEOLER Se BMITH, Wholtsal Drvg, Paint and Glue Dealer: rs" Store A Office, No 1.17 North THIRD Strett PHILADELPHIA. Morch 4, 1864. ly. I'.aitnte of IerclTl dc'I. "VJOTICE is hareby given (tbat letters of idminis trntion have boen granted to th subscriber on th state of Pereital Zerb. lale of Lower Mahonoy tp., Forlbumberlaod county, Pa., deceased All person indebted lo said oatat. or baring el aims against tb. saw, sr. required to ibem fur tiittlom.El. , . . . THCS. FERBE, Adm'r. lower Mahiaey tw , March 11, 1804.-6V f TTT.TTTn 17 YTR A fTT nTTHPfTT A W &8K t?OR KEtMBOtO'SJ. A Wis;. Take no oilier. JACOB O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer in CLOTHS, CASSIMKKES, VESTING, &o. 1'itvrn l .--1. tjoutla of Weaver' Hotel, BTJNUBRY, P. INFORMS tiro oirUor.i of Sunbury and rioluity, thatbo has just returned from Philadelphia witha lull assortment of Sl'RINO & SUMMER GOODS, of evehy bEscnirnoN and qcalitx. And at greatly RKDUCKI) PRICES, His stock eontists of Cloths, lT-enon Cloths, Illaok DooSkin and Fancy Cuimeres, Clack Satin, figured Silks. Plain and i-'oiioy Cossimure VEST1N08, whluh ho will make up to order in styles to suit the tasie ot oustuiuera, on short notice, and tho most reaeonal.1. torms. Any floods not on hand, will bo furnished front Philadelphia, by tiring two days' notice. Ooods furnuhod bv uuituniers will be mad. un to order as heretofore. As ho will employ none but experignoed workmen, fxTsom may rely ou gulling their work well done at lis simp. i 'J ln..ik ful Tor th pulrohRiga heretofore bestowed, lie respectfully solicits a coiiliuuanae of lb sumo. Suubury, April lb. ISOi. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO TIJE 'loVElTs or tub TOBACCO & SEGAR STORE- i .1. II. Iil ICZI'..'Mli., AIJ:, to trtr,n tu, iSlore Hootu in Ju-.le Vi'i-lker' br:ildinx opposite the lied Lion Hotel. Market t-.reet, in Su-ihury, where he will keep coiistuully onhoiid an aasorlmeut of the Choioost llruuds u T01JACCO, SEOARS, SNUFF, &C, AC. Txiok at Iti List Chewing Tobacco, Smoking Ttibkceo, iary Sailor's Dlight, Eillickhiiok, Coni;rcss, Lynohburg, Spun Hull, Danville, Curendish, i"nkee Deodl, Eldorado, . l'aul Pry, Solaoe, Idol, l'lantuti'in, CulnodDi, Excelsior, Scraps. PIPES. Sweet Drier No. 1, Sweet Dtiar No. 3, Gutla I'siohn, llosewoud, Carred, Imliiiation,' Uuy, Clay. SKIIAHS. Serrantesd UsLsna, Occun lliid, Isabella de Cuba, Fignru, Heulias, Our Club, La ltegna, Henry Clay Aulos, Also an assortment of Segtir Cuses, Tobncoo Boxes, Segar Holders, l'ipe Stums, Tobacco 1'oucln s, ia. For I'iiino, Mulodeon, iolin. Ouilar, lour Part Songs. Solos, Duetto, Choruses, Ae. SONli.S by tho Million, such as Union, Sentimen tal, Cutuical, lleligious, Tempcrucco S'jngs, Aj. J. II. Kurscnknabe, being a niuiiufaolurnr of Segnrs ia onubled to sell a first olass nrlial for tb price, either holesalu or llgtail. Sunbury, April 15, IbOS. THE KINTII NATIONAiTbAK. OK TIIK CITV Oi MiW YORK. CAPITAL, $!U(000,W0. PAID IN, FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED BTATES. Ami Special Agent or Xvj Vooks Subscrip tion Agnt Will deliver T-23 Ndtes. I'rea of crioVc, h? ex press, in Mil parui or tTie emiutry, bii1 rtrcive in I piiymciit Chcckn on New York riulatirli'Iiin, nnl i Jioston, current bills, itii'l (ill five per cent. irlTct j uotM, wiih ir.trre?t to dte nf riiriseription. Order ' ii-nt bv niuil will bf iirumDtlv filloJ. I ! This Hunk receives tlio uccouuti of iJarkit and Pttiikers on fnv umbra terms ; ttlfo of iDdivbhiHlt kui'pinif Now'York uccounla. J.T. HltL.OsbieV. 4 U. OKVIS, Preiidcnt. Muroh 4, lri'jj. ;!ra W. .IKULIirt. i.. a. case ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SI NULRY, PliNNSYLVANIA. Co'Icctions and all Professional bu.-iness promptly aliendud to in tho Courts of Northumberland ku'd udjuiniiiL! Counties. Also, special attention paid to the Collection of 1'eiuii.r.s. liounlies and Duck l'uy fur Widows Urphnii: iin-t S-jbiiers riuiilmry. March Itt. lGV TO THK MUSICAL PUBLIC. rilUE subscriber 20 years n practical Piano Forts 1. Manufacturer, ot Now York City, lias perma nently liieuic-l in this section, and would rcspcotfully solicit orders for TUNING, REFAIMNG. AND REGU LATING PIANO FOBTES and MELODE0NS. Th subscriber is also the ninnufaolarer' Aent for CIltCHBKIXrt A SOM'3. JiAZI.KKlN lillO S., LIN DEM AN A SON'S.. VI ILL1A.M n.'UT'9, I DiVARI) HI, WDM t'IELD'3, Mcdonald a coy, 1'IAVO I'OIM'F.S, And Carhart A Needbnm'a. and Poloubet's MELODEONS & HARMOiSIUM.3, And L. U. Stuart's Tipo CHURCH O KUANS JAME8 MoDOXALD. Elobmsburg, Ta., April W, 1605. . Mii i i it ii . TIIK partnership of Grant A Diets baring been di.-'olved. The undersigned buve entered into partnership iu the Wholesale and Retail Coal aud Shipping Business buder tb. Arm nam. of GRANT A llllOTHKR.- Thankful for the patronage extsnded to us In lbs late firms of Friling A Grant, and Grants A Diett respectively, ws ttsj.clfully lulicil a suutinuauc cf the sum. W. T. GRANT, T. D. GRANT, l.f'w.r Wharf, Suubury, Peon'. April 1I,1SB. A. J. WEIDElMEilj a Soiilli Second Stre.-f, bstwton Market nu t Chosnul Slreels, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Coal Oil Lnmp ami Wholesale daulvr iu Glass Tumblers, PateutJar aud Glassware generally. Dealers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock and compare, prices before purchasing their goods ror the spring sales. We would cull the attention of lb publio particu larly to bur NEW STYLE OF PATENT J AR FOR PRESERVING FUCIT WITHOUT SCO Alt. W cuu refer to hundreds of respectable person who put up peaches uud other fruit iu our Jars lust season without the uie of Syrup, and found upon opening that tbe Fruit retaiued It natural flavor, uud iu fuel was just Iho sain as when put into th jars. A. J. WEI DEN Ell. No. 33 South bd Sires'., Philadelphia. April ii, llti. 3u FANCY DRESS (J00DS, yilsn AVA IMITIKK, Two ilnors West of tlie ruiit Office, HAS just received and rpened a largo assorttnent of Vuncv Dress Oomls, such as Glores, Jouriau Ki.l-glovea, Silk and li.lh thread Gloves; Ladies cnitun lloso, Children Merino Ib-so. Silk Mils, Ladies and Gentlemen Handkerchiefs. Corsets, Em broidered SUppera, Ribbons FANCY DREtS DIT. TONS. Ilugle vsimiis, 'iriiumingi, Uuttous, Dolt Rib bon Velvet Ribbons, Itraid. Hell Clusi, La-lies-Neck-tie. rilAPEltlllUGN and TRIMMING ; Em broideriug Draids, Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and iusi-ftitiu.; Jlalteese Lace Collars, Laces. Greuadui. Veils. Hluck Vills. Faucy Dress Combs, lUaii Dres ses, Neltj, and a variety uf other articles. Lockwood Paper tollurs of a upsnor quality. Ladies' Linen Collars, a variety of yueen Clisabelb Collars, bluck und whit liarbes. Piotur. Cords and Tassels. PHOTOGKAPH ALBTJMf lt'JOKS AND BTATIONERY, Monthly l'ioi. Hook, Drawing Dock and Sla Books, Hymn Books. Dlank Books, Mail Boi-kl, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stan-' Pert lis, a flu. aasorlmeut of Papsr, toilet tcaps, Tooth Brushes, As. TOYS AND GAMES FOR f All of wbisb hav been selected wr b sold at raonabl. prions. AN" Bunbai, May 13, 186J. T A ICES NO' THAT J. W. PEAL A E. entered Into eu-partnersa' Kractlce of Xlrtlicl We eao alwaya b found at 11 aolet professionally sngazei. J. W. PlfAl 5eabary, A pill 7 1K- MAGNIFICENT SALE. Mold nail Mirer Vatclaeit Jowolry Ac. ON THIS ONE DOLLAU PLAX. The entire stock of One Hold and Sitter Wl.oh iManufaelory, Two Immense Jewelry Lutal.lisb. incuts, Hue Silrer Plating Warehouse, One Hold Pen and Pencil Maker, to be disposed of with dispatoh without regnrd b COST I The Ooods nr. of fashionable atyln and most ex oellent workmanship, and are sacrificed in this man not to relinv tho proprietor from omliariassmonl ooaiuioncd by a districting civil war. It should b. pioiuinoutly'stutod, also, that they aro mostly of AMERICAN SIANWACTUllK and therefore greatly superior to the go?ds Imported from abroad and hawked about as too cheapest over sold. The simple duty on Imported goods, and this high premium ou (rot! (all foreign bills aro payabl. in gold,) eui-uii to morn thou tb nnliro oost nf Biuny of the article! offorud by us to th. publio. To faoililata the sale ONLY ONK DOLLAR will be charged for any nrlielo'en 0'ir tut, and IMs sum tho purchaser need not pay nritil hi knows what lie is tu get! Thi. plan noooVds Willi the method reoenlly heeoma so pt.pvlur for disposing of larg slojks of Jolwclry siuiilur productions. Ki'i; Vla'h IS SIMPLE Tie s'nme of each article nlTerod for sale as "(I dd Huntiiiij Wnloh," '-Uol.l Oral-Um.d Hraoelot," "1'cjVI DroiMlpiu iii.-I Lr-Drop.' ilt Knamelle l lling," "Silvor .Plati-d t'uko Hnskot'' Ac, iswrittoj on a cord a id mlcsud in a sealed cnvnlopo; tiles onrelopes nro then placed in a dreWi-r and well mizod ; theu ns nn order is received, with twenty fir ccnU for return pniitagc and other charires, ono of tho cards or certi6entes is tnkn Hi random and sunt by lirsl mail to the cinti.ini-r, who will soo rA once what he can pot for one Dollar. If tio Is pTcaaoA with bis f-irtiiuo ho ciin forward tho money accor ding to directions on thu eertif.i-uto and secure th. prise. If the article awarded t-honld bo uupuited to Ihe purchaser us for csmnple, a sol of Pourl Kur Diops n-id Ifreanpin lo a younn men who could not wefc'r Iho'ai, and had no one lo irivo thui to we will send any otlior urticlo on tho cntali-un nf nqtiol u ic which may bo preferred. Or if. lor any ma son, you olmuse to enture no fuWier, them you ;nr, Jel tho nia'-.ler drop where it is end spend no mur. KxeuiUiO oar. fully our Cutaloguu ! WATCU DEl'AKT.MliNT. SOO (lent' Pat. I.ercrQold lluulinn Case JtJ to $1M 3iit)Urnts' Detned'd Lerertiohl lit Cdeo 41 17J lilii An vn H sn on 4-1 4HU Dents' Swiss lnld IJunting Caso 30 SiOLI Ladies' Cold and EfloniVled lit. Coso .10 400 Hcnts' Patent J ever Silver lit. Cuso 3C 4(10 UeutV Det. Levrr Silvei lit Cass 3 3nC IJetits' Jlet. Lever Silver Open Fneo 2-J 300 Uenls' Put-rt'.evcr .:tver (ipeii-Fuoo2J lull tienui' Sw.js .Silr'.r 14 jewelui dltahtmeSt. S00 Diamond Kings fill lof 110 Jot) Urnu' Diamond Pin 2D- 10(1 SOOI) Gents' California Diamond Pin 3- Is- 3VO0 GonU' California Diumond Rings 3 - U MUU tients' Gold Hint Enain. Fob ChoirJ I -4fl 40H0 Gents' Gold Vest Chains - ' 40 40rtU Vair Gcnlfl' tlold Slocvo Button J - )0 0D0 Pair Oents' Gobi A Enatu. Sluvvo Bt 4 - 10 tuHO SuU Gents' Gold Studs 3 H W) Gents' Slono Set and Bi.ncd Rings X - It R'DO Genu' Sl-jnete't ,VSisj. Eniun. iTinj-s 4 - l 6000 Ladie.' Uol-I Neck Chain - M 40UU Gold Oral-Iiiiud ltracelets 1 - 19 CDU0 Gold nnd Jet Draeeb ts 8 - 11 bOOl) Gold an. I Eniiiiu liraoolotl 8 - Id 3000 Gold Chaielain Chains - 3H 4000 Pair I.'iiliij' liold Sloovo Buttoni 1 - 8 ttKM Fair Ladies' Gold Ennui Slouvo tit. 4 - 1-1 r"!1') Solitaire Gold Brooches 3- I'l Bdiiii r.'or.ll. Opal und T-.r-i-raf! Brooehos 3 - 12 looo Gold Cameo mil Pearl Ear-Droi s 3 8 -..n., M . .-:. 1.1 I. Tl v 1 - It'uo .-i-iaaii-.. ii'i iarv , xioiauiiue tu.-L' - i 1 MW0 Gold Thimbles 6 - 10 I liKWO Coral, Opal m.d Emorald Eor-Drops t - 10 10000 Miniiilurc Locknts 1- 10 ' 100V0 Miniature l.oirkei- ma(;io spring 8 - U j lOOOtl Plain Gold Ring's 4- li I 10000 Sets Liolies' .l.-welr G--id and Jot 6 - Jtl 11000 Sets Lndius' Jewelry. Canivo, Poarlo.i - 10 loouo Ladies' Gilt and Jit lirocclots 4 If lUUCO Laates' OUlt aud Jot ll 6'upportor t - II SILVER PLATED WARE, 100C0 Cup t) to til U000 U.blc,ls - luuOO Pair Napkin Rin-l 3 - JouO Card Bakou 4 - .1000 Cuke li tikelJ I - 30 14 11 W 2ll 20 s) a A IS ti V) 4000 Castor IVumos soinpUU with DotUtsi - KeOO Uo PiUiier C00U Fair Butter Kuive 000 Soup, Uyster am! Gravy Ladle liiU Knt;ravel Pie Knives bOOO Doien Tea Spoons per doson 6-it'O Doien Tuble Spoony per dnsen fiji-O lunen I'ewert I-'orko per d-iren C'JOO Dusen Xubi. l"jl!:s pel' doien 1 - 1 3 - - 8 - 7 - 8 - GOLD TENS AND PENCIL:!. lJOOOGold Pons, Silver Extension Holders fl to $10 12000 Gold Pens, Silver Muunlud Aoldcr 8 bOOO Gold Pens, Gold Mounted Hoi Jet 1 III 6(IOOGo!.l Pons wi:i:G-ild Ext. Holders l - 21 OiliiuUold Pens. Gold Holdurs aud P.ualU I'l - 6i00 Gold Poiiuils 4 - 29 REMEMBER THE PI.A Iu all eases w cliuii;.i for forw srdiug tho Certifl oate, ixistao. und douii( Ihe businoi, th aoui of twenty. fro Cents, which must be cnobsod lu ihe or der, l ivo Ccilifioaies will be ont lor (I ; uUvea for $2 ; thiriy for fi ; sixty-fir tor ill) ; ono hund red lor Hi ACtNlB ARB WANTED Throughout tb Country to operate for us. A largo soiupuusalion will as paij. Send for torms, 4s , suoiusiu- vlauip. IIBWBORM A CO , f liulien OU.ol, 7 April 1, 'U - IK. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR bick Headache, !( riiilonw Cause aud Cure. This basreoelred Its uam from a ouns-ant nusa or sickDiii at tb stomach, which attends ths puiu lo the- head. This beadaoh is apt to beiu In th muriiing on waking from a deep sleep, aud when turn irregularity of diet ho been ooiumittv I on til day befur, or sometime for teroral days previous. At first Uieie Is a distressingly oppressif u fouling In th Lead, whioh giuduully merge Into a sever, bcavy paiu in tho temples, frequently attended by a tense of fullueu and tenderness in on eye, and ox sending across the furcboud. There is a olainmy, un pleusaul tasts in the mouth, an offensivo breath, nnd tbs tongue covered with a yellowish while fur Tbe lutTurer desires to bs alone in tho chirk room. A. soon as Iho patient feels Iho fullness in the bend and paiu iu Ui. tomples, Uui. a largo dose of Schenko'f Maudruk Pills, aud lu uo hour or two they will feu as well as well as aver. Thi bus been triad by thoti aauds, aud is always sure to sure, and Instead of. In sick headache settling on ovsry w.ek or leu day they will not b Unable! with It engs lu tbr tnuutUs. Bsbsnck M and rare Fills are tompossd of a num bsr of rcots Lesides Pudipbiuic, or suncenlralin ilondrako all uf which tend to relax tL secretion of tbe liver, sud sal more prompt than bluo pills mercury, and without leaving any daugerou sfeoti In a bilious person they will show themselves by th stools. They will expel worms, mucus, bits sud v morbid manor from lb system. In s'ok headuohi : if Ibey ar taken a dir.oteJ abvove, (a full dose I ! .1 r ..1 . 1. .. a... - ,rw Tlw C..l,unn iuuu aa iiivy mi in. ui.k bj uiywm v. ww-..- will and baadiroeted bis ageut to return lb nioue If U'.y do not gfv p.rft-vi satisfactien. If peraon hosbaeu oom pulled to stay out Into night and dfiiik Uo muoh wr pills on going ' 1 though to go '